Brooke Powell ASHLEY BROOKE PROPERTIES 912.272.7575 329 Commercial Drive, Ste. 100
passionate about my work, my clients, my city, and selling the Southern lifestyle.
MOST PEOPLE ARE SURPRISED WHEN THEY LEARN: that I have a political science
degree from the University of Georgia. My experience gives me an edge in this business. I am able to gather and analyze data at a higher level, a huge advantage to my clients. ONLY EXPERIENCE COULD TEACH ME:
that agent relationships are absolutely crucial to the success of my clients. Having a rep tation o ein di fic lt to work with can be detrimental to winning an offer. I go out of my way to create a pleasant experience for everyone involved, while maintaining the a ility to fiercely ne otiate or my clients.
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MY LOCAL HEROINE IS: my mother, Gail. Thirty years ago, she left her dental hygiene career and started Palmetto Dental Personnel in order to be more present for my brother and I. She never missed a dance recital, a volleyball game or a softball practice. When I met my husband, I knew I wanted a career that would afford my children the same opportunity. I am grateful for having a strong, hard-working and loving mother to look up to. MY CLIENTS APPRECIATE: my innate talent for design and marketing, which helps both my buying and selling clients. I am able to drive my listings to the top of a buyer’s interest list and often get sellers a higher return in less time. For my buyers, I have an eye for seeing the potential and crafting a vision. This allows my buyers to consider properties that others may pass over.