MORE TV - Comic Books Issue (May, 2015)

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Editor’s Note These past few years, each season seems to bring us new shows, quite a few of which have been adapted from comic books. This issue was an opportunity for our team to discuss this pretty recent phenomenon. This issue features three articles and three reviews of some of these new TV shows. It also includes an interview with The CW Arrow’s John Diggle, David R ­ amsey, and the composer of many of the DC Comics shows, ­including Arrow, The Flash, ­Supergirl and Legends of Tomorrow, Blake Neely. Enjoy!



divergence in narration


interview blake neely music composer of Arrow, The Flash and Supergirl


superman constant tv presence


interview david ramsey Arrow’s John diggle


from comics to screen irreversible steroetypes


reviews daredevil, izombie et powers




Going on three years now, I manage the website “SmallThings” where I, alongside other writers, write reviews about both TV shows and movies. My passion for Superman led me to create “Man on Screen” a website specialized on Superman’s adaptations on film and TV. I am also currently working

Maxime Pontois

As a globetrotter and student in international management, I dream of becoming a producer. I have been addicted to TV shows from a young age. You can find me on Twitter: @MrChirac.

on a documentary about The X-Files in France.

Julien lesbegueries

Jean-François chartrand-delorme

I’m a fan of TV shows, I graduated in film studies

I am multidisciplinary: I’m a TV show addict, blog-

and communication from Concordia University and

ger on “Geeks and Shows,” and I tweet sometimes.

currently work for Radio-Canada. In 2012, I created

Although I am a young legal practitioner, I dream

my website, where I review new shows I am passio-

of becoming a journalist or a radio host. I was glad

nate about. My goal: To watch everything!

to have written something for the readers in the eMag and I hope you all will like it.

Cross Over US Prutha S. Patel

Friends for more than ten years and both passionate about TV, Typh and Alex created “Cross Over US” about six years ago. On this blog, they share

Prutha S. Patel is an avid fan of many things and

their passion by writing reviews on almost every

has grown up being told by her mother that she

show on air.

simply watches too many films and TV shows. ­Instead of listening to her mother, she decided to delve even further by moving to the west coast from the east coast to study at Southwestern Law

Editorial team

School in Los Angeles. Pru- tha aspires to become

Chief Editor - Jérôme Raffin

an entertainment attorney and hopes to learn as much as she can about the vast realm of entertainment from the amazing people she happens to meet along the way. Fortunately for her, her parents not only don’t mind her being a fan of so many things now, but they are also fully supportive of her aspirations.

Co-Editors - Mélanie Seree, P ­ rutha S. Patel Artistic Director - Jérôme Raffin Public relations - Mélanie Seree International relations - Prutha S. Patel Sub-Editors - Aude Métayer, Mélanie Seree Translators - Marine Uldry, Cindy Thibaut, Lucie Barrault, Damien Choppin, Anne-Lise Kontz and Dieuwertje Toereppel

More TV You’d like to participate for the next issue ? Email us your idea or article at

c r i t i c a l a n a ly s i s

divergence in narration

For the vast majority of TV adaptions of comics, we find one common characteristic: The script writers perhaps veer too far from the ­original. Whether it’s due to the small budgets, lack of ambition or at times ­perhaps a a clear artistic outlook, the fact remains that comics and TV show often diverge. by Julien Lesbegueries photo gotham/warner bros


It is a well-known phenomenon that

comic simply doesn’t ­sufficiently ­transfer

­universe. ­Thankfully, the comics con-

those who read comics often hate show

well to the television medium. This

tinue to ­represent an ­important source

arrangements of their favorite books.

results in what I c ­ onsider an a ­ bsolute

of ­inspiration and a sure bet for the chan-

Most of them feel betrayed by the script

crime: The character of the story is totally

nels. For the moment, the public is enjoy-

writer, sometimes even going as far as to

changed. It is a rare ­phenomenon, but

ing these kind of stories, but how long

state that the writer has taken too many

as of right now we are w ­ itnessing TV

will this last?

liberties and departed from the ­original

shows focused on a certain universe

work, one they continue to love. It is true

and at times not on a comic or hero in

that a fair number of TV ­adaptions, just

­particular. For e ­ xample, M ­ arvel’s Agents

Why diverge from the original work?

like movies, sometimes forget, be it vol-

of S.H.I.E.LD and Gotham. The former is

The inspiration for the shows come

untarily or involuntarily, some of the

used to s­ upport the Marvel cinematic uni-

from a specified character (Arrow, Con-

­elements from the original stories. Or

verse, whereas the ­latter seems to serve

stantine) or a defined singular story (The

worse, sometimes the atmosphere of a

as a prequel to said ­cinematographic

Walking Dead). It often appears that these

two sources diverge for m ­ iscellaneous reasons. Perhaps one of the main reasons is the fact that many of the comics chosen for the shows are ten, twenty,

“ one can also mention the fact that a comic is first and foremost a product of its author ”

thirty years old. So it is ­inevitable that the show can’t transfer all of the complexities

gave character a certain cachet and class

interactions with Hal Jordan (Green Lan-

within the initial comic book over to the

in the comics. But unfortunately, NBC

tern). Oliver gains a darker side, espe-

script. One can also mention the fact that

said no. The result was that the show

cially when Roy gets addicted to drugs.

a comic is first and ­foremost a product

didn’t seem to find its own identity and

A death, resurrection, brain washing,

of its author. If the author changes. the

was eventually cancelled by NBC. Diverg-

lost soul, return to normality and with

perspective will change as well and that

ing from the original source m ­ aterial can

a new origin story in place, the 21th cen-

will surely be felt on the show. Alongside

be a good thing but it can also ­alienate

tury take on the hero brings us a char-

these there still remain many other prag-

the story from its own identity.

acter very similar to the one from the

matic reasons.

Regarding Arrow, the comics depict a

comics. Difference being that there are

The dark, smoky and cancerous atmo-

kind of mini-Batman. There is a rich hero,

now a lot of improbable stories only DC

sphere of Constantine disappeared soon

Oliver Queen, the playboy and business-

can do. (I’ll spare you the problems with

after the negotiations with the p ­ roducers.

man whose personality changes after

the alternative realities)

In puritan America, a hero ­cannot be

a catastrophic event. Because of which

The shows consequently offer us a very

seen chain smoking because this would

he becomes a superhero, with no pow-

realistic version of the ­character, per-

lead to cancer. Despite the fact that the

ers. Green Arrow has a vault, his bow

haps the only version valid for ­television.

­character’s mentality is totally based

and arrow and his allies. He is someone

It would be unthinkable to show all the

on this atmosphere in both the movie

who rarely resorts to murder. Which

preposterous events that a comic book

and source material, the comics. The

oddly reminds one of a certain citizen

character is submitted to on a TV show

cigarettes are a deadly addiction and

in Gotham. Originally, he is presented as

­distributed to a general audience. It is

although they aren’t for everyone, this

an ordinary character, until he has many

the task of each of the shows to find


c r i t i c a l a n a ly s i s

d i v e r g e n c e i n n a r r at i o n

the uninitiated public which will end all about expanding a universe. To cre- quite certain. up ­justifying any and all those changes. ate an all-new character, a main charac- But I digress. These more “ independent Like Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight ter, such as Harrison Wells (Tom Cava- series ” are by definition more free in ­trilogy, the story has to be ­possible. With nagh) on The CW’s The Flash, can lead to their choice of what perspective and the risk of adding ­elements that are less unique situations and can also c­ apture indulgences to take. To take a look at ­credible, comes the risk of losing the pub- the attention of the audience at any time. Gotham, for example: The only element lic, which may be the case right now. We These shows take you further, to a more of constraint is that they haven’t create an must keep in mind the fact that Amer- ­realistic and mainly do democratise the uprising amongst fans. The origin story of ican ­television remains a machine, a characters who don’t benefit from the Batman is known by comic purists in sevmachine that is looking to make money. same ­popularity of the likes of Batman or eral variations or versions. But whether This includes the The CW, which also con- ­Superman. DC TV has the ­ingredients for it is comics, film or television, the one tinuously tries to attract more viewers.

success and at the moment, it is indeed constant factor is the murder of his par-

However, all those modifications to going well for them. the original stories are not n ­ ecessarily bad moves. It depends on one’s own view on things. If you are a comic book purist,

ents. All of the other details change a lot between one work and the other. Gotham

The Independents

doesn’t just focus on the o ­ rigin story of

A second example: TV shows that Bruce Wayne and his future e ­ nemies,

it is possible that you are put off by these do not depend on any specific comic. which allows a huge margin for maneurealistic versions. If you decide to keep an ­Examples for this type of show are vering. Gotham ­producer, Bruno Heller, open mind and to tell yourself that in the ­M arvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.LD and knows this as well as how to c­ reating yet end it the same story simply with a differ- Gotham. Here, one can obviously take another quality show that we have grown ent narrative, you may see that perhaps, more ­liberties in comparison to the TV accustomed to seeing from him. it is worth it to give it a shot. To be able shows of the first example. Even then,

As for Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,

to see your favorite hero evolve in our there will always exist a line that should in the end, the TV show is not as free. real world week by week, for the char- not be crossed. From the moment that ­Certainly, comic book fans won’t be upset acter to engage in ­crossovers with other something is invented, it is important to by every possible dubious change, after heroes, and even to be able to discover have a clear idea of where the story will all, there is no solid reference, but the completely new stories, these shows are go. Under these conditions, one cannot show still has to respect the universal ­blindly produce episode after episode cinematic aspects of Marvel. This can because it soon ­becomes apparent to be seen as both an opportunity and a the audience soon enough. It is ­better, curse. An opportunity, because it allows in my ­opinion, to ­conceptualize at the show to benefit from the success of minimum two or three episodes at the movies. To slightly expand a universe once in order to give a better idea of that is already vast, and above all perthe continuity in the narration.

haps, to introduce things only when they

Obviously, it is best to plan a full sea- seem fit. One can look at the character son ahead of time, but e ­ xperience Skye (Chloe Bennet), the Inhumans (who proves that this hardly ever ­happens. are introdiced without an explicit menican system is designed in such a way August Richards) and even the existence that the future of a show is never of the Kree prior to their appearance in

Clark Gregg (Phil Coulson) Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


“ the show has evolved into something that surpasses the existing universe ”

abc studios / florian Schneider

Certainly perhaps because the Amer- tion in the second season), Deathlok (J.

the ­feature film, Guardians of the Gal-

is ­simply a personal theory)

axy. All these ­expansions to the universe

There is only one “ real ” indepen-

the progression of their seasons and has

through S.H.I.E.L.D., including the visits

dent series at the moment: Gotham.

created a solid basis for future projects.

to earth by Lady Sif (Jaimie ­Alexander),

Just like all of its sister shows, Gotham

On the other hand, ­Marvel’s shows per-

and the simple fact that Agent Coulson

expands a pre-existing world. However,

haps “ merely ” ­followed the ­intrigues

(Clark Gregg) ­survived, show that the TV

we can see those series are a bit impris-

created by the movies. The goal of the

show has ­evolved into something that

oned by their origins. Even if they can

shows, thus does not seem at all the same

surpasses the existing universe.

break free, the story they tell cannot

as the DC shows, and this is well noticed

Yet, this is also why the connection to

diverge from a ­certain design. The only

just by the tone of each of the respective

Marvel can also be considered a curse.

­creativity ­permitted in the genre is the


One cannot help but think that ­everything

way in which the a ­ daption is done. Per-

In fact, the desire of the studios was to

looks a little “ cheap ” ­compared to the

sonally, this suits me perfectly.

created credible characters, which we

movies, it is all a bit limited. ­Moreover, there is no doubt that all these ­revelations are still being controlled, step-by-step

the flash / warner bros.

continued to create more c­ haracters over

can identify ourselves with, the con-

The War on Television: Marvel v. DC Comics

tent of which thus follows the path set out by the movies. Others were created

by ‘the big house of ideas.” I strongly

A couple of months ago, Marvel

just as a sort of waiting programme for

doubt Maurissa Tancharoen and Jed

announced a whole set of new series pro-

­Marvel fans, a way to say that there exists

Whedon having the freedom they would

duced by Netflix with the aim of further

something between two Captain ­America

like in wanting do things without ask-

expanding their universe. It’s clearly a


ing approval from Marvel. The story of

strategic answer to DC Comics and their

It is in this context that Marvel shows

the “ Real S.H.I.E.L.D. ” which has at the

growing presence on our TV screens.

up, ordering five new series at once

moment no known basis in the com-

Although Marvel dominates the cinemas

to ­introduce five new characters and

ics, is without a doubt an i­ nvention. An

with their superhero films of a certain

a new team at the finish line. We can

­invention meant to give some ­substance

quality, in the meantime, the c­ ompetition

easily notice the desires of the studio to

to the show, but which will not in the end

has heated up on several ­American net-

compete with DC by doing exactly that

have any impact on the universe. (This

works. On television, DC Comics has

what they did in the cinemas: Creating

Grant Gustin (Barry Allen) and Stephen Amell (Oliver Queen) in « Flash vs. Arrow » episode.

c r i t i c a l a n a ly s i s

d i v e r g e n c e i n n a r r at i o n

Charlie Cox Marvel’s Daredevil

standalone characters and then letting them interact with each other. ­Daredevil, ­Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist and The

“ these more or less, important changes, are inescapable ”

Defenders are in some ways the A ­ vengers killed all those aspects and gave us the

see see if Marvel’s strategy works for both forms of mediums.


Same Things, Different Ways Although the explanations to justify

very faded result we now know. It was a risky bet, the result: a losing one.

By creating its own television world, with

the modifications to the narration are dif-

As long as the TV adaptions remain

four new heroes and all the villains that

ferent for every show, the fact remains

­faithful to the spirit of the character and

come with them, Marvel perhaps that one

that there isn’t a single show which has

of the universe, there is no problem in

day, these very same creations will be

remained 100% true to the comic. It

changing the telling of the story from

merged into one super-team of superhe-

is perhaps the price we pay for every

what we know. Whether it is for the sake

roes (Iron Fist and Luke Cage are already

adaption. These more or less, import-

of ­realism, due to the budget, or even

part of the Avengers comics). The main

ant changes, are inescapable. These new

because of artistic vision, changes can

difference is that we will actually be able

aspects to the same story are also the rea-

be great. It can be seen week after week

to see a lot of this in the Marvel comics,

sons why the new adaptations become

in these series that, with their ups and

where everything is connected. Every

increasingly interesting.

downs, do not prove unworthy of our

action in one story, has an impact on the

However, all of these changes must still

eyes and support and in the end can be

world shared by all of its anti / super-he-

remain close to the original work and

­considered successes.

roes share, which is something that The

they must also not alienate the show

CW is already s­ ucceeding well with at the

from the original story. Like ­Constantine,

moment. However, before they all meet

for example, what made the character

up, we are perhaps entitled to an origin

­interesting was his cynicism, his smok-

story of every character right away.

ing, his alcoholism and his cancer. NBC

barry wetcher / netflix

of the smaller screen. We must wait to

More TV You’d like to participate for the next issue ? Email us your idea or article at

by prutha s. Patel

Music composer, Blake Neely talks scoring The CW’s Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, CBS’ Supergirl, which superhero he would love to score if given the chance, his choice for the Flash v. Arrow match-up, #Olicity, and more!


You’ve composed for both films and televisions series, what makes each different and which is perhaps more enjoyable for you?

“ with twenty-two hours a year, you can really develop the characters, themes and the music ”

Blake Neely: I don’t find one more enjoyable than the other because for

you don’t get it right that week, we’ll

like fresh paint on a house and you test

me, it’s scoring for different types of

try to get it right the next week. With a

it again that way. I have been in some

­storytelling. I don’t treat TV shows like

film, it’s usually two hours of dealing with

test screenings where the audience says

movies nor do I treat movies like TV

these characters, unless there is a sequel,

something about the music though.

shows. In a weird way, I just try to feel

and after that your music is pretty much

Sometimes it’s whether it was a song that

the same about both and approach them

over. Those ideas are gone. In TV, what’s

they heard and they liked or disliked, but

both the same way. There are difficul-

really nice is you’ve got 22 episodes a

that’s still pretty rare.

ties on both sides. On the TV side, you

year. With twenty-two hours a year and

have very little time. When they finish

multiple seasons, you can really develop

You mentioned that for television

an episode, they give it to me and the

the characters, themes and the music.

series, you have 22 episodes and it just seems like a 22-hour movie in

tommaso boddi / wireimage

time we have to deliver the final score is usually about seven days. On the movie

You said there are test audiences who

that sense. Because you’ve got so much

side, ­sometimes, you have 3-6 months to

might not feel the music, so are there

time to work with it, do you believe

deliver the score. So, the timeline can be

people who are in that audience just

the ­composition for TV is progressing

tough. For TV, you have to be fast, you

specifically focusing on the feel for

in quality as well asopportunities as

gotta go with your instincts. You’ve got

the music?


to have templates and themes to fall

You rarely hear someone say, “ I don’t

That’s up to the composers. I think that

back on. You’ve gotta be able to read

like the music ” from the test screening.

there are maybe some, for films too,

things very quickly and trust that you

But what happens with a test screen

in films you definitely keep getting

have really good ideas and move fast.

is if it goes poorly, if the movie isn’t

­better. There is a progression. But did

With films, the time can work against

­working for the audience: they already

we already see the golden age of score

you because you have so much time that

have the cast, they’ve already shot the

music back in the ‘50s through the ‘70s?

you have time to doubt what you’ve done

movie. There isn’t really anything that

I don’t know. What I think is getting

and not trust your instincts. You also

they can change, except for the music at

­better is the sound quality. The thing I

might have a test audience saying that

that point. So, if the testers don’t like the

try to r­ emember is that when someone

they’re not feeling it and so changes have

movie, s­ ometimes the director might ask

is watching a TV show, on the exact same

to be made. The time works against you

to change the music and that’ll become

platform, on the exact same screen, in the

sometimes in terms of doubting

exact same room, they can also

yourself. Because when I write

turn on a movie. And so I need

something, I’m usually really

to make sure that the quality

into what I’m writing and then

is at that level and that’s what

I tend to fall out of work shortly

makes me work harder. You

after we have finished, usually

could be watching Arrow and

because I’m onto the next thing.

the next thing you’re watching

In films you’ve got to stick with

is The Avengers. Rarely do we

the same ideas for quite a long

have a budget for the n ­ umber

time. But on the plus side, you’ve

of ­musicians in TV that a film

been given more time to develop

might have, and we may not

an idea and to find just the right

have the time to work on it,

way to form it and to figure out

but I think there will always be

if it’s really working. In TV, like

content being demanded by the

I said, you go with your i­ nstinct

public that is making all of us

and hopefully it’s right. And if

work ­harder on it. To just raise



b l a k e n e e ly

the bar. The old idea of “ it’s going be heard through tiny little speakers on little screens ” is gone now. How were you approached to score Arrow, The Flash and now the spin-off of the two, Legends of Tomorrow, with A.T.O.M. and White Canary? Greg Berlanti and I go back thirteen years. I met him in 2002 when he was doing his first show, Everwood, and I was recommended to him. Everwood was my first TV show ever. I had been doing some work in films and orchestrating for other

research the character not ­necessarily

hero theme, emotional themes, sad the-

composers. I was recommended to him

even for the music.

mes, action themes, for example, and that

and so I did a demo. He hired me and

helps me develop the sound and the style

we’ve been together since. He came to me

You’re composing the music for Super-

that I want to write it all in. And later

three years ago and said, “ I wrote this

girl, how did that go?

when the footage and the film actually

superhero show called Arrow that I want

I’ve been working on it since February or

comes in, I can take pieces of that and

you to do. ” That’s sort of what started

March. What’s nice about it is having that

see if it works against the scenes. If it

this. We had no idea that it would grow

much time for this. That’s c­ ontradictory

does work, then I can sit and write the

into what it’s grown to, but DC Comics

to what I told you about having a week,

actual cue for each scene. Writing the

on TV is really something now. The suc-

but for the pilot, there is a lot more time

suite helps define the sound and the style

cessful spin-off of The Flash and now, the

because we’re trying to establish a sound

for each show. To distinguish these shows

team-up spinoff show. And then of course

for the character. I usually start writing

from one another, I rely on changing the

Supergirl is part of DC Comics, but she is

once I find out about the pilot. I started

style of the music. Arrow is a darker, elec-

not in The Flash or Arrow universe. It’s

writing the ideas for Supergirl initially

tronic score with some orchestra, while

a bit intimidating to think about how I’ll

in January, off and on while also ­scoring

The Flash is more orchestral and often

be working on four comic books shows

Arrow and The Flash. As they were

time with a lighter approach. Supergirl

next year.

­filming Supergirl, they’d submit scenes

will have her own style too.

that I could look at it and explore. Once What’s the process in terms of back-

it goes to series, we don’t have time for

If you had to describe the Supergirl

ground research for the superhero

that because we only have a week after

music style in three words, what would

characters? Do you go back and read

the episodes start airing. We just have

those three words be?

the comics?

more time on a pilot, which helps to find

Those three words would be: “I can’t yet.”

Sometimes. I will dig into the comics and

a new sound or style for that show.

read them, or I’ll go online and Google


[Laughs] I love that, I really do.

search a certain character that comes up

Having been working on it since January

[Laugh] I can’t get out in front of it right

and read about their powers and things

and then having the ­scenes come in,

now, that’s a secret. We can talk about me

like that. Every show is always different,

is a bulk of the sort of “ ­foundation

working on it but I can’t describe it yet.

whichever show you’re working on, it’s

sound ” made up at this point? Would

going to be different from the comic book

you then kind of have other sort of

That makes complete sense, I think

in some way. Really, for me, it’s natural to

characters’ themes written and added

we found a new hashtag for this:

wait and watch the episode and get a feel

in later on?

“#ICantYet” [Laughs]

for it that way. That way I’m not bringing

What I tend to do is, and it’s also what

[Laughs] That’s great, sounds good.

too many other things into the charac-

I’ve been doing on Arrow, The Flash and

ters. But I’m a comic book fanboy myself,

Supergirl, is that I actually write a very

You’ve already composed the themes

so sometimes, I just get excited and go

long piece of various ideas, a suite of: the

for so many of these iconic characters

on all of these shows, which of them do

to really combine the themes and have

What is one superhero character that

you feel the most connected to?

them play on top of each other. As for the

you haven’t had the opportunity to

Wow, that’s hard. That’s like asking,

original question, I hate to say this but

score for yet but would love to in the

“Which child is your favorite?” I really

I think, logically it would be The Flash.


feel attachments to Arrow and Oli-

Aquaman. He’s the first comic book I ever

ver Queen because he was my first

It’s okay; it’s definitely a question that

bought. Now that I’ve been scoring DC

superhero. He is the first iconic character

is meant to receive an opinionated

characters, that would be the one I want

I had to score for and so I will always feel

answer. I recently talked to David

to score. A lot of people would ­probably

a connection to that character. I really

­Ramsey (Arrow’s John Diggle) the

say Batman, but I’d never try to ­compete

enjoy scoring Deathstroke, who Manu

other day and he basically started off

with what Hans Zimmer and James

Bennett plays so well. But also, the more

the same way, a “I should say this but

Newton Howard did on the Dark Knight

I work with Barry Allen (Grant Gustin)

I’m going to say this,” vibe.

scores. Same thing with S ­ uperman, there

on The Flash; he’s a character I love too.

It’s just logical. There is no way Oliver

is no way you can top what John Wil-

Overall, it’s just amazing to get to score

can shoot an arrow that [Flash] couldn’t

liams did.

all these characters we have read about

get out of the way. Or a punch that he

for years and years. And now, including

couldn’t get out of the way. The guy is

Interesting choice. Aquaman is interes-

the crossover or the spin-off episodes,

just too fast, so, The Flash, he takes the

ting, he doesn’t get enough love. And

some of these characters are gonna go

­advantage for me. It’s always funny

lastly, is there anything else you’d like

over to the new show, so their themes

though. I love that scene at the end where

to say to the readers and the watchers

will go with them.

they go into the big warehouse and have

of the shows?

their competition thing.

First thing I’d like to say is to the Arrow

The music featured in the Flash

fans, I’m very sorry that I didn’t get

v. Arrow episodes is something

what they call the “Olicity theme”

I go back to listen to just about

on to the soundtrack. I’ve gotten

every other week or so now and it

a lot of tweets and emails about

normally triggers ­certain scenes

that. When you put together a

of the episodes to play in mind.

­soundtrack, a CD can be only 75

Who do you think would win? The

minutes long. At the end of a TV

Flash or Arrow?

season there are over 14 hours of

Wasn’t that great?

music, which I go through and pull together for the CD. Obviously, lots

Absolutely! It was a great set of

of cues don’t make it. And every way

­episodes, as fans I think all of us

I tried, it just felt like the “­Olicity”

got what we wanted.

That nearly killed me. I wanted an

track didn’t fit, but it is coming back. It’s

It was so much fun doing that and it was

extra four hours of just that. [Laughs]

coming back soon in a big way and it will

a such a huge success with the audience.

[Laughs] Then Flash runs towards him

definitely be on the next soundtrack.

I went to Warner Brothers and I asked,

while Arrow has his arrows ready and

And for anyone else reading this, thanks

“ Christmas is coming up. Is there any

then it explodes, so great.

for watching and listening. I’ve never

way we could get a soundtrack release

worked on something this big. I have

of just those episodes because the

I definitely remember that well. I’m

worked on television for more than 13

­response to them is amazing. ” And they

pretty sure I didn’t blink because I

years and I have never seen this kind of

said “ Sure, that one we’ll be getting out

wanted to see more.

a response. The fact that there are people

­quickly. ” What’s fun is that I always kind

[Laughs] Exactly. I would say Flash will

out there recognizing that there is even

of designed The Flash score to have his

win, BUT, the thing is that The Flash has

music on a TV show, I didn’t know until

own unique sound, but I knew it needed

to have an Achilles heel somewhere...

it came to Arrow and The Flash. There

to be in a style that would also work with

and maybe Oliver can find it. But I have

is just so much love for the shows and

Arrow because I knew there were going

to agree with David. I’m sure he can and

people love the music too, it’s exciting.

to be crossover episodes. So it was fun

will. Oliver is resourceful.

It’s fun



constant tv presence:

Superman Within the last five years, we’ve been experiencing a real influx of series based on comic books. The result? We might be on the edge of an overdose…or an orgasm. Even if we quiver watching Arrow, or get impatient watching Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., one hero has always been a constant presence on our screens: Superman. The most-famous superhero of them all, a man who has traveled through time, take various forms and has irrevocably marked several generations of viewers, all through very different projects. by Thomas WACHNICKI photo superman/warner bros

the beginning

for more than ten years, ultimately making well

Superman has traveled through the media for

over 2000 ­appearances. In cinemas, where serials

75 years. Shortly after his first appearance in the

were ­scheduled each week, were very trendy

comic books, Superman had his very own animated

and a ­ ttracted t­ housands of people to its seats.

series. Fleisher and Paramount Studios superbly

­Superman made his first on-screen appearance

produced twenty episodes. U ­ nfortunately, due

with Kirk Alyn as the Man of Steel.

to conflicts and e ­ xorbitant prices, production

At the time, televisions were becoming more

had to be stopped. These ­cartoons however, are

and more present in homes, and as a result radio

still a reference in the genre. Radio and serials

serials had trouble remaining relevant. Quickly,

were the two most ­common forms of media

TV ­officials took advantage of this shift and as

during the 50s and ­Superman settled in on both

early as the early 50s, Superman became the

of them for quite a long time. S ­ uperman, then

hero of new series entitled The Adventures Of

embodied by Bud Collyer, remained on the radio



d o s s i e r co n ta n t t v p r e s e n c e : s u p e r m a n

­Reeves, Superman quickly became the hero of a generation. The series was

“ the myth take a blow. Children believed superman could die ”

hugely successful, perhaps maybe beco-

help from dozens of other superheroes

true to the character. This series perhaps

ming too much for the actor to handle.

as well. Produced by Hanna-Barber,

marked the beginning of the return of a

Behind the scenes, Reeves had started

although not very good, SuperFriends

prosperous time for Superman.

feeling the weight of the character

was seen on TV for ten years. The show

The original concept had to be

and went through a rough patch: he

benefited from a pretty exhilarating

­modified in order to keep the adapta-

had started to drink and over the five

French dubbing.

tion relevant through the times. Des-

­seasons had grown tired. The series

As for live adaptation on television, a

pite a change in the cast, the series was

ended ­tragically when ­Reeves commited

Superboy pilot was created, but never

very ­successful. John Haymes Newton

­suicide. Unofficially, some rumored that


(1988–1989) and Gerard Christopher

it had been scorned husband who had

In the mid-70s, the Batman series with

(1989–1992) both embodied a younger

been cheated on: Reeves was a woma-

Adam West was considered a part of the

Clark Kent. Sadly, Viacom producers only

nizer. Officially, ­however, it was a well

golden age of television. S ­ uperman had

wanted 100 episodes so that they could

thought out suicide.

to find a new challenge. After ­cartoons,

sell them in syndication (for cable and

The myth takes a blow. Children ­believed

series and radio, he had to go bigger.

satellite). The r­ eason behind why the

Superman could die. The series was at

This led to cinemas opened its doors to

series lasted only four seasons. Bad luck

its paroxysm and TV was the ­booming


and c­ opyright problems prevented the

medium. What should they do? An endless monsoon had seemed to begun.

character from being broadcasted and


released on DVD. Superboy, a different

After a detour through musicals, which

Under Salkind’s guidance, Superman

­character, and specifically in the terms

critics were very much against, ­Superman

had been treated well for ten years. Four

of the ­Superman character rights usage:

seemed to have been ­ r esurrected

films, of decreasing quality later, howe-

Is not really Superman, but he’s also not

through the least restrictive method:

ver, the character was nearly killed. Only

an original creation either.

cartoons. In 1966, ­Filmation decided to

in the late 80s then, did Superman come

The Superboy series marked Superman’s

produce a c ­ artoon series, ­followed by

back in a more stable form: the Superboy

50th anniversary. Although Gerard


series and Superman in cartoons. The

­Christopher, Superboy, was brought up

Half-a-dozen cartoons made their

1986 cartoon by Ruby-Spears Productions

to ­possibly be in Superman 5, Salkinds

way to screens, this time, Superman got

was pretty kitsch, but luckily remained

was unpersuaded.

Superman (George Reeves) entering room through window

superman / warner bros.

This time, embodied by George

Teri Hatcher and Dean Cain, Loïs et Clark : The New Adventures of Superman

Only a year later, in 1993, Lois & Clark million. Season 4 started by default and was created by Warner Brothers and DC the remaining episodes were be shown Comics. Both wanted to take advantage during the summer, plunging the series

Erica Durance and Tom Welling, Smallville

of the new hype surrounding Superman to anonymity by its very last episode. A which went on to last until 2011. In terms and the series was ordered. The show series, that had started out so well, will of TV appearances, Superman has always was centered mainly on Lois Lane (Teri likely be considered a creative failure by been on our screens from 1986 to 2011. Hatcher) and Clark Kent (Dean Cain). most people. The result, was four seasons of romance,

Smallville remains the longest Superman

Superman resurfaced shortly before adaptation we have ever had, one which

adventures and millions of viewers wor- Lois & Clark had ended, in a cartoon. never actually got around to showing the ldwide. As ABC was thrilled by the success ­Produced by Bruce Timm, who also real Superman. The Clark Kent (Tom of the first season, the executives decided made the Batman cartoon, is c­ onsidered Welling) on Smallville didn’t ever fully to change the show to incorporate more one of the forefront adaptations of the become the superhero in tights we’re action. The creative team was replaced comic book. Despite being less unified accustomed to. Instead, he remains in and the series started its second year on a as ­Batman The Animated Series, the series the shadow and his double identity is completely different level. The audience went on to last three years. After three only utilized in the later seasons. He is numbers took off but the ­narrative years spent alone, Superman joined the called the “Blur,” during the series’ run. ­developments came perhaps too quickly. Justice League in a cartoon, which was ­Despite the critics’ opinions and the Lois & Clark end up getting very close immensely enjoyed by the critics.

­random treatment, Smallville remains

very fast, such that his secret got revealed Once again, the character transitioned an important series within the overall in a major c­ liffhanger. By season 3, they between live and cartoon shows. Three theme and genre. Through fan-service, were an official couple with the secrets years after Lois and Clark had ended, a winks and originality, the show managed having been unveiled already. Without new adaptation of the myth was in the to never repeat itself and to end after these two main dynamics, the viewers planning stage. quickly seemed to have gotten weary of

what can be ­considered a remarkable

Tollin/Robbins Productions did not evolution. It went from being a teen-se-

warner bros.

the repetitive scripts. The show finally let go of the rights and developed a new ries to ­becoming a more adult and ­darker ended when the scriptwriters suggested series with a young Batman. Warner series. Viewers even had the pleasure of a false wedding and the incorporation ­Brothers at the time was rather interested seeing Clark and Lois together in the last of a clone story. Audience n ­ umbers fell in Superman. Alfred Gough and Milles three seasons. Very generous in action, ­dramatically: from 20 million down to ten ­Millar then created Smallville for The WB, Smallville managed the form the Justice


League (minus Batman) on TV, which

Superman’s cousin and the second

remains complicated to embody truly.

used the whole Superman legend and

survivor post-Krypton’s ­destruction.

The untouchable, boy-scout, invulne-

paved the way for The CW’s Arrow in

In ­comparison to The CW’s The Flash,

rable, kitsch, old-fashioned, the big man


­Supergirl seems to strike a much lighter

in blue; complications arise thanks to

note. At first glance it seems to be almost

adaptations that are all very different

like a soap, with sympathetic actors.

from one another. Only in the movies has

With four successful series, five

The second project, which has been “in

he been almost forever crystallized by

movies and a dozen of animated

talks” for quite a long time now, is Syfy’s

Christopher Reeve’s epic interpretation.

­adaptations, Superman still has a lot to

Krypton. Currently being developed by

Reeve’s interpretation is a celebrated

say. Each adaptation has been slightly

Man of Steel writer David Goyer, the show

ideal and an eternal standard bearer of

­different from the last. The lack of means

is to focus on life on Krypton before its

the red underpants. Safety came through

and artistic prejudices gave them all their

destruction. With a rather audacious

motivation and there has still been a need

various tones, from comedy to action, to

treatment in the first part of Man Of

to go further. Smallville relaunched the

romance, to adventure series, majority

Steel, Krypton seems to have fascinated

character. Both DC Comics and Warner

mainly with little budget. The a ­ nimated

many and was apparently so much that

Brothers seem far from wanting as cohe-

versions are perhaps considered the most

it ­sparked an interest in a new series

rent a universe as Marvel does, continue

true to the source material and s­ uccessful

focused on Superman’s grandfather

to offer original projects which is far from


and Jor-El’s father. The series is only

being shameful. As for S ­ uperman, who

When Henry Cavill embodied Superman

in its development stage but at least a

is a difficult character in his own right,

in Man of Steel (2013), it is ­difficult to

pilot is likely to be shot for SyFy, which

the various series showed the riches of

think that another series on the character

does seem to be very interested in the

his universe. If his place in t­ heaters from

will happen ever again. It is a shame that

­project. However, when we see SyFy’s

now on (at last!), we can still proudly

the parallel Earths featured in the comic

other ­scheduling choices, there are fans

watch 75 years of TV ­adaptations with

books for the character are unlikely to be

who are quite fearful of what will come

nostalgia, ­pleasure and a desire for more!

taken into account in the future. A new

of this increasingly large project.

level of spectacular can be achieved in

There does not seem to be much left to

movies, but likely won’t be as e ­ fficient

adapt about Superman. Perhaps we will

on a TV-screen. That is why the two

see a series entitled “The Kents,” about

more recent projects to be released by

Clark’s adoptive family as they try to

studios are farther away from the main

manage their child’s powers. Warner

theme of Superman. They explore new

Bros and DC Comics have been pretty

grounds that have not been a ­ dapted

efficient on TV as of late but less so in

in series yet. The first project, whose

theaters. Above Batman, Superman is

pilot is now fully shot, is CBS’ Supergirl.

the most adapted superhero. A real icon

Glee’s Melissa Benoist is CBS’ Supergirl,

for all of the superheroes, Superman



supergirl / Warner bros.

d o s s i e r co n ta n t t v p r e s e n c e : s u p e r m a n

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i n te r v i ew

David Ramsey For a hero who fights willingly alongside Team Arrow, against The League of Assassins and at times, reluctantly, with The ­Suicide Squad, no Arrow fan is likely to call John Diggle, “the normal guy.” DAVID RAMSEY does just that. Read on as Ramsey discusses ­Diggle’s very human introduction to The Flash, his interest in ­directing an episode, feature film work, which Arrow cast member would win in a fist fight and much much more. by prutha s. Patel photos Patrick Maus



david ramsey

“ unlike oliver, he’s a very well adjusted.

Prutha S. Patel: I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if I didn’t quote perhaps

he’s a relectant hero ”

my favorite line from some of the recent episodes – “The Suicide Squad rides again!” What has been one of your favorite quotes from the show?


David Ramsey: Hmm. That’s a good

And it’s in a compelling way too, very

The further exploration of the Suicide

­question. Probably “The Suicide Squad

well written. So, I’m always exciting for

Squad would just be the further explora-

rides again.” But there’s also another line,

these Suicide Squad episodes.

tion of John Diggle too. They’re not black

where I’m with my daughter and Lyla

and white, you know? They plant bombs

(Audrey Marie Anderson) walks into the

I love that you said “another show”

in people’s heads. That’s not a John ­Diggle

room and she overhears me saying to

because we’re seeing so many

thing, he doesn’t approve of that. But,

my daughter, “How can something so

superhero shows come up on The CW

at the same time they’re looking for

special make your life so meaningful,”

and other networks. It’s really great

higher moral reasons for why they put

or something along those lines and she

to hear the words, “another show,” it

together the task force. There’s someone

says, “Wait until she starts dating.” And

almost gets our hopes up I guess.

that needs to be rescued or hostages have

I look at my little girl and I say, “That’s

What is your favorite part about

been taken. So, the reasoning is noble but

what Glocks are for, right baby?” So that

playing a character like John Diggle?

the means by which they get the job done

line, “That’s what Glocks are for”, I have

That’s a good question. Favorite part, let’s

is questionable. It forces ­Diggle to ope-

always loved that line. It’s tough for me to

see. I love the character. The ­characters

rate in this gray area. The more shades of

think of any other lines but I r­ emember

on the show wear masks, but he doesn’t.

­Diggle, the more ­fleshed out the ­character

that being a special moment for me, it’s

Unlike Oliver, he’s a very well adjusted.

­becomes for me. S ­ uicide Squad just

kind of funny to me.

He’s a reluctant hero, he’s ­reluctant about

allows us to flesh out ­Diggle even more.

compromising his ideals and morals for

We’re actually getting into H.I.V.E., one

That’s sweet. What was it like being

a hero and I like that. Best part about

of the terrorist groups, hired Deadshot

back with The Suicide Squad? Were

playing him, I think playing him makes

(Michael Rowe) to kill my b ­ rother and

you glad to be back with them?

me aspire to want to be better as a

there again, we get to kind of uncover

Awesome! I wish every fifth episode were

­person. I think John Diggle’s ideals are

another layer. His ­relationship with his

a Suicide Squad episode. It’s great. As

sincere. He’s a righteous hero. I think

brother, with H.I.V.E, so, ­anytime we get

an actor, it’s awesome and great to do

­everyone should have a little bit of John

to kind of operate in these gray areas

those action scenes and it’s great to see

Diggle in them. It’s also a lot of fun for

with Diggle, it’s always fun.

the ­character in action. I’ve always loved

me because I love doing the action stuff.

that. So that’s fun, I also think the charac-

The big ­reason is that Diggle’s somebody

ters are great, I loved Deadshot. I think

who I look up to as a character.

the whole idea of reluctantly working for A.R.G.U.S. and Suicide Squad, makes for

Fantastic. At this point in the season,

good drama.

your character already has major ties to the Suicide Squad, what are

It’s an interesting dynamic because

you most excited about in terms of

not everyone gets along whereas Team

­further exploring Diggle’s connections

Arrow seems to be meshing very well

to them?


You have great questions.

Yeah, when they come along, it’s almost becomes like another show. It’s “B-story,” but that story takes on a life of its own that almost doesn’t even resemble Arrow anymore. You know?


[Laughs] Thank you!

You mentioned how they basically

Understandable, it’s different, a diffe-

Right now, obviously experience. You

have bombs in their head, overall I feel

rent beast altogether. There are also

can have the best weapon in the world

like there are more explosions when

crossover episodes with The Flash and

but if you don’t know how to use it,

the Suicide Squad is involved. Do you

one thing I loved was seeing Diggle’s

you just don’t know how to use it. But I

get to do a lot of your own stunts? Do

reaction to finding out about Barry’s

will say this, particularly Flash, I don’t

you enjoy that sort of thing?

(Grant Gustin) new s­ uperpowers. I feel

know about ATOM, when Flash really

The martial arts stuff I get to do, since I’ve

like that was how any of us would have

comes into his own and can do all he

been doing that for years. So that’s always

reacted in reality. Did you enjoy fil-

can do, understand strategy, fighting

of fun. The wire-stuff, not as much. If you

ming the crossover episode?

and w ­ arfare, there isn’t anybody who

see Diggle do a 360, there’s a

could beat him. I have always

wonderful stunt-double. For

that that Flash is probably

the most part all of the mar-

the most powerful character

tial arts stuff is me.

in the DC Comics universe, alongside the Justice League

Sweet. Rookie Blue’s ­Gregory

­characters. I mean if he wants

Smith recently directed

to he can do so much. That’s

an episode, what was that

just the c­ haracter in general

like? Are you interested in

but in terms of our universe

directing an episode in the

and how p ­ owerful they’re


going to make Flash, I don’t

Fantastic. It was fantastic

know. In our ­universe some-

­working with him. He came

times things and a ­ bilities

right in in the middle of the

change, it’ll be interesting to

story, he already knew the arc

see two season from now a

of the characters for the story,

rematch between Arrow and

it was awesome. You’re just


hitting all the right questions today, aren’t you?

I seriously cannot wait. It’ll be very interesting to see.

[Laughs] I might be interested in directing an epi-

I did. What’s good about Diggle in that

The other spin-off show, Legends of

sode. I’ve never expressed that publi-

reaction, and even in general, Diggle’s

Tomorrow, with ATOM (Brandon

cly yet but it’s something in my psyche

kind of guy who will say the things ­Oliver

Routh) and Sara Lance, now the White

that I’ve imagined what it would be like

wouldn’t say. That’s what I love about

Canary, is likely to be crossed over too,

to direct an episode. It’s a tremendous

him. He’s the most “normal.” He’s the

if that happens, are excited to work

job and I have a lot of respect for the

normal guy. When Oliver’s way over his

with Caity Lotz again?

directors, it’s so different altogether from

head, when he’s not thinking straight,

Oh yeah! Absolutely. Absolutely. Caity’s

acting. But if it ever came up for me, it’d

Diggle’s actually the one who will say

awesome. It would be great.

be Arrow.

that. No one else is going to say it, but Diggle will. Diggle’s reaction to Flash is

Plenty of fans including myself are

I think all of us would love that too.

very human. If someone came running

hoping that Supergirl becomes a part

I think it’d be awesome. It’s a great show

faster than you could blink in front of

of the same universe as Arrow and

and why not, right? It’s a well-oiled show;

you, you’d probably think you were out

The Flash, what is your take on that?

it’d totally make sense. I have a lot of res-

of your mind. That was a lot of fun, and

I think scenes where he’s reacting to

pect for that hat, that director’s hat and

Flash can be funny. It was very fun.

Supergirl’s powers would be quite fun

it would be something that requires a lot

to see too.

of time and focus because it’s different

How do you feel about The Flash v.

I think scenes where he is reacting to

from acting.

Arrow match-up? Speed or experience?

Supergirl’s powers would be fun to see


David Ramsey, Stephen Amell and Colton Haynes on the set

m o st l i k e ly to with david ramsey Who is most likely to actually survive on a deserted island? too. I would love for Diggle to have an

He was also recently cast as Casey Jones

awesome reaction to Supergirl like he did

in TMNT 2, what’s one movie franchise

to The Flash! I love anytime Diggle gets to

or series that you would love to be a

Interesting! Who is most likely to

be silly. No, really, I am also hoping that

part of? A lot of people brought your

win in a fistfight? I feel like this

we are all in the same universe too. How

name up for Green Lantern.

is a bit triggered for you.

awesome would that be? A world where

To be mentioned as part of the Green

[Laughs] Me, of course.

Arrow, The Flash and Supergirl all exist

Lantern lore is an honor unto itself. I

and crossover is clearly what the fans

love that whole saga! I just love what DC

Who is most likely to release a

want. We will see!

is doing in the movie world right now,

song that ends up becoming a #1

in general. They are taking their time to

hit on iTunes?

Looking forward to it! Stephen Amell

get it right. To be involved in anything

John (Barrowman).

created the term “sinceriously” and

DC is doing in the feature world would

you also created a word, could you

be awesome!

define it for us? Will you be starting

Who is most likely to actually

And lastly, The CW definitely loves



their voice-over intros, I find them a

Probably Emily (Bett Rickards).

“Hopoyfully” is the word I created. It

lot of fun and I’m getting to the point

was created a bit on the fly so don’t be

where I have them memorized. If we

Who is most likely to accidentally

too harsh! It means the concept of put-

have another John Diggle focused epi-

break something on set?

ting good energy out and getting good

sode and you were asked to do a voice-

That would be me again.

energy back. Another way to think of it

over intro, how would it go? “My name

is you will get out of something what you

is John Diggle”

Who is most likely to break cha-

put into it. There is nothing at all new

“My name is John Diggle. For 2 years I

racter and start a giggling fit

about the concept. We have all heard it

was Oliver Queen’s driver. Now, he just

while filming scenes?

before. As of now, the t-shirt possibility

drives me crazy!”

Oh man, that’s Stephen (Amell).

arrow / warner bros.

figure out how to make a super

another campaign for tee shirts and

has remained just that. A possibility.


Paul (Blackthorne).

More TV You’d like to participate for the next issue ? Email us your idea or article at

c r i t i c a l a n a ly s i s

from comics

to screen


stereotypes With the likes of Gotham, Agent Carter, The Flash and Constantine, among many, SUPERHEROES have officially landed on our screens ­during the 2014-2015 season. But beyond the internal struggles and the ­superpowers they possess, what vision of femininity and masculinity do they convey? Can they be considered akin to a modern vision?

by JEAN-FRANCOIS CHARTRAND-DELORME photo constantine / DC Comics


Since Walt Disney Company’s 2009

or even several s­ easons, d ­ epending on

(bear in mind that even the phrase is

takeover of Marvel Entertainment, for a

the property. This past season, four

­antiquated). This ­conception of the sexes

whopping 4.3 billion dollars, superhero

networks each g ­ reenlit a comic book

is extremely o ­ utdated, to say the least,

movies are everywhere and continue to

adaptation: Gotham (FOX), ­Constantine

and all the more so that the current ­target

break box office records with movies like

(NBC), Agent Carter (ABC) and The Flash

audiences of these shows are young and

Captain America, Hulk, Spider-man, Thor,

(The CW). Although the visual effects

less inclined to accept ­stereotypes. These

and The Avengers. The next logical step

are on the brink of matching that of the

four shows use several varying tricks:

is the adaptation of these heroes’ adven-

silver screen, the chosen ­superheroes

there are the ­winners, the losers, and

tures on the small screen. E ­ specially when

were created during another time. Back

those who ­despite good ­intentions face

considering the fact that these stories can

when the (caucasian) man’s mission

a set fact: saving ­humanity is a man’s

easily be told through several episodes

was to save the widow and the orphan


c r i t i c a l a n a ly s i s

i r r e v e r s i b l e st e r e ot y p e s

Gotham: When Sexuality Defines its Masculine Heroes There was an unforeseen twist when Gotham’s synopsis was first revealed: the famous protector of Gotham would be absent, or almost entirely absent. Indeed, Bruce Wayne, aka Batman, is only a preteen at the start of the show. We witness the origin story of the future superhero, but perhaps more ­accurately, of the antagonists from the comics. Let’s all agree to admit it, the charm of Bob Kane and Bill Finger’s works lies in their colorful b ­ addies. With the psychopaths and eccentrics, all with a malignancy that knows no bound, Gotham offers little throwback with a narrative aimed at showing us how, and more importantly why, with their wealth, ­gadgets

Robin Lord Taylor (Oswald Cobblepot) and Carol Kane (Gertrud)


end up ­calling the shots in Gotham. Yet,

that happened overtime turned Oswald

his attempt at justifying his actions by

we ­discover that these crooks have an

into a coward and an overall ruthless

saying that his mom should be punished

emotional and sexual life that is absent


for succumbing to the pleasures of the

altogether or of little satisfaction.

Two other masculine characters have a

fles... the ultimate sin for a woman. And

These d ­ eficiences play a part in their

love/hate relationship with the opposite

this, is how Gotham introduces us to the

­megalomania. Far worse, the women

sex. Edward Nygma (Cory Michael Smith),

myth of The Joker.

around them from their youthful ages

who will later become The Riddler, works

At the opposite end, we have our main

are ­indirectly ­responsible for their

as a forensic physician for Gotham Police

character, James Gordon (Ben McKenzie),


Department. His nerdy attitude and his

a policeman. He seems to be the only one

Our first example, The Penguin/Oswald

riddles annoy all of his colleagues, all of

on Gotham maintaining a fairly n ­ ormal

Cobblepot (Robin Lord Taylor), is puny,

whom don’t restrain themselves from

relationship with women. Since the show

lame, extremely ugly, and the subject

treating him like a minion of sorts. Being

started, he has had two girlfriends, the

of scoffing from his peers. With blatant

humiliated by his masculine a ­ colytes is

current one being Leslie Thompkins.

hypocrisy, he always goes to the highest

one thing, but it is when his co-­worker

James likes her, but their relationship

bidder, and as a true psychopath, doesn’t

Karen rejects him with disdain, in front

starts breaking down precisely when she

feel any sympathy for anyone. Because

of other men, that it is too much for

announces that she’s going to work with

of his physical appearance, we can guess

Edward. This is the first time we see him

him at the police ­precinct, as a medical

that he’s always been rejected by his

angry on the show.

examiner. The first thing James tries to

peers from his childhood years. He never

In the same vein, episode 16 focuses on an

do is hide their relationship, not because

expresses any interest towards women

entertainer’s murder. The investigation

he’s ashamed of her, but because of the

in any of the Gotham episodes. The sole

reveals that the murder was committed

tender way he acts with her simply is

woman in his life is Gertrude, his mother,

by her son, Jerome (Cameron Monaghan).

incompatible with the ­authoritarian

whom he worships. The spitting image

His father having been gone his whole

policeman image he must convey when

of Norma Desmond, an egocentric silent

life while his mother prostituted her-

surrounded by his male colleagues. The

film star forgotten by everyone in Sunset

self are the reasons behind the crime.

message is clear: love is synonymous

Boulevard, the character lives in the past

The most intriguing scene of the episode

with weakness, as an attack on mascu-

and doesn’t treat her son like a man, but

ends with a shot of the young man, with

linity and women are perhaps better off

rather like a boy. This fictitious castration

a demonically evil grin on his face and

elsewhere... like at home for example.

jessica miglio / fox

and ­grotesque ­personalities, they’ll

Agent Carter: The Exception That Proves The Rule

Reserve). One day, an inventor Howard

because we are in ­another ­timeperiod.

Stark (Dominic Cooper) asks for her ser-

By presenting Peggy as endearing, brave,

Both, the Marvel and DC Comics

vices after he’s been suspected of sel-

and passing the B ­ echdel test with flying

universes, are full of male ­superheroes.

ling a nuclear weapon to enemies of

colors, the goal is to satisfy the contem-

Which is partly the why audiences

the United States. He asks her to clear

porary viewer who doesn’t want to see

rejoices when ABC announced they

his name, but to do so she must operate

a naive girl onscreen.

would air a show focused on a woman

undercover, first because her colleagues

A paradox exists here because there is

in the superhero universe: Agent ­Carter.

are convinced of Stark’s culpability, and

little doubt that the character could’ve

To make this project a reality, a secondary

secondly because if they were aware of

lived in our decade. Peggy is as, if not

character that lived around Captain

the dilemma, they would investigate the

more, competent than her male coun-

America was chosen. A whole scena-

matter themselves.

terparts partly because she’s a woman.

rio had to be invented from scratch for

Here, the trick works perfectly because the

At the beginning of the show, she turns

the limited series. The show starts after

character lives in the forties. As viewers,

into a femme fatale, puts on a Veronica

World War II. During the conflict of the

we find it normal that she has to hear the

Lake wig and uses her charms to obtain

war, Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) was an

sexist comments her co-­workers make

information from a crook who is far from

agent, but post-war, now only works as a

and that she must keep a low profile to

suspecting her. The plan ends up w ­ orking

secretary for the SSR (Strategic Scientific

complete her ­investigations, all precisely

perfectly. A man could have gotten the

agent carter / abc

same results, but obviously not with the

“ here, the trick works perfectly, because the character lives in the forties. ”

same method. It begs the question: Would Agent Carter have gotten to the same result if she wasn’t as beautiful? Once again, we have to remember that we’re in the forties. Despite the great talent to defeat her enemies, she remains a “ victim ” of the fashion of her time: her hair and make up always look nice and she’s seen wearing tight suits and high heels. In short, a femininity through and through, which seems a bit outdated, but in the end justifies itself better in a wider context. Finally, yet another point in Peggy’s favor is that, at that time, there weren’t many spies who were women. Meaning that the few of them who existed at the time, were more efficient because they were less suspected from the getgo. ­Peggy’s ­uniqueness becomes her ­strength. It would be interesting to see how the representation of femininity evolves in a wider context with several other heroines: the equivalent to perhaps the X-Men, but we’re not quite there yet. For the moment, more than 90% of superheroes are men. A woman equivalent, even limited to our time, would be defined by

Hayley Atwell (Peggy Carter)

her charm and femininity, because of the marginality and pride from the writers.


c r i t i c a l a n a ly s i s

i r r e v e r s i b l e st e r e ot y p e s

Constantine: The Networks’ Failure Of the four projects launched this ­season, both critically and ­popularity-wise,


“ this voluntary omission is unfortunate because the sexuality of the protagonist is important here ”

Constantine is without doubt the

anti-hero who has much horror during

been decided that we wouldn’t ever see

most disappointing. With an a ­ verage

his career lives like a lone wolf, except

him do the same with men. Censorship?

of three million viewers for the first

when he’s seeking the affection of a man

Almost. As Cerone says, Constantine is

season, the show has ultimately been

or a he is in fact, bisexual.

broadcast on NBC, a broadcast network

cancelled by NBC, but continues to be

However, last summer, Constantine exe-

that must attract a large audience to

­shopped around to other studios by

cutive producer Daniel Cerone confir-

get the most money possible from its

­Warner Brothers. The reasons for the

med that the character on the screen,

advertisers. Thus the network, scared

failure are ­numerous but for purposes

Matt Ryan, wouldn’t be bisexual. The

to shock a few people with sexuality,

of this article’s ­subject, it’s important to

­r eason stated by Mr. Cerone was,

especially when it’s ­considered as not

focus on one in particular: the sexual

“ ­Within this tome of three decades [of

“in the norm”, remains a taboo and

­orientation of the p ­ rotagonist, which in

comics] there might have been one or

LGBT characters are almost absent from

and of itself created a mini-controversy

two issues where he’s seen getting out of

the screen. This v ­ oluntary o ­ mission

even before the show had begun to air.

bed with a man. ” Obviously, this is not

is unfortunate because the ­sexuality

Protagonist of the Hellblazer comics

what’s the most important part about

of the protagonist here is important,

created in the eighties, John ­Constantine

any character from Hellblazer, and it’s

because it further ­reinforced his rebel

is an exorcist who goes from one part

true that, on the show, very little is about

image, that of someone who belongs

of the U.S. to the other, with the sole

his affective life. The problem with

to a ­counter-culture, who is proud of

mission to eliminate those who want to

Constantine is not that we see him sleep

himself and doesn’t have to account for

attack innocent people. This textbook

with women, but that it had already

­anything to anyone.

warner bros.

A Small Hope: The Flash

main character, and more importantly

Gustin is much closer to the audience

What we have learned from these

its actor, Grant Gustin, who is at the

the show caters to and this bet has paid

three shows is that stereotypes, when it

origin of this success. The protagonist

off for The CW. Just three months after

comes to comic book adaptions on the

we’ve seen onscreen since 2014 is in

the first episode, The CW announced

screen, are tough. Conflicts between

his twenties. Sporting a casual look,

that the show would get a second sea-

the good from the evil, remains a man’s

he goes mainly unnoticed by his peers.

son. In c ­ onclusion, this, is perhaps

business. It’s only from a maternal or

Shy, lacking ­confidence, and, at a rare

where the future lies when it comes to

sexual point of view that women can

moment, we see him cry in the first three

the r­ epresentation of superheroes on

influence the story of these half-gods

episodes:when he visits his father in jail

­television: an ­authenticity that ­distances

or half-demons. Constantine can sleep

and when he thinks about his mother

itself from archetypes, by reversing

under a bridge if he wants to, he can be

who died when he was a child. H ­ owever,


careless about his health and hygiene.

this overt ­sensibility never affects his

The equivalent would be hard to fathom

overall missions.

for Agent Carter, who beyond just com-

This image of the superhero is a great

petent must also be pretty and seductive.

contrast to the Flash that was created in

There is some hope with The CW’s The

the forties. The Flash appeared for the

Flash, which is in addition particularly

first time on television in the ­nineties

more in tune with the times. ­Featuring

featuring John Wesley Shipp and his

more than well rounded weekly quests,

i mposing musculature that fit the ­

well-crafted special effects, it is the

­standard superhero stereotype. Grant

Grant Gustin (The Flash)

John Wesley Ship

r ev i ew

l i v e d e r a D blind justice

As a Lawyer during the day, Matt Murdock fights against the ­injustice in one of New York’s most dangerous neighborhoods: Hell’s Kitchen. In order to succeed at night, he must put on the Avenger’s infamous Daredevil costume. The TV Series, ­adapted from the eponym Marvel comics, is “broadcasted” on Netflix. Here’s a full review of the show’s first season. by maxime pontois


Arrow, The Flash, Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Gotham. The small screen has become the home of more and more superheroes adapted from both DC and Marvel comics. When I learned about Netflix’s plan to produce five new heroes’ series, I was initially very skeptical. I was initially afraid that each of the series in the genre would end up much like each other, but I was definitely wrong. D ­ aredevil leads the Netflix Marvel ­Universe and increasingly d ­ ifferentiates itself from the other network shows completely. In a good way.

Charlie Cox (Matt Murdock)

Pilot “Into The Ring”

the very accident which blinded him.

tones to the show and the ­costume he

I wasn’t really hooked from the b ­ eginning.

Unlike many other shows, although Matt

will ultimately don. The finish is very

There seemed to be s­ omething ­missing

is an orphan the character development

­beautiful. The heartbeats in the sequence

from the pilot, something short of making

doesn’t feel the need to remind us of that

also work to remind us of one of Matt’s

it very good. But I soon started to ­realize

every episode. The pilot ends by showing

gifts, that of amplified senses.

that the show was getting better as I

us a bit of his weaknesses and ultimately

The music in the series overall, isn’t exces-

­further proceeded with the ­episodes. The

humanizes him greatly.

sively present. It’s only heard mainly

pilot felt pretty hazy. If you are expect-

during the emotional and fighting scenes,

ing to know how and why Matt Murdock

The Fights

beyond that it remains very ­discreet. It

ended up being an Avenger by-night,

The Daredevil’s fighting’s scenes are way

matches the series’ ­atmosphere, the dark

you will have to watch the entire season

more dynamic, impressive and violent

and mystical side is well suited to this

because only then do you have the real

than the ones of any other shows of this

kind of show. , It reminded me of Heroes

introduction to the masked hero. The red

kind. These scenes remind a lot me of

(NBC) and Lost (ABC).

costume that many fans ­recognize from

Banshee (Cinemax) and his fights full

the comics and the Ben Affleck film isn’t

of testosterone. The direction and the


actually here this ­season. Matt ­Murdock

stunts of these scenes are really impres-

Daredevil is a great mix between being

is only “the masked man,” much like how

sive, especially the legendary hall’s flight

a detective and superhero series, Net-

Oliver Queen was “The Hood” at the

which closes the second episode, shot

flix manages to find a perfect balance

beginning of Arrow. This ­Daredevil pilot

in one take with an Old Boy style. The

for its first superhero show. Lawyer

must be taken as a part of a whole versus

close-up views are standard during these

by-day and crime-fighter by night, Matt

as standalone, the pilot on its own doesn’t

scenes which make them even more

­Murdock has two jobs and we actually

really make sense if you gave up and

dynamic and bring us to the thick of

do discover both sides through the show.

didn’t watch the entire s­ eason. It’s merely

things with the character.

Some of the ­episodes are even more

barry wetcher / netflix

an introduction to the main characters

focused on the legal side of the story

and to the heroes’ main m ­ otivation: save

Title Sequence and Music

where we discover more about the tal-

Hell’s Kitchen.

The theme song and title sequence for

ented lawyer. The fights are dynamic

The character’s introduction however, is

Daredevil is worthy of an Avengers

and the d ­ ialogues at times seem per-

original. When the series starts, Matt is

movie. The sound of heartbeats with the

haps too long for a superhero series but

seen already wearing his black mask and

accompaniment of an accelerating violin

that turns out to be exactly what makes

has started to work for justice. We don’t

just until the climax where we discover

Daredevil ­different from the pack. The

figure out immediately why he became

Daredevil with his back turned to the

overall pace is rather slow but it allows

an avenger but we do learn about his

viewer. It lasts one minute and is just

us to discover more about the support-

past, thanks to flashbacks, including

the right tone to remind us of the darker

ing characters. There isn’t one villain in



d a r e d e v i l , b l i n d j u st i c e

­Nelson & Murdock and Karen (Deborah Ann Woll), their secretary who also brings a great touch of humor and emotions. The supporting characters such as the nurse Claire, played by Rosario ­Dawson (Seven Pounds, Sin City, Percy ­Jackson & The Olympians) and the ­journalist Ben, played by Vondie Curtis-Hall, are well developed and allow us to ­further ­connect the storylines. Lastly, we can’t talk about Daredevil ­without mentioning the series’ ­antagonist, the charismatic and...massive, “He-WhoVincent D’Onofrio (Wilson Fisk)

Must-Not-Be-Named,” W ­ ilson Fisk. A troubled and troubling man, V ­ incent

each episode but rather a slow burn with

Murdock is a devoted catholic who is

d’Onofrio plays the p ­ owerful t­ ortured

only one through the season. Matt inves-

tormented by his past and future sins.

gangster as we have rarely seen before,

tigates this one ­villain t­ hroughout the

We also get a feel for tension in the

simultaneously romantic and terrifying.

show, both with and ­without his mask.

­atmosphere during the c ­ onversations

Daredevil’s nemesis plays an important

Surprisingly. this series also makes me

between Hell’s Kitchen’s many

role in the series, omnipresent even

think of Breaking Bad (AMC) in terms of

­antagonists. How the vigilante ends up

when he’s not on the screen. He’s sur-

its progression.

­putting a strain on their nerves, such

rounded by other powerful gangsters,

Overall, this series isn’t really about

that their a ­ lliances seems to be very

but if Hell’s Kitchen were a game of chess,

“superheroes”: Matt is a blind man who

­fragile. An o ­ riginal element that really

Fisk is without a doubt the king. I tend

has amplified senses. He can’t shoot

impressed me is the strong presence

to compare this show to the many other

lasers from his eyes or run at supersonic

of foreign l­anguages such as Spanish,

superhero shows from The CW, but in the

speed. That being said, we also don’t

­Russian, J­ apanese and Chinese. A f­ oreign

end, The Flash and Arrow aren’t really all

necessarily want him to be like Flash or

­character, who doesn’t necessarily speak

that comparable. The CW aims mainly at

Superman. This is exactly what makes

English, expresses himself in his native

the teenaged audiences which makes the

the series more realistic compared to

language which roots the series to a more

series more watered down and f­ antastic.

the others.

realistic level.

The s­ uperpowers are very p ­ resent in


­Daredevil is a part of Marvel’s world.

The Actors and Characters

fictional side, whereas Netflix Marvel’s

Many references, nods and easter eggs

Matt Murdock is played by an excellent

Daredevil is rooted in reality and speaks

are laid out in the scenes. Have fun ­trying

Charlie Cox (Stardust). Although it has

to a much more mature audience.

to find them all!

nothing to do with Ben Affleck’s take

To conclude, if you don’t know what

on Daredevil in his feature film by the

to watch at the moment, go watch the

The atmosphere

same name. I had difficulties picturing

series. It has won the public’s support

Consistent with the subjects already

Cox being an avenger tormented to that

and has already be renewed for a s­ econd

­discussed, Daredevil acts mainly at night

degree but, in the end he turns out to be

season. In addition, this series paves

and he is a blind vigilante which makes

very good in the role both as a vigilante

the way for the other Marvel series on

the the atmosphere rather dark. We

and reenacting the different gestures of

­Netflix including Marvel’s A.K.A Jessica

do find however that in this ­darkness

blind people.

Jones which we all hope will be just as

there’s a touch of humor coming through

The supporting characters are also

good as ­Daredevil. And don’t forget, be

the character of Foggy Neglson (Elden

­g enerally well interpreted. We are

careful when you’re crossing the street.

­Henson) who is always there to drop a

­introduced to the character of Foggy

You never know when a truck carrying

funny one-liner. Religion is also a one of

(Elden Henson), Matt’s best friend, with

chemicals is going to knock you down

the many subjects explored since Matt

whom Matt opened his law practice

and increase your senses by the tenfold.

barry wetcher / netflix

both series and are more focused on the

Lastly, we can’t forget to note that


p i lot

izombie or when veronica mars became a zombie

warner bros

Although crime drama series have invaded the audiovisual landscape more and more as of late, The CW’s iZombie has decided to show its face by introducing an original, refreshing and daring show, one which cleverly combines fantasy with crime.

Making it’s mid-March debut, i­ Zombie,

One could almost find it a shame that

Anders (Alias, The Vampire Diaries, Once

is an adaption of the comic by the same

Liv’s “ zombification ” passes rather

Upon A Time).

name, created by Chris Roberson and

quickly in the pilot. While it could have

On paper, what makes the show interes-

Moke Alfred. But, perhaps, much of the

been interesting to dwell a little ­longer

ting are the many references to original

gratitude is also owed to the fantastic Rob

on the ­transformation of the young

comics. For example, transitions from

Thomas, the creator of Veronica Mars.

woman, the show p ­ refers to leave this

one scene to another are done by using

The show revolves around the destiny of

to the ­imagination and shows us the

comic panels, as if we are reading a comic

Oliva – “ Liv ” – Moore, a young medical

­continuation of her daily life instead.

book on television, which is an obvious

student who finds herself turned into a

The first episode sets the tone for how

nod to the original medium. The casting

zombie after a “ party gone wrong. ” From

the show will be shaped for the rest of the

is also an asset, a point that is always a bit

then on she is the assistant and right hand

season: One case to be solved per ­episode

worrisome when it comes to creations by

of forensic scientist, Dr. Ravi Chakrabarti

with more of a background to Liv’s

TV channels. We find some well known

(Rahul Kohli) and aids ­Detective Clive

­personal life – who is forced to get used

The CW actors (including Robert Buckley

Babineaux (Malcolm Goodwin) in solving

to her new situation while her boss tries

from One Tree Hill and Aly Michalka from

murders. By n ­ ourishing herself with the

to find a cure. The recurring ­problem

Hellcats in particular) who form a group

brains of the victims, she learns more

with these kind of shows, however, is

of characters who are sadly all around

about them as she experiences flashbacks

the strong dependence on the “ stand-

the same age. The CW does not seem to

and clues from their memories.

alone ” character of the ­episodes, which

take the risk of broadening the range of

Fans of the Rob Thomas’s work, particu-

can lead to a fluctuating quality. A less

ages of its characters for this show. Which

larly Veronica Mars, will appreciate this

interesting case will inevitably have its

leaves us with the final question of: What

new creation, seeing as though there are

effect on the entire quality of the epi-

direction will iZombie go and whether

some undeniable s­ imilarities between

sode. The case in the pilot, for example,

it has what it takes to in reality become

the two shows. We find a slightly cynical

is of little e ­ xcitement and ultimately lacks

an original and inventive fantasy show

undertone, provided by the voice-overs

­originality. It’s a shame since shows of

beyond its paper form.

of our heroine, as well as a ­certain taste

this type did come off i­ nteresting at first

for criminal affairs. The show, however,

glance by its surprising and ­revolutionary

also distinguishes itself from its older

synopsis. It is only through the rest of the

sibling because it belongs to the very

­episodes will we be able to confirm – or

­welcoming fantasy genre. This happens

not – whether the a ­ ddition of the fantasy

to give the show an ­interesting ­character.

genre to the concept is truly an asset,

The show offers us its own version of

versus an excuse for yet another crime

the concept of the living dead (beings

show. ­Luckily, a hint of a common thread

who have already been introduced by

is already ­introducing itself by the end

shows like The W ­ alking Dead, In The Flesh

of the first episode with the introduc-

in the UK and Les Revenants in France).

tion of Blaine DeBeers played by David



p i lot

powers the ‘ rebirth ’ of a genre


The adaption of the American comic

In the world of Powers, the one hand

losing his powers – as the main charac-

Powers has been a struggle for nearly

where it is fantastic and colorful and the

ter, allows the show to develop in an

fifteen years. Initially meant to be a film

other hand where exists the harsh rea-

­interesting aspect: His character being the

in 2001, the project was then announced

lity of our world come together to create

unique “in-between,” since superheroes

to become a TV series to be aired on FX in

a universe that is very unique. There

are usually the idolized stars, the icons

2012. Unfortunately, the process had to

seems to be “ pop ” to the show, to which

of television. Despite a rather attractive

be paused when two of the actors left the

it becomes apparent that the creators

universe (which nevertheless may be

show after a disagreement about the pilot

are well aware of their low budget. Far

discouraging at first glance, especially

episode. It is only now, in 2015, that the

from the current tendencies of television

when focusing on its low budge), Powers

show, created by Brian Michael B ­ endis

today, which try all too often to cast a

loses points on its ­writing, ­character

and Michael Avon Oeming, was finally

shadow over the theme of s­ uperheroes,

­development and other problems, inclu-

broadcasted on Playstation Network.

Powers focuses on ­elaborating on the

ding its rhythm. The c­ ombination of a

Powers is the first original series o ­ ffered

“ ­cartoonish ” aspect of the topic ­instead.

superhero with the crime genre – and at

by the network. For those in France, OCS

The superheroes enjoy their ­superpowers,

times almost with that of a thriller – does

Choc broadcasted the show as well.

wear ­bright colored ­outfits and have

not entail as much intrigue as one would

Taking the concept of the ­o riginal

been given (typical) c­ lassic superhero

hope or think. The show unfortunately

comic books, Powers follows the

names. On the other side, the villains

lacks structure, such that we often find

lives of two police inspectors of the

are instantly ­recognizable as well: they

ourselves asking where the show wants

­division “ Powers ”, who are charged

are gloomier and far less fun. Despite all

to take us. The staging is rather poorly

with ­investigating cases that deal with

of this, the show doesn’t forget to also

done, as are the special effects, which

­individuals who possess superpowers.

pay a ­ ttention to the more serious aspects

are already very simplistic in an attempt

The show creates a society in which

of the story, notably the storyline of the

to add to the “cartoonish” style of the

“ ordinary people ” and ­superhumans

main character. The serious nature of

show. Overall, the casting however, is

peacefully coexist. The main ­character,

the main ­character is well balanced by

quite good.

­Christian Walkers, (Sharlto Copley -

his t­ eammate, a concept clearly being

We can only hope that Powers thrives

­D istrict 9, The A-Team, Maleficent),

one of “ ­opposites attract. ”

in its second season. To then offer more

­however, is a superhero who lost his

The choice of Christian – a famous-­ than just a simple original universe and


superhero-turned-human-again after

as such develop to its full potential.

sony pictures

Arrow, The Flash, Heroes and even Smallville, are all shows about superheroes departing from the same concept: Superpowers are used to fight evil. But the recent arrival of Powers (­Playstation) to the field offers a renewal of the genre thanks to an original concept which quickly distinguishes itself from the others.

More TV will be back in June

 

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