Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices BAY STREET REALTY GROUP 912.233.6000 fice i ava a a d ida ay eau or ri a d ar or a d oo a oi a d a a a d ay ree ea y rou .com
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WE ARE YOUR: Forever Agent! Real estate is more than a transaction; it’s a relationship. We represent real people with big dreams and different realities, not just as agents, but as partners and trusted advisors – from the first home to the last home and everythin in between. OUR NETWORK: Spans the globe. We are e perts in the owco ntry. e also work seamlessly with o r vast network o HH o fices aro nd the lo e. e can connect yo with the ri ht a ent no matter where yo are movin . WHEN OUR NAME GOES ON A REAL ESTATE SIGN: It means something. It’s a
promise o tr st inte rity sta ility lon evity and the hi hest standards o work. e do not take that promise li htly. hat s why yo ll see
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these val es re ected in every o fice every a ent every interaction. THE MOST COMMON QUESTION WE RECEIVE IS: Are we headed for a real
estate crash? No. We’re sitting in a market that is completely a o t s pply and demand. Current values are what the market has commanded and that s what yers are payin . n the comin years the market may level and correct in a few places, but we’re not in for a catastrophic crash. FUN FACT: Home prices rose percent d rin in the ore o ic Home rice Index, the largest annual gain recorded in its year history. he avera e homeowner s e ity has rown y d rin the last months.