MORE TV - Halloween Issue

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editor’s note Costumes, candy, decorations, special themed episodes...This, is Halloween. It was the perfect time for us to talk about it with Once Upon A Time’s Lana Parrilla, as well as discussing the topic further through an article on the rich history of American Horror Story. In addition, we also have articles on the presence of the Halloween tradition in supernatural shows, and the launch of a new section «Japan Attacks!» Also in this Special Issue #2, we have interviews with The Walking Dead’s Michael Traynor, Penny Dreadful’s Danny Sapani and BAFTA winning music composer, Abel Korzeniowski. Stay spooky, friends. Happy Halloween!



Japan attacks! supernatural


10 questions with danny sapani, penny dreadful


laughs and shivers halloween n tv shows


the regal interview lana Parrilla, Once Upon a Time


american horror story welcome to bedlam


interview michael traynor, the walking dead


the treatment of supernatural in tv shows



Julien lesbegueries

I am multidisciplinary: I’m a TV show addict, blogger on “Geeks and Shows,” and I tweet sometimes. Although I am a young legal practitioner, I dream of becoming a journalist or a radio host. I was glad to have written something for the readers in the eMag and I hope you all will like it.


Going on three years now, I manage the website “SmallThings” where I, alongside other writers, write reviews about both TV shows and movies. My passion for Superman led me to create “Man on Screen” a website specialized on Superman’s adap-

Julien maréchal

tations on film and TV. I am also currently working

on a documentary about The X-Files in France.

Enthousiastic Japanese culture lover, I like to explore paths where few people dare to adventure themselves, fearing the loss of their own ­innocence! Expect the unexpected! Otherwise, I devour comics, a lot of comics... And I like LEGO too. LEGOs are cool.

Cross Over US

Friends for more than ten years and both passionate about TV, Typh and Alex created “Cross Over US” about six years ago. On this blog, they share their passion by writing reviews on almost every show on air.

Prutha S. Patel

Prutha S. Patel is an avid fan of many things and has grown up being told by her mother that she

Editorial team

simply watches too many films and TV shows.

Chief Editor - Jérôme Raffin

­Instead of listening to her mother, she decided to

Co-Editors - Mélanie Seree, P ­ rutha S. Patel

delve even further by moving to the west coast

Artistic Director - Jérôme Raffin

from the east coast to study at Southwestern Law

Public Relations - Mélanie Seree

School in Los Angeles. Pru- tha aspires to become

International Relations - Prutha S. Patel

an entertainment attorney and hopes to learn as

Sub-Editors - Aude Métayer, Mélanie Seree, Mathilde

much as she can about the vast realm of enter-

Gray and Michele Bignard

tainment from the amazing people she happens

Translators - Cindy Thibaut, Mélanie Seree and

to meet along the way. Fortunately for her, her

Julien Maréchal

parents not only don’t mind her being a fan of so many things now, but they are also fully supportive of her aspirations.


Ah, Halloween! There are countless adaptations related to the ­celebration of the holiday, both on TV and film. When I heard that More TV would be preparing a special edition for the occasion, there was no hesitation on my part to get involved. What could be better than a horror show based from The Land of the Rising Sun? The ­Japanese are among the most well known for their particular take on the horror genre and have consistently delivered some of the most macabre projects to date. by julien marÊchal


Who is this mysterious “yellow-eyed demon”?


­Peach-Hime Kyushutsu Dai Sakusen!

composed of ­spectres, ­werewolves,

(literally Super Mario Bros.: The great

demons and other evil beings. Both of

ated by Eric Kripke, premiered back in

­mission to rescue Princess Peach!).

them are looking for their father, John

2005 and is co-produced by Warner Bros.

The 22 episodes scheduled cover the

Winchester, also a hunter, who had

Television. The show is currently ­airing

major events from the first two seasons

­disappeared for nearly a year.

its eleventh season on television in the

and the two main actors of the series

This “joyful” family is motivated by a

US. Due to the great success of the show,

were asked to dub their character on

common target: to kill the “yellow-eyed

Warner Bros. Japan announced iarrival

screen for the American version. Jared

demon” who transformed the boys’

of a new Supernatural series entitled:

Padalecki (Sam Winchester) dubbed half

mother into a giant barbecue. The

Supernatural: The Animation in 2011.

of the episodes whereas Jensen Ackles

spirit for vengeance is perhaps doubled

­Without fail, the show did a pretty good

(Dean Winchester) dubbed his character

for Sam because he saw his girlfriend

job! Announced as a 22-episodes series

for the two last episodes of the a ­ nimated

­enduring the same deadly fate. Yay...

for a 30 minute runtime for each, the


Supernatural, an American show cre-

animation was entrusted to Madhouse studio. A studio that is known to have

The Road So Far…

Why this adaptation? A picture is worth a thousand words

Sam and Dean are hunters. Definitely

and the answer to this question lies in

like Death Note, Hunter x Hunter, R ­ edline,

good hunters, but not the kind of hunters

the first picture from the first episode

Ame & Yuki or else Super Mario Bros.:

you may expect. Their p ­ almarès is m ­ errily

of the animated show:

bbc network / warner Bros.

animated several animes and movies


Where is the stick? Where is the ball?

The Madhouse studio carries the pretty emotional dimension. On the one hand, its own stories according to the already well. The studio had come a long way green shades will convey terror or dis- well-known universe of Supernatural, since their production of Mario Bros. and gust according to what the characters between the key episodes that follows the studio opted to impose its own graph- are experiencing on screen, and on the the events from the live action series. ical design as well as very dark, tortured other hand, pastel colors will make us In this way, we are transported between and contrasted colors. The main purpose ­appreciate the tender moments of joy.

brand new adventures that respect the

was likely to propose points of view that Face distortion and expressions have spirit of the main show, as well as some are almost impossible to realise in real life an important part to play in the general reinterpretations of the key episodes without the artistic color management.

atmosphere of the series.

Several characters experienced a new chara-design. If you are/were attached to certain characters from the live-action show, brace yourselves because some

where the difference is principally visual. The viewer is appealed by meticulous

When the American standardization meets the Japanese spark of craziness...

­animation and a sound atmosphere close to the original series: it is creating new

stuff while keeping the main elements With these creative elements, we of the changes may perhaps appear a that made the Supernatural legacy! ultimately obtain a hell of a cocktail as bit odd. It would be difficult to show the a ­ nimation a result! The animated series follows The color management is perhaps the with single pictures. For this, it is highly most stunning part in the Japanese the story from the live action show. This recommend to watch at least the first two ­animation, and Madhouse made this its would have surely led a risk that the view- episodes. The first episode is focuses on speciality. In addition, the Japanese dub- ers would be bored, simply because most paranoiac feelings, uneasiness and stress.


Enjoy the cold and metallic texture applied to Dean’s gun.

warner bros

bing is top quality as often as the case with of them would be aware of the main twists The second episode features a balance this kind of production. F ­ urthermore, the from the live action show. To avoid this between thrilling scenes and moments visual atmosphere gives a much stronger problem, the Japanese company created with lots of emotions.

That moment when you wake up in the night while realizing that you forgot Mother’s Day....

It makes you unconfortable eh? Warner Bros. Japan also made an epi- feelings? By playing on our u ­ nconscious features a specific atmosphere for each sode (13/22) highlighting Asian spectres fears and exaggerating the traits on the episode. The first two episodes are highly and creatures. It is interesting to discover characters. Even if it is ­grotesque, if the recommended, at the very least, to make other beliefs of other cultures and this atmosphere follows and is assumed until your own opinion on the question. episode was undoubtedly a very well- the end, it works (Such as: Death Note, The show retells the events of live-action thought out one because it brings brand Redline, or Attack on Titan). new content just before the introduction

show’s first two seasons without wander-

In Supernatural: The Animation, the ing between too many “useless” episodes

of the famous Colt. A gun that is searched eyes are often very detailed in close-ups concerning the main plot. Despite the for by every supernatural hunter due to on the characters faces. As if we were weaknesses in the flow between some its reputation as the only weapon able to stuck on them. Moreover, the eyes are episodes, only a few at that, the show kill the Devil himself.

generally considered a reflection of is highly recommended. The reception our soul. Thanks to the crazy number overall was mainly positive among the

The animated horror

of details (for Madhouse, nothing is left Japanese animation neophytes-lovers,

To make people feel uneasy in front to coincidence), we have direct access as well as the fans from the original of a screen is a very difficult task. But in to the character’s inner mind. We are series. Unfortunately, no information is most cases, a bit of blood and shadows connected to what they can feel and we currently available at the prospect of a would generally be enough to save your place ourselves in the same situation, ­second season. scene. Yet, in animation, it is even more unconsciously. difficult because productions like this carry a less “realistic” impression. How is animation meant to involve the viewer to

With this, you’re left to shiver during your horror movie nights, and above all,

Hit or miss?

there is only really one bit of advice for

Supernatural: The Animation offers the nightcap: don’t forget to secure your

the degree that they could trigger stronger very unique animation that is fluid and windows with coarse salt!

Carry on, You will always remember Carry on, Nothing equals the splendour ! Now your life's no longer empty… Surely heaven waits for you! Carry on my wayward son…

10questions More TV’s


Danny Sapani by Prutha S. Patel

Prutha S. Patel : Both shows, The Bastard Executioner

not to mention Billie Piper’s brilliant performance as Lily, who

(TBX) and Penny Dreadful, take place in two very unique

brings a whole new dynamic to the power struggle.

worlds and/or eras, what makes being on each show so interesting for you?

If you could bring in any other famous character(s) (or

Danny Sapani : I have a passion for history and I find playing

monsters, perhaps), which would it be? Why that one?

historical characters and exploring the times very rewarding

There are so many Victorian gothic horror characters with

so to get under the skin of life in both Victorian London and

great stories. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a favourite story of

Medieval Wales has been fascinating. On Penny Dreadful I

mine, although in a way most of the characters display ­elements

loved the fact that the show was both a horror and historical

of split personalities, Ethan/the werewolf, Vanessa/the witch,

piece and an opportunity to explore “otherness”; the people

Sir Malcolm’s dark side. I’d love to see an African Dracula as

who by dint of being different end up outside of society. This

it would be interesting and novel bringing all the mystery of

is also true of Berber in TBX who finds himself an outsider by

black magic and West African witchcraft to bear on a classic

nature of his religion and creed.

European folk tale.

Penny Dreadful manages to, in my opinion, brilliantly

As we haven’t gotten a sort of “background” episode on

combine some of literature’s greatest stories that many

Sembene yet, can we expect one next season? He’s so

of us grew up with. Has one of the storylines on the show


been of particular interest for you?

Season 3 is still being written so I will have to let you know!

Frankenstein and his monster, without a doubt. The power


play between these two characters is so compelling; Who’s

What is something that Sembene hasn’t done on the show

the monster? Who’s the victim? Who’s the aggressor? Which

yet, but is something that you’d hope to see him do?

one’s the freak? One’s sympathies are constantly switching

Definitely the back story is something lots of people have

between them. Both of them are ultimately lonely outsiders

­mentioned. You always get the sense Sembene has lived an

in need of love which is a recurring theme in horror. This is

­amazing life and his history with Sir Malcolm is yet to be

beautifully portrayed by Harry Treadaway and Rory Kinnear,


You share many scenes with Timothy ­Dalton (Sir Malcom Murray), Eva Green (Vanessa Ives), Josh H ­ artnett (Ethan Chandler) and Harry Treadaway (Dr ­Victor Frankenstein). What makes ­working with each so much fun for you? Timothy and I had been on stage together in the past so we had a physical understanding that made things very natural. Eva is an absolute professional and working with her was a delight. Josh is a great guy to be around, he’s so insightful and knowledgeable and always kept things interesting. Harry is my mate - we lived next door to each other and we hung out a lot in Dublin; let’s say ­experiencing the finest food and wine that Dublin had to offer! They

m u si c hi g hli g ht


were all brilliant to work with and there was a real ­family ­atmosphere on set.

Congratulations on the BAFTA for the Penny ­Dreadful score. I truly found it to be one of the

How about the Bastard Executioner cast?

most beautifully haunting scores I have ever

Well we’re all quite new to each other so still developing

heard. Can you tell us a bit more about what your

our bonds. Sam Spruell (Toran) and I are old friends so we

­process was in creating such incredible music?

are enjoying sparring together on and off set.

Did you do any background research at all? Thank you. It always starts and ends with the ­picture.

What are some things we should expect from Berber

The energy flowing from the screen — the acting,

the Moor over the course of the first season?

­photography, story — dictates my musical choices.

It’s clear that Berber has had an interesting past - the fact

All the information and inspiration I ever need is

that he can read and is skilled with a scimitar. There is

there. I improvise a lot, recording everything I play.

clearly much that he’s given up and I imagine all that will

After many hours, sometimes days, a few notes may

be revealed.

sound different, fresh, unique. That’s my starting point for a new theme.

You are also currently filming Jadotville, which has already been picked up by Netflix for release – can you

What were some things or other artists that you

tell us a bit more about the film and your character in

took cues from and/or were inspired by in c ­ reating

the film?

the score for the series?

In Jadotville I play Moise Tshombe, a Congolese business

I always admired Wojciech Kilar’s score for Dracula.

man/ politician who becomes a self-styled military ­dictator.

I loved its tone and neo-romantic depth. To me, it’s

He stands up to the UN with the help of ruthless western

an important landmark.

­government forces. They are hell-bent on maintaining the imperialist ­status quo and mining interest of the country.

Has there been one piece in particular that you

He is cultured, educated and murderous; a frightening

feel very attached to? Why that one?

­combination. It is a b ­ rilliantly realised historical piece with

In the first season, Vanessa betrays her friend Mina.

a great cast, directed by Richie Smyth.

This scene’s musical theme, “Transgression,” became one of the most important themes in Penny Dreadful.

And lastly, is there anything you’d like to say to the

I was surprised by the darkness and evil it evokes.


It’s hard to describe with words...

Oh gosh! Not really, apart from thanks for all the support. It’s so lovely when people comment on Twitter when

What are you most excited about for the third sea-

­something happens to one of my characters or if they say

son of the show? (Can be musically or plot related.)

they ­appreciate my work. It really means a lot so thank you!

In Season 2 our heroes end up scattered all over the world. I can’t wait see them in this wider perspective.

Follow Danny Sapani on Twitter: @DannySapani


laughs and shivers

Halloween in tv shows

The end of the month will certainly offer episodes about ­Halloween on American screens. This tradition is not new at all; let’s review some of the best Halloween episodes. by cross over us


“ We will never forget the cult ‘Make me proud. Be the first black man to make it to the end.’ ” In the United States, Halloween is a

most improbable and funniest outfits,

witty, fun and very well-made and a huge

real tradition, as long as Thanksgiving

we can also talk about the fifth episode

­homage to George Romero’s movies. It

or Christmas. It is not surprising to see

of the second season of Happy ­Endings

is very humorous. Viewers laugh at the

that some series makes special episodes

(“Spooky Endings”). Alex is dressed as

­absurdity of the situation, at the outfits of

for the occasion. This horror holiday is

Marilyn Monroe and Dave as Austin

many of the ­characters and at the very-

often a pretext to have fun rather than

Powers, but nobody manages to recog-

well placed winks.

be scared. Whether in comedies or in

nize them. The first one is taken for a

Clichés of movies of the genre are

­dramas, Halloween is often the occasion

drag-queen, and everybody believe the

­amusingly distorted for the greatest plea-

to offer a rather light episode, sometimes

­second one is Elton John! But the best one

sure of viewers. We will never forget the

putting aside the general story of the

remains the disguise of Max and Penny,

cult “Make me proud. Be the first black

show. Some Halloween episodes became

dressed as a mom and her baby. Pretty

man to make it to the end.” Abed says

real references.

much unforgettable.

to Troy. This episode remains one of the

Halloween means disguises. This

As far as comedies are concerned, we

best of the show, taking skillfully advan-

tradition is observed in a lot of series:

cannot talk about Halloween ­without

tage of what made Community so special.

we are then having fun discovering the

talking about Community and the

We must also talk about The Simpsons.

­craziest outfits chosen by the characters.

­episode ­“Epidemiology” (2x06). The

Indeed, ever since the second season, in

It is often the case in comedies that try

series is famous for its references

1990, the famous Treehouse Of H ­ orror

to make the viewers laugh by using out-

to p ­ opular ­culture and offers here a

happens every year. The opening cred-

of-date disguises. The sixth episode of

­“zombie i­nvasion” episode. Indeed, the

its is special for the occasion and the

the eighth season of Friends (“The One

­university students are little by little

episode comprises three independent

With The Halloween Party”), for instance,

stricken by a virus, making them look

stories. The tone is rather more violent

stroke the fans with Chandler’s pink

like undead people ­eating human flesh.

than usual, and spoofs many movies. It

­rabbit disguise, Ross’s “Spudnik” and Joey

Our heroes must then ­survive in this

has been a must-watch for a lot of fans

being disguised as ­Chandler. Among the

dangerous a ­ tmosphere. The episode is

for 25 years now.

Happy Endings

The Simpsons



Anya, Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Buffy The Vampire Slayer


Pretty Little Liars

Comedies are not the only ones to

­disguised as a rabbit, her greatest fear in

Story, horrific series at the beginning,

make Halloween episodes. Indeed,

episode 4x04, “Fear, Itself” is absolutely

they had to make a special episode. They

many dramas and fantasy TV-shows


did and it was a very good one, one of

took ­inspiration within this custom and

Beyond those very different interpreta-

the best of the season, where the dead

offer their own Halloween episode. How

tions of Halloween (that we can find in

came back to life.

could we forget Buffy The Vampire Slayer?

all kinds of series: from ­dramas to soap,

When they are good, the Halloween

The very first Hallween episodecame

but also sitcoms), we must ask ourselves

episodes are a sure way to have a nice

in the second season, and was simply

whether these episodes are of real use to

time, to laugh or be scared. To list all

named “Halloween”. A spell made the

the show on a creative point of view, or if

the special episodes for the Halloween

characters become the disguised they

it is only a way to earn money. Let’s take

­occasion would be too long, most of TV

wear. From a very basic story, the series

Pretty Little Liars for instance, in which

shows ­actually doing it.

­managed to deliver a very original and

the episodes are ­useless and seems to

As a proof that this holiday is a real

cult e ­ pisode. Xander was disguised as a

exist only for the ABC Family channel

tradition in the US, we can observe

GI, ­Willow as a ghost and Buffy as a lady

of diffusion.

that it is more often in TV shows than

from the 18th century. Even in dramas,

For some TV shows, it is all about get-


the tradition of H ­ alloween is often used

ting into the theme and offering a real

as an a ­ musement for the viewer (Anya

moment of horror. In American Horror

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t h e regal inter view



All Hail: The New Savior of Storybrooke... Regina Mills Currently in its fifth season and soon to celebrate its 100th episode, ABC’s Once Upon A Time has consistently shown viewers that heroes can be those we are least likely to expect, and further, that villains may not be quite so different from ourselves. The Evil Queen…or shall we say the new “Savior” of Storybrooke, Regina Mills, played exquisitely by Lana Parrilla, discusses the progression of the unique role, her hopes for Regina’s future, Halloween and much more. by prutha s. Patel photo bell soto



Prutha S. Patel: As this is our Hallow-

een issue, we’d love to know what you’re going to be for Halloween!

Lana Parrilla : It’s Saturday this year.

Oh my god! I get to have a Halloween!

“ It takes a lot of courage for both women to confront their own personal demons and deal with their own sort of darkness. ”

Then, I don’t know yet! I just assumed I was going to be Regina or the Evil Queen

love to tell Ava Gardner’s story.

and it’d be really great to see him as the Wizard on our show. I don’t know,

as per usual. You know, there’s some talk with my husband, we want to one day

Cleopatra! Now that I think about it,

I thought maybe Chris Hemsworth for

do Joe DiMaggio and Marilyn Monroe.

there hasn’t been a movie that’d count

Indiana Jones but he’s not quite right,

as relatively recent about her.

he’s a little too m ­ uscular. [Laughs] He’s

Oh my god... I think everyone would

No, and I had an opportunity a few years

just a sweetheart and such a great human

love to see pictures of that.

ago but unfortunately I don’t think the

being. I’m going to go with Johnny Depp

We want to pull that off one day. My

project got off the ground. If I could do

as the Wizard of Oz.

father was a professional baseball player.

like a biopic of Ava Gardner’s story, I

Back when the Yankees had a triple-A

think with the Frank Sinatra twist and

Great choice. The relationship between

team, I don’t know if the Yankees have

everything she had to go through, that’d

Emma and Regina has grown quite a

a triple-A team anymore, but back then

be fun. I would also love to play Ellen

great deal over the years. We’re now

they did. There was a training program

Burstyn and tell her story. She just wrote

seeing Regina help Emma in ways

before you’d go in to become a pro, and

that book and she’s phenomenal, she’s

that those of us watching season one

so I still have my father’s Yankee uniform

been through hell and back. She’s one

would’ve possibly never i­ magined. How

from the ‘60s. I had Fred, my husband

of my favorite actresses to date. She is

would you describe that relationship?

try it on and we had thought of doing

also one that I admire. If I had to pick

I think it started off quite rocky, for

this last Halloween but I had ended up

just one, I think I’d have to go with Ava

­obvious reasons. I think being that they

working, but it fit him perfectly. And ever

Gardner, a classic Hollywood story. She’s

share a son, and all that has ­happened

since then, I’ve been saying we have to

a bit more obscure and maybe not well

over the years, they had to try to find a

go as Joe DiMaggio and Marilyn ­Monroe


way to get along and be in each ­other’s company. I think both women have

one year. I would love to see him in my father’s uniform. That also means I’d

If you could have any actor/actress join

grown so much, even on an individual

have to find a fabulous Marilyn M ­ onroe

Once Upon a Time as a specific charac-

basis, it has kind of lead them to this

wig. I love dressing up with someone, so

ter, who would it be and which char-

­newfound friendship. It takes a lot of

previous Halloween costumes were all

acter would the person play?

courage for both women to confront their

very strange and weird but it’s such a

Hmm, that’s a tough one. How about...

own personal demons and deal with their

fun time, especially for actors.

hmm, I want to see someone cast as

own sort of darkness, to then be able to

­Indiana Jones. I’m trying to think who

come together and live harmoniously

That’s really sweet, thank you for

could make a great Indiana Jones and I

together. I think it’s really Henry, their

­sharing that. If you could be on any

feel like, I don’t know. Who could do it?

shared son, that brought them closer and kind of forced them to be friends. I don’t

TV show alongside being on Once Upon a Time, which would it be? What kind

There was a picture of Chris Pratt

know if they would have met outside

of character would you want to see

someone had edited as Indiana Jones.

of this or even what their relationship

yourself play on that show?

Oh really? Hmm... I feel like Johnny Depp

would be like without Henry. I think he’s

I would want to be on Narcos and I want

would really fit on our show. If he could

the glue that brings Emma and Regina

to play a DEA agent.

be someone, who would it be? Maybe


he could be the Wizard of Oz? He’s that


How about on film? Is there a ­character

kind of actor who has really been doing

Regina recently essentially became the

that has been of particular i­ nterest for

that kind of stuff since Pirates of the

“ new ” Savior of Storybrooke and we

you as an actress?

­Caribbean, where he kind of plays all of

had quite a few fans ask if you think

Yes, there’s a story I would love to tell.

these kooky characters. I feel that our

Regina would ever actually use the

I would love to play Cleopatra. I’d also

show has a lot of those odd fun characters

dagger against Emma.

I think if necessary, she will. That’s the whole reason why Emma gave her the dagger. She knows that Regina will do what needs to be done if all hell breaks loose. If necessary and if Regina has the heart, courage, and strength to stop the Dark One. Without giving anything away... Now that Emma has become the Dark One, did you happen to share any advice with Jennifer (Morrison) on how to act “ evil, ” perhaps?

Not all. It’s a very complicated situation Rebecca and they’re awesome. I just

No, I didn’t. This Dark One is all her own, and the best way to describe it is that it’s love them. They are good people, first I’ve never played the Dark One and that’s so very “not real” on any level. Because no and foremost, with big, beautiful, giant a whole different sort of character. But one can morph herself, get pregnant, as hearts. They are my friends, they have she never asked for any advice or insight, someone else, and then morph back into become my friends. Their partners are she did her own research and developed a different character. [Laughs] This can friends with my husband and me. We the character on her own, or probably only happen in movies. It’s kind of a very are all friends and that makes it really with the producers. I was not a part of complicated thing and it’s hard to speak ­enjoyable. And you know what? They’re that process.

on. I can’t personally relate to something funny, they’re British and have that like that, it’s so fantastical. I think I have tongue in cheek sense of humor, and

Interesting. We have also seen the to kind of go into Regina’s mind, and she’s they’re always making me laugh. When relationship between Regina and dealing with it like a hero. She’s making they work together, they have this way Robin Hood (Sean Maguire) change very smart, very mature choices. She is of bantering back and forth; they’re like ­drastically with lots of shenanigans protecting her love and relationship with brother and sister. They’re always ­making by the Wicked Witch, Zelena, (Rebecca Robin. Even though she has these feelings people and each other laugh. They’re both Mader) mixed in. What is your take of discomfort and hatred towards Zelena, very comical; they make it a lot of fun. on that? Are you enjoying all of the she’s really keeping them under wraps ­surprises? Has there been something to the best of her abilities. Zelena will I’d think you’re the perfect person that has shocked even you?

­eventually have this baby and when she to ask – I started out watching the

Yes! When Robin said that he was “ kind does, I think Regina will be laying down show loving Emma’s character. But of excited. ” I remember reading that and the law and rules... as she has already over the years, seeing your character going, “ Excuse me? Wait a second. ” I forewarned Zelena about in the past. I and how far she’s come I think I love mean, I get it, it is his child but it doesn’t think she’s going to be in control of what both c ­ haracters equally. So p ­ eople feel like it is? Feels like this alien baby. happens with this baby and how close who are fans of both, not purely [Laughs] That whole dynamic is a bit hard of a bond Zelena is allowed to have with “ Evil Regals, ” and maybe not purely to swallow for Regina. I don’t think she this child. I think Regina is kind of going “ Ugly D ­ ucklings, ” would the title then quite even understands how to deal with to be the parent, of kind of everyone in become “ Regal Duckling? ” it. I think she’s probably dealing with it this situation. [Laughs] Kind of what it Oh! Yes, I think that would be it. I love better than I ever would, so I commend feels like. She’s the one calling the shots, that you’re coming up with that, it’s funny her on that. I think I’d probably lose my she’s the mayor of this town but she’s also that you’re doing that because it’s one of Jack Rowand / abc

mind and have a tantrum if something the ruler in that sort of family dynamic. my favorite things to do. I love coming up like that happened to me in my life. I

with these names like this. I came up with

don’t know what I’d do, but I commend Wow, that’s great. What makes w ­ orking the name “Evil Regals.” It really became a Regina that she’s so mature. It’s not a love with Sean and Rebecca so much fun subculture and I adore the fans so much triangle.

for you?

[Laughs] No, not at all.

Oh my god. Because they’re Sean and Yeah, I think “Regal Duckling” is cute!

and love how they treat one another.


Awesome! What makes playing a ­character like Regina so unique for you? I think Regina is a very unique character. What makes this experience the most unique is that we’re still on the air. That’s something I haven’t experienced before. I’ve had a lot of awesome opportunities in my career, where I’ve gotten to play

rapid fire round

some very strong, ­powerful women, then

w i t h L a n a pa r r i l l a

also some where I’m a damsel in distress. It’s a lot of characters over the years but

“ Can you explain this...? ” I really don’t

I haven’t had a show that has hit the way

meddle much; I try not to get involved.

Once Upon A Time has hit. Now we’re in

I trust my writers, and whatever they

our fifth season, so I’d say that is very

put on that page, I make it work. Just as

unique for me. The challenges that come

you’re meant to do as an actor.

with that are really in the hands of the

Robert Carlyle Most likely to write a book? Jennifer Morrison

writers. And they’ve done a beautiful job

Is there something you haven’t seen

at taking a character like Regina, from

Regina do but you’d love to see her do

how she was earlier on: a conflicted,

in the future?

corrupt, manipulative right-winger.

I’d love to see her really get down and

[Laughs] I always looked at her like this

boogie. It’d be fun for her to really let

really hardcore person, because she had

her hair down and dance. For her to be

these roles and ways that were rooted in

the belle of the ball... but in Storybrooke!

darkness and evil-doings. That’s not who

We saw a little bit of it in Camelot, but

she is anymore. Does she have the ten-

it wasn’t enough. I would love for her

dency? Does she have the dark thoughts?

to have a glass of wine at the end of a

Absolutely. But, she’s more in control of

dance, to see her giggling and having

­herself and her reactions to things. She’s

fun. I think it’s a side of her that we’ve

not as impulsive as she used to be, but

seen here and there but we haven’t seen

she hasn’t lost ­herself either. She’s so

enough of it and it’s quite charming. Just

Yes, we’re going to be launching a t-shirt.

unique as a person, how she started off

because we’ve seen so much darkness,

All proceeds will be going towards a

as an Evil Queen and has graduated to

internal struggle, betrayal and conflict,

foundation that I’ve been supporting

this hero. I have to commend the writers

that it’d be very nice to see her enjoying

called Face Forward. They’re a great

for writing such a beautiful arc for the

herself, maybe on a date. Or even if going

­organization that I truly believe in, and

character. She is unlike a ­ nyone I have

for the audience, if it was just one scene,

I love the work they’re doing.

ever played before. I love her journey

it’d be nice to see that. It’d be nice to see

and her growth; I look ­forward to seeing

her light up in a different way. Without

Perfect! And lastly, is there anything

where we’re headed to next.

her thinking there’s something doomy

you’d like to say to all of the readers?

and gloomy right over her head, before

Just thank you for all of your love and

she has to go fight some crazy monster.

support. Thank you for watching Once

with your thoughts and/or concerns? Is there any room for improv?

Most likely to make you laugh in the middle of a scene? Sean Maguire Most likely to actually save Storybrooke? [Laughs] I think me. Most likely to become a Knight of the Round table? I would say Josh Dallas

Upon A Time. If you haven’t seen it, it’s You recently had an amazing charity

on Netflix and tune in to watch this great


Absolutely. They’ve been very open. They

auction straight from your closet, I’m

show. It’s quite entertaining. It’s a show

are the writers, and the only time I call

curious to know if there are any other

that’s full of family, hope, mystery and

them is when I have any questions or

projects you are currently involved

adventure. I think a lot of people will

confusion as to a particular scene. “ I’m

with or are about to be that fans should

enjoy it, so if you haven’t seen it, check

not sure why Regina is doing X, Y, Z... ”

be aware of.

it out!

Jack Rowand / abc

Have you been able to go to the writers


Most likely to direct an episode?

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american horror story wel c o me t o be d lam Nearly all of us has heard about a series by the name of American Horror Story. For many of us, those who don’t dare watch it, because perhaps we are essentially afraid of being afraid. To be a bit clearer: American Horror Story isn’t actually scary, it merely makes one uncomfortable, which differs from true fear. What if I told you American Horror Story is simply a scary series? That it only deals with themes that are deeply anchored in the United States, and may even be one of the best series to come from the United States these last five years? Would those of you who are too afraid to watch it, finally give it a shot?


Much more than an anthology (each

simplistic opinion to think we should

season presenting different ­stories and

watch it literally: as there is a real will

characters), American Horror Story (AHS)

to denounce all kinds of excess, either

has been telling many scary ­fantasy-based

via reconstructive surgery of the body

stories for going on four years now. The

which also happens to be d ­ estructive for

two men behind the series, Ryan Murphy

the soul as in Nip/Tuck (2003-2010) or via

and Brad Falchuk, have also produced

formal ­success and social failure as in

another two series that are different artis-

Glee (2009-2015). In another one of his

tically but yet ­connected by their overall

creations, ­Popular (1999-2001), Murphy

themes: Nip/Tuck and Glee. If Nip/Tuck

used the irony ­present in the world of

deals with the research of perfection,

popular teenagers as an endless source

Glee is the product of the perfect America

of inspiration for his series.

with social codes that need to be main-

As viewers may have understood,

tained in order to obtain the perfect level

­Murphy is not the discreet kind. Due to

of quality. It is obvious that the message

which, he may arguably be considered

for both series are in ­accordance with

one of the most interesting creators of

AHS. It would of course be an incredibly

our modern times.

I went from Nip/ Tuck to Glee. It seemed logical to go to something darker that would be a real challenge to me

ryan murphy, 2011

doug Hyun / amc networks

by thomas WACHNICKI photo franck ockenfels / fx


American Horror Story : Murder House

An American Beginning American Horror Story was created by Ryan Murphy when he immersed ­himself in to some of his memories from his childhood. His grandmother had him watch Dark Shadows, a soap in which vampires and other creatures lived together. When Murphy and ­Falchuk had the idea to offer a weekly hour of ­terror, they did not hesitate to ­redefine the ­concept of the ­anthology. Like a ­theater crew, American Horror Story was to present a dozen actors in new roles, each season. The anthology was reborn and American Horror Story arrived at FX in 2011. same genre, including the likes of The Exorcist, The Shining, and Poltergeist, all fed and in conjunction with Ryan Murphy’s own memories of television, such as old documentaries and series, ­American H ­ orror Story portrays c­ olorful ­characters that redefine the genre and our society as a whole. Even beyond these ­inspiration, one must also discuss the

In Murder House, the whole family unit is at stake with an emphasis on the ­significance of the neighborhood

summarize each season suitably, each of

characters. It is undeniable that each sea-

true essence of the series, its themes and

the stories often explodes within its own

son of AHS focuses on a group of people

resurgences. American Horror Story is a

overarching way and also then explores

with their own habits, customs, relations

powerful ­portrait of a country facing its

quite a few unexpected scenarios as

and most interesting of all, problems.

own model. The clear usage of the term

well. Fortunately, each of the topics are

In Murder House, the whole family

“American” in the title shows, perhaps,

­eventually revealed and reunited by each

unit is at stake with an emphasis on

the portrait of a country with its own

season’s end. From s­ adomasochism to

the ­significance of the neighborhood.

­traditions, fantasies, illusions and above

exorcism, from immortality to the search

In ­addition to the explosion of their

all, “The ­American Dream.”

of authority, it is the society and all its

­relationship because of infidelity and

The four seasons (thus far) of American

­decadence that is shown in AHS. AHS

the h ­ andling of a teenager in c ­ risis,

Horror Story are made up of Murder

has a lot to say, about religion, s­ anity,

the c ­ haracters, embodied by Dylan

House, Asylum, Coven and Freak Show. To

sex and more.

­M cDermott (Stalker, Hostages) and

briefly summarize: Murder House deals with a house haunted by the previous

­Connie Britton (Friday Night Lights,

The Key Players

­Nashville) soon discover even more

tenants in a c­ ontemporary United States

American Horror Story plays host to

time period, Asylum deals with the lives of

quite a talented group of people for its

Asylum introduces us to an entire

the patients and ­doctors of a ­psychiatric

cast, including the likes of Jessica Lange.

­community living under the same roof.

hospital in the ‘60s, Coven follows the

With Taissa Farmiga and Evan Peters

The ­mentally ill, divergent minds, and

tormented lives of a s­ orcery school in

­acting alongside Kathy Bates and Fran-

­marginal people are all showcased

­modern times and most recently, Freak

ces Conroy is essentially allowing ­viewers

in the second season of AHS. It is a

Show introduces us to a freak show in

like ourselves to see different eras of

­completely ­different gallery of ­characters

the ‘50s.

of cinema, proving once again that TV

in ­comparison to the first and this time

Many more paragraphs would be

­welcomes all kinds of talent.

it is the doctors and nurses who must

required in order to actually fully

The troupe embodies a unique gallery of

­handle the rest of the community.

cracks in their foundation.

franck ockenfels / FX

Full of references to movies of the

Self-control is vital in the Briarcliff asylum, and it is often that we don’t know who the crazy one is

strike back. Time is a powerful tool. We

can find a similar aging and lost figure

in Freak Show where the same Jessica Lange proves once again that it is very

difficult to struggle against time and that

frank ockenfels / FX

Sarah Paulson, American Horror Story : Asylum

being different in a real ordeal.

Fantasies and Illusions

Coven evokes rivalry between young

The couple featured in Murder House

promising girls in order to find the

come on screen with a heavy past. They

Weaknesses are the result of faults

new “Supreme” witch. Once again,

are forced to overcome the husband’s

and it is important to fill the gap with

AHS c ­onveys an idea of the unit

­infidelity, hiding behind the new pur-

a strong will. AHS is clearly not a very

being ­surrounded, but this time with

chase of a (spooky) house in order to

­positive series overall, it is to the contrary.

­authoritarian figures emphasized, as

rebuild their family. As they discover the

Each season shows a very ­pessimistic

here, ­coming in the form of the old

ghosts in the house, the topics of both love

society. On AHS, The American Dream

Supreme who replaces the parents in

and failure are emphasized. The ­husband

is within everyone’s reach but one has

the first ­season and the doctors in the

cheated on his wife and is unable to

to make seemingly inhuman efforts to

second one.

seduce her again, the ghost of his lover

achieve it. Whether it is the dream to

Last year, we were introduced to

haunts him, and the fantasies of his wife

build the perfect family with a ­loving cou-

the troupe of freaks of Elsa Mars.

come to life in a strong SM ballet. Further,

ple and a well-educated child, l­ iving in a

­E xtraordinary but still human, the

a gay couple did not seem to “go through,”

big house in Murder House, or the need

­creatures are stuck in the group, led by

the son’s lack of ­education haunts the

to be useful in Asylum: they all strive to

Elsa Mars.

place and the housekeeper happens to

feel alive at any cost, in the noble sense

Although AHS uses the same group of

be really “good” at e ­ verything. In these

of the word. Even this bare ­minimum

actors each season in order to stage a

ways, many examples of the characters’

becomes a difficult mission. But perhaps

family, an institutional or community

fragility are covered.

not as difficult as in the two last seasons,

unit seems obvious, it is not very clear

This failure of the human principles is

in which people don’t care about being

if the group effect is vital. However,

even more prevalent in the subsequent

useful, they just want to be remembered.

­American Horror Story plays the choral

seasons, with characters that are often

Fiona Goode and Elsa Mars are looking

series card fully, with a crucial study of

uncomfortable, surrounded by crazy

for rebirth and gratitude in order to

all kinds of relationships. It is at times

­people in Asylum or with elite ­youngsters

achieve a certain kind of immortality.

possible to point to their ambiguities.

in Coven. Self-control is vital in the Briar-

All those fantasies, more or less feasible,

cliff asylum, and it is often that we don’t

are not due to ­extravagance, but to the

know who the crazy ones truly are. In

search of the perfect life. The witches

AHS portrays very different charac-

New Orleans, witches realize that their

in Coven, whether it be Zoe, Misty or

ters, but we can easily group them under

leader, the Supreme Witch, is no more

­Madison, don’t have any other goal than

the heading “ faults and weaknesses. ”

able. Shoved aside by the younger ones,

to get to the next stage; just like Season

The series explores the lower instincts

Fiona Goode (embodied by the amazing

3’s Jimmy, Bette and Dot wanting to fit

of man, but also what can weaken him.

Jessica Lange) has only a few weapons to

in on Freak Show.

Faults and weaknesses


into account the awful abortion scene in Asylum or the slavery habit in Coven, we would quickly see that AHS is not as prude as it seems.

Lange in Power Winner of a well-deserved Emmy for Coven, Jessica Lange is the figurehead for that season. For a first experience on a series, Lange literally explodes each year in a wonderfully sincere interpretation. With her huge aura and rock solid charisma, she shined in each season, with roles that redefined the notion of power and authority itself. A curious neighbor, a tortured nun, a Supreme Witch or a ­Ultimate Priestess, she strings together charismatic figures. Taking more and more domination through her roles, she alone bears the whole magic of the show. Never short of resources (the amazing scene featuring Fiona Goode and ­Cordelia (played by the always amazing Sarah Paulson) is a must see. She seemed to be possessed by each of the roles. We can feel the roles were written for her, and the subtext is never dumb. If she draws

Sex, A New Kind of Gross


fall in the fantasy to “bang the nanny.”

Murder House, it is to better watch the

If AHS is famous for being kind of

Talking about nannies, the nuns of

soon-to-be troupe, just as she becomes

scary, gloomy or even uncomfortable,

­Asylum have an unrestrained s­ exual

the Supreme Mother in Asylum. Fiona

it never goes to easy eroticism. On the

life that contrasts with the almost

Goode in Coven may be the resembling

contrary, the sex sequences on the show

­immaculate ­figure they represent. And

­character: Goode tries to preserve at best

prove that sex is more awkward than

when a patient embodied by Evan Peters

her aura and to regain her old ­splendor.

anything else. The orgy in Freak Show is

arrives and satisfies an urge with the

This mission for immortality goes beyond

a sickened representation of desire and

very ­beautiful Lizzie Brocheré in a purely

the actress, we c ­ annot differentiate

pleasure. It would be hard not to see the

soft-core scene, it is quickly cut off. When

her need to survive in the H ­ ollywood

forced intercourse the scene intended

the intercourse is allowed and lasting, it

of today from the mere fact to be 65

to show.

is off-screen, but we can still guess the

year-old woman. This can also be seen

Sex is always a source of conflicts, as

­threesome in Coven wasn’t innocent.

in Freak Show: Elsa Mars e ­ xperienced

it is never quite appropriate. Ben and

Evan Peters plays a zombie who cannot

­success, recognition but must now try to

Vivien Harmon in Murder House hardly

speak and had Taissa Farmiga and Emma

offer ­something else in order to ­survive,

have a sexual life, and AHS tries to make

Roberts as partners. We’ve seen worse.

until the ironic, d ­ reamlike but f­ reeing

sex taboo twice. A man in a c ­ omplete

The same, is perhaps quite lucky, since he

­conclusion. Very clever will be the one

latex suit visits Vivien, who thinks

is a pleasure machine in Freak Show by

who can tells us if the series will s­ urvive

he’s her husband. Sex then becomes

using his deformed hands. Beautiful sex?

without her. She often said that ­shootings

­surreal, ­shameful and obnoxious. On the

Between sadomasochism, rediscovering

were very tiring (even if one season only

­husband’s side, the housekeeper, who

senses, strange habits, sex in AHS is never

clocks in with 13 episodes). Now that

is about 60 years old, appears to be a 30

pure or sane. If we were to seek some

she’s gone, Sarah Paulson’s rise in power

year-old sexy man-eater in his eyes. We

eroticism in the series, without taking

should reassure all fans.

american horror story : coven / FX

back a little, next to main stories, as in

Jostle the Institutions The United States has a short but very rich history. The series managed to show the ideals the country managed to ­create: marriage, authority, sharing and ­memories. It managed to show it, but also destroy it. Marriage is not fun ­anymore, but a mere refuge in Murder House and authority is mistreated by outside forces or inside evils in Asylum. And what about authority in Coven? Or about the strength of legacy? Freak Show offered a perspective of institution through the police authority, the traditional legacy and the ideal for sharing. The freak show is a kind of a marginal society that creates

its own rules, just like the secret ­society of witches did in Coven. Everything that gravitates around them struggle to be active: the police often fail, society seems to create martyrs and the habits or c­ ustoms are ­constantly jeopardized. AHS is not a group of individuals, it always seems to want to justify the group’s acts. They don’t really show their egos, rather

Each season has its killer: the psychopath Santa and Bloody Face in ­season 2, the jazzman in season 3 and the most famous clown in the fourth one.

their echoes. One tries to institutionalize oneself, to create a sub-society where one

a violent layer to the stories, AHS depicts

and unstoppable power. Ghosts from the

can reign as a master, a model or an heir.

a rather lost America, stuck between the

past are flying by each season. It is almost

desire to entertain and the one to control.

sad to realize that the characters hold

The killer is linked to traditional ­symbols

onto a certain kind of n ­ ostalgia. Like the

and leisure. For example: the clown,

ghosts in the Californian house of ­Murder

Talking about legacy, it is almost

Santa Claus, the handsome guy, the

House cannot leave it, the ­mistakes of the

impossible not to talk about a pretty

­sadomasochist, the jazzman... They are

past overcome some Nazis in ­Asylum.

tragic view of America that appears on

nothing more than the main Epinal prints

One cannot fight time and Fiona Goode

AHS. The series has a red thread that

that America had been showing us for

understood it very well as she tried to

takes more and more thread over the epi-

fifty years. The United States’ decline

stay young and beautiful and to live

sodes and eventually gets back together

and their far from prude habits, the

by proxy when she saw the younger

in the end when all of the seasons are put

perfect son-in-law, the birthday party

ones arrive. Years go by and the wheel

together. The result is scary: the United

where the clown appears, lounge music,

of ­fortune turns. The husband ­cannot

States shows a most cruel face through

New Year’s Eve are five big ­symbols of a

erase his cheating, the singer cannot find

murder. The serial killer is a very signifi-

rich but scary country. The show ­jostles

­success again and the killer cannot make

cant and present figure in the series. Each

­ideals and changes a country into a giant

the corpses disappear anymore.

season has its own: the sadomasochist

­ticking bomb that has just started to tick.

Beyond the universe of the series, the

killer in the first season, the p ­ sychopath

Another way to tell us that time is ­passing

whole narration explodes into time.

Santa and Bloody Face in the second one,


Flashbacks are very frequent. The ­feeling

american horror story : freak show / FX

From Morbid Tradition to Morbid Legacy

of a fragmented chronology refers to the

the jazzman in the third one and the most famous clown in the last. America often

Time Collision

cried for its patriots who were the victims

Time passes by and mistakes pile up,

of sadly famous murders. In order to add

but one cannot fight against an invisible

nostalgia, the memories, to the ­history of the American people...that often ­remember but rarely forgets.


Lady Gaga , American Horror Story : Hotel

the hotel, A strange place where people come and go, leave behind some wrinkled sheets and most of the time, drawn curtains

be dissociated from the ­admiration we feel for their sick, different, divergent or fragile aspect.

The series displays a picture of the United States that gives us a lot to learn from,

but is perhaps a very poor compliment.

A Need to be Different


the Diner, he sees different rules, perfect

ing the historic Puritanism of the United

Freak Show revealed a gallery of

people and understands that differences

States. AHS does not judge religion. It

striking creatures and emphasized the

exists, and he is far from being on the

only shows that all people can drift.

scriptwriters’ desire to explore the psy-

good side of the gate.

No institution nor law can prevent the

chology of being different. All of the char-

This differences creates eclectic per-

human moral to deflect. Man is free, and

acters had something that differentiates

sonalities, but also tends towards one

that’s what’s so scary about American

them from us. However Murder House

conclusion: there is no good guy on the

Horror Story. A Story of American ­Horror

is perhaps the closest to “our” world.

show. There isn’t one character that

would have been a better title, rather

The characters don’t want a preordained

wouldn’t be considered suspicious. Meep,

than an American Horror Story. Much

­destiny, free will is one of their condi-

for example, the charming freak of the

can be expected from the show’s current/

tions. The mold that America wishes to

fourth s­ eason, is a young man that was

fifth season: Hotel. A strange place where

impose is broken in each season. One

awfully mistreated by nature, for whom

people come and go, live for a while and

can be a doctor or a senior executive,

we feel a strong empathy, but is nothing

leave behind some wrinkled sheets and

one still has evils inside. In both the

a good person either: he beheads young

most of the time, drawn curtains.

­outside and the inside, AHS characters

chicken. The only exception is perhaps

With four very rich but far from

are two d ­ istinct entities. That is why the

Pepper. She’s a real good-doer, but has a

perfect seasons, American Horror

witches in Coven don’t hesitate to use

hard life. Her character-centric ­episode

Story ­managed to tell us much more

their powers s­ cornfully, for they know

in the fourth season was amazing and

than it seemed to at first. Even the less

that they don’t have any other way, a

allowed the show to better define the

­fascinating moments (Coven, the first

­normality does not exist in the universe

purpose of the show. This empathy is its

Murder House episodes, or the end of

of the show. In the fourth season, the

strength: to love imperfect people.

Asylum), offer very refined aesthetics,

characters only feel normal when they

Finding one’s place is kind of the

and a very ­critical message towards

are among their own. Jimmy is the one

­spearhead of all the stories on AHS, from

society. By hiring Lady Gaga for the

that seems to least to accept his condi-

Murder House to Freak Show. Whether

new ­season, they have to make a clear

tion, whereas he has been a freak ever

a witch, a freak, a ghost or a ­mentally

offer: the s­ tar-system in a cosmopolite

since he was a child. He sees the “real”

ill, the human being has a strong

system, the American s­ ociety facing its

world, the one he sees when he goes at

­personality with an empathy that cannot

inner creatures.

suzanne tenner / FX

We are clearly facing a show that is judg-

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Michael Traynor by prutha s. Patel photo Marc Cartwright


Note: Interview took place prior to The Walking Dead’s Episode 6x03

“ Let’s just say, I think Rick and The Gang are growing on Nicholas. He knows that they’ve got skills he needs to survive. And Ol’ Nicky Boy is big on survival! ” Prutha S. Patel: Alright, I’m just going to get right to it.

that simmering, ready-for-the-eruption quality to our scenes

Nicholas freaking out the way he did during *fake cough*

just right. And the wild stroke of luck was, we saw a lot of the

THAT *fake cough* episode is the reason why Noah (Tyler

moments very similarly -- we were both working to tell the

James Williams) dies. That death scene was perhaps one of

same story. So, the discussion always became how to we tell

the most graphic and equally terrifying deaths we’ve seen

THIS story in the most exciting, suspenseful way. And I’d just

on The Walking Dead. What was it like filming that scene?

follow Steven’s lead. Yeah, working with him was a ridiculous

Michael Traynor: Firstly, I think you should go to a Fake

treat. Yeun’s a total pro.

­Doctor. That Fake Cough sounds serious. Secondly, how was it filming that gruesome, heartbreaking and totally ­preventable

Nicholas is last seen trying to turn the Alexandria group

death, you ask. Well, it was a blast, I answer! Jennifer Lynch

against Rick’s (Andrew Lincoln) group. Do you think he’ll

directed that episode, and her verve and skill created an

ever go on to accept them and/or treat them as equals?

­awesome atmosphere for Steven, Tyler and this guy to work

Let’s just say, I think Rick and The Gang are growing on

in. From the first read through of the scene that morning, we

­Nicholas. He knows that they’ve got skills he needs to ­survive.

knew we were cooking up something exciting. We all worked

And Ol’ Nicky Boy is big on survival!

to find the groove of the scene -- all the turns and moments of conflict. Then they piled that mass of Walkers all around

How do you feel about your character? I think a lot of the

that revolving door, yelled ACTION, and we all let it rip. It was,

viewers essentially hate him for all that he has done to

as I said, a blast. An actor’s dream gig. I mean, I had the best

this point, and I’d love to know how do you feel about him.

seat in the house — Steven (Yeun) and Tyler never relented.

He didn’t ask for this Walker Apocalypse, he’s just living in

They just gave it their all on every take. It was a treat to be

it. Trying to survive. And for two or so years, those walls

in and to behold.

have let him believe that he could. He didn’t act in a way that would make you love the guy, but there is a truth to the way

Did it take multiple takes to get it right? That’s a lot of

he acted -- It’s very human. Self-preservation is very human,

walkers around you guys there!

very relatable. So, I get the WHY, it’s just a shame that the

Yeah, I could have my numbers wrong, but I believe there

HOW is attacking fan favorites!

were somewhere between 65 and 4 Million Walkers that day. They were everywhere -- Within those revolving doors, you

I might even go as far as to say that the way he reacted is

really were surrounded. How the camera crew got some of

a bit more realistic to human nature. Although none of

those shots is beyond me, man. Their lens just cut through

us would want to be that person in that situation, fear is

the hungry biomass of Walkers and caught some awesome

very powerful thing.

moments. And you bet -- Multiple takes from every angle we

That’s exactly what I’m saying. Some of us have panic attacks

had time for. It was a whole day of fun.

with public speaking, or taking an important test - Just imagine that fear instinct when surrounded by hundreds of r­ avenous

Since Noah’s passing, Glenn (Steven Yeun) and Nicholas

walkers. I just pee’d a little thinking about it!

have some extreme animosity between them, how would you describe filming those scenes?

What makes playing a character like Nicholas so unique

“Extreme Animosity” seems almost too polite. There’s a blood

and/or enjoyable for you?

rage between those two dudes. Steven and I wanted to get

Along the same lines as above, the chance to give a reasoning


for actions that aren’t heroic, that aren’t enviable...To live out some of our worst tendencies as a species is a pretty thrilling exploration. That, and I’d frickin’ play the role of “Lamp Post” to be on The Walking Dead. Anything...Just so long as I’m on this show. A dream gig!

“ I quickly learned that there’s no room for funny improvs when playing the coward. ”

What have you found to be the most challenging thing about playing this character? I quickly learned that there’s no room for funny improvs when playing the coward.

What is one thing you’d love to see from the character or the show in general? And why?

What are some things we should expect from this season

I’m truly digging the Rick/Morgan (Lennie James) storyline.

of The Walking Dead?

When a character evolves through circumstances and ­necessity,

In the very end of Season 6, a battalion of giant eagles descend

and is then shown how far they’ve traveled from who they

from the sky and save Rick and Daryl (Norman Reedus) from

used to be, how much they’ve changed -- I think those moments

evil land of Mordor! Wait...I think I’m getting my narratives

of forced self-reflection are very cool to watch. And those last

confused. Oh, well...We’ll just have to wait and see.

moments of Season 5, when Rick’s and Morgan’s eyes meet,

Do you die this season? Just kidding. How would you want

but I don’t recognize you” of it all. Yeah, very cool. Excited for

to go if it were up to you? (*spoiler alert* - And if we weren’t

the fans to see where that story goes!

going by the comics?)


I’d never want to die. Nicholas and Carol (Melissa McBride)

And lastly, anything you’d like to say to the readers?

open up a cookie store and live forever after discovering that

I think you’re amazing for reading this far. You all smell

her cookies are THE CURE for the Walker Apocalypse!

­delightful. And I’ll see ya lovely folk for this season!

Gene Page / AMC

there’s both recognition and utter mystery -- The “I know you,

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the treatment of

supernatural in tv shows

Supernatural is a topic that has intrigues people for a long time now. Legends about werewolves, vampires, demons, fairies and other ­leprechauns are very numerous and have always been very ­successful among the audience. It was not long before ­cinematographic and ­t­elevision industries took advantage of it. by julien lesbegueries photo true blood/hbo

Supernatural attracts people towards

mythological creatures is not very risky.

Supernatural evolved and even matured.

the series format. Mystery fascinates,

Even if the genre is very common, curi-

Series don’t only show us creatures

and the more you keep it alive, the

osity makes us check this new approach.

­anymore, they show us how they live,

more the series will be successful. But

For instance, True Blood and The Vampire

how they integrate society, how they man-

­supernatural is not enough, you can’t

­Diaries put creatures in the center of the

age to stay hidden, how their ­community

do anything you want. Some rules exist

intrigue, and Supernatural finally did it

lives... This illusion of m ­ aturity is what

and must be respected.

too, with characters such as Castiel and

captivates us.

Crowley. This relatively new perspective

Of course, some people will always

about how supernatural creatures are

remain hermetic to the genre. To

To introduce a series with vam-

broached is the reason why the genre has

them, it is only one more series about

pires, werewolves, demons and other

been so successful for the last ten years.

­supernatural and an attempt to make

Why is it so successful?


a successful and making series. One of the main goals of creating a series is to earn money. But the maturity gained throughout the last years can really attract a whole new audience to these kinds of series.

Is there a total freedom when we call it “Supernatural”? Limits of supernatural may not be well defined; scenarists cannot mess with the genre. When an element is introduced in a universe, such as the demons’ trap in Supernatural, it shall not be derived from its original concept; otherwise ­viewers will be lost and will stop watching the show. Of course, the concept can be widened and can be applied differently, for instance the handcuffs for demons or the bullets engraved with symbols, but bases must remain the same. Without this kind of landmark, it will be open to every excess and the series will become hard to follow, since rules perpetually change. This is also valid for s­ cience-fiction. By the way, this is the reason why the last

“ The mere presence of ­ supernatural ­creatures with will not be enough ­anymore. »

the strain / FX

regeneration of the doctor in ­Doctor Who triggered such a polemic.

Diaries, Supernatural or The ­Messengers.

a large choice of shows nowadays. He

The series must keep a stable base of ele-

Their success is not only due to their

needs to feel the urge to watch it again

ments within its own universe. The rules

­supernatural dimension, but also thanks

next week, whether it is because of the

settled along the episodes must never

to their very own identity. The first one

romance, the thriller or the cops as in the

evolve. We talk about “Ground Rules”:

contains a very large romantic part, and

very good iZombie. The mere presence

basis rules that we simply c­ annot depart

the second one introduces a rock’n’roll

of supernatural creatures with will not

from. By the way, in the first season of

­atmosphere within the thriller, coupled

be enough anymore.

American Horror Story, we can observe

with the creation of a Judeo-Christian

Jessica Lange doing everything she can so

mythology. Supernatural is not enough

that her daughter complies to the rules,

to make the series successful on the

Recently, a lot of supernatural series

so she can survive. Sadly for her, no

long term, it needs another ­element,

failed, except for The Strain. The ones

derogation is allowed, all for the b ­ etter.

that makes the series special. This is

remaining exist for several seasons now,

­Supernatural is not defined, that is the

the r­ eason why The Messengers and

such as Supernatural, which will soon

reason why it is so successful, but if the

­Constantine did not work. Both series

open its eleventh season. The genre seems

viewer cannot understand the series, he

settled for being ­mysterious and create

not to be so attractive anymore, maybe

may leave it behind.

adventures, w ­ ithout the viewers ever

because it has been too much used. But

knowing where they were going.

let’s be optimistic and ­imagine that one

We cannot just say “Watch vampires/

day, a series will take a risk never taken

Supernatural in series is very suc-

mummies/werewolves and stay for

before and will become a reference of

cessful. CW made it its trademark

commercials!” The viewer needs to be

the genre.

thanks to series such as The Vampire

­captivated, since he is confronted to such

The limits of the genre

Is the genre disappearing?


More TV will be back soon

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