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Campus Sports
Track season gearing up for strong beginning ~;,,~:s, :i~~s
"'Th i!'! is one of the best women · track team s eve r."
Il l. More than 30 st ud en ts co mpeted in the Feb. 13- 14 ,ndoor 111 ee t in Spokane. as Nikki Pauluk with a 36- 10 t /4 throw. A l dendorf Bund y said, "and we ha ve a stron g men's team." again in th e shot put wi th a 42-footer and Bernice Penn With th e help of the weather (th ere's been no snow).
Already. th e Ca rdin als ha ve athl e te s w ho ha ve in th e high jump with 5- I 3f..l.. Bundy sai d the tea m sho uld co mp ete co mpetitiv e ly qui~l~~i1i~~: i;hdeo~; e~a\i,~~'tid~ ~:~ 1 ~:~~~r in th e Besides nationa ls a number of kids have mad e th e outdoo rs with other NJ CAA region teams. 800 with a time of I minut e. 58.72 seco nd s. Derri ck all-time Cardinal track li st.'' said coach Mike Bundy. Bundy said the other tea m:,, have an advantage The li !-i t in c lu des David Stoddard with an 8:35 in 1hc beca use th eir seaso ns start ear lier. lo