Copyright© 2015 Home Box Office, Inc./ Film Manufacturers, Inc. All rights reserved.
Celebrating the arts in film
一個橫跨戲院、電視及社區的電影節, 用眼睛享受藝術的熱情和溫度。
1 戲院及電視放映
In Cinemas & On MOViE MOViE (Now TV ch116)
2 MOViE MOViE × PMQ 元創方
盛夏藝術祭預演 Pop-up Mini Fest
《The Beatles: Eight Days a Week ⸺ 走過披頭歲月》電影延伸展覽
The Beatles: Eight Days a Week – The Touring Years Inspired Exhibition
3 社區放映會、藝術展覽及工作坊
Community Screenings, Art Exhibitions & Workshops
4 MOViE MOViE Life is Art
攝影比賽 Photo Contest MOVIEMOVIEBYBC
STAFF LIST Festival Director Joycelyn Choi Marketing & Event Manager Chan Chiwing
The Beatles were just a band that made it very, very big, that’s all. JOHN LENNON
Editor & Event Manager Hazel Ho Creative Director Renatus Wu @ Edited Designer Hajime Chan @ Edited MOViE MOViE Creative Team Christy Au Chan Chin Ho Gloria Ho Judy Ho Harr y Hon Gin Jin Dicky Leung Mandy Leung Belinda So MOViE MOViE Support Team Winson Cheng Cherie Fan Sally Suen Stella Xu Harr y Yeung Gillian Yu Programming, Marketing & PR Support Phoebe Chiu Ray Tse Willa Wong Didi Wu Chinese Copywriter Elaine Sham English Copywriter James Marsh
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《The Beatles: Eight Days a Week ⸺ 走過披頭歲月》 The Beatles: Eight Days a Week – The Touring Years
關於 life is art 盛夏藝術祭
About the Festival 每個人,都在追求不一樣的黃。也許你追求浮
Chinese Editor Rita Cheung
Special Thanks Tessa Lau Audrey Lee Gar y Mak Esther Yeung Abbey Wong Kolie Kwan Ventris Ma Jenny Cheung Terence Choi Mandy Lam Judith Kwong Chan Sze Kit Ting Mak Grace Cheung Jazz Lung Joe Wong Joe Lam Jim Lee Ruby Tam Alexandra Seno Amanda Tam Ho Ka Ming Iris Chow Karen Ho Winni Chen Brian So Lai Yat Nam Tim Cheng Ted Yu Dicky Sin
恆不滅。Life is Art 盛夏藝術祭,由 The Club
若是你,愛藝術,你的黃,將是熾熱的火,永 呈獻、MOViE MOViE (NowTV 116 頻道)及
PMQ 元創方合辦,是一個橫跨戲院、電視的 藝術電影節。這一年,為你帶來 20 部關於藝 術狂人的電影,他們對藝術的熱情,如火,蔓 延到音樂、繪畫、時裝、舞蹈、建築等多個不 同藝術領域。MOViE MOViE 誠意邀請你今夏 到戲院細聽他們心中那團火的故事。 同 時 MOViE MOViE 頻 道 亦 會 播 放 多 部 國際藝術電影。當然還有如往年一連串在不同 地方舉行的文化活動,歡迎公眾參加。這年仲 夏不怕熱,讓我們浸淫於熱情的溫度,漫遊藝 術的美好。
Everyone pursues a different kind of gold. Some may crave a pot of gold, others just want a golden dream. However, if you love the arts, your gold is an ever-burning golden fire. The MOViE MOViE LIFE IS ART festival is proudly presented by The Club, and organised by MOViE MOViE and PMQ. A cinematic celebration of the arts, LIFE IS ART will be presented simultaneously in cinemas and in your home. This year, we are bringing you 20 films about art fanatics. Their enthusiasm, like fire, burns in different branches of the arts, from music and painting, to fashion and dancing. MOViE MOViE invites you to join us in the theatre this summer to listen to stories about the fires burning in their hearts. Arthouse movies will also be shown on MOViE MOViE (Now TV channel 116) during the festival. Passionate art & culture lovers are welcome to join us at the cultural events in a variety of venues across the city. Don’t be afraid of the summer heat. Let’s soak together in the sea of the arts and revel in the celebrations of creativity and enthusiasm.
L I F E I S A RT 2 016
Opening Film 開���
The First Monday in May 導演 Director 演員 Cast
片長 Duration
待發,整個世界屏息以待。Met Gala 慈善晚 宴不單是一場盛宴,它記錄著時尚的變遷,也
安德魯羅西 Andrew Rossi
王家衛 Wong Kar Wai 安娜溫圖 Anna Wintour
展覽以「中國:鏡花水月」為題,由《Vogue 》
Andrew Bolton 100 Mins
語言 Language
獎項 Award
�� Screening
In English with Chinese subtitles Nominated for Best Documentar y Feature, Edinburgh International Film Festival
26.8 (fri) 7:45 PM / BC 26.8 (fri) 9:50 PM / BC
總編輯 Anna Wintour 、大都會藝術博物館 策展人 Andrew Bolton 、大導演王家衛攜手 打造,入場人次更打破紀錄超過 80 萬。本片 直擊這場難得一見的盛事,由籌備展覽過程、 紅地氈上佐治古尼、安妮夏菲維衣香鬢影,到 大師 YSL 、 John Galliano 珍貴作品均逐一呈 現眼前。讓我們永遠記住,2015 年五月的第 一個星期一,Rihanna 穿著「龍袍」,帶我們 走過中國的鏡花水月。本片為美國翠貝卡電影 節『開幕電影』。
Granted unprecedented access behind the scenes of two of New York’s most prestigious cultural events, Andrew Rossi charts the meticulous creation of “China: Through the Looking Glass”, the most attended fashion exhibition ever at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, together with the star-studded Met Gala fundraiser that celebrates the opening of the exhibition. For eight months, Rossi’s cameras shadow curator Andrew Bolton and Met Gala Chair Anna Wintour, the formidable editor-in-chief of Vogue, as they orchestrate this impossible event. With appearances by Wong Kar-wai, Baz Luhrman, John Galliano and Jeal-Paul Gaultier, The First Monday in May is an eye-opening celebration of fashion as fine art.
Closing Film 閉���
《The Beatles: Eight Days a Week ⸺ 走過披頭歲月》
The Beatles: Eight Days a Week – The Touring Years
導演 Director 演員 Cast
片長 Duration
語言 Language �� Screening
朗侯活 Ron Howard 約翰連儂 John Lennon 保羅麥卡尼 Paul McCar tney 佐治哈里遜 George Harrison 靈高史達 Ringo Starr
100 Mins 英語、中文字幕
In English with Chinese subtitles
16.9 (fri) 9:50 PM / BC 18.9 (sun )5:30 PM / CP
從前有這樣四個人,單純地憑著音樂,震撼了 整個六十年代,改變了整個世界。 他們是披頭四,四把獨特的嗓子,加上濃 濃的英國口音和在一起,足以讓所有人頭腦麻 痺,心跳停止半拍。他們披著一頭怪裡怪氣的 髮型,卻惹起一陣狂熱,誕生了 Beatlemania 一詞至今,仍然燒得火熱。 被《滾石雜誌》列為史上最偉大的藝人, 披頭四對音樂界、甚至世界的影響,可謂前無 古人,後無來者。從來沒有人,能像他們一樣, 被每一代人捧在手心。《有你終生美麗》金像導 演朗侯活將披頭四鋒芒初露的那些年,那種年 少輕狂,那停不了的喝采,剪輯成詩;50 年後, 讓我們在漆黑的戲院
拍,繼續忘形地 twist and shout 。
When The Beatles performed on The Ed Sullivan Show in February 1964 it was watched by an estimated 73 million US viewers and sparked the arrival of the Fab Four - and Beatlemania - in America. What followed had never been witnessed in pop music before, and perhaps never has again, as the entire world was swept up in delirious adulation of four young lads from Liverpool. Oscar-winning director Ron Howard chronicles “the touring years”, as The Beatles performed more than 1,400 times all over the world. Gaining rare interviews with Sir Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr and widows Yoko Ono Lennon and Olivia Harrison, and featuring unseen footage of the band at their peak, Eight Days a Week is the ultimate record of these musical icons.
L I F E I S A RT 2 016
Closing Film 閉���
《人生樂師 : 西摩傳》 Seymour: An Introduction 導演 Director
莎 士 比 亞 說 過, 音 樂 是 愛 情 的 食 糧。 對 於
Seymour Bernstein 來 說, 音 樂 喂 養 的, 不 止於愛情,而是生命。《情約半生》男星伊芬
演員 Cast
伊芬鶴基 Ethan Hawke
Seymour Bernstein
語言 Language
81 Mins
片長 Duration
獎項 Award
�� Screening
In English with Chinese subtitles
Nominated for Festival People's Choice Award, TIFF
27.8 (sat) 2:00 PM / BC 14.9 (wed) 8:10 PM / TO
大部分人花了大半生在同一件事上,總會 有點厭倦,但在西摩身上,可以看到熱忱。他 從 15 歲開始,就開始公開鋼琴表演,其後更投 身教育事業,執意發掘一顆顆未經雕琢的鑽石。 難忘的是,琴約半生以後,他雙眼依然閃耀著無 比熾熱的目光,手舞足蹈地將音樂比喻為人生。
The Music of Strangers: Yo-yo Ma and The Silk Road Ensemble
導演 Director 演員 Cast
摩根尼維利 Morgan Neville 馬友友 Yo-Yo Ma 吳蠻 Wu Man
音樂這回事,你不用懂它,你只用愛它。即使 菜鳥如你,或如我,不懂樂理,不會唱歌,也 能感受至深。 馬友友在 1998 年創立「絲路計劃」,召集 所有愛音樂的人,不分種族、跨越國界、忘記 嫌隙,結合不同民族的傳統樂器演奏新音樂, 連繫全球 70 億人,共建理想烏托邦。奧斯卡
Kayhan Kalhor
語言 Language
96 Mins
獎項 Award
片長 Duration
�� Screening
In English with Chinese subtitles
Best Documentar y, Sydney Film Festival
16.9 (fri) 7:55 PM / BC 18.9 (sun) 3:40 PM / TO
Over the past two decades, worldrenowned cellist Yo Yo Ma has spearheaded a project to bring exceptional musicians from around the world to test the limits of musical expression. Embracing the notion that music transcends borders and boundaries, politics and religion, the Silk Road Ensemble explores the power of music to promote cultural identity, shape tradition and inspire hope.
Oscar-nominated actor Ethan Hawke directs this deeply personal portrait of Seymour Bernstein, a once-successful classical pianist who gave up his performing career at the age of 50 to become a music teacher. Despite touring the world in his youth, and performing for the US troops during the Korean War, Bernstein found his true calling inspiring and mentoring others. A humble yet profoundly intelligent man, Bernstein teaches us all how to conquer our fears of performing, tap into the latent creativity that lurks within us and articulate bold emotion and explore our humanity through the expressive art of music. by directing this film, Hawke too has given us all a gift, by introducing the world to Seymour.
Photography 生命裡的一切高低起伏、起承轉合,都可靠著音
符逐一紓發,也許這就是 music is life 的終極
Copyright© 2015 Home Box Office, Inc./ Film Manufacturers, Inc. All rights reserved.
Mapplethorpe: Look at the Pictures
導演 Director
Fenton Bailey Randy Barbato
演員 Cast
Rober t Mapplethorpe
語言 Language
片長 Duration
影展 Film Festival
�� Screening
108 Mins
太多美麗稍縱即逝,在眼前匆匆流走,即使 再用力抓緊,還是留不住在掌心。 攝影師有著讓平凡人恨得牙癢癢的天賦。 他 們 透 過 鏡 頭, 咔 嚓 一 聲, 世 界 變 成 平 面, 美麗不減。六十年代,有著這樣一個拿著相 機的壞孩子,Rober t Mapplethorpe 是著名 詩人 Patti Smith 的男友,也為 Andy Warhol 拍下經典的人像照。他將種族、同性戀與禁
In English with Chinese subtitles
Official Selection for Berlin International Film Festival
3.9 (sat) 6:00 PM / IFC 10.9 (sat) 2:00 PM / BC
藝術的底線,震驚社會,震怒國會,兩大藝 術館更爭相舉辦以他為題的展覽。 《 黑 暗 王 子: 攝 慾 人 生 》帶 你 走 進
Mapplethorpe 的黑白世界,在他從未曝光的 生命碎片中,拼湊出他比作品來得更要精彩 的人生。
Outrageous in his day, more relevant than ever in our own, Robert Mapplethorpe scandalised the establishment with his evocative and provocative photography, which not only thrust the extreme imagery of the homosexual identity onto conservative America, but transformed photography into an expressionistic and bona fide art form. Revealed in a series of never-beforeheard recordings of Mapplethorpe himself, Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbato’s documentary unearths intimate revelations and secrets about the shocking, extraverted artist who repeatedly proved that the only thing more controversial than his work, was the man creating it. Friends, family, lovers and critics share their own experience with one of the most singular voices in 20th century art.
Our Last Tango German Kral
演員 Cast
María Nieves Rego Juan Carlos Copes
片長 Duration
85 Mins
語言 Language
In Spanish with Chinese & English subtitles
�� Screening
28.8 (sun) 8:10 PM / KF 7.9 (wed) 9:50 PM / BC
導演 Director
met in Argentina in their teens and danced together for nearly 50 years. Romantically 阿根廷最有名的傳奇舞者 Maria Nieves Rego involved repeatedly over the decades, their 與 Juan Carlos Copes 的愛情故事帶到大銀 relationship ended in hatred and betrayal. 幕。他們的故事,如探戈,情感與腳步交錯, But now, in the twilight of their lives, Juan and 激起過最動人的花火。誰都忘不了,當初一場 Maria have agreed to open up about their lives 纏綿夜雨,這對年少輕狂的情人,在街上忘我 together and relive their tempestuous union. Executive produced by Wim Wenders, 地做夢,忘我地跳著探戈。只是,最動人時光, and reminiscent of his remarkable Pina in the 總捱不過地老天荒,成不了靈魂伴侶,幸好也 beautiful staging of its dance numbers, Our Last 成了彼此生命中最契合的舞伴。50 年後,二人 Tango overflows with emotion and sensuality as 終究重逢,就讓一切恩怨愛恨,化成這一首最 it explores perhaps the most passionate dance 後探戈。 of all, and the dedicated performers who bring it to life at the expense of everything else.
演員 Cast
片長 Duration
從來沒有兩個芭蕾舞者跳著一樣的舞步。舞群 之中,縱使隨著同樣節拍,做著相同動作,你 還是可以從微小的細節中看到點點不同。
泰利狄馬士亞 Thierr y Demaizière 艾班卻利 Alban Teurlai 班哲文米利柏 Benjamin Millepied
Nico Muhly Arurélie Dupont Iris van Herpen
109 Mins
與妮妲莉寶雯在《黑天鵝》中結緣的芭蕾 王子班哲文米利柏,是騁國際舞壇 20 年的頂 尖舞者兼編舞師。他抱著偉大的芭蕾夢出發, 用 3 個月時間籌備屬於自己的童話。他事事親 力親為,由練習室地板到舞伶疲憊的雙腳,都 盡力給予最好的關懷與照料。他更大膽選用亞
語言 Language
影展 Film Festival
In French with Chinese & English subtitles
Official Selection for Tribeca Film Festival
8.9 (thu) 7:50 PM / PP 18.9 (sun) 2:00 PM / BC
紛。然而,首演在即,意外卻紛紛湧至:首席 最優雅的姿態,踏上夢寐以求的巴黎歌劇院舞 台嗎?
One of the most acclaimed choreographers of his generation, Benjamin Millepied was named Director of Dance at the Paris Opera Ballet in 2014, where he faced his greatest challenge yet. Millepied is best known for his work on Darren Aronofsky’s Black Swan, in which he co-starred with future wife Natalie Portman and designed the film’s celebrated ballet sequences. On his return to his native France, he was followed by documentarians Thierry Demaizière and Alban Teurlai, who he film every step of Millepied’s debut production. The results are an eye-opening account of day-to-day life in the acclaimed French institution, as well as the pressures of running the world’s oldest ballet company.
《真 · 黑天鵝》 Bolshoi Babylon
也 許 每 個 令 人 難 以 忘 懷 的 愛 情 故 事, 都 像 The most celebrated tango couple of all time, 《Singin’In the Rain 》,有著一場經典的雨中舞。 María Nieves Rego and Juan Carlos Copes 由電影大師雲溫達斯監製,《不老探戈》將
導演 Director
�� Screening
L I F E I S A RT 2 016
導演 Director 演員 Cast
片長 Duration
語言 Language 獎項 Award
�� Screening
有一種對美的追求,叫芭蕾。這種對美麗的追 求,對完美的執著,殘忍得近乎病態,甚至在 毀滅自身之際,毀滅他人。
尼克烈德 Nick Read
Maria Alexandrova Maria Allash 86 Mins 英語,中文字幕
In English with Chinese subtitles 斯德哥爾摩電影節最佳紀錄片提名
莫斯科大劇院芭蕾舞團,是每個芭蕾舞 者的夢想。然而,華美的舞衣,卻是爬滿了蝨 子。舞台上的亮麗光鮮,不過浮光掠影,剎 那的嫉妒與衝動,隨著鏹酸,蝕入骨髓。突 然之間,最美麗的人不再美麗。前舞台總監
Sergei Filin 被襲,揭露舞團鮮為人知的勾心
Nominated for Best Documentary, Stockholm Film Festival
鬥角;導演尼 克 烈 德 乘勝追擊,如舞鞋般被
29.8 (mon) 8:00 PM / BC 4.9 (sun) 8:00 PM / TO
磨蝕的靈魂在鏡頭前竟流露出難得的真情和坦 難免有既生瑜何生亮之嘆,華麗背後的黑天鵝 才如此狠心。
The undisputed pinnacle of the ballet world - Russia’s Bolshoi Theatre - was thrown into the spotlight in 2013, when artistic director Sergei Filin fell victim to a horrific acid attack. The scandal exploded when principal dancer Pavel Dmitrichenko was arrested and charged with the crime. As the case went on, the dispute uncovered an institution in crisis, defined by personality clashes, jealousy and dysfunction. Bolshoi Ballet takes audiences behind the scenes of the company’s subsequent season, where Russia’s foremost cultural institution is in turmoil.
Painting the Modern Garden: Monet to Matisse 導演 Director 片長 Duration
語言 Language �� Screening
David Bickerstaff Phil Grabsky 93 Mins 英語,英文字幕
In English with English subtitles 27.8 (sat) 6:15 PM / IFC 12.9 (mon) 8:00 PM / IFC
莫奈說過,他成了一個畫家,大概是因為花。 如此大膽的言論,相信再沒有一個世代比 他們更惜花。
19 世紀至 20 世紀未,每個畫家,都是花 痴。一幅幅色彩斑斕的名畫,從印象派到現代 主義,從莫奈到馬蒂斯,畫的總離不開被春天 吻過的花園。一片片斑駁的、交錯的花瓣,稍 縱即逝,在他們筆下卻成了永恆。後人看來, 這個時代像特地染上了浪漫的顏色。 本片讓你從鏡頭上走過一個醉人的時代, 一 場 流 動 的 皇 家 藝 術 學 院 的 畫 展。 只 是 這 一次,你並不在畫前停下,而是從畫中走到 現實,看看莫奈春天的花,和沉睡的蓮,與 印象派如夢不褪的迷幻色彩。
Britta Erickson’s The Enduring Passion For Ink 導演 Director �員 Cast
片長 Duration
語言 Language
�� Screening
如果代表西方的油畫是繽紛又華麗;那代表中 國的水墨則是沉靜中顯氣勢。 紙、筆、墨、硯一直是中國最珍視的文房 四寶,簡單的四件書寫工具,是中國萬千藝術
Dr. Britta Erickson
冰逸 Bingyi 陳海燕 Chen Haiyan 劉丹 Liu Dan 李津 Li Jin 李華生 Li Huasheng 楊詰蒼 Yang Jiechang 徐冰 Xu Bing
96 Mins 普通話、英語、英文字幕
的基調。西方的油彩,結實而穩重;中國的水 墨,卻是遇水而化,隨著筆尖自由流動,變化 萬千,剛柔並重。除了水墨外,從沒有其他, 能讓每顆文字盡顯筆風,能讓每幀風光溫柔 若水。 身處花花世界,為什麼在依然徘徊在黑白 之間,以墨作畫?林似竹博士探訪徐冰、劉丹、 李津、陳海燕、李華生、楊詰蒼及冰逸七個當
In Mandarin & English with English subtitles
5.9 (mon) 8:00 PM / IFC 17.9 (sat) 8:00 PM / BC
L I F E I S A RT 2 016
For the vast majority of Hongkongers, the art of horticulture is little more than an abstract concept, inaccessible to the millions confined to their apartment cells. Painting the Modern Garden not only explores the genuine artistry in gardening, but more interestingly examines how it has inspired some of the world’s greatest artists. At the Royal Academy of Arts, Claude Monet’s seminal triptych of water lily paintings were exhibited together with Matisse’s earlier this year for the first time in an age. Director David Bickerstaff ’s camera guides us around this exquisite exhibition, but not before whisking us to France, and the garden in Giverny that inspired France’s great impressionist. As the film bleeds into painting and back again, the results are truly magical.
The ancient art of ink painting has found a new lease of life in contemporary China, and this innovative anthology film looks to de-mistify the medium and advance its appreciation in the modern age. Using timelapse photography, the film observes seven artists at work, and follows the creation of new pieces before the viewers’ eyes. In addition to this unique perspective on the artistic process, the artists also discuss their attraction to traditional ink painting, how they are able to channel their own personal artistic expression through the medium and create something that is both respectful of the craft, yet also recontextualises it for the 21st century. Special thanks: Alexandra Seno
The Posterist
導演 Director �員 Cast
語言 Language
�� Screening
電影,濃縮了一輩子;海報,將電影濃縮 成一眼看懂的故事。
許思維 Seewai Hui 阮大勇 鍾鎮濤 祁文傑 許懷欣 許冠文
片長 Duration
Yuen Tai-Yung Kenny Bee David Ki Ryan Hui Michael Hui
58 Mins 粵語,中英文字幕
In Cantonese with Chinese & English subtitles
28.8 (sun) 2:05 PM / BC
阮大勇,一個和藹謙遜的畫家,一支畫 筆在香港電影的黃金時代畫出電影界的風花雪 月。他的畫作不但形似,更貴在神似,不論是 許氏兄弟的《摩登保鑣》或李小龍的經典電影, 他總能夠迅速地捕捉每一部電影、每一個人物 的神髓。出奇不意的色彩,獨有的漫畫風格, 與一個個幽默的表情,成了香港人的集體回憶。 導演許思維對阮大勇的致敬,一個又一個 訪問,讓我們記起,曾經有那麼一段日子,人 手可以戰勝機器。謝謝阮大勇,用他的雙手、
Fashion 才華與幽默感,為我們的電影,留下一頁頁手 繪的痕跡。
《情迷 Tiffany》 Crazy about Tiffany’s 導演 Director
謝茜嘉貝兒 Jessica Biel
語言 Language
�� Screening
從來沒有一種藍色,屹立多年亦不褪色;從來 沒有一種藍色,能如此赤裸的表現愛情;從 來沒有一種藍色,美得傾國傾城。這種獨特
Matthew Miele
演員 Cast
片長 Duration
From the 1970s to the 1990s, during the golden era of Hong Kong cinema, one name became synonymous with capturing the energy and spirit of the city’s moviemaking Yuen Tai-Yung. From Bruce Lee’s martial arts classics, to the kung fu capers of Jackie Chan and Sammo Hung, and the comedy hijinks of the Hui Brothers, Yuen’s brilliant cartoons festooned posters for some of the city’s very best films. The Posterist chronicles filmmaker and fan Seewai Hui’s quest to track down the reclusive artist and recounts their numerous subsequent meetings and conversations with the self-taught genius. Yuen’s unique abilities have also been used to capture icons from the West, including Marlon Brando, Michael Jackson and Amy Winehouse, but Yuen’s story remains a quintessentially Hong Kong one.
86 Mins In English with Chinese subtitles
27.8 (sat) 8:10 PM / TO 16.9 (fri) 9:50 PM / TO
得有自己的名字 —— Tiffany Blue 。只有你,
Tiffany ,能讓全球女性,甚至傳奇巨星柯德莉 夏萍都為之傾倒。 你大概不知道,今時今日的時尚傳奇,昔 日不過一家文具小店;你大概不知道,Tiffany 藍 背 後 是 多 少 個 不 眠 之 夜; 你 大 概 不 知 道,
Tiffany 絕不止於火鑽石、藍盒子及白緞帶。 《Scatter My Ashes》導 演 Matthew Miele 又一璀璨絢麗之作,帶你走過時尚界的紙醉 金迷。
When thinking about diamonds, only one name comes to mind. As American as apple pie, yet universally acclaimed as the best in its class, Tiffany & Co. has been adored and lusted after since its inception in 1837. Matthew Miele’s film is the first authorised documentary to go behind the bedazzle and explore just what is it about Tiffany diamonds that has become so engrained in the public consciousness. The film explores Tiffany’s impact on pop culture, from Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and Breakfast at Tiffany’s to designing the NFL’s Superbowl trophy, while Design Director Francesca Amfitheatrof discusses the closely-guarded secrets behind the iconic blue box and the desire that the brand evokes in women everywhere.
Peggy Guggenheim Art Addict
你未必認識她,但必聽過古根漢美術館的大 名。癮這回事,其實很過癮,你不做不會死, 但偏偏放不低、撇不掉。佩姬古根漢是這樣一
導演 Director 演員 Cast
片長 Duration
語言 Language 獎項 Award
莉莎佛蘭 Lisa Immordino Vreeland
佩姬古根漢 Peggy Guggenheim
Marina Abramovic
95 Mins 英語,中文字幕
In English with Chinese subtitles
Nominated for Best Documentary, Chicago International Film Festival
�� Screening
A 字及膝裙,出走歐洲,周旋於作家、設計師
3.9 (sat) 4:10 PM / BC 13.9 (tue) 8:00 PM / IFC
名家,更被視為抽象表現主義的強力推手。她 就是這樣一個色彩繽紛的人物,她的世界,就 像這部電影一樣,絢麗如畫。《潮流教主:眼 睛要旅行》導演莉莎佛蘭又一力作,帶我們走 進佩姬古根漢的花花世界。
Neither a painter nor a sculptor, Peggy Guggenheim is nevertheless regarded as one of the most important figures in the 20th Century art scene. Born into the wealthy Guggenheim family, the legendary socialite developed a voracious appetite for modern art, and using the vast funds available to her, accumulated an incredible collection of works by Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso and Max Ernst among many others, and she was instrumental in advancing the careers of many American artists. Guggenheim’s legendary collection, now worth billions of dollars, is exhibited in Venice, Italy and remains one of the city’s most-visited attractions. Lisa Immordino Vreeland’s documentary pays loving tribute to this singular force of nature and instrumental tastemaker of the last century.
The Infinite Happiness 導演 Director 片長 Duration
語言 Language �� Screening
不知從什麼時候開始,我們不再腳踏實地,轉 而活在高空高樓之中。 然而,有些人的創意,比我們想像的要大
Ila Bêka Louise Lemoine 95 Mins 英語 In English
1.9 (thu) 8:00 PM / IFC 17.9 (sat) 9:50 PM / BC
一些。當我們在這邊為了百呎斗室奮不顧身, 他們卻在地球另一端樂得清閒。在哥本哈根有 這樣一座 8 House,立體的 8 字,存著無限的 意思。建築師巧妙地配合太陽的軌跡,8 字型 雙環住宅空間設計令每戶人家都擁有日照權, 住客更可踏單車無障礙地由頂樓一腳踏至地 下,由南到北,還有綠化的屋頂斜坡以及不同 的公共空間,絕對是建築與自然共生的藝術。 這一棟具有象徵意義的永續發展大樓,讓我們 知道,也許空間並非無限,但創意與快樂,可 以無窮無盡。今天起,生活在無限
If you were ever skeptical about modern architecture being considered as art, just check out the “8 House”, conceived and created by Danish architect Bjarke Ingels. Located in the suburbs of Copenhagen, this experiment in vertical housing is unlike anything of its kind, and rightly won “Best residential building of the year” at the World Architecture Festival in 2011. Produced like a personal video diary, the film intertwines the wide variety of stories and lifestyles of the building’s inhabitants, exploring how their unique environment has influenced their lives and how they perceive and adapt to their surroundings. The result is a fascinating social and architectural exploration.
Ants on a Shrimp
導演 Director �員 Cast
片長 Duration
語言 Language 影展 Film Festival
�� Screening
倘若,生命是一場流動的盛宴;吃,就是一趟 完整的感官旅程。 從眼球開始,菜式精緻賣相瞬間挑逗每根
Maurice Dekkers
René Redzepi Lars Williams
88 Mins 英語,中文字幕
In English with Chinese subtitles 參展柏林國際電影節美食環節
性感的色士風;埋牙之際,牙齒可細嘗食材的 曲線與質感;最後是,碰上舌尖時,甜酸苦辣 同時爆發,高潮迭起,為味蕾帶來全新衝擊。 愛吃的 Maurice Dekkers 這次不拿鑊鏟,
Official Selection for Berlinale Kulinarisches Kino
31.8 (wed) 8:10 PM / TO 11.9 (sun) 2:00 PM / BC
廚 René Rezepi 藝高人膽大,毅然決定與整
全世界第一,位於哥本哈根的 Noma 餐廳,大 個團隊搬到迷失的東京,嘗試將東亞飲食美學 與 Noma 「在地有機」的料理哲學交融。甫出 場便是人人叫絕的生蝦上的螞蟻,他們如何將 日本的純樸食材,做出不一樣的味道?
《NOMA 美食風暴》 NOMA My Perfect Storm 導演 Director �員 Cast
片長 Duration
Pierre Deschamps René Redzepi
吃是一種草根的藝術。 說的不是價值,街頭一碗魚蛋粉,或全球 最頂級的餐廳 Noma 的招牌菜,各有美感,而 這種美,很本能,很草根,你我都懂。 美味無分貴賤,但有高低之分。哥本哈根
語言 Language
90 Mins
的 Noma,由大廚 René Redzepi 帶領下,於
廳之美名。René Redzepi 是一個強勢、執著
影展 Film Festival
In English & Danish with Chinese & English subtitles
2010、2011、2012 連續 3 年奪得世界第一餐
�� Screening
Official Selection for Berlinale Kulinarisches Kino
4.9 (sun) 2:00 PM / BC 9.9 (fri) 8:00 PM / IFC
美味風暴,一夜之間,Noma 風光不再。亂了
如此高不可攀的廚師,來到 2013 年,卻遇上 陣腳的 René ,該如何利用未來一年時間,重 新出發?
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In essence a sequel to NOMA: A Perfect Storm, Ants On A Shrimp follows René Redzepi and the staff of his Copenhagen restaurant Noma - voted Best Restaurant in the World four times - as he ups stakes and relocates to Tokyo, Japan for a two-month stint in 2015. However, rather than simply introduce his award-winning Nordic cuisine to Japanese diners, Redzepi plans to create 14 brand new dishes that encapsulate both local tastes and his own pioneering style of unusual creativity, including a dish with live ants on raw shrimp. Ants on a Shrimp is an exploration of cooking as art, pushing the boundaries of what can and cannot be considered food - and creating brand new taste sensations to delight an unsuspecting clientele.
When it was named the Best Restaurant in the World in 2010, suddenly Noma in Copenhagen became the must-visit destination for foodies and gastronomes the world over. Chef René Redzepi has been hailed a culinary genius, a visionary who interprets a forgotten edible world into a culinary language everyone can understand. Noma went on to retain the title in 2011 and 2012... but then in 2013, they lost it. In Noma: My Perfect Storm, documentarian Pierre Deschamps catches up with Redzepi at this moment of crisis, and follows him and his team of devoted chefs, waiters and staff as they seek to reclaim their position as home to the world’s most artistic and inspired culinary creations.
Kampai! For the Love of Sake �員 Cast
片長 Duration
語言 Language 影展 Film Festival
Mirai Konishi
Philip Harper John Gauntner Kosuke Kuji
95 Mins
In Japanese with Chinese & English subtitles
Official Selection for Eat, Drink, Film section, Hawaii International Film Festival
片長 Duration
語言 Language 獎項 Award
美國的清酒傳道師、來自英國頂級釀酒師、以 及與清酒同源,接手了父親清酒廠的年輕人, 他們因清酒相聚,踏破鐵鞋,回歸根本,身體 力行,由零開始,窺探清酒複雜而美麗的世界。
所有沉迷藝術的人,說穿了,都是自虐狂。 對完美的追求,不顧一切,因為藝術家就 是自身最嚴厲的評論家。
W.J.A. Kluijfhout
25 年以來,Sergio Herman 為了達到完
80 Mins
美的 3 顆星,犧牲了妻子的青春、和與家人相
In Dutch with Chinese & English subtitles
西雅圖國際電影節紀錄片 評審團特別獎
Documentary Special Jury Award, Seattle International Film Festival �� Screening
6.9 (tue) 8:00 PM / TO 10.9 (sat) 4:00 PM / BC
Sergio Herman F**king Perfect 導演 Director
酒再苦,苦不過滿肚苦水就好。 然而,總有些人,喝的不只醉人,而是那
導演 Director
�� Screening
28.8 (sun) 8:10 PM / TO 13.9 (tue) 9:50 PM / BC
廚房忘形地工作,一醒過來,回到家中,沒有 響鬧、沒有笑聲,只剩下黑暗及安穩的呼嚕聲。 為了追回似水的年華,他毅然決定將全球排名 頭 50 名的 Oud Sluis 餐廳關起來,重新投入 家庭生活。寧靜是好,但終究有受不了的一天。 靈機一觸,他再次忘我地投入於煎、炒、煮、 炸當中。再醒過來的時候,他將身處何方?
Beloved in its homeland and steeped in history and tradition, sake remains something of a mystery on the global stage. Besides choosing sweet over dry, or whether to imbibe the fermented rice wine hot or cold, little is known about the many different varieties of sake available in Japan. Mirai Konishi’s documentary assembles a trio of outsiders, who have nonetheless devoted their lives to their love of sake. Born in England, Philip Harper is the only Non-Japanese to earn the prestigious title of “master brewer”; American journalist John Gauntner has written numerous guidebooks on sake, while Kosuke Kuji runs a prestigious family-owned brewery, but dares to take it in a new direction.
Audiences have grown accustomed to seeing highly acclaimed chefs at work in their kitchens, barking orders at their underlings while working long into the night to bring delicious, innovative dishes to appreciative and critical diners alike. But what happens when it all gets too much? Sergio Herman inherited his father’s seafood restaurant Oud Sluis in 1990, and for 25 years slaved away, earning it 3 Michelin Stars in the process. But Willemiek Kluijfhout captures the moment he decides to quit, to close down his legacy and spend more time with his wife and children. Sergio has run himself into the ground, but it’s not long before the desire to create returns and he embarks on a new culinary adventure.
《The Beatles: Eight Days a Week ⸺ 走過披頭歲月》
The Beatles: Eight Days a Week – The Touring Years
《Almeida Theatre : 理察三世》
Almeida Theatre: Richard III
導演 Director
賴夫費恩斯 Ralph Fiennes
片長 Duration
210 Mins
�� Screening
翁。百老匯院線獨家呈獻由 Almeida Theatre 最 新 製 作 的《 理 察 三 世 》, 演 員 陣 容 鼎 盛,
Ruper t Goold
演員 Cast
語言 Language
Vanessa Redgrave
In English with English subtitles 27.8 (sat) 8:10 PM / IFC 11.9 (sun) 3:45 PM / TO
由 賴 夫 費 恩 斯 飾 演 理 察 三 世, 及 Vanessa
Redgrave 飾演瑪格麗特一角。 位 於 倫 敦 的 Almeida Theatre , 一 直 致 力將世界知名的戲劇以最完美的姿態呈現於觀 眾眼前。英倫的小劇場,怎可能沒有莎翁。莎 士比亞藉著歷史上最臭名昭著的暴君,透徹 演繹人性的黑暗面,及對權力的無盡欲望,看 盡人世間的貪嗔痴。《理察三世》帶你回到戰 火連綿後,人人互想猜忌的英國。趁著愛德華 國王病重,人人各懷鬼胎,動盪不斷;另一邊
William Shakespeare created one of theatre’s most notorious villains in his retelling of the life and crimes of Richard III. In a war-torn England, weakened by years of bitter conflict, the ailing king’s reign looks to be coming to its end. In the wings waits Richard, the crippled, scheming brother of the king - loathed by the people, and by his family even more - who plots his murderous path to the throne. Now, live from the stage of London’s Almeida Theatre, Academy Award nominee Ralph Fiennes leads an electrifying new staging from director Rupert Goold is not to be missed.
廂,愛德華弟弟理察則不念親情,在旁密謀 褫奪王位……
ELDT On Screen: What is Fantasy?
導演 Director
林奕華 Edward Lam
演員 Cast 王耀慶 朱宏章 吳維緯 周姮吟 林鈺玲 時一修 韋以丞 莫子儀 張孝全 張翰 陳煜明 陳恭銘 戴旻學 謝盈萱(依姓名筆劃排列)Han Chang,
Joseph Chang, Kung-Ming Chen, Yu-Ming Chen, Heng-Yin Chou, Hung-Chang Chu, Ying-Shine Hsieh, Yu-Lin Ling, Tzu-Yi Mo, Yi-Hsiu Shih, Min-Xue Tai, David Wang, Ethan Wei, Wei-Wei Wu ( in alphabetical order by last name ) 片長 Duration
語言 Language �� Screening
以《西遊記》中的四個主要人物為變奏,由唐 僧師徒四人性格變化而生的夫妻、師生、選秀 者與評審、導遊與遊客、政治黨派、名人與普 通人和把他們交織一起的九九八十一項「生活 之難」。 全劇分為四部「人人都愛豬八戒」、「人人 都怕孫悟空」、「人人都恨唐三藏」、「人人都看 不見沙悟淨」。從四個不同的角度對 Fantasy 進行論述。對應《西遊記》的取經(求經)故事, 一部現代人的修行書。
237 Mins ( 設 15 分鐘中場休息 ) (with a 15-minute intermission) 普通話,中文字幕
四大名著 委託製作暨著作所有權人
In Mandarin with Chinese subtitles
1.9 (thu) 7:30 PM / BC 10.9 (sat) 7:35 PM / KF
現場錄像暨製作 台灣公共電視臺
To interpret the theme of fantasy in the classic Journey to the West from different perspectives, the director divides his play into four parts, which focus respectively on the four main characters in the novel. Chinese audiences familiar with the text all love Chu Ba Jieh (hedonist), all fear Sun Wu Kong (rebel), all fancy/hate Tang San Tsang (idealist), and all ignore Sha Wu Jing (pragmatist). Husbands and wives, teachers and students, candidates and jurors, guides and tourists, political parties, celebrities and commoners all derived from these four main characters. Together their stories are interwoven into a picture of life’s hardships. As an analogy to the pilgrimage to obtain religious texts in the original novel, the play can be viewed as a book of spiritual enlightenment in the modern world.
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On MOViE MOViE (NowTV ch116)
MOViE MOViE (NowTV116 頻道 ) 搜羅多部藝術電影,讓今夏熱情的溫度蔓延至家中。
Twenty Feet From Stardom
《Annie Leibovitz 的鏡頭人生》 Annie Leibovitz: Life Through A Lens
Ballet Boys
《小野二郎 : 壽司夢》 Jiro Dreams of Sushi
約翰連儂和小野洋子,捕捉了當中純潔的愛。她就是 Annie Leibovitz ,
米積加及神級歌手 Sting 齊齊現身撐場,讓大家一睹這班幕後和音功臣
From the acclaimed American Masters series, tracing the life and career of the famed photographer Annie Leibovitz who shot numerous celebrities during the 60s & 70s.
A Norwegian documentary following the challenges, trials and tribulations of three adolescent young men in the fiercely competitive world of ballet.
A fascinating documentary about 85-year-old sushi master Jiro Ono, and his often strained relationship with his two sons and their Tokyo restaurant.
《布爾喬亞 : 蜘蛛、情婦與橘子》
《我和 DIOR 的華麗邂逅》
卻只因是黑人而受到不平等待遇,年僅 28 歲就吸毒致死。忠實呈現 80
當一向華麗的 Dior 遇上淡雅的創作總監,會有怎樣的化學反應?
The definitive documentary about the bebop-influenced neoexpressionist artist, Jean Michel, who faced a multitude of prejudice.
Fly-on-the-wall documentary following designer Raf Simons’ first haute couture collection at the revered fashion house.
Backup singers live in a world that lies just beyond the spotlight. Their voices bring harmony to the biggest bands in popular music, but we've had no idea who these singers are or what lives they lead, until now. Winner of Best Documentary at the Academy Award.
Beltracchi: The Art Of Forgery
Jean Michel Basquiat: The Radiant Child
是藝術嗎?貝卓奇四十年來摹仿各種名畫,瞞騙一雙又一雙專業鑑畫師 的眼睛,以天價賣的偽畫甚至連博物館也在掛,這一切只出自對天分的 自信和自身的興趣。無論如何,至少這位「大偽術家」的個性絕對說得 上是一名大藝術家。
One of the greatest living painters is also one of the art world’s most notorious criminals, a master forger whose work has fooled experts everywhere.
Louise Bourgeois: The Spider, The Mistress and The Tangerine
Dior and I
Dior 創作總監 Raf Simons 只得 8 週時間由頭開始,証明給全世界知道
One of the most celebrated modern artists and a feminist icon. This documentary is about Louise Bourgeois’s life and incredible legacy.
& many more
觀眾可於自選服務隨時點播 All available on MM on demand
L I F E I S A RT 2 016
MOViE MOViE × PMQ 元創方 盛夏藝術祭預演 Pop–up Mini Fest
MOViE MOViE × 現在攝影 Photo Now 相片展及分享會
MOViE MOViE × KEF × Beef & Liberty × Frenzi Music
英國有 Abbey Road ,香港當然也有自己 iconic 的街道 ! 本地創作團
去看瘋魔全球的超級樂壇巨星的展覽,怎能沒音樂 ? 熱愛披頭四的本地
《 The Beatles: Eight Days a Week ⸺ 走過披頭歲月》電影延伸展覽、 畫家共聚、音樂表演、味覺體驗、多元互動區及電影放映
‘The Beatles: Eight Days a Week - The Touring Years’ Inspired Exhibition, Art Jamming, Live Music, Food Experience, Interactive Zone & Screenings
樂 隊 Nowhere Boys 將 聯 同 Joven Goce & friends 在 PMQ Beef &
更 會 於 特 定 時 段 親 臨 Marketplace 為 大 家 拍 照。 此 外, 我 們 亦 可 在
Liber ty 向披頭四致敬,用音樂唱出跨越時代的金曲。
Marketplace 欣賞一系列由現在攝影拍攝的香港街頭照片。現在攝影更
Echoing the MOViE MOViE Festival, Backstage Live, with support from KEF, proudly brings you The Beatles Tribute Live Gig, featuring the classics of this band from Liverpool. Active for just 10 years, during which time they released 12 albums, the influence of The Beatles has endured over the decades, and inspired musicians everywhere with their spirit and creativity.
將於 8 月 6 日 4:30 pm 在電影《約翰連儂 : 不羈前傳》播放後於 Qube 與藝八館代表 Ted Yu 一同分享有關攝影與披頭四照片展的獨特見解。
We all know the iconic Abbey Road in London, but what about our iconic roads and streets in Hong Kong? Local photography organisation Photo Now has chosen a street in Sham Shui Po as the backdrop. Professional photographers from Photo Now will take photos for you at designated timeslots in Marketplace as well. Come and choose your own way!
MOViE MOViE 畫畫畫工作坊 Paint! Paint! Paint! Workshop
MOViE MOViE × 紙膠帶
by 513 paint shop, Bamboa Home & Oscar y Ar t
MOViE MOViE × PMQ 元�� × ��� Art Dumbo Abbey Road: Eight Days a Week 照片展覽 photo exhibition 時間 Time 地點 Venue
5–14/8 Mon – Fri / 1:30 – 7:00 PM Sat – Sun / 1:30 – 8:00 PM PMQ 元創方 Cour tyard & Marketplace
為配合「盛夏藝術祭 2016 」的閉幕電影《 The
Beatles: Eight Days a Week —— 走 過 披 頭 歲 月 》, MOViE MOViE 與 PMQ 跟 藝 八 館聯手舉行電影延伸展覽,首度展出五張鮮 為 人 知 的 Abbey Road 照 片 及 兩 張 原 裝 唱 片封套照片,以及兩架特色福士麵包車及雪 鐵 龍 2CV 古 董 車, 同 場 亦 會 展 出 一 系 列 本 地藝術家向披頭四致敬的創作。期間限定, 萬勿錯過。
To celebrate our closing f ilm, The Beatles: Eight Days a Week - The Touring Years, MOViE MOViE is honoured to collaborate with PMQ and Ar t Dumbo to showcase 5 ex tremely rare unused photographs of Abbey Road and 2 original cover photos for the very f irst time in Hong Kong, along with two authentic vintage cars of VW bus and Citroen 2CV and a series of local ar tists’ ar twork inspired by the greatest band in music history.
MOViE MOViE 邀請了三個 PMQ 的工作室和店舖,與大家探索多姿多 采的繪畫世界。香港最受歡迎的藝術工作室之一 Oscar y Ar t 將會跟大 家來個 Ar t Jamming Workshop ,而精品油漆專門店 513 Paint Shop 則用無害無臭無甲醛的冰島油漆,配合模板教大家創作不一樣的藝術。 如果這些都不能滿足你,那在 Bamboa Home 的環保竹製碗具上作畫 夠特別了吧!而 Oscar y Ar t 更會邀請著名畫家 Tom Lau 在現場畫畫!
MOViE MOViE hand in hand with PMQ’s Artists, delve into the world of art with you. Oscary Art, one of the most popular art studios in Hong Kong, presents an art jamming workshop. 513 Paint Shop will show you how to make great art with their stencils and toxinfree, VOC free paints made in Iceland. If you're still unsatisfied, don’t forget to paint on Bamoa Home’s locally harvested bamboo products as well! Tom Lau, a celebrated artist, from Oscary Art will be doing a live drawing demonstration in Marketplace during our festival period!
今年 MOViE MOViE 特別與本地創意單位紙膠帶合作,製作了 9 款由香 港插畫師原創繪畫、以電影為主題的紙膠帶。為配合是次富懷舊味道及 以街道為題的展覽,PMQ Marketplace 將於活動期間特設紙膠帶互動體 驗區,讓大家發揮創意貼出真我!除此以外,紙膠帶達人更將突擊出現 主持 popup 紙膠帶工作坊,傳授各種創意秘技!
MOViE MOViE works alongside with some local illustrators and artists to present nine different washi tapes. Each of them is an original piece of art with a specific theme inspired by a movie. Apart from our exclusive Abbey Road photography exhibition, a washi tape corner will also available in PMQ Marketplace. Let’s unleash creativity with washi tapes! Washi tape experts will also hold free workshop in Marketplace. 活動詳請,請登上 MOViE MOViE by bc � PMQ 元�� Facebook 專頁和網站。 For details, please visit MOViE MOViE by bc / PMQ Facebook fanpage and website.
地點 Venue
電影放映館 Movie Screenings
MOViE MOViE Artist Studio 地點 Venue
Qube, 2/F, PMQ 元創方
MOViE MOViE 以 “Artist Studio” 為 主 題 的 Pop-up Store, 想 像 一 個
6.8 (sat) 3:00 – 5:00 PM * 藝八館代表 Ted Yu 及現在攝影團隊將出席映後分享會 Ted Yu from Ar t Dumbo and Photo Now team will attend the post-screening sharing session.
《約翰連儂 : 不羈前傳》Nowhere Boy
《海報師:阮大勇的插畫藝術》The Posterist
14.8 (sun) 3:00 – 5:00 PM * 導演許思維將出席映後分享會 Director Mr. Hui See-wai will attend the postscreening sharing session
Ad movie pack 1
H405, PMQ 元創方
13.8 (sat) 2:00 – 4:00 PM
MOViE MOViE × HBO Marathon
《權力遊戲 第六季》第 8,9,10 集
Game of Thrones Season 6 Episodes 8,9,10
13.8 (sat) 7:00 – 10:00 PM
查詢 Enquir y: tastelibrar y@pmq.org.hk
味道圖書館 Taste Librar y, H504, PMQ 元創方
電影放映及工作坊 Screening & Workshop
13.8 (sat) 12:30 – 4:00 PM & 2:00 – 5:45 PM
綴。場景將每天播放 MOViE MOViE 來自世界各地的得獎電影和 Waka
Artisans 製作的短片。同時,MOViE MOViE 預備了多個驚喜給大家。 讓我們期待一個新奇有趣的限定店!
Inspired by the theme “Artist Studio”, this specially designed MOViE MOViE popup store is all about movies and creativity. Surrounded by handmade furnitures created by the local street art guru Start From Zero and unique fashion items contributed by Three Artisans, this is the place to relax and enjoy movies from MOViE MOViE’s collection. What’s more, you can catch the wonderful film A Way of Life by Waka Artisans here. Be prepared for more creative surprises when our store "pops up"!
味道圖書館 Movie is Delicious 工作坊 Taste Library: Movie is Delicious Workshop 地點 Venue
愛好電影及手作人的家,由人氣街頭藝術團體 Start From Zero 提供
《牛�革命》Steak (R)evolution 14.8 (sun) 2:00 – 6:00 PM
*《甜味人間》將於 Qube 2/F 放映。An will be shown in Qube, 2/F.
知名美食家歐陽應霽(阿霽)將化身味覺嚮導,聯同 MOViE MOViE 為觀眾帶來一場嶄新的視覺與味覺體驗。屆時,阿霽將會以 MOViE
MOViE 兩部滋味電影 ——《牛扒革命》與《甜味人間》作為烹飪的靈感, 現場炮製美食,並分享自己對於美食與電影的想法和經驗。
MOViE MOViE is honoured to have acclaimed local food writer Mr. Craig Au-Yeung Ying-chai join us at the ‘Movie is Delicious’ Workshop at PMQ Taste Library. Inspired by Steak (R)evolution and An, gourmet dishes will be freshly made by Craig on the spot, along with a sharing session of his insights into the subtle relationship between food and film.
MOViE MOViE × Malevos Tango School: 探戈工作坊與表演 Tango Workshop & Performance 須報名登記 RSVP required
時間 Time
地點 Venue
7.8 (sun) 3:30 – 4:30 PM Qube, 2/F, PMQ 元創方
MOViE MOViE 將 聯 同 Malevos 探 戈 學 校 的 兩 位 創 辦 人,Sandra 和 Felipe,舉辦一場探戈工作坊,讓熱愛舞蹈的你能一嚐充滿活力,熱情 奔放的阿根廷傳統探戈。兩位高手亦會向各位參加者分享對探戈的瞭解 和精髓。活動須登記報名,名額有限,先到先得。
MOViE MOViE has invited the two founders of Malevos Tango School, Sandra Mok and Felipe Hsieh, to host a Tango workshop. Participants will be taught the basics of the elegant, yet energetic traditional Argentinean Tango. Added is a sharing session with both teachers on their passion and love for Tango. Limited availability. RSVP required. 活動詳請,請登上 MOViE MOViE by bc � PMQ 元�� Facebook 專頁和網站。 For details, please visit MOViE MOViE by bc / PMQ Facebook fanpage and website.
L I F E I S A RT 2 016
MOViE MOViE × 誠品書店
MOViE MOViE × Duddell’s
MOViE MOViE 將於誠品書店分別舉行有關
MOViE MOViE 將與香港知專設計學院合辦
MOViE MOViE 將於中環都爹利會館舉行以
影,例如是電影所採用的 16mm 底片。
MOViE MOViE is collaborating with the eslite bookstore for a series of events on music and film, including the screening of acclaimed Taiwanese film Touch of the Light, and a sharing session with local cultural and music critic Wong Chi-Chung on The Beatles and the affiliated British music history.
MOViE MOViE and HKDI are hosting a large-scale screening of Carol, the Oscarnominated drama starring Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara. A movie seminar held by cinema veterans will follow the screening, discussing the film’s outstanding fashion and cinematography.
MOViE MOViE and Duddell’s will be hosting a series of screenings with the theme ‘Female Directors’, including Flowing Stories by Jessey Tsang and documentary Golden Gate Girls about the first female Chinese film director to work in Hollywood.
MOViE MOViE Festival: Life is Art 盛夏藝術祭 特別活動
電影放映 音樂分享會
Life is Art 盛夏藝術祭 開幕�� Opening Party × FRIDAY 企劃
MOViE MOViE × 賽馬會創意藝術中心 電影放映會
MOViE MOViE × 1563 at the East
MOViE MOViE × 數碼港�場
MOViE MOViE × Kubrick
MOViE MOViE 盛 夏 藝 術 祭 將 會 在 8 月 26 晚上九時正於百老匯電影中心隆重開幕。屆 時,本地時裝及文化創意非牟利機構 Fashion
Farm Foundation 及 FRIDAY 企 劃 將 聯 同 三 個本地品牌包括新裝如初、 Methodology 及
Vanessa Tao 呈獻一場獨一無二的時裝表演, 展出共二十四套的服飾,鼓勵大家每逢周五, 撐本地時裝!
MOViE MOViE Festival: Life is Art launches a soft opening on 26/8 9pm at Broadway Cinematheque. To show our support for local creativity, we invite the local fashion and cultural non-profit organization Fashion Farm Foundation and Friday to curate a unique catwalk fashion show. Working in hand with three local fashion brands, including Classics Anew, Metholodogy and Vanessa Tao, they together will present 24 runway outfits to kick off our opening film The First Monday in May.
MOViE MOViE 邀請了多位本地藝術家,包括
JCCAC Screening
John Ho、Rex Koo、Vivian Ho、Wingki Kwok、
MOViE MOViE 將於賽馬會創意藝術中心舉行
Keo Chow、Sarene Chan、Leumas To、Kylie
MOViE MOViE 將聯同 1563 at the East 舉
The Arcade Screening
MOViE MOViE 於數碼港商場 The Arcade 舉
行一連串活動,包括放映《蟲蟲大聯盟:方 糖 爭 霸 戰 》。 另 外, 數 碼 港 百 老 匯 電 影 院 亦
Chan 等,製作獨一無二的 Moleskine 記事本,
浩、Nowhere Boys 、 Ketchup 等等,更多音
‘Moleskine × MOViE MOViE’ are presenting an exhibition of Moleskine notebooks uniquely decorated with movie-related illustrations by various local artists. Check out their artistic expression and passion for the cinema!
MOViE MOViE and JCCAC are hosting a screening on Ballet Boys. It follows the wildly differing fortunes of three friends, all vying for a coveted spot at this top dance institution. The results are surprisingly charming, inspiring and deeply touching.
Tribute to the greatest band ever in history, MOVie MOVie and 1563 at the East are bringing you The Beatles Music Night with Jing Wong, Kevin Kaho Tsui, Nowhere Boys and Ketchup. More artists are coming soon! Chilling and indulging yourself in music and movie couldn't be any better!
會 有 閉 幕 電 影《The Beatles: Eight Days a
MOViE MOViE 將 聯 同 Kubrick 展 出 一 系 列 以不同電影為主題的展覽。
MOViE MOViE and Kubrick will be presenting an exhibition inspired by different film themes.
Week —— 走過披頭歲月》的特別放映。 MOViE MOViE is screening Minuscule: Valley of the Lost Ants at The Arcade, Cyberport. Meanwhile, our closing film The Beatles: Eight Days a Week - The Touring Years will also be available at Cyberport Broadway Theatres. A day that all The Beatles fans ought not to miss!
活動詳請,請登上 MOViE MOViE by bc Facebook 專頁和網站。 For details, please visit MOViE MOViE by bc Facebook fanpage and website.
L I F E I S A RT 2 016
A Special Treat
MOViE MOViE × 九位本地插畫家 9 Local illustrators
MOViE MOViE Life is Art 攝影比賽
藝 術 不 只 可 以 用 心 看, 還 可 以 用 心 創 作! 拍 下 你 的「Life is Ar t 」 時刻,分享至 F a c e b o o k 並 h a s h t a g # m o v i e m o v i e l i f e i s a r t 及
#moviemoviebybc , 即 有 機 會 獲 得 豐 富 獎 品 ! 詳 情 及 細 則 請 參 閱 : www.moviemovie.com.hk/lifeisar t2016
Unleash your creativity and artistic prowess by capturing your own personal ‘Life is Art’ moment! Upload your unique photo to Facebook with the hashtag #moviemovielifeisart and #moviemoviebybc for your chance to win the prizes below! For details and T&Cs please refer to www.moviemovie.com.hk/lifeisart2016
MOViE MOViE 邀請了九位本地的插畫家為我們設計一系列與電影相 關 的 紙 膠 帶, 當 中 John Ho 、 黎 達 達 榮、 Leumas To 和 Rex Koo 均 以「我最喜愛電影」為靈感,而 Keo Chow 則以黑澤明為主題。另外,
Kylie Chan 設計了英瑪褒曼的經典電影《芬妮與阿歷山大》裡面的不同 角色, Sarene Chan 的插圖則圍繞著《卡露的情人》裡面的唯美道具。
Vivian Ho 的玩味設計和 WingKi Kwok 的披頭四插畫則
為題的電影。凡購買 Life is Ar t 盛夏藝術祭的影迷套票均會獲贈一組
MOViE MOViE has invited nine local illustrators to design a series of film-inspired masking tapes, which are created out of the artists’ favourite auteurs and films over the years, such as Akira Kurosawa, Ingmar Bergman’s Fanny and Alexander, props from Carol, and different music-related movies. A set of three specially designed masking tapes when you purchase a Life is Art bundle of six tickets. Only while stocks last.
影迷套票 ⸺ 藍 Film Buff Package Blue 何達鴻
John Ho
Vivian Ho 陳淬清
Sarene Chan
大獎 (1 名 ) GRAND PRIZE (1)
影迷套票 ⸺ 白 Film Buff Package White
由太古旅遊��雙人 4 日 3 夜峇里島旅遊套餐 *
4 Days 3 Nights Bali Travel Package for 2 persons from Swire Travel * Rex Koo 黎達達榮
Lai Tat Tat Wing
Leumas To
二獎 (1 名 ) 1ST RUNNER UP (1)
由中國���行(��)�� 自訂自創卡面設計 eye 信用卡 免找數簽賬額 HKD 3,000
CCB (Asia) eye Credit Card (personalized card face design) HKD 3,000 Spending Credit
三獎 (1 名 ) 2ND RUNNER UP (1)
安慰獎 (3 名 ) CONSOLATION PRIZE (3)
Kapok Future Classics clothing collection cash coupon (HKD 1,500)
hellolulu Dean Compact Camera Bag (M) (HKD 498)
由 Kapok �� Future Classics 服��列 現金�(價值�� $1500)
由 hellolulu 送出輕便相機袋 (價值港幣 $498)
影迷套票 ⸺ 紅 Film Buff Package Red 郭詠嘉
Wingki Kwok
Keo Chow
* 受條款及細則約束,詳情請參閱太古旅遊獎品換領信及 www.moviemovie.com.hk /lifeisar t2016 T&C applies. For details, please refer to Swire Travel’s gift cer tificate & www.moviemovie.com.hk /lifeisar t2016
Kylie Chan
L I F E I S A RT 2 016
放映時間表 Screening Schedule FASHION
電影 Movie
日期 Date
時間 Time
地點 Venue
票價 Ticket Price
優惠票 Concession
The First Monday in May
26.8 (fri) 26.8 (fri)
7:45 PM 9:50 PM
$85 $85
$65 $65
27.8 (sat) 16.9 (fri)
8:10 PM 9:50 PM
$95 $95
$80 $80
16.9 (fri) 18.9 (sun)
9:50 PM 5:30 PM
$85 $80
$65 $65
《潮遊鏡花水月》 《情迷 Tiffany》
Crazy about Tiffany’s
《The Beatles: Eight Days a Week ⸺ 走過披頭歲月》
The Beatles: Eight Days a Week – The Touring Years
The Music of Strangers: Yo-yo Ma and The Silk Road Ensemble
《人生樂師 : 西摩傳》
Seymour: An Introduction
Mapplethorpe: Look at the Pictures
Our Last Tango
《真 · 黑天鵝》
Bolshoi Babylon
Painting the Modern Garden: Monet to Matisse
Britta Erickson’s The Enduring Passion For Ink
《海報師:阮大勇的插畫藝術》 《古根漢的藝術情緣》
Peggy Guggenheim Art Addict
The Infinite Happiness
Ants on a Shrimp
《NOMA 美食風暴》
NOMA My Perfect Storm
Kampai! For the Love of Sake
Sergio Herman F**king Perfect
放映地點 Screening venues 百老匯電影中心
Broadway Cinematheque
九龍油麻地眾坊街 3 號駿發花園 Prosperous Garden, 3 Public Square Street Yaumatei, Kln
百老匯 The ONE
Broadway The ONE
7:55 PM 3:40 PM
$85 $95
$65 $80
27.8 (sat) 14.9 (wed)
2:00 PM 8:10 PM
$85 $95
$65 $80
3.9 (sat) 10.9 (sat)
6:00 PM 2:00 PM
$95 $85
$80 $65
28.8 (sun) 7.9 (wed)
8:10 PM 9:50 PM
$80 $85
$65 $65
購票辦法 Ticketing
8.9 (thu) 18.9 (sun)
7:50 PM 2:00 PM
$95 $85
$80 $65
29.8 (mon) 4.9 (sun)
8:00 PM 8:00 PM
$85 $95
$65 $80
27.8 (sat) 12.9 (mon)
6:15 PM 8:00 PM
$95 $95
$80 $80
5.9 (mon) 17.9 (sat)
8:00 PM 8:00 PM
$95 $85
$80 $65
28.8 (sun)
2:05 PM
3.9 (sat) 13.9 (tue)
4:10 PM 8:00 PM
$85 $95
$65 $80
1.9 (thu) 17.9 (sat)
8:00 PM 9:50 PM
$95 $85
$80 $65
31.8 (wed) 11.9 (sun)
8:10 PM 2:00 PM
$95 $85
$80 $65
九龍尖沙咀彌敦道 100 號 The ONE 6–11 樓 6-11/F, The ONE, No. 100 Nathan Road Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
《Almeida Theatre : 理察三世》
Almeida Theatre: Richard III
www.cinema.com.hk / www.amccinemas.com.hk (PP) 網上及電話購票均需收手續費 Handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone. PALACE ifc、AMC / 所有場次每張 $10。$10 per ticket for all screenings. 其他放映戲院 Other screening cinemas / 星期一至五每張 $8,星期六、日及公眾假期每張 $10。 $8 per ticket (from Mon – Fri), $10 per ticket (on Sat, Sun and public holidays).
The Club 會員 及 MOViE MOViE 訂戶: 所有場次可享 8 折優惠 Members of The Club & MOViE MOViE subscribers can enjoy 20% off all screenings.
藍 Blue 白 White 紅 Red
Special Discount *^
中國建設銀行(亞洲)信用卡用戶: 所有場次可享 85 折優惠
Credit card holders of CCB (Asia) can enjoy 15% off all screenings.
誠品書店誠品人會員、法國五月會員、 KEYPAD 讀者持 有 LIFE IS ART 電子通訊:所有場次可享 9 折優惠
$85 $95
$65 $80
6.9 (tue) 10.9 (sat)
8:00 PM 4:00 PM
$95 $85
$80 $65
百老匯電影中心會員 #:於百老匯電影中心所有場次可享 8 折優惠;於 The One 、IFC 、 數碼港、葵芳所有場次 可享 85 折優惠
28.8 (sun) 13.9 (tue)
8:10 PM 9:50 PM
$95 $85
$80 $65
ELDT On Screen: What is Fantasy?
For any special programme changes, please refer to the latest announcement.
Film Categories
$200 $200
$170 $170
1.9 (thu) 10.9 (sat)
7:30 PM 7:35 PM
$200 $200
$170 $170
The categories of all the films in the program are not yet rated by the Office for Film, Newspaper and Ar ticle Administration at the time this leaflet goes to print. If any film classified as Category III, notice will be posted in cinema and ticketing website.
香港中環金融街 8 號國際金融中心商場一樓 Podium L1, ifc Mall, 8 Finance Street, Central
BC members # can enjoy 20% off all screenings at BC and 15% off all screenings at The ONE, IFC, Cyber tpor t and Kwai Fong. 須受條款及細則約束。
Cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers. Applicable to box office purchases only. Identification document is required to enjoy the offer. Terms & Conditions apply. # 適用於票房及網上購票;百老匯電影中心會員買一送一、INSIGHT PASS 及 百老匯換票證之優惠並不適用於非常林奕華舞台映畫《西遊記》、《 Almedia Theatre: 理察三世》。 Applicable to box office and online ticket purchases. BC members’ Buy One Get One Free offer, Insight Pass & Broadway Coupon cannot be used for ticket purchases of What is Fantasy? And Almedia Theatre: Richard III. ^ 如有爭議,一切以 MOViE MOViE 及戲院之決定為最終裁決。 In any case of dispute, MOViE MOViE and the cinema’s decision shall be final.
Shop L1 - 3, Level 1, The Arcade 100 Cyberpor t Road, Hong Kong
2:00 PM 8:00 PM
Broadway Cyberport 香港數碼港道 100 號數碼港商場地面層 3 號鋪
2388 3188 / 2265 8933 (PP)
4.9 (sun) 9.9 (fri)
8:10 PM 3:45 PM
Tickets available at above cinema venues’ box office counters and ATMs.
Members of Eslite Bookstore, Members of Le French May and KEYPAD’s readers present LIFE IS ART eNewsletter can enjoy 10% off all screenings.
27.8 (sat) 11.9 (sun)
Broadway Kwai Fong
* 以上優惠並不可同時使用;只適用於票房購票;需持有效證明方可享用優惠;
新界葵芳興芳路 223 號新都會廣場 L1–L4 L1–L4 Metroplaza, 223 Hing Fong Road Kwai Fong, NT
16.9 (fri) 18.9 (sun)
The Posterist
Special Treat for Film Buffs John Ho 、 Vivian Ho 、 Sarene Chan Rex Koo 、黎達達榮、 Leumas To WingKi Kwok 、 Keo Chow 、 Kylie Chan
香港金鐘道 88 號太古廣場 L1
Level 1, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway Road Hong Kong Island
盛夏藝術祭 觀眾專享優惠
Exclusive discount for LIFE IS ART 2016 MOLESKINE 憑 MOViE MOViE 盛夏藝術祭 2016 電影節票尾可到 Moleskine 零售專門店尊享正價貨品 9 折優惠。
Enjoy 10% off regular-priced items upon presentation of a MOViE MOViE LIFE IS ART 2016 ticket stub at any Moleskine store.
此優惠不適用於智能寫作組合及 2017 年 12 個月日誌。優惠受其他條款及 細則約束,詳情請向店內職員查詢。
Smart Writing Set and 12-month planner are excluded from this promotion. Other terms & conditions apply. Please check with shop staff for more information.
凡 購 買 Life is Ar t 盛 夏 藝 術 祭 的 影 迷 套 票,
以 $480 購 買 6 張 電 影 換 票 證 均 會 附 送 一 組
由即日起至 2016 年 9 月 30 日,於 hellolulu.com 購物 時輸入「 LifeIsAr t 」優惠碼,即可享 9 折優惠及免運費 標準運送服務!
三 卷 的 紙 膠 帶。 每 組 限 量 100 。 數 量 有 限, 送完即止。
A set of three specially designed masking tapes when you purchase a Life is Art bundle of six tickets priced at HK$480. Limited to 100 sets each. Only while stocks last. 影迷特別套票不設任何折扣優惠,並只於百老匯電影中心、百老匯 The ONE 及 PALACE ifc 票房發售。紙膠帶為非賣品,不作個別零售。
Cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers. Available only at Broadway Cinematheque, Broadway The ONE and PALACE ifc. Masking tapes are not available for purchase.
Enter promotion code “LifeIsAr t” at hellolulu.com to enjoy 10% off & complimentar y standard deliver y ser vice until Sept 30, 2016.
受條款及細則約束。詳情請參閱 www.moviemovie.com.hk /lifeisar t2016 Terms & Conditions apply. For details, please visit www.moviemovie.com.hk /lifeisar t2016
申請電影組合 1 送 Now DOLLAR Subscribe Movie Pack One & Get Now DOLLAR 由 1/8 至 30/9 ,成功申請電影組合 1(包括 HBO 及 MOViE MOViE 頻道)即送 $100 Now DOLLAR *
From 1/8 – 30/9, customers can get $100 Now DOLLAR by subscribing to Movie Pack One * (Including HBO & MOViE MOViE channels)
推廣編碼 Promo Code: LIA16
請即致電 2888 1888 後按 2 或 親臨 HKT 專門店申請
Please call Sales Hotline 2888 0008 then press 2 or visit any HKT shop
* 受條款及細則約束。詳情請參閱 www.moviemovie.com.hk T&C applies. Please refer to www.moviemovie.com.hk for details.
Celebrating the arts in film