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Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine 50th Issue

Detail from Aqua Equilibrium © Aynsley Nisbet —


Rattles with Soul Rosen Method ‘NBWS’ Moment? Discovering Oneness Darlene’s Aha Moment Network Care

Daring to Shine Learning to Coach Are you a ‘Bladder Person’? Reconnection® Solution Colon Hydrotherapy Divine Timing

Rosicrucian Order Year of the Tiger 2010 Astrology Forecast Moments with Harald Aynsley Nisbet’s Art Embracing Weirdness




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Mosaic Magazine — Spring 2010



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Spring 2010 — Mosaic Magazine




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I Love Mosaic Mosaic came to me almost 20 YEARS after my initial dream. And what I really want to tell you is to NEVER let go of your dreams. Whatever it is that you want whatever it is that is in your heart - just keep dreaming it. There is nothing more powerful in the art of manifesting than dreaming and imagining. And if one door closes or one dream ends, it only means that the Universe has something else, just as wonderful or better, in store for you. For me, the dreaming and imagining has never ended. After the first year, I began to publish Mosaic four times a year. Later I had the dream of changing Mosaic from newsprint to full gloss and then, another year later, to full color. Each change was scary/exciting/rewarding and I’ve loved making this magazine shine.

by Connie Brisson Happy Anniversary Mosaic - it’s our 50th issue! Catherine Potter and Brenda Mottram started Mosaic Magazine in the fall of 1995 (almost 15 years ago), publishing three issues a year. When I took it over in 2004 on issue #27, my daughter Gabrielle was just turning four and this January she turned 10! Just before that, in late 2003, Marcel and I decided to try for another baby. Gabrielle was an invitro baby and we therefore tried that again with high hopes. We went through all months of preparation, hoop-la, drugs, infertilization and all seemed well at first. Then, I knew something was wrong. When the tests confirmed it, I was heartbroken. Our only option was to try once again but I didn’t know if I could do it another time, either physically or emotionally. That same week Catherine Potter called me to see if I was interested in being the new publisher and editor of Mosaic Magazine. It was a bittersweet moment when I said ‘yes’ to Catherine. Did I want this magazine? Absolutely! But, for me, the decision was mixed with the melancholy of letting go of the dream of having another baby. Yet, it also meant the fulfillment of other, older dreams. I had graduated from Journalism in 1985 and basically given up on writing because I really disliked working as a reporter for weekly newspapers. I wanted to write stories that inspired and helped people to change their lives and I dreamed of a magazine that would allow me to do that. This was an odd dream because in Journalism we didn’t learn a lot about magazines - almost nothing at all. Yet somehow, at the back of my mind, in a city where there are very few magazines, I had dream of a magazine that would allow me to write stories that would change other people’s lives. In fact, Catherine and Brenda hadn’t even started Mosaic Magazine at that time (they would create it 10 years later)! And, I didn’t learn about Mosaic Magazine until many years after that.


Mosaic Magazine — Spring 2010

Now what I’d really love is to meet you! I’d love to hear WHAT YOU LOVE about Mosaic (and to talk about anything else you want to) over lunch, just you and me! So every month I’m going to pick someone who has posted a comment on my website at under ‘Let's Hear From You’ tab, for a fabulous lunch at a convenient location and time for both of us. So go (right now ☺) and post your comment about what you love about Mosaic, or what you loved about this particular issue, and your name will be entered into a monthly draw for a free, delicious and fun lunch avec moi! This invitation is open to everyone including all my wonderful and amazing friends, readers, colleagues and advertisers - so write in please! Tell me what Mosaic means to you. I’m also very excited about our next Mosaic’s Delicious Book Club Dinner to be held at my dear friend Youmashni’s new Indian restaurant, NARAYANNI’S, 10131 - 81 Avenue, on Monday, February 15 at 6:00 p.m. While enjoying some delicious samosas and naan, we’ll be talking about Don Miguel Ruiz and Don Jose Ruiz’s The Fifth Agreement (AmberAllen Publishing, 2010). Email me at by February 14 if you want to join us. Also, I want to bring your attention to the lovely Catherine Potter’s quest to help the people of Haiti after their devastating earthquake. Read more about this in her article on page 26. To keep informed about everything MOSAIC (our upcoming book club dinners, Catherine Potter’s monthly astrological updates, other body/soul/spirit articles and deadline updates), go to and sign up for our bimonthly ezine that will come to you as a convenient email. AND, thank you for being part of my dream.☺



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Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine Ltd.


Creating rattles that shake up the soul by Adele Goodwin

#209, 10715 - 124 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5M 0H2 Edmonton: Fax: email: web:


Soul Stories

Reclaiming my soul with Rosen Method

780-447-3667 780-452-2917

by Cinnamon Cranston


Do you have a ‘NBWS’ moment? by Tammie Quick


My story of discovering Oneness by Amira Eva Loo

Publisher, Editor, Design & Layout


Design, Layout & Production Co-ordination



My ‘AHA’ Moment

My AHA came in a class by Darlene Klassen


Helping unusual cases with Network Care by Dr. Robin Browne

Advertising For advertising information contact Connie Brisson at 780447-3667. Deadline for ads is one month prior to publication dates. Payment is due promptly when ad is booked. Mosaic Web-Site See for information about Mosaic, current rates, ad sizes and distribution locations. Web-site by Earth Spirit Creations Website Design. General Information Mosaic Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine is published four times per year on the 1st of February, May, August and November and is distributed in Alberta. We reserve the right to refuse advertisements, articles or art. Publication of any article, advertisement or art in Mosaic Magazine does not constitute the publisher’s endorsement of (or assumption for) liability for any claims made in the advertisements/advertising information or for the information, views and opinions of the individual article writers.The responsibility/liability for the accuracy of all their claims, statements and information rests entirely with the advertisers and the article contributors themselves. The contents of Mosaic should not be used/taken as medical advice but is meant to provide information only. Consult your doctor/health professionals in regards to your health issues. Always research information and service providers found in Mosaic for yourself. Be responsible and safe. Mosaic reserves the right to edit articles for clarity, content or length at the editor’s discretion. No part of this magazine (articles) may be reproduced in any manner without the permission of the publisher. No external flyer inserts allowed. © Mosaic Mind Body and Spirit Magazine Ltd., 2010. Subscription Rates Send cheque for $20.00 (for four issues) payable to Mosaic Magazine with your name, address and phone number. Please indicate which issue you want to start with.


by Liz Garratt


Next Issue: MAY 1, 2010 Deadline: APRIL 1, 2010

Learning to coach enhances success by Abe Brown


Your Gut Feeling

Are you a ‘Bladder Person’? by Peter Melnychuk


The Reconnection® evolution solution by Chandelle MacMillan


Deep cleansing with Colon Hydrotherapy by Norma Hope


There is a divine time for everything by Youmashni Naidoo


The Rosicrucian Order, AMORC by Eva Nolan


Skye’s View

Welcome to the Chinese Year of the Tiger by Skye MacLachlan


Esoteric Explorations

An astrological perspective for 2010 by Catherine Potter


Sharing moments of life with Harald by Elizabeth Pawluk


Mosaic’s Directory of Services


Mosaic’s Marketplace


Mosaic’s Calendar of Events


Artist’s Gallery

My art has been my spirit’s song

COVER ART Artist: Aynsley Nisbet Title: Detail from Aqua Equilibrium Contact:

Daring to shine your inner light

by Aynsley Nisbet


Con Amore

Learning to embrace my weirdness by Connie Brisson Spring 2010 — Mosaic Magazine




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Creating rattles that shake up the soul by Adele B. Goodwin Sacred Artist

Photography by Janis

Our culture has been scrubbed and cleaned to eliminate the primitive and rough edges of our lives. We live in armored bubbles called houses and cars and plug ourselves into the mass conciousness of fear, lack and passiveness. We no longer allow our children to play in the dirt or to be out of our sight for more than a moment to have their own adventures in the belly of Mother Earth. We no longer notice the phases of the moon and her influence on our cycles. We treat the seasons as an inconvenience and fret away the passing years, lamenting the changes in our bodies and relationships.

Adele with Ralph The Earth Dragon (in process)

Photography by Janis

The call of the Wild You… That is what making a rattle is really about.

Mother/Crone Rattle

But something deep inside of us remembers what it is like to be fully alive and sniffing the wind for direction. It is waiting to leap out and take its rightful place - if we have the courage to let it.

I came here to be a magnificent creative being. I didn’t come here to be small and good and respectable. I came here to be vibrantly alive - to taste the nectars, to touch the textures, to inhale the fragrances, to move joyfully, to express the fountains of emotions that bubble up inside. I came here to expand.

Photography by Janis

Making art is one of those magical processes that creates a crack in our polished exterior. And through this crack a little light falls onto our waiting heart that is throbbing with our passions. This light-filled energy causes a thrill of excitement that fires impulses to the ancient part of our brain and the remembering starts. Oh yes - this is what I came for!

Daughter/Maiden Rattle

Somewhere inside, you know this too, don’t you? When someone comes to me to make a rattle, we first sit around my circle of stones, light some candles and sink into a sacred space of reverie. We play with the stones and invoke their wisdom. We bring out the special items that came along in their baskets and bags and hear their stories. We talk gently about what is going on in their life, what dreams they’ve been having, what symbols are speaking to them. Some ideas are tested and a dancing web of possibilities swirls around us.

Photography by Janis

Gradually a picture starts to solidify and some energy bubbles up. Maybe it’s going to be a rattle for healing themselves or others; maybe it’s a celebratory rattle for a new birth, a wedding or other life event; maybe it will be used for shifting or clearing the energy of homes and businesses; maybe it will be used as a daily ritual to invoke courage, strength, or to joyfully call a soul mate into their lives. Sometimes its purpose will even shift during construction as we shine the light deeper into the heart. We stay open to new directions. We then head down to the workshop to try out a few materials. As we respectfully handle the antlers, the wood, the feathers, the fabrics and beads, layers of meaning start to emerge. A bell can be the symbol for death in one art piece and then be the symbol for Sacred Nest Rattle


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joyful expansion in another. We allow ourselves to choose whatever is calling to us.

Photography by Ride the Wind

Sometimes the rattle will have a face and hair, sometimes it won’t. My first rattle had eyes - resulting in the ‘aha’ moment for me that rattles have a soul. There she was, my powerful Baba Yaga rattle, glaring fiercely out upon my world! Lately I have been using beautiful crystals for the centre of the eyes and they have a magical quality to them. With our materials in hand, we move upstairs to a table by the window where we will stay for the next day or two, sewing and building in an ancient rite sharing life stories, laughter and silence, tea and lunch. My rattle client chooses to do as much or as little as they are comfortable doing their intention to create is what is important. They are exercising divine will by participating in this act of power and the magic will flow.

Mystical — Cat Rattle

Most rattles need to dry overnight stuffed with sand to hold their shape. This

resting period in between is like the butterfly in its chrysalis - no longer a caterpillar and not yet a winged wonder. As the rattles midwife, I maintain a watch and firmly hold the energy of this sacred moment, knowing that all is unfolding as it should.

Often we are surprised as the rattle takes on its own personality and character. Sometimes it’s not the image we had in our mind when we began… often it’s better, soulfully deeper. Like bringing a new baby into the world - a little time is needed to get to know each other. And parts of your journey together will be more comfortable than others! And then you Jupiter — Horse Rattle will wonder how you ever managed to survive without this wild aspect of yourself.

Photography by Ride the Wind


As the rattle nears completion, now comes the most difficult time for the midwife - bundling it up for its journey to its new home. Sometimes, over the next day or so, I will look around and be surprised that it isn’t here. There’s a pang of grief until I remember that it is fulfilling a bigger purpose. It is calling to the wild part of its creator, calling them to expand and expand some more. It has become the embodiment of their inner passion. Now that it has leaped out into the world there will be no stuffing it back inside. As the rattle and its owner make new music together something in me responds from a distance with a sacred and primal howl of delight. We are in harmony with the Universe.

When we get together again the next day, often new pieces will arrive too - little almostforgotten treasures, fabrics and keepsakes that will add yet another layer of meaning to the new creation. Often we will Oceans of Grace — Kopala Rain Rattle revisit the stone circle to contemplate what has shown up and how it fits in. We play until the energy builds again and off we go!

Photography by Ride the Wind


My own Wild Woman is pleased…very pleased. Contact Adele at 780-990-0997 or and She is the author of the forthcoming book “Naked in the Garden - a designers guide to creating a landscape with soul” and the owner of Earthworm Landscape Design Co.

This is also the day that the rattle gets its voice. We choose stones, seeds, beads that will combine to give this ‘Being’ its unique sound. Sound is said to be the beginning of creation and this is what gives the rattle its power to invoke change in our lives. It somehow becomes an extension of our own voice - the one that we are sometimes uncomfortable or hesitant to use. Some rattles have deep throaty sounds; some are more light-hearted. Some will be like a rain stick and the seeds move through a tangle of branches inside the body. Even my medicine wheel skirt is a rattle - the shells around the bottom tinkle a blessing as I move around.

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Soul Stories

Reclaiming my soul with Rosen Method accident when I was five which I managed to walk away from with only bruises.) I instantly started to sob remembering exactly how I’d felt at that time - how unloved and scared. I shared those feelings with Mariette and then reexperienced a moment (during the accident) when I had been between life and death… when the truck (my drunk mother, her stoned friends and I were in) was sitting at the bottom of a ravine, with all of us unconscious. I was looking down at the scene begging, pleading not to go back down to my body. “It’s too hard!” I said to the spirits around me. “No one loves me here. I don’t want to go back!” At the same time I knew I had no choice but to go back and I felt absolutely desperate. I then shared with Mariette that I had not wanted to come back. She then placed both of her hands on my diaphragm and said that, now as an adult, I had a choice and that my spirit could come back fully if I wanted it to.

by Cinnamon Cranston RMT, Rosen Method Student Having been raised by an alcoholic mother and surviving childhood sexual abuse, my past is full of painful memories that I’ve spent the last eight years in therapy working to heal. Effective as the different therapies have been, there remained within me a yearning for a deeper connection to my soul and a more specific sense of purpose in my life. My first Rosen Method Bodywork session with Mariette Berinstein gave me both. The session began with Mariette’s hands being guided to areas where she felt and saw holding in the muscle. At one point she placed her hands on my diaphram and then my heart area. I suddenly felt immensely sad but didn’t know why. Mariette then said: “There’s something about that car accident; something big.” (The only thing I shared with Mariette before the session was that I’d been in a major car


Mosaic Magazine — Spring 2010

Realizing I no longer had to hold myself back from living a full life, I made the choice to really be here. I felt a rush of energy shoot through me beginning at my crown and then landing right where Mariette’s hands were resting on my diaphragm. I began to take huge, deep breaths and felt the uncanny sensation of breathing as if for the first time. I’d never felt so alive! For the first time in my life I felt that anything was possible for me. All I had to do was follow my heart and make a choice. Since my Rosen Method session I no longer feel like a walking wound that refuses to heal. Instead I feel like a strong tree whose bark has grown around the wound. My life continues to shift in profound ways as I become the person I was meant to be. I decided that Rosen Method was the next step in my journey and I’m now half-way through the training. I’m also actively engaged in bringing the Rosen Method training and workshops to Edmonton. Cinnamon Cranston is the director of Aidem Health Centre and a Registered Massage Therapist, Reiki practitioner and student of Rosen Method Bodywork. Contact her at 780-203-5159 or



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Do you have a ‘NBWS’ moment? The symptoms that bring people to a Heilkunst physician are as varied as they are many - thyroid problems, anxiety, diabetes, asthma, injuries that won’t heal, depression, weight problems, sore throat, allergies, tummy troubles and so on. But the thing that brings you to Heilkunst is never the end of the story. In fact you might be surprised to find that there’s never anything wrong with your physical body! I know this can be difficult to grasp because there can seem to be an awful lot that’s gone wrong with your body. But the physical body is merely the vessel that your soul/spirit uses to travel in this physical experience. And all of the symptoms that you’re noticing on your physical body, happened first in the energy that gives your physical body ‘life’. If those aren’t dealt with, the life force sends out symptoms on the physical level, to draw your attention to the problem. Recently a woman came to see me for ringing in her ear. One of the most important questions that I asked was: “What was going on in your life when the ringing first began?” It turned out that the ringing was just the last thing to go wrong in her body and the one that finally made her try an alternative form of healing. In fact this woman had a ‘Never Been Well Since’ (NBWS) moment that had occurred two years earlier when her business/life partner had betrayed her intimately and financially. This began a cascade of symptoms that started with depression and progressed to a stomach ulcer, chronic hip joint pain, irregular heart beat and now the ringing in the ear. And interestingly the ringing began when a casual acquaintance had mentioned seeing my patient’s former partner succeeding in his new business.

For my ringing ear patient it was important to discern her exact feelings when the issue with her partner happened. You or I might have felt hurt or angry but this gal blamed herself for not being the kind of partner that she felt he needed. (It’s important to note that there are no right or wrong answers, but only what is true for each individual.) The underlying guilt state was verified again, when she told me that finding out how successful her ex is now shamed her further because she realized how successful they could’ve been, if only she’d been the woman he needed her to be. As her Heilkunst practitioner it was easy to see that a Lachesis disease state had been aroused in her by the initial betrayal and that it hadn’t been healed in the two years since, causing her life force to come up with a new symptom every so often in an attempt to draw her attention to the problem. My patient was sent home with a clearing dose of Lachesis and droppers to treat her various symptoms. Smile © Carol Breen —

by Tammie Quick DMH, DHHP

One month later it was a different woman who walked into my clinic! All of her symptoms had settled and she appeared vibrant. What’s more she reported feeling healthy and confident. The notation in her file reads: “She has a ring to her voice now, instead of in her ear!” For more information on Heilkunst and homeopathy, and a whole lot more, please visit Tammie’s website at or call 780- 221-6127. Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It is intended to supplement your current health program and not to replace the care of a doctor. For diagnosis or treatment of any disease please consult a licensed physician.

Typically the Heilkunst journey begins with treatment of the latest shock or trauma and then continues backwards toward birth. But in the case of a NBWS moment, your practitioner will likely treat that event, recognizing that it has triggered many disease layers that will make healing any issues since, extremely difficult.

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My story of discovering Oneness I’ve been a spiritual seeker since I was very young. This search led me to 13 years of travel in the East, on a journey that was very deeply spiritual in nature. On my quest I first came across a spiritual path based on a very precise science and system of meditation. It was extremely demanding (requiring eight to 10 hours of formal sitting a day and cultivation of a state of presence every other waking second). Because it was so intense and focused, I thought this must be the most direct path towards spiritual awakening. After practicing for a few years, other students and I did enter into some genuinely high and blissful states. However, over time things curiously began falling out of alignment. The more we deepened in our inner states, the more disconnected we became from the world and the more our relationships started falling apart. Relating to people in an ordinary way became a challenge especially if they weren’t on the spiritual path. I began to realize that we had been emulating outer spiritual qualities, instead of undergoing a genuine inner realization of them. In our eagerness to become awakened, we bypassed some fundamental work on our human side, mainly in our emotions and psychology. Eventually I left that path and was guided towards the work of the Oneness, a spiritual university in India. The first teaching we received was: “to begin where you are at and not from where you want to be.” It was from this point that I began to truly ground myself. Until then spirituality was based on achieving high states of consciousness and going beyond the mind. Emotions and thoughts were belittled as being only the fleeting and


Mosaic Magazine — Spring 2010

unreal contents of the mind. This was a convenient truth for my mind because (if all of that was unreal) then I was released from any need to work on the deeper issues within me. Later I realized just how much I used meditation as a vehicle to get to desired states, rather than allow it to help me get in touch with the actual state I was in. While meditation had given me focus, concentration and a certain freedom from life’s entanglements, I used it primarily as a diversion from deeper issues and that was my mistake. In quantum leaps, this new path of Oneness was leading me to the heart of myself. It was showing me to myself in startlingly honest ways. Layer upon layer was revealed allowing me to see just how unwilling I was to accept or

untitled © Jayna Simpson —

by Amira Eva Loo Spiritual Guide

experience certain aspects of myself. I was shown my emptiness, sorrow, confusion, insecurity, anger and aloneness. It was painful to discover just how loveless and judgmental I was towards these aspects. It was tiring to realize my own game of always building up what was deemed good and pushing down what was deemed bad, all because I simply could not accept certain parts of myself. Later I understood I was being ruled by my unconscious impulses (to seek only pleasure and to escape pain) and that only from a higher awareness can we



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choose to not follow the impulse to escape discomfort and instead choose to stay with it and learn from its presence. The Oneness Journey led me to dig into every depth within and really face what was there. I was being asked to reclaim all the disowned parts of myself, all the aspects I had so harshly forced into exile - the shallow, painful, negative, ugly bits. This path was deeply teaching me the meaning of true self love and true inner freedom. I was learning that love was not about preference - that contrary to better judgment, allowing all that I was to remain as it was (be it good, bad or ugly) was the path back to wholeness. Also, just allowing for all my vulnerabilities and weaknesses (to simply be) was what made being human so beautiful. Prior, I had been unwilling to work on inner aspects if they were not painful, similar to how one waits until they get sick until they actually begin to pay attention to their condition. This process was a clear shift empowering me to walk intentionally towards my fears and inner conflicts, instead of waiting for them to find me. Being myself was painful, but not being myself was more painful. Neglecting what was deep inside me was no longer an option. In unison with this journey towards self-love was a loving attention towards all my life relationships. The learning that belonged to each relationship was revealed and a deep healing of all hurt and confusion in them began to clear. Each relationship was moved into profound levels of love and spiritual connection.

This stage leads to the flowering of one’s heart, the manifestation of one’s sacred inborn gifts and clarity in life direction and higher purpose. Oneness occurs through a direct process of self realization, timeless life teachings, guided in-depth meditations and the Oneness Blessing. The Oneness process is powerful because it unites human effort with divine grace. This process recognizes how grace can give us the extra strength and faith we sometimes need to take another step. Here grace comes in the form of the Oneness Blessing, a transfer of universal healing energy that works specifically on spiritual awakening and raising one’s consciousness. The Blessing can help us transcend our human limitations such that conflicts, hurts and unresolved issues (that have stayed with us for years) can experience a clear breakthrough. It heightens our self awareness and gives us the inner resource to work through what gets uncovered. Quantum leaps and miracles are made possible through the grace of the Blessing. Union of human effort and divine grace create the most powerful platform for personal transformation and spiritual awakening to take place. The Oneness Blessing can begin this process for you. Amira has been a Spiritual Guide and Intuitive Healer for six years. She’s the founder of the Oneness Center in Taiwan and is now based in Edmonton. Visit or contact 752-7722 or

Following this came the final frontier in my journey which inspired a deep soulful reconnection with my divine higher self. A very intimate, personal bond was established that was like giving birth to a newfound pillar of strength within. This process was life changing in every possible way for me and this is why I now have dedicated my own life to offering it to others. The Oneness process assists seekers to their return to their natural state, which is a state of deep self-awareness, mental clarity, emotional balance and spiritual uplifting. This process has four general stages: Stage 1: Entering a deep level of inner truth and self awareness on emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Releasing false and limiting beliefs and perceptions about oneself and life. Stage 2: Becoming keenly aware of inner conflicts, unresolved hurts, mental blocks, negative charges and beginning the journey towards healing, self acceptance and love without conditions. Stage 3: This stage involves the resolution of relationship conflicts. It involves deep levels of healing, gaining breakthrough insights and elevating each relationship to gratitude and oneness. Stage 4: This stage involves entering into a higher state of consciousness and connection with our higher divine self.

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My AHA Moment

My AHA moment came in class trying to imagine what it would be like to have a job that I loved. It’s so clear to me now what was happening but at the time I felt so lost. I would work for a year, get laid off, work another year, then the company would close and so the story goes. For 10 years this carried on and one day I said to my husband, after being laid off again: “I don’t exactly know what I will do for work, but I’m very CLEAR that I can’t go back to office work.” My late father-in-law was a self taught Holistic Health Practitioner. It all began when he became very ill and was told by his doctor that he wouldn’t live long. He started reading books, talking to different people, modified his diet and took supplements. Positive changes began to occur in his body and he began to heal. He then studied a few healing modalities and practiced on friends and family. I was so amazed at how he helped himself and others and I really believe I am carrying on his legacy.

by Darlene Klassen Wholistic Health Practitioner For years the universe was talking to me but it took me quite a while to figure out what the message was. During that time I worked at a variety of different office jobs. It wasn’t what I really wanted to do but I needed money to live and the work paid me well. However, the days were long and endless. I was always watching the clock and counting down the hours to the end of the work day. I really loved and enjoyed people and I was often in trouble at work for talking, socializing and LAUGHING. I always got my work done but I needed that time with people, one on one. As I reflect back now, I realize the office environment was not good for my emotional and physical well being. I always had a headache and my eyes were often sore. Of course, wishing the day away was not good for my emotional health and I constantly dreaded the next work day. I felt trapped, in a rut, with no where to go. I can remember daydreaming and


Mosaic Magazine — Spring 2010

Initially I decided to take a natural healing class just for my own self interest. I started with Reflexology and it was there, in that class, that I realized my true calling was to be a healer. It was an AHA moment for me and my life completed changed after that. I went on to learn CranioSacral Therapy, Acupressure, Cellular Memory Release, EFT, Heart Centered Therapy, Ion Cleanse, Lymph Drainage, SomatoEmotional Release and Therapeutic Touch. I’m currently studying to become a Yoga Instructor and will soon add that to my many blessings. In addition, my husband and I are also passionately creating a healing oasis on our property in the Athabasca area. Today I LOVE my job. Helping people on their healing journey is what I was meant to do. I can’t thank the universe enough for guiding me to a profession that I love, one that gives me freedom to be my true authentic self and the opportunity to impact others in a way that I never could have before. My daydreams came true. Darlene Klassen is a Wholistic Health Practitioner (offering various natural healing modalities) with a practice in St. Albert and Athabasca. Contact her at 780-460-9132, 780-221-9192 or



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Helping unusual cases with Network Care Your body is extremely intelligent and strives to self correct whatever is out of balance. However, sometimes the body becomes conditioned to utilizing all of its energy into just coping and correcting instead of thriving and living. It needs help to reorganize (or remember) what was once natural to it and this is where Network Care’s specific touch has helped change so many people’s lives. Network Care is a powerful chiropractic method that helps all kinds of conditions. It uses a specific sequence of light touches along the spine to release tension and interferences to your nervous system, bringing your body back into physical and emotional balance. I see many clients with typical chiropractic problems involving their jaw, neck, shoulders, mid or lower back, hips or feet. They come in when they are in pain and, after one or more treatments with Network Care, are soon feeling better. However, what surprises many clients is how their breathing also improves (Network Care is a great help for asthma and COPD because it opens the breath). Network Care’s light touch stimulates your highest brain function to become aware of the parts of yourself that have become alienated or disconnected, or in some cases, too plugged in. Your breath will open in that part of your body and soon after you’ll have more movement. This is where the symptoms will begin to change. When the area becomes accessible to awareness, breath and movement, you’ll start to have more energy. The return of energy will help you make better choices. Your feelings and thoughts will clarify as your body begins to self heal again.

examinations and tests, but the results were unclear. So, to help their pain, they took some pain killers, muscle relaxants or anti-inflammatory medication, but that didn’t help. Then they tried physical therapy or massage but that only helped for a day. Because they were still hurting, they began to feel fearful or frustrated. They returned to their doctor to look deeper for an answer. Their doctors then suspected anxiety or depression as a component of this problem and offered antidepressant medications and/or advised them to seek psychotherapy or psychiatric evaluation. The long and short of it is that these women’s conditions had no rhyme nor reason in the medical model and unfortunately the doctors just ended up thinking that these were neurotic females who were a little nutty. Seeds © Bernadette McCormack —

by Dr. Robin Browne Doctor of Chiropractic

Usually when a ‘mysterious’ problem like this doesn’t resolve with typical treatments, it worsens. The simple ache becomes multiple painful areas, the digestive system becomes impacted, the stress causes more anxiousness, depression and emotions are all over the place, energy is slow, sleep is disrupted and the body appears to have shut down … and you don’t know what to do. Try Network Care. Whether you’ve got something mysterious or more typical aches and pains, Network Care is an effective way to change your health and get back the quality of your life. Robin offers Network Care at New Strategy Wellness Centre. It’s exciting how easy wellness can be. To get started today call 780429-0023. Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It is intended to supplement your current health program and not to replace the care of a doctor. For diagnosis or treatment of any disease please consult a licensed physician.

The body is a reflection of what’s going on ‘inside’. Some people have been stuck in anger or feeling ‘flat’ (along with their physical pain) and with Network Care their emotions release appropriately. Indeed as your spine becomes more flexible and resilient, so will your personality. Network Care creates change in the body, which creates a change in our thoughts and feelings. Because Network Care helps the body transform stress into ease, some clients make regular visits to experience greater wellness. About one third of my patients are women whose problem started with a simple tension or ache in their body that gradually turned into something mysterious. Concerned, they went to their medical doctor, who performed some

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Daring to shine your inner light by Liz Garratt Inspired Business Consultant I love my work. I love my clients. I love my life! How did this happen? When did this happen? While I may not remember all the choices and actions that have brought me here, I am very aware of why I am here. I am here because I’ve dared to follow my heart. There has always been a direct correlation between my level of happiness and satisfaction and the degree to which I was being true to my heart. I remember years ago coming across Marianne Williamson’s poem Our Deepest Fear (A Return to Love, HarperCollins Publishers, 1992) and being moved beyond words. There was something in her words that touched the depth of my soul, grabbing my attention in such a profound way. I still feel that way.

Her words invited me to move through my fears and shine! What was I hiding that I didn’t want others to see? What I’ve discovered is that it really is my light (not my darkness) and love that has felt the scariest to reveal. I have learned from my own experience and in working with others that revealing our hearts and soul to the world takes enormous courage. It seems so funny that expressing our inner light, wisdom and love would feel scary, but I know it is true. The more precious the passion, the more fragile and vulnerable we feel. I believe we all come to Earth with a purpose and passion that we are meant to share with the world. When we allow our light to shine we are filled with love, appreciation and joy. When we are disconnected from our light or feel it is unsafe to let it shine, we experience a life that is less ‘wonder-filled’. Allowing my light to shine in business has unfolded over time. For many years I was unaware of the gifts and

Festival © Lorraine Shulba —

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves: “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?” Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that

other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”


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treasures that resided within me - in fact they did not feel like gifts at all. My sensitivity and intuition felt more like a curse than a gift in business. Business was not about love, feelings and hunches. Business is linear, logical and practical. My natural ability to see possibilities and potential was also something I chose to keep hidden. For fear of being dismissed as young and naïve I learned to reign in my optimism and enthusiasm. But as I have become more comfortable and appreciative with who I am and what my innate gifts are, I have been able to weave them into my work in ways that benefit everyone, including myself. I am allowing my light to shine! As I let my light shine, I witness my clients connecting with and revealing more of their inner treasures and gifts. I see their light shining and radiating out, touching the lives of others (including me). Adele Goodwin is one such shining example. Adele is the owner of the successful Earthworm Landscape Design Co. She loves what she does but found herself in a bit of a rut after 10 years in business, feeling like something was missing. She also wanted a strategy/business plan that would help her comfortably live on her seasonal landscaping income all year round. She joined my Inspired Business Planning Circle hoping to find answers - how to be a wiser business woman, how to budget and plan more effectively and how to recapture her enthusiasm. During the process of going deep within, Adele realized that her true bliss came from being creative. In fact, one of Adele’s deep passions is for making amazing rattles and other shamanic objects and during the Inspired Business Planning Circle, her real AHA came when she realized she can be more than a landscape designer - that this other part of her, the sacred artist, could also become a legitimate part of her business life too. While it seemed obvious after the fact, it was something she had never considered at all before.

light in our world. It is all around us shining, expanding and growing. We are creating a web of light that connects and uplifts us all. I can see it, I can feel it and I feel so very blessed to be part of this much grander plan! How do we shine brightly? It all begins with listening to that small voice inside. For years I was unaware of the wisdom that resided within me. I was always looking outside myself for the magic. Trusting my inner guidance and finding the courage to take ‘inspired’ action is the next step. This is an ongoing, deepening and expanding process. I’m continually discovering more treasures and clarity within, testing my faith when I meet up with fears and limiting beliefs and finding the courage to feel my fear and do it anyway! So what does my business have to do with your business? I want to help you shine! Daring to let your light shine IS the Inspired Business Planning process. It is the process of nurturing the light within and bringing it forth to shine brightly in your life, work and world. It’s about creating your business from what’s really unique and special in you and in what feeds your soul. We all have an inner light shining. How radiantly and powerfully your light is seen and felt by yourself and others is entirely up to you! Liz Garratt is owner of Harmony By Design Inc., a management consulting company that specializes in Inspired Business Design and Support. She offers gentle guidance, insights and encouragement to those seeking greater meaning, passion and magic in their work. Go to or call 780-467-5026.

Anyone who has seen one of Adele’s rattles knows she has a real innate gift for creating powerful, beautiful and sacred totem pieces. But now, instead of just being a hobby, Adele is sharing her creativity, expertise and extensive collection of craft supplies with others to help them build powerful rattles of their own in one-on-one sessions and group workshops. In doing this, a new part of Adele came shining through and a new business was born. And, as these things go, this passion and creativity also infused into her landscape business and she had another inspiration - to write a book to help others plan their gardens in both a functional and sacred way. What began as a quest for help on how to plan/budget, turned into the journey of a woman whose inner light literally is bursting out in so many new directions. It wasn’t about learning how to become smaller (by budgeting), it was about learning how to become bigger and shine her light, her natural gifts. Through Adele and many others, I feel such deep gratitude and excitement to witness the emergence of

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Learning to coach enhances success Each of us is in a leadership role in different areas of our lives. As leaders we naturally desire to make a positive and abundant impact upon those we lead. Wanting to enhance that leadership role is normal and healthy and Life Coaching is a natural tool to help you do that. Life Coaching began in the late 1970’s, has spread worldwide and is now estimated to be over a $5 billion/year in the U.S (60% of American companies use or have used a coach) and about $500 million/year in Canada. Coaching is the path that serious people take to reach their goals. Studies indicate that 90% of the participants in coaching relationships reported significant increases in their areas of focus. Several participants described immediate beneficial changes and 95% said the process was worthwhile. Life Coaching is a tool, valuable life skill and way to have a ‘purposeful relationship’ with other people. Coaching is Connecting — As we connect with people, we listen deeply. Many people have not really been listened to for a long time and so by listening, we become a safe harbor. Coaching is Collaborating — As a result of our connecting and listening, we begin the process of locating exactly where a person is at. It is difficult to help a person get where they need to go without locating exactly where they are currently. Once we discover where a person is right now and help them to clarify their goals, we can begin to collaborate about how we can partner together to move them to their ultimate destination.

feedback is the most cost-effective strategy for improving performance and instilling satisfaction.” In other words, the feedback we provide through coaching helps people realize more abundance than they would have without coaching. Coaching is Clarifying — The difference between a lack of focus and focus is as great as the difference between a light bulb and a laser beam. The first one gives off some light, the other can cut through steel. So many of us have great ideas, plans, hopes and dreams. A good coach helps us to drill down from the general to the specific, from the dream-able to the do-able, from what we want to have to what we can’t live fully without. The answers to most people’s challenges are within and a good coach helps to explore those possibilities and clarify those solutions.

untitled © Denise Lefebvre

by Abe Brown Certified Master Coach Trainer

Coaching Is Caring — As a coach, we do what we do because we care for people. We see the potential in our business partner, co-workers, family and friends and we want to help them achieve it. We all have a tendency to measure ourselves against the people around us. They become our point of reference. A good coach will evaluate your performance against your own potential and strengths, not against someone else’s.

Buddha said: “Your work is to discover your work and then with all your heart, to give yourself to it.” All of us need to be coached but we all also need to develop our potential to coach others. This will not only enhance the success of those we lead, but it will also enhance our success. Become a coach today! Abe Brown, B.Th., C.P.C., C.M.C., is the Certified Master Coach Trainer and Regional Vice President for the Certified Coaches Federation for Alberta and Manitoba. A professional Life and Executive Coach for over 15 years, he also trains others. Call 866-455-2155 or

Coaching is Crafting — Through our collaboration, we start working with them to craft a precise strategy for achieving their goals and actualizing their dreams. An abundant world awaits if we plan our goals and then work our plan. Ken Blanchard said: “I believe providing


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Your Gut Feeling

Are you a ‘Bladder Person’? Do you feel guilty if those around you are not happy? Do you have major control issues? Are you often submissive, but silently resentful, in an effort to avoid conflict? Is it hard for you to ‘let go’? Visceral Manipulation (VM) originator Dr. Jean Pierre Barral has found these emotional tendencies repeatedly in ‘bladder people’ - most often women - patients whose bladder is their weakest physical link. He estimates that more than 40% of women are to some degree incontinent (unable to retain urine), and notes that in many, this creates a psychologically debilitating “feeling of regression, of shame, of being ‘dirty’ like a child.” These women fail to realize how widespread this phenomenon is, and try to hide their predicament, often secluding themselves. Less severe symptoms of bladder dysfunction include frequent, or incomplete urination, urgency, infections, burning and cramps. Physiologically - The bladder sits behind the pubic bone in the pelvic bowl, and resembles a flat-topped muscled balloon. It is a reservoir that discharges 1.5 litres of urine daily through the urethra - a thin descending tube, with a faucetlike sphincter at the end. A healthy bladder is very distensible and can hold between 500 and 800 ml. The simple act of voiding (in Latin, peeing) is a complicated little process that involves shifting pressure differentials. The body first relaxes both the pelvic floor muscles and the urethral sphincter, then raises the bladder pressure so it is higher than in the urethra. Alternately, to ‘hold it’ we need the higher pressure to be in the urethra, in alliance with a functional sphincter and strong pelvic floor muscles.

reduce capacity. Broader hips and uterine misalignments leave the female bladder more opportunity to slide into unfortunate, internal-pressure-disrupting positions. Childbirths that involve induction, suction, tearing, caesarians or episiotomies, often compromise the mother’s pelvic floor. Hysterectomies can allow the small intestines to descend and crowd the bladder. Emotionally - The bladder person may have endured a childhood of reward and punishment. During toilet training, parental approval was likely conditional, often withdrawn in the event of an ‘accident’. The bladder woman is a ‘Good Girl’ - shy, submissive, possibly prudish. It is hard for her to express herself, or even to relax. She seeks the approval and dreads the judgment of others.

Holding-on © Rose-Marie Cameron

by Peter Melnychuk Visceral Manipulation Practitioner, LMT

There are fewer male ‘bladder persons’. Their urgency, incomplete urination, or incontinence typically accompanies age and prostate complications. While men share certain issues with ‘bladder women’, their predicament is complicated by the spectre of sexual inadequacy.

Visceral Manipulation has helped thousands with weak or dysfunctional bladders arrest or reverse their symptoms. This precise and gentle therapy mobilizes and awakens the body tissues while eliminating core restrictions. Over a number of sessions as bladder placement, movement, and internal pressures are successfully restored, clients find themselves able to cough and laugh and run without fear of ‘leakage’. In certain instances the need for surgery is averted. The physical change appears first; emotional transformation follows over time. Peter is also a VM Teaching Assistant & Certified Chi Nei Tsang Instructor. Check out This article is the sixth in a series summarizing information in Dr. Barral’s Understanding the Messages of Your Body (North Atlantic Books, 2007). Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It is intended to supplement your current health program and not to replace the care of a doctor. For diagnosis or treatment of any disease please consult a licensed physician.

Many factors can combine to disrupt these pressures and create bladder dysfunction. Bad posture or trauma to the legs, feet, or tailbone can let the bladder slide out of functional position. Chronic respiratory ailments eventually harm the pelvic floor. Any abdominal surgery will leave restricting internal scars and adhesions. Age (hormonal changes), obesity, constipation, and poor circulation can, alone or in concert, sink and compress the bladder. A woman’s short urethra, its opening close to the anus, makes her vulnerable to bladder infections; chronic infections

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The Reconnective® evolution solution Often when I think of evolution I get this cartoon image of a goofy, knuckle dragging Neanderthal, his club and current girlfriend in tow by the hair! To the smart, sophisticated cave woman, he would represent food, shelter and ummm… I don’t know, not dying? We would come willingly, no hair pulling required. I know it’s not been proven, but I swear women evolved first. The current evolution we are theorizing (planetary and the like) has my quirky little brain entertaining thoughts from Darwin to quantum physics. At least that is the gist from some of the current authors such as Gregg Braden, Lee Carroll and Kryon, Drunvalo Melchizadek and my own near and dear, Dr. Eric Pearl. Where are we going anyway? According to many ancient teachings and lore (Mayan, Aztec and some of the ancient aboriginal cultures) at some point, we humans became disconnected from the Universe, Source or God. The theories I have read on that particular time of our history are mind boggling to say the least, often sending me rummaging through the medicine chest to self-medicate. It was described as the great disconnection, the great war and leaving the Garden of Eden. It was the proverbial foot stomping on our fingers as humanity dangled over the abyss plunging into spiritual darkness and anonymity, losing our innate abilities to know our true selves, to energetically heal and regenerate along with it.

According to Key 317 in The Book of Knowledge - The Keys of Enoch (The Academy For Future Science, 1977), by J.J. Hurtak (another book that requires copious amounts of self-medicating), we have the ability to tap into something called the Axial System - an energetic set of lines and points on all human bodies that can assist us with many things. Key 317 goes on to explain that, once humanity can learn to tap into this system, we can move forward into something called Medical Astronomy or Super Science. The main intent of this process (by tapping into this system) is to aid us in finding our true life or soul path, spiritual and physical evolution and stepping forward into our perfect blueprint of health. Today we call this ‘The Reconnection®’. After my own personal Reconnection® was completed in February 2008, I had roughly six weeks before the ‘Powers That Be’ unceremoniously dropped me on my current path. For some people it happens that fast. For others it takes more time. I know I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be, helping and working with the people I’m supposed to work with and loving it. It’s amazing to watch my clients grow and change with me. It’s anyone’s guess where all this will lead but I’m looking forward to the ride. I’ve strapped on my spiritual Jet-Pack, applied the required safety goggles, my seat is in the forward and upright position and ready to go supernova! Bring it on! Prairie Meadow © Karen Bishop —

by Chandelle MacMillan Reconnective Healing Practitioner®

Chandelle MacMillan is a Certified Practitioner, Practitioner Mentor/Teaching Assistant in training with The Reconnection®. Visit or contact her at 780-237-1401. Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It is intended to supplement your current health program and not to replace the care of a doctor. For diagnosis or treatment of any disease please consult a licensed physician.

So what if you could do something, make a choice to start your own acceleration or jump-start your own evolutionary self? Voila! The personal Reconnection®! Completed in two sessions, on consecutive days, your Reconnective® Practitioner energetically reconnects your body back to the Universe and Mother Earth, on a much higher level. You’re all hooked up and ready to go! No tune-ups, no maintenance! It’s permanent.


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Deep cleansing with Colon Hydrotherapy by Norma Hope Certified Colon Hydrotherapist It’s a medical fact that 90% of all diseases are caused by toxins in the body.

which is why my cleansing (to get the layers of old waste off the walls of the colon) took 14 sessions over time. I had no idea that old mucoid, greyish-black, tarry stuff was in there until I saw it come out during the colon hydrotherapy sessions (as you can too).

Toxin and waste accumulation in the body happens gradually over time and are caused by two main factors: stress and dehydration. The most effective way to deal with these toxins is regular cleansing. There’s just no quick fix for what took years to accumulate. What occurred in layers also needs to be released in layers.

The Star © Roxi Sims —

And stored toxins aren’t just physical - there is an emotional component too. Therefore each time you cleanse, you go deeper and experience a different reconnection to yourself. Your physical body gets cleansed but so do the emotions and traumas you’ve stored too. The belly tightens automatically without you even realizing it when you’re not seen and heard or triggered otherwise. It started in childhood for all of us; that little belly tightens when a parent said something like: “Don’t be silly” or “Don’t be stupid.” This isn’t about bashing mom or dad as none of us had perfect parents, nor are we perfect. This is about reacquainting you with the real you, in your body, that you separated from as a child. Even being told: “That doesn’t hurt; you’re okay” when you fell and scraped your knee, made your little belly tighten because in that moment you weren’t okay and it did hurt. Having your feelings validated in the moment allows the belly and other places in the body (like shoulders or neck) to stay loose and therefore open. This constant internal tightening in the body was an unconscious survival technique that happened automatically in each of us as children and it still happens but now that we are adults, it is time to reconnect, acknowledge and unwind those traumas being held all these years. Unwinding tight places through cleansing with colon hydrotherapy and lymph therapy is a process that is both gentle and successful. Being the youngest of six, I didn’t get heard and seen often. My belly was an old wounded place.


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My belly was and is still my bodyguard. It will tighten when I am triggered by something or someone but now I feel it immediately. Just acknowledging what it is and how I am feeling allows the tightening to let go in that moment or not happen fully. The inner child is being heard in the moment now. One of the reasons I can ‘feel’ my belly is because of all the cleansing I’ve done to help it become soft and open again. Cleansing uncovers the real you. Your body feels like it’s yours again because you’re really connected to yourself once again instead of just being in your head.



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Each of us tightens somewhere in our body when we are under stress. Shame, grief and other genuine feelings you have (but can’t or don’t express in the moment) are the cause of the tightening very deeply in the belly. What you feel in your body is your truth NOT what your mind ‘thinks’ you feel. Emotional tightening happens unconsciously, automatically, in a millisecond and can take hours or days to undo just from one event, let alone years of it. Tighten your fist over and over and over again and you will get an idea of how your colon feels after years of physically and emotionally ‘feeling’ everything that you didn’t feel or acknowledge. This is why it will take time to cleanse - to relax and rehydrate. It also requires trust to relax enough to even be able to let go of the deeply layered places (those tight little vulnerable kid places inside). That really old stuff, both physically and emotionally, needs water and time to unwind.

It is primarily ‘tightening’ that traps fecal matter and the toxins from that matter in the colon. Removing this matter is only achieved well and fully by saturating the area gently with water over and over again during colon hydrotherapy. Over time the deeper levels are saturated also to achieve absolute cleansing. This cleansing rids the body of 90% of all symptoms like constipation, fatigue, skin problems, sinus issues, back pain and many more including an emptier, flatter soft belly that feels like it is yours again. Deep emotional holding is allowed to surface and let go as the layers are removed (memories of events unconsciously held as a child). I used to drink three litres of water a day for years and do herbal kits for cleansing. I got short term relief. After doing consecutive Colon Hydrotherapy and regular Lymph Therapy, I have excellent flow in my physical and emotional body. It opened me up to the real me so I could heal truly. I got ‘all of me’ back including my giggle and sense of well-being.

The bad news is just drinking water is not going to hydrate the body or colon enough to remove the layers of dehydrated waste off the walls nor is taking herbs. The good news is water is still the best medicine but the colon needs to receive it directly.

And let’s be honest - there is no better feeling in the world than a complete, satisfying bowel movement. Or when you feel totally empty yet fulfilled and at peace. Unwinding and letting go is what I do, what I teach and how I live.

Picture the job that a glass of water has. As you drink this water it has to travel a minimum of at least 29 feet inside your body to even get to the colon.

Norma Hope is a Certified Colon Hydrotherapist, Lymph Drainage Therapist, NeuroAcoustic Sound Therapist, Certified Natural Health Practitioner of Micro Current Therapy and more. Call 780-477-1100,

Before it even gets to your colon (which is the primary location of all toxicity in the body) the water you drank is used by the stomach, small intestine, liver, lymph, kidneys, muscles and other organs and tissues. And after 29 feet of all that you still have more than five feet of colon to saturate. Eight glasses of water a day can’t possibly hydrate years and years of dehydrated waste stuck on the walls.

Note:This information is for educational purposes only. It is intended to supplement your current health program and not to replace the care of a doctor. For diagnosis or treatment of any disease please consult a licensed physician.

Drinking that same glass of water or eating food while running out the door or when in a stressful situation, makes the absorption factor of fluid and nutrients next to nil because your body is tight, making passageways smaller, contracted, shut down. It’s like a garden hose that is all twisted up or your tight fist; nothing is moving or very little. Putting water in at the source by doing consecutive colon hydrotherapy sessions does hydrate enough and is soothing when done professionally, at your body’s own pace, with a personalized protocol. Combining it with Lymph Therapy moves you and your body effortlessly together into a deeper, more relaxed state than you have ever experienced before, allowing the body to really let go at the deeper levels. You don’t know how ‘uptight’ your body is until its not. The healthy transit time for food from mouth to bowel movement is 18-24 hours; liquids slightly less. Stress or emotions not validated (heard) over time affect this and the whole body. Stress will even destroy the adrenal organ’s efficiency which is responsible for blood sugar balancing, peristalsis of the colon muscles and much more. This is where weight gain starts too. Cleansing gets you whole again - in total communication with your body. It gives you awareness of what is really happening on the inside so you can truly let go at deeper and deeper levels of both physical and emotional wastes.

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There is a divine time for everything by Youmashni Naidoo Life Coach In the Hindu culture a life chart is composed when a person is born. It contains a general understanding of your life’s path. The life chart is formed from special information derived according to the time and date you came into the world. Your name is also derived from this life chart or astrology. When I was 16-years-old I went to South Africa with my Mom for a holiday to visit family. While we were there we went to see a Hindu Brahman (Hindu priest) at the family temple. After the priest did his prayers and blessings, he opened a book to tell me information about myself according to my birth chart. This was fascinating and strange all at the same time.

As the Brahman was intensely reading his book, I was quietly and anxiously waiting for some amazing information about my life. After a few minutes (which seemed like an eternity) the Brahman looked at me very nonchalantly, nodding his head, and said to me: “You will become a healer in this life time - good, good.” Then he shut his book. “That’s it,” I thought! “That’s all!” I wanted to hear something else. This was not me. I was no healer! I was convinced that he made a mistake and was talking about someone else. I didn’t know anything about healing and the very thought of needles and blood made me queasy. I could never see myself as a nurse or a doctor and, besides all that, I was terrible at science. He was wrong! I knew what I was going to be - the most amazing journalist and it didn’t matter what he said was in the stars for me. After that incident I never gave his information another thought. I carried on with life and my dreams. I pursued journalism but, to my surprise, I didn’t feel passionate about any of it and never once felt: “This is me; this is my calling.” In fact the fire dwindled inside of me so fast, making me feel lost and wanting to give up. I couldn’t understand how I could have been so sure and fixed on something that was not right or true for me.

August © Oksana Zhelisko —

During this time my parents opened up a café (Block 1912) on Whyte Avenue in Edmonton and needed my sister and I to help them. In the beginning it was fun, new and exciting. However as the years passed the café was like my prison. I felt like it was holding me back from whatever it was that I was ‘suppose’ to really be doing with my life. When we sold the business, I felt so free. FINALLY, I could now begin my life. I decided to study Life Coaching, something I


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was really passionate about, and began my own business. I coached clients individually (one on one) and ran workshops for the public. I felt like Life Coaching was my true calling. The more I did it, the more I loved it. Really listening to people and giving them the opportunity to be heard is one of the best parts for me. I often find that when I give someone the opportunity to talk about their issue and help guide them through the maze (that has been created in their mind), something wonderful happens - they have these amazing insights and breakthroughs about what they need to do next. Coaching is really about empowering people to figure out their own truth. There is no set structure to follow, because no two people are the same. When clients have an ‘aha’ moment it is so gratifying because I know I’ve made a difference in their life. Soon I found myself wanting to help my clients even more, to incorporate other therapies into my business that could help them change easier. I started with NeuroLinguistics Programming which uses language to help change perspectives. Next I learned Theta Healing and added that to the end of each counselling session to help the client be able to shift their energy. I utilized Reiki and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) in the same way. When a client was very stuck I would have them do the EFT tapping techniques to break their patterns. I’ve loved empowering my clients with these other modalities. As I developed my own business, I’ve come to realize that working at the café really did prepare me in so many ways for my coaching career. I grew and learned so much about myself and dealing with a variety of different people, attaining interpersonal skills far beyond any school could teach me. I now realize that while I was waiting to experience the ‘real world’, my experiences were real. I had this notion that my life was ‘on hold’ because I was not where I really wanted to be… but looking back, I was exactly where I needed to be.

best of both worlds and have my holistic office within the same building as the restaurant. Now I’ll get to do the two things I really love: work with my family and still run my coaching business. Who says you can’t have it all because I know YOU CAN! It is just a matter of understanding that everything happens for a reason in its own divine time. Needless to say that the Brahman was correct about my life’s path - I am a healer. When I first took Life Coaching, I didn’t think of myself as a ‘healer’. But as time goes by and I help so many people change their lives, my definition of healer has changed. Then with the addition of all my other training (Neuro-Linguistics Programming, Theta Healing, Reiki and Emotional Freedom Technique), I’m starting to feel pretty confident that there’s a strong healer emerging in me. And it isn’t ending here. This summer, I will be going to India to study Ayurvedic Therapy (ancient Indian naturopathic therapy). This has been a dream of mine for a long time now and soon it will become a reality! Ayurveda is a strong part of my heritage and it is something I am deeply connected to. Adding these skills to my other therapies will enable me to help even more people, doing what I love to do - be a healer. Youmashni is a Life Coach who offers one-on-one coaching and also transformational workshops. For more information please visit or call her at 780-468-1212.

When I had worked with my family in the café, I secretly longed to be in a business environment where I would be part of the ‘real business’ world. I wanted hierarchy and policies and memos. Ironically, later when I did some work in the corporate world (with my coaching), these were all of the things that I didn’t like. One day as I listened to a colleague tell me about some rules and regulations that made no sense at all to me, I found myself longing for the simpler and more soulful environment of my parent’s café and of working with people in my one-on-one coaching sessions or small workshop settings. But amazingly, now my life has come around full circle. My parents are opening up an Indian restaurant just off Whyte Avenue (Narayanni’s) and again need my help - but this time I’m very excited to be working with them. I feel so blessed to have such a strong bond with my family, something very important to me. Older and wiser, I’m going to enjoy my family business this time around! And the really wonderful thing is that I’m not going to give anything up to do it. Instead I’m going to have the

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The Rosicrucian Order, AMORC The Rosicrucian Order, Ancient and Mystical Order of the Rose Cross (AMORC), is an organization that has its roots in the ancient mystical schools of the Essenes. Although originally an oral tradition, in relatively recent times, the knowledge of these ancient teachings has been organized into a system of home study for personal improvement. The Rosicrucian system is unique - rather than focusing on one area, it provides an eclectic foundation in many different aspects of metaphysical study and demonstrates their interconnectedness. This is done through a series of weekly lessons called monographs that deal with concepts and provide opportunity for practical application during the week. The lessons can be studied in written format or are available on-line. According to our knowledge it is the only system that deals with the understanding of natural laws that govern all realms physical, mental, emotional, psychic and spiritual. Applying this knowledge can lead to true prosperity and peace of mind. This study of higher wisdom can empower you to find answers to questions about the workings of the Universe, the interconnectedness of all life and help you to unfold your higher purpose in this lifetime. Much of the teachings cannot be found anywhere else. If you have spent many years studying metaphysics, you will find that the Rosicrucian system organizes this information in a comprehensive way and the applications and experiments act as unique catalysts for developing skills and accomplishments. It all takes on a higher dimension of meaning when identified in the context of a powerful wholeness and unification.

additional resources and readings in each area of study allow for individual interests to be developed as well. The Rosicrucian Order is not a religion and does not demand a specific code of belief and conduct. Students come from a variety of backgrounds and cultures. Becoming a Rosicrucian does not require you to leave your church or current group, for the studies will only enhance the knowledge of what you already know.

untitled © Monika Dery —

by Eva Nolan

It is an initiatic tradition, that goes beyond the weekly basic lessons. Students pass through various degrees, rituals, ceremonies, exercises and demonstrations that add to the knowledge and selfdevelopment. Part of the opportunities and initiations can be provided in formal settings like lodges and temples. Others are done in a home study area called a sanctum, a sacred space set aside for sacred teachings. It is also a Fraternal Order where the support of a brotherhood is provided in a local group (such as our local Pronaos). Private meetings are organized for members as well as public lectures for interested people.

For our local body, The Northern Light Pronaos, we have a free public meeting, Harmonization, which is a Peace Meditation for the world. It is held at 8:30 p.m. on the first Monday of every month in our rental facility at 9119 - 128A Avenue in Edmonton. Our first major public event, The Rosicrucian Peace Ceremony followed by a Labyrinth Walk, will be held on June 20, 2010 at City Hall from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. For more information go to and to learn more on the Order, the local group or the public lectures, call 780-473-9251 or Application for membership can be made on-line.

This theme of holistic learning is called ‘Self Mastery’ by Rosicrucian students. Self Mastery means learning to chart one’s own course in life. The teachings are not based on the ideas of one individual. They have been developed over the centuries by the combined efforts of many great minds and have been incorporated into basic lessons of immediate usefulness. The lessons are structured in a sequential system to provide a safe, gradual development of your natural psychic and spiritual abilities. Students are encouraged to be openminded, questioning and to test the values of the principles through daily practice, exercises and experiments. Suggested


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Skye’s View

Welcome to the Chinese Year of the Tiger by Skye MacLachlan Feng Shui Consultant The Chinese New Year begins on February 14 and we welcome the Metal Tiger. In the Tiger year we will feel more energized and dynamic. Many will be motivated to overcome bad habits and achieve goals that have challenged us in the past. There’s also great romantic potential; some may meet and even marry their great love this year. There will be medical breakthroughs and the world will begin to crawl slowly forward towards economic recovery in the latter half of 2010. Unfortunately, the year also offers challenges. Personal and global conflicts will escalate. There will be more accidents (including vehicle), man-made disasters, trade wars and natural disasters. We must practice peace, forgiveness and patience in our own lives. This year we are all impacted by a very challenging accident star so stay calm and centered when driving (don’t speed or tailgate).

Fredrick © Crystal Driedger

Here’s a look at the luck of each Chinese astrological animal for the year ahead. I’ve also noted the months which are more challenging for each animal. Tiger: You will experience lots of change. New opportunities will present themselves. Stay focused and calm. Much can be accomplished this year. Challenging months: April, June, July and December. Rabbit / Hare: This will be a beneficial year for male rabbits and more challenging for females. It’ll be busy and chaotic; the perfect year for you to get more organized! Challenging months: April, July and December.

Horse: Your luck will improve in the second half of the year. You have a busy year ahead. Take time to educate yourself in an area that intrigues you. Challenging months: February, March, and July. Goat / Sheep: Work hard and this will be an excellent year. Career and money will be very positive. Challenging months: June, August, October and November. Monkey: A difficult year! Be flexible and willing to make changes in your life. Take care of your health and develop positive life style changes. Challenging months: February, May, June, August, December and January, 2011. Rooster: A very good year overall. Good career and money prospects. Get lots of rest, exercise and eat a balanced diet. Challenging months: May, June and December. Dog: Lots of ups and downs. Pay special attention to your health. This will be a lonely year for many dogs. Challenging months: February, April, June, September, October and January 2011. Pig / Boar: Lots of ups and downs this year. Don’t take risks and keep a positive attitude. Be careful when signing contracts. Be tolerant of others. Challenging months: April, May, June, August, September, October, December and January 2011. Rat: Great overall year! Work hard and you will attract money luck. Be flexible and willing to make changes in your life. Challenging Months: February, July, September, October and December. Ox: Stay calm and don’t take risks. Be conservative with your spending habits. You may encounter obstacles and pressures this year. Get plenty of rest and eat healthy. Challenging months: March, May, July, October and November. May you be blessed with peace, joy, good health and abundance in the year of the Tiger. Skye has specialized in Feng Shui for the home and business for 30 years. She teaches Feng Shui, Tarot, Dreamwork and Gem Therapy at the Northern Star College of Mystical Studies in Edmonton.

Dragon: Lots of ups and downs, though more good than bad. You need to rest and generally take care of yourself as the year will be hard on your nervous system. Challenging months: March, June, August and December. Snake: The female snake has better luck than the male this year. There’s the potential for conflict and stress in your relationships. Try to focus on the positive in those around you. Challenging months: April, May, July, September and November.

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Esoteric Explorations

An astrological perspective for 2010 by Catherine Potter Astrologer and Hypnotherapist The purpose of a yearly forecast is twofold. The first is to give an overview of upcoming planetary cycles and the second is to look at the variety of choices that comes up within any given cycle. We are in a period of incredible change where we are being asked to use what is valuable from our personal and collective past, let go of old outdated systems and values that don’t serve us any longer and embrace a global vision that supports a fair, just world for all. Integrate the understanding of interconnectedness into your daily life and together we will navigate through a powerful transition time for the Earth and all her life forms with greater ease.

In 2010 through to 2012 we will continue to figure out what works economically, environmentally, politically and spiritually and what doesn’t. Everyone is learning how to adjust to the concept of a global family. These are ideas that get thrown around all the time but the living of them brings up internal conflicts that we didn’t even realize were there. Being stretched beyond your comfort zone is more comfortable after you’ve adjusted to it. Similar to when an individual has made a breakthrough, when we go back and try to make things work in an old way, it doesn’t fit and yet the new way is in its infancy stage. Imagine a baby learning to walk. Those first few steps are unstable. They plop back down on their bottom to stabilize themselves again. But before long their desire to explore new territory has them getting back up until eventually they find balance and soon walk, then run. Globally the pace will look like this: chaos/breakdown ¨ evaluation ¨ breakthrough/chaos ¨ adjustment ¨ re-evaluation ¨ more balanced breakthrough. This isn’t new. We’ve been watching it unfold over the past several years. The difference now is we know there is no going back. No matter what is going on in your personal life this big picture affects everyone.

untitled © Denise Lefebvre —

Make a commitment this year to make choices that support your and others wellbeing and we will move through this dynamic transition period stronger, clearer and connected. Be actively engaged. Don’t go numb and allow leaders (political or spiritual) to set the course of your future without your input. PARTICIPATE in whatever manner suits you. We all have gifts to offer and therefore have some way to be involved.


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In the past many of you came to my astrological talks for the New Year. I would like to start a new tradition. This year I would like to use this article as a fundraiser for the people in Haiti. If you pop into Northern Star College (#209, 10715 - 124 Street) on Tuesday, February 9th between 9:00 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. and make a donation (even a dollar counts), you can have a cup of tea, a cookie or two and pick up the rest of the article which features a mini forecast for the signs. Let’s pass along love and abundance.

2010 PLANETARY RETROGRADES For those of you with a little more astrological experience, the following is a list of planetary retrograde periods and eclipse dates in 2010. MERCURY:

April 17 - May 11 August 20 - September 12 December 10 - December 30


October 8 - November 18


Goes direct March 10


July 23 - November 18


January 13 - May 30


July 5 - December 5


May 31 - November 7


April 6 - September 13

An Astrologer since 1986, Catherine is also a Hypnotherapist and Meditation instructor. She brings her unique counseling and teaching style to The Northern Star College of Mystical Studies. Call 780-4473667or visit

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Sharing moments of life with Harald

by Elizabeth Pawluk I was privileged to share in the most loving experience of a friend’s terminal illness and death.

Distance Between A Man And A Woman © Aynsley Nisbet —

I had previously been merely a casual acquaintance of Harald. However, as his imminent departure grew near, our lives became integrally woven in an exclusive, delicate web of tenderness and love. It became vital to each of us that we see each other every day. He could not understand what I was gaining from our time together. I assured him that this beautiful gift of love was a mutually shared experience that my life was transformed, my gain immeasurable. Throughout the 4½ weeks I spent daily at Harald’s bedside, I became aware of a need far greater than my own and I allowed the Universe to guide me. I’d been taking a Holistic Counselling class at the time and was learning how important the simple act of listening was. Finding someone who will really listen to another’s words, thoughts and feelings is a rare commodity in this fast paced hectic world. And finding someone who will


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listen without giving their advice is even more rare. Each of us does, after all, have a story to tell that we’d ideally enjoy sharing with a trusted ear and heart. During the enfolding hours and days of our togetherness, Harald’s need was always to be heard, to be felt and to pull away the curtain, the façade that exists amongst much of humanity. He was able, finally, at his ‘last’ to express the softness of his soul, with no pretenses. He always felt safe with me and knew he could trust me completely. His numerous friends would come around daily and I would watch him rise to his manliness, to pull on all his strength, emotional and physical, in the presence of his long time mates. And once they’d gone, he would exhale and quietly settle so trustingly into my presence. We often shared the beautiful silence of intimacy, a positive form of self-communication and the medium through which heartbeats are heard.

Even in his final stages of life he had much to say, and much yet to give - the gift most treasured, the gift of one’s self. He wasn’t demanding and self-centered as many are or would be in a similar position. He was truly inspiring. I thought it natural he would want to talk about his approaching death and had to rely on my senses to guide me as to whether or not the subject was approachable. He told me how he had called a friend one evening while he was feeling very low and was quite frustrated that she talked continuously of the ‘life after death experience’. He said he didn’t want to hear all that - he just wanted someone to hold his hand, to hear his heart… A volunteer, Geoff, who had befriended Harald months earlier when he first arrived in the hospice, told me how Harald had undergone a metamorphosis once I came into his life there. Whereas he was previously almost dictatorial, he was now gentle. He’d come to know his own tender, feminine nature through me. Geoff felt it was the reason that Harald ‘came back’.

When I initially began spending time at his bedside he was mostly unconscious. I felt compelled to merely sit there quietly holding his hand. Days later, when he was fully conscious, he told me that he’d been in a dark tunnel all alone and that from the moment I touched his hand and remained holding it, he felt someone was with him and he was no longer afraid.

It was the one thing Harald had left to experience. The Universe drew me to his side to help him in his need to become complete - to be able to feel and express his tenderness, the part of him that had remained subdued for most of his life.

My mere touch and presence deemed sufficient to beckon him to return, knowing that someone did care enough to simply be with him in his hour of darkness, staying close, holding his hand, sending loving energy to his soul.

I felt completely privileged and honored to have been chosen for this experience. Our birth and our death are so closely interwoven, each requiring nurturing and tender preparation for the new life approaching. My giving had to be selfless, my listening could only be with my heart and any word and expressions offered, solely of love.

So he returned to life, to a new experience of love. It’s quite inspiring that a man of 67 years lying quite literally in his death bed, terminally ill with devastating cancer, knowing his days were numbered and not numerous, should discover a new love - obviously one not previously experienced.

Love is the extending of oneself for the good of another. And the rewards that come to those who love are transformational. Who benefits the most? I think we both do.

He felt the love flowing purely between us and appreciated it deeply. He asked that I be there with him in his ‘final hour’.

Elizabeth’s passions include astrology (2008 Graduate of Northern Star College), designing beautiful jewelry with therapeutic gemstones and exploring the world with her loving husband.

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Mosaic’s Directory of Services


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Mosaic’s Directory of Services

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Mosaic’s Directory of Services


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Mosaic’s Marketplace ACUPUNCTURE


ACUPUNCTURE & TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE - Let the wisdom behind 5,000 years of proven healing techniques help you overcome your health issues once and for all. Call Acu-Health & Wellness at 780-907-7571 or visit

SACRED STONES Personal Growth Jewelry - Need more inner strength or love? Help with abundance, negativity or breaking old patterns? These unique gemstone crystal bracelets are designed to help you transform aspects of your life. Sacred Stones bracelets come with a researched keepsake card that explains the exact issues and person it can help. Sacred Stones bracelets go through a special cleansing/blessing process and are associated with a sacred Spirit Helper (goddess, god, angel, fairy or animal) with mystical abilities. Special orders are also available. See our Sacred Stones ad on page 2 for store locations or email to get the right one for you. Check out our website at to learn MORE about how these amulets can help you.

ANGELS CONNECTING WITH THE ANGELS - Spend the day in the loving energy of the angels. You will have the opportunity to connect with and received messages from the angels using various techniques. You will also practice receiving and giving messages to others. For upcoming dates contact Maureen Bracke, Angel Therapy Practitioner® trained and certified by Dr. Doreen Virtue, 780-479-5011,

EDUCATIONAL TRAINING ART AFFORDABLE, ECLECTIC, UNIQUE ARTWORK for home or office. Rent or purchase from a large range of batik, canvas or styrofoam paintings. Contact Monika Dery at or FOUR WINDS ART GLASS - Go ahead. Forget time. Build a rainbow, create a mandala. Enjoy the luminescent beauty of Stained Glass and create your own piece of personal color therapy. Learn Stained Glass! Small class sizes, nothing extra to buy. Call to register: 780-432-4331, toll free 1-877-432-4331. Class info at Newly renovated studio gallery and store at 10050 - 81 Avenue NW, Edmonton, featuring a great selection of the newest stained glass, fusing and mosaic supplies. ASTROLOGY CATHERINE POTTER’S ASTROLOGICAL FORECAST for 2010 is now available for you to read on-line. Go to and click the ‘Newsletter/Ezine’ tab. Catherine is also featuring mini astrological forecasts each month in Mosaic’s Newsletter that comes to your inbox. Sign up today at Mosaic website, SAMANTHA KANE-KENNEDY is a Professional Astrologer with 40 years experience. Her caring in-depth consultations instill a deep sense of peace, turn complexity into simplicity and make the impossible possible by understanding that unique mystery … the tapestry of your soul!,, 250382-8443. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WORK FROM HOME and be your own boss. No parties, inventory or RISK. Visit - Karen Urusky. COACHING SOUL COACHING PROGRAM - This six week program, including the 28 Day Program to Discover your Authentic Self, will take you on a spiritual journey to find meaning and sacredness in your everyday life. You will take an honest look at yourself, face fear, release old negative patterns, get motivated and step boldly and joyfully into your future. Contact Maureen Bracke, Certified Soul Coach, at 780-479-5011.


Mosaic Magazine — Spring 2010

BECOME AN AYURVEDA SPA SPECIALIST - Learn Indian Head Massage, Ayurveda Facials, East Indian Abhyanga massage, Chakra and Crystal Aura clearings and Indian hand and foot treatments. Join us in Red Deer and Lethbridge in February for private training or in Toronto in March. Also in April in Lethbridge is Yoga Teacher Training at Yoga Rituals Studio. Contact Andrea Olivera at or call 416-504-6049 or 403320-0290. See more details at HEALING & HEALTH FORT MCMURRAY’S ananda center for balance is now open! Services include relaxation and pregnancy massage, reiki, yoga and laughter yoga. For more information, please check out:; or call Heather at 780-747-3857. MUNAY-KI NINE RITES of Inca origin. Evening weekly classes over six weeks. Life changing. Learn more: Contact Bea at, 780-651-6412. MEDITATION RAJA YOGA MEDITATION classes in association with the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization. Free as a community service. Day and evening classes. Information: 780-425-1050, MOSAIC MAGAZINE DO YOU WANT MOSAIC MAGAZINE available at your office or event? Get bulk amounts of Mosaic Magazine to give to your clients at the following locations: ASCENDANT BOOKS (10310 124 St), A SENSE OF SERENITY (10342 - 81 Ave), CRIMSON QUILL (8 Perron St, St. Albert), LIFEFORCE (101 Signal Rd, Fort McMurray), NAMASTE (#216, 2016 Sherwood Dr, Sherwood Park) and WHERE FAERIES LIVE (10991A - 124 St). GET MORE MOSAIC ON-LINE by signing up for our ezine newsletter that features MORE mind, body and spirit information, not available in the magazine. Featuring unique articles, details about our monthly Mosaic Delicious Book Club Dinners and Catherine Potter’s monthly Astrological Forecasts. Go to and sign up today! While you’re there, post a comment telling us what you LOVE about Mosaic for your chance to WIN free tickets to upcoming big events. We’d love to hear from you!



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REIKI FEELING ACHY? TIME FOR REIKI! Helping everything from aches and pains to depression and severe illness, Reiki transmits incredible healing energy to the body, mind and spirit. Our Reiki Practitioner, Marina, has a demonstrated track record for getting amazing results for her clients. She offers both personal healing Reiki sessions and distant healing sessions. Call Acu-Health & Wellness at 780907-7571 or visit

DANCE PERCUSSION STUDIO at 7252 - 101 Avenue, Edmonton, has space available for meetings, movement, workshops, practice and teaching. Reasonable rates in a functional and inspiring environment. Contact Srutika at 780-485-2515, 780-4334752 or email at RIVER LODGE - a quiet, serene and peaceful Retreat Centre! Are you looking for a unique environment for your retreat? River Lodge is located just SW of Edmonton outside of the urban city lights, nestled on the bank of the North Saskatchewan River with abundance of natural surroundings. or 780-963-3873.

HEALING FROM THE HEART - Reiki Master, Channeler, Card Reader and Dowser. Healing of mind, body, spirit. Call Roxy: 780-424-6120. LEARN AND EXPERIENCE the beautiful healing energy of Reiki with Myles Corbett. Classes offered through the winter. Contact Myles at or

Myles Corbett Reiki Master Teacher

SPACIOUS ROOMS FOR LEASE in newly renovated office space. Main floor location in beautiful downtown St. Albert. Call Rosa today at 780-460-8881.

SPIRITUAL GROUPS & SERVICES LOOKING FOR REIKI in Fort McMurray? Reiki treatments available. Call Marianne at 780-790-2024. NATURE SPIRITS REIKI WORKSHOPS at Where Faeries Live and in St. Albert. Healing of all that is of nature. Contact Bea at, 780-651-6412. REIKI CLASSES, ALL LEVELS - Powerful lifetime benefits for self, others and companion animals. Classes at LeSoleil Health and Wholeness, 9353 - 50 Street and in St. Albert. Contact Bea at, 780-651-6412, REIKI SESSIONS at Creation of a New Dawn, 10828 - 124 Street, Edmonton with Bea at, 780-651-6412. RENTAL SPACE BEAUTIFUL HOLISTIC SPIRIT SPA in South Edmonton has rooms available daily, weekly and monthly. Fun yet kind and caring atmosphere. Reasonable rates. For more information contact Garrette at

LIFE ENRICHMENT SUNDAYS - Consciousness of Oneness celebrations with jubilant music and Science of Belief lessons at 11:00 a.m. In the natural light filled auditorium at 4936 - 87 Street with teacher/coach Jaclyn Darby. A joyful way to raise and maintain your total well being consciousness. Also customized wedding ceremonies. On the web: Phone: 780-462-4491. UNITY CHURCH OF EDMONTON - We provide the nurturing environment; Divinity within provides the infinite opportunity. Sunday gatherings: 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. at 13820 - 109A Avenue. Go to, email or call 780-913-6466 for more information about classes, concerts, movies, workshops and so much more. Theme for 2010: Realizing Wholeness; Transforming Lives. Are you ready? YOGA LOOKING FOR YOGA in Fort McMurray? Private and small yoga classes available with certified instructor. Call Marianne at 780790-2024.

Mosaic’s Calendar of Events FEBRUARY 11, MARCH 11 or APRIL 8


Change Your Story Change Your Life - There comes a time when you realize you are tired of your story and how your life is playing out. You want to live a different story. Is this your time? If it is, join Life Coach Mary Johnson and begin to rewrite your story and your life. Three hour workshops, Center 51 West, $69.00. Contact Mary at 780-481-6483 or email

Intentional Living - “How will you live your one wild and precious life?” (Mary Oliver) Learn the steps of living intentionally. Join Life Coach Mary Johnson in a three hour workshop and take your life off hold. Center 51 West, $69.00. Contact Mary at 780-481-6483 or e-mail

FEBRUARY 27 & 28 FEBRUARY 15 Mosaic’s Delicious Book Club Dinner - Join us at Narayanni’s Restaurant, 10131 - 81 Avenue, Edmonton at 6:00 p.m. on MONDAY, February 15 to talk about Don Miguel Ruiz and Don Jose Ruiz’s The Fifth Agreement (Amber-Allen Publishing, 2010). Email if you can come. Want to keep informed about other upcoming book club dinners? Go to, sign up for our ezine/newsletter and you’ll get regular email updates about upcoming book choices and restaurants. Hope to see you there!

Basic Shamanic Workshop from the Foundation for Shamanic Studies on February 27-28. Contact Myles at 780-222-7671 or

FEBRUARY 28 Relationship and Compatibility Class with Arone Eldan, BA, CHT - Learn the secrets of the ancient and proven Kabalic system of how to choose your personal and business relationships. Call Janel: 780-289-8737.

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Calendar continued from page 35 MARCH 5 - 7

MAY 8 & 9

Master Equine & Self Healing with LAODAS-WAY Programs: MARCH 5-7: Alchemy of the Horse - a 2.5 day energy healing workshop for horses. MAY 2010: Laodas-Way College of Equine Kinetics - Registration now open for this Practitioner Program. Also, Non-Invasive Chiropractics & Horse Herbal Master - clinics held once a year (check web page for listing). Human Applied Kinesiology - two 2.5 day clinics in APRIL (Saskatchewan class) and JUNE 2010 (Alberta class). Also White Buffalo Calf Woman Retreat coming in August 2010. See class outlines ONLINE., 780-621-0765, Alder Flats, AB.

Advanced Workshop - Death, Dying and Beyond from The Foundation for Shamanic Studies on May 8 and 9. Contact Myles at 780-222-7671 or

MARCH 10 Mosaic’s Delicious Book Club Dinner - Join us at our next book club dinner. Details will be in our online ezine.

MARCH 13 Goddess Workshop to Empower Women at the Chateau Louis Hotel (Edmonton). To register and for more information visit

APRIL 9 - 11 Women’s Weekend Retreat, Sylvan Lake. Fun, Sisterhood, Nia, Dance, Meditation, Sharing Circles, Meals, Accommodations. 403-285-5266,

APRIL 14 Mosaic’s Delicious Book Club Dinner - Join us at our next book club dinner. Details will be in our online ezine.

APRIL 24 the women gathering event - Expressionz School of Life, 9938 - 70 Avenue. Workshops, music, art, dance, healing, drumming $45. 780-439-9039,

MAY 1 & 2 Intention Focused Therapy™ (IFT™) Workshop in Edmonton. Information: Register email: or Phone: 780-910-5052.

MAY 14-16 & JUNE 11-13 Become a “CERTIFIED IRIDOLOGIST” - Expand your Career. Learn Comprehensive Wholistic Iridology. “The Eyes have long been known as the Window to the Soul.” Discover how “to see” a wealth of insightful information through iridology. 780-4827978

WEEKLY DANCE PERCUSSION STUDIO at 7252 - 101 Avenue, Edmonton offers a West African DRUM CIRCLE facilitated by master drummer, Bill Mitchell on Tuesdays: 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Cost: $17 drop-in, $14 per session in a 5 week package ($70). Other lessons and courses for children and adults: piano, keyboard, African and Middle Eastern drumming, Marimba, African Dance, Vocal Improvisation, hand and kit drumming. Performance groups require commitment and membership. Contact Srutika at or 780485-2515, 780-433-4752. HEART DANCE - Explore the creative expression in your body through music, themes and art while increasing fitness and self expansion. World music is carefully sequenced for all ages and levels by Srutika Garfinkle and other graduates of Core Connexion Transformational Arts. Wednesdays 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. (except holidays) through May at Westmount Fitness Club, 12840 - 109th Avenue, Edmonton. Cost: $17 drop-in, $14 per session in a 5 week package ($70). Sunday mornings at Dance Percussion Studio will be continued if there is interest. Contact Srutika at or 780-485-2515, 780-433-4752.

MONTHLY CANADIAN SOCIETY OF QUESTERS - Monthly Chapter Meetings in Alberta and BC. Ancient arts of dowsing, divining, questing/seeking and PSI. EDMONTON ASTROLOGICAL SOCIETY meets on the 2nd Friday of every month (except July and August) at 7:30 p.m. at 3880 - 74 Avenue. WOMEN’S DRUMMING & GODDESS CHANTING CIRCLE Every first Wednesday at 7:30 pm, Edmonton. Self-care circle for adult women. Debra: 780-483-7310.

Tell them you saw it in Mosaic!

Calling All Artists

Have your artwork featured in Mosaic. Email


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Artist’s Gallery

My art has been my spirit’s song For as long as I can remember art has always been a part of my life. A self-taught artist, I began drawing my favorite animals (orcas and wolves) at age five. Born in Vancouver, B.C., I’ve always been connected to the ocean and essence of the West Coast. After high school, I studied Anthropology at Grant MacEwan University. It was then that I completely transformed my artistic style to that of a cubist nature and I’m now often compared to artists such as Picasso and Matisse. My studies have continued to influence my images, almost always done in oils. I create abstract designs, with reoccurring shapes and expressive human faces. Of course, not everything has always been so colorful. In 2006, I dropped out of school and wandered down a dark, but necessary path. Even though it was filled with self destructive tendencies and painful grief, it was those events that allowed me to seek the true meaning of life. A year later I came across a book the changed everything. The story of Whale Song (Kunati Inc., 2003), written by one of Edmonton’s best-selling authors, Cheryl Kaye Tardif, contained a message of life and death, ideal for my emotional transformation. It reunited me with my childhood, filling my heart with warm memories of the beautiful B.C. coast and the spirit of the whales. My 5' x 4' painting, ‘Whale Song,’ inspired by the story, is still to this day my favorite and most well known piece.

Whale Song

All images are © Aynsley Nisbet

by Aynsley Nisbet

Today, I’m back at Grant MacEwan University, studying to become a Holistic Health Practitioner. The program itself has been quite the journey and has allowed me understand true self love and to explore multi-dimensional concepts. Themes of cosmic consciousness, astrology and the mind/body/soul connection dominate my current creations. I’ve even started intuitive painting workshops, enabling others to use art as a healing method.

Portrait 3 - Soul

Portrait 2 - Mind

Portrait 1 - Body

Aynsley can be found on MySpace, Facebook and you can see all her works at

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Con Amore

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(Italian) With heart and soul

Learning to embrace my weirdness I’ve always loved fairy tales and myths. As a kid, the fairy tale that captured my heart the most was The Princess and The Pea (by Hans Christian Andersen). While I wasn’t sure how that princess could feel that pea under all those mattresses, I instantly related to how sensitive she was, to her ability to feel and know things that other people just didn’t. And although someone else might think she was weird, I thought she was special. While other princesses were singing with mice and birds, or cleaning up after dwarfs or stepsisters, here was a princess that could do what I could do and was even going to live ‘happily ever after’ for it. I couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to be that princess - to be rewarded for what was different about me. Growing up on a farm in a rural community in northeast Alberta in the 1960’s didn’t expose me to a very cosmopolitan life. No one was celebrating ‘different’ where I came from. Like a chameleon, I tried very hard to fit in so I wouldn’t be noticed for all the wrong reasons. Then as I got older, I just decided it wasn’t worth it to openly share the parts of me that were unique (and maybe a little weird ☺). I was in my late 30’s when I came upon CranioSacral Therapy (CST) and found the kind of magic that existed in fairytales. Whether I was on the bed receiving a CST treatment or the practitioner giving one, this was as close to magic - to different, weird and enchanted - that I’d ever been. It was about being sensitive, feeling energy, listening to intuition and deep inner healing. When Mosaic Magazine came to me, I was so excited to share these magical, transformational and life changing things with everyone else. And although it’s been six years since I took the magazine over, and there’s nothing that I believe in more than self awareness and personal growth/development, I have to confess there were still rare moments when I was visited by that little young farm girl in me who feared being seen as weird for the different things that I believed in. This was surprising to me because I’m absolutely certain of this one thing: that it wasn’t until I started to accept, explore and embrace those unique parts of me (that others might label as weird) that my soul began to awaken and flourish. Whether it was through transformational bodywork like CST,


Mosaic Magazine — Spring 2010

taking other self awareness/energy courses, working with Feng Shui, falling in love with crystals and then creating my own line of transformational gemstone jewelry or writing for and publishing Mosaic, I felt like I had discovered a lost treasure - and that treasure was inside of me. Whatever ‘normal’ was, I just didn’t want it anymore. I had died a little every day when I was normal. Over here… way over here in the land of weird… that’s where the real spice was. ☺ So when Liz Garratt recently asked me (in her Inspired Business Planning Circle) if there was anything holding me back from giving 100% in my business, I guardedly made my ‘weirdness’ confession. But then (as it always does when we share from these deep and vulnerable places) something wonderful happened; I discovered I’m not alone. Each person there had their own version/concern about being different. These were all successful business women who are doing their own thing, their own way, so it shocked, and then delighted me to learn of our kinship. I’d told this big secret and then I found out that EVERYONE has the same secret - the fear of being different, weird or not accepted. Detail from Aqua-Equilibrium © Aynsley Nisbet

by Connie Brisson

In Norse mythology there are the Three Norns also known as the three Fates, The Three Wyrds or the Wyrd Sisters. They appeared just after a child’s birth to determine the course of its life, its destiny. Urd (or Wyrd) looked backwards to the past, Verdandi oversaw the present and Skuld determined the future. I loved this play on words of weird and Wyrd. What if, at the time of our births, some wonderful force (whether it be God, our Higher Self or even the Wyrd Sisters) blesses and bestows upon us an unusual gift of ‘weirdness’ that enables us to heal our past, live with presence in our present and becomes one of our dearest treasures before we die? What if we carried this gift of weirdness throughout our lives, initially as a wound (of raw places not yet understood and accepted) and then later as a coveted trophy (of places conquered and admired)? Yes… What if weird was good?



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Spring 2010 — Mosaic Magazine




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