New Day Herald | November 2016

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New Day Herald Volume 30, Issue 2 ∙ ∙ November/December, 2016

In this edition...

Rediscovering Windermere John-Roger on the sound current of God John Morton on loving it all Candace Semigran on working with J-R An amazing cancer healing and more...

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The New Day Herald Founder: John-Roger Editor-in-Chief: John Morton Editorial Directors: Paul Kaye, Mark Lurie, Vincent Dupont Editor: David Sand Editorial Team: John Morton, Paul Kaye, Mark Lurie, Vincent Dupont, David Sand, Leigh Taylor-Young, Zoe Golightly, Sherie Wylie Graphic Design: Greg Battes, David Sand The New Day Herald, P.O. Box 513935, Los Angeles, CA 90051. All rights reserved, except those specifically agreed to in writing. Reproduction in whole or part without publisher’s written consent is strictly prohibited. Letters to the editor: All letters, written comments, suggestions and questions regarding any aspect of this publication are read by the editor. We reserve the right to edit all submissions. Letters must include your name and address. Contributions: Manuscripts, photographs, art work, line drawings, charts, designs and maps, must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped mailer. Contributions will be handled with reasonable care. The publisher, however, assumes no responsibility for the safety of such contributions. All contributed material, including but not limited to manuscripts, photos, line drawings, art work maps and designs, shall be considered as text and part of the submission. The act of mailing or personal delivery of a manuscript and related material shall constitute an expressed warranty by said contributor that the said submission and material is original and is in no way an infringement upon the rights of others. Contributions and manuscripts express the sole opinions of the author, and do not constitute or reflect the teachings, doctrines and policies of the Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness.

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Contents Click any title to go to the article

6 The Sound Current of God by John-Roger, DSS

“The inner quality is more of the spiritual Light and the outer quality is more of the magnetic Light. So, it’s nice to keep those two things separated.”

46 100% - Living and

Working with John-Roger An Interview with Candace Semigran by David Sand

He said, “There’s no urgency in Spirit, you just do it as it comes in, and handle it with the loving.”

92 Facets of Loving

From the book Facets of Loving by John-Roger, DSS by Betsy Alexander

It was like [J-R] was this boat that was making its way through the waves and we were riding the slipstream behind him, following in his wake energetically.

104 My first experience as a Seminar Leader by Anna Sugai

“Maybe I was too young to host a seminar or that maybe it wasn’t for me. But it’s like those things that I perceive as graceful: It won’t be forced on to you, but it’s available, it’s there if you choose to. And so I did.”

26 Loving All the Conditions by John Morton, DSS

“Deep down inside of everyone is something I remember hearing from John-Roger as ‘The ocean of love and mercy.’ I just look at it as something transcendental even in its name.”

42 Blessing of the Supreme Nature

74 Rediscovering Windermere by Leigh Merrihew

I wondered how much had become myth in my mind and how much was really the beauty and wonder of Windermere.

98 Having Fun with Cancer - Life by Sina Skates

“There I was crying, a bit of a mess, a bit all over the place, and [John Morton] was telling me to have fun with cancer? Was that even possible? Yes, so wonderfully possible.”

108 Directory of Organizations 109 MSIA Resources © 2016 The Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness

Excerpts from the new CD/DVD/MP3 packet, The Sound Current of God #3936

the sound of the cur-

rent that comes out of the heart of God we refer to as the Sound Current. And if we were using an acronym for that we would say Speaking–OfUltimates-Now-Divine. It’s a much higher quality than the Light. We see the Light when we are working in the realms of light in the physical, astral, causal, mental and etheric realms, and it’s very beautiful. When you get in the Soul Realm, then you hear the Light, and that is the Sound Current. You hear it in a very special sound. Sometimes it sounds like about four billion violins playing harmonious notes. It’s a quality that can’t be placed into words.

“The inner quality is more of the spiritual Light and the outer

quality is more of the magnetic Light. So, it’s nice to keep those two things separated.” 6 New Day Herald

by John-Roger, dss @msiaorg

New Day Herald 7

Some of you have asked, “What is the Light that we speak about?” We’ve given it an acronym, Living-In-Gods-Holy-Thoughts, and we’ve said this is a part of the essence of spirituality. It’s something that can be readily recognized and related to because it can be seen. It’s an inner quality and an outer quality. The inner quality is more of the spiritual Light and the outer quality is more of the magnetic Light. So, it’s nice to keep those two things separated. We say everyone is the Light, and this is very true. I think we all know there are different degrees of Light and different colored lights, etc. So to say that you are not the Light would certainly be an unawareness pattern. And, so, when we come into the physical realm, then we have to have someone who has a connection to the Sound Current in order to connect you up to the sound that is inside of you, and to connect that with the sound that pervades all existences. When we have illuminated ourselves through help of the Mystical Traveler and the forces of light that will work with him or under him—or, let’s say “it,” because that’s really more exactly what it is—then we can illuminate our way in the inner worlds of our own universe and the outer universe, so that wherever we go, we can place this Light focus out and we miss the pitfalls. And then we don’t stumble and fall, as in the orthodox doctrine of man falling. But we don’t really move rapidly on these levels until we are familiar with the territory.

“Once you have

partaken of the Sound Current, you can never live without it. It fills your every beingness. It becomes the word made flesh within you.”

Once you hear the Sound Current or you have been connected to it, and you’re traveling the inner levels of Light, you just keep

8 New Day Herald

the light in front of you and you listen to the sound. And you can follow it back through the levels into the ocean of love and mercy. Therefore you’re guiding yourself right back into the consciousness of this thing we call God. That seems to be a word that doesn’t really suffice either, but, for lack of a better word, let’s say that’s where it is. It’s been called “Father-MotherGod,” it’s been called “it,” it’s been called a lot of things. But the essence is that it exists when everything else does not. It is that which we came from.

And so, the value of the Sound Current becomes tremendously more important than the quality of Light, because you can live without the Light. Once you’ve seen it, you can turn from it. But once you have partaken of the Sound Current, you can never live without it. It fills your every beingness. It becomes the word made flesh within you. It becomes everything in totality. And you could live without food and water and air before you could live without this sound, this stream of the Sound Current that comes down to us.

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New Day Herald 9

P eac e Th e o lo g i ca l S e m i na ry


C o lle g e of P h i lo s o p hy

2016-2017 Classes MSS Year One

MSS Year Two

Prana West & Live Streaming - Worldwide English with Spanish Translation (See full-page ad in this issue for more information)

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Master of Spiritual Science “This is an amazing program... it has assisted me in removing many of the blocks within my self that prevented me from being more accessible to the Spirit/Soul within me.” - CL

“The MSS gave me my TRUE life. The life that I always knew was most important. My Spiritual Life.” - VM

“Michelangelo carved a stone, and David emerged. Through my participation in the PTS Masters Program, who I am emerges. Week by week, month by month, patiently, gently, effortlessly, the one I always hoped for, the ‘me’ I knew was there, emerges, takes shape and comes alive.” - MM

Prerequisites: Active subscription to Soul Awareness Discourses

CLICK HERE to Learn More

Year One:

Creating Through Grace

Year Two:

Fulfilling the Spiritual Promise

Year Three:

Living From The Inside Out (Optional)

P eac e Th e o lo g i ca l S e m i na ry


C o lle g e of P h i lo s o p hy

MSS Year One English w/ Spanish Translation

Master of Spiritual Science

Worldwide Live Streamed


For more info, please contact Elissa Giges, PTS Director of Graduate Studies: 323-328-1940

“A lot of people will say, ‘I sit and I try to

meditate and I attempt to listen, and I hear all these weird things every time I go to meditate. And I don’t know what it is. Is that the Sound Current?’” 12 New Day Herald

part of the process

process of the Sound Current is the quality of listening. But are you aware that in this particular room right now there are many levels of sound going on? Some of them we don’t hear consciously, but we’re still involved with them. They can become an irritation. Have you ever been going down the road in the car with your radio on and you’ll be irritated? And then something inside of you will reach over and turn off the radio. You’ll say, wow, that was what was irritating me but I really didn’t know it. Or it might be the air conditioner in your house, and when it goes off, you’ll think, wow, what a relief that that stopped. And, of course, it’s especially noticeable if you’re asleep and somebody starts a motorcycle by your window. And, when that stops, it’s such a relief.

be picking up that. And if we had x-ray, we could pick up that. In other words, we are in a great miasma of currents of sound and movement right here physically. And the whole action, then, becomes one of sometimes listening to static. A lot of people will say, “I sit and I try to meditate and I attempt to listen, and I hear all these weird things every time I go to meditate. And I don’t know what it is. Is that the Sound Current?” And, of course, the answer has to be, “Partially.” But they say, “I could spend a century trying to locate something in that. How am I going to find the thing that I am to go on when all there is, is static? I can’t seem to isolate it. It’s like sitting in a big room with speakers all around you, throwing out static like white noise or white light.”

And so the Mystical Traveler then brings The more subtle ones will be the sounds forward the ability to isolate a portion of the sound for you, and to extend that that are pervading the room as radio Sound Current to you, thereby activatcurrents. If we had a radio here, we ing the Sound Current inside of you. could pick a signal and know it’s in the And the activation is just for a fraction room. And if we had a television, we of a second. All we have to do is just see could be picking up another signal. the Sound Current hit. It doesn’t even And if we had infrared or ultra-violet receptors, we could be picking up these have to hold and it will start stirring. frequencies. And if we had radar, we’d


New Day Herald 13

we talk of the Light

which we call “Living In God’s Holy Thoughts.” L-I-G-H-T. That is what we see on the lower levels of Light, and that Light makes the negative “bearable.” And while we’re going through negativity on all these levels, that Light, the spiritual promise, works to keep us going. That’s not the entire salvation though, because part of the work of the Mystical Traveler is having the keys to the Sound Current, or that word that was spoken in the beginning. We call it the Bani or the Sound Current or the Celestial Melodies. It is that thing that sustains all life, all existence. And when we can make that connection we then are on our way back like we’ve never been before—into the heart of God, into our own heart—and we’ll know it and be it and realize it. And then the physical world starts changing, even though you know what it is and you know that the power of Kal Niranjan, the keeper of these realms, and the creator and the one who sustains negativity, is a necessary polarity here on this level. It’s not like we’re saying “let’s get rid of it,” because if we did we’d all disappear, and we haven’t come through the things we’re to come through yet. We say thank God for the negative realms so we can, by having the different polarities within us, sandpaper ourselves and refine our beingness on this level of consciousness. And then we can

14 New Day Herald

move the refinement back and add to the Soul all of the attributes that we’re picking up here in this world, and in a sense glorify it even further—although I don’t really know how we could do it, because it’s so full of glory right now. We have separated ourselves from our center because we have taken the sense level and placed it out in the world. We finally get tired of looking out there and we start looking in. And a few people—and there aren’t too many—start listening in. When you start listening, you can have some transcendental experiences. The Mystical Traveler gives you the opportunity for that experience if you wish to take it, because it can supply the key to the experience. The experiential level is your existence, that’s how you know where you are— not by a book, because if it were just information you could sit in the public library all day, with information all around you in books. The experience is being able to say “yes I’ve done that.” Everyone has experienced depression. And when somebody says, “I really felt depressed,” every one in this room knows what that is and they don’t even have to go any further. We’ve been really trained in the negative realms, and very, very successfully, since we’ve made enough trips here. Now the training is for the spiritual realms, the pure Spirit, the “plus” side.

“When you start listening, you can have some

transcendental experiences. The Mystical Traveler gives you the opportunity for that experience if you wish to take it, because it can supply the key to the experience.�


New Day Herald 15

16 New Day Herald

we must discipline

ourself to get to God, to have the comfort of God. It isn’t something that’s just handed out, because we’ve put in so many illusions and we’ve programmed ourself and made ourself to be such a habitual character that it often takes a long time. It isn’t like learning new things. Often it’s getting rid of things, pulling things away from you, to simplify, to get things down to basic levels. The people who are involved in the Movement are getting trained in a lot of levels, and there are crises that are going to be appearing across the planet as we’re opening more to the heart of the planet, the living love. But these crises are designed to make each one of us open our heart more completely to people who are having a poor time. But we’ve got to know how to open the heart instead of saying, “Hey, well, that’s your karma, sit in it.” That’s not an open heart. Instead we say, “Yeah, that’s your karma, let’s see how I can help you without getting it on me, so you can alleviate yourself from it by opening the heart. Once they open their heart, they rise into God consciousness, and karma is dissolved. Then all they have to do is just keep walking through it. People come into a seminar, and they’ll say, “I’ve really come here for a greater awakening, for a greater consciousness of God. And, besides, I’m curious. Can it be done?” And they’ll look around and see all these people who are open and flowing, and they’ll sit there and lock in and think, “I ain’t gonna do that. I ain’t gonna do that. I ain’t gonna do that.” And then they’ll sit and say, “Gee, what a down place. It feels so pulled in and tight and restricted.” But everybody is actually busy freeing up. So who’s tight and restricted? Others will come into the seminar and they’ll be so full and open and the love will just be there, and they’ll look at the Traveler Conscious-


ness and he just floods it over, and they’ll say, “Wow, this is where it is.” Why is that? They came in with it already present. I didn’t have to do anything except to just validate it, just stamp it and say, “Yup, that’s it. Yup, that’s it. You? Nope, that’s not it. Out.” Why out? There are people down the road who will train you. You’re going to go out in the world and get straightened up by the straighteners. In here, we’re going to lift into God consciousness and we’ll straighten up our own selves, in our own will, with our own love, using our will to be useful to us instead of against us. People have said, “Well, J-R, we see you all the time loving and giving to people.” That’s because I love and give. You wouldn’t see it if I weren’t doing it. What do I get out of it? The whole pleasure of doing it. It’s just extremely pleasurable to do that. It’s like asking, “Why do you go have

“We’ll straighten up

our own selves, in our own will, with our own love, using our will to be useful to us instead of against us.” sex?” Because it’s extremely pleasurable for me to go have sex. That’s why I do that. And they say, “Well, what do you get out of it?” The pleasure of doing it. And they say, “Yeah, but sex is one thing. This is another.” Sex is one discipline. Spiritual love is another one. I just have the spiritual love discipline. It floods through all the other levels. Some people want to first get the discipline of the body, then the sex, then the emotions, then the mind and try to luck into Spirit. By that time

New Day Herald 17

they’re dead. And they say, “How come this isn’t working?” Try the spiritual first. “Yeah, but in the meantime I won’t be able to have sex.” “Yeah, well it doesn’t hurt. You’ve had forty lifetimes of sex. Take it easy this one.”You say, “No way.” We say, “All right, go back over it.” It’s called re-embodiment.

I could take this thing and compound it with words and energies and thought forms and emotions and paraphernalia until you’d be lost in ritual. But you would be lost, and that is not my work. My work is to keep enlightening and lifting. And if a person’s in a ritual, support them in their ritual, to hold them steady. and then start Finally, at some point they say, “I will do this. moving them into what works. If the ritual I am going to do this. I will exclude other works, fine; if it doesn’t it will drop as what things, meaning I’ll watch where I put my works becomes the ritual. vision. I will discipline to keep looking into the Light. I won’t look to the shadows. I And so our work becomes the ritual of love, won’t look to negativity. When I see someand we just keep manifesting over and thing that is out of line, I will correct it. I over. When we stop and we start introspectwon’t say, ‘That’s terrible, that’s bad. Let’s ing, don’t introspect on, “This hurts and this get rid of it.’ It is a stumbling stone. I’ll make is my ache…and they didn’t…and nobody it into a stepping stone.” appreciated this and…” You’re magnifying your losses. But introspect on the feeling of So take from this just the concept that you completeness inside of you, where this is will discipline yourself by watching yourself. good and this is good and that’s complete, It isn’t austerity. It isn’t tension. Yes, it may and this is what’s here now, this is my rest be intensity, where you’re very intense with and my comfort, and I would just release watching and doing until it is done corall the good inside of myself. And all the rectly, so you don’t have to keep going over things that may not be quite in that area, and over and over repeating, correcting you release into the good so that all things mistakes, repeating, correcting mistakes. inside of you become good. You can then You watch intently. You put it correctly. And look at what you may call negative and it’s done and it’s past and there’s freedom. positive as all part of your flow of energy, You don’t have to say, “I wonder if I did that. and in that you have your coming in and Oh, I wasn’t watching.” That’s when you get your going out, and life becomes as simple really tense and out of balance. as just breathing in and breathing out. Then the other things just start adding to you Intensity is focusing, watching, disciplining, according to the need level, and life then to gain the freedom, and once you’ve done becomes health, wealth and happiness— that, you can take this same type of conbut not necessarily in that order. Usually it sciousness and place it anywhere in your starts to become happy, then healthy and life and you will not be disturbing people, then the wealth is in your health. you will be lifting and helping. This is practical spirituality and there is a discipline to keep it practical.

18 New Day Herald

“Introspect on the feeling of completeness inside of you, where this is

good and this is good and that’s complete, and this is what’s here now, this is my rest and my comfort, and I would just release all the good inside of myself. And all the things that may not be quite in that area, you release into the good so that all things inside of you become good.”

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New Day Herald 19

Jump-start your Journey

A body of work created to help guide us on the inward path home Be on the lookout for these, plus NEW releases during this year’s

Conference of the Sound Current 2016 Audio

Are You Listening to the Sound Current? — [ Click Here ] Initiation: Molding the Golden Chalice — [ Click Here ] Click here for Spanish — [ Click Here ] The Traveler: The One Who Laughs in Your Heart — [ Click Here ] Click here for Spanish — [ Click Here ]


How Do you See the Face of God? — [ Click Here ] The Sound Current: The Road Home - English/French — [ Click Here ] Out of the Silence — [ Click Here ] Out of the Silence - Spanish — [ Click Here ]


Journey of Soul Transcendence CD/DVD Packet — [ Click Here ] Spiritual Exercises: Walking with the Lord 6-CD Set — [ Click Here ]

Available now in Hard-copy and Digital Format

Back to the Heart of God


Other recommended seminars...

For SAT subscribers only: 2021-CD/MP3: The Sound Current 8153-CD/MP3: Skepticism, Ego, Honesty ( also available in Spanish) 2530-CD/MP3: The Sounds of the Realms 8163-CD/MP3: Searching for the Truth of Who We Are 8023-CD/DVD/MP3/MP4: Signs and Sounds on the Inner Journey 7823-CD/MP3: Reaching Into The Sound Current

CD- $10 | DVD - $20 | MP3- $8 | MP4 - $12 To order: visit | email: | call: 323 240 7547

when you have

made a greater and greater contact of your force of light, you’ll find out that it will grab hold of you—it’s like a hound from heaven. It grabs hold and boy, you say, ”Don’t let go, it hurts so good. Get away closer.” And it just moves in and through you and impels you forward. And then you’ll say, “Don’t. Stop. Don’t stop. Don’t stop.” And the thing becomes a contradiction. While you’re doing it you’ll say, “I don’t understand it. My mind is this, my emotions are this, my body’s here and the soul’s over there.” We say, “Hooray, you’re getting there.” You say, ”I feel spaced out.” “Right.” You’re doing it under your own conscious direction, however, and so you can space in anytime you want to. And this mighty force of light has said over and over (and now we’re listening), “Not one soul is going to be lost.” If that starts getting into you where the soul says, “Right,” you’ll feel it move inside of you. It matters very little if the gates of hell prevail against you. You don’t even have to worry about it. It’s going to be done. You’re not going to be given anything you can’t handle. Now, you can create a lot of things that make it difficult. And your perception towards it can be difficult, but not when you stand back and look.

In fact, when you make that connection with the sound current, you know you can live without your breath but you can’t live without that current. You’ll be in this deep, deep state of the inner awareness, and you may breathe once every five minutes. People will think, “They must be dead.” You’re not. You’re aware of your breathing. You’re aware that they’re aware of what you’re breathing, and you’re aware that they’re having an awareness of disturbance over what you’re doing. But it doesn’t bother you because you’re in this high realm and you’re in contact with them. And their thoughts you know, their feelings you know, their awareness you know, because you find out that you and they are one. And it’s always been that way. But now you know it. The more we talk about it here the more we relate, the more we’re gathered together and we enlighten ourselves with love and laughter and thanksgiving. And this has to be done individually. Even though you can be sitting in a group, you’re still doing it yourself. As you move back you see these things and you’ll say, ”Oh, right. I recognize that. J-R said that that would be one of the things. There it is.” And it builds a sort of enthusiasm that

“You’re not going to be given anything you can’t handle.

Now, you can create a lot of things that make it difficult. And your perception towards it can be difficult, but not when you stand back and look.” 22 New Day Herald

you have to watch out for because you’ll say, ”Oh, my God. I’ve made it.” And suddenly your eyes are wide open and you’re thinking, “Where on earth was that?” And what it says is, “Start over, all right? Say, A.” And you’ll say, “A.” “Now, B.” “B.” “Okay, now have you got it? Now let’s go to the H and the U.” And you’ll think, “Oh right. I’ve got to keep my enthusiasm controlled.”

We endure to the end, and the end is the beginning. Not one soul will be lost. You won’t get more than you can handle. And at this point (and I’m talking about on the average; there are little exceptions and I mentioned those) then you move into the soul. The Mystical Traveler appears into the soul, releases the soul from the body, establishes a rapport back in there for you so you can get back in again. Everything is done perfectly. You don’t know it’s going on, it’s so smooth.

“The Mystical Traveler

appears into the soul, releases the soul from the body, establishes a rapport back in there for you so you can get back in again. Everything is done perfectly. You don’t know it’s going on, it’s so smooth.”


New Day Herald 23

one of the things

that we can do is to watch where we place our attention while we are practicing the audible sound current. And the place to gather it is what’s been called the Tisra Til or the third eye, or sometimes referred to as the tenth door. You go back in the middle of the forehead behind the root of the nose, and also straight in above the ear, to where those meet. The reason people haven’t been able to find it when they operate on it is because it’s so pure they don’t know they’re there. You are moving into a pure state. There are no flags waving. It’s not a tremendous area, but prior to getting into the state of the soul there is a great void that protects the soul from an unprepared consciousness disrupting the life pattern. When you have been going back in and you’re concentrating on bypassing your realms, then we practice what we call watching for the Mystical Traveler. Sometimes it appears as a purplish light and sometimes it’s a little on the blue side. And while you’re sitting, you’re observing the Tisra Til where the soul resides. You’re just sitting, just contemplating it. You’re not really looking for anything, you’re just looking. Then what you have to do is to train yourself to be aware of this. You’re learning to look and learning to see and learning to hear and

listen all over again. It’s like you’re a little baby that was just born in the physical body. When you observe, you just let the gaze fall inwardly, and it actually feels like you’re looking directly out. And you are, through the third eye. As you practice this, then you become much more capable of holding and maintaining long enough for this pattern to appear. It comes from your right side towards your left, and you’ll start to see this light form appearing. What you’re doing is you’re strengthening your awareness. At this point you’re not even trying to encompass the earth or anything like that. All you’re doing is just strengthening. A great deal of work goes on inside of you. You’ll be strengthening the nerves and the muscles and your blood supply. You’ll be purifying all these things almost automatically. And then you’re sitting in what I’ve termed the portable paradise. The difficulty is that once you move back into the soul you find out that you have automatically completed the discipline, completed detachment, and you’re in the “living free” state. It’s nice to have enthusiasm inwardly when we talk about the Light generally. But sometimes it’s very important when we have that sacred, transcendental experience to hold it in because we don’t want to lose the energy of it.

“Sometimes it’s very important when we have that sacred, transcendental experience to hold it in because we don’t want to lose the energy of it.”

Back to Table of Contents 24 New Day Herald

John Morton has been invited to participate.

Miami, Florida

Jan 21-22, 2017

We have the Light and the Sound and Love. That’s the trinity. That’s in everybody. —John-Roger, DSS

Come enjoy riding the Sound Current of God with us. You are invited to take a deeper dive into the core MSIA teaching: the Sound Current; part of that force flow that travels straight from the God source and back.

There will be two days of coming together into the heart of God and attuning to that vibration where we are all One. There is time for Traveler sharing and lots of time with God; consider making this a retreat-like experience where we stay in touch with the Holy Spirit and enjoy the harmony of being in one accord. Local Contact: Judy Jackson at or 904-476-3380 Registration Contact: Danielle Britton at or 323-328-1958 Tuition: $250 through December 1, 2016; $300 after December 1, 2016. (Lunch on Saturday and Sunday is included with your tuition.) Hotel Info: InterContinental at Doral Miami; 2505 NW 87th Ave. Doral, Fl. 33172 Hotel number: 305-468-1400 Hotel cost: $179.00

Loving All th “Deep down

inside of everyone is something I remember hearing from John-Roger as ‘The ocean of love and mercy.’ I just look at it as something transcendental even in its name.”

26 New Day Herald

he Conditions BY

John Morton

All the limitations in this world,

all the conditions, are our teachers. The teachings of John-Roger and MSIA are ancient, eternal teachings about using everything for our learning, growth and upliftment and being wise in how we approach whatever is going on. If we took anybody’s inventory, what’s going to come up in truth is, “You’re fine. You’re not lacking. You’re not actually even hurting. There’s nothing wrong. There’s nothing sick. There’s nothing dead or dying.” There are dimensions in the soul, higher dimensions into the heart of God, which is really what we’re about. The levels in this world are of temporary conditionality. When we get into the spirit, it’s as if this level never existed and time doesn’t really exist. At some level, it’s finite. And yet it really isn’t. It’s infinite. It doesn’t have finiteness. It has a quality that goes on and on. So you go on and on, but the limitations come to an end. We are all in the heart of God. In this level, while we’re here, it’s important to work it for our learning and growth. So the practical side of this is to work it out, whatever is presented to you as your opportunity to learn and grow. If you can work out your life so you’re leaving the conditions better than you found them, including for example, your bank accounts or that you’re not in debt, if you can do that level of creating while you’re in this world, then the tendency would be you are clearing karma for your soul’s progression.


New Day Herald 27

Take a moment to do some inventory and consider, with all that’s going on in your life, are you ultimately clearing the karma or creating more of it? Come to terms with what’s going on for you and ask, “How do I cooperate?” The answers are going to be in following how it works and how you can cooperate. The consciousness of the anointed, of the divine nature, doesn’t come in violation of any of the laws, including man’s laws. However, the world can get you for your expired parking meter and things like that. But in terms of the spirit, it’s not a violation. It’s just a condition. So it doesn’t really count in the spirit. But it may count in the world, again temporarily.

28 New Day Herald

Don’t be worried about your check not cashing with God because you left this world in debt. Consider it’s already paid in full with an infinite account to your good. For MSIA initiates, it’s important to understand that at the causal level of initiation the Traveler takes the karma so that it would escort you into soul level initiation. If you hold your end up, it’s done. Then it becomes an endurance contest. Will you endure? That’s answered in the teachings --- endure to the end. I know that was said over and over and over and will be repeated as it was just now. Endure to the end and to the ends of the world. I’d like to point out some words attributed to Jesus. “Lo, I’m always with you, even unto the

end of the world” [Matthew 28:20]. So whatever end you come to, if you have no money in your pocket or no money to pay the bills or the rent or to keep the air conditioning going or the water on or the electricity, whatever it is, that doesn’t really matter spiritually. It’s not something that will keep you from passing into the spirit. “The gates of hell shall not prevail against you” [Matthew 16:18]. It’s been said that this world’s a kind of a hell. To me, if it is a hell, it’s still got a lot of good going on if we can work it out so we can have a good time here. That’s one of the things to watch out for --- that we don’t become attached to having too good of a time here such that we need to come back to further work it out. That would not be our teachings. Our teaching is to be free now. Be clear now. Let it go, so that you’re not judging yourself about something as miniscule as your financial state or your health state, your physical body state or anything about your life that you would attribute to yourself in a possessive nature, like saying, “That’s my doing.” See, that’s a slight against God, if I wanted to choose to interpret that way. God did all things first. So we’re just picking up the pieces after God did it, or just following suit, following in the way that would finish what we came here to do. Sometimes I don’t like it when I have bills to pay. It’s not always a comfortable position.

But part of that is that I want to leave it better for those who are following. So if there’s somebody who’s going to pick it up after us, then I don’t want to leave a big mess if I don’t have to. Yet, if God called us home, and the reality was we had to go through a great big mess, consider you’d go through it. Maybe you would be in the Guinness Book of Records for the biggest mess ever created. But if you got to God, if that was the way to God, you would make a big mess. You would do whatever it takes. The way to God wouldn’t be about ego. It wouldn’t be about embarrassment. It wouldn’t be about the god of opinion and what other people think if you can’t pay your bills or that if you’re so spiritual, why do you lack money? The lack would be in your attitude. In other words, don’t let it get you down. If God loves a joyful giver [2 Corinthians 9:7], consider God also loves somebody who’s joyful in their debt. But there’s more inclination to give toward the one who’s in joy, the one who holds up their peace regardless of what’s been created. We’re not here to abuse ourselves or others or really any of the creation. We’re here to use it, but to use it wisely and to use it to create greater good. We’re here to experience that we are co-creators and, even in this world, we can make it a better place. We can bring some heaven onto earth even while we know the greater heaven, the heaven we all seek, is not of this world.

“We all want to be loved. The great irony in that is God loves

its creation always in all ways. It is we who need to catch up and make the choice to overcome the negativity that has been created so we would respond in loving.” Continue article @msiaorg

New Day Herald 29

Intuition, Health, Openness, and Possibility

Living Love and Laughing into Oneness a NEW 12-month program

Facilitated by Paul Kaye, DSS and Dr. Mark Holmes, OMD Location: PAL&G, 3500 West Adams. Blvd., Los Angeles AND Live Streamed in English with Spanish Translation Saturday/Sunday Month 1: Month 2: Month 3: Month 4: Month 5: Month 6: Month 7: Month 8: Month 9: Month 10: Month 11: Month 12:

January 21-22, 2017 February 11-12 March 11-12 April 8-9 May 13-14 June 10-11 July 8-9 August 12-13 September 9-10 October 14-15 November 11-12 December 2-3

Saturdays 9am-7pm (Pacific Time); Sundays 9am-6pm. $275/month: In Person* $250/month: Live Streamed * Includes Lunch at Prana on Saturday & Sunday ***Special Discounts*** for current MSS/DSS Students, Assistants, Facilitators, and Readers. Prerequisite: Active subscription to Discourses or SATs if #144 complete. Contact: Claudia Olguin, PTS Registrar or call direct 323-328-1947

“A lot of people want to talk about how the energy’s good or bad. What they ought to do is look inside themselves and see how the energy is inside of them, because the energy inside is the energy out there, available equally to all of us. Since this one energy, is always a source, and always (all ways) a supply there’s only one thing left to do with this whole process called life, and that’s just to have a good laugh about it!” —John-Roger, DSS

“Regardless of what happens and whether we understand or

we know what happened, we are called upon to move toward the good, to keep our faith that God is up to good. Ultimately, that’s always true. There’s something good going on always.”

32 New Day Herald

Ceasing Againstness We were not created to violate, so that’s one of the learnings that is coming forward. We must stop the againstness. John-Roger said, “Peace is the cessation of againstness.” That was one of those statements I had never heard said before I heard it from John-Roger. And it keeps ringing more and more true. Love is also the cessation of againstness. Understanding is the cessation of againstness. Acceptance and cooperation are the cessation of againstness. These are spiritual laws.

Do of the nature that you would want done unto you. It’s also called the golden rule. So that’s the call. Do unto others as you would want yourself done unto.

As we come into our own alignment and awareness of how spirit directs, then we would not do anything to harm another. Again, I’m reminded of what John-Roger taught, that if we knew the pain and the suffering of our worst enemy, we would not do anything to contribute to that negativity. We would love our enemy [Matthew 5:43]. In a way, we would treat them like a saint.

Consider we choose not to render againstness, even to whatever degree it’s been done unto us. We refuse. The buck stops here. The sins of our fathers and mothers or our ancestors or neighbors, we don’t return it. We return only the loving. My experience with that is often it’s humbling.

Somewhere in the world right now someone is violating another. Someone is in againstness and in a great misunderstanding of their own nature. This is a world in which it’s reflected back to us the measure by which we do it. We all are subservient to the law. So no matter who enters into this negative world, they come under the law.

We all want to be loved. The great irony in that is God loves its creation always in all ways. It is we who need to catch up and make the choice to overcome the negativity that has been created so we would respond in loving.

I realize that there may still be negativity that has access to my response and to my choice. I’m not exempt from experiencing the negative impulse. So we all need to be vigilant. Part of that vigilance is to strengthen your hold upon it. As we look to God, as we learn to behold the Lord, our God, it is a loving God. We will be strengthened in that loving no matter how severe the test is that comes our way.

When I reflect on John-Roger’s life, I see a lot of personal difficulty due to his high We are subject to what we sow, we reap. sensitivity. He had the same high sensitivWhat we put out comes back to us. But ity to loving, beauty and highest consciousnotice in the way that is done --- to exact ness that he had to the negativity in this measure, to the last farthing. That’s just a world. Negativity measures our strength. way of saying that if you wouldn’t want it done unto you, then don’t do it to someone We can have the greatest love, and at the same time, the greatest negativity would or something else. be pulling on us. If we let our strength @msiaorg

New Day Herald 33

down, if we close ourself off to knowing our purpose, we can react. Even if we do react, we have a God who loves us regardless, which is the salvation. We are forgiven. And we’re called to pick it up, to rise up so that we overcome this world. I see that as the power and the resurrection. It’s the overcoming of the world that was demonstrated for us by the Christ. You may say, “I wasn’t in Jesus’s lifetime. I don’t have any knowledge or memory of it.” Yes, you do because in the spirit, it’s all known. It’s all here

now. So we can look upon it and know someone as a brother. It’s been done by many. This overcoming of the world is not just by Jesus. It’s been done by those who rose up into that level of consciousness so that there was an overcoming. They were in the anointing of God. That’s how I see a witness like Joan of Arc. There was a witnessing in those final moments. The words that were spoken, the words that were heard and written down, tell the story that there’s nothing we can’t overcome in this world. There’s no negativity that is too much for love.

Knowing and Understanding One of the ways I experience our calling spiritually, our movement into the spirit, is to let go of a demand that we know or understand consciously. We’re already in our salvation. We come into this world veiled. How do we get along in a world where our sensitivity has been restricted or bound or limited, including by unknowing? That’s a way of considering that God did it, so it isn’t a curse to not know consciously or to have any condition in our life. The soul has the nature that is immaculate. It is a saint already. It’s born or created of that nature. That’s who we are. So when the conscious knowing of the soul is limited, it doesn’t mean the soul is somehow imperfect or lost or lacking. It’s just in a conditionality. I heard John-Roger say that it’s the unconditionalness of life that must be lived. That’s one of those statements that I kept going over, wanting to understand. I just look at it that we’re in a conditioned state but we still have the opportunity to live unconditionally, to release the condition, to set it free. So by setting free our unknowing, we don’t have a demand to know consciously. God knows. And God knows at the level of omniscience, of absolute knowing. It’s all known, so there’s nothing that’s unknown or your god is too small.

34 New Day Herald

“The soul has the nature

that is immaculate. It is a saint already. It’s born or created of that nature. That’s who we are.”

Spirit lives unconditionally in a very conditioned world like this one. It has innocence. It has purity. It has a childlike nature. It also has enthusiasm regardless of the conditions. We have this nature in us that is irrepressible. So even if we don’t know, if we wonder why there is so much pain and suffering in this world, there’s a good reason for it. That may seem callous or that I’m not really feeling what’s going on or I’m calling suffering and pain or injustice to be some kind of good. When I’m seeing what comes from it, that we’re always being brought into an experience in which learning and growing is there, the soul is being in-

creased. By seeing that, it doesn’t necessarily mean I don’t feel the pain or the suffering. It just means that I have something else to look at so I consider how I would increase what is pleasant, what is nurturing, or what is kind. How would we make for new growth if the field has been decimated? That’s the way I see God creating. Regardless of what happens and whether we understand or we know what happened, we are called upon to move toward the good, to keep our faith that God is up to good. Ultimately, that’s always true. There’s something good going on always.

For the Highest Good When you pray and put “For the highest good” in your prayer, consider that it is being answered and there’s no delay factor with God. It’s heard immediately and answered immediately, but not necessarily in the conditions that would become the answer. I’m not talking about how it works out in the world. That might involve some patience, some gradualness. But you could know the answer immediately. You could know what’s being directed from the spirit as resolution. And maybe that is to endure because something is being moved around. Then if you understood that, you could relax. You could have a relationship with your spiritual direction so that you could trust that when it’s time, you’ll know. You’ll be informed. So relax. Go have a good life. Live well. Thrive. Take care of yourself.

One of the things I often see is that we’re conditioned so we might reject the actual solution, what would really serve the highest good. We may say, “No, I can’t do that. I won’t do that.” Spirit’s plan doesn’t always involve your attachments and your material nature, which is not of a spiritual nature. Deep down inside of everyone is something I remember hearing from John-Roger as “The ocean of love and mercy.” I just look at it as something transcendental even in its name. An ocean of love and mercy --- something that appears boundless that’s full of love and mercy, full of peace and calm, in high regard, regardless of what people represent to you in their conditionality.

Continue article @msiaorg

New Day Herald 35

San Francisco in December!

Join Us

Book Your Hotel Room Now!

Marriott Fisherman’s Wharf Hotel 1250 Columbus Avenue, San Francisco +1 (415) 775-7555

Reserve your Hotel Room by 11/8 for Special Rate of $168/night

CLICK HERE Book your group rate for MSIA’s

Expressing Your Divine Essence Public Workshop with John Morton and Leigh Taylor-Young and LIVE STREAM Sat, Dec 10, 2016, 2:30pm-4:30pm (PDT) In Person Cost: $15 Live Stream: Free of Charge Open to the Public San Francisco Marriott Fisherman’s Wharf

CLICK HERE to Register to Attend In Person CLICK HERE to Watch Live Stream

Q&A for Discourse Subscribers with John Morton & LIVE STREAM Sat, Dec 10, 2016 5:30pm- 7:30pm (PDT) In Person Cost: $25 Live Stream Cost: $10 San Francisco Marriott Fisherman’s Wharf

CLICK HERE to Register to Attend In Person or via Live Stream

Have questions?!

Contact Eric Babinet | +1 (650) 260-8120 |

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When it’s really difficult to be calm, to be understanding, to cooperate, to work with difficult people, remember they’re just being who they are in the moment and with what they know considering the conditions they’re in. Often it’s not going to help for you to react or be upset or disturbed. So what does help? Consider better choices. Can you decide with whom you are going to go up the mountain? Some people are going up the mountain and a lot of people are not. So in this Movement we gather with people who are going up. Going up to what? Their next level of karma, the next level of difficulty, the next level of what they need to learn and experience. Is that always fun and games? Not always. Sometimes it involves a lot of challenges. But it’s part of what goes on with going up higher.

do unto others in a very respectable, honorable, loving, kind way doesn’t mean that’s who you’re going to attract to you. Someone may test you and do unto you in a way that’s not kind or honorable or what was agreed upon. You may find out what’s important to you in those kinds of moments. As much as possible, it’s important to clear yourself so you can move on. You may say, “I’m just going to let it go. I’m not part of that.” These are things you decide as we all do on an individual basis. It’s your freedom of choice. When it’s your freedom of choice, it’s up to you. Choose wisely so that your wisdom is engaged with whatever choices you’re making.

Have the willingness that you would do what God would do as you in the conditions you are in. What would be the greatest choice? Have the willingness to choose for the highest good. Sometimes Choose to be in the conditions that serve your higher nature. Surround yourself with people who that willingness requires all your strength, all your courage, all your openness, all you’ve got to really are wanting and intending to go higher in constep into the greatest, to do everything that would sciousness, to wake up spiritually, to be conscious become the greatest opportunity and then the in the soul awareness while they are in this world. It becomes something where we transcend the lim- greatest result. itations and the negative conditions of our physical The greatest results are beyond what this world nature and the physical world. We find out there can contain. So when we start moving into the are psychic natures that we are also transcending greatest consciousness, the God consciousness, we while we’re in the body. start transcending and moving into the worlds to become, the worlds without end. It becomes someThis world is multi-dimensional in nature. It’s going thing where you already know your peace and to bring to you essentially all the conditions, negaunderstanding. You already know what God would tive and positive. So then you get to decide which do, because that’s always answered in God would ones you want to associate and do business with. be loving. God would be truthful. God would not in By being dedicated to your higher nature, you tend any way be disparaging toward any of the creation. to magnetize and attract to you what is of that It’s something less than God that would do anyhigher nature. But as J-R and many, many others in thing like that, or a false god, or a something that’s a long line have told us, nobody is exempt in this less than the greatest. world. So just because you’re a nice person and you

“We were born to wake up and to become this soul nature, and

we don’t have to wait for this thing called death to do it. That’s the great opportunity we all have in what we call the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness, what we call Soul Transcendence, what we call the Traveler and the Christ.” 38 New Day Herald

Always Greater Good Your life is progressing into greater and greater. The blessings are unlimited. In some way, you move into and become one with the greatest. And then it’s not over. So there’s no such thing as you’re done in this world. There’s always something greater, always greater good, always greater blessings. So keep moving. To keep moving, we have to stay awake and alert. There’s always something trying to get us to fall or to tempt us to do something less than the greatest. That’s called the negative power, and that power was created by God. So let’s be at peace with it. God had something perfect in mind when the negative power came into creation --- to show us what our life is not so that we would know what our life is. At some point you can realize, “I know what my life is not and I’m not doing that. I’m not choosing that. Sometimes my lower nature can’t help it because it just has a weakness. It succumbs somehow to the negativity and indulges the negativity in spite of my best intentions.”

We were born to wake up and to become this soul nature, and we don’t have to wait for this thing called death to do it. That’s the great opportunity we all have in what we call the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness, what we call Soul Transcendence, what we call the Traveler and the Christ. We’re choosing into that with all our might, with all our body, with all we’ve got. We’re choosing into it. And when it comes up short, it’s finished by this presence that is the anointed one. It finishes the job. What we don’t complete, the debts we don’t pay or where we still have karma, we have engaged our level of the Christ. So we become the Christ and we go free. We ascend.

What’s the life of Jesus? What’s the meaning? He ascends. He goes to a place that he talked about that we, too, can go and even greater. That’s how I experience John-Roger’s life. He demonstrated the greater that Jesus spoke of. John-Roger said to me that Jesus was his boss. Jesus was his hero. Jesus was his Traveler. Whatever Jesus did while he was in the flesh, the way is prepared for something greater, including Everybody can sing that song. We all know that story. while we are here in the flesh. It’s what St. Paul spoke of --- When I try to do the good and I don’t do that, and the thing I don’t want You could ask, “What would be greater than walking to do I end up doing [Romans 7:15]. That sounds like on the water?” How about walking in love wherever the human condition. And yet he moved into some- we go? And walking in peace wherever we go? thing that was holy and sanctified as a teaching, as did all the saints. Wherever you set foot, choose to bring forward the peace that is present. Choose to bring forward the I often like to remind us that we are all saints. The love for all of God’s creation regardless of the condisoul consciousness is already anointed. It’s anointed tions. Choose your supreme nature and the blessof God. So when we wake up to it, we become ings that already are. anointed. It’s our heritage.

Baruch Bashan

Continue article @msiaorg

New Day Herald 39

What are you doing New Year’s?

ComeCelebrate with


New Year’s Eve Sacred Tones with Paul Kaye – in L.A. & Live Streamed Thursday Dec 31 8 – 10 pm PT Free - includes refreshments

Ring in the New Year with God first at a sacred and celebratory evening. Let go of the past, set your intentions for the new and listen to guided meditations and chanting of sacred tones. Celebrating and refreshments follow.

Tickets: Watch Live Stream @ A S P I R I T UA L OA S I S I N T H E C I T Y

(Headquarters of MSIA)

Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens 3500 W. Adams Bl., Los Angeles, CA 90018 323-737-4055 |

P eace L a b yrinth

New Year’s Resolution SpiritualSpa Morning

with John Morton

Saturday January 7 10am-2pm pt L.A. & Live Streamed Start the New Year in a morning of discovery. Enjoy guided labyrinth walks, a workshop and meditations - to let your commitment, dedication and purpose bring forward greater loving in the coming year. Delicious brunch follows. $20 includes Brunch @ 12:30pm | Live Stream Cost Free of charge

Tickets Watch Live Stream @ A S P I R I T UA L OA S I S I N T H E C I T Y

(Headquarters of MSIA)

Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens 3500 W. Adams Bl., Los Angeles, CA 90018 323-737-4055 |

P eace L a b yrinth

The Blessing of the Supreme Nature Dear Lord, we welcome ourselves into Your presence, that You always welcome us in our love and our light and our sound as we resonate with this presence with You in all things, in every moment, serving the highest good at all times and in all conditions.

We attune to this through the Christ, through the Mystical Traveler and Preceptor Consciousnesses, especially as we know that through John-Roger and also through Jesus and in ourselves, so that we can let go and release whatever is no longer serving.

We open up so we are in the healing. We are in this opportunity to rise up in the soul, to experience what is called the resurrection while we are in the body, that we know ourself and the supreme nature of who we are. It is completely natural. So we let go in our understanding and even greater opportunity to be of service.

42 New Day Herald

Baruch Bashan

Back to Table of Contents @msiaorg

New Day Herald 43

CSemina hristm MSIA Family

“Ministering peace is the message of Christmas.”

—John-Roger, DSS

Sat D


Tune in or be seate

Live in Santa 2101 Wilshire Blvd English with Spanish

The event is for our MSIA family, their friends and loved ones. ore nfo antonietta No pre-registration. Register at the door Suggested Donation - in person: Adults: $15; If you feel called to offer an original se Minors: 13-17 $8 Children 12 & under: free. contribution during the event, pleas • Registration in Santa Monica will begin at 1:00 pm PST. requirements by December 1. We wo • Doors open at 1:30 pm. • Your nametag is your ticket in. e ready to experience • Refreshments will be served after the program.




sweetness of




masJ Mve



Dec 24

4:30pm pst

seated by


Monica d and Live Streamed panish Translation


easonal musical or other kind of se send us the lyrics and your technical ould love to hear from you!

perience the warmth and Christmas fellowship.




“I [thought] someday I’m going to be working with

Living and Working with John-Roger An Interview with Candace Semigran by David Sand NDH: So what’s it like working with J-R? Candace: What’s it like working with J-R…other than heavenly? Well, as you know from your work, it’s a blessing. I was always wanting to make sure I was pleasing him, that I was taking care of whatever he wanted or needed me to do. I first started volunteering at his house in Baldwin Park. I had known him since I was 13 in high school and he was my English teacher. I remember going home to my mother and saying, “Mom, I think he’s into something like you are.” (She was studying Rosicrucianism.) He was very careful at school never to talk about church or religion or God or anything like that, because of the separation of church and state, but there was something that I connected with right away. I said, “I think someday

46 New Day Herald

him, somehow to make the world a better place. . .”

He said, “There’s no urgency in Spirit, you just do it as it comes in, and handle it with the loving.”

Candace Semigran has known John-Roger since high school, and has worked with him and with John Morton in various capacities, including in MSIA and as CEO of Insight Seminars. (above) Candace on PAT IV with John-Roger @msiaorg

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I’m going to be working with him, somehow to make the world a better place…something about love, I don’t know.” It was like a dream come true when that opened up. One day J-R came to say hi and check out the office I was working in, and I was embarrassed because my in-basket was full and I did all the posting of the money and banking, so it was full of people’s orders and money and all that. I said, “J-R, I’m sorry I’m behind on this and this.” He goes, “Well, Candy, you never want that basket to get empty. If it is, we’re out of business and you’re out of a job.” He said, “There’s no urgency in spirit, you just do it as it comes in, and handle it with the loving.” I guess that was my main message from him—which I still strive towards. I always ask myself, “How would J-R handle this? What would he say to this person?” To me, it’s like he was always the

epitome of living love. He walked the talk, and he demonstrated what he taught. I never found him making me wrong or disciplining me at work. But sometimes he was rough with the guys on staff. I remember once Pauli and I asked him, “How come you never do that with us?” He looked at us and smiled and said, “You girls couldn’t take it.” But I always just felt like asking, “J-R, is there anything else?” Pauli and I would take correspondence up to him. This was before computers, before email, before cell phones, so the letters from people would come in handwritten and we would take them up to his home at Mandeville Canyon, and he would read them and dictate a response. Pauli or I would take it down in shorthand and take it back to PRANA and we would type up the letter, and the next day we would take the next batch of letters plus the replies we had typed, and he would sign them. What I saw was that he always went the extra mile with people to make sure they got the loving and the caring, that they knew the Traveler was on their side, and that their Traveler was inside. He was referring people back to the inner. When Insight started and Russell Bishop asked me to come work with him, I went to J-R and said, “Russell’s asked me, but I love working with you. I love the closeness, I love coming to see you all the time, I love doing your correspondence, whatever I’m doing. But inwardly I’m getting that I’m supposed to go do this and get out of the basement at PRANA, and actually interact more with people,” because I was so shy. And J-R said, “Well, who do you think your boss would be anyway?” And I said, “You?” He said, “Yeah, it’s like MSIA is my left hand, and Insight is my right and they’re both doing the Traveler’s work. Some people are going to resonate with Soul Transcendence and that’s the path they’ll take. Others are going to want their life to be happier, healthier, more fulfilling, have their relationships work better, but it’s still based on the heart and they’ll be

48 New Day Herald

I never found him making me wrong or disciplining me at work. But sometimes he was rough with the guys on staff. I remember once Pauli and I asked him, “How come you never do that with us?” He looked at us and smiled and said, “You girls couldn’t take it.”

attracted to Insight. But they are both my work reaching out into the world. And yes, I would be your boss.” I said, “Okay, then I’ll do it.” I grew to love what I was doing, I thought the work was fantastic and I saw that it was the Traveler’s love coming through. Some people would come into Insight and then go, “What’s behind all this?” And then they’d choose to come into MSIA…but many people didn’t. But I would go to him a few times over the years and say, “If you have anyone better to do this, someone with more business experience whatever, I’m happy to step back.” And he always said, “No, I want you there.” It wasn’t until both Joey Hubbard and Rachael Jayne were there and I saw how they both loved J-R

and the Traveler as much I did, that I knew they would take Insight forward. I feel like I’ve come full circle in working for the Traveler because I’m now working with John on correspondence in the way I used to do with J-R. So to come back to your question, “How is it working for the Traveler?” The only thing I can think of is I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else. It’s like, how do I support the Traveler in getting the teachings and love out to more people in the world? Whether it’s assisting John with his correspondence, or if it’s updating a workshop or facilitating, all of it to me is supporting the Traveler’s work, and it’s just such a blessing. Continue article


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Connect with the Traveler’s energy and enjoy this MIAMI, FLORIDA, USA Open MSIA Seminar with John Morton & Live Streamed Friday, January 20, 2017: 7:30pm-9:30pm (local time) Intercontinental at Doral, Miami Hotel 2505 NW87th Ave, Doral, FL 33172 Cost In Person: $15 USD Free online Registration Contact: Maryann Castellanos 760-815-8830

beautiful lineup of events

 In Person and / or Live Stream as noted, technology permitting 

CALI, COLOMBIA Open MSIA Seminar with John Morton & Live Streamed on the theme of Introduction to Soul Transcendence Tuesday, January 24, 2017, 7:30pm (local time) Hotel Spiwak Chipichape Cali, 6D No.36 N-18, Valle del Cauca, Cali, Colombia 57-2-395-9999 Cost in Person: $15 USD Free online Registration Contact: Marlon Niño (057)3163225743 and Alvaro Pipicano (057)3188464050

Q&A for Ministers and Initiates with John Morton Wed, January 25, 2017, 7:30pm (local time) Hotel Spiwak Chipichape Cali, 6D No.36 N-18, Valle del Cauca, Cali, Colombia 57-2-395-9999 Cost in Person: $25 USD Registration Contact: Marlon Niño (057)3163225743 & Alvaro Pipicano (057)3188464050

BOGOTA, Colombia OPEN MSIA SEMINAR with John Morton & Live Streamed on theme of Exploring Spirit in Your Everyday Friday, January 27, 2017, 7:30pm (local time) NH Collection Teleport Royal Hotel, Calle 113 # 7-65 Bogota, Colombia, Tel: 57 (1) 6578700 Cost in Person: $15 USD Free online Registration Contact: Betty Garcia-57-310-2832957

Q&A FOR MINISTERS and INITIATES with John Morton Saturday, January 28, 2017, 7:30pm (local time) NH Collection Teleport Royal Hotel, Calle 113 # 7-65 Bogota, Colombia, Tel: 57 (1) 6578700 Cost in Person: $25 USD Registration Contact: Betty Garcia-57-310-2832957

BLESSINGSFEST with John Morton Sun, January 29, 2017, 11am-5pm (local time) NH Collection Teleport Royal Hotel, Calle 113 # 7-65 Bogota, Colombia, Tel: 57 (1) 6578700 Cost in Person: $300 USD Registration Contact: Ani Pacheco: 57-300 5667444

& Staff

For Live Stream Events visit

NDH: You knew him when you were 13 and then you started working with him soon after you got out of high school?

picked me up and drove me into downtown LA on a Saturday morning and introduced me to someone who did past life counseling. He introduced me and said, “Okay, I’m going to go Candace: Yeah. get some breakfast. I’ll pick you up in a couple of hours.” Well, I sat there with her, and she NDH: What happened in those years, were you still channeled some other form with a different in touch with J-R? voice. I’d never done anything like this. She started telling me about previous lives I’d had. Candace: Yeah, I always was. I was a freshman The only two I remember, because I remember when I was 13 and he was teaching freshman talking to J-R about it afterwards, was one when English, and then my sophomore year I had I was a nun, and one when I was the mother another teacher, and then my junior and senior of my current life’s mother, father and brother. years, he was all of a sudden teaching junior and I can’t remember anything else about it, but senior English, so I had him three of the four years. afterwards J-R picked me up and on the drive During my senior year we had library day every home he said, “Hey, so what did you think?” I month, and we’d go into the library, and there said, “Well, it was interesting,” I asked, “Was it all was a small back room for the teachers. It turned true?” And he said, “Well, it really doesn’t matter. out that two other students and I ended up Did any of that resonate with you, did any of that in the back teacher’s lounge with J-R. We’d be make a difference inside of you? Did you learn sitting across a table, and one of the guys in my something? Did any of it help you with what’s class who later became a member of J-R’s staff going on in your life now?” And I told him about was sitting right across from me, and J-R said those two lifetimes. He said, “Well, then if it’s “Candy, look at his forehead and tell me what useful to you, you use it, and if it doesn’t, let it you see, kind of between the eyes.” I looked go.” That became a common theme, even about and I said, “Well, gosh I’m seeing like an Indian the things that he said. During college I didn’t see woman,” and he said, “Yeah, you’ve seen his great, him as often, but definitely stayed connected, great, great grandmother.” There were different going to seminars and volunteering in the office experiences like that. Or he’d ask all three of in his home. us to look up at the light and it was changing NDH: Did you see changes in J-R over those early colors, and he’d go, “What color do you see?” “I years? When you first met him it was before his big see red.” “What do you see now?” “Yellow.” “What do you see now?” “Green.” He took us through all change in December, 1963. the colors and we’d go, “Mr. H,” which is what we Candace: I met him in September ’63, and called him in high school, “What are you doing? What’s happening?” “Oh I’m just showing you the December of ’63 is when he had the surgery and Traveler consciousness came in. People have different colors of the spectrum.” And then we’d asked me, “What was he like before? What was say, “Well, we have to do an oral book report, the difference?” First of all I was 13 at the time, what book should we do?” He might say, “Well, and I only knew him for three months before Candy, I think you might like the lost continent the change, but as I look back, there are things of Atlantis.” There were different things like that, that I became aware of after that surgery. We where he was opening our minds to ideas that might be studying Shakespeare or vocabulary we had never thought of before. or whatever, but the students wanted to get him The summer after I graduated high school, J-R off the track of giving us a test or something like asked me if I wanted to go meet some friends that. We’d say, “When Mr. H comes in let’s ask him of his who did something like a life reading. He 52 New Day Herald

Patti Rayner & Candace Semigran a question about something and see if we can get him off-subject.” This was the early sixties, and drugs were just starting to come through the high school age group. Someone might ask, “Can you tell us the effect of such and such a drug on the brain?” I remember him sitting at his desk, and he’d lean down and put his hand on his forehead and a minute later, he’d stand up, go to the chalkboard and give us a 30 minute lecture on it, writing on the board and drawing pictures. There’d be these long scientific words for different parts of the brain, and explanations of all that. We thought we were getting him off track, but of course

he was educating us. I’d go, “Okay, there is no way that this English teacher knows all of that. He’s getting that information from some other source.” So those were the kinds of things I saw. When I look back now, we were doing things that were similar to what he later taught in MSIA, like freeform writing, although he didn’t call it that. Every day we’d go into class, and he’d say, “Take out a pencil or a pen and a piece of paper, and for the next 10 minutes, write about anything that comes to your mind, emotions, anything that’s bothering you. Don’t re-read it, don’t proof it, don’t worry about spelling, and at the end he’d have Continue article


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Stu, Jeffrey and Candace Semigran at Living in Grace, Asilomar, CA us tear it up, and he’d have a student walk through with the trash can and collect it. Those were some of the things that he would do with us that a typical teacher wouldn’t. I remember that when I was on staff in the early days, he talked a little bit about those first days when the new consciousness came in and said he was having trouble operating in the physical body, and he’d run into a wall because it would look transparent to him. His way of being with all of us as students was definitely not like any other teacher we had. He was obviously my favorite teacher in high school. He was loving, respectful, honoring of each student, but dealing with each person according to what they needed. At the beginning of each year he would lay out his expectations of us as students, and say, “If you want to be in my class, I welcome you, and if you don’t, I have a pad here of 56 New Day Herald

hall passes. I’ll write you a pass and you can go to your counselor and check out and get another teacher.” He was always giving people choices rather than putting them in a position where they would think, “Oh, I have to be in this class.” NDH: How did you see other people—other teachers, faculty, administrators, students— respond to what was going on? Candace: It was interesting. In the class the students either loved him or hated him. There were those of us who said, “Oh, he’s the best teacher on this campus.” And there were those that didn’t like him because he held us to a discipline. He’d say, “I told you this would be the expectation.” Kids would come in and they’d forget bringing a paper or pencil and say, “Mr. H, can I borrow paper and pencil?” He would say, “Sure, come up and give me

your shoe, or give me your wallet, or give me your comb.” The guys were into slicking their hair back so the comb was valuable. He’d put it on his desk, he’d give them the paper, and at the end of the class they could come up and give him what he’d loaned them and get their property back. He never would give an F. If someone got an F on a test, it wasn’t a zero, it was a .70. It would be hard to flunk his class, as long as you attended. Most of the kids loved him, and he did a lot of things creatively. He’d have us go home and choose an inanimate object in our house and write a story as if we were that object. So I remember choosing a door knob and of course my parents were drinking and fighting, so I was writing about how the door slammed, and that sort of thing. He was always doing something to get us to stretch and risk. I remember we had to do oral book reports. I was very shy. At one point I said, “Mr. H, can I still get an A in your class if I don’t?” “No.” “Okay, I’ll do one, but can I read it?” “Yes.” I was up there that first time shaking and breaking out in red splotches all over my face and neck and arms. But I did it. It seemed to me that some of the other teachers felt jealous that so many students really liked him, but a lot of them liked him too. He had a following. I see now that everything he did was getting us to expand our horizons and introduce us to new ways of seeing things, whether it was the lost continent of Atlantis or something else other than what we were used to seeing in black and white.

When Insight started and Russell Bishop asked me to come work with him, I went to J-R . . .He said, “Yeah, it’s like MSIA is my left hand, and Insight is my right and they’re both doing the Traveler’s work.”

NDH: What were some of the things you learned from him? How did you change over time? Candace: I learned to give everything my best shot. Not to hand in something half-assed. It’s like he was the best proofreader in the world. Later on, in working with him, even though Pauli and I may have proofed something and had someone else proof it, he’d take a look at it and immediately he’d see the mistake. I learned how to do that more and more so that I could catch those things. I learned impeccability because he was


Candace with her son Jeffrey

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impeccable, so that’s what I’ve strived for all these years. I think I’m getting better and better at it, and there’s always more room. And it’s like something intangible that I’ve just absorbed over the years. I’m watching now, as I’m assisting with correspondence, that I tune in and ask, “What would J-R say to this person?” I just get the incredible loving and support that he always gave people, and I attempt to do that when I’m assisting John as well. Everything from putting God and Soul Transcendence first, to how he stayed in the loving —even when people attacked him or lied about him. There was a time when the attacks coming his way were so harsh and so absurd, there were MSIA members suggesting he sue the person. J-R’s response was, “No. I’m not going to sue. Let’s just keep doing the 58 New Day Herald

good work and let the good work speak for itself. Love is the answer, not hate.” The other thing he taught me, and I have to say that in the last couple of years I’ve gotten much better at it, is taking care of myself. There were times when I was working 60, 80 even 90 hour weeks, with not much sleep, and there always seemed to be more to do. J-R would call me an ask, “How are you doing?” I’d say, “Okay,” and he’d go, “You sound tired.” “Well, I haven’t been getting a lot of sleep…” “Well, why aren’t you taking care of yourself? You don’t see me doing that, do you?” There was always that ground rule in all the work: Take care of yourself so you can help take care of others. In the early days when I was working with him, people would send a letter and it might take three, four, seven days to get across country,

and then Pauli and I would take it up to him. By the time he’d read it and given us a response, and we typed it and took it back to him and he signed it, and then we mailed it, and it got back to the person, it could be a couple of weeks. Of course now, in the day of instant gratification with email and all of that, often people say, “Oh well, I should get a response right away.” Now I’ve been reminding myself of what J-R has said about there being no urgency in spirit, of slowing down a little bit, and of taking care of myself. I got a call one day from Mandeville, and the message was it was exactly that: “You’re making work more important than taking care of yourself and that’s got to shift.” Last December my husband Stu and I bought this new home up in Simi Valley and I’m working for the Traveler in a place where there’s beauty and openness. You might say that I’m slowing down a bit, and maybe that’s because of age, but, I’m getting up in the morning and going, “Okay SE’s come first, and then the work.” And even in the afternoon if I find myself being pulled out of the body, “I think I’m going to have to go and do some more SE’s and not feel guilty.” I guess that was one of the things that I started learning over the years—I felt guilty taking time for me. SE’s

is like putting God first and then taking care of me so I can do the work better. NDH: Has it been any different for you since J-R died? Candace: Yes. Over the first few years of course I was seeing him every day, and then when I was working at Insight, even in the early years, I was seeing him physically often, whether that was weekly, or whatever, and being at seminars with him. Over the last few years of his physical life, I didn’t see him very often. I’d see him at the Insight fundraisers. He always said, “Candace, you can call me at any time about the work, and any questions you have, anything you want to check.” During these last few years of his life, I didn’t want to bother him. I knew he was dealing with whatever he was dealing with, and he was less available to the public. I knew I could call his assistant Jsu and say, “I have a question I need to talk to J-R about.” And I did a few times, but what I got is that he was teaching all of us who were working with the organizations to learn to trust ourselves, to trust the inner guidance we were getting rather than having to depend on him physically. I think he was preparing us all for the time when

J-R said “Candy, look at his forehead and tell me what you see, kind of between the eyes.” I looked and I said, “Well, gosh I’m seeing like an Indian woman,” and he said, “Yeah, you’ve seen his great, great, great grandmother.” There were different experiences like that. Continue article @msiaorg

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Keepers Workshops

Santa Monica Next: Jan 8, Feb 5, 2017

The Wisdom Keeper class teaches children the truth that they are the Living Love that God is. Children learn how to express this love and enjoy exploring how to put the loving into situations they encounter in life. The class includes listening to stories, creating crafts, singing, telling jokes and creating a wisdom book. Parents may bring fun organic food treats that can be shared. Free of charge. All children are invited to come if 5 years or older.

Contact: Elizabeth Spanton:

“Divine communion

is really just loving.

It’s that quality where you experience yourself

dancing in your own heart.” –John-Roger DSS

“Without a doubt, this is the best dance event in LA! The space is open and the vibe is very high.” – M.S., Dancer


Dance Open to everyone – no dance expertise needed. A free-style dance evening with great music and fantastic sound, and spiritual moments interspersed designed to take you as high as you want to go so your dance becomes a spiritual exercise—a romance with the Beloved.

Santa Monica No class in December Resuming January 5, 2017 Los Angeles No class in December Resuming January 18, 2017


he would be gone. I wasn’t seeing him that much physically. When he left physically, I felt him more present with me than I had over those last few years. It may sound funny in a way. I know there were some people who really grieving a lot, and yet it was like he was there with me, I felt his presence so much, and I have over these last two years—of course not physically, but that inner connection has been so strong, in the SEs, in doing the Traveler’s work. In Japan, when we were there in September, we were at one of the temples and gardens and I was gazing out and doing SE’s, and I closed my eyes, and there was J-R. Years ago when I felt distant from him, I said, “J-R, I’m not feeling as close to you as before.” He goes, “Well, when you’re not feeling as close to me, guess who moved?”

things…or I’d call him and ask his advice on something. But I see that over the years he was training us all to so that we didn’t have to rely on him being here physically. I’m grateful that I had all that training. I’m grateful to him for so much, for my life, for my marriage, for my son, for my work. I count my blessings every day. I can attribute all of it to J-R and the gifts he gave me and continues to give. It’s just such a blessing. NDH: Do you have a favorite J-R story?

Candace: Well, this is just a funny one. I think it was the very first Insight I in Miami, Florida, and I was team captain, and Russell Bishop was leading it. J-R was there, and a few of the guys on staff. We all went to lunch, and we had to walk across a huge park from the hotel where the seminar was to I think over these last few this hotel restaurant. We’re years and especially within at this big table, and we’re these last two since he having lunch and all of a passed, that I’m doing more of sudden someone looks at my own inner spiritual work their watch and says, “Oh my and attuning to where he is, God, the doors are supposed or attempting to in greater to open in five minutes.” ways since he seems more Everybody started rushing, present. Now, do I miss him and J-R said, “Oh, just calm physically? Sure…I mean down.” I forget who was doing times that we used to go out sound, but he told the sound to eat, or be together at a person, “Run back and open seminar or when Pauli and I the doors, put on some dance would cook for him, and make music, keep them dancing his favorite desserts or we’d until we get there. As for the go out and get his favorite rest of us, I’m going to order ice cream. All those kinds of 62 New Day Herald

II asked, “Was it all true?” And he said, “Well, it really doesn’t matter. Did any of that resonate with you. . . Did any of it help you with what’s going on in your life now?”. . . He said, “Well, then if it’s useful to you, you use it, and if it doesn’t, let it go.”

key lime pie, would any of the rest of you like dessert?” Talk about impeccability. Up until then I would have just said, “I can’t be late. I can’t start the training late.” And he really taught me that, wait a minute, they’re going to be fine, they’re going to have fun. The training is going to be fine. J-R was a teacher, a mentor, a boss, a Traveler, but he had also been like a father figure for me since I was 13. When I was going to get married the first time I asked him for his okay, and also when I was going to get divorced from my first marriage. After that I told J-R I wanted to be single and celibate and do the Lord’s work. I said I’m no good at relationships.

But J-R told me, “Well, never say never…” and later on I married Stu. There were those times where J-R would just walk into a room and come up and give me this huge hug and kiss, and I was feeling his love. Now experiencing it inwardly was one thing, but experiencing it in actually being with him physically, in the energy of the hug, it was like…okay, can I just keep that present with me, always? A couple of nights ago, before I went to sleep I had my little talk with J-R and said, “I’m going to be doing an interview with the NDH and if there is anything you want me to say or you want me to remember, please let me know because I don’t remember all the stories

He was always giving people choices rather than putting them in a position where they would think, “Oh, I have to be in this class.” @msiaorg

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anymore.” But in the middle of the night I woke up, remembering a number of things, and he was just so present and loving. That was the major thing I remembered right then. It’s just having that embrace of J-R. NDH: That’s amazing. Candace: When I was pregnant and our son Jeff was about to be born, I planned to have a home birth, and everything was moving towards that, so we were home and I was keeping J-R informed while he was up at Living in Grace. At some point the doctor said, “We’re going to have to induce labor.” I remember writing J-R an email. I so wanted a home birth and now it looked like we were going to have to induce. Then we got down to the hospital where they were going to induce and that wasn’t working

either, so then the doctor said, “We’re going to have to do a C-section.” I got word to J-R and he replied, “Quit trying to control everything. Don’t you think this soul knows how this baby is supposed to be born and come into this world?” That was such a lesson in not controlling, and thinking about it now, it flashed me back to when I was 13 and J-R told me a similar thing. As I mentioned, my parents drank a lot, they were both expressing alcoholism, and my brother and I used to go through the house after my parents were separated and find all of these bottles of whiskey and vodka my mother had hidden. We’d pour out half of the liquor and fill them with water and put them back. We knew nothing about alcohol really, other than that my parents would get drunk with it. I remember

J-R told me, “Well, never say never…” and later on I married Stu.

Candace and Stu Semigran 64 New Day Herald

going to J-R. I had his English class just before lunch that year and I would stay in and talk to him, cry on his shoulder. “What can I do to get my mom to quit drinking? I’m paying the bills, and I’m cooking, I’m doing the laundry, I’m doing the dishes. I feel like I’m the mom and I don’t like what’s going on.” He looked at me and he said, “What if what your mother is going through right now, the drinking, is the last experience she needs to have before she could go home to God, would you want to prevent her from doing that?”

I’ve been watching John do the same, is the willingness to put his body on the line for spirit, for all of us, for our Souls. Even though he had a lot, and people gave him so much stuff in the world, cars and gifts and all that, and even though he loved electronics and gadgets and he had fun with them all, he was never attached.

good life.” One of the things that I saw him demonstrate through all the years, and now

I remember once attending a picnic at Windermere where I saw J-R go over and

It was always a sense of, “We’re not of this world, but let’s enjoy it while we’re here, let’s have fun. But let’s remember where our true home is.” One day he said to me, I forget what the subject was but he said, “If it can’t It hit me so hard. I said, “Nope.” I never tried be fun and loving, I don’t want to do that.” to control her behavior again, and that’s I’ve used that as a guidance for me too now. when I learned acceptance—that I may It’s like if there can’t be love present then I not like it, but it’s not about me. I guess I shouldn’t be doing it. It can be fun and not didn’t learn it totally, because I was trying hard work, whereas I think that as I grew up, to control the birth of my son, but all of that my parents were into hard work. It was just ties into the same idea: Can you trust that their generation, and I grew up with that, God’s got it? Can you trust that God will but I think I’m a lot better now because I’ve only allow what is good and for the highest learned so much from J-R. I think, “Wait a good and can you trust the process? minute, I can take it easier, I can play more, I can have fun with this.” I guess that’s been a major lesson of my life. It comes up every so often, and I He and John both are two of the most realize that as people write to the Traveler generous people I’ve ever met, and there now about challenging times in their lives, is a lot there for me to learn—how can I once in a while someone will write of an share that generosity with others? I recall experience that I already went through times when people would give J-R large and I’ll say to John, “If it’s appropriate, sums of cash and he’d thank them and let I’m happy to share with the person what them know he would pass it on to the I learned.” I’m realizing that for all of us, church office to be deposited into the trusting God, trusting the Traveler, trusting church accounts. More than once I heard the Christ, and trusting that it’s all brought the person say to him, “No, this isn’t for to us to learn from… that’s such a big the church. I tithe and I give a lot to the learning I’ve had. church. But this is for you...for you to spend anyway you want to.” The next thing I’d see I can’t think of anyone on the planet who is J-R handing out $100 bills to homeless taught me more about love and loving people on the street, or to people asking than J-R, or who loved me more. If I was for help in airports. He didn’t need that down or sad about something, I would say money. He didn’t want to spend it on to myself, “If I could love myself as much himself. He used it to help others. as I know J-R loves me, that’d be a pretty

Continue article @msiaorg

New Day Herald 65

Children's Insight A Fun & Playful Seminar for Kids 6–10

The Kids Will Explore: –Making good choices –Having a good attitude –Being a good friend –Sharing openly –Trusting their heart

Join us April 2–3 in Santa Monica for fun, games, and learning

March 11–12 Santa Monica Tuition: $325

(If registered by February 21) |

. . .once in a while someone will write of an experience that I already went through and I’ll say to John, “If it’s appropriate, I’m happy to share with the person what I learned.”

hand a couple an envelope. I happened to be close enough to notice the envelope was filled with $100 bills. I knew the couple was currently having financial challenges and worried about paying for their housing and food. And I knew that this “gift” was money someone had given him that he was passing on to help people in need. NDH: How did your work life change through working with him? Candace: One other thing I learned from him is there are no mistakes. I used to come down really hard on myself when I made a mistake. I remember doing something in accounting in the MSIA office and before he walked in, I’d even stuck it under another pile of papers so he wouldn’t see the mistake, and he told me, “I don’t care if you 68 New Day Herald

make a mistake, that’s how you learn. Just don’t withhold it from me.” Then I was like, “Hey J-R, I screwed up on this thing. I just want you to know I fixed it.” And he goes, “That’s the thing, you learn from it, so you don’t repeat it and you fix it.” That was another lesson from him, that I don’t have to be perfect, and there is no perfection here, so let’s strive for excellence, not perfection. Impeccability, yes, excellence, yes, but if you try to be perfect you’re going to fail every time. And not to judge myself for my imperfections. He used to tell people if they ask what J-R is doing, you can always tell them that he’s working to correct his bad habits. That’s a good thing to be doing. I think I learned this one just by him pushing me: It was to not be so shy. I told you about being scared

to death doing an oral book report in high school. The first time I was going to lead an Insight II, I was so scared. He and the guys happened to be in town on MSIA business and he showed up the first day and he walked around, said hi to everybody and he welcomed them. Then he said to everybody, “Well, I want to introduce you to your facilitator. You have just got the best.” And then he introduced me, and he and his staff left. He couldn’t have given me a better introduction so that I felt, okay, he’s already got them on my side, and if he thinks I’m good, and he loves me then it’s all OK. One day he called me at the MSIA office and said, “I want you to book yourself a trip to Atlanta, and go to this spiritual retreat. You’ll need to rent a car, because it’s probably a couple of hours away from the airport, and take some notes and come back and just tell me about it.” I had never gone off anywhere like that, I’d never taken a flight by myself, I had never rented a car, I had never driven in a place I’d never been. But I’d do it for J-R. I found out about the retreat, I registered for it, I booked the ticket, I rented the car, and it was dusk and I realized, when they gave me the map, that I was going to have to drive through these curvy roads through some hills or mountainous areas. I don’t remember exactly, but it was unknown territory in the dark. I had rented a motel for the first night, and as I got there, I was scared to go out by myself in the dark. At the retreat I took notes, and I called in the Light a lot, I planted light columns and bought some of the books, so I could bring them back to J-R. I wasn’t really sure what he wanted. I typed up my notes, and had the books, and sent it all over to J-R. Up to this day I’m not sure why he sent me, other than for all my learning and growth and/or maybe it’s one of those times where he @msiaorg

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John Morton with Candace and Stu Semigran

[J-R] and John both are two of the most generous people I’ve ever met, and there is a lot there for me to learn—how can I share that generosity with others? 70 New Day Herald

needed a Light bearer there.

and that’s what I attempt to do in every letter I help John respond He was pushing me to take risks, just like with Insight. Even though to, or on a call to someone: to make sure the Traveler’s loving there were all those times where comes through. And I think I’m I would tell myself, “Well, there’s got to be people better than me, doing it better with myself and more experienced than me, to do with my family as well. this job, but as long as he wants NDH: What was the greatest gift me to be there I trust that there is you ever received from J-R? a reason.” That’s where I learned to say that I’ll give it my all, I’ll Candace: First and foremost, my give it my 100%. And I forget the initiations and his agreement to exact quote that he had that I take me home into the Heart of put on my desk, but it was like, God. I know you asked for “the “Do your best and give the rest greatest” but I have to add a few over to God.” That’s something more. Secondly, his allowing I learned from him. That’s what me to, in my little way, support he modeled, that’s what he him and his ministry. Then my demonstrated. I think that all of Beloved family – I know he had us who had the honor to work a hand in Stu, Jeff and I coming with him over the years, that’s together. And a few weeks what we’ve gotten to do. before he left the body and passed into Spirit, he gave me Sometimes I just go, I must another great gift by saying it was have done something right in spiritually clear and approving a previous life to have had the privilege, the honor, the blessing, my coming back on MSIA staff to meet up with J-R, and to know to support his and John’s work. One more and I’ll stop for now… him over 50 years and work with the fact that he is still with me, him, and be an initiate, and a guiding me, loving me, teaching minister, and assist him in his me, supporting me. Is there a work. And to do my best now to bigger word than GRATEFUL? live the teachings, demonstrate them, share them. It’s funny, Thanks, David, for asking me because I’m more comfortable for this interview. It’s been a being behind the scenes, and fun trip down memory lane and I see that he pushed me out such a great reminder of all of in front a lot, just so I’d break my blessings. through those crystallizations. Now I love facilitating and being God bless you. a part of that. And I love the work I get to do now with John sharing one to one with people,

Back to Table of Contents @msiaorg

New Day Herald 71

A Spiritual Oasis in the City  Headquarters of MSIA Visits & Tours at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens Tuesdays-Fridays Some Sundays | 12-4 pm | Free Treat yourself to a day of peace, reflection, and rejuvenation. Unwind your mind walking the labyrinth, restore yourself beside the sounds of water in the meditation gardens-and leave recharged. Tickets @

Classes & Workshops Weekly exploring peace and practical spirituality. Details @

A Spiritual Oasis in the City, Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens 3500 West Adams Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90018 323-737-4055 | |


Peace Labyrinth

I wondered how much had become myth in my mind and how much was really the beauty and wonder of Windermere.

74 New Day Herald

Rediscovering Windermere by Leigh Merrihew

Before this spring, it had been a

long time since I had been at Windermere. I came out once in the early 90’s with a group of New Yorkers and we did some brush clearing. I hardly remember it, other than the sound of chainsaws, a group dinner, laughing in the bunk house and this sweet area named Oak Glen, forming right before


our eyes. We weeded and shaped the land back to what it wanted to be: clear, full of sunshine, the trees retaining their authority. I seem to recall the glen transforming in two days, like you might see in a cartoon. I wondered how much had become myth in my mind and how much was really the beauty and wonder of Windermere.

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76 New Day Herald

So naturally, one of the first things I did after moving to LA was head up to Santa Barbara to see the land. I thought I was doing it for me, to get out of the city and have some peace, some mental space. But I discovered, and continue to discover, that these trips are more like a relationship I have with the land, what I call OurHarmony, if you’ll grant me some latitude to create a new word. ‘OurHarmony’ is the combination of myself (and could be you as well) with the resonance of the property itself. The land including the sky, the small insects, the scurrying lizards, the ravens and hummingbirds, the rocks, the caves, the scrub brush, even the remote essence of others who have lived there, many centuries ago. It’s an all-encompassing experience that can’t be defined as “I was here”; it is the full experience of hearing the birds, feeling the wind, the scuffle of a hiking boot over dirt on loose rocks. Of my own breath (or yours) in and out, sleeping or awake, adding to this dimension. We have all heard people say, “I just have to get away.” But ask them where and often the response often is “it doesn’t matter”… the beach or mountains, north or south—golfing or skiing—just some experience of nature. I too often attribute my feeling “better” to being in the woods or on the beach at dawn. However, at Windermere I discovered it is this combination of myself (and it will be yourself ) in that environment. At times I have walked in the most beautiful gardens and not been a part of it,


preoccupied and dulled with no OurHarmony. I might say that such places are boring or too sunny, not worth the trip. How many birds have I hastened by and dismissed? A friend will say “Oh look Leigh, a hummingbird!” Some days I think, “Yeah I know they drank water there yesterday, bid deal.” The beauty still exists, I’m just not called to it, I’m not in OurHarmony. No matter, however. There is that patient and enduring quality of nature\ that causes us to love it and it to love us, like a favorite dog or cat that awaits us each evening, ever ready for us, with open arms. It is like a thing unto itself that greets us and holds us. Did you ever feel that? You come upon a set of low lying trees, a quiet stream, some roses along a wall and you know they’ve been waiting to greet you, to relieve you? If you know that, then you could just as well have seen the quality of enchantment that hovers around Near Pond area of Windermere. The fog through the trees, the odd rocks, the sunlight on the hill descending down to the pond that makes the leaves glow. The tall grass that sways as fully as if it were a whole wheat field and not simply an overgrown dirt road. I have been going up to Windermere about once a month, watching the seasons, untangling my thoughts. I can go up planning to to be busy (that four letter word) but then repeatedly chagrined to find myself nodding off, gazing over

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. . . t is the full experience of hearing the birds, feeling the wind, the scuffle of a hiking boot over dirt on loose rocks.


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the garden house valley for unknown periods of time. How long was I looking? What was I thinking about? Oh my God I don’t know what time it is?! I don’t even care what time it is! Sounds amazing right? Sure, but as my life became busier, I was more hesitant to load up the car and disappear for a few days without WiFi. On one such weekend, my girlfriend asked if I was going to be doing any photography. I triumphantly replied that I was bringing my camera but not taking it out of the car. “I want to just relax this weekend.” Off I went, camera buried deep. I drove up to Windermere, pulled up as the sun was setting and within 20 minutes had my camera out, hiking boots on, tramping down the Garden House field trying to get every angle of the sunset I could. I was so happy—so gloriously content— because despite myself, I was in OurHarmony, nature was available. I wanted to capture the sky, not to show anyone, but to affirm to God that I appreciated what he was showing me. God, I got that one, thanks. Yes, God, Wow! In fact, you reading this might have been with me that evening as well, as the company was great and I felt among friends. Was it you there, your spirit? Was it the trees? Returning to human-ness yet again, the next month I didn’t feel like going again. Can you believe it? Yup, too busy. Things were serious in my life. I compromised with myself, concluding I would just go for one day. Arriving again about dusk, I dropped my stuff in the garden house and said to my body “OK, I’ll go for a

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hike…yeah movement would be good.” Being half genuinely tired and half truly lazy, I took an easy route, down the dirt road by the bunk house. About 200 hundred feet into the hike, I had the most amazing sensation of the earth coming to greet me, coming up through my scuffling feet. It was so intimate that honestly, I really don’t want to tell you about it because I want to be sure it will be there again for me, my secret, OurHarmony. Nature welcomed me before I welcomed it, before I got out my Light-anchoring brain and began to bless the land. I realized that the land remembered me and, though it will always wait for me, I was fully pleased to be there, it was fully pleased I had come, and it will be when you come as well. I have seen more than sunsets at Windermere. I have seen a large gentle bug with a red head, fog you can’t see through, one lone purple wild flower bush dropped in the middle of nowhere. There are things I can’t take pictures of either – like that buzzing that I thought was the largest bee ever, but was actually a hummingbird active in her nest above a rock I had climbed. I can’t take pictures of the tickling foxtail grass, the sudden temperature difference in the caves, the sounds of the goats’ hooves, or the smell of the breeze across the lower fields. I really don’t want to share all this with you. I like keeping such adventures just for me, to keep the Garden House ever unoccupied so I can go anytime, and the little areas I visit sacred. But I also have to tell you these things because it is so

Continue article @msiaorg

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Doctor of




Santa Monica, CA DSS Year Five (AMS II) November 18-20 January 27-29, 2017 February 24-26 March 24-26 April 21-23 May 19-21 June 16-18

Prana West & Live Streaming

DSS Year Three Worldwide English w/ Spanish Translation


ou see, God created us and He didn’t use any junk to do it. Sometimes you want to take who

you are as a creative being and make junk, thinking that’s

November 18-20 January 13-15, 2017 February 3-5 March 3-5 March 31-April 2 May 5-7 June 2-4

going to be acceptable. At the level we are working in this PTS doctoral program, I want to be clear with you that it’s not. The thing we’re on the planet to learn is discipline toward God’s direction. That discipline is not a punishment. It’s joy. And it’s a real thankful thing to have.”

— John-Roger, DSS

Prerequisites: Graduate of PTS’ MSS Program, active subscription to MSIA Soul Awareness Discourses and Soul Awareness Teachings (SATs), active MSIA Initiate and MSIA Ministers, regular tither to MSIA, and official acceptance by PTS Administration. Completion of DSS-1 for DSS-2; DSS-2 for DSS-3, etc.

For information:

Elissa Giges PTS Director of Graduate Studies or (323) 328-1940

P e a c e T h e o l o g i c a l S e m i n a ry & C o l l e g e o f P h i l o s o p h y

Call now to Register (323) 737-1534 ■ fax (323) 328-9005 ■ ■

Walk in Peace I love you. God bless you. Peace, be still.

“I join you in claiming our spiritual heritage of peace and loving.” — John-Roger, D S S, IIWP Founder

Join us for the next round of the Worldwide Peace Prayer

IIWP WORLDWIDE PEACE PRAYER December 4, 2016 - January 5, 2017

Joan Shea, facilitating for English


for Spanish

IIWP Peacemaker Meetings - 2016:

USA Watertown, MA

Sat. Nov. 26, from 2-4pm Information: David Jenkins: (781) 789-8745 Emily Page: (781) 641-3980

Questions: or Sponsored by the Institute for Individual and World Peace

The land is waiting for you, or is God? I’m not sure anymore. . . something is there.

84 New Day Herald

sweet and I know if you went up there you too would find such things, such qualities, and we would all be better friends. Maybe you would have a better word than “OurHarmony.” And even if you can’t go, there is plenty to be a part of. I have just returned from a visit back east, and folks there were eager to tell me that they too are picking up on the revitalized energy of Windermere. They love the new qualities, working them from 3000 miles away and having the full experience. There are 5 new qualities at Windermere: ENCHANTMENT - Near Pond; REJUVENATION - Garden House Valley; INSPIRATION - Park bench and rocks/road; GRATITUDE - upper orchard; and RESTORATION - Quelin. We all know there are more there, more that you have seen, that we will see. The land is waiting for you, or is God? I’m not sure anymore, I’m not sure where the myth ends, where OurHarmony begins, but I tell you, something is there. Thank you to all of you who hold Windermere dear in your heart, who have been supporting it, your donations and/or Light. It is our group consciousness that keeps this property. Watch for the new quality updates coming from our ranch newsletter published by Lynn Cox each month.

God Bless. @msiaorg

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86 New Day Herald

5 new qualities at Windermere ENCHANTMENT Near Pond REJUVENATION Garden House Valley INSPIRATION Park Bench and Rocks/Road GRATITUDE Upper Orchard RESTORATION Quelin


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is our new donkey at Wind For more in

88 New Day Herald


dermere. His qualities are Laughter and Sense of Humor. nfo on how you can participate with Adopt-a-Horse, go to Back to Table of Contents @msiaorg

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Live streaming around the world We are a global spiritual community

coming together to experience greater loving, joy, and the awareness of who we truly are inside our hearts. No matter where you live, you can connect with our many seminars, workshops, retreats and classes as they are streamed live or view the recordings later in your own timing. Join us as we capture the good and the divine in all people and things and leave all the rest to God. View Live Streamed Open to the Public events | View Recordings of Open Events View Live Streamed Ministers & Initiates Meetings If you need assistance with viewing the meetings, email View Recordings of the Minister and Initiates Meetings If you need assistance with viewing the meetings, email

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In Loving Service. Julie Lurie & the Live Streaming Team

Community events peek

This issue featuring:

The Blessing of Your Ministry Workshop Ojai, CA November 19 & 20, 2016 “The minister of love and Light and Sound must walk in the consciousness of purity, for we become the ambassadors of Light in the physical world. And those who are ministers and partners in your ministry are all equated with you in consciousness, so what you do as your ministry reflects upon the totality of all ministers of God”. – J-R Facilitated by Revs. David Bransky & Rachael Jayne Tuition: $50 Prerequisites: Active MSIA Minister in good standing. Active subscription to MSIA Discourses or SATs if 144 completed. Contact information and Registration: or call 805 794 4615

Worldwide PTS Email Classes

take place entirely through email and are offered free of charge. These classes bring people together worldwide to work the teachings of Soul Transcendence daily, for three weeks, in an intimate and supportive environment.

Next class to be determined.

Stay tuned!

To receive more information & dates for upcoming classes: Click Here

From the book Facets of Loving by John-Roger, DSS

Facets of Loving by

Betsy Alexander

“One time as I was trying, I opened my eyes and saw J-R standing in front of me, slightly to my right. I hadn’t met him, but I knew it was J-R.”

I first heard of the Movement

of Spiritual Inner Awareness when I was living in Calexico, then a city of about 10,000 people, east of San Diego on the U.S. side of the Mexican border. One friend there told me a little about MSIA, and I made fun of it, including of John-Roger, a person with just one name, and one with a hyphen to boot. My friend was indulgent of my skepticism. After separating from my husband, I began exploring spirituality, starting with Be Here Now by Ram Dass and Zen Buddhism. I tried to meditate, not very successfully. One time as I was trying, I opened my eyes and saw J-R standing in front of me, slightly to my right. I hadn’t met him, but I knew it was J-R. I shut and opened my eyes: still there. That summer (1973), I started having numbness in my feet. I was very worried, thinking I would die a slow and—even more important—expensive death. Lying in bed one night, worrying, I remembered that Ram Dass had written, “The guru is within you.” I thought, “John-Roger,” and immediately was filled with peace and went into a deep sleep. I called MSIA and ordered Discourses the next day. The numbness faded away, as did any concern about that hyphenated name.

Betsy received the Lifetime Service Award at MSIA’s 2016 Conference 92 New Day Herald

“I remembered that Ram Dass

had written, ‘The guru is within you.’ I thought, ‘John-Roger,’ and immediately was filled with peace and went into a deep sleep.” @msiaorg

New Day Herald 93

“J-R is the most loving person I’ve ever known, and there are more stories about this in the rest of the book. And I think this sums it up: when I ended one work email to J-R with ‘I love you,’ he wrote back, ‘Thank you. Love is how this all works.’”

I’ve often thought that if J-R could find me in Calexico, he could find anyone anywhere. Much later I discovered that he had said, “This path of Soul Transcendence is not for everyone at this time. It is for those who had it ‘written on their foreheads’ before the foundation of the planet that this would be their time.” I first met J-R physically at the 1974 MSIA Conference held in June at the San Gabriel Civic Auditorium. In those days, Conference was just one day: a morning session and an afternoon session with a lunch break during which people could buy food in the courtyard outside. As my Calexico friend and I wandered in the courtyard during the break, we ran into J-R, walking by himself. My friend introduced us and we shook hands. I said, “I’m glad to be here,” and he replied, “We’re glad you’re here.” Both of us were wearing sunglasses, but I could see his eyes clearly. After he left, I said something to my friend that I didn’t understand then: “It was like shaking hands with Jesus.” In a letter I wrote to J-R about 30 years later, I was musing about what the disciple Peter said (in response to Jesus’ asking him, “You do not want to leave too, do you?”). In my letter, I quoted Peter’s reply to Jesus: “To whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” J-R wrote, “With me.” I think that applies to everyone doing Soul Transcendence with J-R. When I took Insight II right before the 1979 MSIA Conference, I realized that what I really wanted was to join the MSIA staff. At Conference, I ambushed J-R as he was walking in the hallway of the Sheraton Universal Hotel: “Can I talk to you?”

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“How long will it take?” “Thirty seconds.” “Okay.” “I want to be on MSIA staff.” After a pause, “Talk to Pauli.” This was Pauli McGarry (now Sanderson), the MSIA administrator. I wrote Pauli at the office, and she replied in a very kind letter, explaining how being on staff worked then (most living at Prana, etc.). It took me five years, but it happened in 1984, and I also realized that being on staff is a training in itself. Someone recently asked me what J-R’s leadership style is from my personal experience, and I listed these qualities: loving, honesty, clarity, vision, and delegating/empowering. Then, as I was working on this book, I realized that freedom is another hallmark of his approach. I’ll start with loving, which I think is fundamental to everything he does and is. J-R has said, “I love because I love.” I understand that to mean that the love is within him and is not dependent on anything or anyone outside himself. For example, there was a legal situation during which J-R gave a deposition over several days; he asked if I’d like to attend one session, so I went. As we were leaving, the person who brought the legal action ended up in the elevator with J-R and those of us supporting him. J-R gave the person a big hug, and I saw the loving in his eyes. I don’t think J-R holds anyone as an enemy inside himself, but for me this was a breath-taking example of what Jesus said: “Love your enemies, do good to those who would harm you.”

J-R also wrote in the early nineties, “When it comes to spiritual things, we are all always on the cutting edge. It seems as though I have never been off of it. Consequently I have gotten quite used to it. That doesn’t make it easier in any way, shape, or form. It is that I am familiar with the ‘negative’ feelings that can go with this type of work. I also know that we can clear all of them with love, Light, and laughter.” One person asked J-R if a woman, who was well-known for devoting herself to helping the poor, would go to the Soul realm when she died and not need to incarnate again. J-R said no, explaining to the effect that she loved only poor people. J-R asked me one evening about an MSIA building project. After I gave him the update, he told me there was “no rush on it. We just do the best we can with loving. And if we die along the way, we go to heaven.” One time, maybe 25 or so years ago, I was very upset about an ongoing situation. J-R called and told me to leave the office, go out to dinner, and see a movie. He also said, “If anyone asks you what you are doing, say you’re doing an errand for J-R.” I was gone within 15 minutes. His caring meant much more to me than whatever I ate and whatever movie I saw. At one MSIA event, some of us were sitting around chatting. J-R sat with his arm around one woman, and at first, I was a little envious of their physical closeness. But as I continued to observe, I realized—and felt—that his love wasn’t exclusive, just for her, but was for all of us, as if he had his arm around each one of us. J-R is the most loving person I’ve ever known, and there are more stories about this in the rest of the book. And I think this sums it up: when I ended one work email to J-R with “I love you,” he wrote back, “Thank you. Love is how this all works.” Back to Table of Contents


New Day Herald 95

May this season of Light, Gratitude, and Joy fill your heart with the Presence of Love Consider giving yourself the gift of a USM education in the coming year! Exciting New Offerings for 2017! January–June

Soul-Centered Living I: Foundations in Spiritual Psychology USM Grads are welcome to audit any class weekend from January through June

January–July February 10–12

Soul-Centered Professional Coaching Program:

Facilitating Success on Both the Goal Line and the Soul Line of Life | Prerequisite: 2-Year Program

USM Couples Workshop: The Heart & Art of Relationship USM Grads, current students, and newcomers are welcome

February 21 March 10–12 April 7–9 May 12–14 June 24

—S������ E����— Book Launch and Signing: Remembering the Light Within By Drs. Mary & Ron Hulnick | Open to all USMers, their family members, and friends Advanced Spiritual Psychology: Soul-Centered Leadership in Your Own Life A Brand-New 3-Part Series | Prerequisite: 2-Year Program Evening of Magic: An Evening of Fellowship Celebrating the Magic That Is USM Open to all USMers, their family members, and friends

July 14–19

Click to Learn Mo re & Registe r

Soul-Centered Living I Summer Lab Audit opportunities available. Prerequisite: SCL I or 2-Year Program

August 11–13 August 18–20

Consciousness, Health & Healing: Taking It to the Next Level A Special CHH weekend | Prerequisite: CHH Program Loyalty to Your Soul: The Heart of Spiritual Psychology Workshop USM Grads, current students, and newcomers are welcome

... and more! To learn more about USM’s 2017 offerings, call Tammi Scott at (310) 829-7402, ext. 123

“It is our intention to provide you with inspiration, encouragement, practical tools, and opportunities for learning how to live into the Spiritual Context—the Awareness that you are a Soul and that your life serves Spiritual purpose.” —Drs. Ron and Mary Hulnick

Awareness into your Soul ... Move your

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“Moving your inner awareness into your Soul is easy, but it’s just as easy to lose that awareness.

You can fall out of awareness because the world doesn’t seem to support spiritual awakening. Spirit lets you in easily, but It has to give way to the materiality of the world. The material world has a billion distractions, so it’s necessary to watch where you place your focus and your motivation for creating what you want. If you want to know God, keep your eyes on God.” - John-Roger DSS, Founder of MSIA

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“There I was crying,

a bit of a mess, a bit all over the place, and [John Morton] was telling me to have fun with cancer? Was that even possible? Yes, so wonderfully possible.�

98 New Day Herald


Having Fun with


by Sina Skates

When I was 25 years old, a Minister and Initiate in MSIA, Insight Grad, USM, MSS, working on staff, I was diagnosed with cancer. In spite of all the loving, light, and positive energy I had built up over my years of study, I was still upset. I was angry. I was scared. I felt all the feelings you could imagine, and all the judgments. How could God do this to me? Deep down inside, beneath the anger, the judgments, the doubt, lived the truth: trust and faith in God. And in my heart, I could hear J-R’s words, “Use everything for your advancement. Use everything for your learning, upliftment, and growth.” Even this. I wasn’t going to give in to the fear; I was going to give it up to God. I wrote the Travelers – J-R and John Morton. I reached out to Heartfelt for support. I requested light, seeds, cards, absent prayer communion, prayer communion in person and for support during my surgery. I reached out to family and friends. I was not in it alone. I was surrounded by light, loving, Spirit, and my Spiritual Family.


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“When the minister finished [prayer communion], my blood pressure was normalized, and I felt this warm cocoon of light surrounding me, protecting me, and lifting me up. I was ready for surgery and everything went smoothly.”

During the time leading up to my surgery, I was blessed with the opportunity to share with John during a Webcast Q&A at MSIA’s building at 2101 Wilshire Blvd in Santa Monica. The message I received? “Have fun with it.” There I was crying, a bit of a mess, a bit all over the place, and he was telling me to have fun with cancer? Was that even possible? Yes, so wonderfully possible. I went into my surgery flanked on all sides with Ministers of Light. I remember at one point during the prep, my blood pressure dropped dangerously low while receiving blood transfusions. My body felt extremely heavy, like lead. I could not move at all and I felt so ill. A minister in the room stepped forward and began Prayer Communion, while a nurse stood by my side monitoring my condition. When the minister finished, my blood pressure was normalized, and I felt this warm cocoon of light surrounding me, protecting me, and lifting me up. I was ready for surgery and everything went smoothly. The surgery revealed that the cancer had spread into one of my lymph nodes and I would need a full-body radiation treatment. I took the pill (an extremely high dose of radioactive iodine) at the hospital and they sent me home for the weekend with strict guidelines to be in isolation. That was the hardest weekend of my life. I was disoriented, delirious, and vomiting for 3 days. I tried to talk with ministers on the phone, since I was in quarantine, but I could not focus enough to understand what was being said. I heard terrible voices telling me that if I fell asleep I would die. But beyond all that noise, I heard another voice, still and steady, it was John Morton’s voice telling me what I heard him say so many times before, “This, too, shall pass…. This, too, shall pass…” And I knew that as long as I had my next breath, and the next, and the next, I could get through it. Even in my darkest hour, I was not alone. I was protected by the

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Traveler. And to this day, whenever I am faced with a challenge, I remember that weekend and how I got through it. I hear John’s words: “This, too, shall pass…” and I know I am safe. Over the last 12 years, since that time, I came to understand that John’s message to me wasn’t just about “having fun with cancer” but about having fun with life. My overall approach has shifted to where Joy, Loving, Light-ness, Service and Fun are central themes in my life. Each day is a blessing, an opportunity to give and receive, an opportunity to learn, grow, share, and be loving. Recently, in the last three years, my blood tests began to show possible signs of recurrence and my doctor suggested a biopsy of a slightly enlarged lymph node that showed up in an ultrasound. I was upset at this news, but in a different way. Now, 37, married with three amazing children ages 10, 9, and 7. My concern was for these four precious souls in my life. I talked to God. I said, “I want to be here on this planet for as long as I can to play with them, to enjoy them, and to share my loving with them. I trust that whatever is for the highest good will come forward.” I was so grateful for what I had manifested during this time, but I wanted more and I wasn’t afraid to ask. I wrote the Travelers. I reached out to Heartfelt. I put light around my body and through my neck, I asked others to visualize the clearing and healing in my neck. I chanted, I danced, I smiled and I laughed. I posted on Facebook, and reached out to my friends and family. I prayed for clearing, for light, for grace, I prayed for God to allow me to be here to see my children grow up, to hold my grandchildren and I prayed all of this for the highest good. I went into surrender and trusting and openness to whatever Spirit had in store for me. About two weeks before my biopsy (scheduled for October 10, 2016) I had a dream, not exactly like Martin Luther King, but it was an amazing dream. I was with a bunch of people, mostly folks I recognized from @msiaorg

MSIA. One of the ministers walked up to me in the dream and said, “I have a message for you from J-R. You will receive a healing now.” He placed his hands around the area of my throat and began chanting—words I had never heard before in my life. I also started chanting these words or tones with him. That morning, I woke up with my alarm, but I realized that the healing was not done. I told my husband that I needed to sleep in. I asked him to wake up the kids, give them breakfast, and I would be up in time to drive them to school. I reset my alarm and through intention, I went back into the dream—the same dream, and the minister was there waiting for me. We continued chanting the tone until the minister looked at me and we both knew it was complete. I held the dream sacred in my consciousness, sharing it just with my husband and one other MSIA minister, until the day of the biopsy arrived. When I went into the doctor’s office, I felt so joyful. They started preparing all the needles and I was laughing. I was having fun with it. My attitude even surprised myself! When they told me they don’t use any form of numbing medication at this office, which would mean a great deal of pain for me, I looked at those giant needles and said cheerfully, “Okeydokey.” I was still having fun! I was open to be healed, for the highest good, whatever that meant, even if it meant no lidocaine. I was in complete trust. I felt completely free in that moment. It then occurred to me that I ought to share the dream with my doctor and the nurse, you know, just in case they couldn’t find anything. Why not? They both said that I had a wonderful dream and go ahead and lie down on the examining table. My doctor used the ultrasound to check my neck for the lymph node. I was smiling and happy. She looked on the right side. She New Day Herald 101

said, “Oh no, this isn’t cancer, it’s in the wrong place. There’s no need to stick you with needles today.” This time we were both smiling. I was having so much fun with this! Something had changed her mind. What once looked highly suspicious, now looked completely harmless.

looked on the left side. I was still smiling. She looked and looked. She couldn’t find anything. So I got off the table and we went to the computer. She started reviewing everything in my chart and pulled up all my original records. My cancer originally was on the right node of my thyroid, and she said if there’s any cancer coming back it would be on the right side, and she said, “I marked down to look on the right.” I lay back down on the table and she ran the ultra sound over my neck again. Finally, she did find a slightly enlarged lymph node, on the left and she said, “Is this what we’re talking about?” She checked the computer images again and

There was another inexplicable thing that happened that day in her office when we reviewed my records. I completely remember at the time of my surgery 12 years ago, when my lymph nodes were checked, that one came back positive, showing the cancer had spread into the lymphatic system. But the records were now showing ALL negative. I saw them myself, a scanned faxed copy of the original document. My name, my surgery date, but instead of “1/3 POSITIVE” it said, “0/3 POSITIVE”. I was shocked. I had received full body radiation after my surgery because of the increased risk from that positive lymph node. For 12 years I had been living with that “truth” that the cancer had spread and could come back at any time. But all that was changed now. The history had shifted, the pages were re-written. I had been healed: past, present and future. The cancer wiped clean from my record, placing me forward onto a totally different path. Thank you, J-R. What did I learn from all of this? I learned to trust. I learned to have fun with life, no matter what life brings me. I learned that through the Light, through J-R, through the Christ and the Traveler, and through our own openness to receive, miracles can and do happen. We are all blessed in this Movement. I am so grateful that we get to be here, now, and we get to do “all this fun stuff” together as students of the Traveler. My love to you all, my MSIA Family.

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“For 12 years I had been living with that “truth” that the cancer had spread and could come back at any time. But all that was changed now. The history had shifted, the pages were re-written.”

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My first experience by 104 New Day Herald

Anna Sugai

“Maybe I was too young to host a seminar or that maybe it wasn’t for me. But it’s like those things that I perceive as graceful: It won’t be forced on to you, but it’s available, it’s there if you choose to. And so I did.”

Every time I was in a Home Seminar, I experienced this amazing bless-

ing that is being in a group, sharing from the Heart, sustaining the Light, connected to the Traveler Consciousness. The awareness, the love and the Light have always been a true and a great gift. The idea of becoming a Seminar Leader was in my mind. I left it aside for a while, thinking that maybe I was too young to host a seminar or that maybe it wasn’t for me. But it’s like those things that I perceive as graceful: It won’t be forced on to you, but it’s available, it’s there if you choose to. And so I did. In Brasilia, my hometown, I think most people come to MSIA through Insight Seminars—which to me is a blessing. People usually have gathered useful information, had a Heart-Centered experience and are interested in continuing to work with themselves. It’s a beautiful thing to watch. I promoted my first Soul Awareness Seminar in the “Love is in the Air” PTS class that happened here through some beautiful translated flyers that were sent to us by Debbie Roth. I also let people know through Whatsapp Groups on my phone. I invited friends and family, without worrying

as a Seminar Leader @msiaorg

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“I invited friends and family, without worrying who would actually be present. I prepared my house, the food, inviting Love and Light to be present all the time.”

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who would actually be present. I prepared my house, the food, inviting Love and Light to be present all the time. And about the Seminar…it was so sweet! There were many young people. For one of them, it was the first time he was in an MSIA event. Those who had been to a seminar before joined me in an introduction by talking a little bit what it was about. Then we asked for the Light to be present and we chose a J-R audio seminar together. Even though the audio was in Spanish, and we speak Portuguese, it seems we all took the valuable information that each of us needed. After that, we shared from the heart, putting our current experiences and learnings in the Light. Then we all shared some food and juices while we talked about how much Brazil is a big mix of different nationalities, remembering how blessed we are.

I thank J-R, JM and all MSIA Community for the beautiful opportunity to awake to who I am and see it happen in other people too. I could perceive the love and Light that was present in my house during and after the Seminar.

From my Heart, I thank you all.

“I thank J-R, JM and all MSIA Community for the beautiful opportunity to awake to who I am and see it

**If you have questions about WhatsApp, Anna is happy to help. Contact her at**

happen in other people too.�

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Directory of Organizations “The journey of your Soul is to return to an awareness of and a oneness with God.” – John-Roger, DSS

MSIA The MOVEMENT of SPIRITUAL INNER AWARENESS (MSIA) teaches Soul Transcendence, which is becoming aware of oneself as a Soul, and, more than that, as one with God. Soul Awareness Discourses are the heart of MSIA’s teachings. They offer many practical keys to more successful living and to greater spiritual awareness. MSIA’s approach is to present activities and techniques that direct us toward the Spirit and loving that are the essence of who we are. P.O. Box 513935, L.A., CA 90051 (323) 737-4055

PTS PEACE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY & COLLEGE OF PHILOSOPHY (PTS) provides spiritual education to students in the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA) and to the general public to enhance awareness of Spirit. PTS offers classes, workshops, retreats, correspondence courses, a Master of Spiritual Science (MSS) degree, and a Doctor of Spiritual Science (DSS) degree.

Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens Home of MSIA and PTS headquarters in Los Angeles, PEACE AWARENESS LABYRINTH AND GARDENS is a place where people can be in retreat without leaving the city.

IIWP also owns Windermere Ranch, in beautiful Santa Barbara, California. Windermere offers people the opportunity to explore and experience peace in a natural setting. 3500 W Adams Blvd, L.A., CA 90018 (323) 328-1905 Facebook:

THE UNIVERSITY OF SANTA MONICA was founded in 1976 by John-Roger and is a private graduate school offering Master’s degrees in Spiritual Psychology and Spiritual Psychology with an Emphasis in Consciousness, Health, and Healing.Known as the Worldwide Center for the Study and Practice of Spiritual Psychology, USM’s mission is communicating the principles and practices of Spiritual Psychology worldwide through the process of Soul-Centered education.

Visitors may walk the hand-carved stone outdoor labyrinth, enjoy a moment of peace in the meditation garden, attend regular meditation events and seminars, and join the staff and residents for lunch and dinner during the work-week. Students in MSIA who come to Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens Soul-Centered education recognizes spiritual reality and begins with the assertion that rather than human beings who have also enjoy volunteering in the offices and doing spiritual a soul, we are more accurately described as souls having a exercises in the solarium. human experience. This assertion evokes a radical paradigm 3500 W Adams Boulevard, L.A., CA 90018 shift, which results in a psychological and educational (323) 737-4055 process whose goal is to bring forth the beauty, wisdom, and compassion inherent in every human being.

Heartfelt THE HEARTFELT FOUNDATION, founded in 1979 by John-Roger, is a volunteer-driven service organization which is operated through the Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA), a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. 100% of donations received go to those we serve. HeartFelt’s mission statement is: “Changing people’s lives through the healing power of heartfelt service.”

Founded in 1977 by John-Roger, PTS is a private, non-denomAn important part of HeartFelt’s work is the HeartReach inational educational seminary that teaches practical spiriProgram, which responds with Light and assistance to tuality. PTS provides educational opportunities that support students in becoming more aware of the Divine in themselves. members of our spiritual family who are undergoing lifechallenging or medical crises. 3500 W Adams Blvd., L.A., CA 90018 The HeartFelt Global Network reaches out to our worldwide (323) 737-1534 family, connecting us in our service to our communities, with the intent of sharing and inspiring the serving heart. For more info please contact Skyler Patton (serve@heartfelt. IIWP org) and subscribe to receive future HGN Bulletins at INSTITUTE FOR INDIVIDUAL AND WORLD PEACE® (IIWP) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) foundation whose mission is to identify 3500 W. Adams Blvd., L.A., CA 90018 and present the processes that lead to peace. Its unique (323) 328.1908 approach is based on the principle that peace is present and that it starts with us, as individuals. IIWP presents peace processes through lectures, community peace projects, and workshops. Workshops are designed to anchor the experience and power of choosing peace as a practical reality in one’s life.


Esprit Travel & Tours Founded in 1975, ESPRIT serves our community and the general public.Esprit’s Independent Travel Department specializes in creating individually crafted cultural tours of Japan and Asia that journey deep into the arts, crafts, history, culture and cuisine of distant lands. Our custom tour itineraries deliver extraordinary cultural travel experiences. For more info about tours, contact us at: (800) 377-7481

This experiential educational paradigm evokes in students their own answers to the three essential questions: Who am I? Why am I here and what is my purpose? How can I make a meaningful contribution in the world? 2107 Wilshire Blvd., Santa Monica, CA 90403 310-829-7402

Insight Seminars INSIGHT SEMINARS is an international non-profit educational organization founded over 35 years ago, by John-Roger and created by Russell Bishop. Insight’s mission is to assist us in transforming ourselves and the world to loving and our purpose is to inspire people everywhere to a life of greater happiness, success and fulfillment, built on self-awareness, loving, caring, compassion and service. Insight operates throughout the world. Through the Insight Seminar Series, people are provided opportunities to learn practical skills and techniques for living a happier, more effective, successful, abundant and heart-centered life. Business Insight is available for companies to create corporate transformation and strategic success through the Business Insight Seminar, Teambuilding or Leadership Workshops, Executive Transformational Coaching or customized programs. 2101 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 221, Santa Monica, CA 90403 1.800.311.8001

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MSIA Resources Home Seminars Audio or video seminars with John-Roger or John Morton are held in many communities around the world. They are an excellent way to lift your spirits and further your spiritual attunement. Contact your local MSIA representative or call 323-737-4055 to find the closest home seminar in your area.

The MSIA Store A complete catalog of books, audio and videotapes, CDs, subscriptions, and other materials is available at

Web Ring XXX NTJB PSH r XXX K S PSH r XXX NTJBOPSUIFBTU PSH XXX NTJBGMPSJEB PSH XXX NTJBDBOBEB PSH r XXX GPSHJWF PSH (explore the programs, classes, and events offered through PTS. Register for PTS classes, and take a free e-mail class) (fresh news, articles by J-R and John Morton, daily stories and photos during the Traveler’s journeys for peace, and more‌) (send a free e-mail postcard!) (news about John-Roger and John Morton and their books) (download a free spiritual warrior journal; discover your purpose) (look for a sample blessing) (Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens—news, events, info) (what it is, why do it, success stories and more. Tithe online!) (what it is, why do it, success stories and more. Seed online!)

PTS Classes The educational arm of MSIA, Peace Theological Seminary & College of Philosophy (PTS), offers experiential learning of Soul Transcendence and practical spirituality in a variety of formats, including evening classes, retreats, weekend offerings, e-mail and correspondence courses, and a 2-year Master’s and 3-year Doctor of Spiritual Science program. For more information, go to, call PTS at 323-737-1534, or e-mail registrar@pts.or

The MSIA Ministry The MSIA ministry is for initiates of the Traveler who are called inwardly to serve the spirit of their hearts. Service may be in any form, from volunteering for the Church to assisting people in need or organizations that serve those people, and anything in between. The only requirement is that the ministry is active and done regularly. MSIA ministers may perform services, like marriages, that clergy of other denominations are authorized to do as long as they comply with the laws of the locality in which they serve. People who have received initiation into the Sound Current through the Traveler may request an Application for Ordination packet from: .JOJTUFSJBM 4FSWJDFT *O "DUJPO r 8 "EBNT #MWE -PT "OHFMFT $" @msiaorg

Initiation Students in MSIA have an opportunity to be initiated through the Mystical Traveler Consciousness into the Sound Current, the audible stream of energy that comes from the heart of God. The levels of initiation in MSIA correspond to levels of consciousness both within and outside each person: astral (relating to the imagination), causal (relating to the emotions), mental (relating to the mind), etheric (paralleling the unconscious), and Soul (relating to who we truly are). There are also initiations above the Soul level. The astral initiation happens in the “night travel� (dream state) after a person has in some way come in contact with the Mystical Traveler; it is not anchored physically at that time, and the person may do no more with it in their lifetime. The next initiation is the causal, which can generally take place (be anchored) after two years of study with the Soul Awareness Discourses. (The astral initiation is anchored at the same time as the causal initiation.) Successive initiations are mental, etheric, and Soul. If you are just starting the Soul Awareness Discourses, Discourse #1 explains initiation into the Sound Current. You may choose to study the Discourses with the intention of being initiated or simply read them as information. This is up to you. If you do choose to study toward initiation, you need to write a letter as soon as you have decided and then email (or mail) it to the Traveler, saying that you are doing this. If you write this letter, the Traveler works with you more closely, and you may notice a greater spiritual awareness in your consciousness as this inner work goes on. After two years of study with the Discourses and if you have written and sent your intention letter to the Traveler, you can apply for causal initiation, generally when you have completed Discourse 24. The Traveler will look into your request, and you may be offered the opportunity for initiation. For astral/causal, mental, etheric, and Soul initiations, the person meets with an initiator and is given an initiation “tone� (the name of God for each realm that applies to the tone), which the initiate chants inwardly during spiritual exercises. These initiation tones are charged with spiritual energy by the Traveler Consciousness for each person individually, and the Traveler assists the student in clearing enough karma on one level to be initiated into the next level. For the levels of initiation above the Soul level, no initiation tone is given physically. For more information about initiation, you could read the chapter called Initiation in John-Roger’s book Fulfilling Your Spiritual Promise (available in paper and electronic versions). And we also recommend these seminars by John-Roger: “Initiation—Molding the Golden Chalice� The key seminar about studying towards initiation and being an initiate. Available in CD and MP3 formats. “The Sound Current: The Road Home� An excellent overview of MSIA and initiation. Available in DVD and MP3 formats.

Loving Each Day Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton are delivered daily to you via e-mail. Start your computer session with a daily e-mail message of inspiration and loving. Available in four languages—English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese —a subscription is free upon request by visiting Loving Each Day e-postcards, on an award-winning site, are also available at Back to Table of Contents New Day Herald 109

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