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Sustainability, in facts

€ 277 million in investment supporting competitiveness of the Group companies in the five-year period 2018-2022.

€ 4.5 million environmental investments in 2022 earmarked for the introduction of best available techniques, increasing energy efficiency, emissions abatement, and research and development of limited impact processes and products.

Of this,

€ 86 million specifically invested in 2022.

€ 7.3 million environmental management and protection costs in 2022 (such as certification, waste disposal and water treatment costs) at Italian companies.

The future of energy is today. We promote energy transition by using renewable source energy.

We decouple resource consumption from economic growth. In our production sites the use of raw materials, water and energy is curbed thanks to plant efficiency, and the Best Available Techniques.

Resources, nothing is more precious.

We make the best use of raw materials, reduce the amount of waste and scrap, recover and recycle waste whenever it cannot be avoided, and we constantly work on the quality, durability and performance of our materials, which are all recyclable.

Light for the environment, transparent in communication. We communicate our activities and achievements in our Sustainability Report and through all available internal and external communication channels.

The environment as a privileged stakeholder. We protect it through strategies, investments and concrete, targeted actions.

Eco-design, safe and responsible.

We engage in the ecodesign of reducedimpact products, which are safe for the manufacturer, the user and the environment.

Less emissions, more innovative products.

We fight climate change by reducing emissions and introducing innovative products with a smaller carbon footprint.

Achievements which help to improve.

We constantly measure the performance of all production sites, with a view to achieving continuous improvement and reducing environmental risks.

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