2 minute read
lntramurals offers stress relievers
by Jonas J. McNair Se11tinel Repo11er
Students these days are under more stress than ever. School, work. paying bills and homework. It almost seems like there is no escape to the drama. Well, there is a silver lining to this horrific grey cloud. There is a way to relieve at least a little bit of this stress.
The big stress reliever is the NJC intramural spo11s progr,im. !ntramurnl sportS nre for all studenLsregisterecl for classes this year. There is no cost to join the program. and it's a great way to meet new friends to get overtaxed minds off of the studies for a little while, The program is sponsoring a 5-on-5 basketball league. The league has ten teams guaranteed to play at least five games. All teams are guaranteed to compete in the playoffs, which last until March 2. lntrnntll!"41S also can pt9vide some exciting opportunities for students to do well in them.
For instance, NlC recently finished hosting the Schick national 3-on-3 basketball tournament.
The two teams that won it all will compete at Central Washingwn University in the Regional Schick tournament this weekend. About 550 ichools are competing in the Region 16 Tournament. TheNJC men's team, "A.A.," includes: Alex Harris. Bret Davis, Karl Voge! and Chuck Simpson The women's team, 11Scudders/' includes: Kelly Dengel, Jen Clark. Amber Jamison and Shcay Stanley. For those who missed signups for the basketball leagues, don't worry; floor hOckey ant.I, Natural High are just around the corner. The floor hockey learns need at least six players per team and equipment is provit.led ftee. Natural High will be Friday, March 13.
Those interested in the intramural programs can sign up in the basement of Siebert Hall, or call 769-3299 for details.
Sports Roundup
• Wres tling 77 Saturday.
Tea m ca ptai n Nate Laslovich. But not witho ut intensity. summed up NI C's wrestl in g tradition The game was probably the best J:tl at the Regio n 18 Tournament, "It's all NIC (5-10) ha s played all season about winning." Even without 6~ IO Steve Ryan, the Laslovic h (15 8), who took Cards played very physical in the seco nd wa s one of NJC's IOto key against CSl's height. achieve a berth to nationals The Cards had a strong showingFir st-p lace titl es went to Jason from Jo Vann Johnson with 22 r,
6 (167) fini shed with second. Smack-talking CSJ is 11-3.
NIC has wo n 25 of26 regional • Women's basketball tournament, lo sing once to Ricks Despite double figure scoring said assistant coac h Matt Janke from three players, lhe Cards los l Shaun Wi ll iams (118), Jeremy 82-94
The largest fear is com in g back down onc e reaching th e top, but theacl of reaching the top
If a person think s 1heycan do ii, then th ey will , but co nverse ly, if a perso n think~ that they ca n·1 reac h the last hand hold. they won't. For more information about the Wild Walls gymnasium, go to th e web page at hup://www. wildwa ll s.corn.