Skizza art catalog | Jerusalem Rainbow 2018

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‫קהילות‬ ‫קולטות‬

Supported by the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption, Center for Absorption of Immigrant Artists and returning residents

‫משרד העלייה והקליטה –בסיוע מרכז לקליטת אמנים עולים ותושבים חוזרים‬ Exhibition Hall of Jerusalem House of Quality | ‫גלריית בית אות המוצר הירושלמי‬

I ‫חולום‬

Dream I 10.01.18-17.01.18

II ‫חולום‬

Dream II 18.01.18- 25.01.18

‫חיים של עץ‬

Life of a Tree 15.02.2018 – 21.02.2018

The Festival organized by Non-profit Organization «Kegilot Koltot» in association with Skizze Gallery ‫הפסטיבל ביוזמת מלכ”ר «קהילות קולטות» וגלריית סקיצה‬ ‫ מרינה שלסט‬,‫ מרינה גנקין‬:‫אוצרות‬ ‫ מרינה שלסט‬:‫טקסט‬ ‫ אלי רטנר‬- ‫ניהול אמנותי‬ ‫ אירינה פרס‬- ‫עיצוב גרפי‬ ‫צילומי העבודות באדיבותם של האמנים‬ 4,5,32,33 ‫ צלוםים בדפים‬.‫המיוצגים בקטלוג‬ ‫ מיכאל פולסקי‬, ‫ קשקה סיקורה‬,‫יבגני סבלייב‬

Curators: Marina Genkina, Marina Schelest Text: Marina Schelest Biographies: Marina Genkina Art-direction: Eli Ratner Graphic design: Irina Press All illustrations have been provided by the artists represented in catalogue. Photos on p. 4, 5, 32, 33 - Michael Polsky, Evgueni Saveliev, Kaska Sikora

‫ משה שלסט‬:‫תרגום‬

Translation: Moshe Shelest

‫כל הזכויות שמורות‬

© all rights reserved

‫ גלריית אמנות סקיצה‬Skizza Gallery ”‫ מלכ”ר “קהילות קולטות‬Non-profit organization «Kegilot Koltot» ‫ בית אות המוצר הירושלמי‬Jerusalem House of Quality


ерусалимская радуга «Сновидение – маленькая хорошо спрятанная дверь, которая ведет в ту изначальную космическую ночь, которой была душа еще до возникновения Сознания» Карл Густав Юнг Ставший ежегодным фестиваль «Кешет Йерушалмит» традиционно знакомит иерусалимцев и гостей города с творчеством художников-репатриантов. Каждый раз мы, кураторы фестиваля, находим темы выставок, которые волнуют художников и,разумеется, были бы интересны зрителям. В этом году темы трех выставок фестиваля обращены к вещам одновременно обыденным и загадочным: «Сон» и «Жизнь Дерева». Мы не ошиблись, дав только два названия – художников, готовых поделиться своими снами оказалось так много, что мы «растянули» тему сновидения на две выставки. Казалось бы привычное, многократно повторяющееся действие или явление должно превратиться в рутину, а многократно виденное перестать удивлять... Ну вот, к примеру, сон – каждый день мы идем спать, треть жизни проводим, погрузившись в сновидения, они остаются в нашей памяти и позволяют заглянуть в бездну непознанного. В ткани сна реальность наслаивается одна на другую, создавая удивительные картины, смешивая знакомые лица и пейзажи с вторгающимися в сон неземными ланшафтами и незнакомцами из других миров... Пожалуй, нет в мировой истории искусств художника, который бы хоть раз не обратился к теме сна. Вот и израильские художники, не упустили возможность заглянуь в зазор между мирами и попытатся увлечь своими видениями зрителя. А войти в эти фантастические картины, погрузиться в эту нереальную реальность помог зрителям первой выставки... Моти Шмит, который буквально сыграл каждую из работ... А что может быть привычнее дерева? Они, деревья, самая неизменная часть пейзажа, с ними мы вырастаем, измеряя по ним свой рост, видим их из окон наших домов, сажаем их и бережно ухаживаем, пока они не окрепнут. Но вот ведь и деревья не устают восхищить нас своим многообразием, внушать трепет заключенной в них силой и удивлять своей непознанностью. Ведь недаром дерево в самых разных культурах стало символом мироздания. Деревья в работах художников живут своей напряженной жизнью, каждое со своим характером, со своими тайнами и загадками. Увидеть в обыденном необычное и поделиться этим знанием с миром – это и есть задача художника... А наша, кураторов выставок, задача – дать возможность пройти этот путь соединения мира художника с миром зрителя. Марина Шелест

Jerusalem rainbow The by now annual festival «Keshet Yerushalmit» traditionally introduces Jerusalemites and guests of the city with the creations of repatriated Artists. Every time, we the curators of the festival, find new subjects for the exhibitions which excite the artists and, of course, would be interesting for the onlookers. This year the subject of the three festivals is addressed towards things both mundane and mysterious: «Dream» and «Life of a tree». We haven’t made a mistake by giving only two names - there «were so many artists willing to share with us their dreams that we» stretched» It would seem that the everyday, an act or occurrence repeated uncountable times would become routine, and a multiple times occurring vision would stop amaze… But here as an example sleep – every day we go to sleep, spend a third of our lives spend in dreamland, yet they remain in our memory and allow us a glimpse into the depths of the unknowable. In the fabric of the dream realities weave one into the other, creating surprising tapestries combining familiar faces and landscapes with invading unearthly landscapes and strangers out of other universes… Perhaps there is no artist in the world’s art history who wouldn’t approach the subject at least once. So here we have Israeli artists, who didn’t miss the opportunity to look into the gap between the worlds and try to whisk away the viewer with their visions. Moti Shmit was there to help the viewer enter this fantastical scene, to immerse themselves into this unreal reality, by literally playing every one of the paintings… What can be more familiar than the tree? They, the trees are the most unchanging part of the landscape, we grow with them, using them to measure our height. We view them through the windows of our houses, we plant and carefully grow them, until they have grown to be strong. But the tree as well won’t stop fascinating us with its diversity, to instil trepidation with the strength embedded in them, and surprise us with their myth. It’s not for nothing that the tree became the symbol of world creation in many countries across the world. Trees in the works of artists live their own tense lives, each with their character, with their secrets and puzzles. To see in the mundane the extraordinary and share its knowledge with the world - that is the role of the artist… And our, the curators, role is to give the opportunity to walk this path connecting the world of the artist with the world of the viewer.

01 Dream I I ‫חולום‬

10.01.18 17.01.18 Dream II II ‫חולום‬

18.01.18 25.01.18

‫ | אלכסיי אדונין‬Alexey Adonin

Soul Cage. 2017. Oil on canvas, 100x70 ‫ שמן על בד‬.‫כלּוב הנשמה‬


‫ | אנטולי ברטינסקי‬Anatoly Baratynsky

Dream. 2013. Mixed media on canvas, 80х60 ‫ טכניקה מעורבת על בד‬.‫חלום‬


‫ | לרה ברשטיין‬Lera Barstein

Jonik's Dream. 2005. Mixed media, 50x30 ‫ טכניקה מעורבת‬.‫החלום של 'וניק‬


‫ | מאשה ברגינסקי‬Masha Braginsky

Daniel's Dream. 2007. Watercolor, Chinese ink, pen, 15х22 ‫ עט‬,‫ דיו סינית‬,‫ אקוורל‬.‫החלום של דניאל‬


‫ | שלמה ברונשטיין‬Shlomo Bronshtein

Sail of Hope. 2017. Digital mixed media, print on canvas, 100x100 ‫ הדפס על בד‬,‫ טכניקה דיגיטלית מעורבת‬.‫מפרס התקווה‬


‫ | מרים פייגא בונימוביץ‬Miriam-Feyga Bunimovich

Two Cities in an Almond Dream. 2017. Night photography, 5 sec exposure, 60x85 ‫ שניות‬5 ‫ חשיפה‬,‫ צילום לילי‬.2017 .‫שני ערים בחלום השקדיות‬


‫ | ולדימיר צ’וטקו‬Vladimir Chootko

«Hoffmannian». 2017. Digital photo,75x50 ‫ צילום דיגיטלי‬.»‫«הופמניאני‬


‫ | אריה זרח ושלומית אבנטל‬Arieh Zerach & Shlomit Evental

Ceramics. 2017 ‫קרמיקה‬


‫ | איליה גלפרין‬Ilya Galperin

Untitled. 2005. Black and white film, 50x50 ‫לבן‬-‫ סרט שחור‬.‫ללא כותרת‬


‫קנטור‬-‫ | נטלי גונצ'רובה‬Nataly Goncharova-Kantor

Dream. 2017. Photography. .‫ צילום‬2017 .‫חלום‬


‫ | סרגיי חבוסטנקו‬Sergey Hvostenko

Black Knife. 2018. Acrylic on canvas, 100x100 ‫ צבע אקרילי על בד‬.‫סכין שחורה‬


‫ | טניה קרוון‬Tanya Karavan

Untitled. 2017. Photography, 60x40 ‫ צילום‬.‫ללא כותרת‬


‫ | בוריס כץ‬Boris Katz

Dream. White stoneware. Hand-built. Electric firing at 1260 degrees Celsius, 43x28x24 .‫ מעלות צלזיום‬1260-‫ שריפת חשמל ב‬,‫ עבודת יד‬,‫ אבנית לבנה‬.‫חלום‬


‫ | אנה קרוגליקוב‬Anna Kruglikova

Post-apocalypse. Lifta. 2017. Photography, 30х45 ‫ צילום‬.‫ ליפטה‬.‫פוסט אפוקליפסה‬


‫ | אינה לסובוי‬Inna Lesovaya

Children's Dream (Swing). 2005. Oil on board, 52х70,5 ‫ שמן על קרטון‬.)‫חלום ילדּות (נדנדה‬


‫פאלאנקר‬-‫ | אנה לעייטמן‬Anna Leytman-Palanker

«Girl with writings» Vase. Chamotte, oxides, 25x36x12 ‫ תחמוצות‬,‫ שמות‬.‫עלמה עם כתבים‬


‫ | קרן נויה‬Keren Noya

Zodiac. 2017. Monochrome photography, 30х45 ‫ צילום מונוכרום‬.‫גלגל המזלות‬


‫ | טטיאנה רטוש‬Tatyana Ratush

City Dreams. 2017. Mixed media,30x21 ‫ טכניקה מעורבת‬.‫חלומות של עיר‬


(‫ | אנה רוז (סגל‬Anna Roz (Segal)

Vision in the Desert. Photography, 50x35 ‫ צילום‬.‫חזון במדבר‬


‫ | שמואל (אנטולי) שלסט‬Shmuel (Anatoly) Schelest

Jacob's Dream. 2009. Acrylic, canvas on carton, 105х74 ‫ ירושלים‬,‫ אקריליק על בד על קרטון‬.2009 .‫חלום יעקב‬


‫ | מקס שאמוט‬Max Shamota

Mea Shearim, Jerusalem. 2017. Photography, computer graphics, 60х80 ‫ גרפיקה ממוחשבת‬,‫ צילום‬.‫ ירושלים‬,‫מאה שערים‬


‫ | יוסף שלסט‬Josef Shelest

Dreams. 2014. Photography, 45х30 ‫ צילום‬.‫חלומות‬


‫דנה זינגר‬-‫ | גלי‬Gali-Dana Singer

Dream 1 (Ho, Ariel, Ariel!) 2017. Photography, 45x30 ‫ צילום‬.)!‫ אריאל‬,‫ אריאל‬,‫חלום א' (הו‬


‫ | נקודא זינגר‬Nekoda Singer

The Eternal Nightmare of The Cookbook. 2005. Acrylic on canvas, 60X77 ‫ אקריליק על בד‬.‫הסיוט הלא פוסק של ספר הבישול‬


‫ | זלי סמחוב‬Zely Smekhov

Walking in the Moonlight. 2015. Acrylic on canvas, 60x80 ‫ אקריליק על בד‬.‫הליכה לאור הירח‬


‫ | לובה טרנבסקיה‬Luba Ternavskaya

«Passion to...» 2015. Photography, computer processing, 30х40 ‫ עיבוד מחשב‬,‫ צילום‬.‫ דיפטיך‬.»...‫«התשוקה ל‬


02 Life of a Tree ‫חיים של עץ‬

15.02.18 21.02.18

‫ | אנטולי ברטינסקי‬Anatoly Baratynsky

Forest. 2015. Mixed media on canvas, 50х100 ‫ טכניקה מעורבת על בד‬.‫יער‬


‫ | לרה ברשטיין‬Lera Barstein

Death of Avshalom. 2007. Oil on canvas, 100x70 ‫ שמן על בד‬.‫מותו של אבשלום‬


‫ | מרינה בלקין‬Marina Belkina


From illustrations to the Poem by Wallase Stevens «Thirteen Ways of looking at a Blackbird». 2005. Gouache, felt pen on paper, 54,5х 24,5 .»‫מתוך איורים לפואמה של וואלאס סטיבנס «שלוש עשרה דרכים להסתכל על שחרור‬ ‫עט על נייר‬-‫ הרגיש‬,‫גואש‬

‫ | מרים פייגא בונימוביץ‬Miriam-Feyga Bunimovich

For a Man is Like a Tree in the Fields. Hebron Mount. 2015. Photography print on matte paper, 40x60 ‫ הדפסה על נייר מט‬,‫ צילום‬.2015 .‫ הר חברון‬.‫כי אדם הוא עץ השדה‬


‫ | ולדימיר צ’וטקו‬Vladimir Chootko

«…». 2017. Photography, 60х80 ‫ צילום‬.»...«


‫קנטור‬-‫ | נטלי גונצ'רובה‬Nataly Goncharova-Kantor

Dancing Pines. Triptych. 2017. Watercolor on paper, 37х27 ‫מים על נייר‬-‫ צבעי‬.1 ‫אורנים רוקדים‬


‫ | בלה גרודינסקי‬Bella Grodinsky

A Forest Legend. 2018. Graphics, 40,5х49 ‫ גרפיקה‬.‫אגדת יער‬


‫ | אנה קרוגליקוב‬Anna Kruglikova

Reflection. Moscow Region. 2014. Photography, 45x30 ‫ צילום‬.‫ אזור מוסקבה‬.‫השתקפות‬


‫ | שמעון לוין‬Simon Levin

Untitled. Digital print, monocle, 50×70 ‫ משקף‬,‫ הדפסה דיגיטלי‬.‫ללא כותרת‬


‫פאלאנקר‬-‫ | אנה לעייטמן‬Anna Leytman-Palanker

Untitled. 2017. Chamotte, glaze, 38х40х40 ‫ זיגוג‬,‫ שמוט‬.‫ללא כותרת‬


‫ | לובוב מינגזיטינב‬Liubov Mingazitinova

Ramat Gan. Landscape. Pencil, chalk, mixed media on carton, 70x100 ‫ טכניקה מעורבת על קרטון‬,‫ גיר‬,‫ עפרון‬.‫ נוף‬.‫רמת גן‬


‫ | קרן נויה‬Keren Noya

Somewhere in the Woods. 2017. Photography, 30x45 ‫ צילום‬.‫לאיפשהו ביערות‬


‫ | משה פוטאפנקובה‬Masha Potapenkova

Spring. 2017. Oil, acrylic on canvas ‫ אקריליק על בד‬,‫ שמן‬.‫אביב‬


‫ | אירינה פרס‬Irina Press

Royal Park Brussels. 2018. Digital art, 70x50 ‫ אמנות דיגיטלית‬,‫רויאל פארק בריסל‬


‫ | מקס שאמוט‬Max Shamota

«…Is man a tree of the field to escape from you into the fortress?». 2017. Photography, 60х40 ‫ צילומ‬.)‫ ָלבֹא ִמ ָּפ ֶניָך ַּב ָּמצֹור» (דברים פרק כ‬,‫כי ָה ָא ָדם ֵעץ ַה ָּש ֶׂדה‬...« ִּ


‫ | קשקה סיקורה‬Kaska Sikora

13 Baobabs. 2017. Photography, 102x68 ‫ צילומ‬.‫ עצי באובב‬13


‫דנה זינגר‬-‫ | גלי‬Gali-Dana Singer

Dryads and Druids. 2017. Photo installation, 165x135 (fragment) ‫ מיצב צילומים‬.2017 .‫דריאדות ודרואידים‬


‫ | זלי סמחוב‬Zely Smekhov

In the Vicinity of Jerusalem. 2003. Oil on canvas, 80х80 ‫ שמן על בד‬.‫בסביבות ירושלים‬


‫ | דניאל זילברשייד‬Daniel Zilbersheid

Judea Desert. 2014. Silver-gelatin print, 50x50 ‫ הדפסת ג'לטין הכסף‬.‫מדבר יהודה‬


‫קשת ירושלמית‬ ‫«חלום הוא דלת קטנה ומוסתרת היטב המוליכה אל אותו לילה קוסמי ראשוני שבו‬ ‫שכנה הנשמה עוד בטרם נוצרה התודעה‪»..‬‬ ‫קרל גוסטב יונג‬ ‫הפסטיבל «קשת ירושלמית» שכבר הפך לאירוע שנתי‪ ,‬ממשיך להציג לציבור‬ ‫הירושלמי את יצירתם של אומנים עולים‪.‬‬ ‫אנחנו‪ ,‬אוצרות הפסטיבל‪ ,‬בכל פעם מוצאות לתערוכות אלו נושאים המעסיקים את‬ ‫היוצרים‪ ,‬וכמובן‪ ,‬מעוררים עניין אצל קהל הצופים ביצירות‪.‬‬ ‫השנה‪ ,‬הנושאים של שלוש התערוכות פונים לדברים שהם בעת ובעונה אחת‬ ‫יומיומיים ומסתוריים‪« :‬חלום» ו‪«-‬חיי העץ»‪.‬‬ ‫לא‪ ,‬לא טעינו בכך שלשלוש תערוכות ניתנו רק שני שמות ‪ -‬משהתברר לנו שכל‬ ‫כך הרבה אמנים היו מוכנים לחלוק אתנו את חלומותיהם‪ ,‬פרסנו את נושא החלום‬ ‫לשתי תערוכות שלמות‪.‬‬ ‫לכאורה נדמה שפעולה שכיחה החוזרת על עצמה פעם אחר פעם מוכרחה להפוך‬ ‫למעין שגרה‪ ,‬ומה שראונו פעמים רבות מפסיק להפתיע‪..‬‬ ‫אבל הנהו החלום‪ :‬כל לילה אנו שוכבים לישון‪ ,‬וכך שליש מחיינו אנו במלים כשאנו‬ ‫שקועים בחלומותינו‪ ,‬וחלומות אלה נשארים בזיכרוננו ומאפשרים לנו להביט אל‬ ‫לתוך תהומות של הבלתי‪-‬מזוהה‪ .‬בתוך מרקם החלום‪ ,‬מציאות אחת מטילה עצמה‬ ‫על מציאות אחר שכבות שכבות וכך נוצרות תמונות מופלאות בהם מתערבבים‬ ‫פנים ונופים מוכרים עם מראות שלא מן העולם הזה‪ ,‬ואלמונים מסתוריים מעולמות‬ ‫אחרים פורצים אף הם אל‪-‬תוך החלום‪...‬‬ ‫דומה כי אין בתולדות האמנות ולו מקרה אחד של צייר כלשהו שלא פנה לפחות‬ ‫פעם אחת אל נושא החלום‪ .‬וגם אמנים ישראלים לא פסחו על ההזדמנות לנסות‬ ‫להביט לתוך המרווח הזה שבין העולמות וגם לרתק את הצופה בחזיונות הנגלות לו‪.‬‬ ‫מי שעזר לצופים המביטים ביצירות להיכנס לתוך המציאות הנוצרת שם‪ ,‬לשקוע‬ ‫לתוך הממשות הבלתי‪-‬ממשית הוא אינו אלה הכנר מוטי שמיט שממש ניגן כל‬ ‫אחת מן היצירות בתערוכה‪...‬‬ ‫והעץ – נאם יכול להיות דבר יותר שגרתי מעץ? לכאורה‪ ,‬העצים הם החלק הקבוע‬ ‫ביותר בנוף – איתם יחד גם אנחנו צומחים‪ ,‬מודדים את גובה קומתנו‪ ,‬רואים אותם‬ ‫מבעד לחלונות בתינו‪ ,‬נוטעים אותם ומטפלים בהם בזהירות עד שיתחזקו די הצורך‪.‬‬ ‫אבל גם העצים אינם מפסיקים להפתיע אותנו בגיוונם האינסופי‪ ,‬לעורר בנו יראה‬ ‫לעוצמה הטמונה בהם ולהפתיע אותנו בתעלומותיהם‪ .‬ולא בכדי בתרבויות רבות‬ ‫נעשה העץ לסמל של בריאה‪ .‬בעבודות של האמנים‪ ,‬חיים העצים את חייהם במלוא‬ ‫המתח‪ ,‬לכל עץ אופי משלו‪ ,‬סודותיו וחידותיו עמו‪.‬‬ ‫לראות בשגרתי את היוצא‪-‬דופן ולשתף את העולם בידע הזה – זוהי משימתו של‬ ‫אמן‪ .‬ומשימתנו בתור אוצרות התערוכות – לאפשר לעבור את הדרך הזו של החיבור‬ ‫בין עולמו של היוצר לעולמו של הצופה ביצירתו‪.‬‬ ‫מרינה שלסט‬


Alexey Adonin Born in 1973, Slutsk, Belarus, USSR. 1991 – graduated from Glebov Art College, Minsk, Belarus. Since 1991 - in Israel, lives and works in Jerusalem. Collections: Private collections in EU countries and in Australia. Anatoly Baratynsky Born in 1962, Ufa, Russia, USSR. 1988 - graduated from the Magnitogorsk Pedagogical Institute, Art Department. Member of the Artists Union of the former USSR. 1991 - repatriated to Israel, lives and works in Jerusalem. 1992 - Member of the Israeli Branch of the International Artists Association. Awards: 1996 - Shoshanna Ish-Shalom Scholarship, Jerusalem, Israel// 1997 – «Certificate of Merit» Art Addiction International Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden// 1998 - Diploma 1st International Art Annual «Masks in Venice», Italy// 2003 - Medal and Diploma, Tatra Art Museum of Proprad, Slovakia// 2006 - Diploma «Third International Biennial of Graphics», St. Petersburg, Russia// Diploma «Second Russian Water-color Exhibition» , Kurgan, Russia// The Charlotte Chapter of the Interior Design Society's, NC, USA (Third place award)// 2014 - Yuri Stern Award in the Field of Plastic Arts, for a contribution to culture of Israel (Award Ceremony: 2014 February 19th, Tel Aviv Museum, Israel)// 2016 - The winner of the Contest for the Artists «The Wall» declared by the US Embassy in Israel Collections: The Art Museum, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, Israel// Natural History Museum, Jerusalem, Israel// Museum of Contemporary Art, Imatra, Finland// Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, Jersey City, USA//Tatra Art Museum, Poprad, Slovakia// Nesterov’s Art Museum, Ufa, Russia// Udmurt Republican Art Museum, Izhevsk, Russia// Dogadin Astrakhan State Art Gallery, Russia// Regional Art Museum, Kurgan, Russia// Fund of Modern Graphics, St, Petersburg, Russia// Design Center, Chelyabinsk, Russia// G. Galagan’s Chernigov Art Museum, Ukraine// Roerich Art Museum, Odessa, Ukraine// Uman' Museum of Art, Ukraine// National Art Museum, Baku, Azerbaijan// Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, France// Ural Art Gallery, Ufa, Russia// Art Gallery of the Bank Leumi, Tel-Aviv, Israel// Alla Bulyanskaya Art Gallery, London, UK// Alla Bulyanskaya Art Gallery, Moscow, Russia


Lera (Liora) Barstein Born 1961 in Moscow, Russia, USSR. 1981- graduated from Moscow Art College. Since 1983 - Member of Moscow Artists’ Union. 1990 – repatriated to Israel, lives in Ma’ale Adumim. 1992 - Member of Israeli and International Artists Association. Award: 1983 - The First Prize of Yanush Korchak International Picture Competition Collections: Private collections in Israel, Russia and other countries. Maria Belanovskaya Born in 1987, Moscow, Russia, USSR. 2006 - graduated from Karl Fabergé College for Applied Art, Moscow, Russia, degree in fabric painting// 2010 – graduated from the International Business and Management Academy, Art design and Advertising Institute, Moscow, Russia, degree in textile design// 2011-2012 – «Prestige» Moscow Educational Center, Moscow, Russia, degree in graphic design// 20142015 - MASA Tlalim Photo, Ayanot, Israel. 2015 – repatriated to Israel, lives in Jerusalem. Marina Belkina Born 1970, Leningrad, USSR (now St.Petersburg, Russia). 1998 – graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Theatre Music and Film, Producer's Department. Since 2006 – member of the Free Culture Association, St.Petersburg. Since 2012 in Israel, lives in Haifa. Since 2009 – Member of the Israel Professional Artists Association (IPAA) Collections: State Literary Museum, Moscow, Russia// Museum of Non-conformist Art, St.Petersburg, Russia// Private collections in Russia, Holland, France, and Germany Masha Braginsky Born in 1964, Moscow, USSR. 1988 - repatriated to Israel, lives in Beit Arye settlement, Israel. Shlomo Bronshtein Born 1962, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, USSR. Graduated from the Tashkent State University, Journalism Faculty. 1992 – repatriated to Israel, lives in Hadera.

Collections: Private collections in Israel, France, Germany, Russia, and Uzbekistan Miriam-Feyga Bunimovich Born 1985, USSR. 2009 – graduated from the National University of KyivMohyla Academy, Kyiv, Ukraine. 2013 - graduated from the Graphic Design Program, Specter Group, representing Microsoft & Adobe in Israel, Tel Aviv, Israel. 2010 - repatriated to Israel, lives in Shiloh settlement. Awards: 2010, 2011 - Binyamin Regional Council art photo contest. Vladimir Chootko Born in 1961, Leningrad, URSS (now St.Petersburg, Russia). 1989 – graduated from Leningrad State Institute of Culture N.K. Krupskaya (now St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts), Cinema and Photography Department. Studied at the Higher Courses of Scriptwriters and Directors. 1980-1983 - worked as cameraman in «Lennauchfilm» Studio (Leningrad, Russia). 2002-2015 - Head of the Cinema and Photography Department of St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts. Scriptwriter and director some documentary films(«The Other Side of The Earth’, ‘The Priest and The Parish» and others). Member of The Cinematographers Union of the Russian Federation. 2015 - repatriated to Israel, lives and works in Jerusalem. Awards: 1997 – Third Prize, All-Russian Competition of Screenwriters // 2001 – 1st Price, Film Competition «Saint Anna» Collections: The State Russian Museum, St.Petersburg, Russia Arieh Zerach Evental Born in 1961, Kiev, Ukraine, USSR. Since Born in 1961, Kiev, Ukraine, USSR. Since 1984 began to engage in ceramics. Self-education. 1990 - received the official title «Masters of decorative and applied Art», Artists’ Union of Ukraine. Participated in many exhibitions (together with Shlomit Evental). 2015 – repatriated to Israel, lives and works in Jerusalem. Collections: Private collections in Ukraine, Russia, France, England, USA, Japan, Germany, Italy

Shlomit Evental Born in 1964, Kiev, Ukraine, USSR. Since 1984 began to engage in ceramics. Self-education. 1990 - received the official title «Masters of decorative and applied Art», Artists’ Union of Ukraine. Participated in many exhibitions. 2015 – repatriated to Israel, lives and works in Jerusalem. Collections: Private collections in Ukraine, Russia, France, England, USA, Japan, Germany, Italy Ilya Galperin Born 1977, Minsk, Belarus, USSR. 1995 – repatriated to Israel, lives in Jerusalem. Graduated from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Pedagogy Department, Beer-Sheva, Israel. Awards: 2016 - Second place at the Series category, Winners of the Ynet Photo Contest, Jaffa Port Gallery, Israel Nataly Goncharova-Kantor Born 1966, Kharkov, Ukraine, USSR. 1984 - graduated from the Kharkov State Art Academy. 1986 - moved to Odessa. Since 1986 - participates in exhibitions of the Second Odessa Avant-garde. Since 1988 - member of the Avant-garde South Group of Creative Union of Artists (TOHa-artist association). Since 1992 in Israel, lives and works in Jerusalem. She taught numerous art courses and continued her participation in various individual and group art exhibitions. Collections: Private collections in the USA, Canada, France, Greece, Israel and Russia Bella Grodinsky Born 1947, in Valga, Estonia, USSR. 1972 - Graduated from the State Institute of Arts Estonian SSR (now Estonian Arts Academy), Graphic Art Department, specialty – books’ design. Worked as Art Editor at a Book Publishing House in Tallinn, Estonia, repeatedly awarded with diplomas of the annual competitions of the best books. Took 11 solo exhibitions of drawings, pastel and watercolors in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. 1991 – repatriated to Israel, lives in Jerusalem. Repeatedly awarded diplomas at the Republican and International Exhibitions of Books Design.

In Israel Grodinsky worked as a computer graphic designer and illustrator, designed and illustrated many books and other publications, worked in advertising, too. Collections: Private collections in different countries Sergey Hvostenko Born 1970, Altai Region, USSR. 1995 – graduated from E.V.Vuchetich State Art College, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. 2001 graduated from The National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine. 2013 – moved to Israel, lives and works in Ashdod. Tanya Karavan Born 1976, Minsk, Belarus, USSR. Since Born 1976, Minsk, Belarus, USSR. Since 1992 in Israel, lives in Ariel. 1995 - studied at the ART College, Fine Arts Department, Mitzpe-Ramon, Israel. 2002 – graduated from Bezalel Academy of Arts, Industrial Design Department, Jerusalem, Israel. 1997-2002 - studied drawing at the Studio of Sasha Okun, and photography at the studio of landscape master Yosef Cohen. 2002-2004 opened a professional photography studio, worked with a big format camera, experimented with macroscopic photogram. 2001-2003 – actress and designer at the «Clipa» Theatre, «Fantasy SET» Performing Group and «Orkhestra» Theatre. Since 2004 - member of the Israel Painters and Sculptors Association. Since 2004 – cooperates with Swiss Publishing House. 2010 - joined the Professional Artists Association of Israel. Awards: 1997 - 1st Prize, «Color Paintings» Exhibition-Competition, Gerard Bachar, Jerusalem, Israel Boris Katz Born in 1964, Russia, USSR. 1989 graduated from the V. Mukhina Leningrad Higher School of Industrial Art , Ceramics and Glass Art Department, Leningrad, Russia (now Stieglitz St. Petersburg State Academy of Art and Industry, St. Petersburg). 1990 - repatriated to Israel, lives in Jerusalem. 1993 - member of the Ceramics Artists Association of Israel (CAAI). 1997 – one of the founders of the Guild Gallery (Yoel Moshe Solomon 27, Jerusalem). Collections: Tatra Gallery, Poprad, Slovakia// Museum of Bricks and

Terracotta, Perugia, Italy// Private collections throughout the whole world. Award: 2007 - First place at the International Biennial of Ocarinas, Museum of Bricks and Terracotta, Marsciano, Perugia, Italy Anna Kruglikova Born in Moscow, Russia. 2012 - graduated from Moscow State University, Geology Department. 20132014 – studied at Tlalim Group, Masa Programme (Tlalim - training program in conjunction with the Photo) 2014 – repatriated to Israel, lives in Tel Aviv. Inna Lesovaya Born in 1947, Kiev, USSR (now Kyiv, Ukraine). 1973 - graduated from Moscow Polygraphic Institute (now Moscow State University of Printing Arts), Graphics Department. 1974 – Member of Soviet Artists’ Union. 2016 – repatriated to Israel, lives and works in Kfar Eldad, Gush Etzion. Collections: Private collections in Israel, Russia, France, USA Simon Levin Born un 1973, Moscow, USSR. 1990 – repatriated to Israel, lives in Jerusalem. 2013-14 studied at Shenkar College of Engineering and Design, computer design, Tel Aviv, Israel. Anna Leytman-Palanker Born 1960, Moscow, Russia, USSR. 1981 - graduated from the Moscow 1905 Memorial Arts Academy. Since 1982 – taught at the Art School, participated in the annual exhibitions of Moscow Art Teachers. 1990-91 - taught at the St. Petersburg Open Jewish University. 1991 - repatriated to Israel, lives in Ma’ale Adumim. Since 1992 - started to work with etching and ceramics. Collections: Arts Galleries in Germany and Israel Liubov Mingazitinova Born 1975, Moscow, USSR. 1994 — Born 1975, Moscow, USSR. 1994 - graduated from Moscow Art College in Memory 1905, stage designer, set decorator. 1999 - graduated from Moscow Art Theatre

School, costume designer, a specialist in the production of historical costumes, a specialist in the production of costumes for performances and films designed. 1999 - 2009 – Lecturer, Moscow Art Theatre School, a specialty - History and Technology Military Costume. 2013 - Lecturer Russian University of Theatre Arts (GITIS), a specialty - History and Technology Military Costume. 2014 - repatriated to Israel, lives in Ramat-Gan. Since 1999 - Costume designer in TV projects (REN-TV, NTV, ORT and others) and in theaters. Since 2002 - a member of the Moscow Union of Artists, the section «Theater, Film and Television». 2007- 2012 – Head of Costume Department, DAU International Project Collections: Private collections of the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts Hana-liebe (Skype) Keren Noya Born in 1990, Volgograd, Russia, USSR. 2012 - graduated from Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University, teacher of English language and computer science. 2014 - graduated from Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University, Russia (linguist, pedagogical sphere), Master’s degree// 2015 – graduated from Geo Photos school, Tlalim Group, Masa Programme. (Tlalim - training program in conjunction with the Photo ), Israel. 2015 – repatriated to Israel, lives in Bat Yam.Since 2015 - member of Artist Association, Israel. Masha Potapenkova Born in Russia, USSR. 2000 - graduated from Sholokhov Moscow State Open Pedagogic University, Art and Graphic Department. Member of the Union of Abstract Artists, member of the All-Russia Artists' Union, member of the International Art Foundation, Russia 2015 - moved to Israel, lives in Jerusalem. Irina Press Born in 1970, Moscow, USSR. 1988 – graduated from Moscow College of Design, Design Department. 1995 -graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical University, Art and Graphic Department. 1996-1998 – studied at The

Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Monumental Painting Department, Brussels, Belgium. 1998 - Member of the Creative Union of Russian Artists, Moscow, Russia. 2017 - repatriated to Israel, lives in Rishon LeZion. Collections: Private collections in Belgium, France, Japan, USA, Russia and other countries. Tatyana Ratush Born in 1967, Leningrad, USSR (now St. Petersburg, Russia). 1986 – graduated from Mukhina Academy of Art and Design. 1990 - repatriated to Israel, lives and works in Jerusalem. Collections: Private collections in Israel, Russia, Germany, Latvia and USA. Anna Roz (Segal) Born in Moscow, Russia. Lived, studied, worked and exhibited in New York for the past two decades. 2014 - moved to Israel, lives in Jerusalem. Shmuel (Anatoly) Schelest Born 1957, Kiev, Ukraine, USSR. 1983 -1986 - studied at the Kiev Institute of Fine Arts, Graphics Department. 1986 - after Chernobyl catastrophe moved with his family to Tashkent, Uzbekistan. 1989 - graduated from The Tashkent National Institute of Theater and Fine Arts, Graphics Department. 2000 – moved to Koblenz, Germany. 2006 – moved to Israel. Lives in Ma’aleAdumim, works in Jerusalem. Awards: 2012 – «Vera» Prize, VI Moscow International Festival of Art «Traditions and Contemporaneity», Manege Central Exhibition Hall, Moscow, Russia// 2013 For the Originality of the Artistic Solution, VII Tashkent International Biennale of Contemporary Art, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Collections: Ukraine National Art Museum, Kiev// Art Fund of Uzbekistan, Tashkent// Uzbekistan Art Gallery, National Bank of Uzbekistan, Tashkent// // David Baazov Museum of History of Jews of Georgia and Georgian-Jewish Relations, Tbilisi, Georgia// Collection of Prince Karim Aga Khan IV, London, UK// Collection of Annemarie Schimmel, influential German Orientalist, Bonn, Germany// Kamoliddin Behzod Museum of Art, Bukhara, Uzbekistan // Private collections in Ukraine, Russia, Israel and other countries.


Max Shamota Born 1961, Moscow, Russia, USSR. 1982 –graduated from Moscow State Art College in Memory of 1905 (now Moscow Academic Art College in Memory of 1905), Graphic Department// 1988 - graduated from Moscow Polygraphic Institute (now Moscow State University of Printing Arts), Book Graphics and Design Department. Since 1988 - member of the Russian Artists Union//2007 - member of the Photo Artists of Russia Union// 2008 - member of the Russian Union of Art Photographers Since 2010 - in Israel, lives in Tiberias. Publications: Since the 1990s - published in various magazines and newspapers: «Lechaim», «Ogonyok» (Little Fire), «Novye Izvestia» (New News), «Digital Photo», and others// 2007 - Photo Album «View of Life. Such a different Love» by the «Fotoloft» Gallery Awards: 2006 - First prize in nomination of «Portrait» by «Digital Photo» Magazine// 2006-2009 - Prizes in competitions of various photo portals such as:, Photokonkurs. com, Josef Shelest Born 1982, Kiev, Ukraine, USSR. 2004 – repatriated to Israel. Lives and works in Tel-Aviv. 2010 – graduated from the Ma'aleh School of Television, Film & the Arts, Jerusalem, Israel. Award for the Best Cinematography, «The 48 Hour Film», 2010 Kaska Sikora Born in Warsaw, Poland. Education in Poland: Warsaw School of Advertising// Pultusk Academy of Humanities, Pultusk (Political Science, BA)// Warsaw University (Administrative Law, MA)// Warsaw University, Post graduate studies (European Union Integration)// Lazarski University, Post graduate studies, Warsaw (Real Estate) Since 2001 – in Israel, lives in Tel Aviv. Since 2012 – Member of Israel Photographic Art Society. Publication: 2012 - Photographic illustrations for the book «Israel Oswojony» by Ela Sidi, MUZA SA Published Gali-Dana Singer Born in 1962, Leningrad, USSR (now St Petersburg, Russia). 1980-1983 - studied


in the Institute of the Theatre, Music and Cinematography in Leningrad. 1988 – repatriated to Israel, lives in Jerusalem. A bilingual (Russian & Hebrew) poet, editor and translator, works also in art and photography. In 1991 published with Nekoda Singer «A Manifesto of Neo-Eclecticism». Collections: Private collections in Israel, USA, Sweden and Russia. Nekoda Singer Born in Novosibirsk, USSR (now Russia) in 1960. 1980-1983 - studied in the Institute of the Theatre, Music and Cinematography in Leningrad (now St.Petersburg, Russia) and worked as stage designer. 1988 – repatriated to Israel, lives in Jerusalem. A member of the Artists’ Union. In 1991 published with Gali-Dana Singer «A Manifesto of Neo-Eclecticism». Award: 1989 - Yad Yosef Prize for immigrant Artists, Israel Collections: Private collections in Israel, USA, Canada, Australia, Holland, Austria,Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Latvia, Georgia, Poland and Russia. nekoda-singer.html?tab=artwork Zely Smekhov Born in 1939, Moscow, USSR in the family of Lev Smekhov – a well-known Russian graphic artist. 1950-1957 – studied at Moscow Artistic Middle School. 1964 –graduated from the Surikov Arts Institute in Moscow, receiving a graphic artist's diploma. 1966-1968 – works at the Master's Graphic Arts Studio at the USSR Academy of Arts under the direction Y. A. Kibrik. 1971 – became a member of the Artists’ Union of the USSR. Since 1991 – in Israel, lives and works in Jerusalem. Member of the International Association of Art, UNESCO. Selected Publication: Since 1996 Smekhov collaborates with the Temple Institute in Jerusalem. Produces a series of paintings devoted to the First and Second Temple periods, which have been exhibited at the Institute Museum. Many of the paintings have been reproduced in the Institute's publications – prayer books and works on the history of the Temple. «Song of Songs», Beit-Alpha Publishing House, Hebrew-language Edition (100

numbered copies, the calligraphic type and design have been created by David Moss, an American calligrapher and artist)// Illustrations for a series of books on Jewish history, Machanaim Publishing House, Jerusalem// «Torah for Children», Pitspopany Press, New York – Jerusalem Collections: Museums in Russia, private collections in Russia, Canada, UK, USA, Israel Luba Ternavskaya Born in 1989, Perm, Russia, USSR. Иерусалим. Израиль. 2014 - repatriated to Israel, lives in Jerusalem. 2014 – studied at MASA Photo, Israel. 2017 - started studying at the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Photography Department. FB: Ternavskaya Luba Instagram ternavskaya_photo Daniel Zilbersheid Born in 1971, Moscow, USSR. Graduated from the D. I. Mendeleyev State University, MA in Chemistry, Moscow, Russia. 1996 – repatriated to Israel, lives in the Teqoa settlement near Jerusalem. Daniel has been practicing photography from the age of twelve. His extensive experience in Analytical Chemistry helps in the study, adoption, and further development of various methodologies of handmade printing. Some of the methodologies he has developed have no equivalents worldwide.


‫קהילות‬ ‫קולטות‬

Supported by the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption, Center for Absorption of Immigrant Artists and returning residents

‫משרד העלייה והקליטה –בסיוע מרכז לקליטת אמנים עולים ותושבים חוזרים‬ Exhibition Hall of Jerusalem House of Quality | ‫גלריית בית אות המוצר הירושלמי‬

I ‫חולום‬

Dream I 10.01.18-17.01.18

II ‫חולום‬

Dream II 18.01.18- 25.01.18

‫חיים של עץ‬

Life of a Tree 15.02.2018 – 21.02.2018

The Festival organized by Non-profit Organization «Kegilot Koltot» in association with Skizze Gallery ‫הפסטיבל ביוזמת מלכ”ר «קהילות קולטות» וגלריית סקיצה‬ ‫ מרינה שלסט‬,‫ מרינה גנקין‬:‫אוצרות‬ ‫ מרינה שלסט‬:‫טקסט‬ ‫ אלי רטנר‬- ‫ניהול אמנותי‬ ‫ אירינה פרס‬- ‫עיצוב גרפי‬ ‫צילומי העבודות באדיבותם של האמנים‬ 4,5,32,33 ‫ צלוםים בדפים‬.‫המיוצגים בקטלוג‬ ‫ מיכאל פולסקי‬, ‫ קשקה סיקורה‬,‫יבגני סבלייב‬

Curators: Marina Genkina, Marina Schelest Text: Marina Schelest Biographies: Marina Genkina Art-direction: Eli Ratner Graphic design: Irina Press All illustrations have been provided by the artists represented in catalogue. Photos on p. 4, 5, 32, 33 - Michael Polsky, Evgueni Saveliev, Kaska Sikora

‫ משה שלסט‬:‫תרגום‬

Translation: Moshe Shelest

‫כל הזכויות שמורות‬

© all rights reserved

‫ גלריית אמנות סקיצה‬Skizza Gallery ”‫ מלכ”ר “קהילות קולטות‬Non-profit organization «Kegilot Koltot» ‫ בית אות המוצר הירושלמי‬Jerusalem House of Quality

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