The best things in life are
mind • body • spirit • health • wisdom WINTER 2018
Intermission © Oksana Zhelisko —
85th Issue
Healing Our Way Through Use Tarot to Find Soul Purpose Reclaim Childhood at Bambini
Commitment Through Ritual Embodied Self-Awareness Ambassadors of Hope
2019 is Year of the Pig Power of the Sand Mandala
Mosaic Magazine — Winter 2018
Winter 2018 — Mosaic Magazine
In this Mosaic… Now I want to create a new mandala of Mosaic Magazine. I want to take it to the next level and craft it in a way that is moving with the times. By expanding the on-line version, we will reach more people who need the healing guidance available in Mosaic. In order to do this in a way that I’m feeling called, I need some creative time to reinvent a finer version of it. While I am in the process of reincarnating Mosaic I will not be printing or having Mystic Meetings. If you’d like to know about the changes coming, please sign up for my ezine newsletter on my website at www. and I’ll keep you informed about the unfolding of the new Mosaic. I hope you will be a part of it.
For our last Mystic Meeting (on Tuesday, December 4, at 7:00 p.m.) I thought I would make it fun and sparkly, like a beautiful crystal. Are you interested in learning more about the mystical healing properties of gemstones/crystals and why you are attracted to certain ones?
by Connie Brisson Mosaic has been a sand mandala for me. A mandala is a spiritual symbol that represents wholeness. It is often used in meditation to gain knowledge from within. A sand mandala is colored sand laid onto a blueprint that includes geometric figures and several Buddhist spiritual symbols. The sand granules are applied using small tubes, funnels and scrapers called chak-pur. These mandalas traditionally take several weeks to build only to be destroyed in a highly ceremonial way in the end. The sand is collected in a jar, wrapped in silk and transported to a river (or any place with moving water) where it is released back into nature. This symbolizes the impermanence of life and the world. I was so excited in 2004 when I took over Mosaic Magazine from Catherine Potter. She wanted to focus her energy on creating the Northern Star College of Mystical Studies and because of my background in journalism, I was thrilled when she approached me about it. It seemed like my destiny. It echoed back to a spiritual experience I had in Grade 3 when I heard a mysterious voice telling me that I would be a writer someday. Mosaic became my baby and it grew from a newsprint black and white format to full gloss colour, with the focus on creating beauty while helping others to transform their lives. Each issue was a sand mandala.
Mosaic Magazine — Winter 2018
Join Skye MacLachlan (teacher at Northern Star College of Mystical Studies, and I, as Skye shares her knowledge about gemstones and crystals in a unique way. I will be bringing some of my crystals that need a new home and also a variety of gemstone bracelets I’ve made (including my Sacred Stones bracelets). At the beginning of the meeting, you will be able to look at all the different pieces and then determine which you are attracted to and which ones you definitely do not like. Then Skye will describe the energies of each particular crystal or gemstone bracelet and you will discover why you are attracted to certain ones and not others, as we are always drawn to what our spirit needs and repelled by energy that isn’t in alignment with us. Because most of the bracelets consist of more than one kind of gemstone, she will describe how the different energies work together and the person it can help. Then there will be a silent auction during the break when you can choose to make a bid on a particular crystal or bracelet to purchase if any call out to you. It’s a fun way to do a little Christmas shopping while learning more about crystals and gems. Email me by DECEMBER 3 at to register. The cost is $20 (cash at the door) at Lucina Centre, 9505 - 163 Street, Edmonton on December 4, at 7:00 p.m. Remember to also bring a gift wrapped book for the book exchange. As I create a new mandala for Mosaic, I would appreciate your blessings so that the new version is as full of light and guidance as possible. Mosaic needs you to help it be a bright light in the world, for the world. We are stronger together.
Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine Ltd.
Box 80588 Bellerose PO St. Albert, AB T8N 7C3
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Publisher, Editor, Design & Layout
Connie Brisson
Design, Layout & Carol Pylypow Production Co-ordination Advertising For advertising information contact Connie Brisson at 587-5205880. Deadline for ads is one month prior to publication dates. Payment is due promptly when ad is booked. Mosaic Web-Site See for information about Mosaic, current rates, ad sizes and distribution locations. Web-site by Gaslamp Village Web Design Studio. General Information Mosaic Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine is published four times per year on the 1st of February, May, August and November and is distributed in Alberta. We reserve the right to refuse advertisements, articles or art. Publication of any article, advertisement or art in Mosaic Magazine does not constitute the publisher’s endorsement of (or assumption for) liability for any claims made in the advertisements/advertising information or for the information, views and opinions of the individual article writers. The responsibility/liability for the accuracy of all their claims, statements and information rests entirely with the advertisers and the article contributors themselves. The contents of Mosaic is intended for educational purposes only and not intended to be used or taken as medical advice. Always consult a licensed medical doctor about your health issues. Be responsible and safe. Always research information and service providers found in Mosaic for yourself.
Contents 6
Healing our way through
Using tarot to find your soul purpose
by Cinnamon Cranston
Ambassadors of hope
by Rev. Dr. Karen Arends
Importance of embodied self-awareness
by Jennifer Bly
Bolstering commitment through ritual
by Skye MacLachlan
Reclaiming childhood at Bambini
by Michele Keehn
by Catherine Potter
2019 is the Year of the Pig
by Skye MacLachlan
Directory of Services
Marketplace & Calendar of Events
Things I Love
Con Amore
The power of the sand mandala
by Connie Brisson
Mosaic reserves the right to edit articles for clarity, content or length at the editor’s discretion. No part of this magazine (articles) may be reproduced in any manner without the permission of the publisher. No external flyer inserts allowed. © Mosaic Mind Body and Spirit Magazine Ltd., 2018. Subscription Rates Send cheque for $25.00 (for four issues) payable to Mosaic Magazine with your name, address and phone number. Please indicate which issue you want to start with.
COVER ART Artist: Oksana Zhelisko Title: Intermission Contact:
Winter 2018 — Mosaic Magazine
Healing our way through by Michele Keehn Spiritual Soul Energy Healer My Mom was 58 when she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. They estimated she had it for at least five years. When my Mom decided to do alternative medicines, it was the first time anything holistic was even spoken of in our homes. I took a leave of absence from work to become my Mom’s caregiver. It was quite risky as I was a single mother of three at age 32. But I wanted to see for myself what this alternative medicine could do to save my Mom. I drove her to all her appointments and cared for her during the day, then went home to my kids after their school. I simultaneously did every therapy and test she did, revealing to me that my stressed out, tired body had lots to look after. So I began doing the remedies given. I realized that, in my family, no one really went to the doctor other than the dentist, optometrist, etc. That was especially true for my Mom. She was the perfect role model for putting herself last. Looking back, she never prioritized herself but instead always swept things under the rug, to keep the peace and not rock the boat. She internalized everything, taking on everyone’s stuff. I can remember her body deflating when she would see certain energy sucking people coming for visits. She would grin and bear it, literally. Mom’s attempts to heal and save her cancerous body were too little, too late, as the cancer spread so rapidly. She was determined to lick this and she would push herself but the fear in her eyes and heart came through as she slowly and angrily couldn’t do the things she loved anymore. At the end, the family took turns staying with her and tending to her sore body. I remember her angrily saying this was the worst way to go, “with no dignity left.” Those words tormented me tremendously, to know she suffered silently for so long with so much unsaid, undone and unhealed in her life. The last eight months of her life was a blur. But I made a promise to myself and my kids to not fall into those footsteps of not looking after myself, and to be present and healthy for my children and future grandchildren. Mom gifted me with the introduction into alternative medicines and the learning to place myself as a priority. Unaware until much later after Mom’s passing, I realized my body was responding and resonating to the alternative remedies and treatments. I continued to seek out more help for my long list of ailments. My new journey and mission was to heal myself from candida, IBS, acid reflux, numerous skin issues, celiac and low blood pressure to name a few.
Mosaic Magazine — Winter 2018
Along with the grief (and previous years in apprenticeship as the next perfect co-dependent, role modeled by my Mom), I turned to earth-based medicines to help me deal with the overload of emotions and mental chaos I was experiencing, as my unhealed childhood traumas and abuses came flooding forward, wave after wave. The loss of my Mom and the effects it had on our family dynamics triggered the defrosting of my freezer burned, buried traumas. The remembrance of my physical, emotional, mental and sexual abuse became so overwhelming that I turned to the only thing I knew would soothe my pain… equine healing. I returned back to my childhood memories of being with my Grandfather with the horses in nature together; it was my one and only safe space to be. During one of my equine experiences, I was introduced to a Shaman whom I respected. Her powerful presence was something I had never been exposed to in my life and I spent a couple seasons with her. Later on a friend introduced me to another Shaman and although I wasn’t ready to enter his class at that time, I joined his healing circles for the next two years. After that I began two and a half years of self-healing shamanic training, as I continued with my training in Healing Touch for animals. At that time I had no intention of working with humans, only animals. But I knew I had to heal myself in order to do so. In late 2009, I was hit with the awareness of how engrained addiction was in my family and in my own imprinting, when my son had a drug-induced psychosis attack. Again, my world was thrown into what seemed like “dis-repair.” Not having any idea what psychosis was, we began to learn about it and how to take care of my son as he recovered. This was the beginning of years of being witness to my son choosing to numb himself of his pain. Whether it was street or prescription drugs, he wasn’t ready to heal. This experience helped reveal to me this numbing pattern within myself, my family and my close relationships. My shamanic training is what healed me through that time and helped me to recognize themes and behavior patterns that are passed down through our ancestral lineage. I learned to respect other’s choices and the life paths they have come to live by respecting myself and speaking up for what is not tolerable for me (placing healthy boundaries for self). If someone is choosing to numb themselves with addiction, co-dependency or any form of distraction or suppression, it’s because they are
not ready to face their fears, pains, wounds or traumas. And if forced to do so, it may cause more harm than good.
It was in those times of major changes and loss to death (that my shamanic training got me through) that I healed so many ancestral lineage issues, themes, beliefs and behavior patterns that I did not want to bring forward in my life with me. I ended so many unhealthy dynamics, cycles, dramas and abuse affinities by healing it in me first and then offering the ancestral lineage healing to others, as we can heal seven generations back and seven forward.
No relationship outside of ourselves takes precedence over our inner relationship with self. I learned that no one is going to show up and save me. It’s hardest to heal oneself. We need to put ourselves first and ask for help and understand we cannot force another to do their healing. We can only heal what is happening within us because of the mirroring of our outer relationships for us.
The beauty of offering ancestral lineage healing is just that. You offer and those in your lineage who want to receive, will receive. It changes the consciousness of that theme, pattern or issue, whether your lineage is alive or passed on. The soul can heal and evolve as it learns to be present for self and others from a place of love, free from the baggage of fear, guilt, shame and unforgiveness.
Another gift from my journey with my son was when he lived with us while he recovered. I could not leave him alone and had to wait for my husband to be home. Then after supper when my son went to bed, I would go out to the barn to do chores and be with my horses. As I did this every evening for a year, my horses would facilitate healing sessions on me. I was early in my schooling for Shamanism, Reiki and Healing Touch training but I knew what they were doing - scanning my body for blockages and running energy to remove congested and trapped
For Joy © Liz Mitten Ryan —
If we choose to close the door on a difficult relationship, we deny the teaching, lesson and gift from that relationship and we will end up doing the dance of life with that person again in another lifetime. We will pick up where we left off in another relationship until we heal the theme, pattern or cycle. We all will have varying degrees of experiences with abandonment, betrayal, rejection and self-worth issues. Through giving oneself permission to feel and heal our way through it, we learn to take responsibility for our own journey into wholeness - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually (P.E.M.S.). By gaining presence, acceptance, trust and healthy honoring of our self-worth, we will find our path, purpose and passion we came to live and enjoy.
emotions. They helped me heal and soon they where teaching me to help them heal as they where constantly working on me. Every healer needs healing to keep the energy system flowing and be in balance. In the years that followed I experienced many more losses of family and key people in my life. With all the deaths and broken relationships I’ve experienced, I’ve learned to use my training in Shamanism and Healing Touch consistently. I especially love the life review and death right ceremonies to support souls in transitioning through life and at the end of life, as well as assisting those souls who have passed on. It’s the most beautiful and loving act one can offer to those we love.
With all I have experienced, the worst abuse I endured was that of spiritual abuse. I had my light snuffed out over and over so early in my childhood because so many of my adults were not able to be present. Then because I was perfectly imprinted, I learned to not speak up or stand up for myself. My P.E.M.S. bodies paid the price of being frozen in fear for so many years of my life, not expressing or communicating what my soul self could not tolerate. In doing so, I lost respect, admiration and affinity for the human race for a lot of years, as well as for myself. Thankfully through my healing and training I healed that perspective and belief. Now my passion is to help people remember and realign with their true divine self by releasing the teachers of pain and embracing the teachings and gifts within it, and by also honoring and nurturing the soul self and placing self as priority. I have created ways to do both soul healing and self-nurturing with energy medicines and massage. Shamanism, Healing Touch, Reiki and Sound/Vibrational Wellness are my certified trainings in energy work and foundation of my practice. Over the years I’ve added Hot/ Cold Stone Massage, Raindrop (aromatherapy) Massage and Ayurvedic Kansa Wand Massage after noticing how so many do not self-nurture their bodies (P.E.M.S.). I knew there was a need for something different. After recognizing the repetitive patterns of self-sabotage and self-neglect in clients, I knew I wanted to create something to meet their needs that was simultaneously continued on next page Winter 2018 — Mosaic Magazine
Healing our way through continued from page 7
healing/nurturing as well as subtle, gentle and time efficient for our busy lives. In my Shamanic Massage sessions I use the subtle and efficient shamanic energy with the earth medicines of my hot and cold stones, healing metal of Kansa Wands and essential oils to release the “mis-firings” in the nervous system, cellular memory and DNA. This promotes healing at the root and core of the soul self, while the client silently relaxes and realigns. Set on a serene country farm near Edmonton, I work out of my equine barn, surrounded by nature. For those who like to get away, it feels like a healing retreat. When you arrive here the land, animals and nature help begin the releasing and rejuvenating experience immediately as you breathe in the elements. I often combine a number of modalities I’ve been trained in: Spiritual (Soul) Energy Healer, Massage Practitioner, Sound and Vibrational Wellness Practitioner, Young Living Essential Oil Distributor, Equine Facilitated Healing (to access the soul’s presence on deeper levels using horses for humans), Equine Partnership Healing (to address issues and goals between humans and their horses), as well as having an equine boarding facility, monthly moon/ fire ceremonies, co-creation circles and workshops. Fall/winter is a time to go within, keeping us in the rhythm of the seasons and cycles of nature. It is by going within that we connect to our presence: the inner soul’s divine true essence. Presence is everything… it’s important to take time to reclaim, restore and realign with the soul through nurturing, honoring and intimate quality time spent R-E-M-E-M-B-E-R-I-N-G the sacred soul-self that will empower us into balance. My passion of educating and providing self-nurturing and healing modalities to my clients will always be driven from the core of my heart and soul’s promise that I made to myself and to the gift of the teachings from my Mom and “our journeys home.” She went home to heaven and I came home within my heart and soul… to my REMEMBERANCE of the grounding, healing refuge I had tapped into as a child with my Grandfather, horses and nature. Michele has made it her life’s mission and legacy to teach the importance of self-love and how it impacts the healing of ancestral lineages. You can contact her at 780-217-8146, or go to for more information. Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It’s intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.
Mosaic Magazine — Winter 2018
Using tarot to find your soul purpose This is a fun tarot exercise that offers guidance about the energy you need more of in your life (good medicine) and what you need less of (bad medicine). As you do this exercise, you will quite naturally come into alignment with your soul path and purpose. You’ll need a tarot deck for this exercise. Take the minor cards from the deck and place them in a separate pile. These will be the cards that are numbered Ace through 10 in each of the four tarot suits: pentacles, swords, cups and wands. Set aside the major arcana cards (numbered 0-21) and the court cards (page, knight, queen and king); you won’t be using these cards for this exercise. You should now have a pile of 40 minor arcana cards. The minor arcana represent our day to day activities. These are the energies that we have the greatest power to influence through our choices, the people we surround ourselves with and the attitude we bring to life circumstances. Take time to look through the 40 minor arcana cards and set aside the cards that you’re very attracted to in one pile. In another pile place the cards that you don’t like. A third pile will collect the cards that you feel neutral towards. Trust your first impressions, try not to think too deeply about why you like or dislike each card. And definitely don’t look up the meaning of the cards to guide your choices. Stay confident that you know what you like and don’t like.
of something in your own life. If possible, leave these three cards (or copies of them) out where you can see them throughout your day. As you receive greater insights about your attraction to these cards, you’ll quite naturally begin to integrate more of this “good medicine” energy into your life. Now look at the three cards that you dislike. Make notes about what you see in the cards that feels unattractive to you. Be as honest as possible and don’t try to sweeten your language. Ask yourself if these cards mirror anything in your own life that feels burdensome to you. Honor that these cards represent energies or areas of life that are toxic to you at this time, areas that you don’t need to focus on (the “bad medicine” that you want to avoid). Give yourself permission to say “no” to these energies. Free Spirit Dreamcatcher © Cheryl Metcalf —
by Skye MacLachlan Tarot Teacher & Reader
This is a powerful exercise that should be repeated every few months at most. It’s especially potent to do on your birthday, at the turning of the year, during times of great change or when you feel stuck and stagnant. Remember that for this exercise there are no good or bad cards. Trust that your inner awareness knows what attracts and repels you. What you like and dislike reflects the needs of your spirit and offers powerful guidance about the direction you need to move towards, the decisions that honor who you truly are and what brings you into alignment with your soul purpose.
Beginning in October 2018, Skye will be teaching The Tarot Program and Crystalline Gemstone Therapist Program at Northern Star College of Mystical Studies, where she teaches/practices Feng Shui, Tarot and Dreamwork. Email her at Note: This information is for educational purposes only. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.
Now take the pile of cards you’re attracted to and lay them out so you see the images. Glance over the cards and pick your top three, the ones you love the most. Do the same with the cards you don’t like; choose the three you dislike most. The three cards you like the best are indicators of what you are longing for, the good medicine that will bring you into balance with your soul’s purpose. Write down what attracts you about each of these cards. You might like to meditate with each card separately and receive even deeper awareness. Notice if these cards remind you
Winter 2018 — Mosaic Magazine
Reclaiming childhood at Bambini by Jennifer Bly Communications Consultant for Bambini Learning Group Nelson Mandela once said: “There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.” Our children are growing up in a world that’s moving quickly. Between work, extra-curricular activities and the ever growing popularity of technology, families are becoming disconnected. Most affected by this trend of busyness is society’s littlest people… the children. Do you want to be inspired to live a healthier, more meaningful life and connect more closely with your children? Through innovative, holistic and supportive resources, Bambini is helping children live the authentic childhood they deserve. What is Bambini? Simply defined, Bambini is the Italian word for children. It is also the name of the newest holistic child and family resource program in Edmonton. Its approach is like no other and Bambini is looking to revolutionize communities by empowering children and inspiring parents to embrace more peaceful and healthier lifestyles. What does an authentic childhood include? Bambini believes childhood is precious and their vision builds on the foundation of protecting and preserving the joy of childhood. The following seven areas are vibrant and essential parts of the Bambini model of child care. 1. Exploration - Today’s children are growing up in a world full of technology and a society that focuses on answers rather than questions. Bambini looks at the child as an explorer, full of questions about the world around them. Instead of giving children the answers, Bambini inspires the children to ask questions. Bambini’s educators inspire children to explore by: • designing an environment that is inspiring. • setting up dynamic play experiences and thoughtful learning provocations. • carefully observing the child’s explorations and their interests. • by talking with and listening to the child. 2. Nature - Bambini values the healing benefits of nature. Earth, grass, plants, trees, birds, insects, water… there is great value to nature. Children need plenty of opportunities to experience and enjoy the peace and wonder that nature provides.
Mosaic Magazine — Winter 2018
With Bambini, children are given opportunities to play outside, take nature walks and explore the natural areas within their community. Nature is also brought indoors. From bright, airy spaces to large windows in the program rooms, Bambini appreciates the mental and physical benefits of natural light. Also within the centre, there are many nature-based items for children to explore. Plants, rocks, sticks, flowers, sand, seashells and wood are just a few of the natural materials that are commonly spotted in Bambini. 3. Whole Food - Unfortunately the busyness of the world in which we live has even affected the way we eat. Children need real, whole foods. Bambini takes extra care to ensure that the food the children eat is healthy
and nutritious. In addition, Bambini also places time and effort into educating children and families about how to select and prepare nutritious meals. 4. Community Connections - Children are a part of our society from the moment they are born. With their first breath we welcome them into the world and their first cries let us know that they are here as the newest members of society. Children are citizens. Yet our children need to see, live and be active members of the community in order to feel like they’re truly a part of it. Whether they help in a litter clean-up project, weed the neighborhood garden or speak with the teller at the local grocery store, there are ways to give children a sense of community. Sky Toss © Irene Klar —
Community builds connection and gives children a feeling of belonging to something bigger than themselves. The children of Bambini are a vital part of their neighborhoods. They contribute in meaningful ways and the benefits of such involvement will have a positive life-long impact.
ways that children can express, explore and connect their thoughts, feelings and imaginings.” As the adults in children’s lives, the educators in Bambini listen to those “100 languages” Malaguzzi speaks about. They believe children need to be heard whether they express themselves through art, music, playing, writing, singing, creating or exploring. Upon entering a Bambini centre, you will immediately see evidence of the adults supporting the children’s expressions and interpretations of their world. From the artwork on the walls, to a play provocation that has been set up, to a sculpture showcased in the room, it’s apparent that the child’s view is respected and honored. 7. Adults Who See the Potential of a Child - There’s an African proverb that states: “It takes a village to raise a child” but in our modern world, we’re often left wondering: “Where is this village?” An authentic childhood requires a commitment from adults who see the importance of protecting and nurturing the whole child. Bambini makes every effort to create this village of care and support. Through community outreach, the circle of care extends outside of the centre’s doors into places like the local yoga studio or the neighborhood retirement community. Bambini also acknowledges that a child’s parents are the most important people in their life. That’s why Bambini invests in aiding the whole family. This mission is accomplished through informative workshops, community classes and high quality parenting resources. Can we give children all of this? For decades, child care programs have been working to meet the needs of parents and children. Yet, there’s almost always something missing. Bambini is taking child care to a whole new level of living, being and connecting with your children. Their approach to supporting the child through connecting with their parents is revolutionary and something you’ll want to see and experience for yourself. Bambini Learning Group is a holistic child care program located in Edmonton, Alberta. Their vision is to inspire families to live healthier, more meaningful lives. Through innovative, holistic and supportive resources, Bambini is helping children live the authentic childhood they deserve. New locations are coming soon! Contact Bambini for more information about their unique, holistic child care program at Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It’s intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.
5. Peace - As mentioned previously, we live in a fastpaced world full of noise and distraction. Every child needs ample time for peace and quiet. Now this may sound contradictory because most people equate children with noise but when given the time, space and tools to seek peace, children thrive. Whether it’s the practice of yoga, a gentle guided meditation or even an infant being rocked in a rocking chair, peace is central to the philosophy of Bambini. 6. The Opportunity to be Heard - Loris Malaguzzi, founder of the Reggio Approach, shared that there are: “infinite
Winter 2018 — Mosaic Magazine
Bolstering commitment through ritual When we think of commitment ceremonies, of course, weddings come to mind. Yet, there are so many other times in life to fortify your commitments to others or to yourself. “What commitments can I renew?” It’s a simple question to ask when you feel a need to reinforce the bonds to yourself, your goals or special others in your life. Ritual ceremony is one way to cement your commitment in your heart and soul… or in the minds of witnesses. What better way to bring support your way than to have others backing your efforts! Setting goals for personal life changes can bring about profound opportunities for committing to yourself. Perhaps you want to engage in a fitness program, begin meditating or start any other positively reinforcing habit. Starting the process with a ritual ceremony creates a touchstone for your goal. As a simple ritual, select an object that you identify with your goal then place it in a prominent place where you can see it each day. Light a candle or some incense by your object, close your eyes and state the desired outcome – not as a wish, but as a fact. For instance, if your goal is to improve your fitness, your object may be a photo of you outside walking. State “I feel fit and healthy” each day to remind you of the value of your intention – and get you going!
of a couple to marry so they could be prepared for their “Rite of Passage” – any ceremony where social status changes. Often these days, a note on social media is all that remains. A personalized ceremony of commitment can provide the couple with assurance of support from friends and family, while the couple truly feels the shift in their status from single to betrothed. The most romantic of ceremonies, a vow renewal offers a couple, after years together, to repeat their vows of commitment. Embracing joys and surviving sorrows, the couple has decided to restate their intention to continue life together. For such a personal ceremony, a life-cycle celebrant listens deeply to the stories of their life and writes a ceremony that is ideally suited to the couple and the message they wish to share with their friends and family.
Catch & Release © Deanna Lavoie —
by Rev. Dr. Karen Arends Life-Cycle Celebrant®
Besides the necessary legal statements, there are really no rules for weddings. Consider a personally designed ritual of commitment to create a keepsake for the home that serves as a visual reminder of your vows both in good and difficult times. Some examples include handfasting where cords are ritually tied about the hands or the co-creation of a memory box to be opened on the first anniversary. A Life Cycle Celebrant works with you to fashion a uniquely suited ceremony. Karen (Kestrel) is certified through the Celebrant Foundation & Institute for Ceremonies Across the Life Cycle and Weddings. She is an ordained reverend of the Canadian International Metaphysical Ministry and offers decades of experience in ritual research and development. Contact:
Note: This information is for educational purposes only. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.
Ceremonies supporting business partnerships are a tremendous opportunity to demonstrate the commitment of working together towards a common goal. Much like teams in a locker room, we can use peppy talk to commit to the work and support each other. Rather than engaging immediately in negative chatter on a Monday morning, imagine starting each week by gathering into a circle and one-by-one sharing a positive intention such as: “We have an amazing week ahead of us!” In fact, for those of us who work mainly alone, using a mirror for this can be just as effective. More traditionally, engagement ceremonies served as the public announcement to the community of the intent
Mosaic Magazine — Winter 2018
Importance of embodied self-awareness by Cinnamon Cranston Certified Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner “Embodied self-awareness is as important to our survival and well-being as breathing and eating; it helps us to selfmonitor, self-regulate and respond flexibly and adaptively to the present moment. To maintain our well-being throughout our lives, we must actively cultivate embodied self-awareness.”
also a lot more of them. This means our capacity for embodied self-awareness is great, even though it takes our brains a while to integrate the information. Coming from a background with above average adverse childhood experiences, I had a lot of trauma to recover and heal from. This healing has happened over several years, one step at a time. Although I have been frustrated at times over the slowness, I have come to appreciate the effectiveness of the healing offered by somatic therapies such as Rosen Method Bodywork and Movement.
- Ivy Green, Relaxation, Awareness, Resilience, Rosen Method Bodywork Science and Practice (Fast Pencil, 2016)
When it comes to looking after our health and well-being the same expectation and desire for a quick fix can often be present: “I want whatever is going wrong to be fixed right now!” Often people want to be on the other side of whatever uncomfortable experience they are having instead of actually allowing what they are experiencing to be fully felt. I have often wished this myself. What my experience, both personally and professionally, as a Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner and Movement Teacher, has taught me is that healing the mind and body takes time. By slowing down long enough to listen to what is really happening inside our bodies, to feel our sensations, emotions and movements in the present moment (without the interference of judgmental thoughts), we develop a practice of embodied self-awareness. With this new awareness, integration of unconscious reactions that are unresolved from past experiences can happen gradually, a little bit at a time.
She Surrenders © Jenny McConnell —
Modern life has steadily increased our taste for instant gratification. Now we can collect information, purchase whatever we want and pass judgments all at the click of a button.
My capacity to self regulate during times of situational or emotional stress, as well as my capacity to allow myself to feel the experiences of love, joy and satisfaction in my life have all increased steadily over time. I have a sense of trust and safety within myself that I didn’t believe possible.
I am now grateful for the steady pace of progress over the drive for instant perfection because it is sustainable, real and safe, and it has meant that I get to grow and learn at a pace that feels kind and gentle to my core self. Cinnamon is a Certified Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner and the Coowner of the Rosen Method Institute Canada. Contact her at cinnamon@ or 780-203-5159. Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It’s intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.
Through embodied self-awareness our bodies become an important link to accessing the unconscious and ancient part of our brains that govern the fight/flight/ freeze response. This type of awareness is like a waking up of sorts to the sensations and feelings of the past that have not yet resolved, while at the same time taking in sensations that let us know we are here in the present, safe and sound. The neural pathways that provide this type of awareness move much more slowly than our other ones. There are
Winter 2018 — Mosaic Magazine
Ambassadors of hope by Catherine Potter Astrologer and Hypnotherapist Each year we are impacted by several astrological cycles which means we always have a mixed bag of energy that we are working with. In astrology the planets represent a particular type of energy/principle/natural law that we find in nature. Any energy found in nature is of course also found here on Earth. As above, so below. Astrological cycles indicate where (what astrological sign) a particular planet is and what relationship it is forming with other planets as they journey through each one of the signs. When I give an astrological overview for an upcoming year I like to talk about the energy that Jupiter brings to the celestial smorgasbord. Jupiter represents the principle of expansion and abundance. Abundance is relative to a person’s perception. However, in the case of Jupiter, abundance relates to how light-filled, perceptive, inclusive and happy we are. When we feel light-filled we automatically spread it around. The
same is true when we feel a lack of light which puts us into a scarcity based, survival mentality. I will come back to Jupiter in a moment because I want to pull out from the cosmic soup Pluto’s lengthy transit through the sign of Capricorn. Pluto personally and globally shows us what needs to disassemble/die in order for us to find a deeper truth. Capricorn relates in part to leadership. People often take on leadership roles before they are developed enough to handle them in a responsible, mindful, discerning manner. When a person has taken on a leadership role prematurely (not necessarily an age related issue) their desire for leadership and the power that comes with it often becomes a messy ego driven ride. We have been witnessing the falling apart, and although we can’t always see it, the rebirthing of all types of leadership and related structures. Globally we have seen leaders who mirror our darkest, instinctive desires and fears, as well as those who mirror our more noble desires such as the desire for equality, fairness, unity, tolerance and a win/win perspective. Back to Jupiter. In December 2019 through December 2020, Jupiter will join Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. There is the potential for the birth of a higher standard for leadership that will evolve over a period of several decades. We will continue to focus on personal and global themes relating to boundaries, businesses, man-made laws and who has or doesn’t have the ability to step into leadership roles with integrity, honor and a more inclusive, win/win perspective. The future is not written in stone. Collectively you and I decide in a conscious or unconscious way how we want our future to unfold. We decide by voting or hiring people to run our corporations and countries. We can create a future filled with fear and scarcity or we can create a future with unlimited possibility that comes from an interconnected global perspective and a win/ win attitude.
Wisdom © Alena Valova —
Before Jupiter aligns with Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn it will spend a year (November 2018 through November 2019) in Sagittarius.
Mosaic Magazine — Winter 2018
What that means is we have a year to grow and fill ourselves with a lighter, broader, more abundant point of view. And then spread the word through related actions. Our message can be that there is a better way than your way or my way. There is a third way where we can all gain. There is also a better way to lead. Let’s spend a year searching, learning and looking for ways that create
win/win scenarios. If we personally spend a year learning, sharing and talking about expanded, creative visions and ideas we will then know what qualities to look for in our leaders of industry, government, religion, media, education, etc. This year when you find yourself in a rigid, restrictive mindset, ask yourself: “How can I approach this differently? What can help open my thinking/perspective?” If you are in a head to head, blocked situation with someone, ask for their help so that you can meet halfway and find a solution that leaves everyone heard and happier. If need be, find an unbiased meditator. Find groups to join that support diversity, abundance for all and integrity in leadership. Let’s work together and be ambassadors of hope supporting a vision for a healthier, happier, abundant world. Following is a list of reading materials and resources to get you growing: • Non-Violent Communication (PuddleDancer Press, 2015) by Marshal Rosenberg. I think this should be a text book for people in any type of leadership role. Parents, you are also leaders; read this book! • Seven Habits for Healthy Kids (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2008) by Sean Covey supports the development of future leaders. It can also be a Coles version of the book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Simon & Schuster, 1989) by Stephen Covey. You will start out thinking you are reading a children’s book and then realize that the book has some good strategies for adults. • The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader; Becoming the Person Others Will Want to Follow (Thomas Nelson, 1999) by John C Maxwell is another great book. • The Leader’s Way (Broadway Books, 2009) by the Dalai Lama. We can learn so much from this person who embodies integrity and grace in leadership. • TED Talks (which are free) have a plethora of speakers. Look for ones that light you up and promote feelings of hope and well-being. An Astrologer since 1986, Catherine is also a Hypnotherapist and Meditation Instructor. She brings her experiential counselling and teaching style to The Northern Star College of Mystical Studies. Call 780-447-3667, and Note: This information is for educational purposes only. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.
Winter 2018 — Mosaic Magazine
2019 is the Year of the Pig by Skye MacLachlan Feng Shui Teacher & Consultant 2019 is the Year of the Earth Pig according to the Chinese zodiac. Here’s a brief overview of each animal’s luck in the year of the Pig which begins on February 4, 2019. Pig: This is your year and the spotlight is shining on you! This means that your achievements will receive recognition, as will any shady behavior. Hard work will be noticed and rewarded with better career opportunities. You are impacted by the accident star so stay alert when driving. Rat: 2019 is a great year to progress with your career goals – your talents will shine in the workplace. The Rat’s financial growth will be average. Romantic relationships may face some challenges for singles and married couples. Contagious illnesses could be a problem so remember to wash your hands often. Ox: The success of your outer life will be dependent on your inner awareness and personal growth. You may need to examine and restructure your finances in 2019. Make enjoying family time a priority this year. You’re accident prone so never drive while tired and stay attentive on the road. Tiger: Lucky Tigers are blessed with several auspicious stars in 2019. Maintaining an attitude of cooperation in the workplace could lead to a promotion and career advancement. Your health luck and romance luck (for singles and married partners) are both excellent. Enjoy the year! Rabbit: Reach out to others and participate in team-work; this will increase your luck tenfold in 2019. Successful career opportunities will reveal themselves and hard work will seal the deal. Both married and single Rabbits have lucky romance stars this year. Take time to improve your health and apply extra care when driving.
Horse: Wealth luck is excellent for Horses in 2019! Your career is also positive, though others’ jealousy may be a problem. Even romance is filled with joyous opportunities! Eating healthy, scheduled meals will ensure good health. Goat/Sheep: Review your goals and make positive changes in 2019. This year your wealth opportunities will increase. Communicate clearly to avoid misunderstandings on the job. Romance luck is excellent! Focus on maintaining good health practices. Monkey: You’re blessed with favorable wealth and career luck in 2019. Single male Monkeys may find a very special romantic relationship. Stomach related health issues could be a problem; don’t eat or drink excessively.
© Chris Riley —
Rooster: Your luck will be like a bouncing ball this year – up and down. This is an excellent time to explore education opportunities and self-development. You’re accident prone in 2019 so avoid extreme sports and be extra careful when driving. Dog: Stay calm and avoid all arguments and confrontations. This is a year to focus on renewal of your body, mind and spirit. Money and romance will have quite positive outcomes in 2019. Health is your weakest link.
My Chinese New Year’s talk will be on Monday, February 4, 2019, at 6:30 p.m. There will be information about the year ahead, detailed personal and Chinese animal forecasts, Feng Shui cures and prizes for everyone. If you’d like to purchase a ticket (it sells out every year so don’t wait until the last week), email me at May you and your loved ones enjoy a year of peace and auspicious blessings in 2019! Skye has specialized in Feng Shui for the home and business for over 30 years. She teaches Feng Shui, Tarot, Gemstones and Dreamwork at the Northern Star College of Mystical Studies in Edmonton. Contact her at Note: This information is for educational purposes only. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.
Dragon: Focus on developing your relationships as this is the key to your success in 2019. You’re vulnerable to robberies and financial loss. Career luck is excellent; promotions and/or recognition are likely to occur. You’re prone to illness and injuries so be proactive and develop a healthy lifestyle. Snake: 2019 will be a tumultuous and change filled year. You must avoid overspending and work to build your savings. Your career may be stressful; lean into your family to restore your energy and confidence. Your health will be relatively good but drive defensively to avoid accidents.
Mosaic Magazine — Winter 2018
Directory of Services COURIERS
Winter 2018 — Mosaic Magazine
Directory of Services HORSE & HUMAN WELLNESS
Mosaic Magazine — Winter 2018
Directory of Services RETREAT CENTRES
Winter 2018 — Mosaic Magazine
Mosaic’s Marketplace ASTROLOGY ANDROMEDA ASTROLOGY ~ SAMANTHA KANE-KENNEDY. The science of Astrology is a whole-souled approach to living. Answers are captured by your time of birth, your birth date and the geographical location of your birth. Samantha lives, breathes, eats, sleeps and loves her work. Caring in-depth consultations instil a deep sense of peace, turn complexity into simplicity and make the impossible possible by understanding that unique mystery; the tapestry of your soul! Discover your resilience, find the answers you seek and achieve resolution. 250-744-7662,,
image, stress, insomnia, pain management, self-esteem, confidence, sports performance, chakra balancing, relaxation and therapeutic massage. Yin Yang Wellness Centre, 4819 – 51 Street, Camrose, 780-608-1515,
INTUITIVE READERS EXPERIENCED INTUITIVE READER, Cartomancer Craig provides the clarity and connection you desire. One hour readings in person, via phone, Skype/Facetime. More information, client comments and reviews at and CartomancerCraig on FB. Text or call to book at 403-400-7980.
WEIGHT LOSS - Anny Slegten’s latest book The Four Mental Agreements to Losing Weight is now available in print form or on Kindle. To view and/or purchase the book online, please visit and click on the banner. To buy the book at Anny’s office, please call 780-448-0817.
PRIVATE RETREAT CENTRE for rent on Pigeon Lake. Log Lodge sleeps 24. Two 5 room cottages sleep 22. www.rundlesmission. org, 780-389-2422. Mention code 1840 for charitable discount.
YIN YANG WELLNESS CENTRE, Journey for the Soul - Crystals, Gifts, Hypnosis, CranioSacral Therapy, Reiki, Massage, Reflexology, Acupressure, Inspirational Workshops. Come in and enjoy our soothing environment. Have a session designed especially for you. Sessions people often choose are related to quitting smoking, anxiety reduction, fears, phobias, body
SARAH SALTER KELLY offers private sessions and workshops in Edmonton and Pigeon Lake. She specializes in healing grief and trauma as well as teaching tools and skills for personal empowerment. Contact her to book or check out her website for exciting upcoming programs this spring. 1-780-314-9150 or
Mosaic’s Calendar of Events NOVEMBER 13, DECEMBER 11, JANUARY 8
Transmission Meditation: A Meditation for the New Age - Can one person truly help a world in transition? More than you think! Make this vibrant service a part of your life! FREE talks and meditation at 7:00 p.m. - Sai Baba Centre, 9619 - 82 Avenue, Edmonton.
NOVEMBER 17 - 18
The Country Craft Fair - St. Albert Place Visual Arts Council presents its annual fundraiser on November 17, (10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.) and November 18 (11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.) at St. Albert Place, 5 St. Anne Street, St. Albert. The Country Craft Fair has been showcasing the guild members of the St. Albert Place Visual Arts Council as well as artisans from around the region since 1986. This sale and show will feature one of a kind works of art. Expect to find the finest Paintings, Quilts, Glasswork, Fibre Art, Floral Art, Paper Art, Pottery, Photography, Wood, Bath and Body Products, Christmas décor and more. Join us for this exciting event. Free admission, free parking.
Transmission Meditation: A Meditation for the New Age - Can one person truly help a world in transition? More than you think! Make this vibrant service a part of your life! FREE talks and meditation at 7:00 p.m. - Room #201, Le Soleil at Roots on Whyte, 8135 - 102 Street, Edmonton.
Mosaic Magazine — Winter 2018
Mosaic Mystics Meeting – Are you interested in learning more about the mystical healing properties of gemstones/crystals and why you are attracted to certain ones? Join Skye MacLachlan (teacher at Northern Star College of Mystical Studies, www. and I as she shares her knowledge about gemstones and crystals in a unique way. I will be bringing some of my crystals that need a new home and also a variety of gemstones bracelets I’ve made (including my Sacred Stones bracelets). At the beginning of the meeting, you will be able to look at all the different pieces and then determine which you are attracted to and which ones you definitely do not like. Then Skye will describe the energies of each particular crystal or gemstone bracelet there and you will discover why you are attracted to certain ones and not others. Because most of the bracelets consist of more than one kind of gemstone, she will describe how the different energies work together and the person it can help. Then there will be a silent auction during the break when you can choose to make a bid on a particular crystal or bracelet to purchase if any call out to you. It’s a fun way to do a little Christmas shopping while learning more about crystals and gems. Email Connie by DECEMBER 3 at mosaicmagazine@ to register. Cost: $20 (cash at the door) at Lucina Centre, 9505 - 163 Street, Edmonton, at 7:00 p.m.
MONTHLY EDMONTON ASTROLOGICAL SOCIETY (EAS) holds monthly events. Find us at For Annual Conferences check
Con Amore
(Italian) With heart and soul
The power of the sand mandala by Connie Brisson “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” It’s been an intense year of changes and awakenings for us all. Looking back, because I grew up Catholic I guess it was in my blood to believe (from a young child) that my God was a punishing one. Whenever something went wrong in my life, I would pray to God earnestly… and if a prayer wasn’t answered, I thought it was because of some inadequacy of mine, something I did wrong. I felt forsaken. Then when I was about 27, I was visiting with a born-again Christian cousin and I must have said something about God, because she turned to me and curiously said: “What a punishing God you have. I don’t think of God that way. God is love.” She surprised me because I hadn’t been consciously aware of that belief before. As I reflected, I realized how angry I was at God and the spirit world for all of the unanswered prayers and the times when I had felt unsupported and broken. As I’ve matured and grown spiritually, I now realize how much a part of the drama of my life is of my own creation, and so my anger or desperation over unanswered prayers seems more foolish to me now. But we each grow by exactly these kinds of things. As time goes by I see that those unanswered prayers were actually God/Universe’s way of protecting me. In fact, I’m so grateful now that all those prayers weren’t answered because I would not have the life I have. Now I’m seeing that everything is going exactly the way it was meant to go. The struggles and challenges we have are the exact things that teach us how to become more loving and evolved. It’s how we grow spiritually. And when we look at something differently, it does become different. Last night I watched an episode of Netflick’s House of Cards (Season 3, Episode 7). It had a profound impact on me. On that episode, Tibetan monks created an amazing sand mandala in the President’s residence at the White House. A sand mandala is colored sand laid onto a blueprint that includes geometric figures and several Buddhist spiritual symbols. The sand granules are applied using small tubes, funnels and scrapers called chak-pur. Sand mandalas traditionally take several weeks to build only to be destroyed in a highly ceremonial way in the end. The sand is collected in a jar, wrapped in silk and
Mosaic Magazine — Winter 2018
transported to a river (or any place with moving water) where it is released back into nature. This symbolizes the impermanence of life and the world. As the monks created the sand mandala, the main characters’ lives (Frank and Claire Underwood) unfolded in extremely challenging and difficult ways and as complexly as the different parts of the mandala. Then, as the mandala neared completion, so did Frank and Claire’s dilemmas resolve, but ending with a higher level of love and respect for each other. My first thought when the episode ended was: “Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a group of monks creating a sand mandala for me to help me through every big crisis I had?” And my second thought was: “OMG, I have.” Maybe not monks but certainly my spirit team on the Other Side. I saw how, in my times of crisis, they weren’t ignoring me. They were busy holding space for me at a higher vibration so I could get the spiritual lesson I needed to learn (that the crisis made me face). They were my silent partners but still there. And then I cried. One of the things about believing that God has forsaken you in your times of crisis and prayer, is that you don’t often take the big-sky-view about how your life has unfolded in BETTER ways because a prayer wasn’t answered. Sometimes, although it is not easy or comfortable, we need to go through certain experiences in order to grow. And once we are on the other side of that difficult experience, it is only then that we see that this new version of us (and our lives) is so much better than what we were fighting so hard to keep. Whenever I get to the other side of a big crisis in my life, when I see how much better my life is after, I am always so thankful for the experience, even though I thought it would break me at the time. And now when my next tropical storm hits, I’m going to purposely imagine a group of monks and other spirit helpers, all working together to create the perfect mandala for me. I will see them holding a vigil for me, creating my mandala blueprint, applying the salts, all the while chanting as they create a mandala of learning and beauty for me in whatever situation I’m going through here – all for my highest good. I invite you to watch that episode so you can have a visual of it too and then to remember that we signed up for this – to learn, to grow, to become more – to create our own mandalas with our lives.
Winter 2018 — Mosaic Magazine
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Refuge Š Doreen Foster —
The Reinvention of Mosaic Magazine