1 minute read

A Fast and Professional Reaction during an STS Operation at Balboa Anchorage

BY Lino Arosemena

President and CEO of Talleres Industriales


Talleres Industriales along with its strategic partner, Teekay Marine Solutions, performed a ship to ship (STS) operation of 300,000 barrels of unleaded gasoline between two Panamax oil / chemical tankers. Once the job was confirmed, the coordination, as well as the logistics, started from the partner’s home base. Teekay Marine Solutions immediately gathered all the information regarding the STS operation, which included checklists, mooring diagram, and weather forecasts. Additionally, a Joint Operations Plan (JOP), which included risk assessments, was forwarded to the partner and client. Talleres Industriales immediately assigned all the necessary resources to perform the mobilization of STS gear and completed a final quality control check of all equipment. The proposed

Talleres Industriales, together with Teekay Marine Solutions, perform an STS operation between two Panamax oi/chemical tankers// Talleres Industriales, junto con Teekay Marine Solutions, realizan una operación STS entre dos petroleros Panamax oi/ quimiqueros.

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