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02. Energy Our Footprint on the sustainability path
The Group's energy consumption in 2022 was affected by the difficult crisis situation in Europe. The values surveyed all show a decreasing trend with one exception: fuel and electricity from renewable sources. Indeed, the purchase of biogas by companies is growing, increasing by 28.6% in 2021 and by 31.2% in the three-year period 2020-2022. This is a specific choice for the Specialty Chemicals BA, which cannot replace natural gas power for its plants, but uses alternatives with a lower impact. Furthermore, RadiGroup energy strategy led to a progressive and significant reduction in dependence on fossil fuels as for both direct and indirect primary energy, which goes from 7.6 GJ/t in 2011 to 5.2 GJ/t per tonne processed in 2022.
- 14.7% - 35.1% total energy consumption from fossil sources per tonne processed compared to 2020 total energy consumption from fossil sources compared to 2020
GRI 302-1 Energy consumption within the organisation
Total non renewable indirect primary energy - steam
Total non renewable indirect primary energy - electricity
Total fossil fuel consumption
Index - total primary energy consumption from nonrenewable (fossil) sources in relation to units produced
02. Energy
Our Footprint on the sustainability path
GRI 302-1 Electric energy mix
0.8% Electricity consumption from other fossil sources
4.4% Electricity consumption from nuclear
0.2% Electricity consumption from burning oil
9.0% Electricity consumption from coal
59.0% 26.5%
Electricity from natural gas
Electricity from renewable sources
Electrical energy mix 2022
Despite the difficult scenario and the drought that severely affected the hydroelectric production of Geogreen, RadiciGroup's historical partner, the Group confirmed its commitment to the energy transition in 2022 by purchasing an increasing amount of green electricity. Today, worldwide, the Group's percentage of energy from renewable sources is 59%.
The amount of green energy generated by the Group is currently limited, but the sources are being diversified and, in addition to hydroelectricity, photovoltaic power has been introduced, the share of which is expected to increase over time. Finally, it is worth emphasising the constant presence in the RadiciGroup energy mix of a share of energy from nuclear power, a non-renewable but zero-emission source.
Companies and sites using renewable energy 2022
100% renewable energy:
• Noyfil - (Andalo Valtellino) Italy
• Noyfil - (Chignolo d’Isola) Italy
• RadiciFil - (Casnigo) Italy
• Radici EcoMaterials - (Buronzo) Italy
• Radici Novacips - (Villa d’Ogna) Italy
• Radici Novacips - (Chignolo d’Isola) Italy
• Radici Partecipazioni - (Gandino) Italy
• Radici Plastics GmbH - Germany
• Radici Yarn - (Ardesio) Italy
• Tessiture Pietro Radici - (Gandino) Italy
• Polimerizzazione Radici Yarn - (Villa d’Ogna) Italy*
>90% renewable energy:
• FibrexNylon - Romania
>80% renewable energy:
• Radici Fibras - Brazil
* Radici Yarn Villa d’Ogna purchases 100% renewable energy to power its polymerization plant, the remaining energy quantity is used to power the other departments, integrated with self-produced energy both from hydroelectric and from high efficiency trigeneration plants (trigeneration also produces steam and refrigeration).