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Health and Safety at work
RadiciGroup safeguards the heath and safety of workers monitoring performances in terms of:
Risk analysis and risk management through robust management systems, to translate health and safety concepts into every aspect of daily business.
Compulsory and voluntary training , starting with newly recruited workers, as a distinctive factor, making people an active part of safety.
Raising the awareness of each employee about their contribution to the safety management of the company.
Organising initiatives to promote healthy lifestyles and support prevention as a means of tackling some of the most serious or widespread diseases.
Health and Safety
58% of overall training hours
A key role is assigned to the individuals responsible for the management system , mainly employees of the various sites, who assume different job titles depending on the regulatory framework of the different organisations. For Italian sites, the person in charge of the prevention and protection service (RSPP), and the employer, in compliance with Legislative Decree 81/2008, have the specific task of organising and managing the system of risk prevention and protection.
The tasks of these professionals, whose obligations include the continuous updating of skills, include:
Identifying and assessing risk factors.
Developing preventive and protective measures.
Worker training and information.
All workers, not just those involved in Health and Safety, are called upon to develop and improve management systems.
As already indicated, training is considered vital: approximately 58% of the total training hours are dedicated to Health and Safety issues . In addition to training courses, operational instructions, communications and teaching materials are among the most common means of involvement.
In addition, a workers' safety representative (RLS) is elected or appointed at all RadiciGroup companies or production units in Italy. The specific task of this role is to report workers' requests , with the aim of building a spirit of active participation in the practice of health and safety principles in the workplace.
GRI 403-9 Work-related injuries
* At 31/12/2022, workers included contract Workers, temporary workers (who work continuously for RadiciGroup), and Employees.