Moeller High School 1962-63 Yearbook (Other Sports)

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VARSITY: Mr. Puthoff, Coach; C. Galinari, R. Wagner, R. Johnson,. M. Wehrman, T. M<Gill, J. Willenbrink, T. DesMarias.

This year's varsity cross country team recorded two wins, one loss, and one tie against non-league competition. In the G. C. L.'s Championship Meet, the team came in last of five schools, but the reserves were third and the freshmen were• the champs of their division.

RESERVE: FRONT ROW: N. Pohlman, N. Bitzenhofer, R. Valle, D. Kramer, M. Metz. SECOND ROW, B. Malloy, L. Clark, H. Sante!, D. Even, J. Darrow, T. Budd. i.


FRESHMEN: FRONT ROW: J. Nerlinger, D. Shea, R. Hackett. SECOND ROW: D. Bauman, G. Hartman, K. Luhan, H. Driebelbis.


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FRONT ROW: T. Speeg, M. Evers, l. Rogers, M. Weitzel, D. Thoman, T. Baker, J. Vennemeyer, W. Outlaw. SECOND ROW: E. Baumann, W. Giese, R. Doll, T. Ehrhard, J. Koegel, P. Rielly, T. Backus, W. Topharn, R. Leblang. THIRD ROW: H. Tholen, Manager; R.

Clark, T. Wakim, D. Rielly, R. McDonough, J. Willenbrink, M. Scheadler, M. Hamilton, S. Zimmer, Manager. FOURTH ROW: R. Nagle, T. Hall, S. Huelsman, G. Wene, S. Eveslage, R. Poffinbarger, D. Brawn, B. Borman.

Wrestling, a sport which is gam1ng great popularity in schools in this area, has ¡been added to the list of sports participated in by Moeller students. Through the efforts of Coach Morrissey, Moeller's relatively inexperienced grapplers have several mat victories over more experienced teams . . Plans are now being made to start a wrestling league consisting of both public and parochial schools. If the pions are carried through this would be the first public-parochial athletic league in this area.

"Yau lead, and I'll fallow."



FRONT ROW: T. Wesselman, Manager; T. Kenny, N. Overbeck, J. Buckmaster, T. Burwinkel, D. Bireley, Manager. SECOND ROW: R.

Schlass, M. Albrinck, D. Buchert, E. Finke, D. Binzer, R. Corbett, M. Pennington, Mr. Puthoff, Caach.

Varsity Basketball Results Moeller McNicholas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Hamilton Cath ....................... 45 Roger Bacon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Deer Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Elder .............................. 45 Sycamore ........................... 58 Amelia ......... ." ................... 59 LaSalle ............................ 49 St. Xavier .......................... 69 Purcell ............................. 53 McNicholas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Roger Bacon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Norwood ........................... 65 Elder .............................. 37 DePorres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 i.

Opponent 73

63 64

63 79 56 53 56 61 64



74 49 54

Won: 6- Lost: 9 "Hey, I thought this was aur basket("


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M. Pennington goes up for an easy ¡two •against the Bombers.

.D. Buchert snatches a rebound from a Deer Park Wildcat.

Another Ram rebound shows the reason for that score.

J. Buckmaster just can't reach that highl



Manager; J. Merritt, Manager. THIRD ROW: D. Schmid, J. Flege, L. Mersch, R. Dillhoff, T. Blamer.

FRONT ROW: T. Nadaud, J. Duncan, D. Cruther, B. Malley, C. Galinari. SECOND ROW: J. Luhan, K. Luhan, R. DeAngelis, T. Schmidt,

Reserve Basketball Results Moeller McNicholas ................... 51 Hamilton Catholic ............. 45 Roger Bacon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Deer Park ................... 41 Elder ........................ 30 Sycamore .................... 17 Amelia ...................... 52 LaSalle .......... ." ........... 34 St. Xavier .................... 37 Purcell .. :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 McNicholas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Roger Bacon .................. 30 Norwood .................... 45 Elder ........................ 36 DeP0 rres . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . 43

Opponent 41 31


32 55 35 34 36

42 48 41

49 49

50 36

Won: 6 - Lost: 9 B. Malley leaps high to take the ball away from a Lancer.



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FRONT ROW: R. Strottman, T. Hall, F. Borke, C. Buhr, D. Buchert, R. Deiters, J. Holly, R. Dillhoff, M. Albrinck. SECOND ROW: D.

Hirsch, T. Wiggins, V. Pelopida, J. Martin, J. Flege, A. Stickler, R. Hanlon, R. lake, J. Mitsch, Mr. Marklay, Coach.

The Crusader baseball tearn played its first year of varsity competition this year. The league season opened in March against Roger Bacon and included ten G.C.L. games plus non-league competition. Since there were no reserve,or freshman teams, the varsity consisted "of boys from all three divisions of school. Coach Markley's team entered the Greater Cincinnati League fundamenta¡lly sound at all positions. The top sluggers, fielders, and hurlers from last year's squad returned to help make the Crusader baseball team important ~pposition to be reckoned with in the G.C.L.


1!. Deiters, T. Hall, F. Borke, and M. Albrinck tell Mr. Markley, "That's not the way we do it! 11


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Mr. Parks, Coach; R. Stayton, T. Buchert, R. Munchel, J. Degenhart, W. Hronek.

This year's Crusader golf team again played its matches under the guidance of Mr. Parks, moderator. Players retuming from last year's team included: R. Staten, T. Buchert, R. Munchel, J. Degenhart, and W. Hronek. They found competition stiff from the sophomores and freshmen aspiring to gain positions on the team this year. All home games were based at nearby Swaim Fields.

J. Degenhart shows his winning form.



PRONT ROW: G. Hoffman, T. Burwinkel, D. Bohn. SECOND ROW: Bro. Keyes, Coach; M. Pennington, 8,. Mohlman, R. Woefle, J. Rivers.

Brother Keyes, with the assistance of Brother Oravets, directed Moeller's Tennis Team this year. Racket-swingers such as G. Hoffman, M. Pennington, and R. Woelfe returned to help the Crusader Team, as well as the new freshmen and sophomores who came out to strengthen the Moeller nettnen.


T. Burwinkel, M. _Pennington, and G. Hoffman ore the returning singles players.








Skill and concentration help make a spare.

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Twenty teams competed in the Moeller Intramural Bowling League. Handicap rules applied so that each team could have an even chance of winning. The league consisted of two ten week rounds; the winner of the first played the winner of the second for the championship. Trophies were given to the winning teams and to the bowlers with high average, high series, and high game.

Bro. Oravets takes a personal interest in the league.


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