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The best things in life are


mind • body • spirit • health • wisdom 78th Issue


detail of Lovebirds © Denise Lefebvre

Journey with Oneness Healing Through Forgiveness Rosen Method Bodywork Wellness in 2017 Year of the Fire Rooster

Herbal Medicine Interactions Let Your Life Shine Bright Spiritual Healing Chi For Health Bionic Tooth Evolution

Calm in Middle of Chaos Prosperity Gemstones The Power of Silence Denise Lefebvre’s Art Gifts From My Dad


Mosaic Magazine — Spring 2017

Spring 2017 — Mosaic Magazine


In this Mosaic… I discovered that once my body was physically more peaceful, without pain, that my emotional body accompanied it with moments of bliss. And, what could make me want more bodywork therapies than that? We think that our bodies and their pain have nothing to do with our minds, but they do. In fact, I’d venture to say that a large percentage of our physical pain is a result of our mental pain and our thoughts. We just don’t always see how they correlate. Not yet… So join us for our next Mystic Meeting where we will explore body-mind awareness through Rosen Method Bodywork and Movement, a therapy that I’ve loved for many years now. It will be facilitated by Cinnamon Cranston, certified Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner and co-owner of the Rosen Method Institute Canada, Inc.,

Cinnamon will explain what Rosen Method Bodywork and Movement is and then she’ll guide us to experience the depth and transformative effects of this work through movement and touch. The Rosen Movement is designed in a way that allows and invites embodied awareness, creating ease and aliveness, supported by music.

by Connie Brisson I was 37 years old when I went to my first spiritual workshop. I was living in Fort McMurray and Doreen Virtue (angel guru) was coming to town (all the way from sunny California) and there were also a variety of other energy modality training/workshops offered over the weekend so we could get a sampling of different body-mind therapies. One of the workshops I signed up for was CranioSacral Therapy. Energy work was all new to me and I was instantly in awe of it. When I saw Lynn, a registered nurse and Craniosacral Therapist work on two different people, I was amazed. After her session with each of them, both people (after experiencing physical and emotional releases) were so content and calm. Since then, I’ve had many CranioSacral Therapy treatments and I’ve also enjoyed a large variety of other, just as amazing, different mind-body treatments over the years. A few months ago I had an energy treatment and I felt like the weight of the world had been lifted from me, from my body. When I got home, I went for a walk/ run and somewhere along the way, I felt this incredible moment of pure bliss. And then I realized I was feeling that mental bliss because my physical body was not in any kind of discomfort or pain. This was a new discovery for me. Like many of you, a lot of my life has included some physical discomfort and I’ve allowed it because I thought it was just part of how life was. But in that moment, I had an AHA. I realized that my physical and mental bliss are ONE, so to speak.


Mosaic Magazine — Spring 2017

Rosen Movement is rooted (in its founder) Marion Rosen’s training as a physical therapist as well as in her profound understanding of how muscles work and how they express and hold the experiences, emotions and attitudes of our lives. As with Rosen Bodywork, Rosen Movement can open people to new possibilities inside themselves and their lives, because the movements come from the “core” and can tug on emotions, habits and attitudes that we hold onto in our musculature. How we live in our bodies is not separate from how we live our lives. Cinnamon will also guide us in an exercise in Rosen Method Touch (where people work in pairs) that will help us learn to cultivate a presence that is both open and receptive to others, yet grounded and supported in our own bodies. After there will be a Rosen Method Circle, which is a sacred circle, beginning with a guided inner journey that deepens relaxation and awareness through experiencing subtle shifts in body and breath, as well as any emotions that arise. The circle will allow time for people to share their experiences in a way that supports them by both allowing them to have their own experiences, as well as enable the integration of parts of themselves that got put away. This is an opportunity to learn and explore how emotions move in the body and how giving ourselves sensory space allows the possibility for profound change. Join us on Tuesday, March 7, Lucina Centre, 9505 – 163 Street, Edmonton, 7:00 – 9:30 p.m. The cost is $20 cash at the door and please bring a gift wrapped book for the book exchange. RSVP by March 6 at mosaicmagazine@ if you can come. I hope to see you there.



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Connie Brisson

Design, Layout & Carol Pylypow Production Co-ordination Advertising For advertising information contact Connie Brisson at 587-5205880. Deadline for ads is one month prior to publication dates. Payment is due promptly when ad is booked. Mosaic Web-Site See for information about Mosaic, current rates, ad sizes and distribution locations. Web-site by Gaslamp Village Web Design Studio. General Information Mosaic Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine is published four times per year on the 1st of February, May, August and November and is distributed in Alberta. We reserve the right to refuse advertisements, articles or art. Publication of any article, advertisement or art in Mosaic Magazine does not constitute the publisher’s endorsement of (or assumption for) liability for any claims made in the advertisements/advertising information or for the information, views and opinions of the individual article writers. The responsibility/liability for the accuracy of all their claims, statements and information rests entirely with the advertisers and the article contributors themselves. The contents of Mosaic is intended for educational purposes only and not intended to be used or taken as medical advice. Always consult a licensed medical doctor about your health issues. Be responsible and safe. Always research information and service providers found in Mosaic for yourself. Mosaic reserves the right to edit articles for clarity, content or length at the editor’s discretion. No part of this magazine (articles) may be reproduced in any manner without the permission of the publisher. No external flyer inserts allowed. © Mosaic Mind Body and Spirit Magazine Ltd., 2017. Subscription Rates Send cheque for $25.00 (for four issues) payable to Mosaic Magazine with your name, address and phone number. Please indicate which issue you want to start with.

COVER ART Artist: Denise Lefebvre Title: Lovebirds Contact:

by Dr. Terry Clark & Dr. William Yoo

Esoteric Explorations

Calm in the middle of chaos

by Catherine Potter

Skye’s View

Prosperity gemstones for you


by David Howe

The bionic tooth evolution


by Norma J. Hope

Chi for health


by Susan Chatain

Spiritual healing and energy medicine


by John Joyal

Let your life shine bright


by Skye MacLachlan

Herbal medicine interactions


by Abe Brown

Chinese year of the Fire Rooster


by Cinnamon Cranston

Wellness in 2017


by Sarah Salter-Kelly

Access core essence with Rosen Method


by Lynn Vollmer

Healing through forgiveness

10 Publisher, Editor, Design & Layout

My journey with oneness

by Skye MacLachlan

The power of silence

by Berdhanya Swami Tierra


Directory of Services


Artist’s Gallery

My kind of painting parties

by Denise Lefebvre


Marketplace & Calendar of Events


Things I Love


Con Amore

Gifts from my Dad

by Connie Brisson

Next Issue: MAY 1, 2017 Deadline: APRIL 5, 2017

Spring 2017 — Mosaic Magazine


My journey with oneness by Lynn Vollmer ThetaHealing® Instructor What is oneness?

gratitude for oneself. I AM and WE ARE magnificent sparks of creation. It’s time to unleash who we truly are and share with the world. If we follow what is in our hearts and find our passions, we will find freedom. There are no limits or boundaries to what we can accomplish. The only limits and boundaries are the ones we place upon ourselves. It is time to change our limiting patterns that keep us in status quo and living in fear. Fear is the ultimate illusion and is our biggest enemy and obstacle in our life.

Oneness is being “one” with self. Being one with self, is being one with Creator. Being one with Creator is being infinite. As a child I was programmed to think I was separate - separate from myself, separate from others and separate from Creator.

Part of me felt betrayed by the church and society. I realized that part of my programming came from society’s ignorance on universal energy. Realizing I wasn’t separate brought me excitement, elation and a little fear excitement of what this meant, elation to have some answers and a little fearful because this was new territory. Through making peace with my inner-child and learning about myself using the belief work in ThetaHealing, I was able to let go of my fears… fears that kept me stuck, kept me hidden and kept me separate. I thought I needed to be hidden to be safe; in reality I was hiding from myself and from my past. It’s hard to be “one” with self and see the magnificent beings we truly are when we’re buried in so much physical, emotional, mental and spiritual pain. Life is meant to be enjoyed not endured. Our programming of feeling separate has kept us stuck in status quo. It’s keeping us shackled and imprisoned within our own bodies. It’s time to break free from these shackles!

Friendship © Bernadette McCormack —

I held onto this belief for almost 45 years. These teachings came from my family, my church and my school. I accepted this as “truth.” It was a lie. In my first ThetaHealing® class I found out I was not separate, that I have never been separate and will never be separate.

I remember being afraid of almost everything. I never wanted to try anything new because it meant getting out of my comfort zone and my fear of rejection overruled anything I wanted to try – I felt separate. I use to watch everyone else live their lives and felt like I was missing out on mine. We all come from different walks of life, yet we are all searching for the same thing – love, joy, happiness and total acceptance for who and what we are. We are looking for oneness and oneness begins within. We are our own hero to our own story. I invite you to start loving and accepting who you are so you can begin the journey of being one with YOU.

My journey is infinite oneness… What is your journey? Lynn is a ThetaHealing® Master, Instructor & Certificate of Science, offering workshops and private sessions. Reach her at 780-700-0434, or Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It’s intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.

Our journey of oneness is analogous to hiking with a backpack full of boulders. Each belief we release is like removing a boulder. Our load gets lessened and our steps get lighter. The more boulders we remove, the more space we are creating for self-realization, self-acceptance and self-love. By lessening my load, I learned how to love me for ME, how to accept others for who they are and how to see everyone, including myself on a soul level. Oneness is a life journey, not a destination. It is a journey full of love, creativity, joy, acceptance, compassion and


Mosaic Magazine — Spring 2017

Healing through forgiveness This is universal notion. From the writings of the Tao Te Ching, the teachings of Buddha and the Gospels of the New Testament, healing through forgiveness is recognized by many to be the doorway to our soul’s liberation. Its practice is not limited to the context of religion. In ancient Egyptian times, one’s heart was measured against the weight of a feather to determine eligibility into the afterlife. Out of the genocide of Rwanda have come unbelievable stories of forgiveness and reconciliation. And here in Canada our current Prime Minster has apologized and asked for forgiveness from the First Nations people of this land for “failing them so profoundly” in regards to the residential school system. As intelligent, conscious beings we know we need forgiveness. Yet it is forgiveness that is one of the most difficult acts to embody and practice on a daily basis. Why is this so difficult for us? Generally speaking we want to win and we want to be right. The trappings of our mind tell us that we will most definitely lose something if we let go of what we are holding onto so tightly; somehow the person who hurt us will get to keep a part of us that is not theirs... Ironically the opposite is true. A piece of our personal power is tied up in the incident that we have not forgiven and in fact cannot be reclaimed until we do so. This is why the ancient mystical teachings across our planet spent so much time speaking of forgiveness or compassion.

This doesn’t mean we need to drag ourselves through old stories of abuse or get lost in the pain body of what happened; this generally is not helpful. What we are doing is engaging our capacity to OBSERVE ourselves and NOTICE what we are holding within and why. We are asking our soul what it wants or needs to heal and forgive. It’s important to note that forgiveness doesn’t mean we forget what happened or excuse the act that caused harm. Nor does it mean you need to speak directly to the person or continue on in an unhealthy relationship. You are doing it to free yourself.

Quiet Morning-2 © Doris Charest —

by Sarah Salter-Kelly Spiritual Healer

For example, one of my clients who was sexually abused as a child, said her practice of forgiveness gave her back her little “girl self” for the first time. Another who was healing stories of childhood abandonment was able to release her expectations of requiring others to satisfy her needs, learning to meet them herself. For myself in healing homicide, I’ve been able to connect with the greater picture of healing violence on our planet and recognize there is no wound so great that we cannot bring light into it.

If you are seeking guidance on your journey with forgiveness please consult me for a private session. I am now working in Edmonton at Healing Connections Wednesday, with scale rates available. Alternately pop in Wednesday evening for an open healing circle; February’s focus is forgiveness. Sarah specializes in soul healing; her methods are clear, comprehensive and practical. Private sessions are in Edmonton or Pigeon Lake. Contact her at 1-780-314-9150, or Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It’s intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.

So how do we do this in a way that is authentic to us and is not simply slapping an idea on top of a wound? We start by exploring the space within where we hold what is unforgiveable. This space has feelings, ideas and beliefs which need to be observed, expressed and experienced in order for forgiveness to unfold. It is common for us to have judged, ridiculed or condemned some of these sensations in the past, or chalked them up to irrelevant. Yet if we take time to be with ourselves in a meditative space or with the help of a facilitator, we become conscious of what is present and honest about what our soul is telling us.

Spring 2017 — Mosaic Magazine



Mosaic Magazine — Spring 2017

Access core essence with Rosen Method “The body is the mirror where the secret world of the soul comes to expression. The body is a sacred threshold; and it deserves to be respected, minded, and understood in its spiritual nature.” – John O’Donohue, Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom (Harper Collins, 1997).

I believe we come to this Earth so that our souls can have the experience of awakening in form. Inevitably, most of us have experiences that stop our souls from becoming the fully self-aware and empowered people we deeply long to be. Life in three dimensions is not without its trials and traumas and unfortunately we have understood very little about how the body/mind connection works and the innate capacity we have to heal. As a result, many of us go about our lives feeling disconnected from our bodies to some degree and suffering from various forms of non-wellness. In Rosen Method Bodywork we refer to spirit as core essence and as practitioners we work with people to help them to deepen their connection to their essence within their bodies and let go of whatever has been holding it back. While the Rosen Method has evidence-based scientific research to back it up (Relaxation, Awareness, Resilience: The Science and Practice of Rosen Method, by Ivy Green (Fast Pencil, 2016)), it also holds a space for the spiritual aspects of physical experience. Marion Rosen, the founder of Rosen Method Bodywork and Movement and author of Rosen Method Bodywork: Accessing the Unconscious Through Touch (North Atlantic, 2003), discovered that when she was working with habitual tension in a person’s body she was meeting the place where the person’s experience had been stopped or repressed. She knew that the tension was stuck there in a long forgotten neuromuscular habit that was once needed to stop an experience from being felt. These experiences, ranging from feelings or needs to actions or impulses, often happen as we are growing up and for whatever reasons were not allowed at the time of their happening. They are the parts of our story that got stopped and have now become non-conscious to us.

Tension is the effort our bodies make to stop these parts of our story from being told and experienced. Left unresolved, these stuck places end up stopping our capacity to be the fully alive, self-actualized people we are meant to be. This habit of stopping the feeling or sensation stops us from the possibility of picking up new sensory information in the moment, therefore limiting our capacity for well-being. Thankfully, things can change within our bodies if we give ourselves sensory space. Deep relaxation, like the kind experienced through Rosen Method Bodywork and Movement, allows us the optimum capacity for being present in the moment. Rosen Method Bodywork practitioners work with the body in a way that the person becomes aware of their non-conscious holding while also feeling held and supported physically, emotionally and spiritually by the practitioner, thereby undoing the original circumstances that created the need to repress their experiences. In this way the non-conscious becomes conscious and can be let go. As tensions are released there is more room for essence to flow in the body. Heart’s Delight © Carol Breen —

by Cinnamon Cranston Certified Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner

People often feel like they are melting from the inside out or filling themselves up from within. This experience can have profound effects on a person’s quality of life, their capacity to “feel and deal” or respond rather than react to life increases, and they feel empowered to co-create the life they want to live. Rosen Method helps people to access the spiritual dream of what wants to emerge and birth through us. Cinnamon is a Certified Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner and the Coowner of the Rosen Method Institute Canada. Contact her at cinnamon@ or 780-203-5159. Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It’s intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.

Spring 2017 — Mosaic Magazine


Wellness in 2017 by Abe Brown Certified Master Coach Trainer

on healthy nutrition, regular sleep, regular exercise and self-care.

More than ever before, we hear about wellness in the media, in conversations at Starbucks and even the workplace. When we think of wellness, we think of well-being, wholeness and balanced health. We think of a self-awareness that causes us to be at peace with ourselves and the world around us, with a focus on holistic health.

5) Spiritual Wellness, Values/How You Treat Others – The best measure of your spirituality is not the church, mosque or temple you frequent. The best measure is how you treat others. It is walking with integrity, honesty, fairness and compassion. Respect. Kindness. Authenticity. Gratitude. Selflessness. It is also taking time for personal reflection, meditation and prayer.

1) Relational Wellness, How You Connect – How we connect with others is critical to our own sense of health and well-being. We each need between 8-10 meaningful touches per day to be mentally and emotionally healthy. No wonder so many people feel like they’re missing something! Relational wellness speaks to healthy conflict resolution, social intelligence, effective communication skills and the capacity to be truly intimate. 2) Mental Wellness, What You Think – We are what we think and become the product of the thoughts we consistently embrace. Happy people teach themselves how to think healthy thoughts consistently which empower and inspire them. We need a healthy mental and emotional support system - a system of thoughts and beliefs which support us in our dreams and aspirations.

Bow to the Snow Queen © Margaret Sonneberg

What is wellness? Wellness is an active process of living a fully engaged life at every level of being. It is becoming aware of and making healthy choices toward a healthier state of life. Understanding wellness is easier when we use the concept of seven pillars. Life is not one component, but many parts working together. With the seven pillars in place, wellness can be ours in 2017…

6) Professional Wellness, What You Do – Professional wellness is far more than the money you make or the title you hold. It is a sense of living in alignment with your “LIFEFIT” - your unique combination of gifts, abilities, passion, education and life experience that makes you who you are. It is being fully yourself, and making money as you do! 7) Financial Wellness, What You Have – Financial wellness is not a certain number of zeros in your bank account or driving a certain car. It is abundance. True abundance is having enough for you and those you love and being able to contribute to the needs of others. In 2017, weed out unhealthy habits of excessive debt and poor money management choices and promote healthy choices of stewardship, saving and investment, building assets and planning for the future. For me, wellness is a process in which you build these seven pillars into your life. Wellness is the way that you approach each day and what you do proactively to stay healthy holistically. Don’t live in a one-dimensional fashion because you are not a one-dimensional person! Keep the tools of wellness packed in your toolkit in 2017! Abe Brown, MBA, is the Coach’s Coach, Founder of Momentum Coaching,, and President of Certified Coaches Federation,, (over 11,000 Life & Executive Coaches trained and certified). Abe also does Leadership and Executive Coaching.

3) Emotional Wellness, How You Feel – Emotions are not thermostats but thermometers. They are not root causes, but are symptomatic of underlying issues. However, the way we feel has a huge impact on our level of motivation, our actions, our behaviours and our results. Take time for emotional management, emotional intelligence, relaxation and healthy thinking, which leads to healthy emotions. 4) Physical Wellness, Physical Health – Our body is our temple. We are responsible to take care of it and treat it with respect and tenderness. If we do this, we will generally have healthy outcomes which will enable us to lead a fruitful life. Physical wellness leads us to focus


Mosaic Magazine — Spring 2017

Chinese year of the Fire Rooster The Chinese lunar New Year begins on January 28 and we welcome the Fire Rooster. The year of the Fire Monkey, which has just completed, was filled with stress and upheaval for many. I know that we’ve all been hoping for a gentler and kinder year in 2017. Unfortunately this year offers similar energy to the last. Both years are ruled by fire and metal. Because fire is aggressive towards metal (fire melts metal), the aggressive and unpredictable energy of 2016 continues into 2017. We will likely see even more racism, intolerance, protests, aggressive/argumentative energy, extreme weather conditions and there’s even the possibility for currency and trade wars. You and I are called to rise above the fray, to model compassion, hope, patience and kindness. If we are able to shift into this “lighter” vibration, 2017 will bring new beginnings, optimism and tremendous progress in our spiritual growth. The following is a brief look at the luck of each Chinese astrological animal in the year ahead. Rooster: It’s the rooster year and the light is shining on you! This can result in added stress, so make sure you take time to relax and unwind with those you love. Money luck is mixed. Staying balanced and conservative is the key to success for you. Dog: Dogs love calm energy and this year doesn’t offer much of that. As a result you may feel physically and emotionally depleted. If you’re able to stay centered, you’ll do fine in all areas of your life. Be extra careful when driving.

Tiger: Stay conservative and balanced in all financial decisions this year. Surround yourself with positive people and be willing to ask for help when needed. Your luck is mixed this year. Rabbit/Hare: Your sign opposes the rooster, the animal of the year. This means that you must be careful on all fronts this year. Please take particular care when driving and with all physical activities. As well, work to develop a compassionate attitude with family and friends. Dragon: Luck is shining your way this year dragons. Remember that having a positive and kind attitude will be the most important tool in your success this year. It’s also an important time to develop a healthy diet. Snake: This is an important year to have “plan B” available, in case “plan A” doesn’t manifest. Romance is positive for you. Have a flexible attitude and avoid gossip. Horse: You create your own luck this year, based on your actions and attitude. Romance is excellent! Remember that harmony breeds prosperity. Sheep/Goat: There are many obstacles for you to overcome this year. Be careful when driving and avoid extreme sports. It’s a good year for academic pursuits and self-development studies.

Roosters © Denise Lefebvre

by Skye MacLachlan Feng Shui Consultant

Monkey: Money and career luck is mostly positive this year. There may be challenges in your personal/professional relationships and mental/emotional ups and downs. An attitude of gratitude and harmony will attract luck! Happy New Year! May 2017 be filled with blessings of good fortune for you and your loved ones!

Skye has specialized in Feng Shui for the home and business for over 30 years. She teaches Feng Shui, Tarot and Dreamwork at the Northern Star College of Mystical Studies in Edmonton. Contact her at Note: This information is for educational purposes only. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.

Pig/Boar: Your luck is mixed this year. Please avoid hasty decisions as these may lead to accidents or loss. Your stellar problem solving skills will allow you to transform challenging situations into winning opportunities. Rat: If you’re able to stay balanced and calm, 2017 looks very promising for you! Make full use of the excellent opportunities that come your way. Get plenty of rest and avoid becoming caught up in other’s problems. Ox: Life improves as the year moves forward for the Ox. Hard work mixed with good luck will bring positive outcomes. Avoid water activities and getting chilled as this will deplete your energy quickly this year.

Spring 2017 — Mosaic Magazine



Mosaic Magazine — Spring 2017

Herbal medicine interactions Many people are seeking herbal alternatives to prescription medication, likely the result of dissatisfaction with the current pharmaceutical landscape. Unfortunately, people often neglect to inform their physician of the herbal medicines they are taking, resulting in unanticipated interactions. Some of these interactions can be dangerous. Let’s look at a few. LICORICE ROOT is a traditional remedy with modern research demonstrating it can alleviate ailments of various bodily systems. However, it is not without side effects. A significant systemic side effect of excessive licorice root use is hypokalemia, a low potassium level in the body. Hypokalemia can manifest as tiredness, leg cramps, constipation and the development of an abnormal heart rhythm. Persons with heart disease are sometimes prescribed diuretics like Lasix which puts them at risk of hypokalemia due to the effects of the medication on the kidney. Combine Lasix with licorice root and a life threatening situation can result. But it’s not only medications used for heart disease that can interact with licorice root. People who may need antipsychotic medication are also at risk. Taking a medication like Haloperidol or Risperidone can impact the timing of heart rhythms, which can lead to an increased risk of arrhythmia when combined with licorice root. DANDELION LEAF is often considered a weed and a nuisance. However, it is one of the most potent diuretic herbs available! While this makes the herb a possible choice for people seeking a natural diuretic, one must consider the potential interactions with other prescribed medications, acknowledging that (unlike prescribed diuretic medications like Lasix) dandelion leaf not only acts on the kidney, but is also a natural source of potassium.

lithium toxicity. Signs of lithium toxicity include nausea, confusion, polyuria, convulsions and renal failure. ST. JOHN’S WORT has received a lot of press over the years. It has been lauded as an effective treatment for depression and has reportedly fewer side effects than prescribed antidepressant medications. Its reported mechanism of action is the inhibition of certain neurotransmitters. A number of psycho-pharmaceuticals are known to work in a similar manner, including anti-depressants within a class known as the Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (Prozac, Celexa and Zoloft), antipsychotics including Zyprexa and Risperdal, and pain medications like Fentanyl and Oxycodone. When these medications are combined with St. John’s Wort, there is the potential for development of serotonin syndrome. Serotonin syndrome is a collection of symptoms that can occur when the brain is overburdened with an excess of serotonin. Elevated body temperature, tremors, dilated pupil and diarrhea can occur. If left untreated, a person is at risk of developing delirium, seizures and potentially death. Gaze © Oksana Zhelisko —

by John Joyal Earth Spirit Medicine Practitioner

The purpose of this article is not to dissuade or advocate for the presented medications or herbs, but rather to illustrate the importance of critically examining the complex relationships between herbal remedies and prescription medications through the lens of the body’s metabolic processes. Care must be taken whenever one decides to take any of these preparations and should always be taken under the guidance of a physician and herbalist, preferably both working together in a holistic manner. John Joyal is an Earth Spirit Medicine Practitioner, specializing in Herbology, Aromatherapy & Flower Essences. He has also been a Registered Nurse for 18+ years. Contact him at Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It’s intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.

Take, for example, Lithium. Lithium is a medication used in the treatment of bipolar disorder. Lithium concentrations are extremely sensitive to a body’s electrolyte balance. The kidney is responsible for maintaining our body’s electrolyte balance and is continually recalibrating the levels of sodium and potassium flowing through our system. Dandelion can alter the kidney’s ability to balance electrolytes and its ability to clear Lithium out of the body, leading to a dangerous outcome known as

Spring 2017 — Mosaic Magazine


Let your life shine bright As a fitness and health enthusiast, I see beauty in everything and everyone. For me what strongly ties these two areas together is self-love and appreciation of our body, mind and spirit. We are all meant to shine bright. When my Mom (who has always been a formidable, supportive and healthy woman) was diagnosed with late stage Parkinson’s disease, I went into overdrive to find out more about this degenerative condition and how I could assist her. Her Parkinson’s symptoms were notable shaking throughout all her extremities including head, arms and legs. The medication for this condition manages the tremors, though we were told that over time more medication is required as this condition progresses. I couldn’t stop wondering how this could be happening to my Mom, when just a short time ago we were doing a five kilometer walk for charity with the mayor of Calgary and I jokingly told my Mom to slow down. With a surprising suddenness, her condition seemed to change her energy level, her appetite and most apparent to everyone were her body tremors. Of course she was conscious about this and retreated inward. As I researched holistic approaches I discovered some wonderful resources that have been of great value to my Mom. But, what I didn’t expect is the impact they would also have on my own health and well-being! One powerful product I found is Immunocal, which I now consider a Canadian treasure. It’s a game changing protein powder that you can add to your morning smoothies or simply mix with your favorite juice that will assist you with your exercise routine, your immune system and so much more. Created through the prestigious McGill University, it has 40 years of science behind it, boasting three Canada Health claims, as well as being the only natural health product listed in the Physician’s Desk Reference and Canadian reference book of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties.

to make glutathione which is fundamental to a healthy body. Immunocal is not an antioxidant though it provides the building blocks for the synthesis of glutathione which is a principal intracellular antioxidant. Yes, our body naturally produces this special ingredient on its own, though as we age we produce less than our bodies actually need. Being a natural whey protein product you can be sure it is antibiotic, pesticide and residue free, and doesn’t interfere with Western medicine. It’s recognized and used by both amateur and professional athletes including the Canadian men’s rowing team. It’s also proudly endorsed by a growing number of physicians like Dr. James F. Balch in Prescription for Natural Healing (Phyllis A. Balch, Avery, 2010) who said: “It is my opinion that everyone should be taking Immunocal. Today there is no better way to boost the immune system. Through my research I have discovered that a healthy immune system assists greatly with inflammation, which is a leading agent associated with many diseases.” Meditation in Purple © Cindy Revell —

by Susan Chatain

With the help of a wonderful massage therapist added to this routine, I’m happy to say my Mom is tremor free, has more energy, a stronger body and great muscle tone. Oh, and she’s a fabulous 79! Between the Immunocal and her prescription medicine, she’s doing better than ever. The company producing this amazing product is called Immunotec and does offer a fantastic business model for you to succeed. Contact me for more details or go ahead and sign up to have Immunocal conveniently delivered to your door (, ID# 649305). Susan is an Interior Designer for the past 23 years in Calgary, with a passion for living, a Reiki Master, meditation teacher and presently enrolled in a two year massage therapy program. You can reach her at 403-660-2160. Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It’s intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.

What’s special about this product is it supplies the building blocks (precursors called cysteine) for your cells


Mosaic Magazine — Spring 2017

Spiritual healing and energy medicine The newest therapy in my toolbox for myself and for clients is Spiritual Healing and Energy Medicine Therapy. I am now a “Spiritual Healer.” It feels like my own healing is coming full circle yet the learnings and teachings still carry on in me and for my clients. My own awakening as a spiritual warrior, my personal journey of selfdiscovery, of self-healing, started without my really knowing it at the time (in 1997) when I chose to do Colon Hydrotherapy for the first time. It began my profound life change from being an independent insurance adjuster of 20 years to being a certified therapist and healer. Each of us has a purpose in this lifetime. Are you living your life’s purpose? Are you being the person you are truly, authentically, meant to be? Or are you trapped in your wounds, your injuries, your issues and your childhood hurts as I once was? Is your childhood survival programming still running your adult life, covering up your most sacred self that you are? Each day, pause and be aware that the universe places choices in front of us. What we choose, tells the universe whether or not we are ready for the next step on our intended path, emotionally and spiritually. I was born into a family of neglect, abuse and trauma. I have fully accepted this was the life plan the universe created for me before I was even born. I chose to become a spiritual warrior, to heal. It was not an easy journey. My woundedness isn’t who I am anymore and it was worth every single tear, every hopeless pit feeling that I had to drag myself out of.

identifies and balances physical, emotional, mental and spiritual stress reactivity to bring calmness and to provide a clearer landscape of the underlying emotional wounds. Wounds of abandonment, rejection, self-worth (self love), betrayal and many more are healable. Examples of abandonment issues include feeling not seen and heard, feeling deep loneliness, perfectionistic tendencies, controlling tendencies, breathlessness, anxiety, depression, feeling a tight belly due to anxiousness, digestive issues, feeling like you can never quite do it right, feeling unlovable, being co-dependent, disassociative and more. Spiritual Healing and Energy Medicine Therapy resonated deeply for me as well as clients. It may be your next step also. It heals this lifetime and all past timelines simultaneously. It involves energetic corrections, tracking the wounds, time traveling back to them, identifying animal totems, journeying, soul reflection and many more ceremonies for connecting with and healing your sacred self. Walk With Me © Maria Pace-Wynters

by Norma J. Hope Spiritual Healer

I continue to train with my teacher, Algonquin Medicine Man, Pete Bernard, and I leave you with his loving words of wisdom from his Tree Meditation recording: “Wherever you are in time space, know that you are beautiful, that the Universe is watching out for you and that it has a plan for you and that is all you need to know right now. Chi Meegwetch.” Norma Hope is a Spiritual Healer, Certified Biofeedback Specialist, Colon Hydrotherapist, Lymph Therapist, Microcurrent Therapist, Life Coach, NeuroAcoustic Sound Therapist, and more… Visit or call 780-477-1100. Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It is intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor. Please research all topics for yourself.

Becoming a spiritual warrior is a choice you make to embrace self-discovery, identifying and healing your past wounds/injuries/issues. It can start with healing physical symptoms (such as constipation/irritable bowel syndrome, as mine did and so many of my clients) or you can jump right into the real cause of physical symptoms which is always the emotional/spiritual wounding we carry from the time we were conceived to nine years old. Approximately 95% of all physical ailments/dis-ease, are caused by stress (including toxicity). That is why Biofeedback Stress Reduction Therapy works so well. It

Spring 2017 — Mosaic Magazine


Chi for health Chi is a Chinese word used to describe life force energy that flows inside everyone to maintain optimum health. When this life force energy flows through “meridian lines” with ease, we enjoy good health with harmony and balance of chi among vital organs. However, when energy flow is at dis-ease, depleted or stagnated, these conditions (if left untreated over years) can manifest as allopathic disease. The existence of chi is easy to prove. Sleeping infants will smile in their sleep each time chi energy is given. Yet as we grow older, blockage occurs and we feel much less or nothing at all. Asian cultures keep the chi meridian lines open by practicing Tai Chi and have used chi to heal people for thousands of years. My interest in chi as a healing modality began after I had already explored courses in nine other alternative therapies. During a workshop, the director of the Chi Nei Tsang Institute (Berkeley, California) applied chi and touch to my very painful psoas muscle (a pain I struggled with for three months). The process took only two minutes before I experienced chi surging through my body and felt instant relief. It was truly amazing! The instructor clearly showed that a lifetime dedicated to cultivating chi has healing results. Needless to say I enjoyed all his classes and other Chi Nei Tsang courses taught in Edmonton by Peter Melnychuk. These courses helped me to gain a better understanding of myself and I regularly experienced deep relaxation and detoxification as a result.

My experience giving chi to clients has been rewarding. In one case, a premature baby came home from the hospital after four months intubation and could not maintain a constant suckle without crying when breast feeding. Scanning the throat, I sensed trouble with swallowing and after giving chi, the infant latched on perfectly; no more crying. Another time, an adult who had endured six weeks of laryngitis and tried various ways to heal it, came to see me. After touching in and applying chi, that client called back just two hours later, delighted to have a near normal voice. On another occasion which I will never forget, I scanned a client’s abdomen and felt glued to the navel area. After two sessions the client’s incontinent bladder (of ten years) came back to life. In another case, after I applied chi, that client was able to raise his arm from horizontal to full vertical reach, ending an eight year difficulty. Heal Thy Self © Heather Brewster —

by David Howe

One last case involved infertility of over two years. Allopathic measurements indicated hormones were present yet peaked too late to conceive. Scanning the pelvis, I found the meridian had slow moving chi and after adding more chi, my client returned in four weeks to report she was pregnant! The capacity of the human body to heal itself is amazing and truly humbling.

These are a few examples of using chi for health, but there are many more... There are about 60 books of chi applications written by Mantak Chia, twice voted Qi Gong Master of the year, that I would recommend to anyone interested in learning more about chi. Since 2004, David Howe has focused on Chi Nei Tsang (CNT), Pranic Healing, Medical Qi Gong, CranioSacral Therapy, Reiki and Tai Chi in his practice at Le Soleil Health & Wellness, #201, 8135 – 102 St., Edmonton. Contact: 780-982-1809 or Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It’s intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.

With my interest peaked I continued for another 12 years, learning the ways of chi from masters and grand masters with their lifetime of experience. The Chinese chi healing techniques have evolved over many, many generations and not only work but deter practitioner burnout, at times rescuing practitioners of alternative therapies from total exhaustion. Most importantly I practice up to two hours a day in self-care doing meditation, Tai Chi and Qi Gong.


Mosaic Magazine — Spring 2017

The bionic tooth evolution by Dr. Terry Clark & Dr. William Yoo Few parts of the body, other than teeth, develop only to be damaged by time and life borne insults, and then are routinely repaired and rebuilt. The damage is usually irreversible and weakens the supporting structure.

Historically we have traversed from metal dental restoratives to the plastic-like white composites of the late 1980’s, to today’s non-toxic, strong and esthetically pleasing ceramic materials. Advent of the “Bionic Tooth” is considered by some to be at hand today. It’s considered bionic in that these restoratives can be computer generated utilizing a 3-D camera to capture the remaining tooth structure and with a CAD-CAM precision milling machine, cut a custom fit, colour matched, biocompatible reproduction of the missing tooth structure.

Aside from addressing the pain associated with exposure of the nerve complex located within the tooth, reestablishing the function and form of the damaged structure has been a long-standing objective. With consideration for the incredible forces of mastication that the jaws and teeth produce, the search for non-toxic, strong and durable restorative materials has been an elusive journey. In the 19th century, metal fillings were used to rebuild teeth. An amalgamation of tin, silver, copper and mercury produced a restorative that was easily utilized, affordable, strong and durable. Amalgam became the material of choice; for this reason most adults today have been exposed to its use. However, an increased awareness of mercury toxicity, environmental pollution, appearance and the advent of strong, esthetic biocompatible materials have reduced reliance on the amalgam restoration. Gold has been regarded as one of the best metals for use in dentistry with excellent physical properties and reasonable biocompatibility. However, we now know that as much as 9% of the population may experience allergic reactions to it. Within the realm of dentistry, reaction to metals is not uncommon and some may experience burning sensations, soreness or even white reactive patch formation within the mouth.

Blossom © Sally Towers-Sybblis —

This rebuilding can be traced back to dental fillings over 7,000 years old found in Pakistan.

Should damage to the tooth be extensive or involve the nerve complex, replacement of the whole tooth may be desirable utilizing an implant. Development of the ceramic implant allows complete tooth replacement without the use of metal. Titanium alloy implants have also been used for a number of years. However, as an alloy some people with a sensitivity or allergy to other metals within the alloy mix can have concerns. Although very rare, sensitivity to titanium itself can also occur. The evolution of the ceramic implant, with its strength on par with that of titanium implants, offers an alternative for those with sensitivities or with concerns for metal.

The ceramic implant, has other advantages as well. It can effect a more esthetic result as its white non-metallic appearance is more natural looking compared to the grey, metallic appearance of the titanium implant which often shows through areas of thin gum or recession. Also, the ceramic implant is corrosion resistant and does not leach out metal into the body. Dr. Terry Clark and Dr. William Yoo are graduates of the University of Sydney, Australia with numerous memberships including IAOMT (Int. Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology), Holistic Dental Association. Visit Eco-friendly or call 780-438-6863. Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It’s intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.

Our modern age is filled with allergens and toxicants. More than ever before, there are constant new developments in materials and chemical compounds that have yet to be time tested. Therefore awareness and use of safe materials have become paramount. This is why ceramics are gaining the spotlight in dentistry and increasingly more studies are being conducted to develop ceramic-based materials and applications.

Spring 2017— Mosaic Magazine


Calm in the middle of chaos by Catherine Potter Astrologer and Hypnotherapist

the movement. The potential of a disruptive energy is to break up old out worn paradigms so new ones can be birthed.

There is a quote from an esoteric book* that I read many years ago that spoke to me about keeping one’s head, balance and centeredness in the middle of chaos.

Over the past few decades due to ease of travel, the internet and social media, our physical and cultural borders have rapidly been breaking down. We have come to know our fellow humans on a more intimate level, a positive step forward that encourages a broader worldview.

Certain years, when there are waves of global confusion and chaos, bring it to mind. Sometimes chaos comes from personal decisions, sometimes global ones. For many people 2016 was a testing year regarding self balance and clarity amidst changes that were (seemingly) beyond their control.

The disruption in the last few years regarding situations such as the breakdown of the European commonwealth countries, Brexit and (closer to home) the recent and bizarre, turbulent US election, are indicative of the push/ pull of forward movement. When we look beyond the drama of world leaders political and power agendas to what is essentially taking place, the “ideal” for global economy and family was tested.

Reflecting back on any year there will be the people who say it was challenging and for others, amazing. However, from an astrological perspective there are some years that have more of a global impact - 2016 (and several preceding years), as well as 2017, fit that description.

Any personal or global positive, forward moving and unifying idea is brilliant, however the implementation of it is messier. In the case of global economy and family, ensuring that people have basic safety and security needs met are true issues.

detail of Dew Drops © Janice Blaine —

However, fear of lack and fear of what is different from us temporarily sabotaged the movement forward. We stopped thinking and started instinctively reacting to primitive survival conditioning. And we’ve seen leaders (from all fields) either trying to calm the fear or exaggerate it.

Astrologically speaking there are planets considered to be generational, meaning that they move slower and their influence is felt for a longer period of time. Therefore, we tend to notice them at peak times (years) and they have an impact on bigger global and societal issues. For the past several years we have been feeling the disruptive impact of these types of cycles. Disruption can have a positive and/or negative outcome depending on the intention of the various groups leading


Mosaic Magazine — Spring 2017

Did we regress or have we simply stopped to work out the bugs regarding global partnership? The implementation of global family and economy will go on for many more years as true change evolves over generations. There is such a profound and powerful message for you and I in the global drama playing out. Anyone who has ever been on a search for self awareness, improved health, happiness or wisdom knows in order for our body, mind and heart to experience vibrant health and happiness, there has to be the recognition of interconnectedness.

What do I mean by this? If my mind or emotions are in constant turmoil, I am negatively affecting my body. If I consistently abuse my body through crappy food and lack of movement, I negatively impact my mental and emotional clarity. It’s all the same body; we can’t abuse or nurture one part without impacting the whole. We have all heard the above idea thousands of times but getting our inner team to work together can be more challenging. On a global level, team work and the

understanding of interconnection often doesn’t happen until a major crisis strips away our differences. Whether we look at the current global picture or an individual’s drive for happiness and body-mind unity, we see similar patterns. Depending on who is driving our personal or global bus, we either stay on track with our destination or get derailed. We move forward, scare ourselves, adapt and then move forward again. Whether our desire is for personal or global unity and harmony, how do we stay on track during turbulent times? • We keep our heads, take a breath (or ten) and stay committed to our goal through actions that support inner balance and unity. • We stay committed to personal and global choices that support unity, fairness, tolerance and inclusivity. • We fight the inner and outer battle that would have us disconnected, divided and falling back into attitudes and actions that make us feel crappy, fearful, guilty or shameful. • We acknowledge our fears but don’t participate in conversations or actions that amplify them. • We recognize that personal or global wholeness and integrity takes time and perseverance. Just because something didn’t work, we don’t give up and regress back to a lesser state of awareness. We search for new ways and resources. • We find support, inspiration and resources by connecting with people throughout the world who have similar goals. • We keep the dialogue open with people who have different opinions and worldviews, not to convince them that we are right, but as a means of finding win/win scenarios. • We hold our leaders to the above standards. Hasn’t it always been the way of humanity - we leap forward then spend time adjusting and adapting to our new reality? We inevitably and eventually evolve otherwise we would still be living in caves, not yet having the use of fire or we would have gone extinct. * To read the quote from the esoteric book, please go to An Astrologer since 1986, Catherine is also a Hypnotherapist and Meditation Instructor. She brings her experiential counselling and teaching style to The Northern Star College of Mystical Studies. Call 780-447-3667, and Note: This information is for educational purposes only. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.

Spring 2017 — Mosaic Magazine


Prosperity gemstones for you by Skye MacLachlan Feng Shui Consultant

No. But based on my underlying issues, it was the perfect gemstone for me to attract prosperity into my life.

Over the last few years the economy has gone through a roller coaster ride in Alberta. For some, this has meant learning to have a new relationship with financial prosperity. The gemstone helpers have powerful energies that can support us during these times of transition.

The lesson here is that we must broadcast our intention to the gemstone masters (similar to angels who watch over each individual gem). After your request is “put out there” you might be blessed with a gemstone gift or you might purchase the gem that you’re attracted to.

Everyone will experience the energy of gemstones differently. For myself, when I hold a gemstone that my body/energy field is in need of, I feel pulsating warmth moving into my hands, then up and down my body. It’s an amazing experience that I never tire of. Not everyone “feels” the energy of gemstones in a physical way. Some of you will be visually drawn to a gemstone when you are in need of its energy and will initially absorb the gem’s energies through your eyes. Others will receive messages from the gems and have an ability to communicate with the gems. In ancient times everything about specific gems (including the environment where the gem was found) was observed by alchemists and healers to determine the unique “signature” of a gemstone. This signature revealed the specific ways to work with the gem and how it could be of practical help to us. It becomes more complex when each of our unique underlying issues enters into the equation. Years ago, when I left social work to begin my own metaphysical business, I was feeling scared and vulnerable about how I’d generate enough money to survive. I asked the gemstones for a helper and a few days later a friend gave me a Poppy Jasper from the Morgan Hill mine. This stone looks like it has brilliant red poppies growing on an earthy colored background.

Spirit Guide © Aaron Paquette —

Perhaps the most amazing quality of gemstones is that they emit a consistent and predictable vibration. They enter into our energy field with harmonic resonance, uplifting and transforming us in the process.

The traditional prosperity gemstones have an appearance that is gold and sparkling (like the metal gold) or a vibrant green (like plants that grow). Powerful gemstone helpers include citrine, imperial topaz, golden/honey calcite, golden rutilated quartz, aventurine, chrysoprase, emerald, green tourmaline and ruby. When working with a gemstone it’s important to cleanse it regularly, usually every few days. There are many methods of cleansing but one that is very thorough involves placing the gem on top of a bowl of sea salt overnight. The salt can be used for about two weeks before it needs to be thrown out and replaced. When you lift the gem out of the salt, wipe it clean with a soft cotton cloth.

If this is your first experience allowing the gemstones to support you, enjoy the adventure. Over time you’ll be amazed by the many powerful experiences you have with the gems. In 2018, Skye will be teaching “The Crystalline Gemstone Therapist Program” at Northern Star College, where she also teaches Tarot and Dreamwork. Skye has specialized in Feng Shui for the home/business for over 30 years. Email her at Note: This information is for educational purposes only. It’s intended to supplement your current health program, not to replace the care of a licensed medical doctor. Thoroughly research all topics for yourself.

I loved it immediately and when I held it, I was excited to feel huge rushes of energy. Over the next several months this stone filled me with confidence and gave me the physical energy required to step into my new venture. I also felt that it brightened my vibration so that clients were attracted to booking appointments with me. Now, is Poppy Jasper considered a typical prosperity gemstone?


Mosaic Magazine — Spring 2017

The power of silence A long time ago, before yoga, meditation and sacred technologies were used in modern society for health and well-being, those seeking inner liberation would go into the wildness and silence of nature to enquire about who they were and what was the true nature of reality. The silent retreat has long been a platform for mystics, monks and yogis to find themselves and remains a powerful tool for the modern seeker. Silence, it’s not what you think it is. When I acquired my permanent state of selfrealization, I realized that silence is really the background of what I am. When my relationship to that inner silence took over, my mind shattered and all what I thought I was, renewed. I had glimpses of that silence after long periods of retreat in India; each time I retreated, some subtle aspect became established within. I start noticing purification in my life. My relationships were calmer, my work became effortless and I was performing all in a deep state of peace. I am convinced that silent retreats facilitated by realized individuals offer to the seeker not only a very precise technology, but also a transmission necessary for the bioenergetic field of the individual to follow the path of self-realization. In my 20 years of facilitating silent retreats, I have seen in countless participants the dissipation of old and deeply rooted pain, habits and mental distortions of reality. Spiritual teachers have their own lineage and approach to self-realization. My personal approach is based on effortlessness. I believe in the feminine (yin) force of nature, where effortlessness can be used to bring greater and more permanent results. While the yang force is useful to maintain our social routines, it has been greatly overused, causing inner aggressiveness, expectations and agitation about how we should be. I won’t say that silent retreats are effortless, since they require presence and stamina, but the results are found in the exact place that you need and in the area that you had overlooked.

our life’s challenges. Silence is the most terrifying space for some of us, since it is there that we meet the very core and truth of what we are. In there, there is no one to blame or to make responsible for our happiness, sadness or anger. It really is a space that the true inner warrior can enter and realize all his or her glories and shortcomings. While the practice of silence is very powerful, most people find that they benefit more from a silent retreat with some advance preparation. I like to prepare the individual through an introductory six-hour course called Practical Awakening, so that the individual can better handle the mind and enter the retreat with less toxins and inner agitation. This course is available for download on my website, ( and is also available in-person through one of my teachers (in Edmonton, contact Dr. Bronwen Samuel at 780-860-7680.)

Brotherhood © Sandra Kunz —

by Berdhanya Swami Tierra

A couple of days in silence, meditation, yoga, satsang and vegetarian/ ayurvedic diet, can definitely be a turning point in the physical health, in the inner exploration and in the relationship towards others. I am thankful for the Edmonton community for welcoming me to facilitate a silent retreat there from May 4 - 7.

If you are seeking permanent changes, I promise you that silence is the doorway to find you, to support your stamina, to relax you, to find your heart and to plant a seed of peace in your life. Berdhanya Swami Tierra is a realized spiritual teacher and mystic. Visit her site to find a vast library of spiritual courses, books, lectures and meditations, available for download at

Silence is the language of the heart. It is simple and available to all. In this place of deep connection, we are healed, cleared, energized and willing to take on all of

Spring 2017 — Mosaic Magazine


Directory of Services


Mosaic Magazine — Spring 2017

Directory of Services

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Directory of Services


Mosaic Magazine — Spring 2017

My kind of painting parties by Denise Lefebvre Painting parties have been popping up around the globe over the last few years, each with their own creative twist and class structure to make them all unique. These parties are designed for adults who may or may not have picked up a paint brush since grade school. Painting parties combine art and wine, friends and strangers, all coming together to collectively combine their creative juices while enjoying a unique and fun evening out on the town at local restaurants and pubs. At the end of the night, you have a delightful painting that you created, with step by step instruction by a trained artist, to adorn your walls and call your own. I decided to ride this wave back in 2014 with my own company, Red Pepper Painting Parties. I fill my weekends and evenings with private, corporate and public painting parties for participants that range in age from six to 105. Yes, one of my painters was 105! Lion © Denise Lefebvre

Red Pepper Painting Parties are different, mostly because of the imagery I provide for my groups. I spend up to two days creating just the right image and then I draw the outline of it on each sanded canvas, so this experience is not only fun and stress free, but also a beautiful work of art that one would be proud to hang on their walls. I was born in Edmonton in 1970 and after six years of art school in Calgary, I took some time to travel and indulge in a few adventures before settling down in 1999 with a successful career as a free-lance artist back in Edmonton once again. I keep myself busy teaching with mural mosaic, live painting events, chalkboard art menu boards and commissions in oil. I’m also involved in several art shows throughout the year and sell my work out of galleries and local bistros and restaurants.

Painting © Denise Lefebvre

E Full Size © Denise Lefebvre

For more information on Denise’s art go to For her Red Pepper Painting Parties, you can find her business page on Facebook.

Spring 2017 — Mosaic Magazine


Mosaic’s Marketplace ANGELS


CONNECTING WITH THE ANGELS - Spend the day in the loving energy of the angels. You will have the opportunity to connect with and receive messages from the angels using various techniques. You will also practice receiving and giving messages to others. For upcoming dates contact Maureen Bracke, Angel Therapy Practitioner® trained and certified by Dr. Doreen Virtue, 780-479-5011,, www. guidancefromtheangels

CALGARY REIKI - Wanting to create balance and healing, come experience the wonderful benefits of Reiki. Contact Chantal: 780-880-2764.


CREATE A VIBRANT, HEALTHY LIFESTYLE in 2017! Wellness education, coaching and counselling services. In person or secure online. Offered by experienced Registered Occupational Therapist, Judith Pinto-Coy. Contact through

ANDROMEDA ASTROLOGY ~ SAMANTHA KANE-KENNEDY. The science of Astrology is a whole-souled approach to living. Answers are captured by your time of birth, your birth date and the geographical location of your birth. Samantha lives, breathes, eats, sleeps and loves her work. Caring in-depth consultations instil a deep sense of peace, turn complexity into simplicity and make the impossible possible by understanding that unique mystery; the tapestry of your soul! Discover your resilience, find the answers you seek and achieve resolution. 250-382-8443,, EVOLUTIONARY ASTROLOGER, studying with Steven Forrest, available for consultations. Choice and grace-centered. Special interests: soul development, midlife, right work, event charts, LGBTQ, therapist consults. CRYSTALS

CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY in FORT MCMURRAY - Looking for a gentle hands-on therapy? Heather Thomas (RMT) is always accepting new clients. All ages, all conditions. Call 780-972-9447 or email: Web:

NLP SESSIONS! Licensed Practitioner training! Release phobias, fears and reach your full potential. Is it time to move forward? In-person or skype sessions available. Discount code: Mosaic20., Barbara: 780-903-7272. SARAH SALTER KELLY, SPIRITUAL HEALER - Sarah specializes in soul healing. Her style is clear comprehensive and practical. Book a private session in Edmonton or Pigeon Lake today. 1-780-314-9150 or HYPNOTHERAPY HAVE ALL THE SUCCESS YOU want accessing the power of your subconscious mind. Using guided hypnosis, hypnotherapy gets to the heart of what may be preventing you from reaching your true goals. Solid results with Paul Compassi, MH, C.Hyp with over 30 years of intuitive counseling in Edmonton. An ARCH member. Call 780-447-1691. Email: or web:

SACRED STONES Personal Growth Jewelry - These unique, gemstone crystal bracelets (handmade by Connie Brisson) are designed to help you transform aspects of your life. Each one comes with a researched keepsake card that explains the exact issues and person it can help. Barbara Sorenson See our ad on page 2. Visit our beautiful website NLP Trainer INTUITIVE GUIDANCE to learn more about how these amulets can help you, store locations or to order one that is personalized just for DO YOU HAVE QUESTIONS or do you need guidance in your life? you. Some bracelets will also be available at the Mosaic Mystic I offer very precise psychic readings and intuitive consultations Meetings. in areas of career, relationship, marriage, family and more. Call Barb at 780-623-0602. Please text or leave a voicemail. DANCE SACRED CIRCLE DANCE - We dance in a circle using fairly simple folk dance steps that are taught or reviewed each time. We are non-denominational, but believe the circle brings us together in our shared intention of celebrating beauty and companionship. Many of us find that we are spiritually moved and deepened by this experience. As well, we have lots of fun! For a current schedule, please email

LEARN TO CHANNEL indirectly or directly your angels or loved ones who have passed. Workshops, coaching, monthly spiritual gatherings.



GUARDIANS OF EARTH DIVINATION (CERTIFICATE) PROGRAM for those on a path to higher consciousness. Training you how to combine metaphysical subjects and natural therapies in ways that address physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing., (“What’s New” section), marilyn@, phone: 780-434-8079.

DISTRIBUTION LOCATIONS – Go to (“Get A Copy” section) to see an extensive list of places that you can pick up a copy of Mosaic across Alberta and parts of B.C.

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Mosaic Magazine — Spring 2017

MAVIS AT A LIGHT WITHIN – 50 years experience. Found 10 missing people. Psychometry, tarot cards, regular cards, crystals and crystal ball, etc. 780-455-4546 or 780-910-1336.

EZINE / NEWSLETTER – Interested in our monthly free ezine/ newsletter that features MORE mind, body and spirit information, not available in the magazine, including Feng Shui, shamanism, crystals, astrology and more? Go to and sign up today to start receiving it each month as an email!

WANT MOSAIC MAGAZINE available at your office or event? Get bulk amounts of Mosaic Magazine to give to your clients at the following locations: ASCENDANT BOOKS (10310 - 124 St., Edmonton), LIFEFORCE (101, Signal Rd., Fort McMurray), SOUL FOOD CRYSTALS & BOOKS (#3, 213 – 19 St., NW, Calgary).

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RENTAL SPACE RIVER LODGE - A quiet, serene and peaceful Retreat Centre! Are you looking for a unique environment for your retreat? River Lodge is located just SW of Edmonton outside of the urban city lights, nestled on the bank of the North Saskatchewan River with abundance of natural surroundings. www.RiverLodgeRetreat. com or 780-963-3873.

Mosaic’s Calendar of Events JANUARY 17 – APRIL 1

EFT - Tapping to Change Your Life. EFT can rapidly reduce the emotional impact of traumas and help change limiting beliefs and subconscious programs. EFT Healing Circles: Tuesdays, starting January 17, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. EFT Workshops: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. February 4 - Tapping For New Year’s Resolutions. February 18 - Tapping For Natural Weight Loss. March 4 Tapping To Kick Your Cravings. March 18 - Tapping To Find Your Soul Mate. April 1 - Tapping For Anxiety, Fears and Phobias. Location: Valleyview Wellness Center, 14116 and Valleyview Dr., Edmonton. Register today. Text or call Patricia Gibb: 780-934-1537,


The New World Teacher for the Age is Now Here! For more than 40 years international journalists have charted the “story of the millennium,” the emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher. Investigate for yourself! FREE talk at 7:00 p.m. – Woodcroft (Westmount) Library, 13420 - 114 Ave., Edmonton.

at for more information or visit


The Time of Great Change Has Come! Are you ready? For more than 40 years international journalists have charted the “story of the millennium,” the emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher. Investigate for yourself! FREE talks at 7:00 p.m. La Cité Francophone (Rotunda), 8627 Rue Marie-Anne Gaboury (91 Street), Edmonton.

MARCH 3 – 6

Journey into the Akashic Records (Calgary) – Easy and fun to learn. Two certification courses. Beginning and Advanced Certification. Early registration discounts. Venue to be announced. Taught by Holly Hawkins Marwood, Advanced Teacher,, 1-760-803-4297,


Mosaic Mystics Meeting – Cinnamon Cranston, certified Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner and co-owner of the Rosen Method Institute FEBRUARY 13, MARCH 13 & APRIL 10 Canada Inc., ( will take Transmission Meditation: A Meditation for the us through guided body awareness meditations/ New Age - Can one person truly help a world in Patricia Gibb movements to help us explore how emotions move transition? More than you think! Make this vibrant EFT in the body and how giving ourselves sensory space service a part of your life! FREE talks and meditation at allows the possibility of profound change. (See page 4 7:00 p.m. – Room #201, Le Soleil at Roots on Whyte, 8135 editorial for more information.) Remember to bring a used/new 102 Street, Edmonton. gift-wrapped book to give away in our book exchange. Email Connie by MARCH 6 at to register. Cost: $20 (cash at the door) at Lucina Centre, 9505 - 163 Street, FEBRUARY 14, MARCH 14 & APRIL 11 Edmonton, at 7:00 p.m. To keep informed about other upcoming Transmission Meditation: A Meditation for the New Age - Can Mystic Meetings, go to and sign up for one person truly help a world in transition? More than you our free monthly ezine/newsletter. think! Make this vibrant service a part of your life! FREE talks and meditation experiences at 7:00 p.m. – Sai Baba Centre, 9619 MARCH 10 & 11 - 82 Avenue, Edmonton. Learn to Read the Akashic Records (Edmonton) - Easy and fun to learn. Nine-hour beginning certification course. Friday FEBRUARY 16, MARCH 16 & APRIL 20 evening and Saturday. Early registration discounts. Location: The New World Teacher for the Age is Now Here! The One 11724 Kingsway, Edmonton. Taught by Holly Hawkins Marwood, awaited by all the spiritual traditions of the world is now Advanced Teacher,, 1-760-803-4297, emerging during this time of global crisis. Find out more about this incredible event. FREE talks at 7:00 p.m. King Edward Park Hall (the small hall), 8008 - 81 Street, Edmonton. MARCH 18 Equinox Dance & Ritual - We are stepping into the light, bringing the seeds of our dreams from the incubus of winter into the birth FEBRUARY 25 & 26 of spring. Celebrate who you are and what you are growing. 1.5 Day Journey into the Akashic Records Course - Take a Pigeon Lake, from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Register at sarahsalterkelly. walk through your own Akashic records, learning about the com, 1-780-314-9150. challenges of your life, healing the past and discovering gifts and soul purpose. Come join Patricia Dennis, Instructor of Intuitive Healing Arts at Pura Vida in Edmonton. Contact Patricia

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Spring 2017 — Mosaic Magazine


Calendar of Events continued from page 27

MARCH 18 & 19

HeartMath® Workshop and Sunday Lesson with Dirk Terpstra – Dirk Terpstra is a certified trainer of HeartMath® and a renowned interviewer for OmTimes Magazine and This workshop will provide core skills that build resilience and boost performance. You will learn to better handle stress reactions and develop more intelligent approaches to self-regulating and renewing your energy. As you increase your energy reserves, you are better able to bounce back from stressful events and build a cushion that prepares and protect you from the damaging effects of many of life’s typical stressors. At Unity of Edmonton, 11715E - 108 Ave., Edmonton,

MARCH 18 & 19

Past Lives, Energy Healing & Ancestral Issues in the Akashic Records (Edmonton) – Dive deeply into the Akashic records and explore these three topics. No pre-requisites. Early registration discounts. Venue to be announced. Taught by Holly Hawkins Marwood, Advanced Teacher,, 1-760-803-4297,

APRIL 27 - MAY 1

Enlightenment Intensive Retreat - This 3½ day retreat offers you the distinct opportunity of an experience of what Eckhart Tolle calls an Awakening, a direct experience of who you really are beyond your mind and personality. Participants worldwide have been able live more authentically, with more confidence, energy and compassion. Join us at a beautiful, country retreat centre west of Red Deer. $795 includes all meals, snacks and accommodations. Contact Paul Graham at 780-433-0680, phone or text, or go to

MAY 5 - 7

57th Annual CRLC Gem, Mineral & Fossil Show - operated as a fundraiser by the Calgary Rock & Lapidary Club. 48+ vendors, specimens, crystals, demonstrations, silent auction. Vivo Arena, Calgary.

WEEKLY OPEN HEALING CIRCLE with Spiritual Healer, Sarah Salter Kelly on Wednesday nights from 7:30 - 9:00 p.m., starting February 1 at Healing Connections, 10548 - 115 St., Edmonton. Areas of focus: FEBRUARY - Forgiveness and reconciliation, a journey to freedom. MARCH - Being seen, connection with self/divine/ other. APRIL - Relationships, aligning who we are with want we want. MAY - Passion and purpose, what is the truth of our souls expression? Pre-registration preferred via sarahsalterkelly@ or 1-780-314-9150. More information at www. Drop-ins welcome.

MONTHLY EDMONTON ASTROLOGICAL SOCIETY (EAS) holds monthly events. Find us at For Annual Conferences check

MAY 4 - 7

Silence Retreat with Berdhanya Swami Tierra, Edmonton – For more information on the Silence Retreat, please read Berdhanya’s article on page 21. Register with Dr. Bronwen Samuel at 780860-7680. For more information on Berdhanya’s teachings and for her full Edmonton program go to

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Go to for a full list of locations and addresses. 28

Mosaic Magazine — Spring 2017

Spring 2017 — Mosaic Magazine


Con Amore

(Italian) With heart and soul

Gifts from my Dad I’ve never written about my Dad. I’ve written a lot about how I saw the relationship between myself and my Mom; I think because it was the so significant for me. It’s taken almost five decades for me, and her death, to finally appreciate the wonder and grace of that relationship. Maybe it wasn’t exactly what I wanted, but still perfect in its own way… My relationship with my Dad had its own journey too. I don’t really remember my Dad when I was young, growing up. In fact, if there weren’t a few old black and white photos with the two of us in them, I wouldn’t even know for sure that I saw him at all in my younger years. I’m not going to lie. I don’t remember the relationship between my parents being blissful. By the time I was 10 years old, my Dad and Mom moved from owning a farm to a general store in LaCorey, Alberta. Dad didn’t love the store (or working there) so he was out on the road all the time, selling Texas Oil for roofs and farm photos, while my Mom took care of the store and us. The few times he was home he was pretty miserable and, if I’m honest, I mostly just resented him. We really didn’t have a relationship until I was in my 20’s and they retired in Iron River. I came home from the University of Victoria and my Dad and I had our first really honest conversation. I think I surprised him, and in turn, he surprised me too. Over time, and numerous other soul searching talks, I began to appreciate him. My Dad was crusty, brilliantly funny, albeit sometimes bitingly sarcastic and anytime I’m witty or smartly funny, I’m grateful because I definitely got that humor from him. But more than that, what I loved and appreciated tremendously about my father was his ability, his willingness to “hear” me when we talked. I think that everyone we have significant relationships with, gives us a gift. My Dad’s greatest gift to me was his ability to hear whatever I had to say, consider it and then (bless him) often change. My Mom couldn’t do that. No matter how hard I tried to communicate with her, she always pretended I’d never said a thing. So, it made my Dad’s ability to easily do so, so much sweeter. When I was 30 years old, about to marry Marcel, my Dad wrote me a letter that I never expected. He told me how


Mosaic Magazine — Spring 2017

happy he was for me, that I finally had a guy like Marcel to love me (after all my earlier, crummy heartbreaks). I still have that letter and no one (ever, in my life) has written me anything more meaningful than that letter from my Dad, probably because it was such a beautiful surprise and gift. My Dad wasn’t perfect and he never pretended to be. But, he was definitely one of my favorite people because he was brutally honest and I got that gift from him too.

Grandfather Bear © Karen Goodfellow —

by Connie Brisson

When I was about to get invitro for a baby, of course, I told my parents. Even though I was 36 years old, I wanted their support. In response, my Mom was very stoic (she acted like I said I wanted a divorce, not a baby) and my Dad, after a moment of contemplation, solemnly asked me if having a baby was more important than the career I already had at Telus. Now, let me explain that my Dad was always worried about money, always trying to make sure he had enough money (after growing up poor through the depression, serving in WWII and working very hard his whole life).

But still, I was horrified by his question. And I told him so. I told him that no career and no amount of money could ever compare with a baby. I wanted a baby. I wanted to see what it was like to be pregnant. I wanted to see what it was like to be a mother and to love this little person, this part of me, forever. My Dad was stunned by my intense reaction. And after just a moment, he told me he was sorry. That was my Dad - that man - with his amazing ability to change instantaneously. And when my little Gabrielle came, he treated her like gold. No one was more important than her when we came to visit. She sat in HIS chair. HE watched Scooby Doo with her. And I loved him more for every little thing he did for her, for me. There are people who would judge my Dad harshly. He wasn’t a big people person or liked by “everyone.” But he was one of the few people in my life who showed me that people could CHANGE. And, it’s actually one of the best gifts anyone has ever given me… Change is difficult, for everyone. But I think that’s why we’re here, living this life. We are all here, right now, trying to be better people. We pick our parents for a reason. The gift comes from realizing what the gifts are…

Spring 2017 — Mosaic Magazine


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