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From the Code of Ethics
We seek the best to provide the best
In our Group, we choose our suppliers based on criteria of competitive advantage , equal opportunity, costeffectiveness , quality, sustainability, as well as on the basis of objective assessments that protect the interest and reputation of our companies.
We select suppliers after we have established their reliability, their ability to provide adequate goods and services, and their guarantee of compliance with applicable regulations with a particular focus on legislation on occupational health and safety and environmental protection. To do this, we use objective and verifiable criteria that do not preclude potential access to all those suppliers who meet the necessary requirements.
We work with Suppliers according to principles of transparency, loyalty and fairness with a view to stable and enduring business relations.
To ensure maximum transparency and efficiency of the procurement process, we have set up an adequate traceability system in each Group company, storing the relevant documentation, in compliance with current regulations.
We require suppliers to comply with the agreed conditions and we also adhere to them.
The Group's production processes are structured and complex, starting with raw materials: caprolactam, phenol, olon, ammonia, adiponitrile, polypropylene and polyethylene or polyester polymers, materials that are indispensable for RadiciGroup's processes.
There are around 70 suppliers of strategic raw materials, operating worldwide , and they are linked to the Group by framework agreements. They cover around 65% of the Group's procurement expenditure and are essential for every Group activity.
The Group's Suppliers in relation to turnover and geographical location
Breakdown of RadiciGroup Supplier types by turnover in 2022
Strategic raw materials from EUR 950 to EUR 970 million
Packaging + Transport approximately EUR 76 million
Maintenance + Utilities approximately EUR 243 million
Other goods or services approximately EUR 61 million
Geographical breakdown of RadiciGroup Suppliers by turnover in 2022
Europe around 85% of turnover*
Asia around 10% of turnover
North and South America around 5% of turnover
* Of which around 20 key suppliers account for a turnover of over EUR 10 million.