Leaders in the sale of quality Stellantis Mopar Parts.
March - April 2022
Also In This Issue From the Desk of New MMG President Joe McBeth: “The Next 30 Years!” ...............2 A Message from Immediate Past President Susan McDaniel: “Thank You” ......................3 Mopar Masters Guild Meets at NADA 2022 LasVegas for 30th Anniversary ......................4 MMG Vendors ..........................................16-17 10 Missions Media - FenderBender ............18 Katzkin Leather ..............................................19 ActivatorDS .....................................................22 CDK Global .....................................................23 OEConnection .................................................24 CDK Global .....................................................25 Reynolds & Reynolds .....................................32 10 Missions Media - Ratchet+Wrench ......33 Wholesale Parts Pro/NiTS Solutions..34-35 Katzkin Leather ..............................................50 Reynolds & Reynolds .....................................51 Katzkin Leather ..............................................52 Wholesale Parts Pro/NiTS Solutions........53 AER Sales...................................................58-59 The View From My Office with Kat Monteiro .............................................62-64
Since 1992 the Mopar Masters Guild has Stayed True to Their Mo o: The exchange of informa on by like-size dealers in a non-compe ve environment
Snap-On Business Solutions .........................65 Stellantis & Qualcomm Collaborate to Power New Vehicle Platforms with Snapdragon Digital Chassis Solutions........................66-67 Bunch: Focus on What You Can ............68-69 New 2022 MMG Officers/Committees .....38
March - April 2022
From the Desk of Newly Elected MMG President Joe McBeth
The Next 30 Years The Mopar Masters Guild recently celebrated our 30 year anniversary during events held in Las Vegas. Sorry if you missed it! As always our mee ngs and events are the highlight of my year and I always bring back more inspira on and knowledge than when I arrived. I am honored to have been elected as your President along with the new officers, Cody Eckhardt, Vice President; Chris Hojnacki, Treasurer and Jim Jaeger, Secretary. We will do our best to uphold the responsibili es of being in this posi on of leadership. Our anniversary celebra on got me to thinking of what will our business be like going into and beyond the next 30 years. As managers and leaders of our departments and people it is up to us to con nue to mentor, grow and educate our employees to take on the challenges that will con nue to come. This business has changed drama cally in the last 30 years and I am posi ve the future will be no different. We have to be ready for these changes and the Mopar Masters Guild is the perfect group to be in to stay ahead of the curve. Seek out your employees that want to excel and mentor them for the future. We talk about the younger genera ons as not being as mo vated as we were coming up in the business but I challenge you to look deeper in to these folks and you will see that they have ambi ons and desires to grow the same way we did. Most all successful people have a mentor to look up to that played an important part in their success. Mine was Roy Benner and Roy will tell you, I was not the perfect kid that started in his parts department 35 years ago as a warehouse worker. It took Roy to bring out what was the best in me and help me grow to where I am today. Thank you Roy! We must do the same for our employees. We owe it to them. They are the backbone of our business and regardless of changes we face in different areas of our business we will con nue to grow if we have strong teams. I look forward to seeing you all at future guild mee ngs and our 20 group mee ngs. If you are not a member already please reach out and join. It will be the best thing you have ever done for your career.
Joe McBeth - jmcbeth@thedallaspdc.com President - Mopar Masters Guild Parts Director - Dallas DCJR
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
Message from Immediate Past President Susan McDaniel
Thank you! A big THANK YOU to everyone who made our 30th anniversary celebra on a huge success! A very special THANK YOU goes out to Jillian Vance – our long- me event coordinator. Jill never ceases to amaze us with her venue picks and excellent OVER THE TOP, ABOVE AND BEYOND customer service! I don’t know what we would do without her! Don Cushing – our former treasurer and our long - me editor and publisher of the Mopar Masters Guild Magazine, MMG website & Facebook manager and all around behind the scenes “make it happen” guy! All of our suppor ng vendors: Reynolds and Reynolds, CDK, OEConnec on, Snap-on, AER, 10 Missions Media, Katzkin, Nits Solu ons, and Ac vator. We appreciate and value each and every one of you! All of our suppor ng MMG members, especially those who were able to join us live to share ideas and best prac ces of these challenging mes. I truly believe that this was the most successful mee ng that we have ever had. The input from every one of you was phenomenal. I know that we ALL went back to our stores overflowing with ideas and useful informa on. What a recharge! Our past members who came out of re rement mode to help us celebrate, especially our founding member Chuck Hartle, and past presidents Roy Benner, Brent Hoge, Gerry Oakes, and Marvin Windham. The spiritual support of those no longer with us; Ernie Wennerstrom, Mike Gerber and Mike Cervantes. A special THANK YOU to Mike Gerber’s wife Sherrie for joining us in Mike’s memory. It was so nice to have you here with us to celebrate this milestone Sherrie. Jim Sassorossi and Steven Yandura for dropping in at our recep on Thursday evening. What a great surprise! It is always nice to see Sass, who is a long- me favorite of the guild. Mee ng Steve in person for the first me was awesome. We look forward to many great conversa ons working together as a team to collec vely grow our businesses. To our new guild officers Joe McBeth (president), Cody Eckhardt (vice president), Chris Hojnacki (treasurer) and Jim Jaeger (secretary) accep ng their new posi ons and leading this guild into the future. I am excited to hand the torch over to you guys and I have all the confidence in the world that we have picked the right team to pave the way towards the next 30 years! Thank You to each and every one of you for making these past 6 years as your president one of the most rewarding and memorable experiences of my career. It has been an honor. Here’s to our future and new beginnings…
Susan McDaniel Vendor Chairman - Mopar Masters Guild - smcdaniel@billluke.com
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
March - April 2022
Mopar Masters Guild Meets at NADA 2022 in Las Vegas The Top Stellan s Dealer Service & Parts Managers Convene for MMG’s 30th Anniversary Celebra on! A er more than 20 months of not being able to meet live due to the pandemic, the Mopar Masters Guild once again convened at NADA 2022 in Las Vegas to celebrate 30 years of living up to their mo o, “the exchange of informa on by like-size dealers in a non-compe ve environment.”
Tuesday March 8th, 2022 Mopar Masters Guild members and their guests arrived on Tuesday. We met in a suite at our hotel, The Aria Resort & Casino. For our Welcome Recep on our Suite allowed us the opportunity to mingle and enjoy each other’s company with most of us catching up on what has gone on since the pandemic began in 2020. We enjoyed a great evening with a nice assortment of appe zers and drinks. Here are some pictures of that event:
Continued on Page 5
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts Continued from Page 4
Continued on Page 6
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
March - April 2022
Continued from Page 5
Continued on Page 7
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts Continued from Page 6
Continued on Page 8
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
March - April 2022
Continued from Page 7
Wednesday March 9th
“Welcome to the 30th annual mee ng of the Mopar Masters Guild,” exclaimed MMG President Susan McDaniel as she welcomed a endees from throughout the country. She con nued, “we have a couple of events planned to make this epic anniversary memorable but our main purpose for these next 3 days during our mee ngs is to network, meet new people, catch up with peers that we haven’t seen in a while and share our ideas.”
Their mo o is, “the exchange of informa on by like-size dealers in a non-compe ve environment.” This is the Mopar Masters Guild. The BEST of the Best. Leaders in their industry. “We’re very fortunate to all be together like this. Many of us have been a ending these mee ngs for most of those 30 years,” said McDaniel. “No other organiza on in the automo ve industry, or probably anywhere that we know of, can boast that type of longevity.” Susan con nued, “An idea that was brought about by three gentlemen 30 years ago has developed into one of the most successful automo ve groups in the country. The Mopar Masters Parts Managers group was the idea of Chuck Hartle’, Bart Cooper and Cy Yates back on the early 90’s. The idea that managers from across the country could get together once a year to share ideas was a novel concept. But here is the MMG 30 years later and as strong as ever.” Over the past few years, the addi on of Service Managers/Directors has led to an expanded path. It’s not just wholesale parts. It’s also about the customer experience. It’s Parts & Service departments working together towards one goal, and it has certainly had a posi ve effect on the direc on of the guild. Increased membership leads us all towards the Guild Mo o. More a endees, more ideas. More sharing of those ideas. Continued on Page 9
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
Continued from Page 8 “We are governed by our own by-laws, we run the MMG like a business, we have our own bank account, and we file taxes as a non-profit organiza on,” says McDaniel. “We are largely supported by our Supporting Vendors. We have 3 Tiers of Financial Support from those Vendors. Our Vendors are the reason why we can func on the way we do. Our vendors’ products are of extreme value to all of us. Please remember to support those who support you! The rela onship that we have with all our vendors help them con nue to develop more product benefits that we use daily in our businesses. We meet with our Tier 1 Vendors each year privately to discuss how we use their products and to give them input. We are so fortunate that we are allowed to share our concerns and ideas with them. We also invite those same Tier 1 Vendors to meet with us at NADA each year and share their products changes and new products with all of the MMG Members. Our Tier 2 Vendor Fair each year at NADA gives us the opportunity to see our Vendors face-to-face and see what they have to offer,” says McDaniel. Many of the rela onships that we have formed with our members, vendors and Mopar execu ves have come from our meetings at NADA. Our recep on creates a relaxed atmosphere, away from the business structure and allows us to share our ideas with all our guests. As one a endee men oned, “some of our best ideas have come from notes wri en on a cocktail napkin!” So true. “We are here this week to find poten al solu ons to our problems, to share our ideas to help each other become be er. We have all been through challenging mes dealing with this pandemic. We know the changes that we’ve all gone through with Mopar. It’s been a challenge for Stellan s too. Let’s work together to face these challenges,” con nued McDaniel Susan then introduced the current Officers of the Mopar Masters Guild: President - Susan McDaniel – Bill Luke CJDR Vice President - Joe McBeth – Dallas DCJR Secretary -Cody Eckhardt – Larry Miller CJDR Treasurer - Don Cushing – Tasca Automo ve (Re red)
Continued on Page 10
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
March - April 2022
Continued from Page 9 We then went around the room for introduc ons. Those in a endance were: JOE SUSAN TONY JIM TED RICK
We then moved into the presenta ons from the Secretary and the Treasurer. Secretary Cody Eckhardt then gave everyone a copy of the Minutes of last year’s Annual Mee ng which was held in an online Zoom mee ng. Treasurer Don Cushing then presented the Financial Report for the past year. These reports were mo oned to be accepted, seconded and the mo ons were carried. Continued on Page 11
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
Continued from Page 10 We held discussions about all of our visi ng vendors. Our vendors are looking for our input. They want our support as much as we want theirs Our Zoom mee ngs during the pandemic helped prepare us to meet here in Vegas
Don Cushing then recognized Susan for her past 6 years and being the first 3 term president in the history of the Mopar Masters Guild.
A er a short break, Susan called the mee ng back to order and announced, “We are going to ask each one of you, as we go around the table, with all of the changes that have affected us; Our first topic this session what adjustments have you made in your department.” Here are some of the items that came up for discussion: Dealing with the changes with Mopar - Retaining employees Pay plans - Repor ng Remote workers (working from home) - COVID Policies Hiring challenges - Dealer Rewards Department Teams - Streamlining Packing Slips w/new so ware Business system efficiencies (CDK/R&R) - Referrals Supply chain - ARO parts - Staffing Keeping employees engaged - Staff mee ngs Making employees feel appreciated - Seems more me off is wanted than money Trying to keep the “fun” aspect on the drive - Staying engaged with customers PTO - VOR’s - Dealer Connect - WiAdvisor Special Handling Charges - Drama c increases in pay scale Pandemic induced problems - Wholesale parts MSO’s - Fascia Cores - D2D Transporta on - Powertrain
Continued on Page 12
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
March - April 2022
Continued from Page 11 Warranty Labor - Warranty parts Cost of doing business - Business prac ces that drive bad behavior Objec ves - Changing the way we do business Long term outlook - How do you place a value on your service? Inventory depth - Retail Service Interview processes - Marke ng/Adver sing for Service Fuel pricing - Special ordered parts as a final sale Credit tracking - Outside Salespeople Cross Training - Building rela onships with customers Wholesale Credit Processes - Service Contracts
As you can see, the majority of our day was spent discussing challenging informa on, discussing ideas and sharing solu ons along with suggesons on how to face these issues head-on.
Now, of course, our usual disclaimer! As we have talked about many, many mes during the existence of the Mopar Masters Guild, any informaon that is obtained via the newsle er will not offer a complete and concise picture of what went on at our mee ngs. We stress the importance of a ending these mee ngs and invite everyone who meets the Mopar Masters Club criteria to join the Mopar Masters Guild, a end these mee ngs and enjoy the wealth of knowledge and informa on that is presented and shared. Our coverage of Vendor presenta ons, Mopar Execuves’ presenta ons and dialogue will only lightly touch upon what was presented. Continued on Page 13
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
Continued from Page 12
The interac on with Execu ves from Mopar is one of the reasons that Mopar Masters Guild members a end this mee ng. Our coverage with Mopar here is just highlights of our interac on since we feel that par cipaon is needed at this mee ng to enjoy the full benefit of what is offered. Joining us from Mopar on our Zoom Call were: Svein Azcue – Head of Opera ons – Mopar Sales, Marke ng, CX & Field Opera on Stephen Brown - Head of Quality North America at Stellan s Brian Rogos - Senior Manager, Repair/Reman/Powertrain and Wholesale Sales at Stellan s Mike Farrell - Pricing Strategy and Margin Op miza on at Stellan s
With all the changes that are in process currently, any informa on that we would normally share would probably be “old news” by the me this newsle er goes to print. Once again, we stress the importance of a ending our yearly mee ng to get the most up-to-date informa on with the Execu ves from Mopar. This concluded our mee ngs for Day 1 and Susan made a mo on to adjourn. Members enjoyed a night out in Las Vegas on their own. Continued on Page 14
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
March - April 2022
Continued from Page 13 Thursday March 10th The ladies all joined for what now has become a yearly event, the Ladies Brunch. Our wives/significant others all met at the hotel lobby for a limo ride to the brunch, which was held at Sadelles in the Bellagio!
Continued on Page 15
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
Continued from Page 14 For the Mopar Masters, this day, we would be dedicated to our Tier 1 Suppor ng Vendors. These Vendors have been significantly involved with the MMG for a very long me. Our first Tier 1 Suppor ng Vendor Presenta on of the day was AER Sales represented by: David Carroll – Vice President Steve Dewar – Program Manager David covered: The 2022 Programs and Promo ons Commi ed to growing Mopar branded powertrain
David Carroll & Steve Dewar
Gave us a list of “Mopar Only” Sales Team Members Business Wholesale Performance is up considering the supply chain challenges $21.5M inventory on hand with $88M on order! Dedicated to support all Mopar Powetrain related programs Con nue as a Suppor ng Vendor of the MMG Marke ng Materials 2022 Partner Dealer Program Service Drive Training – Renewed focus on service drive training, sales support Building Brand Awareness – Joint Dealer IRF/Fleet Sales Calls Monthly/Quarterly Purchase Incenves Wholesale Program Updates Following this presenta on was a Q&A session.
Continued on Page 20
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
Our Supporting Vendors: Support those who support you.
March - April 2022
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
Our Supporting Vendors:
Wholesale Parts Pro Powered by
Support those who support you The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
FenderBender supports the Mopar Masters Guild. FENDERBENDER.COM/GROWMOPARPARTS S E L L I N G M O R E C O L L I S I O N PA R T S T O G E T H E R
With print & digital options to grow your Mopar wholesale business. 10 MISSIONS MEDIA: THE EXCLUSIVE MEDIA PARTNER OF THE MOPAR MASTERS GUILD
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
March - April 2022
Continued from Page 15
Next on the agenda was Reynolds & Reynolds represented by:
Jason Sideris
Jason Sideris – Vice President Shawn Leibold – Director of Industry Rela ons Corey Coler – Product Planning Manager/SPG Service Portal/GoMoto They covered: Rediscovering Reynolds Building stability OEM Involvement Parts Barcoding Enhancements
Shawn Leibold
Customer experience in the dealership Communica ng with your customers GoMoto 3 new kiosks at the NADA Show Enhanced Interface Modern Look Service Portal 2.0 AI Driven Logis cs Pla orm + Mobile Apps Jason then opened up the floor for discussions
Corey Coler
Continued on Page 21
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
Continued from Page 20
Following a short break, we welcomed CDK Global represented by: Steve Wyzkowski, Director, OEM Sales Kim Saylor, Director, Product Marke ng Kim presented: Credit Card Surcharge Fee Automa c RO Fee Des na on Sales Tax Hailer – Hail a ride in minutes
Kim Saylor
o Reduce staff me and resources picking up or delivering parts o Deliver to customers same day o Track parts details, invoices, parts cost, and delivery cost o Geo-coded pickups – ensure driver is where you need them CDK Service View – Powered by TruVideo Wearable Scanners in Tes ng Phase Members had discussions on CDK’s offerings.
Steve Wyzkowski
Continued on Page 26
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
March - April 2022
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Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
How H ow D Do o You Connect Routine Se Service... erv vice....
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
March - April 2022
Save Time and Reduce Supplements and Returns. CollisionLink Plus brings shops MORE information tion straight from OEMs.
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Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
...to Repeat Business?
An informed service customer is a happy service customer. They’re also very likely to be a repeat service customer. Tools like CDK ServiceView* make it easy. Share video of a customer’s vehicle inspection so it’s clear exactly what service you’re recommending. Text repair status updates to their phone or tablet. Increase dollars per RO, speed up the approval process and keep customers up-to-speed every step of the way. It’s a formula for very satisfied customers. And a very satisfying bottom line.
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The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
March - April 2022
Continued from Page 21
Our next Tier 1 Vendor presenta on was from OEConnec on represented by: Gary Coveyou – Vice President – Na onal Accounts Jack Saunders – Business Development Manager Bill Harry – Na onal Account Manager Mee ng Topics that were discussed: Company Update – Acquisi ons CollisionLink Performance Update CollisionLink Plus – Shop Enhancements VIN Recall No fica ons RepairLink update In detail:
Gary Coveyou
OEC Acquisi on Summary CollisionLink Plus Overview MORE complete Shop Solu on. Patent Parts Flags One-Time Use Parts VIN Recall No fica on – Q2 2022 OEM Catalog Access lets shops view detailed images to see parts missing from the es mate. Reduce costly parts returns and supplement orders.
Continued on Page 27
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
Continued from Page 26 Parts Order Scrubbing by VIN flags parts that don’t fit the vehicle and shows alterna ves, so dealers receive more accurate orders the first me. RepairLink Buyer Engagement RepairLink Dealer Engagement The RepairLink Marketplace
What About Deliveries? What Is DeliverNow? DeliverNow is the newest piece of the RepairLink Marketplace With DeliverNow, OEC is connec ng the largest network of buyers and OEM dealerships with the largest delivery fleet of crowd-sourced vehicles in the U.S. to help sell more OEM parts.
Jack Saunders
Costs for DeliverNow NO subscrip on required NO monthly fee NO credit cards required EASY in-applica on setup On-Demand – there when you need it Make sure your teams are leveraging RepairLink. Look at the DeliverNow tab on your OEC Dealer Portal Opt in and try it out Watch for our payments launch Gary, Jack and Bill fielded many ques ons about the OEConnec on products.
Bill Harry
Continued on Page 28
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
March - April 2022
Continued from Page 27
Next up was another long me Tier 1 Vendor, Snap-On Business Solu ons represented by: Milton Revmatas – Senior Product Manager Greg Dryden – VP Client Op miza on, Dealer FX Discussion Topics: Snap-On acquisi on of Dealer-FX WiAdvisor Direc on – What’s New? EPC 5 Update – Enhancements Roundtable Discussion & Feedback
Milton Revmatas
Building a strong founda on Workspace is changing the game New Service Dashboard Customiza on “What’s Important” EPC 5 Integra on with WiAdvisor Reduced steps Improved Parts specifica ons by providing faster pricing and availability Improved accuracy Quicker cycle mes, decrease the me to process an RO EPC 5 now has direct access to Dealer Connect
Greg Dryden
Immediate access to Supersessions, Parts Inquiry and Parts Locator access Single Sign-on from Dealer Connect All dealers will see new “EPC 5” link in Dealer Connect
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Continued on Page 29
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
Continued from Page 28 We ended our day hearing from Chuck Hartle’, one of the original founders and the very first President of the Mopar Masters Guild. Chuck is the President and resident parts industry expert at PartsEdge. Star ng his career in the auto industry 42 years ago, he has worked in every role and capacity imaginable. He began as a parts delivery driver and quickly climbed the ladder to Fixed Operaons Director.
Chuck Hartle’
Chuck has taught over 300 seminars in the last 16 years and served as a workshop leader for the Na onal Auto Dealers Associa on. Chuck has the know-how and love for the industry that has enabled PartsEdge to iden fy the biggest needs of dealerships. In his free me, Chuck enjoys spending me with his wife of 39 years and their three daughters. He is a diehard Sea le Seahawks fan and has run over sixty-four half marathons and ten full marathons in the past 10 years.
Speaking on his original involvement with the Mopar Masters Guild, chuck tells us, “It all started when I went to NADA in Dallas back in 1992. Here I am at NADA and I’m introduced to Bart Cooper. It turns out that Bart worked for an Allen Samuels store and Bart was in our 20 Group and our two dealers put us together and we start a conversa on. So, Bart sat down, and he said, ‘you know, what we really need to do is get the best parts managers from Chrysler, get them all together and put them in a guild!’ Now, I’ll be the first to tell you, I’ve never been a visionary. And I kinda went ooooohhhh……….sureeeeeee……… yea, we can do that,” Chuck said with a laugh. He con nued, “I said, I don’t know how we would go about it, you know, with marke ng, making phone calls to different people. Bart asked me if I was going to be here (at NADA) tomorrow. And I told him, yea, I’m here for the convenon un l Sunday. The very next day, Bart shows up with Cy Yates in tow and says, ‘Here’s the marke ng genius.’ So, our first official get together with the three of us talking about how to formulate this guild started off with Cy saying, ‘I’m the marke ng guy bubba’ and Bart says, ‘I’m the visionary’ and I said to both of them that we needed a President, a Vice President and a Secretary/Treasurer. Cy and Bart looked at each other and then looked back at me and said, Looks like you’re the President!’ The first official vote and I got outvoted,” reminisced Chuck. So that was the vision. We then contacted Chrysler for the Top 100 parts managers in the country. We did our due diligence and made phone calls to market the Guild trying to sell this idea to everyone.” Continued on Page 30
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
March - April 2022
Continued from Page 29 “Oh those early days, and we have some folks here in this room today that can recall some of those challenging mes when the Mopar Masters Guild began but here we are. 30 years later. So much has evolved since those mes. I’ve done over 300 seminars since 2000 and I’m always men oning the MMG and some of the stories related to it.
Anyway, we managed to get 55 a endees to our first mee ng at NADA New Orleans. We had this one li le room at the New Orleans Marrio , and we truly didn’t have 2 nickels to rub together. We had high top tables to stand at and we had just enough money to have Goldfish and peanuts at the tables. It was a cash bar too! So, we all talked and formulated some things and ideas and out of our very first “recep on” we had over 25 a endees show up the next day for our actual mee ng. This is when we came up with the guild mo o, s ll holding true meaning even a er 30 years. We also came up with the idea that we would need financial help, so we reached out to several vendors at that me to present our ideas. As a matter of fact, our very first mee ng was sponsored by Parts Voice.” It was certainly wonderful to hear some of this history coming from one of the original members and former Presidents. Chuck con nued to talk about the history of the MMG, the mee ngs with Mopar, all the challenges of the business, great marke ng ideas that Mopar implemented with the help of the Mopar Masters Guild and of course the trying mes of business. Everyone goes through it. But the one thing that has been able to keep the guild strong, beside the Guild mo o is the camaraderie of its members and the family atmosphere that has been created. The wives even have their own network of communica on and make their plans to get together at NADA events while their significant others are in mee ngs all day! Thank you, Chuck Hartle,’ for the insight that you, Cy and Bart had to put this amazing Mopar Masters Guild together. And thank you for sharing your me to tell us some of the most entertaining stories on the history of the MMG. We then adjourned for the day to get ready for our 30th Annual MMG Celebra on.
Our annual Mopar Masters Guild Cocktail Recep on has always been the one night during our mee ngs that everyone looks forward to. Each year the guild tries to secure a venue that everyone will not only talk about but will provide the comfort and excitement of being away from daily business. Together with our peers, industry execu ves and suppor ng vendors in a relaxed atmosphere, this year’s event was held at The Barbershop Las Vegas, in The Cosmopolitan Hotel. Enjoy the pictures! Continued on Page 31
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
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The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
March - April 2022
Service Manager, Temecula Valley Buick GMC
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Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
Ratchet+Wrench supports the Mopar Masters Guild.
With print & digital options to grow your Mopar wholesale business.
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
March - April 2022
ust Dig r y Fir ita st, lC N RM ext Su Leve ite l !
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Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
“WPP not only provides easy-access reporting, but takes CRM one step furtherr with Marketing Campaigns to help grow our wholesale parts business.” -Tom Finley, Parts Manager - Bachman Auto Group Targeted and Measurable On-Demand Marketing Campaigns Send the right message, to the right audience, at the right time! 4.) Customer Awareness • 9THEXIH FYWMRIWW LSYVW PSGEXMSR • Open house • Disaster recovery .YWX XS WE] Ƅ8LERO ]SY ƅ XS ]SYV 0S]EP 'YWXSQIVW
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The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
March - April 2022
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Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
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The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
March - April 2022
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Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
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The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
March - April 2022
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Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
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The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
March - April 2022
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Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
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The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
March - April 2022
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Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
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The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
March - April 2022
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Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
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The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
March - April 2022
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Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
Continued from Page 48 During our recep on, President Susan McDaniel took to the stage to thank everyone for coming to the 30th Anniversary Celebra on. At this me Susan recognized the Founders and Past Presidents of the Mopar Masters Guild spanning the 30 years of its existence: Bart Cooper – Founding Officer - 1992 Cy Yates – Founding Officer - 1992 Chuck Hartle’ – Founding Office & First President – 1992-1993 Ernie Wennerstrom – 2nd President – 1994-1995 Gerry Oakes – 3rd President – 1996-1997 Paul Allred – 4th President – 1998-1999 Rick Monteiro – 5th President – 2000-2001 Alan Yancey – 6th President – 2002-2003 Marvin Windham – 7th President – 2004-2005 Gerry Oakes – 8th President – 2006 Roy Benner – 9th President – 2007 Mike Gerber – 10th President – 2008 Brent Hoge – 11th President – 2009 Dan Hu on – 12th President – 2010-2011 Steve Hofer – 13th President – 2012-2013 Rick Cutaia – 14th President – 2014-2015 Susan McDaniel – 15th President – 2016-2021
Continued on Page 54
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March - April 2022
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
The Changing Automotive Landscape
We conducted a survey of consumers who had service work completed at a dealership to better understand their preferences toward online and digital offerings in fixed operations.
Available Option
Customers who prefer this option:
Customers who actually used this option:
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Check-In Using a Mobile App
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What does this mean for your dealership? When comparing consumer preferences to actual behavior, there appears to be a divide. Consumers continue to prefer more digital options in service such as text and email links, photo and video evidence, and additional forms of check-in and check-out using self-service technology. The dealership that meets these new preferences is likely the dealership that will beat out the competition, increase customer satisfaction, and drive service profits.
For more insights on the changing automotive landscape, download the full report at reyrey.com/report.
©2022 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the USA. 1029578 4/22
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
March - April 2022
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
Not Just Another Reporting Tool... We Take It To The Next Level! Wholesale Parts Pro CRM provides a wide variety of tools to help build and manage your customer relationships. From our On-Demand Marketing Campaigns to our SMART Maps Visual Mapping tool, Wholesale Parts Pro can help you target your customers and develop marketing campaigns. 2-87 MW QYPXM (17 GIVXMƤIH XS EWWMWX ]SY RS QEXXIV [LMGL (17 ]SYV HIEPIV YWIW
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Call or email today for more details: (845) 853-2289 or DZitz@WholesalepartsCRM.com
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
March - April 2022
Continued from Page 49 Friday March 11th As we moved into our last day of our mee ng, we all enjoyed sharing stories from the previous night’s event during breakfast. Day 3 also brings our Mopar Masters Guild Elec on of Officers. Nominated and elected into office were: President - Joe McBeth - Dallas DCJR Vice President - Cody Eckhardt - Larry Miller CDJR Treasurer - Chris Hojnacki - Milosch’s Auto Palace Secretary - James Jaeger - Bosak Motors
Congratula ons to the new Officers of the Mopar Masters Guild.
New Officers of the Guild for 2022-2023 (L-R) Treasurer Chris Hojnacki, Secretary Jim Jaeger, President Joe McBeth and V-President Cody Eckhardt This morning was also spent con nuing the topics of our first day. There was plenty of discussions around the room from everyone with sugges ons, ideas and thoughts of how to deal with many issues we are con nuing to face daily. Continued on Page 55
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
Continued from Page 54 A er a short break we welcomed our Tier 2 Vendors. We gave each of our Vendors a few minutes to introduce themselves before moving into a separate room that we had set up for the Tier 2 Vendor Fair. Par cipa ng in this year’s Vendor Fair were:
10 Missons Media (FenderBender/Ratchet+Wrench Magazine) First up was our exclusive media partner, 10 Missions Media (Fenderbender, Ratchet+Wrench) represented by: Chris Messer – Vice President/Publisher Ma Harper – Regional Sales Manager 10 Missions magazines reach over 200,000 owners/operators, managers & technicians of repair/service, collision, quick lube and re dealers across the country “We’re the exclusive media partner of the Mopar Masters Guild,” says Messer. “We’ve been a Suppor ng Vendor for a long me, and we appreciate the partnership. We came up with a crea ve ad campaign in the Mopar Masters Guild Magazine, hopefully everyone has seen the issue that Don published a few weeks ago. We know that you, as Mopar dealers, are going through some changes right now, and we want to let you know that we’re here with you ‘through thick and thin’, ‘for be er or for worse,’ we’re be er together,” he con nued.
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The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
March - April 2022
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Katzkin Leather represented by: Doug Johnson – Director of OEM Development 544 Stellan s Dealers par cipated in the Mopar Dealer Direct Program in 2021. Average purchase per par cipa ng dealer is 6.84 leather kits per year, slightly more than one every two months. Doug touched on Sales History, Sales by Business Center, growth/shrinkage by business center, sales ranking by model, Top Purchasing dealers, MMG Dealers Performance, Jeep Customer Shop, Dealer Overview
Continued on Page 57
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
Continued from Page 56 Our next presenter was our newest Tier 2 Vendor, Ac
vator Dealer Solu ons represented by:
Marci Trares – Vice President, Client Services Tim Jackson – Director, OEM Partner Rela onships Jeff Ornell – Sales Director Bobby Gaudreau - Senior Opera ons / Sales & Marke ng Execu ve Agenda: Current Environment Data Advantage KPI Summary CX Case Study Wholesale Program Ques ons Drive Sales & Service Revenues By Targe ng Customers with VIN-based Data and Genera ng Hand-raisers. Dominate sales and service in the showroom and online, by tapping into mul ple data sources beyond the DMS. Ac vator consolidates your marke ng efforts into a single solu on that op mizes, automates and manages your sales and service for the en re customer lifecycle.
Continued on Page 60
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
March - April 2022
n Mopar Powertrain Customer Service Hotline (888)237Ͳ0001
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
AER Powertrain EducaƟon and Professional Self Improvement Modules
IdenƟfying New Sales and ProĮt OpportuniƟes Programs and IncenƟves Product Knowledge; Features, BeneĮts, Tools Sales Support; Outside Sales Reps Wholesale vs. Retail; Are both right for you? Why Buy O.E.? * Why Sell O.E.? Phone Skills; Parts and Service Warranty; Mopar vs. CompeƟtors Cummins Diesel Overcoming ObjecƟons Selling Skills (Phone and Face to Face) Outside Sales Rep Skills Sales Blitz: Why and how to execute a successful sales blitz
Mopar Powertrain Customer Service Hotline (888)237Ͳ0001
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
March - April 2022
Continued from Page 57 Wrapping up our Tier 2 Vendor Presenters was NiTS
Solu ons represented by:
Kim Cygan – Senior Director of Marke ng Kyle Shernoff – Marke ng Manager
Wholesale Parts Pro Powered by
Kim gave us a presenta on of Wholesale Parts Pro CRM Wholesale Parts CRM is a pla orm that provides integrated and personalized communica on to both mechanical and collision repair shops. This portal builds life me loyalty towards Genuine Car parts and its dealerships by targe ng the right customers with the right offer at the right me. CRM provides a turnkey wholesale parts marke ng solu on so as to meet diversified and complex needs of OEMs. Following are the key features of our solu on:
Cloud based Wholesale Parts CRM Marke ng Pla orm
Self Service Portal for dealers and OEM personnel
Advanced map based interac ve visualiza on’s SMART MapsTM
Detailed online repor ng and analy cs at individual dealer, customer, and contact level
Established customer service and support processes.
Wholesale CRM provides several channels for apt communica on with the wholesale customer. For each channel, CRM monitors and tracks detailed metrics to assess channel/campaign ROI and effecveness and refine/improve future communica on.
Direct Mail/ eBlast is meant to generate awareness and purchase intent with customers on a regular basis via targeted tradi onal postal mail. This will most o en include post card size mailers sent to customers with regular frequency (we use these types of mailers with our exis ng clients). The exact frequency of communica on is generally implemented monthly or determined jointly with OEM stakeholders. All this is based on the overall CRM strategy.
On-demand marke ng is to enable dealers to execute marke ng, which is specific to their needs.
CRM pla orm tracks the lowest level of data that it consumes or generates on a daily basis, including parts sales transac ons and detailed marke ng transac on (e.g. direct mail, email, etc.) for each channel and for each customer.
Applica on opera ng for all Dealers and Corporate users with role-based security and Single Sign On (SSO) authen ca on. Continued on Page 61
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
Continued from Page 60 A er these presenta ons, we then moved into where the Tier 2 Vendors were set-up to interact with every member, offering their products for us to see. The Tier 2 Vendors also joined us for lunch.
A er lunch we con nued our discussion for another hour and Immediate Past President Susan McDaniel made a mo on to adjourn the 30th Annual Mee ng of the Mopar Masters Guild. Thank you all for your a endance and we look forward to seeing many of you in Dallas in 2023. Submitted by Don Cushing
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
March - April 2022
The View From My Office
With Kat Monteiro
Happy Spring me everyone! The View From My Office today has me looking out our back sliding glass window at our pool and a big Oak Tree. The windows are open, and I hear all the birds in the yard chirping; especially the Mockingbirds, they always have a unique sound. I just love them. There are li le tmouse birds hanging out by the pool, swooping in to take a dip in the water. To my right sits Rick, si ng at his li le desk we set up, typing away numbers and such on his computer, working. Yes, he re red, and yes, he is s ll working! He is working part me, a few hours each day, some mes more, some mes less. Not sure what the long-term plan is, but it will be at least ll the end of this year. He really likes what he is doing now. He says this is the fun stuff! Working the numbers and inventory was always what he enjoyed and excelled at the most. This is really good for him. A nice transi on period into full re rement. It’s a good view and I am very happy to be able to sit here and enjoy it. On this Friday morning I am also reflec ng on last weekend. Last Friday Jack, Jasen, and Jasmine Powell celebrated Rick’s 30 years with a re rement dinner at the Grand Del Mar Hotel. Managers from the other departments at the dealership were in a endance, along with Rick and I. It was such a special evening. We all sat there and reminisced and told stories from over the years. The Powells had the most wonderful, powerful, things to say about Rick such as all he has done for their store, how he was such an important part of bringing Jasen and Jasmine up into the business as their mentor, sharing in watching our girls grow up, how we are family,and more. I have always felt so honored for being accepted and welcomed into this work family. I never felt so proud as I sat there and listened to everyone telling their stories and memories of Rick. I admit it, I had plenty of tears. Then to top it off we were treated to a 2 night stay at this same Grand Mar Hotel! Now this hotel is a thing of beauty! And as I walked around admiring the architecture, and the beau ful grounds, I felt so thankful for this incredible gi . What made it even more special is that when Jasen was talking to Rick about how they came up with the idea, he said they were thinking of different gi s and so on, and Jasen said they really wanted Rick and I to have an experience. That right there lets you know that they really know Rick! As many of you know, Rick is all about the adventure, the drive to wherever it is that he decides to go, making memorable memories, the experience! I thought this was the most awesome thing ever! And it just really meant so much to both of us. I am thankful that we have spent the last 30 years with a dealer owner who honestly thinks of us as family. Thank you, Jack Powell. Another exci ng event was this year’s NADA Conven on! Whoohoo! A er 2 years we were finally all able to meet up in Las Vegas. It was so good to see everyone! We just spent hours si ng around cha ng. There were many of you that I felt like I didn’t get enough me with, and I am sorry about that. Continued on Page 63
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
Continued from Page 62
It was a very special mee ng because we were celebra ng the Mopar Masters Guild 30 years as a Guild. What a great accomplishment. I don’t believe that there are very many organiza ons, if any, that have weathered me and circumstances, changes in company ownership (mul ple mes), and have s ll hung in there for 30 years! Many of the original group are now re red or are re ring soon. I hope that all the new members can carry this group on for another 30 years! Wouldn’t that be something! It was so cool at our recep on party when all the past presidents lined up in front of the stage to be acknowledged. I felt so proud! There were a couple that could not make it, and a couple that are no longer with us - but they were all there in spirit and it was amazing!
I want to give a shout out to Paul Allred. He gets the award for being a part of the Guild from the very first mee ng 30 years ago! He is the only one le from that original group that is s ll ac ve. Rick a ended the second mee ng, and that was the beginning of some of the best friendships we have ever had. Since Rick re red (yah right!!) at the end of the year it was a great pleasure for us to bring Jack Powell’s new Parts Manager to his first NADA mee ng. I hope you all had a chance to meet Steve Ausencio. I know he is going to be right at home with all of you. He always has great ideas, he is smart, works hard, and he is genuine. He cares and is determined to keep Jack Powell at the top and beyond! His wife Jessenia also attended, I introduced her to everyone as Jessie. She is one of the nicest, sweetest, people you will ever meet! Please welcome them to the group, help show them the ropes, and take some me to get to know them, just like you did with us all those years ago. You will enjoy their company. For those that will be a ending the mee ng in San Antonio, they will both be there so please reach out and welcome them. I want to say a great big thank you to the Guild for arranging a Ladies and Gentlemen’s (we had a few this year) - Brunch again this year - and to Jill Vance for ge ng all of us there and se led a er our first mode of transporta on stopped working while we were all on it!! Jill, you are such a quick thinker and you made everything happen like that was what we were supposed to do in the first place. You never stressed or lost your beau ful smile in a moment of confusion! The breakfast we enjoyed was so wonderfully delicious. And the room we had for the group was beau ful, we just all felt so special. Continued on Page 64
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
March - April 2022
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I hate to think of this as my last NADA. But it really was. I know that we will always be welcome to a end, and I am pre y sure we will take up the offer, but it was our last in the way that we are not as involved as we were before the end of 2021. We are looking forward to visi ng many of you for vaca ons! With so many friends all in different states it will be so much fun to come see you and not have to worry so much about me or having to get back to go to work! It’s been a great ride and I have enjoyed every moment. That being said - this is not goodbye for me as far as the Mopar Masters Guild Magazine - I will s ll be here, wri ng my ar cle! Hopefully you all will keep reading the View From My Office. Who knows where the view will be coming from next!
One more note. I have word that Ray Cordoza is not well, and his health is rapidly declining. Ray worked at Normandin Chrysler in San Jose, California. He and his wife Be y were part of the Guild from the beginning un l Ray re red in 2006. They moved to Sonora, California a er re rement. For all that met Ray you all know he was unforge able! A very big, fun personality. I wanted to put the word out of Ray’s health so you could keep them in your thoughts during this difficult me.
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
wiADVISOR and Snap-on EPC 5 Integration Now Available! Snap-on’s Electronic Parts Catalog, EPC 5 is now integrated with wiADVISOR. Your dealership can improve cycle time and shop throughput, resulting in a parts and service department that is more efficient and profitable.
You’ll also benefit with: • Reduced steps to specify parts and add them to MPI System • Quicker cycle times when building and processing parts/service quotes • Faster confirmation of parts pricing and availability* • Increased accuracy due to reduced manual entry *Only available to users with Snap-on Integration Pro subscription. wiADVISER is a registered trademark.
Interested in Learning More? Click HERE to learn how you can sign-up for EPC 5 to start improving productivity and efficiency in your Parts Department today!
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
March - April 2022 Snapdragon® Automotive Platforms to Provide High Performance Compute Power and Capabilities to STLA Brain and STLA SmartCockpit Technology Platforms Beginning in 2024 Multi-Year Agreement to be Deployed Across 14 Iconic Stellantis Brands, Delivering Rich In-Vehicle Experiences to Millions of Vehicles, Starting with Maserati
Stellantis and Qualcomm Collaborate to Power New Vehicle Platforms with Snapdragon Digital Chassis Solutions PARIS, AMSTERDAM – Stellan s N.V. and Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. today announced a mul -year technology collabora on to u lize the latest Snapdragon® Digital Chassis advancements to deliver intelligent, customizable, and immersive in-vehicle experiences to millions of vehicles across Stellan s’ 14 iconic automo ve brands beginning in 2024. Leveraging the Snapdragon® Cockpit Pla orms and 5G capabili es for telema cs systems, Stellan s will have the capability to meet customers’ evolving expecta ons for personalized and cu ng-edge experiences that are con nually upgradeable. This agreement will facilitate Stellan s’ plan to merge all so ware domains into High Performance Computers, leveraging the high-performance, low-power Snapdragon Automo ve Pla orms across all major vehicle domains as well as contribute to securing Stellan s’ supply chain on strategic components. “Our technology collabora on with Qualcomm Technologies is another example of how we are iden fying industry leaders to work alongside our passionate and talented internal teams as we transform our vehicles through a so ware-defined approach. This will ul mately be er meet the needs of our customers’ lifestyles through safe, personalized, and alwaysconnected features,” said Carlos Tavares, Stellan s CEO. “Qualcomm Technologies’ broad experience in automo ve and scale as a semiconductor leader will enable us to ver cally integrate key elements of our new pla orms and more closely manage the complete electronics supply chain to provide access to the best technologies, enable the fulfillment of Stellan s’ volume poten al and achieve our Dare Forward 2030 ambi on.” “Qualcomm is honored to expand our work with Stellan s to redefine vehicles in the 21st century by bringing Snapdragon Digital Chassis solu ons to their future vehicles,” said Cris ano Amon, President and CEO, Qualcomm Incorporated. “By crea ng open, scalable, and comprehensive automo ve pla orms that encompass semiconductors, systems, so ware, and services, we are empowering Stellan s, as well as the broader automo ve ecosystem, to lead the transforma on to the digital era of automobiles.” Taking the driver-vehicle rela onship to the next level, Stellan s will use next-genera on Snapdragon Cockpit Pla orms to power the in-car communica on and infotainment systems for STLA SmartCockpit, which is being designed and engineered together with Amazon and Foxconn. Snapdragon Cockpit Pla orms are not only engineered to deliver high-defini on graphics to touch and voice-controlled cockpit console, but to also deliver a fully immersive in-cabin experience, enabling premium audio and crystal-clear voice communica ons throughout the vehicle’s cabin. Continued on Page 67
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
Continued from Page 66 Snapdragon Cockpit Pla orms will also be used to enhance STLA Brain, bringing a new level of digital intelligence for convenience and safety, and helping to enhance the in-vehicle personal assistant capabili es with highly intui ve ar ficial intelligence (AI) features, which include: •
Over-the-air (OTA) updates that will allow the vehicle to naturally evolve and improve over me by being constantly updated, upgraded and enhanced, as well as features on demand and instant vehicle upgrades, such as addi onal horsepower or drive modes
Personalized experiences, leveraging AI to adapt to a wide variety of customer preferences
Improved user experiences, thanks to faster communica on with connected features and higher computa on power to support future upgrades
Con nuous exci ng new services and solu ons
Always-connected experiences
Improved ownership experiences with diagnos cs and repair completed over the air for all major vehicle systems
The first applica on will be in the Masera brand to power the next genera on Stellan s infotainment system. About Stellan s Stellan s N.V. (NYSE / MTA / Euronext Paris: STLA) is one of the world’s leading automakers and a mobility provider. Its storied and iconic brands embody the passion of their visionary founders and today’s customers in their innova ve products and services, including Abarth, Alfa Romeo, Chrysler, Citroën, Dodge, DS Automobiles, Fiat, Jeep®, Lancia, Masera , Opel, Peugeot, Ram, Vauxhall, Free2move and Leasys. Powered by our diversity, we lead the way the world moves – aspiring to become the greatest sustainable mobility tech company, not the biggest, while crea ng added value for all stakeholders as well as the communi es in which it operates. For more informa on, visit www.stellan s.com. About Qualcomm Qualcomm is the world’s leading wireless technology innovator and the driving force behind the development, launch, and expansion of 5G. When we connected the phone to the internet, the mobile revolu on was born. Today, our founda onal technologies enable the mobile ecosystem and are found in every 3G, 4G and 5G smartphone. We bring the benefits of mobile to new industries, including automo ve, the internet of things, and compu ng, and are leading the way to a world where everything and everyone can communicate and interact seamlessly. Qualcomm Incorporated includes our licensing business, QTL, and the vast majority of our patent por olio. Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., a subsidiary of Qualcomm Incorporated, operates, along with its subsidiaries, substan ally all of our engineering, research, and development func ons, and substan ally all of our products and services businesses, including our QCT semiconductor business. Snapdragon and Digital Chassis are trademarks or registered trademarks of Qualcomm Incorporated. Snapdragon Automo ve Pla orms, Snapdragon Cockpit Pla orms and Snapdragon Digital Chassis are products of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries. Source: www.stellan s.com
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
March - April 2022
Bunch: Focus on Controlling What You Can I just got back from Vision 2022 and Worldpac STX 2022, the two largest industry training events. It was great catching up with old friends and mee ng new people. On the last night in Orlando, they sec oned off part of Universal Studios for all the STX a endees. It reminded me that we are on a WILD ride in the auto repair industry right now! As a kid, I loved the thrill of adventure and the excitement of doing dangerous ac vi es with unknown outcomes. Rollercoasters and anything else that went fast and subjected my body to Gforces thrilled me! But as I walked through the park with a fellow friend and long- me shop owner, we saw the massive Incredible Hulk Roller Coaster overhead in all its glory. I looked at the roller coaster and said to my friend, “No more; that stage of my life is over!” I’ll s ll enjoy my Polaris RZR and Porsche 911 this summer, but I’ll be driving them!
Warning! Wild Ride Ahead, only the brave should proceed! We agreed that the industry has been on a rollercoaster ride since early 2020. The ride will con nue as we see major events happening in the world, i.e., COVID-19, the Ukraine war, energy prices, infla on, and, of course, the chip shortage that manufacturers are facing right now. We realized that, as long as we’re in business, we’ll con nue to experience roller coaster ups and downs and that we can s ll enjoy the thrill of the ride. We can’t control how wild the ride gets, so, to some degree, we have to just strap in and hope we don’t get tossed off in a corner or as we go upside down on the roller coaster of business. As I talked to many shop owners at both events, the ques on I was asked over and over in my classes was, “How do we prepare for the future?” We all need to ask ourselves, “What can we control and focus on in our businesses now and in the future?” I teach CEOs that it’s our job to understand the future of our business and what trends will affect it in the short and long term. I also teach that our sights need to be on the aspects that we can control. Continued on Page 69
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
Continued from Page 68 It’s great when we can look at the data for short-term and long-term trends in our business and our industry, but is there a way to know what is going on month by month? Yes! There is an area that I’ll challenge shop owners to look at that could have a drama c effect on their current business and help smooth out the rollercoaster-like days or weeks of being overbooked to having empty bays; something that is in our control! We listened to 50 inbound calls a month coming into our shops and shared that feedback with our team so they could make the necessary adjustments and correc ons on how our service advisors are doing on the telephone. A cri cal data point we accidentally discovered. In January, we discovered that people calling in were primarily concerned about how quickly they could get their vehicle in for service. We heard that they were calling us because the local dealers were booked out for a month! The number of people asking for a price was at a minimum. However, as we moved into February, we learned that the number of people calling in and asking for prices quadrupled! Because there had been such a boom in business, we found that service advisors were not as empathe c as they should have been with our clients who couldn’t schedule immediately or who asked for a price before a needed service or repair. We also saw a temporary drop in their phone call-to-scheduled appointment ra os. I believe one of the best ways to level out the roller coaster ride in your business is to make sure your staff is doing a fantas c job providing excellent customer service on the phone and in person, no ma er how busy or slow your shop is. We will all need to con nue to invest in tools and equipment to do the job of fixing vehicles correctly, but don’t neglect the most cri cal tool in your shop … the telephone, and the team members who answer it! We went through this monitoring, scoring, and coaching process with my stores to evaluate how we are performing, and what large and small trends we could uncover when it comes to the phone conversa ons happening every day. We are learning a lot through this process! It’s me-consuming, but if you want to know what’s happening at your shop’s first point of contact, there is no be er tool than listening to your calls. We have a great future ahead of us in the automo ve repair industry. Let’s band together and commit to being the best we can be for ourselves, our businesses, our team members, our customers, and our industry.
Greg Bunch is the founder/CEO of Aspen Auto Clinic, a six-shop opera on in Colorado, and the founder/CEO of Transformers Ins tute, a training, coaching, and consul ng company for the auto repair industry.
Source: S:Ss www.ratchetandwrench.com
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
March - April 2022
2022 2 0 22 M Mo opar p ar M Master ast er s G Gui ui ld O ffi cer c e r s & Com Co mmittees m i t t ees Officers: President - Joe McBeth - Dallas DCJ – Dallas, TX Vice - Pres - Cody Eckhardt - Larry Miller DCJR - Sandy, UT Secretary – Jim Jaeger – Bosak Motors – Merrillville, IN Treasurer – Chris Hojnacki – Milosch’s CDJR – Lake Orion, MI Executive Committee - All Officers Including: Dan Hutton - Tom O’Brien DCJR - Greenwood, IN Alan Yancey - Hayes CDJ - Alto, GA Rick Cutaia - Rick Hendrick DCJR – Charleston, SC Steve Hofer – Park Chrysler Jeep – Burnsville, MN Susan McDaniel – Bill Luke CJD – Phoenix, AZ
Guild Committees Nada 2022 Planning Jill Vance - Apogee Event Agency Don Cushing - MMG Magazine
Finance Committee Chris Hojnacki - Milosch’s CDJR – Lake Orion, MI Susan McDaniel - Bill Luke CJD – Phoenix, AZ Don Cushing – MMG Magazine
Newsletter/Website/Social Media Don Cushing – MMG Magazine
OEConnection Dan Hutton - Tom O’Brien CJD – Greenwood, IN (Chair) Joe McBeth - Dallas DCJ – Dallas, TX Jim Jaeger - Bosak Motors - Merrillville, IN Chris Hojnacki - Milosch’s CDJR – Lake Orion, MI *Steve Hofer – Park Chrysler Jeep – Burnsville, MN
Snap On Business Solutions Cody Eckhardt - Larry Miller DCJR - Sandy, UT (Chair) Randy Rogers - Huffines CJDR - Plano, TX *Steve Hofer – Park Chrysler Jeep – Burnsville, MN
AER Manufacturing Robert Chatwin - Larry Miller DCJR - Sandy, UT (Chair) John Waltereit - Milosch’s Palace CDJR - Lake Orion, MI Ted Hawkins - Cerritos Dodge - Cerritos. CA Chris Hojnacki - Milosch’s CDJR – Lake Orion, MI *Josh Gouldsmith - Gladstone CDJR - Gladstone, MO *Joe Handzik - Bettenhausen Auto - Tinley Park, IL
Vendor Chairs Susan McDaniel - Bill Luke CJD – Phoenix, AZ Cody Eckhardt - Larry Miller DCJR - Sandy, UT
Vendor Committees Reynolds & Reynolds Rick Cutaia - Rick Hendrick DCJR – Charleston, SC (Co-Chair) Susan McDaniel – Bill Luke CJD – Phoenix, AZ (Co-Chair) Joe Handzik - Bettenhausen Auto - Tinley Park, IL Randy Rogers - Huffines CJDR - Plano, TX *David Kiser - Spartanburg CDJR - Spartanburg, SC *Chris Hojnacki - Milosch’s CDJR – Lake Orion, MI
CDK Global Joe McBeth - Dallas DCJ – Dallas, TX (Chair) Ian Grohs – Stateline CDJR – Fort Mill, SC Mick Padgeon - Fred Beans Parts - Doylestown, PA Cody Eckhardt - Larry Miller DCJR - Sandy, UT Robert Chatwin - Larry Miller DCJR - Sandy, UT Dan Hutton - Tom O’Brien DCJR - Greenwood, IN *Steve Hofer – Park Chrysler Jeep – Burnsville, MN *Jim Jaeger - Bosak Auto Group - Merrillville, IN
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Since 1992 The exchange of information by like-size dealers in a non-competitive environment