Montini Catholic High School is a family-centered, co-educational, college preparatory high school, rooted in the life and teaching of Jesus Christ as emulated by St John Baptist DeLaSalle and committed to the education of the whole person Our LaSallian tradition recognizes the sacredness of all persons and educates students of diverse abilities, cultures, and socioeconomic backgrounds
Each student is expected to participate in an educational setting that will emphasize the message of Christ, service, and responsibility to Church, family, and community
The philosophy of Montini Catholic High School is to present the message of salvation proclaimed by our Lord Jesus Christ. Montini is a Roman Catholic, co-educational, secondary school offering a college preparatory education to the young people of Chicago’s western suburbs The DeLaSalle Christian Brothers sponsor and manage the school in association with lay men and women, religious and clergy. In accordancewiththeChristian Brothers’presence,thefollowingcharacteristicelementsaregivenpriority:
● Attention to the individual
● Special concern for the poor
● Commitment to excellence
● Creative education for a variety of ability levels
● Religious instruction and pastoral service
● Promotion of justice and peace
● Faith-filled and zealous teachers working in association
Montini’s programs attempt to challenge and encourage the spiritual, intellectual, personal, cultural, social and physicaldevelopmentofeachstudent Tothisend,Montiniendeavors:
● To provide an orderly learning environment which encourages serious pursuit of learning and achievement
● To promote cultural activities, leading to aesthetic appreciation
● To offer occasions for application of social amenities.
● To promote activities which lead to physical well-being
Ultimately, Montini’spurposeisthedevelopmentofthetotalperson:aninformedandcommittedCatholic;anactive citizenofthecommunity,countryandworld;andaphysicallyhealthyperson.
ThisCurriculumGuideisdesignedtohelpstudentsplanaprogramofstudyatMontiniCatholicHigh School Itshouldbereadcarefullybybothparentsandstudents Studentsareencouragedtoseek assistancefromadministrators,counselors,teachers,andparentsinpreparingascheduleforthenext schoolyear.TheCurriculumGuideisacatalogofthecoursestobeofferedatMontiniCatholicHigh Schoolduringthe2023-2024schoolyear. Forspecialhelpsee:
Mr KevinBab CollegeCounselor
Mr.BrianHyland Counselor
Ms KendalFranz Counselor
Ms ShannonValley DirectorofSignumFidei
Mr AlexZasso Business
Mrs SarahPittenger English
Ms StephanieKuecker FineArts–Art
Mr DonaldGlowinski FineArts–Music/Band,Drama
Mrs ChristineMcManus Mathematics
Mrs GinnyLarsen PhysicalEducation
Mrs SandraDeiber Science
Mr JamesRyan SocialStudies
Mr.MichaelBlanchette Theology
Mrs.JenniferBlock WorldLanguages
Mr.PeterFarina/Mr.BarryBriggs TechnologyEducation
Ms.SaraLhotka AssistantPrincipal,Curriculum&Instruction
Mr.ChristopherTiritilli AssistantPrincipal,StudentServices
Mr.KevinBeirne Principal
Mr.JamesSegredo President
This section outlines the minimum credits required for a diploma from Montini Catholic High School Additional courses should be planned carefully with the assistance of administrators, counselors, teachers and parents The followingtablesummarizestherequirementsforgraduation *
* Inadditiontotheabove,allstudentsmustpasstheU.S.andIllinoisConstitutiontests.
* In addition to the above, 10 hoursperyearofCommunityServiceneedtobecompleted.Atotalof40hourswill berequiredforgraduation,notincludinganyservicehoursfromanyotherorganizationsuchastheNHS
* Junioryear,anovernightreligiousretreatisrequired.
4YEARSOFENGLISH (emphasizingwrittenandoralCommunication andLiterature)
3YEARSOFMATHEMATICS (IntroductorythroughAdvanced Algebra,Geometry, Trigonometry,orFundamentalsofComputerProgramming)
3YEARSOFSCIENCE (LaboratoryScience)
3YEARSOFSOCIALSTUDIES (emphasizingHistoryandGovernment)
Generally, schedule changes are not permitted afterstudents’courserequestshavebeenturnedintothePrincipalor Assistant Principal When a student registers in a given course, he or she is expected to complete that course However, course changes may be allowed for serious academic reasons in special cases. A student should initially consult his or her parent(s), the teacher, the head of the department and his or her counselor regarding anychange request. Thecounselorwillsignaschedulechangeformifheorsheapprovestherequest. Thestudentwillalsosign the form and secure a signature of approval from his or her parent(s) In some cases, the student may also be required to securesignedapprovalfromtheteacher(s)ordepartmentchair(s)involved.Allschedulechangerequests must be submitted to the Principal or the Assistant Principal, with the appropriate signatures of approval, at least (14) days prior to the commencement of that semester Thesechangeswillbeeffectedbeforethesemesterbegins. Schedule changes are not effective until the Principal or the AssistantPrincipalgivesthefinalapproval.The student should remain in the currently scheduled classes until he or she isnotified.Schedulechangesmaynot be considered after that date The current procedure is under review and subject to change for the 2023-2024 schoolyear.TheupdatedprocedurewillbepostedintheStudentHandbook.
Course conflicts and courses missing in a student’s schedule shouldbereportedtoyourcounselorandtheAssistant Principal for Student Services prior to the beginning of the semester. Every effort will be made to fulfill the student’sdesiredschedule,butnotethatcourseconflictsmayarise
The Advanced Placement Program at Montini Catholic High SchooliscommittedtopreparingstudentsforCollege Board AP Examinations given at the end of the year, potentially earning students college credit To do this, AP classes require advanced levels of reading, writing and analytical skills, and demand that students perform at an advanced level andspeed Therefore,studentswishingtoenrollinanyAPcoursemusthavetheDepartmentChair's recommendation. Students may also be responsible for summer assignments as determinedbytheAPinstructor.It istheresponsibilityofthestudenttoreceiveandcompleteallsummerassignments
The Signum Fidei programisdesignedforfreshmenandsophomorestudentsenteringMontiniCatholicwhorequire instructional foundation support in reading, writing and/or math skills The purpose of the program is to provide students with reading and study strategies they can use in their college preparatory math, reading, science, and theology courses to be successful Ultimately, the goalistograduatestudentsintothecollegepreparatoryclassesas soon as they have shown progress of reading at grade level and an ability to use appropriate skills and strategies independently
Most colleges, including NCAA Division I and Division II schools, require 16 academic credits from the departments of English, Foreign Languages, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. College admission policies also rely heavily upon Grade Point Average (GPA), scores on entrance tests, (American College Testing Program-ACT, College Board Examinations-SAT), extracurricular activities, student essays, personal statements, andpersonalrecommendations
Prospective student-athletes seeking NCAA eligibility should select electives from the following list to ensure the student meets the NCAA eligibility requirements: (050) World Religions, (052) Introduction to Philosophy, (150) Creative Writing, (160) Advanced Creative Writing, (180) Journalism, (785) Chicago History, (794) Psychology, and (798) AP Psychology The third and fourth years of a world language are also approved courses Students seeking NCAA or NAIA eligibility should meet with their counselor to ensure that they are meetingtheeligibility requirements
Curriculum Guide 2023-24
Examples of academic integrity abuses could include but are not limited to cheating, copying, plagiarizing, or otherwise representing the work of others as one’s own throughverbal,written,graphic,electronic,orothermeans. Formsofacademicdishonestyinclude,butarenotlimitedto,thefollowing:
● Lookingatanotherstudent’sanswers,orusinga“cheatsheet”duringatest,orprovidingotherstudents withthemeanstocopyanswers;
● Submittingwork,includinghomework,receivedfromsomeoneelse,asone’sown;
● Downloadingmaterialverbatimfromanonlinesourceandrepresentingitasone’sownwithoutciting sourcesorcreditingtheauthor;
● Copyingtextinanyformfromasourcewithoutpropercitation,andsubmittingasone’sown;
● Copyinginanyformanotherperson’scomputerprogramorsoftwarefileandrepresentingitasone’sown;
● Alteringbyanymeans,orattemptingtoalter,coursegrades,testgrades,gradepointaverage,credits earned,orotherconfidentialinformationaboutoneselforothers;
● Acquiring,distributing,and/orpersonallyusingtests,answerstotests,answerkeys,classprojects,research papers,reports,homeworkorschool-ownedmaterialsthroughverbal,written,graphic,electronic,orother meansforthepurposeofgivingunfairadvantagetooneselforothers
Students determined to have been academically dishonest are subject to disciplinary action Consequences for cheating will be determined by the teacher in collaborationwiththedepartmentchairandsubjecttotheapprovalof the administration Depending on the severity of the offense, the number of offenses, theimpactonotherstudents and teachers, and/or the curriculum, students may lose credit for a project, or test, lose class or course credit, be suspended pending a parent conference,orberecommendedforexpulsion Incidentsofacademicdishonestywillbe tracked on a student by student basis. Those incidentswillalsobereportedtothehonorsocietiesandmayresultin probation,suspension,orotherconsequencesconsistentwitheachsociety’sby-laws
Some students will be assigned one study hall per semester. This is a time to do homework, work on special projects, get extra help and use the Learning Resource Center and computerroom Thisperiodoftimecanbevery helpful if used correctly.Studentsareexpectedtocometothestudyhallwithallnecessarymaterialsandequipment. Students are expected to study in silence A pass will be necessary to be excused from this time or to work in another resource area. A current student ID must be presented to the librarian. Passes to areas otherthantheLRC mustbeobtainedpriortothestartoftheschoolday
The English Department recognizes that each student learns through rational and logical thinking, and through the creative and intuitive process Learning becomes meaningful and integrated when a balance of educational experiences is offered to students We aim to balance verbal with visual, creative with logical, and intuitive with rational experiences A concentrated and developmental sequence of writing skills for all levels of instruction is presented as a thorough preparation for college writing standards The department offers a four-year emphasis on the study of grammar, vocabulary, speech, literature, and composition These components are considered essential to a program which aims to develop student skills in using and appreciating language and its various expressions In addition to the regular scope and sequence of our departmental curriculum, each student will be required to read at least one selection over the summer which will be evaluated in the first weeks of the new school year
Grade: 9
Prerequisite: PlacementTestScores/ConcurrentPlacement inEnglish9(112)
This course is designed for the freshman student whose entrance test scores indicate a need to develop better skills and strategies to master efficiently and effectively the daily challenges ofhighschoolstudies
The course aims to build the reading skills of comprehension and reading rate, enrich vocabulary, and improve study skills by using a variety of methodsandmaterialsincorporatedintothereadingcurriculum
It is the goal of this course to improve student performanceinallcontentcoursesbyfocusingonthestudy skills needed for success across the curriculum. This course does not satisfy the English Department graduationrequirement.
Grade: 9
Prerequisite: PlacementTestScores/ConcurrentPlacementinCommunicationI(100)
This course is designed to give Signum Fidei students continued and intensive practice in the skills of readingandcomposition.Afocusontheimprovementofannotationskills,grammar,paragraphwritingand application of reading strategiesLiterature study includes an introduction to a variety of literary forms as well as vocabulary development. This course is designed to complement the Communication I course in theSignumFideiprogram
Grade: 9
Prerequisite: PlacementTestScores
Ninth grade English begins with a concentration onthewritingprocesswherestudentswillapplythesteps of this process to avarietyofparagraphmodessuchasnarrative,expository,informativeandpersuasive.A strong emphasis is placed on the study ofgrammarastherulesapplytothestudents’writing Literatureis studied as it familiarizes the students with the elements and vocabularyofliterarygenres. Componentsof theliteratureprogramincludethestudyoftheshortstory,novel,drama,poetry,mythology,andnon-fiction Emphasis is applied to the art of active reading techniques. Vocabulary study is an integral part of the program
Grade: 9
Prerequisite: PlacementTestScores
Honors Freshman English curriculum begins with the application of the writing process to the course‘s literature components. The students will apply the steps of this writing process to a variety of paragraph modes such as narrative, expository, informative and persuasive A solid foundation in composition techniques is essential to the development of student writers who can express analytical observations in language that are clear, cohesive, and stylistically original Their discovery of literature will consist of a genre study where they will explore the vocabulary and techniques of the shortstory,novel,drama,essay, poetry, and mythology The continuing study of grammar and vocabulary is presented as a partnershipin theirdevelopingskillsatdiscoveringandexpressingtheirownvoiceandstyle
Grade: 10
Prerequisite: ReadingTestScoresandSignumFideiDirectorRecommendation
Communication II is designed for the sophomore student who has demonstrated further need for improvement in reading and study skills. The course emphasizes the development of language skills required for the language domains: reading, writing, listening and speaking successacrossthecurriculum The course aims to adequately prepare these students to move into the regular curriculum on the junior level ThiscoursedoesnotsatisfytheEnglishDepartmentgraduationrequirement.
Grade: 10
Thiscoursecontinuestheconcentrationonthereading/annotationandwritingprocessasitwasbegunat thefreshmanlevel Componentsoftheliteratureprogramarethegenresofplays,novels,shortstories, poemsandnonfictionarticles,centeredaroundrealisticandhistoricalfiction.Componentsofthe compositionprogramaredesignedtodevelopanalyticalwritingskills,learnmoreeffectivewaysto organizeandsupportideaseffectively,andimprovecontrolofcorrectEnglishthroughpracticewith grammaticalconstructions Vocabularystudycontinuestobeanintegralpartoftheprogram
127 ENGLISH10SPEECHANDDRAMA (SemesterCourse) ½Credit
Grade: 10
This course will concentrate on the theory and practice of verbal communication. Students will develop their public speaking skills by preparing and presenting a variety of speech activities aimed at improving effective communication. This course includes techniques of preparing and delivering speechestoinform, entertain,show,process,persuade,andmotivate
Grade: 10
Prerequisite: ApprovalofDepartment Chair
This course continues with the accelerated application ofthewritingprocessasitappliestotheanalysisof literature The writing practice moves beyond the paragraph to themulti-paragraphessayformattedbyan expository essay Grammar studymovestomoresophisticatedconstructionsthatprovidethestudentswith greater capability for self-expression In their literature study, the focus remains on improving active reading skills intended to train students to become more discerning readers and critical thinkers. Representative literary genres are studied from American and world literature Vocabularydevelopmentis emphasizedtoaccommodatecompositionandreadingneeds.
Grade: 10
Prerequisite: ApprovalofDepartment Chair
This course will concentrate on the theoryandpracticeofverbalcommunication Emphasiswillbeplaced on the steps of preparing and performing speeches inavarietyofspeakingsituations Thiscourseincludes techniquesofpreparinganddeliveringspeechestoinform,entertain,show,persuade,andmotivate
Grade: 11
Prerequisite: Teacherand/orSignumFidei DirectorRecommendation
The course places emphasis on developing writing skills, building from the short paragraph to longer essays Review and reinforcement of basic grammar skills are emphasized in developing the students’ abilities to write in standard language. Strong emphasis will be placed on the enhancement of skills for standardized test-taking used for college entrance This course providessupportforjuniorstudentsintheir corecourses.ThiscoursedoesnotsatisfytheEnglishDepartmentgraduationrequirement.
Grade: 11
The literature base of this junior course is achronologicalsurveyofAmericanLiteraturefromthecolonial period through the twenty-first century The composition skills honed at the freshman and sophomore levels continue to be emphasized as students begin to demonstrate their writing abilities in theanalysisof their literature study. The culmination of expository writing is the instruction and guidance in writing a research paper A review of grammar andreadingskillsisstressedinpreparationfortheACTexaminthe spring. Vocabularydevelopmentisregardedasanessentialandongoingprocessinpreparationfornational testing
Grade: 11
Prerequisite: ApprovalofDepartmentChair
Forthishonors-leveljuniorcourse,AmericanLiteratureandthecompositionprocessaretaughtatan acceleratedpace. Studentsareexpectedtoreadandwritewithmaturityandsophistication. Independent readingoutsideofclassisexpectedsothatfrequentclassdiscussionsarerewardingandbeneficialtothe students. AstrongemphasisisgiventoreadingclassicAmericanliterature. Additionally,grammar, vocabulary,andcompositionskillsarereviewedandstressedaspartofthedailyprocess Emphasisis giventoACTpreparationthroughouttheschoolyear. Theresearchpaperistaughtasaprocessthatwill encouragestudentstochoosealiterarytopicanddoananalyticalpaperbasedontheirresearch
Grade: 11
Prerequisite: ApprovalofDepartmentChair
This course isacollege-levelrhetoricandcompositioncoursewithfocusonAmericanLiterature Students will learn the writing process to develop evidence-based analytic and argumentative essays. Studentswill learn to evaluate, synthesizeandcitesourcesthatsupporttheirarguments Throughoutthecourse,students will develop a personal writing style. In addition, students will read and analyze the rhetorical elements and their effects in non-fiction work from many disciplines and historical periods Studentswillbeurged toparticipateintheAdvancedPlacementtestingprograminthespring.
Grade: 12
This final year of instruction in the composition process will see a focused preparation of the student for college writing Each senior will write a research paper on a selected topic This project brings together students’ critical thinkingskillsaswellastheirtechnicalproficiencyinwriting Afurtheremphasiswillbe placed on polishing the conventions of grammar, mechanics, usage and vocabulary as they approach the college experience Senior students will examine the works of representativeBritishauthorsspanningthe history of British literature from the beginnings to thepresent. Theywillreaddrama,shortfiction,poetry, and novels by British authors in order to develop their own personalliterarytasteandtobetterunderstand criticalstandardsofexcellence.
Grade: 12
Prerequisite: ApprovalofDepartmentChair
Honors Senior English will allow students who are ready for a positive challenge to prepare for college. The curriculum will include British and world literature, the traditional review of grammar, vocabulary development, and a literary research paper. While students will be using the literature anthology as a base for learning, at least one extra classic novel/play per quarter will be taught Students are expected to be active learners and class participants. Additionally, students’ writing willbereinforced with avarietyofessayassignments
Grade: 12
Prerequisite: ApprovalofDepartmentChair
This college level course is the culmination of the honors program in English It is designed to teach a significant body of Western literature so that students come to understand their literary heritage and to appreciate the artistry manifested in the creation of the literary genres There is a demanding program of reading and composition assignments that require active reading with critical analysis skills Further emphasis is placed on vocabulary development and the mastery of the mechanicsofrhetoric. Throughout the year, students practice writing papers and responding to essay questions that are Advanced Placement quality. Further, they will conduct research onaliterarytopicandwriteapaperthatbecomesafoundation for their AP testing Students are urged to participate in the Advanced Placement testing program in the spring.
150 CREATIVEWRITING (SemesterCourse)
½Credit Grade: 11,12
This course will provide a step-by-step sequence of activities, projects, and techniques that will fine tune students’creativewritingability. Activitieswillchallengestudentstoanalyzewordchoice,developastyle, build a plot, create characters, and experiment with writing a variety of poetry forms Projects include poetry, short stories, magazine articles, and one-act plays. This course does not satisfy the English Departmentgraduationrequirement.
160 ADVANCEDCREATIVEWRITING (SemesterCourse) ½Credit
Grade: 12
Prerequisite: CreativeWriting(150)andTeacherApproval
This course is designed for students who wish to take a second semester of creative writing Students would be completing three or four major projects, such as, anonfictionarticlesuitableforsubmissiontoa magazine, a short story, and a one-act play Studentswouldalsobeallowedtochooseoneformattocreate a portfolio of smaller pieces ThecoursewouldrunconcurrentlywiththeCreativeWritingclass Students would be involved in some of the assignments of the first level of creative writing, but would be doing more independent writing and editing of their work The major goal of the course is to encourage interested studentstocontinuetheirwritingandtosubmittheirworkforpublicationoutsideofschool.This coursedoesnotsatisfytheEnglishDepartmentgraduationrequirement.
180 JOURNALISM (SemesterCourse) ½Credit
Grade: 11,12
Anews-centricsocietycreatesahighdemandforfactsandopinionsthroughavarietyofmediums,with journalismasthefoundationofthisinformation Alongwithreceivingaconcisehistoryofjournalismand learningabouttheevolutionoftheprofession,studentswillgainthebasicsofresearching,writing,editing, revising, publishing, using journalistic standards andethics Studentswilldiscusscurrenteventsdaily, coveringwhatishappeningatthelocal,national,andgloballevels,whilealsodiscussingjournalism-based newstodiscusstheissuesthatpertaintomediaandmediaprofessionals Additionally,studentswilllearn about“newmedia”withworkshop-typesettingsforlearningaboutradio,television,data,andphotographic journalismwhile alsoresearchinghowsocial media forums and apps,augmentedreality,andcablenews programshave changed the faceof modern journalism.Aknowledgeandenjoymentforwritingis required,andaworkingknowledgeofeditingandpublishingiswelcomed Thiscoursedoesnotsatisfy theEnglishDepartmentgraduationrequirement.
The Fine Arts Department offers a basic background in the visual arts The goal is the development of fluency in the fundamental language of art - the elements and principles of design - and the development of technical ability in various media and art forms The results are broadened perception; a sharpening of critical awareness and appreciation; enhancement of expressive ability; and creative problem-solving skills. The student gains insight into himself or herself via his or her experiences in expression
960 ARTI (SemesterCourse)
Grade: 9
Art I is a course designed to introduce the beginning art student to the principles and elements of art through various projects A general overview of the history of artwillbecovered Eachlesson discussed will correspond with a project that stresses thisinformationinconnectiontotheprinciplesandelementsof art The focus of the lessons will be on value, contrast, color, depth, form, placement, and balance The students will learn about two-dimensional art The focus will be on drawing and an introduction to painting
970 ARTII (SemesterCourse)
Grade: 9,10
Art II familiarizes the student with theelementsandprinciplesofdesignwithafocuson3Dart Successis measured by proficiency displayed in application of the elements and principles of design. Students will have the ability to create various types of art forms including sculpture and painting Students willbegin with a focus on painting and will branch into the study of 3D art. The students will develop skills in creating sculptures with air dry clay and will end with an introduction to pottery Thecourseissuggested for students interested in further art study. This course will allow students to further develop skills they learnedinArtI
983 AdvancedPainting (SemesterCourse)
Grade: 10,11,12
This is a painting class designed to continue building skills that have been acquired in Art I and Art II Prior art experience is required. In this course, students will first learnthefundamentalsofmixingcolor. They will create a series of value scales that will help them understand color and value within painting Next, the students will create one large canvas painting of their choice. The students will learn the focus needed to create a large scale painting Lastly, students will work together as a group todesignandpaint one mural The mural will either be on a wall or on multiple large panels As an additional part of the course, students will study the history of murals, streetart,basicacrylicpaintingtechniques,andvisualart conceptsincludingscale,perspective,andcolortheory
Grade: 9,10,11,12
Digital Design and Photography will encourage the students to use computer art as a means of personal expression. It will provide students with an introduction to communication throughtheuseoftechnology and Adobe programs Students will learn basic techniques in the areas of graphic manipulation and photography. The course focuses on design and photocomposition,understandinglight,manualshooting, and graphic design In this class, the students will use Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Fresco to explore digital design and photography. It is not required that the student has a digital camera but heorshemust have some device to take photos outside of the classroom You are required to have astylusfortheipad The controls for the programs are small and closetogethersoitwillberequiredtouseastylusinorderfor theprogramtoworkcorrectlyonyouripad
983 MULTI-LEVELART (SemesterCourse)
Grade: 10,11,12
Multi-Level art is a unique course that allows students to follow their passion and interests inexploringa particular chosen artistic field of study Students of various disciplines and levels of expertise will work within the same class This will foster the growth of a vibrant artistic community Studentswillbeableto share their diverse approaches to their own particular medium, and process Artistic cross pollination will blossomfromdailywork,dialogueandformalcritiques Thisisaclassthatwillalsobenefitthosewhoseek artistic careers. It will provide the opportunity to create a unified body of artwork, and will help to strategize art portfolios for admission tocollegeartprograms Theclassisopentostudentswithaninterest in the following fields of study: Painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, video, illustration, ceramics, pottery, fashion design, and graphic/commercial design The students will be guided bytheinstructorbut the students are responsible for the creation of project ideas and approaches to completing them. Prerequisites for a focus in drawing and/orpaintingwillbeArtI. Forotherdisciplines,studentsare expected to have some exposure to that practice. Students may take this course more than once. Students may petition Ms. Kuecker for admission by submitting5piecesofworkiftheydonothave theprerequisitesnecessary.
990 POTTERYI (SemesterCourse)
Grade: 11,12
Basic processes in the construction of ceramic objects are studied Studentsareinstructedintheartofcoil building, slip and score, slab building, pinch potting, and creating ceramicsculptures.Theywillalsolearn to use glazes anddecorativetechniquestoenhancethesurfaceofceramicforms Studentswilllearnhowto make a bowl on the wheel. Students will learn about mixing glazes and will use underglazes for surface decoration
The Drama Department offers each student the opportunity of realizing the importance and impact of drama and the theater in our present world, and the rich heritage it has fostered on a social and cultural level throughout history The classes offered teach the performance skills necessary to perform in the theater in a variety of genres and using a variety of methodologies The classes also develop skills that will help each student develop the self-confidence, self-direction and knowledge involved in the creative processes which make dramatic theater
994 ACTINGI (SemesterCourse) ½Credit
Grade: 9,10,11,12
This course in Acting is designed to introduce and develop an understanding of the basic principles of theatrical performance as demonstrated through the development of stage characters. Students will learn thebasicskillsofactorperformancewhichincludeusingthebodyandvoicetools;overcomingstagefright; working cooperatively and efficiently with others; learning the language of the theater; and creating characters in a communication situation that can be seen, heard, understood and believed by an audience Through this course, students will experience improvisation, pantomime, audition techniques, body and vocal expression, as well as scripted dramatic scenes and monologues Students will gain self-awareness andself-confidenceastheydeveloptheirskillsandperformforanaudience
The Music Department affords each student the opportunity of realizing the importance of music as an art form in our present world, and the rich heritage it has fostered on a social and cultural level The music courses offered present both performance skills as well as listening skills with the hope that each student will develop self confidence, self-direction and the skill and knowledge involved in creative action to use throughout life whether for leisure activity or for a career All music classes fulfill part of the school Fine Arts requirement
932 DIGITALMUSICI (SemesterCourse)
Grade: 9,10,11,12
This course is designed for the student who has an interestinlearningtomakeindependentmusicthrough the use of technology Topics covered include music software, song composition, and digital audio recording During the semester, the big items are “Paper” composition and Electronic Composition Students will learn how to write/read music on staff paper and the fundamentals of melody and harmony. They will then take this information and apply it to GarageBand using existing music on the app and creating/recordingnewmusic.
934 DIGITALMUSICII (SemesterCourse)
Grade: 11,12
This course is a continuation of Digital Music I with a focus on songwriting Students will expand their knowledge of the basics of GarageBand to the full use of the app as well as other methods for writing songs The students will create original songs with lyrics, melody and chord progressions, they will collaborate with other songwriters and producers, andtheywillarticulatethevarietyofmusicalandlyrical approaches and thematic material that the great song writers have utilizedintheirsongs Bytheendofthe course,thestudentswillhaveashareableEPconsistingof5-7songs.
Grade: 9,10,11,12
Students will have the opportunitytolearnaboutthevasthistoryofmusicfrom400ADtopresentday We will cover a variety of genres and complete many different projectsthroughoutthesemester.Studentswill explore many different styles of music, both traditional and modern style, while learning the basics of music notation and form Students whosuccessfullycompletethiscoursewillgathergeneralknowledgeof 16+musicgenres,beabletoidentifysignificantworksbyearandhaveexperiencewithresearchingmusic
941 CONCERTCHOIR (SemesterCourse)
942 (YearCourse)
1Credit Grade: 9,10
Concert Choir is a mixed choral ensemble that explores vocal music from a wide variety of music styles from classical to jazz to multicultural to pop Students will learn the basics of vocal technique, sight-reading, musictheory,andmusichistory StudentsinConcertChoirareexpectedtoparticipateinone eveningconcerteachquarterasamajorpartoftheirgrade Nochoralexperienceisnecessary
Grade: 9,10,11,12
Prerequisite: MinimumOneSemesterofChoirand/orAuditionwithDirector
A highly selective group specializing in advanced choral repertoire, the Honors Chamber Choir is comprised of the most experienced male and female singers from the student body The group exposes students to advanced musical styles and members are given opportunities for individual performances including experience in jazz and other vocal techniques The Honors Chamber Choir performs in 4 curricular concerts and an estimate of 1-2 performances outside of the school day per semester. Honors Chamber Choir members are encouraged to enroll in additional academic choral ensemble Attendance at all events is expected. Members will also have to complete two Honors Course projects throughout the school year NOTE: Auditions will only be open to Freshmen if voices are needed. Those auditions willtakeplaceatthebeginningoftheschoolyear.
956 VARSITYCHOIR (YearCourse)
Grade: 11,12
Aselectivegroupperformingawidevarietyofchoralrepertoire,theVarsitySingersiscomprisedof advancedmaleandfemalesingers. Thegroupexposesstudentstomanymusicalstylesandappropriate vocaltechniques Anumberofperformances,travelandsocialeventsaddtothelearningexperience This groupperformsin4concerts. Attendanceatalleventsisexpected.
945 CONCERTBAND (YearCourse)
Grade: 9,11,12
947 CONCERTBAND (SemesterCourse)
Grade: 10
ConcertBandisacoursewhichmeetsdailyforaFineArtscredit. Studentswillexplorebandrepertoire throughstrengtheningperformanceskills;knowledgeofmusictheoryanditsapplicationtoplaying; performanceofliteraturesuitedtotheabilityofthegroup Privatelessonsareencouraged Thiscourse focusesondevelopingindividualperformanceproficiencyandoverallmusicianship Thisgroupperforms in4concerts Attendanceatalleventsisexpected
Grade: 10
Prerequisite: AuditionwithDirector
Grade: 9,11,12
Prerequisite: AuditionwithDirector
The Honors Symphonic Band is the top band course offered at Montini Catholic High School, and membership requires a serious commitment to performance. Prerequisites include completely accurate demonstrationoftechnicalandmusicalabilitythroughtheauditionprocess Privatelessonsareencouraged This course, which meets daily, offers activities including concert, festival, solo/ensemble, pep band and performances requiring extra time commitments The Honors Symphonic Bandperformsat4concertsand anestimateof1-2additionalperformancespersemester.Attendanceatalleventsisexpected.
The Mathematics program at Montini Catholic High School is designed to provide each student with the opportunity to develop his or her mathematical talents to the fullest Accordingly, daily assignments and frequent assessments will be viewed as a means to strengthen the students’ mathematical skills Additionally, there is a mandatory summer assignment for all students entering any level of algebra, geometry, algebra II, or calculus There will be a diagnostic assessment on the material during the first week of classes The department feels the student is best served by ability-level grouping; it has a special program for the slow learner and an accelerated program for the mathematically gifted Registration for all courses is subject to department approval.
Grade: 9
Prerequisite:Studentcurrentlyenrolledin314AlgebraI oraboveorapprovalofdepartmentchair
The course begins with the study of what it means to be an engineer, the different concentrations of engineering, societal impacts of engineering, and theconnectionengineeringhastomathandscience The major focus ofthecourseistoexposestudentstotheengineeringdesignandreportingprocesses. Thiswill be achieved through hands-on collaborative projects. Projects may include but are not limited to: Egg Drop, Paper Airplane, Circuits, Gumdrop Bridge, Pasta Cantilevers,Hurricane Tower, and Rubber Band Cars
Grade: 9
Prerequisite: Placement&ProficiencyTestScores
This course focuses on number sense in preparation for algebra Concepts covered are real numbers, decimals, fractions, percents, ratios, proportions, prime and composite numbers,negatives,absolutevalue; analyzing tables, pictographs, charts; factors, multiples, exponents; area, perimeter, volume; relationships, functions, coordinate plane, graphing points, Graphing Lines, Solving equations (with and without fractions);terms,andoperationswithterms
Grade: 9
Prerequisite: Placement&ProficiencyTestScores
This course reinforces the computational skillsofarithmeticwhilecoveringtopicsofmodernalgebra The course covers the critical components of properties of real numbers, expressions, polynomials, solve equations and inequalities, solve systems of equations and inequalities, properties of exponents (both rational and irrational), functions, linear models, exponential models, quadratic models, properties of rationalandirrationalnumbers,singlevariablestatistics,andtwovariablestatistics
Grade: 9
Prerequisite: Placement&ProficiencyTestScores
This is a complete course in the concepts and skills of Algebra I Alltopicswillbecoveredalgebraically, graphically, numerically,andverballywithanemphasisonapplicationsinmoderncontexts.Topicscovered include properties of real numbers, expressions, polynomials, solve equations and inequalities, solve systems of equations and inequalities, properties of exponents (both rational and irrational), functions, linear models, exponential models, quadratic models, properties of rational and irrational numbers, single variable statistics, and two variable statistics. The graphing calculator will play an integral role in this course
Grade: 9
Prerequisite: Placement&ProficiencyTestScores
This course is for students who have had some Algebra I and have achieved an appropriate score on the entrance exam All topics will be covered algebraically, graphically, numerically, and verbally with an emphasis on applications in modern contexts Topics covered include properties of real numbers, expressions, polynomials, solve equations and inequalities, solve systems of equations and inequalities, properties of exponents (both rational and irrational), functions, linear models, exponential models, quadratic models, properties of rational and irrational numbers, single variable statistics, and twovariable statistics. Thegraphingcalculatorwillplayanintegralroleinthiscourse.
Grade: 10
Prerequisite: ModernAlgebraIorAlgebraI
The course covers the critical components of line and angle properties, triangle and polygon properties, circles, area and volume formulas, the Pythagorean Theorem, similarity, and deductive reasoning. The studentwillgainaknowledgeandabilitytouseboththetermsandthetoolsofgeometry
Grade: 10
Prerequisite: AlgebraI
ThisisafirstcourseingeometrywithanemphasisonEuclideanapproachesandapplications Topics coveredinclude: lineandangleproperties,triangleandpolygonproperties,circles,area andvolume formulas,thePythagoreanTheorem,similarity,anddeductivereasoning.Thestudentwillgaina knowledgeandabilitytouseboththetermsandthetoolsofgeometry.
Grade: 10
Prerequisite: AlgebraI
ThisisafirstcourseingeometrywithanemphasisonEuclideanapproachesandapplications.Topics coveredinclude: lineandangleproperties,triangleandpolygonproperties,circles,area andvolume formulas,thePythagoreanTheorem,similarity,withemphasisondeductivereasoning,constructionsand proofs. Thestudentwillgainaknowledgeandabilitytouseboththetermsandthetoolsofgeometry.
Curriculum Guide 2023-24
Grade: 11,12
Prerequisite: PlaneGeometryorGeometry
StudentswhohavetakenPlaneGeometryorwhohavehaddifficultyinregularGeometryandwhowantto build a stronger foundation in algebraic concepts should take this course.Itincludesastudyof equations, linear functions, systems of linear equations, quadratic functions, polynomialfunctions,rationalfunctions, radicalfunctions,complexnumbers,exponentialandlogarithmicfunctions,conicsections,andmatrices
Prerequisite: Geometry
Whenever possible, topics will be covered algebraically, graphically, numerically, and verbally with an emphasis on applications in modern contexts Topics covered include properties of real numbers, linear functions, quadratic functions, polynomial functions, rational functions, radical functions, complex numbers, exponential and logarithmic functions, conic sections, matrices, and basic probabilities. The graphingcalculatorwillplayanintegralroleinthiscourse
Prerequisite: Geometry
Whenever possible, topics will be covered algebraically, graphically, numerically, and verbally with an emphasis on applications in modern contexts There will be a brief review of linear functions, quadratic functions, systems of equations, and exponents. Topics covered include polynomial functions, rational functions, radical functions, complex numbers, exponential and logarithmic functions, conic sections, matrices, trigonometric functions, trigonometric identities, sequences and series, basic probabilities and statistics. The graphing calculator will play an integral role in this course. In addition,studentsmayapply toearndualcredittoreceivecollegecreditthroughLewisUniversityforanadvancedmathematicscourse.
Grade: 12
Prerequisite: ModernAlgebraIIorAlgebraII
This course is for those students who wish to take a fourth year of mathematics and want to move at a slower pace. The course is especially for college bound students who would like preparation for an entry-level college mathematics course Topicscoveredinclude:inductivereasoning,estimation,problem solving, logic, number theory and the real number system, graphs, functions, systems of linear equations, systems of linear inequalities,percentloans,simpleinterest,compoundinterest,installmentbuying,buying ahousewithamortgage,probability andstatistics.
Prerequisite: ModernAlgebraIIorAlgebraIIANDTeacherRecommendation
This course is for those students who need a more in-depth study of algebra and an introduction to statistics. The course will stress thenumericalandgraphicalrelationshipsofradicalfunctions,polynomial functions (including quadratics), rational functions, exponential functions, and logarithmic functions with special emphasis onrealworldapplicationsandstatisticalanalysis(graphs,charts,regressions,measuresof central tendency, and measures of variation) The graphing calculator will play an integral role in this course.
Grade: 11,12
Prerequisite: ModernAlgebraIIorAlgebraII
This course is for those students who have completed Modern Algebra II with a grade of A or for those students who have completed Algebra II but are nottakingPre-Calculus.Itservesasapreparationforfirst year college courses The first semester covers right triangle trigonometry, radian measure, graphs of trigonometric functions, inverse functions, solving trigonometric equations, trigonometric laws, formulas, and identities, and real-world applications. Second semester covers experimental design, various graphs, charts, and plots to display data, measures of central tendency, measures of variation, regression, basic probability, probability distribution, normal distribution, central limit theorem, and hypothesis testing Bothsemestersutilizethegraphingcalculatorextensively.
Grade: 10,11,12
Prerequisite: HonorsAlgebraIIorAlgebraIIandTeacherRecommendation
Students will be prepared to take the Advanced Placement Precalculus testinMaytoearnonesemesterof college credit. Students will develop the skills associated with procedural and symbolic fluency,multiple representations (algebraical, graphical, numerical, and verbal), and communication and reasoning This course covers polynomial functions, rational functions, exponential functions, logarithmic functions, trigonometric functions, polar functions, parametric functions, vectors, and matrices. The graphing calculatorwillplayanintegralroleinthiscourse
Grade: 11,12
Students will be preparedtotaketheAdvancedPlacementABCalculustestinMaytoearnonesemesterof college credit Studentswilldevelopskillsassociatedwithimplementingmathematicalprocesses,multiple representations (algebraical, graphical, numerical, and verbal), justification, and communication and notation. This course covers functions, graphs, limits, continuity, differentiation, applications of derivatives, integration, applications of integration, techniques of antidifferentiation, numerical approximations to definite integrals, and variable separable differential equations including slopefields Thegraphingcalculatorwillplayanintegralroleinthiscourse.
Grade: 12
Prerequisite: Calculus358
This course is a continuation of Calculus 358 Students will be prepared to taketheAdvancedPlacement BC test in May in order to earn twosemestersofcollegecredit.Wheneverpossible,topicswillbecovered algebraically, graphically, numerically, andverbally. InadditiontoreviewingABtopics,thiscoursecovers techniques of antidifferentiation including parts, partial fractions, trigonometric substitution,andimproper integrals; differential equations including slope fields, Euler’s method, exponential and logistic growth; sequences and seriesincludingconvergence,TaylorandMaclaurinseriesanderrorbounds;andparametric, polar, and vector functions, their derivatives, antiderivatives, and applications Additionally, this course covers an introduction to vector analysis and combinatorics The graphing calculatorwillplayanintegral roleinthiscourse.
Grade: 12
Prerequisite: Calculus368&teacherapproval
This course covers vectors in the plane and in space; vector algebra; planes and quadric surfaces; other coordinate systems; curves in 3-space and differentiation, arc length, speed and curvature; functions of several variables and their limits; partial derivatives and tangent planes; directional derivatives and the gradient; chain rules; max-min problems; LaGrange multipliers; multiple and iterated integrals; double integrals over general regions, triple integrals; polar, cylindrical, and spherical change ofvariables;vector fields and line integrals; fundamental theorem for line integrals; parametric surfacesandsurfaceintegrals; surface integrals of vector fields; Greene’s theorem; Stoke’s theorem; and divergence and the divergence theorem. This course also covers an introduction to differential equations: variable separable, first order linear equations, graphical solutions to autonomousequations,phaseplanes,secondorderlinearequations, nonhomogeneous linear equations, Euler equations, and applications In addition, students may apply to earndualcredittoreceivecollegecreditthroughLewisUniversityforCalculusIII.
Prerequisite: HonorsAlgebraIIorAPPrecalculus
This course covers the major concepts for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data Students will study four themes: explore data (including patterns and variation), sampling and experimentation, anticipate patterns byexploringrandomphenomenausingprobabilityandsimulation,and statisticalinference(estimatingpopulationparametersandtestinghypotheses)
The Physical Education Department believes that there are two ways an individual can stay healthy and fit One way is to find and continue participation in a physical activity that he or she enjoys The other is to understand the relationships of internal and external stimuli on the body With this in mind, the Physical Education instructors emphasize lifelong physical activities and positive health behaviors The student will be given a working knowledge of the rules, skills, and strategies needed to perform and understand the activities They will also be given information and direction for making positive choices about their health
This course is designed to introduce the studenttoavarietyofteamandindividualsports Developmentof basic skills will be emphasized along with knowledge of rules and mechanics of the particular activity Health topics will cover mental and emotional health as it relates to stress, relationships, bullying, preventing violence and resolving conflicts Health will introduce the students to proper nutrition and the negativeeffectsoftobacco,alcohol,anddrugsalongwithothergeneralhealthandwellnessaspects
Grade: 10,11,12
Thisclassisanintroductiontoweightlifting,cardiovascularendurancetraining,andactiverecovery. StudentswilllearntheproperwaytoexecutethemanydifferentOlympicandmanyotherauxiliarylifts withproperformandtechnique Allworkoutsandactivitieswillbedesignedbytheteacher Thiscourseis greatforstudentswhoarelookingtogetmorecomfortablebeinginandaroundtheweightroom.Thisclass willspend5daysintheweightroom.
Grade: 11,12
Prerequisite: StrengthandAgilityIorVarsity Athleteinthe2022-23SchoolYearwith Instructorapproval
ThisclasswilltakeeverythingthatistaughtinStrengthandPower1.Thestudentswillalsoworkon Programdesignandtheimportanceofrestandrecovery Thiscoursewillalsotalkabouttheproperwayto fuelthebodyandthemanysideeffectsofthedifferentproductsthatareouttheretoenhancemuscle building,i.e:differentproteins,creatine,andpre-workouts.Steroidswillalsobecoveredinthiscourse. Thiscoursewillspend3daysintheweightroomand2intheclassroom.
Grade: 10,11,12
Prerequisite: PhysicalEducation/Health9
ThisnoncompetitivecourseisanintroductiontothebasicphilosophiesandprinciplesofyogaandPilates. Throughthesepractices,studentstrainthebodyandmindtobuildstrength,flexibility,balance,andcontrol Studentslearnbeginning-levelmatworkinPilatesandbasicHathaYogaposesandstretches Anoverview ofthehistoryofPilatesandyogaandhowtheyhavechangedanddevelopedovertheyearsisincluded.
Curriculum Guide 2023-24
Grade: 10,11,12
Prerequisite: PhysicalEducation/Health9
Studentswilllearntoimplementanappropriatefitnessplantoenhancetheopportunityoflivingahealthy lifestylethroughtheuseofnon-traditionalexercisesandfitnessactivities. Thecontentforthiscourseis focusedonthreemajorconceptsoffitnessincludingbutnotlimitedtocardiovascularfitness,strength training,andoverallnutrition Studentswillbeintroducedtoavarietyofcardiovascularworkoutsthat rangefromstepaerobicstotheuseoflifetimeactivitiesandgames Thestrengthtrainingfocuswillaim towardsstrengtheningthecoreandbuildingleanmuscleinthearmsandlegs.Lastly,thenutritionportion ofthiscoursewillteachstudentshowtodevelop,implement,andmaintainahealthydiet
Grade: 11,12
By signing up for zero hour strength and agility you acknowledge that this classwillnowactasyourfirst period class oftheday.Thisclasscannotbemissedtomakeupmissedworkfromanotherclassortoattend pre-season sports workouts Zero hour is a graduation requirement course This is a co-edcoursethatwill take place BEFORE school from 7:10 a.m. to 7:50 a.m. The course is offered to juniors and seniors who would like to take an additional course during the school day Once registration is complete, the specific course elective (Strength and Agility,PilatesandYoga,orAlternativeFitness)willbedeterminedbasedon the PE rankings submitted during registration The course will fulfill a student’s Physical Education requirement
The Science Department endeavors to give students the opportunity to grow in knowledge and understanding of themselves and others, knowledge and appreciation of their environment, and understanding and appreciation of how natural laws are developed Although ALL science courses offered are laboratory courses, BIOLOGY, due to its content, is required for graduation AP courses offered are most successful if the honors curriculum is followed
Grade: 9
Prerequisite: PlacementTestScores
This program stresses the major concepts of biology which every person should know to understand themselves and the world in which they live This class is designed with a minimum of math and a maximumoflaboratoryinquirytopresentbiologicalfactsanddiscoveries.
Grade 9
Prerequisite: PlacementTestScores
Biology details the diversity of the processes and structures of living organisms which are related to the unifying principles and characteristics of all life Biology will study living organisms and their interdependence with the environment. Laboratory skills and critical thinking are also a vital part of the course
Grade: 9
Prerequisite: PlacementTestScores
Honors Biology will studylivingorganismsandtheirinterdependencewiththeenvironment Studentswill explore the biology of cell structure and function, genetics and heredity, evolution, diversity of living organisms and their ecological roles There will be an investigation of mammalian anatomy and physiologyaswellasothertopics,includingmetabolismandbioethics.\
Grade: 11,12
Prerequisite: CompletionofBiologyandChemistrywitha90%averageorbetterinboth classesorTeacherRecommendation
This course endeavorstopreparethecollegeboundstudentinfourmajorareasofscience. Theseareasare: cell biology, human physiology, zoology, and botany Form and function will be emphasized Avarietyof approaches will be used, which include lecture, experimentation, research, dissection, and microscope work
Grade: 11,12
Prerequisite: CompletionofBiologyandChemistrywitha90%Averageorbetterinbothclasses orTeacherRecommendation
Thisisarigorous,collegelevelcoursewhichstudiestheactivitiesthatarecharacteristicoflivingmatter within thehumanbody Thiscourseincludesa detailedexplanationofthephysiologyand anatomy of the systemsofthehumanbody. Thestudentwilldevelopan understandingoftherelationshipbetween structureandfunction andhowthesecreate homeostasis withinatypical humanbody Thiscourseis lab oriented withemphasis placedonanimal dissectionsandexaminationofrelatedanatomicmodels. Inaddition,studentsmayapplytoearndualcredittoreceivecollegecreditthroughtheCollegeofDuPage
Curriculum Guide 2023-24
Grade: 10,11,12
Prerequisite: CompletionofBiology204orTeacher Recommendation
Chemistry presents the students topics normally found in a classical high school chemistry class Topics covered include atomic structure, mole theory, states of matter, chemical reactions,chemicalbonding,and chemical structures Math is used throughout the year Topicsaredevelopedthroughclassdiscussionand relatedlabexperiments Criticalthinkingandlabsafetyarestressed
Grade: 10,11,12
Prerequisite: TeacherRecommendation
This course centers around the modern chemical theory of the mole and itsrelationtocompounds,atomic structures, and solutions.Laboratoryanalysisandproblemsolvingareessentialandthestudentwillacquire thetoolsnecessaryforfurtherstudyinthefieldofscience
Grade: 11,12
Prerequisite: CompletionofHonorsChemistrywitha90%averageorbetteror Teacher Recommendation
This is a course in the principles of Chemistry for students who have an interest in biological sciences, physicalsciencesorengineering Topicswillinclude:stoichiometry;propertiesofgases,liquids,solidsand solutions; chemical equilibrium; chemical thermodynamics; and chemical kinetics. The areas of nuclear chemistry, periodic and descriptive properties of the elements, and some organic chemistry will be included.
Grade: 12
Prerequisite: CompletionofBiology202&PhysicalScience292andTeacherRecommendation
EnvironmentalDynamicsisayear-longcoursethatisdesignedtointroducestudentstomajorecological conceptsandtheenvironmentalproblemsthataffecttheworldinwhichwelive.Thecurriculumfocuseson conceptsthatarereal-lifeissuesandpromotesawarenessandunderstandingofpracticaleverydayproblems thataffecttheirlives Inthisclasstherewillbeanemphasisonhands-onactivitiesandlaboratoryexercises thatwillpromoteproblemsolving,refinelaboratoryprocedure,andreinforcescientificreadingandwriting.
Grade: 10,11,12
Prerequisite: CompletionofBiologyandChemistryorTeacherRecommendation
Environmental Dynamicsisayear-longcoursedesignedtoshowthematicconnectionsbetweenavarietyof science disciplines including biology, chemistry, and physics. It gives students a coherent and realistic picture of the applications of a variety of scientific concepts as they manifest in our environment The curriculum focuses on concepts that are real-life issues and promotes awareness and understanding of practical everyday problems that affect their lives In this class there will be an emphasis on hands-on activities and laboratory exercises that will promote problem solving, refine laboratory procedure, and reinforcescientificreadingandwriting
Grade: 11,12
Prerequisite: TeacherRecommendation
Earth Scienceincludestheseareas:Astronomy,Oceanography,GeologyandMeteorology Experimentation is an integral part of thecourse Chicago’sgeology,asitrelatestolocalglaciation,andChicago’sweather, isintegratedinthiscourse
Grade: 11
Prerequisite: TeacherRecommendation
This laboratory course will study matter and energy as well as their relationships to our technological world Physical science is designed for studentswhowouldliketostudymatterandenergybutdonotplan to pursue a science related career. Therefore, students enrolled in this class have not taken chemistry or physicsandwillnotdosointheirsenioryear
Grade: 11,12
Prerequisite: TeacherRecommendation
Physics is the study of energy This course will cover severalbranchesofPhysics,namely,motion,forces, optics,waves,electricityandmagnetism.Asamath-basedscience,studentswillbeexpectedtoanalyzeand solveproblemsineachoftheseareas
Grade: 11,12
Prerequisite: TeacherRecommendation
Physics is the study of the energy in the universe Areas to be examined in this course include motion, forces, vectors, light, sound, electricity, magnetism and the grand unification theory As a math-based science, students will be expected to analyze and solve problems in each area This course is helpful to anyoneinterestedinthefurtherstudyofmathematicsandscience
Grade: 11,12
Prerequisite: HonorsAlgebraIIwith93%orbetter, HonorsChemistrywith90%orbetter and TeacherRecommendation.
AP Physics 1 is an algebra-based, introductory college-level physics course. Students cultivate their understanding of physics through inquiry-based investigations as they explore these topics: kinematics, dynamics, circular motion and gravitation, energy, momentum, simple harmonic motion, torque and rotationalmotion
Curriculum Guide 2023-24
The Social Studies/Business Department prepares young adults to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow with courage, intelligence, character, and a respect for human values The Lasallian values we follow, the freedom we cherish, the material and spiritual comforts we enjoy, and the institutions that serve us are the products of great minds from many cultures To fully appreciate this heritage, and to further the progress our world has already attained, we must acquire an understanding of the civilizations and the environments that have produced this heritage The Social Studies/Business Department offers the following courses to achieve this understanding
Grade: 10
This course is designed to introduce students to major worldcultures Abasicintroductiontothepolitical, economic, geographical, social and historical aspects of various world societies will be examined Fundamentalstudyskillssuchasreading,notetakingandcriticalthinkingwillbeemphasized
Grade: 10
This course is designed to examine the historical roots of the world, and analyze the impact of various nations on the course of history Each unit will examine the political, economic, geographical, socialand historical aspects of world societies, achieving for the student a greater sense of cultural awareness Students will study the foundations of civilization from ancient times to the present, creating an interdisciplinary understanding of their surrounding world. Critical thinkingskills,notetakingandlibrary skillswillalsobestressed
Grade: 10
Prerequisite: TeacherRecommendation
This course is designed to critically examine the political, economic, geographical, social and historical aspects of world societies Students will be required toanalyzeworldcultures,theirleadersandthemajor historical events that have helped shape both the ancient and modern world. Students will compare and contrast cultures, and draw conclusions based upon their readings and research This course will utilize modern news stories to focus upon the impact of past events. Classdiscussionandtheabilitytoformulate justifiedopinionswillbeemphasized
Grade: 10
Prerequisite: ApprovalofDepartmentChair
This course is designed to offer sophomore students the opportunity to developagreaterunderstandingof the evolution of the global processes and contacts, in interaction with different types of human societies The course will cover theyears1200CEtothepresent.Skillsareadvancedthroughfactualknowledgeand analytical skills Thecoursehighlightsthenatureofinternationalchange,theircausesandconsequencesas well as comparisons among major societies. This course emphasizes critical thinking and writing in preparationfortheAdvancedPlacementExam
Grade: 11
United States History presents the historicalexperienceofvariousAmericangroupsinascopeandmanner that invites analysis and encourages appreciation This course flowsboththematicallyandchronologically as it presents events, personalities, and crises which have shaped our American heritage The design and selectionofsubjectmatterofthecourseshouldenablestudentstorelatewhattheyarestudyingtotheirown needs and abilitiestocontrolthefuture Successfulcompletionofthiscourse’sConstitutionUnitwillfulfill theSocialStudiesrequirementfortheStateofIllinois.
Grade: 11
Prerequisite: TeacherRecommendation
ThiscoursepresentstheexceptionalstudentwithavarietyofsourcesofUnitedStatesHistory Italsocalls on the students to be able to make complex judgments and independent evaluations of our past and its relation to the present, based on reading, discussions and presentations The development of an appreciation for our country’s history and the students’ abilities to make sense out of the American experience are also objectives of this course Eachstudentwillbeexpectedtoperformwellontestsandin discussion as well as in in-depth presentations to the class. All students will be required to complete a research project Successful completion of this course’s Constitution Unit will fulfill the Social Studies requirementfortheStateofIllinois.
1Credit Grade 11
Prerequisite: ApprovalofDepartmentChair
The Advanced Placement Program in United States History is designed to provide students with the analytic skills and factual knowledge necessary todealcriticallywithproblemsandissuesofUnitedStates History The programprovidesmotivatedstudentswiththeopportunitytoearncredit,advancedplacement or both, for college while they are still in high school. AP students will be required to read and interpret primary source documents and be able to assess their relevance, their reliability and their importance
Through the use of primary source material, textbook readings and lecture and discussion, students will develop the skills necessary to arrive at conclusions on the basis of an informed judgment and to present reasons and evidence clearly and persuasively in essay format. Students will be expected to enroll in Advanced PlacementPoliticalSciencetheirsenioryear Successfulcompletionofthiscourse’sConstitution UnitwillfulfilltheSocialStudiesrequirementfortheStateofIllinois.
Grade: 12
Contemporary United States History is a required course designed to provide the student withanin-depth look at American history from the World War I era to modern times This course will focus on 20th Century personalities, milestones and events that have shaped modern American society. Content will demonstrate theimpactofpasteventsoncurrentsituations,andwillrequirethestudenttocriticallyanalyze the connections between the past and present If a student does not follow Advanced Placement U.S. History (738) with Advanced Placement Political Science (748), he or she may not take this class. Such students must take another Social Studies elective for a semester. An Economics class will remainarequirement.
Grade: 12
Prerequisite: TeacherRecommendation
½ Credit
This courseisdesignedto criticallyexamine thepolitical, economicand socialaspectsofournation’s events ofthe lastcentury asthey haveshaped usinto whatwe arein the21st Century. Studentswill compare andcontrast theseeventsandutilizemodernnewsstoriesand circumstancestohelpformulate and justifyopinions asseenin thelight ofthepresent situations Ifastudentdoes notfollowtaking Advanced Placement U.S. History (738) with Advanced Placement Political Science (748),that student may nottake this class. Such students musttake anotherSocial Studieselective for a semester. AnEconomicsclasswillremainarequirement.
Grade: 12
Prerequisite: APU.S.History(738),ContemporaryU.S.History(744)orHonors ContemporaryU.S.History(746)andApprovalofDepartmentChair
AP Political Science and Economics is a course for those students proficient in the fundamentals of American Government and basic economic principles. Thiscoursewillexamineindepththecomplexities of the US political system and its relationship with our current economic system Topics will include: political parties, capitalism, interest groups, supply and demand, public opinion,policy-making,economic ideology and civil liberties This course fulfillstheSocialStudiesgraduationrequirement,andwillprepare studentsfortheAPExamination.
764 ECONOMICS (SemesterCourse)
Grade: 12
This course will help students see the role of economics in their daily lives It willgivestudentsasetof tools which will help them critically examine facts and issues related to the economics of the business world and aid them in evaluating the world in which they live It will also help to develop economic thinking skills. Students will learnthebasicprinciplesandpracticesinvolvedintheU.S.marketeconomy. Some of the topics covered willinclude:competitionandmarkets,businessdecisions,moneyandbanking, fiscalandmonetarypolicy,andtaxesanddebt.
766 HONORSECONOMICS (SemesterCourse) ½Credit
Grade: 12
Prerequisite: TeacherRecommendation
This course will help students withthe roleofeconomicsintheirdailylives. Studentswillstudythe basicconceptsandskillsusedtoevaluateissuesinthebusinessworldandtheworldingeneral Critical examinationof theprinciplesandpractices inmarketand commandeconomies andconceptsofmicro andmacroeconomicswillbeexplored Thiswillinclude,butnotbelimitedto,theideasofcompetition, markets,moneyandbanking,fiscalandmonetarypolicy,taxesanddebt.
785 CHICAGOHISTORY (SemesterCourse) ½Credit
Grade: 11,12
This course surveys Chicago history from early French exploration and settlementtothepresent Themes such as industrialization,immigration,labor,andeventsinChicago’shistoryconnectedtonationalpolitical developments, are analyzed. Through the use of a variety of primary and secondary sources, the course examinestheinteractionofsocial,economic,andpoliticalfactorsintheirimpactonChicago’sevolution
Grade: 11,12
Introduction to Psychology is designed as a course, which, in a straightforward manner, investigates behavior and mental processes Students will gain knowledgeoftheprimaryconcepts,theories,principles, and both the research and applied uses of general psychology, which will lay the foundation for further study in the field and help students recognize issues that could affect one’s overallhealth Topicsofstudy will include, but are not limited to, a review of contributing disciplines, the brain and its roleinbehavior, learningandcognition,personality,humandevelopment,andsocialpsychology.
Grade: 11,12
Prerequisite: 91averageorhigherin BiologyandApprovalofDepartmentChairorteacher; IntroductiontoPsychology(794)recommended
Advanced Placement Psychology is designed tointroducestudentstothesystematicandscientificstudyof behavior and mental processes primarily in human beings,butalsoinsomeanimals Studentsareexposed to the psychological facts,principlesandphenomenaassociatedwitheachofthemajorsubfieldswithinthe discipline They also explore the methods andethicspractitionersinthefieldemployintheirsciencefield of psychology and its associated professions. Students are expected to take the Advanced Placement ExaminationinMay
Grade: 11,12
This course is designed to teach students the fundamentals of accounting They will learn to maintain journals and ledgers, take trial balances, record adjusting and closing entries and prepare statements and reports reflecting business conditions of a single proprietorship Students will participate in a simulated office accounting experience The course prepares the students for further study of accounting and for entry-levelemployment
Grade: 12
Prerequisite: Accounting,77Average
This course involves an in-depthanalysisofcurrentaccountingprincipleswhichexistinvirtuallyallfacets of the business community. Areas to be covered include: depreciation and amortization cost accounting procedures,financialaccounting,andinventorycontrolmanagement
894 MARKETING (SemesterCourse)
Grade: 11,12
This project-based course introduces students to marketing and management techniques Marketingisthe processofdevelopinganddistributingproductsinordertosatisfycustomers'wantsandneeds. Emphasisis on how to manage, promote, andsellproductsandservices Topicsinclude: Promotion,Purchasing,Sales &Ethics,Pricing,MarketResearch,SocialMedia,andDistribution.
TCD is a joint effort of fourteen high school districts to provide elective career education programs which one district by itself could not afford to offer Any Junior or Senior student residing in a supporting district may enroll in one of the TCD programs The Technology Center of DuPage is one of the world's finest vocational training facilities
996 TCD Grade: 11,12
Prerequisite: RecommendationofStaff
The Technology Center is a part of the high school curriculum just like Art, Foreign Language or Music TCD is considered to be an "elective subject” Eligible Juniors and Seniors choosing the TCD "elective" spend a part of each school day at both their "home" high school (Montini Catholic) and the Technology Center TCD attendance does not interfere with other classes or after-school activities The Technology Center offers 21 programs which provide the instruction and experiences necessary to prepare for employment in the field of the student's choice Training will be advanced over that which is available at the local schools, preparing students for the recommended post-secondary education required for specific careerpathways. Programsare offeredinareasof: Architecture/Construction/NaturalResources; Arts, A-V Technology & Communication; Business & Administration; Health Science/Public Safety; Hospitality/HumanServices;InformationTechnology/Engineering;andManufacturing/Transportation Through TCD, students may earn both high school and college credit aswell asavailableindustry certifications
StudentsinterestedinTCDmustcontacttheirlocalpublichighschool districtduringthe monthofMarchandreportbacktotheircounseloratMontiniCatholic
The aim of the Technology Education Department is two-fold Our courses are designed to teach fundamental STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) skills in a variety of modes and applications The Technology Education Department also attempts to instill students with a sense of the ethical, moral, legal, and Christian implications of the technology that they use and the ways they use technology to create, communicate, and work
Grade: 9
Prerequisite: EnrolledinAlgebraI(314)or InstructorApproval
ThisSTEM(ScienceTechnologyEngineeringandMathematics)coursewillprovideanintroductionto computercoding,computationalthinking,algorithms,electronicengineering,andsoftwaredesign. This courseisdesignedtogivestudentsabroadoverviewoftrends,techniques,andtools,aswellassomeofthe socialandethicalimplicationsofComputerScienceaspracticedtodayandenvisionedforthefuture. This isaproject-basedcoursewithanemphasisoncollaborationandinnovation Multipleprojectswillbe completedincoding,electronicengineering,robotics,andmore.
842 DIGITALMAKING:CreatingFunctional3DObjects&Systems (SemesterCourse)
Grade: 10,11,12
Prerequisite: InstructorApproval
This is a hands-on STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) coursedesignedtoprovide students with an introduction tousingdigitaltoolstodesign,build,andtestfunctionalobjectsandsystems Students in this course will utilize all the tools and capabilities of our Kazma Family Innovation Center including 3D design software, our array of 3D printers, our collection ofpowertoolsandelectronicstools as well as testing andmeasuringequipment Studentswillexpresstheirideasanddesignsinvariousmedia including plastics, metals, electronic circuits,andmore Thisisaproject-basedcoursewithanemphasison collaboration and innovation Multiple projects will be completed in digital 3D design, 3D printing, electronic engineering, and other forms of building and making No previousexperienceisrequiredtobe successfulinthiscourse
Grade: 11,12
Prerequisite: DigitalMaking(842)orInstructor Approval
NOTE: This course will be offered in the 2024-2025 school year. Students will master advanced 3D designtoolsandtechniquesthatbuildonconceptslearnedinDigitalMaking. Therewillbeanemphasison real-world problem solving and the use of 3D printing to prototype and test student designs This course will include collaborative projects that may involve students from other courses in our department. Students will explore advanced concepts in ArchitectureandMechanicalEngineering Studentswillmake extensive use of multiple 3D designsoftwarepackages.Thisisaproject-basedcoursewithanemphasison collaborationandinnovation
852 ROBOTICS (SemesterCourse)
Grade: 10,11,12
Prerequisite: SuccessfulcompletionofanotherTechnology courseorInstructorApproval
This hands-on project-based STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) course will provide students experience in designing, building, coding, and testing robots. Students will build using several microcontroller-based modular robotics systems and will learn to code using Microsoft Makecode aswell as C++. Each student will build and program several robots during the semester. Each robot will be designed to accomplish the specific tasks assigned for each challenge The course will include real-world problem-solving challenges, and challenge-based competitions. No previous programming or robotics experienceisrequired
Curriculum Guide 2023-24
Grade: 11,12
Prerequisite: SuccessfulcompletionofRobotics(850)andInstructorApproval
This advanced hands-on project-based independent study course is offered for those students who have demonstrated excellence in previous Robotics coursework and have shown the ability to pursue advanced topics in Robotics in a self-directed and flexible environment Students will undertake their own research and design and develop their own Robotics solutions to a series of real-world problems posed by the instructor Students will have access to all the tools andcapabilitiesofourInnovationCentertodevelopa portfolio of unique and originalsolutionsthatwilldemonstratetheRoboticsknowledgeandskillsthatthey haveacquired
854 PROGRAMMINGINJAVA(DualCredit) (SemesterCourse)
Grade: 11,12
Prerequisite: InstructorApproval
This course is an introductory programming course using the popular high level programming language Java In additiontoemphasizingbasiclogic,arraystructures,andsub-programs,studentsareintroducedto Java’s object oriented programming nature. In addition, students may apply to earn dual credit to receive collegecreditthroughLewisUniversity
Grade: 11,12
Prerequisite: SuccessfulcompletionofanotherTechnologycourseorInstructorApproval
AP Computer Science Principles offers a multidisciplinary approach to teaching the underlying principles of computation The course will introduce students to the creative aspects of programming, abstractions, algorithms, large data sets, the Internet, cybersecurity concerns, and computing impacts. This course introduces students to the foundations of computer science with a focus on how computing powers the world. Along with the fundamentals of computing, you will learn to analyze data, create technology that has a practical impact, and gain a broader understanding of how computer science impacts people and society
The Theology Department exists to help students arrive at a mature, living, and vital faith The Theology program at Montini Catholic High School attempts to integrate the message of the Gospel of Jesus with the lifestyle of the students It tries to make clear the significance of this message and gives the students the tools to make the Gospel of Jesus a living reality in today's world
Grade: 9
Since students come to Montini with a variety of religious backgrounds and experiences, this course introduces them to thefundamentalsofCatholicism Thiscourseseekstodeepenourunderstandingofwho God is and how He reveals Himself They will be asked to deepen their understanding of grace, prayer, sacraments, and church and how these are lived out in their lives Thiscoursewillprovidebackgroundon the Lasallian charism, the founder St. John Baptist De La Salle, and how it is applicable to our lives. As maturing Christians, the students will be encouraged to consider their concern for, and acceptance of others. The goal is to understand Catholic Christian beliefs and rituals as well as to integrate faith into dailylife
Grade: 10
The purpose of this course is to give students a general knowledge and appreciation of the Sacred Scriptures. Through their study of the Bible they will come to encounter the living Word of God, Jesus Christ In the course they will learn about the Bible, authored by God throughInspiration,anditsvalueto peoplethroughouttheworld.TheywilllearnhowtoreadtheBibleandwillbecomefamiliarwiththemajor sections of the Bible and the books included in each section The students will pay particular attention to the Gospels, wheretheymaygrowtoknowandloveJesusChristmorepersonally.Studentswillwalkaway fromthecoursewithadeeperunderstandingofthesacredscriptures,God,others,andthemselves
035 THEOLOGY11: MORALITY (SemesterCourse)
Grade: 11
This semester course is designed to focus on the moral development of the high school student Aprime question posed throughout thecourseis"WhatkindofpersonamIbecoming,andwhatkindofpersondoI want to become?" The content of this course teaches students as free andfaithfulmembersoftheChurch that they can make good moral choices while examining themorecomplexmoralandspiritualtheological concepts of the Catholic Faith This course will provide the formation necessary to contemplate a moral life. Along with a foundation to pursue deeper meaning in the student's life. The course will look at the virtues, and what it means to live a truly virtuous life It will examine some moral questions, including some of the many moral issuesfoundinculturetoday: Ismoralitysubjective,whatisright,whatiswrong, and why? How important is personal happiness, and to what extent are we morally obliged to respect the rightsandneedsofothers?Whatdoweowethepoor, theoppressedandourlovedones?
045 THEOLOGY12: SOCIALJUSTICE (SemesterCourse) ½Credit Grade: 12
This course supports the American bishops’ call for “a renewed commitment to integrate and tosharethe richesoftheChurch’ssocialteachinginCatholicEducationandformationateverylevel.” Thiscoursewill expose students to the essential principles of Catholicsocialjusticesotheyknowwhatthevirtueofjustice entails. This course will assist the students to integrate their religious education into a young adult Christian spirituality By understanding faith with our heart and mind, the student will be equipped to begin college with a faithlifethatishis/herfaithtoothers. Thiscourseservesasablueprintforfosteringa lifelongcommitmenttobeadiscipleofJesusChrist
050 WORLDRELIGIONS (SemesterCourse) ½Credit
Grade: 11,12
Students will spend the semester learning about various religions of the world such as Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism,etc Studentswilldiscussthenumerousbeliefs,rituals,historyandimportantpeopleof these religions Students will visit different religious centers and will have opportunities to compare and contrast religions in a variety of ways The goal is to have young people who betterunderstandtheirown beliefs and the beliefs of others in our world They will cometorecognizeelementsthatallreligionshave in common and will be able to appreciate the perspective of those who hold religious traditions different fromtheirown
Grade: 11,12
Thiscourseaimstoteachthepurposeandmethodsofphilosophy,whichseekstounderstandthetruthabout the deepest questions with respect to the world and the human person. We will examine the fundamental problems that philosophers have dealt with, as well as the various approaches and arguments they have used.
Grade: 11,12
(SemesterCourse) ½Credit
This course is offered to students who are interested in completing a Theology credit over the summer in order to have additional room in their schedule to take electives and/or advanced academic courses. The course will include three two-week modules with a blended approach The studentswillbeassigned1-15 hours of online work per dayfortheonlinesessions(9permodule)andonethreehourin-personsessionat the end of each module The course willbeginonJune15thandendonJuly29th;thestudentswillbe required to attend in-person sessions on June 15th (9:00-10:30), June 29th (9:00-12:00), July 13th (9:00-12:00), and July 29th (9:00-12:00). The goal of this course will be to give students the skills to think, write and speak critically about faith and its connection to film, the fine arts, and literature As an upper level course, the student will be expected to read and critically analyze written works, film and the fine arts, and recognize in themtheDivinecharacteristicsoftruth,goodness,andbeauty Thiscoursewill helpthestudentsmakeclearconnectionstotheirownlivedexperiencesandtheworld
053 THEOLOGYOFTHEHUMANPERSON (SemesterCourse) ½Credit Grade: 11,12
This course will present an authentic view of the human person It introduces thestudenttothetruththat life is not, in fact, all about them; it is about going out of themselves to be a sinceregiftforothersinand through relationships This course will explore the theology of personal identity, personhood and relationships, in light of Christiantheologicalandscripturaltraditions, aswellasreasonandcontemporary human experience We will examine relational patterns including friendship with self and others, dating with the ultimate goal of integrating our best insights into a creative, constructive, and fulfilling personal ethicforsoontobecollegestudents
054 EXPRESSIONSOFFAITH (SemesterCourse) ½Credit Grade 11,12
Thiscourseseekstogivestudentstheopportunitytoexplorethespiritualitiesofvariouscultures,ethnic groups,andminoritypopulations Itwillgiveaspecialemphasisonthosegroupsthathavehistorically beenmarginalizedorhavelackedalargepresenceintheCatholicChristianworld.Throughintentional readings,discussions,andguestspeakers,studentswillexplorevariousexpressionsofthefaithandthenbe abletoexploretheirownexpressionoffaithinrelationtowhattheyhavelearned.
In today's multicultural world, the study of a world language is an essential tool for understanding the complexity of our society and the people who live in it At Montini Catholic, the World Language curriculum concentrates on developing target language competency in all four modes: listening, reading, writing, and speaking Students enhance their spoken proficiency through vocabulary building, grammar instruction, listening and reading activities, and ultimately being immersed in the target language at all levels All languages explore their respective cultures through studying authentic music, films, art, and celebrations The enrollment in a world language in high school is a crucial and significant step towards successful admission into a major university or college All students are required to take two consecutive years of the same world language
Grade: 9,10,11
This course aims at establishing basic communication skills inFrench. Vocabularyandbasicgrammarare taught thematically as they pertain to concrete and useful everyday situations and activities Thestudyof Francophoneculturesisintegratedintothiscommunicationexperience.
Grade: 9
Prerequisite: ProficiencyExamScoresandPlacementExamScores
This course introduces the student to the French language and culture with short dialogues, partner activities, and creative role-playing Simple readings in the target languageandextensivevocabularywill bestudied.
Grade: 9,10,11,12
Prerequisite: FrenchI
The basic structures ofFrenchIarereviewed,andmoreadvancedconceptsofgrammarandverbtensesare introduced Vocabulary is increased so thatthelevelofcommunicationismorecomplex Culturallessons areincorporated,andshortstoriesand/orasimplechapterbookareread
Grade: 9,10,11,12
Prerequisite: 93AverageorbetterinFrenchIandTeacherRecommendation
This course offers an accelerated approach to the development of communication skills Advanced grammar structures are explored as they occur for a higher level of understanding in French. Speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills arepolished CustomsandtraditionsofFrenchspeakingcountriesare presentedthroughouttheyearthroughreadingsandactivities.
Grade: 10,11,12
Prerequisite: 75AverageorbetterinFrenchIIandTeacherRecommendation
This course offers an emphasis on oral communicationandreadingskillsinthetargetlanguage. Grammar skills presented in the first two years are reviewed and applied; written and oralcommunicationinagreat variety of verb tenses is stressed. Literature is introduced through shortstories,aserialmysteryandnews articles Filmstudyunitsareintroduced Guidedwrittencompositionsareincorporatedintolessons
Grade: 10,11,12
Prerequisite: 95AverageinFrenchIIandTeacherRecommendationor 90 AverageinHFrenchIIandTeacherRecommendation
This course includes an intensive grammar review The emphasis is on speaking, reading and guided paragraph and composition writing Literature and film studies are introduced; thisclasswillalsobeginto preparestudentsforacollegeplacementexam
Grade: 12
Prerequisite: 75AverageorbetterinFrenchIIIandTeacherRecommendation
French literature, culture and film are studied in this class as a means and basis for conversation and composition. Classdiscussionfurtherstrengthenscomprehensionandoralexpression.Intensegrammarand practicalvocabularyaretaught
Grade: 11,12
Prerequisite: 95AverageinFrenchIIIandTeacherRecommendationor 90AverageinHFrenchIIIandTeacherRecommendation
This course completes the work begun in French III. Students survey culturaldevelopmentandthoughtas expressed inliteratureandfilm Grammarissupplementedbywrittencomposition Classdiscussionfurther strengthenscomprehensionandoralexpression;thisclasswillalsopreparestudentsforacollegeplacement exam
Grade: 12
Prerequisite: 91AverageinFrenchIVandTeacherRecommendation
A greatvarietyofliteraryworksandfilmsarestudiedwiththeemphasisonbothspokenandwrittenreview andanalysis Advancedvocabularyandgrammaticalstudyisemphasized Oralproficiencyisenhanced
Grade: 12
Prerequisite: 93AverageinHFrenchIVandApprovalofDepartmentChair
The purpose of this course is to prepare students for the Advanced Placement Test in French for college credit It is conducted solely in the target language and intensely reviews and refines oral and written expressionandgrammaticallanguageskills
Grade: 9,10,11
SpanishIisanintroductiontotheSpanishlanguageandculture Interpersonalspeakingandwritingskills arecultivatedinthecontextofdailylifeexperiencesthroughcomprehensibleinput.Correctpronunciation andcommunicationstrategiesareemphasized ThecustomsofSpanish-speakingcountriesarestudied No previousexperienceisneededforthiscourse.
Grade: 9
Prerequisite: ProficiencyExamScoresandPlacementExamScores
ThiscourseintroducesthestudenttotheSpanishlanguageandculturewithacommunicativeapproach Readingsin the target language and extensive vocabulary study will be emphasized The culturesof Spanish-speakingcountriesarestudied
Grade: 9,10,11,12
Prerequisite: SpanishI
This course is a continuationanddevelopmentofaudio-lingualskillsacquiredinSpanishI.Moregrammar structures are introduced and incorporated into developing reading, writing, listening, and speakingskills CulturesofSpanish-speakingcountriesarepresentedthroughouttheyear.
Grade: 9,10,11,12
This course is an in-depth and accelerated continuation and development of audio-lingual skills Higher grammar structures are introducedandincorporatedintothereading,writing,listening,andspeakingskills. The cultural customs of Spanish-speaking countries are presented throughout the year Most of the class timeisinSpanish,exceptforgrammarexplanationswhennecessary.
Grade: 10,11,12
Prerequisite: 80AverageorhigherinSpanishIIandTeacherRecommendation
This course is a continuation and development of language skills acquired in Spanish I and Spanish II More grammar and vocabularystructuresareintroducedandincorporatedintodevelopingreading,writing, listening, and speaking skills The knowledge of culturalcustomsofSpainandLatinAmericacontinuesto be presented through readings and films Class activities include role playing, novel studies, and use of authenticmaterials(ie,music,films,readings,etc)
Grade: 10,11,12
Prerequisite: 95AverageinSpanishIIandTeacherRecommendation or 93AverageorhigherinHonorsSpanishIIandTeacherRecommendation
The course works to expand the skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening comprehension. Except for grammar explanations, very little English is spoken at this level Class activities are designed to improve all modes of language through further development of vocabulary and grammar, role playing, shortreadings,novelstudies,anduseofauthenticmaterials(ie,music,films,etc)
Grade: 11,12
Prerequisite: SpanishIIIwitha80AverageorhigherandTeacherRecommendation
Thecoursecontinueswithanadvancedstudyofgrammarandvocabularywithanemphasison communicativeactivitiestoenablestudentstoimprovetheiroralfluency.Inthiscoursestudentsdevelopa greaterunderstandingofthehistoryandpresentcultureofSpainandLatinAmerica Theclassisconducted inSpanishexceptforclarifyingmaterial,whennecessary Classactivitiesaredesignedtoimproveall modesoflanguagethroughroleplaying,shortcompositions,shortreadings,novelstudies,anduseof authenticmaterials(ie,music,films,etc) Curriculum Guide 2023-24
Grade: 11,12
Prerequisite: 95AverageinSpanishIIIandTeacherRecommendationor
This course intensifies development of listening, speaking, reading, and writing Oral participation is expected as a means of improving oral proficiency Very little English is spoken at this level as most classroom discussions and conversation are conducted in Spanish Class assignments and assessments are designed to help students improve in all modes of language. Students willbeexposedtovariousauthentic materials (ie, music, films, readings, etc) in order to expand their knowledge of historical and cultural events of Spain and Latin America. Special emphasis is put on preparation for college placement exams andtheAPSpanishLanguageandCulturecourseoptionatthenextlevel
Grade: 12
The course uses authentic readings tofurtherdevelopstudents’proficiencyintheareasofreading,writing, listening, and speaking In this class students move beyond facts to a point at which they can use higher order thinking skills and critical thinking. Vocabulary and oral proficiency areenhancedandgrammatical language skills are refined The class is conducted in Spanish except for grammar explanation when necessary. Activities include role playing,oralpresentations,andextensiveuseofauthenticmaterials(i.e., music,films,etc)
Grade: 12
Prerequisite: 95AverageinSpanishIVandTeacherRecommendationor
The purpose of this course is to prepare students for the Advanced Placement Test in Spanish for college credit Students enrolled in this course work toward taking theAdvancedPlacementTestattheendofthe school year. This class is conducted solely in the target language and intensely reviews and refines grammatical language skills and oral expression Additionally, it is the goal of this course to further comprehension and practice of oral and written communication skills through the study and discussion of various literacy works Activities include roleplaying,oralpresentations,compositions,andextensiveuse ofauthenticmaterials(ie,music,films,etc)
Grade: 9,10,11,12
Prerequisite: Intendedforbeginners intheChineselanguage
Chinese I is intended for beginners intheMandarinChineselanguage;itservesasanintroductionnotonly to the Mandarin Chinese language, but also to the culture and customs of the Chinese people. Thecourse will aimatlearningbasiccommunicationskillsinMandarinChinese,includingvocabulary,basicgrammar, reading,writing,andspeakingskills.
Grade: 10,11,12
Prerequisite: ChineseI
ChineseIIisthefollowupcoursetoChineseIandwillfocusonthebuildingofstrongvocabularyforthe studentandwillexplorefurtherboththeChinesecultureandmoderndayexamplesofChineselife
Grade: 11,12
Prerequisite: ChineseIandChineseIIandChairApproval
ThecourseisdesignedtoreinforcewhatwaslearnedinChineseIIandbuildsevenfurther Studentswho aretakingChineseIIIshowanobviousinterestinthelanguageandwilllearnmoreaboutcolloquialisms andthecultureindepth Theclasswillbuildonthecompetencyandfluencyinwhichthepasttwoyears havelaidasolidfoundation
Grade: 12
Prerequisite: ChineseI,II,IIIandChairApproval
Chinese IV is an integral, advanced-level Chinese course that will allow students of the highest caliberto continue to pursue the Chinese language and culture at the highest level of achievement and challenge. This class hinges on the performance of thepast3yearsofChineseinstruction,andwillfeatureevenmore speaking and presenting, with a focus on writing. Any student who takes Chinese IV will be preparedto pursue the language into college, or should they prefer, test out of basic level language courses with the knowledgethey’vegarneredintheiryearsherewiththeprogram.