


Let us make your day delicious!
Corporate Breakfast
Lunch • Dinner
Pre-Packaged Prepared Meals
Weddings • Private Events
Gift Packages & Gift Certificates Available
W i t h a n i m p r e s s i v e 1 5 2 , 0 0 0 s q u a r e f e e t o f f i e l d s , h a r d c o u r t , i n d o o r t r a c k a n d m e e t i n g r o o m s w e h a v e s o m e t h i n g f o r t h e w h o l e f a m i l y !
W h e t h e r y o u w a n t t o j o i n a l e a g u e , d r o p i n a n d p l a y a s p o r t , b o o k a p a r t y , s p e c i a l e v e n t o r s o m e t h i n g e l s e , w e a r e h e r e t o h e l p y o u !
I f t h e r e i s a n y i n f o r m a t i o n y o u a r e l o o k i n g f o r a n d c a n ' t f i n d o n o u r p a g e , p l e a s e g i v e o u r a m a z i n g
G u e s t S e r v i c e s t e a m a c a l l t o d a y !
T h e C a v a l r y F C R e g i o n a l F i e l d H o u s e i s a m o d e l f o r c o l l a b o r a t i v e p a r t n e r s h i p s . T h e F o o t h i l l s C o u n t y a n d t h e T o w n o f O k o t o k s h a v e c o m e t o g e t h e r t o b u i l d t h i s m u c h n e e d e d f a c i l i t y t o p r o m o t e h e a l t h a n d w e l l n e s s e x c e l l e n c e . I t i s a p l a c e w h e r e c o m m u n i t i e s c o m e t o g e t h e r . N u s t a d i a R e c r e a t i o n o p e r a t e s t h e F i e l d H o u s e o n b e h a l f o f t h e F o o t h i l l s - O k o t o k s R e c r e a t i o n S o c i e t y . W e p r o m o t e h e a l t h y l i f e s t y l e s , p h y s i c a l a c t i v i t y , a n d s o c i a l c o n n e c t i o n s i n a s a f e , i n v i t i n g a n d f u n e n v i r o n m e n t
4 P l a y i n g F i e l d s , 8 5 ’ x 2 0 0 ’
8 0 0 f o o t , 3 L a n e E l e v a t e d W a l k i n g / R u n n i n g T r a c k
T r a i n i n g A r e a s
C h a n g e R o o m s / S h o w e r s / L o c k e r s
S p e c t a t o r V i e w i n g A r e a s
A d m i n i s t r a t i v e O f f i c e s
M e e t i n g & M u l t i p u r p o s e R o o m s
H o u s e L e a g u e s
T o u r n a m e n t s
D r o p I n S p o r t s
F i t n e s s C l a s s e s
S p e c i a l E v e n t s
B i r t h d a y P a r t i e s
C o r p o r a t e M e e t i n g s
T e a m B u i l d i n g E v e n t s
T r a d e S h o w s
W e d d i n g s / G r a d u a t i o n s
Registration can be done online, in person or by phone. Credit Card payment is required at time of registration online and by phone. Credit card, debit and cash is accepted for registrations done in person.
All classes are subject to cancellation if there are insufficient registrations. Registrants will be notified a soon as a decision has been made to cancel a class. In the case that the Field House cancels a class you will receive a full refund or you may transfer to another class if space permits.
If you withdraw from a camp/program at least 7 days before the start date a $10 cancellation fee per registration will be applied to your refund or credit. No refund or credit will be issued if the withdrawal occurs less than a week from the start date or after a program starts, except for medical reasons (physician’s note required). Withdrawal from programs for medical reasons will be effective from the date of the note and must be received prior to the program end date. Credits can be applied towards another Field House sponsored activity, class, camp or program. No refunds or credits will be applied for withdrawals from pre or post camp care.
If you withdraw from a class a minimum of 7days before the start date, a $10 cancellation fee per registration will be applied to your refund or credit. No refund or credit will be issued if the withdrawal occurs less than 7 days from the start date or after a program
starts except for medical reasons (physician’s note required). Withdrawal from a program for medical reasons after the program has started will be effective from the date of the note and a refund will be provided for remaining classes in the program.
If a program has reached its maximum number of registrants, express your interest by adding your name to the waiting list. If a space becomes available or an additional class is added due to the demand you will be notified.
The following organizations offer subsidies to participate in recreational activities. Activity and income guidelines apply. Please contact them directly for further information.
Follow us on Social Media for the latest news on what’s happening around the Field House!
This parented class will introduce a variety of developmentally ageappropriate sports, games and activities to assist your toddler refine their gross motor skills (balance and coordination) and build social skills (following direction, taking turns, building confidence) Siblings under the age of 18 months may attend free of charge.
Tuesday May 2 - June 20
9:30-10:15 am | $68.00/8 Classes | Code: 1361
Is your 2 (or newly 3) year old a non-stop whirlwind of energy and ready to enjoy a “big kid” class? In this unparented class they will enjoy sports, parachute, bouncy castle and active games that burn up that extra energy in a safe encouraging environment. Designed especially for little ones experiencing their first class on their own they will be so
Monday May 1 - June 19 (No Class May 22) 11:00 am-12:00 pm | $70.00/7 Classes | Code: 1359
Friday May 5 – June 23 (No class Apr 10) 9:30-10:30 am | $80.00/8 classes | Code: 1372
Your pint-sized sports enthusiast will be kept moving as they are introduced to a new sporting activity each week. Basketball, soccer, floor hockey, T-ball, kick ball, lacrosse, badminton, and track & field will be played. Focus will be on improving gross motor skills, cooperation, teamwork, being active and having a blast!
Monday May 1 – June 19 (No Class May 22) 9:30-10:30 am | $59.50/7 Classes | Code: 1358
Tuesday May 2 – June 20 12:30-1:30 pm | $68.00/8 Classes | Code: 1363
Wednesday May 3 – June 21 11:00 am-12:00 pm | $68/8 Classes | Code: 1366
This program is designed to focus on hand-eye coordination and the children’s ability to catch, throw, kick and aim. These are some of the skills required for sports such as soccer, basketball, and baseball. You child will learn proper techniques and skills in a fun environment. Let’s Play Ball!
Monday May 1 – June 19 (No Class May 22) 12:30-1:30 pm | $59.50/7 Classes | Code: 1360
Thursday May 4 – June 22 11:00 am – 12:00 pm | $68/8 Classes | Code: 1369
If it uses a stick, bat or a ball your preschooler will get to play it! Skills, drills and mini game play in Floor Hockey, T-Ball, Lacrosse, and Soccer will be played over the session. Let’s get active and have some fun!
Tuesday May 2 – June 20 11:00 am-12:00 pm | $68.00/8 Classes | Code: 1362
Your little Busy Bee will love this new class that combines three of our most popular programs. A combination of Smorgasports, Snack Tales and Rookie Riders will keep them busy each time they come. Each week a new sport will be enjoyed, and a new snack created based on a popular children’s book, finishing with a fun filled bike ride. Scooter or bike required every week and CSA helmet is mandatory.
Wednesday May 3 – June 21 9:30-11:30 am | $160/8 Classes | Code: 1364
Thursday May 4 – June 22 12:30 – 2:30 pm | $160/8 Classes | Code: 1370
For children that aren’t excited about participating in sports it can be hard to find ways to keep them active and moving. There are so many ways that aren’t sport specific to get your heart pumping and your muscles moving. This Fit Kids class uses creative, age-appropriate games and activities that your little one will love! From going on a bear hunt to having a dance party young ones will be kept on the go!
Wednesday May 3 – June 21 9:30-10:30 am | $68/8 Classes | Code: 1365
Biking is a lifelong activity so get your little one into it early. Children will gain confidence in their biking abilities as they learn some new biking skills, discuss safety and biking rules in a safe, fun environment. Let’s put some miles on those bikes this Spring! Training wheels are permitted, and a CSA approved helmet is mandatory.
Wednesday May 3 – June 21 12:30-1:30 pm | $68/8 Classes | Code: 1367
Friday May 5 – June 23 12:30-1:30 pm | $68/8 Classes | Code: 1374
Children will enjoy playing all sorts of sports that include different sized balls. This class will introduce young ones to the fundamentals
of basketball, ball hockey, pickleball, soccer and t-ball. The focus will be on developing coordination and motor skills in a fun and encouraging way.
Thursday May 4 – June 22
12:30 – 1:30 pm | $68/8 Classes | Code: 1371
Friday May 5 – June 23 11:00 am-12:00 pm | $68/8 Classes | Code: 1373
This introductory class will use games and activities to teach the basic skills necessary to learn to play soccer. Passing, dribbling, stopping, shooting, and scoring will all be introduced. Fun recreational “scrimmages” will be played so that everyone feels like a winner!
Thursday May 4 – June 22
9:30-10:30 am | $68/8 Classes | Code: 1368
Hop on over for some Easter themed fun! Easter crafts, cookie decorating, bouncy castle and toys on the field will keep the littles hopping and having fun. The Easter Bunny will be making a special appearance to add to the excitement.
Thursday, April 6, 2023
10:00am-12:00 pm | $15.00/Child | Code: 1153
You will feel the love as you create sweet memories with your little one at our Mom’s day inspired tea party. Crafts, stories, and a tea party with child friendly treats will be enjoyed. Each family will create a special craft together.
Friday, May 12, 2023
12:30-2:00 pm | $15.00/Child | Code: 1419
G G A M E S A N D V A R I A T I O N S O F D O D G E B A L L . E N J O Y O N E H O U R O N T H E F I E L D A N D O N E H O U R I N T H E P A R T Y R O O M .
G A M E S G A L O R E ( 3 - 5 Y E A R S )
I S Y O U R C H I L D A N O N - S T O P W H I R L W I N D O F E N E R G Y B U T I S N ’ T Q U I T E R E A D Y F O R A S P O R T S O R
T H E M E D B A S E D P A R T Y ? L E T ’ S G E T T H E I R H E A R T P U M P I N G A N D M U S C L E S M O V I N G D U R I N G A O N E -
H O U R I N S T R U C T O R L E A D B I R T H D A Y P A R T Y F U L L O F A S S O R T E D G R O U P G A M E S . G E T A L L Y O U R
F R I E N D S T O G E T H E R A N D J O I N U S F O R W H A T T I M E I S I T M R W O L F , C L O T H E S P I N T A G , R E D R O V E R ,
F R E E Z E T A G A N D E V E N A M U S I C A L D A N C E P A R T Y , T H E S E A R E J U S T T O N A M E A F E W . E A C H P A R T Y W I L L
C O N S I S T O F F I V E G R O U P G A M E S I N T H E H O U R O N T H E F I E L D . Y O U M A Y B R I N G U P T O 2 4 G U E S T S .
G A M E S G A L O R E ( 6 - 1 2 Y E A R S )
I S Y O U R C H I L D N O T I N T O S P O R T S B U T S T I L L L I K E S T O B E A C T I V E A N D R U N N I N G A R O U N D ? J O I N U S
F O R A P A C K E D H O U R O N T H E F I E L D W I T H I N S T R U C T O R L E A D G R O U P G A M E S . G A M E S W I L L V A R Y
F R O M F O U R C O R N E R S , C H E E S E M O V E R S , I N D I A N A J O N E S A N D T H E T E M P L E O F D O O M , C L O T H E S P I N
T A G A N D R O C K , P A P E R S C I S S O R B A S E B A L L , T H E S E J U S T T O N A M E A F E W E A C H P A R T Y W I L L C O N S I S T O F F O U R G R O U P G A M E S I N T H E H O U R O N T H E F I E L D Y O U M A Y B R I N G U P T O 2 4 G U E S T S
This grassroots recreational class will introduce passing, shooting, and dribbling through games and drills in an encouraging environment. Skill development, game play and cross training will be included. Emphasis is on fitness, sportsmanship, and team play.
Monday May 1 – June 19 (No Class May 22)
5:00-6:00 pm | $70/7 Classes | Code: 1350
This grassroots recreational class will introduce passing, shooting, and dribbling through games and drills in an encouraging environment. Skill development, game play and cross training will be included. Emphasis is on fitness, sportsmanship, and team play.
Monday May 1 – June 19 (No Class May 22)
6:15-7:15 pm | $70/7 Classes | Code: 1351
Children will get to experience a variety of sports activities in this multi-sport class. Basketball, ball hockey, soccer, pickleball, badminton, dodgeball, t-ball and track & field will be introduced. Fundamental sport skills, endurance, speed, coordination, agility and teamwork will be emphasized. Building athletic confidence and having a blast are the main goals.
Tuesday May 2 – June 20
4:30-5:30 pm | $80/8 Classes | Code: 1352
will be introduced. Fundamental sport skills, endurance, coordination, agility, and teamwork will be emphasized. Building athletic confidence and having a blast are the main goals.
Tuesday May 2 – June 20
5:45-6:45 pm | $80.00/8 Classes | Code: 1353
Homeschool Multi-Sport (5 - 10 Years)
This grassroots recreational multi-sport program will introduce kids to multiple sports over the session. Each class will include a warm up, sport specific skill development, creative drills, game play, group games and cool down. Focus will be on fitness, sportsmanship and team work. Sports included will be Basketball, T-Ball, Soccer, Floor Hockey, Track & Field, Badminton, Pickleball, Flag Football.
Wednesday May 3 – June 21
2:30-4:00 pm | $120/8 Classes | Code: 1354
Ball Hockey (5 - 8 Years)
This recreational ball hockey program will introduce kids to the sport while keeping them active and fit! Each class will include a warmup, skill development, creative drills, game play, group games and cool down. Focus will be on fitness, sportsmanship, and teamwork. A CSA approved helmet is required. Kids may bring their own plastic shaft stick although one will be provided if necessary.
Wednesday May 3 – June 21
4:30-5:30 pm | $80.00/8 Classes | Code: 1355
This recreational ball hockey program will introduce kids to the sport while keeping them active and fit! Each class will include a warmup, skill development, creative drills, game play, group games and cool down. Focus will be on fitness, sportsmanship, and teamwork. A CSA approved helmet is required. Kids may bring their own plastic shaft stick although one will be provided if necessary.
Wednesday May 10 – June 21
5:45-6:45 pm | $70.00/7 Classes | Code: 1356
For children that aren’t excited about participating in sporty activities it can be hard to find ways to keep them active and moving. There are so many ways that aren’t sport specific to get your heart pumping and your muscles moving. This Fit Kids class uses creative, age-appropriate games and activities that your kiddo will love. The class also includes a healthy body/mind component focusing on nutrition and mindfulness. A great combo class that includes both high energy activity and making a nutritious, kid friendly snack or meal and a few minutes learning to focus on breathing and calming thoughts and minds.
Thursday, May 4 – June 22
4:30-6:00 pm | 120.00/8 Classes | Code: 1357
This introductory volleyball class is for beginners that want to learn the basics of volleyball or improve their skills. The content will include positioning on the court, serving, hitting, receiving serves and down balls. Introduce the basics of triple ball and rules of the court and being an active team player.
Friday, May 5 – June 23 (No Class May 19)
4:30-5:30 pm | 70.00/7 Classes | Code: 1375
The Canadian Red Cross Babysitting course which now has a greater emphasis on first aid skills covers everything from managing difficult behaviors to essential content on leadership and professional conduct as a babysitter. Babysitting promises to deepen and enhance the responsibility that older youth feel when caring for younger children. This updated curriculum, complete with new science, also provides improved learning when it comes to giving the appropriate care in the event of an emergency. Instructor: Angie Jackson
Sunday, June 4, 2023
9:00 am-3:00 pm | 80.00/1 Class | Code: 1320
Real world scenarios often call on children to respond to challenges. The Canadian Red Cross Stay Safe! program teaches applicable and age-appropriate skills, while increasing and reinforcing a youth’s capacity to improve his or her own safety. Whether in their community or on their own, this group will be given better tools to Stay Safe! In a variety of different situations. Instructor: Angie Jackson
Sunday, June 11, 2023
10:00 am-12:00 pm | $50.00/1 Class | Code: 1321
12:30pm - 2:00pm
You will feel the love as you create sweet memories with your little one at our Mom's day inspired tea party. Crafts, stories, and a tea party with child friendly treats will be enjoyed Each family will create a special craft together.
$15 per Child | Ages 2-5 (parented)
Registration Code: 1419
our facility has 4 Meeting/Multipurpose rooms that are available for rent? We offer both corporate and non-profit rates
9:00 am – 4:00 pm | $40.00/day | Code: 1177
Pre-Camp (7:00-9:00 am) | Post Camp (4:00-6:00 pm) | Code: 1179
Hot Lunch: Chicken Nuggets, Fries, Veggies + Dip & a Juice Box - $10.00 | Code: 1178
April 3, 2023 – Court Sports
If it’s played on the hardcourt, you will play it today. Basketball, Volleyball, Badminton and Pickleball will keep kids active today.
April 4, 2023 – Pokémon
Does your child want to become a Pokémon trainer? Join us for a fun filled PD day where participants will make their own Pikachu ears and Pokeball to keep all the Pokémon they are going to catch. Children will receive their own official Pokémon trainer certificate after completing the training exercises.
April 5, 2023 – Game On
This camp is for the kids that just can’t get enough sports! Basketball, Kickball, Soccer, Floor Hockey, Capture the Flag and Dodgeball will all be played.
April 6, 2023 – Soccer
Kids will be introduced to the fundamentals of soccer using games, drills, conditioning and scrimmages
April 10, 2023 – Mission Impossible
Calling all secret agents. Do you have what it takes to solve the mission? Round up your closest friends and get ready to put your skills to the test! Kids will spend the day completing several missions that will challenge their mental, physical and creative skills.
April 11, 2023 –
Your child will get to experience a variety of sports activities in this multi-sport class. Basketball, ball hockey, soccer, pickleball, badminton, dodgeball, t-ball and track and field will be introduced. Fundamental sport skills, endurance, coordination, agility, and teamwork will be emphasized. Building athletic confidence and having a blast are the main goals.
April 12, 2023 – Fortnite
Spend the day playing Fortnite - no devices involved! Kids will enjoy a full day of Fortnite games, activities and cooking all Fortnite themed. A Build Off, Target practice, Boogie Bomb game, Balloon War, Battle Zone Nerf War and cook up some Impulse Grenades and Llama Bars.
April 13, 2023 – Basketball
This day camp will introduce passing, shooting, rebounding, dribbling and defensive strategies in a fun and encouraging environment. Skill development, game play and cross training will all be introduced. Emphasis will be on fitness, sportsmanship, and team play.
April 14, 2023 – Minecraft
This day camp is all about Minecraft. Kids will enjoy a day playing Minecraft themed Minute to Win It, Minecraft Nerf Capture the Flag, making creepers and Minecraft figures.
Friday, May 19, 2023 | 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Cost: $40.00 | Code: 1471
Does your child want to become a Pokémon trainer? Join us for a fun filled PD Day where participants will make their own Pikachu ears and Poke ball to keep all the Pokémon they are going to catch. Children will receive their own official Pokémon trainer certificate after completing the training exercises.
Pre Camp Hours: 7:00 am – 9:00 am
Cost per Day: $6.00 | Code: 1475
Post Camp Hours: 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Cost per Day: $6.00 | Code: 1475
Hot Lunch (Chicken Nuggets, Fries, Veggies + Dip and a Juice Box)
Cost: $10.00 | Code: 1473
Friday, June 16, 2023 | 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Cost: $40.00 | Code: 1472
This camp is for the kids that just can’t get enough sports! Basketball, Kickball, Soccer, Floor Hockey, Capture the Flag and Dodgeball will all be played.
Pre Camp Hours: 7:00 am – 9:00 am
Cost per Day: $6.00 | Code: 1476
Post Camp Hours: 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Cost per Day: $6.00 | Code: 1476
Hot Lunch (Chicken Nuggets, Fries, Veggies + Dip and a Juice Box)
Cost: $10.00 | Code: 1474
These martial arts classes offer a mix of self-defense, FMA (Filipino Martial Arts) and some traditional Japanese Martial Arts to keep things fresh and new Developing self-confidence, leadership skills and a true warrior spirit will be the focus in all classes
Instructor: Travis Koehler
July 10 – 14, 2023
10:00 am-12:00 pm | $120.00 | Code: 1330
August 21 – 25, 2023
10:00 am-12:00 pm | $120.00 | Code: 1332
Martial Arts 8-12 Years
Martial Arts 8-12 Years
These martial arts classes offer a mix of selfdefense, FMA (Filipino Martial Arts) and some traditional Japanese Martial Arts to keep things fresh and new For kids in this older group a mix of Self Defense and FMA will be taught, focusing on the finer points Developing selfconfidence, leadership skills and a true warrior spirit will be the focus in all classes
Instructor: Travis Koehler
July 10 – 14, 2023
1:00-3:00 pm | $120.00 | Code: 1331
August 21 – 25, 2023
1:00-3:00 pm | $120.00 | Code: 1333
In this gentle flow yoga class you can expect to increase your flexibility and strengthen your core while releasing stress in the mind and body. Suitable for all levels. Instructor: Shawna Zylstra
Wednesday, May 3 – June 14
10:30-11:30am | $70.00/7 classes | Code: 1300
Connect and unwind together as you develop your core muscles, gain flexibility and increase concentration in a casual atmosphere. Learn how to sync your mind, body and movements and have fun with a few partner poses. Instructor: Shawna Zylstra
Wednesday, May 3 – June 14
5:30-6:30pm | $105.00/7 classes | Code: 1303
This is a fitness-based yoga class. Poses flow fluidly from one to the next as you move your body in sync with your breath. No flexibility is required! Expect to increase your focus, balance and core strength as you decrease stress levels and gain flexibility and mindfulness. Suitable for all levels. Instructor: Shawna Zylstra
Wednesday, May 3 – June 14 7:00-8:00 pm | $70.00/7 classes | Code: 1301
The focus of a Yin class is on stretching the connective tissues between your muscles and organs. Props are used to help your body surrender into postures and then hold them for longer periods of time. Most people find this class relaxing yet very effective. Instructor: Shawna Zylstra
Wednesday, May 3 – June 14
8:15-9:15 pm | $70.00/7 classes | Code: 1302
Stop counting the reps. Start training to the beat. STRONG Nation® combines body weight, muscle conditioning, cardio and plyometric training moves synced to original music that has been specifically designed to match every single move. Every squat, every lunge, every burpee is driven by the music, motivating you to make it to that last rep. In each class you’ll burn calories while toning arms, legs, abs and glutes. Plyometric or explosive moves like high knees, burpees, and jumping jacks are interchanged with isometric moves like lunges, squats, and kickboxing. Whether you’re a beginner who wants to incorporate some strength training into your workouts or someone who is looking for a new physical challenge, STRONG Nation® is the class for you! Please bring an exercise mat with you as a portion of the class will be dedicated to floor work.
Instructor: Janine Remple Certified STRONG Nation® Instructor
Thursday, May 4 – June 22
6:00-6:50 pm | $80/8 classes | Code: 1308
Deepening the mind body connection, relaxation, improved overall health and decreased stress are some of the health benefits gained from the practice of Tai Chi. Other areas that have seen improvement are reducing bone loss, lower body strength, helping with arthritis, decreased blood pressure, balance and stability. Tai Chi is also used with patients with Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, MS and many other conditions. Instructor: Denis Greve
Tuesday, May 2 – June 20
9:30-10:30am | $80/8 classes | Code: 1307
FMA is a system that revolves around self defense and self preservation. It[s considered the most advanced practical modern edged weapons system in the world. Militaries from across the world train their Special Forces in FMA. also focuses heavily on empty hand techniques, disarms, takedowns and finishing the fight. Training is done with sticks to simulate edged weapons as well as the use of safe training weapons. Instructor: Travis Koehler, Guro in Arnis
Tuesday, May 2 – June 20
7:30-9:00 pm | $120/8 classes | Code: 1310
Join Janine for an hour long Zumba class every Thursday evening! Zumba is a mix between low-intensity to high-intensity moves for an interval-style, calorie burning dance fitness party! Zumba combines all elements of fitness - cardio, muscle conditioning, balance and flexibility, boosted energy, and a serious dose of awesome each time you leave class. As Janine always says at each class, it’s not about getting all of the moves “right”. It’s about getting lost in the music and having fun, all while getting an awesome workout! All fitness and levels of experience are welcome. Instructor: Janine Remple Certified Zumba® Instructor
Thursday, May 4 – June 22
7:00-8:00 pm | $80/8 classes | Code: 1309
These lessons are intended for players new to Pickleball and/or those that have recently attended the “Learn to Play” sessions. Upon completion of these lessons you will have a solid foundation to start your Pickleball journey. You will learn proper shot techniques and shot selection, correct court positioning and movement and understand basic Pickleball strategies. Instructor: Colin MacDonald, IPTPA Level 2 Certified Pickleball Teaching Professional
Saturday, May 6 – June 3 9:30-11:30 am | $100.00/4 Classes | Code: 1311
Novice level lessons are intended for players who have been playing at least 6 months and less than 2 years, or have achieved a rating level of 2.0. Instruction will be provided in footwork, positioning, groundstrokes, punch volleys, service and return of serve, 3rd shot drop, lobs and smashes.
Instructor: Colin Macdonald, Certified Pickleball Instructor with the International Pickleball Teaching Professional Association (IPTPA)
Monday, May 1 – May 29 (No Class May 22) 7:00 – 9:00 pm | $100.00/4 Classes | Code: 1312
Saturday, June 3 – June 24 12:00 – 2:00 pm | $100.00/4 Classes | Code: 1313
Intermediate level lessons are intended for players who have been playing more than 2 years, and/or have achieved a rating level of 2.5 to 3.0. Instruction will be provided in dinking with variation, offensive and defensive at the NVZ, drop shots, drive shots, blocking and touch shots, offensive and defensive lobs, returning the lob, advanced strategies, switching and stacking.
Instructor: Colin Macdonald, Certified Pickleball Instructor with the International Pickleball Teaching Professional Association (IPTPA)
Monday, June 5 – June 26 7:00-9:00 pm | $100.00/4 Classes | Code: 1314
Highlight and promote services & resources available to the community
Not For Profit
288 Square Feet
Available for 1 week periods
Retail Space is available for rent to For-Profit organizations
We offer a variety of Day Camp options for children ages 3 – 12 Summer Day Camps run from July 4th - August 25th, 9am – 4pm We offer half day and full day options, as well as pre and post camp.
PLEASE NOTE: Select camps have Field Trip Fridays which require separate registration.
PRE-CAMP CARE | 7:00am–9:00am | COST: $6.00 PER DAY
POST-CAMP CARE | 4:00pm–6:00pm | COST: $6.00 PER DAY
(Available for order online up to 24 hours prior)
JULY 4 – 7, 2023
Pre and Post Camp Care Code: 1434
Hot Lunch Code: 1435
Balls Galore (3-5 years) AM Camp - Children will enjoy playing all sorts of sports that include different sized balls. This camp will introduce young ones to the fundamentals of basketball, ball hockey, kickball, soccer and t-ball. Group games, outdoor activities, crafts and water day Tuesday will add to the fun!
Daily: $25 | Full Week: $88 | Code: 1450
*The weekly fee will be applied when you select all 4 days of the same camp.
Snack Tales (3-5 years) PM Camp - We are cooking with books this week! Each day children will create their own tasty treat based on a story book and add the recipe to their handmade cookbook. Group games, outdoor activities, crafts, water day Wednesday and Freezie Friday will add to the fun.
Daily: $30 | Full Week: $108 | Code: 1451
*The weekly fee will be applied when you select all 4 days of the same camp.
Balls Galore & Snack Tales (3-5 years) Full Day - Full day preschool campers will enjoy Balls Galore in the morning and Snack Tales in the afternoon. Lunchtime supervision is provided.
Daily: $50 | Full Week: $180 | Code: 1452
*The weekly fee will be applied when you select all 4 days of the same camp.
Mission Impossible (5-8 years) - Calling all secret agents. Do you have what it takes to solve the mission? Round up your closest friends and get ready to put your skills to the test! Kids will spend the week completing several missions that will challenge their mental, physical, and creative skills. Group games and secret agent
activities included each day. Water park Wednesday and Freezie Friday will add to the fun!
Daily: $45 | Full Week: $160 | Code: 1400
*The weekly fee will be applied when you select all 4 days of the same camp.
Mission Impossible (9-12 years) - Calling all secret agents. Do you have what it takes to solve the mission? Round up your closest friends and get ready to put your skills to the test! Kids will spend the week completing several missions that will challenge their mental, physical, and creative skills. Group games and secret agent activities included each day. Water park Wednesday and Freezie Friday will add to the fun.
Daily: $45 | Full Week: $160 | Code: 1401
*The weekly fee will be applied when you select all 4 days of the same camp.
Sports Exploration (5-8 years) - This camp is for the kids that just can’t get enough sports! Basketball, Kickball, Ultimate Frisbee, Flag Football, Softball, Floor Hockey, Pickleball, Dodgeball and Soccer will all be played. Group games, outdoor activities, water park Wednesday and Freezie Friday will add to the fun.
Daily: $45 | Full Week: $160 | Code: 1402
*The weekly fee will be applied when you select all 4 days of the same camp
Ultimate Sports (9-12 years) - This camp is for the kids that just can’t get enough sports! Basketball, Kickball, Ultimate Frisbee, Flag Football, Softball, Floor Hockey, Pickleball, Dodgeball and Soccer will all be played. Group games, outdoor activities, water park Wednesday and Freezie Friday will add to the fun.
Daily: $45 | Full Week: $160 | Code: 1403
*The weekly fee will be applied when you select all 4 days of the same camp
JULY 10 – 14, 2023
Pre and Post Camp Care Code: 1436
Hot Lunch Code: 1437 (No hot lunch on Friday)
Super Soccer (3-5 year) AM Camp - Your little soccer loving kiddo will be thrilled to enjoy all things soccer this week. Soccer skills and drills will be taught through age appropriate fun creative ways. And of course lots of goals will be scored during game play. Group games, outdoor activities, crafts and water day Tuesday will add to the fun.
Daily: $25 | Full Week: $110 | Code: 1453
*The weekly fee will be applied when you select all 5 days of the same camp.
Rookie Riders (3-5 years) PM Camp - Biking is a lifelong activity so get your little one into it early. Children will gain confidence in their biking abilities as they learn some new biking skills, discuss safety and biking rules in a safe, fun environment. Let’s put some miles on those bikes this Summer! Training wheels are permitted and a CSA approved helmet is mandatory. Group games, outdoor activities, crafts, water day Wednesday and Freezie Friday will add to the fun.
Daily: $25 | Full Week: $110 | Code: 1454
*The weekly fee will be applied when you select all 5 days of the same camp.
Super Soccer & Rookie Riders (3-5 years) Full Day - Full day preschool campers will enjoy Super Soccer in the morning and Rookie Riders in the afternoon. Lunchtime supervision is provided.
Daily: $45 | Full Week: $200 | Code: 1455
*The weekly fee will be applied when you select all 5 days of the same camp.
Disney Dishes (8-12 years) - Explore through the magic of Disney as we create recipes from the most famous movies. Kids will learn to be adventurous as they create recipes based on the foods and flavors of the most popular Disney movies. Large group games, outdoor activities, and a field trip on Friday, off site - to be determined.
Full Week: $255 | Code: 1404
Summer Soccer Camp (5-8 years) - Kids will be introduced to the fundamentals of playing soccer using games, drills, conditioning, and scrimmages. A variety of group games and activities will round out the week. Indoor soccer shoes (no cleats) and shin pads are required. Large group games, outdoor activities, and a field trip on Friday, off site - to be determined.
Full Week: $255 | Code: 1411
Summer Soccer Camp (9-12 years) - Kids will be introduced to the fundamentals of playing soccer using games, drills, conditioning, and scrimmages. A variety of group games and activities will round out the week. Indoor soccer shoes (no cleats) and shin pads are
required. Large group games, outdoor activities, and a field trip on Friday, off site - to be determined.
Full Week: $255 | Code: 1412
Fit Kids (5-8) - For children that aren’t excited about participating in sporty activities it can be hard to find ways to keep them active and moving. There are so many ways that aren’t sport specific to get your heart pumping and your muscles moving. This Fit Kids camp will include creative, age-appropriate games and activities that your kiddo will love. The camp also includes a healthy body/mind component each day focusing on nutrition and mindfulness. A great combo camp that includes both high energy activity and making a nutritious, kid friendly snack or meal and a few minutes learning to focus on breathing and calming thoughts and minds. Large group games, outdoor activities, and a field trip on Friday, off site to be determined. *PLEASE NOTE FRIDAY’S REGISTRATION IS SEPARATE
Mon–Thurs Daily: $45 | Code: 1405
Friday: $55 | Code: 1480
Full Week: $215 *The full week discount will be applied when you select all 5 days of the same camp.
Fit Kids (9 -12) - For children that aren’t excited about participating in sporty activities it can be hard to find ways to keep them active and moving. There are so many ways that aren’t sport specific to get your heart pumping and your muscles moving. This Fit Kids camp will include creative, age-appropriate games and activities that your kiddo will love. The camp also includes a healthy body/mind component each day focusing on nutrition and mindfulness. A great combo camp that includes both high energy activity and making a nutritious, kid friendly snack or meal and a few minutes learning to focus on breathing and calming thoughts and minds. Large group games, outdoor activities, and a field trip on Friday, off site to be determined. *PLEASE NOTE FRIDAY’S REGISTRATION IS SEPARATE
Mon–Thurs Daily: $45 | Code: 1406
Friday: $55 | Code: 1481
Full Week: $215 *The full week discount will be applied when you select all 5 days of the same camp.
JULY 17 – 21, 2023
Pre and Post Camp Care Code: 1438
Hot Lunch Code: 1439
Fit Kids (3-5 years) AM Camp - For children that aren’t excited about participating in sports it can be hard to find ways to keep them active and moving. There are so many ways that aren’t sport specific to get your heart pumping and your muscles moving. This Fit Kids class uses creative, age appropriate games and activities that your little one will love! From going on a bear hunt to having a dance party young ones will be kept on the go! Water day Tuesday will add to the fun.
Daily: $25 | Full Week: $110 | Code: 1456
*The weekly fee will be applied when you select all 5 days of the same camp.
Splish Splash (3-5 years) PM Camp - Let’s beat the heat this week! Little ones will enjoy staying cool as they participate in water sports, relays, games and activities. Group games, outdoor activities, crafts and Freezie Friday will add to the fun.
Daily: $25 | Full Week: $110 | Code: 1457
*The weekly fee will be applied when you select all 5 days of the same camp.
Fit Kids & Splish Splash (3-5 years) Full Day - Full day preschool campers will enjoy Fit Kids in the morning and Splish Splash in the afternoon. Lunchtime supervision is provided.
Daily: $45 | Full Week: $200 | Code: 1458
*The weekly fee will be applied when you select all 5 days of the same camp.
Sweet Treats Cooking (8-12 years) - This cooking class will be sure to satisfy your sweet tooth! It will be a week full of baking and decorating all kinds of cakes cupcakes, cookies, fudge, and fruit cobblers. Group games, outdoor activities, and swimming or water park Wednesday and Freezie Friday.
Full Week: $250 | Code: 1409
Lil’ Shredders (5-8 years) - This week is all about the wheels. Kids will enjoy a week of biking and scootering. Participants must provide their own bike or scooter and a CSA approved helmet is required. Group games, outdoor activities, water park Wednesday and Freezie Friday will add to the fun.
Daily: $45 | Full Week: $200 | Code: 1410
*The weekly fee will be applied when you select all 5 days of the same camp.
Basketball (8-12 years) - This recreational skill-based basketball camp will include drills and scrimmages to teach passing, shooting, rebounding, dribbling and defensive strategies in a fun and encouraging environment. Skill development, game play and cross training will all be included. Emphasis will be on fitness, sportsmanship, and team play. Group games, outdoor activities, water park Wednesday and Freezie Friday will add to the fun.
Full Week: $250 | Code: 1407
Basketball (13-14 years) - This recreational skill-based basketball camp will include drills and scrimmages to teach passing, shooting, rebounding, dribbling and defensive strategies in a fun and encouraging environment. Skill development, game play and cross training will all be included. Emphasis will be on fitness, sportsmanship, and team play. Group games, outdoor activities, water park Wednesday and Freezie Friday will add to the fun.
Full Week: $250 | Code: 1408
JULY 24 – 28, 2023
Pre and Post Camp Care Code: 1440
Hot Lunch Code: 1441 (No hot lunch on Friday)
Olympic Sports (3-5 years) AM Camp - Join in on the fun as we play some of the best Summer Olympic Sports! Little ones will enjoy Track & Field, Basketball, Soccer, T-Ball, Kickball and Badminton. Group games, outdoor activities, crafts and water day Tuesday will add to the fun.
Daily: $25 | Full Week: $110 | Code: 1459
*The weekly fee will be applied when you select all 5 days of the same camp.
Jumping Beans (3-5 years) PM Camp - Little ones have energy to burn and this camp will ensure they do! Focusing on gross motor development through sports, active group games your child will be jumping, running, throwing and catching. Bouncy Castle, parachute games, dance parties, outdoor games, water day Wednesday and Freezie Friday will be included.
Daily: $25 | Full Week: $110 | Code: 1460
*The weekly fee will be applied when you select all 5 days of the same camp.
Olympic Sports & Jumping Beans Full Day - Full day preschool campers will enjoy Olympic Sports in the morning and Jumping Beans in the afternoon. Lunchtime supervision is provided.
Daily: $45 | Full Week: $200 | Code: 1461
*The weekly fee will be applied when you select all 5 days of the same camp.
Canadian Cuisines (8-12 years) - Spend the week making recipes based on our favorite Canadian ingredients. Kids will make poutine, maple taffy, beef sliders, bannock, Saskatoon berry crisp, beaver tails, tourtiere, butter tarts, garlic fingers with donair sauce, timbits and ketchup popcorn. Large group games, outdoor activities, and a field trip on Friday, off site - to be determined.
Full Week: $255 | Code: 1413
Track & Field (5-8) - Olympic style track and field week will have kids enjoying hurdles, sprints, relays, long jump, pool noodle javelin, dodgeball shot put, obstacle courses and other fun creative activities all week long. Group games, outdoor activities, and a field trip on Friday, off site - to be determined.
Full Week: $255 | Code: 1414
Track & Field (9-12) - Olympic style track and field week will have kids enjoying hurdles, sprints, relays, long jump, pool noodle javelin, dodgeball shot put, obstacle courses and other fun creative activities all week long. Group games, outdoor activities, and a field trip on Friday, off site - to be determined.
Full Week: $255 | Code: 1415
Mission Impossible (5-8) - Calling all secret agents. Do you have what it takes to solve the mission? Round up your closest friends and get ready to put your skills to the test! Kids will spend the week completing several missions that will challenge their mental, physical, and creative skills. Large group games, outdoor activities, and a field trip on Friday, off site to be determined. *PLEASE NOTE FRIDAY’S REGISTRATION IS SEPARATE
Mon–Thurs Daily: $45 | Code: 1416
Friday: $55 | Code: 1482
Full Week: $215 *The full week discount will be applied when you select all 5 days of the same camp.
Mission Impossible (9-12) - Calling all secret agents. Do you have what it takes to solve the mission? Round up your closest friends and get ready to put your skills to the test! Kids will spend the week completing several missions that will challenge their mental, physical, and creative skills. . Large group games, outdoor activities, and a field trip on Friday, off site to be determined. *PLEASE NOTE FRIDAY’S REGISTRATION IS SEPARATE
Mon–Thurs Daily: $45 | Code: 1417
Friday: $55 | Code: 1483
Full Week: $215 *The full week discount will be applied when you select all 5 days of the same camp.
JULY 31 – August 4, 2023
Pre and Post Camp Care Code: 1442
Hot Lunch Code: 1443
Kinder Cooks (3-5 years) AM Camp - This hands on camp will have little ones creating tasty lunch, snack and dessert recipes that they will be so proud to bring home ! Recipes for each item will be provided so they can be made at home. Group games, outdoor activities, crafts and water day Tuesday will add to the fun.
Daily: $30 | Full Week: $135 | Code: 1462
*The weekly fee will be applied when you select all 5 days of the same camp. Smorgasports (3-5 years) PM Camp - Your pint-sized sports enthusiast will be kept moving as they are introduced to a new sporting activity each day. Basketball, soccer, floor hockey, T-ball, lacrosse, racket sports and more will be played. Focus will be on improving gross motor skills, cooperation, team work, being active and having a blast! Group games, outdoor activities, crafts, water day Wednesday and Freezie Friday will add to the fun.
Daily: $25 | Full Week: $110 | Code: 1463
*The weekly fee will be applied when you select all 5 days of the same camp.
Kinder Cooks & Smorgasports Full Day (3-5 years) - Full day preschool campers will enjoy Olympic Sports in the morning and Jumping Beans in the afternoon. Lunchtime supervision is provided.
Daily: $50 | Full Week: $225 | Code: 1464
*The weekly fee will be applied when you select all 5 days of the same camp.
Out of this World (5-10 years) - Does your child love to jump into the adventure of video games? Join us for a fun-filled week of some of the most popular games. Come dive into the worlds of Harry Potter, Super Mario, Fortnite, Minecraft, and Star Wars without the use of any devices! This promises to be a fast paced, physically active week of adventures. Wednesday water park or swimming and Freezie Friday included.
Daily: $45 | Full Week: $200 | Code: 1418
*The weekly fee will be applied when you select all 5 days of the same camp.
Ball Hockey (5-8 years) - Can’t get enough hockey? Join us for a week of drills, skills, cross training and fast paced ball hockey game play. Large group games, outdoor activities, water park Wednesday and Freezie Friday will add to the fun. CSA approved helmet is required.
Full Week: $250 | Code: 1420
Ball Hockey (9-12 years) - Can’t get enough hockey? Join us for a week of drills, skills, cross training and fast paced ball hockey game play. Large group games, outdoor activities, water park Wednesday and Freezie Friday will add to the fun. CSA approved helmet is required.
Full Week: $250 | Code: 1421
Volleyball Camp (9+) - This introductory volleyball camp is for beginners that want to learn the basics of volleyball or improve their skills. The content will include positioning on the court, serving, hitting, receiving serves and down balls. Introduce the basics of triple ball and rules of the court and being an active team player. Swimming Wednesday afternoon, an hour of Dodgeball on Thursday and Freezie Friday will make the week complete.
Full Week: $250 | Code: 1422
August 8 – August 11, 2023
Pre and Post Camp Care Code: 1444
Hot Lunch Code: 1445 (No hot lunch on Friday)
Rookie Riders (3-5 years) AM Camp - Biking is a lifelong activity so get your little one into it early. Children will gain confidence in their biking abilities as they learn some new biking skills, discuss safety and biking rules in a safe, fun environment. Let’s put some miles on those bikes this Summer! Training wheels are permitted and a CSA approved helmet is mandatory. Group games, outdoor activities, crafts and water day Tuesday will add to the fun.
Daily: $25 | Full Week: $88 | Code: 1465
*The weekly fee will be applied when you select all 4 days of the same camp.
Fit Kids (3-5 years) PM Camp - For children that aren’t excited about participating in sports it can be hard to find ways to keep them active and moving. There are so many ways that aren’t sport specific to get your heart pumping and your muscles moving. This Fit Kids class uses creative, age appropriate games and activities that your little one will love! From going on a bear hunt to having a dance party young ones will be kept on the go! Water day Wednesday and Freezie Friday will add to the fun.
Daily: $25 | Full Week: $88 | Code: 1466
*The weekly fee will be applied when you select all 4 days of the same camp.
Rookie Riders & Fit Kids Full Day - Full day preschool campers will enjoy Rookie Riders in the morning and Fit Kids in the afternoon. Lunchtime supervision is provided.
Daily: $45 | Full Week: $160 | Code: 1467
*The weekly fee will be applied when you select all 4 days of the same camp.
Young Cooks (5-7 years) - This week is for the young cooks. We will learn kitchen safety, knife safety and proper food handling. These young cooks will start with some simple recipes as they work to improve their skills. Group games, outdoor activities, and a field trip on Friday, off site - to be determined.
Full Week: $205 | Code: 1423
Lil’ Shredders (5-8 years) - This week is all about the wheels. Kids will enjoy a week of biking and scootering. Participants must provide their own bike or scooter and a CSA approved helmet is required. Large group games, outdoor activities, and a field trip on Friday, off site to be determined. *PLEASE NOTE FRIDAY’S REGISTRATION IS SEPARATE
Tues–Thurs Daily: $45 | Code: 1424
Friday: $55 | Code: 1484
Full Week: $175 *The full week discount will be applied when you select all 4 days of the same camp.
Court Sports (9-12 years) - If you can play it on the hardcourt, it will be enjoyed this week. Basketball, badminton, pickleball, volleyball and ball hockey will be played. Large group games, outdoor activities, and a field trip on Friday, off site to be determined.
Tues–Thurs Daily: $45 | Code: 1425
Friday: $55 | Code: 1485
Full Week: $175 *The full week discount will be applied when you select all 4 days of the same camp.
August 14 – August 18, 2023
Pre and Post Camp Care Code: 1446
Hot Lunch Code: 1447
Sticks, Bats & Balls AM Camp - If it’s a sport that uses a stick, bat or a ball it will be played this week! Skills, drills and game play in Floor Hockey, T-Ball, Soccer, Lacrosse and Basketball. Let’s get active and have some fun! Group games, outdoor activities, crafts, water day Tuesday will add to the fun.
Daily: $25 | Full Week: $110 | Code: 1468
*The weekly fee will be applied when you select all 5 days of the same camp.
Splish Splash PM Camp - Let’s beat the heat this week! Little ones will enjoy staying cool as they participate in water sports, relays, games and activities. Group games, outdoor activities, crafts and Freezie Friday will add to the fun.
Daily: $25 | Full Week: $110 | Code: 1469
*The weekly fee will be applied when you select all 5 days of the same camp.
Sticks, Bats & Balls & Splish Splash Full Daycampers will enjoy Sticks, Bats & Balls in the morning and Splish Splash in the afternoon. Lunchtime supervision is provided.
Daily: $45 | Full Week: $200 | Code: 1470
*The weekly fee will be applied when you select all 5 days of the same camp.
International Cuisine (8-12 years) - Explore the globe with us as we create recipes from around the world! Kids will learn to try and appreciate new foods as they create recipes based on the foods and flavors of Italy, Greece, Mexico, India, and Canada. Group games, outdoor activities, crafts, water park or swimming Wednesday and Freezie Friday will complete the week.
Full Week: $250 | Code: 1426
Surf & Turf (5-8) - This camp offers the best of both worlds. Kids will enjoy multiple “turf” sports (soccer, ball hockey, softball, kickball, ultimate frisbee, flag football) and outdoor water sports water balloon baseball, pool noodle javelin, water obstacle courses and relays. Group games, outdoor activities, water park Wednesday and Freezie Friday will add to the fun.
Daily: $45 | Full Week: $200 | Code: 1427
*The weekly fee will be applied when you select all 5 days of the same camp.
Surf & Turf (9-12) - This camp offers the best of both worlds. Kids will enjoy multiple “turf” sports (soccer, ball hockey, softball, kickball, ultimate frisbee, flag football) and outdoor water sports water balloon baseball, pool noodle javelin, water obstacle courses and relays. Group games, outdoor activities, and water park Wednesday and Freezie Friday will add to the fun.
Daily: $45 | Full Week: $200 | Code: 1428
*The weekly fee will be applied when you select all 5 days of the same camp.
Sports of all Sorts (5-8) - Your child will get to experience a variety of sports activities in this multi-sport class. Basketball, floor hockey, soccer, badminton, dodgeball, t-ball will all be introduced. A variety
Pickleball is the fastest growing sport and is ideal for youth. The game is easier to play than tennis - the paddle is shorter, the court smaller and the ball slowerand anyone can play and have tons of fun! Our 5 day camp teaches kids to serve, rally and learn the rules and etiquette of the game. Students will have a blast participating in a variety of fun instructional drills and games. Pickleball paddles and balls will be provided.
Instructor: Colin Macdonald, Certified Pickleball Instructor with the International Pickleball Teaching Professional Association (IPTPA)
10-13 YEARS: JULY 24 – 28
10:00 am-12:00 pm | $120.00 | Code: 1323
14-17 YEARS: JULY 24 – 28
1:00-3:00 pm | $120.00 | Code: 1324
10-13 YEARS: AUGUST 14 – 18 10:00 am-12:00 pm | $120.00 | Code: 1326
14-17 YEARS: AUGUST 14 – 18
1:00-3:00 pm | $120.00 | Code: 1325
These martial arts classes offer a mix of self-defense, FMA (Filipino Martial Arts) and some traditional Japanese Martial Arts to keep things fresh and new Developing self-confidence, leadership skills and a true warrior spirit will be the focus in all classes
Instructor: Travis Koehler
July 10 – 14, 2023
10:00 am-12:00 pm | $120.00 | Code: 1330
August 21 – 25, 2023
10:00 am-12:00 pm | $120 00 | Code: 1332
These martial arts classes offer a mix of self-defense, FMA (Filipino Martial Arts) and some traditional Japanese Martial Arts to keep things fresh and new For kids in this older group a mix of Self Defense and FMA will be taught, focusing on the finer points Developing self-confidence, leadership skills and a true warrior spirit will be the focus in all classes
Instructor: Travis Koehler
July 10 – 14, 2023
1:00-3:00 pm | $120.00 | Code: 1331
August 21 – 25, 2023
1:00-3:00 pm | $120.00 | Code: 1333
and Freezie Friday will add to the fun.
Daily: $45 | Full Week: $200 | Code: 1429
*The weekly fee will be applied when you select all 5 days of the same camp.
Sports of all Sorts (9-12) - Your child will get to experience a variety of sports activities in this multi-sport class. Basketball, floor hockey, soccer, badminton, dodgeball, t-ball will all be introduced. A variety of additional group games, activities, and water park Wednesday and Freezie Friday will add to the fun.
Daily: $45 | Full Week: $200 | Code: 1430
*The weekly fee will be applied when you select all 5 days of the same camp.
August 21 – August 25, 2023
Pre and Post Camp Care Code: 1448
Hot Lunch Code: 1449
Lunchbox Shake Up (8-12 years) - Get ready for back to school with fresh new lunchbox recipes. Children will create foods perfect to pack in the lunchbox including main courses, snacks, and desserts. Group games, outdoor activities, water park Wednesday and Freezie Friday will add to the fun.
Full Week: $250 | Code: 1431
Big Summer Blowout (5-8 years) - Ride the last waves of summer and soak up the final rays of sun and fun. Enjoy sports, water activities and group games, water park Wednesday and Freezie Friday will add to the fun.
Daily: $45 | Full Week: $200 | Code: 1432
*The weekly fee will be applied when you select all 5 days of the same camp.
Big Summer Blowout (9-12 years) - Ride the last waves of summer and soak up the final rays of sun and fun. Enjoy sports, water activities and group games, water park Wednesday and Freezie Friday will add to the fun.
Daily: $45 | Full Week: $200 | Code: 1433
*The weekly fee will be applied when you select all 5 days of the same camp.