Abshire PR 912.695.7881 abshirepr.com pr@abshirepr.com From left: Shannon Phillips, vice president; Jennifer Abshire, founder and CEO; Susan Hancock, president; and Caroline Holden, director of business development
OUR MISSION: is to be corporate storytellers who help build strong regional brands through creative content and innovative executive counsel. Our mission is to maintain strong relationships with our clients, vendors, the media and the communities we serve. Abshire PR continues to feel blessed beyond measure as we celebrate being in business for more than two decades! WE ADMIRE: small business owners and their nimble teams who keep working tirelessly to keep their businesses moving forward. ON A TYPICAL DAY, WE ARE: shooting
video and photography, developing strategic plans with clients, creating unique content, organizing company events, calling media, doing online research,
organizing databases and volunteering pro ono or many o o r nonprofit organizations. We hit the ground running each day working hard to hustle for the company we keep. We remain grateful for being able to do such great work with so many area businesses who trust our team. WE CONTINUE TO: grow! Shannon Phillips was recently promoted to vice president, and Abshire PR just hired Savannah native Caroline Holden as director of business development. THE SECRET TO GOOD BUSINESS IN SAVANNAH: Keep it authentic. Create
strong professional relationships built on trust and integrity. Stay humble and grateful. Over deliver and write lots of thank you notes!
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