1 minute read

Elements creating value

Safeguard employment as the primary asset with collective, full time agreements .

Respect the human rights of workers everywhere in the world.

Protect worker health and safety by constantly monitoring the effectiveness of risk management processes and providing training on specific health and safety topics.

Implement continuous and voluntary training programmes that aim at developing the skills of each employee in accordance with their aptitudes, work duties and professional career.

Promoting work-life balance through flexibility measures.

Involve workers through daily dialogue , and through all the information and communication instruments of RadiciGroup.

Employees by geographical area

Italy rest of the world

In terms of the geographical distribution of employees, there is a significant balance between Italy and the rest of the world, an element that makes it increasingly important to value the cultural diversity that the different countries in which the Group operates bring, and which is also recognised in the Group's values.

GRI 102-8 Employees by region and gender

Data on RadiciGroup workers and employees are reported as of 31 December of each year and counted HDC (Headcount).

RadiciGroup employees by gender, employment contract and employment type*

* No RadiciGroup company has employees with non-guaranteed hours.

94% 95.3% 95.2% Permanent contract employees Full-time employees Collective bargaining

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