Architecture Graduate Portfolio - Martin Genet - 2015

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recent works MARTIN GENET 2015

‘This book presents a selection of projects realised between 2011 and 2015. You will find, within these pages, my curriculum vitae as well as a short description of each work.’

Contact ME !


Pihlajatie 5 A 7, 00270 Helsinki +33 6 23 28 38 45

Curriculum vitae MARTIN GENET

E D U C AT I O N M. ARCH. (2013-2015) Magna Cum Laude Paris Digital Fabrication and Computational Design in Architecture. Digital Knowledge Department. / Paris-Malaquais School of Architecture (ENSAPM) ErasmuS FINLAND (2012-2013) Helsinki. Furniture and Spatial Design. Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture. B. ARCH. (2008-2011) Paris. Paris-Malaquais School of Architecture (ENSAPM) High School Degree (2008) Evreux. Advanced Science Option / French BaccalaurĂŠat (obtained with honours)

WORK EXPERIENCE Avanto Architects (2013) Helsinki - 4 months internship - Europan Competition Helsinki. (Honourable Mention) - Restaurant-Sauna Private Competition. Linda Bergroth (2013) Helsinki - freelance work - Product and Space Design. ALA Architects (2012) Helsinki - 4 months internship - Helsinki Central Library Competition. (Stage 1) - Kuopio Theater Renovation and Expansion. (Technical Drawings) - Otaniemi Subway Station. (Renderings) CUT Architectures (2011-2012) Paris - 8 months internship - Project Manager for Education Facilities Competition in Geneva. - Criquetot L’Esneval Childhood Housing Competition. (1st Prize) - Design, technical drawings and working supervision for various private housing projects.

Curriculum vitae


P rofe s s ional Skill s


Pavillion of Innovation 2015 (Int. Fair ‘Beyond Building Barcelona’) Invited to present the research project ‘A Degree of Freedom’. International event curated by IAAC | FabLab Barcelona. A Degree of Freedom (2014) Smart Materials Research Project published on ‘Materiability Research Network’ by Manuel Kretzer. ‘ConstruirAcier’ 1st Prize (2012) National Student Competition for Steel Construction. Published in ‘Le Moniteur’ magazine.



3D Modelling

Rhinoceros, TSpline, C4D


Revit Architecture

Parametric Modelling

Grasshopper, Python

Graphics & video

Adobe (Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, After Effect, Premiere)


Vray, Artlantis, Maxwell


Models, Hand-Drawings


‘Design your School’ 1st Prize (2012) Interior Design Competition for the renovation of university premises.

French native

English fluent

German good

Finnish in progress

A dditional Skill s Digital Fabrication CNC machining, 3DPrinting, 3D Scanning.

Interactive Prototyping Electronics, Pneumatics, Sensing, Arduino.

Programming Python, Javascript, Processing, Rhinoscript.

Photography Digital Photography, Studio Setup, Post-Processing.

I ntere s t s SPORTS / Rugby - Surf - Tennis - Climbing. - Cofounder of University Sports Association.

HOBBIES / Piano - Analogue Photography. - Pianist within an electro-classical band.



Helsinki Library / Program 16 000 sqm / Helsinki Central Library. Type Open Competition 1st PRIZE Status Under construction Location Helsinki (Finland) Date 2013 Client City of Helsinki Team ALA Architects (Juho Grönholm, Antti Nousjoki, Janne Teräsvirta and Samuli Woolston with Aleksi Niemeläinen, Jussi Vuori, Erica Österlund and Martin Genet, Vladimir Ilic, Tiina Juuti, Julius Kekoni, Pekka Sivula, Jyri Tartia)

Helsinki Library / Open Competition 1ST Prize

“The design grows from the dynamic between the site and the goals of the library program. The key concept is the interplay between the building’s three individual floors. The public plaza in front of the building continues inside, merging with a catalogue of meeting and experience features. The ground floor is a robust, busy and frequently updated space suitable for quick visits and walkthroughs. The active, zero-threshold public spaces is visible, attractive, understandable and welcoming to all visitors. The traditional, serene library atmosphere can be found on the top floor. This calm and contemplative area floats above the busy central Helsinki. It offers unobstructed, majestic views to the surrounding park and cityscape. These two contrasting spaces are separated by an arching wooden volume. The spaces inside the volume are enclosed and more intimate.”

Skills used and developed: • 3D Modelling • Large Scale Project • Large International Team

Work as an intern for ALA Architects 2012 / Open Competition 1ST PRIZE - Stage 1 Visualizations: VIZarch


INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE (4 months) • KOIRASAAREN SAUNA (Sauna & Restaurant) • EUROPAN 12 (Helsinki Healthcare Planning)

Koirasaaren Sauna / Program 522 sqm / Restaurant-Sauna Type Invited Competition Status Project Location Helsinki (Finland) Date 2013 Client St1 Team Avanto Architects (Ville Hara, Anu Puustinen, Martin Genet)

Koirasaaren Sauna / Seaview Sauna & restaurant

“The sauna for representative use is approached via a bridge connecting the container like steel structure laid on an existing pier to the mainland. The low and dark building blends to the surroundings and doesn’t block views from residential buildings behind. The straightforward architecture with blackened steel cladding has references to the history of the site as an oil harbour for cargo ships. The closed East façade ensures privacy for the bathers. The entrance gives a hint of the free form interior. A sculptural wooden wall divides the secondary serving spaces from the served spaces and provides unobstructed sea views along the whole building. The resulting free form interior landscape offers a relaxed setting to enjoy the spectacular panorama outlook.“

Skills used and developed: • Complex Freeform 3D Modelling • Rendering • 3D printing & Model Making

Work as an intern for Avanto Architects 2013 /

EUROPAN 12 / Program Urban Planning 24 ha Study Area, 105 000 sqm / Health-Care Facilities & Housing Units. Type Open Competition Status Study, Honourable Mention Location Helsinki (Finland) Date 2013 Client City of Helsinki Team Avanto Architects (Ville Hara, Anu Puustinen, Martin Genet, Laura Nenonen), Sasu H채likk채


A new kind of healthcare in Helsinki “The Laakso–Aurora area is a cultural environment considered of national importance and a large part of the present buildings are historically valuable. The area has offered social and healthcare services for the citizens of Helsinki for already 100 years. New innovative and flexible social and healthcare service buildings are needed throughout the whole area in order to respond to the evolving needs of acute medical care, rehabilitation and psychiatric services as well as new residential buildings. Traditionally, the hospital areas were isolated from the surroundings because of the infectious diseases. The future of the area starts by tearing down the massive walls. Better traffic connections and mixing various functions attracts users to the new pilot lohas (lifestyle of health and sustainability) city hospital. Lowering the border between hospital and outside world enables social contacts between patients and other people.”

Skills used and developed: • Urban Design and Theory • Health-Care & Housing Schematic Design • Renderings

Work as an intern for Avanto Architects 2013 / Honorable Mention


INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE (8 months) • OAK & WHITE (Flat Renovation in Paris) • WOOD FILTER (Open Competition in Geneva)

OAK & WHITE / Program 35 sqm / Flat Renovation Status Built Location Paris 14 (France) Date 2011 Client Private Team CUT architectures (Benjamin Clarens, Yann Martin, Martin Genet)

Oak & White / Renovate a Small Flat

The project is a complete renovation of a 35 sqm apartment in Paris. The new plan offers a bedroom, an optimized bathroom, a lot of integrated storage, separated toilets and a large living space including the kitchen, a wide desk and bookshelves. The bookshelves made out of painted medium are implemented directly on the walls with hidden joints. All the custom furniture and the parquet are made out of oak. The shiny white counter contrasts with the wood and bring a great lightness in the living space.

Skills used and developed: • Interior design • Technical drawings • Working site supervision

Work as intern for CUT architectures 2011 / Pictures: © David Foessel

Wooden Screen / Program 1700 sqm / School Facilities + Archives + Offices + Music Studios Status Open Competition - Project Location Geneva (Switzerland) Date 2012 Client City of Carouge Team CUT architectures (Benjamin Clarens, Yann Martin, Martin Genet, Nabil Aissaoui, Karine Ripari, Elise Laudet)

WOODEN Screen / Cultural Complex in Geneva

As the plot is located along the new pedestrian path relinking the green spaces surrounding the site, the project inducts a particular dialogue with its context. The demanding program and the constricting urban rules dictate the constructible volume. the natural light comes in the rooms by wide openings and large square windows. In the basement, zenithal light is brought thanks to the backyard topography. The wooden screen homogenizes the facade and introduces various light ambiances in the different rooms. Thus the project overcome the program complexity by a clear intervention into the public space.

Skills used and developed: • Team and Project Management • Medium Scale Project • Competition Stage Drawings & Production

Work as intern for CUT architectures 2011 / Project Manager

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Student Projects 2011 -2015v

• A DEGREE OF FREEDOM (MA Thesis) • UP (Wooden Parasite Shed Structure) • RISKS (Industrial Wasteland Urban Planning)

A Degree of Freedom / Type Applied Research (MA Thesis) Research Area Embedded Kinetics Material Systems and Control for Adaptive Architecture. Status Prototype Published & Exhibited in BEYOND Barcelona Innovative Pavilion 2015. Dimensions 210 x 40 x 40 cm Location Paris (France) Date 2013-2014 Prof. Philippe Morel, Pierre Cutellic. Team Martin Genet, Jim RhonĂŠ.

A degree of Freedom / Embedded Kinetics material systems and control for adaptive architecture The expression “Kinetic architecture” was coined by William Zuk and Roger H. Clark in the early seventies when dynamic spatial design problems were explored in mechanical systems. More recently, innovations in the field of materiality introduced the notion of responsiveness, which characterizes the property of so-called «smart materials» to answer significantly to a stimulus, with the capacity of being controlled, measured, predicted and recorded. This evolution is not merely relative to size or motion but concerns energy and the transformation of forms and material substances. It is crucial here to draw the distinction between movable and active structures. Movable structures are structures that can perform some kind of motion when an external actuator is activated. With active structures, the actuating principle is supposed to be much more integrated in the structure itself, even in the material system that composes it. Despite this scientific progress, the conception of kinetic architecture still remains deeply anchored in a very conventional and mechanistic approach and mainly consists in using external machines, mechanisms or robots to move and transform structures. For instance, the Aegis Hyposurface is an ornamental faceted metallic surface that has potential to deform physically as a real time response to electronic stimuli from the environment (movement, sound, light,etc). Developed

in 1999 by Mark Goulthorpe and the dECOi office along with a large multi-disciplinary team of architects, engineers, mathematicians and computer programmers, ‘Aegis’ is driven by a bed of 896 pneumatic pistons, enabling the formation of dynamic ‘terrains’ generated as real-time calculations. Although enabling a very accurate control, this use of external mechanisms in architecture suffers from sustainability issues but also raises a new question: is there an alternative approach for responsive kinetic architecture, which actively responds to stimuli without using intricate mechanical systems? Considering this statement as a starting point, this research investigates the application of embedded form-changing material systems in order to minimise the use of intricate and high-tech mechanistic joints, actuators and control for responsive and active architecture. It focuses on the development of Soft Frame Electroactive Polymers (SFEAP) and aims at designing and producing an experimental and advanced prototype system whose kinetics digital control offers new possibilities to envisage what we build as «machines for living». A Degree of Freedom resulted in a multidirectional interactive prototype composed of an articulated skeleton and a skin of SFEAPs membranes. This prototype redefines the role of the architectural envelope as its activation causes the whole structure to deform.

MA Thesis Work 2013 - 2014 / Philippe Morel, Pierre Cutellic.

up / Program 5 sqm / Artistic Installation Status Built Location Rugles (France) Date 2011 Client Private Team Amandine Cersosimo, Martin Genet, Pierre Gourvennec, Margot Halard.

up /

Parasite shed This artistic installation constitutes a wooden shelter warped around an old iron framework. The wood structure is inserted sensitively and looks like levitating lightly. The dissimulated posts hold the floor which brushes the horizontal angle of the frame. Built high without touching the weak old iron structure is the main technical trick of this parasite project. It holds actually on the brick wall of the second facade. Up there, the place is made to rest and relax in the summer, day or night, in a peaceful loneliness.

Skills used and developed: • Structural Design • Material Supply Management • Wood Construction Student Work ENSAPM 2011 / 3rd year - Christian Comiot & Yann Rocher

Risks / Program Industrial Wasteland Urban Planning Status Study Location Villeneuve-le-Roi (France) Date 2011 Client N/A Team Martin Genet, Jim RhonÊ, Thomas Rième, Juliette Stolz.

Risks /

Industrial wasteland Urban Planning “The bigger the risks are, the less perceptible they get.” (Ulrich Beck, The Risk Society) This project addresses the problem of perishing industries within a Paris suburban city : Villleneuve-le-Roi. This industrial wasteland cuts the whole town from the water front and its beautiful scenery by a huge piece of polluted and unstable land. The project consists of a minimal intervention acting as a cultural hub. The biggest warehouse on site is converted into a concert hall as a boom-box for contemporary music. Integrated in the industrial enclave, the building includes a research centre to keep track of the environment state and evolution. A footbridge network interlinks the industrial island to the rest of the city and proposes a walk through this museum of last century leftovers. In this highly hostile environment K-Boom is a provocative proposal, led by the acceptance of risks.

Skills used and developed: • Urban Planning Theory • Wood Model • Graphical Production

Student Work ENSAPM 2010 / 3rd year - Steven Melemis

Personal Work 2012 - 2015

• GASHOLDER (1st Prize Student Competition) • “LA MEZZA” (1st Prize Student Competition) • OTHER WORKS (Photography, Handcraft...)

Gasholder / Program “Construir’Acier” Student Competition / 10 000 sqm / Mixed-use Arena within London Olympic Park Status Student Competition 1st PRIZE Location Newham, London (England) Date 2012 Team Nabil Aissaoui, Charles Bernard, Amandine Cersosimo, Martin Genet, Xavier Seurre.

Gasholder /

Industrial to Cultural Conversion Olympic games represent a huge show challenging cities around the world. Architectural dares and experimentations are dealing with heavy urban questions. The 2012 Olympic park is located in London’s east suburb. Newham, an old industrial and popular district, then becomes the object of a great urban development plan. Considering the urban renewal, the project integrates a threefold problematic : spatiality, functional flexibility and urban identity. Reminders of the industrial era, the gasholders left on the site offer a structure on which the project is grafted. The symbolic conversion of the metallic framework brings history towards the future and establishes a strong visual identity. Nonetheless discretion and simplicity remain a central concern in the design, in order to achieve a sustainable intervention. After the games, the ‘Gasholder’ creates a platform hosting cultural events and an open public space allowing and supporting the city development.

arena access

Skills used and developed: • Cultural and Sport Facilities Design • Steel Structure Design • Renderings & Graphical Production

National Student Competition 1st PRIZE 2012 / Published in ‘Le Moniteur’ magazine.

cross section











movable seats











st f



17 19

18 16 pente 1.7%



6 3 10


5 11



13 15

17 14




18 16 pente 1.7%

Newham - 1922

Newham Square - 2062

Olympic Park - 2012

entrance hall

arena - sport

arena - cultural

“La Mezza� / Program 300 sqm / Spatial and Furniture Design. Type Student Competition 1st PRIZE Status Partially Developed and Built. Location Paris 06 (France) Date 2011-2012 Client Paris-Malaquais Architecture School Team Martin Genet, Pierre Gourvennec, Robin Stordeur.

“La MEZZA” /

Renovate the Student’s living space “La Mezza” belongs to everyone and concentrates all functions in a single space. This messy hub often leads to prejudicial compromises. The project aims at assembling all these functions in a linear space while offering a maximum of flexibility. The “mezzanine” becomes the school’s stage with the ability to switch configurations from one act to another. Downstairs, our adjustable workstations adapt to the variable needs of the first floor: work, meetings, exhibitions... In the far end is planned a student’s life space with the desk of the Student’s Association, a little kitchen with a sink and microwave ovens and a lounge area. Upstairs, the space is rationalized for an efficient and brighter workshop area. The implementation of the project had a major influence on the design process. The new pieces of furniture re-use the wood of old tables to form a sustainable working environment for a very low investment.



L Skills used and developed: • Furniture Design • Sustainability

Student Competition 1st PRIZE 2011 /






Other Works / Program Various Status WIP Location Various Date 2008 - 2015 Client N/A Team Martin Genet


Photography, Graphic Design, HANDCRAFT

VILLA LA ROCHE / Le Corbusier - Model 1.50 - 2010

Analogue & Digital Photography / København - Paris

ELEGANCE - Vigor & Wisdom / Screeprints 50 x 70 cm - 2013



Pihlajatie 5 A 7, 00270 Helsinki +33 6 23 28 38 45

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