Art Project Jerusalem catalog | Still life / People / Skyline

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‫פסטיבל אמנות‬ ‫למען ארץ ישראל‬

‫‪Still Life‬‬ ‫טבע דומם‬

‫‪22.02.18 – 04.03.18‬‬

‫‪People‬‬ ‫אנשים‬

‫‪2.04.18 – 8.04.18‬‬

‫‪Skyline‬‬ ‫קו האופק‬


Supported by the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption, Center for Absorption of Immigrant Artists and returning residents

Exhibition Hall of Jerusalem House of Quality | ‫גלריית בית אות המוצר הירושלמי‬

‫פסטיבל אמנות‬ ‫למען ארץ ישראל‬ exhibitions | ‫תערוכות‬

‫טבע דומם‬

Still Life 22.02.18 – 04.03.18


People 2.04.18 – 8.04.18 ‫ מרינה שלסט‬,‫ מרינה גנקין‬:‫אוצרות‬ ‫ מרינה שלסט‬:‫טקסט‬ ‫ אירינה פרס‬,‫ אלי רטנר‬:‫עיצוב גרפי‬

‫צילומי העבודות באדיבותם של האמנים‬ ‫המיוצגים בקטלוג‬ ‫דנה זינגר‬-‫ — גלי‬44-45 ,22-23 ,2-3 '‫צילומים בעמ‬

Text: Marina Schelest Design: Eli Ratner, Irina Press All illustrations have been provided by the artists represented in catalogue pp. 2-3, 22-23, 44-45 — photographs by Gali-Dana Singer Translation: Moshe Shelest

‫כל הזכויות שמורות‬

© all rights reserved

© Idea: Marina Genkina, Marina Schelest | Text: Marina Schelest | Biographies: Marina Genkina Pictures: Artists represented in catalogue Skizza Gallery ‫ בית אות המוצר הירושלמי‬Jerusalem House of Quality ‫ גובה * רוחב * עומק‬,‫המידות מובאות בסנטימטרים‬

Skyline 9.04.18–15.04.18

Curators: Marina Genkina, Marina Schelest

‫ משה שלסט‬:‫תרגום‬

‫גלריית אמנות סקיצה‬

‫קו האופק‬

Measurements are given in centimeters, height x width x depth

01 ‫טבע דומם‬

Still Life 22.02.18 04.03.18

‫ | גלינה אזרח‬Galina Azarkh

White Vase with Fruit and a Bottle on a black Table. 2014. Oil on canvas, 45х52

‫ שמן על בד‬.‫אגרטל לבן עם פירות ובקבוק על שולחן שחור‬


‫ | לרה ברשטיין‬Lera Barstein

Still Life with Peppers. 2017-2018. Oil on canvas, 80x95

‫ שמן על בד‬.‫טבע דומם עם פלפלים‬


‫ | שלמה ברונשטיין‬Shlomo Bronshtein

Untitled. 2017. Photography, 60x80

‫ צילום‬.‫ללא כותרת‬


'‫ | מרים פייגא בונימוביץ‬Miriam-Feyga Bunimovich

Eucalyptus. 2017. From a series of Israeli Nature Studio Shots. Photography, digital print on kappa (foam carton) 80x60

‫ הדפסה דיגיטלית על קאפה‬.‫ מתוך הסדרה "צילומי טבע ישראלי בסטודיו צילום‬.‫אקליפטוס‬


‫ | אלכסנדר יפרמוב‬Alexander Efremov

Untitled. 2017. Photography, 60х40

‫ צילום‬.‫ללא כותרת‬


‫ | אריה זרח אבנטל‬Arieh Zerach Evental ‫ | שלומית אבנטל‬Shlomit Evental

Ceramics. 2017



‫ | בלה גרודינסקי‬Bella Grodinsky

From the series «Fruits of the Earth». Graphics, 31x41

‫ גרפיקה‬."‫מתוך הסדרה "פרי אדמה‬


‫ | אינה לסובוי‬Inna Lesovaya

Rowan on the Window. 1980. Oil on carton, 65,5 х 46

‫ שמן על קרטון‬.‫מילה על החלון‬


‫פאלאנקר‬-‫ | אנה לעייטמן‬Anna Leytman-Palanker

Ceramics. 2016-18



‫ | משה פוטאפנקובה‬Masha Potapenkova

Gladioli. 2017. Oil on canvas, 100x80

‫ שמן על בד‬.‫סייפנים‬


‫ | אירינה פרס‬Irina Press

Still Life with dry flowers. 1998. Oil, tissue and collage on hardboard, 60х73

‫ שמן על בד‬.‫אגרטל לבן עם פירות ובקבוק על שולחן שחור‬


‫ | טטיאנה רטוש‬Tatyana Ratush

Untitled. 2017. Mixed media, 29,7x21

‫ טכניקה מעורבת‬.‫ללא כותרת‬


‫ | שמואל (אנטולי) שלסט‬Shmuel (Anatoly) Schelest

Vessel. 1995. Oil on canvas, 83x60

‫ שמן על בד‬.‫פך‬


‫ | מקס שאמוט‬Max Shamota

Still Life. 2017. Photography

‫ צילום‬.‫טבע דומם‬


‫דנה זינגר‬-‫ | גלי‬Gali-Dana Singer

Reflections on Still Life 1. 2014. Photograph, 45X30



‫ | נקודא זינגר‬Nekoda Singer

The Eternal Supper. 2000. Acrylic on canvas, 60X80

‫ אקריליק על בד‬.‫ארוחת הערב הנצחית‬


‫ | זלי סמחוב‬Zely Smekhov

Still Life with a Teapot. 2008. Oil on canvas, 70х60

‫ שמן על בד‬.‫טבע דומם עם קומקום‬


‫ | מרינה בלקינה‬Marina Belkina

Untitled. 2017. Helium pen on paper, 29,7х21

‫ עט הליום על נייר‬.‫ללא כותרת‬


02 ‫אנשים‬

People 2.04.18 8.04.18

‫ | גלינה אזרח‬Galina Azarkh

Self-portrait. The end of the 90s. Oil on canvas, 46х38

‫ שמן על בד‬.‫דיוקן עצמי‬


‫ | אנטולי ברטינסקי‬Anatoly Baratynsky

Fifty five. 2017. Mixed media on canvas , 60х90

‫ טכניקה מעורבת על בד‬.‫חמישים וחמש‬


‫ | נתן בר‬Nathan Brusovani (Bar)

Shmuel (Anatoly) Shelest. From the Series "Artists". 2017. Analogy-Digital Photography

‫דיגיטלי‬-‫ צילום אנלוגי‬."‫ מתוך הסדרה "אמנים‬.‫שמואל (אנטולי) שלסט‬


'‫ | מרים פייגא בונימוביץ‬Miriam-Feyga Bunimovich

Jerusalem Femininity. 2014. Digital photo, 40 x60

‫ צילום דיגיטלי‬.‫נשיות ירושלמית‬


‫ | ולדימיר צ’וטקו‬Vladimir Chootko

Purim. 2017. Digital photo, 70x70

‫ צילום‬.‫פורים‬


‫ | אנה היפטס‬Anna Heifets

Untitled. Batik, mixed media, 70x88

‫ טכניקה מעורבת‬,‫ בטיק‬.‫ללא כותרת‬


‫ | סרגיי חבוסטנקו‬Sergey Hvostenko

Dream. 2018. Acrylic on canvas, 120x80

‫ אקריליק על בד‬.‫חלום‬


‫ | טניה קרוון‬Tanya Karavan

Arsen + Shurik + Genechka. Silver print

‫ הדפסת הכסף‬.‫ גנשקה‬+ ‫ שוריק‬+ ‫ארסן‬


‫ | בנימין קלצל‬Benjamin Kletzel

Portrait. 2017. Acrylic on canvas, 50x40

‫ אקריליק על בד‬.‫דיוקן‬


‫פאלאנקר‬-‫ | אנה לעייטמן‬Anna Leytman-Palanker

Ceramics. 2017



‫ | קרן נויה‬Keren Noya

Collecting Memories. 2017. Black and white photography, 40x60

‫לבן‬-‫ צילום שחור‬.‫איסוף זכרונות‬


(‫ | אנה רוז (סגל‬Anna Roz (Segal)

Ariel. 2017. Digital photo, 40x60

‫ צילום דיגיטלי‬.‫אריאל‬


‫ | שמואל (אנטולי) שלסט‬Shmuel (Anatoly) Schelest

People of the Desert. 2018. Monotype on cloth, 120x49 (each one)

‫ מונוטייפ על אריג‬.‫אנשי המדבר‬


‫ | יוליה סגל‬Julia Segal

Untitled. 2017. Gypsum, 18x15

‫ גבס‬.‫ללא כותרת‬


‫ | מקס שאמוט‬Max Shamota

Merry Hasid on the Feast of Purim. 2016. Photographs, 50х50

‫ תצלומים‬.‫חסיד שמח על חג פורים‬


‫ | קשקה סיקורה‬Kaska Sikora

Ela Sidi. 2016. Photography, 102x68

‫ צילום‬.‫אלה סידי‬


‫דנה זינגר‬-‫ | גלי‬Gali-Dana Singer

Bearing Flowers . 2013. Photograph, 45X30

‫ צילום‬.‫נושאי פרחים‬


‫ | נקודא זינגר‬Nekoda Singer

«And Laban Has Two Daughters» (Genesis 29:16). 2012. Acrylic on canvas, 35X50

‫ אקריליק על בד‬.)'‫ פסוק טז‬,'‫ פרק כט‬,‫תי בָנֹות (בראשית‬ ֵ ּ ְ‫ ׁש‬,‫ּו ְל ָלבָן‬


‫ | טרנבסקיה לובה‬Luba Ternavskaya

Untitled. 2017, photography

‫ צילום‬.‫ללא כותרת‬


‫ | נדז'דה אוסטינובה‬Nadezhda Ustinova

Family. Old Malcha Village. 2002. Oil on canvas, 120x80

‫ שמן על בד‬.‫ כפר מלחה ישנה‬.‫משפחה‬


03 ‫קו האופק‬

Skyline 9.04.18 15.04.18

‫ | אנטולי ברטינסקי‬Anatoly Baratynsky

Cold Evening in Jerusalem. 2017. Mixed media on canvas , 70х120

‫ טכניקה מעורבת על בד‬.‫ערב קר בירושלים‬


‫ | שלמה ברונשטיין‬Shlomo Bronshtein

The End of the World. The Place in the first Row. 2017. Photography, Smart Print, 50x70

‫ הדפסה חכמה‬,‫ צילום‬.‫ המקום בשורה הראשונה‬,‫סוף העולם‬


'‫ | מרים פייגא בונימוביץ‬Miriam-Feyga Bunimovich

Skyline. Jerusalem. 2015. Photography, 40x60

‫ צילום‬.‫ ירושלים‬.‫האופק‬


‫ | איליה גלפרין‬Ilya Galperin

Untitled. 2017. Photography

‫ צילום‬.‫ללא כותרת‬


‫קנטור‬-‫ | נטלי גונצ'ארובה‬Nataly Goncharova-Kantor

Reflection. 2014. Photography, 14x30 ‫ צילום‬.‫השתקפות‬


‫ | מרגריטה לוין‬Margarita Levin

Behind the Line of Horizon. 2009. Oil on canvas, 100x165

‫ שמן על בד‬.‫מעבר לקו האופק‬


‫ | אינה לסובוי‬Inna Lesovaya

“Verbnoye” Lake. 1985. Oil on carton, 114 х 40

‫ שמן על קרטון‬.‫אגם‬


‫ | לובוב מינגזיטינב‬Liubov Mingazitinova

Crossroad. 2018. Marker on paper, 18x93 ‫ סמן על נייר‬.2018 .‫צומת‬


‫ | קרן נויה‬Keren Noya

Shades of Sunset. 2017. Photography, 40x40

‫ צילום‬.‫גוונים של שקיעה‬


‫ | טטיאנה רטוש‬Tatyana Ratush

Eilat. 2017. Mixed media, 29,7x21

‫ טכניקה מעורבת‬.‫אילת‬


‫ | שמואל (אנטולי) שלסט‬Shmuel (Anatoly) Schelest

Jerusalem. 2015. Mixed media, 44х95

‫ טכניקה מעורבת‬.‫ירושלים‬


‫ | מקס שאמוט‬Max Shamota

The Sky above the Safed Mountains. 2015. Photographs, 50х70

‫ תצלומים‬.‫השמים מעל הרי צפת‬


‫ | קשקה סיקורה‬Kaska Sikora

Fog. 2016. Photography, 102x68 ‫ צילום‬.‫ערפל‬


‫ | אירנה סורוצ'ינסקי‬Irena Sorochinsky

The Smell of the Night. Acrylic on canvas, 100х70

‫ על בד אקריליק‬.‫ריח הלילה‬


Galina Azarkh

Born in Moscow, Russia, USSR. 1966-1969 — studied at the Moscow Art School. 1976 — graduated from Moscow Printing Institute (now Moscow State University of Printing Arts), Graphics Art Department. Since 1971 — studied with artist Vladimir Weisberg (1924-1985). These studies determined the professional life of an artist. Since 1991 — Member of the Russian Artists’ Union. Since 1971 — participated in many group exhibitions. 2011 — repatriated to Israel, lives in Jerusalem. Solo Exhibitions: 1989 — Efrat Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel// 1991 — Elwert Gallery, Baden-Baden, Germany// 1995 — Dannemann Gallery, Hendreke, Germany// 1997 — Daughtrey Gallery, Sage Center for the Arts, Hillsdale, USA// 1998 Alter Wasserwerk, Pforzheim-Eutingen, Germany Award: 2008 — Diploma of the Russian Academy of Arts for her contribution to the national Culture, Moscow, Russia Collections: Penza Regional Art Museum, Russia// Rathaus, Pforzheim, Germany// Private collections in Israel, Russia, USA, Canada, Germany, Lithuania, and other countries Anatoly Baratynsky

Born in 1962, Ufa, Russia, USSR. 1988 − graduated from the Magnitogorsk Pedagogical Institute, Art Department. Became member of the Artists Union of the former USSR. Since 1991 lives and works in Israel, in Jerusalem. 1992 − became member of the Israeli Branch of the International Artists Association. Awards: 1996 − Shoshanna Ish-Shalom Scholarship, Jerusalem, Israel// 1997 — “Certificate of Merit" Art Addiction International Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden// 1998 − Diploma 1st International Art Annual ,,Masks in Venice", Italy// 2003 − Medal and Diploma, Tatra Art Museum of Proprad, Slovakia// 2006 − Diploma ,,Third International Biennial of Graphics", St. Petersburg, Russia// Diploma “Second Russian Water-color Exhibition” , Kurgan, Russia// The Charlotte Chapter of the Interior Design Society's, NC, USA (Third place award)// 2014 − Yuri Stern Award in the Field of Plastic Arts, for a contribution to culture of Israel (Award Ceremony: 2014 February 19th, Tel Aviv Museum, Israel) Collections: The Art Museum, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, Israel// Natural History Museum, Jerusalem, Israel// Museum of Contemporary Art, Imatra, Finland// Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, Jersey City, USA//Tatra Art Museum, Poprad, Slovakia// Nesterov’s Art Museum, 62

Ufa, Russia// Udmurt Republican Art Museum, Izhevsk, Russia// Dogadin Astrakhan State Art Gallery, Russia// Regional Art Museum, Kurgan, Russia// Fund of Modern Graphics, St, Petersburg, Russia// Design Center, Chelyabinsk, Russia// G. Galagan’s Chernigov Art Museum, Ukraine// Roerich Art Museum, Odessa, Ukraine// Uman' Museum of Art, Ukraine// National Art Museum, Baku, Azerbaijan// Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, France// Ural Art Gallery, Ufa, Russia// Art Gallery of the Bank Leumi, Tel-Aviv, Israel// Alla Bulyanskaya Art Gallery, London, UK// Alla Bulyanskaya Art Gallery, Moscow, Russia Lera (Liora) Barstein

Born 1961 in Moscow, Russia, USSR. 1981 − graduated from Moscow Art College. Since 1983 − Member of Moscow Artists’ Union. 1990 — repatriated to Israel, lives in Ma’ale Adumim. Since 1992 − Member of Israeli and International Artists Association. Award: 1983 − The First Prize of Yanush Korchak International Picture Competition Collections: Private collections in Israel, Russia and other countries Marina Belkina

Born 1970, Leningrad, USSR (now St.Petersburg, Russia). 1998 — graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Theatre Music and Film, Producer's Department. Since 2006 — member of the Free Culture Association, St.Petersburg. Since 2012 in Israel, lives in Haifa. Since 2009 — member of the Israel Professional Artists Association " (IPAA) Collections: State Literary Museum, Moscow, Russia// Museum of Non-conformist Art, St.Petersburg, Russia// Private collections in Russia, Holland, France, and Germany Shlomo Bronshtein

Born 1962, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, USSR. Graduated from the Journalism Faculty of Tashkent State University. 1992 — repatriated to Israel, lives in Hadera. Collections: Private collections in Israel, France, Germany, Russia, and Uzbekistan Nathan Brusovani (Bar)

Born 1956, Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), Russia, USSR. Graduated from Leningrad

State University, Geology Faculty, Nuclear Geophysics Department. Then, in the years of study at the university, he graduated from the course of applied photography. In the next years he became engaged in artistic photography, continued self-study of analog and digital photos. Nathan took part in many an underground exhibitions in Moscow and Leningrad. 1987 — repatriated to Israel, lives in Ma’ale Adumim. Awards: 2008 — "Revealed" International Art Competition, Third Place, ARTROM Gallery, Italy. Miriam-Feyga Bunimovich

Born 1985, USSR. 2009 — graduated from the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kyiv, Ukraine. 2013 — graduated from the Graphic Design Program, Specter Group, representing Microsoft & Adobe in Israel, Tel Aviv, Israel. 2010 — repatriated to Israel, lives in lives in Shilo settlement Awards: 2010, 2011 — Binyamin Regional Council art photo contest. Vladimir Chootko

Born in 1961, Leningrad, URSS (now St. Petersburg, Russia). 1989 — graduated from Leningrad State Institute of Culture N. K. Krupskaya (now St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts), Cinema and Photography Department. Studied at the Higher Courses of Scriptwriters and Directors. 1980-1983 − worked as cameraman in “Lennauchfilm” Studio (Leningrad, Russia). 2002-2015 − Head of the Cinema and Photography Department of St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts. Scriptwriter and director some documentary (“The Other Side of The Earth’, ‘The Priest and The Parish” and others). Member of The Cinematographers Union of the Russian Federation. Since 2015 lives and works in Jerusalem, Israel. Scriptwriter and director some documentary (“The Other Side of The Earth’, ‘The Priest and The Parish” and others). Awards: 1997 — Third Prize, All-Russian Competition of Screenwriters // 2001 — 1st Prize, Film Competition "Saint Anna" Aleksander Efremov

Born in 1957, Moscow, Russia, USSR. Studied in Moscow and Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). 1983 − 1995I worked as a photojournalist in the Russian media. Since

1996 -freelance photographer. Since 1991 — member of the Photo Artists’ Union of Russia. Since 1997 — member of the Advertising Photographers Guild. Since 2008 − member of the European Association of Professional Photographers. Since 2014 resides in Israel, lives in Haifa. Author of 12 books on photography and digital processing and the author of the training film for photos. Awards: Winner and Laureate of the many International Photographic Exhibitions and Competitions Collections: Private collections in Israel, Russia, Holland, USA, Ukraine, Belgium Arieh Zerach Evental

Born in 1961, Kiev, Ukraine, USSR. Since 1984 began to engage in ceramics. Selfeducation. 1990 − received the official title “Masters of decorative and applied Art”, Artists’ Union of Ukraine. Participated in many exhibitions (together with Shlomit Evental). 2015 — repatriated to Israel, lives and works in Jerusalem. Collections: Private collections in Ukraine, Russia, France, England, USA, Japan, Germany, Italy Shlomit Evental

Born in 1964, Kiev, Ukraine, USSR. Since 1984 began to engage in ceramics. Selfeducation. 1990 − received the official title “Masters of decorative and applied Art”, Artists’ Union of Ukraine. Participated in many exhibitions. 2015 — repatriated to Israel, lives and works in Jerusalem. Collections: Private collections in Ukraine, Russia, France, England, USA, Japan, Germany, Italy Ilya Galperin

Born 1977, Minsk, Belarus, USSR. 1995 — repatriated to Israel, lives in Jerusalem. Graduated from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Pedagogy Department, BeerSheva, Israel. Awards: 2016 — Second place at the Series category, Winners of the Ynet Photo Contest, Jaffa Port Gallery, Israel Nataly Goncharova-Kantor

Born 1966, Kharkov, Ukraine, USSR. 1984 — graduated from the Kharkov State Art Academy. 1986 — moved to Odessa. Since 1986 — participates in exhibitions of

the Second Odessa Avant-garde. Since 1988 — member of the Avant-garde South Group of Creative Union of Artists (TOHa-artist association). Since 1992 in Israel, lives and works in Jerusalem. She taught numerous art courses and continued her participation in various individual and group art exhibitions. Collections: Private collections in the USA, Canada, France, Greece, Israel and Russia Bella Grodinsky

Born 1947, in Valga, Estonia, USSR. 1972 − Graduated from the State Institute of Arts Estonian SSR (now Estonian Arts Academy), Graphic Art Department, specialty — books’ design. Worked as Art Editor at a Book Publishing House in Tallinn, Estonia, repeatedly awarded with diplomas of the annual competitions of the best books. Took 11 solo exhibitions of drawings, pastel and watercolors in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. 1991 — repatriated to Israel, lives in Jerusalem. Repeatedly awarded diplomas at the Republican and International Exhibitions of Books Design. In Israel Grodinsky worked as a computer graphic designer and illustrator, designed and illustrated many books and other publications, worked in advertising, too. Collections: Private collections in different countries Anna Heifets

Born 1969 in Gorky City (now Nizhny Novgorod), Russia, USSR. 1990-1995 — studied at N.K. Roerich St. Petersburg Art College. 1995 — repatriated to Israel. 1996-2001 — lived in Safed, since 2002 lives in Jerusalem. Collections: Private collections in Israel, Russia and other countries. Sergey Hvostenko

Born 1970, Altai Region, USSR (now Russia). 1995 — graduated from E. V. Vuchetich State Art College, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. 2001 − graduated from The National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine. 2013 — moved to Israel, lives and works in Ashdod. Tanya Karavan

Born 1976, Minsk, Belarus, USSR. Since 1992 in Israel, lives in Ariel. 1995 — studied at the ART College, Fine Arts Department, Mitzpe-Ramon, Israel. 2002 — graduated from Bezalel Academy

of Arts, Industrial Design Department, Jerusalem, Israel. 1997-2002 — studied drawing at the Studio of Sasha Okun, and photography at the studio of landscape master Yosef Cohen. 2002-2004 opened a professional photography studio, worked with a big format camera, experimented with macroscopic photogram. 2001-2003 — actress and designer at the ”Clipa” Theatre, ”Fantasy SET” Performing Group and ”Orkhestra” Theatre. Since 2004 — member of the Israel Painters and Sculptors Association. Since 2004 — cooperates with Swiss Publishing House. 2010 — joined the Professional Artists Association of Israel. Awards: 1997 — 1st Prize, “Color Paintings” Exhibition-Competition, Gerard Bachar, Jerusalem, Israel Benjamin Kletzel

Born in 1932, Pervomaisk, near Odessa, Ukraine, USSR. Since 1941 lived in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. 1967 — graduated from Tashkent Theater and Art Institute, Art Department, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. 1967 — moved to Samara, Russia. Since 1976 — member of USSR Artists’ Union. 1990 — repatriated to Israel, lives in Jerusalem. Awards: 1995 — Ish Shalom Prize, Jerusalem; 2007 — Jerusalem Olive Prize Collections: Art Museum, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria; Samara Museum of Fine Arts, Samara, Russia; galleries and private collections of Israel, Russia, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Hungary, South Africa, USA Inna Lesovaya

Born in 1947, Kiev, USSR (now Kyiv, Ukraine). 1973 — graduated from Moscow Polygraphic Institute (now Moscow State University of Printing Arts), Graphics Department. 1974 — Member of Soviet Artists’ Union. 2016 — repatriated to Israel, lives and works in Kfar Eldad, Gush Etzion. Collections: Private collections in Israel, Russia, France, USA Margarita Levin

Born in USSR, lived in Moscow. Graduated from Moscow Polygraphic Institute,of Graphic Arts Department. Studied painting in the studio of Vladimir Weisberg. Worked in "Art" Publishing House in Moscow. Member of Moscow Union of Graphic Artists. 1990 — moved to Israel. 1991- Member of the Union of Artists, Tel-Aviv, Israel Since 2004 lives and works in Jerusalem. Collections: Marina Tsvetaeva Museum, Moscow, Russia// Nicolas Roerich

House-Museum, Odessa, Ukraine// The Moscow Bolshaya Bronnaya Synagogue, Russia// The House of Russian Communities Abroad, Moscow, Russia// The International Institute of Spiritual Therapy, Jerusalem, Israel// The Russian Municipal Library, Jerusalem, Israel Private collections in Israel, Russia, USA, Canada, Sweden, Belgium, France, Holland, England, Austria.

Tlalim Group, Masa Programme. (Tlalim — training program in conjunction with the Photo ), Israel. 2015 — repatriated to Israel, lives in Bat Yam. Since 2015 − member of Artist Association, Israel.

Anna Leytman-Palanker

Born in Russia, USSR. 2000 − graduated from Sholokhov Moscow State Open Pedagogic University, Art and Graphic Department. Member of the Union of Abstract Artists, member of the All-Russia Artists' Union, member of the International Art Foundation, Russia 2015 − moved to Israel, lives in Jerusalem.

Born 1960, Moscow, Russia, USSR. 1981 — graduated from the Moscow 1905 Memorial Arts Academy. Since 1982 — taught at the Art School, participated in the annual exhibitions of Moscow Art Teachers. 1990-91 — taught at the St. Petersburg Open Jewish University. 1991 — repatriated to Israel, lives in Ma’ale Adumim. Since 1992 — started to work with etching and ceramics. Collections: Arts Galleries in Germany and Israel Liubov Mingazitinova

Born 1975, Moscow, USSR. 1994 — graduated from Moscow Art College in Memory 1905, stage designer, set decorator. 1999 — graduated from Moscow Art Theatre School, costume designer, a specialist in the production of historical costumes, a specialist in the production of costumes for performances and films designed. 1999 — 2009 — Lecturer, Moscow Art Theatre School, a specialty — History and Technology Military Costume. 2013 — Lecturer Russian University of Theatre Arts (GITIS), a specialty — History and Technology Military Costume. 2014 — repatriated to Israel, lives in Ramat-Gan. Since 1999 — Costume designer in TV projects (REN-TV, NTV, ORT and others) and in theaters. Since 2002 — a member of the Moscow Union of Artists, the section "Theater, Film and Television". 2007- 2012 — Head of Costume Department, DAU International Project Collections: Private collections in the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts Skype Hana-liebe Keren Noya

Born in 1990, Volgograd, Russia, USSR. 2012 − graduated from Volgograd State SocioPedagogical University, teacher of English language and computer science. 2014 − graduated from Volgograd State SocioPedagogical University, Russia (linguist, pedagogical sphere), Master’s degree// 2015 — graduated from Geo Photos school,

Masha Potapenkova

Irina Press

Born in 1970, Moscow, USSR. 1988 — graduated from Moscow College of Design, Design Department. 1995 -graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical University, Art and Graphic Department. 1996-1998 — studied at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Monumental Painting Department, Brussels, Belgium. 1998 — Member of the Creative Union of Russian Artists, Moscow, Russia 2017 — repatriated to Israel, lives in Rishon LeZion. Collections: Private collections in Belgium, France, Japan, USA, Russia and other countries. Tatyana Ratush

Born in 1967, Leningrad, USSR (now St. Petersburg, Russia). 1986 — graduated from Mukhina Academy of Art and Design. 1990 repatriated to Israel, lives and works in Jerusalem. Collections: Private collections in Israel, Russia, Germany, Latvia and USA. Anna Roz (Segal)

Born in Moscow, Russia. Lived, studied, worked and exhibited in New York for the past two decades. 2014 − moved to Israel, lives in Jerusalem. Works in a variety of mediums, most notably painting, photography, digital photo montage.


Shmuel (Anatoly) Schelest

Born 1957, Kiev, Ukraine, USSR. 1983 -1986 — studied at the Kiev Institute of Fine Arts, Graphics Department. 1986 — after Chernobyl catastrophe moved with his family to Tashkent, Uzbekistan. 1989 — graduated from The Tashkent National Institute of Theater and Fine Arts, Graphics Department. 2000 — moved to Koblenz, Germany. 2006 — moved to Israel. Lives in Ma’aleAdumim, works in Jerusalem. Awards: 2012 — “Vera” Prize, VI Moscow International Festival of Art “Traditions and Contemporaneity”, Manege Central Exhibition Hall, Moscow, Russia// 2013 — For the Originality of the Artistic Solution, VII Tashkent International Biennale of Contemporary Art, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Collections: Ukraine National Art Museum, Kiev// Art Fund of Uzbekistan, Tashkent// Uzbekistan Art Gallery, National Bank of Uzbekistan, Tashkent// // David Baazov Museum of History of Jews of Georgia and Georgian-Jewish Relations, Tbilisi, Georgia// Collection of Prince Karim Aga Khan IV, London, UK// Collection of Annemarie Schimmel, influential German Orientalist, Bonn, Germany// Kamoliddin Behzod Museum of Art, Bukhara, Uzbekistan // Private collections in Ukraine, Russia, Israel and other countries. Julia Segal

Born 1938, Kharkov, Ukraine, USSR. 1955–1960 — studied in Kharkov Art College, Ukraine. 1971 — graduated from Surikov State Art Institute, Moscow, USSR. 1994 — repatriated to Israel, lives and works in Jerusalem. Collections: State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia// State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia// Private collections in Russia, Germany, USA Max Shamota

Born in 1961, Moscow, Russia, USSR. 1982 –graduated from Moscow State Art College in Memory of 1905 (now Moscow Academic Art College in Memory of 1905), Graphic Department// 1988 − graduated from Moscow Polygraphic Institute (now Moscow State University of Printing Arts), Book Graphics and Design Department. Since 1988 − member of the Russian Artists Union//2007 − member of the Photo Artists of Russia Union// 2008 − member of the Russian Union of Art Photographers ​Since 2010 lives in Israel, Tiberias. Publications: Since the 1990s − published in various magazines and newspapers: "Lechaim", "Ogonyok" (Little Fire), "Novye Izvestia" (New News), "Digital Photo", and others// 2007 − Photo Album "View of Life. 64

Such a different Love" by the "Fotoloft" Gallery Awards: 2006 − First prize in nomination "Portrait" by "Digital Photo" Magazine// 2006-2009 − Prizes in competitions of various photo portals such as: Photoawards. ru, Photokonkurs. com, Photosight. ru. Collections: The Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center, Moscow, Russia// Private collections in Israel, Russia, France, Italy, USA, Canada, Lithuania, Bulgaria Josef Shelest

Born 1982, Kiev, Ukraine, USSR. 2004 — repatriated to Israel. Lives and works in Tel-Aviv. 2010 — graduated from the Ma'aleh School of Television, Film & the Arts, Jerusalem, Israel. Award for the Best Cinematography, “The 48 Hour Film”, 2010 Kaska Sikora

Born in Warsaw, Poland. Education in Poland: Warsaw School of Advertising// Pultusk Academy of Humanities, Pultusk (Political Science, BA)// Warsaw University (Administrative Law, MA)// Warsaw University, Post graduate studies (European Union Integration)// Lazarski University, Post graduate studies, Warsaw (Real Estate) Since 2001 — in Israel, lives in Tel Aviv. Since 2012 — Member of Israel Photographic Art Society. Publication: 2012 — Photographic illustrations for the book 'Israel Oswojony' by Ela Sidi, MUZA SA Published Gali-Dana Singer

Born in 1962, Leningrad, USSR (now St Petersburg, Russia). 1980-1983 — studied in the Institute of the Theatre, Music and Cinematography in Leningrad. 1988 — repatriated to Israel, lives in Jerusalem. A bilingual (Russian & Hebrew) poet, editor and translator, works also in art and photography. In 1991 published with Nekoda Singer “A Manifesto of Neo-Eclecticism”. Collections: Private collections in Israel, USA, Sweden and Russia. Nekoda Singer

Born in 1960, Novosibirsk, USSR (now Russia). 1980-1983 − studied in the Institute of the Theatre, Music and

Cinematography in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) and worked as stage designer. 1988 − came to Israel, lives in Jerusalem. 1988 − member of the Union of Artists of Israel. 1991 − published “A Manifesto of Neo-Eclecticism” (with Gali-Dana Singer). Award: 1989 − Yad Yosef prize for immigrant artists. Collections: Private collections in Israel, USA, Canada, Australia, Holland, Austria, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Latvia, Georgia and Russia. Zely Smekhov

Born in 1939, Moscow, USSR in the family of Lev Smekhov — a well-known Russian graphic artist. 1950-1957 — studied at Moscow Artistic Middle School. 1964 –graduated from the Surikov Arts Institute in Moscow, receiving a graphic artist's diploma. 1966-1968 — works at the Master's Graphic Arts Studio at the USSR Academy of Arts under the direction Y. A. Kibrik. 1971 — became a member of the Artists’ Union of the USSR. Since 1991 — in Israel, lives and works in Jerusalem. Member of the International Association of Art, UNESCO. Selected Publication: Since 1996 Smekhov collaborates with the Temple Institute in Jerusalem. Produces a series of paintings devoted to the First and Second Temple periods, which have been exhibited at the Institute Museum. Many of the paintings have been reproduced in the Institute's publications — prayer books and works on the history of the Temple. Song of Songs", Beit-Alpha Publishing House, Hebrew-language Edition (100 numbered copies, the calligraphic type and design have been created by David Moss, an American calligrapher and artist)// Illustrations for a series of books on Jewish history, Machanaim Publishing House, Jerusalem// “Torah for Children”, Pitspopany Press, New York — Jerusalem Collections: Museums in Russia, private collections in Russia, Canada, UK, USA, Israel Irina Sorochinsky

Born in Moscow, Russia, USSR. 1988 − graduated from Moscow Pedagogical Institute, Art Department. 1989 — repatriated to Israel, lives and works in Rishon-Le-Zion.

Member of Association of Professional Artists in Israel// Rishon-Le-Zion Artists’ Union, Israel// The Holon Artists’ Association// “Author’s Manuscript Book” Association, Moscow, Russia Collections: Gallery 36, Kyiv, Ukraine// Mordechai Gitaot Art Center, RishonLe-Zion, Israel// Russian Culture Center, Tel-Aviv, Israel// Rishon-Le-Zion Municipality, Israel// Daria Razumichina Gallery, Moscow, Russia// Jerusalem Russian Library, Israel// Shlomo Karle Bach Synagogue, Jerusalem, Israel// Tetovo Museum, Macedonia// State Literary Museum, Moscow, Russia// Roerich Art Museum, Odessa, Ukraine// Slovak National Museum in Martin, Slovakia// Private collections in Israel, Russia, Ukraine, Germany, France, England, USA, Slovakia Luba Ternavskaya

Born in 1989, Perm, Russia, USSR. Иерусалим. Израиль. 2014 — repatriated to Israel, lives in Jerusalem. 2014 — studied at MASA Photo, Israel. 2017 — started studying at the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Photography Department.  Ternavskaya Luba INSTAGRAM ternavskaya_photo Nadezhda Ustinova

Born 1955 in Saratov, Russia, USSR. 19721974 — studied at Art School in Saratov. 1974-1977 — studied at School-Studio, Moscow Art Theatre, Art Department (designer of performances). 1975-1981 — participated in many exhibitions in USSR. 1983-1985 — worked as miniature-painter at the Factory of Art Engraving in Moscow. 1990 — came to Israel, lives in Abu-Gosh. Since 1996 — member of the International Artists Association, Israel Branch. 1992-2000 — worked as designer of apartments in Israel, Spain, Russia and England. Recently works in unusual techniques — sculptures from a fabric, embroidery, application, synagogues decorations etc. Collections: Private Collections in Israel, USA, Germany and Russia

‫דיוקנאות וציורי ז'אנר אוחדו בתערוכה‬ ‫ החל‬.‫"אנשים" והציגו מגוון דמויות‬ ‫מהדיוקנאות הקלאסיים המבוימים וכלה‬ ‫ בתערוכה "קו האופק" שולבו‬.‫בניסויים נועזים‬ ,‫נופים מציאותיים עם תמונות מופשטות‬ .‫מטפיזיות ואף מיסטיות‬ ‫היה מעניין מאוד להתבונן בציורים ובתמונות‬ ‫של טבע דומם על הקיר ליד אב הטיפוס‬ ‫ שברבים מהם היה קל‬,‫ בדיוקנאות‬,‫שלהם‬ ‫לזהות את הדוגמנים — האומנים עצמם או‬ ‫ ובנופי ישראל‬,‫קרוביהם שהתהלכו בינינו‬ ‫ הם‬,‫ שעל אף שראינו אותם פעמים רבות‬, ‫ האומן רואה את הדברים‬.‫היו שונים לגמרי‬ ‫ ואנחנו בזכותו גם מתחילים לתפוס‬,‫אחרת‬ ‫את המהות הנסתרת של הדברים‬

первых дней своего существования Сством наша галерея занимается творчехудожников-репатриантов. Во

всех наших проектах мы стараемся показать тот творческий багаж, который художники привезли из стран Исхода и проследить, как израильское искусство, художественная среда и сам воздух Израиля влияет на художника, его манеру исполнения, колорит и тематику работ. От такой галереи, как наша — «русской» галереи — обычно ждут того, в чем художники "русской школы" особенно сильны: фигуративных работ, обращения к классическим жанрам. Вот мы и решили обратиться к этим жанрам. Три выставки фестиваля были посвящены натюрморту, портрету — выставка "Люди", пейзажу — выставка "Линия горизонта". Но... мы постарались найти неклассический подход к решению классических задач. Так, на выставке "Натюрморт", было много неожиданных работ: натюрморт с элементами портрета, пейзажа; фотографии и керамика, где постановочные предметы становились «одушевленными» персонажами и вступали в отношения друг с другом ... А,


‫התערוכה "אנשים" עסקה‬ .‫והתערוכה "קו האופק" — בנוף‬ ‫עם זאת ניסינו למצוא גישה בלתי שגרתית‬ ‫ בתערוכה‬,‫ כך‬.‫להגשמת הרעיונות הקלאסיים‬ — ‫"טבע דומם" היו כמה עבודות מפתיעות‬ ,‫טבע דומם משולב אלמנטים של דיוקן ונוף‬ ‫עבודות צילום וקרמיקה שבהן העצמים‬ ‫בקומפוזיציה נהפכו לדמויות "חיות" ויצרו‬ ,‫ בנוסף לכך‬.‫מין מערכת יחסים הדדית‬ ‫ עבודות הגרפיקה והצילומים‬,‫לצד הציורים‬ ‫הציגו כמה אומנים טבע "חי" — קומפוזיציות‬ ‫מפרחים ומפירות המשמשות להם מודל‬ ‫ זו הייתה מעין‬.‫כשהם יוצרים מהסתכלות‬ .‫חשיפת "המטבח" של האומנים בפני הצופה‬

‫ הגלריה‬,‫מאז הקמתה‬ ‫שלנו עוסקת ביצירתם‬ .‫של האומנים העולים‬ ‫בכל המיזמים אנו מבקשים להציג את מטען‬ ,‫היצירה שהביאו האומנים מארצות מוצאם‬ ‫להראות כיצד סביבת האומנות הישראלית‬ ,‫ואף האוויר הישראלי משפיעים על האומן‬ ‫ על גוני עבודותיו‬,‫על הסגנון והטכניקה שלו‬ .‫ועל נושאיהן‬ ‫ בדרך‬,"‫ גלריה "רוסית‬,‫בגלריה כשלנו‬ ‫כלל מצפים לראות ביצירות את התכונות‬ ‫החזקות של אומני האסכולה הרוסית — יצירה‬ ‫ לכן‬.‫ פנייה לסוגות הקלאסיות‬,‫פיגורטיבית‬ ‫ שלוש‬.‫גם החלטנו לפנות לסוגות האלה‬ ,‫תערוכות בפסטיבל עסקו בטבע דומם‬

кроме того, некоторые художники выставили рядом со своими живописными, графическими, и фото работами "живые " натюрморты — ту самую натуру, с которой и они пишут свои композиции, приоткрывая для зрителя «кухню» художника.

exhibition “Still life”, there were many unexpected works: still life with elements of a portrait, landscape; photographs of ceramics, where the staged item became “animated” with character and entered into relationships with one another… Besides that, some artists exhibited near their still lifes, graphics and photographs “alive” still lifes — the very object that they drew for their composition, opening up the “kitchen” of the artist. Portrait and genre scenes were combined in the exhibition “People”, were also presented in the same diverse ways — from the classical staged portraits to brave experiments, while “Line of the horizon” — from realistic landscapers to abstract, metaphysical and even mystical. That was very interesting: and the still life’s on the walls near their transformed prototypes: and portraits, many of which were easily recognizable — as the artists and the subjects of their portraits walked nearby — and the landscapes of Israel — all of them we saw many times before; but it was very different this time: the artists sees it differently and we, thanks to them, also start to catch their hidden essence.

*** rom the first days of its existence our gallery engages itself with the art of new repatriate artists. In all of our projects we try to show the creative baggage, which artists brought with them from countries of their exodus and to follow how their contact with the Israeli art scene and the Israeli air itself has influenced the artist, the manner of their performance and the vibrancy and themes of their work. From such a gallery as ours — “Russian” gallery — people normally expect what artists of the “Russian” school are especially strong in: figurative works, appeals to classical genres. So we decided to appeal to these genres. The three exhibitions of the festival were devoted to still life, portraits — exhibition “People”, landscapes — exhibition “Line of the Horizon”. But…we tried to find non classical solution to classical tasks. Thus, on the



Supported by the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption, Center for Absorption of Immigrant Artists and returning residents

Exhibition Hall of Jerusalem House of Quality | ‫גלריית בית אות המוצר הירושלמי‬

‫פסטיבל אמנות‬ ‫למען ארץ ישראל‬ exhibitions | ‫תערוכות‬

‫טבע דומם‬

Still Life 22.02.18 – 04.03.18


People 2.04.18 – 8.04.18 ‫ מרינה שלסט‬,‫ מרינה גנקין‬:‫אוצרות‬ ‫ מרינה שלסט‬:‫טקסט‬ ‫ אירינה פרס‬,‫ אלי רטנר‬:‫עיצוב גרפי‬

‫צילומי העבודות באדיבותם של האמנים‬ ‫המיוצגים בקטלוג‬ ‫דנה זינגר‬-‫ — גלי‬44-45 ,22-23 ,2-3 '‫צילומים בעמ‬

Text: Marina Schelest Design: Eli Ratner, Irina Press All illustrations have been provided by the artists represented in catalogue pp. 2-3, 22-23, 44-45 — photographs by Gali-Dana Singer Translation: Moshe Shelest

‫כל הזכויות שמורות‬

© all rights reserved

© Idea: Marina Genkina, Marina Schelest | Text: Marina Schelest | Biographies: Marina Genkina Pictures: Artists represented in catalogue Skizza Gallery ‫ בית אות המוצר הירושלמי‬Jerusalem House of Quality ‫ גובה * רוחב * עומק‬,‫המידות מובאות בסנטימטרים‬

Skyline 9.04.18–15.04.18

Curators: Marina Genkina, Marina Schelest

‫ משה שלסט‬:‫תרגום‬

‫גלריית אמנות סקיצה‬

‫קו האופק‬

Measurements are given in centimeters, height x width x depth

‫פסטיבל אמנות‬ ‫למען ארץ ישראל‬

‫טבע דומם‬ ‫‪Still Life‬‬

‫‪22.02.18 – 04.03.18‬‬

‫אנשים‬ ‫‪People‬‬

‫‪2.04.18 – 8.04.18‬‬

‫קו האופק‬ ‫‪Skyline‬‬


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