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Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine 53rd Issue

Live Wide © Cathy McMillan —


Winter’s Rhythm Your Healthy Diet? Crystals & Stained Glass Angels Always With Us Importance of Happiness INOWT Meditation

Network Care Nutrition & Dental Care Recommitment to Health Reconnective Healing® Helpful People Wanted Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Ways to Attract Money Moments & Miracles Journey to Becoming Me Evolution of Astrology Cathy McMillan’s Art Blessed by Grace

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I Love Mosaic Marcel’s face when he first saw me on our wedding day, the way Gabrielle felt in my arms after she was born, seeing a white owl on a fence post on the first Christmas Eve after my brother died, getting that letter from my Mom after she died - each one as spiritual as a prayer. But I’ve also felt just as spiritual in modest moments: while walking in nature, coloring mandalas with Gabrielle, making cabbage rolls for a family dinner, beading gemstones, reading a great book or pruning my petunias. What is spiritual? It’s about bliss. It’s about moments of joy. And the spiritual journey is the journey of discovering who you are, what you want and what brings you to those moments of joy. For some people the journey is about finding God and for others it’s simply about finding themselves.

by Connie Brisson What is spiritual? Spiritual is one of those words that conjures up a variety of images and stereotypes… and it can carry a lot of baggage. When I was a kid growing up in the Catholic religion, Jesus, Mary and angels were the only things I associated with the word ‘spiritual’ and God. And while they’re certainly still part of that for me, my idea about what is spiritual has evolved. On my journey, I’ve come to appreciate powerful deities from many different religions. My home is filled images of Ganesh, Sarasvati, Kali, Kuan Yin, Buddha, Jesus, Mother Mary, Archangel Gabriel, Angels, Isis, Aboriginal Elders and more. As the world gets smaller, we’re seeing that God and spirituality exist in all religions and all cultures. The beauty of it is that while each one is different, the essence is the same in them all. For some people spiritual means you’re either a hippy living out of an old VW or involved in a cult. I think part of being spiritual is our internal need to seek the truth. If we knew all the answers already, no one would search. It is our desire to learn and grow that draws us to new interesting things. However in spirituality, as in everything else, we need to be discerning because there are always extreme ways of being. I remember one workshop I was at years ago where the instructor wanted us to sing John Lennon’s song Imagine each morning before we started. I turned to my friend and said that if green Kool-Aid was served, I’d be leaving.☺ As I age and merge with my inner sage, I see spirituality in a different light, beyond religion and searching for answers in different ideologies, therapies and wisdoms.

And if being spiritual is about finding our joy, then it really isn’t weird or fluffy or a waste of time - it’s nurturing and normal and necessary. And that brings us to this issue of Mosaic because I want it to be a goldmine of ‘spiritual’ nuggets, aha moments and inspiring stories for you. In my ongoing quest to do that, I’ve included a two page survey to help me discover what you love and want to read/learn more about so I can make Mosaic even better than it is. I’ve gathered up some of the most amazing prizes for you to win, all courtesy of the many talented and gifted people we have right here in Edmonton. Go to page 32/33 and see for yourself! Fill it out and mail it in before January 15th so you can enjoy one of the many fabulous prizes! Our next Mosaic’s Delicious Book Club Dinner is at CoCoDi Restaurant, 11454 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 17. While enjoying some delicious Lebanese food, we’ll be talking about: The Barn Dance by James Twyman (Hay House, 2010). Email me at by November 16 if you want to join us. I’d love to buy you dinner at one of our monthly book clubs. Just post a comment on my website,, about what you love about Mosaic (or this issue) and I could be buying you dinner - plus, you’ll get to meet some fabulous new people too! I’ll pick someone new each month. For more information about upcoming book choices and dinner locations, sign up for our free ezine/newsletter on our website. Seasons Greetings and I wish each one of you the very best in 2011. Thank you for making Mosaic a part of your spiritual journey. May it lead you to the people, places and things that will bring you joy. ☺

When I look back at the moments in my life that were precious to me, when I felt that I was blessed, when I felt connected to something far greater than myself, those are the times that were truly spiritual for me. The look on


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Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine Ltd.


Enjoy winter by tuning into its rhythm by Nicola Biggs

#209, 10715 - 124 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5M 0H2


Is your ‘healthy’ diet making you sick? by Tammie Quick

Edmonton: Fax: email: web:

780-447-3667 780-452-2917


by Randy Harvie



Design, Layout & Production Co-ordination


The angels are always with us by Sherry Martini

13 Publisher, Editor, Design & Layout

Our love of crystals and stained glass

Happiness, how important is it? by Steve Hunt


INOWT meditation for self-healing by Summer Bozohora


Network Care improves connections by Dr. Robin Browne

Advertising For advertising information contact Connie Brisson at 780447-3667. Deadline for ads is one month prior to publication dates. Payment is due promptly when ad is booked. Mosaic Web-Site See for information about Mosaic, current rates, ad sizes and distribution locations. Web-site by Earth Spirit Creations Website Design. General Information Mosaic Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine is published four times per year on the 1st of February, May, August and November and is distributed in Alberta. We reserve the right to refuse advertisements, articles or art. Publication of any article, advertisement or art in Mosaic Magazine does not constitute the publisher’s endorsement of (or assumption for) liability for any claims made in the advertisements/advertising information or for the information, views and opinions of the individual article writers.The responsibility/liability for the accuracy of all their claims, statements and information rests entirely with the advertisers and the article contributors themselves. The contents of Mosaic is intended for educational purposes only and not intended to be used or taken as medical advice. Always consult a licensed medical doctor about your health issues. Be responsible and safe. Always research information and service providers found in Mosaic for yourself. Mosaic reserves the right to edit articles for clarity, content or length at the editor’s discretion. No part of this magazine (articles) may be reproduced in any manner without the permission of the publisher. No external flyer inserts allowed. © Mosaic Mind Body and Spirit Magazine Ltd., 2010. Subscription Rates Send cheque for $20.00 (for four issues) payable to Mosaic Magazine with your name, address and phone number. Please indicate which issue you want to start with.


by Laurena Clark


Next Issue: FEBRUARY 1,2011 Deadline: JANUARY 5,2011

My recommitment to healthy choices by Jeff McArthur


Find your flow with Reconnective Healing® by Karen MacMillan


Skye’s View

Helpful people who love cats wanted! by Skye MacLachlan


Your Gut Feeling

How to heal Irritable Bowel Syndrome by Peter Melnychuk


Exploring new ways to attract money by VcToria


Each moment can hold a miracle by Sarah Salter-Kelly


My journey to becoming who I am by Lisa Chater


Esoteric Explorations

The natural evolution of astrology by Catherine Potter


Mosaic’s Reader Survey


Mosaic’s Directory of Services


Mosaic’s Marketplace


Mosaic’s Calendar of Events


Artist’s Gallery

My quirky art, journals and more

COVER ART Artist: Cathy McMillan Title: Live Wide Contact:

Nutrition plays key role in dental health

by Cathy McMillan


Con Amore

I’m blessed by moments of grace by Connie Brisson

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Enjoy winter by tuning into its rhythm by Nicola Biggs Herbalist, Aromatherapist Nature is always our teacher. As winter draws near, one lesson sticks out - how beautiful and critical it is to tune into our own internal rhythms and then get them in sync with nature’s cycles. My staff mate Sara and I just got back from Vermont apprenticing under one of North America’s most renowned herbalists, Rosemary Gladstar. Vermont was brisk, wet and cool - autumn had awakened there and my body, still hanging onto summer here, immediately shifted into that awakening. I noticed my interest in salad and fruit were quickly replaced by desiring warm soups, stews, root vegetables, hot teas and warming whole grain cereals. I wore my wool long-johns

and cozy sweaters and felt absolutely sublime. I was prepared to meet nature’s latest cycle and loved every minute of it. But not everyone was… Some of the others in our group had mentalities and clothes that were still in sync with the warmer climates of southern United States and were ill prepared for Vermont’s shift. Their bodies responded, but not with pleasure. They suffered at night in the winds and rainstorms, and held their bodies tightly as they walked from building to building. They resented the weather and begged for warmer days. Sound familiar? How many times have we snapped back angrily at winter’s aggressive hold on our life? How many of us have cursed the length of our winter season? Yet it doesn’t have to be like this. We can shift our bodies to meet winter, to greet it with our own warmth and even be grateful for its time here - however long that may be ☺. When Rosemary spoke about this, every part of me was open to receive it. “Listen,” she said, “to what your body is telling you. It is ‘Saturn’s season’ and it is a testing time of our strength.” Winter’s grace is quiet. Most living creatures go dormant in winter; our needs are no different. We need to burrow into the warmth of our homes, blankets and fires. It is time to dream, curl up and read about what hooks us deeper into our passions.

Seeking Free Time © Cathy McMillan —

But our schedules dictate differently. At the time when our bodies are telling us to slow down, we actually start speeding up. Our timetables seem to take on a life of their own. We wake up before the sun and our extra curricular activities build to meet the demands of socializing, succeeding, communicating and “staying fit and healthy.” Our bodies and emotions tense up and fight back and often we get sick in the meantime. It is our body pleading for us to slow down, to take refuge in nature’s cycle and to learn from her great wisdom. In order to move at full force in spring, we need to take this time to accumulate our energy reserves and build internal strength. Many people (including myself) often reply: “I don’t know how to slow down” or “I can’t.” Maybe we cannot change our schedules, but we can incorporate winter’s


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wisdom into our daily lives. As nature prepares to go to sleep, it also releases medicines and food that help strengthen us. Autumn’s harvest provides many foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and immune system builders. These include such things as elderberries, rosehips, dandelions, horseradish, Echinacea roots, burdock roots, onions, garlic and more. These herbs are often warming, beneficial to immune system, antibacterial or tonifying to the body. For example, elderberries induce sweating which helps purify our system. It is especially immune enhancing when combined with echinacea. Burdock is super rich in nutrients, a tasty addition to soups and is one of the best liver tonic herbs we have. Dandelion is considered by many as the best tonic herb, period. It has many properties such as restoring health in the body, helping with digestion and is a specific to liver health. Think of how tenacious dandelions are on our lawns, how they never give up and they will not be overtaken. This is the energy we want to bring into our body, especially during such a powerful season such as winter. Staying healthy also includes meeting winter face to face. Move in the winter. Play in her blanket of snow and enjoy the intensity she offers us at this time. Kids do this well. They toboggan, ski or snowshoe and they do it because it’s raw, wild and fun. And those kids don’t come in and ask for salad - they ask for hot cocoa, so enjoy some of that too. We have many more recipes to share with you if you come in to Earth’s Aromatique and ask. But to tide you over until then, here is one of our favorites that contains ingredients you probably have at home. It was given to us by Rosemary and I’m happy now to pass it on to you. It is wonderful when you need some feisty warm energy. FIRE CIDER This is a warming, decongesting tonic and/or medicine that can be taken daily to aid digestion, warm the system and clear the sinuses. It can also be taken in concentrated dosages for sore throats, colds and the flu. I love the flavor and use it in my salads too. 1/4 cup 1/8 cup 1/2 cup 1/4 cup cayenne honey apple cider

freshly grated horseradish chopped garlic chopped onion freshly grated ginger to taste to taste enough to cover all ingredients by 1 - 2"

Grate and chop ingredients. Place in a glass jar and just cover all ingredients with vinegar. Let sit for 4 weeks. Strain. Sweeten to taste with honey. Take 1 tsp. every half hour or as often as needed. Nicola is the co-owner of Earth’s Aromatique, Kolya Day Spa & Optimum Health Vitamins. She’s certified in Herbology, Aromatherapy and Flower Essence Therapy. Reach her at 780-432-7955. Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It’s intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor.

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Is your ‘healthy’ diet making you sick? by Tammie Quick DMH, DHHP

Pomegranate Study © Cindy Revell

The Canada Food guide (to healthy eating) recommends 3-5 servings of bread and cereals, 4-5 servings of fruits and vegetables, 2 servings of dairy (for adults), and 2 servings of meat and alternatives each day. But, Heilkunst physicians believe this is wrong. There is no such thing as a healthy diet which includes grains! Invariably everyone who walks through my door is eating this ‘healthy’ diet staple, yet many of them regain their health just by cutting them out. (Yes, even ‘whole’ grains.) How is that possible? Well, let’s forget for the moment that the food industry is intrinsically linked to the pharmaceutical industry and that both profit greatly by making and keeping the public sick and fat. Instead, let’s look at what happens when we consume grains and sugar (carbohydrates).

Remember the food guide’s recommendation of only two servings of meat each day? Guess how you raise your HDL (good) cholesterol? Animal protein and fat! Guess how you raise your LDL (bad) cholesterol? Carbohydrates! Common sense suggests that the recommendations for meat, and bread/ cereals should (at the very least) be switched.

When carbohydrates are eaten they cause the blood sugar to rapidly increase. In turn, the pancreas secretes insulin which will take the sugar out of the blood and distribute it to the various parts of your body. This process works well for young, healthy individuals but over time your body will lose its ability to respond to the insulin because of your (so called) healthy diet. I joke that it’s similar to a married couple who’ve been together for 25+ years. When they first meet they can’t get enough of each other! However over time, seeing each other several times a day for many years, they simply don’t respond to one another the way they used to.

Four-five servings of fruits and vegetables is fine, except most people don’t like vegetables and will opt for the fruit only. Even though it’s natural sugar, fructose will add to everything that we’ve been talking about here. So I recommend keeping the fruits to only two per day and consuming them with fat and protein. Contrary to what we’ve been told, when you eat fat and protein there is no change to your blood sugar which means: no insulin surge, no inflammation and no fat storage.

Imagine that you’ve just eaten a whole grain bagel and washed it down with coffee. Suddenly your blood sugar is high and your insulin receptor sights won’t let the insulin in - now what? Your body has no choice but to take that excess sugar and store it in fat cells. It isn’t fat that makes you fat, it’s carbs!

Finally, always consume certified organic food whenever possible. This is extremely important with meat, as commercially raised meat will cause the problems we’ve been discussing. Watch the movie Food Inc (Robert Kenner/Alliance Films, 2008) to learn more about food production. For more information on Heilkunst, Homeopathy or German New Medicine, please visit Tammie’s website at or call 780-221-6127. Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It’s intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor.

At the same time, this process is creating inflammation in your body. Research tells us that it is inflammation that causes heart disease and it is carbohydrate consumption (not fat!) that causes inflammation. Simply put, inflammation is your body’s response to injury. What’s a body to do, when it finds little tears in its arteries? It creates a sticky substance to repair them! And if it gets too gooey in there for the blood to get through, it raises the blood pressure! So here we can see that taking cholesterol and blood pressure medications actually interferes with the body’s natural attempts to heal itself and does not address the underlying reason for the conditions in the first place.


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Our love of crystals and stained glass by Randy Harvie Our journey with crystals and stained glass really started by accident, the way great things always do. My friend and business partner, Rick Romanko, was born with a malformed gastric sphincter which caused very serious stomach problems for him. The surgery required to correct the problems resulted in many of his stomach muscles being cut. This caused chronic back pain as many of the muscles that carry the upper torso never healed properly. Over the years, as his back pain became more acute, Rick was prescribed powerful pain medications. He went to many doctors and also tried acupuncture. He found some relief but the medications caused fatigue, sapping his strength. This interfered with his busy life, especially running his own cleaning company, Top to Bottom Enterprises. While he’d always been fascinated by the beauty of crystals, Rick hadn’t been aware of their curative powers. While on an outing several years ago, Rick and I noticed a display of crystals in a consignment store. Presiding over the display was a crystal healer. After a conversation with the man, Rick was asked to touch a specific crystal. When Rick did, he felt a strong vibration. This surprised him. Initially Rick thought that some device had caused the vibration and he looked under the table. There was nothing hidden there and then Rick realized the feeling had actually come from the crystal itself. When I saw his response I asked him what had happened. He said the feeling was difficult to explain but that it was like the crystal was emitting a soothing, unusual sensation. His second experience was at a crystal healer’s home. A group of crystal workers were asked to channel their thoughts into a crystal that Rick was holding. The power he felt was so immense it almost caused him to drop the crystal he was holding. After these two experiences Rick set out to learn more about the beneficial properties of crystals!


Mosaic Magazine — Winter 2010

We started getting in contact with local vendors and healers as we sought to purchase crystals. The more we looked the more we learned about the various meta-physical properties each crystal had. Over time, as Rick and I sought and collected more crystals, the energy level in our home increased dramatically. Rick’s health improved and his personal energy level also increased with every crystal we acquired. I noticed that Rick’s outlook had vastly improved and that he was capable of much more effort and enthusiasm than before. Since nothing else had changed in his life, the crystals had to be the catalyst causing these positive effects. This made both of us want to offer affordable crystals to everyone. We now deal with wholesale crystal dealers as part of the business we created together: R&R Delights. By dealing with the wholesale dealers directly and because our showroom is in the basement of our home in Bon Accord (and we therefore don’t have to add on extra costs to the crystals to pay the high costs of a retail location and overhead), we can offer some amazing crystals for very reasonable prices to everyone. While looking for crystals, a healer once told us: “You don’t pick the crystal, it picks you.” That has proven true

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time and again. We literally see thousands of crystals at a time, several times a year, as well as email photos from our buyers at mines in many countries. Some pieces literally jump out at us even when there are many similar ones present. What is equally amazing are the feelings that others who visit our home speak of. Many of our guests and crystal customers comment that they can “feel the powerful energy” as they approach our front door. But crystals are not the only powerful pieces you’ll see when you visit us. A number of years ago Rick was given a stained glass parrot from one of his customers. He was thrilled with it and mentioned that he would love to be able to do stained glass. However, during a renovation in our home the parrot was cracked. After finding a stained glass company in the city that would repair it, I had an idea. For Christmas that year I bought Rick a gift certificate for a course in stained glass as well as some of the tools required. Rick was thrilled. Rick’s background in detailed painting of ceramics and his patience and eye for perfection made him perfect for stained glass art. I’d done many hobbies over the years that required patience, detail and design abilities. The more precision required, the better. Rick and I both instantly took to stained glass like the proverbial ducks to water. Since then we’ve evenly divided the many steps required in the creation of a great piece of glass art.

construction/creation process. During the project the customer gets emails showing the steps involved and is kept current on the progress to date with pictures. That way we keep the customer engaged and part of the overall process. The excitement that the customer experiences and the thrill we get when the project is completed to their satisfaction makes the long and painstaking process all the more satisfying. Rick and I are now starting to combine our two passions incorporating crystals into stained glass pieces. While learning about the healing properties of crystals we met some crystal workers that also believed in the healing properties of color. What a great combination! On the drawing board are chakra mandalas with actual crystals that resonate with each chakra, a Merlin piece (with gem quality blue quartz as the third eye) and specific pieces in the resonant colors of the crystal they feature. We have made several custom pieces for healers and crystal workers. We have also created some pieces for a healer that uses crystals in conjunction with colors. There is always something new and the only limit is the imagination of our customers. Whether you’re looking for your next amazing crystal or a piece of customized stain glass artwork, we have the kind of ‘one-of-a-kind’ items you are looking for - to treat yourself or as a gift. R&R Delights is a culmination of the skills and passions of two friends, Rick Romanko and Randy Harvie. To view their collection of crystals or stained glass pieces, call 780-921-3103 or visit

Once we got serious about stained glass it became evident that we needed a studio so Rick had a building built in the back yard specifically designed for stained glass and carpentry. We both look forward to our time in the studio. That is our ‘zen’ time. The outside world fades away and we create wonderful objects of art for our customers. One of the steps that’s exciting is the selection of the various colors and textures of glass for each piece. There are hundreds of colors and textures of glass available. We can spend hours deciding on the combinations of glass to produce the effects we want. The refraction of light through certain types of glass suggests movement. Textured glasses can bring clouds to life. Sometimes a unique piece of glass will itself suggest a project or theme. The possibilities are endless and that is what is so appealing and a constant source of pleasure. We make smaller pieces such as sun-catchers, seasonal items like snowmen, pumpkins, Santas and the like, for people who want something unique as a gift or for themselves. We also use a kiln to do warm glass work. The kiln can fuse glass into different forms such as bowls, plates or many other functional or decorative items. Our real passion is designing one-of-a-kind larger items. We’ve done a number of full window inserts for customers that want something unique and beautiful. If commissioned to do a window, one of the personal touches we do is to create a photographic record of the

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The angels are always with us I had my first angelic experience 13 years ago after my brother-inlaw, Rob, had taken his own life. One evening I cried particularly hard that Rob wouldn’t be with us for Christmas. When I went to bed, I felt a touch on my arms and heard a male voice say: “Are you okay?” Startled by this, I snuggled close to my husband until I finally fell asleep. The next morning as I ate my breakfast, I noticed that Rob’s picture was turned upside down and so was the angel figurine beside it. I got goose bumps all over my body and immediately felt a sense of peace that Rob was okay. I started to believe in angels that day and over the next couple years, I felt very drawn to collect angel figurines for my home. Three years later, I became pregnant with my first child. The doctor put me on bed rest because I was showing signs of a possible miscarriage. One night I awoke to ‘Mother Nature’ calling. As I left my bedroom, I saw a beautiful blonde haired angel, all in white, standing in my kitchen! I thought I was ‘seeing things’ so I proceeded to the washroom. But when I made my way back to the bedroom, to my surprise, the angel was still there! I actually became a little scared so I quickly hurried back to bed. However, the next day my signs of miscarriage stopped and I carried my baby to term. Needless to say, my angel collection of figurines got even bigger as my belief in angels grew.

feathers?” I told her I had no clue and that I’d been seeing these feathers everywhere since my father’s passing, even while I was driving in my car with all my windows closed or having them fall out of nowhere while visiting a friend at her house. All I did know was that every time I saw a feather, it gave me great comfort - it reminded me of my Dad and the angels. When I told my girlfriend about the feathers, she made me an appointment with an Angel Therapy Practitioner® (ATP). To my surprise, the ATP® encouraged me to become an angel reader - she felt I had a gift for it. After a couple other clairvoyant practitioners confirmed that I had many angels with me, I decided to take the Angel Therapy Practitioner® training from Dr. Doreen Virtue. I instantly felt a natural connection and even had other students ask me if I was already a reader. As my senses became heightened over time, I started to see deceased loved ones when giving readings with clients. Baring © Oksana Zhellisko —

by Sherry Martini ATP®, Certified Angel Practitioner

It also wasn’t long before clients were telling me about seeing feathers themselves. One lady called to let me know that a white feather appeared on her computer when she was at work talking to another co-worker about her angel reading!

It’s been almost three years that I have been working with the angels to assist others and I feel very blessed. Be open to their existence and love. That’s what they’ve asked me to tell you. Our guardian angels are here to help us with anything and everything. Just ask. Next issue: Healing your relationships with the angels. Sherry Martini is a Certified Angel Therapy Practitioner® and a Reconnective Healing Practitioner™ offering sessions in Edmonton: or 780-710-2182.

Five years after that angelic encounter, my father died. I started seeing a grief counselor weekly in her office to help me deal with his death. During the sessions, big white feathers would fall from out of nowhere right in front of me. After this happened several times, the grief counselor finally said: “What’s with you and the


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Happiness, how important is it? Everyone seeks happiness. But many people, unhappy people for the most part, will tell you that happiness is frivolous. This raises an overlooked but crucial question - How important is happiness? The Dalai Lama has frequently said: “I believe that the very purpose of life is to be happy.” Aristotle said something similar. He said our highest good, or highest aim, is happiness. Happiness is an important part of a well-lived life. Life, like anything else, can be done or it can be done well. When we are enjoying ourselves we are fully engaged, time flies, there is interest and intensity. Life is vibrant, immediate and inspiring. Happiness makes one independent, confident and capable. When we are happy we share our happiness, people want to be around us, we feel good about ourselves and life in general. This is living life well. This is what everyone wants - a full, satisfying life. When we are not enjoying ourselves we disengage, life becomes barren and tedious. Unhappy people devalue themselves; they devalue life. No one wants to be around unhappy people - they become isolated, lonely and bitter. This, clearly, is not living life well. Life has meaning; life has purpose. Life is all about understanding who you are, discovering your interests and developing your innate abilities: personal growth. Happiness is understanding who you are, knowing what you genuinely want (to develop your interests and abilities) and making what you want your reality: personal growth. Happiness is not frivolous; far from it, happiness is the key to a successful life. Happiness is you, being who you truly are, becoming all you can become. If everyone seeks happiness, it’s clear that happiness is our natural state. Happiness, then, is the path back to ourselves.

Some people will say that happiness is selfish. It isn’t. When you’re happy, you create happiness around you. Happiness will draw people to you like hummingbirds to a flowering plant. It aids socialization and establishes emotional bonds. Happiness is important in maintaining relationships and provides a strong social network. Happiness is developing your self and becoming a valued part of your family/community network. A happy family is a wonderful place to grow up; the children become loving, thoughtful, confident adults. Loving, confident adults produce a win/win society that values people and relationships. An unhappy family produces children that are selfish, competitive and insecure. Selfish, competitive adults produce a win/lose society: cold, dehumanizing and dangerous. Happiness isn’t only the path to personal evolution; it’s the key to the evolution of mankind. Levee © Rose-Marie Cameron

by Steve Hunt Author of The Miracle Theory

Happy people don’t need drugs; they don’t steal; they don’t rape or murder; they don’t abuse people. As happiness levels in society rise, crime rates drop correspondingly. A happy society is a flourishing society. Our culture, an unhappy culture it should be pointed out, continually diminishes the importance of happiness. But as you can see, happiness is important, very important. I encourage you to put some effort into finding (creating) your own happiness. Not only will your life improve markedly, so will the lives of everyone around you. Steve Hunt is an Edmonton writer and an authority on happiness. The article above is an excerpt from his book, The Miracle Theory, which explores happiness and the creative power of thought.

In addition to living life well, the blood chemistry of positive emotions strengthens our cells and immune system, enhancing our physical and mental health. Happy people have more energy, live longer and live more vibrant, productive and enjoyable lives. Several ‘new thought’ authors correctly point out that to evolve into the coming New Age, we must increase our ‘vibratory level.’ The increased energy of happiness will do this (energy is vibration). Happiness is the path to personal evolution, the path to transcendence.

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INOWT meditation for self-healing by Summer Bozohora For many reasons the idea of meditation can conjure up feelings of inferiority or superiority, beliefs about the Universe/God and all the ‘shoulds’ in life. Several of my clients have told me they believe they ‘should’ meditate, but find disciplined practice difficult. The difficulty seems to lie both in sorting through the varieties of meditation and its purpose. Some forms of meditation encourage people to use it as a way of detaching from our busy life. Often we dismiss thoughts or body sensations to follow our breath or repeat a mantra. This type of meditation is passive/directed. Other forms of meditation are active/non-directed. Passive/Directed


- just sitting - concentrating & repeating mantras - turning off - externally directed - imagery is given - a way of detachment - a way of emptying

- surrendering to experience - letting go - opening up - inner directed - imagery arises spontaneously - a way of surrender/connection - a way of achieving depth

without judging or analyzing. This is difficult to do at first because internalized beliefs prevent students from either embracing what arises or from recognizing judgments. All types of meditation are forms of prayer carried out as a way of connecting to the greater whole or asking for something. Your intention for meditation or prayer is very important. In passive/directed meditation there is a predetermined outcome (which is actually a form of judgment). For example, finding a place of inner peace or being healed from disease. While these goals seem worthwhile, when you direct a meditation or prayer you limit the possibilities by attempting to tell the universe what to do. The process of INOWT teaches people to accept, honor and trust their experiences. Its intent is to make the souls purpose known AND relay this information to the personality to carry out in practical ways. The body is ‘energized’ through the soul and is like a battery. Everything is energy - symptoms, situations, illnesses and dreams are all accompanied by e-motion

(Taken from Wrestling with the Prophets (Harper, 1990) by Matthew Fox.)

Virginia and Squirrel © Margaret Sonnenberg —

Passive meditation can increase feelings of well-being and offer an experience of our true nature at deeper levels. Often however the depth of experience varies greatly from person to person because the group or individual is following someone (or a book) that directs the meditation. Passive meditation becomes active when a person takes what’s offered and then allows insights to emerge spontaneously. INOWT is a form of active meditation closest to Buddhist Insight Meditation. Its development was an unintentional side-effect to my personal life’s journey to find what I found effective for healing when other methods of therapy and/or medicine no longer served me. It is a compilation of 15 years experience and its title INOWT was created as a way to articulate the universal principles or spiritual laws that make using INOWT effective for self-healing. It is pronounced: “I know it” to emphasize the power of each person’s inner knowledge. I.N.O.W.T. stands for: Immerse, Notice, Own, Willingness to play and Trust. Its practice is especially useful during high energy moments: feelings of inner conflict, crisis or illness. This is because INOWT focuses on your energy in the moment: thoughts, feelings, images, memories and even the sounds and sights around you. The key is to watch


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(energy in motion). Energy wants to stay in motion and batteries only work when there is a free-flow of energy from one pole (negative) to the other (positive). This is where it gets interesting - somehow in the development of human consciousness the natural poles of energy, ‘negative’ and ‘positive,’ have come to mean ‘bad’ and ‘good.’ As such we avoid or reject the ‘negative’ and prefer, long for or even obsess over the ‘positive.’ No wonder our batteries aren’t working! The universe does not judge ‘negative’ energy as ‘bad’ - all experiences are forms of energetic information that teach spiritual lessons. For example, my client Neisja had a reoccurring nightmare: “Once or twice a month, I would dream I was chased by a person in black through the hallways of a dark, abandoned building. I could never see their face and they often carried a knife. I was terrified and always woke up before they caught me. This nightmare went on for years until Summer helped me re-enter my dream through INOWT meditation. With help I was able to stay with the energy of the dream - my fear, until I had the courage to call out to the stranger. “Are you going to hurt me?” I asked and I heard back: “Are you going to hurt me?” It was an echo! Astonished, I realized it was myself. It has now been over a year and a half since the nightmare stopped.” The benefit of re-entering the dream energetically, rather than having someone interpret the dream for her, is that Neisja’s astonishment rang throughout her body in an energetic shift that resolved the need for the dream. Neisja is now internally motivated to face life situations she finds difficult. INOWT is practiced in concert with your life energy which waxes and wanes with the flow of life’s experiences. In absolutely every case, if you follow the energy trail without judgment, there arises an ‘Aha’ moment and/or healing. This is the natural consequence of freeing stuck energy. It is the same process for physical symptoms. Jo, for example, had reoccurring ear/sinus infections that we followed in one of her private INOWT sessions: “I have spent many years with ear and throat infections that were treated with antibiotics. About to return for another dose, I mentioned it to Summer. She guided me on a meditation that began with the pain in my ear. As I followed that energy, I found the courage to hear a truth that I hadn’t wanted to hear. I also found the courage to say what needed to be said to my Dad. The pain stopped the next day. From then on I have tried to listen extra carefully to myself. So far no more earaches!” INOWT meditation can be learned in a group, private sessions or practiced alone. Anything can be healed and you can heal it. Summer is the director for the Canadian School for Self-Healing (CSSH),, 780-757-(CSSH) 2774. Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It’s intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor.

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Network Care improves connections Whether its anxiety or depression, aches and pains, chronic pain or chronic fatigue, I’ve used Network Care to help people heal themselves. Network Care uses a series of light touches along the spine and a simple breathing exercise to help people with a variety of conditions. Although there are several ingredients to put into the mix, Network Care mostly works by improving CONNECTION. Network Care uses state of the art concepts to help enhance your use of awareness, choice and action by showing you how to create connection. For every experience you have had in your life your brain creates a pathway. Our brain uses these pathways to learn and adapt to changes in our environment. In times of great stress the body’s ‘fight or flight’ defenses kick in and that creates a faster more primitive pathway. It also creates disconnection. Network Care uses connection to help you become aware of disconnection. You cannot heal what you cannot feel, so the best way is to become aware of where you’re disconnected. When you find yourself in a situation that is highly stressful, your body defenses kick in. When the defenses are up, the body is less aware of thoughts and feelings and digestion is not a priority. If we’re unable to deal with the stress of a situation, we become less able to focus on it and can’t dwell on our feelings about it. We may not feel hungry or we may eat compulsively. We may or may not become aware that areas of our body are always tense or that we are breathing shallow. If our defenses are on, some of our muscles store stress as muscle tension. Stored tension in the muscles becomes a habit and forms a pattern such as a recurring headache, neck ache or back pain, even low energy and fatigue. If you store stress in enough areas of the body, once triggered, these areas could raise your blood pressure. One way or another, if you pay attention, you feel ‘checked out.’

When facing a challenge the main resources we have are awareness, choice and action. The most resourceful part of our brain is our conscious brain. When you are conscious and aware, you are in the NOW where your choices and actions will have the most impact. Network uses light touches along the spine to make your conscious mind aware of an area of stored tension so it can connect to it and reorganize it. Connection only begins here, because once you know how connection works, you can create it yourself. The latest science of the brain and our ability to heal has discovered our brains are plastic. Neuroplasticitiy is the discovery that thinking, planning and creating stimulate the brain to create new pathways, new connection. Poplars © Lorraine Shulba —

by Dr. Robin Browne Doctor of Chiropractic

In Network Care my clients learn to use a simple breath exercise so they can see and feel that disconnected areas are becoming connected. The changes you make with Network Care create an experience of ease and expansion in your ability to think and feel. They are reflected in the ease of movement and expansion of breath in your body.

We might have many things going on in our life at the same time. Our body only cares about one thing: “What are we going to DO?” As you gain connection with areas of your body that store tension, you become more aware of choices that contribute to more connection. If your choices bring a sense of expansion and ease then they’re healthy for you. If your actions create more connection with your breath and body you’ll know it and your whole life will change for the better. Robin offers Network Care at New Strategy Wellness Centre. It’s exciting how easy wellness can be. To get started today call 780-429-0023. Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It’s intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor.

Often when we’re challenged with a stressful situation, our first thought is one of panic - we don’t know how we’re going to deal it. This is the thinking pattern of the defensive brain. What you really lack is resourcefulness.


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Nutrition plays key role in dental health There’s nothing I’m as passionate about as nutrition because I’m living proof that it matters. I’d been a children’s dentist for five years when my husband, Dr. Terry Clark, and I moved to the Arctic to care for the dental needs of 12 isolated Inuit communities. The isolation of these Arctic communities was the perfect place for me to observe the problematic changes in physical and dental health that occurred when an ancient society (such as this one) was introduced to the modern ‘American’ diet. The results were obesity, diabetes, heart disease and rampant tooth decay. While there I also developed a serious, somewhat debilitating, accumulation of heavy metals including mercury, lead and cadmium as a result of our work and exposure to toxic dental materials. Inflammation set in my fingers and hands from the noxious chemicals involved. It became impossible for me to give an injection for dental services. I suffered headaches, neck pain, temporal mandibular joint dysfunction, brain fog and memory loss. I’m still highly sensitive to perfume, gasoline, fragrances, detergents and many other common items. In 2004 we moved to Sherwood Park and opened Casa de Luz, offering state-of-the-art, preventive holistic family dental medicine, using non-toxic and mercury free dental materials, digital computer enhanced x-rays and more. While Terry focused on the holistic dentistry, I wanted to create a whole body nutritional support program to help our clients learn about nutrition and how this supports their bodies and teeth. I started Laurena’s Kitchen and began offering training, seminars and one-on-one consultations to help people learn the essentials.

I personally feel that food is our strongest connection with the planet - after all everyone must eat, usually two to four times per day. My journey with health began in the early 1970’s with Ann Wigmore’s live whole food program (Hippocrates Institute, Mass.). Since then I’ve studied macrobiotics, Body Ecology with Donna Gates (dealing with inner ecosystem and powerful medicinal foods) and live food, juice and fasting programs at Optimum Health Institute (California) and Tree of Life with Dr. Gabriel Cousins (Arizona), to name a few. After years of experimentation with different ways of eating, I’ve developed a combination of specific principles to support and nurse the body, in coordination with the different seasons. Low glycemic green juices, whole fresh ripe fruit and green smoothies and fasting retreats are some of my more profound protocols. With the Strength of the Mountains Behind Her © Bernadette McCormack

by Laurena Clark Health Coach

I don’t think I’d be alive today if I had not changed the way I was eating. Because of the amount of toxicity I had in my body (from when I practiced dentistry), I’ve had to regularly monitor my levels closely. Recently, when a heavy metal challenge test was performed on me, the results were so dramatic that the test was repeated several times for verification. My scores indicated one of the highest levels ever recorded!

Yet, I’m still here, living an amazing, full life - because I knew how to help myself. Now I’m very passionate about helping others change their eating habits and learn simple ways to introduce foods into their lives that can have a huge impact on their overall health. Casa de Luz offers complimentary bi-weekly educational dental seminars and hands-on food classes at Laurena’s Kitchen. Call 780-9226875 or email: Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It’s intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor.

Laurena’s Kitchen complements whole body dentistry. Teeth are greatly affected by one’s overall health. The same blood that nourishes and cleanses the cells of the body also feeds our teeth and determines the level of health for life. Nutrition, toxicant exposure levels and detoxification efforts are critical for whole body health.

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My recommitment to healthy choices It only takes one crisis to make you appreciate your health and your life. This year has been one of the scariest and emotional times of my life. What I’ve learned about being ‘healthy’ has changed both my personal life and my commitment to my business. I’ve been working in the furnace and duct cleaning industry since the late 1980’s. In 2003 my wife and I opened our first business, Parkland Furnace and Duct Cleaning in Spuce Grove, AB. Here I developed a pure air duct cleaning method (a far superior cleaning system compared to standard duct cleaning practice) but clients kept telling me that there were still extreme amounts of dust in their homes. I started to question the whole process and in 2005, with over 20 years of experience in this field, I developed a unique method that uses brushes to loosen the dirt, followed by a vacuum that sucks up the debris immediately from the home as it is dislodged. An all natural sanitizer is then run through the duct work leaving the home smelling clean and fresh. I also wanted to incorporate a superior air filtration system as a preventative measure so I sought out the best manufacturers of air purifiers in Canada. For over five years, I tested many units in my own home with vigorous tests. I found a company that had a superior product so I flew to Toronto to meet the manufacturers in person. I started offering these Hepa air purifiers in 2005 to hundreds of our clients. My wife and I noticed a remarkable difference in the air quality in our home and our clients confirmed feeling much healthier too. Our office began getting calls from doctors, health workers and people with health concerns. We expanded in 2010 and opened Pure Air Experts in Edmonton.

to excruciating pain. I’ve never felt anything like it and was rushed to the hospital. After a barrage of tests, I was told I had a large cancerous tumor on my kidney. My world just came crashing down. I was 38 years old, the luckiest man alive with a wonderful wife and two loving children, a career I really believed in and now my life was in jeopardy.

Maligne Lake © Karen Bishop —

by Jeff McArthur

I couldn’t help but wonder if my kidneys (my own internal filtration system) were protesting over the decades of dust I’d ingested from cleaning hundreds of ducts and furnaces the old traditional way (before I had created my new cleaner, healthier pure air system). Interestingly, at the same time, major news channels were carrying reports that traditional duct cleaning was hazardous.

I had one of my kidneys removed along with the tumor and I’m doing well. My wife immersed herself in cancer research, holistic medicine, changed my diet to organic foods and I’ve lost over 50 lbs. I learned a lot about the connection between my health, my environment and my habits. I’m a better man from this experience - it’s changed me. I cherish every day I’m here, put more passion into everything I do and I love helping others. Knowing that what I do can enhance someone else’s health (and life) makes me feel I have a purpose, because I really believe that clean air is the #1 step to good health. Jeff is the owner of Pure Air Experts in Edmonton, AB. For more information call 1-800-433-3033, 780-455-7873 or visit

I knew that what I was doing was making a difference in other people’s lives. Nothing feels better than when someone with a serious health issue tells you that what we’ve done has made them breathe easier, sleep better and some have told me they reduced their asthma medications after our service and air purifiers were installed in their home. Then, one night in February, I got a call that my mother had lost her battle with cancer. Later the same night I woke

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Find your flow with Reconnective Healing® Imagine yourself on a quiet beach floating along with the waves on a beautiful sunny day. How do you feel? Relaxed? Peaceful? Calm? When we go along with the flow of life’s waves instead of against them, we feel this way. Most people want to have flow in their lives, knowing they’re being led exactly to where they need to be next. Reconnective Healing® has done this for me. It’s helped me find a smoother flow, connecting me to the precise people, places and events that I’ve needed in my life. I’ve always been interested in alternative ways of healing the body, mind and spirit. For years, I lived with constant pain and couldn’t digest food very well. It was this ongoing digestive issue that led me to try many different healing methods without much success and then finally Reconnective Healing®. To be honest, I didn’t notice anything spectacular during my first session. But, soon afterward I did notice that my pain had subsided somewhat. The disappearance of the pain continued to gradually lessen after another two sessions. Eventually it went away completely. As a result, I decided to complete my personal Reconnection® as well. My actual Reconnection® sessions were more intense. The frequency pulsed through my hands and stayed with me through the night until the next morning. This was pretty significant for me. Although I’ve been a music teacher for 25 years, I’ve always felt that I was supposed to be doing some type of healing work. I registered for the Reconnective Healing® training and soon after, opened my practice.

I love hearing how Reconnective Healing® has changed people and their lives. Here’s what one client recently told me: “I am consistently more accepting of people and situations, calmer, more grounded and less prone to irritability. I am more patient with others (and myself) and my quick temper has softened considerably. But the biggest thing I’ve noticed is the absence of fear. And for someone who has been cowering under a cloud of fear my whole life that is amazing. I have taken more concrete steps towards my life-long dream in the two months since my first appointment than I did for my entire life before that.”

Star Dance © Carol Breen —

by Karen MacMillan Reconnective Healing® Practitioner

I hear comments like these often. People also tell me of the disappearance of a wide range of physical discomforts as well. Sometimes this happens instantaneously, other times it occurs over a period of time. My clients tell me they feel more centered and that their lives now flow with ease and grace.

After my Reconnection®, people and events seemed to fall in front of me, each leading me to the next step on my path of growth. If I ignored something and went around it, it quickly appeared on my path again. So I’ve learned to go with the flow - that the universe will lead me to the next step on my adventure. When I finish that step, another appears and then another. I think Reconnective Healing® connects us to everything and everyone we need so that we can become who and what we are meant to be. Karen offers Reconnective Healing® sessions and the Reconnection®, Contact her directly at 780-270-7307 or Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It’s intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor.

To me, Reconnective Healing® is a gift from the universe. When this universal frequency interacts with our being, it returns us to our perfect blueprint of health. This happens on every level - mental, physical, spiritual and emotional the whole package, not just parts of us. Every session for every person is totally different. The universe provides what is totally appropriate for you and your transformation/healing occurs in the time frame that is best for you.


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Skye’s View

Helpful people who love cats wanted! In Feng Shui the northwest area of our home represents helpful people. When the helpful people area is strong, we often experience miracles in our life situations that appear hopeless are resolved by our heavenly helpers. These heavenly helpers will often use earthly helpers to assist them. And sometimes we are those earthly helpers. The helpful people area is strengthened by both giving and receiving. We’ve all experienced the heart call to be an earthly helper. In my own life, such a call came to me on a cold winter’s night. I heard a sorrowful meow and opened my back door to see a tiny striped cat shivering there. Soon I learned more about the terrible peril that thousands of small, helpless cats experience during our cold winters. Most of these feral kitties have ancestors who were abandoned tame cats. Not only are they hungry and cold, they are often treated inhumanely by people who don’t want their pristine worlds disturbed by a vulnerable creature whose very life depends on their kindness. Fortunately, there’s a group of ‘Earth angels’ in Edmonton who call themselves: Little Cats Lost. They work with neighborhoods and businesses to educate them and support the care of feral cat colonies. This often involves providing shelters and food, as well as spaying / neutering the cats. Little Cats Lost is always looking for warm barn/shop/homes where the cats will be fed, watered and cared for with love.

shelter, which was very stressful for him and he began to lose his will to live. When Cory and Cindy heard about Midnight, they welcomed him in - setting up a cat tree, house and food bowl in Cory’s heated shop. Living on a farm near Tofield, AB, these two had already provided a home for a few other feral cats that were in very dire circumstances. A few months after Midnight came to live with them, Cindy wrote this to Little Cats Lost. “You'll never believe it ... but our Midnight loves to climb to the top of his tree and roll on his back to get belly rubs! And not only does he like belly rubs, but we can pick him up and carry him around! Midnight has broken out of his shell and loves all the attention he can get. He’s a wonderful boy to have around the shop and with us! This boy just needed some time and all the love he can soak up. It’s wonderful having Midnight around to remind us that not all animals are what you see. Some are just very scared and waiting to jump out of their shell and love someone.” Butterfly © Cathy McMillan —

by Skye MacLachlan Feng Shui Consultant

I felt guided to write about these little homeless cats with winter just around the corner. If you are able to help, please call Virginia at Little Cats Lost at 780-483-2804. I also ask you to join me in sending a prayer to the powerful Archangel Michael to arrange some miracles for our most vulnerable furry friends. Skye has specialized in Feng Shui for the home and business for over 30 years. She teaches at the Northern Star College of Mystical Studies in Edmonton. Call 780-447-3667.

Little Cats Lost heard about Midnight, a feral cat, who had come to trust a man named Bill. Midnight lived outside of an industrial plant in southeast Edmonton and Bill had been feeding him until he lost his job and had to move off the property. Little Cats Lost had no immediate home for Midnight and the industrial plant wanted him gone. Knowing Midnight would return each night looking for Bill and his supper, Little Cats Lost was left with no alternative. Because of the lack of appropriate farm/shop/homes so urgently needed for little cats like him, they had to move Midnight into a paid boarding


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Your Gut Feeling

How to heal Irritable Bowel Syndrome If you don’t have the following symptoms, you know someone who does: constipation, diarrhea, or an uncomfortable swing between the two. There is chronic bloating and abdominal cramping, sometimes complicated by incomplete bowel movements or nausea. These are the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), which afflicts as much as one-fifth of the North American population. For over a decade I have practiced the venerable oriental touch therapy called Chi Nei Tsang (CNT), and have not yet witnessed anything as effective in the treatment of irritable bowels. Why? Because CNT addresses the brain in the gut - the ‘enteric nervous system.’ CNT repatterns the breath to lead the clients away from worry. Gentle skillful touch brings their awareness lower, into their intestines, the painful part of their body they have vacated and left stagnant. It is here, supported, they are able to calmly find and digest the emotional root of their spasmodic physical pain. I recently added IBS for Dummies (Wiley Publishing, 2006) to my library, a book co-written by the very well qualified MD, Naturopathic Doctor and dietitian/nutritionist, Carolyn Dean. The book is an excellent reference. It confirmed many of the suspicions I have had regarding IBS. Among the highlights: Diet - IBS is often confused with, or complicated by, dietary sensitivities. There are four main culprits: sugar, dairy, wheat, or gluten. If you believe you have IBS, the book recommends you eliminate all suspect foods from your diet for a minimum of two weeks. See how you feel. Then slowly, one at a time, reintroduce the suspect foods and pay careful attention to your gut feelings. If whatever you reintroduce results in bowel trouble, eliminate it from your diet.

physical or sexual abuse, or humiliation related to the loss of control of your bowels can all contribute to IBS. Present Stressors - IBS symptoms can also be triggered by chemical, physical, biological, and psychological aggravators. Experiment by avoiding scents and perfumes; try switching from chemical to natural cleaning products. Certain medications (Dean mentions certain anti-depressants) have the potential to aggravate the gastrointestinal system.

detail of Healing Journal © Cathy McMillan

by Peter Melnychuk Visceral Manipulation Practitioner, LMT

Relationships and jobs (that is, emotions and stress) can have a lot to do with IBS. I myself have had several clients who have IBS only on weekdays, and others who suffered only in the presence of one family member. IBS has a huge emotional component. I have seen many IBS clients that are careful with their diet. Another group has very little discipline. The odds of healing are higher if you fall within ‘the careful,’ but with CNT I have seen a significant amount of success even with undisciplined eaters.

This points to the CNT belief that the gut is the ‘Abdominal Brain,’ an internal organ responsible for physical and emotional digestion. The remarkable capacity of Chi Nei Tsang - to gently unblock, detoxify and reawaken the intestines, its emphasis on repatterning the breath to reduce stress, its ability to help resolve long buried emotional charges in the belly - make it the best therapy for IBS sufferers. Peter is a Certified Chi Nei Tsang Instructor, and a Teaching Assistant for Visceral Manipulation Workshops, both since 2004. See or - practitioners. Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It’s intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor.

Original Triggers - I have found there is typically a lineage connection with IBS - most sufferers have a parent or grandparent with similar digestive complaints. Dr. Dean concurs, and specifies other original triggers. Bowel infections, large doses of antibiotics during childhood,

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Exploring new ways to attract money “Money is a blessing, and blessings are spiritual, so let’s have a lot of both.” That is one of my affirmations. With my background as a relatively well known Alberta psychic and raw food teacher, I never thought I’d be offering classes on a hobby that’s helped me create more abundance for myself for over 30 years - trading stocks.* Helping people change their mindsets around money and open up to more abundance is my sincere goal. I love money. I see it as a relationship and relationships, whether they are with family, pets, friends, partners, all hold a certain amount of affection. My relationship with money starts with love. I love it enough to allow myself to enjoy it. I love it enough to treat it like I treat my pets. It’s free to roam but it never roams far as the love it feels makes it want to come home. Many are afraid of money, afraid of letting go, afraid of the success it might build, afraid of the power it has. Once letting go of this fear, money arrives and enjoyment can occur. I deal with many people on a daily basis and always hear: “If only I could win the lottery,” “I wish I had more money,” “I’m broke,” “I cannot afford it” and so on. These are people afraid of money. I tell them to stop wishing and stop using terms that frighten money away. I tell them to start do something to attract it. “How?” they all ask. I first explain the relationship with the energy that they are putting out. Then I show them that the Universe offers all kinds of ways to receive extra income. I talk about my hobby and how much I love the rewards. They listen and then always ask: “How did you come to learn this knowledge?”

When I moved to Alberta in 1998, settled into my new home and built up a new clientele, my hobby fell by the way side. Then in November 2008, while flipping through channels, I stopped at BNN where an analyst was giving his view on Sherritt, a stock he said was once $118 and now $3. Understanding the lingo of what he spoke about, I turned on my computer and bought some shares. I knew I’d been guided to return there. After I traded that November, putting $3,000 profit into my pocket, I shared my story with a few people. One friend asked many questions. I suggested she set up her accounts and I’d help her on the trading aspect until she could do it herself. In the six months that followed she made $65,000 on my trading advice. Many others asked me how to trade and I’d send them to free courses that all banks host. All returned with puzzled looks, saying the same thing: “I did not understand a word.” Flurry Fury © Sharon Cordes —

by VcToria

The requests continued until I finally offered a class on my hobby to people who wanted to know how to set up, find the trades and be able to go from a buy to a sell with profit. From these classes we formed a wonderful financial group that all trade together. This group attracts money through their lack of fear, their desire to enjoy life and we welcome all those who are looking for other profitable hobbies. Do you need more money? *VcToria does not claim to be a financial advisor of any kind. She has never worked in any bank or financial institution at all. She does not sell any financial programs. She simply teaches you how to trade online and offers support in a group afterwards. Note: This article is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the advice of a certified financial advisor or stock broker and Mosaic assumes no liability.

Over 33 years ago, while visiting my Dad in B.C., I asked him to show me how to read the numbers on the stock market pages. My interest led me to take many courses at the Montreal Stock Exchange and with confidence and glee, I bought my first stocks in the mid 1970’s. It became my hobby, not my obsession or my employment, and allowed me to enjoy a few extra luxuries.


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Each moment can hold a miracle Thirteen years after my mother, Sheila Salter, was murdered in a parkade in Edmonton, I wrote an article titled “Liberating the Victim.” The article focused on my belief that we co-create (with Great Spirit) everything in our lives and within that co-creation is the choice to use our power to manifest healing on any level, including profound, tragic loss. I was in awe of having unexpectedly found deep compassion and forgiveness for the man who had killed my mother and yearning to share my experience and process with the world! Mosaic Magazine published the article in its Summer 2008 issue. On the day of Mosaic’s publication, I rushed to pick-up a copy. I read my article with tears of release and joy. I knew I had to visit the nearby parkade where Mom had been murdered and leave a copy there for her. Once there, I felt guided to pull the article out of the magazine, roll it up, tie it with a large chunk of my hair and place it in the brick wall with a rock to secure it. I performed a ceremony, said a prayer and left. Eight months later I received this email. Dear Sarah, My name is Amber. I am writing you in regards to an article you wrote. Eight months ago while my Auntie Becky and I were driving to her apartment we saw what we thought was a wallet on the side of the road. After we parked, we walked over and it turned out to be a leather biker’s cap.

the street. As I turned my head towards it, I saw a piece of paper rolled up and tucked into the wall. I picked it up, slightly hesitant as it was wrapped in hair. As I began to unwrap it, a rock fell to the ground. Becky and I looked at each other feeling like we were meant to read it. We slowly unraveled it and read aloud your story of healing over the murder of your mother. I went through waves of emotions as we read it - I was sad, I cried and then I got angry. I did not want to hear it all, particularly the part about choosing our deaths (even murder) and finding forgiveness for a murderer. Becky looked at the biker’s cap in her hand, then at me. “You know what I think this means,” she said. “I think this means we have to forgive him.” At the time I was mad at her for even considering that. In the last few months I now see that this is the only way I may truly heal. Your story has given me so much. I am deeply grateful to have been the one to come across it. It was meant to be. GOD BLESS Amber There is a divine plan. Oftentimes we get so wrapped up in our lives that we forget we are not in this alone. Each moment holds a miracle that may offer us inspiration and healing. Sometimes, what we are guided to do may seem irrational - like wrapping an article in a rope of hair and sticking it in a brick wall - however, our intuition is our energetic conduit to Great Spirit. When we trust it, give it voice, we bring sacredness into the world. We amplify the possibilities of healing the world around us and within it, ourselves. Mother Angel © Rumour LesCure

by Sarah Salter-Kelly

During Easter of 2003 I tragically lost my mother; Becky lost her sister. I am convinced that she was murdered by the men she lived with who were bikers. I have a lot of anger towards these men. My life has been consumed with fear, anger and hate. I was obsessed with not knowing the whole truth of how she died. I told Becky to throw the hat away, as it reminded me of my loss.

Sarah Salter-Kelly is a healer, teacher and ceremonialist. She works out of Medicine Spirit Center near Pigeon Lake, Alberta. Contact her at 780-314-9150 or

I feel the angels were at work, as Becky instead carried it with her, towards her apartment. There was a parkade with a brick wall on the main level of the building facing

To read Sarah’s original article “Liberating the Victim,” go to and click on ‘In This Issue’ tab.


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My journey to becoming who I am Poetry can be a powerful catalyst for new beginnings, opening our hearts to what we need to do to in order to feel fulfilled. When I first read these lines from Mary Oliver’s poem, The Journey (Dreamwork, Atlantic, 1986), they spoke so strongly to my innermost being that I was compelled to quote them in my dissertation, the writing of which began my own lifetransforming journey.

Viswamatha © Lisa Chater

One day I did know what I had to do and I slowly began extricating myself from all of the goals, groups, activities and connections that were no longer helping me to grow or bringing me joy. I knew that if I did not let go of these things, the price I would have to pay would be too high - the price of my authentic self, happiness and physical wellbeing.

by Lisa Chater, PhD “One day you finally knew what you had to do, and began, though the voices around you kept shouting their bad advice though the whole house began to tremble…”


Mosaic Magazine — Winter 2010

Early in the process I remember worrying that if I did not push myself to ‘do’ certain things, I would not ‘become something.’ To my delight I found, however, that when I left myself alone, in solitude, my authentic heart’s desires would arise. One of the first things I naturally did when I allowed myself to ‘do nothing’ was I began to draw - a simple pencil drawing of an elephant, at first, like the one on the cover of my first drawing book as a child. This was an authentic interest, something I came into the world with, but the many fearful beliefs I acquired over the years about ‘becoming an artist’ held me back, as well as the opinions and agendas of stronger personalities.

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It is true that when you first begin to follow your inner promptings, many voices will shout their advice and try to dissuade you, telling you that you are being impractical, crazy, bad, selfish, even arrogant. It’s necessary to keep walking past those voices. This includes learning to buffer ourselves from voices shouting at us to save them or help them with their lives. In the myth of Psyche and Eros, this is one of the main initiatory tasks Aphrodite assigns to sensitive Psyche on her path to full Goddesshood. Psyche must walk past people begging for help, resisting the urge to be too empathic or self-sacrificing, otherwise she will not accomplish her own task. In the end, Psyche must disobey even Aphrodite, the one whose tutelage she has been under, in order to achieve full self-actualization. She must dare to open the jar of beauty cream she has been sent by Aphrodite to retrieve and use it for herself. Unbeknownst to Psyche, the courage to disobey Aphrodite and follow her own intuition is one of the initiations actually given by Aphrodite. In order to become ourselves, we must be able to discern our own inner promptings from the influences of others and be strong enough to follow them in the face of judgments, wrath and envy. This is when a myth, or the

story of a traveler who has gone before us, can become a good friend and a strong support. In June, I had my first solo art exhibition, displaying nine goddess collages related to the path I’ve followed over the last seven years, the 10th collage being a butterfly, foreshadowing the death of an old way of life on one wing and the transformation into a new life on the other. The exhibition marked both a homecoming for my artistself and at the same time an actual move into a new home with space for an art studio! Wondering what new surprises could possibly be in store after such a blessed year, I asked my Higher Self what was next and was surprised to find myself repeatedly guided toward a quirky breed of dog that brings me joy! I’m now writing this piece with a new dachshund puppy sitting in my lap - another authentic desire. The name ‘Oliver’ immediately came to mind for him, but it wasn’t until I sat down to write this article that I realized the name was coming from the poet whose gift helped begin my journey. Spiraling back to that time seven years ago and thanking all of the gurus and guides along the way, my inner guru is now guiding me more clearly towards what I need for a life that brings me joy. Everyone’s path and authentic life is incredibly unique. In being aligned with your own inner voice, and as Oliver says in the last lines of The Journey: “…in being determined to save the only life you can save,” it’s possible to become yourself and have a more joyful life. This ultimately is the most compassionate thing you can do for yourself and others. When you love your own life first, your joy just naturally overflows into the lives of your neighbors, as well as the world around you. Lisa is the author of the doctoral dissertation: “The Search for Creativity: A Visual Narrative Inquiry” and can be reached at

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Esoteric Explorations

The natural evolution of astrology by Catherine Potter Astrologer and Hypnotherapist During transition periods, such as the one we are in, things evolve or die which in itself is a transition.

Globally we have been in an accelerated growth period for the past 50 years and without a doubt will experience more of that rapid expansion for the next 50 years. As our technologies, sciences, healing modalities, spiritual philosophies and understanding of the cosmos becomes more advanced and sophisticated, so must our interpretation of the ancient art of astrology evolve.

Blanket of Snow Š Iryna Karpenko

Much has been written about the age (Pisces) we are leaving and

the age (Aquarius) that is beginning, a period of time that is approximately 2500-2600 years.


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For thousands of years astrology has been part of every culture, and depending on what was in or out of favour at any given time, the popularity of it ebbed and flowed. Used by doctors, political and religious leaders, the rich, the famous and the general population, astrologers were sought out to predict outcomes of battles, health, wealth, marriages and births. Astrology is both a science and an art. The science part is astronomy which can predict planetary cycles far into the future. The art aspect is the ability to help an individual (or society) work with those cycles and begin to realize the potential of who they are and how to deviate from choices that keep them locked into familiar mental, emotional and physical ruts. We all embody a variety of archetypal energies. Our purpose/destiny is to learn how to embrace and create with that energy. Whether we express the archetype of warriors, transformers, healers, homemakers or builders (to name a few), there are positive and destructive uses of those archetypal energies. An astrologer, through the study and interpretation of an individual’s natal chart and transits, can offer guidance and suggestions which can help a person navigate the curves on their path and the choices that go with them. In order to do that, astrologers need to embrace their inner teacher/counsellor and shed centuries of expectations about having to be “predictors.” As with the science of quantum physics the evolution of astrology means embracing uncertainty and possibility rather than absolutes. Every thing happens in its own time and in the past if humanity accepted leaders of any type who thought for them or told them how to live, there was a need for it. However to quote a famous song: “The times they are changing” and so must astrologers. An Astrologer since 1986, Catherine is also a Hypnotherapist and Meditation instructor. She brings her unique counselling and teaching style to The Northern Star College of Mystical Studies. Call 780-447-3667 or visit and

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Mosaic Magazine’s Reader Survey Yes

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Session at Quick Health Clinic — compliments of Tammie Quick,DMH, DHHP (value $160) INOWT Meditation Class — compliments of Summer Bozohora (value $135) Astrology Reading — compliments of Catherine Potter (value $135) Distant FIT Session — compliments of Loretta Mohl (value $130) Life Coaching Session — compliments of Youmashni Naidoo (value $125) Core & Cellular Transformation Healing Session — compliments of Sherry Olson (value $120) Crystal Chi Enhancer — compliments of Skye MacLachlan (value $120) Sacred Stones Bracelet — compliments of Connie Brisson (value $100) Angel Reading Session (1 hour) — compliments of Sherry Martini (value $80) Reconnective Healing® Session — compliments of Karen MacMillan (value $80) Earth Aromatique Workshop — compliments of Nicola Biggs (value $75) $50 CSSH Course Gift Certificate — compliments of Summer Bozohora (value $50)

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Mosaic Magazine — Winter 2010

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Mosaic’s Directory of Services

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Mosaic’s Marketplace ACUPUNCTURE


ACUPUNCTURE & TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE - Let the wisdom behind 5,000 years of proven healing techniques help you overcome your health issues once and for all. Call Acu-Health & Wellness at 780-907-7571 or visit

SACRED STONES Personal Growth Jewelry - Need more inner strength or love? Help with abundance, negativity or breaking old patterns? These unique gemstone crystal bracelets are designed to help you transform aspects of your life. Sacred Stones bracelets come with a researched keepsake card that explains the exact issues and person it can help. Sacred Stones bracelets go through a special cleansing/blessing process and are associated with a sacred Spirit Helper (goddess, god, angel, fairy or animal) with mystical abilities. Special orders are also available. See our Sacred Stones ad on page 3 for store locations or email to get the right one for you. Check out our website at to learn MORE about how these amulets can help you.

ANGELS CONNECTING WITH THE ANGELS - Spend the day in the loving energy of the angels. You will have the opportunity to connect with and received messages from the angels using various techniques. You will also practice receiving and giving messages to others. For upcoming dates contact Maureen Bracke, Angel Therapy Practitioner® trained and certified by Dr. Doreen Virtue, 780-479-5011,

FOR SALE ART AFFORDABLE, ECLECTIC, UNIQUE ARTWORK for home or office. Rent or purchase from a large range of batik, canvas or styrofoam paintings. Contact Monika Dery at or ASTROLOGY

INVEST IN YOUR DREAM! Metaphysical shop in BC’s Fraser Valley for sale. Serve a growing spiritual community. Info: HEALING & HEALTH HOLISTIC HEALTH PRACTITIONER specializing in Iridology, Kinesiology, Clinical Herbalism and Ion Cleanse. Serving Spruce Grove, Stony Plain and surrounding area. Call Carlee to book your appointment: 780-628-6100.

CATHERINE POTTER’S ASTROLOGICAL FORECAST for 2010 is now available for you to Linda Ferro read on-line. Go to LOOKING for BALANCE in FORT McMURRAY? Reconnective Healing® Always accepting new clients, the ananda center for and click the ‘Newsletter/Ezine’ tab. Catherine is also balance offers professionally registered yoga, laughter yoga, featuring mini astrological forecasts each month in Mosaic’s reiki and massage therapy services. For more information please Newsletter that comes to your inbox. Sign up today at Mosaic check out: or call Heather at 780-747-3857. website, SAMANTHA KANE-KENNEDY is a Professional Astrologer with 40 years experience. Her caring in-depth consultations instill a deep sense of peace, turn complexity into simplicity and make the impossible possible by understanding that unique mystery … the tapestry of your soul!,, 250382-8443. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AN OPPORTUNITY TO “ENHANCE” your life with Physical Wellness, Financial Wellness, Environmental Wellness and Personal Wellness. Learn how you can ride the Wellness wave to create a healthier, more financially secure future. Contact Karen Urusky at COACHING SOUL COACHING PROGRAM - This six week program, including the 28 Day Program to Discover your Authentic Self, will take you on a spiritual journey to find meaning and sacredness in your everyday life. You will take an honest look at yourself, face fear, release old negative patterns, get motivated and step boldly and joyfully into your future. Contact Maureen Bracke, Certified Soul Coach, at 780-479-5011.

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Mosaic Magazine — Winter 2010

RECONNECTIVE HEALING - My name is Linda Ferro and I’m a Certified Reconnective Healing® Practitioner. My quest for wellness began in 2000 when, as a cancer survivor, I began seeking health and wellness alternatives. I tried a number of things, with mixed success, until one day I read The Reconnection by Dr. Eric Pearl. After three sessions I discovered that the rheumatoid arthritis that had slowly crippled my hands no longer pained me. This inspired me to become a Reconnective Healer and I’m now helping others on their way to wellness. Call me at 780-975-7526 to book a session or visit me at RENEW YOUR SPIRIT at Blue Buddha Wellness Studio. Reiki, Color and Crystal Healing, BodyTalk System, “Spirit Talks” Intuitive Counsel, Tarot Consultation, Classes. Marie Laventure, Reiki Master Teacher Practitioner in Peace River, AB. 780-6257202,, SUKHA SHACK - Your sweet seat for Yoga, Reiki, Energetic Healing and Readings. Call 780-757-7673, 9314 - 111 Avenue, Edmonton, TIRED OF BEING IN PAIN? Try a Yuen Method treatment with Anastasia to experience relief! The Yuen Method is very effective to relieve pain and to resolve other health or life issues. Anastasia is now practicing at Healing Connections. Distance treatments also available. Call Anastasia at 780-249-8840 or visit

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MEDITATION RAJA YOGA MEDITATION classes in association with the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization. Free as a community service. Day and evening classes. Information: 780-425-1050,

SPACIOUS ROOMS FOR LEASE in newly renovated office space. Main floor location in beautiful downtown St. Albert. Call Rosa today at 780-460-8881. SHAMANISM

DO YOU WANT MOSAIC MAGAZINE available at your office or event? Get bulk amounts of Mosaic Magazine to give to your clients at the following locations: ASCENDANT BOOKS (10310 124 St), A SENSE OF SERENITY (10342 - 81 Ave), CRIMSON QUILL (8 Perron St, St. Albert), LIFEFORCE (101 Signal Rd, Fort McMurray), NAMASTE (#216, 2016 Sherwood Dr, Sherwood Park).

SHAMANIC HEALING - It is clear that we are in times of great change. Many of us are being called to step forward as spiritual beings. It is my role to aid seekers in their quest for spiritual and energetic WHOLENESS. My name is Kriket and I have been practicing shamanism for 20 years utilizing healing techniques such as Soul Retrieval, Extraction Healing, Energy Balancing, Trance work and rituals. If you are ready to step more fully into your Being, contact me at: 780-934-8222 or



FEELING ACHY? TIME FOR REIKI! Helping everything from aches and pains to depression and severe illness, Reiki transmits incredible healing energy to the body, mind and spirit. Our Reiki Practitioner, Marina, has a demonstrated track record for getting amazing results for her clients. She offers both personal healing Reiki sessions and distant healing sessions. Call Acu-Health & Wellness at 780-907-7571 or visit

LIFE ENRICHMENT SUNDAYS - Consciousness of Oneness celebrations with jubilant music and Science of Belief lessons at 11:00 a.m. In the natural light filled auditorium at 4936 - 87 Street with teacher/coach Jaclyn Darby. A joyful way to raise and maintain your total well being consciousness. Also customized wedding ceremonies. On the web: Phone: 780-462-4491.

HEALING FROM THE HEART - Reiki Master, Channeler, Card Reader and Dowser. Healing of mind, body, spirit. Call Roxy: 780424-6120. REIKI CLASSES with Myles Corbett. All levels offered through the winter. Contact Myles at or

UNITY CHURCH OF EDMONTON - We provide the nurturing environment; Divinity within provides the infinite opportunity. Sunday gathering: 9:30 a.m. at 13820 - 109A Avenue. Go to, email or call 780-477-5351 for more information about classes, concerts, movies, workshops and so much more. Theme for 2010: Realizing Wholeness; Transforming Lives. Are you ready?



DANCE PERCUSSION STUDIO at 7252 - 101 Avenue, Edmonton, has space available for meetings, movement, workshops, practice and teaching. Reasonable rates in a functional and inspiring environment. Contact Srutika at 780-485-2515, 780-433-4752 or email at

ANYONE FOR YOGA IN MORINVILLE? Are you interested in Gentle Hatha Yoga classes right in Morinville? If there is enough interest, we’ll arrange classes that are conveniently held right in town. Call Darlene Klassen at 780-460-9132 or email:

RIVER LODGE - a quiet, serene and peaceful Retreat Centre! Are you looking for a unique environment for your retreat? River Lodge is located just SW of Edmonton outside of the urban city lights, nestled on the bank of the North Saskatchewan River with abundance of natural surroundings. or 780-963-3873.

LOOKING FOR YOGA or REIKI in Fort McMurray? Private and small yoga classes available with certified instructor, as well as Reiki treatments. Call Marianne at 780-790-2024.


Mosaic’s Calendar of Events NOVEMBER 4 or JANUARY 13 Change Your Story - You want to be happier and healthier yet feel stuck. Perhaps you are trapped in ‘below the line’ thinking. Come explore how to get out of ‘old story’ and move your life ‘above the line.’ Join Life Coach, Mary Johnson. Begin to rewrite your story and your life. Call 780-481-6483 or go to for more details.

phone: 780-554-1891 or visit website at

NOVEMBER 13-14 Extraction Healing Workshop - An Advanced workshop from The Foundation for Shamanic Studies on November 13 and 14. Contact Myles at 780-222-7671 or

NOVEMBER 12-14 & JANUARY 21-23


Core and Cellular Transformational Healing Workshop Series: November 12-14, 2010 at Healing Connections Wellness Center, 10548 - 115 Street, Edmonton AND January 21-23, 2011 at Providence Renewal Center, 3005 - 119 Street, Edmonton. Registration through Sherry: or

Reiki Levels I & II Class - November 13 & 14, 2010, 9:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Ongoing classes available through the winter months. For more information and to register contact Liane at 780-7375055, Insight Wellness Inc., Beaumont, AB.

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Calendar continued from page 39 NOVEMBER 17 Mosaic’s Delicious Book Club Dinner - Join us at Co Co Di Restaurant, 11454 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton at 6:00 p.m. on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17 to talk about The Barn Dance by James Twyman (Hay House, 2010). Email if you can come. Want to keep informed about other upcoming book club dinners? Go to, sign up for our ezine/newsletter and you'll get regular email updates about upcoming book choices and restaurants. Join us!

NOVEMBER 20 Sacred Sex: Healing Through Ancient Erotic Arts - A women’s only workshop helping women to experience their potential as fully integrated, loving and self-aware beings through personal growth exercises, touch, conscious breath and honoring the wisdom of the body. We make learning about Tantric sex and relationships fun, practical, safe, comfortable and inspiring. To register please contact Kriket at 780-934-822 or Sue at 780-278-7310.

DECEMBER 8 Mosaic’s Delicious Book Club Dinner - Join us at our monthly book club dinner. Go to to sign up for our ezine/newsletter and you’ll get bi-monthly email updates about upcoming book choices and restaurants. Join us!


WEEKLY DANCE PERCUSSION STUDIO at 7252 - 101 Avenue, Edmonton offers a West African DRUM CIRCLE facilitated by master drummer, Bill Mitchell on Tuesdays: 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Cost: $17 drop-in, $14 per session in a 5 week package ($70). Other lessons and courses for children and adults: piano, keyboard, African and Middle Eastern drumming, Marimba, African Dance, Vocal Improvisation, hand and kit drumming. Performance groups require commitment and membership. Contact Srutika at or 780485-2515, 780-433-4752. HEART DANCE - Explore the creative expression in your body through music, themes and art while increasing fitness and self expansion. World music is carefully sequenced for all ages and levels by Srutika Garfinkle and other graduates of Core Connexion Transformational Arts. Wednesdays 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. (except holidays) through May at Westmount Fitness Club, 12840 - 109th Avenue, Edmonton. Cost: $17 drop-in, $14 per session in a 5 week package ($70). Sunday mornings at Dance Percussion Studio will be continued if there is interest. Contact Srutika at or 780-485-2515, 780-433-4752.


Mosaic’s Delicious Book Club Dinner - Join us at our monthly book club dinner. Go to to sign up for our ezine/newsletter and you’ll get bi-monthly email updates about upcoming book choices and restaurants. Join us!

CANADIAN SOCIETY OF QUESTERS - Monthly Chapter Meetings in Alberta and BC. Ancient arts of dowsing, divining, questing/seeking and PSI.


EDMONTON ASTROLOGICAL SOCIETY meets on the 2nd Friday of every month (except July and August) at 7:30 p.m. at 3880 - 74 Avenue.

‘Release That Weight’ Program - This revolutionary program will change how you think about weight, food and exercise. Are you a serial dieter? Do you have an inner battle with your weight and eating habits? Do you believe that you can never be thin? Then you must attend this program! This is not a diet or exercise program - it’s a program where you’re going to change your thoughts, behaviors and beliefs about your health. Uncover limiting beliefs and unconscious patterns that sabotage your efforts. Remember, to change your lifestyle you have to change what’s in your mind first. Created by Zaheen Nanji, a Master NLP Practitioner. Contact Shanti Wellness Centre, 780-352-0945,,

WOMEN’S DRUMMING & GODDESS CHANTING CIRCLE Every first Wednesday at 7:30 pm, Edmonton. Self-care circle for adult women. Debra: 780-483-7310.

Calling All Artists

FEBRUARY 19-20 Shamanic Dreamwork - An exciting new Advanced Workshop from the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. Contact Myles at 780222-7671 or

Tell them you saw it in Mosaic!

Mosaic Magazine wants to showcase your original artwork or photographs by featuring them in our articles. You will receive a credit byline on the side of your published artwork. Interested? Send digital images of your artwork to or call 780-447-3667


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Artist’s Gallery

My quirky art, journals and more by Cathy McMillan “Life isn’t about making art, it’s about living a life that makes art inevitable.” ~ Robert Henri

Elephant © Cathy McMillan

All my life I’ve been an artist. Most people know me professionally as a caricature artist, which is what I’ve been making my living at for the past 26 years - locally, nationally and internationally. I do ‘retail’ caricature in festivals, art markets and at my shop, as well as ‘event’ caricature at over 100 corporate and private events each year.

exist below the surface and with mixed media (collage and paint layering techniques), I feel as though I can really visually express myself fully.

There Will Be Time © Cathy McMillan

In Spring 2009, I opened up the Quirky Art Café, a little art studio that looks and feels just like a café. This is where I paint, draw caricatures from photos (or drop in customers), teach art journaling and altered book making, host children’s birthday parties and sell my artwork. For more information about Cathy’s studio, classes and her artwork please visit her website at

However, along with my caricatures and cartoon portraits, I’ve always pursued other mediums of creative expression painting, writing, drawing and mixed media. For the past 15 years, most of my non-caricature work was channeled into sketchbooks, art journals and altered books.

Seeking Trust © Cathy McMillan

With raising three young children, I didn’t have time to do more than a page in a journal or sketchbook, but that restriction turned out to be a creative blessing. Slowly, I began to completely play and experiment entirely for myself and eventually developed a level of trust with my creative expression that I’d never had before. In 2007, when I finally started painting outside of my journals again, what emerged was a fresh and creative combination of paint, written words, stamping, collage and illustration. When I draw caricatures I express what I see. When I paint, I express what I think and feel. I especially love trying to capture the underlying essence of my thoughts and the ideas that actually

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(Italian) With heart and soul

I’m blessed by moments of grace As a kid I didn’t know what grace was, but I knew that Mother Mary had a lot of it. Growing up Catholic, I learned about Jesus, Mary and God mostly at catechism - two long weeks every summer. I didn’t like catechism or the mean nuns, but I did like Mother Mary. I thought she was the perfect mother. When we later moved to the small hamlet of LaCorey when I was 10, there was a beautiful life size statue of Mary in a field of weeds and rubble across the street. There was a Catholic church on a corner in the hamlet, but it was quite a ways from this lonely statue. She seemed displaced, a lot like me. I use to go and talk to her. I’d sit at Mary’s feet and tell her how I was feeling and what I was thinking. I felt safe there. I didn’t think the statue was real, but I did think she could hear me, somewhere up above. Then one day I arrived to discover her statue destroyed - a bunch of pieces scattered all over the ground. I sat there and cried. It was like a part of me had been destroyed. A few weeks ago I had a Rosen Method bodywork appointment with Mariette Berinstein. She stopped at a point of tension in my body that shows up session after session. She asked me some questions but I already knew what was there inside of me. It was a pact I had made with my Mom a very long time ago. I held it in my upper chest. My Mom was almost 40 years old when she had me, in the early 60’s. She already had four children and her youngest was seven. Being pregnant was not something she planned or wanted. And so, I made a silent pact with her - I would prove to her that I was worth it. I’ve been aware of this pact for a long time although I never, ever said it out loud to her. Did she know it inside? I don’t know. Before she died, I asked her if she knew why God had given me to her, why I was special. She was quite sick by then and after a quiet pause, told me that she didn’t know why. At that moment, I felt like I did when I discovered that broken Mother Mary statue when I was 10. I felt broken.

know that, and then our pact would be complete. But that never happened. So there I was in my Rosen Method appointment, telling this to Mariette, when she said something that changed me. She told me that I’d made a contract with my Mom that I never needed to - that we are each worthy, without any deals or contracts or expectations. And whatever the contract was, she was gone now, the contract was over and I was free.

detail of Christmas Carol © Iryna Karpenko

by Connie Brisson

When I ‘got that’ in my mind and then in my body, it was like a huge weight lifted off my chest - literally, physically - and I felt a freedom I’ve honestly never felt before. And then I cried. I cried because if I hadn’t been lying on this table on this day with this special practitioner, I may have always carried this burden inside of me, like a cross. I cried because it is through what I call ‘grace’ that we are led to the people, places and things that free us from our burdens - whether those burdens are self-imposed or real.

And the moment I felt this amazing relief about my mother, I almost instantly jumped into guilt about my daughter. I want to do everything perfectly but my greatest pain comes from the moments when I know I haven’t been ‘the perfect mother.’ But there is no such thing as a perfect mother. Instead there are mistakes and love and forgiveness. So I sent a humble prayer to Mother Mary to send ‘grace’ to Gabrielle - that many people, places and things in her future will appear whenever necessary to fix anything I (or anyone else) may have done incorrectly or absent mindedly. I prayed that grace would visit and heal her whenever she truly needs it… This morning I had a dream about my Mom. She was wearing white pajamas and talking to a bunch of children when I called out to her. When she saw me, she opened her arms and said: “I saw you first.” Then we just hugged each other so hard. The love I felt between us was so intense that I woke up crying. That’s the first time she’s come to me in a dream like this since she died over two years ago. That dream was pure ‘grace’ for me and healed a part of me that only grace could.

I thought that after her death, she would be able to really ‘see me’ - and would come to me in my dreams to let me


Mosaic Magazine — Winter 2010

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Winter 2010 — Mosaic Magazine


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