ART|АРТ|ארט exhibition catalog

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2014 ‫קיץ‬ Summer 2014 19.08.14 — 29.08.14

‫טכניקה מעורבת‬ Mixed Media 05.09.14 — 16.09.14

‫אמנים ישראלים‬ ‫מאוקראינה‬ Israeli Artists from Ukraine 03.10.14 — 12.10.14

‫משרד העלייה והקליטה‬ ‫המרכז לקליטת אמנים עולים‬ ‫ותושבים חוזרים‬

Supported by the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption, Center for Absorption of Immigrant Artists and returning residents

Exhibition Hall of Jerusalem House of Quality | ‫גלריית בית אות המוצר הירושלמי‬

2014 ‫קיץ‬

‫טכניקה מעורבת‬

‫אמנים ישראלים מאוקראינה‬

Summer 2014. Photography

Mixed Media

Israeli Artists from Ukraine

19.08.14 — 29.08.14

05.09.14 — 16.09.14

03.10.14 — 12.10.14

‫ מרינה שלסט‬,‫ מרינה גנקין‬:‫אוצרות‬ ‫ מרינה גנקין‬:‫ביוגרפיות‬ ‫ אלי רטנר‬:‫עיצוב גרפי‬ ‫צילומי העבודות באדיבותם של האמנים‬ ‫המיוצגים בקטלוג‬ ‫ חיים דולגופולסקי‬:‫תרגום לעברית‬ ‫כל הזכויות שמורות‬

Curators: Marina Genkina, Marina Schelest Biographies: Marina Genkina Design: Eli Ratner All illustrations have been provided by the artists represented in catalogue Hebrew translation: Haim Dolgopolsky © all rights reserved 2014

Skizza Gallery

‫גלריית אמנות סקיצה‬

Jerusalem House of Quality

‫בית אות המוצר הירושלמי‬

‫ גובה * רוחב * עומק‬,‫המידות מובאות בסנטימטרים‬

Measurements are given in centimeters, height x width x depth

Before you lies the catalog of the annual festival of Modern art

The aim of this festival was to formulate the following image: “to show the most different aspects of modern art, how it is seen by new repatriates from the different countries of emigration and by those artist who live in Israel for a long time. … here we don’t do thematic exhibits – we are interested in the ability to handle the artistic language and technique of modern art…” And in this year we want to offer our already long standing tradition of exhibition “waves”: photo exhibit, “Mixed technique” and an exhibit in honour of one of the genres of modern art. But the hard year of 2014 – war with Gaza as well as the military conflict between Ukraine and Russia (the countries from which the majority of our artists come from) – made a few corrections to our plans; two of the first exhibitions were thematic. The festival opened with a photo exhibition “Summer 2014”. In this exhibition 20 photographers took part: new repatriates, for whom the events in Gaza was the first war, as well as those already used to the Israeli realities, professional photographers from the Israeli mass media, photographers who took part in the war as reservists who became famous for their reports from the battle line, as well as very new masters of their craft. However, it was not an exhibit of military photography; as in our lives everything is mixed here – photographs from the hospital as well as from the dance field, from the battles as well as from the renaissance fair which was barely interrupted even when the sirens yelled their disturbing cry. In these works, distress and hope, anger and adorableness – was everything through what we went through in this Summer of 2014. The second exhibition of the festival addressed the no less dramatic events of the last year – the events in Ukraine the ripples of which touched practically every “Russian” and “Ukrainian” Israeli. This exhibition put together artist’s repatriates from Ukraine: those who only just recently arrived and those who are living in the country for a respectable time already; those who only recently completed the education in Kiev and those who were born before the outbreak of hostilities in 1941… And even though the exposition not only had a ethnographical as well as a nostalgic character, in it one could still see the tradition cheerfulness of the Vyshyvanka and the lyrical Ukrainian landscape. All of this is also connected to the country of emigration as well as once own youth: many of the artists opened up their dusty folders and presented their works when they were still students… Nevertheless only, the third exhibition of the festival returned it its usual route: “Mixed Technique.” Again put us into an atmosphere of artistic search, which even though it calls back the pressing questions of time, but is everlasting and never changing in its drive to “look at the world from another point of view, the point of view of the artist.” Curators: Marina Genkina, Marina Shelest Tֿ he festival is done with the aid of the Ministry of Absorption and with the aid of the Center of Absorption of repatriated artists which exists within the Ministry of Absorption

Перед вами каталог ежегодного Фестиваля современного искусства

Задача этого Фестиваля была сформулирована нами следующим образом: «показать самые разные аспекты современного искусства, как его видят новые репатрианты из разных стран Исхода и те художники, которые уже давно в стране. ... тут мы не делаем тематических выставок – нас интересует владение художественным языком и техниками современного искусства...” И в этом году мы собирались продолжить уже ставшую для нас традиционной последовательность выставок: фотовыставка, «Смешанная техника» и выставка, посвященная какому-нибудь из жанров современного искусства. Но тяжелый 2014 год – война в Газе и военный конфликт между Украиной и Россией (странами Исхода большинства наших авторов) – несколько скорректировал наши планы – две первые выставки были именно тематическими. Фестиваль открылся фотовыставкой «Лето 2014-го». В выставке приняли участие 20 фотографов: новые репатрианты, для которых это первая война, и уже привыкшие к израильской реальности «старожилы»; профессиональные фотографы и журналисты израильских СМИ; фотографы-резервисты, которые стали известны своими репортажами с места военных действий, и совсем молодые мастера. Но это не была выставка военных фотографий: как и в нашей жизни, здесь намешано все – фотографии из госпиталя и из танцевального зала, с полей сражений и с «рыцарского турнира», который проходил и под звуки сирен. В этих работах тревоги и надежды, скорбь и умиление – все, через что мы все прошли этим летом 2014 года. Вторая выставка фестиваля адресовалась не менее драматичным событиям последнего года – событиям в Украине, эхо которых коснулось практически всех «русских» и «украинских» израильтян. Эта выставка собрала художников-репатриантов из Украины: и только недавно приехавших, и тех, кто в Стране уже очень давно; тех, кто учился в украинских художественных институтах и тех, кто родился там еще до войны 1941 года… И хотя экспозиция носила не столько этнографический, сколько ностальгический характер, в ней все же была и яркость традиционных вышиванок и лиричность украинского пейзажа. Все это связано для многих ее участников и со страной Исхода, и с воспоминаниями о собственноймолодости: многие художники открыли старые папки и показали свои еще студенческие работы... И только третья выставка фестиваля вернула его в привычное русло: «Смешанная техника» вновь окунула нас в атмосферу художественного поиска, который хоть и отзывается на сиюминутные вызовы времени, но вечен и неизменен в своем стремлении «посмотреть на мир другими глазами – глазами художника». Кураторы: Марина Генкина, Марина Шелест Фестиваль проводится при поддержке Министерства Абсорбции Израиля и существующего при нем Центра абсорбции репатриантов-деятелей искусств.

01 Summer 2014 Лето 2014

2014 ‫קיץ‬ 19.08.14 29.08.14

Maria Bado | ‫מריה באדו‬

Iron Dome Tracery. Ashkelon, Summer 2014

2014 ‫ קיץ‬,‫ אשקלון‬.‫קישוטי כיפת ברזל‬


Nathan Brusovani (Bar) | ‫נתן בר‬

Red Moon. Print on KAPA (German Foam board) )‫ (לוח קצף גרמני‬KAPA ‫ הדפסה על‬.‫ירח אדום‬


Victoria Dolinsky | ‫ויקטוריה דולינסקי‬

Routine Emergency

‫שיגרת החירום‬


‫איליה גלפרין | ‪Ilya Galperin‬‬

‫‪Untitled. b/w medium format film‬‬

‫ללא כותרת‪ .‬סרט שחור‪-‬לבן בפורמט בינוני‬


Alex Gorelik | ‫אלכס גורליק‬

Home! From the series “The War 2014”

"2014 ‫הביתה! מתוך הסדרה "מלחמה‬


Vadim Hodakov | ‫ואדים חודקוב‬


‫ללא כותרת‬


Edward Kaprov | ‫אדוארד קפרוב‬

From “The Duty” series

"‫מתוך הסדרה "חובה‬


Evgueni Saveliev | ‫יבגני סבלייב‬

Milonga Lo de Silvia, Tel Aviv

‫ תל אביב‬,‫מילונגה אשר לסילביה‬


Marie Selissky | ‫מארי סליסקי‬

The King’s Council. From the series “Horns of Hattin”

"‫ מתוך הסדרה "קרני חיטין‬.‫מועצת המלך‬


Josef Shelest | ‫יוסף שלסט‬

Under the Heavenly Dome

‫מתחת לכיפת השמים‬


Boris Stern | ‫בוריס שטרן‬

Angel of Life

‫מלאך החיים‬


George Stolyarov | ‫גאורגי סטוליארוב‬

Mediterranean Landscape. Colored Ptotography & Digital Manipulation

‫ צילום צבע עם עיבוד דיגיטאלי‬.‫תיכוני‬-‫נוף ים‬


Alex Tabak | ‫אלכס טבק‬

Summer 2014: Stealing Dreams

‫ לגעת בחלומות‬:2014 ‫קיץ‬


Chava Tor | ‫חווה תור‬

To Those Who Wrongly Fell…

...‫לאילו שמתו סתם‬


Dmitry Vilkin | ‫דמיטרי ווילקין‬

From the “Nokdim” series

‫“נֹוְקִדים” מתוך הסדרה‬


Chaya Mushka Ernst | ‫חיה מושקה ערנסט‬

Works of the students, Foyershteyn Jerusalem Special School

‫ ירושלים‬,‫מעבודותיהם של תלמידי בי"ס פויירשטיין‬


Israel Lasri | ‫ישראל לסרי‬

Works of the students, Foyershteyn Jerusalem Special School

‫ ירושלים‬,‫מעבודותיהם של תלמידי בי"ס פויירשטיין‬


Michael Reizer | ‫מייקל רייזר‬

Works of the students, Foyershteyn Jerusalem Special School

‫ ירושלים‬,‫מעבודותיהם של תלמידי בי"ס פויירשטיין‬


02 Mixed media Смешанная техника

‫טכניקה‬ ‫מעורבת‬ 08.09.14 16.09.14

Anatoly Baratynsky | ‫אנטולי ברטינסקי‬

Station. 2014. Mixed media on canvas, 70x120

70x120 ,‫ טכניקה מעורבת על בד‬.2014 .‫תחנה‬


Rustam Bayramov | ‫רוסטם באירמוב‬

Untitled. Wet Plate Collodion Ambrotype, 18x24

18x24 ,‫ צילום לוח רטוב‬.‫ללא כותרת‬


Galina Bleikh | ‫גלינה בלייך‬

Matrix of Creation. 2014. Installation. Jerusalem soil on canvas, 120x300, 33 pieces

‫ אדמת ירושלים על קנבס‬,‫ מיצב‬120x300 ,‫ חלקים‬33 .2014 .‫מטריצת בריאת העולם‬


Shlomo Bronstein | ‫שלמה ברונשטיין‬

From the series “The Intersection of the Worlds”. 2014. Mixed media, 90x90 (each one 30x30)

90x90 , ‫ טכניקה מעורבת‬.2014 .‫מתוך הסדרה הצומת של העולמות‬


Anna Epstein | ‫אנה אפשטיין‬

Mirror. Landscape. 2010. Print, 20x50

20x50 ,‫תחריט‬ .‫ נוף‬.‫מראה‬


Max Epstein | ‫מקס אפשטיין‬

Ironing Board. 2014. Installation, mixed media

‫ טכניקה מעורבת‬,‫מיצב‬ .2014 .‫קרש גיהוץ‬


Lena Fisher | ‫לנה פישר‬

Crossing Point. 2014. Mixed media, Jerusalem stone & models, 17x15

17x15 ,‫ אבן ירושלמית ומודלים‬,‫ טכניקה מעורבת‬.2014 .‫נקודת מעבר‬


Bella Grodinsky | ‫בלה ג ְרודינסקי‬

Sketches. Mixed media (water-colors, Indian ink, pencil pastel, computer graphics(

)‫ גרפיקה ממוחשבת‬,‫ פסטל‬,‫ עפרון‬,‫ דיו‬,‫טכניקה מעורבת (צבעי מים‬


Igor Kapluhovich | ‘‫איגור קפלונוביץ‬

Paradise (Layout). 2014. Wood, plastic, light, sound, 120x120x20

120x120x20 ,‫ קול‬,‫ אור‬,‫ פלסטיק‬,‫ עץ‬.2014 .)‫גן עדן (פריסה‬


Artyom Kapusta | ‫ארטום קאפוסטה‬

Untitled. 2014. Mixed media, 70x100

70x100 ,‫ טכניקה מעורבת‬.2014 .‫ללא כותרת‬


Tanya Karavan | ‫טניה קרוון‬

Paradise. 2014. From the series “Seven Manifestations”. 2014. Photography, 21x21

.‫ צילום‬.2014 ."‫ מתוך הסדרה "שבעה ביטויים‬.‫גן עדן‬


Anatoly Shmuel Schelest | ‫אנטולי שמואל שלסט‬

Adam’s Dream. 2014. Monotype on paper pasted on canvas, 600x100

600x100 ,‫ מונוטייפ על נייר שהודבק על בד‬.2014 .‫תרדמה של האדם‬


George Stolyarov | ‫גאורגי סטוליארוב‬

The Way to Jerusalem. 2014. Photography, 44x25,5

44x25,5 ,‫ צילום‬.2014 .‫הדרך לירושלים‬


Sergey Teryaev | ‫סרגיי טריאיב‬

Red Accent. 2014. Oil on canvas, 80x60

80x60 ,‫ שמן על בד‬.2014 .‫דגש אדומ‬


Nadezhda Ustinova | ‫נדז’דה אוסטינובה‬

Geese. 2014. Soft toy, stuffing, embroidery

‫ רקמה‬,‫ מילוי‬,‫ בובה ממולאת‬.2014 .‫אווזים‬


Pavel Zehnbacht | ‫פבל צ ֶנבַּכט‬

With Love, Adam. 2014. Wood, plastic, cloth, 40 x 40 x 50

x 40 x 50 40 ,‫ בד‬,‫ פלסטיק‬,‫ עץ‬.2014 .‫ אדם‬,‫באהבה‬


03 Israeli Artists from Ukraine Израильские художники из Украины ‫אמנים ישראלים‬ ‫מאוקראינה‬ 03.10.14 12.10.14

Nataly Goncharova | ‫נטלי גונצ’ובה‬

The Way to Freedom. 2010. Collage, 80x100

'‫ קולאז‬.2010 .‫הדרך לחופש‬


Igor Kapluhovich | ‘‫איגור קפלונוביץ‬

Berdichev Torero. 2007. Watercolor, color pencil on paper, 50x70.

50x70 ,‫ עיפרון צבעוני על נייר‬,‫ צבעי מים‬.2007 .‫טוררו מּברדיצ'ב‬


Benjamin Kletzel | ‫בנימין קלצל‬

Shtetl. 2013-2014. Acrylic on canvas

‫ צבע אקרילי על בד‬.‫שטעטל‬


Yuri, Lina and Mariya Krasny | ‫ לינה ומאריה קרסני‬,‫יורי‬

A lean, original system for creative development of children and young adults – Animated Education – successfully develops for more than 30 years. Its authors – Yuri, Lina and Mariya Krasny – taught more than one generation of pupils, who have excelled in creativity, work ethic and social abilities. Currently under their leadership a few children collectives are active, which include among other – “AniMazia” in Jerusalem’s Media Centre “Kagan” and matnase “Talpiot Mizrah”(Arnona)


Children's Animation Studios. Ukraine – Israel AnimaziА Studio | Arnona Studio | Simkha & Ekoanima Studio

Aron Kravits | ‫אהרן קרביץ‬

Tel Aviv Soul and Memory 1. 2014. Oil on canvas, 80х120

80х120 ,‫ שמן על בד‬.2014 .1 ‫תל אביב – נפש וזיכרון‬


Maria Mihaelov | ‫מריה מיכאלוב‬

Silence. 2014. Oil on canvas, 50x100

50x100 ,‫ שמן על בד‬.2014 .‫שקט‬


Mina Minsky | ‫מינה מינסקי‬

Victory. 1985. Color paper, papercut, 47х34

47х34 ,‫ מגזרת‬,‫ נייר צבעוני‬.1985 .‫ניצחון‬


Yuriy Ostrovsky-Golovash | ‫גולובש‬-‫יורי אוסטרובסקי‬

Near a Source. From the series “Kharkov, Ukraine”. 1966. Linocut on paper, 42,8 х 27,5

42,8х27,5 ‫ חיתוך לינוליאום על נייר‬.1966 ."‫ אוקראינה‬,‫ מתוך הסדרה "חרקיב‬.‫קרוב למקור‬


Leonid Padrul | ‫לאוניד פדרול‬

Where is Adam? Photography

‫אָד ָם? צילום‬ ‫הוא‬ ‫שבו‬


Dmitriy Poltorak | ‫דמיטרי פולטורק‬

Ornament. 2014. Special acrylic foam on plastic, 75x65

75x65 ,‫ כיוסי מיוחד עם קצף אקרילי‬,‫ פלסטיק‬.2014 .‫עיטור‬


Anatoly Shmuel Schelest | ‫אנטולי שמואל שלסט‬

From the illustrations for the “Taras Bulba” (Story of Nikolai Gogol). 1993. Permanganic and ink on paper

‫ אשלגן ודיו על נייר‬.1993 ."‫ גוגול "טאראס בולבה‬.‫איורים לסיפורו של נ‬ 54

Julia Segal | ‫יוליה סגל‬

Provocation. 2001 Mixed media

‫ טכניקה מעורבת‬.2001 .‫התגרּות‬


Maria Bado

Born in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), Russia, USSR. Graduated from Russian State Pedagogical University, St. Petersburg, Psychology and Linguistics Department. 1999-2003 – Russian State University of Cinema and Television, St. Petersburg. 2003-2005 – Lege Artis, European Cultural Tourism. Lives and works in Tel Aviv, Israel. Works are in private collections (Russia, Germany, USA, Israel). Anatoly Baratynsky

Born 1962, Ufa, Russia, USSR. 1988 – graduated from the Magnitogorsk Pedagogical Institute, Art Department. Became member of the Artists Union of the former USSR. Since 1991 lives and works in Israel. 1992 – became member of the Israeli Branch of the International Artists Association. Solo Exhibitions: 1989 – Academy of Sciences Exhibition Hall, Ufa, Russia// 1990 – “Chelyuskinsky” Creative House, Moscow, Russia// 1991 – Safrai Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel// 1992 – The Artists’ House, Jerusalem, Israel// 1997, 1999 – Albin Upp Gallery, Oslo, Norway// 2000 – Municipal Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// WEINkunst Gallery, Bonn, Germany// 2001 – BaProzdor Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel// 2002, 2005 – Teena Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// 2003 – Nora Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// 2004 – ArtTest Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel// 2006 -”A Heart of the World” Art Gallery, Charlotte, NC, and Naples, Florida, USA// 2007 – Jerusalem Cultural Center, Israel// 2008, 2012, 2013 – Jerusalem House of Quality, Jerusalem, Israel// 2009 – Cultural Center of London, Ontario, Canada// 2010 – Artists’ House, Jerusalem, Israel// Russian Cultural Center, Tel-Aviv, Israel// 2013 – Tyumen State University, Russia Selected Group Exhibitions: 1988 – The Central Exhibition Hall (Manege), Moscow, Russia// 1990 – The Central Artist House, Moscow, Russia// 1991 – Auction-Exhibition, Meridian Hotel, Nice, France// 1997 – Tova Osman Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel// Efrat Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel// 2000 – The Artists’ House, Jerusalem, Israel// Andrew Weiss Gallery, Beverly Hills, Los-Angeles, USA// Zetlin Museum of Russian Art, Ramat-Gan, Israel// CoArt Center, Jerusalem, Israel// 2001 – The New Manege, Moscow, Russia// 2002 – The Central Artist House, St. Petersburg, Russia// International Art Auction-Exhibition, Tiroche Auction House, Herzliya, Israel// 2003 – International Art Auction-Exhibition, Drouot Auction House, Paris, France// Stern Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel// International Art Exhibition, Tatra Art Museum, Proprad, Slovakia// 2004 – Knesset (Israel’s Parliament), Jerusalem, Israel// 2005 – Armored Corps Museum, Latrun, Israel// Tel-Aviv Museum of Art, Meyerhof Art Education Center, Tel-Aviv, Israel// 2006 – The Artists’ House, Tel-Aviv, Israel// Third International Biennial of Graphics, St. Petersburg, Russia// Regional Art Museum, Kurgan, Russia// 2007 – International Design Center, Naples, 56

Florida, USA// Hanita Contemporary Art Museum, Kibbutz Hanita, Israel// 2008 – Art Club 40, Dover street, Royal Academy of Art, London, UK// Fourth International Biennial of Graphics, St, Petersburg, Russia// Art Jerusalem Fair, Underground Prisoners Museum, Israel// International Art Auction, MatsArt Auction House in Hotel King David, Jerusalem, Israel// 2009 – Baker Street Art Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel// Jerusalem House of Quality, Jerusalem, Israel// 2010 – Light House Gallery, Old Jaffa, Israel// 9th Lessedra World Art Print Annual – Mini Print, Sofia, Bulgaria// 2011 – Migdalor Art Gallery. Tel-Aviv, Israel// Jaffa Museum, Old Jaffa, Israel// Kulturbunker Cologne-Muelheim, Cologne, Germany// New Synagogue, Mainz, Germany// New Synagogue, Chemnitz, Germany// Art Marathon, Jaffa Museum, Old Jaffa, Israel// 2012 – ARTWEEKEND, project of Tel-Aviv Museum of Art, Israel// “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine” Museum, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine// Lavra Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine// Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality, Jerusalem, Israel// 2012 – Naima Art House, Jerusalem, Israel// 2013 – Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality, Jerusalem, Israel// 2013, 2014 – “Imagination” Israeli Art Exhibition, Bank HaPoalim, Tel-Aviv, Israel// 2014 – Migdalei Ne’eman, Tel-Aviv, Israel// Imatra Art Museum, Imatra, Finland// International Biennial of Graphics, Jerusalem Cultural Center, Jerusalem, Israel// Fourth Russian Watercolor Exhibition, Regional Art Museum, Kurgan, Russia Awards: 1996 – Shoshanna Ish-Shalom Scholarship, Jerusalem, Israel; 1997 – “Certificate of Merit” Art Addiction International Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden; 1998 – Diploma 1st International Art Annual “Masks in Venice”, Italy; 2003 – Medal and Diploma, Tatra Art Museum of Proprad, Slovakia; 2006 – Diploma “Third International Biennial of Graphics”, St. Petersburg, Russia; Diploma “Second Russian Water-color Exhibition”, Kurgan, Russia// The Charlotte Chapter of the Interior Design Society’s, NC, USA (Third place award)// 2013 – Award of Yuri Stern in the field of plastic arts, for a contribution to culture of Israel (Award Ceremony: 2014 February 19th, Tel Aviv Museum, Israel) Collections: Museum Contemporary Russian Art, Jersey City, USA; Museum Contemporary Russian Art, Paris, France; Tatra Art Museum, Proprad, Slovakia; Nesterov Art Museum, Geological Museum, Ural Art Gallery, Ufa, Russia; The Museum of Modern Graphics, St. Petersburg, Russia; The Design Center, Chelyabinsk, Russia; Natural History Museum, Jerusalem, Israel; Art Gallery of the Bank Leumi, Tel-Aviv, Israel// The Art Museum, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, Israel// Alla Bulyanskaya Art Gallery, London, UK// Alla Bulyanskaya Art Gallery, Moscow, Russia// Regional Art Museum, Kurgan, Russia// Roerich Art Museum, Odessa, Ukraine // Imatra Art Museum, Finland

Rustam Bayramov

Born 1974, Derbent, Daghestan, USSR. 1995 – graduated from Daghestan State University, Oriental Studies Department. 1995 – repatriated to Israel, lives in Rimonim. 2008-2011 participated in a few exhibitions in Moscow, Russia. 2014 – two exhibitions in Israel. 2015 – Tel Aviv Photo Fair, Jaffa, Israel// Photo Exhibition, Jerusalem, Israel Galina Bleikh

Born in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), Russia, USSR. 1981 – graduated from Leningrad Higher School of Industrial Art named V. Mukhina, Leningrad, Russia (now Stieglitz St. Petersburg State Academy of Art and Industry, St. Petersburg). 1982-1987 – regularly participated in the non-conformist exhibitions of Non-conformist Fellowship for Experimental Art (TEII), Leningrad. 1988-1993 – worked in body-art performance genre. Since 1993 lives in Jerusalem, Israel. 19962004 – showed her works under name Antro Aum, together with Julia Lagus, works in fine arts, video-art, installation, performance and computer art. 2002 – founded her design studio, GalaStudio for art projects and design. 2009 – Galina Bleikh and Lilia Chak introduced into international lexicon a new term – Ferror (Female Terror) – a phenomenon of XXI century, acts of terrorism perpetrated by women. The term Ferror was first performed at the cancelled exhibition by Galina Bleikh and Lilia Chak in Tel Aviv Journalists Center Beit Sokolov. Since 2011 – started “Virtual Pop Art” project (together with the artist Elena Serebryakova). Member of the Jerusalem Artist’s Union and of the UNESCO Association of Artists. Solo Exhibitions: 1991 – Leleco Art Gallery, London, England// 2009 – Beit Sokolov Journalists Center (together with Lilia Chak), Tel Aviv, Israel// Efrat Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel// 2010 – Beit Gabriel on Kinneret, Israel// 2012 – Artco Gallery (together with Elena Serebryakova), Paris, France Under name Antro Aum, together with Julia Lagus: 1996 – Cite Internationale des Arts, Paris, France// 1997 – Gross Gallery, Dizengoff Centre, Tel Aviv, Israel (installation/performance)// 1999 – The Artists’ House, Jerusalem, Israel (Installation/performance)// 2003 – Binyan Merkazim Performance Art Center, Tel-Aviv, Israel (Performance/video)// 2004 – The New Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel (Video installation) Selected Group Exhibitions: 1983-1991 – a number of TEII Group Exhibitions, Borey Gallery Exhibitions, Leningrad, Russia// “Da-Net” (Yes-No) Performances Theatre, Leningrad, Russia// 1988 – Route One Gallery, California, USA// 1992 – International Performance Art Festival, “H” Gallery, Kostelec, Czech Republic// 1998, 2009 – Central Exhibition Hall (Manege), St.-Petersburg, Russia// 1999 – Ashdod Museum of Arts, Israel (Installation/performance/video)// 2006 – The New Exhibition Hall, City Sculpture Museum, St-Petersburg, Russia// 2007 – 1st

Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, Russia// 2nd Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, INO, Centre for the Art of RGGU, Moscow, Russia// Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery, Shrewsbury, England// 2008 – Ramat-Gan Art Museum, Israel// Borey Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia// 2009 – ApartArt Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel// Center for Digital Art, Holon, Israel// 2010 – Cultural Center (Heichal Tarbut), Rishon Le-Zion, Israel// 2011 – Harmony Center, Jerusalem, Israel// Gallery G-77, Chicago and Miami, USA// Gallery G-77, Basel, Switzerland// 2011 – Kulturbunker Cologne-Muelheim, Cologne, Germany// New Synagogue, Mainz, Germany//New Synagogue, Chemnitz, Germany// 2012 – “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine” Museum, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine// Lavra Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine// Naima Art House, Jerusalem, Israel// 2012, 2013 – Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Jerusalem, Israel// Under the name Antro Aum, together with Julia Lagus 1997 – International Festival of Arts “Stone in Galilee”, Ma’alot, Israel// Ashdod Museum of Arts, Israel (Installation/performance)// 1998 – Open Video Festival, Tel-Aviv–Jerusalem Cinematheques, Israel (Installation/performance)// The Opera House, Tel-Aviv, Israel; Jerusalem Theatre Festival, Israel (Performance)// 1999 – Ashdod Museum of Arts, Israel// Sadna Leamanut Gallery, Yavne, Israel// Arad Museum of Arts, Arad, Israel (Installation/performance/ video)// Bat-Yam Museum, Israel (Installation/ performance/video)// 2000 – The Artists’ House, Jerusalem, Israel// 2001 – CoArt Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// 2002 – Osaka Triennial of Arts, Japan// 2003 – Performance-Art Center Biniyan Merkazim, Tel-Aviv, Israel (Performance/video)// The New Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel BIOWOMAN Group Exhibitions: 2013 – Diaghilev Museum of Modern Art, St. Petersburg State University, Russia// Dvoika (The Two), St. Petersburg, Russia// “Kunst Raum Labyrinth”, Remscheid, Germany// 2014 – Seidel Gallery, Cologne, Germany// Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Jerusalem, Israel Awards & Grants: 1995 – Diploma of Video-art Festival “Actual video”// // 1996 – Grant of Israel Ministry of Culture for half-year residence in Cite International Art Center, Paris, France; 2008 – First prize at the Art Competition “” organized by Cellcom Company in Israel// 2009 – Diploma “Art of Book – 2009” by Association of Publishers of Russia Collections: Museum of Non-Conformist Art, St-Petersburg, Russia; Aushra Museum, Vilnius, Lithuania; private collections in over ten countries Shlomo Bronstein

Born 1962, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, USSR. Graduated from the Journalism Faculty of Tashkent State University. Immigrated to Israel in 1992. Lives in Hadera. Group Exhibitions: 2013 – Artists’ Forum of the Hadera city, Israel// Journalists’ House, Tel Aviv, Israel

Works are in private collections in Israel, France, Germany, Russia, and Uzbekistan Nathan Brusovani (Bar)

Born 1956, Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), Russia, USSR. Graduated from Leningrad State University, Geology Faculty, Nuclear Geophysics Department. Then, in the years of study at the university, he graduated from the course of applied photography. In the next years he became engaged in artistic photography, continued self-study of analog and digital photos. Nathan took part in many an underground exhibition in Moscow and Leningrad. 1987 – repatriated to Israel, lives in Ma’ale Adumim. Solo Exhibitions: 2007, 2009 – Jerusalem Theater, Israel// 2008 – Al HaAgam Gallery, Raanana, Israel (with the artist Ori Raz)// 2010 – Beit Weil, Kfar Shmaryahu, Israel// 2011 – Art Molbert Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia Selected Group Exhibitions: 2007 – Sixth Annual International Festival of Photography presented by ARTROM Gallery, Rome, Italy// 2008 – PrimoPiano Gallery, Lecce, Italy// 2011 – Art Hotel Rachmaninov, St. Petersburg, Russia// ARTROM Gallery, Roma, Italia// 2012 – Art Molbert Gallery, S. Petersburg, Russia// 2012-2014 Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Jerusalem, Israel Awards: 2008 – “Revealed” International Art Competition, Third Place, ARTROM Gallery, Italy. Victoria Dolinsky

Journalist and photographer-documentalist. Born 1958, Baku, Azerbaijan, USSR. Since 1975 worked in newspapers, since 1983 – on the radio. 1981 – graduated from the Moscow State University, Journalism Department. 1978-1990 – member of the USSR Journalists’ Union. 1981-1990 – lived in Azerbaijan, worked in the newspaper “Youth of Azerbaijan”, and as editor of the socio-political programs of the Azerbaijan radio, contributed with Channel One All-Union Radio. 1990 – repatriated to Israel, lives in Bat Yam. Since 1991 – member of the Israel Journalists’ Union. 1991 – graduated from Courses for journalists repatriated from the Soviet Union. The Courses have been organized by the newspaper “Maariv” at “Koteret” College, Tel Aviv. Since 1991 – works at the radio station “Reqa”. Former Member of the Directors’ Board of the Israel Journalists Union(1998-2012) and of Press Council. Group Exhibitions (in Israel): 2008-2019 – “Israel – Photos of New Immigrants” Exhibitioncompetition, Tel-Aviv// 2010 – Migdal a-Or, Old Jaffa// 2011 – Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Jerusalem// 2014 – Festival of Arts&Photo Exhibitions, Cinema Hotel, Tel-Aviv Award: 2008 – “Israel – Photos of New Immigrants” Exhibition-competition, Tel-Aviv, special prize of the Knesset Commission on Immigration and Absorption.

Anna Epstein

Born 1973 in Lithuania, USSR. 2000 – graduated from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, The Faculty of Jewelry, Jerusalem, Israel Selected Group Exhibitions: 2000 – House of Quality, Jerusalem, Israel// 2001 – CoArt Center, Jerusalem, Israel// 2002 – Israeli Jewelry-2, Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv, Israel// 2004 – Nina Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// The New Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// 2005 – Israeli Jewelry-3, Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv, Israel// Nina Timofeeva Ballet Studio, Jerusalem, Israel// 2006 – Dweck Gallery, Konrad Adenauer Center, Mishkenot Shaananim, Jerusalem, Israel// 2013 – Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Jerusalem, Israel Award: 2001 – The Keren Sharet Grant, Israel Max Epstein

Born 1974 in Pskov, Russia, USSR. Since 1990 lives and works in Jerusalem, Israel. 1997 – graduated from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem, Israel, BFA. 1999-2000 – studied at the Open Seminar of Photography, Ramat-Gan, Israel. 2009- 2011 – University of Haifa, Fine Arts Department, MFA. Since 2009 – member of the Artists Union of Jerusalem and of the International Association for Professional Artists, Jerusalem, Israel. 2010 – one of the founders of the WILD KIDS Animation Studio, Jerusalem, Israel. Since 2012 – Member of Agripas12 Gallery Cooperative, Jerusalem, Israel. Solo Exhibitions: 1997 – Kad Cafe, Kfar Khess, Israel // 1998 – Erde (Earth) Gallery, Munich, Germany// 1999 – Modern Art Center, BadenBaden, Germany// 2009 – Artists’ House, Tel-Aviv, Israel // The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, The Edmond J. Safra Campus Givat Ram,Israel// 2012 – Wilfrid Israel Museum, Kibbutz Hazorea, Israel// 2012, 2014 – Agripas12 Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// 2013 – Ticho House, Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Israel// Artist’s House, Jerusalem, Israel Selected Group Exhibitions: 1997 – Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem, Israel// 2000 – Modern Art Center, Sansa Group, Baden-Baden, Germany// 2001 – Co-Art Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// 2002, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2010 – The New Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// 2002 – Second Biennale for Ceramic Artists, LOS Group, Haarets Museum, Tel-Aviv, Israel // Jerusalem House of Quality, Jerusalem, Israel// 2005 – Clipa Theatre, Jaffa, Israel // Video Salon “The New Jerusalem Scene”, Jerusalem, Israel// Nina Timofeeva Ballet Studio, Jerusalem, Israel// 2006, 2008 – Dwek Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel // 2006 – Ha’Hava Gallery, Holon, Israel // Pskov Gubernian Museum, Pskov, Russia // 2009 – Rothschild Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel // Artists’ House, Jerusalem, Israel // 2010 – Kishon Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel // Pyramida, Haifa, Israel // 2011 – Salame 45 Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel// Final Project, Haifa University, Israel// Kulturbunker CologneMuelheim, Cologne, Germany// New Synagogue, Mainz, Germany// New Synagogue, Chemnitz, Germany// 2012 – Agripas12 Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// Eye Lounge Gallery, Arizona, USA// “Jewish

Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine” Museum, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine// Lavra Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine// 2012-2014 – Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Israel// 2013, 2014 – Modi’in Artist House, Israel// 2013 – AL haZuk gallery, Netania, Israel// Fresh Paint Art & Design Fair, Tel Aviv, Israel// 2014 – The Russian Museum of Ethnography, St. Petersburg, Russia// Hansen Center, Jerusalem// Borohov House, Meshmar Ha Negev Kibbutz, Israel Festivals: 2004 – KOLNOA DOROM, Sderot, Israel// 2005 – ASIF, Sderot, Israel // Animation Festival, Tel Aviv, Israel // 2006 – Documentary Film Festival, Paris, France // MIFF, Festival of Animation, Melbourne, Australia// 2008, 2009 – Summer Festival of the City Theatre, Jerusalem, Israel // 2011, 2013 – VAFI, International Children and Youth Animation Film Festival, Warasdin, Croatia Director’s Work in Israel, SANSA Group: 2005 – “It was never”, experimental animation film // 2008 – “Mar Lir”, experimental animated mini-stage play, mime and live entertainment, City Theatre, Jerusalem // 2009 – “Jerusalem’s tapestry”, experimental animated performance, City Theatre, Jerusalem // 2010 – “Home at Anna Ticho,” experimental animated performance, The Israel Museum, Anna Ticho House, Jerusalem Awards and Scholarships: 1994 – Revital Terry Gill Scholarship Fund // 2005 – Third Prize of the Asif Festival// 2004 – Scholarship of the Rabinovich Fund// 2007, 2013 – Scholarship for animation artists, Mifal HaPais Works in Israeli collections: Jerusalem Cinematheque, Rabinovich Fund, Sapir Academic College Works in private collections in Israel, Russia, USA, Japan, Ukraine, France, Canada, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and Great Britain Chaya Mushka Ernst

Born 1994, USA. 2004 – repatriated to Israel, lives in Ma’ale Levona. Pupil of Foyershteyn Jerusalem Special School. Lena Fisher

Born in Riga, Latvia, USSR. 1974 – emigrated to Israel in 1974. 1981 – went to study in Paris. From 1990 – member of Art House of France. 2014 – returned to Jerusalem. Study: 1967-1974 Art School, Riga, Latvia// 1981 – graduated from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Graphic Design Department, Jerusalem, Israel // 1982 -1984 University of Paris 1 PantheonSorbonne, Applied Arts Bachelors Solo Exhibitions: 2007 – “Un seul jour” Paris, France// 2009 – MAPRA Gallery, Lyon, France// 2010 – Municipality Lyon 04, France// 2011 – Municipality Lyon 01, France// 2011, 2013 – Solaris Gallery, Lyon, France Group exhibitions: 1981 – Artists’ House, Jerusalem Israel// 1983 Art-Cloche/FIAC off, Paris France// 1983 – Art-Cloche/FIAC off, Paris, France// 2006 – Saline Royal, France// 2007 – “Le Deuxieme Regard”, Besançon, France// 2009 – Soma Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea// University of

Mississippi Museum, Oxford, USA// East Hawaii‘i Cultural Center, Hilo, Hawaii, USA// University of Hawaii‘i Art Gallery, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA// 2010 Expo Paris -Tel Aviv, Paris, Atelier 511, France// Sarah Spurgeon Gallery, Central Washington University, USA// LACDA (Los Angeles Center For Digital Art), USA// Womb Gallery, New York, USA// Global Village, Globalization Exhibition, Alkmaar, Holland// 2010 – University Art Galleries, Myers School of Art, Akron, Ohio, USA// Downtown Gallery, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA// 2011 – Centre for Contemporary Art, “L’école des Filles”, Huelgoat, Bretagne, France// 2011, 2013 – Solaris Gallery, Lyon, France// 2012 – Salon d’Automne, Jaffa, Israel// 2012-2014 – Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Israel// 2013 – Gabo Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel Award: 2010 – Laureate “Top 10”, LACDA (Los Angeles Center for Digital Art), USA Collection LACDA Los Angeles Center For Digital Art Ilya Galperin

Born 1977, Minsk, Belarus, USSR. 1995 – repatriated to Israel, lives in Jerusalem. Graduated from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Pedagogy Department, Beer-Sheva, Israel. Group Exhibition: 2008 – New Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel Alexey Gorelik

Born 1974, Moscow, Russia, USSR. 1994 repatriated to Israel, lives in Tzur Hadassah, Israel. Amateur Photographer. All images were taken during his reserve duty. Natalya Goncharova-Kantor

Born 1966, Kharkov, Ukraine, USSR. 1984 – graduated from the Kharkov State Art Academy. 1986 – moved to Odessa. Since 1986 – participates in exhibitions of the 2nd Odessa avant-garde. Since 1988 – member of the Avant-garde South Group of Creative Union of Artists (TOHa-artist association). Since 1992 in Israel, lives and works in Jerusalem. She taught numerous art courses and continued her participation in various individual and group art exhibitions. Solo Exhibitions: 1989 – South Group Gallery, Odessa, USSR// 1990 – Museum of Western and Eastern Art, Odessa, USSR// 1994 – Cultural Center, Jerusalem, Israel// 1996 – American Educational College, Jerusalem, Israel// 1998 – Jewish Art Gallery, Berlin, Germany// 2004 – TEENA Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// 2007 – Jerusalem House of Quality, Israel// 2013 – Angels Exhibition, Alexandrovsky Hospice, Jerusalem, Israel Group Exhibitions: 1986-1989 – Creative Union of Artists, Odessa, USSR// 1989 – Republican Youth Exhibition, Kiev, Ukraine// 1989 – Styles for Discussion exhibition, History Museum, Odessa, USSR// 1993 – Gesher Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// 1997 – Jewish Art Gallery, Berlin, Germany// 2006 – Jerusalem House of Quality, Israel// 2009 – Yad-le-Banim Cultural Center, Ashdod, Israel// 57

2009 – Cultural Center, Urk, Netherlands// 2010 – Municipal Gallery, Heidelberg, Germany// M. Begin Heritage Center, Jerusalem, Israel// 2011, 2012, 2014 – Harmony Cultural Center, Jerusalem, Israel// 2011 – Central Synagoge, Groningen, Netherlands// 2012, 2013 – Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Jerusalem, Israel Collections: Private collections in the USA, Canada, France, Greece, Israel and Russia Vadim “Rouger” Hodakov

Born 1968, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, USSR. 1989 – graduated from Tashkent University, Journalism Department. Now lives and works in Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv, Israel Work: 1985-1989 – Press photographer, all over former USSR// 1989-1994 – Video and stills, “The Russian Arts Fund” – Moscow// 1996-1998 – Press photographer// 1998-2008 – News video cameraman in T.V companies:ORT-Russia, ITARTASS, KHABAR (Kazakhstan) TV, EURONEWS// Video shooting and editing in advertising companies “Intelect”// 2003 – Video shooting and editing of documentary movie for the Dutch T.V. channel “Bellissimo” on board the “Stubnitz” ship in the Norwegian sea Group Exhibitions: 2000 – CoArt Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// 2001 – Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Israel (the exhibition traveled to many museums in Israel)// Video Art Exhibition, Technological Institute, Holon, Israel// 2003 – Video art, Paradiso Club, Amsterdam, Holland// 2005 – Teddy Stadium, Jerusalem, Israel// 2009 – C1’ – “City One Minute”Video Project of the Dutch Digital Documentary Channel “Holland Doc 24” from the VPRO and The One Minutes Foundation Igor Kaplunovich

Born 1964, Kherson, Ukraine, USSR. 1989 – graduated from Vitebsk Technological Institute of Light Industry, Design and Technology Department. 1989-1991 – designer, Belarusian Fashion Center, Minsk, Belarus. 1991-1993 – Animators artist, “ABC” Studio, Minsk, Belarus; 1993-1997 – books’ designer. Since 1997 – in Israel. Since 2003 – member of “TRAMWAY” Art-Group, Haifa, Israel Solo Exhibitions: 1996 – Gallery of Modern Art, “AV”Theatre Freestyle Scene, Minsk, Belarus; 2001 – Yad Lebanim House, Haifa, Israel; Beth Zion America, Tel Aviv, Israel (together with R.Rozenberg); 2003 – French Culture Center, Haifa, Israel (together with poets M.Braeshter and B.Finkelstein); 2004 – TRAMWAY Art-Group Gallery, Kastra Center, Haifa; 2005, 2007 – Auditorium Gallery, Haifa, Israel; 2008 – ArtShop Gallery, Zichron Yaakov, Israel Selected Group Exhibitions: 1993 – Palace of Arts, Minsk, Belarus; 1998 – Russian Drama Theatre, Minsk, Belarus; Arta Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel; Exhibition Hall, Safed, Israel; 2003 – Coliseum Gallery, Haifa, Israel; 2005 – Jerusalem Culture Center, Jerusalem, Israel; Castle 58

(Architectural Museum of Ljubljana), Ljubljana, Slovenia; SoUn International Art, Zofingen, Switzerland; 2006 – Basis Art School, Beit Yanai, Israel; 2007 – Givatayim Theatre, Givatayim, Israel; 2010 – Beth Zion America, Tel Aviv, Israel// Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem// Tiberias15 Club, Haifa, Israel// Chagall House, Haifa, Israel// 2011 – Germany: Kulturbunker, Cologne// New Synagogue, Mainz// New Synagogue, Chemnitz// Matnas Adar Gallery, Haifa, Israel// 2012 – “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine” Museum, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine// Lavra Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine// 2013 – Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Israel Collections: Moscow Ethnographic Museum, private collections in Israel, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Canada, Belgium Edward Kaprov

Born 1975, USSR. 1992 – repatriated to Israel. Kaprovs’ art based on documentary photography. He is focuses on the human aspects of political, social and cultural issues. He is working as freelancer with known magazines at Israel and abroad (such ‘National Geographic’, ‘Geo’, ‘Masa Aher’, ‘Menta’, “Kommersant’, and for weekly magazine extensions like ‘G’, ‘7Days’, ‘Musaf’ and etc). Working with NGOs (A non-governmental organization), too. Most important projects: 2000-2012 – “The Duty”// 2002 – “Crossing Siberia”// 2005 – “Color of Protest” // 2005-2014 – “The Portrait of the Society” // 2009 – “The Step from Edge”// 20102013 – “Route 60” Group Exhibitions (in Israel): 2006, 2014 – ‘Local Testimony’, Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv// 2009 – Amiad Gallery, Jaffa// 2012 – Amiad Gallery, Peres Center for Peace, Jaffa// 2014 – Cinema Hotel, Tel Aviv// Lighthouse Gallery, Jaffa Book: “Frames of reality”, 2012 Artyom Kapusta

Born 1982, Vitebsk, Belarus, USSR. 2003 – graduated from Technology College of Art, expert of decorative art and sculpting, Vitebsk, Belarus// 2008 – Master degree of Painting and Decorative Art, Vitebsk State University, Belarus// 2010 – graduated from Graphic-design Course, the Technology College, Beer Sheva, Israel 2009 – repatriated to Israel, lives in Bat Yam. Group Exhibitions: 2008 – State University, Vitebsk, Belarus// 2010 – Technology College, Beer Sheva, Israel// 2011 – Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Israel// 2013 – Central Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel// 2014 – Menachem Begin Heritage Center, Jerusalem, Israel// SNAC (Social Network Art Competition), ZK gallery, San Francisco, USA// Riviera Gallery, Bat Yam, Israel// Sixteenth Tel Aviv International Student Film Festival, Cinematheque, Tel Aviv, Israel// Cinema Hotel, Tel Aviv, Israel// The Israeli Museum of Caricature and Comics, Holon// Dan

Hotel, Eilat, Israel// Lighthouse Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel Collections: Private collections in Belarus, Russia, Israel, USA Tanya Karavan

Born 1976, Minsk, Belarus, USSR. Since 1992 in Israel, lives in Ariel. 1995 – studied at the ART College, Fine Arts Department, Mitzpe-Ramon, Israel. 2002 – graduated from Bezalel Academy of Arts, Industrial Design Department, Jerusalem, Israel. 1997-2002 – studied drawing at the Studio of Sasha Okun, and photography at the studio of landscape master Yosef Cohen. 2002-2004 opened a professional photography studio, worked with a big format camera, experimented with macroscopic photogram. 2001-2003 – actress and designer at the ”Clipa”Theatre, ”Fantasy SET” Performing Group and ”Orkhestra”Theatre. Since 2004 – member of the Israel Painters and Sculptors Association. Since 2004 – cooperates with Swiss Publishing House. 2010 – joined the Professional Artists Association of Israel. Solo Exhibitions: 2002 –“ZAMZA”, Jerusalem, Israel// 2005 – Jerusalem Theatre, Israel// 2008 – Russian Cultural Center, Tel-Aviv, Israel// 2008 -”Untitled”, Matusevich & Kravitz Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel// The Museum of Israeli Art, Ramat Gan, Israel// 2011 – “Oi Va Voi Studio” Gallery, Venice, Italy// 2012 – “Double Nature”, Innovation Warehouse, London// 2013- Enav Cultural Center, Tel Aviv, Israel Selected Group Exhibitions: 1997- Young Artists Exhibition, Gerard Bachar Center, Jerusalem, Israel// 2000 –Trade and Business Center, Baden-Baden, Germany// 2001 – CoArt Center, Jerusalem, Israel// 2004 – TEENA Cultural and Education Society, Jerusalem, Israel// 2007 – ArtToGet Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel// 2008 – The Museum of Israeli Art, Ramat-Gan, Israel// 2009 – Leumi Bank, Tel-Aviv, Israel// 2010, 2012-2014 – Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Israel// 2013 – Russian Culture Center, Tel Aviv, Israel Awards: 1997 – 1st Prize, “Color Paintings” Exhibition-Competition, Gerard Bachar, Jerusalem, Israel Benjamin Kletzel

Born 1932, Pervomaisk, near Odessa, Ukraine, USSR. Since 1941 lived in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. 1967 – graduated from Tashkent Theater and Art Institute, Art Department, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. 1967 – moved to Samara, Russia. Since 1976 – member of USSR Artists’ Union. 1990 – repatriated to Israel, lives in Jerusalem. Solo Exhibitions: 1968, 1982, 1998, 2004 – Samara Museum of Fine Arts, Samara, Russia// 1983 – Culture Palace, Togliatti, Russia// 1985 – Art Centre, Novo-Kuibyshevsk, Russia// 1993 – Immigrant Communities House, Jerusalem, Israel// 1994 – Talpiot Mizrach Community Centre, Jerusalem, Israel// Rehavia Community Centre, Jerusalem, Israel// 1995 – Jewish Community Centre, Chicago, USA//

1996 – Aviv Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel// 1999 – Jerusalem Municipality Hall, Jerusalem, Israel// 2000 – Nina Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// CoArt Center, Jerusalem, Israel// 2002 – Immigrant Cultural Centre, Jerusalem, Israel// Teena Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// 2005 – Teena Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// 2009 – Jerusalem Cultural Centre, Jerusalem, Israel// 2012 – Naima Art House, Jerusalem, Israel// 2013 – Skizze Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Jerusalem, Israel Selected Group Exhibitions: 1966 – Artists’ Union Hall, Tashkent, Uzbekistan// 1975 – Volgograd Municipal Museum, Volgograd, Russia// 1976 – Museum of Fine Arts, Gorky, Russia; Art Museum, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria// 1987 – The Central Exhibition Hall (Manege), Moscow, Russia// 1997 – Immigrant Cultural Centre, Jerusalem, Israel// 1999 – Machon Yerushalaim, Jerusalem, Israel// 2000 – Binyanei HaUma, Jerusalem, Israel// CoArt Center, Jerusalem, Israel// 2000-01 – Jerusalem Theater, Jerusalem, Israel// 2009, 2012-2014 – Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Jerusalem, Israel// 2012 – Naima Art House, Jerusalem, Israel Awards: 1995 – Ish Shalom Prize, Jerusalem; 2007 – Jerusalem Olive Prize Collections: Art Museum, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria; Samara Museum of Fine Arts, Samara, Russia; galleries and private collections of Israel, Russia, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Hungary, South Africa, USA Yuri Krasny, Lina Kurdyukova (Krasny), Mariya Krasny Yuri Krasny

Born 1946, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, USSR. 1974 – graduated from Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Railway Engineers (now Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport). Member of the International Animated Film Association (ASIFAUNESCO). Member of the Cinematographers’ Union of Ukraine. Since 2006 lives and works in Israel, Jerusalem. Co-author of the concept of Animated Education (with Lina Kurdyukova(Krasny)), and author of the program “ABC of Emotions”. Books: “Cartoon made by Kids” (together with Lina Kurdyukova(Krasny)), “Mine and ours Jewish Home” (in co-authorship with Maria and Lina Kurdyukova (Krasny), “Art – always a therapy” and others. One of the creators and directors of children and young adult animated studios “Simcha”, “Ekoanima”, “School of Fables”, “AnimaziA” and others. Part taker as a contestant as well as part of the jury in many international festivals, author of tv-programs. Lina Kurdyukova (Krasny)

Born in Krivoy Rog, Ukraine, USSR. Since 1964 lived in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. Educatorexperimenter, methodist, philologist, physiologist. 1970 – graduated from Dnepropetrovsk

State University (now Dnipropetrovsk National University (DNU). She received the honorary title of grand educator first in the USSR and then in the Ukraine. Member of the Cinematographers’ Union of Ukraine. Since 2006 lives and works in Israel, Jerusalem. Co-author of the concept of animated education (together with Yuri Krasny), author of the book “Cartoon made by Kids” (together with Yuri Krasny), “Mine and our Jewish Home” (together with Mariya and Yuri Krasny), author of the tv program “Workshop of Culture”, partaker of the Third Annual World Summit on mass media for children(Thessalonica, Greece, 2001) Mariya Krasny

Born 1971, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, USSR. 1994 – graduated from St. Petersburg State Academy of Culture, (director of cinema studio’s), Russia, USSR. She received her post-doc at MGU, Moscow, Russia. Educator, artist, cinematographers and book illustrator. From 1989 she began working with children. Her first children studio she created in Dnepropetrovsk’s Historical Museum, where she worked as a scientific employee. She developed an original program “Ukrainian and World culture” for creative development for children based on museum expositions “World of traditions” and “Workshop for Culture”. In 1995-2005 she created the children’s Centre for creative development “Simcha”, directed the Jewish culture center in Dnepropetrovsk. From 2005 she directed the original animation studio for creative development of children and young adults “Echoanima” (Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine). Since 2010 lives and works in Jerusalem Israel. She leads children and family animated studious in Jerusalem and Petah Tikvah. Author of the internet projects “Virtual Studio: World without Borders” and “Studios of animated education”. Specialist on organizing, holding seminars and trainings, as well as summer and winter creative family camps. She realizes annual multinational projects in Ukraine, Israel, Bulgaria, Turkey, Georgia…etc. Partaker in multinational animated project: International Animated Film Association (ASIFA-UNESCO). Author of design-projects, animated films, tv-programs and methods of creative development. Ilustrations for books “No castles, no princesses, no wizards”, “Mine and our Jewish home”, “Fables of papa Rasmik”, “Art – always a therapy” (19942015.) She also earned first places on Children Cinematography Festivals in Ukraine, Russia, Japan, Greece, Bulgaria and Spain. Aron Kravits

Born 1958, Ukraine, USSR. 1991 – graduated from Industrial Art Institute, Kharkov, Ukraine. 1992 – worked as a designer at the regional TV-studio “Tonis”. 1994 – cooperated with the Trotuar Art Group (the Palitra Gallery). 1993-1994 – participated in the annual city-wide art exhibitions.

Took part in the 1994 exhibition in the gallery of the Kharkov Opera Theatre. Since 1995 in Israel, lives in Tel-Aviv. Among other things, has been engaged in painting and sculpture for theatrical scenery in Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem theatres, including the State Israeli Opera. Performed art work for television and feature films. Solo Exhibition: 2010 – Eshkol Ha Pais Gallery, Ramat Gan, Israel Selected Group Exhibitions: 2002 – Mor Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel// 2003 – Mediterranean Sea Gallery// 2004 – Mansohn House Gallery, Old Jaffa, Israel// 2006 – Capricci Gallery, Barcelona, Spain// 2007, 2008 – New Gallery of the Bat-Yam Arts Institute, Israel// 2009 – International Art Gallery, Paris// Jaffa Museum of Antiquities, Israel// 2009, 2011 – Light House Gallery, Old Jaffa// 2010 – ‘’A new look at the new country’’, Armon Ha-Natziv, Jerusalem, Israel// 2011 – Artists’ Colony ‘’Sea breeze’’ Art Project, Bat Yam, Israel// 2012 – Salon d’Automne in Israel, Hangar, Jaffa// 2013, 2014 – Bank HaPoalim, Tel-Aviv, Israel// Embassy of Ukraine in the State of Israel, Tel-Aviv// ART WORKS Ausstellungsleitung Deutschland, Munich, Germany Collections: Pictures are in private collections and galleries in Russia, Germany, Israel, Spain, USA, and Canada Israel Lasri

Born 1993, France. 2007 – repatriated to Israel, lives in Jerusalem. 2014 – graduated from Foyershteyn Jerusalem Special School. Masha Mihaelov

Born 1978, Kharkov, Ukraine, USSR. 1995-1997 studied in Orel’s Art College at the faculty of graphic design. Since 1997 lives in Israel, Jerusalem. 2004 – graduated from Jerusalem Academy of Art, Bezalel, the faculty of Ceramic Design and Glass. Since 2007 works as chief designer in Orel’s State Theater “Free Space” in Russia, and collaborates as stage and costume designer with the theaters in Israel. Solo exhibitions: 2005 – Cultural and Educational society “Teena”, Jerusalem, Israel// 2009 – Yaniv Glass gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel// 2010 – “Free space” Theater, Orel, Russia Group Exhibitions: 2004 – Teena Cultural and Educational Society, Jerusalem, Israel// 2005 – Exhibition Hall of Cultural Center, Jerusalem, Israel// 2006 – Exhibition Hall of Jewish Community Center, London, England// The Third International Biennial of Graphics, St.Petersburg, Russia// 2007 – Exhibition of Art Glass, Eretz Israel Museum, Tel-Aviv, Israel// 2007 – Manezh Central Exhibition Hall, St.Petersburg, Russia// 2008 – Art Jerusalem 2008, Jerusalem, Israel// 2012 – Aliyah Arts Galerie, Montreal, Canada// Ein Hod Gallery, Ein Hod, Israel// 2012-2014 – “Theater Designers”, Orel, Russia Awards: 2006 – Diploma of 3rd International Bienniale of Graphic, St.Petersburg, Russia

Collections: Museum of Modern Graphic Art, St.Petersburg, Russia// Galleries and private collections in Israel, Russia, Great Britain, France, Canada, U.S.A. Mina Minsky

Born in Kharkov, Ukraine, USSR. 1961 – graduated from Art College, Kharkov, Ukraine 25 years taught at Children Art Studios. Worked in the field of Design, Advertisement, Decorative Arts. 1991 – repatriated to Israel, lives in Jerusalem. A member of the Art Addiction International Art Association, a member of the Israel Association of Illustrators Exhibitions in USSR: 1961-1988 –Kiev, Kharkov, Moscow, Riga, Tallin, Vilno, Minsk, Kishinev, Tashkent, Odessa. Solo Exhibitions in Israel: 1992 – Beit-Aly Gallery, Ashkelon// 1994 – Painters & Sculptors House, Tel-Aviv// 1996 – Center of Humor Gallery, Tel-Aviv// 1998 – Center of Jewish Youth, Jerusalem Selected Group Exhibitions: 1975 – Prague, Czechoslovakia (now Czech Republic)// 1978 – 8th International Graphic Biennale, Brno, Czechoslovakia// 1989 – Biennale of Poster, Lahti, Finland// 1993 – Beit–Ha’ am Gallery, Ashkelon, Israel// 1994, 2004 – Sa-Nur Gallery, Samarya, Israel// 1995 – Binyanei Ha’Uma (Palace of Nations), Jerusalem, Israel// 1996 – Municipal Gallery, Netanya, Israel// 1997 – VIII Biennale of Ex-Libris, Ortona, Italy// 1997, 2000 – Glif Gallery, Netanya, Israel// 1998 – 1st Israel International Photography Salon, Rishon-le Zion, Israel// 1998 – Competition UNESCO-AIAP-PROJEKT// 1999 – Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies, Israel// 2000 – Auditorium, Haifa, Israel// Gerard Bachar Center, Jerusalem, Israel// Jerusalem Theatre, Israel, Israel// 2001 – Art Addiction Virtual Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden// 2003 – “100 Contemporary Artists of Book Art”, Art Addiction International Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden // 2003, 2005 – Beit Ariela, Tel-Aviv, Israel// 2004 – Theatre, Givatayim, Israel// Illustrators of movie Blockbusters, Ra’anana, Israel// Cinematheque, Tel – Aviv, Israel// Knesset (Israel Parliament), Jerusalem, Israel// 2005 – New Illustrations of Old Fairy Tales, Haifa, Israel// Sa-Nur Exhibition, Jerusalem Russian Library, Israel// 2006 – Andersen-200, Haifa, Israel// 2007 – Sa-Nur Exhibition, Knesset (Israel Parliament), Jerusalem, Israel// ExhibitionCompetition, Bank Mizrahi Tefahot, Israel// 2008 – Home Aviation, Herzliya, Israel// Gush Katif Museum, Jerusalem, Israel// 2012 – Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Jerusalem, Israel// 2014 – BIOWOMAN International Art Project, New York, USA Awards: 1996 – 1st Diploma, III International Female Artists’ Annual Art, Art Addiction International, Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden// 1997 – 1st Diploma, “Israeli Creative Artists”, Art Addiction International Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden// 1st Diploma – “Italy – Israel”, IV Biennale of Ex Libris, Palazzo Farnese-Ortona, Italy// 1998 – 1st Diploma, Femina Project “A better World for our Children”, Art Addiction International

Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden// 1st Diploma, ”Masks in Venice”, 1st Art Addiction Annual in Venice, Palazzo Correr, Venice, Italy// 2003 – Diploma, the 1st Collage International Art, Art Addiction Virtual Gallery,, Stockholm, Sweden// 2003 – Diploma, “100 Contemporary Artists of Book Art”, Art Addiction International Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden Yury Ostrovsky-Golovash

Born 1934, Kharkov, Ukraine, USSR. 1958 – graduated from Kharkov State Art School. 1965 – graduated from Kharkov Art and Industry Institute (now Kharkov State Academy of Design and Arts), Graphic Arts Department. 1965-1975 – Teacher at the same Institute, Graphic Arts Department. Since 1964 – Art Editor, Republican Publishing House “Prapor.” Since 1964 participated in many exhibitions (regional, republican, all-Union, international – in Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Kharkov, Prague, Bologna, Paris, Warsaw, Ulan-Bator). Since 1970 – member of the Ukrainian Artists’ Union. 1991 – repatriated to Israel, lives in Jerusalem. Since 1991 – member of the Israeli Artists and Sculptors Union, Tel-Aviv Branch. Solo Exhibitions: 1992 – Beit-Aly Gallery, Ashkelon, Israel// 1994 – Painters & Sculptors House, Tel-Aviv, Israel// 1998 – Center of Jewish Youth, Jerusalem, Israel// 2000 – Jerusalem Theater, Israel// 2004 – Williamsburg Gallery, New York, USA// 2005 – Knesset (Israel Parliament), Jerusalem, Israel Selected Group Exhibitions: 1993 – Beit-Ha’ am Gallery, Ashkelon, Israel // Sa-Nur Gallery, Sa-Nur, Israel// 1995, 2000 – Binyanei Ha’Uma (Palace of Nations), Jerusalem, Israel // 1996 – Watercolor of the Netanya Artists’ Society// 1996, 1998 – Municipal Gallery, Netanya, Israel//1997 – VIII Biennale of Ex-Libris, Ortona, Italy// “Italy – Israel”, IV Biennale of Ex Libris, Italy// Coca-Cola Competition, Dizengoff Centre, Tel-Aviv, Israel// Competition of Israel Government Coins and Medals Corporation // 2000 – Glif Gallery, Netanya, Israel// 1998 – Wine Festival, Rishon-le Zion, Israel// Di Zola Predosa, Italy// 1999 – Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies, Israel// 2000 – Auditorium, Haifa, Israel// Gerard Bachar Center, Jerusalem, Israel// Municipal Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// I Biennale of Graphic, Di Francavilla al Mare, Italy// 2000, 2001 – CoArt Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// 2001 – Adi International Competition, Jerusalem, Israel// 2002 – II Biennale of Graphic, Di Francavilla al Mare, Italy// Collage, International Contemporary Art Exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden// Yad Lebanim, Ra’anana// Sa-Nur Gallery, Samarya, Israel// Competition – Illustrations to Ury Zvi Grinberg// 2003 – Beit Ariela, Tel-Aviv// “100 Contemporary Artists of Book Art”, Art Addiction International Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden// 2004 – Knesset (Israel Parliament), Jerusalem, Israel// III Biennale of Graphic, Spain, Italy// 2005 – Sa-Nur Exhibition, Jerusalem Russian Library, Israel// 2006 – Bloomfield Science Museum, Jerusalem, Israel// 2007 – Sa-Nur Exhibition, 59

Knesset (Israel Parliament), Jerusalem, Israel// Exhibition-Competition, Bank Mizrahi Tefahot, Israel// 2008 – Aviation Home, Herzliya, Israel// Gush Katif Museum, Jerusalem, Israel// “30 Artistsconquerors”, SELCOM Competition, Ramat-Gan Museum, Israel// 2012 – Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Jerusalem, Israel Album: “100 Illustrations to the Poetry of Uri Zvi Greenberg”. Jerusalem, 2011 Awards: 1974 – 2nd prize, “Best Book of the Year”, Ukrainian Republican Competition// 1995 – International Book Fair, VDNKh, Moscow// 1997 – 1st Diploma, “Israeli Creative Artists”, Art Addiction International Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden// 2000 – 3rd prize, Center BAK Competition, Jerusalem, Israel// 2001 – Diploma, Art Addiction Virtual Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden// 2003 – Diploma, 1th. Collage International Art, Art Addiction Virtual Gallery,, Stockholm, Sweden// Diploma, “100 Contemporary Artists of Book Art”, Art Addiction International Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden Collections, Ukraine: Art Museum, Kharkov, Ukraine// Lvov, Museum// Museum of Taras Shevchenko, Kanev// Repin Art Memorial Museum, Chuguev// G. Skovoroda Literary Memorial Museum, Chernuhi, Poltava region// Lugansk Regional Art Museum Leonid Padrul

Born in the Ukraine, USSR. Art Photographer. Since 1994 lives and works in Israel. Art Photographer (EFIAP) of the Federation of International Art Photography (FIAP) at UNESCO. The Head of the Photographic Department at the Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv. Member of the Tel Aviv Journalists Association. His main interest is photographing the Dead Sea. Photo Expeditions: 1978-1984 – Expeditions to Tien Shan, Pamir and Caucasus Mountains// 19992007 – Expeditions to the Judean Desert and the Dead Sea area// 2002 – Expedition at the Qumran Caves as part of the National Geographic project Selected Solo Exhibitions: 2007 – The Knesset and in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Israel, Jerusalem// Photo Union Gallery, Moscow, Russia// Migdal Shalom Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel// 2008 – National Gallery of Bangkok, Thailand// 2009 – Kolding Library, Copenhagen, Denmark// 2009 – The exhibition was presented at the “Metropolitan Museum”, Manila, Philippines// 2010 – Fine Arts Museum, Hanoi, Vietnam// National Museum of History, Minsk, Belarus// 2011 – Economic Forum, Harbin, China// Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick, Australia// Tuggeranong Arts Centre, Canberra, Australia// Copenhagen City Hall, Denmark// Museum of Russian Art, Ramat Gan, Israel// 2012 – Wellington Jewish Community Centre, New Zealand// 2013 – Beijing’s Kempinski Hotel, China// Departmental Library Catholic and Evangelical Theology, Vienna, Austria// Bibelzentrum, Vienna, Austria// Stadtbibliothek, Bremen, Germany// Migdal Shalom Tower, Tel Aviv, Israel Awards (Group International Exhibitions): 1986 – Hong Kong, Bronze Cup//, Czech Republic, Gold 60

Medal// 1987 –Italy, Gold Medal// Hungary, Silver Medal// 1988 –Brazil, Bronze Medal// 1992 – Hungary, Bronze Medal Dmitriy Poltorak

Born 1982, Sevastopol, Ukraine, USSR. 2005 – graduated from Ushinsky Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, Odessa, Ukraine. 2006 – repatriated to Israel. Worked as artist at privet gallery. Works are in privet collections in Ukraine and israel. Michael Reizer

Born 1996, Israel, lives in Ma’ale Adumim. 2014 – graduated from Foyershteyn Jerusalem Special School. Anatoly Shmuel Schelest

Born 1957 in Kiev, Ukraine, USSR.1983 – studied at the Kiev Institute of Fine Arts, Graphics Department. 1986 – after Chernobyl catastrophe moved with his family to Tashkent, Uzbekistan. 1989 – graduated from The Tashkent National Institute of Theater and Fine Arts, Graphics Department. 2000 – moved to Koblenz, Germany. 2006 – moved to Israel. Lives in Ma’ale-Adumim, works in Jerusalem. Solo Exhibitions: 1990 – TheArt Gallery, Tashkent, Uzbekistan; 1992, 1993, 1998 – “Tortoise and Violin” Gallery, Tashkent, Uzbekistan; 1994 – Tokashimaya Gallery, Japan; Singapore; Kuala–Lumpur, Malaysia; 1999 – German Embassy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan; Mission of the United Nations in Republic Uzbekistan, Tashkent; Alpha Gallery, Freiburg, Germany; 2000 – Alte Burg, Koblenz, Germany; 2003 – Kugnus Gallery, Arnheim, Holland; 2006 – The Jewish University, Jerusalem, Israel; 2008, 2010-2012 – Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality, Jerusalem, Israel Exhibitions together with Marina Schelest: 2002 – Alte Burg Koblenz, Germany; 2003 – “Haus Mitternich” Exhibitions Hall, Koblenz, Germany; 2004 – National Museum of Ukraine, Kiev; Beit Jacob Synagogue, Kiev, Ukraine; 2006 – Cultural Center Ma’ale Shimon, Ma’ale-Adumim, Israel; 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011 – Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality, Jerusalem, Israel Selected Group Exhibitions: 1984 – Exhibition Hall of the Ukrainian Artists’ Union, Kiev, Ukraine; 1985 – Alexander Green Museum, Feodosia, Ukraine; 1990 – Academy of Fine Arts, Leningrad (now St. Petersburg); 1991 – House Movie, Tashkent, Uzbekistan; 1994 – “Tortoise and Violin” Gallery, Tashkent, Uzbekistan; 1995 – Central Exhibitions Hall of the Uzbekistan Artists Union, Tashkent, Uzbekistan; 1996 – International Art-Exhibition “Asia-Art”, Tashkent, Uzbekistan; 2006, 2011 – Menachem Begin Heritage Center, Jerusalem, Israel// 2007-2010, 2012-2014 – Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality, Jerusalem, Israel// 2008 – Fourth International Graphic Arts Biennale, Central Exhibition Hall, St. Petersburg, Russia// 2009, 2010 – Jaffa Gallery, Jaffa Old City, Israel// 2010 – Contemporary Israeli

Art, Drouot Montaigne, Paris, France// “Magen David”, Rishon LeZion, Israel// 2011 – Knesset (Israel Parliament), Jerusalem, Israel; Lighthouse Gallery, Jaffa Old City, Israel// Jaffa Museum, Jaffa Old City, Israel// Kulturbunker, Cologne, Germany// New Synagogue, Mainz, Germany// New Synagogue, Chemnitz, Germany// 2012 – Manege Central Exhibition Hall, Moscow, Russia// “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine” Museum, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine// Lavra Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine// Lighthouse Gallery, Old Jaffa, Israel// Naima Art House, Jerusalem, Israel// VII Tashkent International Biennale of Contemporary Art, Uzbekistan Marie Selissky

Born in Russia, USSR. 1997 – graduated from Sholokhov Moscow State University for Humanities, Moscow, Russia. 2001-2003 – studied at the Lomonosov Moscow State University. Since 2009 in Israel, lives in Jerusalem. Solo Exhibition: 2011 – Hyperion Club, Moscow, Russia Group Exhibitions: 2005 – The Island Studio, Moscow, Russia// The Museum of Russian Culture, Houston, USA// EquiRos, AREC (All Russia Expo Centre), VDNKH, Moscow, Russia// Silver Camera, Central Exhibition Hall, Moscow, Russia// 2008 – Goethe Institute, Moscow, Russia// 2013 – Skizze Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Jerusalem, Israel Collections: Private collections in Russia and USA

Group Exhibitions: Participated in 150 International Photo Salons in more then 30 countries around the world. 2007-2013 – participated in all Group Exhibition Projects of L.Padrul, Israel// 2008-2013 – participated in all Group Exhibition Projects of A.Ganelin// 2011, 2014 – Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Jerusalem, Israel Awards: 1996 – Laureate of Professional Photography Exhibition, Moscow, Russia// 1998 – Gold medal (J.Puhar), Jesenice, Slovenia// 1999 – AFIAP (Artiste of FIAP), Federation International Art Photographic (FIAP), France// 2001, 2003 – Gold medal, Haselblad, Austria// 2001-2006, 2008, 2009 – Gold medals, International Salons of Japan// 2003 – Silver medal, Haselblad, Austria // Nude Special Prize – 7-th Gran Tour, Italia// 2004 – Bronze medal, Novosibirsk, Russia// 2005 – Special Prize Vietnam, Vietnam// FIAP Gold Medal – 48th Dum Dum, India// 2007 – Laureate of the “Camp-2007”, Czech Republic// 2009 – International Salon, _1_2&s1=%E3.%20 %C2%F0%EE%F6%EB%E0%E2”Wroclaw, Poland// 2010 – Laureate of the ‘’Camp 2010’’, Czech Republic// Gold medal FIAP, Bulgaria Alex Tabak

Josef Shelest

Born 1982, Kiev, Ukraine, USSR. 2004 – repatriated to Israel. Lives and works in Tel-Aviv. 2010 – graduated from the Ma’aleh School of Television, Film & the Arts, Jerusalem, Israel. Award for the Best Cinematography, “The 48 Hour Film”, 2010

Born 1969, Bobruisk, Belarus, USSR. 1995 – graduated from Minsk State University of Foreign Languages. 1995 – repatriated to Israel. Lives in Jerusalem. Solo Exhibitions: 2010 – “ Jerusalem Mix / Meurav Yerushalmi“, Odessa, Ukraine// 2014 – Artists’ House, Tel Aviv Group Exhibitions: 2006 – Yad LeBanim, Ramat Hasharon, as a part of Open Seminar for Photography by Eyal Onne// 2007 – Artist House, Raanana, as a part of Open Seminar for Photography by Eyal Onne// 2008 – Museum Eretz Israel, Tel Aviv

Boris Stern

Sergey Teryaev

Born 1971, Minsk, Belarus, USSR. Since the early 90’s engaged in journalism. Collaborated with various publishers in CIS, Europe and the United States. Since 2003 lives in Israel. Since November 2006 works as journalist on channel 9, Israel TV. George Stolyarov

Born 1951, Vilnius, Lithuania, USSR. Worked for many years as a photographer documentaries and movies. Was one of the active member of the “AUSRA” Photography Club in Vilnius. 1980 – member of Lithuanian Art-Photographers’ Union. 1994 – Member of International Photographer Organization (IFPO), Washington, USA. 1999 – member of FIAP (Federation International Art Photographic). Stolyarov has a few Personal Exhibitions and took part in many Nationally and Internationally Group Exhibitions. Since 2005 in Israel, lives and works in Tel-Aviv. Solo Exhibitions: 1996 – Planeta Cinema, Vilnius, Lithuania// Vilnius Jazz’97// -Vilnius Jazz’98// 1990 – Kyiv, Ukraine// 2012 – Rovno, Ukraine

Born 1952, Novosibirsk, Russia, USSR. 1976 – graduated from Art School, Krasnoyarsk, USSR. 1991 – repatriated to Israel, lives in Jerusalem. Solo Exhibitions: 1978, 1980 – Actors’ House, Krasnoyarsk, Russia// 1997, 2001, 2009 – Artists’ House, Jerusalem, Israel// 2005 – Teena Cultural and Educational Society, Jerusalem, Israel// 2009 Cultural Center, Jerusalem, Israel// 2013 –Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Jerusalem, Israel Selected Group Exhibitions: 1975 – The Young Artists’ Exhibition, Krasnoyarsk// 1980 – The Exhibition of Water-colors, Moscow, Russia// 1986 – Artists’ House, Novosibirsk, Russia// 1989 - City Museum, Kemerovo, Siberia, Russia// 1990 – The Fifth International Exhibition of Contemporary Art, Olympia Hall, London, England// Cooling Gallery, London// Central Artists’ House, Moscow, Russia// 1991 – “Siberian Salon”, Tallinn, Estonia// “Siberian Salon”, St. Petersburg, Russia// 1992, 2000 – Artists’ House, Jerusalem, Israel// 1995, 1996 – CochemBrauheck, Germany// 1999 – Arta Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel// 1999 – Machon Yerushalaim, Jerusalem,

Israel// 2000 – CoArt Center, Jerusalem, Israel// Binyanei HaUma, Jerusalem, Israel// – Theatron Yerushalaim (Jerusalem Theater), Jerusalem, Israel// 2003 – Brookdale Center, New York, USA// 2011 – Cultural Center, Jerusalem, Israel// 2014 – Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Jerusalem, Israel Chava Tor

Born 1963, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, USSR. Since 1970 lived in Donetsk, Ukraine. 1982 – graduated from Donetsk Musical College in piano. 1987 – graduated from Donetsk National University, Physics Department. 1990 – graduated from Melitopol Institute of Culture (Correspondence Department). 1983-1987 – worked as teacher at the music studio, and as accompanist at the ballet studio. 1987-1990 – lived in Moscow, worked at the Art School, learnt at the “Kuntsevskaya Yeshiva” (“Mekor Haim” – “Source of Life”. Officially it was called “Institute for Jewish Studies at the Academy of World Civilizations”). 1990 – repatriated to Israel, lives in Jerusalem. 1992 – graduated from “Beit Yaakov” Courses. 2005 – beginning of Journalism studies. Worked at the International Newspaper “The Epoch Times”. 2008-2009 – graduated from David Yellin Teachers College, Jerusalem (bibliotherapy). 2010 – graduated from courses at Lander Institute (photography). Made around 1000 Photo-articles on various topics. Nadia Ustinova

Born 1955 in Saratov, Russia, USSR. 1972-1974 – studied at Art School in Saratov. 1974-1977 – studied at School-Studio, Moscow Art Theatre, Art Department (designer of performances). 19751981 – participated in many exhibitions in USSR. 1983-1985 – worked as miniature-painter at the Factory of Art Engraving in Moscow. 1990 – came to Israel, lives in Abu-Gosh. Since 1996 – member of the International Artists Association, Israel Branch. 1992-2000 – worked as designer of apartments in Israel, Spain, Russia and England. Recently works in unusual techniques – sculptures from a fabric, embroidery, application, synagogues decorations etc. Solo Exhibitions: 1996 –Exhibition Home, Ein-Karem, Jerusalem, Israel// 1998-2000 – N.S. Marcus Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// 2002 –Exhibition Home, Mevaseret Zion, Israel// 2005 – King George Str. 46, Jerusalem, Israel Selected Group Exhibitions: 1975-1981 – exhibitions of Young Artists, USSR// 1980-1983 – 11 Kuznetsky Most Str. Exhibition Hall, Moscow, Russia// Begovaya Str. Exhibition Hall, Moscow, Russia// 1990 – Luisa Vaterman-Vais Fund, Beit Vagan, Jerusalem, Israel; 2005 – The Natural History Museum, Jerusalem, Israel; Jerusalem Cultural Center, Jerusalem, Israel// 2008 – Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Jerusalem, Israel Collections: Private Collections in Israel, USA, Germany and Russia

Dmitry Vilkin

Born 1962, Leningrad (now St.Petersburg), Russia, USSR. Since 1962 lived in Minsk, Belarus. Studied at Belarusian State University, Journalism Department. 1990 – repatriated to Israel, lives in Tel Aviv. Worked for the newspaper “Vesti” and other publications, also was occupied with theatrical and promotional photography. Selected Group Exhibitions: 2003 – Riding, Tel Aviv, Israel// 2008 – Museum of Israeli Art, Ramat Gan, Israel// 2010, 2013 – Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality, Jerusalem, Israel Pavel Zehnbacht

Born 1950, Bryanck, Russia, USSR. 1973 – graduated from Rostov Art College. 1981 – graduated from Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography (now St. Petersburg State Theatre Arts Academy). 1990 – came to Israel, lives in Kiryat-Bialik. Solo Exhibitions: 1989 – Bryansk Regional Museum of Art, Russia, USSR// 1993,1996, 2002 – Artists’ Union of Haifa Exhibition Hall “Beit Chagall”, Haifa, Israel// 1996 – Ein-Hod Artists’ House Gallery, Ein-Hod, Israel// 1998 – EuroArt, Barcelona, Spain// 1999 – Geneva, Switzerland// 2004 – Tramway Gallery, Haifa, Israel// 2014 – Janco Dada Museum, Ein Hod, Israel Selected Group Exhibitions: 1986 – Artists of Theater, Cinema and Television, All-Russia Exhibition, Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia, USSR// 1987 – Artists of Theater, Cinema and Television, All-Union Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, USSR// 1994 – Nora Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel// 1999 – Manole Studio, Ein Hod, Israel// 2004 – Jewish Center, Boston, USA// 2006 – “Tramway” Group, Knesset (Israel Parliament), Jerusalem, Israel// 2007, 2010 – Auditorium, Haifa, Israel// 2010 – Beit Sokolov, Tel-Aviv, Israel// 2012 – ArtLiga (Art League) Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia// Collections: Bryansk Regional Museum of Art, Russia// Janco Dada Museum, Ein Hod, Israel// Private collections in Israel, USA, Russia


‫לפניכם נמצא הקטלוג של פסטיבל השנתי‬

‫אנו שמנו לעצמינו כמטרה להראות את כל גווני האספקטים של האמנות‪ ,‬איך שזה מתבטא אצל אמנים‬ ‫העולים והאמנים הוותיקים‪ .‬אנו לא מציגים כאן נושאים מיוחדים‪ ,‬מה שמעניין אותנו באמת‪ ,‬זו השליטה של‬ ‫האמנים בטכניקות עכשיוויות והשפה של האמנות המודרנית‪.‬‬ ‫גם השנה אנו מתכוונים לשמור על הסדר המקובל כבר מזמן של התצוגות‪ :‬תערוכת הצילומים‬ ‫"טכניקה מעורבת" ולאחר מזה תערוכה המוקדשת למישהו מהמובילים באמנים של אמנות‬ ‫העכשווית‪ .‬אך שנת ‪ 2014‬גדושה בהתרחשויות שינתה טיפה את הסדר הקיים וכן המבצע בעזה‬ ‫ותחילת מלחמה בין רוסיה ואוקראינה — שתי מדינות הגולה לרוב האמנים שלנו‪ ,‬גרמו לכך שאכן‬ ‫בחרנו בתערוכות עם "נושא" מסויים‪.‬‬ ‫הפסטיבל נפתח עם תערוכת צילומים "קיץ ‪ ."2014‬בתערוכה מופיעים כ‪ 20‬צלמים‪ :‬עולים‬ ‫חדשים‪ ,‬שעבורם זו המלחמה הראשונה‪ ,‬והם כבר התרגלו למציאות הישראלית וגם אמנים‬ ‫"הוותיקים"‪ .‬צלמים מקצועיים ועיתונאים בתקשורת ישראלית‪ .‬צלמים במילואים שנודעו‬ ‫לדיווח לתקשורת מזירת לחימה‪ ,‬והחיילים צעירים מאוד‪.‬‬ ‫אבל זו לא תהיה תערוכת צילומי מלחמה בלבד‪ ,‬וכמו בחיינו‪ ,‬הכל מעורב בהכל‬ ‫— תמונות מבית החולים ומאולם השמחות‪ ,‬משדות הקרב ו" אבירי טורניר "‪,‬‬ ‫שהתקיים תחת הסירנות‪ .‬בעבודות אלה גם החרדה וגם תקווה‪ ,‬הצער והשמחה‬ ‫— כל מה שחווינו בקיץ ‪.2014‬‬ ‫התערוכה השנייה של הפסטיבל הייתה מיועדת לאין אירועים פחות‬ ‫דרמטיים של השנה האחרונה — האירועים באוקראינה‪ ,‬אשר השפיעו‬ ‫כמעט על כל קהל ישראלים "רוסים" ו‪"-‬אוקראינים"‪ .‬תערוכה זו‬ ‫הפגישה אמנים עולים מאוקראינה שהגיעו רק לאחרונה ואלה‬ ‫שנמצאים בארץ כבר מזמן‪ .‬את מי שלמד אמנות במוסדות‬ ‫אוקראינים ואלה שנולדו שם לפני מלחמת העולם השנייה‪.‬‬ ‫למרות שהתערוכה תהיה לא רק אתנוגרפית אך גם נוסטלגית‪,‬‬ ‫זה עדיין יהיה נוף של בהירות אוקראינית מסורתית רקומת‬ ‫חולצות ונופים לירים‪ .‬כל זה נובע מזכרונות על החברים‬ ‫על מדינות המוצא‪ ,‬וזכרונות נעורים‪ ,‬אמנים רבים‬ ‫פתחו את תקיית הזיכרונות הנדחים ואף הראו אותה‬ ‫לתלמידיהם‪.‬‬ ‫זו תהיה התערוכה השלישית בלבד של הפסטיבל‬ ‫שתחזיר אותנו לקדמותו‪" :‬טכניקה מעורבת"‬ ‫המביאה אותנו שוב לאווירה של מחקר‬ ‫אמנותי‪ ,‬אשרמתייחס לאתגרים המיידיםשל‬ ‫הזמן וגם משלב את קול הנצח ומעל‬ ‫כל זה עדיין בלתי משתנה בשאיפתה‬ ‫"לראות את העולם דרך עיניים אחרות‬ ‫— עיניים של אמן‬ ‫אוצרות התערוכה‪:‬‬ ‫מרינה שלסט ומרינה גנקינה‬ ‫הפסטיבל מתקיים בתמיכת‬ ‫המשרד לקליטת העלייה‬ ‫והמרכז לקליטת אמנים‬ ‫עולים ותושבים חוזרים‬ ‫הפועל לצידו‪.‬‬

‫משרד העלייה והקליטה‬ ‫המרכז לקליטת אמנים עולים‬ ‫ותושבים חוזרים‬

Supported by the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption, Center for Absorption of Immigrant Artists and returning residents

Exhibition Hall of Jerusalem House of Quality | ‫גלריית בית אות המוצר הירושלמי‬

2014 ‫קיץ‬

‫טכניקה מעורבת‬

‫אמנים ישראלים מאוקראינה‬

Summer 2014. Photography

Mixed Media

Israeli Artists from Ukraine

19.08.14 — 29.08.14

05.09.14 — 16.09.14

03.10.14 — 12.10.14

‫ מרינה שלסט‬,‫ מרינה גנקין‬:‫אוצרות‬ ‫ מרינה גנקין‬:‫ביוגרפיות‬ ‫ אלי רטנר‬:‫עיצוב גרפי‬ ‫צילומי העבודות באדיבותם של האמנים‬ ‫המיוצגים בקטלוג‬ ‫ חיים דולגופולסקי‬:‫תרגום לעברית‬ ‫כל הזכויות שמורות‬

Curators: Marina Genkina, Marina Schelest Biographies: Marina Genkina Design: Eli Ratner All illustrations have been provided by the artists represented in catalogue Hebrew translation: Haim Dolgopolsky © all rights reserved 2014

Skizza Gallery

‫גלריית אמנות סקיצה‬

Jerusalem House of Quality

‫בית אות המוצר הירושלמי‬

‫ גובה * רוחב * עומק‬,‫המידות מובאות בסנטימטרים‬

Measurements are given in centimeters, height x width x depth

2014 ‫קיץ‬ Summer 2014 19.08.14 — 29.08.14

‫טכניקה מעורבת‬ Mixed Media 05.09.14 — 16.09.14

‫אמנים ישראלים‬ ‫מאוקראינה‬ Israeli Artists from Ukraine 03.10.14 — 12.10.14

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