Coyote Call Issue 4 2015-2016

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Table of Contents Ellis Lake







Italy By: Elijah Pila

By: Marcus Mincey


By: Jacob Smith

By: Rebekah Pack

Amusement Parks

By: Emily Gossett

We Need a Longer Lunch! By: Zephaniah HSJ

Creative Writing


By: Angelia Lewis

By Nichole Horsfall

Dress Code By: Rylie Udall

Feminism Today By: Landon Versace Barrow


Trading Card Games

By: Sarah Verhalen






Sarah Verhalen

Ellis Lake

Although Ellis Lake is currently filled with filthy water, cluttered with

president. He turned his “slough lots” over to the Company and

trash, and birds leave its sidewalks white, it was once a desirable

received stock for them, and then the Company sold some of the

location to spend time with family and friends. If Ellis Lake were

stocks to various parties. W. T. Ellis agreed that if D Street was

properly taken care of, it could return to its old state and be the

filled in, a sewer was added to the north side of 14th Street, and

shining star of Marysville. Marysville used to have many

improvements were made to the lake area, then the “Ellis Lake

celebrations and events at the lake that brought the community

Improvement Company” would sell its entire property to Marysville

together. For decades the people of Marysville enjoyed blue water,

for one dollar. The improvements and alterations were completed

boat races, and barbecues at the small lake.

after two years, and then the property was transferred to the city.

Ellis Lake did not begin as a pretty lake with stone

The city then paid Ellis his one dollar which he never cashed, but

borders and benches, but as a muddy slough. As W. T. Ellis Jr.

kept for sentimentality. Ellis still personally owned the area of the

said, the lake was always wide in the winter, but it drained almost

slough at the northeast corner of D and 13th Streets, which he sold

dry in the summer. He always enjoyed playing at the lake whether

to the city six years later for 1000 dollars. However, the slough did

it was shooting ducks, sailing, swimming, or fishing. W. T. Ellis Jr.

not become a lake until the Women’s Improvement Club of

began envisioning the slough as a beautiful park as he grew older,

Marysville hired designer Robbie McLaren in 1924. McLaren, who

so he started to raise the money needed for its transformation.

was famous for designing the Golden Gate Park in San Francisco,

Little by little he purchased various “slough lots” until he was the

finished transforming the Feather River spillway into a gorgeous

owner of the majority of the lake. In 1906 he decided to get the

park in 1939.

“Ellis Lake Improvement Company” involved, of which he was the

Although Ellis Lake has been a fun and

vodka and were “clowning around” when

peaceful place, it has had some dark

Timothy pushed David into the lake. He

moments. Several different bodies have

ended up serving four years in prison. In

been found in the lake due to accidents or

September of 2004 Reverend Chris

fowl play. The body of Mary Jane Gooding

Rodriguez and citizen Peter Schneider

was found in her car at the bottom of the

spotted a body floating in Ellis Lake. They

lake on October 20, 2002. She had been

called the police and the body was quickly

missing since 1981, and was believed to

retrieved. Fernando Hernandez Fernandez

have accidentally driven her husband’s car

was the unlucky man whose time and

into the lake. However, her children think

cause of death are unknown. Those three

that she was murdered. Without much

deaths scared some of the residents who

evidence, the case remains a mystery to

lived near Ellis Lake, and some called for

this day. In November of 2002 another

the lake to be drained and possibly even

body was found floating near the boat

filled in. However, the mayor at the time

dock. The body was identified as David

dismissed that idea, saying that the

Earl “Rusty” Prothero, a homeless man

accidents were random and there were

who was staying at the Twin Cities Rescue

many years without any deaths. Despite

Mission. Another man who was staying at

these disturbing occurrences, Ellis Lake

the Rescue Mission, Timothy Hockenberry,

has remained a pleasant place for peaceful

later confessed to involuntary


manslaughter. The two had been drinking

At its prime, Ellis Lake hosted many celebrations and boat

However, Ellis Lake did have a rough time for several years

races. There was an annual Fourth of July celebration with a live

when Hydrilla, a fast-spreading, intrusive plant, was found on its

band and fireworks. In the 1970s there were many speed boat

surface. It quickly spread over most of the lake’s surface, and

races in which boats reached up to 70 miles per hour, according to

prevented many native plants from flourishing. Boats and

Ron Rund. Ron competed in many of the races, and his wife sang

fishermen had an extremely hard time trying to get through the

at one of the Fourth of July celebrations. He recalls one race in

Hydrilla barrier. Eventually, people were able to find a way to rid

which a duck got in the way, causing some of the boats to have to

Ellis Lake of the toxic plant and it became a healthy environment

turn around to avoid it. The race was in chaos, but it created a fun


memory for the competitors and spectators. Another public event

Today, Ellis Lake is made up of murky waters and dirty

began decades later in the 2000s. Kids from all over the Yuba and

sidewalks. People are hesitant to make contact with the water of

Sutter areas would compete in a fishing derby after hundreds of

such a polluted lake; most think it would make them sick. Only

fish were added to the lake. In another contest, kids built their own

ducks seem to really enjoy the lake, but if a plan to keep it clean

boats out of cheap supplies and had to float across the lake. That

was established, then it could be Marysville’s pride again.

competition no longer exists due to the water being unsafe.


Another beautiful day on the cerulean Hawaiian sea. Unfortunately, I’m not there, but I still know, because every day’s a beautiful day on the Hawaiian sea. Recently, a long-standing tradition has continued; some people in Hawaii like to catch the last wave of the current year and the Birst wave of the New Year. In this case, it was the last wave of 2015 (The wave a couple seconds before midnight on New

Year’s Eve) and the Birst wave of 2016 (the wave a couple seconds after midnight). Now you might be thinking, “Wouldn’t the water get kind of cold around that time?” And the answer is no. Hawaii has yet another reason to make me cry when I think about the fact that I’m not there; the ocean has warmed up all day. So after the sun sets, it retains some of that heat to make for some pretty comfortable night

swimming, unless you’re swimming extremely late, which you shouldn’t be. That’s how about 99% of the horror movies that have anything to do with water start. But extreme surfers pay no heed to this cinematic warning; the biggest waves come around extremely early and sometimes relatively late.

But, as benevolent sharks making deadly as she may be, the ocean mistakes. Shark Shield is a can be as recalcitrant as it great company for this, is beautiful when you try and is very informative in to tame the waves. Just their instructions on how recently I was to attach leashes, stick on wakeboarding and got working variants of dragged along a segment stripes, and where to get of reef, carving a bunch of your stickers from. gashes into my midsection. Moral of the In conclusion, the story: PAY ATTENTION. ocean is very beautiful at The water rises and falls Birst glance, but very as sporadically as dangerous if you are not possible just to give us properly equipped. Be land lovers a hard time. sure to fend off the sea While this can make for urchins, sharks and some pretty interesting currents (oh my!) by stories, it can make for being cautious when some dangerous ones, venturing into the deep too. As for equipment, be blue. Be sure to have fun sure not to end up on in the Aloha State, and shark week. Sharks are explore as much of the not known to ocean as possible! Diving, intentionally attack boating, surBing, humans, but they can and swimming, even will mistake the bottom of submarine tours are your surBboard for a seal. available all around the Sharks eat seals. A good islands! And be sure to try remedy that has been some shaved ice; it’s like gaining some traction ice cream, but better. with many surfers is Make sure to try as many putting certain patterns of things as possible; never stripes on the bottom of be scared to try your board to avoid any something new!

AMUSEMENT PARKS There are so many amusement parks and with spring and summer break coming up you may want to know the prices and facts about popular and fun amusement parks.

By: Emily Gossett

Want Some Fun? Amusement parks are a great choice Are you thinking about heading on over to an amusement park? If so, you may be wondering what are the prices, what are the best amusement parks to go to, what will I get to do there, and other general questions. Don’t be

worried because the whole point of amusement parks is to have fun! Some of the more popular choices are Disneyland, California Adventure, Universal Studios, Six Flags, Knott’s Berry Farm, Sea World, and Atlantis. I’m sure a few

of these names catch your eye, but which one is really most appealing to you? Having insight on different amusement parks may help you decide.

“Disneyland is not just another amusement park. It’s unique, and I want it kept that way. Besides you don’t work for a dollar - you work to create and have fun.” Walt Disney

Featured above is Disneyland, California Adventure, and Six flags.

Stuff to Know

Cost, location, entertainment Amusement parks are expensive these days, and it may be hard to afford some. The good thing is that some parks are cheaper than others. • Atlantis Bahamas - $150 for adults $99 for children • Universal Studios Hollywood - currently $95 for adults $89 for children, though pricing’s subject to change • Disneyland - $95 for adults $85 for children • Sea World - $69 for adults and children • Six Flags Discovery Kingdom - $65.99 for adults $45.99 for children, though discounts are available if you buy online

• Knott’s Berry Farms - currently $40 for adults and children, regularly $72 for adults $42 for children As you can see prices vary, so you first need to make a decision on where you will go. According to, Disneyland Resorts and Parks were the highest earning theme park in 2014, earning 15.1 billion dollars. Universal Studios came in second, earning 2.62 billion dollars. No matter where you go, you’ll want to have a good time, which takes us into our next topic.

Now that you have the pricing down, you’re probably wondering what you’ll get to do at these different parks. There are lots of fun rides and shows at every one of these parks. For example, Disneyland has 58 attractions or rides, and of course you can always pose with the princesses and other characters. According to, some of the best rides at Disney Land are the Indiana Jones Adventure, Space Mountain, and Splash Mountain. At Atlantis Bahamas, there are lots of different water slides, river rides, and pools to go to. Some of them you even ride next to live sea animals, according to One of their most famous rides is the Leap of Faith, a near vertical water slide that submerges into a shark filled lagoon. At Universal Studios, there are many rides and movie related attractions such as Super Silly Fun Land based on Despicable Me or King Kong 360 3-D the world’s largest 3-D experience according to At Sea World, you can go on different water rides, swim with sea animals, and attend different shows. They even have a new ride called Manta. At Six The pictures to the right feature Medusa at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom, Manta in Sea World Orlando, and Space Mountain and Indiana Jones Adventure in Disneyland.

Flags there are many roller coasters, water rides, and animal shows you can watch. One of the most popular rides at Six Flags is Medusa, a record-breaking thrill ride at 3,937 feet and a 128 foot loop according to At Knott’s Berry Farm, there are many different roller coasters you can go on. One of the more popular rides is the Calico Mine Ride which is one of the park’s original attractions. Of course at pretty much all amusement parks, you can stay the day and eat lunch or dinner there. Some parks like Atlantis and Disney Land even have hotels you can stay at. If you want to make the most of your amusement park experience, try to get there before the park opens. You will have to wait in line, but once you get in, you will be able to get on rides and do all the fun stuff before everyone gets there and the park fills up. Some people choose to bring bags or backpacks with stuff they’ll need for the day like cash, water, snacks, and sunscreen. It’s always good to bring a phone or camera to take pictures. After all, this will be a day you’ll want to remember forever.


CREATIVE WRITING Topics concerning creative writing can be interpreted in different ways. Creative writing can mean anything from a Bictional novel to a short story. Over the years, there have been many Bictional authors who have written good stories. Just like with art, with practice a writer’s skills can be improved. There are a few different writing genres and subgenres. Everyone has a preference to which genres they prefer to read, though creative writing is mostly associated with Bictional works. The two biggest genres seen are Biction and nonBiction. NonBiction includes biographies and historical notation, while Biction on the other hand is anything that didn’t happen or could never happen. We’ll be covering Biction instead of nonBiction.

doesn’t seem real. The best characters come with everything a real person has – Blaws, quirks, pasts, and personalities. All traits that deBine people should be used to deBine a character. Some of these real qualities of a character are listed below. -A backstory. The best characters have experiences that shaped them as a person, whether it’s a certain person in their life or certain events that happened that helped them grow to where they are at the point in the story.

-Nemesis. Someone who interferes with the character’s goal, or just doesn’t quite agree with the character. -Where they are in the world. Their everyday life and the people they interact with. Where they go to school, work, who they meet everyday or on certain days, etc.

-Quirks, gestures. How a character behaves – what is special about them? It can be a habit, or a way of speaking, or something they do when certain conditions are met (ex. When nervous, tugging his or -Dialogue. Everyone has a slightly her hair). different way of speaking. May it be an accent, a phrase, or -Skills and abilities. These don’t something that makes their way have to always be good, they can of speaking a little bit different. prevent a character from doing something, enabling them to need -Physical description. The way help from another character. someone looks is how we identify Likewise, it can be something that them. Other characters will need helps them to help another. Fiction has plenty of subgenres to identify each other like real attached to it. There is science people do. -Fears. It makes a story Biction, murder mystery, romance, interesting when characters have and more. Sometimes the -Name. Make sure the name to face their fears in some way. subgenres mix, and a story can be matches the character. If you give classiBied as either and still be a character a name that doesn’t Bit, -Even out the good and the bad of considered in the correct genre. it will seem odd. a character. Characters seem fake Some authors mix the subgenres when they’re too bad or too good. of Biction, making a story a bit -Goals. Everyone has some form of Though the character sometimes more interesting. Every author a goal, whether a big one or a has to lean towards good or bad has a style of his own writing, as small one. Goals drive the story for the story. well as a preference for which and give it a sense of meaning. genre he writes stories. -Strength and Weaknesses. Try to One common issue among writers even out the strengths of a is developing good characters. In character with their weaknesses. Young Adult novels, there are A character should have positive some things in common in the and negative behaviors and traits. characters and it can start to get boring to read the same clichés -Friends and Families. People help over and over concerning to shape other people by their characters. Readers won’t care for actions and words, just like a character if the character experiences shape people.

CREATIVE WRITING Characters are important, but so are settings. Writing good settings, for some writers, is more difBicult than writing characters. Some write characters better, while others write settings better. In general, writing both characters and settings are important to make a good story and can both be difBicult. To write a good setting, there are a few things to include, and some things to keep out of the story. DO: -Reveal the setting using character motion. -Use a character’s level of experience with the area to describe the setting. -Use the mood of a character. Depending on someone’s mood it shows what they will see Birst. -Use the character’s senses. What they feel, what they smell. -Keep in mind the tone of the story. If it’s a thriller, for example, you could have the character being relieved to get to a safe area or something similar.

perspective than from the narrator/author. The setting seems more real when it comes from the character and not as much from the narrator/ author. Writing can be hard. To be successful with writing, it can be helpful to make a simple outline before you start or a Blow chart to show events. Using an outline, you can plan out the order of events and add to the outline as you write. A simple outline can look like this: A. Beginning of story 1. Birst event 2. second event 3. third event B. Next chapter 1. Birst event 2. second event and so on. A Blow chart can look similar to this, where a major event happens and what happens branches off of that event.

DON’T: -Explain so much from the narrator’s view. -Give too many details. -Let the narrator explain the sights the characters see – different characters may see things from a different

There are many different ways to set up and think about a story. These are just two different ways you can work on planning out a story.

The end.



Do you agree with school dress codes? There are many reasons why people would or would not agree with their school dress code. As said before, dress codes are understandable to an extent, and like any Many people do not like how their school dress code affects what they can

other rule at school they should be

and cannot wear. School dress codes

followed, right? Well, when it is hot, do you

are understandable to an extent, but

feel like you should have to wear pants

some schools are more strict than others

because you cannot find any shorts that fit the length requirement? Most of the

when it comes to their dress code. Girls often feel like the dress code mostly

people who disagree with the dress code

picks on them because there is so much

at their school are the ones who cannot

more of what they cannot wear. At many

wear summer clothes during the summer.

schools girls cannot wear spaghetti

What people need to understand is that the dress code is a rule, and it should always

straps. They also cannot wear any clothing like shorts, skirts or dresses that

be followed even if you disagree, and if the

do not reach their fingertips. Girls also

rule is broken, there are consequences.

cannot wear anything that shows midriffs

Just like in the real world, you have to deal

or shows any undergarments.

with your consequences like an adult.

At many schools, if the dress code is broken the school either makes you

Even when you look at both points of view, a dress code is still needed so people

call home for another piece of clothing or

do not dress inappropriately for school. It is

they make you wear their school t-shirts

a place for learning, and it is not a fashion

with their school sweatpants depending

show. I myself do disagree and agree with

on what you are wearing. Dress codes are put in place to be followed, not to

dress code because some people do not understand that school is full of adults, and

ruin lives as many may think. The part

you cannot dress like you are at the beach.

about dress codes that many should

Also I think that to an extent we should be

understand is that you cannot wear

able to wear things like spaghetti straps or

clothing that has profanity on it, or clothing that promotes alcohol or drug

shorts. As many know, it is extremely hard to find the right length of clothing. Although

use. Also, it is not okay to wear clothing

it is hard, it is doable for anyone to follow

that does not cover a certain part of your

the dress code rules. Many females have

body. Many school dress codes are not

the point of view that if you find something

too strict on making people follow the dress code rules. That is only because

wrong with what they are wearing, then you are the problem not their clothing. You

there are so many kids to look after, but

should dress appropriately to respect

the smaller the school, the more

yourself. Stop getting mad at others

enforced the dress code is.

because they do not think it is okay too

Follow the school dress code even if you disagree with the dress code.

show the body parts that should be covered up. There is a point that the dress code goes too far, but then again, it is a school. We all have our sense of style and would love to express it, although the dress code stops us, which is frustrating. At the end of the day, if your school dress code is too strict for you, just express your sense of style on the weekends.

FEMINISM TODAY By: Landon Versace Barrow

Feminism: To define, establish, and achieve equal political, economic, personal, and social rights for women.

Technically feminism came and went in 3 different “waves”. They are even saying there will be a fourth wave due to the social media platform. The first “wave” of feminism was around the beginning of the nineteenth century. Although even in the 16th century there were a handful of women who spoke out using peace and knowledge.

I have many opinions and different points of view on feminism. Today feminism has morphed into such a positive thing in most ways. Women are more liberated and confidant. But, some of these younger generation “feminists” are really looking at this problem all wrong. They are seeing it as “Men have put us on such an underground pedestal for all of these decades, so feminism means we now get to reciprocate.” And in my opinion that is not what the goal is at all.

What Has it Become? Feminism is everywhere today; the internet, television, magazines, and the music industry. It truly is amazing how far we as females have come. Feminism is one of those arguments where you can easily cross a thin line. Meaning, we as women (most of us) want to be these “strong independent women” but still would like men to act chivalrous. I find nothing wrong with this theory. I think if a lady would like to live on her own, or pay her own bills, she can still want to feel loved and appreciated. Feminism doesn't mean to isolate yourself from the rest of the world. It means if you want that raise your colleague got last week and you work just as hard, you should be able to go and get it. It means to feel empowered and beautiful in your own skin. Where in the definition of feminism do i see “No man should open a door, pull out a chair, or be a gentlemen to a feminist.” This generation is so mixed in every area. In some ways we are the most judgmental generation, and in other ways we are so open as a technology savvy generation. So any empowerment in any area is greatly needed. Feminism really isn't harming anyone. But of course, you have your right to your own

reservations, and I'm not one to say otherwise. I hope my article has helped you understand a little bit about feminism. I myself am still learning about this huge world of equal rights. no matter if you’re male, female, feminist, or not. Never be afraid to voice your opinion. Everyone has a right to feel not only comfortable in their own skin but like they can conquer anything. You as a human being have so many layers to you, so don't let words of one person or even a handful of people stop you from being the person you want to be.


By:Elijah Pila

Italy has always been a well known place for tourists and people all around the world, but how much do you really know? In this article i’ll be talking about Italy’s language, food, culture and some famous places there.

Food Food is a very big thing in Italy, and food comes in all shapes, sizes, and flavors. Italian cuisine does not just consist of pizza and pasta. They have many different kinds of foods. There is risotto, which is a rice dish cooked in broth and made into a creamy consistency. Another popular dish is minestrone which is a vegetable and bean soup. Of course pizza and pasta are always a fan favorite because there are so many combinations you can make. You could do just cheese or maybe a meat lover’s pizza. With pasta you can have all kinds of pasta noodles and sauces. It really is an adventure with food in Italy, especially if you are American. In Italy there is a sort of guideline on how to eat. Here are some of them: 1. Eggs are not eaten in the morning. 2. Coffee shops are called bars. 3. Do not ask for spaghetti with meatballs; it does not exist there. 4. Only drink water or wine with your meal. 5. Drink a cappuccino in the morning.

Famous Places

The Colosseum The Colosseum is an amphitheater in the city of Rome. It is made of sand and concrete and is the largest amphitheater ever built. The construction of the Colosseum started in AD 72, and it was completed in AD 80. The Colosseum had many uses including gladiatorial contests, animal hunts, executions, battle reenactments, and dramas. Nowadays, the Colosseum is a tourist attraction that brings in millions of visitors annually.

Florence Cathedral The Florence Cathedral is the main church in Florence, Italy. It took a while to build. It was expected to take at least 140 years. Construction started on September 8, 1296 and was not finished until March 2, 1436. The cathaderal is considered the third largest cathederal in the entire world. The interior has a gigantic painting of The Last Judgement by Vasari and Zuccaro. The cathedral also has a clock that runs backwards.

Language Italian language is one of the most well-known and studied language of the world. Many people find it beautiful and poetic in many ways. Here are some introductions in Italian: Buongiorno (Good morning) Buonasera ( Good evening) Buonanotte (Good night) Ciao “informal” (Hi) Salve “formal” (Hello) Arrivederci (Goodbye)

Italian also has something called grammatical gender. Grammatical gender is the gender of a word which depends on the ending of the word. If the word ends in o it’s most likely male and if a word ends with an a then it’s most likely female. Here is a sample of two friends greeting each other: Friend 1: Ciao Anna! ( Hey Anna) Friend 2: Ciao Francesca, come stai? (Ciao Francesca, how are you?) Friend 1: Molto bene grazie, e tu? (Very well thanks, and you?) Friend 1: Non c’e male, grazie. (Not bad, thanks)

TRADING CARD GAMES!!!!!!! By Marcus Mincey

Different Games played world-wide... What game will you find most interesting? All over the world people play trading card games no matter

The games people like to play vary. Some popular games are

their age. There are even organized tournaments so they can test up at the top. My personal favorite is Cardfight Vanguard. You use their skill and try to obtain new, stronger cards to help them different cards from the same clan to “fight” them. To “fight” continue improving their deck structures. When a person feels he someone just means to play a match with them. Other popular is ready to take on stronger opponents he goes to compete in games are Yu-Gi-Oh! and Force of Will. Most of you probably regional and national tournaments to play against new people already know what Yu-Gi-Oh! is from when you were younger and who may be a little stronger than him or completely outclass him, some of you probably still play it or still enjoy watching the tv either way it is a great way for people to improve. If someone is show. Force of Will is like both Vanguard and Yu-Gi-Oh! so people able to conquer the national tournament he may be invited to playing either one of these games would most likely enjoy this participate in the world tournament to see who is the best in the new game. The rules for all three of these games will be explained world. Now just because someone wins the world tournament it in a little bit in the article. does not exactly mean he is the best. When he returns the next year to defend his title there is a good chance that someone will appear who will beat him and take his place as best in the world.

The way you construct a Vanguard deck and deal damage, unless the attacker draws


is to find a balance of units (that is what the a drive trigger. A drive trigger is a special card cards are called) so you can make full use of that gives the attacker a power boost and a them and their skills. The normal balance of skill. There are four kinds of drive triggers: cards are: 17 grade 0’s, 15 grade 1’s, 10 critical which lets you deal an extra point of grade 2’s, 8 grade 3’s, and 8 grade 4’s. The damage when it hits, stand trigger which lets way to play the game is to start with a grade you re-stand a unit and let it attack again 0 face down on the playing mat. This unit is unless it is the vanguard, draw trigger which called a forerunner. Before you start playing lets you draw an extra card, and heal trigger you and your opponent shuffle your own which lets you recover one damage point as decks and draw five cards. If there are cards long as you have equal or greater damage. All you don’t want in your hand you can put four of these triggers gives one of your units them back in the deck and shuffle it again a power boost of 5,000. You also do drive and re-draw the same number of cards you trigger checks when you get dealt damage. put back one time. Now is when it starts to When a unit is done guarding or were get fun. You and your opponent flip over the attacked while in the rear guard (the place face down forerunner and say, “Stand up where you call extra units of the same or vanguard!” It is actually pretty fun to say lower grade) he is sent to the drop zone and that,.now the person who goes first gets to cannot be used for the rest of the match draw the first card, then he picks a card one unless a units skill can bring them back into grade higher than your vanguard from your play or back into the deck. Now when you hand and place it on top of the grade 0 unit. get to grade 3 you get to do two drive This is called riding the vanguard where you checks. This is called twin drive, so you can promote the unit to a more powerful one. The try to get more cards and more triggers. only downside to going first is that you can’t Grade 4’s are harder to use because you do attack first. Now the opponent goes, draws a not ride them like other units, you have to card and rides a grade 1 unit also and now stride them. Striding is when you pay the cost you can start calling for reinforcements from to use a grade 4 which is by discarding cards your hand. You can play cards that are the from your hand that equals grade 3. The same grade or lower from your hand to the power of a grade 4 is very powerful, he gets field around your main unit or “Vanguard.” the power of the grade 3 he is placed on and This is called “calling.” Now you can attack are given its name as well as a power boost the opponent’s vanguard and deal damage to of 15,000. These units also let you do a drive him, so long as your unit’s power is equal to check three times and this is called a triple or greater than the defending unit. When drive. At the end of the turn the grade 4 goes getting attacked the defender has a choice of to a place called the Generation Zone or Gwhether or not he wants to reduce the Zone for short. Grade 4’s can only be used attacker’s power by using a card of the same on the vanguard circle and nowhere else. In or lower grade from his hand. This is called case I left anything out you can go look up

Vanguard Cards These are what the cards used in Cardfight Vanguard look like. The top is a regular card used in the main deck. The one under it is a G-unit that has its own area on the playmat at right. The bottom card is what a unit looks like in the game, these are placed on one of the circles on the play mat.

guarding. Guarding reduces the attackers the rules online at You can power by 5000 or 10,000 depending on the also watch the show on YouTube. Just look type of unit he used to guard. If the person up cardfight vanguard episodes. guards, then the attack will not go through

Vanguard Playmat

Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game

Another good card game is something I am sure most of you are familiar with........Yu-Gi-Oh! the trading card game. You have probably

lose any life points unless the attacking monster has an effect that deals the difference in attack and defense points as damage

seen the show and loved to watch it but never tried playing the game.

Now we move onto the different types of monster cards! The first

The game is very strategy based and you need to find the best

is normal monsters. These monsters have no effects at all, only attack

balance of monsters (cards that get to attack) so you can have a good

and defense points and a name too. Then there are effect monsters.

offense and defense, also you need to watch for the monsters level

Most monsters in the game now are effect monsters. These monsters

which varies greatly. Monsters level ranges from 1-12, monsters that

have special abilities that vary greatly from it not being destroyed by

are level 4 or below can be played without any condition unless they

battle to destroying all the cards on the field. Next are ritual monsters

say otherwise. Then there are level 5-6 monsters, they need to have a

(blue monster cards). These monsters can only be summoned using

tribute (offer another monster on the playing field) before they can be

special spell cards called ritual spells. These ritual cards have to be

called, and level 7-9 monsters need two tributes. Monsters above that

used for specific monsters. If you use a ritual spell to summon a

level usually need three tributes, but their power is worth it.Also you

monster that is not in the cards description then it will not work. Also

can only summon one monster every turn during your main phase

you need to offer monsters from the hand and field that equals the

unless other monsters say they can be special summoned. You also

ritual monsters level or surpasses it. Now we talk about fusion

need spell and trap cards to buy you some time or counter-attack.

monsters. Fusion monsters (purple monster cards) can only be

Before I get ahead of myself let me tell you how the turns go. First is

summoned by using a spell card called polymerization and specific

the draw phase which is when you draw a card (obviously). Second is

monsters written on the fusion monsters card description and the

the standby phase, this phase is for card effects to happen. Some

monsters must be in either your hand or the field. Next is synchro

cards say that their effect has to take effect during the standby phase.

monsters. Synchro monsters (white or silver, however you think) can

Third is the main phase. The main phase is when you get to summon

only be summoned by using monsters called tuners. Tuner monsters

your monster cards and play your spell cards and set trap cards for

are the key piece to summon synchro monsters. You need a specific

later. Fourth is the battle phase. Like the name states this is the time

tuner monster and a specific on-tuner monster whose combined level

when you use your monsters to attack the opponent and decrease

equals the synchro monsters level. Now for Xyz monsters. Xyz

their life points. Life points are what determine who wins or loses the

monsters (Black monster cards) can only be summoned by placing

duel, I will get into that in a little bit. After the battle phase is your

two monsters of the same level on top of each other. This is called

second main phase called main phase 2. This phase is exactly like the

overlaying. The thing about Xyz monsters is that they have no level!

first main phase. You can activate spell cards and set trap cards for

Instead they have ranks so any abilities that have to do with your

later, you an also summon a monster during this phase, but only if you

monsters level will not work. To activate their effects Xyz monsters

didn’t summon in the first main phase. Ok now we talk about what life

need to discard one of the overlaid cards, they turn into things called

points are. Life points determine who wins the game. If you lose all

overlay units. Finally we have pendulum monsters. Pendulum

your life points before your opponent then you lose. Both you and

monsters (their bottom half of the card is green) make synchro and

your opponent start with 8,000 life points, but in the show and certain

Xyz summoning much easier. Pendulum monsters have this thing

tournaments it is 4,000. The main way to decrease your opponents life

called a scale, and these scales determine what level of monsters you

points is by attacking them with your monsters. When your monster

get to summon. Say the scales are 1 and 8, then you get to special

attacks your opponent directly, meaning there is nothing in the way to

summon monsters between these numbers, so levels 2 through 7

stop it, then your opponent loses life points equal to the monsters

without needing any sacrifices. More info at the Yu-Gi-Oh! wiki page.

attack points. Life points also decrease when two monsters do battle.

Hope you enjoyed all these card games and decide to try them out for

When one monster’s attack is higher than the others then the

yourselves. If you want to try them out you can go to a card shop

difference in their attack points comes out of the owner with the

called Hero’s Hideout on Clark Avenue in Yuba City. The address is

weaker monster’s life points. Some spells and trap cards also lower

229 Clark Ave # S, Yuba City, CA 95991. It is on the second floor.

life points as well as monsters effects. Also when a monster is in

Everyone who plays there is very kind and respects each other and

defense mode (turned on its side) and it gets attacked, you will not

respect the games as well.

FAIRIES Everybody knows the boy who never wanted to grow up. How about his best friend, Tinker Bell, and her fairy friends may be the images we see when we think about fairies. We think about a small, kind, and lovable fairy girl. Even all the fairies we see on TV are portrayed as kind and lovable character. But fairies usually have a darker underside than what we see on TV. Fairies are actually a type of mythical or legendary creature in European folklore. Fairies also have different types of names and spellings like “fay, fae, fair folk, or faery�. They are a type of spirit that may be describe as metaphysical, supernatural, or preternatural. Fairies are describe as human-like in their appearance. Sometimes they are portrayed as having magical power. These creatures also range in size from being very tiny to a small child size. Fairies usually did not have wings, but they did fly with the magic they had or they flew on the back of birds or on the stems of the ragwort. As of now fairies are described with insect or butterfly wings.

ORIGINS Fairies’ origins can be traced from various folklore. Most origins say that fairies are beings of the dead, demon like, or they are a mixed of angels. In Christian mythology fairies were a class of demoted angels. They were too evil for heaven, but not evil enough for hell. One story in particular was about the angels revolting and God ordering the gates shut, and those that were left in heaven became angels and those in hell became demons, but those caught in between became fairies. In pagan deities fairies were worshipped as minor goddesses, but with the coming of Christianity that all change. Still many believed that they are still just demons. Most fairies were believed to be spirits of the dead because they were dead. One of the beliefs was that fairies lived under sidhe or fairy mounds. People believed that the sidhe were burial grounds. If you were to ever visit the fairy’s land do not eat any of their food, because why would they have the same rules as the underworld. In Irish mythology the Tuatha De Danann is a race of supernaturally-gifted people who were believed to be fairies or something god-like.

Facts Fairies are not like Tinker Bell and her friends. In folklore people would use cold iron or charms of rowan and herbs to protect themselves from the fairy’s malice. They would pull pranks on the towns folk like tying the hair of people, stealing and leading travelers astray. Fairies would force young people to dance all night until they perished from their lacked of rest. Fairies in Scottish culture would be divided into different courts. The Seelie Court was for the more kind but dangerous fairies who would play harmless pranks on humans. The Unseelie Court was for the malicious fairies who would try to cause harm to humans. Fairies are made today as kind and sweet creatures, but that is just the opposite of what they are. Fairies love to cause mischief and pull pranks on humans, but that makes fairies what they are.

By: Rebekah Pack

We Need A Longer Lunch! By Zephaniah HSJ

“Many kids don't eat healthfully at school and a new study suggests it's because they don't have enough time.” Linda Carroll. Personally, I believe lunchtime period at my school is too short. During the lunchtime period in most high schools, you do not get enough time to get, eat, and fully digest your food before your next class, which can lead to hunger which can later be a distraction from your education. There are many reasons why there should be a longer lunchtime period. Some people walk to places for their lunch. It takes time to walk, get your food, eat, then walk back; thirty minutes isn’t enough time. For others who stay at school to eat, thirty minutes is not enough time to eat, fully digest your food, and also have time for socializing. “Socialization is a great reward for teenagers, because they love to hang out and spend time together,” Ogden High School principal Stacey Briggs.

A good lunch is essential to keep a student alert for class. “Many studies, such as one conducted by Tufts University School of Nutrition, have confirmed that students who are hungry because they have skipped lunch are distracted in the classroom.” - Karen Doll Tolliver. Most teachers do not allow food or drinks in their classroom. If a student does not finish their food in the time given, this can result in hunger, and being hungry can result in poor academic performance. Some students spend their lunch period mainly socializing instead of eating. While that is the student’s fault, it does not leave much time for the student to eat their lunch, which is why i believe there should be a longer lunch period so it leaves time for socialization and eating.

For these reasons, I believe the lunchtime

at my school(Camptonville Academy) should have a 45 minute lunchtime period. I think it would be beneficial to a lot of the students.


By: Nichole Horsfall

Tigers are the largest cat species. In the wild, they can reach up to a total body length of 3.38m ( 11.1 ft.) and can weigh up to 388.7kg ( 857 lbs.). Tigers are classified in the genus Panthera with the lion, leopard, jaguar, and the snow leopard.

The most recognizable feature of a tiger is their dark vertical stripes on an orange/red coat with a lighter underside. They’re apex predators - primarily preying on ungulates ( hoofed mammals) . Tigers are territorial, generally solitary but social animals - often requiring larger continuous

areas of habitat that support their prey requirements.

poaching ( Illegal hunting of wild animals for their parts).

The remaining six tiger subspecies have been classified as endangered by ICUN (International Union for Conservation of Nature).

! White tigers are found only in the Bengal subspecies. It is a recessive gene that allows the tiger to have white fur and black stripes with blue eyes. Commonly mistaken for Albinism ( person or animal having white skin or fur and red/pink eyes).

The top three main threats of tigers are habitat destruction, habitat fragmentation, and

Tigers are comfortable in water and frequently bathe.

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