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Case Study Health and well-being a priority for Radici Plastics Ltda.

“Pink October” is a worldwide initiative to raise awareness among women about the prevention and early detection of breast cancer, which remains the most frequently diagnosed cancer in women.

In 2022 Radici Plastics Ltda joined the initiative by organising an internal information and training campaign on the subject. An oncologist was brought in to talk to female employees about prevention, which is particularly important as the disease is often asymptomatic. Similarly, in November, a meeting was organised for male staff on prostate cancer prevention. A medical specialist addressed the issue with the aim of raising awareness of this and other key men's health issues. Both initiatives were well received and will be repeated and expanded in the coming years to improve the quality of personal and working life, in line with the Group's initiatives to improve the mental and physical well-being of its employees.

Finally, also in 2022, the employees of Radici Plastics Ltda were able to enjoy physical activity courses for the various company teams. The company organised special outdoor group sessions where the exercise not only helped to improve the fitness of those taking part, but also built motivation and cohesion amongst the participants.

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