New Day Herald | May 2017

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New Day Herald Volume 30, Issue 5 ∙ ∙ May/June, 2017

In this edition... Conference of the Divine Presence John Morton on Beholding the Divine Presence John-Roger & MSIA Ministers on Parenting Themed Seminars

3 Easy Tips

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The New Day Herald Founder: John-Roger Editor-in-Chief: John Morton Editorial Directors: Paul Kaye, Mark Lurie, Vincent Dupont Editor: David Sand Editorial Team: John Morton, Paul Kaye, Mark Lurie, Vincent Dupont, David Sand, Leigh Taylor-Young, Zoe Golightly, Sherie Wylie Graphic Design: Greg Battes, David Sand The New Day Herald, P.O. Box 513935, Los Angeles, CA 90051. All rights reserved, except those specifically agreed to in writing. Reproduction in whole or part without publisher’s written consent is strictly prohibited. Letters to the editor: All letters, written comments, suggestions and questions regarding any aspect of this publication are read by the editor. We reserve the right to edit all submissions. Letters must include your name and address. Contributions: Manuscripts, photographs, art work, line drawings, charts, designs and maps, must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped mailer. Contributions will be handled with reasonable care. The publisher, however, assumes no responsibility for the safety of such contributions. All contributed material, including but not limited to manuscripts, photos, line drawings, art work maps and designs, shall be considered as text and part of the submission. The act of mailing or personal delivery of a manuscript and related material shall constitute an expressed warranty by said contributor that the said submission and material is original and is in no way an infringement upon the rights of others. Contributions and manuscripts express the sole opinions of the author, and do not constitute or reflect the teachings, doctrines and policies of the Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness.

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Featured Events:

Conference of the Divine Presence

On the Road w/ John Morton

Peace Awareness Trainings (PATs)

Live Stream Recordings

SE Easter Workshop Pay-Per-View

The Sound Current of God, MI

J-R Legacy Tour Spain & Portugal

The Royal Road, Asilomar

MSS Year 2



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Beholding the Divine Presence

From a Child’s Point of View

by John Morton, DSS

It’s not what you say or pray. It’s not even who you pray to as much as it is the depth of your intention to see the divine.

by John-Roger, DSS

Children are truly God's loving creations. When they are born, they come onto this planet with a mission of learning how to give and receive love unconditionally.

34 Parenting God’s Child on God’s Terms by Jeff Morgan

The truth I have found is that “ready” is what I am in every moment that I choose to be present with what is and the “purpose of my life” is to be here right now doing exactly what I am doing.

50 Spirit-Led Parenting by Rachael Jayne

Life is never boring when I employ God as my partner. I am challenged to approach my life with newness and innocence. But what a blessing for me as a parent and as a Soul journeying back to the Heart o God.


From Loving Each Day for Moms and Dads by John-Roger, DSS

You don’t have to earn love. If you let it, it will just flow from your children.

66 Ask J-R—On Parenting by John-Roger, DSS

Don't worry about getting her interested in spiritual things. Don't be concerned that she doesn't want to meditate. She is Spirit, pure and simple.


MSIA Conference of the Divine Presence 2017 Schedule of Events


100% - Living and Working with J-R An Interview with Paulina Haddad by David Sand

For me, it was an honor and a blessing. A joy and so much fun… Like having the privilege of being at the best “Awareness School” in the universe…


Themed Seminars Around the World by Debbie Roth

The more that I’ve attended seminars personally, the more I’m present to the immense value that they have as a conduit for attuning to the Light and the Traveler.

© 2017 The Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness

112 Directory of Organizations 113 MSIA Resources

From a Child’s

Point of View First published in Movement Newspaper 1987


6 New Day Herald

John-Roger, DSS

“It takes an open, alert parent to receive

the child’s messages, particularly since the child is not communicating in a language adults understand. Make no mistake about it, however, infants do have a rapid, lasered form of communication. They receive and send on levels adults may have long forgotten.�


New Day Herald 7

John-Roger, 1950's

8 New Day Herald

Children are

truly God’s loving creations. When they are born, they come onto this planet with a mission of learning how to give and receive love unconditionally. Unfortunately, some adults forget this and sometimes relate to children as if they are deaf and dumb slaves with no intelligence, sensitivity, or feelings. I’ve heard too many adults say “shut up” to a child rather than “I love you.” I’ve observed more adults tell a child, “Just sit there and don’t say anything,” instead of listening to the child’s point of view. I’ve heard adults say, “Do this,” and when the child asks for a reason (“Why?”), I’ve heard the adult say, “Because I said so!”

John-Roger as a baby

“Often, because the adults are not in touch with their own

loving, they may have difficulty expressing loving to children.” @msiaorg

New Day Herald 9

John-Roger and his parents

“It takes an open, alert parent to receive the child’s messages,

particularly since the child is not communicating in a language adults understand. Make no mistake about it, however, infants do have a rapid, lasered form of communication.� 10 New Day Herald

Often, because the adults are not in touch with their own loving, they may have difficulty expressing loving to children. Perhaps, too, these adults were not shown caring and consideration when they were children. The cycle of pain and ignorance can be perpetuated, from generation to generation, as the actions of the parents are placed upon the children. Some of the first conscious recollections of children are often negative directions: “Don’t do this. No, not that.” Parents may sometimes find it easier to negate children than affirm them and are sometimes quicker to say no than yes. They can be more prone to be impatient and critical than to accept and say, “Do it as well as you can.” They may sometimes find it easier to focus on what is wrong than to say, “How good you’re doing that!” Out of a sense of responsibility, parents may tend to take over and manipulate the consciousness of the child. For example, almost every parent has, at some time or other, insisted that the youngster eat everything on his plate whether the child likes it or not. The parent has probably not realized that the children often know whether the food is proper for their nutritional pattern. Babies are sometimes finely tuned into their bodily functions and needs. It takes an open, alert parent to receive the child’s messages, particularly since the child is not communicating in a language adults understand. Make no mistake about it, however, infants do have a rapid, lasered form of communication. They receive and send on levels adults may have long forgotten.


I know of one infant who was totally tuned into her parents’ emotional states. For example, when the mother was irritable from a phone conversation with a close relative, the sleeping infant, in a bedroom on the other side of the house, would wake up and cry. The crying was in empathy for her mother’s upset. I know another four-month-old baby whose father had to take a job out of town and returned home only on weekends. On the first night of his return, the baby woke up crying every 10 minutes. The mother was exhausted from caring for the infant all day and needed sleep. The father understood and, in his loving moved a thick quilt next to the baby’s crib and slept on it. Every time the infant awakened, the father would mumble, “It’s all right, baby, I’m here.” There was empathetic communication between the two, and eventually they all slept well. The important thing is that they woke up in loving togetherness, complete as a family unit. I know of one particular parent who did respect the baby’s inner knowing when she refused to eat any baby food for the first 10 months of her life. Although the parents were concerned, one of them somehow tuned in: “Look, she’s healthy. She doesn’t get sick. She’s happy, So what if all she wants is milk. She’ll tell us when she’s ready to eat anything else.” They tuned in and respected the child’s awareness. That baby grew up to be a healthy, vibrant, energetic young lady. Many parents, however, take their responsibility and the child’s lack of adult communication as authorization to manipulate and control, particularly the child’s eating habits.

New Day Herald 11

John-Roger in school band uniform

“By pretending to be

taking their love from the child, the parents exercise control, demanding that the child perform according to the parents’ desires in order to receive love. That is emotional blackmail, which can be disastrous programming to a child who is supposedly loved.” 12 New Day Herald

A parent may issue the edict, “Now, eat everything! I want to see a clean plate before you leave the table,” Those children who obeyed because they feared disapproval may have forced themselves to eat it all, and this eating habit sometimes became an ingrained form of getting approval. The unconscious of the child took care of its responsibility to clean up everything on the plate. This programming may go with the child into adulthood, and the adult may continue to eat everything on the plate. Out of our fear of losing love and approval, an obedient child can become a corpulent adult.

If a youngster doesn’t perform according to the parents’ standards, the parents often give impressions of withdrawing their love. By pretending to be taking their love from the child, the parents exercise control, demanding that the child perform according to the parents’ desires in order to receive love. That is emotional blackmail, which can be disastrous programming to a child who is supposedly loved. If you wish your children to grow and prosper as constructive, loving human beings, I suggest that you do not teach them that form of manipulation. One of the last things you want

them to learn is that this technique-of giving and then taking back love-is a worthy device. To do this could, once again, be a case of the ignorance of the parents being visited upon the children. Your relationship with your child can be even more loving if you consider the possibility that you and your child have contracted for a relatively brief relationship of instructor and student. (Not judge, jury, and executioner.) You can be a loving, patient instructor to the student/ child (and sometimes you may also be the student to your teacher/ child).

Back to Table of Contents @msiaorg

New Day Herald 13

P eac e Th e o lo g i ca l S e m i na ry


C o lle g e of P h i lo s o p hy

2017-2018 Classes MSS Year Three

MSS Year Two Worldwide, Los Angeles, CA & Live Streamed – English Worldwide, Los Angeles, CA & Live Streamed – Spanish

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Master of Spiritual Science “This is an amazing program... it has assisted me in removing many of the blocks within my self that prevented me from being more accessible to the Spirit/Soul within me.” - CL

“The MSS gave me my TRUE life. The life that I always knew was most important. My Spiritual Life.” - VM

“Michelangelo carved a stone, and David emerged. Through my participation

in the PTS Masters Program, who I am emerges. Week by week, month by month, patiently, gently, effortlessly, the one I always hoped for, the ‘me’ I knew was there, emerges, takes shape and comes alive.” - MM Prerequisites: Active subscription to MSIA Soul Awareness Discourses or Soul Awareness Teachings (SATs) if Discourse #144 is complete | Official acceptance by PTS administration | Completion of MSS Year One for MSS Year Two | Completion of MSS Year Two for MSS Year Three

For more information, please contact Danielle Britton PTS Director of Graduate Studies | 323-328-1940

For applications: Go to Then go to “Forms/Formularios”

Year One:

Creating Through Grace

Year Two:

Fulfilling the Spiritual Promise

Year Three:

Living From The Inside Out (Optional)

Doctor of




Worldwide, Los Angeles, CA & Live Streamed

DSS Year Four Advanced Ministerial Studies Part I English w/ Spanish Translation Sept. 29 – Oct. 1, 2017 October 27 – 29 November 17 – 19 January 26 – 28, 2018 February 16 – 18 March 16 – 18 April 27 – 29 May 18 – 20 June 15 – 17

Santa Monica, CA

DSS Year Five Advanced Ministerial Studies Part II


ou see, God created us and He didn’t use any junk to do it. Sometimes you want to take who

you are as a creative being and make junk, thinking that’s going to be acceptable. At the level we are working in this PTS doctoral program, I want to be clear with you that it’s not. The thing we’re on the planet to learn is discipline

September 22 – 24, 2017 October 20 – 22 November 17 – 19 January 26 – 28, 2018 February 23 – 25 March 23 – 25 April 20 – 22 May 11 – 13 June 22 - 24

toward God’s direction. That discipline is not a punishment. It’s joy. And it’s a real thankful thing to have.”

— John-Roger, DSS

Prerequisites: Active subscription to MSIA Soul Awareness Discourses and Soul Awareness Teachings (SATs) | Active MSIA Minister and Initiate | Be a regular tither to MSIA throughout the DSS Program, up to and including Graduation | Official acceptance by PTS administration | Completion of MSS Year Two for DSS Year One | Completion of DSS Year Two for DSS Year Three | Completion of DSS Year Three for DSS Year Four | Completion of DSS Year Four for DSS Year Five.

For information:

Danielle Britton PTS Director of Graduate Studies or (323) 328-1940 For applications: Go to Then go to “Forms/Formularios”

P e a c e T h e o l o g i c a l S e m i n a ry & C o l l e g e o f P h i l o s o p h y

P eac e Th e o lo g i ca l S e m i na ry


C o lle g e of P h i lo s o p hy

MSS Coming this October! Year Two English & Spanish Classes

Master of Spiritual Science

Worldwide Live Stream

Come join us in connecting with one another worldwide as we step into this year’s theme of Fulfilling the Spiritual Promise! For an application, follow these steps: Go to

Then go to “Forms/Formularios” For more info, please contact Danielle Britton PTS Director of Graduate Studies: 323-328-1940

Community events peek This issue featuring:

Free-Form Writing in Los Angeles & Santa Monica The purpose of this workshop is to clear the subconscious and unconscious levels. “Free-form writing is like taking a onion and cutting a wedge through to the center. Then you leave a space, and cut another wedge, and so on. If you leave the onion exposed to the air after cutting several wedges and do no more, the sections of onion that were between the wedges will dry up and peel away. And after a time there will be just a tiny seed left. In the same way, by releasing some disturbances through free-form writing, others still inside of you will fall away.” —John-Roger

In Los Angeles at Prana Every Wednesday, from 7:30 – 9pm Go to for details and dates

In Santa Monica Every Monday, from 7:30 – 9pm Go to for details and dates

Beholding the D by

John Morton, D

This article is taken from a Seminar John did in Adelaide, Australia in Novembe and sharing from a Discourse Workshop held in New York City in May 198

Question: John:

How can I know if I am doing something in God’s name?

To know you’re doing

something in God’s name, have the intention to first come into the presence of the divine. It’s not what you say or pray. It’s not even who you pray to as much as it is the depth of your intention to see the divine. One of the words that comes to mind in response to what you’re asking about is Darshan, which is not usually attributed to the English language, but it’s a good word none-the-less about coming in to receive and see the presence of the master. That intention is what sets it up. It’s a process of worship and it isn’t necessarily having to do with what is present physically or who is present physically as much as the intention is present. What’s also going to be taken into consideration are those who are in the gathering, so when two or more are gathered in the name, in God’s name, that presence is also with us.

18 New Day Herald

When you’re away from the divine, and I have to qualify what I’m saying when I say when you’re away from the divine in the world, such that your focus is into the world, and your perceptions are also into the world, then there tends to be a shadowing, an obscuring of the Light and the loving that is the divine. When there’s an obscuring and a separation from the divine, then the mind gets in gear. The mind is what is generating the questions. In the Divine Presence there is no question because it’s a presence of revelation. It’s a presence that is entirely revealing itself. There’s no lack in the presence. There’s nothing missing in the presence so there’s nothing really to ask about because it’s fully revealed. Look, observe, be aware, the presence is here. That presence is not controlled by a body or a personality. It’s not controlled by a location. It’s not controlled at all. It’s omnipresent, always present.

Divine Presence


er 1992 89.


New Day Herald 19

Divine knowing works like a focus. A microscope or a telescope has a variable focus. If you were looking at something out of focus it would appear obscure through the lens. When something is out of focus it can appear unrecognizable. Whatever is being looked at in focus can be revealed with more clarity 20 New Day Herald

and high definition; meaning all the aspects, all the parts are more and more revealed. The more fine-tuned the device is that brings focus, the greater the definition for what can be seen. All spiritual beings are instruments with focus available as needed. The more spiritually at-

tuned you are, the greater the details of the Divine Presence can be revealed to you. If you bring in a consciousness that is out of focus and out of harmony with the divine, then what appears to you is obscure. It’s similar to how refraction works. When we are looking at the Divine Presence through the

medium of the mind then what is seen is going to be distorted from what it is in the Divine Presence we know in Spirit, which is also the clearest state of consciousness.

“In the Divine Presence

there is no question because it’s a presence of revelation. It’s a presence that is entirely revealing itself. There’s no lack in the presence.”


Somebody can be here tonight and be having a divine revelation, let’s say moving into ecstasy, and another person can’t wait to leave because their way of relating to what is present is nothing is going on and it’s a waste of their time. They could be sitting right next to each other in the same Divine Presence. The presence is here. The consciousness with which we relate to what is present can make a great difference. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. But ugly can also be in the eye, or the mind, of the beholder which can also be projected onto what is being seen and perceived. Hence, a beautiful swan can be seen as an ugly duckling. When you compare yourself to other people there’s often a trap from the curiosity of the mind and the ego. If your intention is to have greater focus with the divine, a greater revelation with the divine, then that which is the divine instrument in you, the master in you, can help refine the focus for you. So your instrument – and by that I mean your physical consciousness – can be refined by the inner master as you come into the New Day Herald 21

Darshan, the Holy Revelation, which comes about by your intention to see the inner master, and come into divine revelation. The intention to relate to the Divine Presence can be unconscious and it can be also be related to you entirely consciously. So somebody can be here because they were hitchhiking and managed to get in the room and they are sitting here. And others can be here at 22 New Day Herald

the culmination of a lifetime and their entire existence, converging in this moment so that everything is directed and geared into what we’re doing here as a focus into the divine. My experience is that when you get into the Light the questions disappear and it’s an entirely natural knowing that takes over. And that natural knowing can pervade the mind. So the mind is opened up into its perceptions and the perceptions could be

entirely clear. If I was to tell you eternal truth, which can’t be told, but let’s say if it was revealed to you as such, it would be revealed without question. Call upon God’s presence and call in God’s name. Do your inner work by presenting yourself in spiritual exercise. Look, observe, and be aware. Let go of any expectations you have about what’s supposed to be happening. Instead, observe

with awareness, paying attention, watching and listening to what shows up in your awareness that you identify as coming from Spirit as your intention. Putting in quality time and being consistent takes commitment. It takes willingness. It means doing it rather than not doing it. By making yourself available in this way, you show your dedication to serving in God’s name, which is in service to God, how God would do it, whatever it turns out to be.

“Do your inner

work by presenting yourself in spiritual exercise. Look, observe, and be aware. Let go of any expectations you have about what’s supposed to be happening. Instead, observe. . .”


Jesus said it as those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear. He also said it as the Light came into the world and the darkness knew it not. The darkness is the one who asks the questions. If you look in the Gospels it was mostly the Sadducees and the Pharisees who were asking the questions. The disciples were also asking the questions, and by the questions revealing the darkness, meaning what they didn’t know, what they were ignorant to. Is the questioning bad? No it would just be an indicator of the level that comes in. The only eternalness is right now. The forever is right now. And if God changes His mind, are you willing to change with it? And if you are, then you’re going to be flexible. You’re going to be open. You’re going to be conscious. You’re going to

be asking that question right now; instead of assuming that because you answered it five minutes ago it’s the same answer. So you have to bring your awareness here. So this is a movement of spiritual inner awareness. Awareness is going to be your greatest asset. It’s your aliveness. It is your life energy. Awareness is your life. So if you live your life fully, really putting yourself in as much as you can to whatever you’re doing, called right now, do this as fully as you can. Put your life energy into whatever you are doing. If you’re having an inner experience, do that fully. If you’re listening, do that fully. Whatever it is that’s going on, do it fully. As you do that you increase your awareness because you’re drawing upon life energy. And as a creator, you’re putting out a message to The Creator that says, “Look, if I’m going to do this fully, I need more energy to expand and reach to what I can experience and make manifest. I need more life. I need this vital force because as I am now I’m not capable.” So you start calling on a greater life force energy right out of Spirit. And that’s how the miracles start taking place. And you can realize, “My God, this is as though they manifest things

New Day Herald 23

right out of the invisible.” We are taking the Spirit and making it manifest. And as you get close to God, you gain a greater ability to be and stand in for God in your life. As you do, it starts transmitting beyond this corporal form that we call ourselves. And you realize that, “I’m these people. I’m these things. I’m that speck on the wall.” And you ask yourself, “What’s the most vital part of God’s creation here?” That becomes your focus and how learning and discerning what is of the Spirit and what is for the highest good is going to be of great value. How can you do it? By practicing it day in and day out, moment to moment. Practice the Divine Presence so that you learn how to discern it right down to the speck on the wall where Spirit is and where the spiritual focus is in your life. And as you do that with greater and greater dedication and devotion, you automatically increase it. And you start opening your consciousness so that you are of God in everything. And as you become God in everything here in this world, you’ll start transcending into the other worlds. So that’s a key. Do this world so it’s like – “Okay, I’ve got God down here.” Get that down first so that you’re okay with God here in this world, that you’re not rejecting God on this level by saying, “Well, I judge that and that’s bad and that’s wrong and I’m against that.” As soon as you move into a state of consciousness of againstness, you lose track of job one, to live a peaceful, loving life. So the key to transcending into Soul is to transcend this world and the ways of this world, and to let go. And to be-

24 New Day Herald

come so light in the state of your being that you’re lighter than air. Then you go up in consciousness and you transcend this world. And this world has a force of gravity in it that will grab hold of anything that’s material and pull it down. That’s a literal statement. So you’ve got to become immaterial in the way you do things, so you’re not attached to the material things, that you don’t identify yourself as things. So if somebody comes in and says, “Let me have your shirt,” and you say, “That’s not your shirt, that’s my shirt,” well, you just relegated your existence to a shirt. I hope you’re happy with it. If you’re not, you might be more willing to give it away, like – “Fine.” And that doesn’t mean just because some part of God’s existence comes forward and says, “I want this,” that you’re at the mercy of that desire or demand which is worshipping something outside of yourself. So if somebody comes up to you and asks you for something, the answer is not out there, it’s within you. Listen to the one within who is the Divine Presence. And that’s the one who determines whether or not it’s what you are to do. The problems are when we don’t listen, and we don’t pay attention, and we forget to counsel with the Inner Master, the Beloved, within. But if we follow that consciousness, if we follow that consciousness that is the Beloved within, then it is the consciousness of Soul Transcendence. That’s the Traveler. That’s doing life in God’s name.

Baruch Bashan.

“The problems are when we don’t listen, and we don’t pay attention,

and we forget to counsel with the Inner Master, the Beloved, within. But if we follow that consciousness, if we follow that consciousness that is the Beloved within, then it is the consciousness of Soul Transcendence. That’s the Traveler. That’s doing life in God’s name.”


New Day Herald 25

“Where do you seek


Kingdom of God?

Within yourself. Your direction, your guidance, and your fulfillment

are all within you.� — John-Roger

Initiates Retreat to the

Kingdom of God

(John & Leigh Morton will facilitate)

june 2 - 4, 2017 through

Pines Lodge: Beaver Creek Resort 141 Scott Hill Rd, Beaver Creek, CO 81620

Initiates in MSIA have ahave speciala relationship with Initiates in MSIA special relaVision Valleytuition, Conference &board) Recreation Centre: thetionship Tuition: $750 (includes room and Mysticalwith Traveler. this course,Traveler. students In the In Mystical Contact: or 323-328-1958 7 Vision Valley Road. Arcadia, Sydney NSW 2159 learn more about this relationship, including the this course, students learn more about this Australia Traveler’s commitment to initiates and the initiate’s relationship, Students explore also the explore qualities of variresponsibilities. the many ous levels of aninitiation, of being initiate andand the many qualitiesaspects of Friday, October 31: Retreat, Day 1: 8:00 - 11:00 pm aspects of being various levelsanofInitiate. initiation.

(Registration from 5:00 - 7:30 pm) Prerequisites: Active initiates only Saturday, November 1: Retreat, Day 2: 7:15 am - 10:30 pm Prerequisites: For MSIA Initiates only. Must be MSIA Initiate & active subscriber to MSIA Sunday, November 2: Retreat, Day 3: 7:15 am - 2:30 pm Discourses or SATs (if 12 years of Discourses completed).

To Register: Contact Gaethan Bonanno Phone: 02.97127990 Mobile Phone: 0418 1 777 44

Tuition: AU $250.00, includes an AU$50.00 nonrefundable and non-transferable registration fee. Cancellations: Full tuition becomes nonrefundable and non-transferable one day prior to event.

MSIA teaches

Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness

“Become aware of the Divine presence that lives within you, as you, and use this awareness as your springboard into higher consciousness.� – John-Roger, DSS

Tuesday, May 16 7:30 pm pt in Person $5 (Live Stream Free)

Click here for Tickets Watch Live Stream @

Blessings Divine Presence with the

in Los Angeles & Live Streamed

Join us with John Morton, MSIA Spiritual Director for an opportunity to learn how to attune more deeply to the Divine presence and to the blessings this presence brings to our lives.

< N K D M D O P< G J< N D N D I O C @ > D O T K`\^` <r\m`i`nn G\]tmdioc \i_ B\m_`in .0++ R`no <_\hn =gq_' Gjn <ib`g`n #.-.$ 2.2(/+00 rrr)k`\^`g\]tmdioc)jmb M`bdnom\m;k`\^`g\]tmdioc)jmb (HEADQUARTERS OF MSIA)


A Blessing of the Holy Presence Father-Mother God, we ask to know your presence inside of us now,

that we become more conscious of your Light and your love surrounding, filling, and protecting each one of us, that we call ourselves forward, active in your purpose.

We ask for your alignment, that we are open to change. We are open to letting go of what no longer serves. We ask for the direction, the strength, the willingness so that we

choose to move upon the highest good of all concerned, that with each breath we are activating this consciousness that serves, that knows the Christ, that one who is anointed by you, preparing the way, awakening the spirit within, that this is the Holy Spirit we breathe.

This is the Holy Spirit that awakens us now, a consciousness of

your breath, that your thoughts, your emotions are what move us, are what we ask for and surrender to as a process of the Divine each moment.

We ask that you bring to mind whatever it is we need to learn. We ask to be conscious to know what would serve us to let go of, that we let you take hold, that we can become one with you as your will is done.

Bless all the small things. Bless the things that we live with, the conditions that we were born with—bless it all.

We ask this blessing to extend out into the world

and into all the forces and consciousness that influence this world through time. We are those calling forth the greatest blessings. Whatever part we are to play, we offer ourselves willingly as a dedication.

And we know the simplicity of this movement is to love one another as you have loved us, that we take heart in you. Baruch Bashan. 28 New Day Herald


New Day Herald 29

30 New Day Herald

Blessing of the Divine Presence Dear Lord, First of all, we give thanks that You have called us into Your presence, the Divine Presence we know as the Traveler, in all levels, and also as that one who is anointed. We are all in this anointing of the Christ. We give thanks for the Light that is here through the Holy Spirit and with all of us doing this purpose of the Soul. We do fully accept the gifts that are here for each one of us, that as we are given these gifts, these blessings. Much is offered to us as opportunity to serve, to serve the Traveler’s work in this world, to serve it through what John-Roger established and Jesus as the Christ established. It continues as a living ministry, a ministry that is also in the Spirit through all those in the line of Traveler. And now we just see that it becomes really simple. It starts here and now in the blessings, and that we live those blessings. It’s a great responsibility and a great opportunity to be the blessings, to do greater good in the world. It starts in the ways we take care of ourselves and move into taking care of others. It becomes a living manifestation of God in this world, in the transformation of the world into loving, into the greater causes of loving. In so doing we are releasing any negativity that is no longer necessary. We are holding for these blessings with great healing, great balancing, and clearing. And what is witness in our experience now is great joy, peace and understanding, that it can be greater than ever before. So we choose in our own way to step forward as much as is allowed, as is permitted. We can handle these choices with strength, with resolution in this purpose that is divine and great friendship and fellowship, and it is a joy to be with one another in this way.

Baruch Bashan.

Note: You may find of interest the following items that are available through the MSIA website store at Practice the Divine Presence by John-Roger available in CD and MP3 formats Calling Forward the Beloved by John-Roger available in MP3 and MP4 formats and two books by John Morton: The Blessings Already Are You Are the Blessings. @msiaorg

Back to Table of Contents New Day Herald 31

Connect with the Traveler’s energy and enjoy this beau

utiful lineup of events

 In Person and/or Live Stream as noted, technology permitting  All listed event times are the local time  All events are with John Morton except when otherwise noted


Q&A for Ministers and Initiates Tuesday, May 23, 2017 7:30pm Cost: $25.00 For details: Ann Folks;; 505-984-8069

Austin, TX Open MSIA Seminar & Live Stream Friday, May 26, 2017 7:30pm Cost: $15.00 For details: Carol Beau;; 703-508-9450

Q&A for Discourse Subscribers & Live Stream Saturday, May 27, 2017 7:30pm Cost: $25.00 For details: Carol Beau;; 703-508-9450

Boulder, CO MSIA Seminar for Discourse Subscribers & Live Stream Tuesday, May 30, 2017 7:30pm Cost: $15.00 For details: Madonna Smyth; 303-596-5958

MSIA Fundraiser Dinner/Q&A Wednesday, May 31, 2017 5:30pm

Bulgaria Sophia

Introduction to the Sound Current Workshop Thursday, July 20, 2017 7:30pm-9:30pm Cost: $15.00 USD For details: Hristina Kirimidchieva at 359-889-296-321 cell


STRASBOURG Introduction to the Sound Current Workshop Monday, July 24, 2017 11:00am-1:00pm For details: Arno Triebskorn at +49 (0) 163 2459542 mobile

Q&A for Discourse Subscribers Monday, July 24, 2017 3:00pm-5:00pm Cost: $25.00 USD For Details: Arno Triebskorn at +49 (0) 163 2459542 mobile

Cost: $1000 - first priority question; $500 lottery question For details: Annie Peters; 720-260-9890

& Staff

For Live Stream Events visit

Parenting God’s Ch

T [ his article is]

simply meant to be a reflection on what I have learned so far: the good, the challenging, and the transformational. . . One of the first lessons I learned as a new father is that I am not in control of this process.

34 New Day Herald

hild on God’s Terms by Jeff Morgan

I don’t know what I am doing and I can’t give you any answers… Let me start by saying I am a student of parenting. I am a novice at best. I agreed to write an article and parenting showed up for me to write about because it has been an integral part of my spiritual practice lately. This article is most certainly not to tell you about parenting or how to do it correctly, but simply meant to be a reflection on what I have learned so far: the good, the challenging, and the transformational.

I am not in control, I am in cooperation… One of the first lessons I learned as a new father is that I am not in control of this process. When we discovered that my wife Magali was pregnant, all of our ideas of waiting another two or three years were called into question. Every time Magali and I had discussed children it sounded so good to say we should wait two to three years until we were “ready.” For me “ready” has become as hollow a concept as “purpose of my life”. The truth I have found is that “ready” is what I am in every moment that I choose to be present with what is and the “purpose of my life” is to be here right now doing exactly what I am doing. I find that people like me use terms like “ready” or “purpose” to either justify inaction, @msiaorg

New Day Herald 35

36 New Day Herald

or to attempt to rationalize a feeling that something is not working, or to justify judgment/artificial comparison with what is. It’s not worth it. I tried it…a lot. It is not worth the effort.

Part of discovering that I am not in control was also finding that many of the declarations I had made (as they often tend to be) were proven false in the most hilarious ways. Case in point: cutting the umbilical cord.

So, I started the pregnancy process first by realizing that I was ready and then by banging my head against the wall trying to solve the problems that seemed apparent: We can’t raise a kid in a crappy one bedroom; I can’t keep working so far away for so little pay; and how were we supposed to afford Magali not working?

I never understood why the father was meant to cut umbilical cord. I figured that I’m paying thousands of dollars to a person educated on how to safely do medical procedures—so why would I do it? That’s what I was paying her for, right? When the baby finally came I was awestruck and kind of drunk with the moment. The doctor held up the cord and handed me the scissors and seemed like she wasn’t really asking if I wanted to. This was simply my job for some reason, and I performed it with no questions asked. I didn’t have time to argue.

For me the shift came when I heard Luka’s heartbeat. My focus became simple and my fears became clear intention. The Soul that was coming in (we knew back in April 2015 that he was a boy and that his name was Luka with a ‘k’) had a plan for how he needed to be raised and we needed to go into participation and cooperation with this higher process. Cooperation seemed to be the key. By the time we entered the third trimester of Magali’s pregnancy, the following had occurred: Magali got a new job where she could work at home; we found a house to share with Magali’s family that we could somehow afford to live in; I got a new Job at a better pay walking distance from the house; etc. etc. etc…

T he Soul that was

coming in had a plan for how he needed to be raised and we needed to go into participation and cooperation with this higher process.


There was and is a higher plan in play that was and is beyond my awareness. Clearly someone or something continues to be in control and know what they are doing, and it most definitely isn’t me. So, the key continues to be cooperation and trust.

If you can’t beat ‘em, love ‘em… Part of the home Luka created for his first years involved a larger-than-average family-to-house ratio. In addition to Magali, Luka, and myself, we moved in with Magali’s parents and brother. Needless to say, I tried my hand at changing them to match how I wanted us to live. I also tried controlling how they behaved. I also tried judging how they think. While I am quite adept at building a case against people that bother me (I’m a lawyer after all), the approach was not working for me and not working for the house. There are inevitable growing pains and adaptations that have to take place to make any living situation work. There are also things that we simply can’t change about the people with whom we co-habitate. At a certain point, we recognized that quiet resentment did not work, and we started to love living together. Key was (you guessed it!) acceptance. We could not change each other. We could not “win” against each other. But we could most definitely love each other.

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I think that Luka, and the love that we all share for Luka, became a foundation upon which we could build the household. Many friends and family assumed it would fall apart and that I would go crazy. At times, with a teenager, a baby, and grandparents all living in the same house (plus five cats that didn’t really all get along), I thought this all wouldn’t work. Yet sometimes our seemingly impossible good seemed to happen. For me it was bizarre how it happened. One day I was just talking to my mother-in-law and we realized we had lost track of time and had spoken together for more than two hours. It was just for the pleasure of speaking together. Without realizing it, I had started to enjoy my extended family and French co-habitants. I find it interesting how roles become people, people become friends, and friends become family. The connections seem to grow like young seedlings in the sacred ground of Luka’s life. Inevitably, the old saying that a child is born with a loaf of bread under each arm proves true, but he also seems to bring with him the village he wants to raise him.

Opinions are like noses… Another area of learning has been around ruthlessness. There were so many opinions and so many projections in play when we would speak to others during the pregnancy and even after the birth. No, I don’t need to hear your story about premature birth. No I don’t need your opinion on whether it makes sense that I don’t want to feed my child sugar. No, we don’t really need your thoughts on why it’s better to formula feed. No, I am not interested in worrying about enrolling him in preschool until I get the ‘green light’ inside of me to do that. Believe me, the list goes on and on and gets more outrageous. When I first found out Magali was pregnant, every dude friend of mine asked me if I was freaked out about it. No, I was not… Why should I be? There was some unspoken expectation that having a kid would make me freak out about the future. It’s easy to play into other peoples’ stories about pregnancy, childbirth, and childrearing and I found and find it important to distinguish between my experience and others’ stories. 38 New Day Herald

Information helps, opinions less so, and listening to the God within the child has been the most helpful. In my experience, if we are missing something, Luka’s High Self has no issue hitting us over the head with what we are missing. So, there’s discipline and trust in there too. For the guidance that was helpful, usually there was no attachment from the person who gave the guidance about whether we followed it or not. Some guidance was encouraging or challenged our own negative beliefs: “You’re making this very hard on yourself”… “The baby is fine and knows what he needs”… “There may be an easier way of doing that”…etc.” Some guidance was completely inaccurate but so loving that it didn’t matter. For me, I am not willing to act outside of alignment with our awareness. I am not going to do anything as a parent with Luka that doesn’t check out with Magali’s and my Knowing. The advice might be so good on paper but we are clear that we want to follow the Spirit. Why? Because this isn’t OUR child, this is GOD’S child and we need to raise it in accordance with Spirit’s direction.

I t’s easy to play

into other peoples’ stories about pregnancy, childbirth, and childrearing and I found and find it important to distinguish between my experience and others’ stories.


He is not just a baby, he’s a little person… Having a multicultural family has been a valuable awareness tool. It turns out that different cultures tend to relate to childhood and children differently. There’s this notion in American parenting culture that babies have different needs than other humans. To some extent, there is a reality there. On the other hand, we have very intentionally related to Luka as a being who knows what he needs, knows how to act, and often struggles with the same issues we do as adults. I can remember a specific time when the baby was unable to get to sleep. He kept screaming and crying. We tried leaving him alone in his crib to calm down and nothing seemed to work. I looked him in his eyes and I said, “Okay, show me what’s going on here…” I immediately saw disparate images of an argument and conflict. New Day Herald 39

40 New Day Herald

I became aware that I had picked up the tension and conflict that had occurred in the house during the day and did not know how to release it from his body. I started to put him on his stomach and massaged out that energy that was blocked in his back. He was still awake and so I picked him up and asked him again what was going on. I saw an image of extreme fatigue. I put him back on his stomach and filled my hands with light, and attempted to charge him full of energy to make the jump into sleep. Within one minute he was in deep sleep. It’s all very simple, ordinary stuff. It’s the same stuff that we all go through. Why should his needs be fundamentally different than ours? There’s a temptation in our parenting culture to manage Luka’s needs as a sort of chore or obligation, rather than relating directly to Luka for guidance. For me, Luka is not a schedule or a philosophy. Luka is a divine being with something to teach me. I came in first and he chose to come in through us physically; therefore, I have a responsibility and privilege to demonstrate what works on this level and help him get up to speed on things. At the same time, we are both equally students on the same path home to God.

There is a perfect plan and not everything is as simple as a statistic, book, or other comparison would lead me to believe… I never identified with the concept of “normal.” As a parent, from Day 1 we have been getting told what normal looks like. This can be medical guidelines like vaccines, child development milestones, or it can be behavioral norms that are expected of most children. It’s tricky to balance awareness of norms for the purpose of supporting the child with awareness that the child has his own plan that is already perfect. For us, for example, if he’s ahead of a developmental marker, that’s great. If he is behind, that’s also great. We can take action on data but we put way more stock in checking inside where he is and if he is communicating that he needs additional support.


New Day Herald 41

Luka, for example, is a considered a late speaker based on the standard development timeline. Magali had an intuition to seek help and now we have found an amazing speech therapist with whom we are really excited to work. We totally align with her way of working and we sense a beautiful connection between her and Luka. The whole process feels very Spirit-directed. We also really have no idea if he is “behind” on any developmental plan but it seems very clear that Luka and Spirit arranged it so that he could work with this person. There is also always a temptation to compare Luka to other children. I see this thinking as a kind of zero sum approach. For me, I am not concerned about where other kids are because Luka is my responsibility, not them. If they are already reading or doing their parents’ taxes, I think that’s wonderful. For me, each of the children is perfect and has his or her own plan. It’s not important that I understand that plan but it’s important for me to recognize that it’s already perfect. We have really gotten clear that we can take action on useful information without playing into the story, knowing that Luka, as God’s child, is going to learn and grow on God’s terms and in God’s perfect timing.

I am not missing out on anything when I stay home and serve my family… When I was younger my definition of Service was assisting Insight and MSIA Trainings, planting trees at Windermere, and feeding the hungry. For Magali, the service we give to family was equally as valid. I struggled being in a committed relationship that I saw as limiting my ability to do “real” service. “Does she even know what it means to be a minister?” I 42 New Day Herald

would naively pontificate, as if I really knew what being a minister looks like. I had learned a very clear definition of what it means to be a minister and what it means to do service and it did not involve staying home. I resented being kept from “Serving,” as I understood it. As time has gone on, I have realized that for me Service is in the loving, in the devotion, and in the Spirit rather in the outer expression or form. I am a Minister when I serve that which is, or the person who is in front of me, even as I would serve J-R in gratitude for being given the opportunity to serve him. While I still love to serve out in the world, I have come to understand that there is a beautiful and sacred ministry at home. Since having Luka, I have experienced some of my most profound spiritual work, inner awareness, and experience of Service. It was not through my “Service” out in the world but rather by recognizing, accepting, and cooperating with my ministry to my family. I realize more and more that I never have to worry about missing anything because God places in front of me that which I am meant to serve. Perhaps this is because I am especially dense and need obvious signals from Spirit—but

I have a suspicion that others can relate from their experiences to what I am sharing. I am constantly humbled by the level of service and devotion Magali shows in her relationship with Luka. What higher calling than raising God’s child? What higher calling than serving God in my family members?

Parenting is healing and healing is parenting… I remember the specific moment when I forgave my father and my mother for everything I might not have liked about my childhood. Ironically, the moments of forgiveness were not moments of profound emotion or confrontation with my parents. It came down to the simple realization that they did what they did and my relating to it as less than perfect is not only untrue, it limits my life. For my father, I remember a time when I called him at 2AM when I was 18 and in the middle of a crisis inside of me. I hadn’t had a real conversation with him for several years following the divorce with my mother. I was desperate and called him because no one else was answering the phone.

I realize more and

more that I never have to worry about missing anything because God places in front of me that which I am meant to serve.


New Day Herald 43

For some reason, the fact that he picked up the phone and spoke to me, no questions asked, after years of avoiding conversation with him, was enough to forgive everything. I realized that this is one of only a few people on the planet that would take my call at any hour and give to me unconditionally. In that instant, all was forgiven and I was free of that.

that all of it happened to support his learning, growth, and path to God. Put simply, nothing happened to him and it all happened for him. He continued to argue and I finally said to my father with some degree of frustration, “Listen! Inside of me there is nothing between us in a negative way and nothing in the way of my loving for you, and if I ever hear about you using how you raised me against yourself, I am going to kick your butt because that doesn’t serve either of us and does not align with my experience.” I meant it. Why would I let a false notion of what childhood “should” have been stand between me and God in him?

Recently, I was talking to my father when he shared a perspective about mistakes he had made as a father to my older brother. I disagreed maintaining that he had done a perfect job with us and that it doesn’t serve my brother for him to perpetuate this mythology that my brother or his upbringing were less than perfect for my brother’s growth and learning. It would be To be clear, forgiveness does not mean no lessons learned. There better to support him in seeing

are things my father and mother did, for example, that I may choose not to do in my relationship with Luka but I can choose that path in gratitude to my father, for example, for demonstrating why certain things don’t work so that I don’t have to. At the same time, with this clarity between us, I see the beauty of my father’s devotion and service to God in all people, and I am brought to my knees with loving and humbled by the beauty of who he is and I am honored to know him. I am aware that forgiving my parents and loving them for who they are makes me better able to align with Spirit as a parent. I am aware that there is a simple and beautiful freedom in deciding that nothing will come between me and my loving (God). Because I have already made it okay that my parents did what they did, I can really make it okay to do what I do. I don’t have anxiety about being a bad parent; rather, I choose devotion toward Luka with the same loving devotion and excellence I try to bring to everything I do.

Enjoy… I call Magali “La Femme de ma vie” which would be like the “Love of my life.” I call Luka the Light of my life. From the very beginning, there was never a sense of heaviness or obligation with Luka. It continues to be light and joyful with him. I still get butterflies even thinking

44 New Day Herald

Forgiveness does not mean no lessons learned. There are things my father

and mother did, for example, that I may choose not to do in my relationship with Luka but I can choose that path in gratitude to my father, for example, for demonstrating why certain things don’t work so that I don’t have to. @msiaorg

New Day Herald 45

I pray that I remember

to thank God for all the blessings he has given me.

about Luka’s smile when he sees me. I hope I never lose that gratitude and that Joy. As I listen to Luka’s laughter, I wonder if it is possible to feel more Joy than I feel in that moment. The Joy is almost overwhelming. I remember when Luka first seemed to dance to music that I put on (side note: it was Aretha Franklin because Luka’s got Soul) and seemed to be trying to move to it. I was so overcome with Joy, I could only cry and laugh at the same time. I also know it may become more challenging to enjoy the relationship as he grows older, especially during the dreaded teenage years. I have had a bit of the “raising a teenager” experience with Magali’s brother in the house and I make it a point, even when he is doing his best to be difficult, to remember to enjoy our relationship (fart jokes and all). Life hasn’t always been easy and a big key has been gratitude. It’s really during the challenging times that I find it most powerful to ask the question “What is the blessing in this situation?” and allow myself to connect in loving to Magali and Luka inside of me. It’s really about remembering that I am blessed: blessed to spend my time with people that I love. 46 New Day Herald

So, there you have it… This was my experience. I know that yours has also been filled with miracles. I also know that it’s perfect just like mine has been. I have so much love and respect for the young parents in our spiritual community. I hope you feel that loving. I hope we can be a support to each other and an advocate for each other’s’ truth. We have a unique and beautiful gift to give ourselves and our children with these teachings. I pray that I remember to thank God for all the blessings he has given me. Back to Table of Contents @msiaorg

New Day Herald 47

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Guided meditations, sounds, and silence fill the evening as the facilitator plays tuning forks, chimes, singing bowls, and more to help us let go and attune more deeply to the inner sound and to gain clarity on challenges we may be facing.

Tickets: *Short meditation and sound sessions offered Tuesday-Friday & Sundays @ 1:40pm & 2:40pm (excluding holidays) during labyrinth and garden visiting hours.* ***Due to the meditative nature of the evening, we cannot admit late-comers after 7:45pm. Thanks for understanding.***

< N K D M D O P< G J< N D N D I O C @ > D O T K`\^` <r\m`i`nn G\]tmdioc \i_ B\m_`in .0++ R`no <_\hn =gq_' Gjn <ib`g`n #.-.$ 2.2(/+00 rrr)k`\^`g\]tmdioc)jmb M`bdnom\m;k`\^`g\]tmdioc)jmb (HEADQUARTERS OF MSIA)


Intuition, Health, Openness, and Possibility

Living Love and Laughing into Oneness a NEW 12-month program

Facilitated by Paul Kaye, DSS and Dr. Mark Holmes, OMD Location: PAL&G, 3500 West Adams. Blvd., Los Angeles AND Live Streamed in English with Spanish Translation Saturday/Sunday Month 1: Month 2: Month 3: Month 4: Month 5: Month 6: Month 7: Month 8: Month 9: Month 10: Month 11: Month 12:

January 21-22, 2017 February 11-12 March 11-12 April 8-9 May 13-14 June 10-11 July 8-9 August 12-13 September 2-3 October 14-15 November 11-12 December 2-3

Saturdays 9am-7pm (Pacific Time); Sundays 9am-6pm. $275/month: In Person* $250/month: Live Streamed * Includes Lunch at Prana on Saturday & Sunday ***Special Discounts*** for current MSS/DSS Students, Assistants, Facilitators, and Readers. Prerequisite: Active subscription to Discourses or SATs if #144 complete. Contact: Claudia Olguin, PTS Registrar or call direct 323-328-1947

“A lot of people want to talk about how the energy’s good or bad. What they ought to do is look inside themselves and see how the energy is inside of them, because the energy inside is the energy out there, available equally to all of us. Since this one energy, is always a source, and always (all ways) a supply there’s only one thing left to do with this whole process called life, and that’s just to have a good laugh about it!” —John-Roger, DSS


Rachael is the mother of Jeff Morgan, author of Parenting God’s Child

50 New Day Herald

P arenting has proved to be a remarkable school and laboratory to test my willingness to be Spirit-led and in alignment with God’s will. Anyone that knows children knows what instant feedback machines that are.

A good friend of mine once told

me about an experience he had when he first held his baby girl. He told me that he looked down at her face and felt absolute awe and absolute terror at the same time. He couldn’t have ever imagined the terror of responsibility. What if she were taken from him? How could he assure her safety and care from this moment forward? At that moment he realized he did not want to go at this alone. He was employing God to be his partner, to assist him in raising this most precious child. When he told me this story I realized that it spoke volumes about how I have approached my journey as a parent. I, too, have experienced the awe and the terror. And I too have committed myself to a Spirit-led life in which I am co-parenting with God. I knew I was in over my had after I had my second son, Jeff. I remember sitting down with my spiritual guide discussing a dream I had in which I was shown myself choosing into having a third child. I have often been shown things in the dream state that have later come to pass so I knew this dream held some real truth in it. Yet, I was quite overwhelmed and humbled by the gargantuan task of raising two boys. They were young, fighting all the time, and I was exhausted and frazzled. So I sat down and talked with a spiritual counselor about this Soul that was knocking at my door to be brought into the world. This counselor said to me, “If God whispered in your ear, ‘Would you have this child for me?’ what would you say?” I realized at that moment that I would, of course, say, “Yes” and I did. I also began to realize, and continue to realize, that I would not be able to do this alone—that God would, indeed, assist me in raising His child.

Parentin g by Rachael Jayne

d on God’s Terms on page 34.


New Day Herald 51

I consider one of the greatest gifts my children brought to me is the growing awareness that I was not parenting them alone., that God is indeed my partner and my co-parent. I was constantly being asked to grow and stretch in my own personality, to overcome my limitations to “raise God’s children, God’s way.” In looking at how I could describe what it means to be Spirit-led I immediately start with what I know. I know about loving from my own experience—loving for myself, for my children and for others. Loving is the one constant that transcends all the changes on any level of my life. The source of that loving is God. And I identify that source as being inside of me as a part of that greater One who created us all. I would also refer to this source as Soul, my individualized God essence, my Divinity. I further recognize that every individual that I come in contact with is connected to that same source of loving that I am, and that includes my children. My job as a parent is to assist my children to call forward from inside of themselves that God essence as the foundation of their lives.

inner authority and strength of purpose. I heard this question which I listened to within: “How can you expect your child to follow your counsel when you don’t follow your own inner counsel?” Bingo. I knew the truth in this and I knew where my next level of growth and expansion was taking me. And I could see, as I incorporated this learning, the immediate benefit to Gabriel, and to my other children. As I continue to be more willing to listen to my inner guidance and incorporate the learnings, my children continue to be the beneficiaries of my own growth and personal development.

Parenting has proved to be a remarkable school and laboratory to test my willingness to be Spirit-led and in alignment with God’s will. Anyone that knows children knows what instant feedback machines that are. Before parenthood it seemed that I would be allowed more time to be asleep in my consciousness. Since I have become a parent I have been instantly shown my foibles and misguided behavior. I remember a time some years back when I found myself chasing my dog around my mother’s pool. As I recall that entire day Gabriel, my youngest son, who was around two, was being defiant and uncooperative. I took a moment at the end of the day to look at what I was being shown about me. I remember realizing how challenged I was in my own consciousness to claim my own 52 New Day Herald

I knew I was in over my had after I had my second

son, Jeff. I remember sitting down with my spiritual guide discussing a dream I had in which I was shown myself choosing into having a third child.

Rachael with her 3 sons, Jeff, Sean and Gabe left to right @msiaorg

New Day Herald 53

O ne of the ways I allow myself to be a Spirit-led is to pay very close attention to the messages I receive upon waking, during SE’s and at key times throughout the day.

I remember when we were celebrating the 16th birthday of my oldest son, Sean at a restaurant, Jeff, who was about 13, said,”You know Mom we really like you much better since you don’t let us get away with stuff anymore.” Then Sean piped in, “Yeah, I agree. You’ve become a much neater person.” As a parent, the awareness of God as my partner has played a major part in my ability to raise three dynamic, demanding, extraordinary sons. Many times I have “tried everything” and felt so up against it in my inability to break free or break through in a situation with my children. It is at those times that I pray, I seed, and I ask God to intercede and guide me. It is at those times that i “employ” Gpd as my partner. In a way, it’s silly to say this because how can I employ God to do a job that he is already doing? I think it is more about making myself available to the support.

the following words: “There was nothing atypical about our personal experience. At school, some kids read early, some read late. All of them eventually read when they are ready, not a moment earlier. All of them eventually read just fine.” Why did this student think to give me this book? Why did I turn to this particular quote about reading readiness when there are thousands and thousands of books written about children learning to read and just as many different approaches? To me, all these questions are addressed in my approach of being as Spirit-led as a parent. I asked for God’s assistance and then let go and allowed Spirit to direct me. My job is to have the attunement and discernment to recognize what is mine and what isn’t. My willingness to recognize that this one was for me resulted in a much happier six-year-old.

One of the ways I allow myself to be a For example, at one point I was conSpirit-led is to pay very close attention cerned about my youngest son, Gato the messages I receive upon waking, briel, not reading yet. I had been placduring SE’s and at key times throughing it in the Light or several days. A out the day. These messages can vary student in my PTS Masters class gave from “Get Gabe’s Halloween costume me a book for a gift. I t was entitled, today” to “make yourself available to “Free at Last” and was written about Sean today to assist him to clear some a unique school called the Sudbury upset he is carrying.” Regardless I find Valley School. I recognized the gift as a that the inner guidance that is availgesture of loving and appreciation but able to me consistently provides direcdidn’t give it much thought at the time. tion in my life as a parent and brings Later I picked the book and arbitrarily tremendous assistance and support. opened it to page 33. My eye caught Often I am shown something that I 54 New Day Herald

need to clear. Sometimes I receive a message that is important to me about how I am using my energy or about how I am holding something in my consciousness. I don’t expect anything, but simply look, observe and become the scientist in discovering and uncovering what is being shown to me. Another technique that I have used to open more completely to Spirit in my life is journaling. I view my work with the journal as a way to prime the pump and bring more of God’s energy present into my awareness. As I ask certain questions, my truth steps forward to be heard and my entire consciousness bears witness. It has been a remarkable process of uncovering the very essence of myself to me and bringing forward the voice from within that is my true guide both in parenting and in living. Each morning I would ask two questions: :”What direction am I receiving from Spirit today?” and “What challenges/ learning opportunities might I have?” Each evening before bed I would write about the following: “How was I Spirit-led in my parenting today?” and “What do I want to thank God for, or place into the Light?” For a period of time I also asked “What did I make more important than connecting with the Lord today?” Just as one tunes into a radio to the strongest signal I want to attune myself to the highest source. I also used this ability to perceive my children’s needs. A major aspect of being Spirit-led is using my ability


I continually used my kids’ feedback combined with my own observations to attune to their inner needs and true essence. With each of my children I noticed by ability in this area increase.

New Day Herald 55

to attune to what is often underneath the surface of what is being presented. I find that as a parent I have been able to cultivate and develop this ability in greater and greater ways in service to my children. Another way of describing this is looking beneath the obvious to what is underneath the words, behaviors and actions. When I really listen inside I can hear some clear signals— when to speak and when to hold in silence, in loving and neutrality. When my kids were babies I remember praying to God on many occasions for greater attunement to their needs (as they were too young to verbalize what they needed). With each of my children I noticed my ability in this area increase. Life is never boring when I employ God as my partner. I am challenged to approach my life with newness and innocence. But what a blessing for me as a parent and as a Soul journeying back to the Heart o God. At the end of every summer I would write an “Expanded Vision” for my child’s upcoming school year. My husband and I would call in the Light and ask or guidance for each of our boys in this process. Generally we did our part in preparing a place for God to deliver exactly what each of my boys needed. As a parent I found that by stating

56 New Day Herald

this in writing I was able to more completely let go and let God. With my kids, as with other aspects of my life, I have had a tendency to indulge in worry about things not working out. When I wrote and Expanded Vision with words like “Jeff is given the perfect teacher at this time for his current growth and development,” I found that I could let go and allow God to care for my kids. In hindsight I have seen God’s hand in each of my kids’ lives year after year. One summer I engaged Jeff and Sean in writing their own Expanded Visions. Jeff even seeded for this, and that was the best year that Jeff had in school. Much of what he prayed for was given to him. I continually used my kids’ feedback combined with my own observations to attune to their inner needs and true essence. With each of my children I noticed by ability in this area increase. In studying in the DSS (Doctor of Spiritual Science) class and practicing ways of opening my intuition through the class exercises, I found my ability to attune to my children become even more refined. An example of this happened with Sean, the eldest, when he had a new girlfriend. One night he asked me if I thought he would be with this

girl for a long, long time. I asked him what he thought. He said, “I think so but what do you think?” I told him that I thought it would be up to him. I suggested that he watch his own inner process. If he found himself finding fault and criticizing every pimple on her face, or the way she did something, he might want to take a look at what was underneath the criticisms—like, was he afraid of being rejected? He just grinned from ear to ear and said, “How do you know me so well? How do you know what I think and what I feel?” I pay attention to as many levels as possible. In response to an inner calling, request or prayer, or simply by opening and inviting the Lord’s participation, a “spark” of the Divine is ignited inside and allowed, by me, to illuminate the way. The way might be a specific action, an inner picture, or it

might be a way out of contraction into an expanded state of consciousness. To me it is as if God is shedding Light on a direction to take and is providing the energy and enthusiasm to go there. This is what I describe as “following the inspiration.” It can happen when I’m writing, or doing something mundane, or often when I’m exercising. For example, I was working with my two older boys in putting together a teen training called Teen Insight. Both boys had participated in this training in the past and had received much value and personal growth in the areas of self-confidence, improving peer relationships and connecting to their hearts and essence. The three of us shared a common goal about wanting other teens to have a chance to participate and gain similar value, so we were working together to coordinate

I continually used my kids’ feedback combined with my

own observations to attune to their inner needs and true essence. With each of my children I noticed by ability in this area increase.

the training—yet we were not clear on our next steps. While running the next morning I received an inspiration about how to market the training and how to involve my teens in the process. The inspiration came in the form, initially, of an inner picture. I saw a postcard with a picture of a graduation candle-lighting ceremony that had been taken in an earlier training. And I saw how the card could be distributed. That all manifested physically and was used to market the trainings. Finally, one of the greatest tools as a Spirit-led parent or person is the awareness that we are all here to learn and grow. I see parenting as a wonderful opportunity to gain awareness and grow into

greater expressions of who I am. What an incredible school it is. The following is a quote from John Morton, from a sharing with a group of us while we were developing the Spirit-led parenting course for PTS: “When a person gets, I mean really understands, as a Truth visit, that God’s raising everyone, God is the provider, God is the protector, God is the one that creates all the needs being met, and God’s even the creator of the needs. It is about learning. All of us are here to learn. That’s why we came here.”

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Super II: All Audit Insight II Back by popular demand!

Remember how amazing you felt on day five of your Insight II? Now imagine starting a seminar at that place of expansion—with a room full of committed Insight II grads —and building from there. Open your heart even deeper Finally get free from anything holding you back in your life Boldly be your True Self Facilitated by Joey Hubbard and friends. John Morton will participate, health and schedule permitting.



Santa Monica, CA Open to all Insight II grads $1,000 (if registered by 7/15)

“When you are attuned to the Sound Current, all you have to do is ride the Sound and you will discover its Source, which is God. The Mystical Traveler is an agent for this Current of Sound as it issues forth from the Supreme God in the pure realms of Light.”—John-Roger, DSS

Come enjoy

Sound Current of God

riding the with us. You are invited to take a deeper dive into the core MSIA teaching: the Sound Current; part of that force flow that travels straight from the God source and back.

two days

There will be of coming together into the heart of God and attuning to that vibration where we are all One. There is time for Traveler sharing and lots of time with God; consider making this a where we stay in touch with the Holy Spirit and enjoy the harmony of being in one accord.



Kalamazoo, MI August 19-20 Location: Radisson Plaza Hotel at Kalamazoo Center 100 W Michigan Ave, Kalamazoo, MI, 49007, US *Hotel Contact: 1-800-395-7046 or 269-343-3333 *Let hotel reservationist know you are with “PTS” Hotel Cost: $139 for single or double; $149 for triple; and $159 for quad PTS Registration contact: Blanca Dominguez or 323-328-1958 Local Contact: Lorraine Andrew at 269-375-8346

Tuition: EB $250 (June 6); RT $300 (after June 9) (Lunch on Saturday and Sunday is included with your tuition.) Cancellation policy: After June 9th the entire tuition becomes nonrefundable but it is transferable to another person scheduled to attend this event. Prerequisites: Open. Spanish Translation: Yes. Live Online: No.

Excerpts from Loving Each Day for Moms and Dads John-Roger, DSS

When children need

John-Roger as a baby

something, they come to you to fulfill their prayers. They are depending on you to see what you can do to fulfill them. Don’t be afraid to pick them up, cuddle them, love them, rub their backs and kiss and hug them. Give them all the love you can muster, and they will return it to you in more ways than you can imagine. The early years of growing up are so important. When children are little, they must know that you’re there, that you love them, that you care, that they can trust you, and that you’re the one they can count on. ❇

You don’t have to earn love. If you let it, it will just flow from your children. ❇

Do what you can to support yourself within the responsibilities that come

with being a parent. Sometimes just fifteen or twenty minutes of quiet time daydreaming, meditating, or meandering in your own thoughts can be as refreshing as a cool shower on a hot day. ❇

Take the time to explain to your child what you are doing and why. 60 New Day Herald

Explain to your kids that tests at school do not record their failure. Tests show areas

where they can learn and grow, and point up their strengths. They are a reference point to know how they are doing, and to show them where to do more work. ❇

Make your child’s education an active one, where they are participating and learning by doing.


C hildren’s games are make-believe. They’re honest. Children have the flexibility to

drop their games and go on to something else. It’s a good thing for adults to do the same. ❇

Give your children everything you have— with love. If you give just a little bit, you’ll get weary. When you give your children everything you can, and support them totally, you’ll be filled with the love of Spirit and the energy of that love as you go along. ❇

Be honest with your children. If you lie to your child, you forfeit the greatest trust a child has.


L isten carefully to what your child is asking you, and respond to that level. ❇

When you fight with your spouse or your children, you fight with the God within them. Sometimes you want to fight your loved one awake and say, “I see so much love in you, I just want to shake it loose!”Love them loose instead.


New Day Herald 61

C hildren are open to learning. Show them how things work. Let them do

things. Give them some information, show them how to do it, then let them do it. Have them play the information back to you immediately. That’s a test to see if they got it. ❇

A child communicates love by information, by talking about what’s close to

them, and one of the things closest to a child are the father and mother and what they do. The child will tell everyone about everything. ❇

K ids teach each other to withstand the world. Their play teaches them how to win and lose, both inside and outside of themselves ❇

62 New Day Herald

C hildren need to learn to laugh at themselves and not to live their lives accord-

ing to other people’s opinions. Teach them to play roles and have fun with it. Let them dress up in funny costumes and have a good laugh at themselves. Let them put on plays and act out their ideas. They will learn important skills and gain self-confidence. ❇

Play imagination games with your children. Show them how to imagine

beautiful things, and how to change scary images into funny ones. If they see a monster chasing them, teach them to change that monster into a tiny monster and see it running off a cliff while they stand safely behind a tree and watch. ❇

Help your children to envision their own success and happiness. If they have

tests coming up in school, show them how to use their imaginations to see themselves taking the tests and passing them. Remember to make sure they study, too. Make it a game. Keep their attitude positive. Keep their spirits up and bright and active. ❇

L et your children know that their work is their love in action. There are a lot of ways to demonstrate love. They can’t always be hugging and kissing everyone to show their love. Show them that things like doing their homework and helping around the house are also demonstrations of their love. ❇

L ove your children equally when they are good and when they are bad—so that they know the love is always there.



New Day Herald 63

64 New Day Herald

If your kids are doing something that is irritating you, get in there and do it with them to some ridiculous extreme. Although you may have to go a long way, you’ll help them complete what they were doing—for good. I did this one day with a young girl who was driving her mother up the wall playing with her food. I sat down with this little girl, and together we explored all the things you can do with your food. I showed her how to hold water in her mouth and let a little drool out one side of her mouth and then the other, how to suck the water back in through her teeth, and how to blow into her water glass. When I told her to take the water in her mouth and just let it drool all over her chin, neck, dress, and everything, she just quietly said, “No.”That was the end of it. It was pretty sloppy, but it was over in a halfhour instead of weeks of frustration for her Mom. This technique can be effective in certain areas. ❇

When a child is born into a family, the adults must make substantial adjust-

ments. Love and support each other as lovers, and appreciate your roles as mother and father. Loving and supporting your child is easy then, and adds to your life as you all nurture one another. ❇

L et your child know that it is okay to make mistakes, from missing a question

on a test to spilling their milk. When you make it all right to do well and to make mistakes, your child will probably not lie to you.

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Ask J-R

Q&A about parenting


published in Movement Newspaper September, 1981

: What-can I do to get my three year old daughter to be more interested in

spiritual things? My friends' children meditate. My child isn't interested at all.


: Don't worry about getting her interested in spiritual things. Don't be concerned that she doesn't want to meditate. She is Spirit, pure and simple. She doesn't need to learn about it. She doesn't need to meditate. She doesn't need to talk about it. She is that. It's the adults that think Spirit is something separate and so they talk about it and create special things (like meditation) to do, to bring Spirit in and become more aware of it. She doesn't need any of that right now. Loving her is the best thing you can do for her. Let her grow up knowing that you love her and care for her. Encourage her to do lots of things physically. Help her to learn about all aspects of her world and how to expand into new areas. Give her lots of experiences. And don't compare her with others. She's unique, special. Let her tell you what she needs (she'll tell you in lots of ways), because she knows. Don't be concerned. She's absolutely fine!

66 New Day Herald


: My parents give me more things of a material nature and assist me more financially than they do my brother and this causes my brother a lot of distress. Should I not accept my parents' assistance in order to keep peace in the family?


: What you do with that, of course, is up to you. You might try turning down their assistance and see if that makes things any better. It might and it might not. Perhaps the distress your brother feels is from a different source, but he's identified it as that. Keep in mind, too, that the relationship between different siblings and their parents can be really different. The karma that you have with your parents could include somehow their giving to you in a financial/material way, whereas your brother's karma with them might not include that. Things like that can tend to appear unfair, but in the greater reality they may be absolutely perfect. If you and your parents feel balanced with the exchange, there might not be reason to make any changes. If you or they don't, then you might want to take another look at the whole action and make some new decisions. Honest communication between all of you would be highly recommended.

More from J-R on parenting: The Spiritual Family

Loving Each Day for Moms and Dads

Relationships: Love, Marriage and Spirit Back to Table of Contents @msiaorg

New Day Herald 67

A Spiritual Oasis in the City  Headquarters of MSIA

Visits & Tours at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens

Tuesdays-Fridays | 4th Saturday | Some Sundays | 12-4pm | Fre Treat yourself to a day of peace, reflection and rejuvenation.


A Spiritual Oasis in the City, Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens 3500 West Adams Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90018 323-737-4055 | |


Peace Labyrinth


Introduction To Meditation and Sound A Deeper Experience May 23 | June 13 | July 11 & 25 | 7:30pm 7:30pm Paul Kaye sounds singing bowls, chimes, and more as we meditate to let go and attune more deeply to the inner sound.

Sacred Mysteries of the Labyrinth A Candlelight Labyrinth Walk Tuesday June 6 | 7:30pm Award-winning architect, MSIA Minister, and student of sacred geometry, Charles Bernstein, guides us in an exploration of the labyrinth followed by an evening labyrinth walk.

An Evening Of Gratitude Tuesday June 20 | 7:30pm Join us for a sacred, uplifting evening exploring how gratitude can help us expand into experiencing greater loving, abundance and blessings.

To learn more about these events and for tickets â?‡ click HERE â?‡

70 New Day Herald


New Day Herald 71

Events In Detail Hotel Rooms & Parking

How To Register For PTS & MSIA Events 3 Ways To Register: 1) Register via EventBrite: To attend In Person go to: To attend via Live Stream go to: Live Stream registration stays open throughout each event. 2) To speak with someone: Please call Blanca Dominguez, PTS Registrar at 323-328-1958. After hours please leave your registration information on her confidential secure voicemail. 3) Mail: PTS Registrar (checks made payable to PTS) 3500 West Adams Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90018 U.S.A.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION for Attending In Person!!!

Pre-registration closes on Wednesday, June 21 and reopens Friday, June 30 at 8:30am at the Hotel. LIVE Online registration stays open throughout each event. For questions on Cancellations, contact the PTS Office at 323-328-1940.

Registration Check-In: Choosing into the Divine Presence 8:30-10:00 am Friday MSIA Ministers Meeting 10:30-11:45 am Sunday MSIA Initiates Meeting 3:15-3:45 pm Sunday

Special Conference hotel room rates have been negotiated at the Four Seasons Hotel in Westlake Village, CA – $214 for Single/Double, $214 Triple, $214 Quadruple occupancy. Reserve your room directly with the Four Seasons, be sure to say you are with MSIA. To reserve a room at these special rates, bookings must be received on or before Thursday, June 8; thereafter higher rates may apply. If you receive a message there are no rooms available at our discounted rate, call PTS, and someone will get back with you. After June 8, there may be limited availability, first-come, first-served. A credit card is needed to guarantee reservations. Reserve by calling the Four Seasons directly at 818-575-3000 or go online at, and click on the Conference banner. You can also go directly to the Hotel to reserve a room: Enter code: 0625MSIA Parking: Day guests - validated self-parking $5 per car, per day.

Valet parking $10 per car, per day. Overnight self parking - $10 per car, per night. Overnight Valet parking $25 per car, per day.

Opening to the Divine Presence In Person & Live Stream

Wed June 28, 7:30-9:30 pm (registration from 6:30pm) Location: Four Seasons Hotel Two Dole Drive, Westlake Village, CA 91362 “The presence of divine love within the Master will stir the presence of divine love within you.” – John-Roger, DSS Start the Conference of the Divine Presence with our introductory workshop, designed to open and increase awareness of the continual presence of Spirit in our lives. Participants have an opportunity to experience the subtle ways the loving Presence of the Divine can guide us towards knowing our True Self and moving into the Heart of God. Give yourself and your loved ones the gift of connecting with the divine essence. "Let us bring our awareness to the divine presence within every one of us. Let us behold that God is always with us and unconditionally loving all of Its creation." – John Morton, DSS Prerequisites: None; open to the public Registration: No pre-registration available. Register at the door. Contact: Antonietta Schulz; 323-328-1948 or for details. Sponsored by: PTS

Latecomers arriving after 10 am for the PTS Workshop, 12 noon for the Ministers Meeting, and 4 pm for the Initiates Meeting may not be admitted to the Ballroom. 72 New Day Herald

Schedule of Events Wednesday June 28 • Introductory Event - 7:30-9:30pm

Thursday June 29 • All Traveler Organizations Rep Mtg – 9:00am-1pm • PTS Masters & Doctorate Graduation – 3:30-5pm • IIWP Gathering of Peacemakers – 7-9pm Friday & Saturday June 30 & July 1 Choosing into the Divine Presence – PTS Workshop • July 1, 10am-7pm • July 2, 9am-9:30pm (includes dinner/entertainment) Sunday July 2 • Ministers Meeting – 12noon–2pm • Ministers Lunch – 2-4pm • Initiates Meeting – 4-6pm

Monday July 3 • BlessingsFest – 11am-5pm • Windermere Post Conference Tours


New Day Herald 73

All Traveler Organizations Rep Mtg In Person & Live Stream John Morton is invited to participate.

Thursday June 29, 9:00am – 1pm (registration opens at 8:30am) Location: Four Seasons Hotel Two Dole Drive, Westlake Village, CA 91362 Key volunteers and representatives from all of the Traveler organizations are invited to come together as Lightbearers from around the world and receive the grace of connecting with our Rep family through an exquisite, participatory morning of coming present to the Beloved. Please join us for this uplifting, fun, and joy-filled gathering - we love you! Prerequisites: This meeting is open to all MSIA, PTS, Heartfelt, Insight, USM and IIWP Representatives, as well as MSIA Seminar Leaders, Cable TV Reps, Product Reps, Ministerial Board Reps, Scott J-R Productions and Gilgamesh Productions, and key community volunteers. Spouses are also invited. Registration: No registration required. Contact: Sponsored by: MSIA & PTS

PTS Masters & Doctorate Graduation In Person & Live Stream

IIWP Gathering Of Peacemakers In Person & Live Stream John Morton is invited to participate.

Thursday June 29, 7pm - 9pm Location: Four Seasons Hotel Two Dole Drive, Westlake Village, CA 91362 Join peacemakers around the world and receive the fellowship and grace of coming together to share the peace that is already present. With the blessings of J-R’s words: “I love you. God bless you. Peace, be still” please participate with us, as we move within to a place of peace and give that peace forth in loving service to the planet. Prerequisites: This is a public event and open to everyone. IIWP’s donors and their families and guests are especially invited. Registration: No pre-registration is necessary. Register at the door. Contact: Antonietta Schulz; 323-328-1948 or for details. Sponsored by: Institute for Individual and World Peace (IIWP)

John Morton is invited to participate.

Thursday June 29, 3:30pm - 5pm Come be a part of the celebration as students graduate from both the Masters and Doctorate programs of Peace Theological Seminary & College of Philosophy. Location: Four Seasons Hotel Two Dole Drive, Westlake Village, CA 91362 Prerequisites: None; everyone is invited. Registration: No registration required. Contact: Sponsored by: PTS 74 New Day Herald

Choosing into the Divine Presence — a NEW! PTS Workshop In Person & Live Stream John Morton is invited to participate. Friday June 30: Registration Check-In 8:30am; Workshop 10am – 7pm Saturday July 1, 9am – approximately 5:45pm

“There’s majesty and there’s beauty in everyone. If you could see it in yourself, you would not hassle yourself over that little bit of food, over that little bit of drink, over that little bit of cigarette, over this or over that, or where the next sex is coming from, or your occupation for the next fifty years. Instead, you would be totally in this moment, in the divine Presence -- not as an empty vessel, but as one where your cup runs over and you don’t have to tilt it to give to anyone, but it just flows over because you’re in the very beingness of reality.” –John-Roger, DSS Choosing into the Divine Presence is our two day Conference workshop this year. It’s to awaken you to a more conscious experience of God’s Presence in your life and to discover how you can more consistently choose into that experience… not only when you are in satsang with the Traveler and others but when you are at work, on the freeway, cooking dinner, and cheering your kids on at their soccer game. God is present. “Even if you do not recognize that divine presence right now, it is present. The blessings are available here and now. Each of us can partake and share in them. It may simply be a matter of catching up by doing your part to manifest greater good in some way.” –John Morton, DSS In Person tuition: $275 through June 6; $350 June 7 - to at the door. Live Stream tuition: (includes Entertainment): $150 Registration: See “3 WAYS TO REGISTER”Section Prerequisites: Soul Awareness Discourses. Sponsored by: PTS “It’s not just that two or more are gathered “in my name. ”But can you

imagine when the energy of being “in my name” moves into the focus of being loving? God can’t stay away. You’ll just pull the Spirit of loving into the room through you.” –John-Roger, DSS


New Day Herald 75

MSIA Family Dinner at Conference! In Person Saturday July 1: 7:30pm–approximately 9:30pm

Please join us in person or live online for another Conference Saturday night of celebration and fun, and a chance for all of us to relax, dress up, laugh with our friends, and dance as if no one is watching. You never know who’s going to be there to kindle your heart, make the perfect joke or have a Twaji moment. We look forward to sharing the Spirit with you. Registration: See “3 WAYS TO REGISTER” Section Dinner tuition: $75 (if you attended the In Person workshop, this is included in your tuition) Sponsored by: PTS

MSIA Celebration (after dinner) Live Stream

Saturday July 1: 7:30pm-9:30pm approx. Tuition: $25 (if you attended the Live Stream workshop this is included in

MSIA Initiates Meeting In Person & Live Stream

your workshop fee) Registration: | Sponsored by: PTS

John Morton is invited to participate. Sunday July 2: 4pm – 6pm (registration 3:15pm – 3:45pm) Latecomers may not be admitted to the ballroom after 4pm.

MSIA Ministers Meeting In Person & Live Stream

Two Dole Drive, Westlake Village, CA 91362 Prerequisites: Must be an active MSIA Initiate with a current MSIA Discourse/SAT subscription. Registration: See “3 WAYS TO REGISTER” Section Sponsored by: MSIA

Latecomers may not be admitted to the Ballroom after 12 noon. Location: Four Seasons Hotel, Two Dole Drive, Westlake Village, CA 91362 Prerequisites: Must be an active MSIA Minister in good standing with a

BlessingsFest with John Morton In Person & Live Stream

John Morton is invited to participate. Sunday July 2: 12 noon – 2pm (registration 10:30am – 11:45am)

current MSIA Discourse/SAT subscription. Registration: See “3 WAYS TO REGISTER” Section Sponsored by: MSIA

MSIA Ministers Luncheon – MSIA Ministers only John Morton is invited to participate. Sunday July 2: 2pm – 4pm

Location: Four Seasons Hotel

With Spanish Translation Monday July 3: 11am - 5pm

Location: Four Seasons Hotel

Two Dole Drive, Westlake Village, CA In Room Registration and more information; Donation: $1000; Contact: Contact Melissa Ward at or 323-328-1958. Live Stream Registration: Donation $500. |

Location: Four Seasons Hotel

Two Dole Drive, Westlake Village, CA 91362 Prerequisites: Must be an active MSIA Minister in good standing with a current MSIA Discourse/SAT subscription. Please register for the luncheon, only if you plan to stay for the meal. Registration: See “3 WAYS TO REGISTER” Section Sponsored by: MSIA

76 New Day Herald

Post Conference Windermere Ranch “Peace Tours”

Monday July 3 If you’ll still be in Los Angeles on the Monday following Conference, the Institute for Individual and World Peace invites you to take one of our “Peace Tours” and experience the peace of Windermere Ranch. Take a day to focus on your intentions for peace and bring your Light and love to Windermere. Enjoy a docent tour of the Ranch and plant Light columns on the land. Meet Valentino the llama, our precious sheep, chicken and mini steer! Departure from Prana is at 8am, with a stop at the Four Seasons around 9am to pick up passengers. Contact the IIWP Office at or Janeth Jaime 323-328-1913 for more information or to RSVP. RSVP in advance is required.

PTS Peace Awareness Trainings at Lake Arrowhead John Morton is invited to participate

• PAT 1 July 7-13 • PAT 2 July 14-18 • PAT 3 July 19-23

Location: Lake Arrowhead in Lake Arrowhead, California *Tuition: $599 for first-time participants paid in full by June 1, 2017; $650 after June 1. Audit Tuition is $400 for each training. Registration: See “3 WAYS TO REGISTER” Section Prerequisites: Active subscription to MSIA Discourses, or SATs if 12 years of

Discourses completed; PAT 1 for PAT 2; PAT 2 for PAT 3.

CONFERENCE DIRECTIONS Four Seasons Hotel, Grand Ballroom Two Dole Drive Westlake Village, California 91362 818-575-3000

From Glendale & Pasadena: Take the CA-134 W. Merge onto US-101 North. Take the Lindero Canyon Road exit. Turn right onto Lindero Canyon Rd. Take the 1st left onto Via Colinas. Take the 1st left onto Dole Dr. The Four Seasons Hotel will be on the left. From Downtown: Take the US-101 North towards Hollywood/ CA-110/Pasadena/Harbor Fwy. Keep right to stay on US-101, follow signs for Ventura Fwy/Ventura. Take the Lindero Canyon Road exit. Turn right onto Lindero Canyon Rd. Take the 1st left onto Via Colinas. Take the 1st left onto Dole Dr. The Four Seasons Hotel will be on the left. From West LA & Beaches: Take the 405 North to the US-101 N. Go to the 101 toward Ventura. Take the Lindero Canyon Road exit. Turn right onto Lindero Canyon Rd. Take the 1st left onto Via Colinas. Take the 1st left onto Dole Dr. The Four Seasons Hotel will be on the left. Back to Table of Contents


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he PAT Trainings were created under the direct supervision of John-Roger to provide a retreat

where people can break through whatever blocks their

conscious awareness of Spirit. If you’ve ever wished you could get free of the habit patterns and mind chatter that get in the way of attuning to the divinity of your heart, this is the training for you.


at MSIA’s beautiful retreat grounds in Lake Arrowhead, CA

PAT 1: July 7 - 13 PAT 2: July 14 -18 PAT 3: July 19 - 23 PAT 3 in British Columbia August 8 - 12, 2017

More info: Kevin McGinn at or 250-383-2787

To register for all locationscontact: or 323-328-1958

Prerequisites: Active subscription to MSIA Discourses, or SATs if 12 years of Discourses completed; PAT 1 for PAT 2; PAT 2 for PAT 3

MSIA Lake Arrowhead retreat grounds

“To me, that was such a big lesson—

Paulina Haddad moved to the U.S. in June, 1993 and shortly after that began to be of service to John-Roger and John Morton. She served on MSIA staff from 1995 through 2004. 80 New Day Herald


—to follow my heart, regardless...”

Living and Working with John-Roger An Interview with Paulina Haddad by David Sand NDH: The first question I always ask is, what’s it like working with J-R? Paulina: For me, it was an honor and a blessing. A joy and so much fun… Like having the privilege of being at the best “awareness school” in the universe… where everything that happens is for your learning, uplifttment and expansion…and also learning to have compassion and choosing the loving through it all. NDH: How did you start working with J-R? Paulina: It was 1987, I was living in Santiago, Chile and a cousin of mine told me to go to this seminar called “Insight”. She thought that I would like it because


I was kind of the weird one of the family. I had no idea what it was about. Actually I thought they were going to sing and dance, that it was some kind of entertainment show. By the first evening I thought, “Wow, this is what I’ve been looking for all my life. I felt at “home” right away.” All my life, since I was very young, I remember looking for a higher consciousness. I always thought people were kind of asleep, and there had to be more to life than getting a diploma, getting married, having kids, and then dying. By the end of the seminar, I approached the facilitator, Alex Padilla, and asked, “Who created this?” He said, “John-Roger.” Immediately I said, “I’m

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Immediately I said, “I’m going to go be of service and study with him.” [Alex] looked at me like, “Yeah, sure. Everybody wants to be around him.” I was like, “I know it in my heart.” I didn’t know the “how” and it seemed impossible at the time... going to go be of service and study with him.” He looked at me like, “Yeah, sure. Everybody wants to be around him.” I was like, “I know it in my heart.” I didn’t know the “how” and it seemed impossible at the time, as though everybody else around me would have a better chance at it, but I just followed my heart

While I kept assisting at trainings every chance I got, I decided that the solution was to apply for a job as a flight attendant, which I figured would get me a visa and passport without having to ask my parents.

So I started assisting at pretty much every Insight seminar. Alex trained me really well on sound and had left me in charge of sound for Insight (at the time it was one almost every month), and in addition I would also set up sound at Insight’s introductory promotional eventspretty much every weekend. This meant that if I had a job, I had to ask permission to leave often, and if they didn’t give me permission, I would just quit the job— which aggravated things even more at my house.

applying for that job until one day they said yes. I was one step closer…

I kept applying for the job as a flight attendant for months and in the meantime I had to leave my house several times, At that time I was 20 years old and in South since they did not wanted me to go to America, you’re a minor until you’re 21. I another seminar. So I stayed with some had won a scholarship from the Minister friends and when I was finally accepted as of Tourism in Chile to go study at the Royal a flight attendant I got back home. By then Academy of Tourism in Madrid starting that I had sold most of my belongings as a way September. I really could not have cared less to keep going, to pay for the next seminar, about getting another diploma or anything and to “hang in there” until I could get the like that was out the window right flight attendant job. away and my only concern was how I was I was getting really detached by the end, going to get a visa and passport and the and everything I owned pretty much fit in money to move to the U.S. I had shared my a suitcase. That period in my life was truly plans with my mom and that did not go too a walk of faith, trusting and enduring to well to say the least… the end. I kept on calling the airline and

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One of the things that kept me going was my ministerial blessing. It has always been my blueprint for life. I started saving my money, (but at the beginning when you start you don’t make too much) so I would have to save for several months to buy a ticket from Miami to Los Angeles. I’d fly all night to Miami working as a flight attendant, I’d land at 5:00 a.m. and take the first flight to LA, go

Paulina with members of J-R’s personal staff, and J-R (lower right)


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If I would get upset about something. he would say to me, “Don’t put anything between you and the Lord.” The moment I would start looking at the behavior of the other person, I wasn’t looking to the loving anymore.

straight to a J-R seminar still in my flight attendant’s uniform, and right after the seminar fly back to Miami, then work the flight to New York, and then back to Chile the next day. I did this several times…as many tickets as I was able to afford at the time. The crew used to ask me, “Where are you going? Who do you go see in LA for a few hours? Is that worth it?” For me it was worth every second even if I just saw J-R pass by. Then in 1991 J-R came to Chile. Everybody was saying goodbye to him as he was leaving his hotel, and I didn’t

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even want to approach him to say goodbye because I didn’t want him to leave. He came to me and he gave me a hug, and he whispered in my ear, “I’ll see you later.” I asked him “Later, when?” He smiled and winked as he walked away. I ran to tell my friend Alex, “See, he knows that I know, that he knows, that I know that he knows, that I’m coming..!” Alex was like, “No. That’s just an expression in America.” I was like, “No, I know it and he knows it, I am going to come to be of service to him” … Fast forward to around ten years later, and I’m at J-R’s

house at Mandeville helping him with his correspondence, and I say, “J-R, remember that time you came to Chile and you said to me, ‘I’ll see you later,’ and I knew you meant that I was coming…I knew it. Everybody else thought that I was crazy.” J-R said to me, “Yes… We knew who you were and we knew you were coming.” To me, that was such a big lesson—to follow my heart, regardless of what anybody else says or does, because the heart knows, and has all the answers. Then on June 23, 1993, I finally moved to live here in the States. NDH: How did you finally make it here? Paulina: It was my third year of coming here on my vacation period and would stay at Prana. The airline would give me a free ticket a year and I would do those little flights in between, to come see a J-R and take any seminar or workshop or conference or assist where I could. By the third year I was thinking, “What is this force inside of me that is so strong, that wants to do that?” I didn’t have citizenship. I didn’t know how to do it. I just knew I was going to do it, even if I had to walk from Santiago to LA. I already had my ticket to come to the annual MSIA conference and then I was going to see some friends in Greece and Switzerland. I was thinking, “Maybe I should just forget about this.” I remember falling asleep and waking up and a friend was calling me saying, “You know, I’m getting married, and I was working for this family. Would you like to come and take care of this kid here in the U.S.?” …I said, “ Yes! I have never changed a diaper in my life or taking care of a kid, but I’ll do anything, just to be near J-R.” As I had surrendered my attachment, I got what I asked Spirit for. I packed my flight attendant’s uniform and dropped it off with my resignation letter before boarding my plane. I had just told my


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“Divine communion

is really just loving.

It’s that quality where you experience yourself

dancing in your own heart.” –John-Roger DSS

“Without a doubt, this is the best dance event in LA! The space is open and the vibe is very high.” – M.S., Dancer


Dance Open to everyone – no dance expertise needed. A free-style dance evening with great music and fantastic sound, and spiritual moments interspersed designed to take you as high as you want to go so your dance becomes a spiritual exercise—a romance with the Beloved.

Santa Monica May 17, June 14, July 12 Los Angeles May 4, June 1, July 13


Lima, Peru May 24, 7 pm Mystical Traveler screening

Santiago, Chile May 27, 10 am - 10 pm J-R seminar marathon & screening of “The Wayshower�

Mexico City, Mexico June 3, 10 am - 10 pm J-R seminar marathon & Mystical Traveler screening

Chihuahua, Mexico June 10, 10 am - 10 pm J-R seminar marathon & Mystical Traveler screening

Venice, CA Sept 24, 10:30 am - 8:30 pm J-R seminar marathon & Mystical Traveler screening plus booksigning for new book, The Love of a Master

parents the night before, saying that I was coming to the U.S. to learn English for a few months. I left everything and everybody and jumped on a plane, still not knowing how I was going to be with J-R, just trusting Spirit. I had just arrived in the States and was learning to deal with the traffic, the freeways, the fast pace and a whole new way of living. And one day I just happen to be on a side street near the Insight/USM building and J-R appears out of nowhere with John Morton’s daughter Claire in his arms. J-R says, “Claire, this is Paulina. Paulina, this is Claire.” I felt this instant love and connection with her, like I had known her all my life. Shortly afterwards I offered to spend my free time with Claire on the weekends. I would work until 7 p.m. on Friday, drive immediately to John’s house, be with them all weekend, leave late Sunday night or early Monday morning and go back to my job. I did this for over a year. I was just so happy to be around the Travelers and Claire. Then I moved closer to John’s house and started going on trips with J-R, John, the family and staff. Then in 1995, I started working at J-R’s house doing work with NOW Productions [the audio-visual dept. of MSIA —ed.]. NDH: What kinds of things did you do at J-R’s house? Paulina: Once I was done with the editing I had to do, I would go upstairs and start assisting J-R with anything that I could do around the house. I would “invent” jobs to do…whatever was needed or in front of me.. It was such a joy for me to do it and many times would lose track of time until late at night, and couldn’t wait to start all over the next day. For instance, there was a bunch of mail sitting in the house that had been there for

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years, and me being such a Virgo, I saw it as an awesome project to organize, so that later on I could use that space for flowers, etc. And J-R would let me do all of that, which to me was amazing—the trust he would have to let me go through all his papers and all his belongings. Many times I’d be working downstairs and I’d see J-R’s car leave the house, and run out to the markets to get flowers and food I knew he liked and leave it on his kitchen table for when he and his assistant Jsu would come back home, and I would return to my desk at NOW as though nothing had happened. Then little by little, I started to ask things like, “J-R, can I hang these pictures?” I would go and buy some frames and I would put them in the house, or “Can I move this furniture? Can I arrange these shelves?”… and he would say yes. NDH: I remember hearing J-R say quite a few times that the people on his staff create their own jobs. Paulina: Many times I would approach him before he was leaving the house: “J-R, how long are you going to be gone?” He knew that by the time he would come home, the furniture would be re-arranged; everything in the pantry would be in another place, etc. I remember one of those times when he got back home I said, “J-R, look now, all your books are where they should be. Not in boxes but on a book shelf.”.. J-R started looking at the shelves for a while until he picked up one and as he turned around said “And this book is for you.” It was The Gospel of Jesus. I still have it. I loved doing stuff like that. I never saw it as work. The people around J-R were so respectful of him that no one wanted to touch his things. I would want to help J-R just out of a desire to help, just for the joy of making the house prettier. It was almost like

the story of Excalibur, when the kid comes and takes the sword out of the stone. It was like, “Oh, I didn’t know that you couldn’t do this or touch that stuff.” I just thought, “This needs to be done, and I’m just going to do it.” Many years later, J-R told me, “You were the only one who had the guts to do the work you did at the house.” And on another occasion he told me, “You made my house a home.” For me it was like heaven in a way, because there were things like his personal belongings that nobody had seen, like J-R’s baby pictures and others that I would frame. As we went through this process he would start telling me things. He

would start talking about something completely different, for example UFOs, archangels, God, etc. To me, that was my precious time with J-R. It was like a seminar that he was giving to me. It might have looked like we were just going through mail. You couldn’t tell what J-R was doing inside when it seemed like he was doing something mundane on the outside. I would lose track of time. One time J-R came into the kitchen in the middle of the night while I was organizing some shelves and said, “You’re still here?” J-R told me that when he was a manager at a store when he was young, he would do the same things to make them neat

It was almost like the story of Excalibur, when the kid comes and takes the sword out of the stone. It was like, “Oh, I didn’t know that you couldn’t do this or touch that stuff.” I just thought, “This needs to be done, and I’m just going to do it.”


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90 New Day Herald

I love flowers, and he knew I love flowers, and he goes, “Next time, just think of flowers. Think of the things you love and you can recreate the same experience of happiness inside of you.” I thought, “Wow, so happiness is something you can just create yourself, by thinking about things you love.”


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To me he was always an example of doing acts of kindness in was around looking. It was never for the photo op. He always integrity, the same caring and the same loving with everyon

Nathan Jsu Ga

and put them in order. I didn’t want to leave the house. J-R said later on that it was like the story of Tom Sawyer when he’s painting the fence, and he’s so happy doing it that he would inspire others. NDH: What kinds of things did you learn from J-R? Paulina: One time I was sitting in the kitchen with J-R going through mail, and somebody knocked at the door. They had brought a beautiful orchid for J-R. I got up, picked it up and said, “J-R, this is for you.” J-R turned around and said, “No. It’s for you.” I love flowers, and he

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knew I love flowers, and he goes, “Next time, just think of flowers. Think of the things you love and you can recreate the same experience of happiness inside of you.” I thought, “Wow, so happiness is something you can just create yourself, by thinking about things you love.” I’ll always remember that. NDH: It seems like one of the main lessons from J-R, over and over again, is you do something once, like you have this peak experience with the flower, and then he shows you how you can have it all the time. What other kinds of things did you learn from J-R?

Paulina: T in the mo around hi through s him in the he needed He would the small a mistake kitchen an food and

It was alw mastery, i so wealth

the quiet, when nobody demonstrated the same ne. He was very humble.

to sit next to J-R, or do something for him.” That to me was more than any riches of any kind in the world. He told me once, “I chose you, in the Spirit world, to take care of me and to take care of my kids.” It’s something I always remember when I’m feeling a little down or something. It’s just like, “Oh, wait. I can’t be that bad. He chose me. What an honor.” There were so many things I learned from J-R. One of them would be his demonstration of living love. He would do it toward everyone. The way he would listen to you or hug you, it was with such loving, and you would feel it. Mostly I would see it around kids. He would talk to them with such caring and respect.

niel Sharratt, Paulina, John Morton, arcia, and John-Roger

There were always those little lessons oment. To me, everything was a lesson im. For instance, if he was going some documents that they had sent e mail, I would sit next to him to see if d to send it back or change anything. d go line by line; it was amazing, even print, and then he would say, “There’s here.” One time he came into the nd said, “Put your hands on top of the ask for God to bless and purify it.”

ways those little details, lessons of in such a loving way. I felt so blessed, hy, in the sense of, “Oh my God. I get


Those moments are so precious for me, to have witnessed his living love in the physical world. You never knew, actually, what he was doing with somebody, or how he was working. If we were going out to dinner and a homeless person was there, he would fold a bill and just give it him discreetly. It wasn’t like, “Oh, here’s a $100 bill.” He would just gently put it in the hands of the person. Then he would keep on walking. And in a few seconds you could hear the person go like, “Thank you, man. God, bless you,” when he would realize it was $100. To me he was always an example of doing acts of kindness in the quiet, when nobody was around looking. It was never for the photo op. He always demonstrated the same integrity, the same caring and the same loving with everyone. He was very humble. There were so many moments where I would be like, “Okay next time I’m going to ask J-R all the questions about my past lifetimes and this and that and that…” and J-R would come in and I’d sit right next to him, and everything would vanish. There was no need for any questions, it was like it didn’t matter. I’d even think, “Oh, later on I’m going to regret this. I’ll wish I’d asked him about this and that,” but there was no need, because in those moments there was no need to go anywhere. It was just such a safe place to be around him that the rest didn’t matter. What you

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Awareness into your Soul ... Move your

MSIA’s event offerings Check out

“Moving your inner awareness into your Soul is easy, but it’s just as easy to lose that awareness.

You can fall out of awareness because the world doesn’t seem to support spiritual awakening. Spirit lets you in easily, but It has to give way to the materiality of the world. The material world has a billion distractions, so it’s necessary to watch where you place your focus and your motivation for creating what you want. If you want to know God, keep your eyes on God.” - John-Roger DSS, Founder of MSIA

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94 New Day Herald

Teen Insight I The Awakening Heart Seminar In a few short days, the teens will have an opportunity to explore:

How to be a more confident and happy person Communicating responsibly with friends, family, and adults Learning personal accountability and playing with the concept of creating, promoting, and allowing our reality Effectively dealing with peer pressure and making good choices Recognizing judgements and learning forgiveness Trusting the wise and loving part of them that knows what is for their highest good


22–25 @msiaorg

Santa Monica Ages 14–18


27–30 New Day Herald 95

did or didn’t do, what happened or didn’t happen, was immaterial. All that mattered was that moment. One time I had baked a cake to take some-where, and I’m trying to pack it up and make sure the oven is off, and everybody’s in the car waiting, and I’m rushing around. J-R came and said, “Don’t rush. Just keep moving, but you don’t need to rush.” He was always giving me the lesson of loving and caring in the moment. To me, one of the main goals in life is to be true to your heart and to the truth as you see it. That time in my life was always about staying present, staying in the now, and clearing whatever came up immediately. In the middle of anything, he might start muscle testing to clear and to stay clear as much as possible. In retrospect, it was a funny experience sitting at the dinner table with his staff (Jsu, Nathaniel, Eric, Mark) and everything would be fine, but then all of a sudden J-R would put his fork down and you could see that there was something he needed to clear, and he would be pointing at each one of us to see where it was coming from. It wasn’t in any way punishing or judging, it was just to get information to clear it, but I couldn’t help thinking, “Oh, God. Please don’t let it be me.” I think we all were. Then the finger would move to the next person, and I was like, “Oh, good. I’m off the hook.” It was always 24/7 vigilance, being aware of what’s in my thoughts and what I’m bringing close to him. For me, one of the biggest lessons was how true he was to himself. He would never compromise his integrity, in my experience. He would just say it the way it is. On one occasion, I remember J-R had been on the phone with a spiritual practitioner for a long time. When he was done, he came to me and said, “We were clearing something from you.” Then he started saying, “We cleared so-and-so, and so-andso.” It was like all the heavyweights of negativity. I said, “Oh my God. I must be such a terrible person.” I thought he was going to say, “Please pack and leave.” I said, “J-R, is that because I’m so bad?” He

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To me, one of the main goals in life is to be true to your heart and to the truth as you see it. That time in my life was always about staying present, staying in the now, and clearing whatever came up immediately.


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said, “No. That means you must be doing pretty big things in the spirit world, since they bother to come after you.” He said, “When you’re in the world, you grow spiritually like this [and he moved his hand on a gradual upward slope]. Around me, it’s like this [and he moved his hand almost in a vertical line].”

He said, “When I die, I will be even more in the by the physical form. It’s going to be like Obi-

NDH: What’s your favorite J-R story? Paulina: I have so many. One time while going through mail I looked at him and said, “J-R, I don’t want to live in this world without you, so if you go, can we go together, or let me go like a minute before you so I don’t miss anything?” He said, “When I die, I will be even more in the world, because I won’t be limited by the physical form. It’s going to be like Obi-Wan Kenobi in ‘Star Wars’.” NDH: Did you see J-R change over the years that you knew him? Paulina: On the outside, yes. His body might have been weaker in a way, but inside there was always the same loving that seemed to be beyond this world. I remember one of the last times I saw him, he was in his car, in the USM parking lot. I approached the car, this was a couple of months before he died in October, 2014. He rolled the window down, put his hand on top of mine and said, “How are you?” I said, “J-R, it’s so good to see you.” I couldn’t even talk. He held my hand for like 20 minutes. The form was changing, maybe a little slower, but the living love energy was so present. Even though he might not have said much, the words were not needed, because I could feel his presence. 98 New Day Herald

e world, because I won’t be limited -Wan Kenobi in “Star Wars”..

NDH: How did you change over those years? Paulina: Gosh. Hopefully I learned something. Sometimes I still make the same mistakes, but I’m more aware of how to get back to the loving sooner. I was always learning from him by example, the way he would do things. So from that example I have him inside, guiding me—the way he was in the now doing 100% whatever he was doing, then moving to the next moment, the way he would pay attention to people. I’m also learning to take better care of myself. NDH: How do you think being with J-R changed you? Paulina: In my experience, when he would give you a hug, you would feel like, “He’s charging every cell of my body.” Holding the door for somebody. looking at people on the street, those little tiny things were such an example of how to live my life and care for others. To me, it was always kind of like, “Oh my God. This awareness thing is 24/7.” You can’t rest for a second. I couldn’t say, “Oh, I’m going to go unconscious now for an hour.” It’s constantly choosing and showing up, always following the spirit. One day he had asked me to go and make him a tuna sandwich, and to cut in fours. He always wanted his sandwiches cut into four pieces. I come in, and he’s sitting on his chair watching TV, and I say, “J-R, would you like me to put it on the table?” He had a big tummy. He goes, “Put it on my built-in table.” He was so funny. If I would get upset about something. he would say to me, “Don’t put anything between you


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J-R started to tell me about how we were here to expand. If we were not doing that each day, we would start to die inside, and we needed to keep expanding in consciousness and doing new things, to keep learning and growing.

and the Lord.” The moment I would start looking at the behavior of the other person, I wasn’t looking to the loving anymore. Now I realize it’s about observation. I don’t have to do anything with anything that happens. I just kind of observe, and wait a day, or two, or three to respond, when I’m in another space, when the emotions are not in the way. It’s a constant learning. So many times I look back and say, “This is what he was telling me 20 years ago.” I remember one time I had an awareness of something about my behavior that I didn’t like. I was like, “J-R, I saw this part of me and I didn’t like it.” He goes, “Sometimes you can just look through the side eye and observe it, and then that’s all you need to start clearing it.” He always had so much compassion. It was all about keeping on keeping on, moving upward and onward, and 100 New Day Herald

expanding in consciousness. One time I said, “J-R, I have this feeling of loneliness inside of me.” He said, “Well, you can be in a room full of people and feel lonely. You can just say, ‘I’m alone.’ You don’t have to describe it as lonely.” He said to me, “What you can do when you feel like that is just stay in the present and just go, for instance, ‘Right now, I’m doing the dishes. Right now, I’m putting them away. Right now, I’m drying my hands. Right now, I’m getting in the car. Right now…. Just keep on staying with what’s present right now.” I remember on one trip we were walking through this forest in Japan, and J-R started to tell me about how we were here to expand. If we were not doing that each day, we would start to die inside, and we needed to keep expanding in consciousness and doing new things, to keep learning and growing. It was like a seminar.

John-Roger, P:aulina, and J-R’s staff

NDH: What was it like for you when J-R had his accident and hurt his eye in 2004? Paulina: It was so hard to see him like that, and everything changed at that moment. All of a sudden I was living at Prana and a group of nurses moved in to take care of him 24/7. Serving J-R was the only goal I had in life. I didn’t have a plan B.

keep their word.” I had been so used to the truth— the way J-R would say it to you. Or it seemed like everybody was doing drugs or something else. It was quite an adjustment to live in the world. NDH: How did you deal with his passing?

Paulina: A few months before he died, I had asked him to send Light to my passport that I was NDH: How did you deal with that? renewing. My passport had just arrived on June Paulina: It was like living in a twilight zone. It took 23, 2014. It was around 2:00 a.m., and I was writing him an email to thank him. Then I realized that me about ten years to learn how to deal with it and let go of the attachment to being around him. this was the day that I moved to this country, 20something years ago. I started reliving everything I For so many years, I was mostly around J-R, Jsu, had gone through. All the episodes in Chile trying the staff guys who lived with J-R, and John Morton to make it here, and then all the years around him, and his family. Basically, I would go from one and everything after. I just started crying, it was Traveler to the other. really a cry of gratitude for all the experiences I had had. And I felt that something lifted that night. Then all of a sudden, it was like, “Where did all these people come from?” I thought, “Most people The day J-R passed away, I just wanted to stay out there don’t mean what they say, or they don’t home, then all of a sudden I got inside that I @msiaorg

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needed to go to Prana, where John and other people were gathering, so I got in my car and I remember it was a cold morning with a clear blue sky. I didn’t have the roof on my convertible jeep. So, as I’m driving on the freeway with tears of gratitude for the experience of having been around J-R. All of a sudden, I look to my right and there’s this white bird on my right side, looking at me, and I start laughing, thinking, “Is that you J-R?” So, as I’m driving the car on the freeway the bird flies over me and gets in front of me, and I’m wondering who’s driving the car, because all I can see is this white bird as I’m going around 60 miles an hour down the freeway. Then the bird disappears and I see my exit. Since that moment, I’ve had this joyful sense that J-R is all around. He’s watching over all of us. What he had told me is true; he said he would be even more in the world when he was not in the physical form. It’s almost like I can’t miss him, because he’s entirely present. How can you miss what is completely here? It’s this inner joy, knowing that he’s all around—if you choose to open your eyes or go serve someone.

Paulina: For me his presence is freedom. I don’t see it as one or the other. It was always my choice to want to be around him. One time, I actually asked him, “J-R, what is it that’s inside of me that just wants to be around you? Am I hallucinating all of this?” He said, “Some of it is from you, but most of it comes from the Spirit.” The last line of my ministerial blessing is, “Trust in spirit for indeed all things are taken care of for you.” And I trust that, just doing my jewelry business now and living my life from day to day. Everything that I learned from him is so completely present in my everyday life. I’m always mentioning his name to people or telling somebody about something that he taught me that might help them. It’s so much a part of my being, of who I am. I was talking to somebody who knew J-R the other day and she said, “You and I we breathe J-R.” That is so true. In everything I do, I’m always thinking of the things he taught me.

NDH: For me, I feel that ability to tune in. I also feel like I have the ability or the choice to move away from it—more than I did before. It’s almost like he’s more present and there’s also more freedom.

102 New Day Herald

John Morton, Paulina and John-Roger

It’s almost like I can’t miss him, because he’s entirely present. How can you miss what is completely here? It’s this inner joy, knowing that he’s all around...

Back to Table of Contents @msiaorg

New Day Herald 103


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“I remember that after the end of the seminar I was sitting at home by myse that I didn’t even w

Themed Semin



he more that I’ve attended seminars personally, the more I’m present to the immense value that they have as a conduit for attuning to the Light and the Traveler. For example, when I lived in New York, I really looked forward to my weekly seminars, and the community we created made me feel like I had a family. With all that’s going on in the world, it’s even more important to me to offer Soul Awareness seminars as a way for people to gather together, share loving with each other, and connect with the Spirit. One new approach to expand the reach of seminars is offering seminars with a theme, such as forgiveness and gratitude. Seminar Leaders now have access to a suggested format for holding 106 New Day Herald

these themed gatherings and are trying them out in so many creative ways! I’ve gotten consistent feedback on the sacredness of the seminars, as well as how easy it is to invite folks by focusing on topics that people can really relate to in their lives. (Who wouldn’t want to attend “An Evening of Forgiveness” or “An Afternoon of Gratitude”?). All this, plus the personal, human contact of seminars that is such a refreshing alternative to checking my cell phone or sending just one more text. Three popular topics among Seminar Leaders in recent months are “peace”, “blessings”, and “abundance”. Starting in March, John Morton extended an invitation to Seminar Leaders to choose the themes of peace and blessings for their seminars. The response has been wonderful.

elf and I was feeling such a peace and stillness inside want to move, I was feeling so complete and centered like never before.”


und the World

by Debbie Roth

Communities held gatherings in locations around the world, such as the very first seminar in Abia State Nigeria, a peace and blessings seminar in Madrid, and a “Peace Day” at Windermere. And in April, Sylvia Giussani, MSIA’s Spanish Seminar Leader Liaison, was inspired to offer a seminar on abundance for the Spanish community at Prana. When she told other Spanish Seminar Leaders what she was up to, a number of them joined in to offer abundance seminars in their communities on the same day!

Here are some highlights from Seminar Leaders on what they did for their seminars. As J-R says, “the seminars and the gathering together of people builds a consciousness from which people can keep pulling for weeks to gain their greater strength.” From Hristina Kirimidchieva, Sofia, Bulgaria: Last month I did my first Seminar with the theme of Gratitude. It was just amazing. About the Peace Seminar: It was such an extraordinary quiet, calm and peaceful experience. I had the feeling that we were all in some kind of a meditative state all the time. Having the J-R presence while practicing the Divine essence was absolutely profound, and the feeling of blissfulness that came with the John Morton’s blessing was beyond any words. I remember that after the end of the seminar I was sitting at home by myself and I was feeling such a peace and stillness inside, that I didn’t even want to move, I was feeling so complete and centered like never before. @msiaorg

From Stella Reinis, Miami, Florida:

It was a beautiful peace seminar. I worked with Luis Mario Agudelo who helped me with sound. I used my iPhone connected to a Bose sound system to play a video and meditation from the MSIA website, and Luis Mario played the rest in another sound system. We did a great combination, started with Our Song of Love in Spanish, we chanted Ani-Hu for around 15 minutes. I played a Moment of Peace, Breathing and Relaxation, followed by Practicing the Divine Presence by John-Roger – both in Spanish. We then listened to The Blessing of Peace from John Morton’s “You are the Blessings” CD in Spanish too. We played a John Morton blessing to close the meditation part. It was awesome to go back and forth with both languages. My intention is also for the ministers that are learning English to support them in their learning, to get more comfortable with the language. Believe or not I learned a lot of English vocabulary reading JohnRoger’s books, translating them for my friends and listening to English SAT CDs or watching J-R videos when I was learning the language. I visited the MSIA website to get some Peace quotes in Spanish and English, a page of quotes in English and another one in Spanish - including the IIWP links to invite them to participate in the Worldwide Peace Prayer. I read the quotes out loud and printed some copies for the participants. I truly believe that in the Spirit we all speak the same language and we all get the essence regardless of the words. Our seminar attendees talked about how much they liked the meditation and shared profound New Day Herald 107

and majestic experiences. It is an honor to be in their presence and have the opportunity to serve them! We closed the meeting placing a column of Light, sending the Light to the entire planet focused on Peace From Marina Bustamente, Madrid, Spain: We were myself, May and Any Karoly, who is very enthusiastic about MSIA seminars and might very soon start her Discourses study - in the light of the Christ and for the highest good. At the beginning I explained the purpose of the evening as to align with Peace, which resides inside of each person, in that precious place where there is a divine spark, the I Am that we have inside. Then we asked for the Light for the highest good. We put out our intentions for peace and people expressed gratitude for the Blessings. We listened to a Blessing of Peace from the CD “You Are the Blessings” by John Morton, the Ani-Hu chant, we did silent se’s and then listened to The Christ Meditation by J-R. We later had sharing of the heart, which was filled with joy and much loving. We could tell we were in Peace, joyful, our basic selves wanted to smile and laugh and we were enjoying our unity and gathering. We called in the Light again to close the seminar and as we were saying bye until the next week, I realized that my home was filled with Light, love and gratitude to the Father, for this service and doing my ministry. From Obinna Otutubuike, Abia State, Nigeria: I want to inform you that a seminar was held on Peace in Umuahia, Abia State yesterday, and it was beautiful.

the seminar by 9am last Sunday morning. We chanted Ani-Hu after which we played a tape titled “What is Your Heart’s Desire?”. We also chanted the word PEACE after which again, I shared all the quotes from our beloved Travelers from the Resource Materials that were sent to me for the Peace Seminar. We closed the Seminar by sharing, chanting H-U, and we also reminded ourselves to always focus on Peace despite the situation. It was indeed beautiful to have participated in that seminar. From Sylvia Giussani, Los Angeles, California: On April 19, I did “An Evening of Abundance” Themed Seminar in Spanish at Prana. There were 44 participants – 5 new to MSIA! The program included: Circles of Abundance: Participants reading J-R quotes & sharing about “What is Abundance for You?” Watching J-R Audio/Video: two Moments of Peace plus the Meditation on Wealth. Time for seeding. A final visualization and light column for prayers, requests or other heartfelt things. Closing with a Moment of Peace, MSIA around the world. Days before the seminar I shared with friends in other communities about what I was planning to do, and they said they wanted to do it too, on the same day. I sent them the script that Debbie Roth and I had prepared, and we had a 24-hour round of abundance seminars in the Hispanic world! At Prana, the presence of Spirit was amazing. In days previous to the event, I felt that everything I needed all was provided, so that I could do my job preparing for it, and there were so many miracles of joy, presence of spirit and acknowledgements of it.

I called ourselves forward into the Light as we began Back to Table of Contents 108 New Day Herald

Walk in Peace I love you. God bless you. Peace, be still.

“I join you in claiming our spiritual heritage of peace and loving.” — John-Roger, D S S, IIWP Founder

Join us for the next round of the Worldwide Peace Prayer

IIWP WORLDWIDE PEACE PRAYER June 29, 2017 - July 31, 2017 September 20, 2017 - October 29, 2017 December 6, 2017 - January 9, 2018 for English


for Spanish

Questions: or Sponsored by the Institute for Individual and World Peace

Insight Seminars Seminars and Workshops for Creating a Life You Love Insight Seminars for adults and youth are about learning practical ways to live from your heart—the center of your authentic self. In a few short, fun days, we'll help you take a look at what's working and not working in your life and how you can make changes that will support you in living and creating a life you love. Here are some upcoming opportunities to come play: Insight II: The Opening Heart - July 19–23 in Boston, MA Teen Insight III: Centering in the Heart - July 26–30 in Lake Arrowhead, CA Insight I: The Awakening Heart - July 27–30 in Elkhart, IN Teen Leadership - August 3–6 in Simi Valley, CA Insight II: The Opening Heart - August 9–13 in Santa Monica, CA Insight III: Centering in the Heart - August 16–20 in Santa Barbara, CA Insight II: (in Spanish) - August 16–20 in Santa Monica, CA Insight I: The Awakening Heart* - August 24–27 in Santa Monica, CA Insight Masters Class begins - September 14–17 in Santa Monica, CA Insight I: (in Spanish) - September 14–17 in Miami, FL Insight I: (in Spanish)* - September 28-October 1 in Santa Monica, CA Super II: All Audit Insight II - October 11–15 in Santa Monica, CA *As a tribute to our Founder, John-Roger, tuition for these Insight I Seminars is only $50

Join world-renowned leaders in Spiritual Psychology and authors Drs. Ron & Mary Hulnick for these inspiring classes and events!

A� E������ �� R���������� Drs. Ron & Mary Hulnick share gems from their new book to assist you in Awakening.

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(310) 829-7402

2107 Wilshire Boulevard, Santa Monica, CA 90403

Directory of Organizations “The journey of your Soul is to return to an awareness of and a oneness with God.” – John-Roger, DSS

MSIA The MOVEMENT of SPIRITUAL INNER AWARENESS (MSIA) teaches Soul Transcendence, which is becoming aware of oneself as a Soul, and, more than that, as one with God. Soul Awareness Discourses are the heart of MSIA’s teachings. They offer many practical keys to more successful living and to greater spiritual awareness. MSIA’s approach is to present activities and techniques that direct us toward the Spirit and loving that are the essence of who we are. P.O. Box 513935, L.A., CA 90051 (323) 737-4055

PTS PEACE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY & COLLEGE OF PHILOSOPHY (PTS) provides spiritual education to students in the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA) and to the general public to enhance awareness of Spirit. PTS offers classes, workshops, retreats, correspondence courses, a Master of Spiritual Science (MSS) degree, and a Doctor of Spiritual Science (DSS) degree.

Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens Home of MSIA and PTS headquarters in Los Angeles, PEACE AWARENESS LABYRINTH AND GARDENS is a place where people can be in retreat without leaving the city.

IIWP also owns Windermere Ranch, in beautiful Santa Barbara, California. Windermere offers people the opportunity to explore and experience peace in a natural setting. 3500 W Adams Blvd, L.A., CA 90018 (323) 328-1905 Facebook:

by THE UNIVERSITY OF SANTA SANTA MONICA MONICAwas was founded in 1976 by John-Rogerand andisoffers certificate programs Spiritual Psychology John-Roger a private graduate school in offering Master’ s and Spiritual Psychology with an Consciousness, degrees in Spiritual Psychology andEmphasis SpiritualinPsychology with Health & Healing, as additionalHealth, Programs, evening an Emphasisasinwell Consciousness, and Workshops, Healing.Known as events, and other offerings. as the Worldwide Center for the Worldwide Center for theKnown Study and Practice of Spiritual the Study and Practice of Spiritual Psychology,theUSM’s mission Psychology, USM’ s mission is communicating principles andis communicating the Psychology Principles and Practicesthrough of Spiritual Psychology practices of Spiritual worldwide the process of worldwide through the process of Soul-Centered education. Soul-Centered education.

Visitors may walk the hand-carved stone outdoor labyrinth, enjoy a moment of peace in the meditation garden, attend regular meditation events and seminars, and join the staff and residents for lunch and dinner during the work-week. Students in MSIA who come to Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens Soul-Centered education recognizes spiritual reality and begins theassertion assertionthat thatrather ratherthan than human beings with the human beings whowho havehave also enjoy volunteering in the offices and doing spiritual soul,we weare aremore moreaccurately accuratelydescribed described as souls having a soul, as souls having a a exercises in the solarium. experience.This Thisassertion assertionevokes evokes a radical paradigm human experience. a radical paradigm 3500 W Adams Boulevard, L.A., CA 90018 shift,which whichresults resultsinina psychological a psychological educational process shift, andand educational (323) 737-4055 whose goal to bring Wisdom, and and process whoseis goal is toforth bring the forthBeauty, the beauty, wisdom, Compassioninherent inherentininevery everyhuman human being. compassion being.

Heartfelt THE HEARTFELT FOUNDATION, founded in 1979 by John-Roger, is a volunteer-driven service organization which is operated through the Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA), a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. 100% of donations received go to those we serve. HeartFelt’s mission statement is: “Changing people’s lives through the healing power of heartfelt service.”

Founded in 1977 by John-Roger, PTS is a private, non-denomAn important part of HeartFelt’s work is the HeartReach inational educational seminary that teaches practical spiriProgram, which responds with Light and assistance to tuality. PTS provides educational opportunities that support students in becoming more aware of the Divine in themselves. members of our spiritual family who are undergoing lifechallenging or medical crises. 3500 W Adams Blvd., L.A., CA 90018 The HeartFelt Global Network reaches out to our worldwide (323) 737-1534 family, connecting us in our service to our communities, with the intent of sharing and inspiring the serving heart. For more info please contact Skyler Patton (serve@heartfelt. IIWP org) and subscribe to receive future HGN Bulletins at INSTITUTE FOR INDIVIDUAL AND WORLD PEACE® (IIWP) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) foundation whose mission is to identify 3500 W. Adams Blvd., L.A., CA 90018 and present the processes that lead to peace. Its unique (323) 328.1908 approach is based on the principle that peace is present and that it starts with us, as individuals. IIWP presents peace processes through lectures, community peace projects, and workshops. Workshops are designed to anchor the experience and power of choosing peace as a practical reality in one’s life.


Esprit Travel & Tours Founded in 1975, ESPRIT serves our community and the general public.Esprit’s Independent Travel Department specializes in creating individually crafted cultural tours of Japan and Asia that journey deep into the arts, crafts, history, culture and cuisine of distant lands. Our custom tour itineraries deliver extraordinary cultural travel experiences. For more info about tours, contact us at: (800) 377-7481

This experiential educational paradigm evokes in students studentstheir their own answers answers totothe thethree threeessential essentialquestions: questions: • Who am I? Who• am I? Why I here and what is my purpose? What is myam purpose? HowI make can I make a meaningful contribution the world? How• can a meaningful contribution in theinworld? 2107 CACA 90403 2107Wilshire WilshireBlvd., Blvd.,Santa SantaMonica, Monica, 90403 310-829-7402 (310) 829-7402

Insight Seminars INSIGHT SEMINARS is an international non-profit educational organization founded over 35 years ago, by John-Roger and created by Russell Bishop. Insight’s mission is to assist us in transforming ourselves and the world to loving and our purpose is to inspire people everywhere to a life of greater happiness, success and fulfillment, built on self-awareness, loving, caring, compassion and service. Insight operates throughout the world. Through the Insight Seminar Series, people are provided opportunities to learn practical skills and techniques for living a happier, more effective, successful, abundant and heart-centered life. Business Insight is available for companies to create corporate transformation and strategic success through the Business Insight Seminar, Teambuilding or Leadership Workshops, Executive Transformational Coaching or customized programs. 2101 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 221, Santa Monica, CA 90403 1.800.311.8001

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MSIA Resources Home Seminars Audio or video seminars with John-Roger or John Morton are held in many communities around the world. They are an excellent way to lift your spirits and further your spiritual attunement. Contact your local MSIA representative or call 323-737-4055 to find the closest home seminar in your area.

The MSIA Store A complete catalog of books, audio and videotapes, CDs, subscriptions, and other materials is available at

Web Ring XXX NTJB PSH r XXX K S PSH r XXX NTJBOPSUIFBTU PSH XXX NTJBGMPSJEB PSH XXX NTJBDBOBEB PSH r XXX GPSHJWF PSH (explore the programs, classes, and events offered through PTS. Register for PTS classes, and take a free e-mail class) (fresh news, articles by J-R and John Morton, daily stories and photos during the Traveler’s journeys for peace, and more‌) (send a free e-mail postcard!) (news about John-Roger and John Morton and their books) (download a free spiritual warrior journal; discover your purpose) (look for a sample blessing) (Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens—news, events, info) (what it is, why do it, success stories and more. Tithe online!) (what it is, why do it, success stories and more. Seed online!)

PTS Classes The educational arm of MSIA, Peace Theological Seminary & College of Philosophy (PTS), offers experiential learning of Soul Transcendence and practical spirituality in a variety of formats, including evening classes, retreats, weekend offerings, e-mail and correspondence courses, and a 2-year Master’s and 3-year Doctor of Spiritual Science program. For more information, go to, call PTS at 323-737-1534, or e-mail registrar@pts.or

The MSIA Ministry The MSIA ministry is for initiates of the Traveler who are called inwardly to serve the spirit of their hearts. Service may be in any form, from volunteering for the Church to assisting people in need or organizations that serve those people, and anything in between. The only requirement is that the ministry is active and done regularly. MSIA ministers may perform services, like marriages, that clergy of other denominations are authorized to do as long as they comply with the laws of the locality in which they serve. People who have received initiation into the Sound Current through the Traveler may request an Application for Ordination packet from: .JOJTUFSJBM 4FSWJDFT *O "DUJPO r 8 "EBNT #MWE -PT "OHFMFT $" @msiaorg

Initiation Students in MSIA have an opportunity to be initiated through the Mystical Traveler Consciousness into the Sound Current, the audible stream of energy that comes from the heart of God. The levels of initiation in MSIA correspond to levels of consciousness both within and outside each person: astral (relating to the imagination), causal (relating to the emotions), mental (relating to the mind), etheric (paralleling the unconscious), and Soul (relating to who we truly are). There are also initiations above the Soul level. The astral initiation happens in the “night travel� (dream state) after a person has in some way come in contact with the Mystical Traveler; it is not anchored physically at that time, and the person may do no more with it in their lifetime. The next initiation is the causal, which can generally take place (be anchored) after two years of study with the Soul Awareness Discourses. (The astral initiation is anchored at the same time as the causal initiation.) Successive initiations are mental, etheric, and Soul. If you are just starting the Soul Awareness Discourses, Discourse #1 explains initiation into the Sound Current. You may choose to study the Discourses with the intention of being initiated or simply read them as information. This is up to you. If you do choose to study toward initiation, you need to write a letter as soon as you have decided and then email (or mail) it to the Traveler, saying that you are doing this. If you write this letter, the Traveler works with you more closely, and you may notice a greater spiritual awareness in your consciousness as this inner work goes on. After two years of study with the Discourses and if you have written and sent your intention letter to the Traveler, you can apply for causal initiation, generally when you have completed Discourse 24. The Traveler will look into your request, and you may be offered the opportunity for initiation. For astral/causal, mental, etheric, and Soul initiations, the person meets with an initiator and is given an initiation “tone� (the name of God for each realm that applies to the tone), which the initiate chants inwardly during spiritual exercises. These initiation tones are charged with spiritual energy by the Traveler Consciousness for each person individually, and the Traveler assists the student in clearing enough karma on one level to be initiated into the next level. For the levels of initiation above the Soul level, no initiation tone is given physically. For more information about initiation, you could read the chapter called Initiation in John-Roger’s book Fulfilling Your Spiritual Promise (available in paper and electronic versions). And we also recommend these seminars by John-Roger: “Initiation—Molding the Golden Chalice� The key seminar about studying towards initiation and being an initiate. Available in CD and MP3 formats. “The Sound Current: The Road Home� An excellent overview of MSIA and initiation. Available in DVD and MP3 formats.

Loving Each Day Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton are delivered daily to you via e-mail. Start your computer session with a daily e-mail message of inspiration and loving. Available in four languages—English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese —a subscription is free upon request by visiting Loving Each Day e-postcards, on an award-winning site, are also available at Back to Table of Contents New Day Herald 113 111

Insight I The Awakening Heart Seminar

In a few short days, you will have an opportunity to look at: The power of intentions and creating more of what you want in your life How to love, trust, and commit to yourself more fully Giving and receiving feedback through caring, supportive communication Using forgiveness to get free of any past hurts holding you back Sharing with other people in a loving and authentic way Making choices that are aligned with your intuition Learning to live more fully from your heart––your authentic Self


24–27 English

Santa Monica, CA


28–1 Spanish

As a tribute to our beloved founder, John-Roger, tuition is only $50 (regularly $495)

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