1 minute read

S for Social

Material topics

Workers' Human Rights

Attraction and Valuing of Staff

Workers' Health and Safety

Territories and Local Communities

Sustainable Research and Innovation

From the Code of Ethics We care about People

At RadiciGroup we recognise the centrality of the Person, basing our relationship with our employees on the principles of fairness, legality and respect for national collective agreements.

We reject all forms of child or forced labour.

We promote merit and equal opportunities, rejecting any kind of discrimination.

We carry out the personnel selection and recruitment process based on the suitability of candidates to meet the organisation’s needs, according to equal opportunity and transparency criteria.

Circular Economy

Product environmental impacts

Materials and chemicals management

Responsible supply chain management and traceability

We invest in the growth, training and fulfilment of People, to increase and enhance their skills and knowledge.

We recognise and protect, in every company, the right of employees to join trade union or political associations, promoting constructive dialogue with these associations.

We protect labour relations from harassment, hostile and discriminatory actions intended to isolate or demean individual people or groups of workers. Included in this principle is sexual harassment, i.e. the imposition of expressly unwelcome interpersonal relationships.

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