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The best things in life are
mind • body • spirit • health • wisdom
68th Issue
Rising Sun © Leah Dorion —
Past Life Regression Feel to Heal Power of Jewelry Soul Questions Live a Soul-Fed Life Magical Path to Money
Heal Your Body Validating Your Health Reclaim Your Power Heal Your Karma The Brow Chakra Energy and Healing
From the Other Side Greece is for Gods Psychics’ Ethics Leah Dorion’s Art We Can Have It All
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In this Mosaic… with the intention to pick the right book for someone else who will be at our gathering. Then at the Mosaic Mystics Meeting we will mix all the books in the center and then, again, with great intention, we will ask to intuitively pick the precise book for us that has the message that we most need to hear right now. I love, love, love this idea. It’s fun and mystical.
Because, I could pick a book (all intentions in firm place) that I have read before that I thought was boring or crap or whatever. But this time, because of my intention, because of the group intention and because I am 100% open and willing to getting an amazing message from Spirit, I am going to read this book from a place of openness that I may not ordinarily have had. We’ll need to rent out a consistent place for meetings and because of that, I will need to charge a flat rate of $20 per person, per night/quarter. The meetings will be held at Star of the North in St. Albert. You will need to pre-register with me, via email, up to three days before the event and then pay with cash at the event.
by Connie Brisson It just happens. I don’t plan it. One day, I just have this overwhelming desire to change some aspect of my life or Mosaic or both. And then I wait for some insight and guidance to lead me in the new path. Although I have loved the Mosaic Book Club Dinners and especially all the many wonderful people I have met at them, it’s time for change. My initial goal with the book club dinners was for likeminded people to be able to meet each other in an informal/fun atmosphere. I still want that. And so, my new idea is to have an evening once every issue (every three months - September, December, March, June) where we feature a guest speaker. The speaker will offer you information from their area of expertise that can help you live a better life. I’m going to call it Mosaic Mystics Meeting. It’s the perfect name for people who are searching (and exploring possibilities) for whatever is right for them. So each group meeting you are exposed to different teaching/knowledge that you may not have ever heard of, or even considered, before this. That’s my goal - to make your world bigger. But, because I still love and appreciate the insights that books offer us, I want to do something a little fun with them too.
I will let you know, via my monthly ezine newsletter who the next guest speaker will be and more information about that night. If you aren’t already on my online ezine list, please go to and sign up (on the top right). You will get our ezine newsletters once a month, via email and it will update you about the next Mosaic Mystics Meeting and also provide you with different mini articles not available in the printed magazine. Our first guest speaker will be Youmashni Naidoo, Soul Coach ( She will be teaching us about how to hold a space for ourselves. While we often know how to hold a space for others, we aren’t always able to do it for ourselves. Youmashni will help us learn how to come back to our center and ask ourselves questions so that we can become mindful in any situation and learn ways to become more aware of how we are feeling (because emotions are our guidance system). Come learn some tools and techniques about how to better understand yourself. Join us on Monday, September 15 at 7:00 pm (until 9:00 pm) at Star of the North (3A St. Vital Avenue, St. Albert). After the speaker (about an hour) we will have a break and, then after introducing ourselves, we’ll choose our book. The remainder of the hour will just be for visiting with one another and it will be very informal. Again, it’s important that you email me at to RSVP if you are coming by September 12 and then, if you need to cancel, also email me so I can let the facility know the correct numbers. I hope to see you there. Remember to bring a book!
So I’d like everyone to bring a book that they want to give away, wrap it (so it’s a beautiful present) and bring it that night. Ideally, when you choose the book (new or used), do it
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Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine Ltd.
Going forward by going back by Kimberlay Kiernan
#209, 10715 - 124 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5M 0H2
Edmonton: Fax:
email: web:
780-447-3667 780-939-0588
You need to feel to heal by Sarah Salter-Kelly
Skye’s View
The power of jewelry by Skye MacLachlan
Soul Questions by Marilyn Buan, Valerie Cameron & Melissa Robak
Publisher, Editor, Design & Layout
Design, Layout & Production Co-ordination
Living a soul-led life by Holly Hawkins Marwood
The magical path to money for healers by Fia-Lynn Crandall & Karen Evelyn
Advertising For advertising information contact Connie Brisson at 780447-3667. Deadline for ads is one month prior to publication dates. Payment is due promptly when ad is booked. Mosaic Web-Site See for information about Mosaic, current rates, ad sizes and distribution locations. Web-site by Gaslamp Village Web Design Studio. General Information Mosaic Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine is published four times per year on the 1st of February, May, August and November and is distributed in Alberta. We reserve the right to refuse advertisements, articles or art. Publication of any article, advertisement or art in Mosaic Magazine does not constitute the publisher’s endorsement of (or assumption for) liability for any claims made in the advertisements/advertising information or for the information, views and opinions of the individual article writers.The responsibility/liability for the accuracy of all their claims, statements and information rests entirely with the advertisers and the article contributors themselves. The contents of Mosaic is intended for educational purposes only and not intended to be used or taken as medical advice. Always consult a licensed medical doctor about your health issues. Be responsible and safe. Always research information and service providers found in Mosaic for yourself. Mosaic reserves the right to edit articles for clarity, content or length at the editor’s discretion. No part of this magazine (articles) may be reproduced in any manner without the permission of the publisher. No external flyer inserts allowed. © Mosaic Mind Body and Spirit Magazine Ltd., 2014. Subscription Rates Send cheque for $25.00 (for four issues) payable to Mosaic Magazine with your name, address and phone number. Please indicate which issue you want to start with.
COVER ART Artist: Leah Dorion Title: Rising Sun Contact: Next Issue: NOVEMBER 1,2014 Deadline:OCTOBER 5,2014
Heal Your Body by Dale Pierce, Tammie Quick & Donna Reilly
Validating your body’s health by Norma J. Hope
Reclaim your power with Chakra Balancing by Jackie Pearce
Heal your karma, transform your life by Jasz Korays
Esoteric Explorations
Bringing in the light by Catherine Potter
Energy and healing by Bill McDonald
Reaching out from the other side by Hannelore
Places I Love
Greece is for the gods (and me) by Connie Brisson
The ethical dilemma of psychics by Matt Moir
Directory of Services
Artist’s Gallery
Sharing my cultural knowledge through art by Leah Dorion
Marketplace & Calendar of Events
Things I Love
Con Amore
We can have it all by Connie Brisson Autumn 2014 — Mosaic Magazine
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Going forward by going back I believe we enter each lifetime with purpose - ultimately and cumulatively designed to bring us back to mastery, to realizing who we REALLY are, by recognizing we have never been separated from All-That-IS, the Source, the Creator, God/Goddess. There is a soul contract we agree to, before we pass through the ‘veil-offorgetfulness’ at each birth. Each life we create confers wisdom gained through experiences completed during that life. That accumulated wisdom brings us closer to full consciousness and mastery with each lifetime. Stored in the Akashic Records, accumulated wisdom can be accessed during past life regression. Curiosity often brings the client in for a past life regression session and the wisdom gained from the session is always perfect for that client. Completion and resolution of karma (the Law of Cause and Effect) and unresolved ‘overwhelm’ from earlier experiences can also be parts of an intended life purpose. ‘Overwhelm’ occurs when a person’s ‘wiring’ (nervous system) is unable to process an experience and is overloaded to the point of failure. The subconscious mind (85-90% of the total mind, with the conscious mind being 10-15%) creates a protective fail-safe ‘aspect’ (rather like a software program within the mind), that defends and protects the soul, so it can survive until it can resolve, integrate and complete the ‘overwhelm’. This created ‘aspect’ remains frozen in time, working perfectly, exactly as created, whenever it is triggered by a similar or related occurrence.
In my practice, I’ve noticed that many instances of the ‘overwhelm’ occurred in the very early years of life when the nervous system and coping mechanisms of the child are simply too immature. Although the occurrence may seem relatively minor, to the soul (at the time) it is overwhelming, and can block the progression of the soul until completed. Completion happens when the ‘aspect’ and the perceived cause(s) for its creation are identified and acknowledged. Then the ‘overwhelm’ is completed and integrated, no matter what lifetime spawned it.
Head In The Stars © Maria Pace-Wynters —
by Kimberlay Kiernan RN, CCH, CRHP, CLC
I frequently use hypnotic regression with clients who have recurrent behaviors, feelings, signs and symptoms that have never responded (or responded incompletely) to other forms of therapy or healing. Regression involves going to the memory of the creation of the ‘aspect’ that generates the protective behavior. While often generated in the current lifetime, the memory can be from one or more previous lifetimes or can be a composite assembled by the subconscious as a single ‘memory’. The ‘aspect’ may have been carried forward through several incarnations.
Retrieving the memory during therapeutic hypnosis enables the client to revisit, complete the event and assimilate the wisdom from it. Once completed, the ‘aspect’ is no longer frozen in time, the soul is freed from that burden and able to move forward, no longer held in the past. The repeating behavior, phobia, symptoms, feelings, problems are gone, no longer necessary to protect the soul from the ‘overwhelm’ that was not completed to the satisfaction of the soul in that lifetime. Kimberlay Kiernan is a Registered Nurse and an alternative healer certified in Reconnective Healing©, Life Coaching & Clinical Hypnotherapy (specializing in past life regression). Call her at Quantum Bridge Transformation, Leduc: 780-264-2999 or One Therapy, Drayton Valley: 780-542-7787. Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It is intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor.
For example, a young man is returning from a hunting expedition and from a distance sees his family cabin on fire. His mother is in the cabin. He had a premonition not to go hunting that day. The ‘aspect’ formed to protect him from the overwhelm of guilt for ‘killing his mother’ is the inability to travel. Whenever he considers a trip abroad, he gets anxiety attacks and ‘something’ always aborts the trip. This man has never travelled more than 35 miles from home in this lifetime. The incident occurred in the year 854 AD and he was 23-years-old at the time. If the ‘overwhelm’ remains unintegrated in a lifetime, it can be carried forward to another.
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You need to feel to heal by Sarah Salter-Kelly Spiritual Healer “I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by life’s betrayals or have become shriveled and closed from fear of further pain! I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own, without moving to hide it or fade it, or fix it.”
And yet beneath all of this numbing, there is a wee spark of light still present within each of us that is hungry for something deeper and more profound, that questions the legitimacy of a system based on controlling symptoms rather than healing the source. Perhaps it is the light of the Universal Wisdom within that says: “There is another way...” Your feelings, your pain (be it physical, emotional, mental or spiritual) come from something that is out of balance within you. Going into them and expressing them, will not drown you; they simply want to be felt. Whether it is flu symptoms, anxiety or grief, your body and your spirit are calling out for you to listen.
The number one market (aside from oil) in our country is pharmaceutical drugs whose sole intention is to alleviate, ease or ‘fix’ our pain. At some point in our collective history we must have made an agreement that pain was ‘bad’ and so we are programed to do whatever we can to eliminate it, investing trillions of dollars in the process, creating a whole system of ‘health care’ around it. In today’s age most of our culture believes that it is these miracle drugs alone that will cure the sadness in their spirits, the sickness in their bodies and the confusion in their minds. I do not believe this is true. It is common in the West to measure our self worth according to what we have produced on a day-to-day basis or what objects we have attained from said productivity. (“I am valuable because I have done this and here lays the evidence/proof.”) Taking time out to be with our pain diminishes this sense of value and throws our whole schedule into chaos and so we compromise our health to maintain the objects that we believe give us meaning. Pain is not a priority, or seen as a legitimate commodity, so we hide it, fade it, fix it with whatever drug we need to get through the day - analgesic, decongestant, antihistamine, ibprophen, stimulants, anti-depressants, mood stabilizers, uppers, downers, sleeping pills...
Bloomingdales © Angela Rees —
Mountain D. Oriah, The Invitation (Harperone 1999)
These feelings may challenge you, encourage you to get a new job or end an unhealthy relationship, ask you to eat better food, create a different circle of friends or heal an unresolved trauma. They will guide you to make changes in your life, changes that reflect a deeper relationship with self rather than a superficial experience of pretending you like who you are, who is in your life and what you do for a living. Feel to heal... Trusting in your body gives you a sense of power and confidence that is not found in a pharmacy. Your body’s internal messages and multi warning systems are there for a reason. Waiting until a major health crisis shows up to create change is not necessary. Support your health with resources and people who are like minded and seek value in the voice of the body and the spirit - others who too have heeded the call of the Universal Wisdom within.
Sarah specializes in healing personal struggles, imbalance and trauma through ceremony and connection to the Sacred. She’s available for private sessions in Pigeon Lake or Edmonton at Healing Connections. 780-3149150,, Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It is intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor.
We think this is normal. Over time this amounts to an identity crisis; it is not possible to know who you are or what you want when years have been spent numbing the body’s natural communication system and denying the heart access to authentic feeling. You can’t find yourself if you can’t feel yourself.
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Skye’s View
The power of jewelry by Skye MacLachlan Feng Shui Consultant Since ancient times gemstones and jewelry have been used to transform our energy - sometimes medicinally, sometimes magically. Gems not only impact our physical bodies, they also impact our auric field. All illnesses are first lodged in our auric field before actually impacting our physical body. As well, positive intentions are birthed in the auric field before manifesting in our lives.
Rings are especially powerful if the setting allows the back of the gemstone to touch the skin. As with bracelets, we absorb the energy of the gem as we admire it with our eyes. Each finger represents its own energies. The thumb is associated with will power, logic, temperament, physical vitality; the forefinger with ambition, success, relationships, marriage; the middle finger with karma, fate, philosophy or religion and study; the ring finger with personality, happiness, artistic talents, love and career; the little finger with creativity, communication and intuition. It was once thought that the ring finger contained a nerve that went directly to the heart; this is why engagement and wedding rings are traditionally worn on this finger. Earrings were originally worn to guard the ears from negativity and disease, and to help one hear the voice of Spirit. In addition to this, today we know that earrings impact significant aspects of our anatomy: all sensory organs, thyroid gland, lymph nodes, face, jaw, mouth and the major arteries that feed your brain. As you move your head, the earrings stimulate and cleanse these organs and the auric field around your head.
Necklaces composed of a circle of beads benefit us by encircling our whole body, aura and being with the energy of the gemstones. They radiate their energies equally in all directions and have the greatest mass of gems available to us. Because of this, necklaces tend to give the greatest support possible for life issues, systemic conditions, and overall health concerns. Bracelets have many unique benefits of their own. Because we move our arms, they have a stronger impact on our auric field, cleansing stagnant energies and activating positive intentions. Because we also take in many of the healing energy vibrations of gems through our eyes, bracelets can be looked at and admired when being worn. It’s easier to reap the benefits of wearing a bracelet through the night, as often necklaces can feel like they’re strangling us as we sleep. Bracelets are also preferred for conditions and energies that correspond to the arm, hand, wrist, elbow and shoulder.
detail of Lakshmi © Lisa Chaters
We are blessed to have a huge array of gemstones to choose from today and there are also numerous books that speak about the transformational properties of specific gemstones. This article explores the benefits of specific types of jewelry: necklaces, bracelets, anklets, earrings and rings.
The next time you choose a piece of jewelry to wear, think beyond jewelry as adornment and consider the gem’s many powerful medicinal and magical qualities. You might be surprised by the results!
Beginning in September, I’ll be teaching a 10 month course in Mystical Studies (one Monday per month) and experiencing the power of gemstones will be one component of this exciting course. Contact me at if you’d like to learn more. Skye has specialized in Feng Shui for the home and business for over 30 years. She teaches Feng Shui, Tarot and Dreamwork at the Northern Star College of Mystical Studies in Edmonton, or 780-447-3667.
The information that applies to bracelets also applies to anklets. Wearing an anklet can help to mobilize stagnant energy in your legs (often due to a lack of exercise) and will benefit the foot, ankle, knee, calf and upper thigh. Anklets also come into contact with many energy meridians that cross the ankles: kidney, spleen, liver, stomach, gall bladder and bladder. These organs are greatly vitalized through wearing an anklet.
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Soul Questions © Carol Breen
I have a lot of anxiety surrounding being alone that isn’t rational. I have some when I’m at work, or with family or friends, but it can feel unbearable when I’m alone. This started when I was diagnosed with depression, then bipolar disorder, then an anxiety disorder starting at age 20. Medication has helped somewhat but I still struggle at lot with it. Do you know what else might be going on or have suggestions that can help me? RR, Calgary
by Marilyn Buan Metaphysical Practitioner &Teacher
by Valerie Cameron Psychic/Medium
by Melissa Robak Crystal & Gem Store Owner
There are multiple reasons that cause anxiety. Your astrological chart shows a dominant Earth sign emphasis indicating that ‘work’ and feelings of ‘accomplishment’ are important to you, as well as a strong need to feel a sense of predictability and control over your life. Add to this an emphasis on the sign Virgo and this can cause obsessive worry, high anxiety and perfectionistic tendencies.
Depression and anxiety are just forms of fighting with the flow of life. Your struggle is very normal.
Intuitively, I see a disconnection between who you are in this moment and the energy within you. It feels like you have been burying the essence of who you are for so long that you wouldn’t recognize it if it found you! Medical doctors are diagnosing the symptoms, but only you can solve the root problem.
The anxiety you feel can be reduced by doing some inner spiritual work. This is something your soul has intended for you in this lifetime by the position of the North Node in your chart. Kinesiology can assist you in this process as it allows you to dialogue with your Higher Self through muscle testing. One of the main benefits of Kinesiology is to get to the root cause of a problem and release it from the body’s memory. This is done by first identifying any imbalances in your energy field and then using techniques to improve the flow of ‘chi’ through the meridian and chakra systems. A natural result is to feel a deeper connection to who you really are and, as a result, help you to feel more joy in your life - another theme your soul came here to work on this time around! Marilyn helps others come to know themselves at a ‘soul’ level by incorporating her love of Astrology, Tarot and Numerology into her Kinesiology sessions. Contact:, 780-434-8079.
What you have to ask yourself is: “What is it that I really fear when I’m alone with myself? What is it that I don’t like?” We get caught up in what we think we should be doing or what we’ve been told “is good” for us. We then become very hard on ourselves and lose all confidence. So when we are around other people we start to compare ourselves to them and then the anxiety sets in. We also take on other people’s energies and then don’t understand why we feel the way we do. Also when we are anxious about the future it’s the fear of the unknown. In any case, this is a great opportunity for you to go in and find out what it is for you. I know when I went through my depression, I realized it was about how I felt about myself and all the qualities I thought I lacked (not anything outside of myself). I learned to LOVE and embrace every aspect of me, even my depressive self, and also my lack of confidence. So what I suggest may help you is to really love all of yourself change the way you see this experience. Valerie Cameron, Psychic/Medium, Soul Coach Oracle Card Practitioner, Reiki Master/Teacher and in training as a Soul Realignment Practitioner. Contact: 780-232-4377, www.ValerieCameronPsychic/
I think a phantom quartz is ideal for your situation. It will help resolve past issues, take you through the phases and cycles of life and help uncover hidden information that you can use to encourage personal growth. Brown banded agate will bring stability, but also inner knowledge, while a piece of black onyx will help overcome feelings of loneliness and help to calm your anxiety. Blue apatite will encourage honest communication with both yourself and those around you. It is time for you to emerge from your protective cocoon and experience all that this life is begging to share with you! Make it your mission to try something entirely out of your comfort zone at least once a week. Utilize a dark red garnet to give you strength to embrace this challenge, labradorite to come out of your shell, chrysocolla to reduce your insecurities and black obsidian to recognize that nothing is impossible! I see incredible positivity and happiness radiating in your future and I can’t wait for you to embrace it! Melissa Robak is co-owner of two amazing gem and mineral stores in Lacombe and Red Deer. Chris and Melissa’s ability to intertwine the metaphysical with the ‘rock-hound’ draws gem lovers from everywhere to their unique stores. Visit for more details!
If you have a question that you’d like answered by these three ways, please email Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It is intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor.
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Living a soul-led life The idea of living a life experiencing your perfection sounds like a delusion, a fantasy or something dreams are made of, right? It does not sound like anything that can truly be possible in this life. At the level of your soul’s perception you are inherently good and loving. All aspects of you are accepted at the level of your soul. Being able to connect with your soul-level truth allows you to understand the whys and wherefores of what you are experiencing in your human dimension, which can bring about great peace, ease and even joy in your life! So why are we not experiencing this level of peace, ease and joy? We have all been wounded. It is a fact of life in this dimension. Often we use these wounds against ourselves as evidence that we truly are ‘bad’, unworthy or not lovable. Going through life, we strive to understand our experiences at a deeper level - which can transform them from the ordinary to the sacred. What if you could look at your wounds with the same love and true understanding that is experienced at the level of your soul? What if those wounds create the opportunities for you to experience the sacred in your human life and move into a greater awareness of the Divine? Your wounds then become sacred because they have the potential to create a personal encounter with the Divine.
Learning to access your Akashic Records is easy to do at this point in history. There are many ways to access the Akashic Records and one way is the Pathway Prayer process to access the heart of the records. This sacred, nondenominational prayer, brought through by Linda Howe, creates a bridge between you and your Akashic Records and assures that you are in this sacred space. Once there you ask questions about experiences in your life, your wounds and your perception of your flaws (why your life is the way it is). As you are in your records and tell the truth of what your experience has been, you begin to see yourself and your life from the point of view of your soul, which shifts your inherent vibration. As your vibration shifts, your experience of life changes through your point of view, behavior, thoughts, reactions and more.
Back Cover RC © Bernadette McCormack
by Holly Hawkins Marwood
Through the gentle, loving presence of your Akashic Records you can create the life you are dreaming of, one question at a time, one understanding at a time, always shifting your vibrational reality allowing a greater and greater aspect of your soul to lead the way. What we have always felt was possible in our lives IS possible through this incomparable soullevel resource of the Akashic Records.
Are you ready to create this reality for yourself through an Akashic Record reading or by learning to access your Akashic Records for yourself and others? Holly is an Advanced Certified Akashic Records Teacher & Reader based in Southern California., 1-760-803-4297, Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It is intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor.
You can learn to experience the beauty of your ‘sacred wounds’ through the vehicle of your Akashic Records, which is the record of your soul’s experiences throughout all time: past, present and future. In your Akashic Records you have the opportunity to look at your wounds (and other less than desirable human experiences) and connect with love and non-judgment that is inherent to your soul’s experience. Connecting with your inherent goodness through your Akashic Records creates a shift in your vibrational reality, allowing you to experience life from a different point of view, moving you closer to the vibration of your soul and living a soul-led life.
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The magical path to money for healers by Fia-Lynn Crandall & Karen Evelyn
alone. It happens more easily; there is synchronicity, attraction, being guided by intuition and more!
Can’t you just feel on some level that there are lots of clients and money just wanting to flow into your life, even if it hasn’t shown up yet?
In order to truly tap into the magical path to money, where the money and clients that are waiting for you actually do come easily, you must have two elements solidly in place.
And can you also feel that there must be a way for the money and clients to come in magically and easily? One of the awesome bonuses of being a healer is that you have access to the magical path to money. The magical path to money is making money and attracting clients without relying on just action and practicality
The first element of the magical path is the ‘magic’. Magic includes anything related to the unseen. Meditation, visualization, intention, law of attraction, energy healing and other practices are all magical. Many healers use these methods to grow their business and get more clients. Using magic to attract money and clients builds up a powerful energy of potential. Picture it, like a tidal wave of potential and energy that wants to flow into your reality. The problem is that most healers don’t allow this tidal wave of good into their life! Why? Because they don’t set-up the pathways for that flow to come in. Rather than a powerful stream of income and clients, it ends up being more like a dam. The tidal wave has no way to flow in. The money is there. The clients are there and it doesn’t come in. Fia-Lynn experienced this. “In the first three years of my business as a healer I meditated daily, visualized the money and clients coming in, felt the abundance, focused on the positive and kept the faith. But after three years of this, my income was just $800/month!”
Air Castles © Denise Lefebvre —
The magical path to money requires MORE than magic alone. That leads us to the second element of the magical path to money (which is the actual path for the money to come in). Money needs a pathway to flow to you. Without a powerful pathway, you block your ability to receive money. There is no real-world, practical way that large numbers of clients can find you and pay you. There are two ‘must-have’ powerful pathways for a healing business that allows money to flow to you magically and in greater amounts. The first is the Marketing Pathway. Most healers are heart-based and
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cringe at the idea of marketing! They don’t want to do it! Can we redefine marketing for you?
this because they don’t realize that there are ways to sell that are totally congruent and heart-based.
Imagine that right now, there are many people out there who are suffering with the exact challenges and problems that you can easily resolve for them. The Marketing Pathway is simply a solid, consistent, realworld way for these people (who need you) to find you.
And so they don’t build this pathway. And because it’s not easy for their potential clients to buy from them, their potential clients miss out and don’t get the help they need. The healer also doesn’t make the money they could be making. It’s tragic!
You know you have this powerful Marketing Pathway in place if you can easily describe what you do and people want to know more (their eyes don’t glaze over) and if you have a steady stream of potential clients who are reaching out to work with you on an on-going basis.
Selling is a necessary skill in any healing business. It takes courage to learn it and once you do, you will be so excited about finally getting awesome clients and making awesome money.
That’s the first powerful pathway. Once you connect with a potential client through your Marketing Pathway, there is a second pathway that is necessary for them to become a paying client. And that is the Sales Pathway. A solid Sales Pathway is an authentic, good-feeling way of selling your services to potential clients. Selling is often a challenge for healers. Karen remembers what this was like for her in the beginning: “When I started my coaching practice, I was terrified of selling! When it came time to ask a new potential client if they wanted to buy my coaching sessions, I would get nervous, start to stutter and be really awkward. It was uncomfortable for everyone. Sadly, I wasn’t making any money. It was very discouraging. I knew I could be helping so many more people and that my fears around money and selling were holding me back. That’s when I made the decision to learn how to master sales.” Sales is a skill that you learn. It’s not something you are born with! Even so, most healers don’t want to learn
Recently, one nutritionist that we worked with embraced sales and sold three nutritional programs at $1997 each in one month! She exclaimed: “Now that I know the skill of selling, I am so excited! It’s easier to sell my program at $1997 than it used to be to sell one session at $100!” The magical path to money is about embracing the fact that money wants to flow to you. It’s about using magic and setting up powerful pathways for the money and clients to flow to you. It’s about using the powerful spiritual concepts and tools you know about manifesting, combined with heart-based, authentic powerful pathways of marketing and sales. When you have both the magic and pathways set-up, you are on the magical path to money. You show the universe that you are truly ready to attract more clients and money. That’s when the magic really happens! We’ve both seen it and it’s incredible. This is how it’s meant to be. So start building your pathways today! Fia-Lynn Crandall & Karen Evelyn are authors of the forthcoming book: “The Wealthy Healer: Embrace the Magical Path to the Money and Impact You’re Meant to Make!” Attend their “Magical Path to Money” workshop in Edmonton or Calgary for FREE. Call 1-800-618-4678!
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Heal Your Body © Denise Lefebvre
“After getting a virus last fall, I began to get ear plugging and then vertigo. The vertigo keeps coming back, even after physio treatments of Epley, etc. I’ve also suffered headaches for about 30 years (often turning into migraines). I’ve tried Botox and many other things to cure them. I’m on medication right now to get through the day for my ear pain and headaches, and have seen both an ear specialist and a neurologist, etc. I’m a teacher and have not been able to return to work. This is distressing me very much and any help would be appreciated. TS, Edmonton by Dale Pierce Jin Shin Do® Teacher As is often the case in persistent maladies, the source of your pain is not merely a physical condition that can be cured by a pill or a procedure. While pills and procedures can aid in the relief of symptoms, you must look deeper, to the underlying condition of your emotional and spiritual bodies if you wish to reduce recurrences. So, how do you begin? Jin Shin Do® Bodymind Acupressure® will help you to reconnect your conscious awareness to the messages that your body is sending you. The condition of specific acupressure points will reveal the emotional spectra that are out of balance and that will give you direction to begin to address the underlying issues. Even by Tammie Quick Doctor of Homeopathy and Heilkunst Your history of migraines suggests that you need to stop eating wheat, today. And if you’ve already done that, then stop eating all grains and sugar too. Migraines are simply inflammation of the brain and these foods are highly inflammatory, plus they put you at a high risk for developing type 3 Diabetes or what’s commonly known as Alzheimer’s disease. Check out the book Grain Brain (Little, Brown and Company, 2013) by neurologist David Perlmutter, MD for more information. As a Heilkunst physician I would have you change your eating AND use homeopathic medicines to clear the virus, since this has been a “never been well since” event for you. But even more important, is sleuthing out what was going on for you BEFORE the virus happened. by Donna Reilly Reiki Master/Teacher I have always been a big fan of the philosophy of “healing comes from within.” I feel your distress and I can see clearly that from your words in your question, that you have been seeking your answers from outside of yourself to resolve this experience. It has been proven in numerous ways that all physical symptoms of the body are connected to an emotion. I am feeling you are not validating yourself and actually are avoiding listening to your own inner guidance. This would then create the scattered thoughts, which would result in the vertigo. Are you distressed about what you are experiencing or about not being able to go back to teaching and if so why? This is Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It is intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor.
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before your sessions begin, you might find it helpful to ask yourself this very basic question: “What are the emotions that I feel that I don’t want to express?” In every Jin Shin Do session, we use acupressure points in the neck and shoulders to reduce tension from the shoulders up and that is almost always effective in reducing the frequency and severity of migraine and other headaches. In your specific case we would early on want to use a series of face, head and arm points, which will have the effect of reducing tension throughout the head, neck and face. Dale is a practitioner and teacher of Jin Shin Do Bodymind Acupressure and a Registered Massage Therapist at Enerchi Massage and Wellness and at Garneau Chiropractic.
A virus (or rather the symptoms) is always something that your body/life force uses in order to heal itself. Think about it. Sneezing, coughing, fever, vomiting and diarrhea are excellent ways for the body to push things out! Maybe you’d been forced to use a lot of your migraine medication for a really bad spell (or maybe it happened after Botox?), forcing your body into a viral phase, in an attempt to detox itself. Of course, that’s just a guess on my part. A thorough Heilkunst consultation will shed light on the why’s and the how’s of this case. Tammie Quick, DMH, DHHP, practices Homeopathy and Heilkunst at the Quick Health Clinic in St. Albert, AB. Call 780-221-6127, or Appointments can be in person, by phone and by Skype.
where I am feeling the fear. Remember we are all the teachers, the teaching, and the taught! More than 10 years ago I had some of the symptoms that you are talking about. Through the guidance of reiki/hypnosis, but mostly listening to my own inner guidance, I no longer have these symptoms nor have I had a prescription drug in my body for over 10 years. I now know we can have more control of our life experiences by simply validating and listening to our own inner guidance, as our body has a way of speaking to us. Donna Reilly, Reiki Master/Teacher, uses hypnosis when working with Reiki. She offers classes and workshops at the Fort Saskatchewan Holistic Health Centre. Contact: 780-221-8286,,
If you have a question that you’d like answered by these three ways, please email
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Validating your body’s health Ever wonder if whatever you are presently doing for your health is really working for you on the inside - improving your health in the most important places, the most essential body systems? I have always said go by how you feel. But, I know from working with clients for 16 years and my own journey, that this brain of ours needs validation sometimes, a solid verification that what we are doing is actually working on the inside where it really counts. And that validation is like a huge, delicious, pat on the back, inspiring us, giving us the hope and the encouragement to keep going, even when struggling with our own unique individual stressors. Vital Scan Heart Rate Variability (HRV) testing is a separate therapy that provides that validation for you. It excites me to be able to provide this service for clients and also for my own health! This verification (in real time), as to what’s improving your health and what’s not, is priceless and rewarding. In just five minutes, the Vital Scan HRV device displays a real time, accurate measure of your cardio vascular system, autonomic nervous system, central nervous system, neurohormonal regulation, psycho-emotional balance, peak potential index, chakra status, meridian system regulation, ayurvedic tri-dosha balance and more. HRV is not new technology. It has been used by the medical field for more than a decade. The Vital Scan HRV is the newest, most advanced, practical and intuitive complimentary assessment tool available in the world today. It assesses - it does not train.
After my client, Claudette, did her first Vital Scan HRV session, she proceeded with her own plan of cleansing, detoxing and taking time for herself. Her second Vital Scan HRV session (three weeks later) showed her previous percentages improved by 3 - 8% on each system. This validated and excited her to keep going. My new client, Heather, was so excited to see her first Vital Scan HRV results that she was jumping up and down. “I feel so validated because I know I have been really looking after myself,” she said. She then did her first Biofeedback training session. HRV testing done immediately after showed functionality of all systems increased by 15 - 22% in just a 1½ hour session!
Big Yellow Hat © Chris Riley —
by Norma J. Hope Vital Scan Practitioner
Medical studies have verified that the cause of up to 97% of all illness/dis-ease in each of our lives is ‘stress’. Stress degrades all the above systems. Fantastic improvements in percentages happen with Biofeedback Stress Reduction for that reason. There is no better validation for that brain of ours than ‘seeing’ results in real time. And that translates into feeling very good in our heart about ourselves - a deep joy. It allows us to love our own self more and YES that significantly increases your health percentages too.
My new website will have the Vital Scan HRV information on it but it’s not quite ready to go live yet so just email for further information if needed now - in real time! Norma Hope is a Certified Biofeedback Specialist, Certified Colon Hydrotherapist, Lymph Therapist, Eternale Practitioner, NeuroAcoustic Sound Therapist, Microcurrent Therapist, Thought Field Therapist and more… Call 780-477-1100 or go to Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It is intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor.
You sit comfortably, quietly, in a chair with a monitor attached to each wrist. Vital Scan HRV measures the variation in the time intervals between heart beats (in beat to beat interval). These variations translate into how each of the above systems are individually functioning today. As a practitioner, Vital Scan HRV is a brilliant window into seeing how a client’s systems are functioning. As a client, you get to see in full color, demographic charts with percentages, how your systems are functioning and if what you are doing is improving your essential body systems or if you need to change it up.
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Reclaim your power with Chakra Balancing by Jackie Pearce Wholistic Practitioner Have you ever felt powerless when it comes to expressing who you are and what your needs are? Tongue tied? Lost for words? Like you’re just drifting along without a say in how things unfold? If so, you’re likely not centered enough to stand in your power and are unable to focus your energy in a constructive way to manifest that which you desire. When we feel out of control or powerless there are often several factors to consider. It usually also all happens at once and causes you to feel even more overwhelmed, which just furthers the cycle of feeling powerless. It is a vicious cycle that once you are in, it can be hard to transform on your own. Chakra Balancing is so profound for my clients when they are experiencing these symptoms. When you have your chakras balanced everything becomes still and quiet. The storm you feel you are weathering subsides, the clouds part and your inner radiance shines. The voice you lost comes back, strong and empowering,
allowing you to set your boundaries and comfort zones with precision. This confidence also sends out a strong message to those around you (that you are requiring outside influences to take you seriously, to respect your needs and to help accommodate your requirements as much as they can). This allows you to breathe. It allows your aura to expand into a larger space around you while also maintaining its strength and integrity. In essence you will feel like ‘you’ again. The sense of power and control you recently lacked is back with a new sense of awareness, your thoughts become clear and your path becomes easier to navigate. People that once intimidated you or always made you feel small will now be on the same ground as yourself. They will be more receptive to your thoughts, ideas and needs. Instead of fighting you, they are working with you, creating with you and respecting your space. When you’re feeling like all your effort is going into a project, idea or situation but just being completely diluted and evaporating right before your eyes, it is usually a communication from your energetic body that you need to regroup, center and come back to the situation later.
I See You © Lorraine Shulba —
Chakra Balancing allows your energetic field a break. Your session is conducted in sacred space; it is a safe and comfortable place to let down your energetic guards, to truly receive rejuvenation and energetically be recharged. Being able to melt into the session and the sacred space that is created solely for you allows your body a chance to really rest, to shed energies and beliefs that no longer serve your highest intentions, and to be fully present and aware of new energies coming in for you. As the old is shed, the new comes in or the old energies are transformed into useful vibrant energy for you to utilize as you see fit. During the process of Chakra Balancing your physical body will be brought into harmony with your energetic, spiritual and emotional bodies. This allows for deep centering to occur (you will feel balanced and centered for much longer than just your session). Many clients feel the recentering lasts days, weeks and sometimes it never fades away at all it simply becomes the new ‘norm’. In this state you are at peace, thinking
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clearly and able to be very effective at navigating the waters around you. There is a calmness that offers great clarity. Your intuition will be increased and your confidence will be right there by your side. When you stand in your power, you are your true essence; you shine your light brightly and with purpose. Others will be attracted to you and your leadership. Suddenly you are the captain of your own ship again. You will be able to stand up for yourself and what you believe in, able to speak your higher truth and do so with integrity and tact. Being centered and balanced allows you to stand in your power and claim that which is yours, including your destiny, your desires and your talents. Manifestation becomes a breeze and suddenly you just know that you are in the flow. You have become one with yourself and with your surroundings. Chakra Balancing offers you the ability to gain deep self awareness, to have the courage to stand your ground and be who you were meant to be. It allows you the space to spread your wings and fly as high and as fast as you wish. When you claim your power, you enable others to claim theirs. You become the beacon of hope that others are inspired by. So how does it work? It is simple, gentle and profound. When you come for a session we create a sacred bond and work together to create the changes you want. As your facilitator I guide you through your sessions, listening deeply and truly to your energetic body, listening for what it needs. Perhaps it is support or the opportunity to let go and simply be held in a safe and sacred space. Energy is both offered in sessions as well as released. I am an energetic alchemist. Working with the energy that you have, combining it with the energies that Source has to offer (this is from your belief system) and amplifying it with crystals, colour and sound, then bringing it all together with my own gifts to create harmony within you to shine brightly into your world. Allowing you to be centered, whole, full of clarity and standing tall and strong in your divine essence as you have now reclaimed your power, you can embrace the world in a whole new way. When you are centered you are able to manifest very gracefully and quickly. Work becomes play, doubt transforms into clarity. Your words flow with ease and grace. Your ability to steer your life in whichever direction suits you best is effortless and joyful. You exude confidence. You become fuller and more vibrant. You truly claim your power and recreate your outward personality to one that resonates within your Higher Self. You become the person you always wanted to be, the one you were meant to be. Jackie specializes in Chakra Balancing, is a Certified Colour Sound Therapist, Reiki Master/Teacher and practices Hot Stone Massage at Golden Lady Wholistics. She also offers courses and workshops. Contact: 780-690-4156, or Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It is intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor.
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Heal your karma, transform your life Karma is a central concept in Eastern religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism. Karma is also known in western culture. Buddhists call it KARMA, Christians call it DEEDS, Taoists call it TE, other spiritual beings call it VIRTUE. These are different names for the same thing. The reason of our sufferings in life is due to our good or bad deeds accumulated in this or in any of our previous lives. Therefore whatever positive and negative we get in this life is the reaction of our actions done in the past. Every person suffers from different kind of problems; it may be health issues, relationship problems, financial problems or other emotional and psychological problems. Karma is the root cause of all our sufferings. Good deeds create good karma and bad deeds create negative karma. Karma’s effect can manifest immediately, later in life or after multiple lifetimes. Some religions view karma as the law that governs reincarnation, while others believe that karma is actual particulate matter that gets stuck to the soul and must be removed through acts of piety. Spiritually, as well as physically, the type and quality of seeds that one plants will determine the quality of the crop they will harvest. As souls, what we do comes back to us according to God’s design. If we have imbalances in our consciousness (known as karmic debts), we either find ourselves presented with the same lesson again and again within one lifetime (until we gain the wisdom and value of the lesson being presented) or we re-embody (reincarnate), carrying the karma over from one lifetime until the next. Karma is a balancing action that offers us chances through life circumstances, situations and relationships to learn important spiritual lessons. The effects of karma may be evident either in the short term or in the long term. At death we have to leave everything behind (our property and our loved ones) but our karma will accompany us like a shadow. The Buddha has said that nowhere on earth or in heaven can one escape one’s karma.
Millions of people worldwide want to clear their karma to get rid of their sufferings and to lead happy and prosperous lives. There are different views to heal negative karma - some says chanting of mantras works well, while other says acts of piety is the best way to heal karma. Our good or bad deeds play a significant role in our life. When we offer unpleasant services, we have to suffer again and again and take birth in many lives to complete the cycle of karma. And when we offer pleasant services to humanity, God rewards us with good health, family, name, fame, success and wealth.
Mountain Lupines © Monika Dery
by Jasz Korays Karma Healer
As an enlightened being I am honored that the Universe chose me as a Karma Healer and blessed me with a wonderful and miraculous sacred symbol and sacred number to heal negative karma. This symbol and number is very powerful in healing and can be combined with other healing symbols also, like Reiki. But initiation is required to perform karma healing on others.
The major benefit of karma healing is one can get rid of bad or negative karma, accumulated in this life or in any previous lives. Your sense of peace, tranquility and happiness is enhanced. You can be free from chronic and life threatening diseases, guilt, negative thoughts, stress and depression. When all karma is balanced, then health, wealth and relationships improve, and spiritual growth occurs. One can get salvation too. Jasz specializes in Karma Healing and is a Certified Color Therapist (USA), Reiki Master, Soul Healer, Psychic Reader, Past Life Therapist, Crystal Healer, Feng Shui Expert and trains people in all modalities. Contact: 780722-0293 or Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It is intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor.
The Law of Karma says whatever we get (negative or positive) is due to our good or bad deeds, only done deliberately or inadvertently. So if we understand this law and follow the rules of the Law of Karma our sufferings will be less.
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Esoteric Explorations
Bringing in the light by Catherine Potter Astrologer and Hypnotherapist Language becomes inadequate when describing the upper chakras. To know them we need to tap into the world of symbology, archetypes, myths, metaphors, dreams, intuition and meditation. These are the keys that open the door to what lies beyond the illusion of the physical world. Clarity, perception, light, color (fragments of light) and clear seeing are all words associated with the brow chakra. Usually when people think of this chakra they connect it to psychic phenomenon yet psychic abilities are only a piece of what this chakra is about. To gain a greater understanding of the brow chakra you need only think about light. The bigger the light the more we see. The more we see the clearer we become. The proverbial light ‘comes’ on, we become ‘clear seeing’ and experience a shift in our perception. Let’s play with this idea of light. Imagine when you want to view something you go through life using either a penlight, a flashlight or a huge spotlight. It is obvious that using a penlight as a light source will restrict what can be seen. Now think about the penlight in terms of inner vision and again we will experience a restriction - this time connected to our world view and perception. Our inner dialogue might be: “I'm sticking with what I was taught and know anything else is crazy.” A flashlight perspective will shed more light but also create more tension. Our world view and idea of what is true gets shaken up. Our inner dialogue may be: “I’m not
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entirely sure if what I’m exploring is right and it is at odds with my previous version of what is real and true.” A spotlight perspective allows us to stand back more and have a broader view. The inner dialogue may be: “I need to question, educate myself, be curious, discerning, let my world view crack open and mindfully explore the unknown.” How much a person will activate and use the energy of the brow chakra will depend on how much energy they are investing into becoming ‘light filled’. Now what about the psychic and visionary part of this chakra? Again it’s all about perception. Clear seeing (clairsentience) is the ability to see beyond the illusion of time and space and the understanding that neither the past nor future are set in stone. The past/future are ever changing possibilities and potentials based on the perception and actions of the person(s) who is creating. Visionaries or people who have ‘seen’ the future (years in advance) are seeing one possible outcome which becomes more probable if the majority of the people have the same perspective or world view. A penlight perspective has an inflexible, probable outcome whereas a spotlight perspective opens the door to a variety of choices and therefore many possible outcomes. It’s not only within everyone’s ability to eventually activate this chakra, it’s our destiny. It is important to remember that all the chakras work together, one supporting the other. In order to stay strong within our self and have clear vision we need to be centered. When we are strong and sure in our lower chakras and centered in the knowing of interconnectedness in our heart, then we naturally blossom.
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HOMEWORK: Pay attention to your intuition. Everybody has it - we just need to learn to hear at a more subtle level. Keep a journal handy and jot down all the times your hunches are true. Don’t look for the big, dramatic things. Pay attention to the many daily messages you receive that get overlooked. For example, knowing who is on the phone before you pick it up or, out of the blue, you feel strongly attracted to going to a particular store and then find an item you have been searching for. We are constantly getting these inner messages but often override or discount them. Writing them down will focus your attention as you begin to create a healthy habit of listening to your inner wisdom. Exercise your inner vision by using imagery. For example, if you are looking for clarity regarding a situation in your life sit quietly, close your eyes, take a few breaths and ask for an image to come to mind that will help you clarify the situation. It is important to not judge what you get and think symbolically rather than literally. If it is a new way of thinking it means you are opening up new pathways in the brain. Have fun and play with it. There are many books that help develop clear seeing, perception shifts and holistic thinking through the use of imagery or drawing. Use collages as a way of problem solving or envisioning a possible future. Think about what you would like to create and then get some magazines and cut out the pictures that speak to you. Put them on a sheet of construction paper or in a journal. Before you glue them in place question whether the pictures you’ve chosen feel true for you. If not, choose a picture that represents the block to your vision. What does this represent in your life? It is important to learn to tune into yourself so meditation or breathing techniques that center and quiet you are also important tools. Find the books, classes, teachers or mentors that help you support your desire to become more ‘light filled’. An Astrologer since 1986, Catherine is also a Hypnotherapist and Meditation Instructor. She brings her unique counselling and teaching style to The Northern Star College of Mystical Studies. Call 780-447-3667, and
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Energy and healing by Bill McDonald As a student of the Ancient Mysteries and a Pranic Healer, which is largely based on those teachings, I have a great interest in energy. Quantum physics has taught me that everything that we perceive as matter is actually energy. H.P. Blavasky stated that matter is spirit in its lowest form and the reverse. In the mid 1990’s I got my start in energy work using a helium neon laser on race horses at Northlands Park. I started as a sales person and ended up as a laser acupuncture therapist, with great results. A couple of veterinarians took notice and I was banned for practicing medicine without a license. The next year one trainer licensed me as a groom and for two hours each morning I lasered the horses. That year, she became the top trainer for the only time in her career. Several horses that I worked on became stakes winners including one with a bad back, which two vets had said was done as a race horse (the year before). That horse became unbeatable and won over $100,000 that summer. Two articles mentioning lasers as part of the trainer’s success in major newspapers got that trainer on the hot seat with the racing commission. Three important points about laser acupuncture should be noted. Treatment had to be on the exact acupuncture point. I had to clip the hair at the point and it had to be helium neon light, which is 632 nanometers in wavelength. I had access to an infrared frequency device but that did not work (as confirmed in a binder full of reference articles I collected on all types of lasers and treatment parameters). Laser light will not penetrate clothing, nor thick layers of hair as shown in many different studies. There is an article titled “How Not to Promote Laser Therapy” on the internet that is well worth reading for persons interested in laser therapy. The next step for me was something called radionics. A friend gave me the manual and after reading it I decided to go to Texas and take the course. It all seemed pretty hokey but I couldn’t explain how many different practitioners could get the same results on the same sample. I bought a machine and spent several years working and studying with it. I discovered a great many things which were confirmed independently by people I worked on and with. The manual brought my attention to chakras and meridians. The fact that acupuncture points are minor chakras really got my attention. So when I got introduced to Pranic Healing, it all fit together. After several years of working with Pranic Healing, I went to Sooke, B.C. to a Pranic Healing Retreat. I had taken my radionics machine with me and the second evening was urged to bring it out to demonstrate it. I
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took readings on many different people who were all new to me. The results were astonishing. The normal range of what is called the general vitality (life force) is 300 to 700. All these people were over a 1000 and a few much higher yet. One person however was in the normal range, so I went to her and asked what might be different about her. She explained to me that she was the only person there who was not a Pranic Healer; she was there just visiting a friend. A few years ago at a dowsing meeting, the president was making a study of the different sizes of the members’ auras with a dowsing device. Typically the auras extended a couple of feet at most. Several of those members were healing practitioners who had taken the highest levels of their particular systems. Since that time, I have studied the practitioners of many different systems. One person at a dowser’s meeting actually became upset at being checked. Another time I went to an open house where everyone was a practitioner of a certain system but me. Only one person stood out and so I had to ask what she did. She stated that she meditated every day and had for many years. I had taught a basic Pranic Healing class in Calgary many years ago and one student had a huge energy field. I asked her what she did and she stated that she was a Buddhist and had meditated for many years. I taught Pranic Healing for a few
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years and had many practitioners of different systems as students and there was no difference between them and the other students, except in one case of a young woman from Calgary who was highly clairvoyant and spiritually evolved. She is now a high level Pranic Healer and student of Arhatic Yoga. So what’s my point? Some people do have very large energy bodies and many people who have taken many different courses and claim to have certain abilities, do not. If you take a course and are told you have acquired or been given something, where is it hidden?
now is a Master. Two people I know have seen him, as mentioned in a previous article. I was retaking a class in Calgary a few years ago and a young woman approached me and told me Master Choa said I had something to teach her. I gave her my Alice Bailey book Initiation Human & Solar (Lucis Publishing 1922). I felt a presence and all that afternoon I had a severe pain in my right shoulder which I had never experienced before or since. Sometime later while talking to a friend (who is clairvoyant and audient), she told me Master Choa was there at the class and had his hand on my right shoulder. Lucky guess.
Lord Buddha’s aura was stated to be three miles across. I saw the founder of modern Pranic Healing (Master Choa) across a big room and it was like he was standing in a green fog. Some of his students could feel his aura several kilometers away. He has since passed away and
The point here is there are higher beings between you and the universe, source or God. Your purpose here is to evolve, which means growing your energy body in the process. As you evolve consciously, you can contact higher beings. They can’t come down, you must go up. Claims are made that because you are attracted to one course or another, you are more special than other people. We are all special, but we need to use discernment in what we believe. We acquire a more refined and larger energy body by a process that cannot be short circuited. Healing involves a transference of energy from one person to another. As healers, do you ask some higher being or beings to transfer energy? If so why can’t the person who wants healing ask for themselves? Does the person wanting healing have something to learn from the illness; are they resisting learning? Are there karmic implications as the healer; how are you to know? Do the higher beings tell you other people’s business? Evolution is a self-acquired process.
Light Within © Jayna Simpson —
I keep mentioning the placebo affect because it is so effective in healing and many new systems benefit from it. A recent article in Discover Magazine (July/August 2014) does an in-depth study of this phenomenon including brain scans.
All the new systems claim that they are the one, that one person has been chosen to present this to the world and that one person can pass that power to you. Okay, so which one is the one? And as you look around at the other students, are they all loving compassionate persons like you or are some more egotistical and feel they are there because they are special and they are chosen to lift up the masses, so to speak? As I have stated, we are all special and are at whatever point we have attained in our evolution and no outside influence can rob us our opportunity to learn and advance. Healing is not that high on the list of things to learn. Also the greatest healer of all, Lord Christ didn’t look at a person’s wallet to see if they could afford a healing… just something to remember. My email address is If you require more information or take issue with what I have said, you can let me know. Autumn 2014 — Mosaic Magazine
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Reaching out from the other side My sister and I were enjoying a long and relaxing visit with a dear friend who has the remarkable gift of receiving messages from departed loved ones. As a teacher of intuition, I often work with and offer guidance to clients who have the gift of communicating with spirits that have crossed over. But try as I did, I was not able to communicate with my own departed father. So, when the opportunity presented itself, I mentioned that my mother was not coping well with Dad’s passing. My parents spent over 60 years together, so losing him was extremely hard on her. I asked my friend if she was open to receive a message from him. If so, could he let us know something we could share with Mom that would be proof for her that he was okay? At that moment she took a quick and deep breath and immediately shared: “He just came in and said: ‘Tell her to remember the bird’.” I looked at her questioningly and asked: “The bird?” She then replied: “He is really excited and keeps insisting and repeating: ‘Tell her to remember the bird!’” She asked if that meant anything to us. “No!” we replied. We both couldn’t think of anything. That was it; nothing else came through. The next day, my sister and I arranged to have lunch with Mom. She was experiencing a particularly difficult day grieving Dad. We told her about our friend’s gift and that we asked if we could receive a message from Dad. We then told her the message and she also said: “The bird?” I asked if that meant anything to her and she said: “No.” Needless to say we were disappointed. Mom left the room and a moment later we heard her shout: “I know what it is!” She came back and told us to join her in the kitchen. She then said: “As you know, your father and I never spoke of death. But a number of years ago we stood right here in
the kitchen and discussed this very topic. Several of our friends, one after the other had just passed away. We were questioning if there was really life after death. We spoke of the fact that no one ever came back to say: ‘Hi there, I am okay’. They just die and then they are gone. At that moment, I said to your father: ‘Okay, if I go before you I will move this bluebird magnet that is on the fridge’. And your father then said to me: ‘And if I go before you I will move the bluebird magnet.’” Mom then went on to say: “Do you know how many times I came into the kitchen and the bluebird magnet was on the other side of the freezer door? I would move it back and the next time I returned to the kitchen, I’d notice the magnet had moved again. I just assumed it was when I closed the door that it moved.” I then opened and closed the freezer door several times and the bluebird magnet did not budge.
Moon Whispers © Lorraine Shulba —
by Hannelore
Mom then said: “Well maybe I brushed against it with my shoulder?” I replied: “Mom you are all of five-foot-nothing and your shoulder does not even reach that high.” She then said: “Well, how would he remember that?” I replied: “How did you just remember that?” She just looked at us and said: “I was in the other room and suddenly, as though it just happened yesterday, I remembered our conversation in the kitchen.”
Was this just a coincidence or was this my father reaching out to my mother to let her know that he was okay and for her to: “Remember the bird.” My dearly beloved mother has since passed. I now have the bluebird magnet on my fridge door. When I was clearing out her apartment, I found a 1993 6/49 lottery ticket next to the bluebird magnet on my mother’s fridge. Who knows, this may be a reminder that my mother is now watching out for us…’from the other side’! First version printed in Issues Magazine, October 2013 issue.
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Places I Love
Greece is for the gods (and me :) Saying goodbye to Venice was a bit sad but when one is leaving it on a Royal Caribbean cruise (Splendor of the Seas) headed for the Greek isles, one can’t blubber too much, really! We’d never been on a big cruise before. I’d picked a junior suite with a balcony and to my delight it had a bathtub. Apparently that’s not always common. The room itself wasn’t amazing but it was fine. I didn’t feel any motion on the ship which I was worried about. I was also anxious about sitting on our balcony - that all that water would scare me. (Maybe I’ve watched Titanic one time, too many.) But, after my initial anxiety, I absolutely loved sitting on our balcony and just gazing off into the vast peacefulness of the water. Now, in IRest Yoga, that memory is one of my ‘go to’ peaceful places. Our itinerary was Venice, Italy; Split, Croatia; Corfu, Greece; Athens, Greece; Mykonos, Greece; Argostoli, Greece; Venice, Italy. Our first port was Split, Croatia, which is a new stop for cruises. It was a Sunday so nothing was open in the town although I did walk into a church were a traditional Sunday morning church service was occurring. I didn’t understand a word, but I loved it. Another memorable event in Split was our lunch there. I ordered the calamari and got this very runny, so-NOTcooked squid, that I had to send back (gag) and then we watched one of the waiter’s gobble it up. In Corfu, Greece two fishy things stand out. The first was this fabulous backstreet restaurant that Marcel found that had the best deep fried sardines ever. We still talk about those sardines. The other thing was a fun little shop where Gabrielle and I stuck our feet in a tank and had these little fish eat off the dead skin on our feet. It tickled but I’m not sure my feet were so different afterwards. Next we stopped in Athens. When we got off the ship, we were approached by a man who asked to be our guide for the day. He was delightful and because of that, I’m going to give you his name in case you want a guide in Athens. You can google him because he’s also a singer there Karystinaios Mxnos. He took us to the parliament buildings to watch the changing of the guard, to the temple of
Olympian Zeus, then Plaka (shopping district where we had a delicious lunch, bought leather sandals and an Archangel Michael icon) and then to the Acropolis before getting us back to the ship on time. In Mykonos we were lucky enough to see its famous pink pelican, Pedro. He's pretty big, quite pink and just wanders the cobblestone streets there. He walked by a shop where we were looking at local paintings. But my favorite Greek island of all was Kefalonia. I instantly loved it. After walking around the small town of Argostoli, we decided to go on a tour with Avalon Tours (84 Euros for all three of us). First was Melissani Lake, where we went on a short boat ride on the mystical underground lake (where sunlight entering the caves from above turns the water the most beautiful blue). In Greek mythology, Melissani was the cave of the nymphs and there is a plaque there which was said to have been found long ago that was dedicated to the god Pan. I could see that this would have been a very magical place once (and maybe even now, at night when all the tourists are gone). Our next stop was Myrtos Beach, which our tour guide said was one of the most photographed places in Greece. This beach was breathtaking (even if you aren’t into sunbathing). We just walked down the beach (through a million rocks) and enjoyed every minute of the sunshine, crystal blue water and amazing view. If I were rich, I’d invest in property on Kefalonia. We loved this island that much. Melissani Lake, Kefalonia (Greece)
by Connie Brisson
Something I appreciated immensely every day, after a long day of walking around all these different places (which was wonderful, but often exhausting) was being able to go back to the cruise ship and just RELAX. I loved that I didn’t have to pack and unpack every day. I just had to get up, eat breakfast, leave the ship and then enjoy my day in another exotic place. Then we would come back to a delicious meal and evening entertainment (if we wanted) or just relax in our room and balcony. Because of this, I would recommend a cruise to anyone and I honestly can’t wait until we can go on one again… Autumn 2014 — Mosaic Magazine
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The ethical dilemma of psychics by Matt Moir When asked about the visions of death that she at times experiences vividly, Tammy Taylor smiles warmly and leans forward. “This gift is a beautiful way to heal… and it is my job to channel messages I receive from spirit guides and angels in a profound and loving way,” she says, cryptically. It is a chilly April afternoon and the Toronto psychic is sitting cross-legged on a large leather chair in her bright, spacious home office. The scent of white sage lingers in the room and lit candles flicker silently on a mantle along the wall. I asked Taylor to meet me in order to explain the code of ethics in the psychic community; more specifically, the ethical concerns in regards to whether or not a psychic should share visions of death with a client.
And whether or not a psychic should let a client know if she or he foresees that client’s death is one of the primary sources of disagreement. Kelly Oswald, a Vancouver-based psychic, says that she considers it to be “a big no-no” to share visions of death. “We absolutely do not ever do that. A really good psychic is probably about 80% accurate… I’ve never yet met anyone that is 100%. A lot of [psychic readings] are impressions and imagery - sort of like your dreams. So it’s not exact. If you predict death, it might not be a physical death. It could be that the person had an awakening and they’ve become something else or they may no longer have the same identity or they may have become estranged. There are lots of ways that death can be perceived through psychic reading.” Toronto psychic Barbara Rybicka says that clients often ask her for death predictions, though she usually attempts to convince them that some information should remain
Taylor projects an almost otherworldly tranquility while discussing matters of tragedy and misfortune. She explains that her role is to act as a translator for guides and angels that bring her messages and that her clients’ emotional and spiritual well-being is of pinnacle importance. “I’ve had many clients ask: ‘Am I going to die?’ But even if I did see their death, would I tell them about it? Absolutely not. Not in a million years would I tell them that. I don’t believe it’s in the client’s highest good to tell them that.” Many within the psychic community agree with Taylor’s ethical outlook, however those views are far from universal. In fact, there is a yawning chasm between those psychics that feel that informing clients of visions of their death is irresponsible and those that feel that withholding that information is equally so. Unlike teachers or nurses or engineers who, throughout North America, have formed scores of self-regulated professional bodies that address best practice standards and policies, psychics generally have no access to membership of any sort of similar regulatory body. Psychics, therefore, must rely on their own personal codes of ethics to navigate workrelated roles and responsibilities. That, predictably, can lead to highly divergent concepts of professional conduct.
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unknown. “I ask them: ‘What is your reason?’ I tell them that it’s not something that we should know, because it’s going to stop us from what we’re supposed to do - what’s in our plans, our path, our destiny. After five or ten minutes, they say: ‘I don’t want to know it anymore.’” Rybicka considers whether or not to share her visions a difficult moral question and borrows from the Hippocratic Oath to help inform her decision-making. “First, do no harm. I personally never predict death, even if I do see it. I might be wrong. I don’t believe there is any psychic on this planet that is always right. I never met any colleague that would make that kind of prediction.” It’s impossible to compare with any reliable statistical accuracy the percentage of psychics that are in favor of sharing death visions with those that are opposed (there is little traditional academic research into what some might call the ‘mystical realm’) but the psychics interviewed for this article suggested that a vocal minority believe that refusing to share an uncomfortable vision with a client is unethical and potentially dangerous.
Holly © Oksana Zhelisko —
Reverend Suzanne Daniele-George is the Senior Pastor of the Temple of Light and Assistant Executive Director of the College of Metaphysical Studies in Clearwater, Florida. Similar to Tammy Taylor, Daniele-George said that a responsible psychic should serve the “best and highest good of the person getting the reading.”
by not giving them a chance to take that needed action or make that necessary correction.” “In my many years of special awareness I have only once or twice had visions that warned of danger. I have always acted on these immediately (to share with the party involved in my vision) to equip them with the information as soon as possible. Thanks be to God, any disaster was avoided,” said Daniele-George. Many psychics believe that sharing a death vision with a client might cause that client to act erratically or even do something to hasten their own demise. Anthony Skelton, an ethicist at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, says that if the principal reason to not share a death vision with a client is to protect that client from making choices, a psychic shouldn’t share particularly positive visions either. “People can do stupid things on the basis of good information. Suppose you tell a person they’re going to live for a long time and they decide ‘okay, in that case I don’t have to worry about smoking or over-eating or not exercising.’ I don’t think it’s only information about harm or death that a person can act irresponsibly on the basis of,” says Skelton. Kelly Oswald agreed that being cavalier with psychic visions is irresponsible, regardless of the message. As an example, she said that if she were to foresee someone winning a lottery, she might tell that person that she or he will come into some money instead of predicting lottery riches.
Unlike Taylor, however, DanieleGeorge interprets that ethos as an invitation to honestly share with a client all of the information in a ‘death vision’. She feels that she has an obligation to the client to do so and anything less would be a denial of the message’s intended purpose.
“You have to be very careful. I think that a lot of psychics will make sure that their message is not too extreme. You have a huge responsibility to not play with somebody’s life when you’re doing a psychic reading.”
Some of the messages are “a warning of imminent danger that offer a chance to correct or even avoid the potential disaster by taking some needed action by the person getting the message,” DanieleGeorge said in an email. “To not share the message or vision would actually do a disservice to the client
She did very gently, though, suggest that I spend more time with my family. She advised me to look into my past and re-connect with something that I had let go of long ago.
After interviewing a psychic for this story, I asked her if I could sit for a reading. I had never had my fortune told, and exploring the world of clairvoyance had piqued my interest. I closed my eyes as she took my hand in hers. It didn’t take long for snapshots of my future to emerge. She didn’t tell me that I’d soon win the lottery or meet the love of my life (my wife was both disappointed and pleased with these projections).
It was cryptic advice and because of the rather dark nature of my research for this story, I would be lying if I said I didn’t, for a fleeting moment, interpret her message, well, darkly. But this particular psychic was one who didn’t believe in withholding visions of death and for that I was grateful; she didn’t inform me of my imminent demise. Still, I left work after lunch the following day. I wanted to spend the afternoon with my wife and son. Matt Moir is a Toronto-based writer. Follow him on Twitter @Meerkatmoir.
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Directory of Services
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Directory of Services
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Directory of Services
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Calgary - Directory of Services
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Artist’s Gallery
Sharing my cultural knowledge through art by Leah Dorion
having a beadwork type look in some regards. Even though the paintings can be quite busy with multi-patterns and numerous pointillism dots, these works can have a calming effect.
My First Nations and Metis cultural background is the primary source of inspiration for my art works. Aboriginal women’s knowledge/teachings and connection to this land are the foundations for my artistic practice. I use the circle of life and medicine wheel teachings in the thematic and symbol systems used in my art. I admire all the Aboriginal symbols (and systems) that represent greater philosophical concepts or ideas. I would describe my work as molecular and elemental. I always represent nature and the four elements that give life such as the air, earth, fire and water. I like incorporating the circle into every aspect of my designs and it seems that the sun ends up being represented in most of my art works.
I like to work in acrylic and canvas, although land based installation art is another area of my practice that I continue to develop such as building Lobstick Poles and making RockTurtle Labyrinth paths.
I am ever evolving. It is my curious nature to ever grow in my practice and my openness to life-long learning will mean my artistic practice will probably never grow stagnant. For instance in the past year I have transitioned into a developing mosaic artist as my type of art style transfers so wonderfully to mosaic work (plus I love working with the clay tiles; it is so tactile). I have more ideas then I do time! For more on Leah’s art visit
Infinite Heart © Leah Dorion
I have no fear about using bright colours and celebrating bold patterned designs. My work is very feminine and ends up
Earth Lodge-Star Lodge © Leah Dorion
As a child I always enjoyed drawing, making up my own stories and illustrating them. Today, I have a diverse artistic practice and use many forms of artistic expression to tell stories and share my cultural knowledge.
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Mosaic’s Marketplace ANGELS
CONNECTING WITH THE ANGELS - Spend the day in the loving energy of the angels. You will have the opportunity to connect with and received messages from the angels using various techniques. You will also practice receiving and giving messages to others. For upcoming dates contact Maureen Bracke, Angel Therapy Practitioner® trained and certified by Dr. Doreen Virtue,, www.guidancefromtheangels 780-479-5011.
YOGA TEACHER TRAINING in Fort McMurray! Registered Yoga School offering extended (1 weekend/month) RYT200, RYT500 and 300hr Upgrade programming allows you the opportunity to continue to work and live while you study! New intakes occur every September. Please contact Heather for details at 780-972-9447,,
BTB FENG SHUI CONSULTANT - Create a home for your body and for your soul. In person and distance consultations.
AFFORDABLE, ECLECTIC, UNIQUE ARTWORK for home or office. Rent or purchase from a large range of batik, canvas or styrofoam paintings. Contact Monika Dery at or ASTROLOGY SAMANTHA KANE-KENNEDY - Follow the light and chart your own course. Caring in-depth consultations provide understanding of that unique mystery … the tapestry of your soul. Turn complexity into simplicity and make the impossible possible. Achieve a deep sense of peace.,, 250-382-8443. COACHING BREAKOVER COACH - Offering light-hearted clarity and guidance through intuitive life coaching, psychic and oracle card readings, Akashic Records, Universal Sphere®. Positive side effects last longer than a bottle of wine or chocolate. $50/30 minute phone session. Call or text Tara: 780-964-1116. NANCYBEA COACHES - As a Life Coach my goal is to help you uncover your true potential and lead a life that is worth celebrating. Helping you make solution-focused improvements in your life is my focus. I provide support and guidance as a Life Coach for transforming the issues that stand in the way of you achieving your goals. Whether you want life coaching to help achieve a specific outcome or wish to enhance all areas of your life, I can help you get there faster. Contact Nancy for a Complimentary Coaching Session and start your journey toward achieving your dreams and living a life you love! or at SOUL COACHING PROGRAM - This six week program, including the 28 Day Program to Discover your Authentic Self, will take you on a spiritual journey to find meaning and sacredness in your everyday life. You will take an honest look at yourself, face fear, release old negative patterns, get motivated and step boldly and joyfully into your future. Contact Maureen Bracke, Certified Soul Coach, at 780-479-5011, COUNSELLING PSYGEIA PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES - Individual counselling for adults provided by Dr. Raquel Schmidt, Registered Psychologist. Areas of focus include depression, anxiety, eating problems, self-esteem, stress management, personal growth and relationship concerns. Visit or call 403-4532624 for more information. CRYSTALS
FENG SHUI PRACTITIONER CERTIFICATION, Dowsing and workshops. Online and classroom options. Our BTB Feng Shui training goes far beyond the basics, ensuring a strong foundation on which to build your successful practice. 403-278-7475, HEALING & HEALTH CONSTANT CRAVING? Muscle and/or joint pain? Can’t sleep well? Low energy, moodiness and stress? Maybe you’re protein deficient. Collagen Protein Smoothie - 10 grams of protein. Clean product with a 95% absorption rate - compare to whey (53%), soy (26%) or pea (16%) sources. I haven’t felt this good in years. Bonita at 780-232-8185,, EFT / TAPPING SESSIONS available in RED DEER, Alberta. EFT is a simple, non-invasive, very effective method to free yourself from Fears, Cravings, Emotional Stress, Trauma and Pain. (I offer a money back guarantee)., 403318-3191, FORT McMURRAY - Welcome balance into your life with CRANIOSACRAL Therapy! This gentle light touch technique is safe for all ages and conditions. Always accepting new clients, please contact Heather at 780-972-9447,, HEALTHY LIVING THERAPIES ALBERTA ASSOCIATION meets on 4th Wednesday of every month (except July, August and December), 1:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. 780914-5131, JOHN OF GOD CRYSTAL BED HEALING - Take a Crystal Bed session with the blessed crystals from the casa of John of God! I am blessed by John of God to own and operate a Crystal Bed, a sacred device providing energy healing, treatments to align one’s chakras, and connect oneself to universal love. While your energy body is receiving this external assistance, the benevolent spirits of the Casa can work on you very deeply. Experience more love, a shift of energy, and physical healing being facilitated: 780968-0184 or NAVIGATING THE MAZE OF LIFE - Gain insight with readings, awaken with meditation, heal through sound. Details: REIKI FOR HEALTH - Experience stress reduction, relaxation and peace of mind. Contact Lorette, Reiki Master at
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Marketplace continued from page 41 HELP WANTED LOOKING for someone in Edmonton and Calgary to assist in organizing seminars. Contact John at, HYPNOTHERAPY HAVE ALL THE SUCCESS YOU want accessing the power of your subconscious mind. Using guided hypnosis, hypnotherapy gets to the heart of what may be preventing you from reaching your true goals. Solid results with Paul Compassi, MH, C.Hyp with over 25 years of intuitive counseling in Edmonton. An ARCH member. Call 780-447-1691. Email: or web: HYPNOTHERAPY IN CALGARY - Hypnosis in therapy sessions helps you achieve successful change in your life. Karen Lee M.A. is a Certified Hypnotist, a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists and has over twenty years experience as a psychologist. Contact: 403-542-9105. Web: or
SHAUNA CHANDLER brings warmth and wisdom through her Intuitive Healing work. Sessions draw on an integrated approach using Reiki, Crystalline Restructuring, Channelled messages and Guidance, Mediumship, Sacred Geometry and most importantly, the healing power of love and compassion. Sessions available via phone and in-person. 403-923-9894, RENTAL SPACE RIVER LODGE - A quiet, serene and peaceful Retreat Centre! Are you looking for a unique environment for your retreat? River Lodge is located just SW of Edmonton outside of the urban city lights, nestled on the bank of the North Saskatchewan River with abundance of natural surroundings. or 780-963-3873. SOUND HEALING A RADIANCE OF SHEN® FACIAL - Bring back that youthful glow! Ohm Therapeutics® non-invasive techniques will relax, smooth and lift the face, leaving you feeling and looking younger. Experience it for yourself! Call 780-452-1604. More info:
INTUITIVE GUIDANCE AKASHIC RECORDS - Clarity and guidance for your life’s journey. Soul-level information. Learn, heal, grow. Call 780-452-1604 to book. More info:
SONOPUNCTURE - A non-invasive vibrational healing technique that helps restore the body’s natural harmony by balancing the energy meridians. Call 780-452-1604. More info:
Mosaic’s Calendar of Events AUGUST 8 - NOVEMBER 5
AUGUST 18 - 19
Transmission Meditation at Full Moon - Experience this dynamic form of world service and participate directly in the current global transformation. Consider adding this vibrant service to your life. Dates: August 11 (Monday); September 8 (Monday); October 8 (Wednesday) and November 5 (Wednesday) from 7:00 - 8:30 pm. Location: Le Soleil at Roots on Whyte, #201, 8135 - 102 Street, Edmonton.
Akashic Records Level II - 5:00 - 9:00 p.m. with Ernesto Ortiz. Contact Jacqui Russell at, 780246-5220 or visit
AUGUST 12, SEPTEMBER 16, OCTOBER 14 Edmonton Health Success Training Seminar - 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Learn how to build your business. Free for guests. Call Chris at 780-756-7747,
AUGUST 15 Free - Akashic Records Information Session - 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. with Ernesto Ortiz. Contact Jacqui Russell at, 780-246-5220. Held at Providence Renewal Centre.
AUGUST 16 - 17 Akashic Records Level I - 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. with Ernesto Ortiz. Contact Jacqui Russell at, 780-246-5220 or visit
AUGUST 16 - 17 & OCTOBER 25 - 26 ‘Bio-Inspired’ Bio-Energy Healing Level 1 - Learn to Heal Yourself, Family and Pets (offered bi-monthly). Learn 12 powerful Bio-Energy Healing techniques to effectively detect and release blocked energy and restore health. Release chronic pain, stress, anxiety, depression and insomnia. Increase energy, vitality, joy and creativity. Bio-Energy has been featured on ‘Remedy Me’ Oprah Network and W Network. Register: Maria Maksymytz, 403263-0197,
Mosaic Magazine — Autumn 2014
AUGUST 20 & OCTOBER 1 Weight Loss Challenge - Win $$ for most weight loss! Biggest loser style. Medically designed classes as well as online available. Weekly incentives. FREE wellness evaluation. Tons of support and FREE coaching. Call Chris at 780-756-7747 or register at
AUGUST 23 Initiation Into Higher Consciousness (Level 1) - Learn how to work with a Pendulum to find truth, answer questions and connect to your Higher Guidance. Edmonton Southside. For more complete description, go to under ‘What’s New’., 780-434-8079.
AUGUST 26 Humanity at the Crossroads! Humanity is facing a deep spiritual crisis which is producing global chaos. The solution may shock and surprise you. Come hear this unique soul-centered solution to our times. FREE talk - 7:00 p.m., Expressionz Café, 9938 - 70 Avenue, Edmonton.
AUGUST 28 Trauma as Medicine Healing Circle - Join Sarah Salter Kelly for an enlightening talk and meditation on the power that lays within you to transform. Location: Healing Connections, 10548 115 Street, Edmonton, 7:30 - 9:00 pm. By donation. 1-780-3149150 or
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Weekend Singing Retreat - “The Sound of Being.” Connect to your body with your voice and find your own Sound of Being. With Anna Beaumont:,, 780-499-6707.
Canadian Training Centre for Healing Alternatives - Fall CALGARY Courses: Natural Face Lift Massage (4 days), September 22 - 23 and 29 - 30. Indian Head Massage (3 days), September 26 - 28. Indian Foot Massage (1 day), September 24.
SEPTEMBER 12 - DECEMBER 5 Divine Gold Healing Meditation Circle - Monthly, Fridays: September 12, October 17, November 7 and December 5 at 7:00 p.m., at 11724 Kingsway Ave., Edmonton. Experience this powerful healing and transformational circle being immersed in Divine Gold Energy while hearing the words of Divine Conscious Guidance. Connect with your true essence in this deep meditative state. No experience necessary. $20 at door. RSVP: or 780-977-7436.
SEPTEMBER 15 Mosaic Mystics Meeting - Join us at Star of the North (3A St. Vital Avenue, St. Albert) at 7:00 p.m. for our first Mystics Meeting. Our guest speaker will be Youmashni Naidoo (Soul Coach, Divinity Within) and she’ll be teaching about how to hold a space for yourself. It will be an interactive hour where you’ll learn some tools and techniques about how to better understand yourself. Also, remember to bring a used/new gift wrapped book that you want to give away in exchange for another. Email Connie by SEPTEMBER 12 at if you can come. Cost: $20 (cash at the door). To keep informed about other upcoming Mystic Meetings, go to and sign up for our free monthly ezine/newsletter.
SEPTEMBER 26 - 28 Learn to Read the Akashic Records (Edmonton) - Easy and fun to learn. Nine hour beginning certification with special topics of Energy Healing and Ancestral Clearing in the Records! September 26 & 27 (Friday evening and Saturday): Beginning Class. September 28 (Sunday): Energy Healing and Ancestral Clearing in the Akashic Records. Early registration discount. Location: Pura Vida, 14920 Stony Plain Road NW, Edmonton. Taught by Holly Hawkins Marwood, Advanced Certified Teacher and Reader,, 1-760-803-4297,
SEPTEMBER 29 Ascension Guidance from the Higher Realms (Edmonton) Join Paul and Holly Marwood sharing high level guidance and wisdom about changes we are experiencing in personal and planetary consciousness from the Arcturians and the High Council of Orion. Holly will channel the High Council of Orion, including time for your questions. September 29, 8:00 - 9:30 pm. Cost: $25 in advance, $30 at door (cash or cheques please). Location: Healing Connections, 10548 - 115 Street, Edmonton. Led by Paul and Holly Marwood,, 1-760-803-2338,
Healing Tao Basics Qigong - Thursday evening, all day Friday. Several fun, easy to learn qigong practices (of Mantak Chia) are taught. Nourish your vitality with the Inner Smile, Microcosmic Orbit, Six Healing Sounds, Earth Qigong, Bone Dreaming, and Jesus Sitting Qigong. Discounts for: early payment and review students - early bird deadline is August 18. Contact details in Unwinding the Belly ad below.
Angelic Crystal Bowl Toning with Live Channeling from the Angelic Realm - A wonderful sound experience that bathes you in the beautiful sounds of crystal bowls and singing of Om with the angels, creating a peaceful, relaxing space. Includes Live Channeling from the Angelic realm with time for personal questions. 7:30 - 9:30 pm, Cost: $25 in advance, $30 at the door (cash or cheques please.) Youmashni Naidoo Children welcome with parents, half price admission. SEPTEMBER 19 - 21 Mosaic Mystics Meeting Location: Spirit West United Church, 7003 - 199 Street, Harmony Circles Fall Retreat, Village Creek Inn, Edmonton. Led by Paul and Holly Marwood, 1-760-803-2338, Pigeon Lake, AB. Includes: Friday evening reception,, accommodation, meals and workshops (Desktop Yoga, Inner Wisdom, Everyday Creativity and Harmony Circle). Free massage with first 10 registrations. $550/person or $450/double occupancy. To register: OCTOBER 3 - 5 Living a Soul-Led Life (Edmonton) - Using the foundation of the Akashic Records, discover your Soul’s perfection and move SEPTEMBER 20 ever closer to leading a Soul-led life. Learn tools to transform Dreamhealer, Dr. Adam McLeod ND - Integrative Healing your relationship with wounding experiences and connect with Workshop in CALGARY. Experience unique group energy healings your inherent goodness. No prior experience necessary. Early with Adam, Naturopathic Doctor, Molecular Biologist, registration discount. Location: Alberta Association for International speaker/author and First Nations Healer. Learn Community Living, 11724 Kingsway Avenue, Edmonton. Taught techniques to focus intentions embracing self-empowerment and by Holly Hawkins Marwood, Advanced Certified Teacher and your own healing power. Approximately 40% of participants are Reader,, 1-760-803-4297, healers incorporating these skills into their practices. All registration online:
Unwinding the Belly with Chi Nei Tsang - Chi Nei Tsang Fundamentals in Edmonton. CNT (chee-nayt-song) is a powerful Taoist touch therapy focused on the abdomen. Superb for IBS. Learn to release the body’s core gently and safely (prerequisite: Healing Tao Basics). Discounts for: taking both Qigong + CNT; early payment; review students. Early bird deadline is August 18. For more info, prices, and registration go to and click on UTB Classes; or contact Certified Instructor Peter Melnychuk at 780-482-8960, or
“Bullying and Beyond - What Can YOU Do?” - A one day conference featuring 4 guest speakers who are all experts in this field. They will help you to understand the roles we all play when experiencing or observing bullying. They will also each share very effective techniques on how to diffuse bullying in any situation. This conference is hosted by “Healing Hearts Centre.” Register at: or email: or call Carmen Braga at: 780-994-3000.
Your ad could be here in Mosaic! Autumn 2014 — Mosaic Magazine
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Calendar of Events continued from page 43
OCTOBER 17 - 19 Learn to Read the Akashic Records (Calgary) - Easy and fun to learn. Nine hour beginning certification and the special topic of Energy Healing and Ancestral Clearing in the Records! October 17 & 18 (Friday evening and Saturday): Beginning Class. October 19 (Sunday): Energy Healing and Ancestral Clearing in the Akashic Records. Early registration discount. Location: LikeMinded People, 139 - 18 Avenue NE, Calgary. Taught by Holly Hawkins Marwood, Advanced Certified Teacher and Reader,, 1-760-803-4297,
OCTOBER 24 - 26 & NOVEMBER 14 - 16 Iridology Certification Course - “Your eyes are the Window to the Soul” providing deep insight. Become a Certified Iridologist. Learn a valuable assessment tool that uncovers the root cause of health issues. 780-482-7978,
OCTOBER 30 - NOVEMBER 3 Enlightenment Intensive - This 3½ day retreat offers the distinct opportunity for you to have a direct experience of who you really are beyond your mind and personality which can allow you to live your life more authentically, with more confidence and compassion. Join us at a beautiful, country retreat centre west of Red Deer. $695.000 includes meals, accommodation and GST. Contact Paul Graham at 780-433-0680 or
NOVEMBER 3 - 12 Hypnosis Certification presented by The National Guild of Hypnotists at Healing Connections, 10548 - 115 Street, Edmonton. For more information: or call Ashley: 705-623-1371.
NOVEMBER 20 - 23 Trauma as Medicine - You have the ability to transform trauma into medicine when you claim the value of your story and use its gifts to live with purpose. Rundle Mission, Pigeon Lake. Facilitator: Sarah Salter Kelly. Register at 1-780-314-9150, or
NOVEMBER 21 - 24 Unwinding the Belly with Chi Nei Tsang - Advanced Chi Nei Tsang, in Edmonton. We delve deeper into this powerful oriental visceral therapy in two 2 day modules. Part 1 - Classical Thai CNT
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+ Water Organs; Part 2 - Unwinding the Meridians + Fire Organs (Prerequisite: Healing Tao Basics + CNT Fundamentals). Early Bird Deadline: October 20. Contact details in CNT ad (September 20 23) on page 43.
NOVEMBER 25 - DECEMBER 2 Singing Retreat in Huatulco, Mexico - “The Sound of Being” in Mexico with Anna Beaumont. Seven days in paradise singing, enjoying the beach, beautiful food and even better company! Contact:, 780-499-6707.
DECEMBER 20 Awakening the Dream - Unite in community for ceremony and co-creative play at the Muttart pyramids!
APRIL 18 - MAY 2, 2015 Ceremony as Medicine - A Peruvian Shamanic Adventure. Receive the sacred teachings of the Q’ero Indians from Shaman Juan Quispe in this one of a kind journey that combines a sacred valley adventure with a trek to the birthplace of Andean Shamanism, the homeland of the Q’ero. Contact Sarah: 1-780314-9150, or
WEEKLY KUNDALINI YOGA at HEALING CONNECTIONS with Sohandeep Kaur. Tuesdays: 5:15 - 6:45 p.m. Fall classes starting September 16. Class passes and drop-in available. 10548 - 115 Street, Edmonton. For details and updates visit: or call Sohandeep: 780-297-9642. YOUR VOICE CONNECTION with Anna Beaumont. Use the sound of your own voice to heal you, to connect you to yourself and to communicate your truth to others. Unblock your throat chakra either with private sessions, group classes or singing retreats.,, 780-499-6707. Claim your voice, Claim your power!
MONTHLY THE EDMONTON ASTROLOGICAL SOCIETY meets on the 2nd Friday of every month (except July and August) at 7:30 p.m. Check our website for updates and location information:
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Things I Love
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Con Amore
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(Italian) With heart and soul
We can have it all When I was young, I wanted - more than anything - to be my cousin, Valerie. I wanted to take ballet lessons on Wednesday nights and wear a pink tutu. I wanted to have an Easy Bake Oven and then bake cakes with my Mom. I wanted to have birthday parties where my fellow six-year-old guests got to fish out beautiful, tiny, ornate, divine plastic purses from a decorated basin. Who lived like that? Valerie did. I used to lie in bed at night and ask God why Valerie had everything and I didn’t even have much of anything. As a youngster it bitterly didn’t make any sense, but now that I’m me, here, I know that I wouldn’t be who I currently am if I had not lived through what I’ve lived through and mastered it, my way. I really do believe that we choose the life we have and because of that, I can’t grieve over not being Valerie or anyone else. I was in my early 30’s when I first read Norman Vincent Peale’s The Power of Positive Thinking (Prentice Hall 1952) and learned that I could not be jealous of anyone else and then expect to get what they had. Jealously broke all the laws of the universe. Instead, I learned that if I saw something I wanted, I just needed to say: “That’s for me.” And I started saying it a lot. Quite miraculously, just by doing that, things I really wanted began appearing in my life. Then, especially after listening to the teachings of Abraham-Hicks (, I learned that we create our worlds with our words and feelings. Whatever comes out of your mouth, mind and heart, that is what you will get more of in life. So if you complain, you’ll attract more to complain about and if you are grateful, you’ll attract more to be grateful about. So choose your words wisely. Your words are magic. I think I’m a quick learner. I wanted more. But at some point I found that my past (my conditioning, experiences and traumas) were limiting me from getting it. I went to a session once with Jonathan Hooton ( who explained to me that whenever there is unresolved trauma in your life, it settles
Mosaic Magazine — Autumn 2014
into your body and there it vibrates - silently and unconsciously. And life, through the Law of Attraction, continues to show you your wound (thanks to that vibration that acts like a beacon) with other experiences that match it. And until that experience/trauma/vibration finds some healing/peace, hey, you won’t. That’s why I love CranioSacral Therapy and so many other forms of body/energy/spirit work. Only after these therapists help to release the unhealthy vibrations that are locked in our bodies, can our lives finally unfold to their highest potential. In fact, I think it is impossible to have energy/body/spirit work sessions done, over time, and not have your life inadvertently also get better and better. It’s inevitable. Good Neighbours © Maria Pace-Wynters
by Connie Brisson
Yes, my life is pretty darn great now. And it isn’t because of how blessedly I grew up (because I didn’t live in that house) and it isn’t because I’m somehow so lucky (or I’d have won the lottery by now - but I’m working on it. J)
My life is good now because I knew I had to heal my rawest wounds (or else just live in emotional pain forever). And I knew I couldn’t do it alone, that I needed help to do it - whether it was with counsellors or body/energy/spirit workers or life coaches or tarot readers or astrologists or reiki masters (and many others). Each of these people helped me deal with the intricate puzzle that I am. We’re all on a journey here. Some of it’s great, but some of it’s really hard. I’m an example of someone that proves it doesn’t matter where you came from or how your life was before, you can change it and have a good life. But you can’t do it telling your old story about what is wrong with your life. I honestly believe that if you get body/energy/spirit work done for a long enough period of time, that it will change you FOREVER. The beauty of it is that you don’t need to talk about it, you don’t need to know what caused the block in your energy or understand why it happened - and still your life will miraculously change. It’s silent magic. We’re all meant to live good lives. I still get jealous now and then, but never for long. Now I know that if someone else has something, anything, so can I. I just need to find my block to it and then heal it. We can ALL have it all, if we are willing to do the inner work involved. And remember: “That's for me.”
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