5 minute read
Woodske hammers comp etition
by Wes Woods Se111i11e/Ed
i10r siJ o :~
, De sp it e hav in g no hi gh sc hoo l track coac h. 2 l -ycar51~ rrick Wood ske mana ged to thro w hi s way int o Th e 6-foot-2- inch. 235-poun d leader in the 35-po und '· ha mm er throw (he 's rank ed seco nd in Ca nada) and the ti! 1997 Outdoor Na tional Champ ion is looking to win mo re nati ona l ti tles and break more records.
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n~\ :ted
Jh!O of lifting we ight s and doing man y sport s 111 hi gh schoo l v~t hecause th ere we re no coac hes.
Wood ske appe ars to be a pproa chin g hi s peak.
:itJ NIC lea rned of him throu gh Ca nadian tra ck and trail ,i\'..il club tea mm ate Mike McQu cc n who informed coac h 11ike Bund y abo ut Wood ske. Bundy contacted him ,ortl abo ut th rowi ng here and Woodske dec id ed to co me. ;' He's the mo t dedicated sportsma n I' ve ever see n: · }uill Bundy sa id. " He squats 500 pound s and can stuff a bas ketball and he'll ge t strong er ye t."
Woodske said he's lu cky the throwing coaches. such UC : n~~1in: :~ds::1~ ";~1. th e ass istants are th e best
Woodske said breaki ng hi s foo t in 1996 and missing eig ht wee ks of track was hi s biggest set back. Not having a ca mpu s track to train on ha sn t he lped e ith er. The Cardinal tea m uses th e Cocur er Alene high schoo l and Lakes Middle School facilitie s.
"We've had three nati ona l champi ons and fiv e ha ve alreadyqua lifiedt hi syea r,"W oodskcsa id "Imagine how good we'd be if we had an ac1ua l track."
Woodske said he es tim ates he's in th e th rowing ri ng a total of thre e minute s durin g the entire tra ck seaso n So when hc ent ers the rin g in competi ti on, he sa id he thinksofmak in ga techni ca lthro w.
Woodske is th e leadin g All Juni or Co ll ege ind oo r
PhotobyNo pp adolPaothong thro we r with a 6 1-5 3/4 in the 35-po und throw to qualify Woodske winds up a hammer throw during \~~t~1it~!t~~ practice last year.
With a throw of 189 feet. 8 inches, Woo<lske wo n ht!--1 year's ou td oor national championship in the hammer.
He said it ha s been hi s largest achievement bu! hc's already lookin g ahead.
Thi~ ye ar_. win nin g t~o nati onal titl es at th.e indoor champ1ons h1p s and sett in g ,~ew records arc h~ s goa ls.
He sa id he wan ts to re1ai n hi s 1997 outdoor lllk in the hamm erl atcr thi sye..ir.
Nex t yea r he sa id he' ll att en d th e University of
Wyo min g wi th a full track sc ho lars hi p.
As he kee ps brea king hi s personal rec ord s he said th e 2000 Olympi cs are a rea l poss ibilit y.
Bes id es track, he's takin g 20crcdit s thi s se mes ter.
Woodske sa id he recently learn ed he ha s to graduat e fr om NIC 10 attend Wyoming next se me ster.
"You just ha ve to balance it (th e track and credit load).'' Woodske said. "and it will work ou1 in th e end ."
Springer brothers wrestle full out
Bill: ly Edward Francis
Brandon also won a bid to to th e 1&1 ip0 r, s Editor place :~:: It all began when the Sp rin ger brothers
Ju sti n is no slouch ei th er. with a 11 itb ~ere just little boys, battlin g eac h oth ~r Washington sta te championship und er hi s 1~',1 :1,~~:1 :e~~~~s~nt~::~~~~,~~e::~:~~;,~;~ :r
1 ~:'es~~~~'. ,;;':: so me e 3 ~J twas time to get th em int
The y both said they mi ss the mo untain ~ / Or iginall y fr om Tu lsa Okla the family back home in Monroe and hope so meday liove d to Monroe. Wa sh., when they were they mi ght be able to move back. 11 11 yo ung boys But now, th ey arc all
That someday doesn't see m to be in the O~ n-up and ready to take on th e world near future. th ough, beca use they are so f Wrestling busy with th eir wreM lin g careers th at it Justin Springer ( 150),
But here iswhatcanmostli•elybe expected from this year's spring sports.
• Men's baseball
Freeatla.st.frecatlast.theteamisfinally free to try and have unl!oflhc grcateM scusonsinrecent hi!.toryforNIC.
\\'ith the retircmcnl of Jack Bloxom and the hiring of Man1ardo, who also is the dire,tor of the intr..imurals progrnm, the team is hoping for a new outlook on thc future. (Good luck. Manzanlo. keeping your hectic schedttle together). I have faith in Man,ardo to bring out th1.: best in his player~.
Mann:.mio did a great job of recruiting over rhe summer. He brought in guys such as third baseman Jason Bay. who can smack the ball out the park with a .447 average. eight home runs. and 45 Rills. and second baseman Al Bevacquu from Rath.dmm. an all-aruunc.l player who hats J07, ha..; two home rum, and 22R8h.
All in all. Manwrdo has done a great job of building this new program and keeping hb athletes in linl'. Eleven players on Lhc team made the honor roll!
• Women's Softball
Witl1 the (finally) impkmcnted Title IX put into actual practice at NlC. we ,,·ill ht! ahlc to watch as the \\'llm~n·s softball coac:h Don Don \Villiam:-. takt!"i her coaching job to the fullest.
Not that ,oftht11l h. anything ne w to William~. !.ini..:t· she u.~ to be a player anti an assi:-tam coach for l.indtic]d Community College in Oregon. Not to mention having coacht!tl thc girl-. in non-leagut! play last year, in which they had little pu1'1icit} and even Jessrcsped.
Respect i~ <lne thing the women can r.::xpert this year though. Espt.-cially with player, like short stop Koke Galeaui, fn>m the state ehamp10nship wimung Centennial High School in Boise. Other. to watrh are Laura Tolzmann, second base, a graduate from Lake City High School and pitcher Denise Devereaux. a translcr from St. Martins in Seattle
• Track & Field
What cru1 you sa} I Mike Bundy is doing an outstandi ng jub ,o far this year.
1t '.'-.Ct'ms as though the team is throwing all they havt into tht:! indoor nationals. What with Derrick Wrnxlske just hammering away at the competition with throws that urc nearly Olympic. Then there's fa.son Wilson. who casually to:-.:-.cs a steel ball around with sui.:h ease it looks like he is throwing a baseball. Andthentherearethcwt)menthrowerslikc Amy Aldendorf and Nikki Pauluk.
It seems like Bundy concentrated his efforts al sweeping the throwing competition thi s year, but lh~n looking at some of the runners.1t'seasytnlie ama,edhythe111too. Lightning fo~t in the 800 is Justin Taylor, and Dave Stoddard is hurdling everythi ng in his path to the nationals. Tht::n comes miler Heather Tayh>r who practically sprints the whole wav and Cristine Amertil who docs exactly th;t in the 400.
Now if they could only get a track to practice on.,.
Edward f'raucis is the .ipora editor for 111e s,•ntind flis (lpinious arc his own.
I Sports Calendar
Men 's Baskethall
Feb. 20, 7:30 p.111. , s Collcgc of Eaqcrn
Uta h in Price. Utah
Feb. 21, 7:30 p.111."
Co lorado Nonhwcstcrn in Ranglcy, Colo.
Feb 27. 7:30 p.111. ,s Rick s in Rexburg.
March 5-7, 1998
Re g ion a l Tournamcnt.
Host is \\hocYe r is the win ner of the \\'Omen\ conference.
March 17-21,