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The best things in life are


mind • body • spirit • health • wisdom 80th Issue


Bottine d’automne (Fall Shoe) © Mireille Cloutier

Soul & Power Retrieval Angelic Gemstone Helpers Weight Loss & Homeopathy Transform Through Allowing Silence Reveals Mysteries

Miracle of Forgiveness Allergies & Phobias Message From Peru PRF & Oral Surgery Your Epidermis & TPSR

The Rules in Your Groups Create a Tarot Mandala Mireille Cloutier’s Art A Dream of Surrender


Mosaic Magazine — Autumn 2017

Autumn 2017 — Mosaic Magazine


In this Mosaic… These stones became very significant to me around both of those relationships. During the confusing and difficult times of being a new mother, I found just looking and touching these fluorite stones to be enormously soothing; they brought me peace and reassurance when I sometimes floundered in my new role. Being a new mother also gave me a deeper understanding about my own Mom and our relationship. Interestingly, for the first time, I was experiencing life as both the daughter and the mother. It made me see my past differently which, of course, changed my future. Since then, although I’ve added many other crystals to my collection, these fluorite stones are still one of my favorite and most treasured.

My love for crystals and gemstones also led me to create Sacred Stones jewelry - an array of mystical gemstone bracelets/amulets designed to help others with particular issues in their lives, based on the energetic healing properties of the specific gemstones used (www.

by Connie Brisson I’m obsessed with crystals. My endless love for them first began the moment that Skye MacLachlan gave me a pair of fluorite crystals over 16 years ago. During one of our sessions, she was feeling unexpectedly ill so I offered to do CranioSacral Therapy to try and help. I was just in the first stages of learning it and welcomed the chance to practice it. Afterwards, she surprised me by giving two pieces of fluorite stones to thank me. She said that she had just been guided to give them to me - that I needed them. The pair of stones she gave me were a larger (6” high) and smaller (5” high) set of matching fluorites (a mixture of purple, green and white) that belonged with each other. It looked like a mother and daughter set in stone. Fluorite is a deeply spiritual stone. Its energy is uplifting as it brings stability and balance to relationships. It dissolves fixed patterns of behavior, bringing order to one’s life. If someone is very busy or if life feels chaotic and out of control, things start to harmoniously fall into place with fluorite. Green fluorite is excellent for clearing negative energies, dispelling emotional traumas and healing the heart chakra, while purple aids with spiritual awakening, emotional growth and understanding life’s lessons. Skye felt that the mother and daughter fluorite crystal’s symbolism wasn’t just about my daughter and me – it had double meaning. First it was about bringing healing energy to the relationship between my mother and I. Then it was also about helping the relationship between me and my own little daughter.


Mosaic Magazine — Autumn 2017

Are you curious about the benefits of crystals and gemstones? Do you have a special gemstone that you’d like to learn more about? Are you interested in learning how to access the healing properties of the stone kingdom? At our next Mystic Meeting, Skye MacLachlan will share her personal story of how she became interested in gemstones at a very young age. We’ll then explore her top “12 First-Aid Gemstones” to keep you balanced and healthy (mind, body and spirit). It’s a kit of gemstones that are really useful for common illnesses or emotional issues that come up in daily life, so that when you are in difficulty (or someone you love) you don’t have to search for the right gemstones to help; they are right there. For example, one of the stones in Skye’s kit is blue chalcedony, ideal for anxiety or difficulty sleeping. She has an African basket where she stores all her firstaid crystals and she’ll bring it to the meeting to share with you so you can create one of your own (and ask her any questions about). Finally during the Mystic Meeting, Skye will lead us on a guided meditation to the crystal cave. There you’ll meet the guardian of your favorite gemstone and receive messages about why you’re so drawn to that particular crystal. Please bring the gemstone/crystal that you’re most attracted to (at this time) for this meditation. Join us with Skye MacLachlan to learn more about how to use crystals as helpers on Tuesday, September 12, at the Lucina Centre, 9505 – 163 Street, Edmonton, 7:00 – 9:30 p.m. The cost is $20 cash at the door and please bring a gift wrapped book for the book exchange. RSVP by September 11 at if you can come. I hope to see you there.



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Connie Brisson

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COVER ART Artist: Mireille Cloutier Title: Bottine d’automne (Fall Shoe) Contact:


Benefits of soul and power retrieval


Angelic gemstone helpers


What are the rules in your groups? by Catherine Potter

Skye’s View

Create a tarot mandala


by Laurena Clark

Esoteric Explorations


by Dr. Terry Clark & Dr. William Yoo

Is your epidermis showing?


by Sarah Salter-Kelly

PRF enhances oral surgery


by Louise Grenier

A message from Peru


by Julie Robinson

Similarities of allergies and phobias


by Berdhanya Swami Tierra

The miracle of forgiveness


by Cinnamon Cranston

Silence reveals mysteries of the heart


by Tammie Quick

Transformation through allowing


by Skye MacLachlan

Weight loss with homeopathy


by Norma J. Hope

by Skye MacLachlan

Artist’s Gallery

Encaustic painting using beeswax

by Mireille Cloutier


Directory of Services


Marketplace & Calendar of Events


Things I Love


Con Amore

A dream of surrender

by Connie Brisson

Next Issue: NOVEMBER 1, 2017 Deadline: OCTOBER 5, 2017

Autumn 2017 — Mosaic Magazine


Benefits of soul and power retrieval Do you feel like something is missing in your life? Consider that it may be parts of you that you have unintentionally left behind. Self sabotage, feeling powerless, fear of authority figures (plus many other ways of being) happen as a result of previous soul loss/trauma. My initial awareness of my need for spiritual healing actually came during my first series of colon hydrotherapy sessions in 1997. I started to feel all this anger inside that had previously been buried and underneath that was sadness, hopeless despair and fear. It was the catalyst for my becoming a therapist, and so my incredible journey began. I didn’t remember much of anything that happened to me prior to age 15. I know now that we blank out that which is too painful, too traumatizing. We disconnect or disassociate to survive the childhood pain. This is very obvious soul loss/trauma. There are many times, especially between the ages of zero and nine, that you may have felt like someone took your power away or took a piece of you - a soul part. Remember that not being seen or heard as a child is soul loss also – voiceless, powerless, invisible. In Spiritual Healing & Energy Medicine Therapy, we know that no one can take a piece of your soul away but it very much feels like it. Quite often we continue into adulthood, reacting and having the same beliefs that we did when we were a child. Until these wounds and old limiting beliefs are healed and our soul parts are reunited with us, we continue to attract the same unhealthy people into our life and we also sabotage our self.

soul parts, receive all our energy, all our power, all our medicines back. And then we are whole for possibly the first time in this life. Our light is turned on again. You feel beautiful inside and out and truly love yourself. You get your confidence, courage, inner knowing and more back with a new strength that is deeply, intrinsically, embedded inside you. You will just know what fits in your life, who you want in your life and what is right for you. This can include attracting a totally different type of person as a partner as I have. Clients that I do Spiritual Healing & Energy Medicine Therapy sessions with experience their own soul retrieval/ power retrieval sessions as life changing events, as did I. It is an opportunity to get “all of you” back on the deepest level possible. You’ll get a huge “aha” about what has been missing in your life – ALL OF YOU! Jenny, a 34 year-oldclient of mine, reports: “I can easily stay in my own power when I’m around my dad now. I don’t react like I used to. I don’t even get anxious around any other authority figures including when a cop car pulls up behind me. I don’t feel threatened or feel like I have to please the other person any more. I’ve been able to make decisions about my life that I had been agonizing over before. There is also this calmness and strength I feel in me now.” Set Yourself Free © Bernadette McCormack

by Norma J. Hope Certified Biofeedback Specialist

Let’s get all of you back so you can live the life you were meant to have! Norma Hope is a Certified Biofeedback Specialist, Colon Hydrotherapist, Lymph Therapist, Spiritual Healing & Energy Medicine Therapist, Microcurrent Therapist, Life Coach, NeuroAcoustic Sound Therapist, and more… Call 780-477-1100 or go to Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It is intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor. Please research all topics for yourself.

Self sabotage is actually done from a place of love. Your “Inner Saboteur” is still trying to protect you from past hurts so that they don’t happen to you again. Shutting down, over thinking, running, being busy and even compensating with alcohol or drugs are just a few self sabotage methods. You can change that Inner Saboteur into a loving, helpful Guide. When we experience soul retrieval or power retrieval ceremonies, we heal our spirit, reunite ourselves with our


Mosaic Magazine — Autumn 2017

Angelic gemstone helpers Recently I had a profound dream. In this dream, angels were flying from the heavens and as they touched the Earth, each one transformed into a vibrant gemstone seed crystal, small but each perfectly formed. In the dream I observed a variety of these gem seed crystals, thousands of them including amethyst, tourmaline, golden beryl, aquamarine, emerald, diamond, carnelian, rose quartz and many more. As I watched, they began to grow from their small crystal seeds and, like a river, spread effortlessly across our beautiful planet Earth. I realized that I had been given a glimpse into how crystals had originally been seeded into the planet. My impression was that certain angelic beings purposely chose to infuse their energy into the mineral kingdom (through crystals and gemstones) in a way where they could vibrationally uplift us by the simple beauty of their presence. I wondered if the true reason everyone is so attracted to gemstones and crystals is because we unconsciously experience the higher vibration of the angelic beings whose essence is alchemized within them. I awoke the next morning filled with excitement. Are gemstones actually angels that have blessed our planet and each one of us with their presence? As I pondered this question, I received an email from a client I do dreamwork with in Vermont, asking me the same question. I immediately phoned her and discovered that she had an identical dream the previous night. Wow! When I receive new intuitive information, I always ask Spirit to confirm it through concrete signs that clearly affirm the message. Over the next week I received so many other signs of confirmation. Every time I turned on the radio there was an angel song or someone talking about angels. A few days later I received a book from a friend about angels (no one has ever given me an angel book before). The angels were definitely expressing their presence to me and confirming my dream’s message!

them, I feel their grace in a way I never experienced before. This simple shift in awareness has blessed me with a profound sense of peace and gratitude. When I meditate with a specific gemstone, I receive a visceral awareness of its angelic being’s presence. I can literally feel it smoothing the energetic field around my physical body. It’s a delightful and soothing experience that immediately sends shivers of awareness through me that an angelic being is present. Here’s a lovely meditation that will help you to access the uplifting energies of the gemstone angels. Imagine that you are walking in a meadow. An animal helper will come towards you. Reach out your hand in greeting to the helper that comes and he/she will make a gentle physical contact with you. Then your animal helper will guide you along a pathway that leads into the forest. At some point he/she will lead you to a clearing within the forest that is encircled by a grove of trees. In the center of the clearing you’ll see a huge crystal/gemstone – this is the gemstone angel that has come to bless you at this time. Find a comfortable place to sit in the clearing (perhaps leaning against a tree trunk), relax and receive the blessing of this gemstone angel. When you have fully received the crystal angel’s blessing, you’ll be transported back to conscious awareness in your body. Smile © Carol Breen —

by Skye MacLachlan Gemstone Therapist/Teacher

The gemstone angels have assured me that this meditation is a simple daily practice which will bring you into alignment and harmony with your soul’s purpose in this lifetime. If you feel called to work more deeply with the gemstone angels and crystals, I’m currently accepting applications for the Crystalline Gemstone Therapist Program. In 2018, Skye will be teaching “The Crystalline Gemstone Therapist Program” at Northern Star College of Mystical Studies, where she also teaches/practices Feng Shui, Tarot and Dreamwork. Email her at Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It’s intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.

How has this changed the way I interact with my beautiful family of angelic gemstone and crystal helpers? I no longer rush to tell my gemstones what I want them to do. Instead, I’m aware of their presence – as I’m observing

Autumn 2017 — Mosaic Magazine



Mosaic Magazine — Autumn 2017

Weight loss with homeopathy Until recently homeopathy (like most medical practices) offered limited success with weight loss. But today, thanks to the principles of homeopathy, e-Drops weight management protocol (as described in Kevin Trudeau’s book The Weight Loss Cure They Don’t Want You to Know About (Alliance Publishing Group, Inc. 2007) has been made available to everyone. Samuel Hahnemann, the father of homeopathy, found a safe way to use virtually any substance in a therapeutic way, without causing any harm to the physical body. He determined that by diluting a substance and shaking it, you could create the “perfect” dose. These same principles have been applied to the active ingredient in the e-Drops weight management protocol. How does this apply to someone who needs to lose weight? Taking the e-Drops and following a very low calorie diet tricks the body into thinking that it is pregnant and there isn’t enough food. (But rest assured e-Drops weight loss protocol is equally safe and effective for men as well as women!) The active ingredient in the drops mobilizes stored fat in your body to be burned as energy. In the case of pregnancy, your body naturally produces this substance to ensure that the developing fetus has all of the calories that it needs to survive, even if there isn’t enough food available. But without a pregnancy AND with limited calories, it causes your body to rapidly burn fat for fuel. Now if I’ve made this weight loss protocol sound easy, let me correct that! This program is not for everyone. And it is definitely something that you have to be ready for, as it does involve severe restriction of food choices. But with the e-Drops on board, people are not hungry, light headed or grouchy like they are with typical calorie restricted programs.

enjoy a weight loss of close to one pound each day. Yes, you read that correctly! People who do the e-Drops weight loss protocol often lose nearly 30 pounds in 30 days. And they look great! That’s because they actually lose stored fat, not the fat that holds up their skin and organs and NOT valuable muscle tissue. In fact this protocol can actually re-build a metabolism and re-shape your body. As a doctor of Homeopathy and Heilkunst, I almost never recommend that people begin this weight loss program without beginning Heilkunst treatment at my clinic first. This is because excess weight is a very complex issue and if you lose the weight quickly, without figuring out why you gained it in the first place, you can gain it back despite what Kevin Trudeau has claimed in his book. Water Lily © Oksana Zhelisko — www,

by Tammie Quick DMH, DHHP

Heilkunst will remove the underlying disease states that have set an individual up to gain weight and to make unhealthy lifestyle choices. Plus, it teaches principled lifestyle choices for health and longevity.

But when my patients are ready for the e-Drops protocol, my clinic offers a unique approach with the weight loss drops, a consultation that teaches the e-Drops protocol and how to get ready, 24/7 support and some additional homeopathic formulas custom designed to help each individual succeed. When you’re ready to heal your weight issues, homeopathic e-Drops and Heilkunst are ready to help! Tammie Quick, DMH, DHHP, practices Homeopathy and Heilkunst at the Quick Health Clinic in St. Albert, AB. Call 780-221-6127, tammie@ or Appointments can be in person, by phone and by Skype. Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It’s intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.

This can be hard to believe, but the reason is that the e-Drops and adherence to the protocol are ensuring that you are living on the calories from your own stored fat. This can mean that you are actually “consuming” up to 2500 calories a day despite the small amount of food that you eat (2500 calories each day keeps most people well satiated!). Plus participants aren’t forced to exercise (though it is recommended as part of a healthy lifestyle) in order to

Autumn 2017 — Mosaic Magazine


Transformation through allowing There is an underlying theme within our Western society that we are what we “do” and that results are based on effort, meaning that what you get out of life is directly proportional to the effort you have put into it. We have become a collective culture of “do-ers” caught in the striving to “get it right” in all areas of life: work, parenting, relationships, wellness and spirituality. While this seems a logical way of living on the surface, it leaves us with a sense of “not ______ enough.” Although it is obviously imperative to take action in life in order to grow, it is possible to orient our actions differently within our awareness. The shift comes when we begin to be aware of how much we “try” in life. The inner voice is saying: “I am trying to be a better person,” “I am trying to heal myself,” and “I am trying to…” (fill in the blank). In those moments we are “doing” our lives instead of “being” in them. So how do we change without trying? What does that even look like? Real profound and deep inner changes happen when we begin to allow whatever is in our awareness to simply be there. When we invite the awareness of self to be there, lean into our sensations and allow whatever resistance and feelings that arise to be there also, only then can we open to other possibilities of experience and inner knowledge, and begin to live and act from a place of “be-ing.” This process of allowing requires us to slow down and listen deeply within ourselves underneath the level of cognitive thought. For some people this is a difficult, scary idea and process because they have spent most of their lives trying to escape their inner awareness and feelings (usually for good reasons), preferring to live in their heads.

within their body’s nervous system, left over from when the trauma or adverse childhood experiences occurred. So how does a person heal from trauma, release fear from their bodies and invite well-being? The short answer is “connection.” The long answer is “allowing our bodies to self-regulate through coregulation with another person that has a self-aware, empathetic presence and working knowledge of the body’s physiology and energy system.” Rosen Method Bodywork is a healing modality that does just that through the use of gentle, present, listening touch that works with the fluids of the body, the nervous system and the breath to invite greater awareness for the person receiving the work. Rosen Method Bodywork practitioners also track their own bodies as a way of listening to what is happening with the client. Words are spoken by the practitioner in a way that validates and supports the process. detail of Warrior Sisters © Maria Pace-Wynters —

by Cinnamon Cranston Certified Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner

With greater awareness comes the opportunity to allow whatever is arising within. When a person/client can allow the sensations and/or feelings to be there, then shifts occur within the body, the tension of the muscles release, fluids flow more freely, breath comes and goes with more ease, and clients begin to access a deeper sense of relaxation, well-being and inner knowing or connectedness to their core self. The entire process happens as a result of allowing. For the practitioner there is no intention of doing or fixing anything for the person receiving the treatment, only to allow whatever it is that wants to happen. The results are transformational, life changing and lasting. Cinnamon offers weekly classes in Rosen Method Movement and is a certified Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner. She can be contacted at or 780-203-5159. Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It’s intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.

Emotional and physical trauma or adverse childhood experiences often leave people without the ability to access themselves fully because of the necessary need to contain their feelings and experiences at the time. As adults the act of being busy (hyper-focused) or distracted (procrastination) or addicted (escape) is a way of coping with the survival mode (fight/flight/freeze) operating


Mosaic Magazine — Autumn 2017

Silence reveals mysteries of the heart One of the outcomes of writing about spiritual experiences is incompleteness. I can describe in words the beauty of a flower, the dance of the birds in the sky or the spontaneous tears of joy when silence has entered the heart. However, to describe the part of the spiritual process that will truly transform the seeker remains a very well guarded secret and space within. The modern new age spiritual movement, which tends to express every experience as a way of healing, misses the space where the seeker has to handle their own introspection, their own spiritual independence and their own compassion. Also, it is rare in today’s society to have a mature and realized guide who can contain that space with their own presence and transmission, a person who can foresee the potential of each person and who does not give space to disperse the individual’s potential for transformation. I can tell you, through my years of personal experience in being in silence and facilitating silent retreats, that the benefits hit right where you are. Silence is a structure that knows what we need, at the frequency you need and it is communicated in a language that only you can understand.

some advance preparation. I like to prepare the individual through an introductory six-hour course called Practical Awakening, so that the individual can better handle the mind and enter the retreat with less toxins and inner agitation. This course is available for download on my website ( and is also available inperson through one of my teachers (in Edmonton, contact Dr. Bronwen Samuel at 780-860-7680.) A couple of days in silence, meditation, yoga, massage (optional), satsang (conversations with the teacher) and vegetarian/Ayurvedic diet can definitely be a turning point in your physical health, in your inner exploration and in the relationship you have with others. I am thankful to the Edmonton community for welcoming me to facilitate a silent retreat there from October 26 – 29, 2017. Over the course of the weekend, we’ll also have Ayurvedic massage available on site (advance booking required), to deepen your retreat experience.

Virginia and Squirrel © Margaret Sonneberg

by Berdhanya Swami Tierra

If you are interested in self-inquiry, healing or to see permanent changes in undesirable physiological patterns, the course Practical Awakening and a silent retreat are for you. Make an inner commitment and decide to recover your stamina, to meet the parts of yourself that you don’t understand and to deeply plant the seed of peace in your heart.

Berdhanya Swami Tierra is a realized spiritual teacher and mystic. Visit her site to find a vast library of spiritual courses, books, lectures and meditations, available for download at www.berdhanya.comhttp://www. Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It’s intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.

Silent retreats guided by a master are an atomic tool that puts you exactly where you are. It does not apologize to you, it forgives you. It is bold, honest and direct. It is a voice of the heart that whispers and delivers to you the essence of your destiny and the power of your potential. Silence challenges you, inviting you to leave behind the reference points of your daily life and gives you a chance to restart your energetic structure, to heal and to understand the signals of your life. While the practice of silence is very powerful, most people find that they benefit more from a silent retreat with

Autumn 2017 — Mosaic Magazine


The miracle of forgiveness For instance, when my client Wendy lost her brother in a fatal car crash, she was inconsolable. After the police revealed the details of the collision, Wendy found herself angry that her brother’s girlfriend was still alive and blamed her, wondering if she had turned the wheel causing the collision. The pain and agony of his sudden death kept her awake most nights. When it was time for Wendy to hear the messages her angels had for her, it was Archangel Zadkiel who said that it was a “senseless accident” and that no one was to blame. Wendy began to sob upon receiving the message and felt an indescribable sense of peace and clarity when she was finished. by Julie Robinson Angel Intuitive, Medium It seems like every spiritual teacher worth their weight emphasizes the value of letting go of old hurt through forgiveness. So what’s the big deal about forgiveness? What’s the hype all about? And if forgiveness works, what are some of the outcomes of incorporating it into your life? There are a number of spiritual methods to improve your chances of attracting more miracles in your life and improving your physical health. Forgiveness however, is the only thorough approach to improve your miracle magnet, physical health and reduce your anxiety. The alternatives are “quick fixes.” Although the idea of a fast solution to overall well-being may seem appealing to the unequipped person who does not have time to do the work, the thorough approach will be more long lasting and effective. Forgiveness thoroughly improves your ability to draw in blessings and improves your relationships with other people and yourself. Today, you might be in a situation where you feel turmoil and hostility. On the surface you appear to be fine but deep down you don’t feel good. There’s old pain leftover; those are your wounds surfacing to be healed. When you have an emotional injury, don’t ignore it. Don’t make up a story about it. Just deal with the wound and forgive!

Too often, we feel the anger and the pain but instead of crying about it, releasing the negativity, we engage in useless mind activity to keep the story going about how it all went wrong and we make it worse than it needs to be. What’s important is to feel the pain, deal with the emotions and then you will heal. Don’t make up a story about what happened. The angels are encouraging you to face it so that you can heal properly and get back to your life’s work! In my business, I started guiding my clients to their angel messages and miracles using forgiveness practices. The results continue to bring tears to my eyes and soulful whispers to my heart. The angels know what they are doing. They know what it is you need to do in order to heal. Learn from them in your forgiveness approach. And, do yourself a favor, don’t tell yourself a story. Face your pain and let yourself cry. The angels recommend that you forgive yourself and others. In doing so, you’ll find yourself walking through the doors on your path with ease and grace. Julie Helena Robinson is an internationally renowned Angel Intuitive, aspiring author, inspirational speaker, radio host, energy healer and teacher in the fields of self-development, spiritual and psychic growth. She’s completing her bachelor’s degree in psychology from Mount Royal University, Calgary. Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It’s intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.

As a spiritual teacher, I talk a lot about the process of forgiveness and how you can forgive someone as close to the moment as possible. Engaging in a process that leads to forgiveness (like talking with a professional about your experience, taking responsibility for how you show up in the world and forgiving the person who hurt you) will lead you down the path of healing and restoration. This work will improve the energy in you to draw in more miracles. In my nine years of working as an Angel Intuitive, I share this angel message: Forgiveness is not about saying what happened is okay; it’s about releasing the negativity that keeps you from receiving God’s best.


Mosaic Magazine — Autumn 2017

Similarities of allergies and phobias Dr. Michael B. Levy, an allergist/ immunologist who worked for the World Health Organization said: “Allergies are like a phobia of the immune system.” Phobias are over reactions to something. Similarly, an allergy in a person indicates that their immune system has developed an irrational “over reaction” to a certain substance, which causes their immune system to “get activated” when confronted by that substance. The intense fear you experience in a phobia sends your body into fight-or-flight mode, directing energy to parts of your body to save your life. Your heart beats faster to provide an emergency supply of extra blood to your muscles that tense as you prepare to flee and your nervous system goes into high alert for you to react fast. It’s the same principle with an allergy where your immune system prepares to expel, or at least neutralize, the allergens entering your body. But just as a phobia is a fear without reason, an allergy is also an unconsciously irrational reaction. Imagine life’s elements divided into two categories: those that are dangerous and those that are safe. For example, burning houses and crashing automobiles are clearly in the dangerous category, while clowns and water should be in the safe category because they are no overt threat to safety. In a phobia, elements in the safe category become mistakenly classified in the dangerous category. As soon as something from the dangerous category gets close to a person, their adrenal glands activate to release cortisol, which causes heart palpitations, sweating and anxiety. Their entire body mounts a concerted defense to protect against the object of fear (a spider, a mouse or a bee).

are labelled as allergens. When those allergens enter the body, the body’s immune system triggers to cause swelling, redness, inflammation and itchiness. Again, the entire body goes into defense mode to expel the allergen. In the case of both phobias and allergies, the body/mind system produces a huge fear response to a non-dangerous situation. In either case, taking drugs (anti-histamines to suppress the body’s production of histamines) or avoiding the source of the perceived threat may address the symptoms in the short term but completely misses solving the underlying cause. In a session, I teach your subconscious mind the right classification of the allergens or the elements of the phobia. That way your body won’t react next time you are in contact with the allergens or the source of your phobia.

Winds of Color © Shelby Willis—

by Louise Grenier BSc. Nursing Homeopath/ Heilkunst, NLP Practitioner

Phobias and allergies are sometimes created together. Not long ago, I was able to clear a young man of his hay fever. His fear of bees disappeared at the same time because it had been created simultaneously with his hay fever. Bonus!

My practice is based on using homeopathy and neurolinguistic programming together to reclassify the elements of your allergies and phobias into their proper categories so you can leave them behind and live life without fear or discomfort. I specialize in working with chronic diseases that don’t respond to conventional medical system. Remember that your body is amazing! Most phobias and allergies take one or two sessions to be deleted from your body/ mind system. Louise Grenier, BSC Nursing, uses a number of modalities to help clients (Homeopathy/Heilkunst, Nutrition, EFT, NLP and more) in St. Albert (780-459-3609) with consultations in person, phone or Skype. Go to for testimonials, videos and articles. Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It’s intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.

Allergies work the same way. Ingesting poison, which naturally belongs in the dangerous category, may trigger cramps, vomiting, inflammation and swelling to protect the body. But milk and eggs are not poison and should not cause any distress. For people with allergies, these foods have been erroneously classified as dangerous and

Autumn 2017 — Mosaic Magazine


A message from Peru by Sarah Salter-Kelly Shaman The temple itself is round, about 20 feet in diameter with a ceiling open to the sky. Niches are formed into the walls on the inside and the outside – a place to hold ceremonial items. Their structure, shape and style indicate pre-Inca times. I’m told it’s a temple to honor Mama-Quilla, the female archetype of the moon who is representative of the sacred feminine in the Andean culture. What is fascinating is that the temple is paired with a stone huaca (sacred place) about 100 feet behind it. On it, a serpent is carved onto the side in such a way that libations may be poured from a higher angle, to circle around the stone counter clockwise and come out of the head of the serpent onto the Pachamama (Mother Earth). In Andean cosmology the serpent represents our inner world or the Ukhupahca which is the Quechua word for underworld. It bears the vital power of our regenerative life force, the life-death-life cycle of transformation. She is called Sachamama, Mother Serpent, and it is she who teaches us how to shed the stories of our limitation in one piece, the way she sheds her skin. She draws us into our primal nature to meet our fears and awaken to what is true. Sitting on a carved depression high up on the center of this huaca, I contemplate the intention behind the pairing of Mama Quilla and Sachamama. Both invite us to examine the hidden aspects of ourselves. In shamanism we are continually bringing our awareness to what we have placed in the dark parts of our psyche, knowing that as we take ownership of what we discover (be that lost abandoned soul parts, unresolved wounds or fear) we are able to gather up their medicine and bring freedom into our lives.

bring that into how we live our lives each day. The counter clockwise motion the libations must travel symbolizes the release or reorganization of our perception of reality much like Sachamama shedding her skin to allow for a new identity to be born. What I’ve noticed in the past 10 years of travel to Peru (exploring the country’s vast healing traditions and sacred places) is that they have much more to offer us than a pictorial description and a symbolical dissertation. They offer us an idea… that what is sacred to us is worthy of our attention. It is worthy of the time needed to craft temples that speak to the mythos of our soul. It is worthy of our finest energy and dedication, worthy of carving stone. Now the temples I speak of do not need to be an external replica of the fine Inca stonework of the Sacred Valley of Peru. Instead I’m talking about what we do on the inside… It is here we may craft a space as fine and tend to it as if we were a temple guardian or high priestess. What we do with what is sacred to us matters. This is where our soul finds connection and our hearts find meaning. Sarah specializes in soul healing; her methods are clear, comprehensive and practical. Private sessions are in Edmonton or Pigeon Lake. Contact her at 1-780-314-9150, or Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It’s intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.

Both indicate that our instinctual self takes precedence and is in fact a priority worthy of creating a temple and carving a stone. On this huaca the serpent is acting as a bridge from the upper world (called the Hanaq Pacha) to the middle world (Kay Pacha), as offerings must be made from above and make their way down her body to her head where they pour onto the Earth. This symbolizes that we must go inwards to gather the finest energy from above, then


Mosaic Magazine — Autumn 2017

Autumn 2017 — Mosaic Magazine


PRF enhances oral surgery In previous Mosaic articles the evolution of dentistry from the Stone Age up to the current oneappointment, digitally accurate, computerized ceramic restoration has been presented. Gone are the days when mercury amalgam was the filling material of choice. Even the white plastic composite filling material is becoming obsolete with the new generation of flowable hybrid ceramics. Finally dentistry has turned a major corner and now offers good looking, durable, conservative materials but more importantly safer, less toxic choices. The big shift occurred around the millennium. That was the era where dentistry went digital. And it wasn’t just the front desk with billing and charting systems. It even went beyond the digital x-ray and the intraoral camera. It was the introduction of computerized dental restoratives that changed the field forever. To feed this emerging demand new advanced, stronger, more tooth like biocompatible materials began to fill the void. Today’s dentistry is the best it has ever been in the history of dentistry.

The numerous growth factors in PRF work together to speed up and increase the amount of blood vessel formation in a healing wound. More blood supply means more cells can be recruited and more nutrients can be delivered to the healing site. This results in faster healing. It is like healing on “steroids.” PRF can also reduce the chance of infection, a benefit of the enhanced white blood cells which fight infection. When PRF is used in conjunction with bone graft or where bone healing is required, the growth factors within PRF will synergistically affect the resident bone forming cells and speed up bone formation and yield a better quality bone.

Windy © Denise Lefebvre —

by Dr. Terry Clark & Dr. William Yoo

Where PRF really shines in dentistry is when a large bone graft is required for implants or jaw reconstruction. Large bone graft sites usually heal much slower than smaller sites due to limited blood supply. However, with the use of PRF, blood supply is increased and this allows for faster healing and maturation of bone.

Since PRF comes from one’s own blood, we are using completely immune compatible growth factors. This means there are no adverse reactions, no additives and it is completely biocompatible.

In the dental surgical arena, the ceramic implant has been explained (in previous Mosaic articles) as a biocompatible alternative to the metal based implants. And now, even surgery itself is joining the new world of dentistry.

This is good news for anybody requiring oral surgery, especially bone grafting and implants. Diabetics with poor healing, smokers with increased risk of infection and patients with a compromised immune system or with a history of poor healing can benefit from PRF.

Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) is a fibrin matrix that contains a high number of growth factors and white blood cells. The good news is that it comes from your own body.

Dr. Terry Clark and Dr. William Yoo are graduates of the University of Sydney, Australia with numerous memberships including IAOMT (Int. Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology), Holistic Dental Association. Visit Eco-friendly or call 780-438-6863.

The holistic philosophy of “working WITH the body rather than ON the body” applies to PRF as well. The treatment utilizes a uniquely personalized source product from the patient directly - one’s own blood. Blood is drawn from the arm (like a regular blood draw for blood tests) then spun in a centrifuge to separate the blood into different layers. The PRF layer is extracted from the tube and used in various medical and dental procedures.

Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It’s intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor/dentist. Fully research all topics for yourself.

In cosmetic surgery PRF is used as dermal fillers to rejuvenate facial esthetics and injected for joint injuries in orthopedic surgery. In dentistry, PRF is mainly used in oral surgery for management of extraction sockets, various types of bone and gum grafting and dental implants.


Mosaic Magazine — Autumn 2017

Is your epidermis showing? It’s okay to show some epidermis in today’s world. Skin is the largest, fastest growing organ in the body. It serves to protect, insulate, eliminate, even nourish. It does all of this while keeping us informed of potential environmental insults, utilizing an impressive array of sensory innervations and adjusts to hot and cold for our comfort. Impressive factual data states that there are over 19 million skin cells in one square inch of skin of which over 35,000 cells are replaced daily. The skin you see today will be gone in a month. Square replacement cells develop at the deepest layer of the epidermis becoming flatter as they rise toward the surface. The top layer of skin is a collection of dead skin cells that continuously flake off. There are three primary layers of the skin. The epidermis is the outer layer and can be thin (eyelids) or thick (soles of feet). A 30-day cell cycle continuously restores the epidermis. Melanin pigment content gives our individual skin colour. Specialized immune cells help to protect and keep us healthy. The dermis layer is like a support factory for the skin beneath the epidermis. Here sweat glands produce the sweat that cools us when necessary and eliminates unwanted toxins as required. Sensory innervations connect with the brain to forewarn us of impending trauma and pleasures us with the ability to feel our surroundings. Hair has its roots in this layer along with blood vessels and glands producing oil that keep skin soft and smooth. Lastly, the subcutaneous fat layer (hypodermis) attaches the dermis to the underlying muscle and bone with special connective tissue.

positively affect aging, acne, hyperpigmentation, eczema, rosacea, psoriasis, scars and any other skin ailments. Transdermal delivery of medicine is not new. The smoking patch is an example of utilizing the receptive nature of skin to deliver a nicotine substitute to wean a smoker from an inhaled dose of nicotine. Penetration of DMK, a botanical based restorative support product, to deeper skin layers stimulates langerham cells producing an immune response. The factory of cells beneath the surface are encouraged to work efficiently as per their original youthful design. With a cell cycle turnover of 30 days, any skin condition will be improved by the production of healthy young cells transcending to the surface over a period of time. Each cell cycle will continuously improve on the previous cycle reducing damage each pass through. Green Buddha © Heather Brewster —

by Laurena Clark

Over time the skin heals itself utilizing healthy nutrients provided by the botanical based transdermal skin revision program. This natural approach reduces reliance on aggressive laser and surgical treatment. This unique skin revision protocol has been available in Europe and overseas for more than 40 years and is now in Canada.

TPSR has the advantage of “working with rather than on the body.” This approach addresses concerns for suppression of conditions, which can drive them deeper into the skin and also has potential for inducing systemic complications. Working with the body is less invasive and damaging to the inherent systems nature has provided for health and well-being. Laurena Clark is the Canadian representative for the DMK Skin Revision Program with over nine years Paramedical Therapy Clinical experience. DMK locations: Roots on Whyte in Edmonton, Sherwood Park, Calgary, Victoria, BC, Ontario. Visit or call 780-922-6875. Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It’s intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.

Proper care and conditioning for skin can reduce damage from environmental impact, irritation, infection and the effects of the aging process. Transdermal Paramedical Skin Revision (TPSR) is a safe, effective, natural skin revision process that can reach the cause of various skin conditions for real healing and thereby reduction of associated symptoms. TPSR treatments

Autumn 2017— Mosaic Magazine


What are the rules in your groups? by Catherine Potter Astrologer and Hypnotherapist I find group energy fascinating. I’ve been writing more articles recently about groups because as our world expands we get busier, connect with more people, opinions, teachings and philosophies but have less time to digest the often overwhelming amounts of information we take in.

“Who am I?” is an important question we ponder at every stage of our development. At certain points, in order to grow, we let go of a particular group we belong to. When we are younger or less mature we often reject a group in order to grow. To get a better sense of this think about when you were an adolescent, at the point you went from thinking your parents were amazing to “I don’t want to become my mother or father.” When our sense of self becomes stronger, we learn to leave a group (for growth purposes) without rejecting them. Rejection often means rejecting a part of yourself and puts us on a path of learning about “what we don’t want to be” rather than the path of “who we do want to be.”

Without self-reflection time we won’t know how a particular new or old piece of information sits with us. Is the information we are taking in nourishing or garbage that needs to be released, or is it a new/old set of possibly inappropriate rules to follow? The groups we identify with orient us, define us, give us rules of conduct and, depending on the group mind’s level of awareness, unite or divide us.

It is a natural part of our evolution to learn to have a strong sense of self, stay in touch with our personal values and truth while still being part of group mind.

During growth periods we may choose to join a group for a period of time or, in times of personal or global disruption, be placed in one.

This stage of personal development is more complex as we learn to stay true to self and yet still respect the group. Themes and (beneath the surface) memories around belonging, rejection, abandonment and betrayal often get triggered. Our safety and security fears wrestle with our desire for expanded awareness, inner harmony and integrity.

The color of your skin and gender places you within a group. Your country and culture of birth places you within a group. Your age, being a student, parent, part of a couple or single, the type of work you do, who you worship, your hobbies, social circles, politics, sexual preferences, type of health practices you engage in, and so on, all place you within a group. The one thing that all groups have in common are the spoken and unspoken rules of conduct in order to belong. These group rules may be as simple as a dress code for work, all the way to more complicated and potentially restrictive beliefs.


Mosaic Magazine — Autumn 2017

The Face Behind the Masks © Carol Pylypow

Even if you are not the type of person to join a group you still belong to many groups. To name a few, first there is the human group, then the biological family you were born into and if you were fostered or adopted, a second family.

To answer the question “Who am I?” and not fill in the blanks with the group’s answers requires weekly/daily quiet time for contemplation. That might only be five minutes in the morning and evening but inner reflection time is necessary for growth.

When we question “Who am I?” and “How do I want to behave in any given situation?” we begin to hold a space for inner integrity as well as awareness of what the group consensus is. Our sense of right and wrong then comes from a developed relationship with self as opposed to external rules we follow. Having a different perspective from a group you belong to doesn’t mean you have to leave it. The internal tension that comes from the above can act like a catalyst encouraging you to speak your truth while respecting perspectives that differ. The people who stand out in my mind are the ones who speak out for equality, fairness and diversity without disrespecting, disallowing other perspectives or diminishing another. This takes courage, respect and being comfortable in your own skin to a whole other level. I am going to end this article by promoting the field of astrology which is one of the tools that has been a huge help in my personal and professional life. Astrology is multi-layered and gives us a holistic picture of a person’s past, present and possible future(s) journey. It allows one to look at their gifts and shadows which offers the possibility for more integration, wisdom and conscious choice making. Beyond the study of astrology offering a delicious dance with “all that we are,” it is fascinating and fun to learn. For those of you who would like to learn more about astrology I have a new course starting in October. You can take the whole program or just enroll in the first year to get a good foundation in astrology language. The course is taught in an experiential and holistic manner which allows for a body-mind-heart integration. And the rule of behavior for our astrology students is just be yourself! For more information go to An Astrologer since 1986, Catherine is also a Hypnotherapist and Meditation Instructor. She brings her experiential counselling and teaching style to The Northern Star College of Mystical Studies. Call 780447-3667, and Note: This information is for educational purposes only. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.

Autumn 2017 — Mosaic Magazine


Create a tarot mandala When you think of tarot, what pops into your mind? Do you have images of a “reader” shuffling and laying out cards on a table? Or are you aware that it is a personal growth tool? Many know that tarot was used (and some believe created) by ancient mystery schools to teach all aspects of how to authentically live one’s life – including the revelation of hidden knowledge. But did you know that tarot is a potent tool for creating a variety of transformational mandalas? These tarot mandalas can help with a host of issues: clearing unwanted energy, healing an aspect of one’s life, bringing a vision/ goal into manifestation or offering support during a challenging event (school exams, a long journey, going to court). Here are the steps to create a tarot mandala for yourself. 1. Write out a very specific goal. Make sure that you write this goal in positive terms, rather than saying what you don’t want. Here’s an example of a tarot mandala I created when our cat Phantom went missing. My goal/vision statement: “Phantom is enjoying his life with us in our home.” 2. After reviewing all the cards (with their unique images), specifically choose a card to represent the person, animal, organization, building or business that your tarot mandala is focused upon. This card is called the “significator.” In my example, I have purposely chosen “The Fool” tarot card to represent Phantom. This is because The Fool is a carefree and innocent being who is obviously on a journey or adventure - a perfect fit for my intuitive sense of why Phantom went missing. 3. Now pick the number of cards that you want to have surrounding the significator card. In this instance, I wanted a cross of protection around Phantom - four more cards. 4. Choosing the actual cards is the fun part. Look at the picture in each card carefully and notice which ones “call” to you.

case, how home life feels like when Phantom is present. The “10 of Cups” card is a lovely card representing family joy and togetherness. Perfect! From the bottom of the cross, we move clockwise in choosing the next three cards. Card number two represents a powerful helper who can offer the assistance that is needed to find Phantom and bring him home. Here I’ve chosen “The Magician” card as he’s the master of communication and makes magic happen! Now we move to the card above the significator. This is the card that represents the highest point (the top of the cross mandala) and is the energy that is most concretely available to deal with the issue. I’ve placed “The Hermit” card here because The Hermit is a guide and I wanted his light (lantern) to safely guide Phantom home. The last card (right arm of the cross) visually represents your mandala’s positive outcome. Here I’ve chosen the “Strength” card – a card with a lion (big kitty cat) and woman happily together. Peek © Janice Blaine

by Skye MacLachlan Feng Shui Consultant


Last step - once your tarot mandala is complete, connect with it daily through visualizing and feeling the outcome you desire.

In my situation, Phantom had been missing for 10 days when I decided to create the tarot mandala. After placing the cards (leaving them out) and visualizing the outcome of Phantom happily at home, he returned the next day. Tarot mandalas are potent helpers! You might want to create your own or book a session to co-create a mandala with me. If you’re ready to leap into the magical world of tarot with both feet, my next Certificate Class is now open for enrolment. Skye has specialized in Feng Shui for the home and business for over 30 years. She teaches/practices Feng Shui, Gemstone Therapy, Tarot and Dreamwork at the Northern Star College of Mystical Studies in Edmonton. Contact: Note: This information is for educational purposes only. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.

In my example, I chose the “10 of Cups” card to go beneath “The Fool” (Phantom’s card). Because this card is at the bottom of the cross, it is the first card chosen and represents the grounded vision of what I want. In this


Mosaic Magazine — Autumn 2017

Encaustic painting using beeswax by Mireille Cloutier I love to create!

Petit lavage (Delicate Wash) © Mireille Cloutier

I love to explore and discover new ways to use my favorite medium: beeswax. I want to open up to new horizons and see the world around me differently. My artistic language is constantly challenged and transformed through my experiences with this wonderful medium. I love to express my feelings and tell my story through visual art. I am inspired by my environment; flowers, trees and landscapes become some of my favorite themes.

For more information on Mireille’s art go to

Et le voyage commence (And the Journey Begin) © Mireille Cloutier

The process of encaustic demands confidence to control the medium, as well as spontaneity. When melting the wax, I see patterns and suddenly, images emerge.

that will carry my imagination to places never explored. Come take a tour of my imagination!

3 feuilles jaunes (3 yellow leaves) © Mireille Cloutier

Being drawn to vivid colors and texture, encaustic is an ideal medium to satisfy my sense of exploration. I like the way the wax preserves the pigments and brush strokes. I find excitement in melting beeswax, in layering and gouging it or in embedding found objects, fiber, wood, paper and other materials.

La brume du matin (Morning Fog) © Mireille Cloutier

Encaustic art is definitely the place where I do not need to worry about “getting it right.” I can let go my feelings of formality, of demands, of judgment.

Olé © Mireille Cloutier

There is always pure satisfaction in looking at a finished painting that I mindfully executed. This is what pulls me forward, leads me to explore the unknown and to go with the flow, just like melted wax on a board. New possibilities open up like a gift or as a hidden treasure. I have wings

Autumn 2017 — Mosaic Magazine


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Mosaic Magazine — Autumn 2017

Directory of Services

Autumn 2017 — Mosaic Magazine


Directory of Services


Mosaic Magazine — Autumn 2017

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Autumn 2017 — Mosaic Magazine


Mosaic’s Marketplace ASTROLOGY


ANDROMEDA ASTROLOGY ~ SAMANTHA KANE-KENNEDY. The science of Astrology is a whole-souled approach to living. Answers are captured by your time of birth, your birth date and the geographical location of your birth. Samantha lives, breathes, eats, sleeps and loves her work. Caring in-depth consultations instil a deep sense of peace, turn complexity into simplicity and make the impossible possible by understanding that unique mystery; the tapestry of your soul! Discover your resilience, find the answers you seek and achieve resolution. 250-382-8443,,

DEATH DOULA is an end-of-life transition guide… someone who accompanies a dying person and/or family and friends through a personal and meaningful dying process; a midwife for the dying. Rayne Johnson is also a Palliative Massage Therapist, activist and educator offering teachings, “Sacred Aromas & Essential Oils for the dying,” and natural burials. Rayne: 780-642-8703,, INDIAN HEAD, FOOT & FACE LIFT MASSAGE - Fall training dates in Edmonton and Calgary. NHPC & RMTAA Credits. HEALING & HEALTH

EVOLUTIONARY ASTROLOGER, studying with Steven Forrest, available for consultations. Choice and grace-centered. Special interests: soul development, midlife, right work, event charts, LGBTQ, therapist consults.

CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY in FORT MCMURRAY - Looking for a gentle hands-on therapy? Heather Thomas (RMT) is always accepting new clients. All ages, all conditions. Call 780972-9447 or email: Web:

COACHING VITA NOVA COACHING - Alina Novacut, Certified Coach/Spiritual Counsellor. FREE 30 minutes Initial Consultation Session. Contact: 403-836-4760, COUNSELLING HOLISTIC PSYCHOLOGY - Psychologist KELLEY MITCHELL adopts a whole person approach to well-being. She integrates aspects of talk therapy with body-centred, experiential, mindfulness-based approaches in order to facilitate accessing and transforming selfimposed or unconscious limits. The mind-body-heart connection is integral in becoming aware of and understanding the difference between unconscious responses and the true self, and between external and authentic power. Kelley is now booking Fridays at Muscle Elements Health & Wellness in Sherwood Park, or 780-410-1100. CRYSTALS SACRED STONES Personal Growth Jewelry - These unique, gemstone crystal bracelets (handmade by Connie Brisson) are designed to help you transform aspects of your life. Each one comes with a researched keepsake card that explains the exact issues and person it can help. See our ad on page 2. Visit our beautiful website to learn more about how these amulets can help you, store locations or to order one that is personalized just for you. DANCE SACRED CIRCLE DANCE - We dance in a circle using fairly simple folk dance steps that are taught or reviewed each time. We are non-denominational, but believe the circle brings us together in our shared intention of celebrating beauty and companionship. Many of us find that we are spiritually moved and deepened by this experience. As well, we have lots of fun! For a current schedule, please email

Your ad could be here in Mosaic! 26

Mosaic Magazine — Autumn 2017

CREATE A VIBRANT, HEALTHY LIFESTYLE in 2017! Wellness education, coaching and counselling services. In person or secure online. Offered by experienced Registered Occupational Therapist, Judith Pinto-Coy. Contact through

Rayne Johnson Doing Deathcare Differently

JOURNEY FOR THE SOUL - Gift Shop, Inspirational Workshops, Readings and Guidance. Enjoy our soothing environment to unwind and be pampered. Have a session designed especially for you. Sessions people often choose are related to quitting smoking, anxiety reduction, fears, phobias, body image, stress, pain management, self esteem, confidence, sports performance, chakra balancing, relaxation and therapeutic massage. Book today at Yin Yang Wellness Centre, 4819 – 51 Street, Camrose, 780-608-1515, NLP SESSIONS! Licensed Practitioner training! It’s time to reach your full potential! In-person or Skype sessions available. Barbara: 780-903-7272. SARAH SALTER KELLY, SPIRITUAL HEALER - Sarah specializes in soul healing. Her style is clear comprehensive and practical. Book a private session in Edmonton or Pigeon Lake today. 1-780-314-9150 or INTUITIVE GUIDANCE SOUL READINGS – Based on your astrological chart and personal soul contract. Contact:, phone: 780-434-8079, RENTAL SPACE RIVER LODGE - A quiet, serene and peaceful Retreat Centre! Are you looking for a unique environment for your retreat? River Lodge is located just SW of Edmonton outside of the urban city lights, nestled on the bank of the North Saskatchewan River with abundance of natural surroundings. or 780-963-3873.

Mosaic’s Calendar of Events AUGUST 7, SEPTEMBER 4 & OCTOBER 2

Transmission Meditation: A Meditation for the New Age - Can one person truly help a world in transition? More than you think! Make this vibrant service a part of your life! FREE talks and meditation at 7:00 p.m. – Room #201, Le Soleil at Roots on Whyte, 8135 - 102 Street, Edmonton.


Transmission Meditation: A Meditation for the New Age - Can one person truly help a world in transition? More than you think! Make this vibrant service a part of your life! FREE talks and meditation experiences at 7:00 p.m. – Sai Baba Centre, 9619 - 82 Avenue, Edmonton.

AUGUST 12 - 13 & AUGUST 18 - 20

Equine Facilitated Learning - Rediscover You and Re-Awaken You workshops and retreats. Four Point Equine Coaching and Experiential Learning Programs combine Nature and Horses to promote Body~Mind~Emotion~Spirit connections. Nature makes us aware of how we feel and Horse teaches us presence, authenticity, trust and belonging. Clare and Maggie invite you to visit our website to reserve your preferred date and participation in the workshop of your choice! Registration and information please call Maggie at 780-720-6795,


The New World Teacher for the Age is Now Here! The One awaited by all the spiritual traditions of the world is now emerging during this time of global crisis. Find out more about this incredible event. FREE talks at 7:00 p.m. King Edward Park Hall (the small hall), 8008 - 81 Street, Edmonton.


Introduction to the Chakras Course - This course provides a basis in the Chakras and Auric Field. Come assess, experience and heal your own Chakras as we journey through the auric field, learning to open to our extra sensory perception and work with Masters of the inner planes. Excellent course whether you have prior experience with the Chakras or not. Join Patricia Dennis for this 1 day class at Healing Connections in Edmonton. Register at or see for more information on this and other course offerings.


The Time of Great Change Has Come! Are you ready? For more than 40 years international journalists have charted the “Story of the Millennium,” the emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher. Investigate for yourself! FREE talks at 7:00 p.m. La Cité Francophone (Rotunda), 8627 Rue Marie-Anne Gaboury (91 Street), Edmonton.


Curing Cancer Naturally – I had Stage 3A colon cancer involving lymph nodes that were removed by surgery. I would love to share how I completely eliminated the “circulating tumor cells” in the blood which always result after any cancer surgery. I did so naturally in less than six months with healing energy and under the care of a Naturopath – feeling healthy, energetic and hopeful the whole time. I have proof of the cure from a huge research lab in Canada and cat scans. At Healing Connections (upstairs), 10548 - 115 St., Edmonton, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Phone Ed to register: 780-803-5565 or, $30 fee

(cash/cheque only) upon arrival at presentation. Includes printed material.


Friday Reiki Circles - For students of any level of Reiki training and lineage. 7:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Renting space at Centre for Spiritual Living Edmonton-Metro, 10580 - 113 Street, Edmonton. $20. Register at, 780-651-6412, 780-803-0088 or drop-ins welcome.

SEPTEMBER 9, 16, 23

Reiki 1 & 2 – Three Saturdays. Repeat October 7, 14, 28 and November 4, 11, December 9. 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Student/ seniors discount. Teacher for 21 years. Life changing. Renting space at Centre for Spiritual Living Edmonton-Metro, 10580 113 Street, Edmonton. For details and to register:, 780-651-6412.


Mosaic Mystics Meeting – Are you curious about crystals and gemstones? Do you have a special gemstone that you’d like to learn more about? Are you interested in learning how to access the healing properties of the gemstone kingdom? Skye MacLachlan (teacher at Northern Star College of Mystical Studies, will share her knowledge, including her top 12 “First-Aid Gemstones/Crystals” to keep you balanced and healthy, and then lead us on a guided meditation where you’ll meet the guardian of your favorite gemstone/ crystal to receive messages about why you’re so drawn to this crystal and how it can help you. Please bring a gemstone/ crystal for this meditation. Email Connie by SEPTEMBER 11 at to register. Cost: $20 (cash at the door) at Lucina Centre, 9505 - 163 Street, Edmonton, at 7:00 p.m. To keep informed about other upcoming Mystic Meetings, go to and sign up for our free monthly ezine/newsletter.


Shamanic Journey Course (8-part) - Shamanic journey awakens our inner wisdom, guiding us to heal our bodies, mind and spirit. It takes us on an adventure inwards, exploring the mystical, mythical and mysterious realm of spirit, learning to use our intuition to listen deeply to what is essential for our soul to grow. As we strengthen our capacity to journey it becomes an integral skill for manifesting power in our lives in balance with all of our relations. This 8-part Shamanic Journey Course is for beginners or advanced students seeking to enhance their practice. Dates: September 13, 20, 27, October 4, 18, 25, November 1, 8. Time: 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Location: Healing Connections, 10548 – 115 Street, Edmonton. Cost: $245 plus GST. Facilitator: Sarah Salter Kelly. Contact 1-780-314-9150 or for more information.


Trauma Training & Healing Workshop - Details at http://


Munay-Ki Nine Rites of Inca Origin - Friday evening classes over five weeks. Includes October 13, 27 and November 10. Powerful transformations. Learn more: Renting space at Centre for Spiritual Living Edmonton-Metro, 10580 - 113 Street, Edmonton. $30/class. Certified Facilitator: Bea Murray at 780-651-6412. Autumn 2017 — Mosaic Magazine


Calendar of Events continued from page 27


Inner & Global Peace Ceremony on International Day of Peace We will join in high consciousness to empower Peace intention with all other groups around the planet doing the same intention. In the center of our Circle will be prints of all the flags of every country on this planet. Guided meditation, song, sound and blessings. 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. and repeated at 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Fee: $20. Register and details of location with facilitator, Bea Murray at, 780-651-6412.


Introduction to Shamanism Weekend Retreat - Spend a weekend immersing yourself in the fundamentals of embodied shamanism. Perfect for those who are curious as to what Shamanism is all about and would like a taste to see if it is right for them. Facilitator: Sarah Salter Kelly, Location: Pigeon Lake, AB. Time: 7:00 p.m., Friday – 1:00 p.m., Sunday. Contact 1-780314-9150 or for more information.


Yasodhara Ashram in Calgary - Join Swami Samayananda for three workshops that will expand your awareness and support your next steps. Returning to Harmony: What does it mean to be in harmony with yourself and others? Discover yogic practices that will tune you into a new rhythm of life. Awakening Wonder - Refining Sense Perceptions: Our senses are our windows into the world. What would it mean to remove filters that keep you from experiencing what is? Use this exploration to enrich your life. Following the Heart’s Desire: The heart is our sacred home. Wisdom, intuition and inspiration are nurtured there. Can you listen deeply to the messages of your heart? For details call 403-284-0012,


Intuitive Healing Course - Are you looking to learn the skill of Intuitive Healing for your own self healing or for working with others? Are you a practitioner that needs a more solid foundation in the Chakras and the Auric Field? Come join Patricia Dennis for this 4 day Intuitive Healing/Certified Practitioner Course. Part 1 runs September 30 and October 1 at Healing Connections in Edmonton and can be taken as a stand alone course. Part 2 includes hands on work and runs October 21 and 22 at Healing Connections. Contact Patricia at or to register or for more information.

OCTOBER 20 - 22 & NOVEMBER 3 - 5

IIPA Iridology Certification Course - Expand your career. Learn Iridology, a valuable and accurate assessment tool with deep insight to uncover the root cause of health issues. The eyes are the window to the soul, revealing physical, mental and emotional states of health. 780-482-7978,


Unwind the Belly with Advanced Chi Nei Tsang, Edmonton. We delve deeper into this cutting edge oriental visceral therapy. We learn the best of traditional Asian Classical CNT protocols, how to Balance the Meridians and much more. Discounts for early payment (by October 9), and review students (prerequisite: CNT Fundamentals). For more information, see Unwind the Belly ad above.


Unity of Edmonton is hosting two events by Michael Palmer, who is a facilitator trained by the renown Chuck Spezzano of Psychology of Vision. These two events are introductions to his upcoming workshop in February “Answering the Call.” These events will help you see what is holding you back from the adventure your life is inviting. More information at

WEEKLY WHAT’S TAKING YOUR ENERGY? Play Satori, the Radical Forgiveness game. Release your past and claim your future. Tuesday evenings. 780-903-7272.

MONTHLY EDMONTON ASTROLOGICAL SOCIETY (EAS) holds monthly events. Find us at For Annual Conferences check


Qigong - Universal Healing Tao Basics, Edmonton, Wednesday evening, all day Thursday. Revitalize your energy with easy to learn, powerful qigong practices. Discounts for early payment (by September 6), and review students. For more information, see Unwind the Belly ad below.


Unwind the Belly with Chi Nei Tsang Fundamentals, Edmonton. CNT is a powerful five element visceral touch therapy. Learn how to release stress and pain from “the abdominal brain” gently and without fear. Superb for IBS. Discounts for taking both Qigong + CNT, early payment (by September 8), and review students. For details, prices, and registration, click on UTB classes at or contact Peter Melnychuk at or 780-482-8960.


Unity of Edmonton is proud to welcome Dirk Terpstra back to Edmonton again for HeartMath® and The Five Insights™. Dirk Terpstra is a renowned interviewer for OmTimes Magazine, and a certified trainer from the HeartMath® Institute. This workshop will look at the benefits of HeartMath® and Dirk Terpstra’s The Five Insights as a tool, which will make the shift from reacting to creating. More information at


Mosaic Magazine — Autumn 2017

Autumn 2017 — Mosaic Magazine


Con Amore

(Italian) With heart and soul

A dream of surrender I had a dream last night. I haven’t had this type of dream in a long, long time. I was driving down a double highway and there was an accident on the other side of the road. I watched in nervousness, as the police and ambulances roared by me. I was so relieved that the problem was on the other side of the road. But then, as it is in dreams, the drama and chaos moved quickly to my side of the road and as I was driving up a steep hill with cliffs on both sides, the hill began to crumble. And then there was that moment… That moment when I thought: “Oh my God, is this it? Am I going to die?” But I’ve been in dreams like this before so there was a part of me that was not worried… well, at least, not yet. So I waited for what was to come. Would I somehow land somewhere safe easily or would I continue to fall into an abyss? It didn’t take me long to see that I was falling into the abyss. I was falling carelessly and the further I drifted down, the more I realized that I was about to die. And then, I began to pray. I prayed that God would take me. I prayed that I would not be scared, but be brave. And then I prayed I would do something that I’m just not very good at doing – that I would just surrender to what was happening with grace. I asked that I would not fight what was happening to me, to my certain death. I asked God to just let me go to Him and just let whatever be, be… But, before I hit the bottom or was lifted into the heavens, I thankfully awoke in my bed, panting for breath, tears streaming from my eyes… thanking God that it was only a dream. Dreams like that really mess with me. But now that I’m wiser (and have learned that we all don’t have the same kinds of repetitive, traumatic dreams), I realized that this dream’s symbolism meant something more than I ever realized before (when I’ve had similar dreams). You see, because yesterday something else quite momentous happened to me too. No big dramatic accident on a highway, but instead something (a big AHA) that happened inside of me.


Mosaic Magazine — Autumn 2017

For the last few years my family and I have gone through some challenging times with other family members. I know that’s a familiar story for many people. But I believe there is a greater reason for it. I think there are deep lessons involved that we all agreed to learn this lifetime in order to deal with (balance) karma from past lives. I also confess that I’m the queen of trying to “fix” things. I try to fix everything and while it’s one of my strengths, it’s also one of my weaknesses. So, following an act of kindness from one estranged family member (shortly after a kindness from us), I tried to reach out, again, to fix things. But later that night, after many very difficult dreams, I awoke to the firm realization that THIS wasn’t for me to “fix.”

Fly to the Sun © Bernadette McCormack

by Connie Brisson

Instead, I gravely decided to do something I’ve never done before. I decided to not fix anything, but to purposely let things either evolve naturally into peace (for our collective, greater good) or not (then I let the other family member involved know that). And that night is when I had my huge dream of surrendering to death.

Something that I wonder about (because I realize that we all choose our own lessons) is how we learn those lessons. No one can make us learn a lesson. A lesson is an organic thing. While we can’t foretell how it will manifest in someone’s life, family patterns are a great predictor. I think we pick our family lineage so it gives us the predisposition to all the beliefs/fears/weaknesses we need in order to learn our very precise lesson. When I decided to let life/fate/karma take its ultimate course with our estranged family members and let our lives and journeys unfold the way they are meant to, it was honestly a “death” to me – a surrendering to God, to fate, to an outcome bigger than me. I’m not good at surrender, at not fighting/striving for something. From the time I was little, I’ve always felt I had to struggle and fight for anything I wanted. So, surrender to me (before all this spirit/mind/bodywork) was equal to failure. But what if the only way we can truly fail in life, is to fail spiritually – to not be able to surrender/learn our lessons? What if we don’t learn what we are supposed to this life? Then that is the biggest failure of all. I had a big dream where I surrendered to death. But in reality I just surrendered to God - to allowing my life to flow in the manner it was meant to. I let go and let God… a very big lesson for me.

Autumn 2017 — Mosaic Magazine


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