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Case Study Energy Action energysaving tips.
Less energy... more awareness:
is the name of the energy-saving awareness campaign that RadiciGroup has launched with its partner Geogreen, a provider of sustainable energy.
Disseminated through a manifesto sent to all Italian companies, it proposes some simple rules to help us all contribute to reducing consumption, starting from 2022, a year in which the problem of energy costs had a profound impact on the industrial sector and did not spare RadiciGroup.
Saving energy means first of all reducing energy requirements and, consequently, consumption.
by limiting waste not only in production areas, but also in meeting rooms and offices. Adjusting the room temperature, making better use of lifts, using natural light and switching off computers and electronic equipment after use were a few simple suggestions that were widely disseminated within the company.
02. Emissions We aim low only when our target is emissions
Again in 2022, the index relating to the group’s total emissions to the quantities processed showed a decreasing trend from 0.402 tCO₂eq to 0.395 tCO₂eq. This figure indirectly confirms that the reduction in total emissions in absolute terms (about -17,5% compared to 2021) is not only due to the shutdown of plants, but also and above all to the climate change policies in which RadiciGroup has been investing for years, especially in the chemicals sector. Focusing on the chemicals sector and Radici Chimica Spa in particular, the decrease in direct emissions in relation to quantities processed in the three-year period 2020-2022 was -54.5% (-21.4% compared to 2021). By 2023, on the other hand, a further significant reduction in emissions is expected at the German site of Radici Chimica Deutschland thanks to a brand new plant that went into operation in January. The strategy of environmental responsibility that led to the investments, combined with the policy of purchasing green electricity, meant that by 2022 the emissions “avoided” by the chosen energy mix would be 43.7%. If the Group had simply used the standard national energy mixes of the countries in which it operates, it would have had an impact of 56,307 tCO₂eq more.
- 54%
Total emissions per tonne processed 2012-2022
- 71%
Direct emissions per tonne processed 2012-2022
- 24%
Indirect emissions per tonne processed 2012-2022
-43.7% of greenhouse gases compared to standard national energy mixes
GRI 305-1 / GRI 305-2 Total (direct and indirect) greenhouse gas emissions*
* Direct emissions: figures reported include the CO₂ deriving from combustion and the N₂O deriving from the production of adipic and nitric acids. In the 2022 Sustainability Report, for the sake of completeness, figures related to direct emissions also include the leaks of F-Gases, the fluorinated greenhouse gases RadiciGroup uses for plant cooling purposes.