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Samples of selected work 2011

Re-claiming Amsterdam Rotterdam Theatrical Space Space Elevator 2030 - 2130 Towards A New Spirit: Floating China Wetland Museum Zhenda Xizhen Masterplan

RE-CLAIMING AMSTERDAM 2010-11 / Amsterdam, NL Graduation Thesis Reflection upon the contemporary development of Amsterdam. If the current mode of production in Amsterdam is based on the creating of meaningless images (or what Guy Debord called the spectacles) at the cost of ordinary people’s wellbeing, in order to make further profits, can we turn these images into something useful and beautiful, something consumed by people? Can we again claim the city back for the people from the empty images?


Structural System

Facade Unfolded

THEATRICAL SPACE Spring 2010 / Rotterdam, NL Conceptual Design

The design explores the possiblity to record our daily experience of the physical environment beyond our human body and to develop it correspondently into a building. The final result, ‘the theatrical space’, therefore, indicates not only the function of the space but the way how architecture and the space it contains communicate with people.

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is Once Rare, Th Infrastructure Now a Part of Everyday Life

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t Elevator uth Africa ases Travel to 1.7 Hrs


Latest Global GDP Figures Shows Heavy Reliance on y Space Econom

SPACE ELEVATOR CITY 2030 2130 2009 / Schiphol, NL TWF / Conceptual Design

fers tax incentiv who relocate.





(2050). At begins to spraw opens, the city ens rise into the air (2135). after the elevator citiz ted (2040). Just finally all of the ator is construc my worsens (2100). And ono zed as the elev


population 2131 The hes 10 million spaceNL reac ism ed tour

[shapefree] like the fabrics. the connections between peopel become flexible and extensive. facilitated by the social network and virtual communities, the old structure that frames people is dismantled. structure becomes structureless.


Towards A New Spirit: Floating 2010 / Tokyo, JP / Competition

like the fabrics. by the social ne dismantled. stru

[structurefree] like the fabrics. the connections between peopel become flexible and extensive. facilitated by the social network and virtual communities, the old structure that frames people is dismantled. structure becomes structureless.


. the connections between peopel become flexible and extensive. facilitated etwork and virtual communities, the old structure that frames people is ucture becomes structureless.

China Wetland Museum 2007-08 / Hangzhou, China Arata Isozaki Associates Competition / Development Design A project that strives to conceal the huge program of the Wetland museum underneath the natural landscape. A series of program and space study have been conducted over the exhibition circulation and its spatial qualtiy. The strucutre and landscape have been carefully studied with collaboration of the consultant engineers and landscape technicians to realize the special roofscape.

Zhenda Xizhen Masterplan 2008 / Shanghai, China Arata Isozaki Associates Masterplan Design

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