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Class grapples with rage
Anger management support group helps students deal with stress, jobs, life
by Jessie Hixson Selll inel Reporte,
Dea lin g with th e stress of school, jobs and life in ge ne ral ca n take a toll on a pe rso n's emot ions. LindaMil es, astudentintern from Lewi s a nd Cla rk State Co ll ege. has started an anger manageme nt support group to help stude nt s comba t nega ti ve e motions Seven people attended th e first meeting he ld in Siebert 14 on Feb.
5. Th e support grou p was open to stu dentsa ndth ep ubli c,b utMil es
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During th e seco nd s tep. Mile s exp lain ed. ''We assume a group ro le a nd 1alk about our issues a nd co ncerns a nd how we dea l with s itu at ions."
Miles want s th e group me mb e rs to take respo ns ibilit y a nd becom e accountable for !heir ac ti o ns.
I m hopi ng it he lps th e m identify their emo ti ons befo re their emo ti o ns get out of contro l," Miles sa id I m hopi ng t heyca n lea rnwa ysto redu ce stress in their li ves so it doesn't ge t to that po int. " part pro cess. The fi rst ste p is to gather information on red uc in g s tr ess, identifyi ng anger before it gets to the poinl of v io le nce and ways to com munic a te effectively by being assertive ra ther than aggre ss ive.
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Thi s is th esecondsupportgroup Mile s has facilitated. Her fir st was a parenting group mad e up mostly of neighbors and fri end s Miles co nsid erst hi s herfirs1real ex perience with a large group.
' 'l'mrea l exc it ed,' 's hesa id. ' It 's going to be a 1re mend o us learning exper ie nce Everyone (i n th e gro up) ha s their own piece to offer, a uniquen cs1) Milesbclievesshecandeu l we ll with th e supp ort gro up because of he r personal expe ri e nce with domest ic viole nce. 'T ha t is pan o f why I can do a nger management," she sa id " I don't judge 1he membcrsofthe group or anyone who ca n work o n issues in anon-judgmenta l se tting ." Mil cssa idbecauses hcha s handl ed the prob le m of anger personally, she is be tt e r able to handle ii profess ionall y. "A nge r isn't a universa l thin g," she said '· Jt is an indiv idua l thing. and we a ll deal w ith it in out own way.'
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