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Training courses for professional growth
For some time now, RadiciGroup has been implementing important training programmes aimed at enhancing the skills of its employees by stimulating their professional and personal growth.
Training provides staff with useful tools to successfully face the daily challenges brought by the numerous technological and organisational changes the Group has undergone in recent years.
In 2022, the number of training hours per capita was 15.2, up slightly from the previous year. The Group's training plan followed some key common guidelines:
The delivery of courses in a mixed mode, faceto-face and e-learning , a method that has become established in recent years and that allows employees to take advantage of important opportunities without having to move from place to place, but still sharing the experience with colleagues from different companies.
Intercompany training , to support the integration process of RadiciGroup Business Areas, fostering knowledge and exchange between people from different functions or companies.
Training on key issues that allow the Group to remain at the forefront not only in terms of production and sales, but also in terms of the skills of its personnel.
Courses with a strong practical component to stimulate learning through practical experience, including in unusual and innovative ways.
For new employees and all workers worldwide with a named mailbox, the 'Kaspersky ASAP - Cyber Security' course for the creation of a shared IT security culture continued.
For all employees, courses on the correct use of work equipment and health and safety continued. The latter accounted for 58% of the Group's training hours. Language courses also restarted, with an important new feature: the first Italian language module for international staff was launched, with a view to ever closer integration and collaboration between all employees worldwide.
In 2023, some further innovative training courses are planned, in particular a plan that will see top management involved in the creation of a new leadership style based on sharing . The first largescale course in the Group is also planned, involving about 200 people , to provide the basics and essentials of the concepts of sustainability and circularity, applied to the RadiciGroup organisation and its application sectors.