Capitolo campione - New tracking grammar (Lingue SS2)

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Helen Watson Sergio Knipe Daniela Morini Alun Phillips


N 1-C1 I K A



C Rtion A Anica

M M A R G am r G y a d ry e Ev

& r ma

m o C



Per lavorare in modalità autonoma e autocorrettiva PRELIMINARY, FIRST E INVALSI

Sezione finale dedicata alle prove E SS E NTIAL MAPS

Mappe visuali inclusive CITIZENSHIP VOCABULARY

Schede di lessico su cittadinanza e Agenda 2030

2040515_new_tracking_grammar.indd 3

10/10/23 14:28



•  nei testi narrativi per esporre gli antefatti di una storia, descrivere l’ambiente o una situazione di particolare interesse. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining and a light breeze was blowing. John decided the weather was perfect for a walk in the countryside.


1 Il past continuous: forma e uso 2 Past simple o past continuous? 3 Used to e would

Era una bellissima giornata. Il sole splendeva e soffiava una leggera brezza. John decise che il tempo era perfetto per una camminata in campagna.

Guarda i video e ascolta gli audio

Watch out! Alcuni verbi, detti verbi di stato, non ammettono la forma progressiva, quindi non possono essere usati al past continuous, ma solo al past simple; alcuni di questi però ammettono la forma progressiva con cambiamento di significato ( Unit 10.4).

1 Il past continuous: forma e uso

Indica l’alternativa corretta. Lucy was upset because her friends weren’t remembering / didn’t remember her birthday. I was having / had a bath when you called.

◗ Forma

Saying it

Il past continuous è composto dal passato di be + la forma in -ing del verbo principale. Le regole per la costruzione della forma in -ing sono le stesse del present continuous ( Unit 10.1). forma affermativa

forma negativa

I / he / she / it was eating

I / he / she / it was not (wasn’t) eating

you / we / they were eating

you / we / they were not (weren’t) eating

forma interrogativa

forma interrogativa-negativa risposte brevi

Was I / he / she / it eating?

Wasn’t I / he / she / it eating?

Yes, I / he / she / it was.

Were you / we / they eating?

Weren’t you / we / they eating?

Yes, you / we / they No, you / we / they were. weren’t.

No, I / he / she / it wasn’t.

000 Quando usi il past continuous oralmente, ricorda che: •  was e were hanno pronuncia debole /wəz/ e /wə(r)/. •  le due consonanti finali “ng” del verbo principale sono in realtà un unico suono, /ŋ/, una n nasale. Non basta quindi non pronunciare la “g” finale.

Ascolta e ripeti.


I was reading a book.



Non stavo lavorando ieri mattina alle 10. Stavo correndo nel parco.

– Yes, he was. / No, he wasn’t.

– William stava ascoltando la musica?

– Sì. / No.

•  Il past continuous si traduce in italiano con l’indicativo imperfetto oppure con “stare” + gerundio. We were chatting when Alice walked into the restaurant. Chiacchieravamo / Stavamo chiacchierando quando Alice entrò nel ristorante.

◗ Uso Il past continuous si usa: •  per riferire azioni ed eventi in corso di svolgimento in un certo momento del passato. – What were you doing at 4 yesterday afternoon? – I was studying English. – Che cosa facevi ieri pomeriggio alle 4?

– Studiavo inglese.

•  per descrivere azioni in corso di svolgimento nel passato che sono state interrotte dal verificarsi di un’altra azione. L’azione che interviene è espressa al past simple. In questo tipo di frasi di solito si usa il past continuous con when, while oppure as, mentre il past simple può essere introdotto solo da when. I was cooking dinner when someone rang the doorbell. Stavo preparando la cena quando qualcuno suonò il campanello.

When / While / As he was typing his essay, the computer crashed. Mentre stava scrivendo il suo saggio, il computer si bloccò.

He was typing his essay when the computer crashed. Stava scrivendo il suo saggio quando il computer si bloccò.

FORMA AFFERMATIVA | Completa le frasi con il past continuous dei verbi tra parentesi.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

I wasn’t working yesterday at 10 a.m. I was jogging in the park. – Was William listening to music?

My friends were playing a videogame.


We were walking to school. (walk) Lia and her friends a series on TV. (watch) I ready for school. (get) Tom home. (cycle) Gran on Friday morning. (shop) You an email. (write) We a cake. (make)

FORMA AFFERMATIVA | Osserva l’immagine e descrivi cosa stava succedendo domenica pomeriggio al parco, utilizzando le espressioni date.

cycle • eat an ice-cream • have a picnic • listen to music • play the guitar • read a book • run • take a photo 0 A family were having a picnic. 1 A boy with a blue tracksuit .

2 Three girls .

3 The girl with the long brown hair .

4 A woman on a bench.

5 A man of his daughter, she .

6 A couple

through the park.

Vocabulary, Leisure and hobbies, p. XXX

246 UNIT 20

Il past continuous: forma e uso

Il past continuous: forma e uso

UNIT 20 247



•  nei testi narrativi per esporre gli antefatti di una storia, descrivere l’ambiente o una situazione di particolare interesse. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining and a light breeze was blowing. John decided the weather was perfect for a walk in the countryside.


1 Il past continuous: forma e uso 2 Past simple o past continuous? 3 Used to e would

Era una bellissima giornata. Il sole splendeva e soffiava una leggera brezza. John decise che il tempo era perfetto per una camminata in campagna.

Guarda i video e ascolta gli audio

Watch out! Alcuni verbi, detti verbi di stato, non ammettono la forma progressiva, quindi non possono essere usati al past continuous, ma solo al past simple; alcuni di questi però ammettono la forma progressiva con cambiamento di significato ( Unit 10.4).

1 Il past continuous: forma e uso

Indica l’alternativa corretta. Lucy was upset because her friends weren’t remembering / didn’t remember her birthday. I was having / had a bath when you called.

◗ Forma

Saying it

Il past continuous è composto dal passato di be + la forma in -ing del verbo principale. Le regole per la costruzione della forma in -ing sono le stesse del present continuous ( Unit 10.1). forma affermativa

forma negativa

I / he / she / it was eating

I / he / she / it was not (wasn’t) eating

you / we / they were eating

you / we / they were not (weren’t) eating

forma interrogativa

forma interrogativa-negativa risposte brevi

Was I / he / she / it eating?

Wasn’t I / he / she / it eating?

Yes, I / he / she / it was.

Were you / we / they eating?

Weren’t you / we / they eating?

Yes, you / we / they No, you / we / they were. weren’t.

No, I / he / she / it wasn’t.

000 Quando usi il past continuous oralmente, ricorda che: •  was e were hanno pronuncia debole /wəz/ e /wə(r)/. •  le due consonanti finali “ng” del verbo principale sono in realtà un unico suono, /ŋ/, una n nasale. Non basta quindi non pronunciare la “g” finale.

Ascolta e ripeti.


I was reading a book.



Non stavo lavorando ieri mattina alle 10. Stavo correndo nel parco.

– Yes, he was. / No, he wasn’t.

– William stava ascoltando la musica?

– Sì. / No.

•  Il past continuous si traduce in italiano con l’indicativo imperfetto oppure con “stare” + gerundio. We were chatting when Alice walked into the restaurant. Chiacchieravamo / Stavamo chiacchierando quando Alice entrò nel ristorante.

◗ Uso Il past continuous si usa: •  per riferire azioni ed eventi in corso di svolgimento in un certo momento del passato. – What were you doing at 4 yesterday afternoon? – I was studying English. – Che cosa facevi ieri pomeriggio alle 4?

– Studiavo inglese.

•  per descrivere azioni in corso di svolgimento nel passato che sono state interrotte dal verificarsi di un’altra azione. L’azione che interviene è espressa al past simple. In questo tipo di frasi di solito si usa il past continuous con when, while oppure as, mentre il past simple può essere introdotto solo da when. I was cooking dinner when someone rang the doorbell. Stavo preparando la cena quando qualcuno suonò il campanello.

When / While / As he was typing his essay, the computer crashed. Mentre stava scrivendo il suo saggio, il computer si bloccò.

He was typing his essay when the computer crashed. Stava scrivendo il suo saggio quando il computer si bloccò.

FORMA AFFERMATIVA | Completa le frasi con il past continuous dei verbi tra parentesi.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

I wasn’t working yesterday at 10 a.m. I was jogging in the park. – Was William listening to music?

My friends were playing a videogame.


We were walking to school. (walk) Lia and her friends a series on TV. (watch) I ready for school. (get) Tom home. (cycle) Gran on Friday morning. (shop) You an email. (write) We a cake. (make)

FORMA AFFERMATIVA | Osserva l’immagine e descrivi cosa stava succedendo domenica pomeriggio al parco, utilizzando le espressioni date.

cycle • eat an ice-cream • have a picnic • listen to music • play the guitar • read a book • run • take a photo 0 A family were having a picnic. 1 A boy with a blue tracksuit .

2 Three girls .

3 The girl with the long brown hair .

4 A woman on a bench.

5 A man of his daughter, she .

6 A couple

through the park.

Vocabulary, Leisure and hobbies, p. XXX

246 UNIT 20

Il past continuous: forma e uso

Il past continuous: forma e uso

UNIT 20 247


FORMA AFFERMATIVA E NEGATIVA | Indica l’alternativa corretta.

0 1 2 3 4 5


It was / wasn’t raining yesterday. It was a sunny day. Anne was / wasn’t reading a book in bed. She likes to read at night. We were / weren’t watching TV because our TV was broken. When you phoned me at 8 a.m., I was / wasn’t driving the kids to school. I do that every morning. She was / wasn’t having breakfast. She was in the shower. Adam and his wife were / weren’t at the beach. It was a fine day and they were enjoying the sunshine. FORMA AFFERMATIVA E NEGATIVA | Correggi le frasi usando le espressioni tra parentesi.

Lavora sul quaderno.

0 The girl was ordering a pizza. (phone a friend) The girl wasn’t ordering a pizza. She was phoning a friend. 1 Emily was reciting a poem. (memorise it) 4 The police officers were helping a man. 2 It was snowing this morning. (rain) (arrest him) 3 The students were doing an exercise. 5 Joe was planting bulbs. (cut the grass) (text their friends)


Osserva i diversi usi del past simple e del past continuous. il past simple si usa per riferire azioni singole o abitudini concluse nel passato

FORMA INTERROGATIVA E RISPOSTE BREVI | Usa le parole per formare domande al past

il past continuous si usa

We watched a film yesterday afternoon. Ieri pomeriggio abbiamo guardato un film.

continuous. Poi completa le risposte brevi. 0 you / hike / in the mountains – Were you hiking in the mountains? – Yes, we were. 1 the men / smoke / pipes – – Yes, they . 2 Mum / bake / a cake – – No, she . 3 you / have lunch / with your friends – – No, I .


4 the little boy / play / with the cat – – Yes, he . 5 the tourists / sit / on the church steps – – Yes, they . 6 the students / wait for / the teacher – – No, they .

3 – – No, she wasn’t. She was wearing a dress. 4 – – No, we weren’t. We were going to the zoo. 5 – – They were eating some sandwiches.

Everyday Grammar & Communication


TALKING ABOUT ACTIVITIES IN PROGRESS | Un poliziotto sta raccogliendo informazioni per

risolvere un crimine. Completa il dialogo con la forma corretta del past continuous dei verbi tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla.

A: S o what (0) were you doing (you / do) between 8 and 10 p.m. at the time of the robbery yesterday evening? B: M y sister and I (1) (watch) our favourite series on TV. My mum (2) (not watch) it. She was upstairs. A: W hat (3) (she / do)? B: I think she (4) (have) a shower. The water (5) (run) for a long time. Then she (6) (write) some emails for work. She definitely (7) (not rob) the bank! A: W hat about your father? (8) (he / work)? B: In a sense, yes. dad (9) (bake) a cake for gran – it’s her birthday today! Then, at about 10 p.m., we (10) all (get ready) to go to bed.

248 UNIT 20

Il past continuous: forma e uso

per parlare di azioni che si stavano svolgendo in un momento del passato (non ancora concluse in quel momento)

We were watching a film at 4 p.m. yesterday.

per riferire azioni contemporanee non concluse in un dato momento del passato

Yesterday evening at 9 Mary was doing her homework and Peter was reading a book.

Stavamo guardando un film ieri pomeriggio alle 4.

Ieri sera alle 9 Mary stava facendo i compiti e Peter stava leggendo un libro.

per descrivere un’azione che ne interrompe un’altra già in corso

My brother came back home while we were watching a film.

per raccontare una sequenza di eventi o azioni

I went back home, brushed my teeth and went to bed.

FORMA INTERROGATIVA | Per ogni risposta scrivi una domanda appropriata.

0 – What was the man paying for? – The man was paying for his sandwich. 1 – – Dad was cooking pasta. 2 – – Elly was jogging.


2 Past simple o past continuous?

Mio fratello è tornato a casa mentre stavamo guardando un film.

Tornai a casa, mi lavai i denti e andai a dormire.

con when

per descrivere un’azione in corso che è stata interrotta da un’altra

When he woke up, his mother was having lunch. Quando si svegliò, sua madre stava pranzando.

We were watching a film when my brother came back home. Stavamo guardando un film quando mio fratello è tornato a casa.

per descrivere l’ambiente, la situazione e gli antefatti di una storia

Andy was playing pool. His friends were playing darts.

con when, while o as

Paul got into the classroom when / while / as the teacher was calling the register.

Andy giocava a biliardo. I suoi amici giocavano a freccette.

Paul entrò in classe mentre l’insegnante stava facendo l’appello.

Remember! Il past simple e il past continuous possono essere resi in italiano con le seguenti forme verbali: •  past simple – passato prossimo, indicativo imperfetto, passato remoto. •  past continuous – indicativo imperfetto, “stare” + gerundio. Quando traduci verso l’inglese, controlla attentamente se la frase italiana contiene l’indicativo imperfetto. Osserva questi due esempi: La domenica mattina giocava sempre a tennis. (NON stava giocando) ➔ past simple Domenica mattina alle 11 Billy giocava a tennis. (= stava giocando) ➔ past continuous Past simple o past continuous?

UNIT 20 249


FORMA AFFERMATIVA E NEGATIVA | Indica l’alternativa corretta.

0 1 2 3 4 5


It was / wasn’t raining yesterday. It was a sunny day. Anne was / wasn’t reading a book in bed. She likes to read at night. We were / weren’t watching TV because our TV was broken. When you phoned me at 8 a.m., I was / wasn’t driving the kids to school. I do that every morning. She was / wasn’t having breakfast. She was in the shower. Adam and his wife were / weren’t at the beach. It was a fine day and they were enjoying the sunshine. FORMA AFFERMATIVA E NEGATIVA | Correggi le frasi usando le espressioni tra parentesi.

Lavora sul quaderno.

0 The girl was ordering a pizza. (phone a friend) The girl wasn’t ordering a pizza. She was phoning a friend. 1 Emily was reciting a poem. (memorise it) 4 The police officers were helping a man. 2 It was snowing this morning. (rain) (arrest him) 3 The students were doing an exercise. 5 Joe was planting bulbs. (cut the grass) (text their friends)


Osserva i diversi usi del past simple e del past continuous. il past simple si usa per riferire azioni singole o abitudini concluse nel passato

FORMA INTERROGATIVA E RISPOSTE BREVI | Usa le parole per formare domande al past

il past continuous si usa

We watched a film yesterday afternoon. Ieri pomeriggio abbiamo guardato un film.

continuous. Poi completa le risposte brevi. 0 you / hike / in the mountains – Were you hiking in the mountains? – Yes, we were. 1 the men / smoke / pipes – – Yes, they . 2 Mum / bake / a cake – – No, she . 3 you / have lunch / with your friends – – No, I .


4 the little boy / play / with the cat – – Yes, he . 5 the tourists / sit / on the church steps – – Yes, they . 6 the students / wait for / the teacher – – No, they .

3 – – No, she wasn’t. She was wearing a dress. 4 – – No, we weren’t. We were going to the zoo. 5 – – They were eating some sandwiches.

Everyday Grammar & Communication


TALKING ABOUT ACTIVITIES IN PROGRESS | Un poliziotto sta raccogliendo informazioni per

risolvere un crimine. Completa il dialogo con la forma corretta del past continuous dei verbi tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla.

A: S o what (0) were you doing (you / do) between 8 and 10 p.m. at the time of the robbery yesterday evening? B: M y sister and I (1) (watch) our favourite series on TV. My mum (2) (not watch) it. She was upstairs. A: W hat (3) (she / do)? B: I think she (4) (have) a shower. The water (5) (run) for a long time. Then she (6) (write) some emails for work. She definitely (7) (not rob) the bank! A: W hat about your father? (8) (he / work)? B: In a sense, yes. dad (9) (bake) a cake for gran – it’s her birthday today! Then, at about 10 p.m., we (10) all (get ready) to go to bed.

248 UNIT 20

Il past continuous: forma e uso

per parlare di azioni che si stavano svolgendo in un momento del passato (non ancora concluse in quel momento)

We were watching a film at 4 p.m. yesterday.

per riferire azioni contemporanee non concluse in un dato momento del passato

Yesterday evening at 9 Mary was doing her homework and Peter was reading a book.

Stavamo guardando un film ieri pomeriggio alle 4.

Ieri sera alle 9 Mary stava facendo i compiti e Peter stava leggendo un libro.

per descrivere un’azione che ne interrompe un’altra già in corso

My brother came back home while we were watching a film.

per raccontare una sequenza di eventi o azioni

I went back home, brushed my teeth and went to bed.

FORMA INTERROGATIVA | Per ogni risposta scrivi una domanda appropriata.

0 – What was the man paying for? – The man was paying for his sandwich. 1 – – Dad was cooking pasta. 2 – – Elly was jogging.


2 Past simple o past continuous?

Mio fratello è tornato a casa mentre stavamo guardando un film.

Tornai a casa, mi lavai i denti e andai a dormire.

con when

per descrivere un’azione in corso che è stata interrotta da un’altra

When he woke up, his mother was having lunch. Quando si svegliò, sua madre stava pranzando.

We were watching a film when my brother came back home. Stavamo guardando un film quando mio fratello è tornato a casa.

per descrivere l’ambiente, la situazione e gli antefatti di una storia

Andy was playing pool. His friends were playing darts.

con when, while o as

Paul got into the classroom when / while / as the teacher was calling the register.

Andy giocava a biliardo. I suoi amici giocavano a freccette.

Paul entrò in classe mentre l’insegnante stava facendo l’appello.

Remember! Il past simple e il past continuous possono essere resi in italiano con le seguenti forme verbali: •  past simple – passato prossimo, indicativo imperfetto, passato remoto. •  past continuous – indicativo imperfetto, “stare” + gerundio. Quando traduci verso l’inglese, controlla attentamente se la frase italiana contiene l’indicativo imperfetto. Osserva questi due esempi: La domenica mattina giocava sempre a tennis. (NON stava giocando) ➔ past simple Domenica mattina alle 11 Billy giocava a tennis. (= stava giocando) ➔ past continuous Past simple o past continuous?

UNIT 20 249



PAST SIMPLE O PAST CONTINUOUS ? | Indica l’alternativa corretta.

0 1 2 3 4 5

Jamie’s phone suddenly rang / was ringing while he sat / was sitting in a lesson. The woman sent / was sending a message as she drove / was driving. Lucy walked / was walking home when she suddenly saw / was seeing a wallet on the ground. We finished / were finishing our dinner when the storm started / was starting. Did your phone break / Was your phone breaking when it fell / was falling? When you arrived / were arriving at the party, how many people danced / were dancing?

0 1 2 3 4 5

B I was skiing in France Tim was singing a song to himself When I realised that I was late, Amy was studying in the library Most passengers got off We often had sushi



PAST SIMPLE O PAST CONTINUOUS ? | Abbina le due parti di ogni frase.


when the train stopped at Euston Station. when I broke my leg. while he was having a bath. when we were travelling in Japan. when she found an envelope with £500 in it. I immediately called a taxi.

PAST SIMPLE O PAST CONTINUOUS ? | Completa le frasi con il past simple o il past continuous

dei verbi tra parentesi. 0 1 2 3 4 5


I was ordering (order) my meal, when I noticed (notice) a strange man in the corner. The barber (smoke) a cigarette while he (cut) someone’s hair. When the parcel (arrive), I (not be) home. Jake (not check) his messages while he (have) lunch. Mum (fall) off the ladder while she (cut) the roses. Two patients (do) crossword puzzles while they (wait) for the doctor. PAST SIMPLE O PAST CONTINUOUS ? | Completa liberamente le frasi usando il past simple o il

past continuous.

0 The boys were playing football, when it started to rain. 1 The student was laughing while 4 As she walked, the girl . . 2 When the guests arrived, 5 The phone rang while . . 3 When I saw you, .

Everyday Grammar & Communication 000

3 Used to e would


NARRATING EVENTS (IN THE PAST) | Completa il dialogo con il past simple o il past

continuous dei verbi tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla.

A: S orry I (0) didn’t answer (not answer) the phone. I (1) (talk) the police. B: Oh, no! What (2) (happen)? A: W ell, my little sister and I (3) (come) in through the front door, when we (4) (hear) a noise upstairs. We (5) (know) nobody was at home, so we (6) (feel) quite scared. A: S o what (7) (you / do)? B: Well, I (8) (decide) what to do, when a neighbour, Mrs Cox (9) (knock) on the door. I (10) (try) to explain the situation to her, but she (11) (not listen) because she kept interrupting me. A: O h, that’s annoying. B: A ctually, I think it (12) (help). As we (13) (chat), the burglar (14) (escape) through a window. He probably (15) (not feel) very brave and he (16) (not want) to be caught. A: Right! So (17) (he / take) anything? B: W ell, I (18) (just / look) upstairs when a police car (19) (arrive). But the burglar probably (20) (not have) time to take anything. A: O h, that’s lucky!

250 UNIT 20

Past simple o past continuous?

◗ Used to Used to si costruisce come un normale verbo regolare al past simple, seguito dalla forma base del verbo. forma affermativa

forma negativa

I / you / he / she / it / we / they used to eat.

I / you / he / she / it / we / they didn’t use to eat.

forma interrogativa e interrogativa-negativa risposte brevi Did / Didn’t I / you / he / she / it / we / they use to eat?

Yes, I / you / he / she / it / we / they did.

No, I / you / he / she / it / we / they didn’t.

Used to: •  si usa per parlare di ciò che accadeva in passato ma ora non accade più. He used to play tennis twice a week, but now he doesn’t. Giocava / Era solito giocare a tennis due volte la settimana, ma ora non più. As a child I didn’t use to collect stickers. Da bambino/a non collezionavo figurine. What did you use to eat on Christmas Day? Che cosa eravate soliti mangiare il giorno di Natale?

•  si usa solo al passato. Le azioni abituali al presente si esprimono con il present simple. I go to the swimming pool every day. NON I use to go •  può essere usato sia con verbi di azione sia con verbi di stato ( We used to own a motorhome, then we decided to sell it.

Unit 10.4).

Un tempo possedevamo un camper, poi abbiamo deciso di venderlo.

•  si trova con espressioni riferite a periodi di tempo passato quali once, at the time, then, when I was a child, in the past ecc. oppure but now... per specificare il cambiamento avvenuto. •  non si usa con yesterday, last night, three hours ago ecc., che si riferiscono a momenti singoli, e non a periodi, del passato.

Used to descrive: •  azioni ripetute. My brother used to wash the dishes after dinner.

Mio fratello lavava i piatti dopo cena.

•  abitudini. I used to get up at 5 a.m.

Ero ero solito ad alzarmi alle 5 del mattino.

•  situazioni o condizioni che esistevano. I used to go to a primary school near my house. A quel tempo frequentavo una scuola primaria vicino a casa.

Saying it In una conversazione, a volte può essere difficile sentire in modo chiaro la desinenza -ed in used perché la parola che segue (to) inizia con una consonante. Ricorda che NON esiste la forma presente di used to e comprenderai correttamente che si tratta di un contesto passato. Ascolta e indica l’alternativa corretta. 1 used to / use 2 used to / use


3 used to / use Used to e would

UNIT 20 251



PAST SIMPLE O PAST CONTINUOUS ? | Indica l’alternativa corretta.

0 1 2 3 4 5

Jamie’s phone suddenly rang / was ringing while he sat / was sitting in a lesson. The woman sent / was sending a message as she drove / was driving. Lucy walked / was walking home when she suddenly saw / was seeing a wallet on the ground. We finished / were finishing our dinner when the storm started / was starting. Did your phone break / Was your phone breaking when it fell / was falling? When you arrived / were arriving at the party, how many people danced / were dancing?

0 1 2 3 4 5

B I was skiing in France Tim was singing a song to himself When I realised that I was late, Amy was studying in the library Most passengers got off We often had sushi



PAST SIMPLE O PAST CONTINUOUS ? | Abbina le due parti di ogni frase.


when the train stopped at Euston Station. when I broke my leg. while he was having a bath. when we were travelling in Japan. when she found an envelope with £500 in it. I immediately called a taxi.

PAST SIMPLE O PAST CONTINUOUS ? | Completa le frasi con il past simple o il past continuous

dei verbi tra parentesi. 0 1 2 3 4 5


I was ordering (order) my meal, when I noticed (notice) a strange man in the corner. The barber (smoke) a cigarette while he (cut) someone’s hair. When the parcel (arrive), I (not be) home. Jake (not check) his messages while he (have) lunch. Mum (fall) off the ladder while she (cut) the roses. Two patients (do) crossword puzzles while they (wait) for the doctor. PAST SIMPLE O PAST CONTINUOUS ? | Completa liberamente le frasi usando il past simple o il

past continuous.

0 The boys were playing football, when it started to rain. 1 The student was laughing while 4 As she walked, the girl . . 2 When the guests arrived, 5 The phone rang while . . 3 When I saw you, .

Everyday Grammar & Communication 000

3 Used to e would


NARRATING EVENTS (IN THE PAST) | Completa il dialogo con il past simple o il past

continuous dei verbi tra parentesi. Poi ascolta e controlla.

A: S orry I (0) didn’t answer (not answer) the phone. I (1) (talk) the police. B: Oh, no! What (2) (happen)? A: W ell, my little sister and I (3) (come) in through the front door, when we (4) (hear) a noise upstairs. We (5) (know) nobody was at home, so we (6) (feel) quite scared. A: S o what (7) (you / do)? B: Well, I (8) (decide) what to do, when a neighbour, Mrs Cox (9) (knock) on the door. I (10) (try) to explain the situation to her, but she (11) (not listen) because she kept interrupting me. A: O h, that’s annoying. B: A ctually, I think it (12) (help). As we (13) (chat), the burglar (14) (escape) through a window. He probably (15) (not feel) very brave and he (16) (not want) to be caught. A: Right! So (17) (he / take) anything? B: W ell, I (18) (just / look) upstairs when a police car (19) (arrive). But the burglar probably (20) (not have) time to take anything. A: O h, that’s lucky!

250 UNIT 20

Past simple o past continuous?

◗ Used to Used to si costruisce come un normale verbo regolare al past simple, seguito dalla forma base del verbo. forma affermativa

forma negativa

I / you / he / she / it / we / they used to eat.

I / you / he / she / it / we / they didn’t use to eat.

forma interrogativa e interrogativa-negativa risposte brevi Did / Didn’t I / you / he / she / it / we / they use to eat?

Yes, I / you / he / she / it / we / they did.

No, I / you / he / she / it / we / they didn’t.

Used to: •  si usa per parlare di ciò che accadeva in passato ma ora non accade più. He used to play tennis twice a week, but now he doesn’t. Giocava / Era solito giocare a tennis due volte la settimana, ma ora non più. As a child I didn’t use to collect stickers. Da bambino/a non collezionavo figurine. What did you use to eat on Christmas Day? Che cosa eravate soliti mangiare il giorno di Natale?

•  si usa solo al passato. Le azioni abituali al presente si esprimono con il present simple. I go to the swimming pool every day. NON I use to go •  può essere usato sia con verbi di azione sia con verbi di stato ( We used to own a motorhome, then we decided to sell it.

Unit 10.4).

Un tempo possedevamo un camper, poi abbiamo deciso di venderlo.

•  si trova con espressioni riferite a periodi di tempo passato quali once, at the time, then, when I was a child, in the past ecc. oppure but now... per specificare il cambiamento avvenuto. •  non si usa con yesterday, last night, three hours ago ecc., che si riferiscono a momenti singoli, e non a periodi, del passato.

Used to descrive: •  azioni ripetute. My brother used to wash the dishes after dinner.

Mio fratello lavava i piatti dopo cena.

•  abitudini. I used to get up at 5 a.m.

Ero ero solito ad alzarmi alle 5 del mattino.

•  situazioni o condizioni che esistevano. I used to go to a primary school near my house. A quel tempo frequentavo una scuola primaria vicino a casa.

Saying it In una conversazione, a volte può essere difficile sentire in modo chiaro la desinenza -ed in used perché la parola che segue (to) inizia con una consonante. Ricorda che NON esiste la forma presente di used to e comprenderai correttamente che si tratta di un contesto passato. Ascolta e indica l’alternativa corretta. 1 used to / use 2 used to / use


3 used to / use Used to e would

UNIT 20 251


Watch out!

USED TO | Riscrivi ogni frase con used to senza cambiare il significato. Lavora sul quaderno.

0 Grandma worked as a vet when she was young. Grandma used to work as a vet when she was young. 1 Our school no longer has a sports hall. 4 Did you cycle to school as a girl? 2 Did you wear glasses in the past? 5 Until last year Iris didn’t drink coffee. 3 As a boy I played videogames every day.

Non confondere used to con i verbi get used to + -ing (“abituarsi”) e be used to + -ing (“essere abituato a”). We never got used to living in a small village. Non ci siamo mai abituati a vivere in un paesino. She isn’t used to working with a computer. Non è abituata a lavorare al computer.


Indica l’alternativa corretta. It took me a few weeks, but I used to go / got used to going to school on Saturdays. Andy was used to having / used to have long hair when he was young, but now it’s short.

◗ Would Un’alternativa possibile a used to è would + forma base del verbo senza to. forma affermativa

forma negativa

I / you / he / she / it / we / they would (’d) eat.

I / you / he / she / it / we / they would not (wouldn’t) eat.

USED TO | Indica l’alternativa corretta.

0 1 2 3 4 5 000


Don’t worry, I’ll take that. I’m used to carry / carrying heavy weights. Train tickets used to be / being much cheaper. There didn’t use / used to be many tourists in this town. Jake finally got used to commute / commuting to work every day. We used to go / going skiing together in the winter. I don’t mind the noise. I’m used to sleep / sleeping with the windows open.

WOULD | È l’anno 2100 e una signora anziana parla di quand’era giovane. Completa la descrizione con would e i verbi dati. Poi ascolta e controlla.

look • pass • queue • share • spend • take

Would •  descrive solo azioni ripetute e abitudini. Every time we went to the beach we would sunbathe for hours. Ogni volta che andavamo in spiaggia prendevamo il sole per ore.

It was crazy! Most people (0) would pass their time in front of a phone or computer screen. They (1) at their smartphones all the time, even on the bus or metro. They (2) hundreds of pounds to buy the latest models. Many people (3) outside department stores to get their hands on these electronic gadgets. People were obsessed with social media. They (4) pictures of themselves and then they (5) them with their ‘friends’ online.

•  è di norma preceduto da un’indicazione temporale. In the evening we would gather by the fireplace and we would chat for hours. La sera ci raccoglievamo accanto al camino e chiacchieravamo per ore.

•  può essere usato solo con i verbi di azione e non con i verbi di stato ( Unit 10.4) e be, che richiedono used to. Every Saturday we would eat at the restaurant, but I used to like the pizzeria best. NON I would like… Ogni sabato andavano a mangiare al ristorante, ma io preferivo la pizzeria.


Remember! La forma più usata nell’inglese quotidiano è used to, che è anche quella che ammette ogni tipo di verbo. Quando sei in dubbio, usa used to.

WOULD | Osserva la tabella e scrivi delle frasi con would / wouldn’t che descrivano cosa facevano o non facevano i ragazzi cento anni fa. Lavora sul quaderno.

• wake up early • go to bed late • watch TV




• go to church • receive lots of presents for their birthday • ride skateboards

USED TO | Completa le frasi con used to o didn’t use to.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6


• play in the streets • often work • treat their parents with

My uncle used to ride a horse. He no longer does. Daisy be a vegetarian. As a girl, she loved meat. Benji wait for us for hours. He was a very patient dog. I like olives, but I like them now. Tom play tennis every day, but now he only plays at the weekend. My mum smoke, but then she stopped. In our old house, we have central heating. It was freezing in winter!

USED TO | Completa le domande inserendo la forma corretta di used to e i verbi tra parentesi. Poi scrivi sul quaderno risposte brevi vere per te.

0 Did your parents use to take (take) you to the park a lot when you were a child? Yes, they did. / No, they didn’t. 1 your grandparents (look after) you sometimes? 2 you (eat) vegetables as a child? 3 your primary school teacher (play) games in class? 4 you (get) very dirty as a child? 5 you use (sleep) in your parents’ bed as a child?

252 UNIT 20

Used to e would

Everyday Grammar & Communication 000


DESCRIBING PAST SITUATIONS | Completa il dialogo con le espressioni date. Poi ascolta e


did your dad use to be • didn’t use to think • didn’t use to work • used to be • used to have • used to wear • would do • would spend A: Who’s that in the photo with the long hair? B: Oh, that’s my dad! He (0) used to have really long hair. And now he hasn’t got any hair! A: Yes! And he (1) weird clothes. So how old was he in that photo? B: About 20, I think. He (2) in band. He played the guitar. I think they were quite good, because they (3) concerts in different cities. A: Cool! But he’s a doctor now! B: I know. He (4) studying was important. My grandad says he (5) all his time playing music or listening to it. A: People change I guess. B: Yes. What (6) like? A: Probably the same. But my mum (7) in a bank. She was an artist.

Used to e would

UNIT 20 253


Watch out!

USED TO | Riscrivi ogni frase con used to senza cambiare il significato. Lavora sul quaderno.

0 Grandma worked as a vet when she was young. Grandma used to work as a vet when she was young. 1 Our school no longer has a sports hall. 4 Did you cycle to school as a girl? 2 Did you wear glasses in the past? 5 Until last year Iris didn’t drink coffee. 3 As a boy I played videogames every day.

Non confondere used to con i verbi get used to + -ing (“abituarsi”) e be used to + -ing (“essere abituato a”). We never got used to living in a small village. Non ci siamo mai abituati a vivere in un paesino. She isn’t used to working with a computer. Non è abituata a lavorare al computer.


Indica l’alternativa corretta. It took me a few weeks, but I used to go / got used to going to school on Saturdays. Andy was used to having / used to have long hair when he was young, but now it’s short.

◗ Would Un’alternativa possibile a used to è would + forma base del verbo senza to. forma affermativa

forma negativa

I / you / he / she / it / we / they would (’d) eat.

I / you / he / she / it / we / they would not (wouldn’t) eat.

USED TO | Indica l’alternativa corretta.

0 1 2 3 4 5 000


Don’t worry, I’ll take that. I’m used to carry / carrying heavy weights. Train tickets used to be / being much cheaper. There didn’t use / used to be many tourists in this town. Jake finally got used to commute / commuting to work every day. We used to go / going skiing together in the winter. I don’t mind the noise. I’m used to sleep / sleeping with the windows open.

WOULD | È l’anno 2100 e una signora anziana parla di quand’era giovane. Completa la descrizione con would e i verbi dati. Poi ascolta e controlla.

look • pass • queue • share • spend • take

Would •  descrive solo azioni ripetute e abitudini. Every time we went to the beach we would sunbathe for hours. Ogni volta che andavamo in spiaggia prendevamo il sole per ore.

It was crazy! Most people (0) would pass their time in front of a phone or computer screen. They (1) at their smartphones all the time, even on the bus or metro. They (2) hundreds of pounds to buy the latest models. Many people (3) outside department stores to get their hands on these electronic gadgets. People were obsessed with social media. They (4) pictures of themselves and then they (5) them with their ‘friends’ online.

•  è di norma preceduto da un’indicazione temporale. In the evening we would gather by the fireplace and we would chat for hours. La sera ci raccoglievamo accanto al camino e chiacchieravamo per ore.

•  può essere usato solo con i verbi di azione e non con i verbi di stato ( Unit 10.4) e be, che richiedono used to. Every Saturday we would eat at the restaurant, but I used to like the pizzeria best. NON I would like… Ogni sabato andavano a mangiare al ristorante, ma io preferivo la pizzeria.


Remember! La forma più usata nell’inglese quotidiano è used to, che è anche quella che ammette ogni tipo di verbo. Quando sei in dubbio, usa used to.

WOULD | Osserva la tabella e scrivi delle frasi con would / wouldn’t che descrivano cosa facevano o non facevano i ragazzi cento anni fa. Lavora sul quaderno.

• wake up early • go to bed late • watch TV




• go to church • receive lots of presents for their birthday • ride skateboards

USED TO | Completa le frasi con used to o didn’t use to.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6


• play in the streets • often work • treat their parents with

My uncle used to ride a horse. He no longer does. Daisy be a vegetarian. As a girl, she loved meat. Benji wait for us for hours. He was a very patient dog. I like olives, but I like them now. Tom play tennis every day, but now he only plays at the weekend. My mum smoke, but then she stopped. In our old house, we have central heating. It was freezing in winter!

USED TO | Completa le domande inserendo la forma corretta di used to e i verbi tra parentesi. Poi scrivi sul quaderno risposte brevi vere per te.

0 Did your parents use to take (take) you to the park a lot when you were a child? Yes, they did. / No, they didn’t. 1 your grandparents (look after) you sometimes? 2 you (eat) vegetables as a child? 3 your primary school teacher (play) games in class? 4 you (get) very dirty as a child? 5 you use (sleep) in your parents’ bed as a child?

252 UNIT 20

Used to e would

Everyday Grammar & Communication 000


DESCRIBING PAST SITUATIONS | Completa il dialogo con le espressioni date. Poi ascolta e


did your dad use to be • didn’t use to think • didn’t use to work • used to be • used to have • used to wear • would do • would spend A: Who’s that in the photo with the long hair? B: Oh, that’s my dad! He (0) used to have really long hair. And now he hasn’t got any hair! A: Yes! And he (1) weird clothes. So how old was he in that photo? B: About 20, I think. He (2) in band. He played the guitar. I think they were quite good, because they (3) concerts in different cities. A: Cool! But he’s a doctor now! B: I know. He (4) studying was important. My grandad says he (5) all his time playing music or listening to it. A: People change I guess. B: Yes. What (6) like? A: Probably the same. But my mum (7) in a bank. She was an artist.

Used to e would

UNIT 20 253

Essential MAPS Il past simple

tutti i QR sono da aggiornare con i definitivi

tutti i QR sono da aggiornare con i definitivi

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Il past continuous



Forme affermativa soggetto verbo I / he / she / it was you / we / they were

interrogativa verbo soggetto Was I / he / she / it Were you / we / they?

negativa soggetto verbo + not I / he / she / it was not / wasn’t you / we / they were not / weren’t

interrogativa negativa verbo soggetto Wasn’t I / he / she / it Weren’t you / we / they?

Yes, No,

risposta breve soggetto verbo / + not I / he / she / it was / wasn’t. you / we / they were / weren’t.


Per descrivere l'ambiente, la situazione o gli antefatti in un testo narrativo.

Azioni in corso di svolgimento nel passato interrotte da un'altra azione.

Per azioni contemporaneamente in corso di svolgimento nel passato.

Azioni / eventi in corso di svolgimento in un certo momento del passato.

Espressioni di tempo: while/as, when

IL PAST SIMPLE DEI VERBI REGOLARI E IRREGOLARI Forme affermativa verbi regolari -ed verbi irregolari

Variazioni ortografiche: verbi che terminano in -e aggiungi solo + d

negativa soggetto +didn’t + verbo

verbi che terminano in vocale + consonante raddoppiano la consonante (es. stop - stopped)

verbi che terminano in consonante + y la y diventa i (es. study - studied)

Forme interrogativa did + soggetto + verbo? risposta breve soggetto + did / didn’t I / he / did she / it Yes, No, you / we / didn’t they

IL PAST SIMPLE DI HAVE affermativa soggetto + had negativa soggetto + didn’t have interrogativa did + soggetto + have interrogativa-negativa didn’t + soggetto + have risposte brevi Yes, + soggetto + did. No, + soggetto + didn’t. 254 UNIT 19

Essential MAPS

Il past simple

He had a red bicycle. I didn’t have a car last year. Did you have a smartphone? Didn’t you have a black car? Yes, they did. No, they didn’t.

affermativa soggetto verbo I / he / she / it was + -ing you / we / they were + -ing negativa soggetto verbo + not I / he / she / it wasn’t + -ing you / we / they weren’t + -ing

interrogativa verbo soggetto I / he / she / it Was + -ing? you / we / they Were + -ing?

Yes, No,

risposta breve soggetto verbo / + not I / he / she / it was / wasn’t. you / we / they were / weren’t.

Essential MAPS Il past continuous

UNIT 20 255

Essential MAPS Il past simple

tutti i QR sono da aggiornare con i definitivi

tutti i QR sono da aggiornare con i definitivi

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Guarda il video

Il past continuous



Forme affermativa soggetto verbo I / he / she / it was you / we / they were

interrogativa verbo soggetto Was I / he / she / it Were you / we / they?

negativa soggetto verbo + not I / he / she / it was not / wasn’t you / we / they were not / weren’t

interrogativa negativa verbo soggetto Wasn’t I / he / she / it Weren’t you / we / they?

Yes, No,

risposta breve soggetto verbo / + not I / he / she / it was / wasn’t. you / we / they were / weren’t.


Per descrivere l'ambiente, la situazione o gli antefatti in un testo narrativo.

Azioni in corso di svolgimento nel passato interrotte da un'altra azione.

Per azioni contemporaneamente in corso di svolgimento nel passato.

Azioni / eventi in corso di svolgimento in un certo momento del passato.

Espressioni di tempo: while/as, when

IL PAST SIMPLE DEI VERBI REGOLARI E IRREGOLARI Forme affermativa verbi regolari -ed verbi irregolari

Variazioni ortografiche: verbi che terminano in -e aggiungi solo + d

negativa soggetto +didn’t + verbo

verbi che terminano in vocale + consonante raddoppiano la consonante (es. stop - stopped)

verbi che terminano in consonante + y la y diventa i (es. study - studied)

Forme interrogativa did + soggetto + verbo? risposta breve soggetto + did / didn’t I / he / did she / it Yes, No, you / we / didn’t they

IL PAST SIMPLE DI HAVE affermativa soggetto + had negativa soggetto + didn’t have interrogativa did + soggetto + have interrogativa-negativa didn’t + soggetto + have risposte brevi Yes, + soggetto + did. No, + soggetto + didn’t. 254 UNIT 19

Essential MAPS

Il past simple

He had a red bicycle. I didn’t have a car last year. Did you have a smartphone? Didn’t you have a black car? Yes, they did. No, they didn’t.

affermativa soggetto verbo I / he / she / it was + -ing you / we / they were + -ing negativa soggetto verbo + not I / he / she / it wasn’t + -ing you / we / they weren’t + -ing

interrogativa verbo soggetto I / he / she / it Was + -ing? you / we / they Were + -ing?

Yes, No,

risposta breve soggetto verbo / + not I / he / she / it was / wasn’t. you / we / they were / weren’t.

Essential MAPS Il past continuous

UNIT 20 255

Grammar workout 1

Test yourself!

Units 19-20 1

FIRST PRACTICE Indica l’alternativa corretta.

Late one night a burglar broke into a house and once inside he (1) a voice say, “Jesus is watching you.” But he (2) anyone. As he (3) down the corridor, the same voice (4) , “Jesus is watching you.” In a dark corner, the burglar (5) a cage. A big green parrot (6) inside it. The burglar asked the parrot, “(7) that?” The parrot (8) , “Yes.” The burglar then (9) the parrot’s name was Clarence. “That’s a stupid name for a parrot!, said the burglar. What idiot you the name Clarence?” The parrot answered, “The same idiot who (10) the Rottweiler Jesus!”. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

A hear A saw A was walking A sayed A noticing A sits A You said A replys A discover A did name

B was hearing B wasn’t seeing B is walking B is saying B were noticing B was siting B Were you saying B replied B discovered B named

C heard C didn’t see C walk C said C was noticing C was sitting C Did you say C were replying C was discovering C wasn’t naming

D were hearing D isn’t seeing D were walking D were saying D noticed D were sitting D Said you D was replying D were discovering D was naming

2 FIRST PRACTICE Completa l’email con una parola per ogni spazio.

From: Milly To: Justin I hope you are well. We are having a nice time here in Iceland. Our apartment in Reykjavik is lovely – it’s very modern. whale-watching. A funny thing (2) . A crowd of Yesterday afternoon we (1) standing on one side of the boat, but (4) weren’t any whales. people (3) I wanted to answer a phone call, (5) I moved to the other side of the boat. Then suddenly, (6) I was talking on the phone a huge whale (7) from out of the water and incredible! We only saw one whale during the entire trip. splashed me! It (8) Our guide says there (9) to be more whales than there are today. Tonight we’re going to see the Northern Lights, or aurora borealis. I can’t wait. Speak soon Milly

3 TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi sul quaderno. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Quand’ero alla scuola elementare, ero abituata pranzare sempre a scuola. Miei genitori non avevano animali domestici quando erano bambini. I miei nonni non erano soliti cenare tardi. Mentre faceva i compiti, Josh stava ascoltando la musica. La nonna cucinava molto una volta, ma ora non lo fa. Cosa stavi guardando alla televisione? La domenica, le famiglie del villaggio erano solite andare in chiesa. – Hai chiuso le finestre? – No, non l’ho fatto.


RULES REVISION Due delle seguenti regole grammaticali sono sbagliate. Indicale

con una crocetta e correggile.

a Ci sono solo due forme affermative al passato per il verbo be: was e were. b Il past simple dei verbi regolari e irregolari è uguale per tutte le persone. c Per formare le domande al past simple si usa lo stesso ordine di parole della forma affermativa. d Si usa il past continuous per raccontare una sequenza di eventi o azioni. e Ci sono alcuni verbi con cui non è possibile usare il past continuous. f Nelle forme negativa e interrogativa di used to la d finale di used viene eliminata.

2 Indica l’alterativa corretta. 1 The tourist from the US, he was Canadian. A weren’t B wasn’t C didn’t 2 a good time at the party last night? A You had B Were you C Did you have 3 – Was Emily late again? – No, . A she isn’t B she weren’t C she didn’t 4 My mum a cake for my birthday yesterday. A made B makes C maked 5 I for the bus when I fell and hurt myself. A ran B was runing C were running 6 Aunt Mary play the piano as a girl. A use to B used C would to 7 George the 7 a.m. bus. A caught always B always caught C always catched 8 – Didn’t your cousin used to live in this street? – Yes, . A he did B he used C he would 9 When born? A you was B you were C did you 10 Laura a game when I went into the room, she was studying. A didn’t play B wasn’t play C wasn’t plaing 11 On Sundays, grandma make roast beef for us. A used B would C use to 12 What at 5.30 yesterday afternoon? A was you doing B you was doing C were you doing

D isn’t D Did you had D she wasn’t D is making D was running D used to D catched always D he does D were you D wasn’t playing D would to D you were doing / 12

3 Completa le frasi con una parola per ogni spazio. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

We enjoy the film because it was boring. My parents to take us camping every year. The postman came I was having a shower. Jules at school today because he was ill. you have enough time to finish the exam? What TV programmes did you to watch as a child? Where were you going I saw you? Every summer they go to the beach for a month. /8 Totale

256 UNIT 19-20 Grammar workout

Allenati con ulteriori esercizi su HUB Test

/ 20

Test yourself! UNIT 19-20 257

Grammar workout 1

Test yourself!

Units 19-20 1

FIRST PRACTICE Indica l’alternativa corretta.

Late one night a burglar broke into a house and once inside he (1) a voice say, “Jesus is watching you.” But he (2) anyone. As he (3) down the corridor, the same voice (4) , “Jesus is watching you.” In a dark corner, the burglar (5) a cage. A big green parrot (6) inside it. The burglar asked the parrot, “(7) that?” The parrot (8) , “Yes.” The burglar then (9) the parrot’s name was Clarence. “That’s a stupid name for a parrot!, said the burglar. What idiot you the name Clarence?” The parrot answered, “The same idiot who (10) the Rottweiler Jesus!”. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

A hear A saw A was walking A sayed A noticing A sits A You said A replys A discover A did name

B was hearing B wasn’t seeing B is walking B is saying B were noticing B was siting B Were you saying B replied B discovered B named

C heard C didn’t see C walk C said C was noticing C was sitting C Did you say C were replying C was discovering C wasn’t naming

D were hearing D isn’t seeing D were walking D were saying D noticed D were sitting D Said you D was replying D were discovering D was naming

2 FIRST PRACTICE Completa l’email con una parola per ogni spazio.

From: Milly To: Justin I hope you are well. We are having a nice time here in Iceland. Our apartment in Reykjavik is lovely – it’s very modern. whale-watching. A funny thing (2) . A crowd of Yesterday afternoon we (1) standing on one side of the boat, but (4) weren’t any whales. people (3) I wanted to answer a phone call, (5) I moved to the other side of the boat. Then suddenly, (6) I was talking on the phone a huge whale (7) from out of the water and incredible! We only saw one whale during the entire trip. splashed me! It (8) Our guide says there (9) to be more whales than there are today. Tonight we’re going to see the Northern Lights, or aurora borealis. I can’t wait. Speak soon Milly

3 TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi sul quaderno. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Quand’ero alla scuola elementare, ero abituata pranzare sempre a scuola. Miei genitori non avevano animali domestici quando erano bambini. I miei nonni non erano soliti cenare tardi. Mentre faceva i compiti, Josh stava ascoltando la musica. La nonna cucinava molto una volta, ma ora non lo fa. Cosa stavi guardando alla televisione? La domenica, le famiglie del villaggio erano solite andare in chiesa. – Hai chiuso le finestre? – No, non l’ho fatto.


RULES REVISION Due delle seguenti regole grammaticali sono sbagliate. Indicale

con una crocetta e correggile.

a Ci sono solo due forme affermative al passato per il verbo be: was e were. b Il past simple dei verbi regolari e irregolari è uguale per tutte le persone. c Per formare le domande al past simple si usa lo stesso ordine di parole della forma affermativa. d Si usa il past continuous per raccontare una sequenza di eventi o azioni. e Ci sono alcuni verbi con cui non è possibile usare il past continuous. f Nelle forme negativa e interrogativa di used to la d finale di used viene eliminata.

2 Indica l’alterativa corretta. 1 The tourist from the US, he was Canadian. A weren’t B wasn’t C didn’t 2 a good time at the party last night? A You had B Were you C Did you have 3 – Was Emily late again? – No, . A she isn’t B she weren’t C she didn’t 4 My mum a cake for my birthday yesterday. A made B makes C maked 5 I for the bus when I fell and hurt myself. A ran B was runing C were running 6 Aunt Mary play the piano as a girl. A use to B used C would to 7 George the 7 a.m. bus. A caught always B always caught C always catched 8 – Didn’t your cousin used to live in this street? – Yes, . A he did B he used C he would 9 When born? A you was B you were C did you 10 Laura a game when I went into the room, she was studying. A didn’t play B wasn’t play C wasn’t plaing 11 On Sundays, grandma make roast beef for us. A used B would C use to 12 What at 5.30 yesterday afternoon? A was you doing B you was doing C were you doing

D isn’t D Did you had D she wasn’t D is making D was running D used to D catched always D he does D were you D wasn’t playing D would to D you were doing / 12

3 Completa le frasi con una parola per ogni spazio. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

We enjoy the film because it was boring. My parents to take us camping every year. The postman came I was having a shower. Jules at school today because he was ill. you have enough time to finish the exam? What TV programmes did you to watch as a child? Where were you going I saw you? Every summer they go to the beach for a month. /8 Totale

256 UNIT 19-20 Grammar workout

Allenati con ulteriori esercizi su HUB Test

/ 20

Test yourself! UNIT 19-20 257

Grammar round-up Unit 7.3 I pronomi possessivi Unit 9.3 Gli avverbi e le espressioni di frequenza Unit 13.2 Poco / Troppo Unit 15.5 L’imperativo (prima persona plurale) Unit 16.2 Want e i verbi di volontà + oggetto + infinito Unit 17.2 Il comparativo di maggioranza e il superlativo relativo degli aggettivi Unit 19.2 Il past simple dei verbi regolari e irregolari Unit 20.3 Used to e would

Unit 8.3 Some, any, no, none Unit 8.4 Sostantivi numerabili e non numerabili Unit 12.5 I pronomi riflessivi e reciproci Unit 14.4 Le frasi esclamative con what, so e such Unit 15.1 I verbi modali: forma e funzione Unit 19.2 Il past simple dei verbi regolari e irregolari Unit 20.1 Il past continuous

1 Indica l’alternativa corretta.

4 Correggi i cinque errori nel testo.

1 Slow down! You’re driving too . A dangerous B fast C quicker 2 The test wasn’t very difficult, but Edmund it. A didn’t passed B doesn’t pass C didn’t pass 3 They say Chinese is more difficult Japanese. A of B than C to 4 This dress is of them all. A prettier B the prettier C the prettiest 5 I a really strange dream last night. A saw B had C did 6 Hanna late for school – maybe once a year. A is never B is hardly ever C is occasionally 7 take the bus today, I don’t want to walk. A We B Let’s C How about 8 We would prefer you use dictionaries. A not to B to not C don’t to 9 Can you lend me your calculator? isn’t working. A My B My one C Mine 10 I like olives, but I love them now. A wouldn’t B used to C didn’t use to

I’m an only child, so I felt sometimes quite lonely when I was at home. When people ask me what I used do when I was a child, I always say that my favourite pastime was spending time with Uncle Rob. My mum has two brothers, but Robert is the younger. Luckily my uncle would take me to the cinema or the stadium every Saturday afternoon. The two of us spent much time together and I really loved it. At first he didn’t know many people, so he hadn’t a lot of friends. /5

5 Completa il dialogo con il past simple o il past continuous dei verbi dati. A volte più di una risposta è corretta.

be (x2) • do • happen • have • hear • not be • not hurt • not see • play • push • ring • shine • stay • steal

/ 10

2 Completa il dialogo con le parole date. Ci sono quattro parole in più. any • enough • it • many • myself • ought • should • so • such • take • them • wasn’t • weren’t • what A: I didn’t go out at the weekend because I had (1) a lot of homework to do! B: Really? How long did it (2) you to do history? A: Q uite a long time. First I read the chapters, then I tested (3) . B: How (4) chapters did you read? A: All of (5) . B: I didn’t do (6) revision. I only read chapters 5 and 6. A: (7) you listening when the teacher gave the homework? B: No, I (8) . I left early to go to the dentist’s. A: (9) a shame! You (10) to explain to the teacher. / 10

3 Completa la seconda frase in modo che abbia lo stesso significato della Unit 5.4 Le misure Unit 16.1 Will / Would: fare richieste e offerte Unit 18.2 Il comparativo e il superlativo relativo di minoranza Unit 19.2 Il past simple dei verbi regolari e irregolari Unit 20.3 Used to e would

258 UNIT 17-20

prima. Utilizza fino a cinque parole, compresa quella data tra parentesi. 1 What’s the distance between London and Bath? (far) Bath? 2 May I sit here? (would) if I sit here? 3 It’s warmer today than it was yesterday. (isn’t) as it was yesterday. 4 When did you last see your cousin? (time) you saw your cousin? 5 Did you have a beard in the past? (use) a beard?

Grammar round-up

Unit 9.3 Gli avverbi e le espressioni di frequenza Unit 13.1 Molto / Quanto…? Unit 17.2 Il comparativo di maggioranza e il superlativo relativo degli aggettivi Unit 20.3 Used to e would


a lovely day today. Emily: Hi Jake. It (1) . (3) you Jake: Yes, the sun (2) all that noise last night? here. I (5) Emily: What noise? No, I (4) for the night at a friend’s house because she (6) a party. policemen Jake: Well, yesterday at midnight there (7) everywhere. They (8) all the doorbells, asking us what we (9) at 11 p.m. ? Emily: Oh dear. Why, what (10) Jake: Well, at around 11.00, here on this street, someone (11) Callum off his bike and then they (12) his phone. Luckily they (13) him. Emily: What terrible news! or hear anything. Pete and Jake: Unfortunately I (14) I (15) loud music in the garage until late. We are practising for a concert. It’s next Saturday. / 15

6 Completa le frasi in modo personale. Segui le indicazioni date in parentesi.

1 Last night at 10 p.m. I . (azione in corso) 2 When the teacher arrived . (azione conclusa) 3 My grandparents didn’t . (abitudine nel passato) 4 My town has . (rafforzativo del comparativo) 5 I can . (esprimere abilità con avverbio) /5 Totale

Unit 19.1 Il past simple di be Unit 19.2 Il past simple dei verbi regolari e irregolari Unit 19.3 L’uso del past simple Unit 19.4 Il past simple di have Unit 20.1 Il past continuous Unit 20.2 Past simple o past continuous?

Unit 17.1 Gli avverbi di modo Unit 18.1 I rafforzativi dei comparativi e dei superlativi Unit 20.2 Past simple o past continuous? Unit 20.3 Used to e would

/ 50 Grammar round-up UNIT 17-20 259

Grammar round-up Unit 7.3 I pronomi possessivi Unit 9.3 Gli avverbi e le espressioni di frequenza Unit 13.2 Poco / Troppo Unit 15.5 L’imperativo (prima persona plurale) Unit 16.2 Want e i verbi di volontà + oggetto + infinito Unit 17.2 Il comparativo di maggioranza e il superlativo relativo degli aggettivi Unit 19.2 Il past simple dei verbi regolari e irregolari Unit 20.3 Used to e would

Unit 8.3 Some, any, no, none Unit 8.4 Sostantivi numerabili e non numerabili Unit 12.5 I pronomi riflessivi e reciproci Unit 14.4 Le frasi esclamative con what, so e such Unit 15.1 I verbi modali: forma e funzione Unit 19.2 Il past simple dei verbi regolari e irregolari Unit 20.1 Il past continuous

1 Indica l’alternativa corretta.

4 Correggi i cinque errori nel testo.

1 Slow down! You’re driving too . A dangerous B fast C quicker 2 The test wasn’t very difficult, but Edmund it. A didn’t passed B doesn’t pass C didn’t pass 3 They say Chinese is more difficult Japanese. A of B than C to 4 This dress is of them all. A prettier B the prettier C the prettiest 5 I a really strange dream last night. A saw B had C did 6 Hanna late for school – maybe once a year. A is never B is hardly ever C is occasionally 7 take the bus today, I don’t want to walk. A We B Let’s C How about 8 We would prefer you use dictionaries. A not to B to not C don’t to 9 Can you lend me your calculator? isn’t working. A My B My one C Mine 10 I like olives, but I love them now. A wouldn’t B used to C didn’t use to

I’m an only child, so I felt sometimes quite lonely when I was at home. When people ask me what I used do when I was a child, I always say that my favourite pastime was spending time with Uncle Rob. My mum has two brothers, but Robert is the younger. Luckily my uncle would take me to the cinema or the stadium every Saturday afternoon. The two of us spent much time together and I really loved it. At first he didn’t know many people, so he hadn’t a lot of friends. /5

5 Completa il dialogo con il past simple o il past continuous dei verbi dati. A volte più di una risposta è corretta.

be (x2) • do • happen • have • hear • not be • not hurt • not see • play • push • ring • shine • stay • steal

/ 10

2 Completa il dialogo con le parole date. Ci sono quattro parole in più. any • enough • it • many • myself • ought • should • so • such • take • them • wasn’t • weren’t • what A: I didn’t go out at the weekend because I had (1) a lot of homework to do! B: Really? How long did it (2) you to do history? A: Q uite a long time. First I read the chapters, then I tested (3) . B: How (4) chapters did you read? A: All of (5) . B: I didn’t do (6) revision. I only read chapters 5 and 6. A: (7) you listening when the teacher gave the homework? B: No, I (8) . I left early to go to the dentist’s. A: (9) a shame! You (10) to explain to the teacher. / 10

3 Completa la seconda frase in modo che abbia lo stesso significato della Unit 5.4 Le misure Unit 16.1 Will / Would: fare richieste e offerte Unit 18.2 Il comparativo e il superlativo relativo di minoranza Unit 19.2 Il past simple dei verbi regolari e irregolari Unit 20.3 Used to e would

258 UNIT 17-20

prima. Utilizza fino a cinque parole, compresa quella data tra parentesi. 1 What’s the distance between London and Bath? (far) Bath? 2 May I sit here? (would) if I sit here? 3 It’s warmer today than it was yesterday. (isn’t) as it was yesterday. 4 When did you last see your cousin? (time) you saw your cousin? 5 Did you have a beard in the past? (use) a beard?

Grammar round-up

Unit 9.3 Gli avverbi e le espressioni di frequenza Unit 13.1 Molto / Quanto…? Unit 17.2 Il comparativo di maggioranza e il superlativo relativo degli aggettivi Unit 20.3 Used to e would


a lovely day today. Emily: Hi Jake. It (1) . (3) you Jake: Yes, the sun (2) all that noise last night? here. I (5) Emily: What noise? No, I (4) for the night at a friend’s house because she (6) a party. policemen Jake: Well, yesterday at midnight there (7) everywhere. They (8) all the doorbells, asking us what we (9) at 11 p.m. ? Emily: Oh dear. Why, what (10) Jake: Well, at around 11.00, here on this street, someone (11) Callum off his bike and then they (12) his phone. Luckily they (13) him. Emily: What terrible news! or hear anything. Pete and Jake: Unfortunately I (14) I (15) loud music in the garage until late. We are practising for a concert. It’s next Saturday. / 15

6 Completa le frasi in modo personale. Segui le indicazioni date in parentesi.

1 Last night at 10 p.m. I . (azione in corso) 2 When the teacher arrived . (azione conclusa) 3 My grandparents didn’t . (abitudine nel passato) 4 My town has . (rafforzativo del comparativo) 5 I can . (esprimere abilità con avverbio) /5 Totale

Unit 19.1 Il past simple di be Unit 19.2 Il past simple dei verbi regolari e irregolari Unit 19.3 L’uso del past simple Unit 19.4 Il past simple di have Unit 20.1 Il past continuous Unit 20.2 Past simple o past continuous?

Unit 17.1 Gli avverbi di modo Unit 18.1 I rafforzativi dei comparativi e dei superlativi Unit 20.2 Past simple o past continuous? Unit 20.3 Used to e would

/ 50 Grammar round-up UNIT 17-20 259




Quality education


Practise words with


Ascolta gli audio

3 Ora completa le frasi con gli elementi mancanti tratti dai tre esercizi precedenti Sometimes teachers speak so quickly that it is impossible to take notes during lessons. My brother can’t stand . He’s not very good with numbers. Sandy loves painting, so she will probably enrol an college. When I was a student, my teachers often asked us to famous poems by heart. 4 Could you please pay special to these formulae? 5 My mother school when she was 16 because she had to find a job. 6 I got a high in yesterday. The test was about the Norman invasion of Britain in 1066. 0 1 2 3


Subjects art arte biology biologia C.D.T. (craft, design and technology) educazione tecnica geography geografia history storia I.C.T. (information and communication technology) informatica languages lingue literature letteratura maths matematica music musica P.E. (physical education) educazione fisica physics fisica

R.E. (religious education) religione science scienze

Verb expressions graduate laurearsi learn something by heart imparare qualcosa a memoria leave school lasciare la scuola pass/fail a test superare/non passare un test pay attention prestare attenzione take notes prendere appunti to enrol at a college iscriversi ad un istituto universitario

to get a good mark ottenere un buon voto to revise for an exam ripassare per un esame to sit an exam dare un esame

General words and verbs canteen mensa chalk gesso cheat copiare check controllare classroom aula desk mate compagno di banco erase cancellare/ annullare explain spiegare gym palestra

laboratory laboratorio locker armadietto mean intendere pupil allievo caretaker operatore scolastico repeat ripetere rubber gomma ruler righello secretary segretaria head teacher dirigente scolastico teachers’ room sala insegnanti underline sottolineare white/blackboard lavagna

4 Leggi il seguente testo e sottolinea l’equivalente inglese delle seguenti espressioni (presentate in ordine sparso).

consapevolezza globale • divario di genere • tassi di alfabetizzazione • iscriversi • formazione professionale • istruzione primaria • istruzione superiore • tecnologie digitali per l’istruzione • pari opportunità • zone in via di sviluppo One of the main elements of the 2030 Sustainable Development programme is the quality education goal (SDG 4), which aims to achieve universal primary and secondary education for all. The number of students enrolling in primary education in developing regions is now above 90%, with a dramatic increase in literacy rates and many and a greater number of girls attending school. However, there are still areas where basic education is not guaranteed. Another aim of SDG4 is to provide equal access to affordable vocational training, and to eliminate the gender gap in order to allow universal access to good quality higher education. Specific projects have been set up to help achieve this goal, and project partnerships have been established. Digital education technologies help improve important personal skills such as collaboration, problem solving and global awareness. They can help connect people from different parts of the world with the possibility of sharing contents. A practical example of this kind of educational partnership is in Mozambique, where a joint programme is improving young people’s access to quality vocational training and therefore increasing their chances of finding decent job opportunities within local industries.

1 Scrivi sotto alle immagini la materia scolastica corrispondente.

Adapted from:

0 languages









g To take To revise To attend To sit To enrol To get

558 UNIT 19


6 7 8 9 10

o graduate T To learn To leave To pay To ask


a good mark (for) an exam carefully attention in Chemistry a question


notes at a college a primary school something by heart school at 18

Greg: What school are you going to (0) attend next year? Margaret: A (1) school in the north of London. Greg: Will you (2) GCSEs? Margaret: Yes, and then (3) . What about you? Greg: I’m seventeen. After the final exam I’ll (4) at a college. Margaret: What are you going to (5) ? Greg: Maths or physics. Margaret: Do you think you’ll (6) before 2018? Greg: I think so. But now I’m going to (7) on the present.


2 Associa gli elementi nelle due colonne. 0 1 2 3 4 5

5 Ascolta il dialogo e completalo con le parole mancanti.


6 Ascolta le frasi e trascrivile. 1 2 3 4 5 6







Quality education


Practise words with


Ascolta gli audio

3 Ora completa le frasi con gli elementi mancanti tratti dai tre esercizi precedenti Sometimes teachers speak so quickly that it is impossible to take notes during lessons. My brother can’t stand . He’s not very good with numbers. Sandy loves painting, so she will probably enrol an college. When I was a student, my teachers often asked us to famous poems by heart. 4 Could you please pay special to these formulae? 5 My mother school when she was 16 because she had to find a job. 6 I got a high in yesterday. The test was about the Norman invasion of Britain in 1066. 0 1 2 3


Subjects art arte biology biologia C.D.T. (craft, design and technology) educazione tecnica geography geografia history storia I.C.T. (information and communication technology) informatica languages lingue literature letteratura maths matematica music musica P.E. (physical education) educazione fisica physics fisica

R.E. (religious education) religione science scienze

Verb expressions graduate laurearsi learn something by heart imparare qualcosa a memoria leave school lasciare la scuola pass/fail a test superare/non passare un test pay attention prestare attenzione take notes prendere appunti to enrol at a college iscriversi ad un istituto universitario

to get a good mark ottenere un buon voto to revise for an exam ripassare per un esame to sit an exam dare un esame

General words and verbs canteen mensa chalk gesso cheat copiare check controllare classroom aula desk mate compagno di banco erase cancellare/ annullare explain spiegare gym palestra

laboratory laboratorio locker armadietto mean intendere pupil allievo caretaker operatore scolastico repeat ripetere rubber gomma ruler righello secretary segretaria head teacher dirigente scolastico teachers’ room sala insegnanti underline sottolineare white/blackboard lavagna

4 Leggi il seguente testo e sottolinea l’equivalente inglese delle seguenti espressioni (presentate in ordine sparso).

consapevolezza globale • divario di genere • tassi di alfabetizzazione • iscriversi • formazione professionale • istruzione primaria • istruzione superiore • tecnologie digitali per l’istruzione • pari opportunità • zone in via di sviluppo One of the main elements of the 2030 Sustainable Development programme is the quality education goal (SDG 4), which aims to achieve universal primary and secondary education for all. The number of students enrolling in primary education in developing regions is now above 90%, with a dramatic increase in literacy rates and many and a greater number of girls attending school. However, there are still areas where basic education is not guaranteed. Another aim of SDG4 is to provide equal access to affordable vocational training, and to eliminate the gender gap in order to allow universal access to good quality higher education. Specific projects have been set up to help achieve this goal, and project partnerships have been established. Digital education technologies help improve important personal skills such as collaboration, problem solving and global awareness. They can help connect people from different parts of the world with the possibility of sharing contents. A practical example of this kind of educational partnership is in Mozambique, where a joint programme is improving young people’s access to quality vocational training and therefore increasing their chances of finding decent job opportunities within local industries.

1 Scrivi sotto alle immagini la materia scolastica corrispondente.

Adapted from:

0 languages









g To take To revise To attend To sit To enrol To get

558 UNIT 19


6 7 8 9 10

o graduate T To learn To leave To pay To ask


a good mark (for) an exam carefully attention in Chemistry a question


notes at a college a primary school something by heart school at 18

Greg: What school are you going to (0) attend next year? Margaret: A (1) school in the north of London. Greg: Will you (2) GCSEs? Margaret: Yes, and then (3) . What about you? Greg: I’m seventeen. After the final exam I’ll (4) at a college. Margaret: What are you going to (5) ? Greg: Maths or physics. Margaret: Do you think you’ll (6) before 2018? Greg: I think so. But now I’m going to (7) on the present.


2 Associa gli elementi nelle due colonne. 0 1 2 3 4 5

5 Ascolta il dialogo e completalo con le parole mancanti.


6 Ascolta le frasi e trascrivile. 1 2 3 4 5 6






Practise words with


Abilities and skills

Ascolta gli audio

4 Scrivi sotto alle immagini i luoghi di lavoro (0-7) e le possibili professioni (A-H).


Professions accountant commercialista actor attore baker fornaio bricklayer muratore bus driver autista di autobus butcher macellaio carpenter falegname dentist dentista firefighter pompiere flight attendant assistente di volo greengrocer fruttivendolo hairdresser parrucchiere homemaker casalinga lawyer avvocato

librarian bibliotecario mechanic meccanico nurse infermiere painter pittore photographer fotografo pilot pilota plumber idraulico police officer agente di polizia postman/woman postino shop assistant commesso/a site engineer ingegnere edile surgeon chirurgo tailor sarto travel agent agente di viaggio

TV presenter presentatore TV vet veterinario waiter cameriere

Job-related verbs care for prendersi cura di check controllare control tenere sotto controllo deliver consegnare design progettare develop sviluppare fix sistemare install istallare make sure assicurarsi perform recitare pick up raccogliere plan pianificare

protect proteggere rent affittare retire andare in pensione save salvare sell vendere work with lavorare con

Workplaces building site cantiere court tribunale fire station caserma dei vigili di fuoco garage officina hairdressing salon salone da purrucchiere hospital ospedale library biblioteca restaurant ristorante theatre teatro




1 B

4 E

5 F

2 C

6 G

3 D

7 H

5 Associa i seguenti vocaboli italiani alle relative traduzioni.

1 Scrivi sotto alle immagini il nome della professione corrispondente.

0 shop assistant

0 hospital A surgeon

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

b Operatore Ecologico Arbitro Guardia Del Corpo Scienziato Mago Bagnino Agente Immobiliare Pensionato


Scientist Refuse collector Estate agent Referee Magician Pensioner Bodyguard Lifeguard

6 Completa le frasi con il verbo alla forma corretta e identifica a quale delle professioni dell’esercizio 5 si riferisce.

pick up • protect • retire • sell • perform • rent • control • save • develop • make sure 4




WHO... 0 picks up rubbish from people’s houses? 1 a sports event and that the rules are followed? 2 important people? 3 theories?

2 Scegli l’alternativa corretta per formare le frasi. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 000

✓ A teacher A baker A painter A photographer A baker A vet A greengrocer A presenter

vet A A tailor A firefighter An accountant A greengrocer A dentist A waiter A travel agent

nurse A A farmer A postwoman A cook A butcher A nurse A cook A pilot

3 Ascolta i dialoghi e scrivi i nomi delle professioni. 0 Waiter 1

560 UNIT 20

2 3 Abilities and skills

helps young people to learn. sells bread. delivers people’s mail. takes pictures. sells meat products. takes care of sick animals. sells fruit and vegetables. plans and books people’s holidays.

4 5 6 and flats? 7 has

magic tricks? people from drowning? and houses from work?


7 Ascolta le frasi e trascrivile. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Abilities and skills

UNIT 20 561



Practise words with


Abilities and skills

Ascolta gli audio

4 Scrivi sotto alle immagini i luoghi di lavoro (0-7) e le possibili professioni (A-H).


Professions accountant commercialista actor attore baker fornaio bricklayer muratore bus driver autista di autobus butcher macellaio carpenter falegname dentist dentista firefighter pompiere flight attendant assistente di volo greengrocer fruttivendolo hairdresser parrucchiere homemaker casalinga lawyer avvocato

librarian bibliotecario mechanic meccanico nurse infermiere painter pittore photographer fotografo pilot pilota plumber idraulico police officer agente di polizia postman/woman postino shop assistant commesso/a site engineer ingegnere edile surgeon chirurgo tailor sarto travel agent agente di viaggio

TV presenter presentatore TV vet veterinario waiter cameriere

Job-related verbs care for prendersi cura di check controllare control tenere sotto controllo deliver consegnare design progettare develop sviluppare fix sistemare install istallare make sure assicurarsi perform recitare pick up raccogliere plan pianificare

protect proteggere rent affittare retire andare in pensione save salvare sell vendere work with lavorare con

Workplaces building site cantiere court tribunale fire station caserma dei vigili di fuoco garage officina hairdressing salon salone da purrucchiere hospital ospedale library biblioteca restaurant ristorante theatre teatro




1 B

4 E

5 F

2 C

6 G

3 D

7 H

5 Associa i seguenti vocaboli italiani alle relative traduzioni.

1 Scrivi sotto alle immagini il nome della professione corrispondente.

0 shop assistant

0 hospital A surgeon

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

b Operatore Ecologico Arbitro Guardia Del Corpo Scienziato Mago Bagnino Agente Immobiliare Pensionato


Scientist Refuse collector Estate agent Referee Magician Pensioner Bodyguard Lifeguard

6 Completa le frasi con il verbo alla forma corretta e identifica a quale delle professioni dell’esercizio 5 si riferisce.

pick up • protect • retire • sell • perform • rent • control • save • develop • make sure 4




WHO... 0 picks up rubbish from people’s houses? 1 a sports event and that the rules are followed? 2 important people? 3 theories?

2 Scegli l’alternativa corretta per formare le frasi. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 000

✓ A teacher A baker A painter A photographer A baker A vet A greengrocer A presenter

vet A A tailor A firefighter An accountant A greengrocer A dentist A waiter A travel agent

nurse A A farmer A postwoman A cook A butcher A nurse A cook A pilot

3 Ascolta i dialoghi e scrivi i nomi delle professioni. 0 Waiter 1

560 UNIT 20

2 3 Abilities and skills

helps young people to learn. sells bread. delivers people’s mail. takes pictures. sells meat products. takes care of sick animals. sells fruit and vegetables. plans and books people’s holidays.

4 5 6 and flats? 7 has

magic tricks? people from drowning? and houses from work?


7 Ascolta le frasi e trascrivile. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Abilities and skills

UNIT 20 561




GOAL 13 Climate Action

Part 4

Part 2

1 Five sentences have been removed from the text below. For each question (1-5), choose the correct answer (A-H). There are three extra sentences which you do not need to use.

Greta Thunberg Greta Thunberg is a young Swedish woman who is one of the most famous climate activists in the world. She first heard about climate change when she was eight years old, and it made her very depressed. (1) When she was 15, she went to a climate change meeting in Stockholm, where a speaker suggested that school children should go on strike for climate change. Greta decided to do it. (2) So she decided to do it alone.

Over the next year, Greta spoke at climate change rallies and in Parliaments all over Europe. (4) In that speech she said: “If a few children can get headlines all over the world just by not going to school, then imagine what we could all do together if we really wanted to”. She also spoke at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland and at the British, French and European Parliaments, each time with

the message – we need to take action now. In August 2019, she sailed by boat to the USA. (5) When she spoke to world leaders at the United Nations in New York, a video of her passionate speech was the top news story around the world. Greta has inspired millions of people to make climate protests, demanding action, and she continues to fight for climate change to this day.

In the summer of 2018, Sweden had its hottest summer on record. There were heatwaves and forest fires, and Greta was certain that climate change was the cause. Instead of going to school, she sat outside the Swedish Parliament building holding a sign that said ‘Strike for Climate’. (3) The posts immediately went viral, and on the second day other students began to join her. She did it every day for three months, and there were media stories about her worldwide.



She decided to go back to school because she was worried about her education. On the first day, she posted photos of herself outside Parliament on social media. She even stopped speaking and eating for a few months. She made a speech at the 2018 UN Climate Change Conference in Poland. When it didn’t happen, she was even more determined. She refused to fly because air travel causes damage to the environment. She tried to convince other young people she knew to join her, but no one was interested. They did not listen to her immediately because she was so young. Cambridge B1 PRELIMINARY


Ascolta gli audio e preparati con i video

2 Listen to the recording. For each question (1-6), choose the correct answer (A, B or C). 1 You will hear a bus driver making an announcement. Why is the bus stopping in 15 minutes? A for a change of drivers B for passengers to have a meal C for Hull passengers to get off 2 You will hear a girl asking a boy about a cut on his face. How does the boy feel? A angry B embarrassed C in pain 3 You hear a man and woman talking about an electricity bill. What does the woman decide? A to stop using the air conditioner B to buy a cheaper air conditioner C to turn down the air conditioner 4 You hear a man talking about his holiday. What is his opinion about the place? A It was worth the effort. B It was too difficult to get there. C Not many people go there. 5 You will hear a woman talking to a ticket seller at a theatre. Why has the woman gone to the theatre? A to buy tickets B to cancel her tickets C to change her tickets 6 You will hear two friends talking at an art exhibition. What do they both like about the paintings? A the colours B the styles C the variety


3 Get ready to answer the following questions about yourself. Phase 1 • What’s your name? Where do you come from? • Where do you live? • Where do you go to school?

Phase 2 • What is your favourite animal? • How do you spend your evenings? • What clothes do you like wearing? • Do you prefer watching films at home or at the cinema? Cambridge B1 PRELIMINARY





GOAL 13 Climate Action

Part 4

Part 2

1 Five sentences have been removed from the text below. For each question (1-5), choose the correct answer (A-H). There are three extra sentences which you do not need to use.

Greta Thunberg Greta Thunberg is a young Swedish woman who is one of the most famous climate activists in the world. She first heard about climate change when she was eight years old, and it made her very depressed. (1) When she was 15, she went to a climate change meeting in Stockholm, where a speaker suggested that school children should go on strike for climate change. Greta decided to do it. (2) So she decided to do it alone.

Over the next year, Greta spoke at climate change rallies and in Parliaments all over Europe. (4) In that speech she said: “If a few children can get headlines all over the world just by not going to school, then imagine what we could all do together if we really wanted to”. She also spoke at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland and at the British, French and European Parliaments, each time with

the message – we need to take action now. In August 2019, she sailed by boat to the USA. (5) When she spoke to world leaders at the United Nations in New York, a video of her passionate speech was the top news story around the world. Greta has inspired millions of people to make climate protests, demanding action, and she continues to fight for climate change to this day.

In the summer of 2018, Sweden had its hottest summer on record. There were heatwaves and forest fires, and Greta was certain that climate change was the cause. Instead of going to school, she sat outside the Swedish Parliament building holding a sign that said ‘Strike for Climate’. (3) The posts immediately went viral, and on the second day other students began to join her. She did it every day for three months, and there were media stories about her worldwide.



She decided to go back to school because she was worried about her education. On the first day, she posted photos of herself outside Parliament on social media. She even stopped speaking and eating for a few months. She made a speech at the 2018 UN Climate Change Conference in Poland. When it didn’t happen, she was even more determined. She refused to fly because air travel causes damage to the environment. She tried to convince other young people she knew to join her, but no one was interested. They did not listen to her immediately because she was so young. Cambridge B1 PRELIMINARY


Ascolta gli audio e preparati con i video

2 Listen to the recording. For each question (1-6), choose the correct answer (A, B or C). 1 You will hear a bus driver making an announcement. Why is the bus stopping in 15 minutes? A for a change of drivers B for passengers to have a meal C for Hull passengers to get off 2 You will hear a girl asking a boy about a cut on his face. How does the boy feel? A angry B embarrassed C in pain 3 You hear a man and woman talking about an electricity bill. What does the woman decide? A to stop using the air conditioner B to buy a cheaper air conditioner C to turn down the air conditioner 4 You hear a man talking about his holiday. What is his opinion about the place? A It was worth the effort. B It was too difficult to get there. C Not many people go there. 5 You will hear a woman talking to a ticket seller at a theatre. Why has the woman gone to the theatre? A to buy tickets B to cancel her tickets C to change her tickets 6 You will hear two friends talking at an art exhibition. What do they both like about the paintings? A the colours B the styles C the variety


3 Get ready to answer the following questions about yourself. Phase 1 • What’s your name? Where do you come from? • Where do you live? • Where do you go to school?

Phase 2 • What is your favourite animal? • How do you spend your evenings? • What clothes do you like wearing? • Do you prefer watching films at home or at the cinema? Cambridge B1 PRELIMINARY




Part 3


Affordable and Clean Energy



gave us somewhere to leave them. He scooters to school too! I’ve been scootering to school for a month now. The most amazing thing I’ve discovered about scooters is that you don’t need to recharge them very often. I thought it would be like my phone, where I have to recharge it every day. My scooter’s battery can last for up to 4,000 kilometres. That’s a lot of trips to school! To increase battery life, it’s best to keep it charged between 30% and 80%. This is called the ‘sweet zone’. You can ride a scooter if you are 14 or older, but because I am under 18, I have to wear a helmet. I think it’s a good idea to wear one anyway, whatever age you are. I am allowed to ride on roads in town or in pedestrian areas, which is great! I’m not allowed to go faster than

1 Why did Clarissa want to stop going to school by car? A She didn’t have anyone to drive her. B Her school was too far away. C She wanted a greener form of transport. D She wanted to be more independent. 2 Where does Clarissa park her scooter when she goes to school? A outside the school B in the school bike shed C in the scooter room D in the headteacher’s office 3 What surprised Clarissa the most about her scooter? A It doesn’t need recharging. B It needs to be recharged every day. C It can’t travel long distances. D It doesn’t need to be recharged much.




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Gender Equality

Part 3

1 For each question (1-5), choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

y mother has always driven me to school, and I think that these two car trips every day are bad for the environment. The problem is, I live about five kilometres from my school, so it is a little too far to walk every day with heavy books. It takes about 45 minutes to walk there, so that would mean an hour and a half of walking every day. It is a healthy activity, but I just don’t have the time. However, there aren’t any good public transport options. I have to catch two buses, and they are always very crowded. I thought about riding a bicycle, but there isn’t a safe place outside my school to park a bike and the school doesn’t have space for a bike shed. But now it has a scooter room in one of the old classrooms. Because lots of people are now going by scooter to school, the headteacher


2 Work in pairs. In your English class you are discussing gender inequality. Here are some ways 25 km an hour on roads, and I have to ride at 6 km an hour or less when I’m in pedestrian areas. The safest place to be is in a bicycle lane, and luckily most of my trip to and from school has one. I can get to school in about fifteen minutes, so it’s the only form of transport I now use to get there. It’s convenient and good for the planet!

4 What rule does Clarissa have to follow? A She mustn’t ride in pedestrian areas. B She can’t drive over 25 km an hour. C She must stay in bicycle lanes. D She has to get to school in 15 minutes. 5 What comment would Clarissa make on an electric scooter website? A If you don’t want to harm the environment and get around faster than walking, you should get an electric scooter! B I use my scooter to get to school when I’m not using my bike or catching the bus. C My dream has always been to ride a scooter because it makes me feel original and cool. D I’ve only ever gone to school by scooter and I would recommend it to anyone because it is fast and good for the planet!

that gender inequality may exist. Talk together for 2-3 minutes about the different situations. Say whether you think there is gender inequality, and which situation has the most equality.


Part 4 3 Now answer these questions related to some of the situations in exercise 2. • Why do you think more boys than girls study • Are there any situations at your school where scientific subjects? • Would you prefer to have a male or female teacher? Why / Why not? • Do you think there are some subjects that boys or girls are better at? Why / Why not?

girls get more assistance or attention than boys? Give examples. • If you experience gender inequality at school, is there a person you can talk to about it? Who?





Part 3


Affordable and Clean Energy



gave us somewhere to leave them. He scooters to school too! I’ve been scootering to school for a month now. The most amazing thing I’ve discovered about scooters is that you don’t need to recharge them very often. I thought it would be like my phone, where I have to recharge it every day. My scooter’s battery can last for up to 4,000 kilometres. That’s a lot of trips to school! To increase battery life, it’s best to keep it charged between 30% and 80%. This is called the ‘sweet zone’. You can ride a scooter if you are 14 or older, but because I am under 18, I have to wear a helmet. I think it’s a good idea to wear one anyway, whatever age you are. I am allowed to ride on roads in town or in pedestrian areas, which is great! I’m not allowed to go faster than

1 Why did Clarissa want to stop going to school by car? A She didn’t have anyone to drive her. B Her school was too far away. C She wanted a greener form of transport. D She wanted to be more independent. 2 Where does Clarissa park her scooter when she goes to school? A outside the school B in the school bike shed C in the scooter room D in the headteacher’s office 3 What surprised Clarissa the most about her scooter? A It doesn’t need recharging. B It needs to be recharged every day. C It can’t travel long distances. D It doesn’t need to be recharged much.




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Gender Equality

Part 3

1 For each question (1-5), choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

y mother has always driven me to school, and I think that these two car trips every day are bad for the environment. The problem is, I live about five kilometres from my school, so it is a little too far to walk every day with heavy books. It takes about 45 minutes to walk there, so that would mean an hour and a half of walking every day. It is a healthy activity, but I just don’t have the time. However, there aren’t any good public transport options. I have to catch two buses, and they are always very crowded. I thought about riding a bicycle, but there isn’t a safe place outside my school to park a bike and the school doesn’t have space for a bike shed. But now it has a scooter room in one of the old classrooms. Because lots of people are now going by scooter to school, the headteacher


2 Work in pairs. In your English class you are discussing gender inequality. Here are some ways 25 km an hour on roads, and I have to ride at 6 km an hour or less when I’m in pedestrian areas. The safest place to be is in a bicycle lane, and luckily most of my trip to and from school has one. I can get to school in about fifteen minutes, so it’s the only form of transport I now use to get there. It’s convenient and good for the planet!

4 What rule does Clarissa have to follow? A She mustn’t ride in pedestrian areas. B She can’t drive over 25 km an hour. C She must stay in bicycle lanes. D She has to get to school in 15 minutes. 5 What comment would Clarissa make on an electric scooter website? A If you don’t want to harm the environment and get around faster than walking, you should get an electric scooter! B I use my scooter to get to school when I’m not using my bike or catching the bus. C My dream has always been to ride a scooter because it makes me feel original and cool. D I’ve only ever gone to school by scooter and I would recommend it to anyone because it is fast and good for the planet!

that gender inequality may exist. Talk together for 2-3 minutes about the different situations. Say whether you think there is gender inequality, and which situation has the most equality.


Part 4 3 Now answer these questions related to some of the situations in exercise 2. • Why do you think more boys than girls study • Are there any situations at your school where scientific subjects? • Would you prefer to have a male or female teacher? Why / Why not? • Do you think there are some subjects that boys or girls are better at? Why / Why not?

girls get more assistance or attention than boys? Give examples. • If you experience gender inequality at school, is there a person you can talk to about it? Who?






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Gender Equality

Part 3

Part 1

1 For questions 1-8, read the text below.3 Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the

lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).


3 Listen to people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer (A, B or C).



he gender pay gap is the measure of how men and women are paid (0) differently. It is calculated as the average difference in hourly earnings for employees. (1) , women earn on average just 68% of what men are paid for the same work. It is due to many gender (2) in both the economy and society. This type of discrimination is (3) under EU law, but it still exists in some workplaces, (4) . Men and women often perform different types of jobs and work in diverse sectors. For example, in the health and social work sector, women make up 80% of all workers. Fields where men are in the (5) usually have (6) wages than those dominated by women. Women are more likely to work part-time in low-paid jobs and not to have (7) positions. This inability for women to reach the highest paid positions as (8) as men is called “the glass ceiling”.



Part 4 2 For questions 1-6, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0).

0 James couldn’t get into the match because he had forgotten his ticket. If James hadn’t forgotten his ticket, he would have got into the match. 1 Please tidy your room before bed, as you won’t have time tomorrow. I’d before bed, as you won’t have time tomorrow. 1 I wonder if you could drive me to the station? Could you to the station? 1 She’s been cleaning the windows all day. She’s cleaning the windows. 1 I’m sorry, but we don’t have time to stop for lunch. I’m afraid that to stop for lunch. 1 They are leaving for their trip at 6 o’clock tomorrow morning. They have planned at six o’clock tomorrow morning for their trip. 1 Perhaps Suzy forgot that we were having the picnic today. Suzy that we were having the picnic today.


Cambridge B2 FIRST


1 Listen to a teacher talking to a group of students. What does the teacher want the students to do? A discuss their holiday B summarise an article C write a report 2 Listen to a man and a woman talking about shampoo. What is the woman certain of? A It’s in the cupboard. B It’s in the bathroom. C It’s in a white bottle. 3 Listen to two women talking outside a chemist’s. What is true about both the women? A They have to work today. B They know each other. C They usually go to this shop. 4 Listen to a news announcement on the radio. What is the announcement advising all people to do immediately? A stay in the house B call the emergency number C go onto the roof

5 Listen to a student telling a friend about an exam. What does he think about his performance in the exam? A He didn’t study enough. B He is worried about it. C He thinks he has passed. 6 Listen to a conversation between a tennis coach and a young player. What mistake did the player make? A She hit the ball too hard. B She didn’t serve well enough. C She was afraid of her opponent. 7 Listen to two friends talking about shoes. What does the girl say about the shoes she is wearing? A She wears them a lot. B They aren’t the right size. C She likes them. 8 Listen to a man talking about his holidays. How does he feel about them? A He is happy he saw so many museums. B He thinks he spent his time well. C He wishes he had bought more antiques.


4 Be ready to answer the following questions about yourself. Free time • Do prefer spending your free time with friends or family? • Tell us about a particular hobby you have. • Do you prefer to be active or relax in your free time?

Clothes • Do you wear similar clothes to your friends? • Tell us about an item of clothing you loved when you were younger. • Would you like to be able to make your own clothes?

Transport • What means of transport do you usually use? • Is there a form of transport you have stopped using? • What do you think is the most exciting way to travel?

Cambridge B2 FIRST





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Gender Equality

Part 3

Part 1

1 For questions 1-8, read the text below.3 Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the

lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).


3 Listen to people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer (A, B or C).



he gender pay gap is the measure of how men and women are paid (0) differently. It is calculated as the average difference in hourly earnings for employees. (1) , women earn on average just 68% of what men are paid for the same work. It is due to many gender (2) in both the economy and society. This type of discrimination is (3) under EU law, but it still exists in some workplaces, (4) . Men and women often perform different types of jobs and work in diverse sectors. For example, in the health and social work sector, women make up 80% of all workers. Fields where men are in the (5) usually have (6) wages than those dominated by women. Women are more likely to work part-time in low-paid jobs and not to have (7) positions. This inability for women to reach the highest paid positions as (8) as men is called “the glass ceiling”.



Part 4 2 For questions 1-6, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0).

0 James couldn’t get into the match because he had forgotten his ticket. If James hadn’t forgotten his ticket, he would have got into the match. 1 Please tidy your room before bed, as you won’t have time tomorrow. I’d before bed, as you won’t have time tomorrow. 1 I wonder if you could drive me to the station? Could you to the station? 1 She’s been cleaning the windows all day. She’s cleaning the windows. 1 I’m sorry, but we don’t have time to stop for lunch. I’m afraid that to stop for lunch. 1 They are leaving for their trip at 6 o’clock tomorrow morning. They have planned at six o’clock tomorrow morning for their trip. 1 Perhaps Suzy forgot that we were having the picnic today. Suzy that we were having the picnic today.


Cambridge B2 FIRST


1 Listen to a teacher talking to a group of students. What does the teacher want the students to do? A discuss their holiday B summarise an article C write a report 2 Listen to a man and a woman talking about shampoo. What is the woman certain of? A It’s in the cupboard. B It’s in the bathroom. C It’s in a white bottle. 3 Listen to two women talking outside a chemist’s. What is true about both the women? A They have to work today. B They know each other. C They usually go to this shop. 4 Listen to a news announcement on the radio. What is the announcement advising all people to do immediately? A stay in the house B call the emergency number C go onto the roof

5 Listen to a student telling a friend about an exam. What does he think about his performance in the exam? A He didn’t study enough. B He is worried about it. C He thinks he has passed. 6 Listen to a conversation between a tennis coach and a young player. What mistake did the player make? A She hit the ball too hard. B She didn’t serve well enough. C She was afraid of her opponent. 7 Listen to two friends talking about shoes. What does the girl say about the shoes she is wearing? A She wears them a lot. B They aren’t the right size. C She likes them. 8 Listen to a man talking about his holidays. How does he feel about them? A He is happy he saw so many museums. B He thinks he spent his time well. C He wishes he had bought more antiques.


4 Be ready to answer the following questions about yourself. Free time • Do prefer spending your free time with friends or family? • Tell us about a particular hobby you have. • Do you prefer to be active or relax in your free time?

Clothes • Do you wear similar clothes to your friends? • Tell us about an item of clothing you loved when you were younger. • Would you like to be able to make your own clothes?

Transport • What means of transport do you usually use? • Is there a form of transport you have stopped using? • What do you think is the most exciting way to travel?

Cambridge B2 FIRST





1 You are going to read an article about going to the dentist. Six sentences have been removed

from the article. Choose from the sentences A-G the one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.

GOING TO THE DENTIST It is recommended that we visit the dentist every six months. (1) The answer to this question is yes. People often decide to skip a dental checkup for reasons such as cost, time or the most common reason, dental anxiety. They should, however, make sure they consider all the risks if they make this decision. Going to the dentist is not cheap, but having regular visits can save you a lot of money in the long run, and it’s better for your peace of mind. Many people look to the private sector for a dentist, but in some countries national health programmes offer services at reduced fees. Even if you brush and floss your teeth regularly, there are still small areas in the mouth that you cannot reach that get covered in plaque. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that produces acids after you eat or drink. (2) When plaque builds up, it becomes more difficult to remove, solidifying and turning into a darker substance called tartar, A B C D E F G


which is extremely difficult to get rid of without professional help. If you go to the dentist every six months, it’s unlikely that the plaque will have had time to transform into tartar or create cavities, but only your dentist can tell you this. When you have a cavity, often it is not painful. In fact, by the time you get to the stage where it is painful because it is in contact with the nerve inside the tooth, you will need to have the tooth fixed and filled. (3) All this expense can be avoided merely by having much cheaper regular cleanings to make sure that plaque does not become too destructive. Plaque and tartar build-up does not just decay the tooth’s enamel, but it can also shrink and damage the gum, which is tissue that is next to the tooth. Tartar build-up can cause infection, making the gum pull away from the tooth. (4) When this occurs, teeth can become loose or even fall out and the dentist will need to consider extremely expensive surgery

and medication. Some researchers suspect that gum disease may increase your risk of other health complications, including stroke, diabetes and heart disease. (5) . Dental check-ups are definitely worth the bother. Dentists don’t just clean and fix your teeth; they professionally clean your teeth, ensure your teeth and gums are healthy and check for signs of other health issues. Dental professionals will advise you on the best home products to use, and they will help you correct any habits that may be sabotaging your oral health and the quality of your smile. (6) Other mistakes can be eating too much sugar and consuming too much coffee and red wine, which can discolour your teeth. Missing dental appointments may not seem like a big problem, but diseases of the mouth and teeth can develop very quickly, and you probably won’t notice it. Regular cleanings and check-ups are the best way of ensuring that your teeth stay healthy for life.

Gum disease has even been linked to dementia. Is it really necessary to go to the dentist that often? After you leave the dental surgery, it is your responsibility to maintain your oral health. It may even be too late to save the tooth with a filling. These acids can destroy tooth enamel and cause holes in the teeth, known as cavities. These include destroying enamel by brushing your teeth too hard. This gum disease is called gingivitis, and as it progresses the tissue that attaches the gums to the teeth breaks down. Cambridge B2 FIRST


Good Health and Well-Being

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GOAL 15 Life on Land

Part 3


2 Listen to five short extracts in which people are talking about their gardens. For questions 1-5,

choose from the list (A-H) the main reason each person gives for why they like their garden. Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use. A B C D E F G H

It adds some privacy. It brings nature into their city life. It is award-winning. It is completely wild. It is the main focus of their life. It is unique and always changing It helps them know what they are consuming. It is a source of income.

Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Speaker 5


3 Work in pairs. Imagine that a young person is trying to decide on their future career. Here are

some of the occupations they are thinking of doing and a question for you to discuss. Talk to each other about what characteristics are required for each occupation. professional athlete medical researcher

What characteristics would a person need for these occupations?

farmer journalist

international aid worker

Part 4 4 Answer these questions. • Do you think it is important to decide on a future career before you finish school? • Why do you think people follow the same career path as their parents? • Which do you think is more important, having an interesting job or making a lot of money? • Why do many people change careers during their working lives? • How important will knowing a foreign language be to find work in the future? Cambridge B2 FIRST





1 You are going to read an article about going to the dentist. Six sentences have been removed

from the article. Choose from the sentences A-G the one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.

GOING TO THE DENTIST It is recommended that we visit the dentist every six months. (1) The answer to this question is yes. People often decide to skip a dental checkup for reasons such as cost, time or the most common reason, dental anxiety. They should, however, make sure they consider all the risks if they make this decision. Going to the dentist is not cheap, but having regular visits can save you a lot of money in the long run, and it’s better for your peace of mind. Many people look to the private sector for a dentist, but in some countries national health programmes offer services at reduced fees. Even if you brush and floss your teeth regularly, there are still small areas in the mouth that you cannot reach that get covered in plaque. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that produces acids after you eat or drink. (2) When plaque builds up, it becomes more difficult to remove, solidifying and turning into a darker substance called tartar, A B C D E F G


which is extremely difficult to get rid of without professional help. If you go to the dentist every six months, it’s unlikely that the plaque will have had time to transform into tartar or create cavities, but only your dentist can tell you this. When you have a cavity, often it is not painful. In fact, by the time you get to the stage where it is painful because it is in contact with the nerve inside the tooth, you will need to have the tooth fixed and filled. (3) All this expense can be avoided merely by having much cheaper regular cleanings to make sure that plaque does not become too destructive. Plaque and tartar build-up does not just decay the tooth’s enamel, but it can also shrink and damage the gum, which is tissue that is next to the tooth. Tartar build-up can cause infection, making the gum pull away from the tooth. (4) When this occurs, teeth can become loose or even fall out and the dentist will need to consider extremely expensive surgery

and medication. Some researchers suspect that gum disease may increase your risk of other health complications, including stroke, diabetes and heart disease. (5) . Dental check-ups are definitely worth the bother. Dentists don’t just clean and fix your teeth; they professionally clean your teeth, ensure your teeth and gums are healthy and check for signs of other health issues. Dental professionals will advise you on the best home products to use, and they will help you correct any habits that may be sabotaging your oral health and the quality of your smile. (6) Other mistakes can be eating too much sugar and consuming too much coffee and red wine, which can discolour your teeth. Missing dental appointments may not seem like a big problem, but diseases of the mouth and teeth can develop very quickly, and you probably won’t notice it. Regular cleanings and check-ups are the best way of ensuring that your teeth stay healthy for life.

Gum disease has even been linked to dementia. Is it really necessary to go to the dentist that often? After you leave the dental surgery, it is your responsibility to maintain your oral health. It may even be too late to save the tooth with a filling. These acids can destroy tooth enamel and cause holes in the teeth, known as cavities. These include destroying enamel by brushing your teeth too hard. This gum disease is called gingivitis, and as it progresses the tissue that attaches the gums to the teeth breaks down. Cambridge B2 FIRST


Good Health and Well-Being

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GOAL 15 Life on Land

Part 3


2 Listen to five short extracts in which people are talking about their gardens. For questions 1-5,

choose from the list (A-H) the main reason each person gives for why they like their garden. Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use. A B C D E F G H

It adds some privacy. It brings nature into their city life. It is award-winning. It is completely wild. It is the main focus of their life. It is unique and always changing It helps them know what they are consuming. It is a source of income.

Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Speaker 5


3 Work in pairs. Imagine that a young person is trying to decide on their future career. Here are

some of the occupations they are thinking of doing and a question for you to discuss. Talk to each other about what characteristics are required for each occupation. professional athlete medical researcher

What characteristics would a person need for these occupations?

farmer journalist

international aid worker

Part 4 4 Answer these questions. • Do you think it is important to decide on a future career before you finish school? • Why do you think people follow the same career path as their parents? • Which do you think is more important, having an interesting job or making a lot of money? • Why do many people change careers during their working lives? • How important will knowing a foreign language be to find work in the future? Cambridge B2 FIRST




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3 What can visitors do in the bedroom of the house? A Play mini-golf. C Lie down and look up at the floor above. B Take a selfie. D Try to make a basketball shot. 4 What can visitors do in the gift shop? A Buy snacks and drinks. C Play games and challenges. B Chat and compare notes. D Buy souvenirs and postcards. 5 What is the purpose of the upside-down house? A To challenge visitors’ sense of reality CT o test visitors’ knowledge and perception. and skills. B To provide a relaxing environment D To offer a unique photo opportunity for visitors. for tourists. 6 What is the main attraction of the upside-down house? A The café where you can by delicious C The mini-golf course with its obstacles and snacks. ramps. B The gift shop that has amazing D The house itself, with its upside-down souvenirs. interior design. 7 What is unique about the design of the upside-down house? A It is a typical two-storey building. C It has a secret entrance. B Everything inside is upside down. D It is located in a trendy district of Shanghai.

Task 1

1 Read an article about an unusual house, then choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 1-7. Only one answer is correct. The first one (0) has been done for you.

The upside-down house in Shanghai The upside-down house in Shanghai is a fascinating attraction that is located in the city’s trendy Xuhui district. It has quickly become a popular tourist destination and it is a unique and interactive experience that challenges visitors’ sense of reality and perception. The house is designed to look like a typical two-storey building, but with one twist: everything inside is upside down. Visitors enter through the roof and immediately find themselves walking on the ceiling. Furniture, appliances, and everyday items hang above their heads. Everything looks like it is suspended, but all the objects are carefully attached to strong cables. The effect is surreal and disorienting, but also lots of fun. One of the most amazing things about the upside-down house is the amount of detail. The designers have worked hard to make everything look as realistic as possible, including things like the wallpaper, curtains and the pictures on the walls. There’s even a car parked upside down in the garage, complete with small objects that you often find in a car. Visitors are encouraged to explore the house and interact with its various things in it. They can sit on the sofa or at the dining table, both of which are connected to the ceiling. They can pretend to cook in the kitchen, where pots and pans hang from the ceiling. They can even take a selfie in the bathroom, where the toilet and sink are attached to the ceiling and the showerhead points downwards. The upside-down house is not just a visual spectacle, though. It’s also an opportunity for visitors to play with their sense of balance and perspective. Walking on the ceiling feels surprisingly natural after a few minutes, and visitors often forget that they’re not standing on the ground. The effect is especially strong in the bedroom, where the bed is mounted to the ceiling and visitors can lie down and look up at the floor above. The upside-down house is not just a passive experience, either. Visitors are invited to participate in various challenges and games that test their coordination and spatial awareness. For example, there’s a basketball hoop mounted on the ceiling, and visitors can try to make a shot while standing on the floor, or ceiling, depending on how you look at it. There’s also a mini-golf course that requires players to putt the ball through a series of obstacles and ramps. In addition to the main attraction, the upside-down house also has a gift shop and a café where visitors can relax and reflect on their experience. The gift shop sells a variety of souvenirs including t-shirts, keyrings and postcards. The café offers a selection of snacks and drinks, as well as an area where visitors can chat and compare notes. Overall, the upside-down house in Shanghai is a beautiful yet strange experience. It’s an excellent example of how a simple idea can be turned into a masterpiece of creativity with a big sense of fun. Whether you’re a tourist looking for a unique photo opportunity or a local resident in search of something out of the ordinary, the upside-down house is sure to be a memorable experience. 0 What is the upside-down house? A A house for sale in Beijing C A trendy house in the Xuhui district. B A tourist attraction in Shanghai. D A house that visitors can rent. 1 How can people enter the house? A through the front door C through the roof B through the basement D through a secret entrance 2 What is suspended from the ceiling in the kitchen? A pots and pans C books and magazines B chairs and tables D toys and games





Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Task 1 000

2 Listen to an interview with Callum Johnson about Industry 4.0. First you will have 1 minute to

study the task below, then you will hear the recording twice. While listening, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 1-7. Only one answer is correct. The first one (0) has been done for you. After the second listening, you will have 1 minute to check your answers.

Industry 4.0 0 What is Industry 4.0? A the Fourth Industrial Revolution C a type of machine learning B a new type of manufacturing process D an advanced type of robotics 1 What are some of the benefits of Industry 4.0? A r educed efficiency of production C i ncreased output due to more efficient B increased waste from the production production methods process D more unsustainable business models 2 What is one of the challenges faced by companies implementing Industry 4.0? A lower investment costs C decreased production output B difficulty in training workers D less efficient manufacturing processes 3 What is an example of successful implementation of Industry 4.0 in the automotive industry? A the use of big data analytics to optimise C the use of artificial intelligence to increase production processes output B the use of IoT sensors to track and D the use of automation to reduce costs optimise supply chains 4 What is an example of a potential future application of Industry 4.0? A improving the speed of shipping and C improving the efficiency of the healthcare delivery industry B improving the customer experience at D improving the quality of hotel retail stores accommodations






Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

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Svolgi altri esercizi su HUB INVALSI

3 What can visitors do in the bedroom of the house? A Play mini-golf. C Lie down and look up at the floor above. B Take a selfie. D Try to make a basketball shot. 4 What can visitors do in the gift shop? A Buy snacks and drinks. C Play games and challenges. B Chat and compare notes. D Buy souvenirs and postcards. 5 What is the purpose of the upside-down house? A To challenge visitors’ sense of reality CT o test visitors’ knowledge and perception. and skills. B To provide a relaxing environment D To offer a unique photo opportunity for visitors. for tourists. 6 What is the main attraction of the upside-down house? A The café where you can by delicious C The mini-golf course with its obstacles and snacks. ramps. B The gift shop that has amazing D The house itself, with its upside-down souvenirs. interior design. 7 What is unique about the design of the upside-down house? A It is a typical two-storey building. C It has a secret entrance. B Everything inside is upside down. D It is located in a trendy district of Shanghai.

Task 1

1 Read an article about an unusual house, then choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 1-7. Only one answer is correct. The first one (0) has been done for you.

The upside-down house in Shanghai The upside-down house in Shanghai is a fascinating attraction that is located in the city’s trendy Xuhui district. It has quickly become a popular tourist destination and it is a unique and interactive experience that challenges visitors’ sense of reality and perception. The house is designed to look like a typical two-storey building, but with one twist: everything inside is upside down. Visitors enter through the roof and immediately find themselves walking on the ceiling. Furniture, appliances, and everyday items hang above their heads. Everything looks like it is suspended, but all the objects are carefully attached to strong cables. The effect is surreal and disorienting, but also lots of fun. One of the most amazing things about the upside-down house is the amount of detail. The designers have worked hard to make everything look as realistic as possible, including things like the wallpaper, curtains and the pictures on the walls. There’s even a car parked upside down in the garage, complete with small objects that you often find in a car. Visitors are encouraged to explore the house and interact with its various things in it. They can sit on the sofa or at the dining table, both of which are connected to the ceiling. They can pretend to cook in the kitchen, where pots and pans hang from the ceiling. They can even take a selfie in the bathroom, where the toilet and sink are attached to the ceiling and the showerhead points downwards. The upside-down house is not just a visual spectacle, though. It’s also an opportunity for visitors to play with their sense of balance and perspective. Walking on the ceiling feels surprisingly natural after a few minutes, and visitors often forget that they’re not standing on the ground. The effect is especially strong in the bedroom, where the bed is mounted to the ceiling and visitors can lie down and look up at the floor above. The upside-down house is not just a passive experience, either. Visitors are invited to participate in various challenges and games that test their coordination and spatial awareness. For example, there’s a basketball hoop mounted on the ceiling, and visitors can try to make a shot while standing on the floor, or ceiling, depending on how you look at it. There’s also a mini-golf course that requires players to putt the ball through a series of obstacles and ramps. In addition to the main attraction, the upside-down house also has a gift shop and a café where visitors can relax and reflect on their experience. The gift shop sells a variety of souvenirs including t-shirts, keyrings and postcards. The café offers a selection of snacks and drinks, as well as an area where visitors can chat and compare notes. Overall, the upside-down house in Shanghai is a beautiful yet strange experience. It’s an excellent example of how a simple idea can be turned into a masterpiece of creativity with a big sense of fun. Whether you’re a tourist looking for a unique photo opportunity or a local resident in search of something out of the ordinary, the upside-down house is sure to be a memorable experience. 0 What is the upside-down house? A A house for sale in Beijing C A trendy house in the Xuhui district. B A tourist attraction in Shanghai. D A house that visitors can rent. 1 How can people enter the house? A through the front door C through the roof B through the basement D through a secret entrance 2 What is suspended from the ceiling in the kitchen? A pots and pans C books and magazines B chairs and tables D toys and games





Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Task 1 000

2 Listen to an interview with Callum Johnson about Industry 4.0. First you will have 1 minute to

study the task below, then you will hear the recording twice. While listening, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 1-7. Only one answer is correct. The first one (0) has been done for you. After the second listening, you will have 1 minute to check your answers.

Industry 4.0 0 What is Industry 4.0? A the Fourth Industrial Revolution C a type of machine learning B a new type of manufacturing process D an advanced type of robotics 1 What are some of the benefits of Industry 4.0? A r educed efficiency of production C i ncreased output due to more efficient B increased waste from the production production methods process D more unsustainable business models 2 What is one of the challenges faced by companies implementing Industry 4.0? A lower investment costs C decreased production output B difficulty in training workers D less efficient manufacturing processes 3 What is an example of successful implementation of Industry 4.0 in the automotive industry? A the use of big data analytics to optimise C the use of artificial intelligence to increase production processes output B the use of IoT sensors to track and D the use of automation to reduce costs optimise supply chains 4 What is an example of a potential future application of Industry 4.0? A improving the speed of shipping and C improving the efficiency of the healthcare delivery industry B improving the customer experience at D improving the quality of hotel retail stores accommodations




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