C.O.R.E. Coyote Call
The Blood Moon
By: Shannon Ortega causing the moon to turn a A vary rare occurrence reddish color. This has the happened April 14th-15th. same effect on sunsets. It’s called a total lunar eclipse, and this was the first The lunar ellipse actually started around 10:58pm PDT of four total lunar eclipses which is called a lunar tetrad. on April 14th, and that is The next lunar eclipse will be when the stages of the moon began. The moon starts to on October 8th, 2014, just in case you missed the last one. move behind earth’s shadow So here is the science behind but you did not see the reddish color yet because the it. You might be wondering moon was not completely how the moon gets that reddish color, and this is how. covered by earth’s shadow or its penumbra. After around There is a point where the 1:20 am the eclipse became moon passes through the complete. Altogether from earth’s shadow causing the moon to get darkened. As the 12:00 am PDT to 1:20 am PDT the eclipse lasted 78 moon is passing through earth’s shadow, light from the minutes. This lunar ellipse was mainly seen most of the sun gets refracted through western hemisphere. the earth’s atmosphere,
Issue #6
Some places saw the blood moon better than others depending on weather conditions. Here are the dates for the upcoming blood moons. 10/8/14, after this blood moon there will be a solar eclipse which is very rare, having it in between the blood moons. That solar eclipse will occur on 3/20/15. The blood moon after that is on 4/04/15, and finally the last blood moon will be held on 9/28/15. So just in case you missed it the first time, you will have other chances. Happy sky watching!
Solar Flare: How Close It Came On January 27, 2012, the sun gave off an immense solar flare. This kind of solar flare was by far the strongest and was rated an X1.7-class eruption. X-class flares are the most powerful, falling behind is the M-class flares with medium impact, and then the C-class flares with the least amount of impact. The solar flare released a coronal mass ejection! Luckily it did not hit earth. If it were to hit earth, many satellites would blackout. An example, of what it would be like is a power outage here on earth. The solar flare came from a place on the sun that has been most active. If the solar flare would of hit, it would make a lot of damage to earth’s magnetic field, not to mention billions of dollars for recovery in ruined Picture of the January 27, 2012, solar flare, courtesy technology. Since, our world is and has been increasing in technology, this solar of NASA. flare could have been very damaging. The reason why it did not hit was because earth was orbiting on the other side of the sun. If only this solar storm came nine days earlier it would have crucial impact.
Aesop’s “Oh So Slightly” Updated Fables by Sara Comarsh Junior •••
Camptonville Academy’s Intermediate Drama class is now working on their spring show which will take place on Thursday, May 17th at 2 PM in the Multi Purpose Room. Aesop's Oh So Slightly Updated Fables consists of a group of six fables: The Tortoise and The Hare, The Country Maid, The Lion and The Mouse, The Dog and The Bone, The Fox and the Grapes, and The Miller, His Son, and the Donkey. The show will be directed by Ms. Ellie Palmer. The Tortoise and The Hare shows us that slow and steady wins the race. The Country Maid teaches us to never count our chickens before they hatch. The Lion and The Mouse tells us that when you do something nice for someone, big or small, it never goes unnoticed! The Dog and The Bone teaches us that is you’re greedy, you could lose everything. The production is full of fables including these teaching valuable life lessons.
together, and I’ve had a fantastic time assisting Ms. Palmer in the making of this small but entertaining show. This cast of young actors and actresses is energetic, lively, and bursting with talent, and it has been a great privilege to work with them along with Ms. Palmer.
The cast includes a variety of young The cast and I, along with Ms. Palmer, have elementary and middle school students, with spent many school afternoons rehearsing the exception of myself. This group of
students includes the following: Ben Apsley, David Barbieri, Kylie Edwards, Alexander Fraher, Matthew Fish, Mariana Fraher, Haley Rongley, Mackenzie Smith, Maycie McCloud, Arabella Lewis, and Julianna Zemko. I know that this show will be one that people of all ages will enjoy! The cast has worked for many hours to make this show a success, and I believe that it will be a show to remember.
BEHIND THE SCENES The cast has been working for many weeks rehearsing for this production. In their case,
Above: Kylie Edwards, Alexander Fraher, Matthew Fish, Ben Apsley and Mackenzie Smith rehearse “The Miller, His Son, and the Donkey”
slow and steady definitely wins the race!
Above: Kylie Edwards, Mackenzie Smith, and Alexander Fraher rehearse “The Tortoise and The Hare”.
Types of Dreams Pt II By Olivia Bohmann
Dreams are a series of sensations you ex0erience when you sleep. These sensations can be voices, sounds, thoughts, images, ideas, and emotions. There are many different t>0es of dreams. These dreams include mut?al dreams, false-‐awakening dreams, lucid dreams, and epic dreams. Mut?al dreams are dreams that happen when tCo or more people have the same dream. There is usually a stDong bond that exists betCeen these people. Mut?al dreams can be planned. People can work towards having the same dream. These dreams are called meshing dreams and meeting dreams. Meshing dreams happen when tCo or more people share cerFain dream elements. For example, you are watching a TV show or movie with your Iiends. You then have similar dreams because you watched something all together. Meeting dreams happen when tCo or more people meet up in the same dream world and communicate. Mut?al dreams can be spontaneous. You may not even realize you have had the same dream as someone else. Mut?al dreams are a myster> in the dream world, but ex0eriments are being done to help us understand this phenomenon.
False-‐awakening dreams happen when a person dreams about waking up Iom sleep or Iom a dream and perforLing their morMing routine such as eating, cooking, cleaning, geNing ready for the day, and etc. These dreams can go as far to you arDiving at the place you need to be such as work or school. False-‐awakening dreams can also happen within each other. For example, you dream you wake up, get ready, and go about your day’s events. Then you realize its just a dream. You wake up, get ready, and go about your day. Then you realize its just another dream! These t>0es of dreams are referDed to as a dream within a dream. Sometimes, no maNer how bizarDe the aspects of the dreams are, dreamers will think that these events and surDoundings are aparF of their ever>day lives. False-‐awakening dreams sometimes occur aſter a lucid dream.
Lucid dreams are dreams in which the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming. Lucid dreams can be ver> vivid and life-‐like. Oſten when people realize they are dreaming they wake up, but some dreamers have acquired the abilit> to stay in the lucid dreaming state and contDol their dreams. Lucid dreams can begin either as a dream-‐initiated lucid dream or a wake-‐ initiated lucid dream. A dream-‐initiated lucid dream begins as a norLal dream and either ends or keeps going when the dreamer unconsciously realizes that they are having a dream. A wake-‐initiated lucid dream occurs when a person goes Iom the waking state directly to the dreaming state with f?ll self-‐awareness. When you have a lucid dream, your brain activit> is the same as when you are awake. When dreamers realized they are dreaming they usually use that time to f?lfill or practice desires such as flying or asking for a raise. What you choose to learM about or practice in your dream is similar to the tDaining and the preparation you do in realit>. It can make you more confident and give you courage to tD> something new. Epic dreams are colossal, compelling, dreams that leave a lasting effect on dreamers. These dreams are so detailed, realistic, and beautif?l that aſter a dreamer has them it is hard to igMore or forget. Also referDed to as cosmic dreams, numinous dreams, and gDeat dreams, these dreams can summon emotions so stDong that it can leave the dreamer with a sense of awestD?ck. When a dreamer wakes up Iom an epic dream, the dreamer may feel as if they have discovered something amazing about themselves or the world. When you have these dreams, you are able to replay them in your mind like you had dreamt them yesterday, even if you had the dream years ago. This dream can feel like a life-‐ changing ex0erience and will stay with the dreamer for years to come.
Written By: Samuel Alpha Edited by: Avery Brooks
Texting and Driving Needs To Be Illegal in All States Did you know that in 2011, 23% of all car crashes were involved with a cellphone. That’s 1.3 million crashes! Also did you know that texting and driving can make a crash twenty three times more likely than other activities like dialing, talking or listening, even just reaching for the phone increases this risk even more. Texting and driving causes 330,000 injuries every year, but only thirty nine states prohibit all drivers from texting. Texting and driving needs to be illegal in all states. Texting and driving is a huge problem, and is slowly becoming our countries top killer. A lot of drivers think that you can text and drive and still be safe, but most of the time it ends up badly. Here’s an example: if it takes you just five seconds to send a text, and let’s say you are moving at about 55mph, than that is five seconds you have use to look away from the road, and you could travel a football field in distance in just those five seconds! So as you can see, even a tiny bit of time in a car (moving at a decent pace) you can travel pretty far. Did you also know that U.S. teens who text and drive spend 10% of that time outside their lanes? And another fact is that about eleven teens die every day from texting and driving, which is the number one
driving distraction for teenagers. Another incredible fact is that texting and driving has about the same risk as driving after drinking four beers! So, as you can see, texting and driving is a real problem. Some people might say that they have texted and driven and it’s perfectly okay and about 77% of people did say this.Yes 77% of young adults admitted that they can confidently text and drive. Some people also claim that it’s “really easy to text and drive.” in fact, 55% of young adults also claimed this. I agree that texting and driving is not always life threatening, but it still is dangerous. Some people also might say that each state can choose their own laws; you can’t make them have a law. And this is true every state has their own laws but if they realize the tragic effect texting and driving has, it will make them consider it illegal.
A lot of people have never known how harmful texting and driving can be, but a lot of people have been injured because of this and, in many cases, killed by texting and driving. Here are some of these stories. Kena H shared this: “I lost my best friend, who was also my baby brother, on September 11, 2010 due to distracted driving.” CJ died as a single father of two children. Teresa Breen shares her story: her son, John Breen, died March 15, 2009. He was a 23- year- old United States marine who passed away just before deploying to Afghanistan; his last text read YEAH T. The last story is by
Megan D. She wrote “My godson, Enzo Williams, recently died in a car accident.” He was infant at 6months 15 days old died when a driver texting and driving killed him when he hit their car. These are just a few stories of thousands that remind us of the dangers of texting and driving. Only 39 states have laws against texting and driving, which is very surprising because this is a very big problem injuring and killing thousands.Yet another amazing fact is that in Belgium they tricked teens into thinking that the only way they could pass their driving test is if they were able to simultaneously text and drive on a closed course. The feedback was truly different than what I would have expected. Those are just some of the comments the teens said. As you can see many people are realizing the real problem of texAng and driving. So let’s spread the word about not texAng and driving so that it will be illegal in every state!
Bill Gates
By Chase Foster Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955. At a young age Bill took interest in computer programming. IBM came to Gates to make them a new operating system. When he decided to make the operating system he focused on software that managed the computer hardware. They ended up calling the operating system “MS-DOS.� Bill didn't stop there. Once he finished his work for IBM, he went off and created DOS2. He did try completing a new system called OS2 which would fail miserably if he continued working on it.
caused Microsoft to pay fees for all computers made even if they were not using Windows.
Bill decided to continue on Windows rather than anything else. He knew that working on the Windows operating system that he may loose IBM as a customer. He was willing to take that risk. In fact, that risk he ended up taking brought him to the top once he released Windows 3.0, which became his first best seller. Soon after Windows 3.0 was released. Microsoft started to become the monopoly which was both a good and bad thing. People started to call Bill a ruthless and brutal man because they believed he was using unfair business practices, which
Soon the world of the internet appeared when Netscape was released, and Microsoft had not even touched the world of the internet, but this inspired them to create Internet Explorer. Soon after Internet Explorer was released, Microsoft was hit with a law suit that cost them millions and forced Bill Gates to step down and hand the throne to Steve Balmer. Bill continued his work as Chairman. Soon he just designed software that made people lives so much easier by taking hours of work into simple seconds. He is the man who generally changed the computing world we know and love today.
Bill Gates is a very generous man because of his mother who gave him a lot inspiration. She sadly got breast cancer and didn't make it. Soon after Bill started a foundation for certain causes that his mom was into so he could continue her dream. When Windows 95 came out, Bill decided to take a break and become a family man. He had his first daughter, and he was just the happiest man in the world.
APRIL 2014
We Have the Right to Bear Arms Written by Madeline Parker. Edited by Kiersten Alioa
“To conquer a nation, /irst disarm its citizens.”
-‐Adolf Hitler, 1933 Is the federal government trying to take guns though there are several examples of what away from law-‐abiding citizens? This question unarmed nations come to. has been raising a national debate. Research has Do you remember the Holocaust? Do remember shown that there are signs of the United States how it started? It started with Hitler taking government attempting to disarm its citizens. Germany’s /irearms. His given reason for doing Over the past several years, it has been making so was that mobs of government-‐encouraged gun laws stricter and stricter. And they’re using Nazi and Communist youth were becoming too tragedies, such as the Sandy Hook school violent. But disarming German citizens was just shooting, to do it. They say that they’re just trying the beginning. After that, things escalated so far to protect innocent people from getting hurt. that thirteen million people were killed. This is Unfortunately, it is common for history to repeat one of the most commonly known genocides; itself. And in the past, countries that have wanted another is the Cambodian genocide. power over their people have /irst disarmed Recently, having read an article by Steve Hyde, an them. Other countries that have done this American missionary in Cambodia, I learned include: Turkey, Germany, China, Cambodia, more about the conditions there. According to a Guatemala, and Uganda. 2005 law in Cambodia, you only get guns if you Our government’s current actions aren’t new; work for the government. That should prevent other nations have done the same thing before suicides and murders, correct? Yet Steve, who completely taking over. Therefore, law-‐abiding, actually lives in Cambodia, describes it much sane citizens should continue to be allowed to differently. He lists speci/ic cases where people bear the necessary arms so they can defend were either killed or almost killed with rocks, themselves from danger, whether foreign or swords, wooden boards, etc. Policemen, the only domestic. ones who are armed, use their guns for their Many people argue that the federal government personal advantage. Steve describes his house as has no intention of taking away our gun rights. made of concrete, with a /ifteen foot wall with And yet, gun laws have been tightening. Senator razor wire at the top, and bars in the windows – Harry Reid has made several attempts to make it just to keep his family protected. To make up for almost impossible to buy a gun legally. Some gun his loss of guns, he has several large dogs. He also dealers have left California because of the dif/icult describes how, when Cambodia was /irst steps they have to take to sell /irearms. For disarmed, his wife was one of the only ones in her example, the Gun Control Act of 1968 – October 22 – family who wasn’t killed along with the other 3.1 regulated /irearm’s industry and /irearm’s owners. million people in the Cambodian genocide. When And the Gun Free School Zones Act in 1990 that made Cambodia was /irst taken over by their it illegal for guns to be in a school. In the past, government, the methods were similar to Hitler’s governments have used the explanation, “the methods. But gun control laws aren’t only fewer guns there are, the fewer murders there’ll foreign; cities in the United States also have tried be” to explain the disarming of its citizens. this. However, studies at Harvard have proved the Chicago has some of the highest murder rates in opposite. According to the study, the more guns the United States. Up until recently, guns were there are the fewer murders there will be. For illegal there. But how can Chicago have such a years this has been a major argument, even
protected. To make up for his loss of guns, he has several large dogs. He also describes how, when Cambodia was /irst disarmed, his wife was one of the only ones in her family who wasn’t killed along with the other 3.1 million people in the Cambodian genocide. When Cambodia was /irst taken over by their government, the methods were similar to Hitler’s methods. But gun control laws aren’t only foreign; cities in the United States also have tried this. Chicago has some of the highest murder rates in the United States. Up until recently, guns were illegal there. But how can Chicago have such a high murder rate if guns are illegal there? It’s possible, because not everyone follows the law. And when you advertise the fact that you don’t have guns, you are a likely target for criminals and killers because they’re cowards. Is it more likely for a criminal to shoot at cops in a police station or kids in a school? Gun-‐free zones are the perfect places for crimes. The sad thing is, most gun-‐free places are schools, and so a killer can go in and shoot to his heart’s delight without having to worry about his victims shooting back. So should guns be illegal? I agree that convicted felons and insane people should not have guns. But that doesn’t mean that law-‐abiding sane people shouldn’t. It is common for people to say that guns kill people; therefore, they should be illegal. But can a gun walk over to someone and shoot them? No, so guns don’t kill people, people kill people. Despite the fact that guns can be used to injure and kill people, they also help protect people from being injured or killed. There are approximately one to two point /ive million defensive guns uses per year in the United States. Some people say that, if the government is trying to take our guns, then it wouldn’t be possible for killers to get hold of guns, and therefore, no one would get shot. But just because things are illegal doesn’t mean it’s impossible to get them. For example, methamphetamine is illegal, but it’s still possible to get it. And if guns are made illegal, then you will still be able to buy a gun, illegally. As a result, only people who are willing to commit crimes to obtain a gun will own /irearms. If only cops and criminals own /irearms, how will American citizens defend themselves? “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” 2nd amendment. The amendments were purposely
created in a way that made them dif/icult to change because the government in 1791 realized that, someday, the American government might no longer want its citizens to be completely free. As Americans, we have freedom, but if we are no longer able to bear arms, then how do we defend ourselves? And if we aren’t allowed to possess /irearms, doesn’t that make us not free?
Hyde, Steve. “Welcome to my world – one without guns.” Jungle Adventures. 17 Jan. 2013. Word Press. 3 Feb. 2014. http://stevehyde.wordpress.com/2013/01/17/ world-‐without-‐guns/ “Gun Control And Genocide.” Mercy Seat Christian Church. Dave Melstrand. 3 Feb. 2014. http://www.mercyseat.net/ gun_genocide.html#germany “Harvard Study: Gun Control is Counterproductive.” 2013. American Civil Rights Union. 9 Feb. 2014. http://theacru.org/acru/ harvard_study_gun_control_is_counterproductive/ Jason Parker Second Amendment, U.S. Constitution.