3 minute read
Blues Power
Michael Powers concert rocks auditorium from Cover to Cover improvisational prowe ss. moving expertly from a slow an d se nsuous melody to an upbeat grove. On ''Al''. Powe rs eve n simulated steel drums on his acoustic guitar. by Wade
011li11cEditor id1acl Powers,jaa and blues gui tarist,
JJ~ .·. opcncdhi:-.s howFeb.12toasmalland ks:-.thanenthusiasticc rowd. By the tim e he put away his gui tar, the ~-oaring crowd seemed 10 till Schu ler Auditori um
Withthclirstsong,aremadevers ion of"Walkin'."Pmvcrsandhisbandse tthesta gefor what would be an i1l\'igorating eve nin g of covers and origina l - compositions.
Powers played several songs off his group·s newest album. "Cover to Cm·cr." The most notable of these were ~l Janet JaL·kson·.._ ··Runaway," the classic ··Smoke Gets in Your Eye,· and be.st of all "You Can Call Me AL"
Later in th e concert. the group moved from harder hitt ing mu sic to "gut-busting. my-car-broke-down" blues, mu ch like anything you might hear in a southern blues club. Powers had the crowd hooting and hollering b) the end of the set.
Nearly eve ry piece had solos by oni:: or mnri:: band members. Powers laid out several high-pitched screaming gu itar li nes in most songs. and while hi:: cooled his fingers percussionist Gary Williams hammt:red out some mus ical thunder.
After th e conce11. Powers and his group hung around to talk to fans and pedd le some of their newest albums.
Nem·ly half of the audience crowded the stage to get autographs and check out th\.! goods.
This event wa:, probably one of the moq exciting ever to come to NIC. ASNIC. the sponsor of thi:: concert, shou ld look into bringing more top end acts like this one to the campus le orig in ally t.lone by Paul Simon.
On "Smoke··. Powers showed a hint of hb grea t
Sublime still smokin'
by Bob Paffilc 5;,,,rincl Rcportc,
··second I land Smokc·· 1sthc latest offering from a hand that 1sgcuing more and morcpopularasthCdays !!Oby. Sublime is as enigmatic as any band to hit the ~cene in recent recolk:ction. This album showcases so me ofthchand'searlicrsongs.
Sublime is led by Nowell (vocals. guitar. ~eyboards).
Eric Wilson (organ. bass). Bud Gaugh (drum,). The album consists of 19 tracks that encompass a broad range o f work. 11,crc is something fm c,·cr~onc on this alb~m.
For pop fans. there arc songs that vary from "Don't Push " to the English version of "Chica Mc ripo" (from a previo us album 40 01. to f'rccdoml Along with an innate ability to mix the humorous aml thc heartbreak of relationships. Sublime is also able to com ment on the riots in Los Angeles (April 29. 1992 Leary) mo.st recent out-takes; Sublime pulls off the usual of t m1xmg punk, ska and rock 111 a contin uou s fashion
With so much 1<,cusonthcdcathoflhcband'sl ead 11 smgcr Bradley Nowell. the release of their fourth album was met with great anticipation. Foitunately for th eir fans Sublime has come through !e Puttmg togc1her some of their earliest dt::mos and their
- Movies:
continued from Page 8
Keaton a~ hardcncJ killer. Keaton has the same bone marrow type as IGarcia's kid, so Garcia arranges the transfer. When Keato n escapcs.Garciarcalizcshcm ust sa\'cthckillcr's life. yet bring him back into the hands of the law Keaton is excellent at radiating evil. and Garcia pulls off looking properly determined. So why docs the pace seem lcthargic'?The difficult decision of k,1v1ng the theater to get popcorn isn·t at a ll difficult. There's plenty of time to l!and 1n l111e and not miss much
All,nall."DcspcratcMcasorcs" is simply an average action flick IVithafcw interesting minutes buried among tl1e mundane
Thi s album is able to please the new and old fans alike and is well worth th e$15 selling price.
Spice World***
So. what do we really. really want! We want yo u to go.check o ut the Spice Girls new flick
"Spice Wor ld
Once yo u get past the fa ct that you actually paid lO sec somet hin g by the Spice Girls you'll find this lip gloss- laced, platform-packed, g litter-ga lore, Bri ti sh -ba bes mov ie pre tty amusing. The Fab Force Five(Thegirls' or iginal name) s trongly and co lorfu lly promote the best kind of power a~ai lablc. Girl Power! With a few action int e nse sce nes that highlight the shin e of their lips. th at spa rkle on their eyes and the pow er of the ir p latforms. th ese girls really show how they ca n throw their bodies down and wind 'cm a ll around. and still look good'
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Good Will Hunting ****
Ma11Damonhasbccomeoneof themostpromisingnewcomcrsm Hollywood. not only frn IHS topnotch abilities. but his writing skills. Thisfilmaboutarc[uctantgcnius. written by Damon and co-star Ben Affleck, is one of the most touching and engaging in years. Oh yeah. Robin Williams is awesome (again). Wag the Dog*** With Dustin Hoffman and Robert DcNiro.it'shardtogo\1,rong,but the real sta r of this movie 1s the scrip t that makes you wonder just howmuchthcmediacUnhe innu cnced and just how much B.S we. the public.actually buy into.