MORE TV - Issue #5

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Editor’s Note Summer vacation is almost over, so it’s time for our contributors to talk about the new tv shows coming this september on the networks: what can be a succes, what will be a failure and what are the crazy projects? It’s also an opportunity for a tv fan to tell his journey to Paris to attend the sixth season of SériesMania ­festival. Many French and foreign tv series were introduced, and this is why we are asking ourselves, in this issue, the question: how do we perceive the American tv series in Europe? With these three articles, you’ll be able to read three interviews: Ian Anthony Dale (Murder In The First), Atticus Shaffer (The Middle) and the cover girl, Lindsey ­Morgan (The 100)!



sériesmania 6 a breton tv fan in paris


interview, ian anthony dale jim koto in tnt’s murder in the first


critical analysis american morals on tv


interview, lindsey morgan raven reyes in The CW’s the 100


2015-2016 a shaky start for the season


interview, atticus shaffer brick in ABC’s the middle



Gwendal Guillemoto

I’ve always wanted brothers like Malcolm, Dewey,

Julien lesbegueries

I am multidisciplinary: I’m a TV show addict, blogger on “Geeks and Shows,” and I tweet sometimes. Although I am a young legal practitioner, I dream of becoming a journalist or a radio host. I was glad to have written something for the readers in the eMag and I hope you all will like it.

Prutha S. Patel

Reese and Francis; a father like Walter White; a mother like Lynette Scavo; roomates like Chloe and June; a gang of buddies like Ted Mosby; a bromance with JD and Turk ; wine best friends like Jules and Ellie; a boss like Ron Swanson; a laywer like Alicia Florrick; a job at Veridian Dynamics; a C ­ entral Perk down the road; and an iron throne in my living room. Otherwise, I eat a lot of tv shows.

Prutha S. Patel is an avid fan of many things and has grown up being told by her mother that she simply watches too many films and TV shows. ­Instead of listening to her mother, she decided to delve even further by moving to the west coast from the east coast to study at Southwestern Law

Cross Over US

Friends for more than ten years and both passionate about TV, Typh and Alex created “Cross Over US” about six years ago. On this blog, they share their passion by writing reviews on almost every show on air.

School in Los Angeles. Pru- tha aspires to become an entertainment attorney and hopes to learn as much as she can about the vast realm of entertainment from the amazing people she happens to meet along the way. Fortunately for her, her parents not only don’t mind her being a fan of so many things now, but they are also fully supportive of her aspirations.

Editorial team Chief Editor - Jérôme Raffin Co-Editors - Mélanie Seree, P ­ rutha S. Patel Artistic Director - Jérôme Raffin Public relations - Mélanie Seree International relations - Prutha S. Patel Sub-Editors - Aude Métayer, Mélanie Seree and Michele Bignard Translators - Cindy Thibaut, Anne-Lise Kontz and Thania Jakobsen

More TV You’d like to participate for the next issue ? Email us your idea or article at

sériesmania 6 A breton tv fan in paris by Gwendal Guillemoto

The remaining few hours before

acknowledging their recognition. During

others). We are plunged into a small

the opening of this year’s Forum des

the introductions, the first ­conference

town, by the same name, where a ­federal

Images, the tension was rising and I must

was being set up. The first program

agent Ethan Burke (Matt Dillon) finds

say, I was incredibly excited. All of the

was called “ Everyone’s a TV Show

himself stuck in the town after his car

shows, conferences, meetings, as well

Reviewer? ” It was a debate organized

swerves off the road and crashed. There

as the anticipation for the feelings I’d

in the form of a round-table discussion

were many resemblances with cult shows

encounter after all of the screenings...

with journalists, reviewers and fellow

but o ­ verall, it offers a pleasant pilot with

everything excited me. The next ten

­amateurs. The talk covered everyone and

a twist included.

days would almost entirely be made of

anyone’s ­legitimacy to review a series,

up of nonstop TV galore. This schedule,

whether on social media, at home, or

of course, wouldn’t really change my TV

in a magazine (online and/or print), is

I had barely gotten over the first day

show addicted fan habits but the fact that

swiftly argued. The talk mainly covered

and the second day was jam packed with

I would be experiencing all of this for

the boundary between amateurs and

even more new show. First up, ­Gallipoli,

the first time, would definitely change

­professionals, the ­differences between

a story about the war for Australia,

my mentality and ­appreciation for the

­respective reviewers’ styles. On a more

­confronting the Ottoman Empire against

better. The first night was short, but my

­personal level, all of series reviewers,

the ­Australian, British and French forces.

D-day had arrived.

were ­commended on our sharing of

This show tells the story of a t­ eenager

­opinions, so long as we watch them on

who ­enlisting in the army to go to fight

our own accord.

along his ­brother at the front.

It only took me the first few steps

At the end of the day, the festival’s

Next up, 1992, a show about the Italian

into the festival to begin running into

­opening gala allowed us to discover

power, in all its forms. 1992 is based

some well-known as well as some l­ esser

Wayward Pines, an American series

on the true ­corruption story of “ Clean

known faces from Twitter. To my sur-

­produced by M. Night Shyamalan (The

Hands ”, a judicial investigation which

prise, some of even said hello to me

Sixth Sense and Unbreakable amongst

rattled Italy at the beginning of the ‘90s.

Day 1


Day 2

Finally Deutschland 83, an espionage oriented show that takes place during the Cold War. 83 follows a young spy named Martin, who is sent to ­Germany to gather ­crucial ­information about NATO’s military strategies. This show was a real ­favorite among our group and was received very well by the bloggers’ jury, going on to win the prize for “ Best Series ” among the total 37 p ­ resented during the festival.

Day 3 A roller coaster of emotions on Sunday. Tellus, a Finish thriller, takes us to the heart of a Green activist group when an accident during an operation, results in a death. Following a marathon of comedies with the hilarious Israeli

“ Iwan Rheon, more famous under the name of the notorious Ramsay Bolton ”

sketch series The Jews are Coming, the excellent Théorie du K.O, a show about

Among the released trailers to ­support

agenda this Tuesday. The day starts with

family love with wrestling in the mix,

these words were The Affair, Sex and the

a conference about the women in the

and the acclaimed Please Like Me (Season

City, Girls, Masters of Sex and Transpa-

crime TV shows. We notice a more than

2) following Josh Thomas’ daily adven-

rent. It’s nice to hear of such a conference.

striking evolution when we underline the

tures, we are then left with Blå ögon

Heading off to the next room, the next

police woman from the 70’s-80’s (Police

(Blue Eyes), a Swedish series presenting

series, Game of Thrones, doesn’t require

Woman, Cagney & Lacey) and the ones

the country’s politics during elections.

an introduction due to its already well-

from today (Happy Valley, Engrenages).

Blå ögon intertwines the life of the new

known social phenomenon status, was a

All of this was made possible thanks to

head of the Ministry of Justice, whose

part of the blockbusters presented during

the rising number of women in writing

predecessor mysteriously disappeared

SeriesMania this year. The season 5 two

and production. Noteworthy ­conclusion

and a mother candidate on a right-wing

first episodes were screened in US+24

of this conference: “ The equality between

extremist list, who feels more and more

from the USA, in the presence of Iwan

sexes will be achieved the day an unqua-

threatened. No doubt about it, the Scan-

Rheon, more famous under the name of

lified woman will be given a senior posi-

dinavians are proving their talent in this

the notorious Ramsay Bolton (yes, you

tion ”. The day continues with Sirens, an

particular area.

do know, the sausage’s scene). Of course,

Israeli series, story of a police woman fin-

from a ­personal stand point, the viewing

ding the body of her twin sister, declared

of these two episodes on the big screen

dead 17 years ago. In this crime fiction,

Iris Brey, a journalist and univer-

is ­priceless. Even the credits only take

the fantastic has a lead role during the

sity professor, hosted a conference

another scope: thrills guaranteed. Small

investigation. To conclude, it’s time to

about women’s sexuality in TV shows.

bonus at the end of the screening, a little

an ­Amazon series, Transparent, already

­Subjects covered during this confe-

run to catch Iwan Rheon dropping by

praised by the ­critics since its release a

rence included: the differences between

quickly to catch his cab. He’s smiling and

couple of months ago. The series received

men and women’s sexualities, how the

­apologizes for not staying longer to take

the ­Golden Globe for the best comic series

women’s image has evolved over the

some photos. He certainly is less scary

this year. It’s a dramedy cleverly addres-

years, all the while, also highlighting the

than his screen counterpart.

sing transgender when a father decides to

Day 4

growing n ­ umber of women in writing and directing positions and the ­profusion of ­formats (Cable, Netflix, Amazon).

announce to his children that he wants to

Day 5 A day focused on women is on the

publicly appear as a woman. “ I’ve been dressing up as a man all my life. Because


“ Barely the time to digest Wataha and the marathon Olive Kitteridge is getting started for this evening ” mafia. Black humor, maybe a bit too black, but the tumultuous adventures of this Romanian Ray Donovan have a certain charm which could convince the fans of heavies and lousy jokes to give the series a chance. Unfortunately it’s quite unsure to see this show on the French channels.

Day 8

Olive Kitteridge

We eat series, we drink series, we it’s just me ”. Laughs, tears, reflection,

in a leading role). I needed more than two

sleep series, we live series, and it’s not

this series is a real favorite, carried by a

episodes for really being hooked with

over yet. The biggest deception of these

brilliant Jeffrey Tambor. Three episodes

some long blanks but my perseverance

ten days is Wataha, Polish series from

later, I am still asking for more.

has proved it successful with a very good

HBO Europe (which also offered us

season’s ending.

Umbre the day before) where we follow

Day 6 SériesMania, it’s also the o ­ pportunity


a captain investigating the death of his

Day 7

border guard friends and his wife, killed

to discover some countries still unknown

Small digression to the planning, I

by a targeted explosion. The series coldly

in the series’ world. We landed on the

discovered through the France 2 replay

deals with the clandestine i­ mmigration

amazing Icelandic land thanks to The

­service the two first episodes of ­Disparue,

between Ukraine and Poland. This is

Cliff, a crime mini-series. A ­detective

­screened two days ago at SeriesMania

the only interest I found during the two

from Reykjavik fights with the memo-

with the artistic team in ­attendance.

­screened episodes, the rest of the time

ries he didn’t want to see r­ eappear.

Occasion that I missed because of a

I was ­questioning my stay. Maybe an

­Another proof, if we need one, that the

­planning conflict. It’s the story of Lea

­overdose of thriller after eight days.

­Scandinavians completely master the

who disappeared the day of her birthday,

Barely the time to digest Wataha and

art of crime fiction and slow suspense.

of the police i­ nvestigation and its resolu-

the marathon Olive Kitteridge is get-

Then comes the screening of the

tion including the more or less controlled

ting started for this evening. This

­Swedish series Jordskott, dark crime

reactions of each family member.

adaptation of the eponym novel (2009

fiction and fantastic universe, where a

Touching ­portrait of a family and theirs

Pulitzer Prize) in mini-series covers

police ­detective who didn’t mourn for

secrets, with an exceptional Alix ­Poisson

25 years in Olive’s life, math teacher,

her daughter’s death in the last seven

playing the ­devastated mother (Best

and her ­husband Henry, pharmacist,

years, comes back on her disappearance’s

Actress Award) and a Pierre-François

in a small two in New England, Crobsy.

location only to learn that another kid

Martin-Laval as the father avid for truth.

Two ­fundamentally opposed people in

­vanished in the same conditions.

The diffusion on France 2 was by the way

their personality: Olive is cold, distant,

Preview showing of Le Bureau des

a real s­ uccess last April.

bad-tempered while Henry is generous

Légendes, the new original creation

Without a real transition, speaking of

and open to the ­outside world. However

fromp Canal+. Espionage series, one

production countries that nobody still

they are united by a strong love and a

of SeriesMania headline theme this

knows, Umbre, Romanian series (adap-

visual as well as ­gestural tenderness. This

year, carried by an impassive Matthieu

tation of the New Zealander Small Time

developed story, this casting (Frances

­Kassovitz, playing a member of the DGSE

Gangster, you can’t invent this) is ­sending

­McDormand, Richard Jerkins, Peter

(the French CIA) coming back after a 6

us near Bucharest in the double life of a

Mullan and a c­ ertain Bill Murray) and

year mission in Damas (Award for Actor

cab driver also henchman for the local

this clever blend of comedy and drama

The team of La Vie Devant Elles at the festival

adroitly directed for almost four hours are one of my favorite.

Day 9

“ la vie devant elles received the prize of best french series, given by an international press journalist’s jury ”

Last day of the festival, but we don’t stop! After the Olive Kitteridge mara-

first episodes of Mozart in the Jungle,

club. The merciless football world,

thon, it’s time for the Occupied one, an

another original Amazon series (with

between family, feelings, fame and matu-

anticipation series coproduced between

Transparent), where we plunge into the

rity, in an ­intelligent and touching series.

Norway and France (with Arte). Here is

universe of classical music through a

And to conclude, False Flag (Audience

the pitch: Norway is occupied by Russia,

young conductor (Rodrigo!, played by

Award, tied with Olive ­Kitteridge) focu-

which assumes ownership of some oil

Gael Garcia Bernal) and a young oboist

sing on the life of five Israeli d ­ iscovering

reserves. Disturbing? When watching

who’s in New York to audition in front of

one morning in the news that they are

the four first episodes, we whisper “ any

the famous maestro. A modern comedy

­responsible of the Iranian Prime ­Minister

resemblance with existing or past situa-

as nutty as this maestro! Speaking of

kidnapping in Moscow. A ­subtle ­mixture

tions is totally coincidental ”. All joking

nutty, there was the closing night party.

of espionage, humor, tension and

aside, this series feels very close to the

But “ what happens at SeriesMania stays

­suspense signed Israel. Incidentally the

current events, based on political and

as SeriesMania ” as we say

USA already bought it to make their own remake, proof of the show ­quality if it

ecological European concerns. Bit hit in sight for this show which doesn’t have yet a release date on Arte.

Day 10 Sunday, rest day ? Not for everyone!

was needed. One of my favorite again, but it hasn’t found a distributor in France

Quick 5 minutes break for a drink and

The awarded series during the Closing

we run to catch the Closing Night awards

Night Gala the previous day are all scree-

gala, where the best series of this season

ned again today. It’s the opportunity for

6 have been awarded. Please note that

me to catch up on pilots not seen during

Burning eyes, memories to remember

La Vie Devant Elles (only series awarded

the week because of planning issues.

and notable encounters. A list of series to

that I didn’t have the chance to watch)

Strikers (Special Mention of bloggers

discover, to continue, to binge-watch, to

received the prize of Best French Series,

jury), Belgian series, where we are in

share. The return in Brittany was tough.

award given by an international press

the f­ ootball universe, following the jour-


journalist’s jury. And the closing night

ney of two brothers in their a ­ scension

Is it SeriesMania season 7 already, pretty

resumed with the screening of the three

towards the Racing Genk ­professional



The Day After



ian anthony dale

Having been on Charmed, how was

How about the rest of the cast?

That was really a labor of love for all

it working with that particular cast?

Daniel Dae Kim and I have become really

of us involved. We all rallied around

Charmed was my first multi-episode

good friends. I have a lot of respect for

­director Kevin Tancharoen’s ­enthusiasm

recur, and I can remember being super

the professionalism and leadership he

and vision and made something really

excited when I first booked the job.

demonstrates both on set, and in our

groundbreaking. Shortly after it’s release,

Being somewhat new to the business,

API community. We are bonded by a

­Mortal Kombat Legacy quickly became

I ­distinctly remember the kind and

common goal to always advocate for

the most watched web series in the

­professional manner in which Brian

the advancement and empowerment of

­history of YouTube. It was really ­exciting

Krause always made me feel welcomed

Asian ­Americans within our industry

to be part of that movement.

on that set.

and beyond. Was it any more or less stressful in

When it was on the air, Charmed was

Did you enjoy filming in Hawaii?

your opinion for filming a YouTube

one of the shows that had a rather

I absolutely love filming in Hawaii and

series versus a network series?

large fan following, what has been one

can’t wait to go back this July. I spend

I think making a web series tends to be

of your favorite parts about being on

as little time as possible in my hotel

a little more stressful, from a budgetary

a show of that magnitude?

room. At any given moment, you can

standpoint, primarily because you are

Whenever you get the opportunity to

find me s­ urfing Waikiki, paddle boarding

generally given less time, less money, and

be a part of show or franchise with the

out to The Mokes in Kailua, swimming

less manpower to get the job done. But

­popularity of a Charmed, it’s a pretty

­Waimaea, hiking Olomana, or noshing on

oftentimes, whatever stress exists within

­special experience. To this day, Charmed

a poke bowl at Pupukea Grill. Oahu has

a web production is usually offset by an

has such a robust and loyal following. For

really become like a second home to me.

overwhelming sense of passion and love that everyone involved typically feels

a number of really awesome ­Charmed

I also recently found out that you were

fans over the years. They’ve all been so

in both seasons of the ­Mortal ­Kombat

supportive of me and my career, even

YouTube series (­ M ortal ­Kombat

well after my time on show ended.

Rebirth and Legacy) as S ­ CORPION. SCORPION! The kid in me is thinking:

You’ve also appeared on CBS’ Hawaii

Wow, it doesn’t get any cooler than

5-0 as Adam Noshimuri, brother to

that! (Well, unless we’re counting

Daniel Henney’s character, who then

­Sub-Zero, who is ­undoubtedly ­“cooler,”

also proposed to Grace Park’s charac-

but in a different way.) What was

ter on the series. What’s one of your

­filming that like?

favorite parts about working with

towards a project of that nature.

Photo / benjo arwas

me, the highlight has been getting to meet

Daniel and Grace? I think Daniel and I were always ­destined to play brothers. We’re both half Asian half Caucasian, both in our m ­ id-thirties, and were both raised in the Midwest. We connected instantly, on and off screen, through our similar ­experiences growing up, and challenges we’ve faced throughout our respective careers. Grace and I have ­developed a close friendship over these last four years, and have found a rhythm and chemistry with our ­characters that makes working together easy and fun.



fun getting to draw and fire my weapon. As the show has been renewed for season two, what’s one thing your ­character hasn’t done yet that you’d love to have him do? I’d love to see the writers really start to explore Koto’s personal life outside of Homicide. Does he have a family? What does he struggle with? What makes him so driven to succeed? I’d also like to see Koto start to rise up politically. A while back, I happened to see a ­picture of you playing (American)

“ if Daniel Craig ever gets tired of playing Bond, I’d be happy to take over for him ”

f ootball with Tom Felton (Harry ­ ­Potter’s Draco Malfoy), the caption read that you were teaching him how to throw a ­spiral – how was that? (Was he g ­ etting it?) Should we expect a MitF flag ­football team in the future

What makes each different (filming a

the videogame as well. I’ve already got


YouTube series v. network series) for

a pretty convincing, “Get Over Here!”

Having never thrown a football prior to that afternoon I’d say Tom was a pretty

you and what did you like about each In that vein, is there a film franchise

One of my favorite aspects of the film-

or perhaps even a writer, producer

making process, whether for a web

or director you’d love to get involved/

And lastly, anything else you would

series or television series, is the ­creative

work with in the future?

like to say to the readers?

­collaboration involved in ­bringing a pro-

If Daniel Craig ever gets tired of playing

I would love to take a brief moment to

ject to life. There are so many talented

Bond, I’d be happy to take over for him.

share with the readers a project I’m

production, each with an ­e ssential

On TNT’s Murder in the First, your cha-

to me. I am currently helping raise

­responsibility. For any show to be

racter is a Lieutenant and ­essentially

money to complete Bulbul: Song Of The

­successfully produced, there needs to

calls the shots for the case(s) ­Inspectors

­Nightingale, a documentary that brings

be a total team effort, with every member

English (Taye Diggs)and Mulligan

­a ttention to the social and human

doing his or her part. Communication is

(Kathleen Robertson) handle. What’s

­injustices s­ uffered by the Banchara tribe

absolutely critical.

your favorite part about playing a

in India. The ­Banchara has existed at the

­character like this?

bottom of Indian society for centuries,

You’ve also voiced characters on

I get to be a hero. In the season two

relying on prostitution as their economic

­several video games, including Slee-

­premiere, following a mass shooting on

­lifeblood, forcing girls as young as twelve

ping Dogs, Call of Duty: Black Ops

a High School bus, Koto demonstrates

years old into the trade. By ­sharing the

II and Battlefield Hardline, is there

his heroism by charging directly into the

story of the Banchara, our hope is to

a nother game franchise you see ­

chaos and engaging in a shootout with the

raise awareness and spark sustainable

­yourself v ­ oicing a character for? Do

assailants. It’s a much ­different Koto then

change within their community through

you have a specific character in mind?

we grew accustomed to seeing in season

healthcare, education, and alternative

Well I’ve already played Scorpion in the

one. I did extensive tactical training prior

­economic opportunities. To learn more

web series, so I guess I wouldn’t mind

to the start of filming to get ready for all

visit ­

taking a crack at voicing Scorpion in

of the action. It was definitely a lot of

murder in the first / TNT

­involved with that is very important

and unique individuals ­within a single


quick study. I like our chances.



morals on tv When watching American television shows from a European perspective, there will always be some elements that seem strange and unfamiliar. Indeed, it’s because we’re watching them with a European background and education. This slight difference, is what forms our perspective and allowed us to pen the following analysis. by Julien lesbegueries

Disregarding our Surroundings.

acknowledgments about the events of the

movie. American networks as of now

shows being a global event. In the same

perhaps can’t create series that would

The first thing that stuck out to me me

manner, in C ­ onstantine, “ The Rising

have their characters travel around the

when I began watching a lot of ­American

Darkness ” seems to magically focus on

world. It would imply amazing logistics

series is the American ­egocentrism, which

the same territory. This kind of b ­ ehavior

and expenses, something networks may

appears in movies too. It is a ­feeling that

can be seen in most S ­ cience-Fiction

not be able to afford. The fact that the

Americans are alone in the world. Be it

series, which are more likely to have a

series neglect to mention the rest of the

in the likes of S ­ upernatural, The ­Walking

wider territory being focused on rather

world still seems to show a certain form

Dead, Revolution or ­Constantine, to name

than a single city, (­particularly when

of egocentrism. Americans seem to think

a few, the world seems to start and end

compared to comedies).

they are alone in the world and perhaps,

with the United States. In Supernatural,

There are in fact many reasons to

like to prove it again and again.

as is the case for The W ­ alking Dead and

­rationally explain this phenomenon. They

­Revolution, the apocalypse only seems

are perhaps mainly budgetary reasons.

to affect North ­America, with major-

Personally, we cannot perhaps conceive

One may also quickly notice that

ity of the storylines taking place in

a truly international series but we can

some American morals on TV series are

the United States. There are only rare

undoubtedly imagine an international

largely exaggerated. For instance, if we

Emphasized Morals


c r i t i c a l a n a ly s i s a m e r i c a n m o r a ls o n t v

take Desperate Housewives, for example, we see a series focused on a group of suburban women which shows us an ­exaggerated take on how people are or would like to be seen. Each and every

“ The series highlights the pride attached to working and risking one’s life for the overall community.”

one of us can identify with one of suburban women...and that seemed the

by American networks and are aimed at

­general plan. We have the “ stay-at-home

the American audience. In order to have

mother, ” with several children and a

the best audience possible, the goal is to

working husband, the “ clumsy divorced

hit as many Americans as they can.

one, ” who strives for a new beginning,

References to American pop-culture,

the “ strict one, ” who is ­confronted by the

news or political life are frequent. There

reality of her family life and finally, the

are many jokes about famous Amer-

“ beautiful one ” who married for money

ican talk-shows or people we don’t

and is now “ stuck in the suburbs. ”

know. From there, we can distinguish

­Various aspects of American women is

two kinds of series: first, the one that

depicted on the series by at least one of

are not destined to be exported abroad

the characters. This very stereotyped

and therefore don’t seem to care about Chicago Fire

­average American and manages to please

such as 2 Broke Girls. Then, the second,

them in an entertaining way.

breast that we shan’t see. ” Pay ­attention

those that are destined to be sold abroad

To discuss other series, take Chicago

to that next time you’re watching an

and must then adapt their scripts, so that

Fire or Chicago PD for instance. At the

­episode. The sheet will not necessarily

they can be translated everywhere, such

heart of the series is the pride attached

be white, but it will be there and will hide

as Modern Family. It all depends on the

to being an American, and perhaps

­everything up to the shoulders. American

aim of the series.

more precisely here, to be an inhabitant

­networks are mainly familial networks

of the great city of Chicago. The series

and series must be respectful for all in

highlights the pride attached to work-

the puritan America.

ing and risking one’s life for the overall

This phenomenon is so widespread that

Walking Dead? It’s perhaps not a big deal

community. These two elements often

it has produced the opposite: now, for a

if you don’t. Did you know he didn’t exist

come to the forefront in the series. The

series to be considered as good, ambitious

in the comic books? We may then w ­ onder

notion of c­ ommunity seems to be very

or innovative by critics, it has to show a

why they invented his character for the

­powerful in the United States and is very

boob or two. When this is the case, many

TV show, especially when he perhaps

­recognizable on the series. We see this

good critics will highly praise this series

didn’t bring much to the plot. He was

­community mentality when the series,

that dares to oppose the p ­ uritan A ­ merica.

simply there to comply with the ­criteria

for example, also shows people offering

Of course, they have to do it right, or we

of African American men on TV. The

a basket of fruits to any newcomer to the

will just end up with another Game of

United States strongly believes in ­positive

neighborhood or a new employee at a

Thrones. But American morals may have

discrimination and wishes to correct

­workplace, in order to show him that he


inequalities by introducing quotas. Be it

has just joined a new family. This kind of behavior seldom happens in France or in Europe.


being understood by foreign audiences,

Black Quotas Do you remember T-Dog from The

for legal or moral reasons, the effects are

American Culture

one and the same. The most emblematic

Some of the references made in

effect is the i­mposition of adding more

Another custom we can see in every

our favorite series are perhaps only

African American ­characters on various

series, and in movies, is the one of

­understandable by Americans and so,

series. This was possibly why T-Dog was

the “ white sheet. ” Tradition makes it

as ­Europeans, they are difficult for us to

created. This may also be why another

­mandatory to show a white sheet in the

comprehend at times. This is something

African American ­character appeared on

screen every time something happens

that Europeans can’t hold against the

the series soon after T-Dog died. A few

in a b ­ edroom, in order to “ hide that

­American, since the shows are developed

episodes later, this new character died

nino munoz / nbc

and commercial series is perfect for the


upon which a character named Tyreese appeared. The Walking Dead is only one of the many examples with this custom, and

“ The paranoia impregnates the series, the fear of an imminent attack is kind of its trademark ”

remains perhaps the most obvious of the lot. We cannot and would not imagine

as is the case for Arrow or Friends, it

attack on the CIA, perhaps the ultimate

such behavior in a country where the

could p ­ erhaps becomes i­mmediately

symbol of the paranoia. When you think

culture was any different. It is s­ omething

international, as for Marvel’s Agents

about it, in reality, it is rather improbable.

specific to the United States and has both

of S.H.I.E.L.D., or perhaps the location

But Homeland was the answer to the

­advantages and disadvantages. In the

of the show isn’t focused on at all, by

fear much of the United Stated had

end, it is not our place to debate whether

not giving specific i­ndication as to the

due to the terrorist attacks which came

there is something wrong with the

­particular location, as is the case for

from a world they do not understand.

­practice or not, but whether it impacts

­Modern ­Family. The aim is of course

The first episode of the fourth season

the TV-shows is something that has not

­financial. No doubt that if choices were

is called “ Drone Queen ” and shows

gone unseen.

given to the ­producers, these series might

this need for control. But beyond

be full of prejudices.

­Homeland, the scene of the kamikaze


homeland / showtime

Of course, for each rule, an exception

attack in ­Chicago Fire was so crazy that it

The Homeland Affair

­perhaps left a bad taste. From a ­European

exists. Especially for the series discussed

Homeland remains an exception,

­perspective: f­ ourteen years later, they

earlier: The ones that are designed to be

except perhaps when we analyze the

are still t­ raumatized by the event. This,

exported abroad. When producers have

morals. Even if it is a remake of an Israeli

is ­undoubtedly understandable.

an idea, it is essentially impossible to get

series, above all else, it is strongly marked

on the other side of the planet due to all

by the post 9/11 American mentality. The

the elements discussed: d ­ istance, custom,

paranoia impregnates the series, the

It is obvious that a large majority of

budgetary restrictions. For TV shows,

fear of an imminent attack is kind of its

American series are still impregnated

All-American jokes must be avoided.

­trademark. It results in rather unlikely,

with some form of American morals. We

At the very least, they must try and be

far-fetched scenarios in order to fulfill

cannot blame them for it, since the series

understandable by everyone.

the needs of the plot, one of them comes

are above all, for them. It perhaps shows

Several options are available: The plot

up when a main character assassinates

what they think of themselves, and what

could be focused on one or two c ­ ities,

the Vice President as a mere prelude of an

they think of the rest of the world.

A reserved final assessment



lindsey morgan by prutha s. Patel photos Russel baer

What made you want to audition for this particular character? Lindsey Morgan : When I got the audition I just thought that the role was really cool.

“ I’m into shows that make me question myself, if I were in that position, what would I do? ”

Like Raven is badass on the paper, such a cool tough girl like and the fact that

know Abby or Lexa (Alycia Debnam-Ca-

but as a whole. It’s just so exciting, what

they made her to be so smart, is really

rey). I’m a big Lexa fan too actually, that’s

he came up with.

refreshing. It’s sad but I really don’t get

a very cool character. The 100 is one of those shows that

a lot of auditions where it’s like GENIUS GIRL! Engineer, tough AND smart. I love

Why Abby?

seemed a bit unexpected to be on a

to pay ­characters at the highest level of

I like Abby because her character is

network like The CW. The ­scenarios and


always in a position of power, but she’s

themes it touches upon are a ­ mazing

always so powerless and fighting to save

and shocking. The 100 doesn’t hesitate

What is your favorite thing about your

something for the good of everyone. But

with the deaths. When you guys get

character, Raven Reyes?

ultimately, her hands are always tied.

the scripts, are you afraid that you’re

She is so capable. It’s really hard to throw

She’s always making these hard decisions

going read your ­character’s death? Or

her off, or shake her confidence. She is

between what’s right and what she feels

is there a heads up of some sort?

always kind of operating at a ten. Again,

is wrong. And she also can’t always go

I think for the series regulars, there’s a

at her highest level of intelligence or

and fight the way Clarke does. She has to

heads up. In season two, for Finn, I had

of her physical strength. So she is just

stay at the camp, or rule as ­Chancellor.

no idea that was happening. I think that

always at the top of her game and so it’s

You get to feel her heart kind of break

­certain stuff Thomas (McDonnell) knew,

exciting to see someone that has such a

anytime Clarke leaves. And then her

at the beginning of season two before

strength and such a spirit.

heart kind of hardens, because she is

he even started filming. And you know,

frustrated with her daughter and you

and just chose not to tell anybody. But no

If you weren’t playing Raven, who

know they go and clash. And she clashes

one told me as far as from production. I

would you have loved to be on the

with Jaha and then with Kane (Henry

remember even when we got the script


Ian Cusick). She cares about them. her

for the episode where he dies; they left

Jaha (Isaiah Washington)! Without any

­character is very complex, you know. It’s

out the last page where it says Clarke kills

other questions asked. Jaha, yes!

an interesting position as a woman, and

him. And they did it, because they didn’t

as a reader in this new society.

want it to be leaked, they didn’t want any kind of like drama. They were taking it

Who’s your personal favorite character on the show and why?

What are you most excited about for

very seriously to have that happen. So

Being completely unbiased and nothing

the new season? Both overall and for

I mean, I think whoever it’s happening

­personal from the cast but who’s my


to gets a heads up, but as far as like you

­personal favorite overall, that’s hard!

Well, I just had lunch with our showrun-

know, if it’s not necessarily your business,

ner Jason Rothenberg and he kind of gave

they’re not going to tell you.

[Laughs] You can pick multiples if

me some insight. Oooooo, as to what is

that’s the case.


In that vein, being the very strong and serious show on the network, how do

It’s too hard to pick now because every character has transformed so much.

[Laughs] I won’t ask you that, no

you feel about the storylines?

There are aspects I love about Octavia

­spoilers. I’m fine with that.

I love the storylines! They’re awesome

(Marie Avgeropoulos), aspects I love

[Laughs] I can’t tell you anything. But it

because I’m into shows that make me

about Bellamy (Bob Morley) about Clarke

is in-SANE. I like this season better than

question myself. The ones that make me

(Eliza Taylor). I guess as a whole, maybe,

season one and two.

question, if I were in that position, what would I do? And I think that’s a big reason

maybe Abby (Paige Turco). Whoaaaa. You just said it! Now I’m

why we make Clarke question her mora-



lity, and then we also question ­ourselves

Yeah, I think Abby is really cool. Yeah, you

I am SO excited! Not especially for Raven,

it makes us think more.



lindsey morgan

Lindsey Morgan (Raven Reyes), The 100

Not only am I entertained but it’s also

Everyone would be losing it! I would be

that you know, for Raven, I wanted her

making an impression on me and it’s an

like sitting in a corner crying.

to play “not knowing what to do.” And

impact, which I love.

that, for Raven, that’s a new feeling for I think that’s what draws some people

her. That’s some uncharted territory in

What storyline has spoken to you the

to the show as well. It actually does

Raven to be so vulnerable and so raw

most in that sense?

touch on these very real topics, despite

and so angry and so hopeless, you know

I actually really love the Finn storyline.

being set in the future. But it’s really

what I mean?

I thought it was kind of really crazy how

about the relationships and I think

you have such a pacifist turn into you

it’s very interesting to see that unfold

Yeah, so many things.

know, how he just snapped, and became

as a fan.

It was just kind of a new person almost.

a slaughterer of innocent people and just

Yeah! Like as much as it is, I don’t think

So it’s just like, I always tell everyone

kind of losing his mind in the situation.

it’s completely fiction, you know what I

for season two, every other character

I think post-traumatic stress disorder is

mean? It’s real; it’s a great reality.

kind of got harder and darker, as it went

such a huge, REAL, thing and a lot people


on, from what they went through, and

in the world, maybe don’t give much

Raven has had some really dark and

Raven’s arc was opposite. Raven actually

attention to it as much as they should,

terrifying things happen to her over

became more vulnerable and more

like how serious this is.

these last two seasons and she always

closed. Almost like a new person. And she

seems to come back strong – is it fun

didn’t harden up and carry on because


for you to play such a badass?

what she went through is so daunting.

We can only handle so much. And so

It’s so fun! Like I said because she always

It made her have to realize “ Oh! I can’t

I thought that was really interesting. I

knows what to do, you know. I was won-

take on the world myself, I have to, I need

also thought it was truthful. Could you

dering, that is also the one thing that I

to rely on my friends and on people and

imagine that situation? Like everything

like about her too, because it really, it

my friends out there, even though I am

this kid went through, you’d be losing it!

really tested her. Like there were points

alone here.” It really tested her.

What Raven hasn’t done yet that you’d love to see her do in the future? I want Raven to have a motorcycle. I want Raven to have like a total Mad Max moment, right?

“ I want Raven to have like a total Mad Max moment. She could totally be like Furiosa, with like her one leg. ”

[Laughs] I love it. And like, she could totally be like Furiosa, with like her one leg. Come on! Get a guitar up in there too. Yeah! I have a story too! She’s trying to get over Finn, she finds this motorcycle. She fixes it up and then she rides off in the desert with like Octavia. ­Octavia’s on horse and Raven is on a motorcycle. How sick would that be? [Laughs] [Laughs] Very. Is there a ­character you’d love to see

twitter questions

Raven interact with more or

with lindsey morgan

share scenes with? Raven’s never really interacted

You recently did a fan interview

with Kane, so him. And I love

on YouTube, are there plans to do

Ian, I think he’s so great. So it’d

another one soon?

be fun to see them more together

Yeah! You know, I really enjoyed

in some aspects, because that’s

doing that. It was basically me with

a, you know, a new one for her.

a camera and since it was only me

On the topic of the future, is there

And lastly, is there anything you’d like

a writer, director, producer or any

to say to the readers?

actors you’d love the chance to work

Just thank you! Thank you for watching,

with if given the opportunity to? Who?

you know, they’re the reason why I can

Oh man! There’s so many! Are you kid-

live my dream everyday so I couldn’t be

ding me? Um, I mean I love Meryl Streep,

more grateful to them. I just want them to

Daniel Day Lewis, Tom Hardy, Michael

know that we want to try and give them

Fassbender, Anne Hathaway, you know

the best show that we can, because we

any of them would be GREAT! I have

are so grateful for them, for watching.

so many favorites. I mean like writers

We are going back to work soon for them.

I really like, I really like Lena Dunham. I think she has a fresh take on things.

The 100 is expected to be back in 2016

Oh! I also love Amy Poehler, I think she’s

on The CW, it’s to soon to have an exact

really crafty. I would love to work with

date at the moment and the network is

them. If they could call me that would

keeping the show for midseason.

be awesome!

doing it... I want to do another one. I just have to set it all up and make it look good. But, for sure! What’s your favorite pizza topping? Oh! That’s easy: pineapple, C ­ anadian bacon, and jalapenos. How do you take your coffee? My coffee, god, you know actually, Eliza Taylor, Clarke on the show, got me addicted to “ Americano Soy Misto. ” What’s the last movie you saw? Jurassic World.


A shaky start for the season 2015/2016

The Upfronts allowed the five major networks to reveal their ­schedules, cancellations, renewals and trailers. All in all, the new shows turned out to be a bit uninspired and unoriginal. Almost ­every show had the same effect on viewers: a very strong feeling of déjà vu. ­Fortunately, there were a couple of projects which have ­piqued our i­nterest and may deserve a closer look. by cross over us

Viewer Success


Some trailers were immediately

Next up, perhaps the most daring Upfront

pilot cost fourteen million dollars! But the

­noteworthy. Starting with the much

announcement, Supergirl. CBS’ choice

network will have to promote the series

awaited Scream Queens by the creators of

remains odd since the series doesn’t fit

heavily since its older demographic is not

Glee and American Horror Story. Backed

at all the usual lineup of the network

the intended target of Supergirl. They will

up by a fresh young cast, this show could

(it has a rather older audience). The

have to attract a much younger crowd.

very well be the surprise hit of the fall

­project at first glance seemed pretty

But since the “ superhero ” genre is gen-

schedule. The horror/slasher/comedy

awful on paper, but the pilot, which

erally a success, audiences will ­probably

theme promises to be fun and cool during

was ­conveniently leaked online, put

switch networks for the first couple of

its 15-episode first season. Even if the

our minds at ease. The series attempts

episodes. Let’s applaud the boldness of

mesh-up of Ryan Murphy’s last two series

to be fun, doesn’t take itself seriously and

CBS for thinking outside the box and

seems obvious and does not add much

offers some pleasant comedic points. The

hope that the series will be a success, so

to its originality, Scream Queens still has

fact that it is about a female superhero

that other risky projects might become

every chance to succeed. The series could

(finally!) will probably tip the scales, and

possible in the future.

profit from the excellent social media

the overall lightness of the series leaves

Over at ABC, The Muppets should work

buzz since it is likely to attract a young

us wanting more. CBS seems to believe in

fine thanks to its popularity with US


it, especially considering the fact that the

­audiences since 1976.

Effective Formulas ABC didn’t take lots of risks by ordering Quantico. The show seems to be a second How To Get Away With Murder.

“ With the recent success of Empire, soap operas are a genre that has proven its merit on network television. ”

The formula was successful last year and this new little show could prove to be quite a success, despite the tough timeslot (Sundays at 10pm, behind Blood & Oil). The promo didn’t really convince us.

suspenseful and ­compelling

With Twitter-buzz, produced by Shonda

episodes in the vein of The 100,

Rhimes, we are once again in familiar

another show that has proven

territory and the show runs its course

its worth.

after a landslide of revelations that leaves

The Family, grabs you in its

no more storylines to be told. The same

first few seconds alone. ABC

applies for the mid-season series, The

continues to offer original and

Catch. Produced by the creator of Grey’s

intriguing shows for an adult

Anatomy and Scandal, the show wants

audience. This show seems to

to be a soap-thriller. Unfortunately, the

be one that could have easily

whole premise seems bland and closed

found a home on cable. The

off and we don’t see how the show

casting is inspired and the

can survive in the long run. The name

story is based on an ambitious

Shonda Rhimes could benefit the show

­premise: The return of a child

even though a time slot after Scandal

intriguing. The seven ­ m inute long

after being lost for several

(whose own ratings are slipping) and a

promo won us over, largely due to its

years. We can’t wait to see more. Unfor-

mid-season start might not help.

atmosphere, masterful directing, and

tunately the show being on a “ minor ”

In a similar vein, Blood & Oil being

the support of a convincing cast. The

network, there is little to no chance the

ordered isn’t surprising. With the recent

show seems to differ fundamentally

series will survive. Excellent reviews or

success of Empire, soap operas are a genre

from Grey’s Anatomy since the medical

winning several prestigious awards could

that has proven its merit on n ­ etwork

cases will be shorter and without much

probably save the show, like American

television. Even if the trailer isn’t very

­follow-up. By mixing stress and emo-

Crime encountered this year.

exciting, the show could ­ultimately prove

tion, Code Black could turn out to be a

engaging. Good and stable ratings are

pleasant surprise, provided it doesn’t

foreseeable since fans of Revenge and

disappoint in the long run. By offering

An Unconventional Genre that has Proven its Worth

Dallas will be looking for replacement.

a medical ­procedural, the show could

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and Angel From

prove a ­modest success for the network

Hell, two projects with a very special

by attracting a new audience.

and offbeat kind of humor could attract

CBS, known for its stand-alone (one

Julie Plec, currently working on The

an audience with a taste for this genre.

self-contained story per episode) ­format

­Vampire Diaries and The Originals,

The critical success of The CW’s Jane

based shows, seems to be willing to go

“ ­consciously uncouples ” from her

The ­Virgin could mean good numbers

new ways (the majority of its current

­universe by offering a very different

for Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.

series being crime procedurals). After

­project based on the d ­ issemination

As far as Angel From Hell is concerned,

the Superhero genre, the network tackles

of a virus. Even though references

the show better be an instant success

another style. The procedural side will,

to ­Contagion and Helix are obvious,

because even if Jane Lynch’s talent is

of course, be maintained for these two

­Containment could turn out to be a real

undeniable, it may not be enough. That

new shows but this won’t change much

­surprise for The CW. O ­ ffering a violent,

being said, the promo was rather nice,

as far as originality is concerned.

adult, and well-timed show could prove

suggesting a fresh and original com-

Code Black, a medical drama playing within

­successfully, especially since the first

edy. We’re hoping for confirmation and

the emergency room of an LA hospital, is

glimpses we had of the show promised

­success in the fall.

blood and oil / abc studios

Original Projects



a s h a k y s ta rt f o r t h e s e a s o n

When in Doubt When it comes to comedies, we face rather weak projects, with no innovation whatsoever. Life In Pieces is a ­Modern Family 2.0, Uncle Buck seems like a spinoff of Black-Ish and The Real O’Neals tries to duplicate The Goldbergs. While offering the same old fare, these shows


could please or bore. The blandness of ­Grandfathered will never allow for a success even though the promo was less embarrassing than expected. The show will ­probably follow the same course as Bad Judge, except if stable viewership saves it. The Grinder with its eccentric tone could turn off audiences or please

Wicked City

Minority Report

them. Although all these shows are perfunctory, action series, reminiscent of the awful procedural we were just writing about, some more than others seem already on Human Target. their way out.

one may question whether some of the

CBS isn’t far behind this fall and, being a new fall shows are too ambitious for their regular of the genre, delivers Limitless, a respective broadcasting networks. For

Interchangeable Procedurals

series inspired by the movie of the same some, a slot on a cable network schedule

While watching the trailers pitched name.

would probably have made more sense

by the networks what is most striking, Despite the potential on paper and based and one wonders if that will lead to a ­perhaps, is the abundance of p ­ rocedurals. on the shown trailers, these shows seem to watered-down treatment of the matter or This is especially true for the fall ­schedule be nothing more than a pretext to churn even worse, a too quick of a ­cancellation of the two major networks: FOX and out procedurals already seen time and because of the way too divisive topic from NBC. These two networks seem to slowly again, with their stand-alone episodes the basic network. morph into the CBS from a few years and a barely there thread to follow. The We think, in particular, of the very diverse ago. By ­taking what seems like no risk originality of these new shows seems to Wicked City and Of Kings And Prophets ­whatsoever and rehashing the same be limited to the four sentence long syn- on ABC. The first with it’s 80’s feel and old formulas (that don’t even ­guarantee opsis. Even though one can never be sure, the promise of a very dark tale seems to ­success), they seem to offer the least we can already predict that a ­number of come straight from HBO or FX, the ­latter, ­exciting schedules of the fall.

these new shows will not survive their relating a biblical story, would have been

an effort to set an original synopsis. FOX amidst total indifference.

It is therefore hard to condemn these two

is trying to show us a futuristic universe

shows to an early cancellation, especially

with Minority Report, an adaptation of the Steven Spielberg movie. The same

Too Ambitious?

because they seem to have the merits

One of the biggest difficulties net- of traveling outside the ordinary fare of

goes for The Frankenstein Code, which is works are facing today is to unearth network television. This year’s ­American an interpretation of the well-known idea. shows that will find their target audience, Crime has shown that critical success can On the same network, we enter the realm by being original within a theme that be enough to maintain a show and this of the fantastical with Lucifer, where the brings the viewers together. Success with should very well benefit the likes of The devil serves as its main character (yes, audiences is a must for a show in order Family. In the case of Wicked City and Of none other than the devil h ­ imself!). to survive, since networks exist almost Kings And Prophets with its even more NBC seems to bet big on the concept of exclusively thanks to advertisements restricted target audience, the risk might ­Blindspot with its mysterious tattooed that run during commercial breaks. On turn out to be too high and success most woman and The Player, an over-the-top the opposite spectrum of the soulless uncertain.


warner bros, abc studios, 20th century fox

Nevertheless they, at the very least, make first season and will probably disappear ­perfectly at home on The ­History Channel.

“ The overdose of ­superheroes might very well be ­happening on a single ­network: The CW ” times, which tries to go for a fun and sunny factor (the show is set in Miami, Florida). But the show will most likely rapidly become insufferable and vulgar with directing, going for cheap effects and even cheaper showmanship. Even Legends Of Tomorrow

with Empire being broadcasted the same night, the show won’t be able to profit

Superhero Overdose

The CW. The minor network has ordered

from their audience even with Empire’s

We all know that superheroes are

the second Arrow spin-off (after The

scheduling lead-in.

popular in movies as well as in television.

Flash), DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. This

On the comedy front, Dr. Ken, ­featuring

This has been going on for quite a while

is probably the least risky new show of

the very talented Ken Jeong, looks like

now. It is therefore not surprising to see

the network, who is betting on a tried

a flop. The trailer is a mess and the

all the new superhero shows popping

and true formula. The released trailer

allocated Friday time slot on the ABC

up on the fall schedule. ­Nevertheless a

lets us fear the worst, considering the

­schedule proves how little hope the

­serious risk of overdose is on the horizon.

jerky directing, bad special effects and

­network seems to have when it comes


very weak casting.

to this project.





Finally, probably the worst of the fall

­ordering a full season of Supergirl, the

legends of tomorrow / Warner bros.

­announcement of a reboot of Heroes

Future Cancellations

schedule comes from NBC with its new

(Heroes Reborn) on NBC is equally

Every year, series orders are numer-

comedy People Are Talking. The first

­astonishing, considering that Heroes was

ous on the five networks and yet, many

few minutes of the trailer promises a

­cancelled amidst a general indifference

new shows quickly disappear from the

horrible and misogynistic show with

due to an obvious decline of quality over

TV schedules due to lack of viewership.

­old-fashioned directing and very ­limited

the ­seasons. The network believes in it

One can therefore play at attempting to

actors. We are clearly navigating the

and will do anything to experience the

predict which shows will be the first to

same waters as the awful Dads, that FOX

­success again, such as launching a web

be cancelled, even if each new season

was showing during the 2013-14 season.

series to i­ntroduce new characters but

has its share of surprises.

also to try to fill the gap between the two

On the drama front, we can’t imagine

The orders for the fall schedule

series, indeed we know that the story will

Heartbreaker (NBC) and Rosewood (FOX)

are not the most exciting ones, mainly

take place eight years after the events

making it. The first is a medical show

because of what seems to be a lack of

occurred in the last season of Heroes.

of the blandest kind and at first glance

willingness from the different networks

The show’s unique position uniting the

already reminds us of a failure on the

to take risks. Nevertheless, a couple of

current reboot and superhero trends

horizon. In the vein of Emily Owens M.D.

shows stand out within a very dull body

might have been enough to convince

it seems far more likely a failure than a

of work and one can never preclude,

NBC. But we doubt that it will be enough

success like Grey’s Anatomy. It is really

what we hope for, good surprises be it

to ­convince the viewers.

unfortunate to find the very likeable

from a qualitative standpoint or sheer

The overdose of superheroes might very

Melissa George in it. Rosewood is a crime

number of viewers standpoint.

well be happening on a single network:

series we have already seen a hundred



atticus shaffer by prutha s. Patel photo vince trupsin

Prutha S. Patel : In a past interview you said that you would

old clothes to Brick as hand-me-downs. I think it would hila-

like to appear on AMC’s The Walking Dead and work with

rious to have the cousin character, played by Mr. Reedus, to

Norman Reedus. If Norman Reedus were to be a guest-

be involved with Brick for some reason, and end help helping

star on ABC’s The Middle, what type of a role would like

each other with their polar opposite personalities.

him to have? His character on TWD is very serious, so we


agree: it would be awesome to see him take on a role in a

What are some other shows that you personally follow?

comedy-oriented show.

While The Walking Dead is like my soap opera, I tend to watch

Atticus Shaffer : I think it would be very cool and interesting

a lot of shows with my mom. We are drawn to very off the

to see him in a comedy role. I am a fan of his work in the

wall reality shows like Dance Moms and Little Women: LA. I

Boondock Saints movies, and he plays a tough, yet sarcastic

am also a fan of Pawn Stars, American Pickers, and other his-

character in them. In the show we have mentioned a distant

tory channel shows. Because I am a zombie nerd, however, I

cousin character on a number of occasions who sends his

also enjoy watching Doomsday Preppers.

If you could be on anyone of these shows, which one would

especially regarding Brick. Everything from leaf collecting,

it be and what type of character would it be?

to attempting basketball, to wrapping himself up in alumi-

Besides, The Walking Dead, the shows I have mentioned are all

num and pretending to be a robot, to going through a car wash

reality shows, so I could not be a character on them. I think it

with the windows down, to dressing up as a hockey puck, fire

would be fun and different to play a survivor on The Walking

hydrant, or significant, yet unknown military history figures,

Dead. I often say, “ Let me go through all the cool aspects of the

to searching for a new book bag/ backpack, to dressing up as

show in one episode. I will start as a survivor and somehow

batman when he was supposed to get party supplies, Brick has

meet up with Daryl (Norman Reedus’ character.) Then I can

been an absolute thrill to be able to play. One way or another,

get bit by a zombie, turn into a zombie (so I can get a cool

there will be some antic to get me to laugh.

transformation done by Greg Nicatero.) and finally get taken out by, you guessed it, Norman Reedus. ”

What is it like working with the rest of the cast? This is a question I get asked from time to time, but my answer

We’ve been seeing many shows begin to crossover with

remains pretty consistent. Not just the cast, but the crew are

other shows. If the network decided to do a crossover with

some of the best people I have been able to work with. After

another show, which one do you think it would be and why?

spending 8 months out of the year, for the past six going on

The Middle is unique, because the show is set in the fictitious

seven years, we have gotten pretty close. However, once sum-

town of Orson, Indiana. So it is not like characters from a show

mer rolls around, we quite frankly need a rest from each

that is set in L.A. would have a legitimate reason to come to

other, so if we do come back have fresh things to talk about.

Indiana, without being a little far-fetched. However, I am also a fan of the A&E show Duck Dynasty. The Robertson family

Any funny stories about the cast/filming?

travels a lot anyway for a number of different reasons, to

There was a scene we were filming where we were in one of

many different states. It would be cool to see a Heck family/

the Heck cars. Patricia was in the driver’s seat and Eden, Char-

Robertson family crossover episode and how they clash and/

lie and I were in the car as well. We were waiting for the direc-

or help each other with their views on daily life.

tor to yell, “ Action ”, and Patricia was reading a newspaper she brought into the car with her, before we started filming. I

What is one thing your character has never done on the

said, “ I love how Patty brought in a newspaper to read while

show that you would love to have him do?

we’re working on a scene. ” She replied, “ Hey listen, after 6

Brick has never really had a friend who has consistently been

seasons? I’ve got nothing left to say to you people. ”

there for him and been able to play off of. I would like to see Brick get a friend who he can become close with and be able

One thing about you or The Middle that no one knows?

to get into mischief and adventure together. It would be nice

In America, you can fry any food and it will taste good... oh I

to see him have someone that not only understands him for his

am sorry about myself or the show? My bad... hmm, Brick’s

quirkiness, but can enjoy the little day to day nuances of life.

books have changed every now and again, but we are to the point that we cycle the same books over and over again, unless

What are 1-2 traits that you love the most about your

a script specifies a book. I have probably read the same page


out of the same book at least twenty different times over the

What I love most about Brick is that he shows it is okay to be

years of being on the show.

smart. He shows it is okay to be unique and he has become almost a role model of a character. I am very blessed, because

For people who have never seen The Middle, what would

I am of the belief that we were all created to be unique, and

you say to them to convince them to watch it?

to be able to play a character who shows that very quality has

The Middle is a sitcom that follows the Heck family, a very

been incredible.

quirky, and at times disfunctional, who somehow manage to get past every problem that crosses there path. My character

What’s the best thing or what are somethings that have

Brick, is a smart 13 year old boy who finds joy in the simplest

gotten you laughing when it came to things that your cha-

and sometimes strangest of things, such as reading or lear-

racter had to do on the show?

ning about fonts. The Middle is fun and entertaining for your

Because Brick is... well, Brick, almost every episode of The

whole family, and we love being able to make you laugh with

Middle is going to be a completely different experience,

the show’s antics!


More TV will be back in September

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