The Mix Annual 2019

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Flip me over for the Mid Suffolk Youth Services directory

Hey! Welcome to The Mix Annual. Yes, we avoided

putting a date on it on purpose this year. Within these

pages, you will find the things The Mix can do to support

you, your family and your community. We hope you like it. Get in touch if you have any questions.

At The Mix, we believe in young people. All young people, all the time. We exist to see a world where all young people are empowered and enabled to change their personal world and the one we all share. We strive every day to help them discover their true value and build their best future. We do this by: • Providing the opportunities, support, services and challenges that young people want and need. • Equipping youth workers, families and communities. • Ensuring that what we do is responsive, relevant and effective. • Enabling our work to be sustainable for the long haul. 01449 745130


Like the design you see in this book? Get in touch with the BRIX Team!

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How The Mix works Coaching Open Up/Drop In Crisis Services Leadership for Life Thrive Mixed Voice Open Source Open Doors Activities Work Experience Crucial Crew DofE Youth Work Academy Closing the Gaps The BE Network Together Project

In case this is your first contact with us, we thought we would try and make it easy to figure out who we are and what we do‌ that’s what this page is about. Quite simply we are a charity that exists to empower and enable young people to change their personal world and the one we all share. We work hard to do this every day by providing, equipping, ensuring and enabling, youth work that works. Have a look through our annual to see what we are currently doing.



No part of life is unimportant to us.

We are commited to equipping and

We strive every day to provide all young

developing youth work and youth

people, their families and communities

workers. To building communities and

with the opportunities, support,

capacity, to ensuring that the skills,

encouragement and challenge, that they

values and approach of the people

want and need, at the right time and the

engaging with young people match their

right place.

needs, wants and challenges.



We want everything we do to be relevant

We work hard to enable and sustain our

and responsive. To that end, everything

core services (and innovate new work)

we do is rooted in research to ensure that

through our commercial activities and

our work works. To ensure that we know

partnerships with trusts, charities, local

what is needed and when. To ensure that

businesses and the local authority.

we stop, start, change and move when and where we need to.


EQUIPPING • Doors • Space • Up • Out • Source



Closing the Gaps in: • Knowledge • Skills • Services • Resources

• Coaching • Counselling • Leadership for Life

• Employment agency • Thrive (our school) • Photography School • Work Experience • Crucial Crew • Crisis Services • Adventure trips


• Projects • Community • Leadership

• Volunteering • Training • Community Support


• Coffee Shop • Catering • Training



• Developing Skills • Encouraging Thought • Providing Care • Enabling Delivery

• Research • Consultation • Impact Measurement

• Internships • Young Trustees

book a space

• Rooms • Facilities • Events

• Design • Creative • Training

• Businesses • Individuals • Grants & Trusts • Local Authority



Coaching & Counselling

• 1–1 support where and when you need it most • Free and confidential

Your Head

Your Heart

Your Story


Key Contact:

Maybe you’ve got a goal or a dream you want to achieve, but don’t know how. Maybe life is hitting you hard and you want some help to deal with it. Here at The Mix we can offer help for any young person who may need or want it. Whether it’s coaching to get on the right track, someone to decompress with, or something a little more serious, we’re here. Our dedicated team of coaches and counsellors would love to meet up and support you with what you need. Oh, and its free and confidential!

Contact information: 01449 745130


Youth Team



• A classic “youth club” session

Open Up (Drop In)

• Meet new friends and have fun

Your Community

Your Head

Come in, hang out and have some fun!

For who?

Drop In is your space and its totally FREE.

High school years 7 to 12

Whether you want to chill and chat with your friends, play computer games or do something more active, we aim to provide a space for you to just be you. Our youth hall contains everything you need. Comfy sofas, games and activities as well as our team of leaders who are available for any information or support you may need… as well as organising mass games of dodgeball.

Your Relationships

When is it? Wednesday: 16:00–18:30 Thursday: 16:00–18:30 (term time only) Term time and school holiday times and days vary. Please check the website, social media, get in contact or pop in to find out the current timetable.

Drop ins are on weekly and are a great place to meet new friends and find new passions.

Contact information: 01449 745130

mixstowmarket themixstowmarket

Key Contact: Ryan Currell



Crisis Services

• Showers, hot drinks and a smile • Advice, guidance and signposting

Your Body

Your Housing

Your Story

Sometimes when life hits hard, getting even our basic needs met can be a challenge. Simple things like a shower, a hot drink and a smile, can be impossible to find. This is what our crisis services are for. To make something impossible, possible, when you need it most. We have on–site shower facilities, toiletries, changes of clothes, hot drinks and some friendly smiles. If you or anyone you know needs them, please come in and say hi. It’s one of the reasons we are here!

Contact information: 01449 745130

mixstowmarket themixstowmarket

Key Contact: Anyone!



Leadership for Life

• Leadership training • Learn to lead yourself and the world we live in

Your Heart

Your Head

We are full of AMAZING potential, yet it can remain buried beneath the ‘mess’ of life or lost amongst the many voices that tell us we can’t, won’t or shouldn’t. The truth is — the story of our lives is being written every single day. The question is, who has the pen? Leadership for Life is a programme that helps YOU to take hold of your life pen and write the story that YOU want to write and unlock that amazing potential.

Your World

Over four modules, Leadership for Life equips you to: • Lead your Life • Lead your Relationships • Lead your Money • Lead a Project that benefits the world around you Each session is engaging and interactive, using activities to help anchor the learning so it will stay with you for life.

Contact information: 01449 745130

mixstowmarket themixstowmarket

Key Contact: Sam Petersen



• Learning to Thrive in your life


• An alternative provision for 13 –17 year olds

Your Head

Thrive exists to help young people discover their true value and build their best future. We work with schools to give a young person a full day of support each week around their confidence, mindset, gifts, skills and hopes for the future. Thrive is built on Leadership for Life and is run by a team of youth workers and teachers.

Your Heart

Your Skills

Our main areas of work are: • Developing a growth mindset so young people can lead their own positive thinking • Building project based vocational and academic skills to support progress • Encouraging hopes and aspirations to empower life after school • Enabling young people to realise their true potential

Contact information: 01449 745130

mixstowmarket themixstowmarket

Key Contact: Kirstie Land



Mixed Voice

• A young people’s leadership group • Making decisions alongside senior leadership

Your World

Mixed Voice are one of the most important leadership teams at The Mix. Often people talk about how important young people are… but just saying it

Your Relationships

Mixed Community • Weekly Meetings for pizza and projects

doesn’t change anything.

• Trips & Socials

Mixed Voice exists to give young people the

Mixed Leadership

opportunity to lead The Mix, lead themselves and make a way for all young people to be valued, heard and empowered. They do this in three ways…

Your Mark

• Lead Now internships • Leadership for Life training

Mixed Support • YouTube channel • Fundraising • Activities for young people If you want to find out more, get in touch!

Contact information: 01449 745130

mixstowmarket themixstowmarket

Key Contact: Sam Petersen



Open Source

• Digital support for young people • Giving young people information and guidance

Your Head

Your Heart

Your World

Open Source is a digital approach to reducing the

Open Source produces content to benefit young

physical barriers young people face in accessing the

people, parents and professionals on a huge range

support and information that they want and need.

of subjects.

Through our YouTube channel, social media and

If you would like to be involved with the project, please

webpages we provide up to date, relevant and local

get in touch.

support when and where it’s needed. The true beauty of Open Source is that its found in your hand…literally. With over 40,000 views in the first three months, this information and support is reaching people who may not have been able to access it in any other way.

Contact information: 01449 745130

mixstowmarket themixstowmarket

Key Contact: Jake Cardy



Open Doors

• A physical hub for young people and the community • Advice, support, signposting – plus great coffee!

Your Head

Your World

Your Community

Open Doors is a physical hub for young people,

Our Youth Work team are onsite daily so that you can

parents, professionals and the wider community.

pop in when you need to. You may have a question to

A place and a face for people to come and talk to with

ask, a challenge you’re facing or a problem you can’t

any issues, questions, challenges, worries and needs

handle on your own. Come and say hi. We will always

that they are facing.

try to help.

What does that mean? Basically it means that we

Our current opening hours can be found on Google!

try and keep our building open as much as possible, so anyone can access support when they need it. Whether you want information, signposting of services, advice, guidance or more practical support, we are here.

Contact information: 01449 745130

mixstowmarket themixstowmarket

Key Contact: Youth Team



• Learn new skills through fun activities


• Discover your gifts and skills

Your Heart

Your Skills

Your Relationships

Here at The Mix we love to put on a wide range of

Our activities are run by our leaders sharing their skills

activities for young people. Doing the things that we

and passions, or by our amazing partners providing

love, learning new skills and over coming obstacles

opportunities that young people wouldn’t normally be

and challenges are all hugely important to our

able to access.

wellbeing, but how do you get started? How do you know if you love golf unless you try it? How can you discover a passion for cooking unless you do it? Are you going to overcome any challenges sat on your sofa?

When and for who? Please check the website, social media, get in contact or pop in to find out up coming events. If your organisation has something to offer and would like to become one of our growing list of amazing partners, we would love to speak to you!

Contact information: 01449 745130

mixstowmarket themixstowmarket

Key Contact: Ryan Currell



Work Experience

• 1–2 week work experience placements • Experience a busy, vibrant charity

Your Skills

Your Mark

Your Money

Have you ever wanted to know what it is like to work in

We try hard to tailor each experience to the young

a busy, vibrant coffee shop? How about youth work or

person’s goals and interests and encourage them

finance? Well this is the page for you!

to gain experience across a wide range of different

We offer 1–2 week work experience placements for young people in partnership with local schools,

areas over their time with us. If you would like to know more, get in touch.

organisations or just as individuals. We are able to offer work experience in a variety of areas including youth work, hospitality, catering, communications & marketing, administration, finance, leadership and facilities.

Contact information: 01449 745130

mixstowmarket themixstowmarket

Key Contact: Andrea Mooney



Crucial Crew

• Safety event for Year 6’s across Mid Suffolk • Fun, informative and life saving!!

Your Head

Your Body

Your Safety

Crucial Crew is an annual child safety event which has

We partner with a variety of voluntary and community

been running nationally in excess of fifteen years and

sector organisations to deliver the eight scenarios

in Mid Suffolk for over ten years. It is aimed at primary

including Suffolk Fire Service, Suffolk Constabulary,

school children in Year 6 (age 10/11).

PPG Industries & UK Power Networks.

The event is staged when year 6 pupils move

What they say ...

from primary to secondary school, entering a more independent phase in their lives. Crucial Crew raises awareness of risky behaviours and their consequences. It provides general safety messages — from the consequences of anti-social behaviour, to fire safety in the home.

“ We love Crucial Crew & think it’s a very important workshop to attend. Thank you to everyone for organising & delivering it to us.” “ It’s been an excellent afternoon for our year 6s. It backs up so many things we do in school, but addresses many issues we don’t, such as fire, drugs & alcohol. It’s always good for the children to hear these things in an environment outside of school.”

Contact information: 01449 745130

mixstowmarket themixstowmarket

Key Contact: Sophie Tapscott



Duke of Edinburgh’s Award The DofE is a nationally recognised award for 14–24

• Nationally recognised youth achievement award • Push personal boundaries by having an adventure

Your Mark

Your Body

Your Skills

Participants are given a lot of choice so they can

year olds.

shape their experience to suit their own goals and

The course aims to equip you to push personal

these four key elements:

boundaries, gain new skills, have fun, make a

interests. However each will be required to undertake

difference and, well… have an adventure!

• Volunteering

The programme includes both individual and

• Skills

team elements, and the length of the course will differ depending on the level of the Award. All participants must start with Bronze level, which takes approximately 9 –12 months to complete.

• Physical • Expedition Each session is engaging and interactive, using activities to help anchor the learning so it will stay with you for life. Contact us below or visit: for more information

Contact information: 01449 745130

mixstowmarket themixstowmarket

Key Contact: Sam Petersen



Youth Work Academy

• Equipping youth workers with everything they need • Growing capacity for years to come

Your Skills

The Youth Work Academy is born out of the vision of a world where all young people can discover their true value and build their best future, and driven by a desire to see youth workers equipped with everything they need. We work hard to ensure that those working with young people and the youth work agenda as a whole are driven by the needs of young people, youth workers and communities.

Your Mark

Your World

Our main areas of work are in: • Developing the skills of those working with young people so they can do it effectively and safely. • Encouraging thought & understanding through inspiration and reflection. • Providing care for youth workers so they can invest in themselves to be able to invest in others. • Enabling delivery through tools, tips and resources.

To find out more, get in touch for a YWA annual!

Contact information: 01449 745130

mixstowmarket themixstowmarket

Key Contact: Dave Hannah



Closing the Gaps (Mid Suffolk)

• Closing the gaps young people fall through • Equipping communities, professionals and parents

Your Head

Your Heart

Your World

Our Closing the Gaps project exists to do just that…

At CTG our opportunities and approach are rooted

close the gaps that young people fall through:

in research and flexibility to ensure we can respond

• in the knowledge of available services and support. • in the skills of those working with and supporting them and their families. • in the services available due to lack of funding, capacity or experience. • in the resources, equipment, paperwork and tools we all need.

relevantly to the changing needs of young people and the individuals, organisations and communities, working to support them. We don’t want to do it “this way” or “that way”. We just want it to work. We want to see young people with what they need and when they need it. To find out more, head over to

Contact information: 01449 745130

mixstowmarket themixstowmarket

Key Contact: Dave Hannah



The BE Network

• Volunteering opportunities • A network of passionate people

Your Heart

Your Mark

Your World

At the BE Network, ‘volunteering’ isn’t a slogan,

If you’d like to find out more about volunteering at

political agenda or cost saving exercise. It’s bigger,

The Mix, the different roles we have or how we can

it’s better it’s beautiful! It’s about passionate people

support your organisation, we would love to hear

working together to BE the difference they want to

from you.

see in the world for young people. Whether it’s on our youth work, café, admin, facilities or fundraising team, our volunteer partners are the key players in our mission to empower and enable young people to change their world and ours.

Why not come and join us for one of our regular open evenings? To book, either pop in or contact us by using the information below.

But the BE Network’s vision is bigger than just The Mix. We want to equip other voluntary sector organisations with the support that they need as well.

Contact information: 01449 745130

mixstowmarket themixstowmarket

Key Contact: Sam Petersen



• Community collaboration to facilitate change

Together Project

• Helping young people find direction

Your Community

Your Heart

Your Skills

Our Together Project recognises the strength in

We recognise that you are so much more than

collaborating as a community to support young people.

your C.V…

Whether this be through fundraising or by building a network of both individuals and business partners, who are willing to contribute their expertise, services or financial support. Our new “work ready” scheme will be tapping into all these resources to help support a young person that is in need of guidance and direction in moving forward. Whether they are seeking employment, looking to find their way back into education or even if they just need pointing in the right direction, we use a holistic approach to support them in all aspects of their lives.

Contact information: 01449 745130

Our main areas of work are: • Building lasting and mutually beneficial relationships with the local community and businesses • Exploring new opportunities in collaboration with the local authority and local businesses to build a sustainable future for the project • Supporting young people with life skills and personal development to build their best future

mixstowmarket themixstowmarket

Key Contact: Rae Warner

OUR TRUSTED PARTNERS We wanted to quickly share with you a few special partners that we trust.

They have The Mix seal of

approval because we think

they’re ace. We hope you like them too!

Behind every great project is an even better agency. (or so we’ve heard)

If you’ve never heard of us, we’re a brand and print design agency who take a strategic and creative approach to the challenges we help businesses face. Not only that, but all of our profits go directly to supporting The Mix and the young people and families they work with. We worked in partnership with The Mix to design the book you’re now reading. So if you’ve got an idea for a book, are thinking about developing your brand, or you just want to see what we can help with, get in touch! We also share offices with the rowdy bunch known as The Mix team. 01449 745130





Live the ultimate band experience at our popular school clubs, our professional recording studio and our fun ‘band’ themed parties!

Book now


Arrange your unique Band Academy

The work we do has gained extremely

experience by sending us an email to

positive reviews, many saying that its!

a great way to boost condfidence!



Dance classes designed for children and adults!

Classes include Mini-Movers Musical Theatre Tap & Ballet Adult Class More coming soon!

Book a taster W keishaablittdanceacademy

Leadership development training and coaching

Leadership is not about the badge that we wear but the skills and behaviours that we demonstrate.

person is capable of We believe that every single around them with leading themselves and those the right development. adults to We work with children, teens and d high quality blen We s. develop leadership skill ds han g, leadership theory with engagin on activities.

What they say “Colin was very engaging and inspiring. He has helped me consider a new perspective” - said Madeliene about our training


Team Building Days

• Lead Now – training for staff to deliver the

survery driven targeted days, provide a fun

• Lead Now – taster package

full programme with children aged 8-13

Our packages, whether off the shelf or our way of developing your team.

Teens & Adults


• Leadership for Life 3 x half day course of lead

need drawing out. Our coaches have a range

• Leadership for Life – taster package

yourself, lead your money & lead your project

The solutions are often inside us; they just of experience and can help you develop confidence to tackle issues.


We have a range of training to help your team perform well:

• Staying sane when people complain • Effective communication

• Coaching for improvement

• Vision, values & behaviour

Want to find out more? Get in touch with us:

Director: Colin Tapscott m: 07905 361694 e: w.

Great work. You’ve reached the end of The Mix Annual now, but close the book and flip me over to read the Mid Suffolk Youth Directory!

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