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– Eduardo Galeano No history is mute. No matter how much they burn it, no matter how much they break it, no matter how much they lie about it, human history refuses to shut its mouth. Parallel Mothers《誰和誰共母》

I learnt so much from watching films. Being a complete novice in cooking, I made my first Baked Pork Chop Rice by following Roy Cheung in BLUE VALENTINE. And I can also shamelessly admit that a lot of the more intricate analyses about love and relationships came from the films I watched. Films that teach us a thing or two, are precious, and so are the quotes that come with them. The film on the cover is called THE WORST PERSON IN THE WORLD. Due to my immaturity and indecisiveness, I was perhaps at some point the worst person that my friends could have met. How about the female protagonist of ASAKO I & II by Ryūsuke Hamaguchi: a woman who just follows her heart? Everyone I discussed this with had a different perspective. Films allow us to explore and discuss other people’s lives, which lead us hopefully to a better mutual understanding of people aroundWhetherus. it is because of the social media algorithms or not, the world is indeed becoming more polarized. When I was young, my favourite French movie was DELICATESSEN, where a meat vendor started to sell human flesh when supplies became scarce. There is a line in the film that I am reminded of: “No one is entirely evil. It’s circumstance or they don’t realise the wrong.” Of course, this cannot be an excuse for every crime, but it nevertheless reminds us that it is easy to lose sight on the most important issue as we scramble to take sides. In the end, we might end up “never being able to become the adult we wanted to become” (Hirokazu Kore-eda’s AFTER THE STORM). Or, we might stumble and fall badly in life, as the protagonist has, in IT’S A FLICKERING LIFE. In spite of this, he chose to be a better man when he was given the chance to be one. And this, is a great learning – that it is never too late, as long as we are still breathing, to be a better person and to make lives better for others. It is MOViE MOViE’s 10th year. I hope we can continue to learn more together with all of you movie lovers! P.S. A heartfelt thank you to the handsome gentleman who paid for my transport fee on the tram. You really made my day!

電影教曉我的事實在很多很多。實用性 來說,不諳廚藝的我曾經跟着《 白玫瑰 》 內的張耀揚 ,成功煮成人生第一次的焗 豬扒飯,更從林林總總的愛情電影中累 積了一些感情的智慧。最特別的是年紀 愈來愈大,一些電影跟那些經典金句依 然受用。 今期封面的電影叫做《 世上最爛的 人 》。也許在我的人生中,我也因為自己 的不成熟和優柔寡斷,成為一個某些人 當年遇過最爛的人。記得跟一些朋友討 論濱口龍介的《 睡着吻別.醒來抱擁 》, 大家對女主角愛情最大的行為可能有截 然不同的看法。未婚的她不過是跟隨心 之所屬而行,傷了後來出現的男生也屬 無可奈何( 現實生活東出昌與唐田英里 佳的戀情不在此討論內 )每個人的感情 觀也不同,而電影正好引起我們彼此討 論和了解彼此不同的觀點。難怪拍拖睇 戲是常識。 是否互聯網的 Algorithms 作怪也 好,大抵社會漸趨兩極化已是不爭的 事實。年輕時我很愛法國電影《 妙不可 言 》(DELICATESSEN)在缺乏物質的世 界,豬肉佬殺人賣人肉。裏面有句對白 一直提醒着我,“No one is entirely evil. It’s circumstance or they don’t realise the wrong. ” 這當然不該成為開脫責任的免 死金牌,但也許提醒我們不要成為那些 只顧帶風向而忘記真正重點的人。最後 也許我們像是枝裕和在《比海還深》裏所 說:「我們都無法成為自己想成為的大 人 」,甚至像《 電影之神 》裏的男主角在 人生跌了一交。但我們總可以作出選擇, 只要還有一息尚存,永遠為時未晚,依然 可以像男主角一樣選擇當一個讓自己和 別人都過得更好的人。 MOViE MOViE 十年了,但願跟大家 一起在電影中學習更多,一起成長。 P.S. 謝謝那天在電車上見我八達通沒錢,那時替 我以現金付車費的中環型男。謝謝你的幫忙和你 的笑容 Text by Joycelyn Choi General Manager of MOViE MOViEFOREWORD 前言 For advertising, please Contact: E: T: 2528 所有文章內容僅代表作者個人觀點及意見 並不代表本刊立場 The views, information, or opinions expressed in the magazine are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent those of MOViE MOViE

EYES,YOUROPENMINDYOUROPEN PUBLISHER MOViE MOViE EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Joycelyn Choi creative DIRECTOR Renatus Wu ( Managing Editor Leah Kee chinese editor Rita Cheung Editorial Team Simon Choi designer Russell Pun CONTRIBUTOR( 紀陶 special thanks Broadway/PALACE/B+ cinema/ Broadway Cinematheque/ MOViE MOViE Pacific Place/ MOViE MOViE City Plaza/ PREMIERE ELEMENTS/ MY CINEMA YOHO MALL Edko Films Limited Analog Dept. Records Cultural Presentations Section, LCSD Fresheslite Wave WhiteTaiStoreroomsPMQKwunNoise Records zapjok café 一拳書館 序言書室 常常集品 MMM #54: OPEN YOUR EYES, OPEN YOUR MIND 1

SIMONLEAH 最近 EVA 新劇場版最終回終於在香港上 映。雖然新版的作畫美輪美奐,滿滿是經 費的味道,但我還是更愛原版的粗糙。可 能有人認為經費所限,令到原版草草了 事,是一個「爛尾 」。但是我反而認為經 費上的限制令庵野秀明發揮他的創意。 原版的最尾兩集畫風雖然簡陋,但是用 上了我很喜歡的意識流手法,加上精神 分析學的自由聯想,感覺很適合用作現 代文學課的教材,也難怪當時只想看看 機械人打怪獸的粉絲們感到不滿,摸不 着頭腦。但是正因為這些實驗性的手法, 才能讓 EVA 成為這個時代的經典。 有時限制反而能夠激發我們的創 意。記得我看過紀錄片《 無涯: 杜琪峯 的電影世界》,1996 年時,銀河映像剛剛 成立沒多久,剛好遇上了 97,香港電影 便開始沒落,大家都紛紛北上設廠。正值 這個艱難時期,杜琪峯在資源短缺的時 況下,堅持留在香港,拍下一部又一部 的港產經典。 生命中不能承受的輕,或許要有生 命的重量,才能發揮我們的潛能。正如傅 柯所說,正因為處處充滿壓迫,各處才 有解放的機會。經費不足不是做爛片的 借口,心態才是決定境界。儒家有一句 話說得很好: 窮則獨善其身,達則兼善 天下,不是叫你在艱難時期中只顧自的, 不問世事。說的其實是在壓迫之中我們 更要完善自己,待到適當的時候就用你 所學到的,濟世天下。無論世事怎樣變, 身邊的人和事都變了,也不要放棄自己, 要做好自己,不斷進步。

’22 has not been the best season for T1, yet I think the playoff is worth a watch. See you at Worlds in the next issue.

Books tell us we have four thousand weeks to live, and we are not guaranteed to own it. Is it depressing or motivating? The limited weeks mean we will never have enough time for all of the important things that matter to us. People with fierce passions and deep thoughts may try to make the most of it— that can be watching as many movies as you can or trying every ice cream flavour out PS.there.Summer

In the days of surviving on cigarettes and coffee, life is continuing on auto-pilot. Nights turn into days, and months pass without a thought being given. Pause for a moment, wait, what are you doing here?


導演 Director 柯德莉迪雲 Audrey Diwan 演員 CAST 安娜瑪莉亞華桃露薇 Anamaria Vartolomei 盧安娜巴拉米 Luana Bajrami 露伊絲奧莉迪卡盧 Louise Orry-Diquero 基斯莫達奇連 Kacey Mottet Klein 語言 Language 法語 ( 中文 、 英文字幕 ) French (Chinese, English Subtitles) HAPPENING 《 孕辱 》 IN CINEMAS 3 上映日期 IN CINEMAS 11/8


1963 年的法國,法律嚴令禁止墮胎。年輕 開朗的安妮在大學修讀文學,成績優秀, 前途無可限量。不料一夜情後她意外懷 孕,不僅為她的人生和學業帶來嚴峻挑 戰,更引來身邊老師同學的異樣眼光。眼 見肚子一天天脹大,安妮內心的恐懼也 隨之而滋長,絕望之下她決定鋌而走險, 即便面臨牢獄之苦、切膚之痛,也決不 讓旁人左右自己的身體。 改編自法國國寶級作家安妮艾諾同 名自傳小說,英國電影學院獎最佳導演 提名柯德莉迪雲話題之作,在威尼斯影 展獲奉俊昊為主席的評審團一致好評, 勇奪最高榮譽金獅獎。 IN CINEMAS C “The word ‘abortion’ is never used in the film. What Anne is experiencing is taboo. She represses her suffering. The struggle is internal.” – Audrey Diwan

France, 1963. Anne is a bright young student with a promising future ahead of her. But when she falls pregnant, she sees the opportunity to finish her studies and escape the constraints of her social background disappearing. With her final exams fast approaching and her belly growing, Anne resolves to act, even if she has to confront shame and pain, even if she must risk prison to do so…

Those who pursue alien prisoners locked in human bodies in the year 2022, and the sorcerers who pursue the legendary Divine Blade in the year 1391… When the door of time opens, everything becomes entangled!

導演 Director 崔東勳 CHOI Dong-hoon 演員 CAST 柳俊烈 RYU Jun-yeol 金宇彬 KIM Woo-bin 金泰梨 KIM Tae-ri 蘇志燮 SO Ji-sub 廉晶雅 YUM Jung-ah 趙祐鎭 JO Woo-jin 金義城 KIM Eui-sung 語言 Language 韓語 ( 中文 、 英文字幕 ) Korean (Chinese, English Subtitles) 上映日期 IN CINEMAS 418/8 IN CINEMAS ALIENOID 《 祖宗膠戰外星人 》 ALIENOID

In the year 2022, Guard (KIM Woo-bin) and Thunder live on Earth, managing alien prisoners who have been locked up in humans’ brains. One day, a spacecraft appears in the sky over Seoul, and the police detective Moon (SO Ji-sub, “Moon”) witnesses a strange sight… Meanwhile 630 years earlier during the Goryeo Dynasty, the hapless dosa (Korean tao magician) Muruk (RYU Jun-yeol) and Ean (KIM Tae-ri), the so-called “The Girl Who Shoots Thunder”, each scramble to outwit each other in pursuit of the mystical Divine Blade, for which a huge reward is being offered. Two sorcerers in search of the Divine Blade’s secrets, Madam Black (YUM Jung-ah) and Mr. Blue (JO Woo-jin), as well as the masked Jajang (KIM Eui-sung), also set out on a desperate scramble to obtain the Blade. Meanwhile, a spacecraft emerges from a deep river, emitting light…

500 億韓圜打造,全新武俠 X 科幻特技 系列首部曲,全明星陣容 High 爆宇宙鉅 作,笑奪韓國開畫票房冠軍! 2022 年, 外星守護神( 金宇彬 飾 )與機械助手隱 居地球,管理被封印在人類體內的外星 囚犯。某日,地球刑警( 蘇志燮 飾 )目睹 首爾上空出現了太空船,外星大戰一觸 即發!另一方面,在 630 年前的古代,為 了奪取有無限力量的神劍,年青道士(柳 俊烈 飾 )激戰著能發射雷電的女子( 金 泰梨 飾 ),鬥得難分難解之際,戴著面具 的暗黑神秘人(金義城 飾),都一同加入 這場神劍爭奪戰,同時也喚醒了在深谷 中的太空船 …… 外星人、機械人、現代 人、古代人,齊齊穿越今古時空,打爆多 重宇宙! IN CINEMAS C

SCI-FIIMAGINATIONS GALAXY TURNPIKE 《銀河街道搞搞搞》 THE CONGRESS 《動漫影后》 BEFORE WE VANISH 《來自星凶的愛》 JUPITER'S MOON 《天使墮人間》 3/9 22:00(SAT) 10/9 22:00(SAT) 17/9 22:00(SAT) 24/9 22:00(SAT) THE NECESSITY OF IMAGINATION 想像之必要 T 雖然科幻電影看似天馬行空,妙想天開, 但是當中的想像卻是必須的。不少在 50 年前在科幻電影和小說出現的產品,如 手提電話等,如今已是生活的必須品。 除了實在的科技進步,科幻電影同 時突顯了生活中那些不能名言,不能名 狀的恐懼與外敵。透過大膽想像,把這 些難以把握的概念實體化。銀幕上張牙 舞爪的怪獸其實是在指桑罵槐,可以是 外國勢力的化身,亦可以是某種複雜的 心理狀況。你在這些電影中,又感受到 甚麼? Sci-Fi is full of imagination: flying cars, robotics arms, clones. But imagination does not mean unpractical. On the contrary, imagination is key to practical innovation. Mobile phones, auto-drive, VR, and these Sci-Fi imaginations have become a prominent part of our reality. Besides practical technological advances, imagination also helps us face our reality. Sci-Fi movie often captures things that cannot be named or grasped, like the fear of a monster or a formless enemy. Through Sci-Fi, we can visualize these feelings or concepts. What can you feel from these Sci-Fi movies? MMTV 5 ALSO AVAILABLE ONSEE IT ON # 節目如有改動 請以 MOViE MOViE 電視頻道(NowTV ch 116)公佈為準。 # Programme time subject to the final announcement of MOViE MOViE NowTV ch 116. 由 3/9 起,逄星期六晚上十點 FROM 3RD SEPTEMBER, EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT AT 10.

EMERGENCYDECLARATION IN CINEMAS C 導演 Director 韓在林 HAN Jae-rim 演員 CAST 宋康昊 SONG Kang-ho 李炳憲 LEE Byung-hun 全度妍 JEON Do-yeon 金南佶 KIM Nam-gil 任時完 YIM Si-wan 金素辰 KIM So-jin 朴解浚 PARK Hae-joon 語言 Language 韓語 ( 中文 、 英文字幕 ) Korean English(Chinese,Subtitles) 耗資 300 億韓圜,韓國首部航空災難鉅 作,真實改編史無前例空中恐怖襲擊之 康城影展參展作!《與神同行》《軍艦島》 重金班底聯同出爐康城影帝宋康昊、《 密 陽 》康城影后全度妍、《 白頭山: 火山浩 劫 》大鐘獎影帝李炳憲以及一眾黃金明 星陣容任時完、金南佶、金素辰和朴解 浚迫力演出。 資深警探具仁浩隊長( 宋康昊 飾 ) 收到一宗飛機恐怖襲擊的情報,調查期 間卻發現疑犯柳鎮錫( 任時完 飾 )早已 秘密登機,更驚覺愛妻亦登上了同一航 班,使他倍感擔憂。柳鎮錫於三萬呎高空 中散播生化病毒,令乘客逐一離奇死亡, 雖然被患有飛機恐懼症的暖心爸爸朴在 赫(李炳憲 飾)成功制伏,但已無法阻止 致命病毒在機上傳播。此時,以國土交通 部部長金淑姬( 全度妍 飾 )為首的應變 中心迅速成立,可惜各政府部門聯手後 還是無計可施 …… 倖存的 150 名乘客被 困機艙,慘變生化炸彈,同時機上燃料 隨時耗盡,機上眾人生命危在旦夕! 到 底應該冒險展開救援讓飛機迫降,還是 要空中擊落以遏止病毒傳播全球? ‘Emergency Declaration’: If an aircraft faces a potential disaster, and normal flight can no longer be maintained, the pilot calls for an unconditional landing. Veteran chief police detective Inho (SONG Kang-ho) receives a tip about a man threatening a terrorist attack against a plane. While investigating, he discovers that the suspect has actually boarded flight no. KI501. Despite his phobia of flying, Jae-hyuk (LEE Byung-hun) decides to go to Hawaii for the sake for his daughter’s health. At the airport, he is distracted by a strange man who hangs around, speaking to them in a menacing way. Flight no. KI501 departs Incheon Airport for Hawaii, but soon afterwards a man dies for mysterious reasons. Fear and chaos spread quickly, not only inside the plane, but also on land. Hearing this news, Transport Minister Sook-hee (JEON Do-yeon) sets up a counterterrorism task force and calls an emergency meeting in order to find a way to land the airplane. EMERGENCY DECLARATION 《 緊急迫降 》 IN CINEMAS 7 上映日期 IN CINEMAS 4/8

The unexpected visit of Steve’s part-time girlfriend Meow (Lin Min-Chen) not only fails to turn down the heat and cool the awkward situation, but stirs up the sibling conflict even further.

8 IN CINEMAS IN CINEMAS C SIXFORTABLE導演 Director 陳詠燊 Sunny Chan 演員 CAST 黃子華 Dayo Wong 鄧麗欣 Stephy Tang 張繼聰 Louis Cheung Kai Chung 王菀之 Ivana Wong 林明禎 Lin Min Chen 陳湛文 Chan Charm Man Peter 語言 Language 粵語 ( 中文 、 英文字幕 ) Cantonese (Chinese, English Subtitles)

It is often said that food and meals bring families together, but in TABLE FOR SIX it’s clear that not all family gatherings are a cause for celebration. In this melodramatic comedy, three brothers reside in a home that they inherited from their late parents. The eldest brother Steve (Dayo Wong), theoretically is the man of the house, but he constantly is getting dissed by his two younger brothers Bernard (Louis Cheung Kai Chung) and Lung (Chan Charm Man Peter) for the decisions he makes, the inedible meals that he cooks, and his complicated romantic encounters. To prepare for a family reunion dinner, Steve seeks the help of Lung’s girlfriend and foodie Josephine (Ivana Wong) and in doing so, wins back their hearts for a while, until his old flame and Bernard’s new girlfriend Monica (Stephy Tang) shows up. That’s a recipe for a disaster waiting to explode!

一個家, 最緊要齊人開餐。深信此道的 大佬( 黃子華 飾 )廚藝麻麻, 唯有長期 用心靈雞湯式金句「餵大」兩個細佬,但 異父異母的二佬( 張繼聰 飾 )及同父異 母的三弟( 陳湛文 飾 )其實覺得大佬有 點老土。幸好大佬請來三弟的廚神級女 友( 王菀之 飾 )為三兄弟包伙食, 一家 人終於有啖好食, 每晚 8 時的飯局亦令 兄弟更添和睦。但隨著二佬女友( 鄧麗 欣 飾 )的加入, 飯桌氣氛即時變得燶味 十足, 皆因二佬女友竟是大佬最念念不 忘的前度﹔為免以後餐餐背脊骨落, 大 佬唯有臨時揾個哎吔女友( 林明禎 飾 ) 一齊撐枱腳。從此, 每晚 6 人同枱, 味 蕾滿足, 閒話家常, 卻舌尖有伏, 總之 嗒落就知味道 ……《 逆流大叔 》導演陳 詠燊笑聲主理, 今個中秋最引人飯聚率 先約定你 ! TABLE FOR SIX 《 飯戲攻心 》 上映日期 IN CINEMAS 8/9


ANIFEST 2022 A 一年一度的 anifest 經已圓滿結束,讓我 們一起回顧一下今年的焦點活動吧! 最矚目的當然是我們的「動畫支援 計劃」得獎作品放映會。所有的得獎動畫 師更聚首一堂,得到獎項的同時,亦得到 現場觀眾的讚賞,場面既熱鬧又感人。 路以來,「動畫支援計劃 」中的作品都充 滿創意,香港動畫製作功架盡現。不少動 畫更加入本土情懷,別樹一格,做到文化 傳承的工作。 今年的 anifest 順利舉行,盼望大家 繼續支持本地動畫! The annual anifest has come to an end. Let’s review what happened this year! The main focus must be our grand opening ceremony, which is also the award ceremony for our winners of the 9th Animation Support Scheme winner. All the winners gather together to celebrate this event. All the works are beautifully crafted, with the aid of the support scheme. Many of them include unique, local elements. Words are not enough to express my gratitude for their hard work! Hope you would continue to appreciate and support local animation production! 2022ANIFEST

BORDER 人生百態,有人天賦異稟,卻被視為邊 緣人; 有人圖謀不軌,成為叛譯同謀; 有人費盡思量,只想再見一次寅次郎; 有人屢敗屢戰,最終遇上了電影之神。鏡 頭記錄了不同的人生,我們作為觀眾就 可以透過電影來體驗與別不同的人生, 做個不一樣的人。 Life is like a kaleidoscope, someone is gifted with talent, but is treated as villain; someone is a translator, but he is stuck with a traitor. Camera can capture these moments, but movie can also capture the life behind the camera. Someone reread the script, just to bring back a classic character. Someone wrote a love-letter to cinema, as well as his centennial gift for Shochiku Cinema. 導演 Director 亞里亞巴斯 Ali Abbasi 演員 Cast 伊娃米蓮達 Eva Melander 埃羅米龍諾夫 Eero Milonoff 沒有《 忘形水 》 啞女與水怪愛情童話的 夢幻糖衣, 北歐魔幻的陰鬱寒氣更貼近 現實的冷酷真相。 在邊境小鎮任職海關 的天娜, 憑靈敏如狗的嗅覺, 偵緝走私 客屢建奇功。 離群孤犬偶遇同樣擁有特 殊嗅覺的怪男禾尼, 氣味相投令天娜墮 入獸性誘惑。 漸漸揭露禾尼陰謀之時, 她亦發現自己身份秘密和原始本相。 改 編自《 血色童話 》 作者林維斯特另一冷 峻詭異的短篇精品, 亞巴斯的康城眾望 所歸得獎作, 在淒美神話與超自然懸疑 驚慄的氳氤中, 以敏銳觸覺嗅出社會對 異類的冷漠疏離, 還有現代邊緣人的絲 絲寂寞。 《 邊境奇聞 》(Border) 榮獲 2018 年 康城影展「 一種關注 」 大獎, 提名奧斯 卡金像獎最佳化妝及髮型設計。 本片亦 是有「 瑞典奧斯卡 」 之稱的 Guldbagge Awards 的最大贏家, 贏獲六項大獎: 最佳電影、最佳女主角( 伊娃米蓮達 Eva Melander)、最佳男配角( 埃羅米龍 諾夫 Eero Milonoff)、最佳音響設計、最 佳化妝及最佳視覺效果。 伊朗裔瑞典籍 導演亞巴斯再次挑戰尺度之作, 挑釁觀 眾不安神經, 道出現實中更令人咋舌的 醜陋社會面貌。 Customs officer Tina is known for her extraordinary sense of smell. It’s almost as if she can sniff out the guilt on anyone hiding something. But when Vore, a suspicious-looking man, walks past her, her abilities are challenged for the first time ever. Tina can sense Vore is hiding something she can’t identify. Even worse, she feels a strange attraction to him. As Tina develops a special bond with Vore and discovers his true identity, she also realizes the truth about herself. Tina, like Vore, does not belong to this world. Her entire existence has been one big lie and now she has to choose: keep living the lie or embrace Vore’s terrifying revelations. BORDER 《邊境奇聞》 頻道首播 CHANNEL PREMIERE 7/8 (SUN) 22:00 | 8/8 (MON) 23:30 HOME AUGUSTPREMIERES 八月 ALSO AVAILABLE ONSEE IT ON 12 MMTV 由 7/8 起,逄星期日晚上十點 FROM 7TH AUGUST, EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT AT 10.

THETRANSLATORS導演 Director 雷哲思朗沙 Regis Roinsard 演員 Cast 蘭拔韋遜 Lambert Wilson 奧嘉古莉寧高 Olga Kurylenko 里卡度撒卡馬西奧 Riccardo Scamarcio 茜絲芭畢古森 Sidse Babett Knudsen 九名來自世界各地的翻譯員受聘翻譯一 本暢銷小說三部曲的最後一集。 他們被 關進一間豪華但守衛森嚴的宿舍內進行 翻譯工作, 怎料絕密手稿的前十頁突然 在網上流出, 洩密者就在他們九人當 中! 出版商不惜一切誓要把叛譯者揪出 來,究竟誰是幕後黑手? 《 叛譯同謀 》 是法國新晉導演 雷哲 思朗沙(Regis Roinsard)繼凱撒獎提名 電影《打字夢女神》後,磨刀 7 年的新作。 懸疑故事高潮迭起, 令人屏息。 電影雲 集各國實力演員, 包括法國凱撒獎三屆 男主角提名蘭拔韋遜(Lambert Wilson)、 法籍烏克蘭裔演員《 新鐵金剛之量子殺 機 》 奧嘉古莉寧高(Olga Kurylenko)、 意大利《 殺神 John Wick 2》 里卡度撒 卡馬西奧(Riccardo Scamarcio)、丹麥 《 西部世界 》 凱撒獎提名女主角 茜絲芭 畢古森(Sidse Babett Knudsen), 同場 鬥智鬥力,誓要揪出「叛譯同謀」。 Nine translators, hired to translate the eagerly awaited final book of a bestselling trilogy, are confined in a luxurious bunker. When the first ten pages of the top-secret manuscript appear online, the dream job becomes a nightmare – the thief is one of them and the publisher (Lambert Wilson) is ready to do whatever it takes to unmask him… or her. A suspenseful, edge-of-theseat whodunit that will keep you riveted till the very end. “Isn’t cinema supposed to produce illusion? I love the magical feeling cinemas give me, whether it is the script or the visual elements.” – Régis Roinsard THE TRANSLATORS 《叛譯同謀》 頻道首播 CHANNEL PREMIERE 14/8 (SUN) 22:00 | 15/8 (MON) 23:25 HOME PREMIERES 13

導演 Director 山田洋次 Yoji Yamada 演員 Cast 渥美清 Kiyoshi Atsumi 倍賞千恵子 Chieko Baishô 吉岡秀隆 Hidetaka Yoshioka TORA-SAN,YOUWISHHEREWERE 寅次郎的妹妹阿櫻在寅屋為滿男去世 6 年的妻子辦紀念禮。 滿男其後重遊舊地, 發現從前傳統糖果店已變成現代咖啡廳, 但屋內仍保持舊貌。 滿男如今成為業餘作家, 新作很受 歡迎; 在他新書的簽名會上, 重遇了那 位他曾答應結婚的初戀情人泉。 泉現居 於歐洲, 因公幹回來日本。 二人到了一 間爵士樂咖啡廳聚舊, 原來那兒的老 闆竟是寅次郎 20 年前在奄美大島戀上 的情人莉莉, 也是他一生中最愛。 多年 後重聚, 三人回憶起寅次郎往日生活點 滴…… 《 男人之苦 》50 周年紀念作品, 家 族成員原班人馬上陣!

The 50th film in Tora-san series to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the

series! TORA-SAN, WISH YOU WERE HERE 《男人之苦̶̶寅次郎返嚟啦!》 頻道首播 CHANNEL PREMIERE 21/8 (SUN) 22:00 | 22/8 (MON) 24:00 14 MMTV

Mitsuo, Tora-san's nephew, who was an office worker for many years, now enjoys a career as a full-time writer, after a novel he wrote in his spare time won recognition. His latest work has also been well received, and a book-signing session is held for him to meet and greet fans. However, upon glancing at the waiting line, he is stunned to see his first love, Izumi Oikawa, who he had once promised to marry. She now lives in Europe but has returned to Japan on a business trip, during which she stumbled across Mitsuo’s signing event. He makes quick work of the session, telling Izumi he wants her to meet someone, then takes her to a small jazz cafe. Izumi takes one look at the proprietor’s face and is astonished: it is Lily, the greatest love of Tora’s life, who she met on the island of Amami Oshima over 20 years ago. Reunited after so many years, the three share their dearest memories of Tora.

AIT’SFLICKERINGLIFE 鄉是一個嗜賭成癮的父親,妻子淑子及 女兒步皆感到束手無策。鄉唯一深愛的 是電影,年輕時的鄉是副導演,寺新是 放映師,還有當時炙手可熱的名導演、 女星園子及片場附近食堂的千金淑子, 在時代見證下各人都在夢工場奮力追 夢。鄉幾經努力終於當上導演,卻突然遇 上意外受傷,拍攝無疾而終。 50 年後,鄉的外孫勇太無意中發現 殘舊的劇本,那正是鄉中途放棄拍攝的 作品《 電影之神 》。勇太向鄉提議將劇本 修改,報名參選劇本獎。鄉再次面對自己 的舊作時,慢慢重拾遺忘了的夢想及青 春時的衝勁 …… 這是終其一生信仰「電 影之神 」的男人以自己的人生編寫成關 於愛情、友情及家庭的感人故事。 由日本殿堂級導演山田洋次操刀, 以大師風範展示庶民劇的看家本領,為 松竹映畫一百年紀念之作。澤田研二替 代已故的志村健,夥拍菅田將暉帶領觀 眾走一趟日本電影黃金時代的光影旅 程,在虛實交織的幻夢裏,讓「電影之 神」延續不離不棄的眷顧。 To celebrate the centennial of Shochiku Cinema, the legend Yamada Yoji returns with his distinctive brand of affectionate family drama permeated with love, reminiscence, and comical invention. Succeeding his celebrated everlasting loser character of Tora-san, a deadbeat father in gambling debt, almost deserted by his wife and daughter, is left with only one place to go: a neighbourhood cinema, where he conjures up memories of his youthful dream of becoming a filmmaker. Reviving Shochiku’s humanist Ofuna film style, the prolific director takes us on an evocative journey into the Golden Age of Japanese cinema, witnessing the “god of cinema” transcending time to create a miracle in the family we adore, and in the films we love. 頻道首播 CHANNEL PREMIERE 28/8 (SUN) 22:00 | 29/8 (MON) 23:35 ITʼS A FLICKERING LIFE 《電影之神》 導演 Director 山田洋次 Yoji Yamada 演員 Cast 澤田研二 Kenji Sawada 菅田將暉 Masaki Suda 永野芽郁 Mei Nagano HOME PREMIERES 15 # 節目如有改動,請以 MOViE MOViE 電視頻道(NowTV ch 116)公佈為準。 # Programme time subject to the final announcement of MOViE MOViE NowTV ch 116.

「カットとカットの間に 神が宿るんだ。」 每一個鏡頭之間 都住着神明



山田洋次五部回春電影 Text by 紀陶 紀陶是電影編劇 , 影評人 , 網站節目主持 , 動画師及 創作顧問等 , 最長久工作是電影觀眾路人甲 。 紀陶 YOJI YAMADA 19 人人都好想事業會有第二春,尤其電影 導演。但是次選映的山田洋次的五部電 影作,直是證明一個導演可以回春回春 再回春,一部經典過一部! 《 嫲煩家族 》三部曲 《 嫲煩家族 》的老中青三代同住的家庭, 這種庶民式理想生活查實在現在日本社 會亦屬難得,話就係家和萬事興,現實 上三代同住顯生的矛盾肯定多蘿蘿。 電影第一集麻煩事件引爆在老夫妻 結婚五十週年,阿嫲的願望竟然是想阿 爺去簽離婚協議書! 第二集是阿嫲與閨 蜜去旅行,阿爺帶了舊同學回家往,翌 日同學卻瘁死在阿嫲的床上! 第三集阿 嫲決定離家一走了之,大家都要阿爺作 為一家之老應該做個最大的決定。 《 嫲煩家族 》引發的戲劇概念,擺明 是繼承 2013 拍攝的《 東京家族 》及後的 《 東京小屋 》,寫活日本兩個時代的庶民 家庭晚春版。今次選映的《 嫲煩家族 》三 部曲,亦是回應由小津安二郎導演的《東 京物語 》,從昭和戰後的父親母親的故 事,至平成晚期的父親母道,日本戰後 的父母輩由老村思維轉成習慣城市生活 好摩登以及有學識的庶民耆英。從中反 映日本戰後社會急速復元,文化的成長。 每集故事最終以一家和睦為主,問題是 由橋爪功飾演的阿爺是個比《男人之苦》 的寅次郎更反斗的問題老人,依然是個 活力充沛的花甲老而不。 電影第一集么是仔終於結婚,家中 多了一個個善解人意的美麗新袍; 至第 二集是阿爺重遇獨居的老同學,對比出 當今社會的老人問題; 第三集是阿嫲 終於忍唔住走佬回到鄉下住,在尾段阿 嫲道出一個看似好簡單的一個小婦人觀 點,內裡卻是藏著對當今世代來一個哲 學家也說不出的肺腑之言。 《男人之苦五十週年紀念作~寅次郎返嚟喇!》 山田洋次在七十年代起,將原本電視劇 的寅次郎故事搬上大銀幕,為日本電 影史建立了一個五十年不敗的日本庶 民家族。原版電視劇將被蛇咬死的寅次 郎,山田洋次將其搬上大銀幕中繼續如 風漂逸。不過,自從渥美清離去之後,以 及大家盡力完成第四十九部作為完結 篇之後,至時間的提醒,原來 2019 年是 寅次郎電影已到五十年了,於是來個第 四十九加一的電影,除了用數碼收復的 經典情節,再加上今時今日仍在生活的 家人故事,證明大家沒有忘記寅次郎。 寅次郎一直自比如風飄逸的不死風 神,加上後滕久美子成長後再次演小泉, 吉岡秀隆演出的滿男也大個仔了,以前 大家擔心的滿男,變成父親之後依然令 人擔心。這個老家庭在今時今日依然是 一個典範家庭。同時由桑田佳佑在片首 演出的寅次郎,如果由他接力演中年版 的寅次郎,我想好多人是會百份百裸體 支持的。 《 電影之神 》 《電影之神》是記念松竹電影的百年紀念 作,同時在拍攝期間遇上千禧疫情,也 因此失去了原本飾演男主角阿鄉的耆英 版志村健,在臨急時找來澤田研二仗義 幫忙,也竟然令大家發現這個曾經是超 級偶像美男子,如今仍然魅力非凡。 《 電影之神 》故事來個歲月穿梭,古 今時代接連,戲劇最奇美之處,是一個 角色由過去與現在版,選出來的熟年與 青春演員是天作之合,尤其是菅田將輝 又一次不負眾望,演昔日女星[ 北村景 子]到了現在的戲劇處理更是神來之筆, 在不存劇透下大家到時一看就明。 作為導演,山田洋次已經達至神級, 而且身壯力建,創作至今樂此不疲。查 實我們早期認識的山田洋次電影,大部 份已是他的導演生涯第二春,早年在松 竹電影廠的作品,尢其是那些阿呆當兵 的喜劇我們都是只看過資料。在 1979 年 的《男人四十戇居居》在港公映之後,計 起四十年來山田洋次已在香港已成為日 本庶民電影的品牌了。當年山田導演曾 來過香港作宣傳,而且在旺角砵蘭街電 影文化中心內舉行記者會及招待場,仲 記得那時侯我們還帶他去行廟街吃紅豆 粥呢。 是次結集選映的五部佳作,每個角色 看後都想像到會有後續發展,是次情節 的精彩,活像曇花一現一現再一現。而且 個人心得,觀察到五部開花之作內裡有 禪,每個作品中都有最少一個情節禪味 十足,於我認為最可成為禪門公案的,是 《 嫲煩家族 2》男同學在火化時,以及第 三集阿嫲被接回家時的一句撫心之言。當 然《寅次郎返嚟喇》由桑田佳祐癌病治好 之後為大家唱出主題曲,令粉絲如我真 的好想由他演出中坑版寅次郎呢。 至於古時稱一國之君為萬歲,至於 庶民呢,我就想山田洋次不用萬歲萬歲 千秋萬歲,只需好好的繼續拍電影,得 閒就拍,一切安好。

自疫情之後,很多習慣都變了。要戴口罩 出街,出入要消毒雙手。我們也習慣了在 家中看電影。當然,還有很多人堅持要到 戲院看電影才算得上是看電影,這跟好 幾年前大家都在說只有菲林拍的才是電 影有點異曲同工。無可否認,菲林拍的才 有那種「feel」,正如在戲院看才是那種 「feel」一樣。但這不代表我們不可以用新 的方法來看電影。安在家中,想看甚麼電 影就看甚麼,想關字幕便關字幕。至於你 想怎樣看,當然是由你決定。我們的工作 只是隨時為你守候,讓你在家中都能看 到滿足。 Ever since the pandemic, we have built lots of new habits. Masks and hand sanitizers have become indispensable to daily life, and the way we enjoy films has also changed. Lots of us are used to watching movie at home already. Many says that only the movie on cinema is true movie, same as those who said only film shot with actual film is real film. Undeniably, film gives off a unique tone, just as cinema provides a unique viewing experience. But that doesn’t mean we can’t explore new way to watch movie. Sitting at home, the whole cinema is under your control. You can watch whatever you want at any time. In the end, you get to choose how to watch. Our job is to provide you with the best experience on all ends, even at home. HOME SEPTEMBERPREMIERES 九月 20 MMTV 頻道首播 CHANNEL PREMIERE 4/9 (SUN) 22:00 | 5/9 (MON) 23:50 DREAMLAND 《末路狂逃》 導演 Director Miles Joris-Peyrafitte 演員 Cast 芬恩柯爾 Finn Cole 瑪格羅比 Margot Robbie DREAMLAND 黃沙滾滾的德州,瑪格羅比(Margot Robbie)飾演的「艾莉森」是銀行搶劫重 案的搶匪,還造成五名無辜的老百姓犧 牲,於是艾莉森開始被警方通緝,警方 還端出高額懸賞金。尤金本來就是低俗 偵探小說的愛好者,便決心成為英雄, 要替小鎮抓到這個大盜。不過他卻發現 逃亡中的艾莉森又有自己一套說詞,真 相到底是什麼? 是不是真的盜亦有道, 道可道,非常道呢? In 1935, a small Texas town was hit equally hard by the Great Depression, dust storms and drought. A Pulp detective fiction fans, Eugene, one day run into a serial bank robber Alison Wells. Through their conversation, Eugene sympathizes with Alison and decide to start a Pulp detective story starring himself as the main character. What would happen to them? “That’s how Allison Wells entered this story. Like a bat out of hell. Heading straight… for my brother.” ALSO AVAILABLE ONSEE IT ON 由 4/9 起,逄星期日晚上十點 FROM 4TH SEPTEMBER, EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT AT 10.

HOME PREMIERES 21 獨家首播 EXCLUSIVE PREMIERE 11/9 (SUN) 22:00 | 12/9 (MON) 23:35 PARALLEL MOTHERS 《誰和誰共母》 導演 Director 艾慕杜華 Pedro Almodóvar 演員 Cast 彭妮露古絲 Penélope Cruz 米妮娜絲密 Milena Smit 伊斯雷艾利贊迪 Israel Elejalde 艾塔娜莎哲希洪 Aitana Sánchez-Gijón 羅茜狄龐馬 Rossy de Palma 茱麗葉塔莎莉露 Julieta Serrano PARALLELMOTHERS 大熱問鼎 2022 年奧斯卡金像影后, 掃 全球 90 項大獎及提名!劇本醞釀 20 年, 《萬千痛愛在一身》西班牙國寶級導演艾 慕杜華與繆斯女神、巨星彭妮露古絲第 七度合體黃金組合,讓她憑從影以來最 佳演出,首度於威尼斯影展封后! 兩位 意外懷孕的單親媽媽分娩在即,在同一 病房偶遇,感受卻截然不同: 邁入中年 的愛麗絲( 彭妮露古絲 飾 )無悔不婚生 產,滿懷希望地迎接新生命; 背負心靈 創傷的少女安娜( 米妮娜絲密 飾 )卻對 未來感到焦慮與不安。萍水相逢的兩人, 因同時誕下女嬰而交心,竟成為了她們 糾纏著彼此人生的起點 …… 一對本來平 行獨立卻命運相連的單身母親,通過宣 洩、揭密與理解,導演再次大膽探索了 天下母親治療傷痛的熱情與勇氣。在敍 述西班牙動蕩歷史的同時,亦歌頌過去 幾代女性堅強自立、守護家庭的決心。 Two women coincide in a hospital room where they are going to give birth. Both are single and became pregnant by accident. Janis, middle-aged, doesn’t regret it and she is exultant. The other, Ana, an adolescent, is scared, repentant and traumatized. Janis tries to encourage her while they move like sleepwalkers along the hospital corridors. The few words they exchange in those hours will create a very close link between the two, which by chance develops and becomes complicated, changing their lives in a decisive way.

導演 Director 約謙特艾爾 Joachim Trier 演員 Cast 溫娜特雲絲薇 Renate Reinsve 安德斯丹尼爾辛李 Anders Danielsen Lie 赫伯特諾德姆 Herbert Nordrum THE WORST PERSON IN THE WORLD 《世上最爛的人》 獨家首播 EXCLUSIVE PREMIERE 18/9 (SUN) 22:00 | 19/9 (MON) 23:35 22 MMTV WORSTTHEINPERSONWORLDTHE即將滿 30 歲的茱莉,與大部分當代年輕 人一樣,人生總是一團糟,嚮往自由是 她的首要價值,而這份自由卻又帶來迷 茫。她因為成績好而選擇讀醫,順從衝動 轉系又重讀,偶爾想到就寫寫文章, 時興起便拿起相機當攝影師,最終放棄 一身好才華,跑到書店當店員。「世上最 爛的人 」或許也是這一代人的縮影: 不 安現狀,仍在摸索未來。茱莉的當紅漫畫 家男友艾索一直希望和她生小孩組織家 庭,逼得太緊反而弄巧成拙。偶然之下她 闖進一個派對,邂逅年輕迷人的小鮮肉 亞文。很快地,她頭也不回陷入另一段新 戀情,渴望帶來新轉變。隨著日子繼續前 進,衝動和遺憾卻不斷發生在茱莉身上, 以為找到靈魂伴侶共度一生,到頭來還 是自己一個更開心? 《 響亮的秘密 》導演約謙特艾爾的 「奧斯陸三部曲 」最終章,一部關於當今 現代人愛情的悲喜劇,聚焦在不安與焦 慮的一代人。本片榮獲康城影后殊榮、奧 斯卡金像獎最佳原創劇本及最佳國際電 影提名。 # 節目如有改動,請以 MOViE MOViE 電視頻道(NowTV ch 116)公佈為準。 # Programme time subject to the final announcement of MOViE MOViE NowTV ch 116. Julie is turning thirty and her life is an existential mess. Several of her talents have gone to waste and her older boyfriend, Aksel – a successful graphic novelist – is pushing for them to settle down. One night, she gatecrashes a party and meets the young and charming Eivind. Before long, she has broken up with Aksel and thrown herself into yet another new relationship, hoping for a new perspective on her life. But she will come to realize that some life choices are already behind her. “I always somethingworriedwould go wrong, but the things that went wrong were never what I worried about.” – Aksel

WUXIAO “It was just so moving, so moving, and so rigorously made.” – Martin Scorsese HOME PREMIERES 23 獨家首播 EXCLUSIVE PREMIERE 25/9 (SUN) 22:00 | 26/9 (MON) 23:30 XIAO WU (DIGITALLY RESTORED) 《小武》(全新數碼修復) 導演 Director 賈樟柯 Jia Zhangke 演員 Cast 王宏偉 Hongwei Wang 左雯璐 Baitao Zuo 小武是小縣城裏文質彬彬的資深扒手, 黑道好友已改行從商,他卻依然故我, 與周遭環境格格不入,還要面對公安的 「嚴打」和心上人的拋棄。 16 毫米菲林拍攝,再加上一眾非職 業演員,賈樟柯的獨立首作,當年橫掃 柏林、三藩市、釜山、溫哥華、南特五電 影節的首獎,一鳴驚人。充滿生活質感的 攝影、環境雜音的出色運用,展示出社 會邊緣人的悲憫。賈樟柯作為對當代中 國社會劇變最敏銳的電影人,《 小武 》就 是他驚豔的開始。 Left behind by friends who have taken advantage of the changing economy, aimless pickpocket Xiao Wu drifts into a relationship with a sex worker amid his existential crisis. Shot guerrilla style in 16 mm with a cast of nonprofessional actors, XIAO WU is a critical examination of the political and economic forces reshaping Chinese society in the 1990s.

ARTIST IN FOCUS: SONG KANG HO 焦點影人 : 宋康昊 究竟是誰,外表平凡,身形偏胖,大學時 沒有主修電影或演技相關科目,只是當 兵後出演過舞台劇,郤被封為「國民影 帝 」。沒錯,他就是剛摘下康城影帝的宋 康昊! 「只要有宋康昊,就不會是爛片 」這 就是大家對他的評價。你不會認為他演 得好好,因為你會覺得他和角色是一體 的,他就是那角色,那角色就是宋康昊。 宋康昊的角色總是平凡的小人物, 總能扣人心弦,彷彿大家都能體會他的 痛苦。 這個月,MOViE MOViE 幫大家重温 幾部宋康昊令人刻骨銘心,賺人熱淚的 作品。 韓國漢江驚現食人怪物,由宋康昊飾演 的攤販阿斗與家人為拯救被怪物捉走的 女兒,展開驚心逃亡之旅。面對怪獸,軍 方亦束手無策。到底阿斗能否救回女兒, 又能不能戰勝怪物呢? 導演奉俊昊再度 與宋康昊攜手合作,保證精彩萬分! He is far from handsome, he did not even study film or acting. However, he is renowned as the “national best actor” of South Korea. He is our latest Cannes’ best actor, Song Kang Ho. “If that film featured Song Kang Ho, it would never be a bad movie”. Song’s acting is so impressive that he often transforms into the characters entirely on screen in spectators’ eyes. This month, at MOViE MOViE, you can rewatch some of the best performances from our Cannes’ best actor. Song Kang-Ho act as a snack bar owner HeeBong, who loves his daughter dearly. One day, there is a monster arise in Han River and it kidnaped Hee-Bong’s daughter. In his attempt to save his daughter, he learns the secret of the U.S. military. Without the help of the military, can he save his daughter? 導演 DIR 奉俊昊 Bong Joon-ho 演員 CAST 宋康昊 Song Kang-ho、邊希峰 Byun Hee-Bong、朴海日 Park Hae-il、裴鬥娜 Bae Doo-na THE HOST 《韓流怪嚇》 5/822:00(FRI) 24 ARTIST IN FOCUS THE ATTORNEY 《逆權大狀》 12/822:00(FRI) 導演 DIR 梁宇舄 Yang Woo-seok 演員 CAST 宋康昊 Song Kang-ho、任時完 Im Si-wan、吳達洙 Oh Dal-su、金姈愛 Kim Yeong-ae、 郭到元 Kwak Do-won 雞蛋與高牆,不畏強權,為民主、自由而 戰! 在韓國為自由民主鬥爭最激烈的年 代,宋康昊飾演的窮律師不問世事埋頭 苦幹,成為鎮上最有錢的律師。直至一 天,曾接濟過他的餐館老闆娘因為兒子 失蹤及收到違反「國家安全法 」的審訊 通知而求助於他。他們一起前往拘留所, 發現一班大學生均背上「莫須有 」罪名, 在拘留所被虐待,強迫認罪。這位「逆權 大狀 」決定為他們辯護,誓要為良知、自 由民主、人權抗爭到底! Fearless of the authority, he fights for democracy! This time, Song Kang-Ho act as an industrious lawyer who is reaching his career peak. One day, those who helped him before are in trouble because of the “national security law”. Witnessing this injustice, he fearlessly stand up against the government, and fight for democracy and justice.由 5/8 起,逄星期五晚上十點 FROM 5 TH AUGUST, EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT AT 10. ALSO AVAILABLE ONSEE IT ON

SONG KANG HO # 節目如有改動 請以 MOViE MOViE 電視頻道(NowTV ch 116)公佈為準。 # Programme time subject to the final announcement of MOViE MOViE NowTV ch 116. PARASITE 《上流寄生族》 THE AGE OF SHADOWS 《密探》 26/8 19/822:00(FRI)(FRI)22:0025導演 DIR 金知雲 Kim Jee-woon 演員 CAST 宋康昊 Song Kang-ho、孔劉 Gong Yoo、韓志旼 Han Ji-min 導演 DIR 奉俊昊 Bong Joon-ho 演員 CAST 宋康昊 Song Kang-ho、李善均 Lee Sun-kyun、曹汝貞 Cho Yeo-jeong、崔宇植 Choi Woo-shik、朴素丹 Park So-dam

史上首部韓國電影勇奪康城金棕櫚大 獎 , 譽滿全球大導演奉俊昊與影帝宋康 昊四度攜手。由宋康昊飾演的窮爸爸基 澤一家四口全是無業遊民,終日望天打 卦,直至長子基佑藉偽造文憑,成功受 聘為神秘富豪子女的補習老師。一直寄 宿在陰暗地下室的一家,因為這次機遇, 彷彿重獲足以徹底改變命運的生機。寄 生在貴族的豪宅裏,攀比上流扶搖直上, 以為終於能突破終生被困於低下階層的 關口,怎料寄生蟲總見不了光,最後連 同被蠶食的宿主一同滅亡。命運作弄,幻 想成空。 宋康昊和型男孔劉合作,演技大爆發。 30 年代日治朝鮮,由宋康昊飾演的朝鮮 人李正澈出任日本警察隊目,靠出賣朝 鮮情報圖利。地下組織「義烈團 」主將金 優進以買賣古董掩飾身份,密謀由上海 偷運炸藥,襲擊日治政府總部。李正澈奉 命剷除義烈團,刻意接近金優進以套取 情報,二人明知身份對立,仍保持來往 互相利用。襲擊在即,潛藏雙方的內鬼, 同時登上運送炸藥的火車以破壞敵人的 任務。爾虞我詐,敵友難分,爆發連場賭 命廝殺!

The first ever Korean film to get the Palme d'Or. Song Hong-Ho act as a poor father. His family are so poor that they have to live underground, spending time aimlessly. One day, his son come up with a brilliant plan of making counterfeit certificate and work as the personal tutor in a rich family. Everything goes along with the plan, the life of the riches is within their grasp now. However, no plan can foresee everything. Parasite will perish under sunlight. Song Kang-Ho, this time, plays a character who is stuck between country and duty, decency and obligation. During the Japanese Occupation, through selling confidential information of Korea to the Japanese, he becomes the leader of Japanese police army. On the other hand, there is a new resistance leader trying to bootleg explosive from Shanghai in an attempt to attack the government facilities. Who will win this war?

Text by Simon Shiu WHAT IʼVE LEARNED FROM MOVIES 電影教曉我的事 ALSO AVAILABLE ONSEE IT ON WHAT I’VE LEARNED FROM MOVIES 27 # 節目如有改動 請以 MOViE MOViE 電視頻道(NowTV ch 116)公佈為準。 # Programme time subject to the final announcement of MOViE MOViE NowTV ch 116. 現在有兩種對立的思想,兩邊都有人相 信。一邊認為世事無常,面對命運,人 總是束手無策。另一邊就認為人的意志 力無限,有志者,事竟成。先不論誰是真 理,但是人生在世,不搏盡無悔一下似 乎有點浪費。盡力了,都是不行,才談放 棄吧。問題是,怎樣才算盡力了呢?以下 這幾部電影可能會有答案。 Is everything predetermined? Or is it all up to our own? To me, life without trying is not worth living. Even though in the end, nothing might be achieved. At least, you’ve tried. Sometimes, the process is more important than its result. You never know when you would succeed. CAPHARNAUM 《 星仔打官司 》 27/8 (SAT) 22:00 BEAUTIFUL BOY 《 美麗男孩 》 20/8 (SAT) 22:00 BALLOON 《 翻牆熱氣球 》 13/8 (SAT) 22:00 WILD ROSE 《 鏗鏘玫瑰 》 6/8 (SAT) 22:00 永不言棄 GIVENEVERUP! 由 6/8 起,逄星期六晚上十點 FROM 6TH AUGUST, EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT AT 10.

EU-ASIADOCUMENTARY2022FEST DOCUMENTARYEU-ASIA FEST 2022 歐亞紀錄週 2022 電影作為藝術,固然追求美的極致。然而 真實世界並非烏托邦,處處充滿著醜惡 與不堪。紀錄片的出現正正游離於商業 化,回歸藝術的本源,依賴鏡頭控訴世 界的不平等,把目光放在幽暗潮濕的角 落。這個八月,一起於塵埃中紀錄生命的 美好,於廢墟中起舞。 是次電影週特別邀請了來自歐洲和 亞洲的影展策展人,希望透過映後談分 享兩地電影工業生態上的異同,以及重 新思考在亂世下,紀錄片的定位和應盡 的責任。部份場次也加設問答環節,希望 增加觀眾間的互動。 BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE 一介平民如何拯救世界? 對一名祖父而 言,孫兒女便是他的全世界。伊斯蘭國遭 受毀滅性打擊後,許多「聖戰士 」後代變 成孤兒滯留中東。主角七名孫兒女皆困於 敘利亞的難民營,他本可以撒手不顧,交 由政府協助。然而目睹各國態度後,他毅 然起行,展開一場舉世矚目的尋親之旅。 How can a civilian without any power save the world? As a grandfather, grandchildren are the most valuable treasures in his life. After ISIS collapsed, many children of “Mujahid” became orphans and were behind in the Middle East. Patricio’s seven grandchildren are trapped in the refugee camp in Syria. He could have done nothing and simply sought help from the government to stay away from danger. However, after witnessing the attitude of Western countries towards refugees, he is determined to start on a journey to rescue his babies. 開幕電影 OPENING FILM: CHILDREN OF THE ENEMY《敵方的孩子》 瑞典 Sweden / 2021 / 97 min / 瑞典語、英語、 西班牙語 Swedish & English & Spanish / 英文字幕 ENGLISH SUBTITLES 28 緬甸去年的抗爭轟動全球,過去內戰的 血腥回憶再度浮現眼前。導演本打算拍攝 戒毒所,卻意外遇上「惡人 」: 他自小被 抓去當兵,被地雷炸傷後無奈退役,於戒 毒所大肆吹噓以往做過的壞事。驚嘆兩者 命運差點如平行線交疊下,導演以惡人 為題,點出延綿已近半世紀,在每個緬甸 人心中揮之不去的傷痛與掙扎。

E Film as an influential art form undoubtedly pursues the ultimate beauty. Nevertheless, the world we are living in isn’t Utopia, but a mean and nasty place. What documentary is different from commercial films is that they may return to what art originally was. Documentary films rely on the camera to accuse inequality and solicitude from the vulnerable groups in the world. Just engage in the program, record bewitching life from dust, and dance in the ruins. EU-Asia Documentary Fest had invited the film festival curator from Europe and Asia for the post-screening talk. Through the talk, they may share the similarities and differences between the movie industry on the two continents. Meanwhile, the talk may reimagine the position and responsibility of the documentary during troubled times. There are also Q & A sessions in some screenings, in order to enhance the interaction among audiences.

獎項 AWARDS 克拉科夫電影節最佳紀錄片 Best Documentary, Krakow Film Festival 導演 Director 李永超 Lee Yong-Chao 獎項 AWARDS 獲提名台北電影節最佳紀錄片

The protest movement that happened in Myanmar last year raised concern worldwide, awakening the bloody memories of the civil war. Director had planned to shoot about drug rehabilitation, but he accidentally encounter a “Bad Man”. He was caught to be a soldier in childhood, however, retired because of injuries, while now living in the drug rehabilitation center and brags about the bad things he had done before every day. The director was shocked about how uncertain fate is, hence he decided to take the bad man as the main character, in order to bring out the pain and struggle, which had already been hidden inside every Burmese for nearly half centuries. Director Gorki Glaser-Müller Nominated as Best Documentary, Taipei Film Festival 閉幕電影 CLOSING FILM: THE BAD MAN《惡人之煞》 台灣、緬甸 Taiwan & Burma / 2021 / 76 min / 緬甸語、國語 Burmese, MANDARIN / 中、英文字 幕 CHINESE, ENGLISH SUBTITLES


29EU-ASIA DOCUMENTARY FEST 2022 A THOUSAND GIRLS LIKE ME 《同境相憐》 SCOUTS WITH PRIDE《彩虹革命》/ THE WHEEL《命運之輪》 MARIUPOLIS 2《烏都殘垣》 WRITING WITH FIRE《筆如發火》 THE BAD MAN《惡人之煞》 9/8 (TUE) 19:50 7/8 (SUN) 13:00 7/8 (SUN) 15:10 14/8 (SUN) 15:45 Q&A 場次 Q&A SESSIONS 14/8 (SUN) 12:30 嘉賓 Guest Yuliia Kovalenko (Ukraine) Wood Lin (Taiwan) 地點 Venue 百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque 地點 Venue 百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque 注:映後談將於《烏都殘垣》放映後進行,以英語為主 要語言 P.S:Post screening talk will be hold a er the screening of Mariupolis 2, which may conduct mainly through English. 映後談 POST SCREENING TALK: DOCUMENTARIES IN THE AGE OF UNREST * 電影資料、放映地點、票價及其他購票詳情,請參閱 * Please refer to for further film, screening & ticketing information. 阿富汗 Afghanistan / 法國 France 中國 China 法國 France 德國 Germany 印度 India 愛爾蘭 Ireland 南韓 South Korea 西班牙 Spain / 蒙古 Mongolia 立陶宛 Lithuania / 法國 France / 德國 Germany 荷蘭 Netherlands 芬蘭 Finland EATNAMEAMET – OUR SILENT STRUGGLE 《無聲吶喊》 A THOUSAND GIRLS LIKE ME《同境相憐》 ASCENSION《登樓嘆》 MEN INSIDE《牆內的人》 ZUHURʼS DAUGHTERS《不定性女兒》 WRITING WITH FIRE《筆如發火》 PURE GRIT《渾身是膽》 COMING TO YOU《很想大聲說出口》 SCOUTS WITH PRIDE《彩虹革命》/ THE WHEEL《命運之輪》 MARIUPOLIS 2《烏都殘垣》SHABU《茶煲仔》 THE HOME FRONT – A JOURNEY IN ITALY WITH DOMENICO QUIRICO《意式蟻民》 意大利 Italy

請即致電申請熱線2888 1888後按2或 即親臨1O1O *節目播出詳情,請參閱Now爆谷台官方網站歡迎登上本台網站查看更多電影系列推介!Center、csl專門店或指定銷售點查詢及申請 @nowbaogumovies_hk Now爆谷台 Now爆谷台 《只因我們天生一對:電影版》2022年8月6日(星期六)爆谷10點院線 © 2021 GMMTV all rights reserved

Now TV 全新歐美電影組合為將精彩高質素電影娛樂帶給觀 眾 ,結合 MOViE MOViE 與多條 HBO 頻道 ,播放不同類別的荷 里活猛片及橫掃國際影展電影 ; 各位更可同時獨家收看獲獎 無數的 HBO 原創劇集和節目 。 MOViE MOViE 為香港觀眾度身訂造 ,致力提供最多元化的 優秀電影 ,搜羅全球叫好叫座的的首輪人氣猛片 、更精挑細選 橫掃國際影展的得獎傑作 ,以至口碑載譽的不朽經典 , 24 小時 無間斷送上世界各地的高質好戲 ! HBO 為安坐家中的觀眾帶來荷里活猛片以及 HBO 得獎原創 劇集 。每日 24 小時不停熱播 ,絕無廣告 ,最適合電影愛好者 。 HBO 亞洲區觀眾亦可獨家欣賞在電視上首播的精彩荷里活猛 片及 HBO 得獎原創劇集和節目的頻道 ,如《 權力遊戲 》等 。不 能錯過的更有 HBO GO 服務 ,提供超過 1,500 小時 HBO 原創劇 集與電影 ,逾 500 部荷里活鉅製供自選點播 ,其中 same time as U.S. 系列更緊貼美國播映時間 ! 立即申請 Now TV 全新歐美電影組合 ,月費只需 $88* 。讓自 己完全投入精彩電影世界 ,拉闊生活娛樂視野 。 * 首次申請以上頻道組合客戶,須選購至少 2 個頻道組合並可同時額外選購特選頻道, 並須簽訂 18/24 個月合約。須受有關條款及細則約束。 * New customers signing up the above mentioned packs must subscriber to at least 2 packs, and may subscribe to Premium Channel(s) at the same time for an 18 or 24 month commitment period. Terms and Conditions apply. Please call sales hotline 2888 0008, then press 2 or visit HKT shop 請即致電申請專線 2888 1888 然後按 2 或親臨 HKT 專門店申請 115 HOLLYWOOD BLOCKBUSTERS & WORLD CINEMA SATURDAY NIGHT PREMIERE Aug 6, 9pm @HBO SATURDAY NIGHT PREMIERE Aug 27, 9pm @HBO SATURDAY NIGHT PREMIERE Sep 17, 9pm @HBO SATURDAY NIGHT PREMIERE Aug 20, 9pm @HBO SATURDAY NIGHT PREMIERE Aug 13, 9pm @HBO HBO Originals Tuesday’s 10pm @HBO HBO Originals Monday’s 10pm @HBO

The Now TV Western Movie Pack offers premium Hollywood blockbusters, top box office hits and award-winning films from HBO and MOViE MOViE. These include exclusive award-winning HBO Original productions, series, movie specials and showcases. MOViE MOViE offers handpicked international blockbusters, award-winning films, festival gems and favourites from around the globe – all sure to entertain, engage and excite movie buffs. HBO is a 24-hour, commercial-free channel that is home to the hottest Hollywood blockbusters and award winning HBO Originals such as Westworld and Game Of Thrones. With Now TV Western Movie Pack subscription, get free access to the HBO GO app to watch more than 1,500 hours of movies and HBO Originals on-the-go, anytime and anywhere. Subscribe to the Now TV Western Movie Pack for just $88 a month*. Enter the glittering world of great movies, widen your horizons and entertain yourself.

Western Movie Pack HBO, Home Box Office, Cinemax and related service marks are the property of Home Box Office, Inc. Copyright in and to the programmes used and referred to herein vest in the following respective owners Pineapple Lasagne Productions, Inc., Bleecker Street Media LLC., Warner Bros. Ent., SF Studios Production Limited., GODZILLA TM & © Toho Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

MOVIE-MOVIE-MAGAZINE #54 OPEN YOUR EYES, OPEN YOUR MIND FOR MOVIE LOVERS 首映星期天 PremieresHomeMM 《 邊境奇聞 》 /Border 《 叛譯同謀 》 /TranslatorsThe 《 男人之苦 寅次郎返嚟啦 ! 》/HereWereYouWishTora-San, 《 電影之神 》 It ʼ /LifeFlickeringAs 《 末路狂逃 》 /Dreamland 《 誰和誰共母 》 /MothersParallel 《 世上最爛的人 》 /WorldTheinPersonWorstThe 《 小武 ( 全新數碼修復 )》 /Restored)(DigitallyWuXiao 想像的必要 /ImaginationofNecessityThe 焦點導演 : 山田洋次 /YamadaYojiFocus:inDirector 焦點影人 : 宋康昊 /Kang-hoSongFocus:inArtist 永不放棄 up!GiveNever

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