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Students learn Nordic skiing
Opportunity for winter ~~~;~r;,e;~~1ct : 1~,,'.1;~;~:~on some OutdOOr fun available Luk er professio nall y explained through recreation trips : i~~nil~~n:hn:; 1 :~~e~~-~dic
Wynia ( 134), Shane Anderson Julie Grohs scored 17 po int s ( 142), Justin Springer ( 15 0), and while Be cki Huddle had 19 and Thor Stran ge la nd ( 190) all battled Tammy Goyne led with a teamthrough the conslcllations for high 21 and eight assists third-place. The Cards were no match for On a coaches wild-card vote. hot-shooting CS! (33 of 59) until it " heavy weight Roger Neff (fourth was 100 late. place) will compete at the NJ CAA "If_ we had the whole game like ,I National Tournament in Bismark, we did in the final two mmutes, we 1'i:i ND. Feb. 27,28. would have won;· Goyne sai d. :, NIC beat Ricks 75.5-67.5. CSJ (10-4) ran past_ NIC ( 10-5) tn "
• Men's basketball the battle for second tn the SWAC. In 1hcir last home game NlC fell Both NIC teams travel to Easternto College of Southern Idaho 85- U:ah on Feb. 20 Get Ready to party at
by Jessie Hixson
Semine l Reporter
Hopingforb lu e sk ies and sunshin e, NIC st udents.faculty members and friends se t out for Schwe it ze r Mo untain fo r a day of cross coun try skiing.
work in g on the basics as we went. Onlythreeol th em had any prior "/ enjoyed . exper ie nce with sharing with '.!~~;g~a~~:~~; ~~~ught people what I on w u,e instructions. fike tO do SO
Mike McAllister. a much - being ;~~i~,-~i;i:~.de~tj;y:~\he outdoors" experience.
An Entertainment & Sound Experience Featuri ng LASER LIGHTS ULTIMATE SOUNDS & DJ
Th e group, organized by Ja so n sa id. "Something all together new and differen t."
Jason Luker, ex~~s~i!~lj,~'.~1~~i ig Outdoor Pur suit s new spo rt ," McA lli ste r Luk er of Ouidoor Pursuit s, headed for1 he hill early in th e morning o n
*Glow In The Dark Bowling *Black Lights *Lights Move As Music Plays *Rolling Fog *P in s & Balls Glowing In The Dark photobyJess1eH 1xson
Jan.31 herc hin "T hat has 10 be th e crowning mom e nt for me, " Haner said Afte r reaching th e mount ain they At Lh e end o f th e trip, Haner sa id , sea rche d for parkin g spa ces among wilh a smil e on her face. that every the throng s of weeke nd skiers. in ch of her body hurt Afte r finally findin g a space th ey De spite sore muscl es and othe r headed for th e s lopes an d th e cross body parls. the group sa id they
Theonlyca sualty was when Co ll een Haner of NI C's Human Re so urce s deparlm ent fell, scrap in g They left a cam pu s shroud ed in fog, finding th e su n they had be en see king sho rtl y after leav ing Coe ur d'A lene.
Faculty member Colleen Haney and other skiers head back to the van after a day of cross country skiing at Schwietzer Mountain. were able 10 go home happ y.
·Jt was awesome," Amy Lucas. a medical technician maj or. said whi le sm iling. " I had a good time.''
This was th e first of two cross co untr y ski trips Luker ha s planned forlhestudentsofNIC. The
§~Il ANW § N <O) WIB3 <O) & m. ID) Wiillrdl W11Ilh
Cost: sccond1 rip wi llb eMarc h 7at Mount Spokane. " I enj oyed s harin g with peop le wha t I like to do so much-be in g o uldoor s " Luker said "I enjoyed watching yo u guys hav e a good tim e."
W. 202 Sunset Ave., CDA 765-2695
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Iloo 1lir@©l QD.~\lu @l]l 11® l]l ®w photobyJ( Townsd1n Michael Powers shows improvisational prowess during his band 's concert in Schuler Auditorium Friday.