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The best things in life are
mind • body • spirit • health • wisdom
72nd Issue
Romeo © Cindy Revell —
Hormones & Weight Gain Master or Slave to Thoughts? Soul, Reincarnation & Karma Natural Healing Q&A
Detox at a Cellular Level Happiness From Inside Out Attract Greater Luck Power of Restorative Healing
Liberating the Victim Each Moment Holds a Miracle Cindy Revell’s Art Create a Wish List
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Autumn 2015 — Mosaic Magazine
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In this Mosaic… This ‘coincidence’ tells me that there is a spirit world. I’m a writer and I tell stories about healing, especially my own healing journey. But I’ve never had to tell a story about someone murdering my mother. I’ve never had to heal the grief involved with losing my mother to murder. I think that Sarah is able to do this is a miracle on its own. I’ve followed Sarah after those articles. She has even now become a regular writer in Mosaic offering many different insights with shamanic healing, based on her own personal experiences with healing the trauma of losing her mother in such a tragic way.
Recently I had a session with Sarah regarding a personal loss of my own. I wanted to experience Sarah’s brand of ‘medicine’ and I was not disappointed. I’m still processing it but I know I will revisit that experience in my mind whenever I need to find a safe place to process any trauma of my own. She taught me how to make medicine from my past trauma and I can’t imagine a bigger gift that someone can give you. We all experience trauma. But, learning to make ‘medicine’ from it - to learn and grow from it - that is a powerful and evolved/responsible choice.
by Connie Brisson I remember it clearly. We had just bought our first home on 126 Street in November 1995 and only a month later I heard that a woman had been murdered just blocks from our home in Edmonton. Sheila Salter was found murdered in December 1995, after being raped and her body dropped at an abandoned farmhouse. Even now, writing that is shocking to me so I cannot imagine what it was like to have personally known Sheila. It was 13 years later, in 2008, when I got a letter from Sarah Salter-Kelly (Sheila’s daughter) telling me that she wanted to share her story about losing her mother in Mosaic. When I realized that she was the daughter of Sheila Salter, I was surprised. How could someone emotionally survive their mother being murdered? Was that really possible? And more than that, I was amazed that her journey was not one of despair and bitterness. No, instead Sarah’s story was one of hope and transformation. I printed it in Mosaic’s Summer 2008 issue. Then, almost two years later, I heard from Sarah again. She told me about a woman who had contacted her about that article she had written in Mosaic. It turned out that this woman (Amber) had found Sarah’s article in the location where Sheila had been murdered (Sarah had put a copy there, tied up by her own hair, to honor her mother and Amber found it). And believe it or not, because Amber’s own mother had also been murdered, Sarah’s story about her mother’s murder, changed Amber’s life.
Mosaic Magazine — Autumn 2015
In this issue of Mosaic I wanted to reprint the original story that Sarah shared about losing her mother and how she dealt with it (originally printed in May 2008 and on pages 18-19 this issue) and also the story about Amber finding Sarah’s story (originally printed in November 2010 and on page 20 of this issue). I’ve never done this before, but it feels right to republish all of this again in this issue because the stories are so powerful. I get goosebumps when I think about how many lives these stories will touch (and maybe even change). I don’t believe in coincidence. I think Sheila Salter’s death has led Sarah to a destiny where she can help countless people change their trauma into their own medicine. And that’s why I’m so pleased that Sarah is my next guest speaker at the Mystic Meeting on SEPTEMBER 10. Sarah will share her own story of healing homicide and open a space for conversation and contemplation as to what alternatives we may each use within ourselves and our lives to “make medicine” from our past. Please bring a used/new gift-wrapped book to give away in our book exchange. Email me by SEPTEMBER 9 at to register. Cost: $20 (cash at the door) at Lucina Centre 9505 - 163 Street, Edmonton, at 7:00 p.m. Hope to see you there! Lastly, please note that our telephone number and address has changed. Our new address is: Box 80588 Bellrose PO, St. Albert, AB, T8N 7C3 and our new phone number is 587-520-5880. Also, congratulations to Northern Star College on their move to 13155 - 156 Street, Edmonton. Exciting changes!
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Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine Ltd.
Box 80588 Bellrose PO St. Albert, AB T8N 7C3 Edmonton: Fax:
587-520-5880 780-939-0588
Hormones and weight gain by Tammie Quick
Master or slave to your thoughts? by Lynn Vollmer
email: web:
The soul, reincarnation and karma by Jasz Koray
Publisher, Editor, Design & Layout
Design, Layout & Production Co-ordination
Natural Healing by Jane Thomas, Jackie Pearce & Melissa Robak
Detoxification at a cellular level by Norma J. Hope
Advertising For advertising information contact Connie Brisson at 587520-5880. Deadline for ads is one month prior to publication dates. Payment is due promptly when ad is booked. Mosaic Web-Site See for information about Mosaic, current rates, ad sizes and distribution locations. Web-site by Gaslamp Village Web Design Studio. General Information Mosaic Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine is published four times per year on the 1st of February, May, August and November and is distributed in Alberta. We reserve the right to refuse advertisements, articles or art. Publication of any article, advertisement or art in Mosaic Magazine does not constitute the publisher’s endorsement of (or assumption for) liability for any claims made in the advertisements/advertising information or for the information, views and opinions of the individual article writers.The responsibility/liability for the accuracy of all their claims, statements and information rests entirely with the advertisers and the article contributors themselves. The contents of Mosaic is intended for educational purposes only and not intended to be used or taken as medical advice. Always consult a licensed medical doctor about your health issues. Be responsible and safe. Always research information and service providers found in Mosaic for yourself. Mosaic reserves the right to edit articles for clarity, content or length at the editor’s discretion. No part of this magazine (articles) may be reproduced in any manner without the permission of the publisher. No external flyer inserts allowed. © Mosaic Mind Body and Spirit Magazine Ltd., 2015. Subscription Rates Send cheque for $25.00 (for four issues) payable to Mosaic Magazine with your name, address and phone number. Please indicate which issue you want to start with.
COVER ART Artist: Cindy Revell Title: Romeo Contact:
Esoteric Explorations
Happiness from the inside out by Catherine Potter
Skye’s View
Use Feng Shui to attract greater luck by Skye MacLachlan
The power of restorative healing by Sarah Salter-Kelly
Liberating the victim by Sarah Salter-Kelly
Each moment can hold a miracle by Sarah Salter-Kelly
Artist’s Gallery
Be your own bird by Cindy Revell
Directory of Services
Marketplace & Calendar of Events
Things I Love
Con Amore
Create a wish list by Connie Brisson
Next Issue: NOVEMBER 1,2015 Deadline:OCTOBER 5,2015
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Hormones and weight gain Are you one of the thousands of people who can’t understand why you’re overweight? Maybe (having memorized the lecture from your doctor) you blame yourself, thinking that if you ate less, skipped the cookie aisle and exercised more, your weight would be normal? Well okay, skipping the cookie aisle is a good idea but there’s more to the story! Some of you may have heard the news that homeopathic HCG is no longer available in Canada. While HCG was a quick and safe way to lose weight, I always preferred that my patients start the Heilkunst healing journey with me instead, so that we could address the underlying reasons for their weight issues. And for many folks, that reason is hormones. Don’t start blushing! Hormones aren’t all about sex; they’re simply messengers that tell your body what to do. The major hormonal player in the weight-gain picture is your adrenal glands. These glands secrete tons of hormones that influence every major process in your body - from turning your food into energy or extra fat, to normalizing blood sugar, to proper heart and tummy health, to sending inflammatory chemicals to help a wound heal or to fight an infection - your adrenals are super important!
deposited onto your abdomen instead of used for fuel. This is why what began as a cute ‘muffin top’ is becoming a full-grown, seven-layer cake! The thyroid gland is also important in the weight gain picture. You can think of it as your ‘gas pedal’. When it’s not working properly, you won’t metabolize your food well, and you won’t have any ‘gas’ no matter how hard you push. Here’s the interesting part… the thyroid and the adrenals work hand in hand. So, if your adrenals are fatigued, your thyroid has to do twice the work it was designed to. Conversely, folks suffering from adrenal fatigue will not get better until their poor, over-worked thyroid has been balanced right alongside their adrenals. And neither condition will be helped by eating less and exercising more! In fact this strategy will put the body into a further state of stress, exacerbating the fatigue and piling on more pounds.
The Maestro © Angie Rees —
by Tammie Quick DMH, DHHP
And you thought it was poor will power! Nope. Your hormones are really powerful and they are giving your body the message that something is terribly wrong. Proper nutrition is a HUGE part of the solution and that’s what cravings are all about. How else can your body ask for what it needs? Plus, you simply don’t have energy to exercise and if you force yourself, recovering feels like you’ve got the flu.
In addition to lifestyle changes and supplements, Heilkunst will treat the underlying shocks and traumas that have set you up for hormonal imbalance and weight gain. This time, don’t just lose weight temporarily - heal your life and have the healthy body you were meant to. Tammie Quick, DMH, DHHP, practices Homeopathy and Heilkunst at the Quick Health Clinic in St. Albert, AB. Call 780-221-6127, or Appointments can be in person, by phone and by Skype. Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It's intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.
And yes, the adrenals are even involved with how sexy you feel, because they secrete your sex hormones. But if you’re suffering from adrenal fatigue (and so many of us are because of constant stress) your adrenals are going to pump out lots of cortisol hormone but very little sex hormones, because your body will be more concerned with keeping you alive, than baby-making. So, in addition to fatigue, cravings, low libido, PMS, etc., this constant outpouring of cortisol will disrupt your ability to sleep and it will convert your muscles into sugar. You see in our modern world, stress makes the body think it’s always under attack. The sugar is to help you run or fight, but because the stress is constant, that sugar gets
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Master or a slave to your thoughts? Have you ever asked the question: “Why me?” or noticed that you keep repeating the same pattern(s) over and over again and you don’t know why? What would you say if I told you that YOU are creating the life you have? We are ‘our’ thoughts… we are what ‘we’ think! How we act or re-act to situations, people, places or things are governed by our thoughts and what we think or believe as ‘truth’. We are governed by our belief systems. These belief systems may come from our childhood, family, friends, school, church, society and/or our ancestors. A belief system from our childhood could be: “No matter what I do I am never good enough” or “Friends reject me” or “To be close to God I have to be poor” or “If there is no pain there is no gain.” These are just examples of what I had in my subconscious mind without realizing it. Beliefs are held in our conscious and subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is like a master computer and governs our body 95% of the time while our conscious mind (which is like a word processor) only governs our body 5% of the time. Our subconscious mind runs 24/7… It is continuously projecting and receiving. The question is what are YOU projecting? If you have a conscious belief that does not agree with your subconscious, the subconscious mind will always win because it is much more powerful and never sleeps.
financially. I was able to change lifelong patterns of betrayal along with so many limiting patterns by learning how to access my theta brainwave using a simple meditation that I learned through ThetaHealing®. Using this simple technique I was able to change belief systems that I no longer wanted and program beliefs that worked for me rather than against me. ThetaHealing® is an energy healing modality where Vianna Stibal (founder of ThetaHealing®) miraculously healed her leg of cancer using this same technique. It has the ability to create lifelong emotional, physical and spiritual healings on so many different levels.
Reve 1-5 © Doris Charest —
by Lynn Vollmer ThetaHealing® Instructor
For so many years we have been taught from our parents, ancestors, church and society that we have no control over our lives… we are at the mercy of the Universe. We were taught to live in fear. What we were never told is that we do have the power to cocreate our own lives and instill our own miraculous emotional, physical or spiritual healings on ourselves. The power is within each and every one of us, but for some of us this power is buried beneath limiting beliefs from our past.
How do we break the patterns? By changing our beliefs systems, one at a time. As we change our beliefs we change our day to day life and ultimately WE will change our patterns. I am what I think, therefore I choose to create the life I want for myself. I choose to be a master of my thoughts. What do you choose? Lynn is a ThetaHealing® Master & Instructor, offering workshops and private sessions. Reach her at 780-700-0434, or Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It's intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.
It’s hard for us to comprehend that a belief in our subconscious mind may be limiting us in some way. The truth is we have many belief systems that we hold in our subconscious mind that block us from being able to move forward in our relationships, in our jobs and in our lives. Studies have shown that by accessing our theta brainwave we have access to our subconscious mind and are able to change limiting beliefs to positive beliefs in just seconds. It wasn’t until I released the deep seated belief of: “If I become wealthy I will lose my perspective on life” that my business started to really grow
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The soul, reincarnation and karma Soul, reincarnation and karma are interconnected terms. Every soul has a ‘sole purpose’ that is to grow spiritually through tests and trainings made possible when it decides to incarnate on Earth to learn spiritual lessons. Soul knows deep down, that if one does not complete its mission (fulfilling all karmic contracts in one lifetime) then the soul must reincarnate until it does. It chooses to incarnate in male or female form in different countries and in different religions depending on the requirements for its growth. Throughout its journey (sometimes hundreds and even thousands of lifetimes) the soul remains the same. Only the body changes in all lifetimes and reincarnates until all karma is healed and balanced. The soul builds negative or positive karma in human life that it carries into the next life (and determines its destiny in that life). However, each soul has its own free will to decide whether it wants to stay in the spirit world and progress steadily or come down to Earth and take the risk to learn the lessons and progress faster. The soul’s cycle of reincarnation ends only when the soul has completed its earthly mission, paid off all karma and reached the highest realm. To understand the journey of soul, we need to know the laws of the soul world first so that one can complete this journey faster and successfully.
(it is beyond one’s imagination). Only pure and perfect souls live there, guiding other souls. Sometimes they incarnate when they feel that their loved ones need their help on Earth. We often hear people saying: “Good people suffer a lot whereas bad and evil people are happy, prosperous and get away scot-free. The reason for this is that good souls decide to go through all tests and trainings to grow spiritually and if they want to pay off their karma faster, the soul itself chooses to suffer more in order to evolve more quickly (due to a contract made between God and the soul before being born on Earth). So do not compare your journey with other people. Everyone has their own karma. Consequently, souls should act wisely in difficult situations and try not to add more karma. Remember, even the smallest sin has to be accounted for - just as the smallest drop in the ocean helps form the whole, so it is with karma. The smallest action, good or bad has consequences. So control your physical mind and listen to the subconscious mind. Soul has the power to guide, protect and prevent us from making wrong choices. Eos © Oksana Zhelisko
by Jasz Koray Karma Healer/Trainer
All karma can be paid off in one lifetime in a karma healing session with the help of the “Sacred Karma Symbol and Karma Code,” but it requires commitment. Keep your cycle positive - say good words, think good thoughts and do good deeds. Jasz is a God Gifted and Enlightened Spiritual Healer, specializes in Karma Healing, Soul Healer, Psychic Reader, Reiki Master, Past Life Therapist, Crystal Healer, and trains people in all modalities. Contact: 780-722-0293 or Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It's intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.
There are seven realms in the soul world and the soul’s karma decides in which realm it will go after death. Realms 1-3 are the lowest and darkest realms, where not even a spark of light can be seen. The souls that live there (sometimes for thousands of years) do not want to improve and instead engage in evil acts. This is also considered as a Hell. Realm 4 is better; it looks like Earth. The souls who live there want to improve their soul journey and pay off their karma. Guidance from higher realms is provided to them if they genuinely repent for their evil deeds. Realm 5 is a beautiful place and beginning of Heaven. Souls help and love each other, while Realm 6 is even more wonderful. Realm 7 is the highest realm and its beauty can’t be explained in words
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© Bernadette McCormack
Natural Healing “I’ve recently been laid off my job and I’m finding it difficult, both financially and emotionally. I know that I need to keep positive so that I can attract a new job and abundance to me, but it’s hard to do when I’m feeling so down. What are some natural things I can use or do to help myself attract more abundance and a wonderful new job into my life? R. O., Edmonton by Jane Thomas Registered Massage Therapist Times of transition can be very challenging. It’s good to remember that it is in times of uncomfortableness where our growth occurs. Two oils that can help you stay uplifted and positive are bergamot and lemon. Use geranium and/or German chamomile to help keep yourself balanced and help with your emotional healing. Lavender is good to help keep you feel calm and rose is beneficial to keep your heart open, especially towards yourself. Try creating a body spray potion using distilled water and a mixture of your favorite oils. Find a glass spray bottle to mix your combination in. Then infuse the mixture with focused by Jackie Pearce Wholistic Practitioner - Facilitator of Awareness Daily rituals are a very powerful tool for manifestation and changing directions / creating transformation within one’s life. I suggest doing a 29 day ritual following the rhythms of the moon. Begin on the day after the full moon (waning gibbous moon). Each day, for 13 days, write out what it is you are looking to release on all levels - physically, energetically, emotionally and spiritually. These can be the same or completely different each day. Then on the dark moon (day 14, the day before the new moon), do a releasing ceremony. This could involve burning all of your papers from the previous 13 days or burying the papers in a sacred place.
by Melissa Robak Crystal & Gem Store Owner Welcome to the beginning of your new journey! You do not get the opportunity to choose each circumstance that life presents you, but you do get to choose how you will respond. This is your chance to embrace your new beginning and discover so many new things about yourself! Citrine is about to become your new best friend. Energizing, sunny and positive, citrine does so much more than attract wealth! This beautiful stone can decorate every corner of your home, as a natural anti-depressant and a reminder that a positive outlook is critical to every day. (Don’t forget one for your purse to attract that much needed wealth.) Your future may not be where you saw it going six months ago, but sunstone will help you find your path. Sunstone
thoughts of your dream job while holding the bottle in your hand and shaking the bottle. Try to embody the feeling you would have when this livelihood materializes. Each morning as you awaken and each evening before you sleep, spray a mist of this mixture on yourself and trust that the universe will allow your dream livelihood to unfold. Also trust that the emotions and challenges that come up through this transitional time are opportunities for you to heal blockages that have stood in the way of you realizing your dream job. Jane Lightbody Thomas is the owner of Healing Connections Wellness Centre, 10548 - 115 St., Edmonton (supplier of organic essential oils). She is a RMT and CranioSacral Therapist. 780-488-9779 or
After the new moon (15th day), begin to write your positive affirmations / manifestations on papers, or create a vision board (which you can keep), adding to it each day. This is where you are cultivating more of what you want on all levels. On the 29th day the moon will be full - and your manifestations will be ready to take flight. You can repeat this exercise, or any aspects that really called to you in the appropriate moon phase. The more energy you send to your manifestations with clear intentions, the quicker and better your results will likely be. Breathe deep, be gentle with yourself and know this too shall pass. Jackie specializes in Chakra Balancing, is a Certified Colour Sound Therapist and a Komyo Reiki Master/Teacher at Golden Lady Wholistics. She also offers courses and workshops. Contact The Golden Lady: 780-690-4156, or
encourages independence, leadership, personal power and originality. Use a piece of green calcite to energize yourself each morning, encouraging you to get out of bed and embrace the day. Choose a piece of jade to retrain your financial position… citrine helps you to attract wealth, while jade helps you to keep it, making it an essential part of the puzzle. Amethyst can encourage your intuition and decision making skills, which will help you when a job offer finds you. Remember, without a thundershower, we would never see a rainbow! Melissa Robak is co-owner of two amazing gem and mineral stores in Lacombe and Red Deer. Chris and Melissa’s ability to intertwine the metaphysical with the ‘rock-hound’ draws gem lovers from everywhere to their unique stores. Visit
Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It is intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor. Please research all topics for yourself.
If you have a question that you’d like answered by these three ways, please email
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Detoxification at a cellular level One of my best AHA moments was discovering Lymph Drainage Therapy at a colon hydrotherapy convention in 2000. It cleanses and detoxes at a cellular level but the surprise for me was that a mini-session relaxed me so deeply that I felt renewed. That mini-session awakened a gentleness in me I had not felt or touched before. This motivated me to complete the Upledger Lymph Drainage Therapy training to advanced level, then to assist in teaching classes for Upledger. This opened a new door inside of me - this deep well of immeasurable gentleness that had been untapped before. I know (from living it) that trauma/stress in childhood shuts us down inside physically but it also blocks us emotionally, intellectually and spiritually from who we are actually meant to be - who we are at our core (that we got separated from in order to survive). Trauma and stress absolutely buried my vulnerable, gentle, spontaneous spirit - the real me that I can now feel every day. I’ve gone from being a disconnected, “go hard or go home” independent insurance adjuster to a feeling, gentle, present and grounded holistic practitioner who can actually feel another human being’s inner ocean (lymph system) under my hands! Incredibly AWESOME! Stress and/or trauma causes the whole body to contract in many places (the lymph, the colon and even your breath, etc.) which interrupts natural flow inside, stopping elimination of our toxins from the lymph, colon, liver, lungs, etc. It causes us to function in the fight, flight or freeze mode whereas Lymph Therapy moves us into a parasympathetic state of well-being which is that deeply relaxed state we all need.
The lymph system is four times larger than your blood system! There are 12 pints of blood in our body yet 45 pints of lymph fluid. There are 400 to 700 lymph nodes also so without your lymph system, your immune system would be hopelessly impaired and your cardiovascular system would stop working. The lymph system does not have a pump like the heart so everyday stress, let alone trauma, causes contracting, slowing or stopping of the natural flow resulting in an accumulation of toxins. So, over time, you get a murky, stagnant lymph system (kind of like an Alberta slough inside) instead of a clean, free moving waterway of your inner ocean. Deodorants and hair dyes also poison our lymph. See my website for a list of symptoms. Sit with it © Carol Collin —
by Norma J. Hope Certified Lymph Therapist
I researched and trained for different varieties of lymph therapies as clients have different needs. Some like hands-on-touch like the Lymph Drainage Therapy and some like the microcurrent method of Lymph Detoxification from Europe which I added NeuroAcoustic Sound to. Another method chosen by clients to detoxify and rebalance the lymph system is Biofeedback Stress Reduction Therapy. Any pain, swelling or stiffness in the body is the lymph system crying out for help. Lymph therapies gently promote movement of lymph to detoxify and decongest you at a cellular level for a fresh cleanness inside that radiates outward. That connecting with your lymph can reconnect you to a deeper awareness emotionally and spiritually, is the added gift. Norma Hope is a Certified Biofeedback Specialist, Colon Hydrotherapist, Lymph Therapist, Microcurrent Therapist, Life Coach, NeuroAcoustic Sound Therapist, and more… Call 780-477-1100 or go to Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It is intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor. Please research all topics for yourself.
It puzzles me still that not many talk about the importance of the lymph system. It’s a major waste and transport system for the entire body (it’s the garbage collector whereas the colon is the sewer system). Its job every second of every minute, of every hour, of every day is to constantly pick up excess fluid from all over the body which has metabolic waste, toxins and other substances in it. It then moves the fluid through lymph nodes to cleanse and filter it.
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Happiness from the inside out I’ve always been an admirer of the Dalai Lama. Much has been written about his teachings, history and journey as the spiritual leader of Tibet. He has a dramatic story but that is not what I respond to. When I see his face it makes me smile. I respond to him the way I do to young children. Their curiosity, innocence and capacity for joy makes my heart happy. He is 80 years old and has experienced incredible loss and yet, to my mind, has the openness and the heart of a child. I am sure each one of you know of someone who has endured much and been able to retain their openness and innocence. Usually people with that capacity aren’t necessarily born into lives of ease so it isn’t their outer environment but their inner state that allows for equilibrium and joy. We all want to be happy but for the most part have been taught that it is tied to outer goals. Something amazing happens and we attain the prize we are reaching for we’re happy. Something bad happens and we lose the prize we had - we’re unhappy. There is nothing wrong with reaching for our goals but when our happiness is tied only to external things (the next promotion, relationship or possession) we can spend our lives bouncing between happy and unhappy. We can ride the roller coaster of ups and downs for a while but eventually our body-mind will break down and our ability to recover will lessen. After people have repeatedly won and lost the prize and therefore their happiness, they harden themselves. Disappointment can set in and their belief in their ability to feel hope, love, and happiness lessens. I think the key to sustaining happiness and the ability to move through challenging situations is to build up an inner reservoir of happiness and strength, a bank account so to speak.
Mosaic Magazine — Autumn 2015
Building anything usually takes time and some kind of sustained action. We need to keep making deposits. If your desire is to build a reservoir of inner peace and happiness, it is best established during times of ease. Often when faced with some type of crisis we look to find inner stability, hope or strength and it may not be there, either because it is not yet built or the building was started but not maintained. How we get off the rollercoaster of happy/unhappy is to have daily and weekly practices that support inner balance and happiness. Take your attention away from the external messages you are bombarded with regarding what the perfect amount of money, looks or love is.
Singing the Blues © Janice Blaine —
by Catherine Potter Astrologer and Hypnotherapist
Here are some suggestions for ways to achieve happiness and equilibrium from the inside out. Let me start by saying that there is nothing in the following suggestions that hasn’t been said before - no magic formula, no instant ‘ta da’. The suggestions won’t turn you into the Dalai Lama because that is not who you are supposed to be. It will simply help you become a happier version of yourself. Play with the ideas for a month. Start slowly and don’t overwhelm yourself. Introduce one thing at a time and give yourself time to notice how it makes you feel. Don’t do the following because you want to be ready for the next curveball life sends you but because you want to feel happier. That simple! However the bonus will be that you will handle the next curveball with more ease.
PHYSICAL - What type of physical activity makes you feel strong, vibrant and flexible? This will change at different points in your life. I have tried many things over the years but what I always come back to is yoga and some variety of chi gong. I have seen people in wheelchairs who do chair yoga, go to a pool or move some part of their body to music. What type of food makes your body feel strong and healthy? Again this will change depending on where our body is at different stages of our life. Keep coming back to what food and movement makes you feel strong and vibrant. How does focusing on the body relate to happiness? If your body is stressed, so are your emotions and mind. It is
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all the same body, only in our mind do we separate them. Make a positive or negative change in one part and you affect the rest. EMOTIONAL - What types of activities help you feel nourished, open and bring pleasure? It may be cooking, gardening, painting, writing, interacting with people, being in nature. For me I love playing with sound. If I want to turn my yoga into a sensual experience, I use music. If I want to paint (I’m terrible at it), all I have to do is put on music and hours can pass in a blur of sound and color. Sound empties and nourishes me. I remember as a child that when I was stressed I sang, when I was happy I sang. MENTAL - What type of activities makes you feel mentally clear, alive, curious? I have studied many things and have read thousands of books. Some things I have dabbled with, barely touching the surface, while others I have explored in depth. But if I had to choose one thing that I have learned the most from, it would be meditation. It has taught me to be present even when busy thoughts and emotions distract me. It has given me clarity in the midst of darkness and the awareness that separateness is an illusion. It has taught me how to manage a highly responsive nervous system and be able to come back to a place of inner stability and peace. I have meditated in emergency rooms when family members have been in life and death situations and during tragic world events when there is an outpouring of fear and grief. I have meditated when there is nothing going on other than day to day life. AND MORE - I don’t like the term spiritual; it feels too cut off from daily life. Is washing the kitchen floor, laughing with your family or making love not spiritual? So this section is called ‘and more’. What type of activities promote an inner feeling of connectedness, continuity and wholeness for you? What daily/weekly things do you participate in that give you feelings of pleasure and joy and an expanded sense of yourself? Most of the above ideas are about tuning into yourself to find answers, however sometimes we all need a helping hand. Remember to ask for help when you need it. Enjoy! An Astrologer since 1986, Catherine is also a Hypnotherapist and Meditation Instructor. She brings her experiential counselling and teaching style to The Northern Star College of Mystical Studies. Call 780-447-3667, and
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Use Feng Shui to attract greater luck In Feng Shui our luck flows to us in three specific ways: heavenly luck, people luck and earthly luck. Heavenly luck is the luck that we are born with. Each of us is born with specific gifts and when we cultivate these gifts, our luck is enhanced. Even as children our natural gifts are often obvious to our parents and teachers - the peacemaker, the leader, the artist, the entrepreneur, the intuitive, the comedian, the writer, the actress, the environmentalist, the fashionista and so on. If you’ve become disconnected from your heavenly luck, reflect on what you enjoyed doing as a child. What were you naturally good at? Sometimes it’s helpful to talk to your parents, older siblings or childhood friends about this. Some gifts are more valued by our society and these talents are usually encouraged by teachers and parents. If you had a gift that wasn’t valued, you may have to dig deep to recover it. For example, often artistic gifts aren’t seen as valuable ways to make a living and can be discouraged by more practical parents. Or if you were raised in a religious home, sometimes these environments don’t encourage intuitive gifts. If your heavenly luck (gift) wasn’t accepted by your family and community, it may have gone into shadow. When our gifts drop into shadow, several things may occur. We might forget that we have these gifts, we might feel shame around sharing our gifts, we might feel judgmental of others with similar gifts, we might feel angry when others encourage us to share our talents or we might hide our gifts.
Take a moment to think about how you feel when you spend time with those who are critical of you or those who judge you and don’t want you to be part of their family or workplace. These individuals might talk negatively about us behind our backs and may even work to sabotage our success. Or consider a more extreme example (hopefully one you’ll never encounter!) A new friend calls and asks you for a ride to the bank. You say yes. Unwittingly you have just become an accessory to a bank robbery. And then your luck quickly begins a swift downward spiral.
Spirit Guides © Bernadette McCormack —
by Skye MacLachlan Feng Shui Consultant
Now let’s flip this and think about how you feel when others welcome you warmly and accept you fully. These uplifting individuals often connect us to the networks of people who know just the right job or relationship or living space for us. Our luck can quickly shift in a positive direction when we are surrounded by those who see us as valuable participants in their community. The third way that luck flows to us is through earth luck. Earth luck is the practice of Feng Shui. Why is Feng Shui called earth luck? Feng Shui is the practice of arranging our yards, homes and businesses in alignment with the principles of the natural world. Through observing the conditions in nature where the land, creatures and people thrive, these same conditions are applied in Feng Shui to our living and work spaces. Although Feng Shui (our earth luck) accounts for only one third of our overall luck, it is also true that through the application of Feng Shui our heavenly luck and people luck becomes stronger. May the spirit of good luck bless each one of you in the days ahead. And if it is for your highest good, may all your wishes come true.
Skye has specialized in Feng Shui for the home and business for over 30 years. She teaches Feng Shui, Tarot and Dreamwork at the Northern Star College of Mystical Studies in Edmonton, or 780-447-3667.
As an adult we can make new and empowering choices. We can begin to gently coax our heavenly luck / gifts out of shadow. An artist might register in an art class or an intuitive might take tarot lessons. It’s important to choose an environment where your gift will be honored and accepted by those who are present. The second way that luck flows to us is through people luck. Are you surprised when I tell you that 33% of our luck is generated through the people that we surround ourselves with?
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The power of restorative healing by Sarah Salter-Kelly Spiritual Healer I was sitting at Marilyn’s kitchen table in Saddle Lake, Alberta. She had invited me in after giving her a ride home from culture camp, wondering if I’d like to look through her family photo albums over a cup of tea. My body immediately responded to her invitation with hunger; not the hunger of an empty stomach, rather one that is sourced in a craving for the soul to find meaning. I don’t know if she noticed my expression when she flipped the page and the pictures changed from those of her children to that of her family of origin. I zeroed in on Peter’s face, before she added her narration, consciously controlling my breath to appear ‘normal’ and release the pressure I felt in my gut as I stared into the eyes of this man who had caused so much harm in my life. I wanted to know who he was, aside from being a murderer; this is why I had come. Marilyn and I had spent most of the day together, wondering around the teepees at Blue Quill First Nations College… her talking and me listening. We stopped in at the rattle making class, sat down and sewed the raw hide, our fingers busy while our hearts opened through conversation, bridging the gap between the most unusual territory that connected us. It was May 2012 and Marilyn is the sister of Peter, the man who murdered my mother, Sheila Salter, in December 1995. My journey for restorative healing is continuously teaching me. A few things are really clear - it is up to us to make medicine out of our deepest wounds, and there are no limitations. Violence is sourced in violence. My need to understand where Peter came from and how he had ended up in that parkade on that day, has led me deeper into understanding the story of colonization, residential schools and the decimation of our native peoples. Every perpetrator has a story with a history of violence. Knowing it doesn’t excuse the action; it does however help us to see how we may prevent it in the future.
When we bring a restorative approach to our healing we are naturally catering to the concept that our experiences hold sustenance, thus WE are sustainable, as is our world. Even though we may never understand why something horrible has happened we can do something (to affect change) with what we have in the moment. In May 2015 I returned to Blue Quill during culture camp to offer five ‘Trauma as Medicine’ circles. Marilyn and I spoke together for the first time in one of them, both sharing our own stories of healing trauma. She spoke to the history of colonization, generational trauma, violence and alcoholism and what she is doing to empower herself to change these cycles. I spoke to the horror of my mother being so violently murdered by a stranger and what I discovered in my quest to create healing regardless of circumstance. Something so deeply powerful opened within me and to all present during this circle. Though I had heard Marilyn’s story when we first met, I had never shared mine with her. I didn’t realize how important it was for me to feel heard by her, for her to witness how her brother’s actions had impacted my life. The moment that so deeply touched my heart was when she looked at me with compassion before all present and said: “I am really sorry about what happened to your mother.” I didn’t know I needed that until it happened. That circle was completed with a loving song gifted by a Medicine Man and Woman who were present, along with a hugging circle and a sharing circle. Sarah specializes in using shamanic ceremony and process to make medicine from our life’s experience. Her programs are focused on healing trauma, teaching shamanism and journeys to Peru. Contact: 1-780-3149150, or" Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It’s intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.
Our world has a history of misuse of power, using manipulation, force and control to get what we want within our countries, society, institutions, work places, families and even in ourselves, often with drastic results. Yet it is a habitual pattern passed down generation to generation and takes a conscious act of will power to change.
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Liberating the victim For my Mom, Sheila Salter by Sarah Salter-Kelly On a cold winter’s morning in December of 1995 my mother was attacked in the parking garage where she worked in Edmonton. Her throat was slit, she was raped and her body was driven out of town and tossed in an abandoned farmhouse where it was not found for 11 days. Our family navigated through completely foreign territory... waking up each morning, getting ready for Christmas, not knowing where she was, if she was alive, dead or in pain?
totally dumbfounded. What do you mean I chose us? Then I grasped in my eight year old mind the possibilities of this… the power of it! Through the years this concept of choice has always been close at hand. How could I know this AND know that people can kill you? My determination to find peace was paying off. I came to see that she had lived a whole 42 years that were not tainted by murder. I began to remember who she was and what the purpose of our relationship had been. With my new understanding I was able to find the ‘thread’ of our relationship and realize it had never been severed. I became aware that death does not separate us from Spirit. I came to know that how we leave this earth can act as a vehicle for light and healing. I could see through my mother’s eyes that she was fine and I knew it to be true.
The city grieved with us. People searched the river valley for her body and sold white ribbons to symbolize that violence against women must stop. We saw the beauty of humanity through the unspeakable horror. I was 20 at the time. Old enough that I could call her on her ‘stuff’ and young enough that I needed to hear her voice when I was down. She was a powerful teacher for me and, after her death, I was stuck in the contradiction of all that she had ever taught me. The idea of: “If I believe I am safe, so I am” disintegrated along with midnight walks through the river valley and ravines. My faith crumbled. She had always said there’s a reason for everything. How could there be a reason for murder? I was angry, confused and devastated. Sarah Salter-Kelly and Sheila Salter
Through extensive media coverage and the trial, I felt I was turned into a victim. This didn’t sit right with me. I had been brought up breathing transformational medicine, participating in communication and life skills workshops as a teen and a young woman. I did not have ‘victim’ in my vocabulary. It would have been one of the words that I was not allowed to use as a child along with words like: should, never, try, but, etc. Here I was now, a victim of homicide. My healing processes lead me to marrying my true love and becoming a mother myself. As I learned how to mother, I learned how to heal. I used the tools I knew to create my own healing. I visualized. I did voice dialogue. I created ceremonies, all along questioning my mother’s voice in my head that said: “Remember Sarah, there are no accidents.” “You're wrong,” I thought, “you got murdered!” I remember another lesson she had taught me about choice - that we choose everything in our lives, our partners, jobs, families, etc. I was eight at the time and angry with her. As I declared my certainty that she was to blame for my circumstances, she said: “Don't blame me. You chose to be born into this family!” I remember being
Mosaic Magazine — Autumn 2015
Yet I still felt stuck. Where was my power, freedom, liberation? I knew I needed to talk to the man who killed her, for him to know me, for me to know him. I saw that we had a karmic relationship that could be healed. I felt powerful in knowing I could do something. Previously I had used force to keep his image from my mind but it had NOT worked. So I was ready to do something new. I prayed for guidance and created a ceremony. Journeying in sacred space, through the four directions, I asked the spirit of this man to be present. He had been a stranger and had died in jail so this was the only way I knew how to communicate with him. My plan was to sit with him and tell him how I felt about what happened. For over eight months I did this and I learned many things - many things I had not expected to know or see. With absolute humbleness I saw that we are not different from each other, we have only made different choices. I could be him, he could be me. My heart filled with compassion and understanding. I did not know how to sit with this feeling. How could I feel love for this man … for a murderer?
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Violet Flame © Sandra Kunz —
with me as I write this, delighted at how socially incorrect that statement may seem… that murder can be a gift.
At this time I felt like I needed some help in understanding what I was learning, some structure to bring my knowledge into form. I became a student of the Inca Medicine wheel as taught by Denise Kinch. All of the sudden I could see why I had needed to sit with this man in sacred space and how important it was to forgive him completely, without any limitations or attachment. I learned that this act freed us both. I saw too that he had been a big teacher for me and I am thankful for this. Now I had it - my power, my freedom, my liberation! My understanding deepened and I considered again the concept of choice. If we choose everything and there are no accidents then could it be possible that my mother chose to be murdered? There is no such thing as a victim. Those circumstances can provide us with opportunities to evolve (myself and her). I learned that our fears are really tools for transformation. To truly learn from them, we cannot allow ourselves to be bound by our stories. When we see beyond the limitations of this human form, we see the truth of who we are becoming. It is my belief that I am responsible for everything in my life. As a victim, I had no power. I had given it away in the assumption that I must not have any. When I refused to be a victim anymore I found my power and learned how to create the ceremony I needed to heal. My Mom being murdered has been the catalyst of my personal evolution and yes, a gift. I know she is here
As a woman I have been able to find peace and heal what I saw as the defiling of the sacred feminine. As a mother I honor all the time with my children and the gift that they chose me! I know that anything can happen in the present moment so this is where I choose to be. I have learned that we are really all one. Each of us is part of the whole, with as much capacity for light as darkness. We all make choices everyday and are responsible for those choices. I pray that I may wield my own power in recognition of this balance each day. I am very humble in my understanding of this experience and thankful for all the guidance I have received. I am especially grateful for the teachings of the Inca Medicine. It is the vessel that brings who I am into form and the base for my own medicine. This healing journey has been foundational in forming my own practice at Pigeon Lake. The affirmation on my mother’s bathroom mirror at the time of her death read: I forgive myself, I forgive everyone, I am Free! Sarah is a Reiki practitioner who is an apprentice of the Inca Medicine tradition. She offers healing sessions in her practice at Pigeon Lake. Email her at
This article is reprinted from Mosaic Magazine’s Summer 2008 issue. Autumn 2015 — Mosaic Magazine
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Each moment can hold a miracle Thirteen years after my mother, Sheila Salter, was murdered in a parkade in Edmonton, I wrote an article titled “Liberating the Victim.” The article focused on my belief that we co-create (with Great Spirit) everything in our lives and within that co-creation is the choice to use our power to manifest healing on any level, including profound, tragic loss. I was in awe of having unexpectedly found deep compassion and forgiveness for the man who had killed my mother and yearning to share my experience and process with the world! Mosaic Magazine published the article in its Summer 2008 issue. On the day of Mosaic’s publication, I rushed to pick-up a copy. I read my article with tears of release and joy. I knew I had to visit the nearby parkade where Mom had been murdered and leave a copy there for her. Once there, I felt guided to pull the article out of the magazine, roll it up, tie it with a large chunk of my hair and place it in the brick wall with a rock to secure it. I performed a ceremony, said a prayer and left. Eight months later I received this email. Dear Sarah, My name is Amber. I am writing you in regards to an article you wrote. Eight months ago while my Auntie Becky and I were driving to her apartment we saw what we thought was a wallet on the side of the road. After we parked, we walked over and it turned out to be a leather biker’s cap.
turned my head towards it, I saw a piece of paper rolled up and tucked into the wall. I picked it up, slightly hesitant as it was wrapped in hair. As I began to unwrap it, a rock fell to the ground. Becky and I looked at each other feeling like we were meant to read it. We slowly unraveled it and read aloud your story of healing over the murder of your mother. I went through waves of emotions as we read it - I was sad, I cried and then I got angry. I did not want to hear it all, particularly the part about choosing our deaths (even murder) and finding forgiveness for a murderer. Becky looked at the biker’s cap in her hand, then at me. “You know what I think this means,” she said. “I think this means we have to forgive him.” At the time I was mad at her for even considering that.
Dreaming of You © Maria Pace-Wynters —
by Sarah Salter-Kelly
In the last few months I now see that this is the only way I may truly heal. Your story has given me so much. I am deeply grateful to have been the one to come across it. It was meant to be. GOD BLESS Amber
There is a divine plan. Oftentimes we get so wrapped up in our lives that we forget we are not in this alone. Each moment holds a miracle that may offer us inspiration and healing. Sometimes, what we are guided to do may seem irrational like wrapping an article in a rope of hair and sticking it in a brick wall - however, our intuition is our energetic conduit to Great Spirit. When we trust it, give it voice, we bring sacredness into the world. We amplify the possibilities of healing the world around us and within it, ourselves.
During Easter of 2003 I tragically lost my mother; Becky lost her sister. I am convinced that she was murdered by the men she lived with who were bikers. I have a lot of anger towards these men. My life has been consumed with fear, anger and hate. I was obsessed with not knowing the whole truth of how she died. I told Becky to throw the hat away, as it reminded me of my loss.
Sarah Salter-Kelly is a healer, teacher and ceremonialist. She works out of Medicine Spirit Center near Pigeon Lake, Alberta. Contact her at 780314-9150 or
I feel the angels were at work, as Becky instead carried it with her, towards her apartment. There was a parkade with a brick wall on the main level of the building facing the street. As I
This article is reprinted from Mosaic Magazine’s Winter 2010 issue.
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Be your own bird by Cindy Revell Creating… what an incredible way to spend one’s life. As a child I spent a lot of time with books, art and my lively imagination - I still do.
Cosmos Lily Afternoon © Cindy Revell
Art was the only thing I seriously considered as a career and I attended Grant MacEwan obtaining my diploma in Graphic Design. After several years working as a designer and illustrator I craved greater creative freedom and began illustrating and doing fine art out of my own studio in 1997. Billboards, wine bottles, books, magazines, calendars, packaging and numerous children’s books all over North America have featured my acrylic and digital illustration.
Jeremiah © Cindy Revell
But fine art, that’s where my imagination and inspiration really come together. My latest work is a whimsical combination of my illustration and still life oil paintings. It features animals, birds, Soujourn in the garden © Cindy Revell still life, flowers, interiors, gardens and pattern. Lively and juicy brushstrokes bring movement and energy to the paintings, bright colour and pattern bring joy, while a playful combination of creatures represent the connection we all share.
10412 - 124 Street, Edmonton. In this series birds are a common element in a menagerie of uncommonly colored exotic cats, horses and other creatures that symbolize our interconnection with all beings, trusting in and being your own unique self. For more of Cindy’s art, go to,, the Spotlight Gallery, and
My oil paintings and illustrations share rich colour, a whimsical sensibility and often humor. The Dutch artists, old masters, folk, medieval, Asian and eastern art are as inspiring to me as is the natural world around us. There is much in the world that is serious but it’s the joy and beauty that I prefer to show through my work. On October 15, 2015 my first solo show titled “Be Your Own Bird” will be held at the Daffodil Gallery,
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Fox © Cindy Revell
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Directory of Services
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Directory of Services
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Directory of Services
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Mosaic’s Marketplace ANGELS
CONNECTING WITH THE ANGELS - Spend the day in the loving energy of the angels. You will have the opportunity to connect with and receive messages from the angels using various techniques. You will also practice receiving and giving messages to others. For upcoming dates contact Maureen Bracke, Angel Therapy Practitioner® trained and certified by Dr. Doreen Virtue, 780-479-5011,, www.guidancefromtheangels
FENG SHUI PRACTITIONER CERTIFICATION ONLINE - Our online BTB Feng Shui training goes far beyond the basics, ensuring a strong foundation on which to build your successful practice. 403-278-7475,
ART AFFORDABLE, ECLECTIC, UNIQUE ARTWORK for home or office. Rent or purchase from a large range of batik, canvas or styrofoam paintings. Contact Monika Dery at or ASTROLOGY SAMANTHA KANE-KENNEDY - Follow the light and chart your own course. Caring in-depth consultations provide understanding of that unique mystery … the tapestry of your soul. Turn complexity into simplicity and make the impossible possible. Achieve a deep sense of peace.,, 250-382-8443. COACHING SOUL COACHING PROGRAM - This six week program, including the 28 Day Program to Discover your Authentic Self, will take you on a spiritual journey to find meaning and sacredness in your everyday life. You will take an honest look at yourself, face fear, release old negative patterns, get motivated and step boldly and joyfully into your future. Contact Maureen Bracke, Certified Soul Coach, at 780-479-5011,
HEALING & HEALTH AURA-SOMA EDMONTON - Aura Imaging, Counselling (covered under many health insurance plans) and Aura-Soma Colour Healing. Change your energies, change your life! Lisa Clendening, MSW, RSW, 10548 Whyte Avenue, 780-937-8613, AWAKEN, HEAL, BALANCE, LEARN - Awaken with meditation; heal with sound; balance with aura/chakra work; refresh your home with an energetic cleansing. More info: BROKEN HEART due to death, divorce, or any of over 40 kinds of loss? Call Yvonne at 780-913-6466 or go to for schedule of free info sessions and info on action support programs. HEALTHY LIVING THERAPIES GATHERINGS - 4th Wednesdays monthly (except July, August and December), 1:00 p.m. and 7:15 p.m., Bonnie Doon Hall, Edmonton. Explore holistic topics and meet practitioners in relaxed atmosphere. Everyone welcome. LUMINOUS TRANQUILITY - Anastasia is an energy healing therapist who can help you regain health and vitality in all areas of life. Treatments are offered at Healing Connections (10548 - 115 Street, Edmonton). Also offering workshops in Reiki, Trilotherapy, Spoon Bending and more. Visit; 780-919-7749;
CRYSTALS HYPNOTHERAPY SACRED STONES Personal Growth Jewelry Anastasia Kutt HAVE ALL THE SUCCESS YOU want accessing the These unique, handmade gemstone crystal Luminous Tranquility power of your subconscious mind. Using guided bracelets are designed to help you transform aspects hypnosis, hypnotherapy gets to the heart of what may be of your life. Each one comes with a researched keepsake preventing you from reaching your true goals. Solid results with card that explains the exact issues and person it can help. See Paul Compassi, MH, C.Hyp with over 30 years of intuitive our Sacred Stones ad on page 11 for store locations and visit our counseling in Edmonton. An ARCH member. Call 780-447-1691. beautiful website to learn more about how these amulets can help you or to order one that is personalized just for you. Email: or web: INTUITIVE GUIDANCE EDUCATION & TRAINING CHANNELED READINGS & RECONNECTIONS - Talk with the angels of The Council and loved ones who have passed. CANADIAN TRAINING CENTRE FOR HEALING ALTERNATIVES - Training for Indian Head Massage, Natural Face Lift Massage, Indian Foot Massage. Ongoing dates throughout the year. Please visit the website for full details. CLARITY AND GUIDANCE - For your life’s journey. Tarot, channelling, Akashic Records readings. Learn, heal, grow. Call 780-452-1604 to book. More info: SPIRITUAL STUDIES in Kabbalah, Chakra Development, Certified Etheric Healing Programs, personal development of your psychic/spiritual gifts and private sessions as well. Connect with Patricia Dennis in Edmonton: or
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MOSAIC MAGAZINE DISTRIBUTION LOCATIONS - Go to (‘Get A Copy’ tab) to see an extensive list of places that you can pick up a copy of Mosaic across Alberta and parts of B.C. EZINE / NEWSLETTER - Interested in our monthly ezine/newsletter that features MORE mind, body and spirit information, not available in the magazine, including astrology,
Feng Shui, health tips and more? Go to and sign up today to start receiving it each month as an email! WANT MOSAIC MAGAZINE available at your office or event? Get bulk amounts of Mosaic Magazine to give to your clients at the following locations: ASCENDANT BOOKS (10310 - 124 St), A SENSE OF SERENITY (10342 - 81 Ave) and LIFEFORCE (101, Signal Rd, Fort McMurray).
Mosaic’s Calendar of Events AUGUST 7 - OCTOBER 27
The Emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher - For more than 40 years, international journalists have charted the “story of the millennium” - the approaching emergence into the world of Maitreya, the World Teacher, and the Masters of Wisdom. Investigate for yourself! FREE talks at 7:00 p.m. - August 7, September 16, September 23, October 7 or October 27. Strathcona Library, 8331 - 104 Street, Edmonton.
Reiki 1 - Pigeon Lake Alberta, 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Sarah Salter Kelly, Reiki Master teacher. Contact: 1-780-314-9150 or
AUGUST 11, SEPTEMBER 8, OCTOBER 13 Transmission Meditation - Can one person truly help a world in transition? More than you think! Make this vibrant service a part of your life! FREE talks and meditation experiences at 7:00 p.m. - Sai Baba Centre, 9619 - 82 Street, Edmonton.
AUGUST 20, SEPTEMBER 17, OCTOBER 15 Breaking the Biggest Story in 2000 Years! Can one event change the world? The Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet is now emerging outwardly, into the physical world, to guide us out of chaos and into a future of justice and peace for all. Find out more about this incredible event. FREE talks at 7:00 p.m. - King Edward Park Hall (the small hall), 8008 - 81 Street, Edmonton.
AUGUST 24, SEPTEMBER 28, OCTOBER 26 Can One Event Change the World? You bet it can... and it is coming soon! The world is about to experience a dramatic “Day of Declaration”; an experience beyond measure. Investigate for yourself! FREE talks at 7:00 p.m. - La Cité Francophone (Rotunda), 8627 Rue Marie-Anne Gaboury (91 Street), Edmonton.
AUGUST 27 Chant Quan Yin’s Great Compassion Mantra with Jean MacGregor. Da Bei Zhou, one of the highest sacred mantras known to humanity, calls Guan Yin, the Bodhisattva of Compassion, and 87 other highest Buddhas. When you chant the Da Bei Zhou, the blessings you can receive are unlimited. It takes about 12 minutes to sing and several months to learn. Free weekly 1-hour sessions starting August 27, Edmonton., 780-965-6815.
AUGUST 31, SEPTEMBER 28, OCTOBER 28 Transmission Meditation - Can one person truly help a world in transition? More than you think! Make this vibrant service a part of your life! FREE talks and meditation at 7:00 p.m. - Room #201, Le Soleil at Roots on Whyte, 8135 - 102 Street, Edmonton.
SEPTEMBER 10 Mosaic Mystics Meeting - Sarah Salter-Kelly, Spiritual Healer ( will share her inspirational personal story of healing homicide and the alternatives we may each use within ourselves and our lives to “make medicine” from our past. Her message will help guide us to believe in our ability to heal trauma individually and collectively. Join us to learn more. Also, please bring a used/new gift-wrapped book to give away in our book exchange. Email Connie by SEPTEMBER 9 at to register. Cost: $20 (cash at the door) at Lucina Centre, 9505 - 163 Street, Edmonton, at 7:00 p.m. To keep informed about other upcoming Mystic Meetings, go to and sign up for our free monthly ezine/newsletter.
SEPTEMBER 10 & 11 Qigong - Healing Tao Basics, Edmonton. Thursday evening, all day Friday. Several fun, easy to learn qigong practices (of Mantak Chia) are taught. Nourish your vitality with the Inner Smile, Microcosmic Orbit, Six Healing Sounds, Earth Qigong, Bone Dreaming, and Jesus Sitting Qigong. Discounts: for early payment (by August 10); and review students. Contact details in Unwind the Belly ad below.
SEPTEMBER 11, 12 & 13 Oneness Awakening Course - Our OUTER life and our INNER life are ONE. Underneath most of our imbalances lie wounds stemming from the core relationships of our life. When relationships are set right within ourselves, we are free to connect with others and experience life more FULLY! With the help of profound teachings, ancient spiritual practices and experiential processes, the journey of one’s personal Awakening is ignited! See for more details or contact Jody at
SEPTEMBER 11 - 13 Radiant Soul Women’s Retreat - Rejuvenate, recharge and nourish your whole being. Join six experienced facilitators for a weekend of total self-care and an opportunity to check into your heart. The retreat is located at the Strathcona Wilderness Centre, 30 minutes east of Edmonton. The weekend includes healthy meals from Friday through Sunday, dorm style accommodations, and a variety of ceremonies and workshops designed to ignite your inner radiance including yoga, dance, energy healing and meditation. Learn more at Autumn 2015 — Mosaic Magazine
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Calendar of Events continued from page 27
OCTOBER 23 - 25 & NOVEMBER 6 - 8
Unwind the Belly with Chi Nei Tsang Fundamentals, Edmonton. CNT is an oriental abdominal touch therapy. Learn to release tensions in the core gently and safely (prerequisite: Healing Tao Basics). Superb therapy for IBS. Discounts for: taking both Qigong + CNT; early payment (by August 10); and review students. For more information, prices, and registration go to and click on UTB Classes; or contact Peter Melnychuk at 780-482-8960, or
Become a “Certified IIPA Iridologist” - “The eyes are the Window to the Soul.” Learn Iridology a valuable lifelong assessment tool that uncovers the root cause of health issues and much more! 780-482-7978,
NOVEMBER 13 - 16
The Alberta Astrological Connection will be holding their First Bi-Annual Canadian Conference in Edmonton. For information go to
Taoist Healing Energetics - Advanced Chi Nei Tsang, Edmonton. We delve deeper into this powerful five element visceral therapy in two 2 day modules. Part 1 - Classical CNT + Water Organs; Part 2 - Balancing the Meridians + Fire Organs (Prerequisite: Healing Tao Basics + CNT Fundamentals). Discounts: for early payment (by October 14); and review students. Contact details in CNT ad above (September 12 - 15).
MARCH 17 - 20, 2016
Learn to Read the Akashic Records (Red Deer) - Easy and fun to learn. Two-day beginning certification course. Early registration discounts. At 5913 - 50 Avenue, 2nd Floor, Red Deer, AB. Taught by Holly Hawkins Marwood, Advanced Teacher,, 1-760-803-4297,
SEPTEMBER 26 Spiritual Expo - An amazing out-of-this-world exposition by Share International. FREE ENTRY! Bring an Open Mind and an Open Heart. Saturday, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Acacia Hall, 10433 - 83 Ave,
Shamans Path One Year Training - 12 spots. 1-780-314-9150, or
MONTHLY INFINITY HEART CIRCLE invites you to explore alternative ways of healing. Come play in the experience. Details at THE EDMONTON ASTROLOGICAL SOCIETY meets on the 2nd Friday of every month (except July and August) at 7:30 p.m. Check our website for updates and location information:
Loving All of Me - 1 Day Retreat to super charge the best you ever! Rejuvenating retreat to experience and learn lifelong healing tools that recharge your body and mind in 10 minutes or less. Includes book, manual and digital resources.
OCTOBER 17 & 18 Dive Deeply Into the Akashic Records (Edmonton) -Experience and understand yourself and others in the Akashic Records with Past Lives, Energy Healing and Clearing Ancestral Influences. Advanced Akashic Practitioner Certification. No pre-requisites. Early registration discounts. At 11724 Kingsway NW, Edmonton, AB. Taught by Holly Hawkins Marwood, Advanced Teacher,, 1-760-803-4297,
OCTOBER 20 Ascension Guidance with High Council of Orion (Edmonton) - Join Paul and Holly Marwood as they share wisdom about changes we all are experiencing. Holly will channel the High Council of Orion, including Q&A, 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. $25 in advance, $30 at door (cash or cheques please)., 1760-803-2338,
OCTOBER 20 - 22 Trauma as Medicine Retreat - Lazy ‘M’ Ranch, Caroline, Alberta. In this retreat we look at the issues that have deeply impacted your soul’s journey and kept you from experiencing self-love, purpose and joy. Through ceremony, circle, shamanic journey and teachings, you are guided to claim the gifts of your soul’s journey and make medicine from your life experience. Facilitator Sarah Salter Kelly, 1-780-314-9150, or for more information.
OCTOBER 22 Angel Messages & Sacred Sound Healing (Edmonton) - Live Channeling from the Angelic realm, includes Q&A, plus a sacred sound experience with crystal bowls and angelic connection. 7:00 - 9:00 p.m., $25 in advance, $30 at the door (cash or cheques please.) Children half-price with parents., 1-760-803-2338,
Mosaic Magazine — Autumn 2015
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Things I Love
Autumn 2015 —
Con Amore
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(Italian) With heart and soul
Create a wish list I was in my early 20’s when I had my first big ‘spiritual’ selfawareness teaching. When a boyfriend explained to me how “we created our own realities,” I instantly knew it was a spiritual truth. I had already noticed that when I consistently thought or daydreamed about something, it happened afterwards whether good or bad. While the information should have been liberating, and was (sort of), at the time I was so vulnerable and confused, that it just really screwed me up for a very long time. In fact, this knowledge cast me in cement for years. Then about 10 years later, I was working in Lloydminster when I met one of my best friends ever, Debbie, who introduced me to Louise Hay’s book: You Can Heal Your Life (Hay House, 1987) It was through reading Louise’s book that I began to understand so many things that had scared me or confused me before about this ‘Law of Attraction’ world we live in. One of the many things I learned from her book was to quit dwelling on what was wrong with my life and to start to create new patterns in the form of lists of what I wanted in my new life. I was almost 30 years old at that point and still alone. And so, one night, in my little apartment, I got into bed and decided that I was going to try what Louise was saying. I sat there and (with great hope) wrote out a long list of qualities I wanted in a husband - not just a lover or a partner. I wanted a ‘husband’ and I wanted a husband that had certain traits. I wrote them all down, one by one. I think there were close to 30 things. I remember asking for someone that would love me so much (and be so safe) that I could just fly, following any dream I wanted. I even said that I wanted to live somewhere overseas. I’m not lying when I tell you that it was within the next month that I connected with Marcel (although we had worked together for over a year) and all these years later, I can’t believe how perfect he’s been for me. In fact, within the first year we were married, we lived in Saudi Arabia for over a year, which was one of the things I asked for.
I’ve actually thought about my ‘husband wish list’ many times over the last 22 years that we’ve been married. I’ve marveled over its efficiency and have thanked the Universe many, many times for Marcel Brisson. He was everything I’d asked for and MORE (it’s taken me many years to fully appreciate the ‘more’ - but clearly the Universe knew exactly what I needed). I’m so thankful for him and the amazing daughter we have. Recently, I came upon another list I had made (one that I had totally forgotten about) which made me remember the power of wishing. I was clearing up a lot of old paperwork I have in a cabinet when I came upon a paper in which I listed all the things I wanted in a piece of land we were trying to find many years ago.
Persephone © Cindy Revell —
by Connie Brisson
We had been trying to find a little private piece of land for a long time - for about three or four years. We had gone through realtor after realtor, year after year, and were taken to land all over the place, even to sites next to land dumps (not good Feng Shui). I was so discouraged. I prayed about it. I even went to a few psychics about it. So one day, although I do not remember this, I wrote a list of ALL the things I wanted on our special piece of land. When I found it the other day and read it (now, over five years after we bought our land) it instantly brought tears to my eyes. I had listed about 20 different things I wanted on the land… which had all come true.
Do wish lists work? Yes, although not always immediately. But the power of a list is that you’ve got all your focused energy working towards one goal. Then, the Universe starts working on it for you. Decide what you want. Think, and then feel, as much as you can about whatever it is that you want. Then write a very detailed list - only positive things. Never write what you want in a negative term. (Example: I want trees on my land. As opposed to: I do not want land that does not have trees.) Then, allow your wish to go off into the Universe and let it rest there - do not worry about it, or revisit it (which could bring in self-doubt). Just let it be. Have faith. When I completed journalism, and was so disappointed with working at newspapers, I used to WISH, WISH, WISH that I could work for a magazine where I could write articles that could change people’s lives. Does wishing work? Yes, you’re holding the proof.
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Autumn 2015— Mosaic Magazine
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