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The best things in life are


mind • body • spirit • health • wisdom AUTUMN 2018

All Creation Sings © Alexandra Lee Mitchell

84th Issue

Heilkunst Weight Solution When the Threat Lies Within Which Tarot Deck is for You?

Calmness Through Rituals Revelation For Humanity Listening to the Inner Voice

Energizing Your Crystals Healing is Our Journey Good or Bad Luck?


Mosaic Magazine — Autumn 2018

Autumn 2018 — Mosaic Magazine


In this Mosaic… processing as well as higher cognitive faculties such as attention, perception, memory, and problem-solving)… so the brain is largely interpreting the signals from the heart to create how we feel. The effective way to reduce stress, anxiety and feelings of overwhelm is to learn to access the intelligence of the heart, and shift the rhythms of the heart, which then sends a different neuro message to the brain (thereby changing the information sent from the heart to the brain).

HeartMath has discovered that our heart rhythm patterns are the best reflection of our inner state. When we change the rhythms of our heart, it actually changes our feelings. So this is why, when we focus on the heart, you actually shift the rhythms of your heart and you can quickly improve all brain functions, reducing feelings of anxiety, stress, overwhelm, etc. Just by adding “heart” you can shift (in the moment) from negative feelings into a state of balance. When we have coherence and alignment between the heart and the brain, that’s when we have access to our deeper intuition within and its guidance. From this place we have a new sense of clarity to help us make our decisions.

by Connie Brisson We’re always told to follow our hearts. But until I recently became familiar with HeartMath and heart coherence, I didn’t understand its importance. Founded in 1991 by Doc Childre, HeartMath Institute is a non-profit organization whose objective is to help the development of heart-brain coherence. Based on 26 years of research, it has developed scientifically based tools and technologies to bridge the intuitive connection between heart and mind (to create heart coherence) and deepen our connection with the hearts of others. Heart coherence is a physiological state brought about with the activation of a positive feeling and breathing techniques to bring the heart, mind and emotions in alignment and working together harmoniously.

HeartMath studies conducted with over 11,500 people have shown improvements in mental and emotional wellbeing in just six to nine weeks using HeartMath training and technology: 24% improvement in the ability to focus, 30% improvement in sleep, 38% improvement in calmness, 46% drop in anxiety, 48% drop in fatigue and 56% drop in depression. “By using your heart as your compass, you can see more clearly which direction to go to stop self-defeating behavior. If you take just one mental or emotional habit that really bothers or drains you and apply heart intelligence to it, you’ll see a noticeable difference in your life” - Doc Childre, founder of HeartMath Institute Mosaic Mystics Meeting will feature Arlene Olson (licenced HeartMath Coach, who will instruct us about the power of heart coherence.

According to research, the heart is up to six times more intelligent than the mind and sends six times more information to the brain than the brain sends to the heart.

During the meeting, Arlene will teach us how our feelings of inner stress, anxiety and worry can be easily transformed when we begin to practice the Quick Coherence® Technique with positive feelings. Feel stress levels go down and even dissipate. Feel the release of tightness within. Feel the electromagnetic frequencies of your heart raise to higher vibrations where one feels comforted, insightful, uplifted and balanced. To learn more about HeartMath and what heart coherence is, read Arlene’s article on pages 10 and 11 of Mosaic Magazine’s Summer 2018 issue.

It was a surprise to me that the heart sends more information to the nervous system to the brain than the other way around. This is important because the quality of the signals sent from the heart to the brain have profound effects on brain function (influencing emotional

Please join us on Tuesday, September 11, at the Lucina Centre, 9505 – 163 Street, Edmonton, 7:00 – 9:30 p.m. The cost is $20 cash at the door and please bring a gift wrapped book for the book exchange. RSVP by September 10 at Hope to see you there!

The HeartMath system empowers people to self-regulate their emotions and behaviors to reduce stress, increase resilience, and unlock their natural intuitive guidance for making more effective choices.


Mosaic Magazine — Autumn 2018


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Connie Brisson

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Contents 6

The Heilkunst weight solution


When the threat lies within


by Catherine Potter

Energizing your crystals


by Todd Lorentzt

Listening to the inner voice


by Rev. Dr. Karen Arends

A revelation for humanity


by Skye MacLachlan

Find calmness through personal rituals


by Cinnamon Cranston

Which tarot deck is for you?


by Tammie Quick

by Skye MacLachlan

Healing is a journey

by Norma J. Hope


Directory of Services


Marketplace & Calendar of Events


Things I Love


Con Amore

Was that good or bad luck?

by Connie Brisson

Mosaic reserves the right to edit articles for clarity, content or length at the editor’s discretion. No part of this magazine (articles) may be reproduced in any manner without the permission of the publisher. No external flyer inserts allowed. © Mosaic Mind Body and Spirit Magazine Ltd., 2018. Subscription Rates Send cheque for $25.00 (for four issues) payable to Mosaic Magazine with your name, address and phone number. Please indicate which issue you want to start with.

COVER ART Artist: Alexandra Lee Mitchell Title: All Creation Sings Contact: Next Issue: NOVEMBER 1, 2018 Deadline: OCTOBER 5, 2018

Autumn 2018 — Mosaic Magazine


The Heilkunst weight solution Confused by all of the contradictory information about how to lose weight and keep it off? You’re not alone! Most weight loss advice is false and motivated purely by profit driven industries and donation reliant associations. Interestingly studies produced by these industries show their products as helpful for health and weight management (like pop – REALLY?) while independent studies show the opposite. So how can consumers discern the truth? Judging by the ever increasing size of people, it seems that we can’t – and that’s exactly the idea. This has been both a personal and professional quest for me because like many, I have struggled to be a healthy weight, despite following exceptional eating protocols. One particularly detrimental story (that we’ve been told by industry and healthcare professionals alike) is: “Eat less and move more to lose weight.” This is an extremely damaging lie! And one that I’ve been caught up in more than once. Why? When you eat less, your body will compensate and slow its metabolism down. It HAS to. Think about it… if you have less money available you don’t keep spending the same amount, do you? No, you conserve where you can… turn lights off, put the heat down at bedtime, time your showers, stop eating out, etc. Your body does the same thing. However, when your money situation improves you start treating yourself again, but your body NEVER does. That’s right!! When you go on a calorie restricted eating plan, you slow your metabolism down for the rest of your life, ensuring that you’ll gain the weight back, and then some. Plus it turns off satiety hormones making you hungrier than ever, even after you resume normal eating.

as many as 80% of North Americans are pre-diabetic or diabetic and just don’t know it! That means that they have lots of insulin, but their bodies have stopped responding to it. Fatigue, irritability, weight gain (especially around the middle), “hanger” (anger fueled by hunger), headaches and menopausal problems are some of the symptoms associated with this hyperinsulinemia. Hunger is a symptom too, because where there is insulin resistance leptin resistance will follow, meaning that your “feed me” switch is permanently in the “on” position. Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, arthritis and obesity are some of the consequences that will come from hyperinsulinemia.

She is Content © Jenny McConnell —

by Tammie Quick DMH, DHHP

Sounds bleak right? But when I learned that my weight problems were set in stone the first time I dieted at age 12, I’d actually stumbled upon the solution! The Heilkunst system of medicine works by removing the negative effects left behind by past shocks and traumas. So it follows that to heal from overweight and obesity, the original “calorie restriction trauma” must be healed! Additionally homeopathy provides remedies to balance insulin and stress hormones, plus satiety hormones, while patients follow the cardinal lifestyle principles that Samuel Hahnemann taught so long ago.

When you’re ready to have the body you were meant to (slim and healthy), the Quick Health Clinic has the proven “recipe” to get you to your goal. Tammie Quick, DMH, DHHP, practices Homeopathy and Heilkunst at the Quick Health Clinic in St. Albert, AB. Call 780-221-6127, tammie@,, Appointments can be in person, by phone and by Skype. Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It’s intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.

While eating less creates metabolic consequences, being overweight is about your hormones, not calories. The primary hormone that drives fat accumulation is insulin, but stress hormones such as cortisol can also play a huge roll, as do satiety hormones like leptin. Insulin is released anytime you eat, but especially when you eat foods that are high in sugar and carbohydrates, followed closely by too much protein. Many people are eating several times daily hoping to steady their blood sugar, but this is only fueling the problem further. It’s estimated that


Mosaic Magazine — Autumn 2018

When the threat lies within I talk a lot about how early childhood trauma, as well as any later life trauma, affects our body’s nervous systems by setting in motion unconscious patterned survival responses to specific stressors or circumstances throughout the remainder of our life until they are addressed. Through the research of neuroscience we know now that we cannot connect and affect change to the emotional, nonconscious, reactionary part of the brain with rational thought, but only through noticing bodily sensation and connection with the sensations and experiences happening within our bodies in a process of what is termed mindfulness. Through the work of Rosen Method Bodywork and Somatic Experiencing, I have learned a lot about how to heal trauma. Learning to listen and allow the sensations within my body that were still acting out of past survival responses of fear, rage or shutdown, while also discerning and reaching for the sensations available to me in the moment (such as supported, safe, not alone) has been a life changer for me. I now feel more present and freer to make choices that support me instead of reacting and living from a place of old survival habits. So what happens when something scary and overwhelming happens now? Recently I experienced a cancer scare and spent a week and a half thinking I might very possibly have breast cancer, which it turns out I do not thankfully.

Upon noticing these sensations I sat down and began my mindfulness practices, allowing the sensations to be fully experienced. I realized then that my body was reacting as if the threat or danger was coming from outside me. Then I remembered that the threat was not from outside me but potentially from within me. This brought some comfort to my body as I then invited myself to feel into all the love and support around me now. My body began to relax a little. The vigilance shifted and I could let my body be supported by the chair. So what about this potential threat coming from within? What was I actually feeling in my body about that? Well I had some soreness and pain, fatigue and the feeling that something in my body was very unhappy. Maybe it was cancer or maybe it was something else. I also could feel that other parts of my body were well and working toward healing. Magnolia Siren © Oksana Zhelisko —

by Cinnamon Cranston Certified Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner

I took comfort from this sensation. I had no shame or blame feelings for my body, just compassion. From there I could invite acceptance and lean into my spirituality more and trust that no matter what was going on inside my body, I would be okay. At that point I could return to a softer and kinder approach to my body and myself.

I am so grateful to both Rosen Method and Somatic Experiencing for freeing me from the past so that I can meet the present, no matter how challenging, with presence, kindness, trust in myself, trust in others and ultimately trust in the universe itself. Cinnamon is a Certified Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner and the Coowner of the Rosen Method Institute Canada. Contact her at cinnamon@ or 780-203-5159. Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It’s intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.

Because of all my training and experience in the field of trauma recovery I was very aware of what was happening in my body. My initial response came very much from an old childhood pattern (shutting down, having to be strong, carrying the burden of fear all by myself and not telling anyone) and then it shifted into gearing up to fight for my life with such an intense vigilance that my whole body went into super high alert. The tension and restriction in my body was unbelievable.

Autumn 2018 — Mosaic Magazine


Which tarot deck is for you? by Skye MacLachlan Tarot Teacher & Reader When I began my tarot studies (a million years ago) there was really only one deck available, the original Rider-Waite Tarot. Today there are hundreds of tarot decks and this is both a blessing and a challenge for the new reader. How do you choose the deck that is best for you?

various cultures from around the world and people of all sizes. Next World Tarot by Road (currently out of print) and an indie deck Numinous Tarot by Heimpel depict a variety of gender, ethnic and racial identities. If you have a strong connection with the mystical aspects of the natural world, these are some of my favorite decks: The Wildwood Tarot by Ryan & Matthews and Tarot of the Hidden Realm by Jeffrey & Moore.

If the cards don’t “speak” to you, your readings will feel stilted and flat. It’s not enough to simply memorize the cards meaning; you want a deck that comes to life when the cards are before you. Do the cards fit comfortably in your hands? If the cards feel too big or too small, chances are you’ll quickly lose interest in playing with the cards and might erroneously decide that tarot isn’t for you. Do the cards shuffle easily for you? This is a personal passion of mine. I often wish that beautiful decks were made of finer card stock to enhance their ability to shuffle smoothly. There’s nothing more annoying than cards that stick or feel gritty when shuffling. I once purchased three Voyager Tarot decks (by James Wanless), persevering until I found one that didn’t feel sticky when shuffling. A deck communicates to you as you shuffle it; find one that moves easily and lets you know when the cards are fully mixed. If you live in a major city, going to your local metaphysical store will help you find answers to all of these questions. Most stores will have sample decks that you can experience directly. Another wonderful resource is YouTube. There are many review and reveal videos where new decks can be viewed card by card.

Swing © Janice Blaine

As a beginner, here are some questions that will guide you on your tarot quest. Does the artwork on each card tell a story and/or evoke an emotional response in you? Do you feel a personal connection to the images on the cards and are you able to hear the stories they reveal? Does the artwork appeal to you visually?

Celtic decks also honor the spirit of the land and have powerful images that many of my tarot students have found easy to read. Some wonderful examples of Celtic decks are: Druidcraft Tarot by CarrGomm and Celtic Tarot by Hughes. If you’re attracted to the Knights Templar legends, check out The Arthurian Tarot by Matthews (the anniversary edition comes with an amazing study/guidebook).

Certain decks speak to the child in us and feel very healing to use. The Inner Child Cards: A Fairy-Tale Tarot by Leaner and an indie deck Monstarot by Nelson are wonderful examples. If you love bold, theatrical decks, Tarot Illuminati by Dunne is gorgeous and The Gilded Tarot by Moore & Marchetti is very vibrant. One of the great joys of reading tarot is the adventure of discovering a deck that you love, that touches your soul and reads beautifully. Enjoy the journey! Beginning in October 2018, Skye will be teaching The Tarot Program and Crystalline Gemstone Therapist Program at Northern Star College of Mystical Studies, where she teaches/practices Feng Shui, Tarot and Dreamwork. Email her at Note: This information is for educational purposes only. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.

Before you explore the many decks available, ask your inner wise self to guide you to “your” deck. And remember, there’s no right or wrong deck. You can always move on to another deck if the one you purchased is difficult for you to receive accurate readings with. Trying a variety of decks is often half the fun! Thankfully, many newer decks have greater diversity. World Spirit Tarot by O’Leary includes images that depict


Mosaic Magazine — Autumn 2018

Find calmness through personal rituals Every day we are bombarded with negative imagery and stories. The international news, social media panics and threats of global scale catastrophe can seem so overwhelming. All of this can lead us to feeling anxious, disjointed and negative within ourselves… and these feelings can spiral affecting our personal lives and well-being. You can help yourself to manage these impulses by creating mindful rituals for your personal emotional challenges. The need for ritual in life is very human. We wish to increase balance and connection - within, without and between. Whenever we enter into those moments of ritual, we gain calm and peace as well as insight into the greater whole of the universe. But, when faced with the task of creating a personal ritual, where do we begin? The first step then to creating personally meaningful ritual is to set your intention. Gather your tools – a piece of paper and a pen. Sit comfortably and take some deep breaths to center yourself and reach a more mindful state. Now, ask yourself: “What makes me smile? What brings me joy?” Begin to list these things without censoring yourself. Give yourself at least five minutes of writing time to get deeper into your joy. Your list may begin with “ice cream” and end up somewhere quite unexpected.

Take a moment to gaze at your “items of joy” and smile. Breathe in, breathe out. Then repeat a simple mantra that works for you such as: “All will be well” or “I am joy.” Again, there is no wrong choice here. When you feel a sense of calm, gently step away from your items, say thank you… and then drink a glass of water. Leave your “smile” items in place as an altar. Whenever you feel that sense of helplessness, anxiety or worry that can result in a negative thinking downward spiral, consciously take action to support your mental health and well-being. Use your calming ritual to bring you into a state of peace and walk away smiling. That negativity won’t have the room to grow! You can also add to the ritual in any way that feels powerful to you. Maybe you have a beautiful bowl on your altar where you place personally written prayers to counteract whatever sparked your anxiousness or negativity. Your burden will feel eased when all of creation is helping.

Heated Conversation © Kathy Meaney —

by Rev. Dr. Karen Arends Life-Cycle Celebrant®

You can create a simple ritual like this for any emotional challenge. Instead of listing words that make you smile, consider words that bring you feelings of generosity or self-love. Find your items and set up your altar. Any issue you wish to manage can be supported through a personally powerful ritual. You do have the tools to create personally meaningful rituals within your heart and hands. Not all ceremonies are as elaborate and public as a wedding. And should you desire the support of another, a Life-Cycle Celebrant can assist with the creation and delivery of any size or type of ritual.

Karen (Kestrel) is certified through the Celebrant Foundation & Institute for Ceremonies Across the Life Cycle and Weddings. She is an ordained reverend of the Canadian International Metaphysical Ministry and offers decades of experience in ritual research and development. Contact: Note: This information is for educational purposes only. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.

Take a look at your list. Are there any common themes that you can see? Are there words that resonate? You may worry that you will get it wrong, but truly, if your choices are made with mindful intent, then they will be perfect for you. For example, you may find in your list “sunshine,” “sunny beach” and “sunset” – all of which reference your main theme, the sun. Now find items around your home that remind you of your themes. Photos, something from the garden, a favorite recipe – whatever you can find that will trigger that smile for you. Place your items all together in a special place.

Autumn 2018 — Mosaic Magazine



Mosaic Magazine — Autumn 2018

A revelation for humanity For over 40 years, journalists from around the world have been investigating what has been described as “the greatest story in 2000 years” – the emergence into the open physical world of Maitreya, the World Teacher, and His Disciples the Masters of Wisdom. The existence and identity of these enlightened senior members of our planet’s Spiritual Hierarchy has been chronicled in mystery traditions throughout history and this group is today, at the commencement of the Age of Aquarius, timing their united return to coincide with a great spiritual revelation which lies just ahead for humanity. Humanity has suffered under the illusion of “separation” since the very beginning of the human kingdom which (according to the Ageless Wisdom Teaching) began some 18,500,000 million years ago. The descent of human souls into physical forms, illustrated in the biblical story of Adam and Eve’s expulsion from the Garden of Eden, initiated the long evolutionary journey which will lead inevitably to a future realization of humanity’s true nature as divine spiritual beings. At this auspicious time the moment has arrived for a worldwide revelation and experience of that oneness and it promises to shape the civilization that we will come to build. At the forefront of this revelation comes Maitreya, the World Teacher for this Age, who will facilitate this rapidly approaching event and provide the new dispensation whereby humanity might consciously make the greatest progress with their newfound collective experience. Where social change once came through the struggle of competing ideas and conflicting views of reality, the world’s population will soon have the opportunity to cooperatively choose a path into the future based on the shared experience of their underlying divine unity with each other, with nature and with God. Where the present world is divided by selfish individualism, the future will be soundly built upon divine principles.

are presently unimaginable. The approaching revelation will provide the grounds upon which all of humanity can experience a common understanding of the universe and provide the opportunity to freely choose a better future based on free will and an appreciation for the truth of divinity in all things. The world has now entered a very important period in this process. Events, daily, demonstrate the uselessness and danger of continuing along the path of greed, consumerism, selfishness, war, competition and separation. According to Maitreya, this continuing way of life is unsustainable and will soon bring the world to a series of critical events producing a global crisis and the need for “divine intervention.” Into the turmoil of these events Maitreya will step forward to a global television audience (linked via the satellite networks of the world) and address all of humanity about the way forward through our present crisis. On this “Day of Declaration” all will hear Him inwardly, telepathically, as He speaks to the world about who we are and the need for humanity to chart a new way forward for the future. At the same time, humanity will experience the oneness of their shared divine nature. Cordefleure © Mireille Cloutier

by Todd Lorentz

Little now stands in the way of this imminent transformative revelation and the unbelievable events that we are now witnessing daily are the context preceding this stupendous event. You can find out more about the dawning of the new Aquarian Age and what the great revelation will mean to each of us personally with the free film presentation: The Awakening on Saturday, September 1st at 4:00 p.m. at the Metro Cinema (Garneau Theater), 8712 - 109 Street, Edmonton. Investigate for yourself what has been deemed “the story that won’t go away.” Todd Lorentz is an author, therapist, philosopher and religious scholar in Edmonton, Alberta. He can be reached at Note: This information is for educational purposes only. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.

Imagine a world where competition is replaced by cooperation, disparity by justice and greed is banished forever through sharing and right relationship to one another. These new conditions await humanity in the very near future and will transform our planet in ways that

Autumn 2018 — Mosaic Magazine


Listening to the inner voice by Catherine Potter Astrologer and Hypnotherapist We all know it is important to learn how to quiet ourself and listen to our inner voice, however it is not necessarily a skill we were taught in our youth. Because of that, as adults, we often need to teach a mature brain how to open those pathways in our mind and body.

information we’ve been given about developing intuition is true and some doesn’t quite fit. Why? Because we are all unique. We “take in” a piece of external information and it filters through our unique makeup. Just like the body taking in food, we first receive information and after the intake we “assimilate” it. The incoming information filters through our values and

The first step towards opening those pathways is learning how to build an inner relationship. What does that mean? Think about what happens when someone new in your environment first catches your attention. You either find them appealing or you don’t. If you find them appealing and decide to get to know them better, you begin to focus on them. You become more intrigued and sometimes even fascinated. You want to know what they like and how they think, how they feel and over time with practice you soon come to know them sometimes even better than you know yourself. So, if you want to learn to listen to your inner voice, that would be “how” to make it happen. You treat the building of your inner relationship like a new person you are fascinated by. First you start with attraction and then with focused intention it turns into a relationship. Let’s explore the “why.” Why should we be attracted to quieting down and going inward so we can listen to ourselves? First, on a very basic level it gives us time to digest, assimilate and release the vast amount of verbal and non-verbal information we take in. That sounds similar to what our body does when we take in food, doesn’t it? We digest, assimilate, keep what is nourishing and release the rest. Second, as we go inward we learn that there is an unlimited amount of inner intelligence we have access to - otherwise known as intuition. Again, we have all heard this many times. So what stops us from tapping into our inner wisdom?

Possibilities © Carol Collin —

Often it’s because we dip in and out but don’t deepen the relationship. In other words, we don’t make the commitment. Just like an external relationship that doesn’t last, we fall in and out of lust and don’t develop a lasting love. Maybe we tried listening to our inner voice in the past and we became frightened because of old beliefs or confused because our inner voice didn’t speak in a language we understood. One of the first things we learn (once we make that commitment to go inward and listen) is that some of the


Mosaic Magazine — Autumn 2018

beliefs, our level of integration and interconnection and our worldview. It then connects to our inner imager who gets pictures or an inner feeler who swims deeper into subtle feelings or an inner sensor who may get body messages or an inner thinker who gets streams of thoughts/ideas or an inner listener who hears vibrations and non-audible sounds. And then we “release” the information back into the world as either something nourishing and helpful or toxic and harmful. Even without an ounce of inner knowing and development everyone goes through the above process instinctively and unconsciously. The difference (once we take the time to develop our intuition) is we learn that everything - people, events and the universe - is interwoven and in relationship. Once that awareness is gained, we have access to an infinite amount of information and previously untapped resources. We become conscious and aware of our inner workings. We find out how to listen and interpret our inner messages and instinct evolves into intuition. With awareness that everything is relational we learn to act on positive information and not act on harmful information. Once that happens we can reasonably predict a brighter future. Now, if I told you about this amazing, grounded, intelligent, holistic, clear-seeing psychic, mystic or philosopher who was allowed to dance and could have a glass of wine (not a bottle), wouldn’t you at least be curious to meet them? Wouldn’t you be curious to find out how their mind worked, what their beliefs are, what they look like on the inside? There is an inner voice and wise person that exists within each of us. Maybe it’s time to fall in love! Contact me to learn more about the course Meditation, Mindfulness and Developing Intuition beginning September 2, 2018. An Astrologer since 1986, Catherine is also a Hypnotherapist and Meditation Instructor. She brings her experiential counselling and teaching style to The Northern Star College of Mystical Studies. Call 780-447-3667, and Note: This information is for educational purposes only. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.

Autumn 2018 — Mosaic Magazine


Energizing your crystals While crystals and gemstones should be cleansed after each use, they only require an energetic charging about twice per year. Newly charged gemstones have a bright, sparkling energy and are far more effective healing tools. If your gems seem a bit dull or tired immediately after cleansing, it’s definitely time to give them an energetic lift. My favorite way to charge gemstones is with sunlight or moonlight. In the summer I love taking all of my solar gemstones (gems that enjoy sunlight) outside in a tub filled with soapy water. I use a soft toothbrush to give each one a quick scrub and immediately rinse them in another tub of clear water. This ensures they’re cleansed before the energetic charging begins. Next I use a long piece of white gauze cotton fabric and lay each stone on the cloth in the sunlight. In the summer I always do this cleansing/charging process outside for optimum benefit. The gems love lying on the grass (the loosely woven cotton gauze allows connection with the grass) and benefiting from the Earth’s magnetic field. They are also uplifted by the winds and the overall experience of being in the natural world. It takes a surprisingly short period of time for most gems to charge in bright sunlight. I recommend a maximum of about 20 minutes for translucent gemstones and an hour for opaque gemstones. On a cloudy day multiply the suggested time by three. It’s also wonderful to place gemstones out at sunrise and leave them for a few hours in this gentler light. If you have no access to an outdoor area, use a sunny windowsill and double the time guidelines given above.

full moon. Ideally place them out at sunset and retrieve them just before sunrise. These are considered lunar gems: blue or white chalcedony, moonstone, selenite, white beryl, aquamarine, quartz crystal, blue sapphire, labradorite, opal, pearl and mother-of-pearl. It’s worth noting that you might also want to place your gems for charging in sunlight or moonlight based on the purpose you’ll be using the gem for. Sunlight charged gems are great for getting energized, assisting to accomplish goals, activating willpower and achieving results in the outer world. Moonlight charged gems are best for inner guidance, activating the intuition, meditation, love and spiritual development. Mom is going to love these © Deanna Lavoie —

by Skye MacLachlan Gemstone Therapist/Teacher

Citrine is a special gem because it loves to be energized in the snow. Leave it outside in the newly fallen snow for about 20 minutes – truly a gemstone for our northern climates! A quartz crystal cluster can also be used for charging. Place your gemstone on a high quality, sparkling clean, clear quartz cluster and leave it there for a few days. Because gemstones often grow in a community of crystals, the cluster mirrors their original home and can feel very comforting and enlivening for a gem. Laying gemstones under a shady tree outdoors or even beneath a large indoor plant for a couple of days is also very energizing for gemstones.

This is an invocation I use once the gemstones are cleansed and charged. I hold my hands over them (palms down) and say the following: “I call upon the spirit of these gemstones to awaken and come into the fullness of your power, for your highest good and the highest good of all.” Now the gems are cleansed and energized for healing, crystal gridding or meditation. Beginning in October 2018, Skye will be teaching The Crystalline Gemstone Therapist Program and Tarot Program at Northern Star College of Mystical Studies, where she teaches/practices Feng Shui, Tarot and Dreamwork. Email her at Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It’s intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.

The following gems will fade if left in the bright sunlight for long periods: amethyst, rose quartz, smoky quartz, apatite, aquamarine, citrine, fluorite, kunzite, morganite and sapphire. If you still want to charge these gems in sunlight, it’s best to place them out at sunrise in the gentler light. Lunar gemstones find sunlight too harsh and prefer the light of a full moon. Use the same method as the solar charging above but leave your gems under the light of the


Mosaic Magazine — Autumn 2018

Healing is our journey “We never know what awaits us in this lifetime.” When I received that text from a close friend recently diagnosed with cancer, my first thought was: “Truer words have never been spoken.” There was a time that I would have not been surprised if I had been diagnosed with colon cancer. However, after all the work I’ve done physically on my colon, plus all the spiritual and emotional healing I have done and continue to do, I do not believe that will happen now. But there are no guarantees except stepping up and doing your healing as I still continue to do mine even now. I know now that my previous severe constipation, IBS and other symptoms (the first 40 years of my life before doing colon hydrotherapy in 1997) were physical symptoms designed for the sole purpose of waking me up to the underlying cause, which was that my “emotional needs were not met.” Indeed it was during those first few colon hydrotherapy sessions I did in 1997 that my childhood trauma (that I had blocked out) started surfacing. I believe that when there are chronic or ongoing physical symptoms, including cancer or any dis-ease, it is for the purpose of getting your attention to heal, not just physically but emotionally and spiritually… deeply, layer by layer. Understanding what is really causing our physical issues, why and how we are “stress reactive,” what drives us underneath it all and finding your best way to heal what is underneath, is key to deep healing and a healthy long life.

I have worked with thousands of clients over the past 20 years and one thing remains consistent with all, including my own healing. There is always one or more underlying issues where “emotional needs were not met” that is the cause of chronic physical issues. And changing the physical problems for the better gives us breathing space to get to the deeper causation if you choose to. There are many ways to heal yourself. My healing was done with all the therapies I now do with clients as they profoundly helped me plus others. Find what works for you and keep healing. David, in his 20’s, got great relief for his chronic constipation continuously with colon hydrotherapy sessions. About two years after he became a client, I started doing Biofeedback Stress Reduction Therapy with clients, in addition to Colon Hydrotherapy and Lymph Therapy. The trauma screen during his first Biofeedback session identified a trauma at age three that was causing his ongoing anxiety which caused his constipation. He spoke with his mother as he had no idea what that event would be. She said that when he was three, and his sister was five, they decided to make toy car soup. He put water in his plastic pail with his toy cars in it, placed it on a stove element and turned it on. He then went back into the living-room to play with his sister. A fire resulted. It was very traumatic for all. He started to remember it all as his mom told the story. The knowing turned his life around for the better and he continued to heal. Aurora Bor-i-ali-Flys © Carol Breen ­—

by Norma J. Hope Certified Biofeedback Specialist

Our non-conscious remembers everything as does our body. It is only our conscious mind that forgets due to trauma. It is all healable. Norma Hope is a Certified Biofeedback Specialist, Colon Hydrotherapist, Lymph Therapist, Spiritual Healing & Energy Medicine Therapist, Microcurrent Therapist, Life Coach, NeuroAcoustic Sound Therapist, and more… Call 780-477-1100 or go to Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It is intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor. Please research all topics for yourself.

Stress is the chief cause of over 90% of all ailments. Identifying, reducing and healing the stress in ourselves (including the old emotional wiring that drives us, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually) is a profound way to ensure your best health now and later. That is why many years ago I began doing Biofeedback Stress Reduction Therapy with clients and more recently Spiritual Healing + Energy Medicine, in addition to the physical healing therapies I have been certified in since 1999, Colon Hydrotherapy and Lymph Therapy.

Autumn 2018 — Mosaic Magazine


Directory of Services COURIERS









Mosaic Magazine — Autumn 2018

Directory of Services HORSE & HUMAN WELLNESS








Autumn 2018 — Mosaic Magazine


Directory of Services ROCKS & GEMS




Mosaic Magazine — Autumn 2018

Mosaic’s Marketplace ASTROLOGY ANDROMEDA ASTROLOGY ~ SAMANTHA KANE-KENNEDY. The science of Astrology is a whole-souled approach to living. Answers are captured by your time of birth, your birth date and the geographical location of your birth. Samantha lives, breathes, eats, sleeps and loves her work. Caring in-depth consultations instil a deep sense of peace, turn complexity into simplicity and make the impossible possible by understanding that unique mystery; the tapestry of your soul! Discover your resilience, find the answers you seek and achieve resolution. 250-382-8443,,

COUNSELLING SHARON STOPFORTH, MSW, RSW has been a counsellor for 15+ years and specializes in addiction, anxiety, depression, trauma, abuse, self esteem and codependency. Contact Sharon at 403-452-9422 or

CRYSTALS SACRED STONES Personal Growth Jewelry - These unique, gemstone crystal bracelets (handmade by Connie Brisson) are designed to help you transform aspects of your life. Each one comes with a researched keepsake card that explains the exact issues and person it can help. See our ad on page 24. Visit our beautiful website to learn more about how these amulets can help you, store locations or to order one that is personalized just for you.

EZINE / NEWSLETTER – Interested in our monthly free ezine/ newsletter that features MORE mind, body and spirit information, not available in the magazine, including Feng Shui, shamanism, crystals, astrology and more? Go to and sign up today to start receiving it each month as an email! WANT MOSAIC MAGAZINE available at your office or event? Get bulk amounts of Mosaic Magazine to give to your clients at the following locations: ASCENDANT BOOKS (10310 - 124 St., Edmonton), LIFEFORCE (101, Signal Rd., Fort McMurray), SOUL FOOD CRYSTALS & BOOKS (#3, 213 – 19 St., NW, Calgary).

RENTAL SPACE OFFICE ROOM FOR LEASE in beautiful downtown St. Albert. Main floor location with shared reception and kitchen area. Free Wi-Fi. 120 sq. ft. room for $700.00 (plus GST). To book a viewing call Rosa at 780-460-8881.

SHAMANISM SARAH SALTER KELLY offers private sessions and workshops in Edmonton and Pigeon Lake. She specializes in healing grief and trauma as well as teaching tools and skills for personal empowerment. Contact her to book or check out her website for exciting upcoming programs this spring. 1-780-314-9150 or www.

HEALING & HEALTH WEIGHT LOSS - Anny Slegten’s latest book The Four Mental Agreements to Losing Weight is now available in print form or on Kindle. To view and/or purchase the book online, please visit and click on the banner. To buy the book at Anny’s office, please call 780-448-0817. YIN YANG WELLNESS CENTRE, Journey for the Soul - Crystals, Gifts, Hypnosis, CranioSacral Therapy, Reiki, Massage, Reflexology, Acupressure, Inspirational Workshops. Come in and enjoy our soothing environment. Have a session designed especially for you. Sessions people often choose are related to quitting smoking, anxiety reduction, fears, phobias, body image, stress, insomnia, pain management, self esteem, confidence, sports performance, chakra balancing, relaxation and therapeutic massage. Yin Yang Wellness Centre, 4819 – 51 Street, Camrose, 780-608-1515,

INTUITIVE READERS EXPERIENCED INTUITIVE READER, Cartomancer Craig provides the clarity and connection you desire. One hour readings in person, via phone, Skype/Facetime. More information, client comments and reviews at and CartomancerCraig on FB. Text or call to book at 403-400-7980.

MOSAIC MAGAZINE DISTRIBUTION LOCATIONS – Go to (“Get A Copy” tab) to see an extensive list of places that you can pick up a copy of Mosaic across Alberta and parts of B.C.

Autumn 2018 — Mosaic Magazine


Mosaic’s Calendar of Events AUGUST 14, SEPTEMBER 11, OCTOBER 9


Transmission Meditation: A Meditation for the New Age - Can one person truly help a world in transition? More than you think! Make this vibrant service a part of your life! FREE talks and meditation at 7:00 p.m. - Sai Baba Centre, 9619 - 82 Avenue, Edmonton.


Metatronia Therapy® Sacred Light Group Transmissions Experience this transformational vibration via Archangel Metatron for deep release/healing and alignment to your true essence and Source. Relax as you receive the sacred light codings. 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Sun Yoga, south Edmonton. Contact Maya: 780885-0089. Pre-registration required.


Transmission Meditation: A Meditation for the New Age - Can one person truly help a world in transition? More than you think! Make this vibrant service a part of your life! FREE talks and meditation at 7:00 p.m. - Room #201, Le Soleil at Roots on Whyte, 8135 - 102 Street, Edmonton.


“The Awakening” - Come and watch a discourse by esotericist and artist Benjamin Creme, who talks about the fantastic changes facing the world today as we enter the new Aquarian Age! Creme discusses meditation, the evolution of the soul and the emergence into the everyday world of Maitreya, the World Teacher, and the Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet. “The new Law is Love, the new Truth is Brotherhood.” Come with curiosity, leave with hope! FREE Admission. First come, first served at the Metro Cinema (Garneau theatre), 8712 - 109 Street, Edmonton. Show starts at 4:00 p.m. Approximately 67 minutes. www.,


Mosaic Mystics Meeting will feature Arlene Olson (licenced HeartMath Coach, www. who will teach us about the power of heart coherence. Heart coherence is a physiological state brought about with the activation of a positive feeling and breathing techniques, where your physiology and all systems come into harmony and optimal functions (mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually). From this place, you can easily connect to your heart’s wise higher intelligence, intuitive insights and powers more often. During the meeting, Arlene will teach us how our feelings of inner stress, anxiety and worry can be easily transformed when we begin to practice the Quick Coherence® Technique with positive feelings. Feel the electromagnetic frequencies of your heart raise to higher vibrations where one feels comforted, insightful, uplifted and balanced. (To learn more about HeartMath and what heart coherence is, read Arlene’s article on pages 10 and 11 of Mosaic’s Summer 2018 issue.) Please join us on Tuesday, September 11, at the Lucina Centre, 9505 – 163 Street, Edmonton, 7:00 – 9:30 p.m. The cost is $20 cash at the door and please bring a gift wrapped book for the book exchange. RSVP by September 10 at mosaicmagazine@

10-Week Rebuilding Seminar: Moving through the Pain of a Relationship Ending. Tuesdays, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Limit of 8 participants. www. (Full details on “Services” page.) Contact Carolyn: 780-660-9824.


Journey into the Akashic Records (Edmonton) – Easy and fun to learn. Two certification courses. Beginning and Advanced Certification. Early registration discounts. Location: Inclusion Alberta, 11724 Kingsway NW, Edmonton. Taught by Holly Hawkins Marwood, Advanced Teacher,, 1-760-803-4297,


Healing through the Akashic Records (Edmonton) – Personal healing and transformation through the tool of the Akashic Records. One evening and two days. Early registration discounts. Location: Inclusion Alberta, 11724 Kingsway NW, Edmonton. Taught by Holly Hawkins Marwood, Advanced Teacher,, 1-760803-4297,

OCTOBER 20 - 21

Feel Good Fest - A Whole Health Experience. October 20, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and October 21, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Strathcona Community Centre at 401 Festival Lane, Sherwood Park. $5 expo admission, VIP passes including expo and conference admission plus prizes. $29 - 1 day, $44 - 2 days. Free for kids under 12. Tickets available on or Eventbrite. Speaker and vendor spots available!

MONTHLY EDMONTON ASTROLOGICAL SOCIETY (EAS) holds monthly events. Find us at For Annual Conferences check

Advertise your event here! 20

Mosaic Magazine — Autumn 2018

Autumn 2018 — Mosaic Magazine


Con Amore

(Italian) With heart and soul

Was that good or bad luck? by Connie Brisson “Why did this happen to me?” Sometimes, I instantly know the answer… I can clearly see the stale breadcrumb trail that leads me back to myself as the magician who created the entire situation. But then… there are times in my life when something has happened and I did not understand why until much, much later.

While I was working at this new company, I ended up hearing a story about a woman and her friend that had been working at the same company I had quit (a 1½ year earlier with much shame). This person told me that the secretary (who replaced me) and another woman at this company, after working there about six months, went on a road trip to B.C., and then they disappeared. No one knew what happened to them. And instantly, I had goosebumps from my head to my toes and I thought: “Oh, my God. That would have been me if I didn’t have my breakdown and move home.” I had been protected! For me, that was a huge AHA.

But, first I need to back up a bit. I need to tell you that this job didn’t just happen with ease and grace. There were a multitude of big problems (that came up over and over that I had to twist myself into a pretzel to fix) but I was determined, so I pushed until I made it happen. So after much organizing, conflict and asking other dear people for many favors to help me, I moved to an apartment by myself and started this new job. And while I know all new jobs are a bit stressful, I (almost instantly) could not help the feeling that the weight of the world was on me; I truly felt a deep dread inside of me that I’d never felt before. And after day two at the job, I went back to my little apartment and once I started to cry, I didn’t stop. I can remember calling my brother Gene and talking to him for hours, crying and crying. I know I scared him and I was so scared too. The next day I honestly couldn’t go to work and by the end of the day, I thought I was having a nervous breakdown so I quit and asked my parents if I could go back home for a while. I can not tell you the shame I felt after that. I was so utterly mortified that I had failed at something like getting a new job in a new town. And every day afterwards, I emotionally beat myself up asking myself (and God!) why that whole damn ordeal happened to me! About a year and a half later, while I was back working in Edmonton, my brother-in-law Don asked for my resume to give to a new company in Lloydminster he was working for. I gave him it and I was hired within a week. Everything fell into place and I instantly found somewhere to stay with a friend of a cousin. This is the job where I met my husband Marcel and was really the turning point in my life.


Mosaic Magazine — Autumn 2018

Fly Me to the Moon © Maria Pace-Wynters —

Something like that happened when I was about 27 years old. After many months without work, I got a job in Lloydminster at a construction contractor’s office. It meant having to move from Bonnyville to Lloydminster by myself, where I didn’t really know anyone.

Finding out the reason was a gift from God. It’s given me more faith for the times when I don’t understand why something has happened. It was the moment where I realized that no one knows (when something happens) whether it’s “good” or “bad.” An old Zen story goes like this… An old Chinese farmer had a mare that broke through the fence and ran away. When his neighbors learned of it, they came to the farmer and said: “What bad luck this is. You don’t have a horse during planting season.” The farmer listened and then replied: “Bad luck, good luck. Who knows?” A few days later, the mare returned with two stallions. When the neighbors learned of it, they visited the farmer. “You are now a rich man. What good fortune this is,” they said. The farmer listened and again replied: “Good fortune, bad fortune. Who knows?”

Later that day, the farmer’s only son was thrown from one of the stallions and broke his leg. When the neighbors heard about it, they came to the farmer. “It is planting season and now there is no one to help you,” they said. “This is truly bad luck.” The farmer listened, and once more he said: “Bad luck, good luck. Who knows?” The very next day, the emperor’s army rode into the town and conscripted the eldest son in every family. Only the farmer’s son with his broken leg remained behind. Soon the neighbors arrived. Tearfully, they said: “Yours is the only son who was not taken from his family and sent to war. What good fortune this is...” Times are difficult right now for many of us (in one aspect or another) so remind yourself there is no “good” or “bad.” Instead, let’s try to trust in the Universe/God to take care of it entirely for the highest good of us all – in the long run.

Autumn 2018 — Mosaic Magazine


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