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Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine 47th Issue
detail of Coffee at Le Café © Denise Lefebvre — www.deniselefebvre.com
Mosaic Interview: Adam
Helping My Sister Loving My Garden Network Care Nanda’s AHA Moment
Weakest Link: Kidneys? Happiness Perspective Soul & Personality Tarot Cards Prosperity Consciousness
Time Between Ages Losing My Son Adam Interview Denise Lefebvre’s Art
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I Love Mosaic One of the big questions I had was whether my husband and I should buy a home in Fort McMurray. We had just moved there, the prices were extremely high and therefore I chose for us to rent for the first six months. However, as the prices seemed to be continuing to climb, I wondered if we should buy? Yet, I had a lot of anxiety and fear around buying (at totally outrageous and unprecedented prices). I asked the psychic about this and she firmly told me that she thought we should buy. After a lot more consideration, we did decide to buy the house we were renting and within two years the PRICE almost DOUBLED. Later, when we sold that home to move back to Edmonton, I thanked God every day for that psychic because I can honestly say I’m not sure we would have bought that home if it hadn’t been for her advice.
by Connie Brisson It’s all good. One of the things I wrote about in the last issue was about an unpleasant session I had with a visiting psychic. I felt like what she told me was more careless than helpful and because of that, I likened her words to black magic. Not black magic in the way that she purposely set out to do me harm, but in the way that the words we speak have power, are magical (they can take on a life of their own) and we therefore have to be conscious and responsible about what we say… all of us. Then, on the flip side, I said we also need to be as conscious about what we accept as truth from other people. Just because someone else says something to you that they think is true, doesn’t mean it is true or that it’s true for you. Perception can be a fickle thing. This incident really reinforced the importance of honoring my own intuition when choosing people to work with, as I had gone against my gut feeling in this case. People often ask my opinion on different therapies or practitioners or teachers but I really believe each one of us has to find the right people for ourselves because what’s right for me isn’t necessarily what’s right for you. It’s all about finding the people who can best help you on your journey and the only person that can determine that is you. One of the best ways you can do that is to follow your intuition.
But, here’s the ironic thing. I feel just as THANKFUL to the last psychic that gave me the upsetting reading. I’d be lying if I said that it didn’t shake me up, BUT it also awakened me. It started me on a journey that allowed me to transform some deeply engrained beliefs that have held me back since childhood, beliefs set deep in my bones. I don’t know if I would have got to them this quickly if it hadn’t been for that reading. What’s good? What’s bad? Maybe I’ll leave that up to the gods to decide. What I know for sure is that the Universe can transform anything. It is the great alchemist. Even if it wasn’t in my ‘highest good’ to have gone to that last reading, the amazing thing is that the Universe turned it into good actually, it turned it into GOLD. For me, that’s so comforting. If I can make mistakes, sometimes pick the wrong people or get temporarily sidetracked off my path and still have the outcome be for my highest good in the end, then really, isn’t it ALL good? Sherry Martini knows all about good things. She won the tickets to see Wayne Dyer in Calgary. If you like winning things, just post a yummy comment about what you LOVE about Mosaic Magazine and you can win one of two personally signed copies of Adam’s new book, Intention Heals (DreamHealer 2008) and his DVD. Just go to our website at iLoveMosaicMagazine.com and tell me what you love about Mosaic! We’re also reading Adam’s book, Intention Heals, for our next Mosaic Book Club Dinner at 6:00 p.m. on May 13th at Il Forno, 14981 Stony Plain Road. Just email me if you want to come. Hope to see you there!
A few years ago I was at the Body, Soul, Spirit Expo and I wanted to find a good psychic. There were quite a few there so I walked around and observed them all. Then I chose one that felt right for me.
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Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine Ltd.
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by Norma Hope
780-447-3667 780-452-2917 780-743-2888
Helping to heal my sister’s cancer
Books that Changed My Life
Loving my garden exactly the way it is by Adele Goodwin
mosaicmagazine@shaw.ca www.ilovemosaicmagazine.com
Publisher, Editor, Design & Layout
Design, Layout & Production Co-ordination
Realign your spine with Network Care by Dr. Robin Browne
My ‘AHA’ Moment
Feng Shui makes my dreams come true
Advertising For advertising information contact Connie Brisson at 780447-3667. Deadline for ads is one month prior to publication dates. Payment is due promptly when ad is booked. Mosaic Web-Site See www.ilovemosaicmagazine.com for information about Mosaic, current rates, ad sizes and distribution locations. Web-site by Earth Spirit Creations Website Design. General Information Mosaic Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine is published four times per year on the 1st of February, May, August and November and is distributed in Alberta. We reserve the right to refuse advertisements, articles or art. Publication of any article, advertisement or art in Mosaic Magazine does not constitute the publisher’s endorsement of (or assumption for) liability for any claims made in the advertisements/advertising information or for the information, views and opinions of the individual article writers.The responsibility/liability for the accuracy of all their claims, statements and information rests entirely with the advertisers and the article contributors themselves. The contents of Mosaic should not be used/taken as medical advice but is meant to provide information only. Consult your doctor/health professionals in regards to your health issues. Always research information and service providers found in Mosaic for yourself. Be responsible and safe. Mosaic reserves the right to edit articles for clarity, content or length at the editor’s discretion. No part of this magazine (articles) may be reproduced in any manner without the permission of the publisher. No external flyer inserts allowed. © Mosaic Mind Body and Spirit Magazine Ltd., 2009. Subscription Rates Send cheque for $20.00 (for four issues) payable to Mosaic Magazine with your name, address and phone number. Please indicate which issue you want to start with.
by Nanda Gruss
Your Gut Feeling
Are kidneys your weakest link? by Peter Melnychuk
Happiness is a matter of perspective by Youmashni Naidoo
Skye’s View
Your soul and personality tarot cards by Skye MacLachlan
Creating a new prosperity consciousness by Loretta Mohl
Esoteric Explorations
The time in between the Ages by Catherine Potter
The difficult journey of losing my son by Amanda Bryant
Mosaic Interview with Adam ‘DreamHealer’ by Connie Brisson
Mosaic’s Directory of Services
Mosaic’s Marketplace
Mosaic’s Calendar of Events
Artist’s Gallery
Painting what I love, outside the lines by Denise Lefebvre
COVER ART Artist: Denise Lefebvre Title: Coffee at Le Café Contact: www.deniselefebvre.com
Con Amore
A very special letter from my Mom by Connie Brisson
Next Issue: AUGUST 1, 2009 Deadline: JULY 1, 2009 iLoveMosaicMagazine.com
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Helping to heal my sister’s cancer by Norma Hope Certified Colon Hydrotherapist My sister, Judy, was just diagnosed with cancer - one week before her 56th birthday. I felt such deep sadness when she told me. That “C” word ignites unbelievable grief and fear. My first thoughts were: “I don’t want my sister to die. She’s only 55.” I felt fiercely protective, a sense of profound compassion and a huge feeling of unfairness. I wanted to save her with all my might. Judy’s partner died 18 months ago from cancer after struggling with it for more than six years. He followed medical advice, doing chemotherapy and radiation numerous times. The treatment was devastating to his immune system so he didn’t ever fully recover.
I felt horrible immediately after and the next day. My body didn’t appreciate the ironic comfort I was trying to give it. Fear or sadness makes you eat crazy, and do disconnected things which, if continuous, can give disease the upper hand. Then I got quite righteously angry. Each one of us has cancer cells in our body. It is whether those cancer cells get ‘fed’ or not that is the key element. Every minute of every day your immune system, if strong, defeats and destroys diseased or mutated cells (cancer cells) without your awareness. Cancer doesn’t just mysteriously appear one day. It typically takes up to 12 years of cancer cells mutating and multiplying, deadly, quietly, before a medical test can actually tell if you have cancer. All the females in my family always had problems with constipation. I remember raving to all my sisters 12 years
He did start juicing and eating healthier but not consistently as his energy levels were depleted and by then it was too late. He was raised on meat and potatoes, like most of us, and thought he was eating healthy because the Canada Food Guide says so. But those of us who are educated in food nutrition know that certain foods heal and others cause harm.
Chyna © Denise Lefebvre — www.deniselefebvre.com
I love my sister, Judy, very much. I respect her decisions about her own health. I have to practically tape my mouth shut sometimes though to stop myself from giving advice because this isn’t happening to me it’s happening to her. She needed a sounding board, especially that first week as she sorted out her options. She needed to be heard not preached at. Judy’s commitment to beating this, even on the day she was diagnosed, was amazing and brilliant. She went to the grocery store and bought every fresh vegetable and fruit she could find. She didn’t go into fear and eat tons of comfort food to numb herself. However, I can’t say I did so well when I heard the news. I went out and had French Fries and gravy (and if you knew me, you’d know that was serious - I haven’t eaten THAT for over a decade). Then
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ago about what colon hydrotherapy did for my health. It profoundly changed my life. My sisters Shirley and Faye did it, but Judy always said: “No way”. Her exact words were: “No-one is sticking anything up there ever.” Finally the results were in on Judy’s MRI, CT scans and Petscan. It is “an aggressive type of cancer in the tissue” not an actual tumor that can be picked out or removed. Initially, they thought uterus and lymph also. The word ‘aggressive’ caused sheer panic for me so I can’t imagine what Judy’s fear level was. The feeling was: “Let’s hurry and DO something or she’ll die,” yet I tried desperately to hang onto the fact that this didn’t just appear, so there is time to change it. Judy called 10 days after that first diagnosis and said: “All the research I’ve done points to cleansing and detoxifying the body first, so let’s do it.” I was excited to be able to do this for her as this has been my passion for the past 13 years. I knew I could help build her immunity as strong as possible through cleansing the body of toxic waste that overloads the immune system, colon and lymph. She’s decided to do the chemo and radiation but we had a small window prior to her starting that so she flew from Ontario to Edmonton the next day. There would be no cheese this trip or solid food for that matter. We spent five days doing Colon Hydrotherapy daily, Lymph and Sciatic Release, Sound Therapy for relaxation and letting go, plus other cleansing, detoxification and balancing therapies at my cleanse and detox clinic. We juiced a lot, laughed, slept together, bitched about ‘starving,’ drank only alkaline ionized water, talked about alkaline foods versus acidic foods, poured over recipe and raw food books and opened a door to some emotional self parenting stuff. She felt light and really good when she left, stronger for the medical treatment that lies ahead.
can get. It is live and takes maybe five minutes per day of your time. Here is a huge protein myth. You don’t need any type of animal protein to get your protein requirements. Humans need only 5% protein from the calories they consume in a day. The following vegetables are alkaline, have high protein percentages and NO fat like meat: spinach 49%, asparagus 38%, cucumbers 25%, tomatoes 20% and potatoes 11%. As a comparison beef has 24% protein and a ton of fat that your liver has to somehow cleanse from your blood or it piles in your blood vessels and the waste in your colon. If you ate nothing but potatoes you wouldn’t have any protein deficiency at all. My protein food drink for the week: 1½ cups of organic sesame seeds or almonds, 5 cups alkaline ionized water, ¼ tsp. organic vanilla and 1-2 tbsp. of organic agave. Mix in a blender, store in your fridge and drink daily. I know what the cure for cancer is and every other disease your very own immune system. Get alkaline and start by cleansing so the gradual switch will be easier on your body. Cleansing your body is the number one way to avoid disease. It’s as simple as that. Norma is a Certified Colon Hydrotherapist, Lymph Drainage Therapist, Certified Natural Health Practitioner of Micro Current Therapy and more. Call 780-477-1100, www.lifesynergyinc.com Note:This information is for educational purposes only. It is intended to supplement your current health program and not to replace the care of a doctor. For diagnosis or treatment of any disease please consult a licensed physician.
The time went by too fast. I didn’t hug her enough and we didn’t cry together. It took me 35 years to learn its okay to cry so I understand where Judy is at. Crying wasn’t allowed in our family. Long held emotions do contribute to disease. Eating and living healthy is not about deprivation. It’s way easier to achieve after you cleanse because you feel so good - cravings are gone, energy is huge and your body is more alkaline when you ‘lighten the load’ - so you actually want to eat healthy. And it opens your emotional door providing a new awareness of who you really are in there, underneath all your parent’s stuff. All disease, especially cancer, thrives in an acid environment. Cancer cells die in an alkaline environment so it just makes sense to juice and eat foods that are alkaline or neutral, not acidic. Anytime there is a disease of any kind, the body is extremely acidic. Our food intake on a regular basis should be 80% alkaline and 20% acid, yet for most it is completely reversed if not worse, which feeds the otherwise dormant cancer cells. All animal flesh protein (beef, chicken, fish, seafood, pork) and all dairy (yogurt, cheese, milk) is 100% acidic. All fruit is acidic. The fruits that are okay are apples, berries and kiwi. All vegetables are alkaline or neutral, as are grains. Eating sprouts, especially sunflower, is the best alkaline protein you iLoveMosaicMagazine.com
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Books that Changed My Life
Loving my garden exactly the way it is cutting grass or plowing snow, hungry deer eating their prized peonies, and they never really escape death, disease, disputes and the other hazards of being human. So maybe my dream life wouldn’t exactly be perfect. Onto the third question: “How do you react when you believe that thought?” When I believe the thought that I should have a different life, I feel powerless, angry at the world, frustrated and tense. I want to blame my parents, my family, my government and most of all myself. I am never satisfied. I feel like a failure. “Who would you be without that thought?” the fourth question asks. Hmmm… I would be a peaceful person. My whole being relaxes. “Now turn it around.” Katie asks you to imagine the exact opposite of what you first believed. So in my case I would change the belief: “I should have a different life” to “I should NOT have a different life.”
by Adele Goodwin Landscape Designer “You must have a beautiful garden!” I am a landscape designer and I used to cringe inside whenever I’d hear those words from a client. It felt humiliating to me that I didn’t own an abundant property overflowing with flowers, patios, waterfalls and forest animals. I felt like a fraud. If I just had more money, my life would be perfect. I should be living a different life! Then I read Loving What Is: 4 Questions That Will Change Your Life (Harmony Books, 2002) by Byron Katie. She gently uses four questions to argue with the thoughts that create our suffering.
Now that feels like truth to me. Why? Because I don’t have a different life. This is it. This is the one that I have. This is my reality. It’s only the negative thoughts that I have about my life that keep me from being a peaceful person! Katie says that reality is simple. There’s nothing behind it or above it, and it holds no secrets. It’s whatever is happening. When you argue with it, you lose. It hurts not to be a lover of what is. My Feng Shui teacher suggests the lovely idea that you tend your home like you would tend a garden. But I have expanded that idea - to tend my life like a treasured garden. I breathe in the fragrance of my daughter’s hair. I pad softly around my home picking up the pet fur tumbleweeds and fallen leaves. I feed and water the creatures that live here. I meet others in the marketplace and exchange the gifts from our individual gardens. I listen to the sounds and laugh. I sing or smile a reply. I wait expectantly to see what or who is coming to visit my garden.
The first question: “Is it true?” was easy. OF COURSE, if I had more money, I would buy the flower filled acreage and live happily ever after!
So now, when a client exclaims: “You must have a beautiful garden!” I say: “Yes. Yes, I do.”
The second question: “Can you absolutely know that it’s true?” made me pause. Didn’t I answer that one already? Well, to be absolutely truthful, I know that acreage people do have their own issues such as long commutes, endless hours
Adele Goodwin has a Degree In Horticulture and is the owner of Earthworm Landscape Design Co. Ltd. in Edmonton. www.earthworm.ca, 780-990-0997. Adele and her daughter, Evangeline, inhabit a townhouse where they swing in a purple hammock in between bicycle rides and wild art projects.
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Realign your spine with Network Care Your spine holds some of your best kept emotional secrets. It carries an encyclopedia of information about you. Network Care, a body centered treatment that focuses on your spine, helps reorganize and release your body’s stored stresses - emotional and physical - so you can use that misspent energy to create the life you want. We all know phrases like: “I’ve had it up to here,” “It’s all behind me now” or “The monkey on my back.” These statements describe emotional events in our life AND they also refer to our back, our spine. In times of great stress our body has no choice but to disconnect. It does so by creating misalignment of the joints of the spine. While disconnecting serves us in our time of need, some parts of our body remain disconnected from events that happened years before. Your spine is the central pillar of health - all the nerves running to and from the brain have to enter and exit via spaces between the joints of the spine at every level. The brain and nerves form an essential information highway managing all the body functions. The muscles that support the spine form the center of body movement and power. When the joints of the spine misalign it reduces our body’s ability to heal itself and lowers our quality of life. Often we can’t feel these areas of disconnection. The muscles near these areas of misalignment are where we store stress. We all have unique patterns of how we deal with stress based on how we disconnected in the past. These patterns can be seen in our posture or read in our body language because they form patterns of muscle tension in the spine. The patterns not only limit the flexibility of the spine where the tension is excessive, they also reduce our emotional range. They limit how much we can feel and how much we can express.
patterns. An appropriate light touch to the area helps the clients’ awareness and breath connect to the tension. This connection allows the body to release the excess energy stored in the area. With regular visits, the clients’ body not only releases the tension, it reorganizes it into something the body needs now. This changes how the client experiences similar emotional stresses in the future and breaks the pattern of “dealing with it” by storing it. The client becomes more spontaneous in that area of their life and can make better choices for their future. We all know who we are on the inside, but often we feel we have to live according to people and events on the outside. Wellness is about living in congruence with our inner experience. By releasing patterns of stored emotion we can feel our life and respond to it more effectively. Playa del Carmen © S. DaSilva — www.greatartworkshops.com
by Dr. Robin Browne Doctor of Chiropractic
Clients report feeling safer and centered in their body. They feel more spontaneous and expressive towards their challenges. They come to understand that wellness isn’t just about feeling better, it’s about better feeling.
What I love about Network Care is that it honors the client where they are at in their life. As clients start to release emotional patterns their personalities bloom. Because they feel more, they make different choices and act on them. They start to empower their lives in a way that expresses their unique gifts. It’s transformational and exciting to be a part of. Robin offers Network Care at New Strategy Wellness Centre. To learn more and get started please call to attend a FREE INTRODUCTORY TALK about what Network Care can do for you: 780-429-0023. Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It is intended to supplement your current health program and not to replace the care of a doctor. For diagnosis or treatment of any disease please consult a licensed physician.
Network Care helps clients connect to their body and release stored stress patterns. On each visit I find the areas of stored tension corresponding to past emotional stress iLoveMosaicMagazine.com
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My AHA Moment
Feng Shui makes my dreams come true All seemed to go well until the morning of the Feng Shui Garden Tour. The owners didn’t want me to show my project because I had mentioned (in my written explanation available for the visitors) about a dead tree in their garden. They were insulted that I had drawn attention to this one tree but, indeed, this tree was the reason I wanted to energize that particular area. I was shocked at the misunderstanding. As the opening was an hour away, I quickly rewrote my explanation and we opened. I wanted to create something beautiful and meaningful in that area so, as I was drumming, I invited the visitors to write a note about something they wanted to let go of (an ancient Asian tradition for manifestation) and then hang it on the dead tree (which was in the NE gua - the area of knowledge and wisdom in Feng Shui).
by Nanda Gruss Feng Shui Designer Feng Shui has inspired many of my AHA moments. While in Darmstadt, Germany, I participated in an exhibition called “Vogelfrei” inviting artists to create art for private gardens. I had been asked to join this project due to my background in set design, yet as a Feng Shui practitioner I approached it from a new angle. I started this project by studying the energy in the garden and recognizing where flow was lacking. I decided to stimulate it with art, poetry, singing and drumming. My goal was to transform the stagnant areas of the garden through beauty and meaningful words to create a space of serenity. In the development process I meditated several times in my chosen garden, observing its energies and listening to nature. After I received images and visions inwardly, I painted them on voile material. I wanted to use this transparent medium so that Nature could breathe and be seen through the art. I placed these paintings, including some wooden panels in the garden, according to the bagua - a Feng Shui template for balance in space. These panels were from old wine barrels given to me by the owners and I was inspired to write poems on them to energize specific areas of the garden.
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While the owners had offered their garden to this art exhibition, they definitely had no real interest or passion for their garden. In fact, during the two weeks that the tour was on every day in their own yard, they never came out even once to walk through it. So it was a real surprise, at the end of the show, when I started to dismantle the paintings and wooden panels. The mother came out, thanked me dearly and asked me to leave them in the garden, so they could continue to enjoy the beautiful energy that had been created there. They particularly loved a row of wooden panels (that resembled greeting Buddhas) I had placed in the area of ‘Family’ in the east gua. It was an AHA moment for me about the power of Feng Shui. A transformation had taken place, not only in the garden, but in the owners too. During the tour, one visitor told me she wished she could come back to this space whenever she needed rejuvenation. She felt it was such a power spot. I was deeply touched as it helped me to see the power of my creation. For all my life I had the dream to create environments of inner reflection, inspiration and fulfillment. Feng Shui makes all this possible for me. Nanda is an expert in Feng Shui, Space Clearing, Dowsing and painting of Sacred Geometry. She empowers her clients to live in environments that are healthy, organized, creative and peaceful. Call 780-297-8975 or www.livinginunison.com
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Your Gut Feeling
Are kidneys your weakest link? Are you someone who lives with a lot of underlying fear? Or mysterious lower back pain that has failed to respond to therapy? Would you believe that the gentle touch of a Visceral Manipulation practitioner “waking up” your kidneys might begin to change that? In my last two articles in Mosaic I wrote on Visceral Manipulation originator Jean Pierre Barral’s take on the body-mind connection*. He explains that the brain, when emotionally overstressed, copes with overload by discharging specific stressors into specific organs (usually our weakest). Parental issues, for example, are generally routed to the liver. Barral further observes that a struggling internal organ triggers a predictable emotional behavior - a bad kidney creates fear - which in turn results in a precise set of physical pains and symptoms. We are wired, it seems, to allow a psychosomatic cycle of “emotion-organbehavior-organ.” It is easy to imagine how a negative version of this feedback loop can spiral into illness. But understanding it can help us create a positive loop that builds our health. This means any good work we do to heal an emotional wound will also support the health of an associated organ. The reverse is also true. With therapies like Visceral Manipulation we can improve the health and function of the internal organs. This physiological improvement will help transform our behavior (less pain, more energy, healthier eating, deeper uninterrupted sleep, more resistance to stress), and consequently improve our emotional state.
result of surgery or giving birth. Here are the emotional tendencies and physical symptoms of those whose weakest link is their KIDNEYS. Emotional Tendencies: A thread of fear underlies the behavior of kidney people. Most are vulnerable to insecurities and self-doubts, with intermittent bouts of pessimism. Fear of abandonment is not uncommon. Those with the weakest kidneys may display serious existential fear around the possibility of accidents or natural disasters. It is not unusual for them to possess a latent rage. Their vulnerabilities are often camouflaged by a remarkable capacity to push themselves beyond their own limits (sometimes to their benefit, sometimes not). When their kidneys feel good, they are live wires, and their energy is infectious. In spite of their doubts, they feel compelled to lead, but in a way that is intolerant of dissent. They are remarkably generous. Quiet Read © Kathy Meaney — www.kmeaney.ca
by Peter Melnychuk Visceral Manipulation Practitioner, LMT
Physical Symptoms: Deep fatigue, overall lack of strength; dark, sometimes puffy circles under the eyes; dull, limp hair; swollen legs and feet; sensitivity to cold; variable blood pressure; lower back (lumbar) pain that is worst upon rising, and persists at night, even while lying down; short waves of pain in back or stomach due to crystals (kidney stones in the making) in the urine; cloudy urine that smells of ammonia; certain sacroiliac, groin, and foot pains (related to slipped kidneys that have impinged on nerves).
* See Understanding the Messages of Your Body (North Atlantic Books 2007) Peter is a Visceral Manipulation Practitioner and VM Teaching Assistant for the Barral Institute. He is also a Certified Chi Nei Tsang Instructor. Check out www.unwindthebelly.ca Note:This information is for educational purposes only. It is intended to supplement your current health program and not to replace the care of a doctor. For diagnosis or treatment of any disease please consult a licensed physician.
Now let’s focus on the kidneys. They have a big job - they manage and allocate the 70% of our body weight that is made up of water. They also convert proteins into urea and uric acid. Along with the liver, the kidneys are the big kahunas in the detoxification process. They filter 1500 liters of blood and extract a litre and a half of urine daily! Our kidneys may perform poorly because of genetics or illness. But problems can be caused if the kidneys have slipped lower from their ideal bodily position. Slippage, (ptosis) can be the result of any one of a number of factors, including: a fall on the tailbone, rapid weight loss, poor posture, mental depression, severe physical trauma, chronic coughing, or as a iLoveMosaicMagazine.com
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Happiness is a matter of perspective by Youmashni Naidoo Life Coach All of us want to be happy. We yearn for a life filled with joy so we go on a mission to find it. However, for many people it’s a never ending search. And it may feel this way because many of us are looking for joy in all the wrong places. Joy will never be found if you are looking outside yourself. Happiness exists within you - it is a state of mind. It is a perspective which you are in complete control of.
Catherine had come to me with deep sadness; everything about her exuded pain. After a few sessions I began to see why she was in such agony. Pain was an old, familiar song for Catherine - one she had been dancing to for 40 years. Catherine based all her happiness on her marriage and because she felt that it had not been a good one, she was very unhappy. Even though it takes two to tango Catherine refused to take any responsibility for her part and only focussed on her husband’s faults. Every session began with “Forty years ago…” It became clear to me that Catherine liked being a victim. It was a safe place for her because it was familiar. When I asked Catherine to focus on herself and tell me what happiness
Una Sera a Roma © Denise Lefebvre — www.deniselefebvre.com
How you view your life experiences dictates your peace of mind, which in turn dictates your happiness. Healthy, healing perspectives come from a mind shift.
Our lives are no doubt shaped by events from the past. We cannot change the past since we have no control over it. What we can change, however, is the way we look at past events, even the traumatic ones.
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meant to her, she was stumped. It always came back to her belief that she couldn’t be happy until her husband admitted to affairs she believed he had over the years. And even though he adamantly maintained he never cheated on her, she didn’t believe him. Catherine was so fixated on this that it drove her to leave her husband on several occasions and even file for divorce. The unfortunate thing is that Catherine’s safe place was drama and since she was so caught up in it, she failed to see how many good things she and her husband had in their relationship. Despite all the turbulence she put their relationship through, he would do anything to have her in his life. The irony is that Catherine based her happiness on her husband’s love but was unable to see it because of self imposed ‘blinders.’ Where have you had blinders on in your life? Look at a negative situation from your past. How did you react and why did you react the way you did? Remember it is important to honour an emotion but not to dwell in it. Now it’s time to take responsibility and ask yourself what part you played in the event and its outcome? Even if you believe you were a victim of circumstance, you are still responsible for the way you reacted. Your perspective on a past situation dictates your present state of mind. If you don’t make peace with your past, you will recreate similar scenarios over and over again. Now can you detect any patterns? It does not matter who, what or how, all that matters is that you become aware of the perspective that was holding you back.
We must come to the realization that everything happens for a reason. This may be a hard concept to grasp especially when some events may have been traumatic. Know that it is in within your power to heal your life. One practical way is to reflect on how these events have shaped you. Where are you now on an emotional level? What have you learned from the experience? How has this event shaped your life? When you ask yourself these questions, you will be able to see the experience that was haunting you is actually a gift. It has made you stronger, wiser, more compassionate... The bottom line is that you grew from the experience. We have to find peace over what has occurred in our lives. Figuring out what you gained from your experience will automatically shift your present thinking. Focusing on the positive will help you let go of the past. This is a simple technique to get positive results. The mind is brilliant. We have to be attentive to retraining it. Youmashni is a Life Coach who offers one-on-one coaching and also transformational workshops. For more information please visit www.divinitywithin.ca or call her at 780-468-1212.
Sheila had come to me soon after her husband had passed away from a sudden heart attack. The first thing she said was: “I didn’t get to say goodbye. It all happened so fast.” During our sessions I encouraged Sheila to speak about her husband and their 30 years together. She spoke of all the wonderful times they had together and also some painful times. Sheila confessed: “You know he did have an affair on me, but funny enough, that is not what stands out to me.” When I asked Sheila why, she had said it was a gift in a way, a second chance to make things better. Sheila realized that she also played a part in that experience. By both taking responsibility, they were able to work things out and become closer. It was evident that Sheila was aware of the higher purpose of her relationship and she said to me: “The good times were great but the tough times were even greater because it made us grow and connect on a higher level.” Even during grief Sheila found peace of mind which brought her happiness. Sheila and Catherine are proof that your perspective can make or break you. iLoveMosaicMagazine.com
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Skye’s View
Your soul and personality tarot cards by Skye MacLachlan Feng Shui Consultant Anthropologist Angeles Arrien has researched a method of determining which tarot cards reflect your personality and soul’s lessons and gifts. These cards are determined by your birth date. Your personality card represents your life purpose, aspirations and lessons to be learned in this lifetime. Your soul card indicates the essence of who you are, your soul purpose and the gifts / challenges you carry deep within. Many of my clients have commented that understanding their soul and personality cards has been like receiving a compass to assist them on their journey through life.
1961 (6 + 14 + 1961) = 1981; 1 + 9 + 8 + 1 = 19. The Sun, number 19 of the major arcane tarot, is the first card. By adding together 1 + 9 = 10, we get their second card, The Wheel of Fortune and then 1 + 0 = 1, The Magician is the third card. This is an especially creative and often challenging lifetime for these individuals, as all three cards are experienced as both soul and personality cards. If your birth date adds up to 22, you have the great task in this life of balancing impulsiveness, spontaneity and mystery (0, The Fool, is considered the 22nd card and your personality card) with responsibility and structure (4, The Emperor is your soul card). Now that you know how to calculate your soul and personality cards, here is a brief overview of the life lessons /
Two people may be born with the same soul / personality cards and experience these energies uniquely depending on the degree of their soul development. For example, The Fool card may be experienced as someone who is constantly making foolish choices (undeveloped) or as someone who is open to new experiences (developed).
The Empress © Roxi Sim — www.pearlsofwisdomtarot.com
To determine your cards add up the day, month and year of your birth. For example: June 10, 1958 (6 + 10 + 1958) = 1974. Then add each digit of the total number: 1 + 9 + 7 + 4 = 21. If the total adds up to 22 or less, this is your personality number, which corresponds to the ‘major arcana’ tarot card of the same number. In the example above, the tarot card number 21, The Universe, is this individual’s personality card. Then add together 2 + 1 = 3. The number 3, The Empress, is their soul tarot card. The higher number is the personality card, the lower number is the soul card. Since there are only 22 major arcana tarot cards, if your birthday adds up to 23 or more, it must be reduced to a single digit. For example: January 8, 1960 (1 + 8 + 1960) = 1969; 1 + 9 + 6 + 9 = 25; 2 + 5 = 7. In this example, the number 7, The Chariot, is both your personality and soul card. In this lifetime your personality and soul are aligned and focused to work on the same issue. There is one situation where certain birthdates will have three cards to work with. For example the birth date June 14,
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gifts of each card. For those of you who have two or three cards, notice which aspects you’ve developed and are most comfortable with. Then challenge yourself to own and activate the gifts and challenges of your other card. 0 - The Fool (If your birth date adds up to 22, The Fool is your personality symbol and the Emperor is your soul symbol). These individuals are often very intuitive and perceptive. They prefer a life filled with variety and change. When faced with difficulty they will usually demonstrate great courage. They are highly creative which may be expressed artistically or in their approach to problem solving. Others are often drawn to their spontaneous, carefree approach to life. The challenging or shadow aspects of The Fool may manifest as someone who cannot commit and only experiences life in a very shallow way. The shadow may also manifest in an opposite manner where one feels the yearning to explore but is afraid to take the leap into a new adventure. 1 - The Magician (Your birth date adds up to 1or 10). These individuals possess the ability to magically create change. They are often very focused on what they want and carry that vision with them. They are also gifted communicators. Some have the charisma to inspire others with their vision. Magicians have the ability to bring their gifts to almost any career and be successful. The shadow aspect of the Magician would be someone who uses their gifts of communication to manipulate others. They may also hold a vision that is detrimental to the wellbeing of others. 2 - The High Priestess (Your birth date adds up to 2, 11, or 20). These individuals often have the capacity to see the bigger picture, to understand both sides of a situation and to assess what is working or not working. They may come across as aloof but in fact they are simply surveying the situation through eyes of wisdom. They value time to themselves and are highly independent. They have a deep appreciation for beauty and balance. The shadow aspect of the High Priestess may manifest as one who isolates from others and is unable to receive support from loved ones. 3 - The Empress (Your birth date adds up to 3, 12 or 21). These individuals are highly sensitive to the needs of others. They are often natural healers; just being around them can make you feel better. They also have a deep appreciation for beauty. Their shadow aspect involves giving and giving to others while forgetting their own needs to receive nurturing. Due to their sensitivity they may also build a shell of protection around themselves to avoid being hurt. During times of stress they may experience incapacitating exhaustion when they realize that they’ve given all that they have to others.
also feel the burden of leadership and choose to float through life and be an underachiever. 5 - The Hierophant (Your birth date adds up to 5 or 14). The Hierophant individual values family. This may be their birth family or spiritual family. They have the natural ability to build and nurture community around themselves. Many are also highly creative; this ranges from having many creative ideas to actually being artists. Music is often a great source of renewal for them. At some point in life most hierophants will delve deeply into their own spiritual nature and may even be a spiritual guide to others. In their shadow aspect, Hierophants may feel misunderstood by their community and may search for their own people and a sense of belonging. 6 - The Lovers (Your birth date adds up to 6 or 15). Lovers people are gifted in working with people of all ages. People are naturally drawn to them. They have the ability to really see people for who they are, to motivate and inspire people to fulfill their potential. They have the creative ability to see how differing ideas, people and situations can work harmoniously together. They are very perceptive and often immediately know what is working and not working in a situation. The shadow aspect of Lovers involves feeling over responsible for others and of carrying too much responsibility on their shoulders. They may also be frustrated by having the knowledge of what works without the means to apply this knowledge. They may never receive the recognition that they deserve. 7 - The Chariot (Your birth date adds up to 7 or 16). Chariot people have more energy than most of us and the capacity to handle many projects at the same time. They need variety and change in their lives. Many of them will travel a great deal and may even live in a different country than they were born in. They work to find that special balance between calm and stimulation. Although they are drawn to change, they always assess whether the new situation is viable before taking action. They motivate, inspire and stimulate others. They are often a natural change agent in situations which have outlived their purpose. The shadow aspect of Chariot people revolves around their quest to find a balance between action and calm. They can get stuck in a pattern of too much action or the lethargic energy of doing nothing. I’ll complete the descriptions for the remaining cards (8 - 21) in upcoming issues. Skye has specialized in Feng Shui for the home and business for 30 years. She teaches Feng Shui, Tarot, Dreamwork and Gem Therapy at the Northern Star College of Mystical Studies in Edmonton.
4 - The Emperor (Your birth date adds up to 4, 13, or 22). These individuals have come into this lifetime to explore their relationship to power and authority. They are often natural leaders and are put in positions of leadership without choosing such positions. They have the natural ability to inspire and motivate others. They have a great love for the creative process, setting their vision into motion and seeing it through to manifestation. This creative and building energy can be applied to any area of life. Many Emperors will be entrepreneurs or managers. The shadow aspect often manifests as having issues with authority figures. They may iLoveMosaicMagazine.com
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Creating a new prosperity consciousness by Loretta Mohl Certified Life Coach & Theta Healing Instructor Would you like to have the ability to overcome your scarcity mentality? Are you awake today? Are you allowing in new ideas? Are you free? If not, what assumption, belief, resentment or incident could you release that would set you free? ‘Prosperity Consciousness’ is the powerful journey I created in a Personal Life Coaching format to help you recognize, access and use your own personal resources. In the last issue of Mosaic, I invited readers to participate in this free journey by logging into the www.CanadianCollegeofHealingArts.com website and clicking on ‘Manifesting Prosperity’ (you can still do this if you haven’t already).
Consciousness Journey’ has given thousands of people the opportunity to shift their perspective. Theta Healing helps give us a clear map on how to access our inner resources. All the resources we require are already within each of us. The absolute truth is that ‘we are prosperity’ - this is the secret that everyone is looking for. BE YOU and you will BE, DO and HAVE prosperity. And I’m not just talking about money, but a prosperous abundance of everything… creativity, joy, peace, love, faith. When we see that we are these things, we naturally want to share them. I’ve been coaching and doing healing work for over 20 years and it was when I was introduced to Theta Healing that I started to live a life of grace and ease. Through the process of
So far, it has reached over 7,000 people from all over the world and everyday I am receiving anywhere from 30 - 100 emails from people sharing their healing stories with me about how it has touched their lives.
Good Neighbours © Lorraine Shulba — www.lshulba.com
Personal Life Coaching is a tool that can be used to help anyone that has the desire to move forward in their life. Regardless of your issue or circumstance, a Professional Life Coach can help you assess your situation, target areas for growth and encourage you to proceed. By supporting your accountability, your coach will empower you to overcome your resistance and move past the roadblocks you perceive as standing in your way. After many years of counseling and guiding group therapy sessions, I decided to take the steps to become a Certified Coach. ‘Coaching’ people to find their personal truth rather than ‘counseling’ is hugely different to me. I chose to empower my clients, to support you to take responsibility for your beliefs. With coaching, together we access and tap into the resources you need to create your ideal life - a life of evolution and fulfillment where self awareness blossoms. Combining this coaching technique with Theta Healing to produce the ‘Prosperity
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Theta Healing, I was finally able to change the beliefs that had me living a life full of struggle and survival into a prosperous, joyful life. I now feel safe and excited by life. Everyday is an adventure instead of a chore. While some see their future as bleak, I see my life as truly joyous and prosperous. I’m so excited about my life that there are moments I can hardly contain myself. I don’t live with anxiety or fear about what tomorrow will bring because I know, without a doubt, anything is possible. I love my life and I love being able to witness miracles each and everyday. And I am so excited that this is all available to you… to all of us. We only need to make the decision to take the next step. Two important things I’ve learned about our journeys are ‘respect’ and ‘responsibility.’ The intention of making a commitment to our wellness plays a huge part in the results we get in our life. Once we set our intentions, for whatever it is that we want, it sets the Universe in motion to make it happen. It is not for us to judge others as to where they are it is only our job to take full responsibility for our own lives and healing. For a long time, I’ve had a burning desire to make a difference in the world. I hold a vision in my own life of how I can influence the world by being a more productive and contributing member of my global family. I have a dream of transforming my limiting beliefs into prosperity consciousness, of making a difference in the life of another, and of being a part of something so much bigger than myself. I also dreamed of joining with my sisters and brothers around the world in making the human experience a little better for each and everyone of us.
moment, to reading this article. The next step in your personal journey could be as simple as booking a healing session, meeting your coach, or beginning a course that will teach you the skills that enable you to clear your path forward - to remove the obstacles standing between you and the life you wish to live. This is a time of great self-discovery and transformation for all of us. As you work to manifest your best possible self, you will see things from a deeper perspective than ever before. Make the intent of making your life easier a priority. If you surrender to a higher knowing it assists in making life much easier. Use your connection to ALL-THAT-IS to tune into universal knowledge to support you in manifesting your highest dreams. You’re worth it. Allowing yourself to explore your inner thoughts will help you align yourself with a greater sense of awareness and meaningfulness. Work at shedding your fears by seeing your truth. Awaken. Anything is possible if you stay focused on your intentions. Life is a continual journey… Enjoy wherever you are in the moment and remember to be patient with yourself. Loretta is a Certified Professional Personal Life Coach, Certified Theta Practitioner and teaches Theta Healing at the Canadian College of Healing Arts. Call 780-910-5052 or visit www.CanadianCollegeofHealingArts.com for more. Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It is intended to supplement your current health program and not to replace the care of a doctor. For diagnosis or treatment of any disease please consult a licensed physician.
Now is the time to dream, to speak up, and dare to challenge the assumptions of ourselves and our world to allow for new realities to emerge. As we stand together with a prosperity consciousness to create a new awakening for the world, it is our right and obligation to claim our inherent privilege to participate in the coming together of humanity as one collective human heart - a heart that looks out for the good of the WE instead of the limitations of I, a heart that is filled with deep compassion and love for all of humankind and knows that each of us must step up and handle our own issues so that we can deliver our particular and unique gift to the world. This is a time when the evolution of the individual and collective soul is happening - and we are each a part of it. Dr. Martin L. King once said: “Our very survival depends on our ability to stay awake, to adjust to new ideas, to remain vigilant and to face the challenge of change.” I know many of you are facing challenges right now, but it is only because a greater future for yourself and your family wants to emerge. Take a big risk this week to challenge your limitations and make a difference in the life of another. If you don’t how to do this, know that it is okay to ask for support. Ask for what you need and you will guided to the best source. We are so well taken care by ALL-THAT-IS. Now is the perfect time to recognize the opportunities at your fingertips. The Universe has brought you to this iLoveMosaicMagazine.com
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Esoteric Explorations
The time in between the Ages by Catherine Potter
Astrologer and Hypnotherapist All us can relate to a period in our life when we made some significant change and experienced, the time in between, that period when nothing quite fits. Whether the shake-up in our life came about because of a career change, death of a loved one, ending of a relationship or a relocation, the change was followed by a transition period - the time in between when the old no longer works for us and we haven’t yet integrated the new. It can often be an awkward and uncomfortable period where we grasp some of what we are being asked to
understand but are not at the point where the change is familiar and therefore comfortable. Right now we are globally feeling the tension that takes place when we transition from one astrological age to another (see sidebar). We have to grasp new paradigms such as global economy and family, and how to be responsible stewards of the Earth. We have to make that leap into adulthood which asks us to comprehend and work with natural laws, such as cause and effect and interconnectedness. In this state of awareness we make choices between right and wrong, not based on fear of punishment, but from the understanding that we are all connected. This type of adulthood requires us to accept responsibility for the choices we make personally and globally. The leap we take to live in such a way is a big one, however so is the reward that comes with self empowerment. We are being asked to let go of the search for a messiah, someone to come and save us. This was a need that served a previous age but one that hinders our coming into spiritual adulthood.
One Living Body © Bernadette McCormack — www.bernadettesart.info
Here again by learning about and practicing natural law we begin to understand that we are the creators of our lives and co-creators of the world. Although we can look for strong, helpful, clear, leaders/teachers along the way, this next leap in our evolution asks us to embrace our inner divinity. These are just some of the new paradigms we have to embrace during this transition from one age to another. Leaps in human evolution take place over a long period of time. First with the breakdown of old outdated ways of being and then through embracing and
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ASTROLOGICAL AGES For those of you who aren’t familiar with astrological ages here is a brief explanation. The Earth takes approximately 25,800 years to move through the 12 constellations. It takes anywhere from 2,150 years to 2,500 years (estimated) to move through one constellation. This time period is referred to as an ‘Age,’ hence the Age of Pisces, Age of Aquarius. There is no way to determine the exact year an age starts as the constellations vary in size and overlap integrating new ideas and concepts until they become a way of life. I’ve always felt that if one is born during a transition period it’s because we have the gifts and resources to help bring about the change. Just as in nature, everything has a time and purpose. Take a moment to sit quietly. Close your eyes and take three slow breaths. With each breath, come more fully into your body. Ask that you be shown what your gift is what can you bring to the world. It may be calmness, clarity, hope, creativity, love, strength… Imagine it permeate every cell of your being then be it in the world. An astrologer since 1986, Catherine is also a Hypnotherapist and Meditation instructor. She brings her unique counselling and teaching style to The Northern Star College of Mystical Studies.
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The difficult journey of losing my son by Amanda Bryant Wednesday, December 14, 2005. That was the day that my life changed forever. I was sitting at the kitchen table planning Christmas dinner while my husband, Andrew, prepared supper for our family. When our nine year old son, Kalib, did not come down from his room to eat with us, Andrew went up to see what he was doing. When Andrew called my name, the tone in his voice told me something was horribly wrong. I ran upstairs.
Help finally arrived and knowing I did all I could, I let them take over. I went back downstairs to be with my other boys who were scared and crying, my oldest knowing something had happened to his brother but the other two too young to understand. When the paramedics came down without Kalib, I was horrified. They did all they could but, that night, we lost our energetic, happy, curious boy. This was a nightmare I would not wake up from. As our home filled with family and friends, I held my other boys closer than ever. We now knew how quickly life could be turned upside down. Though the police suspected suicide, all that mattered was what I knew in my heart - death was not Kalib’s intention and anyone who knew him could agree. After, I often sat
Barn At End’s Day © Karen Bishop — www.karenbishop.ca
There on the floor Kalib lied so still, so pale. The belt that encircled his neck hung loosely from his bunk bed. I fell
onto my knees next to him. Life had left his body and as I desperately did CPR, I repeatedly yelled: “Kalib,” pleading for him to come back to me.
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on his bed and talked to him just as though he were there. I wanted to know if he was okay and I often asked: “Why?” and “Are you in Heaven?” I wasn’t expecting to hear his voice and I didn’t. But still my questions were answered. The evening of Kalib’s funeral I turned on the television and as I flipped through the channels I came across a Barbara Walters Special about Heaven. I smiled as a warm feeling came over me. The following day, one week after Kalib’s death, I briefly saw The Dr. Phil Show and heard a woman whose son died playing the ‘Choking Game’ alone in his room. I didn’t get to see the whole story but there were similarities. I was riding a roller coaster of emotions. I had days that I would just cry, missing Kalib so much, longing to see, hear and touch him again. I felt that if this is what it would be like for the rest of my life, I could not go on. People would tell me that it gets easier with time but I could not understand how. Yet, I had to keep focusing back on my family who still needed me and all the things I had still to do in life. The signs Kalib provided me were comforting and strengthened my hope and faith in life after death. On Christmas Eve, just 10 days after his death, I noticed a familiar smell and smiled as I recognized the scent of Kalib’s feet/boots when they had gotten wet while playing outside then left to dry. I searched for the source of the smell but could not find it before it was gone. Another time, I found the only picture of he and I alone together was lying face up on a shelf the other kids could not reach (and therefore could not have knocked over). I stood the picture back up, tried to push it down, even shook the shelf to see if it could have accidentally fallen over on its own but it remained standing. I would also often feel the sensation of breath behind me on my hair and when I reached up nothing was there. I’m sure it was Kalib letting me know he was okay and that I would be too. One of the most significant discoveries about his death started while I was searching the internet for more information on the ‘Choking Game’ I had previously heard about. I could not believe that so many lives could be lost to this and I had never heard of it. Then I found the woman from The Dr. Phil Show. As I read about how her son died, I relived my own nightmare. Her name was Sarah, from California - the same Sarah that had made an entry in the online book of condolences that accompanied Kalib’s obituary. I immediately contacted Sarah through her website. She responded and proceeded to explain how she found me. Everything came together that night.
Doors opened before me as I continued my search for ‘why’ down this path I had been guided. Through a series of perfectly timed events, and contact with all the right people, on March 15, 2006 our story was amongst others (including Sarah’s) featured on The Fifth Estate’s ‘The Choking Game.’ The response was strong and supportive others could relate. I have always believed that everything happens for a reason but it was difficult to make sense of Kalib’s death until I looked at the big picture. Out of tragedy, thousands of people learned of a dangerous activity and this knowledge would save the lives or explain the deaths of other children. Courage, strength and a voice had been unlocked from within me. Needless to say I no longer believe in coincidence but I do believe synchronicity is a sign of being on the right path. I enjoy sharing these stories of synchronicity with my family and friends. During a conversation with a friend I was initially introduced to Inspiration (Hay House, 2006) by Dr. Wayne Dyer. Then on May 24, 2006 my friend called me to say Dr. Dyer would be on television that evening presenting Inspiration. It was my first birthday since Kalib died and I was finding the day incredibly difficult so this was pretty special. Of course I watched the whole thing and the next day I went out and bought the book. It was a gift that started me on yet another journey. I read and learned from book after book, each reinforced the other and my interests grew because I could relate. I saw things in a new light. Then I instinctively picked up a book unlike any I had read before. It was The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference (Back Bay Books, 2002) by Malcolm Gladwell. As I reached the conclusion I realized that I was drawn to this book for a reason. He quoted a story about young boys who had attempted suicide “in the spirit of imitative or experimental play.” An 11-year-old boy that lived explained that “he did not want to die.” This reinforced what I already knew in my heart - that Kalib’s death had been an accident and not a suicide. I’ve become aware of so much more because of this tragedy. Our family has become stronger and learned important life lessons throughout this journey. Not a day goes by that we don’t think of Kalib and if I could change one day in my life it would be December 14, 2005 … but I can’t change what has already happened. The most important thing I learned is that every experience in life has brought us all to this very moment and this is the moment that matters. Amanda can be reached at shalapay@telus.net or to learn more about the 'Choking Game' go to http://www.stop-the-choking-game.com
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Mosaic Interview with Adam ‘DreamHealer’ April 17, 2009 Connie: I’m very excited to be interviewing Adam. For those of you who don’t know Adam, he is a Molecular Biologist who is also an internationally renowned Canadian energy healer (from British Columbia). He’s the best-selling author of three DreamHealer books and DVD. He combines his First Nations (Native American) healing background with channeled insights and his academic background in molecular biology. The result is some of the most amazing information on energy healing available today. I first learned about Adam through a friend of mine, Marianne Baron, about five years ago. I had been getting Reiki treatments from Marianne for a while and then one day I noticed a huge increase in her ability to channel energy in the treatment. It was like the power was amped up 100%. I asked her what had happened to her since the last time I saw her as the difference in her energy was astounding to me. She said that the only thing she could think of was that she had just come back from an Adam workshop where he had done some group healings. I immediately knew I wanted some of that and signed up for his next workshop! On June 28th, Adam will be here in Edmonton presenting an Intention Heals workshop. I just finished reading his latest book and I can’t wait to go to his workshop again. I want to start at the beginning. Can you tell us the story of how you first became aware that you were a healer? Adam: As far back as I can remember I saw auras, which is the subtle light surrounding all living things. I thought this was normal and it wasn’t until my early teenage years that I realized this is an unusual ability. As well, many telekinetic events occurred around me and I became very curious about what was happening. My Mom has had multiple sclerosis since before I was born. One day, when I was 14 years old, my Mom was in excruciating pain from trigeminal neuralgia, a symptom of MS. I told her to close her eyes and I placed my hand on her head. I wasn’t thinking about anything in particular; I just didn’t want my mom to be in pain anymore. I went into a deep trance and I saw a throbbing bright green blob in her head. I grabbed it and pulled it out. She has not had another occurrence of trigeminal neuralgia. I was amazed at what I had experienced.
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On September 21, 2002, I read an article in our local paper on rock legend, Ronnie Hawkins. It reported that he had been diagnosed with terminal, inoperable pancreatic cancer. The original name of his back-up band was The Hawks, which became The Band, legendary in the 1960s for backing Bob Dylan. Ronnie has been in the music business for decades. When John Lennon and Yoko Ono were in town during their 1969 peace crusade, they stayed at Ronnie’s place. Ronnie was quite willing to try my healing approach, since the doctors had not given him any hope of recovery. “Five of the best doctors in the world have told me that this is it. They said three to six months, tops—I’m gone.” Distant healing was certainly a new idea to Ronnie and his family, but they were keen. In September 2002, well-known Canadian producer and composer David Foster, hosted what was thought to be a farewell party in Ronnie’s honor in Toronto. Many major celebrities attended, including former U.S. president Bill Clinton, comedian Whoopi Goldberg and singer and composer Paul Anka. I spent the next few weeks treating Ronnie’s tumor on the energetic level, helping his body fight off the cancer and reduce the tumor. Ronnie always felt a quivering in his abdomen during treatments. His jaundice disappeared and his overall health seemed to be getting progressively better. All the treatments I did on Ronnie were from 3,000 miles away. Several months later, rather than planning a funeral, Ronnie was planning a CD release and a TV show. Ronnie started thinking more about living than dying. On February 27, 2003, Ronnie’s CT and MRI scans showed no evidence of any tumor. He is still cancer-free seven years later. Connie: What do you experience when you perform a healing? Adam: Using my intentions, I am able to influence health and I am able to ‘see’ the resulting energy changes. This works most effectively if the person’s intention for better health is aligned with the healer’s intentions. When I first experienced healing with energy, the person receiving the energy was in the same physical room as me. Then I learned how to do distant healing and distance is no longer a factor. Now I do group energy treatments at my iLoveMosaicMagazine.com
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workshops, as they work very effectively. All participants learn how to harness the power of visualizations and experience self-empowerment through energy healing. Connie: Your latest book is called Intention Heals - A Guide and Workbook (DreamHealer 2008). Can you explain to us why and how intention works? What is the science behind it? Adam: Our intentions create our reality. Through focusing our intentions we can directly influence our own health. My newest book Intention Heals provides readers with step-bystep instructions to accomplish this. Intentions directly affect our metabolism and consequently our health. It is common knowledge in the scientific community that our intentions influence our healing processes. Although these concepts are well accepted, the medical community has been slow to integrate these ideas into practice.
Adam: Because I am able to perceive or ‘see’ how energy moves, I have discovered the potential of visualizations. I can ‘see’ that healing is an innate and teachable skill and every one of us can maximize our own healing potential through intentions. The most effective way for most people to focus their intentions on healing is to visualize it happening. That is what visualizations are; specific focused intentions. Visualizations are a means to consciously focus intentions on healing. Connie: How has your First Nations cultural roots and heritage influenced you and your healing abilities? Adam: On my Dad’s side of the family, I am related to the last known tribal shaman healer. The ancient healing ideas and practices of my First Nations cultural roots have had a very profound influence on my work. I have had the
New World Isis © Aaron Paquette — www.aaronpaquette.net
Connie: In your book you talk a lot about visualization and even give a number of visualization exercises to
help the readers with anything from managing stress or letting go of excess fat in their bodies to healing multiple sclerosis and cancer. What are visualizations and why are they so important?
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Rudbeckia © Monika Dery
Interview continued from page 25 privilege of participating as an invited healer in many sacred healing rituals, which have shaped my approach to energy healing. Elders, shamans and others have taught me many things about aboriginal culture, ceremonies and way of life. All understand the importance of energy in life and health and how everything is interconnected. We are now at a crossroads where this ancient wisdom is becoming more mainstream. Leaders in science are discovering that we are far more complex than biochemical machines. We are senders and receivers of energy as information, which influences our health far beyond our conscious awareness. It is impossible to separate our physical being from emotional and spiritual levels. Each of us is a complete being of unique experiences connected to a collective consciousness. Connie: How has your education as a Molecular Biologist influenced you as a healer? Why did you choose to study molecular biology? Adam: During my university studies in molecular biology, I have been fascinated by the dynamic nature of all molecules of life. The smallest change in structure or orientation of a molecule has dramatic effects on our health. Metabolism is based on enzyme activity and these enzymes are directly influenced by our intentions and thoughts. There is no such thing as an idle or neutral thought. This should be a huge
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motivation for everyone to practice positive thoughts and intentions. Connie: I was at workshop of yours in Calgary a few years ago and I was amazed by the story and photo slides you showed of the huge black bird you were led to in an extremely remote location. Can you tell our readers about that experience and why you think this experience happened to you? Adam: When I was 15, I had my first vision. It was an incredibly vivid dream where I was soaring above the ocean like an eagle. Then I saw a big black bird sitting in the forest. I had a strong feeling that I had to go to a remote area on the west side of Vancouver Island. Through a series of events I describe in my book The Path of the DreamHealer, I found this large black bird in the exact location that I had seen in my vision. This was an epiphany for me. It confirmed that the extraordinary events I had been experiencing for several years were real. I could trust myself on my way forward. This greatly amplified my healing abilities. During my encounter with the bird, I received very complex information. Even years later, there is still much that I have not been able to decipher. This encounter with the bird opened a gateway in me allowing for a more efficient connection to knowledge from the field of information. Since then I have been constantly bombarded with vast amounts of information. This information comes to me in various forms. Sometimes it’s words, sometimes images, sometimes thoughts, sometimes I hear a voice. It varies depending on the type of information I am receiving.
THERE’S MORE! To read the rest of ADAM’S INTERVIEW go to www.iLoveMosaicMagazine.com
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Mosaic’s Directory of Services
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Mosaic’s Directory of Services
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Mosaic’s Directory of Services
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Mosaic’s Marketplace ACUPUNCTURE TIRED OF FEELING UNWELL? Knowledgeable and compassionate, Registered Acupuncturist Genevieve Boyer uses this effective, holistic therapy to help you find relief from your unique health challenges. For more information or to book an appointment, call 780-499-9749. ANGELS CONNECTING WITH THE ANGELS - Spend the day in the loving energy of the angels. You will have the opportunity to connect with and received messages from the angels using various techniques. You will also practice receiving and giving messages to others. For upcoming dates contact Maureen Bracke, Angel Therapy Practitioner® trained and certified by Dr. Doreen Virtue, 780- 4795011, angelreadermaureen@yahoo.com
at yourself, face fear, release old negative patterns, get motivated and step boldly and joyfully into your future. Contact Maureen Bracke, Certified Soul Coach, at 780-479-5011. DONATIONS NEEDED Non profit organization supporting individuals with disabilities needs to pay for building renovations. Seeking donated items for Silent Auction tables within the Trade Show at Camrose CRE during Big Valley Jamboree, July 30 August 2. Advertise your business across North America by donating. www.centracam.ca or 780-672-9995. HEALING & HEALTH ELIMINATE YOUR ANXIETY by phone. Mildred Thill, EFT-ADV, Brain Balance Consulting Inc., 780-432-3605, www.emofree.ca When nothing else works.
ART MEDITATION AFFORDABLE, ECLECTIC, UNIQUE ARTWORK for home or office. Rent or purchase from a large range of batik, canvas or styrofoam paintings. Contact Monika Dery at monika@onceinabluemoon.ca or www.onceinabluemoon.ca
Garrette Hansen Skin Deep Laser
RAJA YOGA MEDITATION classes in association with the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization. Free as a community service. Day and evening classes. Information: 780425-1050, www.bkwsu.org
CATHERINE POTTER’S ASTROLOGICAL FORECAST for 2009 is now available for you to read on-line. Go to www.iLoveMosaicMagazine.com and click the ‘Newsletter/Ezine’ tab. Catherine is also featuring mini astrological forecasts each month in Mosaic’s Newsletter that comes to your inbox. Sign up today at Mosaic website, www.iLoveMosaicMagazine.com
DO YOU WANT MOSAIC MAGAZINE available at your office or event? Get bulk amounts of Mosaic Magazine to give to your clients at the following locations: ASCENDANT BOOKS (10310 - 124 St), A SENSE OF SERENITY (10342 - 81 Ave), CRIMSON QUILL (8 Perron St, St. Albert), LIFEFORCE (101 Signal Rd, Fort McMurray), NAMASTE (#216, 2016 Sherwood Dr, Sherwood Park) and WHERE FAERIES LIVE (10991A - 124 St).
SAMANTHA KANE-KENNEDY is a Professional Astrologer with 39 years experience. Her caring in-depth consultations instill a deep sense of peace, turn complexity into simplicity and make the impossible possible by understanding that unique mystery … the tapestry of your soul! www.samstar.com, samstar@telus.net, 250-382-8443.
GET MORE MOSAIC ON-LINE by signing up for our ezine newsletter that features MORE mind, body and spirit information, not available in the magazine. Learn all about each monthly Mosaic Delicious Book Club Dinners and read Catherine Potter’s Astrological Forecasts. Go to www.ILoveMosaicMagazine.com and sign up today! While you’re there, why not post a comment telling us what you LOVE about Mosaic? We’d love to hear from you!
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WORK FROM HOME and be your own boss. No parties, inventory or RISK. Call Karen Urusky: 780-470-3812. Visit www.womenswealthandwellness.com/k-sky COACHING BAREFOOT AND BLIND LIFE COACH - Affordable face-toface, phone and email coaching services. First Session FREE. Contact Evan 780-469-4651, www.barefootandblind.com SOUL COACHING PROGRAM - This six week program, including the 28 Day Program to Discover your Authentic Self, will take you on a spiritual journey to find meaning and sacredness in your everyday life. You will take an honest look
Mosaic Magazine — Summer 2009
PSYCHIC ARTS LOOKING FOR LINDA WOZNICA? She’s now giving her fabulous tarot readings and Kirlian Photography readings at A Sense of Serenity (10342 - 81 Avenue) most weekends. Book your appointment at 780-439-3131. REIKI LOOKING FOR REIKI in Fort McMurray? Reiki treatments available. Call Marianne at 780-790-2024. RENTAL SPACE BEAUTIFUL HOLISTIC SPA in South Edmonton has rooms available daily, weekly and monthly. Fun yet kind and caring iLoveMosaicMagazine.com
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atmosphere. Reasonable rates. For more information contact Garrette at garrette@shaw.ca CANADIAN COLLEGE OF HEALING ARTS & Centre for Wellness at 6930 - 77 Street in Edmonton has office space for rent on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Please contact Loretta Mohl at 780-910-5052 or email me at Loretta@CanadianCollegeofHealingArts.com DANCE PERCUSSION STUDIO at 7252 - 101 Avenue, Edmonton, has space available for meetings, movement, workshops, practice and teaching. Reasonable rates in a functional and inspiring environment. Contact Srutika at 780485-2515, 780-433-4752 or email at dancepercussionstudio@gmail.com RIVER LODGE - A place for Retreats tucked away in the woods but close to Edmonton. www.RiverLodgeRetreat.com or 780-963-3873. TAKE CARE THERAPY, a Place of Healing and Wholeness overlooking Bonnyville, AB welcomes full or part-time alternative or spa therapists or related businesses. The energy here also helps create inspiring workshops and retreats. Call 780-812-3111 or email takecaretherapy@mcsnet.ca
SPIRITUAL GROUPS & SERVICES UNITY CHURCH OF EDMONTON - Union with God through celebration and spiritual education. Helping to enrich lives spiritually with Sunday celebrations at 10:30 a.m., also classes, workshops, movies and meditations. Located at 13210 - 106 Avenue. Rev. Yvonne is also available for weddings, funerals, memorials, christenings, blessings. For more information go to www.unityofedmonton.ca or call 780-477-5351. TAROT UNIQUE TAROT & KIRLIAN HAND Photo Parties - Individual intuitive readings combining cards and photography available. You have a choice! For information call Linda at 780-468-9326 or e-mail: bloosomwiz@yahoo.com YOGA LOOKING FOR YOGA in Fort McMurray? Private and small yoga classes available with certified instructor. Call Marianne at 780-790-2024.
Mosaic’s Calendar of Events MAY 13
OCTOBER 16-18 & NOVEMBER 20-22
Mosaic’s Delicious Book Club Dinner - Join us at IL FORNO, 14981 Stony Plain Road, Edmonton at 6:00 p.m. on WEDNESDAY, May 13 to talk about Intention Heals (DreamHealer 2008) by Adam. Email mosaicmagazine@shaw.ca if you can come. Want to keep informed about other upcoming book club dinners? Go to www.iLoveMosaicMagazine.com, sign up for our ezine/newsletter and you’ll get regular email updates about upcoming book choices and restaurants. Hope to see you there!
Become a CERTIFIED IRIDOLOGIST. Learn the Wisdom of IIPA Comprehensive Wholistic Iridology. The eyes are the window to the soul. Level One: October 16 - 18, Level Two: November 20 - 22, 2009. Instructor: Jackie Latimer, 780482-7978. Website: www.cellularhealthinc.com
MAY 30 & 31 Radiant Mind: A Weekend Workshop - Edmonton. Explore unconditional gratitude, effortless being and the freedom of intimate spacious presence. RADIANT MIND: The Healing and Awakening Power of Unconditioned Awareness. Village Life Styles, 10429 - 79 Avenue. $250. Jonathan: 250-354-7511.
JUNE 12-14 Women Inspiring Women/Goddess Retreat - River Lodge, $295.00. Networking opportunities for Speakers and Healers. www.wisdomwithin.ca, 250-479-2801, gailhull@shaw.ca
JUNE 13 & 14 Upcoming Workshop for Reflexologists - New exciting training in reflexology from South Africa! Food through the feet. Recap the digestive system and diagnostics on how food affects your clients via the feet. Includes the book: “Food Through the Feet” written by world renowned Liz Graham. Eligible for NHPC continued competency credits. For more information contact Ina Clarke at Invest in Your Sole, 780-938-8469, email: ina.clarke@investinyoursole.com, website: www.investinyoursole.com iLoveMosaicMagazine.com
WEEKLY DANCE PERCUSSION STUDIO at 7252 - 101 Avenue, Edmonton offers a DRUM CIRCLE facilitated by master drummer, Bill Mitchell, on Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. (Cost: $12) and an AFRICAN DANCE class with experienced dancer and teacher, Masani St. Rose, on Wednesdays at 7:30 - 9:30 p.m., and/or Sundays at 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. Package of eight classes: $144, sixteen classes: $240 and drop in fee of $20. Our two enthusiastic DRUMMING GROUPS, which focus on mastery of technique and repertoire for performance, require commitment and nominal membership fee. Contact Srutika at 780-485-2515, 780-433-4752 or email at dancepercussionstudio@gmail.com HEART DANCE - Move to world music sequenced for fitness and self expansion by Srutika Garfinkle and other graduates or students of Core Connexion Transformational Arts. All ages and levels of experience are welcome. Only prerequisite: love of dance! Sundays from September through May (except holidays): 10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. (drop in: $15, package: $12 per session) at Westmount Fitness Club, 12840 - 109 Avenue, Edmonton. Monday evening group (7:30 - 9:30 p.m.) at Dance Percussion Studio, 7252 101 Avenue, requires pre-registration. Contact Srutika at 780-433-4752, 780-485-2515 or email at dancepercussionstudio@gmail.com Summer 2009 — Mosaic Magazine
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Calendar continued from page 31 MONTHLY CANADIAN SOCIETY OF QUESTERS - Monthly Chapter Meetings in Alberta and BC. Ancient arts of dowsing, divining, questing/seeking and PSI. www.questers.ca EDMONTON ASTROLOGICAL SOCIETY meets on the 2nd Friday of every month (except July and August) at 7:30 p.m. at 3880 - 74 Avenue. www.astrologyedmonton.com WOMEN’S DRUMMING & GODDESS CHANTING CIRCLE Every first Wednesday at 7:30 pm, Edmonton. Self-care circle for adult women. Debra: 780-483-7310.
Tell them you saw it in Mosaic
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Artist’s Gallery
Painting what I love, outside the lines by Denise Lefebvre
Waiter © Denise Lefebvre
My life as a professional artist has been rewarding, but not without challenge and struggle. I still wake up every morning and remind myself that I have the best job in the world.
I’m involved in several art shows every year, specifically a group show with Night of Artists, http://www.nightofartists.com, I’m also lucky enough to be part of a team of artists that create and teach mural mosaics consisting of original paintings, http://www.muralmosaic.com
I moved back to Edmonton in 1994 and spent several years working in different fields including the Edmonton Art Gallery. I traveled and experienced life with several occupations, all of which were outside my field. In 2003, I decided to quit my full time job as a bartender and pursue a career as a full time artist. I contracted many large clients like Labatts and NAIT and established myself as a mural and chalkboard artist. It would be nice to be able to do oil paintings all day and still make a living but we’ve all heard the term ‘starving artist’ and unfortunately it’s all too real. While establishing my full time career as an artist, I also created another business doing airbrush tattoos and body painting. This has worked out wonderfully for me.
For more information on Denise's artwork, please visit her website at www.deniselefebvre.com
Giraffe © Denise Lefebvre
Windy © Denise Lefebvre
Red Elephant - Grafitti Series III © Denise Lefebvre
Sleeps With Butterflies II © Denise Lefebvre
I started this journey in high school when my art teacher recognized my talents and convinced me that art school would be a good route to take. I took his advice and spent six years at the Alberta College of Art and Design in Calgary, Alberta. I majored in Visual Communications with a minor in printmaking and after graduation, I returned to ACAD for two years with a major in Photography.
My most interesting paintings are the ones that aren’t planned ahead of time; they are composed as I am applying the paint. This method has taught me to create more freely and I have discovered that it’s okay to paint outside the lines and to paint what I love, not what I think others will love.
Since 2000, I’ve been teaching myself how to paint in different styles that I’ve admired over the years. My style has grown and developed over the last few years and as a result I’ve discovered that spontaneity is my best artistic tool. iLoveMosaicMagazine.com
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(Italian) With heart and soul
A very special letter from my Mom by Connie Brisson
what she thought was special about me and I wanted it in a concrete way.
I confess. Growing up, I didn’t have a lot of faith in God.
Then, after my brother Gene died and my daughter Gabrielle was born, I awakened to a whole new realm of spirituality that primarily had to do with personal growth/awareness and inner healing. In this new world, my belief in God began to heal too. I became aware of the vast and magical world of Spirit. I began to receive wonderful messages and signs in nature and other ‘coincidences’ that helped me to believe in a richer, unseen, spiritual dimension. It was from this place that I received many meaningful messages from Gene. So when my Mom died last year, and I missed her passing, I found some peace in knowing that she could still reach me through mystical signs and serendipity. My Mom wasn’t very articulate with her feelings or emotions. If I asked her: “Are you proud of me?” she’d broadly answer: “I’m proud of all my kids.” Only weeks before she died I asked her a question that I hoped would heal my heart. I asked her what she thought was special about me, why she thought God had given me to her. She was very sick already and I could see that she was trying to come up with something for me, but in the end she said that she didn’t know what to tell me. Honestly, a part of me was so devastated in that moment as I couldn’t imagine NOT being able to tell my daughter, Gabrielle, a million different amazing gifts and insights she’s brought to me, starting from the very first moment I held her in my arms. And yet my Mom could not come up with even one. But I knew my Mom didn’t mean anything by it. This was just part of how she was. I told her it was okay and then I crawled into her hospital bed with her and we watched a cooking show as we talked about cooking Ukrainian food. And that was one of the VERY best memories I have about my Mom at the end. She loved to cook for us - that was how she showed us that she loved us.
Within two days of asking, I got my answer in the most incredible way. While we were waiting for everyone to get to my Dad’s hospital room for his 88th birthday, my older sister gave me an envelope with my name on it. I opened it and saw my Mom’s handwriting - Dear Connie… In the letter my Mom wrote, in her own way, what she remembered about me growing up, what she saw as my special qualities and her wishes for my future.
She’s In The Wind © Aaron Paquette
He was this scary, invisible guy in the sky who never answered any of my prayers. I felt forsaken.
As I read it, I couldn’t wipe the tears from my eyes fast enough to read the next line she wrote. Time stood still and I knew I was holding the MOST AMAZING LETTER that I would ever receive in my life. But still, as I was reading it, my analytical mind was buzzing. WHAT made her write me this letter and WHEN had she written it (as it was not dated)? Then, at the end of the letter, it hit me… My Mom had written this letter to me 14 YEARS EARLIER.
I was supposed to be going to an event through a church that my younger sister was organizing for me. All the important people in my life were asked to write a letter telling me why I was important to them. But, at the last minute, I didn’t end up going and I therefore never received any of the letters people wrote for me. But for some reason, my Mom NEVER ended up passing her letter along. Instead she kept it for all those years and even when she moved to the old age home and only took a small box of personal belongings, she took that letter too. Even that told me that what she wrote in the letter was special to her - that I was special to her. This was a miracle for me. It healed old shattered, fragile places in my heart regarding my Mom, and bigger yet, it healed a deep, festering wound in me surrounding God. I didn’t feel forsaken any more. I felt like someone up there literally moved time and space for me to get that letter, to answer my prayer and heal my heart. And if that was possible, anything IS possible. We ONLY need to ask.
So after she died, I purposely decided to ask her for answers she couldn’t easily give me when she was here. Now that she was part of the world of Spirit, I wanted her to answer me from her wholeness - I wanted to know
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