The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 52 No 2, October 8, 1998

Page 1

bG·announced basis The Popcorn Forum WIii k>cus on 1NI lop;o:"Whttl Happened ,n the Wescom World In the Second Mlllennil.ffl (1001·2000AOJr lnfOnnatlon can be obtllood trom Tooy Stewan, 769-3325

Early Additions

NIC's a111111a / Pop co rn Fo rum does11 'r 11s 11aL/y s ra rt 11111il April bw is already unde r wa y with a pa ir of social commentaries

"01<1 Wc,t...SNew."

Lodh.,n !>ought the Cody En"'!'"", , loclll weckl)' ne111,•,ipapcr, in 1921, She o.·ntd tbr nt"\1fl'lfJCf for IC'\'aal )'(311 later bouthl • ranch in 1be Dryhead

Scc~cn\ luck.Oi.l .;rr 1he 29th )'ell' or lhc Popcorn on TI11u:r.da)'. Sept 14. por1r..)'1ng L~Jc:han, wilb • h1,1oncal re • crcatlm "~ 1...t •fillm bcrwJf 8ort1 1n li111k Point, Ill ,n 1870, L0<U111rt w11, a ,pulled yoong ,uumau~, whn • (lfk«I fof The BOMon Po~I um.I IAICr The fltubrdcl~lut~uln:r Ucr proftjSi(wi .inJ ('l&l'IMU) kd cu Cod), Wyo where .,ht: di(CO\emJ <1hc "'i1, de,t,ncd 10 be a -.-run In 1911 pubhthcd !,fr fif"(I novel "'Mc StMb '1°bc. t..aJ)' 1".:'" rollo111,af nt 1912. She 1,.,, f"'hlo<hcd "Full ol the M- • -~11an Fron, Bi111tr fl:~" " The FiJ.11tinr s~,· ,,,, w...,, ,.. Mid t1yJP\1lb,tudoir S;nwtf!IRl:f"t-•tu, fbc 2'Ah uttt1u.&1 Pc,p,:f1m Forum mday• Sep. 1$ , "'br:" I popu.lJiliClfl f'(pt:n i,,poke•1Sc-huluAOOuooutn Expert Wcmcr Fe~\ I\ J'tt',•IXIJI ot blames

1 :::. btcbnology


11M The

The k-tiuR bt'pn ill 10 un and l0,,1cJ ~Ir a-n OOur FomOi. ~i:d the: !ih:•bllUootb pc:Don 1t.1ill be brml ti".t the cnJo4thi\)t¥ fvmO!i Wd the Sl®'.11 populallon e.,plodttl" Jn the l,hl 50 )""'"· In 19)11 lbc porul1uion """' otJly l billi(ln , (( the popul:11!00 ft()¥,, at dus rute tlk'tt ,..,II be} 12 bilhflrl people in JO 1W). 100-,.1

Guns stolen from classroom

Fi ve weapons still missing from Law Enforcement storage

b)'Tlll)n H.«kt:r ,..,..,,.EdJwr t'l'CM11Akiltr t.ehool. em Wllnkn hum ftlllfflk'nlltftWl):(lhcte Ww,:.konbl •pr.t)'O,tluhria1t11~1hcl.ku

Lei• E.Moo.'fflll.'flt ll'l'I.U\ICIOr TnJ

Lucb dl\c."C),-cttd thttc hllndgorl, ,niutng • ~~in &be law cnforccmtni c-l•"''°')Ol\1 Sepe

17. attanflnt,: lO 11 I~ fn,m U1C CociJt d'AltDC PollCC 0cpQ111nw& Afk'fco.lduc.1in1111 ,m,:n~ oldie prnaram', firc;inn,,, l~•cti dt11covcm:t 1-.-0 more gun1 "''crc m~dlC't't'ponimd,

lbc rqx"(t, filed l?<b)~ iahcr dlC' gun,. 11r(«" tcPQl'Cd II) be mis\mg. ,aid tht 111itf1 m•)' have oetumd 1:'t'1v.~M11y7, 1'19k.lWIJSq,i 17

A l Golnti. or the m111n1cnilni:C! dcplnmc.rtt told t..c«h ht had Ilk only ~)' 10 Ulc M(,ngc room.._ ,t,c

rn•n ln1>1rui;fo.r Tact l.acl1 t0 bu"t~ l)M•don Clt11tr Mlffl•d


prru·NY (ljt1Mml'ro,11 /iMIIWlfO'llldfffl'U> ,m,lpuww.if/wu f"IUpllllfll'{f"k'I" \N1'1itJfOf'lhr

Accord,na 10 Luch'~ record.~ 11w« 0, 1hc~11 gw»,-a Smith 1111d Wc:-,.-.oo blue ikC1 9mm, 11 Cctk M.ul. IV bl..e 11«1 .380 ;:w10 alld • Sml1h unJ Wc"••n blue \ltt.l .38 ,~c111I - w~rc liu1 uu-d in et.m'lk'\ on M.1) 7. Aoolhn ,un, t1 Smhb .a,~ Wc'.I..\Cln 111amlc» \.l«I 'Imm, "''R\ i,ccn "'hen 1unxd in b) • ,11.1dc:n1 dwang lhc! •«~ o( AMJ. t7 The II.ta lmwn use ot cbc Mth ttun. a Smuh and Woson ,taintc" M«I 91111n, "-'U\ not ack~1cdgcd in the l'cp'W1

11oipr.>,1t.r~)ff t.11m1lt1lxf'." In a St-p1 2Q letter to busu•1cu J~i."oo char MIICMCI M11.ltt. l.cadl V..IOIC lbltt he tCQUC\ltd 1h11 ffllllmleo1ncc lm&all dcalldl b.:b mau,n,w Ley\ C)f'I lhe ,tOQge to "'ltdd c\tra ~il) ut1d rcq11ire an t'\lR ln...._wr,: the 000, iCalm1.

Q)ffllttyofSoothmt Mone~ Lod;hJtn c1111lc•nnc;tied (Of' 30 )CU), ll.m:lS5aftf J..S.W ~'t\"\ D( t.loo. Shr mwrwd to CQiy ,n 19$6. 41ftcr scllui, 1hc nitldl. 8y tbh tune. LoeiJ1a.n 86 _)'Cal') old ell IIJfflP'lt CCJmpldc:ly bbnd. On Jul.)' 2$. 1962..

l.odJandic:J Str,•c1n lilld 1b,, \IU() •nd ,ana twn 40lt,p dunl'I$ !he forum one of wtu h q,c_ \HtlCe bm.ell, titkd "'£a''°' and Ha•Li" and "Hc11.t1 of the Ap~IOOl-1."' by <k11 Hulu \\'uh • 1,muhcm .c«nl 11nJ dnnl1n1

DUI nf n oht Cf.Olttn, Sl(l\'CRTI t.111 In D ro.:.U111 ch:ur utd brr11n IO roU "tipn:tir m the m1ddk or 1hc. forum ~mctnbffing 1ha1 .\()n)C people~ dAy, att offrnclcd b)· 1unok1n1, \he pu1 11 any

nr which v,.111 be m dt', dortna l;'.OW)(Jld., - id Accc nhns 10 romot.. 1hii. t.\ Ille fa\111 of hu.m.1n ' 1 •MIit)' m '"conquer de11h• •lib ow cwn:N hrahh cm t«tlnology. ~iltb FIIIC'\ :ft ~ft c.)ttudcnl,(y thcff'~ nnt the. ~c lllllOWlt or people d>£ ~, ,hm: arc bcuig born Ft fly ont c oun1rlu, includlnJt the U c; And C1niub. h11\rC ~~h,cJ rhdr Jl"<'l•ilill,oa forno\ Jhcui.~~ .1 \Ohatl"" CC\ 1he problem ot O\'Cf'JIOl"1l1t11on He ,u.ggt:'ltcd th..t dloCtt ,h0\1ld be u unhcNl.l form or r•mlly rlo1nnlna,. of -.1uch •tir.n:~)11 ic n,oc ll. pan Forn-c,, ,llld, ·At.v,1ion " 11 f11Jute nf sockt) ·, inability 10 cope w11h 1h, problcon' lbc IC<1UtC' ended \\-Ith 20 m,n,,llc:) or qucuion,. A ,1udc1u ,Hkcd what NlC .tu.tcau car1 Ju to help whh the: problem r:ornc.· IIMY.'l!f 111,'Jl!j 10 ell.II U S. ~nO,lon u.1 bf"'Q" coi,cnn. tonsrw ,, lf)'•ni 10 l)"!>,1, JI bill to lnctta~ (('ttt.1an aid.

Tru s tee s to re-nam e LCC Bfllt'llwlvotaoatmw-lllllX!llltllltll'lffllltlail by t:rlkll C>otwpn

S.,,s1in,IHtpt>11,., The bq.ird o( trus1cca dheuued po,,lbl) re oatt11n1 chc Libr&l')/Com.purct Cctuer al Stpi.30 mrtllflJ. Ac.cord1111 tn Stoc SchenL. \'ICC: p,c,.,dtnl for c-o11csc rclatk>M :and dc,•cl(lpmcm. Jessie Moh1c1td'• famJly "ould Ukc lbe- ceolC"r lo be Hrtkd 1bc Mohtcu..1 Center Muh.1cad. who dtod

In 1994, lcJ1 her C\l:'.llc 10 NIC. Scho.nk "Id 1hc do11a1ion wn

11lmos.1 SI m11Uoo, lhe l;argC'- 1c,cr ~l\'Cd

1 he 111,dl ,-01e on die name ncu t'I\Ond, Sl'\'Cflll N I C 1radu•tc, IUcn.dinJ lhc rflC('(foJ co dlllCU!S the new 1lum111 book P•tchv.t1rL or Prai~ and 1hc t\.)1)'11 1bey each wrote. Dawn At,.·ater And Fay WriJht, cdi1ors o( lhe bool. alM> •pole. Rally Jurgen~. "•« prc11dei,1 ror admmu1rwuvc ietv1cc, u id dOfm dcmof1tlon wm bt compll'ted by 1hiL" end c,f tbc momh. He

1,11i,d 1hc Children·~ C('.tttc-r i, nurl) t'ocnptcte Wo,k "belnc done on the llghrlns. pl•y1rout1d ,n::.a ...,d re«1np There \I.JJI bl' • dediaic,an ccrcmon) oo r-;oy !i n1e bo.lttl ia.grttd n•n,c, for th~c or lhc Ou ldrcn·. CC'nlCf" room\ The mul1l·pi1fl'>l)\C raom will named Wl'Mng1on W.ucr P()wcr (t.aon-10-bt Avi\11). Wat,bmgloo TNU Oant •ill lbe 1•)'Cllt>Oldl' cfa,.\.((M>ffl 4nd lbc htfllll/loddlet lt)Offl •Ill t,c

6,<J. 11Dd '"Mlmc:umc'" Sc-pt t. wheA Lc11d, a,n,~


nt.:• fre-~m.1111. •·ho Jnwfw:iltcd In 1998. a 3.S pc:recut u1crea,-c con1~,«110 19<>7. F<m.alt.1 outnumber 1hc m.aJti tiy .a percenl Cut~nll)', $7 .i1rc.a hlsh .,cf,ool ~cuJenh 111c p.111 or lhc du11.I cnmllmet1 1 prosrom S.tuckn 1~ r1rc Jccdving bo1h ltlib tchool 2nd 1."0lltS(' 1-·ttchh IM'lr \C'nlci,t ><•t. Fae a(1hc $7 ,u,drnci. ure enroUcd (ull·lil'llC' 1t1 NfC

lTllll'SdaY , Oct. 8, 1 c~ur d'Alene, I One s1udent's adventures in th e world of the lumberjack Li ve/P age 4 Even Gari/i's 11p for the new wresrling season Sports/Page 6 Find new and incredible uses fo r armpit swea t A& E/Page8 InsideCrimeRcpom Ne.,, Bncfs Chokc,,hcrric,, Spon, Cnlcn<lAr A&E CRlcndar • sentinel on N O RT H J D A II O C O L L E G E Sha nnon Stevens portrays author caroUne L~khan duri ng a Sepl. 24 Popcorn Forum *ture In Todd HIii. ·As IO"'IJU I~ Popcorn FotufflNt ~•qoeon •J NIC S.1U1ne1 tia, t>Nn:""9tocowwl. l.Ooli, toi'W1'abowtc,volnlUOJNI 1ocio,11ell:)y'ICltiM11V anv Fon,n ro1-.c1 ..,,.._ The Popoom FOfum doesn't ohciaUy begin unhl lhe week ol Apnl 5. bul lh•ougl,oot !he year, spoaker< may be g,chodufec, on a to-
by Mtl lt)' Mc)·tr .W1111nrlllrp.,rur UmJcr • dim, old-(a'ibhu1cd lamp. Sh~n Stt,cin btgan 10 i.cU lb: M<W}· o( C:imhni: Uxkhan. Caroline Lockhart comu to ute In Todd Hall :::i~~':!~;~f:,!:,=,~ for ::;:~•;;:\;;.:~~~i:,d
PoPUlaUon His ,.,,k 11>, """ publ1"1<J In boom
fq,orl Wild. l.cil!Cb \IIIJ dvfin, f11I~ A11gv~ he hilcl no11et d lh( i.lODlt room dor,r wn., ><i,;Jcing. L.c..m -.:i.llJ 1hc di>I.H" "'ou.lJ ctl¥wC. bu1 l'lfll !Jk:h, aco'.lf"din11111he l'CJll'lfl 1111: rcpon MIid dut fNI Seri. J. •• J:30 J1.m ciu-npt.lil tiecut1t)' offltcr Ben C..u11Cft\n tuund dll! no1 l»chcd \\'hen L.c...1, 11trh-ed 11 1111 1() IJWI mtlffling, UUl'lO"On ~1). .,.,iiJCfn,K for hlm. bct•1.1\C dw ~11111)' om«r h,iJ 1~00 h" 1)Y.ll i.eyc !ff\ldc when hr poUL'd Jlui.lhi:n:pontalJ ThcR'pnn wiltdltl.l l.c..-h~pc.atnll~'*fo mu,n1enancc 1.h.11 1he door" nteded .., b(
l..c.a.:h "''"* 1h.,t he Md ~ltd 1h,11 Oouh ol'ld Mtl.t ltdpm, IJwcw of carnPtl' Qrcty. k«p 1.he f,n:Mttl M ru11fden11al fOf' K1Cun1y mit "1hlt\'\ltdn~1~1hcprc.~of~roin.fircnnm; (la c1rnpu, and pou.•111ially • pcn:cpuoo o( poor o«UIII)· fnr1hc ~,'1l'IIMICinl;nrrwlc,J~'" ()I) 0.."1 I, c.u11pui. M.'CUnl) Cllf11Dt1 &b Tboml(ll'I 1o'IIC.I be! h....t nn ~~ul uny nll1..u1t1 au"'-fllc fl'l>Orl \.llldtd 11\111 no ,uspc"Ct lnf~ ,1. •\.t1bNc i1111hi, 111ne
1111n1<d afler &hi Chtlcou Thc.-i:e 01'&11.lhudoni .ilk! iodiv,<tuah co111r1t>..11cJ t.iplrtta.otJ)' to proJcet, the bolU'd ind. An cnrollmc11t rcpoo bJ l>:tHd l..uith~y. uc:c p,c:, 1dco1 fOf" ~tudcn1 ,crvicn. ~h°"'cd 1h111 3.S'20 •tudcn1c uc 111c.•ndlng NIC lhh \cn~~lrr Of 1h~1. 76,& al"C

I Int e rn s have zero respect since Lewinsky scandal

F(.(,."l."rllly I bctt,11n .11J01,1m.thsm 1ntcnntop•t Kooc:~, El«tric t.\~4111\C m Hu)·ck-n My'r't trllctiOn lll M)' ,-.w ,.. wa.,.; ilh. Enu! Pie.."" don'1 bci..."001it an m'dn'" The ('ljnu,N'l..cw1n~y Q.\ ,-,-er, 1ht , r.uai. ~...i "'"'"' ho1c ""'"'"~ when,

,1~ick)n thi14 I •m \l,tlf lna '" o1n lnktn. people 41111wru1dcill)" get di,-. ht1k mutl on 1tit face. The fttlit ttlll\\] tba ccwnn, tliol then mind J•

~( Ar11:I ~•n:fllk,,·nuitn \\hi.le ltqu~ ,~nwll,)') And don't (Of'$d 1hc. it.atOl'd drc.-t.\. Qt


l. Mootca Le\"'" ll\1'.'n p.ll 1Mc-tl'I) a Ml trl Oiane&,n umt' h':salt!WlMtm~in1for Jtm:i.le intc:nu. h:1,·1ng10 INrn 1oochC'r,· , ,tide

Imn,ul., Th,inhh, 1hr (X'Qkknt. pcorle don"c loot •r ln1crmh1f11 •'> ~'1flci1m1rtJOPfflC~ilaft)~

ijQCh Chnwn .mJ Le"",n~k)' ~\'t nuik (cuw.le UHttru lool. Uir

~Ind"' •.I'~ And In the~ tbt)' ITWlll$:td to md.c ih«n~\U

Iblk nd1ewk>tlt. l00

" 10,.11 l.111'1\ltl tkihiJ' "llh • 1'\lfflWI tmly ..i (cW)nfll older 1twn Ill;l'lttt ,UIYY..~) ·.~ I \\'0"5kt haw C'hcl~ IJIU1'it fN'111tw'lttt th, tlW('II

1f1111Jilk' i,.'\1it15! IO-<btd, tlffl1 "--YtnJ C\'C'ry pt(f, I.CillChef IIJ1rd friend bl.1w Cll'.;ll.11) \l,fQI )OOt (ll&hu~ ,n h,11 "IJ(krC lime. A 1MI it'• not


Y. h;,1 ;11n.i"" nic n. pcr.,pk 1hlnk. au 1hl~ n nar." ,o th*)'. Muy (ttl

"--«Y t"' lier \hni~ lklml:llcd w l..cwitL,~)' lb:11 he ha> l\."\d hundtttb of ltlf.11,.. u.nyoot" actu..lly belie~ llllary ~•ol'llh·,w.\ lO IIJl tl\at1

Sbr'1 tlCN GR idl(II. I( bet flWria,gt: kl OinlOft W"-'i.A' I bcoc.fi1mg bcr W

\t•rnc Y.f)'l.hl:11-*v.lJUIJli..t\C! kfl him IC1r11al('O. Whtnherhti tiauiJ h ,ao l•Ylfff fff"Nlcn1, '21c \lolll be w-1 for hfc trl 1bc: tiruanciAJ dt:pnnmenl

H1br) could mal.c mllhOl'I• 11,,ntmJ o. bC'-'l·!.dkr ltbout ln(tiklny in 1bt

\\lihc ~'I.C. She roald mnl,,:- up 10 $100,000 for t:ocb !ipc«h 4ie

ri\'(). I 1hir1k •·n ,u.-.h~.

Owl•"""" ')CfloOlr, nn&c. OW'prti,dml ba, wnumrkd pctJllf)' a 11d

lldullef) - boch •rt illC'[t)i. ChnlOn fiat WldcrOJ11h aboil'I bh 1t1n,blp With 1.,,c.,, m,_k) •.,.) lnJ " ll ·\ nobody••'IC\'l hue Oldl

""'"f\'Cf,01cAn I M"'Cm:ldcU Kdl) l-111,n'11.tiff11.1rrt.,'lt",S,She

••1.t1..chagrt11n JOQ7 r« C'ftlt1tnl111ni;-.ttilttf) Ptopk tn UIC Au r'Q't('

un 11.o Ix -.t"1,11.llt'ed up'° ninl' )~ in pn)(WI (or a,mmiulng adlJJtcry.

Omti:ci U '-l't'I~ In ~ti,c( ,~11hc ntlbllllt .mt.I• ·•mtc model

lte \lk)Ukln'I ban: 1hc "c.\U)'hcid)''<1 Wini 11- mcn1ah1y 1h111 die tc"\C. ot

\he "'\1tl.l ll.l\ Wh~ -'.hoo.Wo'I C"lifllOII hll\C! IU otttdc b) 1hr rulc~and he

puru...bcd uur .a, Phnn'

\Vluc h.Jl'fll:rl(d to ~Iii)' ,,nd Jll,hl~? B(tth lllC pilr1 o( our C,11h1l1utlf)C\. 11v lilmC' Cffl'I\IIIUlion 'frtoch wrnc o( our n.ioon·, lcalk:t1

llf(tJllllfll'r$ II'-"' wlll lhrtt bec°"~•t.enq: hlllt.ltl:WJIU)'.:tft~do,"\Yhal wUI

llill"l)Cn ,n Pllf Ju(hc:,lll ,y\ltffl 'Abrn 11n AD1('ri1..-ain comm11\ ptrJury? l'bc

mnnn.11 'A'lll ...,~ ·'Tb,: ptnwkot dlJ It.'° ,..h)' t.'U'I I~ Thm h 1.;ill;.(l(fmuii; C'Unh,n,«ccn ur111~hun. 111M 'A'il'\ r1T«1.noc

To ct'll\WC wouJJ 111C'f'CI) be ,1 liule note Ufl hit f'«'Otd t.l)'in, he

hel~\<:J "-IJI)' C. ftl\t1nn,: wwld unly,c.;h him lh.:ilbi:.c:a11Jo li.atrairi


1k.1U)', 1hn 1,,11C h"" nQth1nf! 1t1 do ,.,.,lh Rtpublic:am and lkmbcr.a&J;

Iii h.1111r1 do ~1th ~hand v.,1lll"' And u IOl.'lls hU f\mcrica i, "1,,..:rin[1'1l,i.t:tnd.m1,. f11t« (J$wt;,11t u 011 ,111111,m, """', trlm,rJt1r t~ &11tinrl aml 11 1,uiutm•1u-.»t1,,,u ittl<M/tJI Koott'JtW l."~1,w. (avp,-,amv- lltrqtlttl •"'~'""'" T•N''f"IJ"'dl••/l(l't:o,/,.,.,,. r r•1illlhrrat rrtlo,/1.,lrJi,v11fi'h,rttt11Jilu>ll'l

Ser, lies a11d videotape w 1111ds like y our basic soap opera, or a day i11 rhe Oval Office Two S e11tillel reporters square off. defendin g imems and th e president.

Clinton may be 'Babnik,' but takes care of country

Rdlt'llnc..m1, N8;a.tiru~ In Rus~un ii mcansa~11-clwc,, Youl'aft ~,:- Clinton, )W can laugh•• Clit110111111d you am hGk Cli nton t,u1 ,,,.,1;.m·11~11cbCl1n10"- Yoo don·t nttd to frnpr:11dtCh CW1. I~ f*tL.


Hesai. , •...,,,. d ••yor ,Vet)' Up,.te lbouf l ht (11.1 lh.11 he lied. M.lqyof

)'OIJ "'nb an 1n~ hsii:nrd to stories .t>ou1


Amerlan, in !ron1or 1he v. ut1d l am panofch111world

Mur.teli<hJll!t•v runMu Kh.ilfic\,,•,n,;lmtfmm 1\ad;na:mun. I doo'c md:.manyw11,y Ihm 01111m d1~ d'c mrttm clthi\ COlftry in (l'Ul1 (lfdir WClrfd. I qn.,e hC' Alkllfollhf\ll lQ~\YUe.bcti«lUflderullt,dhc~hj\~'Cf' lkll chci141plfl. PQ'Att~ I llndcni:lllnd INC inhrt,posmoo htibould Ill\~ rcAlucd lhll on)tl'l1n,: hedOc:s ould be ~n10 OK, enoutth 00001 11. Tbr pttSliknt lied .md *'-\Cd tll\ pov.-. Wh.11 t\.11"'(l't You 'itill h.l•.-t.>ou,-JQbw and rr«i,•c )'OOl'sa!Jlry, you n lll fl.t,oe IOOll 1111 tlll" f!MN",Y '1 sao t the 8."" t1,WOII~ Th$ CWl111') 'i «onomy I.~ , 1111 ro111.rt& anJ dir dull.Ir WU holch lu. power You ba,·I.' oolhma to c:ampl.tln abouL Ho-,cvcr u Ions as ti food ti\)""'" refng,mtors a:ntl )i)I.I act prud on tli.oc. you wllJ sdll l:lttd to ,:111impl.u11 a l11P111 W1t1t.lh1t18 Thncdia>·' )OU we 110C fond of your pm;Mko,. Nc:,fflhtJes."- C'li ntoA lltll.l ll,I,. adm1n~1rJft ~n;-4)0.1 uncmpkly 1nrn1 and hrot!Jhl ptmpcrity to thi-.: ~,y. rake R~ (C't' Ullmplc. Tbc counuy 1w: a prui~ •hu OI thr 1in,,: ".l'.C foun!J drw!L bot RU5Sindid (1\1 1rc..wll under hh adminl\Uiluoo during IQ9J.1)7. Prtsldcft1YdtWn at1A·11)"' (ouml bcltind hhn IQrl,g a., ~le hflil,l rood, aoa paicl 111d a>u,Jd tuh tl1tt bu,l:n,e,.~ .ihhouiJI he "'''" IM(w."tl for flh1 F.111 drinting habJt. ~t(w:~ Yvi,.•0'11m.randJtsprcqdenL The~- ofthe cwooy M1b<,·ic)IOlc thub.'UOO:S 3rld boc3me he i~ ~K'tl!lffllUIIS Uk to.I o(lheAlbcinlant in\l tobcp daf qion the Q)llml)' • p.u, of Serbia. He l" the one wbo ii diignicang Monlc:oq;rins. alclSabulb1..C11Utt1\oft~uf\1lllblldcbat~ Yug(lt!,lma. Tb:ll·~ IOO~ (111 n'lt'lrt frltllOI.Nitwi •·hli C'hNoolmdatk' People in p)Y.\.'f tg:,,c.bttn ~'lkJWn (or their lu:11 In 11n OU1.of,m vriatc h:.i.-l(tr1\bl~ 011: C'~-prc,ldc:nl ,t(Fnr1tt. Fmw:ol• M,llQUd, bad ,,1lll)t;ro11\ af(aiM. bot ttnuined r..e~idcn• until end o( hli tenn.

~•Ii"" the counU)' d.Jd wtU under hl\ lldmlnbrr"2111lcin

Why to tbt Sw~ 00 '°" ,ull lct:p p0t1n,. Cl.Inion, r.rymg to <.cc \\.bat l"Ol•lf hi, bl~ nMlht be1 He apologi,.cd for ht iu,. ~. \\ hn k.""""'"'' The Rtpublk..m., may gn lucky 1111t1 C'bmon ('()Uld be tmpc:.1dlcd lhcn. v.00 i, goin, co be 1bt nr.xc rtt'i«m llJter Al O<wc'' \t\\l hnv. v.,11,1W you bJoov.. be orw '4'dJ ,,oe llbtlk: f'OWC'r! h lumtd nul Ken '-tm'• tq>M bJ W)tl)C pmblcfll~ Al• tOu,idWJk dMu1.,1011 Scpl I J, 1nodc.-rn1td by USA Today tq,onet Tun)' \tiMO, tr~ '"'fl('•IUOC1lll r.tpMI UJ"l't~~ !hdt COttCem iboul !hr rrpon:. Thr ~, RIJhm Oruun. fonnct lk1nocntli( conpenNn from MJ1<.f«hu1oc:n', 11.tl1I S11UT't report v.;.u. one•.wiJcd. wuubt&anuutrd." lk:uck., ~ris sood fnr h\\ O'l'll cw,.ry b) rt\l\'Jd:f.n, mtd1cal aic for 1TWi11} t\1nmc1111., .1nd IX\.·rr.u.ingthe criffll.' tiltC. Clb11M al..o Mttittthcticd the intcm.1oonal n:la101~ c,r 1bc Un11cd S1ata.'. tic v.a• "'tkt1m,:J b) ,.l.mlllni appWN v.:hcn be cn1tr~ the bu,ldlt1a ot 1hc U N The" wvrld c~prc,,.\Cd ,ts support io him YCIU~llll·I lul4" t1il'llnct.; ht t~ lmponat11 Mth1\ ctllltllt)' .and the Yr\'ll'id. M111uJ A'hall1C'r 41 i111 auhram "'"'' ttJj,,,,Jr,r-tM Stn.tmrl. Hu ~,.,,,it,,,,,./tnt'IHL Ti.i rnptMdu,Jrncolimtll. ~1111'11mnt u11t1r1,l• 11u ·.r,I"

What do you think about the C lin ton/Lewi n sk y s candal ?

1t', 11 compltlt "llhml<lbop!'<'klo,. wa,1 u1'11mr ~ldW'I Ugood U'll\fill wndutd ifbc•, -f.mll.> Earrkk 20 COtltj! IO nrn lhe

11.hlltk lhc1r1C'dfa "'It',• buDCtl til )luc. nocd\ 10 kl II c11r l:i,Cf)bckf)' goaQdfind .tll,ll,tktj!J\l 1hu1up Mm1t1hlng ~be• ahnu1 It'

-Ch ri.\ty MkhHI, ?1 - R t1NJ1na 11-llll.l, lU Jpm,,r \-'4/lr.v, Ohf11 fw111 lnlh l'JtUN°iJJ1tJ\Hut/,t>,: f'll'WlflltnfdNnliNSN

Ge, Ready To Pnny A1 SUN SE T


~A,too,.1,lk:·., 11hl11k Chn1oa. "HI, lad ohpolOS)' dt1t.tqt11mhh t"\·ttall. i1doin3• until the: fllCIJ&.'&ltlt btJmorn and nl)I flllWIMkjobl\ 0111,,J1CW,so1 lxlo( 1t111 lnrublk, t PfC'Jde'l~I'' ClllrkkfUunk i1 ',0K'." - •·mt llarrb. 65 - J a.cobSultt cr 19

-M{kr HuU«-r,~ ,.,Ito/ C«urd'Alt'M W,rllurf' J>rm"411ll1ffl.,fi1 ...,.,,, (lnd,i,Jr,J

Senor Fro!:!!:!Y

paper today The:)' 1ppUC'd for

~'l:.:~;:..-;,11,c ll u.1N11b(u;ili1yOutMi·c>i.1. I mcetlfl#b)'

~-.,n,i 11111'-"llt' lh.l:I hl:l, kr.- tht d1.1b bu,y- 't')Cnl.u,; up aptrtu

\onl, IJ.ih,..1"• IOCA1amupuf•h1k'¥1Pff~i'lb. UIC Al)'UII N111iom.

1-ouncen pcc,plc Jathctcd In the Kddm1o 201t «> 1.h11..-u,. c~n1

Of'fltt •Uld (fob ~'ll 't'llllt\

\\ th( ~11)1.:.~ !ail n('IOI\, p((9itl~ V.-UIT~ ditOUJ!h ,hr dNJf to &akC' I

'Cal 1he cJ1,1h jl,JUllpcd dt\k.\ CIJC~lhcf and IJIJW.,

'\'ur, .Ut' on • roll fot lhc Hmnart tqulhl) Club. lbc clob.

1,,~1hc-r ""Ith he.11th ~.uu.c~1100.._ I\ "'lull!, pilr1 fn AIDS A""~~)

0.) iinJ 1-. rlannlnJ it tall) :.r,.illhi 1he ~1),iMe r\r)'JQ N:tuon,


I I~ dub ,l1'i."1t, 'fl'Ml~ng 11 ,yn,f'C"'.lun1 '*'·ill 1.akc place the~ at April ru 11t1 hy lhr duh C'o1nn1it~ ate~ bdni I~~, ,ct 1hr\C SWUJ«h csfl to • \Ian lht'l\ll, U(Uati[) C'lub mtmbm lhc cc,iuJ11.IIJlWI clp:q:,lc. ln tdier"'ffib.~ry,"hcqualnolllilCICfthcl'lltt,lt'lll!Ql.O~«bC'licf-.

Th,,.,, l S Ju-1.1~ ()c,p;11Ut1t11J ii 'C'nding Buc:-I\IIC':r 10 Bot~ to "Jli'olk

.lh,JUI b 1c cnmt'\ Otht'f club mcn"-'m Wlk.t\l ,pcixhM lbe)' \C'

ll'laclc rc~p 1hc:,, btl1ch .1nd (lflfn)()f)\

~H"('f hlfl)' SlC'*'arl loJJd lht: dub MC'll~hlp i\ 1ht" h1g~ Oft

t'AAIJ!U,. •I .ffl mc:mhe,~. He \ollJ he ca-l)C'\:h 1h11: ctub to 1-a1n llM\l't

J11:mbert 1n(I Pt~1hly 1(1' l,l\l ,w·• mt:mbc-,,ih1p

TH ~ =-- A L LEY e,MTX

Specializing in fres h de licious Mexira 11 f nnd

A n Emert;1 inmcn1 & Sound E~pcricnL-.: Featuring 59¢ Tacos

n,ursday, Ocl 8, 1998
News Page 3 The NIC Senlinel
I rlca :·:=:S:;:7'i~~E2~
5'lltm,01r tWnuy" Mut;. ~tu.> Stanttr. 19 ruu,,tlttn IUUi. M(lllt. Gffl,,v/ Hum an Equality Club pl anning eve nts, di sc uss ing Aryan ac tion U.S. Justice llellartmenl sendmg llllehner ID Balle b) J11mlt Cniok V111m IR,·f">"'•' -rl1e .\r),111 Nall\111, ""fl'C tn I~
QI (I$ E1:e,ybi),l7 t, ""dc()nle 10 ,llltnd lhc Hun1111 Eq1u1ll1y C lub ~mr. ,1ew1111 \Ilic.I.. Mttllll£\ AR' ,be fiN IUld f<••nh ThurM.111r or c«:11 mood1. 1111 tMK'f\ ,n K1 l(lov.. l()lo( nit dub h 1)1,umirlll a ij1\'ehll)' rrottJ,Ull 1JIJ p.ancl ttf "fk'-!lktn for ~,1~nlhn Ir 1ht· l\t),UI·, f\lltadc: permn iOC' lhTOUgh. Ste.wan MnJ tbc.dub "'(11,.IJ cC'ft.tl11ly oot rt'fMUt ~lk'nt Jwmg dwl. lime fMok!I ,,,.-wAn ,,. Ltt 204 for mott infonnillton, Laser Lights, Ultimate Sounds & DJ *Olow In Th,: O~tlk Bowhng 81,id Lt,gtu, •Ugbcs Mo,c A, Music Pl•Y• Rolhng l'<J1! •Pin.\&. Boll\ Glowing In The fr.ltk Friday Nights I I :30 PM - I :30 AM AN EXCTTINCl WAY TO SPEND YOVR n'l'~ING W, 202 S un&el Aw. 1 COA 765·2695 All day, every day r--------------------, : 10 % off ! : I 1 for NIC Students l I • : & Fac ulty with college LD. l I 1 : L--------------------~ 71h nnd Sherm an Oown1own Coe ur d" Alene 765-8522 '

A crawits h with a straigh t tall wa~ de<1d befo re it was coo ked.


a'ss J9Wil

'llnlrt -ui· .- sta11111111111 or 'Cbater 1111 Jester'

b) J•mk Oool< Sr11111vlR~r

Abey JUU&cd ktU\'.;~ and !faming tOt('hc~ .a:.• pm(t:s~ooa.l down. cbnc11t,: \ mgit1g and cn~~mui,: t"n,')wds-. Hh d:iys u a profDSWOB.I tovrn tnny be !Nfle, but Abe; hit\ (~,.J a nc:111· wa)' ,,..1ui,-c fun

Membalo(WStx:acl) forCmQn AA:li;hl'QN\&ll know Abey ll\ ·~

ihc J~" Anxhronl.'im mc-.'ll'&\(Tc'i1l1ng \Offltd1a1'1, rNm lhcf*l « fulu,c_

A.bey and '<''O'l.11 lll.h:1' \Wdclb p:irtid~c In i:hc S.c.A • 11iutd-11,·ldc,.,..

pro(it«ganlT.llftl 'A-hich bepn "\;l )ut'li a,:o h) .i 51\lUpof Stllllfocd Lhll\\"NI)'

sruik:ob 11,ho wunll'dto k-olftl ,tlOC'c ah.."Ul the rncdlc,111 t.lniet-

Thcy ffflt:lttd the ljtJU b)' M:umlntr lhrll'lt'll'n ~"nfdlet11UC\.- Thc-

n'IOn: ~,pltlk,pm_-J,in~thctnOn:! J~Yll,'ro ltlii;(IIJ)Or;lkd

Anlldwon-.'ffl pmrJ r,c,p.1bn(y CJIW ~IOO 'A'Ol'JJ wide

'"I w.,, lltwnl:'Jwld)· llttbt' S.C..A 11,bro I io.1W llfricnd \l.'Ol'l,;l"'on ~ir ,umor, Aticy_\llld , n...tafwlwb:-·,,".l)daill&•IIJhcu.p&airx:dlht

wholcS.C.A.~11IJIIIOl'ltomc. · ~tndk'S.C.A. ~poopkfnimlhe.umo.o( 5<KlAD to 1650AO

They~~ ~C'Ul,p,l&IOft.Ol'ISMI \iliJ Q.1Mlll1X. At. the S.c.A. C'\ffll'i &he-}

i-,,,...._f<'OPI< ""•"~('l•>i),~ AbcyYid • 1i·,~nJCMaf)\lUfft'.tll ltfe

IOI bccomln, a KUii)·diffcn:-1i. pcrY111"

Aht)' ~be~~iotic•~ r1 bi.\OCXUJ,..;oo mlhcS CA~''< heb

~k-1, lllld Ir 1\.1,. • '"1\,111 nlCIUlh"

I.« ~r,l..t)"L'dlll\orti\~ro&eMtlhl:S.CA hfl1al'l)')'On. \\llh<e\"'Cll

kin~ ut1hc UnltCd ~. Abe)· w.11t \\Jkd hclai~dx:-..h1rr Border~

A'lh1~i~a,11u!lp.111..Jl 11ijri,Jorn

l"hc s_c.A_ mtCC.\ a fC\I. 1lffle'; 1a mc>nlh to ~"t'Uk'dw timtt, 1bcy ji:I)

Ulel.l~.111 pmc,, 'lltb a ··IO'> lht 111tnb." h;1\\" om nndcn1fh .snJ fqtflt Y..1th ~ilpmi.. ~ic.Tdi.alt\ -.cllclo(b1ng. umu. j,:wclty, '*t'ClpYh-1 food.

'"Cbl\11k) ,,. !ht mou '"'"'-..a, upm f-."1C1t ffl the S.(' A - '1IJ bi..wry mlj,;tr ~N~b(llt\-O Ucl"llll'lo 9b:~)··).'"\'oontt.1Mclllt:')hll.\1nnfnnc

andha\t fun \lt.ltbnut .Jl11rkbldlhmp. ~ide1.ttt,·,,ti,J11rp;,~CA11~JJh.""'i11111~lllJ<T''-"'7n~!~

,.....,._, "II )W \\,IOI ~mo.14 gu), lb.-..C1:VU11:i£ lhc pba._"t '"b"~ 'lolldAh..')"'\

-ire 0:t n. -A lot('lf pc.,:flk nm thru,gh 1he s.C.A. IU'lll.ftd llllml).l. W(ffl:rl


In Lee.Id hi" ..,,,J(' Ulwn 1 At,gu'IU d'Jc-OIIW) 1M ,4 IID C.A

C\1-"Jll. They ha,c l>AU <"'h•IJR-n ""ho "'(,,(')flartlCIP,1lt' 1n c~ S.C.A


)-&r unJ ~en 1u,.,ncfu, n,o.. Ab:y \lt..B m tu1 ..i..,:itlcm dill pt.l hkm 111.1

'"f1J lhc S.C.A. lllt' !IOI l,>Okt~ht.l'Wn upoo ~~(lri,.,...bll,

Cltff"I~""'-" Abe) -i.);11.t ·t,Tl')ht\t)'htrr.Mdlhcu1c.'"

Ab;:)· i::rn1:1,onbf1 1ncknlt1IUl')'~.oo-f\1C" H, $CIOf "ro«1edJ)

~une ,i eknk'J'IIU')' "'I•"" tta.:hd"

'1 "-.w 1,ttcxh any-.trn: up t,l l.hC! sl:oh ji!1'111Je."' Ir wiJ ·A,1 thncpk

~IC1111lli.Ufmnlich'dcllt.fflll1rOOV!pcap(cYrilh lwoc.:apt.~1101


Abey 1.i1lc.l tt,,. d,,,abkoJ tea"hcrhc n11.1hl hdr W1- 1nundo'-IM'ld ...,h.i, 11 " l1U'. Ht ~ht> 'A',"lllh lle:ll.:hitlfl IObe ~thaft}'At 11 fh

"'Ilic S.C.A..11>.~"•Y 01.hcr-ld,t,y. t.'"lh:\ upa kll~umc." Abty\ollid. .-\

hl.e 111-..).Y:"c,tcndcd f.lllnil}", f:.\U)tiad) CIIIO..O oadt f«1l(IC~MCbu Abey ,...oufd bl.c 1oro,"" dc:i1l0t1~r.11,on oo NIC c.ttnp.K ~11nc thl• )<¥ "'n.tS.C.A ti.a let u(flln..anJ it.\'"'1ll&nl)· 'tlOfflC(lring I v;,11.1IJ \I.Mil ri>dofnr

the tae 4" In)' life-;' Abey -.uid.

M~lp1.'0M.,.ire ma)"u. Nc,n.fflC'tlR'nc.t11 p.,,,klp.'llc In dll:c.,'C'nt"S.

tiu1 ptqlk-.t,oiipmuqfU)' mcmhe:n.lrlpf~bc ll\)'C'.111"r!okl•IIJm1'1lba\c llffllOt Allr\'dll,wt<JllC"IWlhcp.iblK'. few ltllltt' infmn;1t1ut1 DiNlllt t1x, S.C'A c!l1ll t.« Abey Ill nJ.lOM! cs C"·nwil Lee A.bey (a.k.1."Ch11te, the Jetler") ahows ott his authenUc two-handed bHtard a word 111p1giclitK1r.t0cn

Student's hobby strips stereotypes

Alway stresses savvy over st r ength in logrolling strategy by Jlblln Rufus SpMt Etllftlr Sumc uUK-n t.J..c 1l1t11 )'t•un, J.ihfhh:I'\ tc, ¢Ilk( clov,, ot

flt hud:, bc.l!l\k'd hrmh.."T)1,;.J., l~tc tht O\'er11~ ,~ 1o1~t.:,~lfl1: i11 the' lufllib('rj11Cl. cr-cnpc1ttlon. Al\\.a) ~•11 \l,lll)Ch\w. obk 1(1 mukc btt nm1\ ~n the an. c.W ,putt.or nuybC' ~l\lrmt'ot tt1rlu1~ "'Tbry'rc lumbcrji1Ct1o. ..,k'.11\lvu&)·, o lfl.iltl.C11n, 11'\W 'Tht)·Jlh-t w,o.,1t w "'l.n the .JI ~,l!nd '-"'"l'"•liult. 1l11t) have ti) cntnJ)C1t 10 C-\-tt')' t,<"nl ·n,,;~ J:CI <'n thctt AoJ I bcat&hcm"

S11~t' tlc-rllrl•1t info'I rvlll:nll 1hr ~fllnc•l, t l l-puurii:I

A1¥ 1UI"' comp:k'd 1ntlf't' J01im,·,. She.- ba,(llkri

bN•t1 owkb«l 11t.al11U Ltildttk,niJ t. 1111.11. ,2U).pt11md

1..c:¥•Noo m m1d-~r1t·m~r Sh( w11l t,1,111 ~1llll(l(lm 11)."#intn f.'.dlru,lt) llic"p111 , n(,·n-(dh~ 11.rl 'JTIII lldu,u) 1 t!I al»lll 14n,.1m11t:iiNµcl\'ll\l\llt1rkle1ht ,,,"'" IJ.,h,f1,n\"C'J\lnlhcnull111l-'""hlnn h•.l.'.in 11up.~1 .._ill fur lhc ITl('n h• ht loM(' ll1Co11trol 1hr I,, I•) 'lf"tu1111 Ulc1u ;inJ u,JnJ 1hdi h.J 111:C' 111 \ 1111\'f .-11n Atv..i) \lillfl llin-t l.t'\\1\t<kl lit) hlk'\ '.\I_.,..., I\W ~INl!lhttidutt lier llllti,:-J l!Jl"\I v.b.·11 •••\Al1t">h1 ! """°",1"1tk• r,cn1-i1 v.·h111nllu1.'n&.~ hrr 1011t111 11nJ I~ 1dw;1>"'C'1k'4lw.-,C"J her h)pr.at1KC the 1.1,W .\l u) ;;.;aJ i.hc •w1tnl "1 f'R'\t lo hc-r'<"ll lh d ~Vo11l<I \ 111..1 thir1I W1tlk'lithml Shc.uJ ""rb..1compct1taon,khn11d~ U1,•11 tn nl)" ,mnJ Al'A·ity-.i111J •·1,,_.1,1t1l1l~Jll1f1\ •1-.J l h.alft.irl1Dflln common v.lth him fl'N: lWC'tui bifliflJl U!C llltnU'-1 i!l~•Jd., \ Jb11,.'l 1e'\I l,nc,,p,a,tt1C"Jl1Jlf ,...")hn1,1,i·..-n,h.: u, 1,.11 li:ul t>lflrl)C'J l1)fl'- Cc11t1p:-1u11,, ..irrn't .tlk•ia~J tu l< 11..: hni· Pl fo.Jl tntn lt11; dnn\. Oictt' K 111h1l'V 111111111 11111< lmut JlrlJllll;'((>IIIN.;;1nfiiMhl11o1.Jr """·\\'\ahl ••• II lhc "-m~• f'C'\"C"&\nll•1\-.hct( tn,m )l",(1 ,\~I "fl.: (QUirmcn1 nn·1.11ll tlJ.d l.u~\ c11!~-r l\l"·lY tit "be uw,1hci;ut,hetdt'.sl ttfl I~ l\d1,;l.b '°"IT ,1,.~ .ind ll.l\ ~11,i.c.\ 1.hilkJ ii, ,\I\\~~ h.J•Cl~()thcfll:l1t11i1"t. \111.• •.t1o l,11ft1C11\, HI J;>IYU"Ul"IIC\ 1111J thttrk·.11lrn;. ~ii ,hc~itl t.hc tu, lfl'C "''1thhulrng l1 ',d,ffcn:-n1 • \lw11>" u1J ·1111•>1. a ,c of p-.-.i,c 1 rt.r-.1 (.ihout \Ill ho~n a \I.,"<' ). I \loo11h,11t't ..:.ill II lieu, .& 1~1h•till. bttt I .:uua:ht taill) la.\l I k•~(" 1l II ,a J"'"'J C\ll'I\CNh ~ '1.1.utkl Iott

Paga4 0 = -,:, i5 The NIC Senoool
Thutt<Jat Oct 8. 19911
Off Alway makes up forstz:1wilh slraCegy II 1 recent logrolllng compttlllon In Lewiston --
J)(''Np!i Oro11·n1«, whc-1,: p:.lth k .1rn 11m ;indmn, Ott Al1111), IS. ""lh ll"ru,Ju«J u llk' R'illrn t1I ht.ll\') ,...fdntl't dt.11111 t..t'A'lr. 1i.u1C 11'1"· J1111hk' ,1Ul'\l ,1,\C'\ a.ttJ IIIC' roin~
mn,1.alt1 1)'"1\'C,ldlllctctll •llllkg) ,1w,
1·111 ,m,1,II," A.Iv.~, ~,1,nrJ "' I NJt tbc ,,: imrJ l.rq1 nt)' l«t mlwm~ tbt cnutt 11,ac I kc die' uch:n t1Jfl1rPI 1Jic Joi."' Allll tho:n~ht·o,fih,J\ "w •ht ~Iott, wm1l 1,J,c 'IC'\'" h..-i "f'flOnt:nb ull tlld!IIIC't: S lw.' lhr1-'1I >.te\,. 1Jic ~1', l'A~I ,pm11ini,: lflc."m inhl tbcpu11J l\l'Ai)) 100,l "l'\1•rJd pl;li.'C' .11ho 1m cumpcn11c111 m
8ti.";1Ut< the lw.l., tn 1.·1c. .Jk u-n hC"t
!Ind ~\-\ly 1onpl11lll lt" OIi ,er r,rr11.mcnh


)><11t, 1 1(Ol'ffl(T huJ a\111:1\ JGlln Ov,,·n tk•a.\1hcblf1,Nrltrn,::i•t11th,tt~•r 1ht~·)'Q;Xhb11.t Wh:ltcombn .,, ~~ta! ,1uo,thi;111a.h R,,,s:1 Stu llnJ kC'\-ID Room. •ho i,1,11)tt.: ( w,n~l ,o.»."fi,11, ,1.1ffbeinf ,1l-.0<IUIIL" All ,\n,m,."alt.,.l'f'lk't1!1 ll~ t·nr,tnayuf'Ort,oo lk 1..-.a'MJ .a \\. h1,1g1'.111 St.JI(' 1:haf'l'IC*lll~1lri v.h1 lt 1>1$tnJ1a1 l'nnmd) lh,11h S,,.'.~lllan"iJll'•L.ant .\bl1tt.::b.rnt."t"ft1fialluli;oti4,:111rc,111111Chn),:.WJ1 th:aheh!MICl<'11be "'"lfhl ,1.aµo ,._II 1,r de 1.l.zuet. tf'tuC)\('\'ttlpoo:n.)J.

Birdy Blastin'


l1NT1c 1Mll'k-f",llnr Jn..1-« Ux blue,·

'" .a, ill,,Ullnn ,l,y n.,~ 11101' •~ -rent .ai.11ic,.,i f..Jn.111 n~,n, ""~-.:1, rr,ne ,htli('fll• h.11 t h, u·11

Rn h.vJ Rll)ffitM'IJ':11 'il.«1 111J Tur ..ra~ ,,Hf mvtt l01l\tr1hun.1I 1 1 ''"''"'

If~ bC'HC'f lb.111 ,illlllll I fk•ltl( •a.:ht"' ...,,,_r 'f'«~·.'" 111111 11,1 y,.w

,'1J ;\,1,nu f1,, \lth,.,vrJtf,11,,al...illt.c.tdtt,hd,e

fll"I llllk'k bl•,h\'\C lrJftuxl 1_l1,.'C't

Tt.1r ,ullf SL«t h \('111'1 lhJI IC\h tb r ,l.ilh ,1r rhto1un1 nJ Ju1;L

J•u,11cn, R.&)monJ ~cJ Hr

C'trluncJ 1h , ,icel uu1111n Jull

lwmlrlll t"l!f 1k\:u)' 'Wht'ft dead,, 11) ,n f1c.1,u J1ffrrr111 JUC'lll<•n, Thro ,lci·1 ,u 1u~c tuH c1gh1 11llfrrcr11 U•on, lt,r ,11kkf11, 1,, ,h1.1111 hum.

lhym1•n,I \,111.I ti:p1r,t1Sh

,11u.111,1t1<11"flr rit,a.,11111 hu1111ttJ in•

hrlJ •he"· tt~ titnb n~· up.irtll .au>

un,11 ,he tu11n.-r II'• hl~ Ru,tim,: phc,n.1nh lb 1a dH l (ICIII

J~111Uh be (\f'l~JJIC'IJ

t:uns ii ·~11c,:un I\ • n(11,

c,pn1eni.t 1or1Unieul 1l 1<'.' 1,i..k-ntt..

inrlud111i Heid• ru nn. '! "" cn'oln,11mcnul~1tN:C'n1.1,or. ' •·11 ~nik'J l1lt lw, ..iv: .a1J ·1 lilu: r iOtt ,u I 1hou,:hl I •"OOld 11} ""ul~'U/'l '"

WWI wllll 11111 Slrdl llM1t?

Pnortohb JUJ) 2 ~fOU'IIC'I.OOW 1.ilWltr),- ..a.u G.anh Brw\ 111.1, pte,,n11N < ,in t.1C" .,,..,c--ll1t1J c ,l•un h) >11.hlaai: IJILlftt'IR.iu:,J) f4ol.•tll 8,t11,•C'lfJVl'lft', kn1111t1, 11t1todtd, ,u.....,... S1.1tt l'nl, cnit) ,,,11h Bruol\. lht Boiv.C'lh,ti.a,;:bc-t•b.l(l ,1.t;tor ,in l1110tl\.lJ wdhUn,c,l\AI four('l'IIICen \IC' • Whit,oi.nh L!lt'iml 1k ~'4 l'IUf d.i1jQ'I mMf' II bd w,c •·uh l.k11 ...,cl1 \\ h11u1mb fa\'C fk.,.w~ll lhM l·JiJ~IOJntk>flt,ao:•l.<.. Ont"'" l(lf him ,1!'111 tbc urtt:r 1111(1 wtrc 11::~..u,·aa.,;plCJ 1hc 1411." 811d put II iO •thr,t w.11l1 IIJ11h htr«t1\ttl '""""8,i)\9,eJJwi&JU11J1>\:'lWHIIC'Pftalli\C lllllmi!Yf"C'd•11J1Ulrlla.llt0tl:IJ1Jtlo pinkJ UCI tht-t.l

The (\,i,mtty \\ «\ly J\ul lhoob •,u:ilnn, 1'1r: S IC: •TC).llu,r 4l•n • • tJf*OOCi~ in

I tu,\"n·1 '<tffl loll) d1.1Utn,<- '-" he y1J ·I h;i,t -«n flC'"rk ,.-omc inlo

1hr 1.!r.11 '4hu 11.J\t ~\ct )h•>t bt'hltt' ,111J th() 1c;111nc ,11,11 .4\ c,.;clltftl

1,l,,1111~.,..., 1h,:, cl1.•, ta• ffl"lutc u( ulJ.

, ,rn,, 1:,ro1c111a:J •ml ent,flCh<fl~<J. ~uba1'1o Hui

MJ)1nr111,l •Jfcc, 1h.i11111)unt.on f'll""'iJ\MtWlt.1r 1W,lttt. TIN' f'<1<rlt .th' flUC ~4.'H;&lt):\, t.i ,,kn iJlill(c:A l;'f l\un-1r,, r,tr IILC, K ,m 11J L4IJ ··vi,u u.11 Jo II a.,. lof;4' .11 \,IU Mil' iltik l&J J(l Up. •·QJ~

1.111,un1I ~111.I ,'411\p IIJutl \n) 11;.:.utl aft', ~•nj .1• 1'1,:, pen.on I• ;ah\'C, k.i)m{•nJ·11 ,cl.Uknt, w:ilk .i1u)

._ ,1h Lni..-.·k'Jtl'.ohl'.IIJI C\111 w(C'l) .ind thfrwlinot~,>ue,n,1t,~'A1th1k

"""~•L•M,•J,1111'ol'l.!Jmul~ -1 try 1,, $ti 1hr"1 1ll 1ndo,;mr111ttd ,ct 1tk:- htl-..,,_• Ra,~no,J ,...,J,"" hkr 'lhnnunr i:ru1utnt. at1J c:rn111n

lur1J.1,m<t11at,, boJ) k.1t1 .I.rid ht'ld)

h.l.m..t'.'" RJ,)ltlnnil uld Rohitlh ,aid ,tull<'n1, ut •hu

I.Abt''' 'l.llf\b..,1rhnr ·You·,t' rclill) 1CN 1(1 k«p 1111

)'•.sod!~, k.'l'p• lf;ad "" \'<d t.hob. hi: J'O'-IC"J • ht wiJ. ' "II' , up le> )OU

in 1~ ,h-.i..wi:,. fl,crc h.n·, .&n)bw)'

1hr~ 1,,1rll)\lll\l.h.11tndc1

SI\IJitru, 11111,1 t-11)' lhtu own lilffth ut "buJ,"' .a11J bi-Itch

s._:,,r~I t}fll\(ttuJc111• n:lu~ lt'l l ccp

~''"h J,v,rn .,, 1n.ay ta11ic from

'SI.lo 10 SI~ a fo(flK',kf, R,1)mooJ

1.11d. s,r ~niiik"'i r,\it ,t«1 gun"

'*'"•·urd111f 1,, R.1)11t1>nd \111~ of 1hr ,1u,len111 ut.t 1hcu mu1 12·JG.VJt

.Jt,11piu1,t\Jf 1r.::r

"'h'• ni« to ha,, 1 lcw ld~'ltNl

1h.11 ;au• d1fltrtl'II 1h.11n !ht tt'

,11m.• CaNm wait, '\omctblng )OU

15'ltt! IIIJ\C'IOh:i111ip 10f'-bilpc:for'

Student making impact on wakeboarding world

In N•'Tih kWil> hcu 1f"11 I.Le 11111,,11!~, ,\ OfUI IJlill ~1 lllll n:11uwr. P'&1fU' l."\Cf) ctq,.a'*DdftJOct 11b.ilf l\h.a.rJ abtwil.,rop:o.rkl•tui l.l.,h,.1~pk1t1! at W.J,d u•d1ni: ,,cJE ~iut ...JR,...,\\ 11,un m.l} kl t.,4-th: J"liai~ ,rao tbcbit,time Thc"l:orltlfipn.Al).lah~1 l j) -.:Ji,4!,'l)iDJ1LJ1t•:Jia11J1.1wrrll,ud1na1.ahttid .\ 11; ,~urJn11ai"'~ffll,1,I ,J111"t,wJJlllla-ucfl,1Wtt M,111~ \l,,~1'Acfmpal11tl(,;w'in~ 'fVIIS.1111 W~rt...wd1n,e ha,t1111hr '-111h~1 lil.t.1 .a..wtn. l~1n, ~OI rn,ib•1111ul 1~1,1ndcautbi,:,.n(r}'lallll'lrt "lflh•N~"\.'11'1\!J,,.llwllhall"ltllhtutl!hlht Ncdlw.~ 1).111"' Uw: ,wru.JWt_ mop "'•~ :11 a, Wln..lr11rt.. Ott ''llfll"'IPI nwlo iltlC.Llllldrllffl *'1"•blc,,itw,.""p.~d~ ".iJIV.\...,,.llk1'.d11i,IJ"'Sl.:ilt-a:iJl.llk' St111t1om1,h J~\tll\;t:in)'!ffllilil\C\J111'T~.iltta~lo,.lu.lm,,;m•111\llwt1;Mtn.a& gu),gt,('fl&1JCf"a!IIJ;oblir,t1 ThtP)kwlt\tp.1StUIJlr""''I.'' fMllhN'.IM inlf'a;1hi1nd l&JnJ, 111,ht 111JJJlc nl rhcl:iila4 tlk-~t"\IO'loh,(llflhi:k'1Hi41hc:~looanJ"llc-..,fo, JIii}' l<1JW1lp t,libl":r wllbooc .a MIC ~rsm.u11 IJ1rn1

l,;li,J\\;d:Vfl\,J) l"olhqC'Sl'll'IU, ':fl"I' 'l l1,1;,ch-1'1i\l,,~lic.11"'1111~ 11.i11r ~,. l111ll•lfl'1.•Jt11,~ I!.;. \\-••ngJ,, · II Ji\~~!>nmnlwng 1uli, u'l ltr wm1nrr \llhn1 I c.a11·1

11P1Viti.'ll'J 11·, 11'-'0Jtr.Ul'llnj rurdr 111111,a

\\•••wlJ be 1111mwlly n&,,.un the \pL111e Rr\a, .anJ ndn.,~ li-Ud.i.)~•11,,tl up111~-, 14c' GrtE,S s«r'Qll{ln 111 pn\\Jl,chJMJtu t,,..inrtt.: ,.,11\ •mt ,f 11lruUIN~t.t1I ~ WJl:M:'CI\AIIL tk•1t\:,:d I b),I', \\a1~r,m1nSp:t,1r.c -.t.:n.·hC'l'liav..ilchl.irdk'dvi-.,an 11c.._;a1 ,~1t1v1'Nh) I li')J's\iohr::nht (•ICIIJ'-T\1ll~b!m°ll1,\ll'llp.'ftUr.~1"11\uimr.,ultJ11,• \,11bllo("J 1h:~clq,ltrr11,11t-:~i&i:.m.lltlcf.i1 \;a;lllldl'llhnll\lffl,.., l'IM1~lhn "f'1".Y.lullh \\.-..111..W \\al,;h•i!ir,s. t ~r~.dlc"'ai'~'P.111•.li.1,an,l~o cLi. ·I.Jl~'\'lllll 11d1mlb,."'•"'-ll"~.\Jl'll..r.1~"i.n:oU••1t\at...,.1.1Jun1itn.!n11•fhl"o Y..11..oonainc:d ·1,,111•Ni.."-roll<loh)NI. a!IJl'm.,_lf\111iunmi."'"',lrl,.I dqihenb..\\.i1fl11•j'lff\'l!l'"'f"'lru;~ln1m1-,.,iJhin'(v.~1.kJ1"1RnlM111uil "W,l..:btwtli:111, .._11ll('lti.n1 IJaN ,-.'kdupl'\':llr.11,11) anJ l,~l"II \\i111M 1o,111l i1\v.u1fl ''"'· 1tp\rtlllC'•nr.b.nit11p.·,,." lkv.1Ut,cniJ.rit1U.~J hll\'tlllf) ll]i.11\ 1t11,yt'.a alrt,vr,e111awnp:tinJk:"l(naf1,m0,n'-'u""1•l'll'~ Ric t\r11n,;,11·N-.ut1•t"1 l".1!L\ff\ 41tft'l~flr'tlt~ J.>li!!Ulg'l1n11r'), d 1'111 .dlJ ~.,.111llt~l~c r11,lffl •k"111hcv.1IIJ'A,\urthrh. -.,l1A11ilk-hlM) "'l'n1tU;.1Jl). I JIN. •m• r., JC'OJW lll'JtaillJ l-1 H11.'"\\,iot1,;11,I

H ulerand Napolean had on ly one testical.
b.)A n mf: \\'00!:kn Stvtr1 rt1Rr{'fmtr
W)l',n:akullf.lM111Vl"'hu1 ,,,.,,'\~·~.apid lhinr: p,ini' 1 ht r'1.11d1n.d .,.._,,1111111.:-~m "Adfl t I Hh n.,aai, 1,.luinf!!m~11' bl.I )'QT JIIJ •~ liolilltlf "' n1.11n1.un thcu d1.if1 1·n11>J'air ~111~, a, lhc} Cl'lfo-tht'l 99)t.W_.;r;nn. rfu' ,rwcNOM.M'1fi11C.-~ua1, 1•,,1 Wl\ik'cllfttl \lid f>l lht J'rtlfhlTI i-4t fll.,f\\ In ~n1' 1hr lnlduicim of Canluwl 'Af'C~l"'t lhc \Jmc \\ h11c,"111> ,1111bu1ts m111:h uf lhc Cardin.ti,' ..U.:\-C" •tt H'l:ct,I
b) Jf"!isltllh,'°'* \i·nt,r 1/(,f'""' 'tJ, .nJ t-111& rq,b:nl t,,,,l.r1t>o1lh anJ ,.rirlir u1.s.·l11nt1 1!,,1cllll ,,t .air ._~,nJ1h,•1nng 111,I the 11ntdc 1 • J>ffl, HuJcnH l«I 1tk-
class teaches students safety, skills
LLu 'l(t[II- Bc.•W1.·IJ Ylli t"'=)ate ll'lillfkllif'll• 1t.•) top:ltbr otlfl'Nll r•~!Utt 10 pn1ul()tt SiC • t1 •••ume lucl al 1.bc Jra forh,rnk> hc;"M.inJtgPlff'&t!lrtlnl~JM1,Jurt. Bol,\\~ll.:Ud n,1'1100 MUN'n...., JI .,. • m.aun.: '.l<.lt"l lnJj•lfOOl1.hlC\;111-.) ,cl11("'4tl 1,I ~hilc.C"'tll·,,r,IIJIJ~«t Ben Han.son 1lm~ rn prtparatkK'I for the fflNN of ~ee l by lnttruclor Ateha,d Raymond P · 1Jf0 Ronnie WatJoo pulls a blckron lo revert on 1 sunny S.plembe, evenfng
h • I'll,: N.sdtf 1h.111111',I, hllOr-,iu,~h 11' 'f.llla f"IJllfCtl ln.i11IIC' llll..e lllllJ \IU ,11 1hc: b.ttlc,t 1hc t'Oill to 'llci1_1h ii diMn Tbt •<•fhl ,,wt.c, II'.: .,..Jlt bi,trt 11,111 ~II0'4\.)\-.lt4>j\111-.,c\ml~1"f "'\\lllll'll.C ltl£'Ct1t,1tdllflC'l II v,,,o&.lncl;: IIMY•J'""'''lc 1,,r en It•~"'".,, MIi
ho:1t 11!1: 1 9111~) loult.J C(t- Tht F,d·S,a;

'Big Dog' has big impact


j,,1"11tf"I RtP4mn

t<.1111 •.u Jlbl ;i f'OPP) -.ticn knn:,(n Rod NC'll h(:rfrrim,t.11l'dl) .,,,h11h.kl.a1Jt111kl11lcr1)!


11110.1 , 1r:ittmc1ll 111 M ~w Kntr~

111 All~tali.tfl "ib,crt,c1J• mn. wa. fllMBlf'II

1,&J wktc hctnn wltlr,lc 1116. Jt1\\1nJ" "f

11tJ Jcinf <'ff) lhillF,. M.c l~1nr un ll~ dlocJli.111;,,u11br v.111,kl"tl


toJoV.,i&Cto•lor.Pf ""iaJf'Wm, w I Jia\lu.:itd

-. Rod ,d She !\'IQ\ cd an>Und "° ntllCh

dl,erc •.bn·, n1t1.:l1 ~ah1lt1 t in ha ltfc. w:, :II lhc

11.fll' K,11 w.1\ II~ 1110\.1 w.atil!: Utlng ,bd1.I

fll)d ftlO'l"t\J ltl O .l t,1ucr .l(IIIOrll,rnl lllkl \OOll

lltt"" \\.lla\.'\llot 111J 011 fU111UnJu,( Ku Rod', exh1htl of hes .,.-or\ "Oa}, lD tbc W!c 111,0,,1:><,: N 11.c,nJ"f!U) :11tbtCamttAn

Cjil~ 111 Rc-.-.~111.i.-U 1'bt C\lllbttopt"!Kd oo. 1ar111w1ll l."lln11nix:tol"C"P(Afmmiam

.,Jr m M1,nJ.1) Fnd:1y 11nhl On .lO

O.. IW!d-out r,ul\llttit , ~ Ka.t llnd Klny, anU1lp;a111m1tofK..itl)111enci1i1oak111) 10,

r-.·o or tl1ie pru 111#, ,,aly ii..t-u&:·, 1.lil II iJ'n tht r..11111miHh.ltlk1,... ni.t f1t1l, w ur,Ju~ htc Kw, fl(T\cd "P"" J11t · Ko:I '-I.Id Rod', cx.h1~1 ui..lude, K,cr;al 1ot«l ""1*lflh1r ·, til t 1, Rod \ I~ h!IJ lhr.'llrilil11 t \k.11111 lhct,e )'Colt bclott t,b( llctU,111) J,d 'Ille lie I w., K.1l;r'1«al,1r .11ndR~M1d ,hc1h,'IJ1h:l 1l1c~'Wp11.110 ffl.lght )..,._,\ ~ood 1h )'IIIJ l'ffl,ltlll'I\I

A ln<l'd

'Simon Birch:' no small feat

Jolm lrvlng'a novel adapts wen to big screen

b) ~.u ru11p1.•, Stn11~,:l/hpf'(Jtr

d0lior1d(iitbi11ooth11 ~1\i&l,S1nldl 81n:h ** '*

ht 111 Ii, the: ralrn lir :1 nun'•bnd~o cbc

fpla.)"' nev.~,0tt l11n Mkluc) SmllMh,tJ:and bcamc hn) ml~lc: .\, ume pa..c ~in.111\ f*\-'ftl\ ~~ntcJ him

~ol ht• '"w1.14uct1ci1." "° MJU.ghl kwt- c:h.e~hcte

Ur (<JUnd tt in thr l,i•mitol hl\t!f'lly t,lt'nd. J<1r" fJ'll.a)i:d b)·

-1u~1, P..-1."s'" Jl)C Mauclo) •••f 1n Jt1C" yuuni .11111 kM1.g

tl'llll~r.Rcbcocu !J!la)cd~A\l' ,..i, S.monv.,n I hoynl ~1:aJ1hand dul\mJcd bJ.,. swm, "-hnollt'.J(bcr onJ

k• •• 1op N(ll(b ••• \\'orth1hcS • • Vt«o ~~1111 * ·s~-,;rh'

rr,rmai.t ffl(lf"C 1b:i11 :i kv. ume"I. bnn,in \"Offlrdy 111 the film

lkbo),d1"'"\\"t•IJU1 &al .,hnUI c.-;hntha-11\11 fmJ

dwm\Ch'f<i -.1.lddtnl) bttc)r1iut5, mfu•u•C'd v.,1J111.11,., c pc1;

~• Uc tk~>t.~ .tCl'\hh nn l\fN.' 1-,f tlk- 1ml\ '""" hh ~UnJ.i)

l cla\•v.1nC'bcv~Ll.llly k,1,,h11l1hcdcw:Ndioo.,f1hc

Cllri~m.b p:lfl'.:inL Thwih UlC '°"'>' "''ffl: d1rfCttt11 111 f'i)'~k;III :l(lSJCClll'IL'C. the)'

Juitt"Jatbire;; ll'IC)' v.t~OOChon•n1h~l<WI Jtiev.-'»1.N.1 Mlm1J

CJlll 'ltl,o W, tbl t;11htr \U'ICC' hh molhtr '\);,Ii kttplhjl u 'iO.'.rtl :mdSm.1onw,.M11CJtofindhi\purpl>\C't11hJc- J«v,,1., bcaim1n11c\lle,, "f)C'tl.llJr lldt hi\ mt11hn-twwFhl hn.tx 8m

1pb)Wb> Of:i\crPJ111c1. 1ti.; 1,t:v. 1t1.i.11 mha 11.k. Mcunwhllc, SIIIIOII tult,i • Ill-in& I<• him :111J. 1h( IYl-0 het.1.11~ lnmJ:...

The: ,~., 1c 1hr:n uilt, .it1 uru~liptetcd ,um At a litdC' btuc µt11t, S!M1.'1n bit> foul b.ttt tb.Jt hlt\ h111 rno1btr 111 tlw hC'.ul

,lll4k:Uh htt 1111• ka,t:• ·~ v. 11h1hC'Wllft\Vtt;'rcc.lquc1..Ut)Q

Wkkn:11tyolh11 fa1her. l'hc lltlj!

btt11o«n die (nco,h, bin 11 11. n,,c St,og, h \'~·d :ind the boy11 re

'«ltl uff apit1, 1,yin1 lC'I Cl'lfl~tucr their mi~1iooi. In 111< <:l'IJ,

~lh'" finJ,. hit. I"'~ 111 hfr:: bt t'lixOffll~ a brm Joe doc:

6'cu,'Cf who h 1\ rit:1IIC'r 11., 001 1• 11<1c•p1cd b)' Ou D,,n'1

'"X'f),ll'• aJl fm1Mhct.1.

Thi• mG\'IC opem )'Wf 1:)0 II,) lhc i n.'l11ufic-;1n1 b ilk lh,ntt, 11'1

Jifc anJ ltlJ.L:, 1bem bt.lUU(l.ll hdpU'IJi tb. aJI IU fe:a,n 1 \.,lhi~bk

lr\w,c Mmll.':les do h;apptn .and can thln,:t" oor II\\'" in 11'11111')

'-,Yt..C\('lt dttklfh they HI.J~ bcoo.l) .'\.fccH.tlJ! II )W.iteOflC'

I uf lk (mun.Ile peopk 10 1h1., mM-•e. tti"11-.:1nbc.r ooc. 10 foric1 )'Otu KlecflC'~ )OU ,n- go•ns 10 nttd II'



Our hypothesis:

If> l')C nll'tliJn,: («ClCT),1fl1'10l'flJti)

t.., bt rm of lbr tit'"'" SUU 8 111 Ruthcdord., NIC d 1ft:l.'C(lr 1,r1000 foofnl«-c. 11ppn,achcd an-phi~ dcM,!tll Ut,;tnictor SLC\"C c, v.11.h !ht IJ,e.j o(bo ilU\kllll cbiplil'I. tbr tne•ltl'"JJ h. Par' and hi ,fa.,, ~rl) 01Cec1'llcd lht d111lkn,t' ·nic, ' '""knu win ,ri111 i11co 11\t ec-,rm...OAO fotQCh or the 1.11.1rant\. ti.Mlhtt,,tlWft.nt -,\I bi,.,,: a1bc1111r• .,1o11ot, U"t0nmhc- 6111tllkn)· and hll'crllp, Paik.a wKI he w1111b eo !'lute lhe proJc..1 "S\ .~kl hkr , f"(",)Jblc."' The 1>tudl:nh will prqc:ILICC idell\ 10 bt pttR"n1tJ tn Rud)crf'on.1 b)' 1hc k;a;tn I~ The id<'a,. '1,\,111 then br nun11r111,:u1rrd IIPOdlt SUB In the rl<1Bl'lina ~llfC' of 1hc the ri;cudcno, wtll , , ,11 otiic,' ,e 1.a1m111l\ to gsuher il.k::a.\ Rudiafont (lro\idcJ Plllkcr utJd tht t.'.&11, '*'th hloepn11b Ol lbc SUR rN&1t11nc\ ltllnJ w,th malfflal, Hom ma,awl'lc) to tlt p !hem .J'Cl idclK Pdd:ttsaiJ the (.I\IJcAls ~·1 ir-1111t ~uCIII)" t.,) tbi,:D SOlll(1hfoa ,~ U..\ the SUB n,j,J•U.'1111~ He tw DC-\l!r cllcn II JliNJ('CC lll lhl, 1nApil11llie \lfJl,h bbcl.lM. '"Tiu, ,s an iC.\('~pl1t1rnill) uakm.cJ J1l'l&JC) 1N:1b up to d,c dln)lcn~.·

11e i.s. Cif'i41ihtc: Jc,tp ,,mdcnu flClfflUUI)' •,uM'l: 01J , ,mulattd proJtti;i: ,uc:.h t1

btOc:hUR'<\,, bu1i1k'U l'Wdti~'I, M 1.leitc'"- tl~'f'IIP:l'l.

boo1\\ Jtld fW1"VIIC1 label, ppf11< dc,ign cbh III Nit

fotti~ on d iffctc111rrojc(;h rci, tbt m~ctioD of thc:11 pon(ol1~ •l

dicmJ uf It.cir '(\:ond)CJJ

P.utttPJd 1bc:-Sl.l6~.,.,,ll&i\C 111< ,r\klcn1.11d,ffcrm111tt.:1or

C\pctfUit' h "ill tw: ,wd fot lhe,n .,.,·t,cn 1bc:)' '°'io \C'C tht-rr linilhti) fl"l)J«I; u al,o m:i,yhcfptbtm,k-c-l~lttbhl', thtilitt 'lioatht) v.ur1tt1.11•

1bcirc'tt«r;· ,wiJ

f Quick Hits

Emery's now open

Tut- c:ulin.wy 1111, Jrrranmcm -,vdi:111 nm a,id l'9(filt('d 1.1urun11

tlOW opc:o M the~ fkk.,r of the I-IC"dh1nJ 8111ld1nJ. h h t)(')t'n M

JI a.ft! f~)·•. Wcdnc:....t..p :a111l 1 huf'41>--. fo, t,rc&IJ.a;,1 ,.., The tc-.t,1111ri111t v.s1tl be: offr:lins: h1nd1 \000 f(Jf n,t'f'l.11ii111n1.c11fl 'lQ6.J.,J,

Check out cJubs on campus

NIC <tllcn m•n)' du~ 1f1,1l 1t.1.; ,:..:.orcd 1qv,·1rd the.' IQtttt)h tof 1hc "1ulk1si lbc Crciui,c Wtitlr111 ("lub ""'""" " 14 .\0 p.m

Ian Michael Smllh 1nd ASl1i.y Judd Pft)YO lhal size Isn't lmpo/1101,

IInstant Movies

Ku)h Hour•• lit Cir tnd11A1 ,,, c,1-.;..t ;11.unrvJ,.u11; Fu 1TIO'olC'.\. '1w.·,h Ht_-\\:l'ot11,1 d/ll('J'C'l,t. Allh,.1111 h !11 h,l lu\,: 11 WIii\ ~ar1Jfi.nn,01mT1,--ln lkrlr• v.s l)p.cll{A-.CD.!th)(l1~ ~-~l:Lud*-"""' •iJ. u(c.u,c. \IIC dyn,.w,.: d110, al kkicC,,..iC,..... Tlll:~ffto;1,.:dll"

1M) fl)"IIIR~l\it..lnj:•IJ1,1w·.11l{'Vo blt!,,1..thm 1t11, ftl(t\ic 11 ~,, 1111\'('l.1 l '11>.an I A'JCl'nd'l ••• "'-"')\.-b,1,in1,'1.>lk'~t..11mpn1 1ummg foll; tab into tt:iJ.11; K(r,cp1ng IQ UlkWOCl llolUI "'Sat'iWl." -Urb,m

WeJn('\41l)• 111 Jlva.un Slitnn"et. It'\ mce1mp llff' 1nfo1matanJ:.II

-.nttn, atC •c-lcon~ "l'hc NIC Sump('hlbt, loatio1 (or p:opk 111rbo llft U1IC(C'1.IC'd In U2n1JK. I( llll l!rt lfflt'rf'lolCd Ill bcin!C. p.it1 ul th" fti('olr dub, a,.114.:1 Jt\h1J llull ill t,67.07.ll (.,,rcbv 1,nw: ,rnJ pl;1t.."'t uf mce11 n1,\ ·

I ,c-nJ, 1.h,·.,1'uJh 1r,r..1u11 I t.1111, \11uo11\\'.U1C.°) l.i.:11,,,,~ n-J 1..d.:.t Crtw1

1~"1111• '\\'1) lg,~ )\IIH~l!Glf IJlr' Nil "CW ttilll"I!

IComing Attractions

8 0 r t I.JO

··0,1,.. m the' U(e I o RIJ o..,gc.,h:lhn b)- Jeooiftt Rod. 6to,v.cll (.:omc, Gollk:ty Frida)' IO•tn ,1 p.,n

8 Ott. 11 'l lCS)'mc,bon)'Ordxr.t N., "'An

b,·camg_of lmprc~"oo"m " Ambtori11m 7.30 p"' ,\J11lh. S7, :r:ic-n1or C-',• S5 Ulld S1uJc:1"1; SJ, J&Ji.7780

a Oict. 19. ~n, 1 NfCTbcaa~ O:pc ~'*'' '1"11nutlc" Sdiukr A\ld11«1um

1:ltlpm AUufh S5,Scl,klf Cl10.c'~SJandSrudcnt., SI 769.77~0

8 X0\.6-ll t'hc- L.b: Caty Pl.t)'IIOU~ J"l'l'!Cffl' ,.,_l'!Mh ~r IJ.n"•-·" l...ikc Cil) r1 ~hot1\.C f.llh &: G,1nku IS p.m Fnd:a~· lllllJ S;a1urd.a) c ·cn:1n11. 7 p.m Titut)(LI), 11nJ J p.m. S11tul\WY •nd Stmd,.y n1.11J~ ,\du!~; SIO, Su:idttmJScru1)( Ci111~·1h· and C1uklR'tl 12 & UOOCr: $(, llaul'Ml:ar Studm1" U "67-"2)

• N@ , 9. Ott. 9 f1!1nt0$QIJ1h)' c:,l'l1b11 h) lll\lf\K'hlt T1111 Chmllc, JJc,..,v.dl Cafflc'f O.illct). \\'ed,d,1)"

I011m -Jpm l l()o.~"dNO\ 15-21

a NU\ 14 NIL J""u Co and hu i:..hcmblt

Ao E.,ttut1t l.'Ji J1uf S....b11lcr ::~;~;~ 1n

• No, .20

NIC s, IJlphoak: 81111J & 11th 8100(1'\ ''Gillhrnn; ot !he twiJ\ Ccld'lf11i.c: the n~,,k:,· Stlmkr A..tmlri11m7'k>i,.m f~ C,tt:k.'C'n. 769 TISO


~JC Syml)hc,l'I~ Ori:hc\tn. Coac.tttOio.r& M..Ji1J:,d SmR,CI' '"'Mlillkk c:,r Chrt>41i1~,Schult:r A1Mlih>1'i1.11n. ~y 7 lOp.m unlJSulldl)', ,\IJult~· $1.$c-n1""° C itu,c;1>~· S$ iwlJ S11.kitflh, ,i.1.. 1(fJ 77RO

a Ott.tU-11

lhih(Ll)' Putt.cry S:lk. ~Y.(11

Cornor'411C'f)'. M<inJ.i)' tri\t..y

1011m "'P"'

a 1)tt u

NI(' S)tnfltl,;'1nyOtd1t'\tr.,"11h

rnr:mbtrofN IC('otlc('11 C'1toir \k'-,wb S1ni,·A·L0111.Sttt.llo

·\Uil1!1)11\ln, 4 p n, Ad1.111,- S7 Sc!nlot C"i1l1<n, S5 .and Stmknt~ SJ. 71,9.771)0

n,undoy , OC1 8, 1998 Tho NIC S..,1,ne1 Arts a nd Entertainment -------------------- --------------------
Jennifer L RO<I with her
111Sc:au k 1:aa,b1 R.~hcl'tlo 11do slfXl'A,'c\ She J.llS 10 ,.,-..l)'llun_"' ,n ,,11.11 \I-''' I here~ ,1 l,1t t,,1t 11""1 tu 1t.·· k1 ,,1J Dtl<' 111 h.:r IA,unk fllllllll~ fl! fJll~,y 1, "K 111 Mid Mt' .11 !llc l ..U.c. ,. \to,1tct.:,,lu, I'! Rt,,,l ll.i.,11ni: on"" ;w mm.rt'» "" 1111: I \ 1i,J K.a11.1 ••1mm,pg .1inund bn" Rnd ,.11J 19111 p.u111tt1J: hnni, ~I.'°"" tn,u11lliol'lf,tfllh 1diJJ\ u.,hmaJ11e.riJ f R 1 k1 hn int ho W.c Qtiu1 1 UII °' t,nght flt'cn 1::.,1'1)(1 0.he:r f'l:,Mnl1n • "Bil 0,,tj:." a plU!Uftll thlll itw ,t,.ancd o(Kalt XIII 1ha-..rhl d'!ctaal (mnbcJ. Alter Katpa..'..:d o\\11-a)', ho Jil"' 11 •,11ntMJng \l"lldllilll w,bt okhkJ ,,.,U.1,c p1tte.k1 Iii, lfubt1.vdt-r1h.111J,,..,...,. lt4..tu.1,I Tl,, "1.1,it,i1 'olrlll) ,t.rcrful ood ,un Thr h11i:h1~ luhnlol1.c1hrpornllt1 u.l.Mll.luut.
1-~:111ng in ,,•,r flm1t.•lln"MXn bllldir BL"kk• iJtio.:1i1rmm1~ tu-cJ.,,.tbe \l,u\d o;"(Whl(. ctt-ill~ lli ,iKolC AC'\\ .tlliti111111, 1h1 tent'!:' Ith.xi~ U(:,II\C' .iury Cit11: flll:ut1l)' prublm1 •.n 1hr a..11113 hy Hlad..· ,wc,.fo) ,1\lpl"-) h111111.111~ lltk: lu11:1,. fh1~ '"""~ 1, a ,k'tinhc tht:•ler Mk\' 1c. U )(Ill can c1111:h 11 ~,,re ii •onr Jui ce & Smoothie Ba.r f'ull11tJm Fu.UofN111r1llfl1, tt~lth1tAlt1·,n.1tt:\· Good Bagels = Good Grades I t11i,r,J,,.i,,J r----------, I ]HtJlJq}&i~e I Come enjoy a fresh vegetarian sandw ich, hot cinnamon toast bagels ) and gourmet Craven's coffee produ cts. ,---------, 1 Free Bagel 1 I I : \J~~. I 1...-n, "" I L-------~::I I 223 W.Appleway n-Bage l 121 W Prairie Ave I J ,., ,c~ ,. I I 25 % off I : for NIC sh1dents : 1 & faculty 1 1 with college I.D. I I .,,_,,_, ~J;)"i.. .., "I-· -"I""' L __ ..: __ .J 22J W Aprftw.a)' 76S-56S9 12:IW Pf1ll'itA\e. m-96 1S Design students will
create SUB restaurants Graphic arts department WIii provide hands-on el{Jlerience for art students by r\nnk: \\ (lod~n Sl'ntim-t lk,xm~r NIC'11 C,; dcs;rn. \ru.J1.·n.h .re ull.n1t 1)Q • pn,Jm tt\11 will oflo..'1 1hc.mlu't iiehix,l liiglu«n lCUlknl\ h1t,c bccil .t1.,\lgntd 1hc du1y IJ( dr~lt.r11J.1g the lh-c ,~-1.1,l.lllU'lb

lieton River offers class three rapids for ratters

T1,1,1) lluu1~ w,cp1 b) Ncinh rc,1dc1th lb 1he)' boun~·cd the off 111p•d~ of Tieton ti"cr Satwi:b)' Sepe. 19. SL1U111111be l'!·nl1ln1retth m Nacht:.,

Wash.,. tl lnfcrmcdl111e raftc~ were tn\CNC'lcJ by NIC nwcr pudo .'.!"1 proper v.,,11y, to ho1ndk '\oCtlOU\ tltu1L11on~ while rafli"i 11M" rhu Tbc gui<ki.

Jcmnr Cope 1md frd Scdl~l .DUI.le \Ure ,11,be

nftef'I. '11,Ctt -.di pn:pm:d fOt 1hc IJJ.\l: aheoJ.

'"The 1u1.1c, •ere ,rr.11'" Jennl(u Fnint• '-iljil

"'They mJdc \utc •·c paddkd h.lrd to gee u s*


OuuJoor Purt.1,m Coorduuuor lawn Luker ,made ,ure-eu.'t)'tllln,¥ Mnoot.hl;, unJ mftcf'1' understood the phm. Lulcn was •ho rCiJ!f'ft:''blc: (« the camp• find any c..,u~ gc.i 1hc ra(lt:n

qc,ri~ whlk mtr &.'ilttp :wu:Dd the it tenU.

Thr pl~..,,.~ I<' h111.he fl'.lciric Cre.a Trail S~utd.lly marn.lng ind J1&11 the-uptull chmb.

~,as lhe only 1hing mi,..,ing. After 1J1ll'. miks o( ~noranue: mountain IIDd UIC l'.'llllkmll pca,k ddl ift, the hikers Cll'fl\ltd III A~ l.41:~ and pitched C'atnp.

MCN of 1hc twnpm couldn·1 skcp bcx!:lllso o{ 1bc av."C"somc rqhl J.1y. "'1th it-, nullloo, or"*" ltflJ I briJlic ruu moon "I'd hlne kl AilY ltwl dnawmn; • 1-.Je be«.h 11. ~1hu,1 doe. .aid~ H.tln, ~but ~ll:ly, m) 1U-1imc r11,-on~ p,'U'I of backpi1ek1n.g I• &Wna a1 &he gloriOf.l) ntgN

Thc!oC hlgtJ.."JICfttctl c:impen "''m 1<Urcl)' f«hna c.h~ p.Jn St1nda)' mom.Ing. Outdoor

Punab C'ootdu1aioor and medic. la.son l.ukcr. had lbc privilc&e o r wortiaa on the ~1\lffl orC,a,rieNorby. 17 ,&ndlmr.nbdh Tru1d,. 21 /\f\cf"chb mcdkll moMCmdlc ba: p.:Lm 'lotte bai:L c,n the tnll rar anothc:rd.Jy of advc.mun: and .u,t!Mccfn& 'fhtou&hou, die Sund&)' hi.kc. the b:lckpackt't) bl awe.~mc Jighll of ML Rltmc:r. ML

Ad.1rn\11t1d M1 Sc Hclccu,. The 1~1 nulc tmd a balr-.1-,1dQw'nh!U1trc.tCh inroWtieJu l..llW.Ac 1h1Jp(l(nt 1hcckv,i1011 w;a.i,712 n. Thrt.t' Lakes WI.\ di( llhl cami, 1,poc tbc bad;p:ickM 'lo'Cft abk co upcricl'IU ia 1ho nAuonal p111k. Su!Mb)· e,·~n11'1a w~ unothct cnol, i.:kllr nl,it.. T1IC')' miu.Jc 1fCAtdlMCT1 tlul vlltW'd

fr(101 na,-orw 1KMII~ lo,.~, A ell.ins, tal't\l)Cn pl.i)'td pt~ 1111d (UO\·tritd

b:,'t'l')Ot'II: bod• 1tt..c 11me lt"lting the ~nee to k:i;m mon: about one another 'I ha,·c nc"c' 1een 1uch bcallliful wxt. Allbon W1nld~. 19. wt! "'The: people audt

1he tnp unror~Ne.• MtN t•f tht aa.mpch dtpc: l(M.lndly Sund.,)· r11gh1.. Ol\ec: cb:it didn'1 Wd lhe)' had 1n tk:JII \'o 1th ~1'1{1(1n& a,,d Jl.M)lltl!PJ The h11b·,rlri1cd hlkc~ "'-etc up wttll the-lUn Monday mom,n.g After• qvick\.1 atlJ tllllng ot the Wllkf bonle1,, lbc'y hiJ lhc: traib for lht lw umt' Mondi)' wn

• Jownbill S.8.m,lc hike. Shlnda Harlin. Jc:f'Cm)' Wynia and Jacob Sui11t1 wen, anxioo 1n f('( °"-lnlC' fht food. w die') nm tbt -..bole ck)o....--nhill ,tttcch. Molleby', bile w• Ml ol ull Utt\ ahJ the sowld of w,ucr now1n1 bclo1A·1hcm The du:) btanJ v..u 1 uping W:sterCiuk. v.tiw:h nan lino lhc.Obatl~ R1vc:r, Wlicn the bod:pKLcn 1..amc 10 Che ('n,d lit lhc C1'211. \(ltnt hiM'd Cllnl ITUic 10 the ,·u.1tc1tttm~. Ocher, hibct ont1thc:t O) mllci. 10 Cfljc)y Ille: be:lutrful 1CCnc:t)' orSllVff FAIis. A1 dlC' vt11h,t «ti.ttt, \oOCM t()(lrt It dip in the fr«rln,t mer. Wbilr Qlhrr,poi.l;.t,..I iri lht tan.•-..1lliagTaco8cU

- ~I 1 1,scapes

nttdcd. SIC ~u4cn1 Oary franrn ,a,d, "'The: 11tolf mcn1bc:h \l>C!C il'4UOfflC'! l!\'Cr)th,ng i ~pttfti.: I. th.anU toJ11.,on Luker fO!Jd, gc:it•nd po,hhc CA!:fg)'." rhc' nar'lt1'1' v.·¢>te ~htc 10 cxper,ett« Chi\\ l iuld 1 rapid, 1bro1.1ghoo1 the couf'IC Tbt} b.lJ to m11.neuvc.r arocmd' ub~tnctet. ~uch ii, l'Ol:b, hl,and\. lo&,, 1111c.t 1r«~ 1l~11g the hlll\k of 1hc river ''Thtrc m 10 mt11ty fun pnn,-.1,u,1 doa'1 lnou. v..~rt: 10 ~•n.· u,d Sc,Ulte:c~. "M&)'bc p;rkmg on tbc loi• or buu~ln~ oil the rocb or \l,At1.:h1n,: 1111 1hc floundcn ,'!li1m ;i,uy from ""n/flc. wall" i1d1 J3oonJ111n u1d, My fovor,tc p.i.n o( the 1rip were 1J1e bi& r.apJJ., llt.h rin:r wa., \ti')' f11~t a~ 1 greatrl!Ck.'"

Right: Jacob Sulltttr httlps two olher campen fil water from the lake 10 drink and cook with stories and photos by OMEN OAKES Great ......
T... .,._.,... _.,..,_,.... 11A...J°""""" P"'''idooorpnlm!Uip, io-r locaol- n.,--•m,nodol O'litfflipl t'<cur.t.iOfltl for lhc oov,ccoru;procoord ouHloonman \\'iti,e!lsing Mt Rll.lnkr~ mltjodc M:1.1.m,. I J blclq)lctcn t'~ On lhc: 18-mik bi\e in the dr.linina SCkk:gn:ie hell foll°""'"& a te1.•m-bour dm'C Friday. S<p.<. The ~"tC'\I. um\'N in Mt Ra.uskr Nmooo.l Parle 11 9 p.rn. and e,tabli~hcd ump. wb•d1 Qlll\b&c:J (l(lh,OWillS a i.lttplnj. baj OQ lbt nmllcd groufld ancf maybe a flu ft of II pUlov.- Some SIJlytd awake and 1th~

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