New Day Herald | March 2017

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New Day Herald

Issue and date has been updated to Mar/Apr 2017 In this edition... Volume 30, Issue 4 ∙ ∙ March/April, 2017

MSIA Ministries

Awaiting Cover

Conference of the Divine Presence John-Roger & John Morton on the Divine Presence

3 Easy Tips

for reading the NDH in ISSUU


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The New Day Herald Founder: John-Roger Editor-in-Chief: John Morton Editorial Directors: Paul Kaye, Mark Lurie, Vincent Dupont Editor: David Sand Editorial Team: John Morton, Paul Kaye, Mark Lurie, Vincent Dupont, David Sand, Leigh Taylor-Young, Zoe Golightly, Sherie Wylie Graphic Design: Greg Battes, David Sand The New Day Herald, P.O. Box 513935, Los Angeles, CA 90051. All rights reserved, except those specifically agreed to in writing. Reproduction in whole or part without publisher’s written consent is strictly prohibited. Letters to the editor: All letters, written comments, suggestions and questions regarding any aspect of this publication are read by the editor. We reserve the right to edit all submissions. Letters must include your name and address. Contributions: Manuscripts, photographs, art work, line drawings, charts, designs and maps, must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped mailer. Contributions will be handled with reasonable care. The publisher, however, assumes no responsibility for the safety of such contributions. All contributed material, including but not limited to manuscripts, photos, line drawings, art work maps and designs, shall be considered as text and part of the submission. The act of mailing or personal delivery of a manuscript and related material shall constitute an expressed warranty by said contributor that the said submission and material is original and is in no way an infringement upon the rights of others. Contributions and manuscripts express the sole opinions of the author, and do not constitute or reflect the teachings, doctrines and policies of the Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness.

MSIA Upcoming Events Calendar of all MSIA events - Click here:

Featured Events:

Easter Weekend Events

SE Retreat in Norwalk, CT

Initiates Retreat to the Kingdom of God, CO

Live Stream Recordings

On the Road w/ John Morton

Conference of the Divine Presence

The Sound Current of God, MI

J-R Legacy Tour Spain & Portugal

The Royal Road, Asilomar

Contents Click any title to go to the article

6 God is in the Business of Forgiving by John-Roger, DSS

The God that we work with in the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness is the living, loving God. We call that the God of the heart. The God of the heart knows everything--and the God of the heart is in the business of forgiveness.

42 MSIA Conference of the Divine Presence 2017

Schedule of Events with Details

82 Following in the Footsteps of a Master

J-R Marathon and Mystical Traveler Screenings in Europe, 2017 by Jsu Garcia

When I visit these countries where J-R traveled, I’m back doing staff work, and it releases something inside me, in my physical body and also in levels above. I touch into the transformation that he created in me.


by Agapi Stassinopoulos

I wrote this book, Wake Up to the Joy of You, 52 Meditations and Practices for a Calmer, Happier Life to share my experiences, and the wisdoms I gained from all the years being around the mastery of John-Roger.

24 The Divine Presence and the Temple Within

by John Morton, DSS

This article comes from a seminar given by John Morton at the Luxor Temple in Egypt during a PAT V Peace Awareness Training on July 9, 1995. “Just the fact that I am here represents for me an intention to be close to the teaching, to the place where the Word was being disseminated into the flesh. . .”

38 Blessing of the Divine 52 100% - Living and

Working with John-Roger An Interview with Paul Kaye

by David Sand

You remember the feeling in the eyes. The love in the eyes lingers. I’ve had these moments in life where the image lingers for some reason, and the quality of [J-R’s] voice comes alive.

96 Ministry: A Direct Experience of Reality

by MSIA Minster Carol Chaffin

My intention. . . is to become a board-certified chaplain.


Interested In Becoming a Board Certified Chaplain as an Ordained MSIA Minister?

110 Directory of Organizations 111 MSIA Resources © 2017 The Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness

God is

in the Business o Forgiving First published in Movement Newspaper April 1980 Vol. V, Iss 4

by 6 New Day Herald

John-Roger, DSS



S @msiaorg

New Day Herald 7

The God that we work with in

the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness is the living, loving God. We call that the God of the heart. The God of the heart knows everything--and the God of the heart is in the business of forgiveness. So there is no way to hide and no need to hide. When you realize that you are in the presence of the Divine all the time, and you 8 New Day Herald

start practicing that presence by living each moment in a loving way, everything you have done in the past that has been a block to you can be placed on “hold� as indefinitely as you care to have it. The good news about that is that it gives you the freedom to evolve without having to run the patterns of compulsion and without being run by the obsessions in your life.

“No one else does it for you. YOU do it.” @msiaorg

New Day Herald 9

You have the opportunity to step free of those patterns, until such time as you have the ability and the wisdom to clear them. You don’t have to run those negative patterns in your life. And the other nice news about that is that the patterns are still there. They are just placed on “hold.” The moment that you think you are better than anyone or that you “have it made,”you move yourself outside of grace, and the negative patterns move right back in on you and that’s called “humble pie.” Once you do get high enough in Spirit, however, you can take all that has been placed on “hold” and dissolve it. You do get to do that. No one else does it for you. YOU do it. Often you struggle to discover how to do that, and it’s difficult because there is no mechanism in the physical world to do that--to place negative patterns on hold and then later to dissolve them. So no matter how much you struggle here, you end up struggling here, until you discover the grace within your own consciousness. And the struggle is worthwhile, because it will prevent you from sinking. Just that you are able to hold up and keep struggling makes that struggle worthwhile. Some people haven’t been able to keep up, they’ve sunk, and they’ve said that it’s not that bad. I’ve sunk often, and it’s terrible. It’s terrible because I know what the value of living loving is. Without knowing the

10 New Day Herald

truth of living love, then perhaps it’s not so bad. The bad news about working with the Traveler is that the Traveler takes you to the well of loving and dips YOU in it--all of you, not just your hand or your head or your heart. When you experience that total immersion in loving, you are willing to go into the waters of purification and of life; you are even joyous to do this. And you know there is no turning back. If you attempt to turn back, life becomes a living hell for you. As long as you stay focused on your forward path, as long as you continually move deeper into the experience of the Divine, as long as you practice the presence of the Divine, you make this world a portable paradise. And you get to live IN the world without getting caught in it. When you are present in the loving, then you are free. When you are loving, you are able to bypass an awful lot of the distractions of this world. When you are loving, you see the person with whom you are relating, not their physical body, not their emotions, not their mind, not their bank book or their income, not their role or image or facade. You see the reality of who they are and you are present in loving that reality. Now, when you are doing that, you may also see all those other illusions about them, but you will see those in perspective to the greater reality.

“The God of the heart knows everything– and the God of the heart is in the business of forgiveness.”


New Day Herald 11

Super II: All Audit Insight II Back by popular demand!

Remember how amazing you felt on day five of your Insight II? Now imagine starting a seminar at that place of expansion—with a room full of committed Insight II grads —and building from there. Open your heart even deeper Finally get free from anything holding you back in your life Boldly be your True Self Facilitated by Joey Hubbard and friends. John Morton will participate, health and schedule permitting.



Santa Monica, CA Open to all Insight II grads $1,000 (if registered by 7/15)

“When you are attuned to the Sound Current, all you have to do is ride the Sound and you will discover its Source, which is God. The Mystical Traveler is an agent for this Current of Sound as it issues forth from the Supreme God in the pure realms of Light.”—John-Roger, DSS

Come enjoy

Sound Current of God

riding the with us. You are invited to take a deeper dive into the core MSIA teaching: the Sound Current; part of that force flow that travels straight from the God source and back.

two days

There will be of coming together into the heart of God and attuning to that vibration where we are all One. There is time for Traveler sharing and lots of time with God; consider making this a where we stay in touch with the Holy Spirit and enjoy the harmony of being in one accord.



Kalamazoo, MI August 19-20 Location: Radisson Plaza Hotel at Kalamazoo Center 100 W Michigan Ave, Kalamazoo, MI, 49007, US *Hotel Contact: 1-800-395-7046 or 269-343-3333 *Let hotel reservationist know you are with “PTS” Hotel Cost: $139 for single or double; $149 for triple; and $159 for quad PTS Registration contact: Danielle Britton or 323-328-1958 Local Contact: Lorraine Andrew at 269-375-8346

Tuition: EB $250 (June 6); RT $300 (after June 9) (Lunch on Saturday and Sunday is included with your tuition.) Cancellation policy: After June 9th the entire tuition becomes nonrefundable but it is transferable to another person scheduled to attend this event. Prerequisites: Open. Spanish Translation: Yes. Live Online: No.

Sometimes we really have it together as spiritual beings...and then we find our mouths betraying that by getting caught up in bragging and pushing our opinion off on others. Later, when we have bypassed that moment, something opens inside of us and we gain insight into our actions and think, “Wow, I didn’t have to say that. I could have just kept my mouth shut.” Often, keeping your mouth shut is a vital part of answering the questions you ask inside. You find that you can experience Spirit

and ground that experience in your physical body just by keeping your mouth shut and not dissipating the energy by verbal chatter. Take the energy that comes in to you from Spirit and just sit with it, just BE with it. Part of the problem is that when you gain some sort of spiritual recognition, there is the tendency to run and tell everybody. You run and tell them, and they say, “You don’t know what you’re talking about. That’s really stupid.”

“The good news about that

is that it gives you the freedom to evolve without having to run the patterns of compulsion and without being run by the obsessions in your life.”

14 New Day Herald


New Day Herald 15

“Often, keeping your mouth shut is a vital

part of answering the questions you ask inside.�

16 New Day Herald

And then the seeds of doubt are sown, and you doubt your own experience and the presence of the Divine within you. When you have the desire to share something precious of your own nature, check your motives and see if you are sharing out of ego and pride and the need for their approval or if you are sharing out of your love for that other person and your desire to give something of value to them for their own growth and upliftment. If it’s the first reason, you might do well not to share that with them; just keep it to yourself. And if it’s the second reason, it won’t matter too much to you what their reaction is because your sharing is given in freedom and in loving. When you realize that the Divine is always present with you; when you realize that God is the most intimate experience you have; when you come into your knowledge of God... something opens in you and you are living your life to the fullest extent possible. Then you become the knower, the avatar, your own savior. You are the Divine. At that moment there appears inside of you an experlence, a phenomena that is an inner connection to that Light that will guide you through each moment. The Christmas story of the “star of Bethlehem” is an outer representation of that inner experience. The star of Bethlehem was that Light that guided the wise men to the Christ. As you awaken to the Divine, you will see the star inside of you, the Light that will guide you to the Christ within.


New Day Herald 17

“As you traverse the inner realms, you will

see a star appear, which is the star of Bethlehem, and is also referred to as the star of David…and “David” translates as “the loved one.”

As you work with the Mystical Traveler and begin to learn of soul travel, you will close your eyes, chant the sacred tones of God, connect with that Light and with the audible light stream, which we call the Sound Current, and you will start moving back through your fields of consciousness, moving always closer to the ultimate God. As you traverse the inner realms, you will see a star appear, which is the star of Bethlehem, and is also referred to as the star of 18 New Day Herald

David…and “David” translates as “the loved one.” You may have to approach that many, many times. It will come toward you and you will go toward it, until one day when it will burst upon you and you are born again into a Christed being. At that time, you will step forward and see the Traveler there waiting for you, and at that point, you begin your journey into the very heart of God. The blessings already are.


New Day Herald 19

“At th

you an ex inner conn y

The blessings 20 New Day Herald

John-Roger, September, 2016, five weeks before his passing.

hat moment there appears inside of xperience, a phenomena that is an nection to that Light that will guide you through each moment.�

s already are.

Back to Table of Contents


New Day Herald 21

In SANTA MONICA & LIVE STREAMED “Spiritual Exercise is not sitting and waiting for God to come into your field of activity and behavior, but to go to God’s activity and field of behavior.” John-Roger, DSS Come join us for a weekend of renewal with the Traveler, God and You. We have SE’s, excerpts and plenty of time to connect inside with yourself as the Beloved. Then top it off with John Morton’s Easter Eve Seminar.

SE Workshop in a retreat-like setting

(John Morton has been invited)

Apr 14-15, 2017 Fri 10 am-7 pm and Sat 9 am-1:30 pm PDT

Location: 2101 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90403 Contact: Danielle Britton @ or 323-328-1958 Tuition: $175 until at the door. Live Stream Tuition: $150 Prerequisites: Active Subscription to MSIA Soul Awareness Discourses or SATs

Easter Eve Seminar

with John Morton, April 15, 2017 3:00-4:30pm PDT Open to all, no prerequisites Spanish Translation Included

IN PERSON DETAILS Location: 2101 Wilshire Blvd., Santa Monica, CA 90403 Cost: Adults $15 . Ages 13-17 $8 | Ages 12 and under Free No pre-registration available. Register at the door. Location: 2101 Wilshire Ave, Santa Monica 03 Questions: Antonietta Schulz (323) 328-1948

LIVE STREAM DETAILS Cost: Free of charge Watch the Live Stream 15 minutes prior to start time @ Times: Los Angeles=3:00-4:30pm PDT New York=6:00-7:30pm EDT London=11:00pm-12:30am GMT | Time Converter Questions: Email:



at the with John


April 16, 2017 Sunday 10:00am–1:00pm PDT Santa Monica Beach between Lifeguard Stations 22 & 24

Join us

for an Easter Morning Service at the Beach with John Morton - a day of celebration and renewal in the Christ. Come enjoy donations of Urth CaffĂŠ pastries and coffee on this Light filled morning with the Traveler. Share with your family, friends and loved ones in loving fellowship whilst basking in the sun on the beach, gazing out onto the ocean waters. And, kids of all ages can come and enjoy an Easter Egg Hunt with the Easter Bunny!

Click Here For Location Details Contact Antonietta

No registration required. Donations welcome. Bring an FM radio to hear the event.

A free recording of this event will be available @ on April 19

The D



John Morton, DSS

This article comes from a seminar given by John Morton at the Luxor Temple in Egypt during a PAT V Peace Awareness Training on July 9, 1995.

24 New Day Herald

Divine Presence and the

emple Within I wanted to say something

about being close to J-R. Just the fact that I am here represents for me an intention to be close to the teaching, to the place where the Word was being disseminated into the flesh. And that is my experience of who the Traveler is. It doesn’t always sound that way, doesn’t always sound as if the Glory of God is being spoken or walked and manifested. But if you have the ability and willingness to look past what you see in the physical, then it truly is always being spoken. Always being walked as a divine presence. There’s something about a place like this, that’s been dedicated to the highest God, even in the aspects of God that have been referred to in the Egyptian cosmology that we’ve been hearing about, whether it’s Osiris, or Isis, or Horus, or Sekhmet, Sobek, or Anubis, it’s just representing aspects of God that are still converged in our awareness and consciousness to work with.


And there’s an opportunity to come into a merging with the spirit in the flesh, so that when the flesh breathes, when it moves, the spirit is made manifest. There’s a man whose name is R.S. Schwaller deLubicz who wrote a book called “The Temple of Man” which is about this temple here at Luxor. And as Fadel (our guide) was saying earlier, the representations of the body are all here from the feet to the head. And that each of those centers corresponds to energy. There was one who studied the sub-atomic by looking at the astronomic. That is to say, he studied the smallest elements of creation by looking at the greatest elements of creation into the heavens, as a way of reflecting.

“That I am here

represents for me an intention to be close to the teaching, to the place where the Word was being disseminated into the flesh.” New Day Herald 25

That one, referred to as Hermes, Hermes Trismegistus and by other names, long ago said words to the effect: “As it is above, so it is below. And as it is below, so it is above.” That is an integration of all creation. So for us to consider that we are mortals who are born and die, and come from dust and go to dust, is to deny something on a much grander scale. So we come into a place here where the mind could conceive the proportion and the exact dimensions and the relationships of the cosmos, and put it into a singular design. And then conceive that design in such a way that it could be manifest, taking substances that are among the most dense and hardest in the stones here. And placing the most ephemeral, subtle energies into the most dense. And creating a union of that relationship. That it is a magical, magnificent, miraculous kind of place. That it is a temple of Man. And this man deLubicz spent his lifetime, some sixty, seventy years, discovering recovering all of these elements. Measuring all the relationships of every column, every dimension here, and discovering that everything had exactness and preciseness to it, that nothing was here in a chaotic and random way. And yet there’s something that goes on in this level. That chaos has its day, so that we would look here and say, “Well, what you see here is destruction and chaos being manifest that nothing perfect exists.” There is no mortality or eternity.

26 New Day Herald

There are only things that are so much like a tower of Babel that reaches up towards greatness, but must fall because it’s unattainable, it’s not possible. And if you think about your own existence, I’m sure you’ve thought about the impossible, of that which is finite, and that that cannot be, and considered yourself one and the same as inadequate. And those were just the kind of thoughts I was having when that first Luxor meditation was done. And then the thoughts that were uttered into my consciousness simply by listening to the one I wanted to be closest to in the whole world, transformed into a greatest of thoughts. That the greatest of possibilities to transcend, to become one with God was present in my midst by taking the steps to be here. It was as if every step of this lifetime, and every step of every other lifetime, culminated here. That by coming back here I was reuniting, I was resurrecting something that had been lost, a separation. So it was a sense of finding, that thing the Greeks called the “Eureka”. They just have to imagine, and maybe you’re already picking up on that state of consciousness, to find what you’ve been looking for all your existence. To find it, to finally arrive at a place, and to realize, “Of course it’s not in these stones. It’s not in this Temple of Luxor as a finality. But the true temple is inside, inside the body that we all walk.” And the magnificence in this temple and in these stones doesn’t even come

close to the magnificence and the perfection that is in the body. I’ll give you a demonstration. Let the stones walk. And let you walk. And see who walks. And that spirit that walks, that spirit that moves, that comes through our breath, is heard, is seen. That’s what we come here for. That’s what we come here on this trip for. And of course we realize it is in all of our life. There’s no place where that opportunity does not exist.

“...Placing the most ephemeral,

subtle energies into the most dense. And creating a union of that relationship. That it is a magical, magnificent, miraculous kind of place. That it is a temple of Man.”

But just the same, there is the opportunity to choose back into the Divine, to choose back into the path that lies before us. And we call it Soul Transcendence, we call it the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness, the Sugmad, the Sarmad, the Sat Nam. What’s important is that living vibration. You know, what’s interesting is every time I come back here it is a place of re-birth. So I have a sense of relief when I step back into the Luxor Temple. And one part of me says, “You know it’s not in this place any more than it’s in any other place.” And yet there is something about coming here that is so, and making it happen.

“By coming back here I was

reuniting, I was resurrecting something that had been lost, a separation. So it was a sense of finding.”


New Day Herald 27

“Where do you seek


Kingdom of God?

Within yourself. Your direction, your guidance, and your fulfillment

are all within you.� — John-Roger

Initiates Retreat to the

Kingdom of God

(John & Leigh Morton will facilitate)

june 2 - 4, 2017 through

Pines Lodge: Beaver Creek Resort 141 Scott Hill Rd, Beaver Creek, CO 81620

Initiates in MSIA have ahave speciala relationship with Initiates in MSIA special relaVision Valley & Recreation Centre: thetionship Early Bird Tuition: $675Conference (includes tuition, room and board) Mysticalwith Traveler. this course,Traveler. students In the In Mystical by March 31, 2017Valley Road. Arcadia, Sydney NSW 2159 learn more about this relationship, including the 7 Vision this course, students learn more about this After March 31, 2017: tuition is $750 Australia Traveler’s commitment to initiates and the initiate’s Contact: Madonna Smyth, 303-596-5958 relationship, Students explore also the explore qualities of variresponsibilities. the many ous levels of aninitiation, of being initiate andand the many qualitiesaspects of Friday, October 31: Retreat, Day 1: 8:00 - 11:00 pm aspects of being various levelsanofInitiate. initiation.

(Registration from 5:00 - 7:30 pm) Prerequisites: Active initiates only Saturday, November 1: Retreat, Day 2: 7:15 am - 10:30 pm Prerequisites: For MSIA Initiates only. Must be MSIA Initiate & active subscriber to MSIA Sunday, November 2: Retreat, Day 3: 7:15 am - 2:30 pm Discourses or SATs (if 12 years of Discourses completed).

To Register: Contact Gaethan Bonanno Phone: 02.97127990 Mobile Phone: 0418 1 777 44

Tuition: AU $250.00, includes an AU$50.00 nonrefundable and non-transferable registration fee. Cancellations: Full tuition becomes nonrefundable and non-transferable one day prior to event.

MSIA teaches

Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness

“Become aware of the Divine presence that lives within you, as you, and use this awareness as your springboard into higher consciousness.� – John-Roger, DSS

Tuesday, May 16 7:30 pm pt in Person $5 (Live Stream Free)

Click here for Tickets Watch Live Stream @

Blessings Divine Presence with the

in Los Angeles & Live Streamed

Join us with John Morton, MSIA Spiritual Director for an opportunity to learn how to attune more deeply to the Divine presence and to the blessings this presence brings to our lives.

< N K D M D O P< G J< N D N D I O C @ > D O T K`\^` <r\m`i`nn G\]tmdioc \i_ B\m_`in .0++ R`no <_\hn =gq_' Gjn <ib`g`n #.-.$ 2.2(/+00 rrr)k`\^`g\]tmdioc)jmb M`bdnom\m;k`\^`g\]tmdioc)jmb (HEADQUARTERS OF MSIA)


There have been many wonderful experiences that have happened here. Some of the most wonderful of my life. There are a few of those meditations that have been made available on audio. They’re worth hearing. There’s something about the transformation and the transition that commands moving. So I’m just going to move a little bit here. Some people are getting hot feet around me. So we’re setting the levels for darkness. “And darkness was upon the face of the deep.” You remember that scripture? Who’s the deep? That’s one of the names of God. It’s in Genesis 1:2, so if you’re curious you can read through it. It’s quite an interesting account because it’s probably the main place in the Bible where there is the representation of the story of creation, how things came into existence “in the beginning”. And there are places on the planet that are chakras and openings, places where cosmic energies touch down. And certainly we’re in one. And things shift. Like I was sitting over there, and now I’m sitting over here. So it’s important to not get caught up in what used to be and attempt to worship the past, attempting to resolve what took place here, because if you noticed, there’s an energy on this planet that does corrupt things and it moves it into decay, and that’s how it’s intended. And one

30 New Day Herald

aspect of that is things around us decay. In the mirror there is a message of, “What is flesh must decay, must come to an end, must crumble to the ground, like so much dust.” And something moves on. It might be interesting right now, to consider – Well, what was here before the temple? What was in this place before this Temple was built, such that they decided to build it here? Most of you probably already considered that the Nile was probably here. That’s interesting to consider -- How long the Nile’s been here and what’s passed by in all that time. And to consider that it’s still passing. Whatever is that force is still here. But there’s lots of evidence -- and I’m sure you’ll see it if you visit the Cairo museum, or you read about the things that have been discovered here -- that just in the flora and fauna that was here at one time, that this was not a desert, that there were things that don’t live in the desert in the area. So there’s something even about the land that has decayed, so not much life can be here. Except that there’s this element that comes in the water that brings life, so that under the most extreme conditions here, it’s fertile. It’s one of the most fertile places in the world, along the Nile. So we find ourselves here in one of the most fertile places on the planet, a place that survived harsh conditions. And lots of levels were erected and taken down and are being built upon.

“So every once in a while we get to consider what was in the

beginning that still is now. And you don’t have to go too far in that question to realize ‘You’. You are in the beginning and you are in this end, this end of the universe, this end of God’s creation. Considering once again how far we have yet to go.”


New Day Herald 31

It’s interesting to consider what we erected over our existences and what’s come down, and what’s been rebuilt and restored, and what’s still flowing eternally, that brings life. And certainly if we looked up into the sky, there are elements that survived, that continue after we are gone. And yet those who study those elements are finite, that the things that can be seen in the physical, the stars and the sun are finite. They come to an end. So every once in a while we get to consider what was in the beginning that still is now. And you don’t have to go too far in that question to realize “You”. You are in the beginning and you are in this end, this end of the universe, this end of God’s creation. Considering once again how far we have yet to go.

32 New Day Herald

“How do we begin that journey into the infinite? How do we integrate into it? Is there something we have to do? Is there some realization that we have to have? Or can we just know it now, and in the knowing, become?”

As a soul, we’re those that look up, who look into the infinite, that look past the stars and wonder, “Even if all the stars cannot be seen, where are the origins, and is there an origin of it all?” And there are those who come into the flesh to speak of the infinite, to walk in the infinite. Have you come here to do that?

find the infinite, we find it’s both. And it’s all of what that is. If it’s a stream, if it’s a succession, then it unifies in the infinite. That it becomes complete in the whole, no matter what the form. That’s important to realize - no matter what the form, that infinite carries the day.

Maybe we’ve brought you far enough away from where you live and whatever pulls on you magnetically, And how do we begin that journey that you can let go. How remote of a into the infinite? How do we integrate spot do we have to find for you? How into it? Is there something we have to ancient so that you’ll let go and trust do? Is there some realization that we that it’s all done? And in that trusting have to have? Or can we just know it comes a raising up of consciousness, now, and in the knowing, become? so that as we let go, we expand infinitely. We give up the body, we I hope where you are sitting, or if you give up all the bodies and all the forms are standing, or maybe you’re listening to take on the infinite, and the infinite and watching, that you’re experiencing has no thing in it. Or it has every thing the ease of your existence. The in it. And in that nothingness and in nothingness that was referred to in the that allness, there’s a union. beginning. You notice how religious philosophies often merge that in the The Traveler actually is a beginning was something on the order consciousness, a consciousness of of a nothingness, or chaos? And yet in the infinite, a consciousness that has that nothingness is the everything, the always been. And it’s been spoken All in the all. through the ages, and it’s been lived And how are we to become that? How do we do that in the flesh? Do we treat everything the same? Do we treat everything as nothing? Is everything important? Do we have to know everything, be everything? Or do we have to be nothing, and know nothing? It seems when we


through the ages as long as there has been flesh. So there’s still flesh. And this infinite consciousness speaks to you again. Not necessarily in the voice that you recognize or acknowledge, but in the voice heard by all. And is heard even by nothing, in the silence.

New Day Herald 33

SE Retreat in Norwalk,CT April 28-30, 2017

* Day 1: 7am-10 pm * Day 2: 9am-10:30 pm * Day 3: 9am-1:30 pm John Morton has been invited Â

(Times approximate)

Spiritual Exercises, the primary form of spiritual practice

recommended for those studying MSIA Soul Awareness Discourses, are vital to students seeking to expand their awareness of Spirit. In this retreat, students explore techniques for enhancing their spiritual exercises and practice doing them in a supportive group setting. Local Contact: Monica Winston 617-924-1680 PTS Contact: Sherie Wylie 323-328-1958

Dolce Retreat Center Norwalk

Hotel contact info: Dolce Retreat Center Norwalk, 32 Weed Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06850 1-203-852-7300 or 877-813-4153 Hotel link: Regular Tuition: $775 after January 31, 2017 (includes single room & board and PTS tuition)

Walk in Peace I love you. God bless you. Peace, be still.

“I join you in claiming our spiritual heritage of peace and loving.” — John-Roger, D S S, IIWP Founder

Join us for the next round of the Worldwide Peace Prayer

IIWP WORLDWIDE PEACE PRAYER June 29, 2017 - July 31, 2017

40 days

for English


for Spanish

Questions: or Sponsored by the Institute for Individual and World Peace

It’s been said by the wise ones, that the greatest hearing is in the silence. It’s not the dark, like seeing the silence. So even if you can see the Light, do we not see the dark? And what is in the dark? The Light. We are Light. We are the radiation of the infinite. It’s in the wind. So as you feel the air move upon you, feel the infinite move upon you. You may notice the body shields itself, but you breathe in the air. You breathe in the infinite. If you do not, you cannot, for there is no existence without it. There are those who are standing and are listening, and they know they are hearing even though they hear silence. They don’t hear my voice, but they hear the voice that is heard in the soul. And they are compelled to notice, to realize their own initiation, that we all step here into the initiation onto the planet. But that’s a mere birth, that’s a mere moment. And it’s not meant to be defined by this temple or this place, or planet, or this existence. It is what is undefinable, unconfined. Breathe it in, so, your skin is like an open window letting the breeze come and go. And when all the windows are opened, your house becomes a place where the wind comes and goes. And if the opportunity became present now to transcend, to merge with the infinite, what would your choice be? Would you have your protestations about what you have to do, and who you have to do it with? Or

“So even if you can see the Light, do

the dark? The Light. We are Light. W

36 New Day Herald

would you go? If you were tapped on the shoulder right now and a voice whispered, “Come,” would you get up and go? Or would you wonder who was saying that to you? How many times have you heard that and didn’t go? Does it matter? It only matters when the opportunity comes present to move into the infinite that you make that choice. Does it come once? Or many times? Once is enough. The infinite is eternal, it has no beginning and no end. So you see, we’re on the threshold here. Just as we walked into each segment of this temple, we crossed another threshold, another aspect of consciousness, symbolized in the design and the construction in the representation of all the cosmos of creation. And this temple is a most excellent representation. So when one walks this walk, from one segment to the next segment from one chakra to the next chakra, we’re walking from the lowest elements to the highest. You know it’s interesting in the present temple -- as we moved into the area representing the crown chakra, it was opened. And one of you chose to move out beyond the walls. Yeah, I noticed. And that represents the one who escapes, who moves beyond the physical and moves into the infinite. Is this the voice of the finite or is this the voice of the infinite? You decide.

Baruch Bashan.

we not see the dark? And what is in We are the radiation of the infinite.”


New Day Herald 37

Blessing of the Divine by John Morton Lord, we call forward Your presence once again, and in doing so,

we call ourselves forward to stand in the fullness of who we are and the glory of You that is the glory of God. We resonate with Your truth, with Your spirit of joy that is the consciousness that forgives and has compassion for all and understanding. Let us each now visit our own circumstances accompanying You. We see a new day. We see Your light and love permeating all, radiating. All is new. All is bright and beautiful.

We ask to bring a miracle. A miracle is the ordinary of the Spirit.

Let us have the wit to put aside, to let go, what we have chosen that confines us or in any way would block us. We give up and let go of our judgments, our pronouncements that would deny the Spirit, the truth, and the loving in all. Place the spark that is Divine once again into our conscious awareness that it radiates inside through the levels of our body, coursing through our blood into every cell. We are integrated and whole in an energy that is harmonious and of our True Self.

We see our circumstances and whatever is present for us to look into right now. We see Your energy bringing new thoughts, new ideas, new circumstances, and transformation. Let us see the Spirit made manifest. All that we relate to becomes joyous and a source of upliftment. Each one we look upon, each one we touch or contact in any way, we receive as a divine being. Each one is brought to us simply to love and to welcome, including those who come to test or tempt us to go astray and move into areas and actions not of our concern or not of the Spirit. Give us the eyes to see, the ears to hear. We do not condemn but

bless them as you would. We uphold the way that is true. We see this taking place with ease and grace. As Your way is light, and Your way is grace. We welcome the Christ as we welcome the higher state of the Traveler that we may know the radiant form. We become that radiant form in the knowing.

In this moment, we ask that we be translated into the highest

form that is our Spirit and the revelation of our soul. As well we ask that we be prepared, that we may step from this moment in a direct line with our Spiritual heritage. We proclaim the promise that was given from the beginning. We are the Beloved of God and in this we shall be forever more.

Baruch Bashan 38 New Day Herald

Note: You may find of interest the following items that are available through the MSIA website store at Luxor Meditation for Peace and Harmony and Practice the Divine Presence by John-Roger, available in CD or MP3 formats and two books by John Morton: The Blessings Already Are and You Are the Blessings. Back to Table of Contents @msiaorg

New Day Herald 39

Connect with the Traveler’s energy and enjoy this


Open MSIA Seminar Friday, April 21, 2017 7:30pm

Cost: $15.00 For details: Jane Brell; 401-996-3654

beautiful lineup of events


 In Person and/or Live Stream as noted, technology permitting  All listed event times are the local time  All events are with John Morton except when otherwise noted

New York, NY MSIA Seminar for Discourse Subscribers Tuesday, April 25, 2017 7:30pm Cost: $15.00 For details: Steven Fogel;; 917-414-9390

Philadelphia, PA Peace is Present Public Workshop with Leigh Taylor-Young facilitating & Live Streamed Wednesday, May 3, 2017 7:30pm Cost: $15.00 For details: Sally Weaver;; 610-209-6845

Q&A for Ministers and Initiates Thursday, May 4, 2017 7:30pm Cost: $25.00 For details: Sally Weaver;; 610-209-6845

MSIA Fundraiser Dinner/Q&A Friday, May 5, 2017 5:30pm Cost: $1500 - first priority question; $500 lottery question For details and registration: Elizabeth Frumin; 610-667-8353

Bethesda, DC Q&A for Discourse Subscribers & Live Stream Monday, May 8, 2017 7:30pm Cost: $25.00 For details: Linda Mathieu;; 410-263-7644

& Staff


Q&A for Ministers and Initiates Tuesday, May 23, 2017 7:30pm Cost: $25.00 For details: Ann Folks;; 505-984-8069

Austin, TX Open MSIA Seminar & Live Stream Friday, May 26, 2017 7:30pm Cost: $15.00 For details: Carol Beau;; 703-508-9450

Q&A for Discourse Subscribers & Live Stream Saturday, May 27, 2017 7:30pm Cost: $25.00 For details: Carol Beau;; 703-508-9450

Boulder, CO MSIA Seminar for Discourse Subscribers & Live Stream Tuesday, May 30, 2017 7:30pm Cost: $15.00 For details: Madonna Smyth; 303-596-5958

MSIA Fundraiser Dinner/Q&A Wednesday, May 31, 2017 5:30pm Cost: $1000 - first priority question; $500 lottery question For details: Annie Peters; 720-260-9890

For Live Stream Events visit

42 New Day Herald


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Events In Detail Hotel Rooms & Parking

How To Register For PTS & MSIA Events 3 Ways To Register: 1) Register via EventBrite: To attend In Person go to: To attend via Live Stream go to: Live Stream registration stays open throughout each event. 2) To speak with someone: Please call Danielle Peterson, PTS Registrar at 323-328-1940. After hours please leave your registration information on her confidential secure voicemail. 3) Mail: PTS Registrar (checks made payable to PTS) 3500 West Adams Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90018 U.S.A.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION for Attending In Person!!!

Pre-registration closes on Wednesday, June 21 and reopens Friday, June 30 at 8:30am at the Hotel. LIVE Online registration stays open throughout each event. For questions on Cancellations, contact the PTS Office at 323-328-1940.

Registration Check-In: Choosing into the Divine Presence 8:30-10:00 am Friday MSIA Ministers Meeting 10:30-11:45 am Sunday MSIA Initiates Meeting 3:15-3:45 pm Sunday

Special Conference hotel room rates have been negotiated at the Four Seasons Hotel in Westlake Village, CA – $214 for Single/Double, $214 Triple, $214 Quadruple occupancy. Reserve your room directly with the Four Seasons, be sure to say you are with MSIA. To reserve a room at these special rates, bookings must be received on or before Thursday, June 8; thereafter higher rates may apply. If you receive a message there are no rooms available at our discounted rate, call PTS, and someone will get back with you. After June 8, there may be limited availability, first-come, first-served. A credit card is needed to guarantee reservations. Reserve by calling the Four Seasons directly at 818-575-3000 or go online at, and click on the Conference banner. You can also go directly to the Hotel to reserve a room: Enter code: 0625MSIA Parking: Day guests - validated self-parking $5 per car, per day.

Valet parking $10 per car, per day. Overnight self parking - $10 per car, per night. Overnight Valet parking $25 per car, per day.

Opening to the Divine Presence In Person & Live Stream

Wed June 28, 7:30-9:30 pm (registration from 6:30pm) Location: Four Seasons Hotel Two Dole Drive, Westlake Village, CA 91362 “The presence of divine love within the Master will stir the presence of divine love within you.” – John-Roger, DSS Start the Conference of the Divine Presence with our introductory workshop, designed to open and increase awareness of the continual presence of Spirit in our lives. Participants have an opportunity to experience the subtle ways the loving Presence of the Divine can guide us towards knowing our True Self and moving into the Heart of God. Give yourself and your loved ones the gift of connecting with the divine essence. "Let us bring our awareness to the divine presence within every one of us. Let us behold that God is always with us and unconditionally loving all of Its creation." – John Morton, DSS Prerequisites: None; open to the public Registration: No pre-registration available. Register at the door. Contact: Antonietta Schulz; 323-328-1948 or for details. Sponsored by: PTS

Latecomers arriving after 10 am for the PTS Workshop, 12 noon for the Ministers Meeting, and 4 pm for the Initiates Meeting may not be admitted to the Ballroom. 44 New Day Herald

Schedule of Events Wednesday June 28 • Introductory Event - 7:30-9:30pm

Thursday June 29 • All Traveler Organizations Rep Mtg – 9:00am-1pm • PTS Masters & Doctorate Graduation – 3:30-5pm • IIWP Gathering of Peacemakers – 7-9pm Friday & Saturday June 30 & July 1 Choosing into the Divine Presence – PTS Workshop • July 1, 10am-7pm • July 2, 9am-9:30pm (includes dinner/entertainment) Sunday July 2 • Ministers Meeting – 12noon–2pm • Ministers Lunch – 2-4pm • Initiates Meeting – 4-6pm

Monday July 3 • BlessingsFest – 11am-5pm • Windermere Post Conference Tours


New Day Herald 45

All Traveler Organizations Rep Mtg In Person & Live Stream John Morton is invited to participate.

Thursday June 29, 9:00am – 1pm (registration opens at 8:30am) Location: Four Seasons Hotel Two Dole Drive, Westlake Village, CA 91362 Key volunteers and representatives from all of the Traveler organizations are invited to come together as Lightbearers from around the world and receive the grace of connecting with our Rep family through an exquisite, participatory morning of coming present to the Beloved. Please join us for this uplifting, fun, and joy-filled gathering - we love you! Prerequisites: This meeting is open to all MSIA, PTS, Heartfelt, Insight, USM and IIWP Representatives, as well as MSIA Seminar Leaders, Cable TV Reps, Product Reps, Ministerial Board Reps, Scott J-R Productions and Gilgamesh Productions, and key community volunteers. Spouses are also invited. Registration: No registration required. Contact: Sponsored by: MSIA & PTS

PTS Masters & Doctorate Graduation In Person & Live Stream

IIWP Gathering Of Peacemakers In Person & Live Stream John Morton is invited to participate.

Thursday June 29, 7pm - 9pm Location: Four Seasons Hotel Two Dole Drive, Westlake Village, CA 91362 Join peacemakers around the world and receive the fellowship and grace of coming together to share the peace that is already present. With the blessings of J-R’s words: “I love you. God bless you. Peace, be still” please participate with us, as we move within to a place of peace and give that peace forth in loving service to the planet. Prerequisites: This is a public event and open to everyone. IIWP’s donors and their families and guests are especially invited. Registration: No pre-registration is necessary. Register at the door. Contact: Antonietta Schulz; 323-328-1948 or for details. Sponsored by: Institute for Individual and World Peace (IIWP)

John Morton is invited to participate.

Thursday June 29, 3:30pm - 5pm Come be a part of the celebration as students graduate from both the Masters and Doctorate programs of Peace Theological Seminary & College of Philosophy. Location: Four Seasons Hotel Two Dole Drive, Westlake Village, CA 91362 Prerequisites: None; everyone is invited. Registration: No registration required. Contact: Sponsored by: PTS 46 New Day Herald

Choosing into the Divine Presence — a NEW! PTS Workshop In Person & Live Stream John Morton is invited to participate. Friday June 30: Registration Check-In 8:30am; Workshop 10am – 7pm Saturday July 1, 9am – approximately 5:45pm

“There’s majesty and there’s beauty in everyone. If you could see it in yourself, you would not hassle yourself over that little bit of food, over that little bit of drink, over that little bit of cigarette, over this or over that, or where the next sex is coming from, or your occupation for the next fifty years. Instead, you would be totally in this moment, in the divine Presence -- not as an empty vessel, but as one where your cup runs over and you don’t have to tilt it to give to anyone, but it just flows over because you’re in the very beingness of reality.” –John-Roger, DSS Choosing into the Divine Presence is our two day Conference workshop this year. It’s to awaken you to a more conscious experience of God’s Presence in your life and to discover how you can more consistently choose into that experience… not only when you are in satsang with the Traveler and others but when you are at work, on the freeway, cooking dinner, and cheering your kids on at their soccer game. God is present. “Even if you do not recognize that divine presence right now, it is present. The blessings are available here and now. Each of us can partake and share in them. It may simply be a matter of catching up by doing your part to manifest greater good in some way.” –John Morton, DSS In Person tuition: $275 through June 6; $350 June 7 - to at the door. Live Stream tuition: (includes Entertainment): $150 Registration: See “3 WAYS TO REGISTER”Section Prerequisites: None. Sponsored by: PTS “It’s not just that two or more are gathered “in my name. ”But can you

imagine when the energy of being “in my name” moves into the focus of being loving? God can’t stay away. You’ll just pull the Spirit of loving into the room through you.” –John-Roger, DSS


New Day Herald 47

MSIA Family Dinner at Conference! In Person Saturday July 1: 7:30pm–approximately 9:30pm

Please join us in person or live online for another Conference Saturday night of celebration and fun, and a chance for all of us to relax, dress up, laugh with our friends, and dance as if no one is watching. You never know who’s going to be there to kindle your heart, make the perfect joke or have a Twaji moment. We look forward to sharing the Spirit with you. Registration: See “3 WAYS TO REGISTER” Section Dinner tuition: $75 (if you attended the In Person workshop, this is included in your tuition) Sponsored by: PTS

MSIA Celebration (after dinner) Live Stream

Saturday July 1: 7:30pm-9:30pm approx. Tuition: $25 (if you attended the Live Stream workshop this is included in

MSIA Initiates Meeting In Person & Live Stream

your workshop fee) Registration: | Sponsored by: PTS

John Morton is invited to participate. Sunday July 2: 4pm – 6pm (registration 3:15pm – 3:45pm) Latecomers may not be admitted to the ballroom after 4pm.

MSIA Ministers Meeting In Person & Live Stream

Two Dole Drive, Westlake Village, CA 91362 Prerequisites: Must be an active MSIA Initiate with a current MSIA Discourse/SAT subscription. Registration: See “3 WAYS TO REGISTER” Section Sponsored by: MSIA

Latecomers may not be admitted to the Ballroom after 12 noon. Location: Four Seasons Hotel, Two Dole Drive, Westlake Village, CA 91362 Prerequisites: Must be an active MSIA Minister in good standing with a

BlessingsFest with John Morton In Person & Live Stream

John Morton is invited to participate. Sunday July 2: 12 noon – 2pm (registration 10:30am – 11:45am)

current MSIA Discourse/SAT subscription. Registration: See “3 WAYS TO REGISTER” Section Sponsored by: MSIA

MSIA Ministers Luncheon – MSIA Ministers only John Morton is invited to participate. Sunday July 2: 2pm – 4pm

Location: Four Seasons Hotel

With Spanish Translation Monday July 3: 11am - 5pm

Location: Four Seasons Hotel

Two Dole Drive, Westlake Village, CA In Room Registration and more information; Donation: $1000; Contact: Maria Jose Marañon at or 323-328-1949. Live Stream Registration: Donation $500. |

Location: Four Seasons Hotel

Two Dole Drive, Westlake Village, CA 91362 Prerequisites: Must be an active MSIA Minister in good standing with a current MSIA Discourse/SAT subscription. Please register for the luncheon, only if you plan to stay for the meal. Registration: See “3 WAYS TO REGISTER” Section Sponsored by: MSIA

48 New Day Herald

Post Conference Windermere Ranch “Peace Tours”

Monday July 3 If you’ll still be in Los Angeles on the Monday following Conference, the Institute for Individual and World Peace invites you to take one of our “Peace Tours” and experience the peace of Windermere Ranch. Take a day to focus on your intentions for peace and bring your Light and love to Windermere. Enjoy a docent tour of the Ranch and plant Light columns on the land. Meet Valentino the llama, our precious sheep, chicken and mini steer! Departure from Prana is at 8am, with a stop at the Four Seasons around 9am to pick up passengers. Contact the IIWP Office at or Janeth Jaime 323-328-1913 for more information or to RSVP. RSVP in advance is required.

PTS Peace Awareness Trainings at Lake Arrowhead John Morton is invited to participate

• PAT 1 July 7-13 • PAT 2 July 14-18 • PAT 3 July 19-23

Location: Lake Arrowhead in Lake Arrowhead, California *Tuition: $599 for first-time participants paid in full by June 1, 2017; $650 after June 1. Audit Tuition is $400 for each training. Registration: See “3 WAYS TO REGISTER” Section Prerequisites: Active subscription to MSIA Discourses, or SATs if 12 years of

Discourses completed; PAT 1 for PAT 2; PAT 2 for PAT 3.

CONFERENCE DIRECTIONS Four Seasons Hotel, Grand Ballroom Two Dole Drive Westlake Village, California 91362 818-575-3000

From Glendale & Pasadena: Take the CA-134 W. Merge onto US-101 North. Take the Lindero Canyon Road exit. Turn right onto Lindero Canyon Rd. Take the 1st left onto Via Colinas. Take the 1st left onto Dole Dr. The Four Seasons Hotel will be on the left. From Downtown: Take the US-101 North towards Hollywood/ CA-110/Pasadena/Harbor Fwy. Keep right to stay on US-101, follow signs for Ventura Fwy/Ventura. Take the Lindero Canyon Road exit. Turn right onto Lindero Canyon Rd. Take the 1st left onto Via Colinas. Take the 1st left onto Dole Dr. The Four Seasons Hotel will be on the left. From West LA & Beaches: Take the 405 North to the US-101 N. Go to the 101 toward Ventura. Take the Lindero Canyon Road exit. Turn right onto Lindero Canyon Rd. Take the 1st left onto Via Colinas. Take the 1st left onto Dole Dr. The Four Seasons Hotel will be on the left. Back to Table of Contents


New Day Herald 49


he PAT Trainings were created under the direct supervision of John-Roger to provide a retreat

where people can break through whatever blocks their

conscious awareness of Spirit. If you’ve ever wished you could get free of the habit patterns and mind chatter that get in the way of attuning to the divinity of your heart, this is the training for you.


at MSIA’s beautiful retreat grounds in Lake Arrowhead, CA

PAT 1: July 7 - 13 PAT 2: July 14 -18 PAT 3: July 19 - 23 PAT 3 in British Columbia August 8 - 12, 2017

More info: Kevin McGinn at or 250-383-2787

To register for all locations contact Danielle Britton: 323.328.1958 Prerequisites: Active subscription to MSIA Discourses, or SATs if 12 years of Discourses completed; PAT 1 for PAT 2; PAT 2 for PAT 3

MSIA Lake Arrowhead retreat grounds


It’s a fulfillment of a dream to work with someone who

Living and Working with John-Roger An Interview with Paul Kaye by David Sand

Paul Kaye has worked on MSIA staff since 1976 and has been President of MSIA since 1989. He has co-authored several books with John-Roger, including What’s it Like Being You, The Rest of Your Life, Living the Spiritual Principles of Health and Well-Being and Momentum: Letting Love Lead. Over the years Paul traveled extensively with John-Roger doing MSIA services and facilitating retreats and workshops. He currently facilitates the IHOP class and sound meditations. Paul Kaye and John-Roger 52 New Day Herald

o’s probably one of the greatest spiritual masters ever. NDH: So what’s it like working with J-R? Paul Kaye: Well, it’s following a call. It’s something that the heart desires, and there’s this tremendous pull. So it’s not something one can feel in terms of what it’s “like.” It’s a sense; a fulfillment of a dream; a privilege—a privilege to work with someone who’s probably one of the greatest spiritual masters ever, in my opinion. I say that not only from experience, having gone around the block several times looking for a spiritual master, but also from everything that I’ve read and considered and thought about and seen. NDH: How do you know that mastership? What are the indicators? Paul: In my case, I would say the indicators were a sense of humor, and


New Day Herald 53

You remember the feeling in the eyes. The love in the eyes lingers. I’ve had these moments in life where the image lingers for some reason, and the quality of [J-R’s] voice comes alive.

54 New Day Herald

a tremendous ability to be loving, a kind of radiant joy, a feeling that you want to be with them and that you’re uplifted in their company. However, you could say that for a number of people—but one thing you can’t say about a lot of people is that they really know you. And J-R had this ability to really demonstrate clearly that he knew you, not only through his presence and the way he looked at you, but also the information he would give you. I had a couple of light studies [personal counselings–ed.] with him and the insights that he would give you were amazing. Many people have had an experience of this, where he would say three or four words to them, perhaps at a book signing or something like that, and it would change their world. He would explain your life path and what you were here to work with, and you’d remember it thirty years later and think, “Oh my goodness, he knew that back then?” You’d still be working with what he said, even in the simplest of areas. So I think there’s a common experience for a lot of us who came into MSIA in the ’70s—and even though I was involved in England, it very much mirrored the group that was here in the U.S. There was so much talk of gurus and people like that, that most of us said, “Well, look, if you are what you say you are, prove

it to us.” I think we all had our own version of that. And in each particular case, J-R did prove it to us. He proved that he was who he said he was, and I think we have a very solid MSIA because of that. People have stuck around because what he set in motion resonates and vibrates to this day and is very alive. Not that a lot of people haven’t left as well—I mean it’s not just one way—but for the most part we have this stability because he revealed who he was and he was what he said he was. So there was no other place to go. That’s kind of reflected in Jesus and his disciples, where one of them said, “Where else are we going to go Lord?” When I read that, I went, “Yeah, where else are we going to go? There’s nowhere else to go. I’ve looked around.” John Morton and I share an idea that we both came to independently, which is that if there’s anything better we would jump on it. It’s not like we’re married to this unconditionally; it’s just that we’re here, selfishly, because it’s the best thing around. I did find some other really good things. The poetry of Rumi, or Kabir, and some of the works of spiritual masters. I sometimes quote them, but it doesn’t compare to what J-R has been able to offer on a personal level, because he was able to demonstrate it—when I was working for him, when times were hard, or when I was having difficulty, or when I was

In each particular case, J-R did prove it to us. He proved that he was who he said he was, and I think we have a very solid MSIA because of that. People have stuck around because what he set in motion resonates and vibrates to this day and is very alive. @msiaorg

New Day Herald 55

making mistakes. He was always there. So when he says, “When you’re at your worst, I’m at my best,” that’s absolutely true, because when you’re at your best you don’t need anyone. I would say that that was exactly my experience. You didn’t want to have to get to your worst to see J-R at his best, but if you found yourself at your worst, you definitely would see him being at his best. And I experienced that on a few occasions. To me, life is about feeling. I love Maya Angelou’s quote that people will forget what you said and they’ll forget what you did but they will always remember how you made them feel. That to me applies to J-R. He’s said some fantastic things, he’s done some fantastic things, but the way he made you feel is

You didn’t want to have to get to your worst to see J-R at his best, but if you found yourself at your worst, you definitely would see him being at his best. And I experienced that on a few occasions.

Paul with John Morton 56 New Day Herald

unforgettable. And that’s what one’s left with at the end of the day. Perhaps a few times he looks at you and you know that he’s looking at you beyond the physical form. He’s looking at who you are and you feel that awaken. And then it’s almost like it takes you years to realize, “Well, wait a minute, I can get to what he was looking at because clearly he was looking at something way more than just a body.” You remember the feeling in the eyes. The love in the eyes lingers. I’ve had these moments in life where the image lingers for some reason, and the quality of his voice comes alive. This evening, we have a sound meditation and I’ve selected three meditations, which I play constantly, based on the quality of J-R’s voice. The content is important but it’s the quality, particularly “Practice the Divine Presence (1979)” where he’s talking extemporaneously in New York City on the radio and his voice has this almost bell-like quality. That’s really how you know he knows you. It’s a feeling; it’s hard to articulate because it’s like Spirit. If you put words on it, you kind of miss it, but it’s this feeling that you’re able to have in his presence. It’s alive now as I’m talking. It’s not like it went away, and I think that’s the difference


as well. It’s a vibrating feeling that continues. If I remember how he looked at me, it’s like that’s present now, whereas some other past event would be just in the area of memory. But with J-R, it’s an experience. NDH: What kinds of things did you learn from J-R? Paul: I don’t think I would have understood unconditional loving if I hadn’t seen it in action. At the end of the day, that’s really what it was about. I think a lot of people saw J-R as a father figure, or an uncle figure or a parental figure. And some people were abused as children and were looking for the love they felt they missed. But I was very loved as a child. It’s not like I was deprived of love; on the contrary, my parents were very attentive. When I saw J-R in action, I could understand why he represents something much more for some, but for me he was really kind of a wise friend—or certainly a more experienced, attuned friend. It wasn’t like I was looking for love. I was looking for a spiritual teacher. To me his unconditional loving means that when I’m at my worst, so to speak, he’s at his best. There were two memorable instances of this. At one point I was making a lot of mistakes and had a love affair that was

New Day Herald 57

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G ? > C N ; N C I H M I O H > [ >__j_l ?rj_lc_h]_

Guided meditations, sounds, and silence fill the evening as the facilitator plays tuning forks, chimes, singing bowls, and more to help us let go and attune more deeply to the inner sound and to gain clarity on challenges we may be facing.

Tickets: *Short meditation and sound sessions offered Tuesday-Friday & Sundays @ 1:40pm & 2:40pm (excluding holidays) during labyrinth and garden visiting hours.* ***Due to the meditative nature of the evening, we cannot admit late-comers after 7:45pm. Thanks for understanding.***

< N K D M D O P< G J< N D N D I O C @ > D O T K`\^` <r\m`i`nn G\]tmdioc \i_ B\m_`in .0++ R`no <_\hn =gq_' Gjn <ib`g`n #.-.$ 2.2(/+00 rrr)k`\^`g\]tmdioc)jmb M`bdnom\m;k`\^`g\]tmdioc)jmb (HEADQUARTERS OF MSIA)


Intuition, Health, Openness, and Possibility

Living Love and Laughing into Oneness a NEW 12-month program

Facilitated by Paul Kaye, DSS and Dr. Mark Holmes, OMD Location: PAL&G, 3500 West Adams. Blvd., Los Angeles AND Live Streamed in English with Spanish Translation Saturday/Sunday Month 1: Month 2: Month 3: Month 4: Month 5: Month 6: Month 7: Month 8: Month 9: Month 10: Month 11: Month 12:

January 21-22, 2017 February 11-12 March 11-12 April 8-9 May 13-14 June 10-11 July 8-9 August 12-13 September 2-3 October 14-15 November 11-12 December 2-3

Saturdays 9am-7pm (Pacific Time); Sundays 9am-6pm. $275/month: In Person* $250/month: Live Streamed * Includes Lunch at Prana on Saturday & Sunday ***Special Discounts*** for current MSS/DSS Students, Assistants, Facilitators, and Readers. Prerequisite: Active subscription to Discourses or SATs if #144 complete. Contact: Claudia Olguin, PTS Registrar or call direct 323-328-1947

“A lot of people want to talk about how the energy’s good or bad. What they ought to do is look inside themselves and see how the energy is inside of them, because the energy inside is the energy out there, available equally to all of us. Since this one energy, is always a source, and always (all ways) a supply there’s only one thing left to do with this whole process called life, and that’s just to have a good laugh about it!” —John-Roger, DSS

coming to a close, and everything was kind of imploding. It was really terrible. I almost reached rock bottom and I was going to hand in my resignation and say I’m out of here, but then I thought, “Well, look, he’s been so nice to me; that’s really rude.” So I wrote to him and said, “If it’s clear, I’m ready to leave,” so at least I was giving him an option. I was in his office and although I was just really at the bottom, he had a twinkle in his eye and he was very a matter of fact about things. “I read your letter,” he said. “I tore it up.” He said, “Look, we have an agreement to work together and I’m not dropping my end of the agreement.” I thought that was the most brilliant thing I’d ever heard. I don’t even feel like I’m being hyperbolic, because it just showed who J-R was, which was a life lesson. He was just like, “Look, you’re free to do what you’re doing; I’m not agreeing with it; I’ve torn up your letter so you can decide, but I’m keeping my agreement.” He kind of put me on the spot in a way, but he was also showing his commitment to me, and there wasn’t anything threatening about it. If you look at it, he could have said easily, “Well, if you’re dropping your end, I’m going to drop my end.” There were just lots of ways to go. Or he could have said, “Screw you. I thought you were here forever.” He could have gone about it in so many ways, and he didn’t. So, I was back on, although it took me several months or longer to regain my confidence and get back up to speed. But that was a complete turning point. I was 36 years old at the time, and from there things just got better and better. The other instance that was a turning point as well was a phone call I had done where I made an error. J-R called me and asked what was going on, and I was a bit flippant about it—and I can be flippant. J-R gave us a lot of leeway with mistakes. He’d given 60 New Day Herald

seminars on mistakes, but as always with J-R there was always a lesson in everything, no matter what you thought. There was always a twist in things because he knew you. He said, “Your soul would not allow me to make a mistake with you.” He repeated that my Soul would not allow it, so why was I making a mistake with him? What can you say to that? That gave me another life-changing moment, but again it was like, “Whoa, wait a minute, I thought I came here to serve J-R, but J-R is actually serving me. J-R’s a servant.” As I rise in consciousness, I’ve found that the higher I get the more the servant I become; it’s not like the higher I get the more crowns and status I get. In a way, you get more into that serving world and indeed serving is the only thing you can do, every day. And if I’m serving him and he’s serving me, then it becomes a kind of mutual service. How can I do more after that? It’s always been that way. I’ve been given a lot. I’ve had a very privileged and blessed life. But that’s the feeling I have. It’s like, what can I do to give back because I’ve been given so much? What’s the point of having a higher consciousness if you can’t serve? NDH: What are some things you learned from J-R about being the president of MSIA? Did you get any guidance about doing your job? Paul: I don’t know if there was any specific guidance; it’s just more kind of a happy coincidence, if one could call it that. When I left home to come to Prana, it wasn’t a big change for me. I lived at home until I was 26 years old. I was an original millennial. So it was just a move from one loving environment to another, really. J-R’s values matched my own, so it was easy for me to adopt his world view, for want of a better

word. It was not really an adjustment that I had to make. The way he went about things was very much like my boss at my job before I came here: “How can we do this?” rather than, “tell me how we can do it,” or “tell me how we can’t do it.” He was always into possibilities, rather than into lacking possibilities or cutting off possibilities. Let’s see…I came on staff in 1976 and became president in 1989, so I guess it was only 13 years, but it was long enough to be involved in the finances and operations of MSIA and to observe how J-R did things. That was an easy transition. I’ve never really identified with being president. It’s not part of my self-identity. I’d much rather see myself as a loving human being who is the

president, so if you took away the president, it wouldn’t matter to me. I would still be a loving human being. There’s nothing romantic about me being president. I joke around and people say, “Oh, you’re the president,” “Yes, I’m the president, call me President, call me Mister,” just joking around with all the things that people put on it. And I realize that people do put big stock in it, and many people have problems with authority figures. I don’t really see myself as an authority. I see it as a role, much like an acting role, where the actor can take off the clothes anytime they want. I’m not identified with it. It’s a job that I look at as a service, one that J-R appointed me

Glenn Barnett and Paul Kaye in a skit as MSIA newscasters @msiaorg

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to and I said, “Okay.” It wasn’t like I was being groomed to be king. When I came on staff, it was to serve. I didn’t really have anything on it. It even surprised me that I was doing aura balances and things like that. It wasn’t like, “tell me how I can do this or that,” it was, “tell me how I can be of service.” NDH: How did you start doing the IHOP classes? What was the motivation? Paul: Well the motivation for the IHOP is simply that the MSS and the DSS classes had completed a cycle, and I didn’t want people to just drift off and not be participating. I felt that there was space for another course that would keep them involved and yet be lighter. I saw it as just an adjunct course. I’ve always been very clear that I feel that the MSS and the DSS are the jewels in the PTS crown and that they are essential courses. I would never think of IHOP as being anywhere near replacing them. So it was an opportunity for people to participate without homework, without a Friday night class. One of the difficulties in any city is a Friday night class because you have to leave early in the afternoon to get across town, whether it’s New York City or any city in the world. But eliminating Fridays was problematic because it always felt like Friday night sets the tone, so that when people come in on Saturday morning, they’re more ready to go. But we had the idea of having no homework, and also the idea of there’s nothing really to get. You’re just here to be in a retreat environment and to be in the energy. That was the motivation. And I felt that it would also help PTS with their income stream as well. Since then we’ve had MSS and DSS online so there aren’t really the same considerations, but IHOP still does offer an alternative for people. Because of its nature, it gave us an opportunity to explore areas in more depth that hadn’t been covered before. 62 New Day Herald

Paul in a moped ad from the Movement Newspaper, 1970’s

What I love about sound is that to me the sound and the Spirit are very alike. The sound meets you where it finds you, so it’s just like the Spirit.

At first [IHOP] was the principles of health and wellbeing, and then it was the nine or ten tenets of MSIA. . . And then we realized touching was really important; J-R really emphasizes it. I mean, at one point we were quoting him saying, “Without touching, all the rest are irrelevant or of no use.” That’s a really strong statement.


At first it was the principles of health and wellbeing, and then it was the nine or ten tenets of MSIA. I use the word “tenets” because J-R uses that—loving, caring, sharing, prosperity, abundance, riches, health, wealth, happiness, and touching to others. It’s a nine-month course. And then we realized touching was really important; J-R really emphasizes it. I mean, at one point we were quoting him saying, “Without touching, all the rest are irrelevant or of no use.” That’s a really strong statement. So we added a tenth month, and we gave it free of charge, kind of as a way of touching. And people were good sports as well— we had a couple of power outages—but we had 200 people in the classes and it got popular and had a nice energy to it. Then after we did the tenets we explored the disciples, and we were able to do a 12-month course for the first time. Then we were exploring the body, and then we did the journey to the sound current of God, which was another 12-month course. Normally,

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As J-R often says, if it will be funny later on, it’s funn can learn to make it funny almost immediately, in the laughter, I see him doing t these classes would be nine months, but we wanted to continue to tap into the subject area. So as much as I’ve been involved in this field, in the creation of PTS courses, and being in this energy that we’re living and working in at Prana every day, I still find myself needing the reminders. And when we did IHOP-4, the journey to the sound current of God, it was a revelation to me because I hadn’t really given it that much attention in the 45 years or whatever that I’ve been in MSIA. I hadn’t fully acknowledged that MSIA really is a sound current teaching. I mean, I knew it intellectually, but not in the fiber of my being. So I found IHOP-4 to be transformational because it was something new for me. Now I’m almost evangelical about it and when people say, “What is MSIA?” I say, “Well, it’s about and the sound current of God.” The business

of MSIA is of course Soul Transcendence —but the practice is the sound current, the spiritual exercises. In the past, spiritual exercises didn’t convey for me the feeling of the Sound of God, as they do now. In the beginning was the Word. I felt almost like I’d discovered something completely new, even though it was obviously there from the very beginning. In the IHOP promo, I was wondering what to say about the sound current. At some point it kind of popped out of me when I was writing it that we were going to explore sound in all of its dimensions. And since then sound has become one of the main focuses of my life.Twice a day I do a 20 minute sound current meditation for visitors to Prana. I start them off with the breath and then we go to the sound, the HU, and then we go to love (the devotional energy) and then we go to the

Pictured Above: John Morton, Paul Kaye, John-Roger, Vincent Dupont, Timothea Stewart 64 New Day Herald

ny now. . . There’s a perceptual twist involved so you e moment. In the excerpts that I have from J-R about that virtually all the time. Mystical Traveler to guide us on our inner journey. And then I play some instrumentation for people to follow the harmonics inside until the outer sound disappears and then they’re connected to the inner sound, and they’re riding that sound current back into the heart of God. I say this to new visitors, but in a way it’s so gradual that by the time they’re there it’s pretty profound for the majority of people. Not that everybody’s going to like it, and as they start chanting HU some people are going to find that a bit unusual or weird, but for the most part people really enjoy it. We do that and then we do the sound meditations on Tuesday evenings.

Light is going to go to where it meets you, and that’s where you need the Light for this moment in your life. It could be an emotional thing, it could be something coming down the road. We just don’t know, but the Light is going to decide that. It’s the same with the sound. When I hit a gong or a bowl, asking for the John-Roger energy field—which is essential to me, asking for the highest good and for the Mystical Traveler— that sound is going to go out and, given the person’s openness or what’s going on, it’s going to find them where they need it most. It could be something out of balance in their physical body, it could be a disease, or maybe an organ is out of balance.

What I love about sound is that to me the sound and the Spirit are very alike. The sound meets you where it finds you, so it’s just like the Spirit. When I send the Light to you for the highest good, the

The body hears more than the ears, so when you vibrate, the body is picking up all of those vibrations. When it’s a vibration that the body needs, the body is going to take that in like


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Insight Seminars Seminars and Workshops for Creating a Life You Love Insight Seminars for adults and youth are about learning practical ways to live from your heart—the center of your authentic self. In a few short, fun days, we'll help you take a look at what's working and not working in your life and how you can make changes that will support you in living and creating a life you love. Here are some upcoming opportunities to come play: Insight I: El Seminario del Despertar del Corazón - Abril 20–23 in Miami, FL Insight I: El Seminario del Despertar del Corazón - Abril 27–30 in Santa Monica Insight I: The Awakening Heart - May 5–7 in Boston, MA Insight I: The Awakening Heart – May 18–21 in Santa Monica Insight II: The Opening Heart - June 7–11 in Santa Monica Teen Insight I: The Awakening Heart - June 22–25 in Santa Monica Teen Insight II: The Opening Heart - July 5–9 or 12–16 in Santa Monica Insight IV: Knowing the Purpose of Your Heart - July 7-August 4 in Bulgaria Insight II: The Opening Heart - July 19-23 in Boston, MA Teen Insight III: Centering in the Heart - July 26-30 in Lake Arrowhead, CA Insight I: The Awakening Heart - July 27–30 in Elkhart, IN

Insight I The Awakening Heart Seminar

In a few short days, you will have an opportunity to look at: The power of intentions and creating more of what you want in your life How to love, trust, and commit to yourself more fully Giving and receiving feedback through caring, supportive communication Using forgiveness to get free of any past hurts holding you back Sharing with other people in a loving and authentic way Making choices that are aligned with your intuition Learning to live more fully from your heart––your authentic Self


27–30 Spanish

Santa Monica, CA


18–21 English

As a tribute to our beloved founder, John-Roger, tuition is only $50 (regularly $495)

nutrition. The sound can also reach us emotionally, or it can vibrate an upset away, if you’re open to letting it go. If you want to hang on to something then the sound is going to let you hang on to it and then go somewhere else, almost like a river confronting an obstacle. It’s going to pass through to another state. And then mentally we can certainly demonstrate the effect of sound through encephalographs. In IHOP, the sound therapist Alexander Tannous showed us how what he calls the discursive mind (or the monkey mind, or the chattering mind) immediately calms down. When I’m playing instruments for everybody—and this is without me patterning them, without me even saying anything—everybody says, “My mind is quiet.” They’re kind of amazed. Of course, spiritually we know that the sound current is what we’re after, so I say, “These are not spiritual sounds; obviously they’re physical realm sounds, but they can lead us harmoniously as our mind is quiet and as we follow the vibration. Then we can take it inside and forget about the outer vibration, and then connect with the inner vibration, the sound current.” So that was the IHOP-4. When we got to IHOP-5 we were exploring the fascia system of the body. It was just an adjunct class really, and it could still go on as we get more ideas about the body, but not everybody is interested. Then IHOP-6 became about living love and laughing into oneness, and finding out that the two are very much involved in each other. It’s an opportunity to explore living love, and what J-R said about it. The opportunity to explore laughter has been tremendous and once again we got a couple of hundred people signing up, so it’s got a momentum to it.

I have the privilege of exploring subjects that interest me, and that apparently are interesting to a group of people. So, I don’t know what’s next. . . We’re exploring sound and the Christ and the health, so the learnings from previous years accumulate.

NDH: What’s ahead for IHOP? Paul: I have no attachment to IHOP as such, but as long as people are interested, I’m happy to explore these subjects. I have the privilege of exploring subjects that interest me, and that

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The MSIA Presidency ca. 1990’s: Vincent Dupont, Paul Kaye, Mark Lurie

apparently are interesting to a group of people. So, I don’t know what’s next. I don’t know if there’s an IHOP-7, but each IHOP is cumulative. In other words, in IHOP-6 we’re exploring sound and the Christ and the health, so the learnings from previous years accumulate. NDH: How did you go from the sound current to the laughter? What was the bridge there? Paul: J-R has said that laughter is a sign of the presence of the Spirit. I felt that we weren’t laughing enough. I like the multi-dimensional nature of things, so if something hits just one level, to me it’s not worth exploring. Laughter hits the Spirit, and that is why it’s essential, but it also hits the physical level and then everything in between. And living love would be the same. It’s also interesting to me because I haven’t explored it before, and I think it’s important as a facilitator that the subject be of extreme interest to me—not just like passing interest, but that this really matters to me because I’m facilitating it. Dr.


We’re calling ourselves forward into that vibrational field. And we also create a context, and then without telling people to do SE’s, or without telling them to live a healthier lifestyle, people start to vibrate naturally towards a healthier approach or doing their SE’s or whatever the practice is, without anything other than starting to vibrate towards that. New Day Herald 69

Mark Holmes, an Oriental Medical Doctor and long-time minister and initiate is co-facilitating IHOP with me. Sometimes we have guest facilitators, but since we are directing the primary thrust of the material, and it needs to come across that this matters to us, and why it matters, and why we think it’s important for other people too. When the election results came along I was just shocked to see how partisan everybody was, how upset everybody was and how serious everybody was. And then I thought that we went from needing to laugh more to it’s essential to laugh more, because it’s like people are forgetting the joy that they are as spiritual beings and putting that below these worldly affairs, which we’ve been taught to look at neutrally and send the light to. My attitude is that if you have a concern, go and do something about it and move on it physically, or let it go. Just to be concerned and be negative about the concern is a karma-producing situation. I think it’s much better to find the humor. So, we did the first class and it was really well-received. I think we need to approach it philosophically because there are things that we don’t perceive as funny. To me it’s not funny that elephants are becoming extinct, or giraffes. I love those animals. Having ben on safari, having had a connection with them not just in the zoo but actually in the wild, particularly the elephants, where I had the opportunity in the Maasai Mara to be driven by one of the guides in to the middle of an elephant herd that was walking across the plains…to me it was 70 New Day Herald

That’s really how you know [J-R] kn articulate because it’s like Spirit. I miss it, but it’s this feeling that yo

one of the most extraordinary experiences in my life. I have this affinity with these beings, so stuff like that is not funny to me, and there’s no way I could be laughing. Nevertheless, crying isn’t going to help them either, so we’ve got this philosophical dilemma of what are we going to do? It’s worthy of exploration, since we’ve been confronting it every day, given climate change and all the changes in the world. We explore it philosophically, and we also explore the idea for laughing for no reason at all. In IHOP-6, we’re going to be exploring how everyday events can be perceived as funny.

nows you. It’s a feeling; it’s hard to If you put words on it, you kind of ou’re able to have in his presence. @msiaorg

For example we resurrect the Seinfeld skit where he describes being at a breakfast buffet at a hotel. It had me laughing out loud. He was describing what people do at buffets—the absurdity of the combinations on our plates and the confusion of walking around in circles. And then when you finally get your plate completely full, you see that someone else has something you didn’t know about and you’ve got to have that one thing. You get so excited and impatient.“WHERE DID YOU GET THAT?” As if you needed the food. You’ve already got enough different food combinations to give you indigestion. What is it that makes that funny? It’s something that’s difficult to teach but at least people know that you can take an ordinary event and make it funny. As J-R often says, if it will be funny later on, it’s funny now. Later on you’re looking back and talking about it and putting twists on it and laughing about it. There’s a New Day Herald 71

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perceptual twist involved so you can learn to make it funny almost immediately, in the moment. In the excerpts that I have from J-R about laughter, I see him doing that virtually all the time. He’s sitting back there, laughing at what’s going on, and that’s the great twinkle in the eye that I talked to you about. It’s as if when he’s looking at you, he’s seeing something else as well, and he’s mesmerized by the fact that we’re so caught up in all of this, and yet he’s in it with us. That was the funny thing with J-R. He would just get in there with us but he’d be laughing and we’ be crying. NDH: And I’ve heard you’ll be doing some improv in IHOP-6. Paul: The improv is less about laughter. It actually turned out to be about honoring another person, being with them and connecting with them and listening to them, and making what they’re saying important, even when it’s not, because it’s a way of connecting to the divine in them. It became a whole different practice. I found these improv teachers, and it started out as “we’re going to laugh” but it just took another turn, and the whole purpose changed to something that had more to do with connection and listening. And the laugher may well be a by-product, but we’re still working on it and we’ll see what it evolves. It’s a big unknown right now. NDH: What was interesting to me taking the experimental improv class as IHOP-6 was being designed, was that being funny or being spontaneous was directly related to the ability to empathize with the other person, and listen, and go with whatever the other person was doing. It wasn’t like we were projecting energy out. It was like we were receiving and participating, instead of trying to come up with ideas. We were participating in a flow.


Paul: It’s fascinating, isn’t it? It’s exactly what J-R is saying—the value of listening. To me it sounds like this is the spiritual nature of things. You’re really taking in the other person and being with who they are, rather than projecting your own agenda on them. That’s a big skill. You don’t see too many people do it. When you’re in the presence of someone who is doing that, you feel good. One of the more valuable things I’ve seen when I’ve gotten in to that space—and I’m not always in that space—is that people feel heard. When they feel heard, it’s healing for them. NDH: It seems to me that what you’re doing with IHOP, and also the sound meditation classes, is that instead of just going straight into meditative practices, you’re doing things in the physical world that vibrate in harmony with how the Spirit manifests on the different levels. So whether it’s through the gongs, or improv, or health, people have an introduction through the physical, emotional and mental levels, and then they go into the higher vibrations. It’s very much like the way sound works, where you put out a fundamental tone and then other tones, or higher octaves, start vibrating in harmony. It’s almost like what you’re doing is in the classes is harmonic, even if the class isn’t actually about sound. Paul: That’s beautiful. I hadn’t thought about it in those terms. In a sense, where it has been conscious on my part is the point of view that it’s it’s all about the John-Roger energy field. So in every class that I do I ask for the presence and the energy of John-Roger to infuse everything we’re doing, for the highest good. We’re calling ourselves forward into that vibrational field. And we also create a context, and then without telling people to do SE’s, or without telling them to live a healthier lifestyle, people start to vibrate naturally towards a healthier approach or doing their SE’s or whatever the practice is, without anything other than starting to vibrate towards that. Changes take place, and I think that’s the nicest thing about it.

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NDH: They’re great introductions for people because they present the teachings in a way that they can absorb or feel or vibrate with, on a lower level, if they can’t consciously be aware of the higher level. You bring it to them through the different levels, and you say, “See, this is how spirit vibrates physically, this is how spirit vibrates emotionally, mentally and unconsciously.” It’s like a path. Paul: That’s why I look from a multidimensional viewpoint. So laughter is not just laughing like, “Hey, someone is amusing us.” It’s like, can the laughter be emotional, mental, unconscious, and through all the levels? Eventually, it’s the sign of the spirit, which becomes almost like the pure joy. First we may have to fake the laughter and make ourselves laugh, but eventually it primes the pump for a bigger joy to come forward. And that’s my point with people who are upset, particularly with worldly stuff. We’ve all got our buttons. (I think that now they’re called triggers.) My point of view is, “Wait a minute. I understand, but that’s not who you are.” Who we are is joyful. So while we may not be able to access that all the time, it’s important that we know that the laughter is there. It’s one thing to be deprived of water. That’s a real panic. It’s another thing to say, “Okay, well, I’m not going to take the water right now, but I know it’s there if I need it.” There are more people getting ultra-serious and my attitude is, “Have you forgotten that there is a joyful basis to who you are?”

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NDH: Is there anything you can describe about the process of learning about sound that’s been interesting to you? Paul: What’s so fascinating is that I didn’t expect to be here. This is now the beginning of 2017, and in the beginning of 2016 sound wasn’t even really on my mind. I was just looking at how was I going to do 12 months of the sound current of God. So I started desperately seeking people who could talk about sound. Then as I heard about it, it started to kind of interest me in ways that totally surprised me, and now I’m completely in love with it. We were recording a gong for the new spiritual exercises app that we’re developing, and it was so interesting to me—the resonance, the way the sound comes off of it, and the vibration. One of the things I’m learning in the sound events that I do—I call them sound immersions—is to honor the silence more. I’m starting out with the sound, but there’s no sound without silence. So tonight I’m going to say, “There are going to be moments of silence, but it’s not the end.” So I need to set it up so people can just be in the silence and then let the sound fade a little bit more. I used to start the events by saying, “Look, I’m not a musician and this is not a performance. It’s about sound. People would get upset with me afterwards saying, “You are a musician,” “No, I’m not a musician.” So now I don’t say anything. It’s funny that people could see me that way.

To me John-Roger is alive and well and expanded as an energy field. . . I’d love it to be for everybody, but it seems that it just doesn’t work that way. And now it may be that J-R’s not actually in the room, but J-R is the room. In that sense, I feel that this work is just amazing. @msiaorg

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One of the things I’m learning in the sound events that I do—I call them sound immersions—is to honor the silence more. I’m starting out with the sound, but there’s no sound without silence. So tonight I’m going to say, “There are going to be moments of silence, but it’s not the end.”


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NDH: Are you primarily visual? I was interested in the way you described discovering sound as though it was something new for you, and you hadn’t thought of it so much until you studied it in connection with IHOP. Paul: I’m definitely primarily visual. I’m visual/ kinesthetic. My auditory sense is very much my lowest. That’s what surprised me about doing the work with sound. When I took to it, I really took to it. It was so interesting. I did a sound event and someone came up to me and said, “It must have taken you years to learn this.” It had only been like two or three months. I was a bit embarrassed actually. People were getting results from it, but that had nothing to do with me. I was just going along. So that kind of interested me. NDH: I’ve heard J-R say you are not here to do what you know; you’re here to learn what you don’t know. It’s interesting to me that I’m doing all these visual arts, photography and design, and I’m primarily auditory. When I was 20 or 25, if you’d told me I’d be doing music or sound engineering, I would have said, “Yeah, that’s reasonable.” If you’d told me I’d be doing photography or visual arts I would have been really surprised. To me it’s part of what J-R does. He really stretches you out in this lifetime, and anything that’s incomplete gets completed. Paul: To me, the metaphor for everything now is sound. The vibration J-R set in motion that is still going on. I play the Heartfelt meditation at every IHOP and at sound events. People get up afterwards and go, “Wow, that was amazing.” It just really is. I think it’s because it’s so alive. It’s more than just a meditation. The work with vibration has also affected my speaking, and singing, voice. I have received positive feedback about my voice that I haven’t gotten before. So something’s changed, and I don’t know what it is, and I can’t say that I woke up with an epiphany or anything like that. It just seems gradual - just like everything else at IHOP.

Paul: Just continuing with the events as long as people enjoy them. I am interested in the idea of sound baths, which are becoming increasingly popular. Let’s just take a piano piece like the Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven. It’s a simple enough piece. Whoever plays it, it is going to be beautiful, but everybody is going to bring a different feeling to it. It’s the same with the sound. If I do a sound bath (I call it sound immersion) it’s going to be completely different from the way someone else does it. Your vibration is going to hit certain people and my vibration will hit certain people. I feel in many ways that it’s my life’s work, funnily enough—sound. I can’t even give you a reason for that, but I think that for the rest of my life I’ll be exploring that. It’s got enough depth in it, because it’s the sound doing the work. You can’t be ego-attached to it, like “Look what I did for you.” It’s just like, “You didn’t do anything.” It removes the ego, and if there’s an ego element, it’s purely in the pleasure of sharing it. When I play a gong, then the sound gets to work, and it’s the same thing with the Light. The Light gets to work. When I talk about anything these days it seems to be in terms of the John-Roger energy field. I look at that energy field as an aquarium or a pool, and it’s the only pool or aquarium I want to swim in. It’s not like I want to go outside the aquarium. So I’m being very sensitive to the energy underneath what I’m doing, and I’m always asking myself, “Is this being spirit-directed? Is this John-Roger’s work—or compatible, or in alignment with, or in that field?” If it’s outside of the field, I really don’t want to be involved. To me John-Roger is alive and well and expanded as an energy field, in all of us. I think a lot of people feel that way. It’s not unique to me. But it’s not for the world, and it’s not for everybody. I’d love it to be for everybody, but it seems that it just doesn’t work that way. And now it may be that J-R’s not actually in the room, but J-R is the room. In that sense, I feel that this work is just amazing.

NDH: Any plans for the future of sound events, or incorporating sound into IHOP? 78 New Day Herald

I look from a multidimensional viewpoint. So laughter is not just laughing like, “Hey, someone is amusing us.” It’s like, can the laughter be emotional, mental, unconscious, and through all the levels? Eventually, it’s the sign of the spirit, which becomes almost like the pure joy. Back to Table of Contents @msiaorg

New Day Herald 79

A Spiritual Oasis in the City  Headquarters of MSIA

Visits & Tours at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens Tuesdays-Fridays | 4th Saturday | Some Sundays | 12-4pm Free Treat yourself to a day of peace, reflection and rejuvenation.


A Spiritual Oasis in the City, Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens 3500 West Adams Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90018 323-737-4055 | |


Peace Labyrinth

☛MORE DATES Introduction To Meditation and Sound | A Deeper Experience 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month (skipping 4th Tues in June) 7:30pm $5 – limited to 50 participants Facilitator, Paul Kaye, sounds singing bowls and other instruments as we meditate to let go and attune more deeply to the inner sound.

☛NEW An Evening Of Peace Tuesday March 21 | 7:30pm Free Where do you find peace? What if it’s present inside of you? Learn how to choose peacefulness in your daily life.

☛NEW Sacred Movement Workshop Tuesday April 4 | 7:30pm

$5 – limited to 50 participants Join us for an evening of sacred movement and experience the joy of your Soul. Facilitated by Pauli Sanderson, D.S.S.

To learn more about these events and for tickets ❇ click HERE ❇

Following in the Foo

J-R Marathon and Mystical Trav

82 New Day Herald

otsteps of a Master

veler Screenings in Europe, 2017

by Jsu Garcia Iperiod went through an intense of grieving after John-Roger died. There was no manual that could prepare me for this. The dilemma for me has been how to stay in this energy that I’d been experiencing with him for 26 years. But J-R did leave a lot of himself behind in people and places he visited while he was on the planet. He planted light columns all over. He said we’re all conductors of divine energy, so I get lit up by the same energy that J-R left in those places. So much of my life was traveling alongside J-R and our


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crew, and going in and out of airports. So as soon as I go to the airport I touch into that energy, and I’m back in the spiritual flow that I experienced with J-R. When I first hooked up with him in 1988, he told me if I stayed with him long enough he’d change my DNA. When I visit these countries where J-R traveled, I’m back doing staff work, and it releases something inside me, in my physical body and also in levels above. I touch into the transformation that he created in me. All of my initiations except for one, and my ordination, took place on the road—Syria, England, Russia, Lake Tahoe (which J-R loved). So now I’m traveling the world, meeting other initiates and ministers, doing counseling and showing the Mystical Traveler movie and J-R seminars. I’ve been traveling on my own dime to distant countries where the staff has been unable to go, to initiate people who otherwise would have had to wait a long time for their initiation. These people are so grateful for the opportunity.

84 New Day Herald


New Day Herald 85


Live streaming around the world We are a global spiritual community

coming together to experience greater loving, joy, and the awareness of who we truly are inside our hearts. No matter where you live, you can connect with our many seminars, workshops, retreats and classes as they are streamed live or view the recordings later in your own timing. Join us as we capture the good and the divine in all people and things and leave all the rest to God. View Live Streamed Open to the Public events | View Recordings of Open Events View Live Streamed Ministers & Initiates Meetings If you need assistance with viewing the meetings, email View Recordings of the Minister and Initiates Meetings If you need assistance with viewing the meetings, email

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Community events peek This issue featuring:

Nigeria’s Upcoming Events Peacemakers Meeting Unical Hotel, Cross Rivers State Nigeria Saturday 11th March 2017, 4pm–7pm

Detachment / Freedom #9 Allwell of Allwell Street Calaber Cross Rivers State Nigeria Sunday 12th March 2017, 9am–12noon

Introduction to the Christ Within Dot-Novo Hotel PH, Rivers State Nigeria. Saturday 15th April 2017, 12noon–3pm

Sacred Tone workshop Nondon Hotel, Enugu State Nigeria Saturday 20th May 2017, 5pm–7pm

Contact info for all events:

Rev. Prince Iwuoha or Tel:+2348036723122 All events free or charge. Donations welcome!

To receive more information & dates for upcoming classes: Click Here

My recent trip was to England, Bulgaria and Switzerland. Being on the road again reinvigorated my relationship with J-R, and I planted light columns to reinforce what we put there many years ago. It’s not just about getting to an airport, into a taxi, etc. It’s like walking where Jesus walked when we were in Israel. It’s following the footsteps of a Master. For many years I had dreams of flying in a plane that I couldn’t land. I often have them before I travel. When I went to J-R he used to say that I was soul traveling. I’ve always loved traveling both in the Spirit and physically, and I’m learning to trust that the physical it will pay for itself. In May I’ll begin a tour of central and South America. I’ll be celebrating J-R’s birthday with all-day J-R seminars and the Mystical Traveler movie on September 24 at the Mystic Journey bookstore in Venice, CA, where J-R did book signings, and I’ll be introducing my new book,The Love of a Master.

88 New Day Herald

The Europe trip started in London where I had ten days to prepare for the J-R Marathon and Mystical Traveler screening. Nathalie Franks and AndrewJohn Clark were amazing servant-leaders. I was able to streamline the process of presenting the movie, and I bought a nice projector so I can now show videos even in an unequipped room. Thank you J-R. I had the ability to stay for a couple of days at a minister’s home and then in Airbnb rentals so I was able to travel on the cheap. On February 11 about 27 people showed up to the J-R Marathon, with ten hours of J-R seminars and the Mystical Traveler movie at the Columbia Hotel where J-R and John had been doing seminars since the ’80s I used a sim card in my phone to create a hotspot so I could upload video to Facebook Live anywhere I traveled. Very cool. London was a place for me to really get creative and heal. I found myself reframing and rewriting a lot of the the memories of J-R. It became more about finding the subtle energy that he left behind on this planet through light columns. I tried to go wherever he went to recharge and align with what J-R left there for us to walk into. As I realized this I found myself having a much better time, and it overcame a lot of my sadness. I felt like I had the space to breathe.


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and yet they carry his energy. For someone like me who had the benefit of so much physical contact with J-R, it puts you in your place. When we showed the movie Mystical Traveler, 80 people attended. They clapped and laughed and loved; some were crying. The way had been prepared. Many of them had taken Insight and I found out that a leader of the Great White Brotherhood, Master Beinsa Douno, lived in Bulgaria. I have subtitles built into the Mystical Traveler movie so it can be shown all over the world, and one of the languages is Bulgarian.

I’ve had many dreams where I cry in the dream, and I wake up crying in this physical world. I remember J-R saying, “Better to clear the karma there in the Spirit than down here.” It was great running into people and telling stories about how they met J-R. New people came and it was an experience of, “when two or more are gathered there I am also.” I felt J-R’s energy there. I recalled the statement, “You too can do you what I do and even greater because I go to the father.” J-R has gone to the father. I’m living my ideal scene in being able to contact the energy and then transmit it to other people. Bulgaria was uncharted territory for me. John has been there many times and I had heard that J-R traveled through there in 1986 or 1987. Once again I thought, “Here I am in the energy, following not as a memory but walking through the light columns and the energy that J-R has left here.” Hristina and Theodora and other ministers greeted me and we started with a ministers meeting. Some of these people never met J-R 90 New Day Herald

Then I was off to Thessaloniki, Greece, driving 4 hours there and back to initiate someone who had been waiting patiently. I thoroughly loved it. I thought I would spend all the money in the world to be able to help someone get connected to J-R and John and the Sound Current; and my thoughts wandered off to how it would feel if I was far away from Los Angeles and all the MSIA initiates and organizations there, and some American dude came all the way to connect with another loved one, another soul for the Travelers and God. It blows my mind that to me this is my ministry, and it hasn’t changed much since J-R was alive. Then I went from Bulgaria to Switzerland and again there was the same theme of following the energy that J-R has left. It’s for us to soak in and activate the Conductor of divine energy inside us into the world and connect with each other. We had a great screening with the ministers and friends from the area there in Neuchatel, Switzerland. Veronique Sandoz and friends, along with the many friends of MSIA minister Robert Waterman, all shared the loving for John-Roger at the Swiss premiere of the Mystical Traveler film. Switzerland is German, Italian, and French, and Neuchatel is very French. It is exquisitely beautiful, and my girlfriend Nicole and I were gifted a train trip around the country.


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92 New Day Herald

While we were doing all that I was having massive flashbacks, memories of being there with J-R with John and family, and then J-R and I by ourselves covering the same ground. In 1997 J-R was trying to get me to learn how to see etheric temples that were in the area. I went to the hotel where we stayed in Zermatt for lunch with our friends. There were clear skies and clouds that rode in over the mountains, and I remembered how J-R would say that UFO’s sometimes hide behind the clouds, and that the etheric temples were right on the mountain peaks. He taught me to look obliquely, not directly, to see into other dimensions. If you stare right at it you miss it. It felt like J-R was on the trip so we called the trip “The Etheric @msiaorg

Temple Tour.” We were having fun with it because we had no physical participants—just us and maybe some invisible folks. It was fantastic, a lovely gift to end our journey. It doesn’t matter where we go. Back in the day we were on the road with J-R six months out of the year. When two or more are gathered, especially ministers and initiates, there “He” is. Inside me, waiting to board a plane means we’re going to work, and J-R and spirit are with me. And the work is everywhere. I just want to thank everybody for your support and thank you most most of all John-Roger for the inner support that just keeps getting bigger.

Thank you. New Day Herald 93

“I really felt what it’s like to be around J-R!” (from the participants)

“I haven’t had the chance in this lifetime to spend much time with John Roger, but after watching the movie I got the feeling that I know him—very close, and very real. I felt connected and filled with his loving and integrity. And every time I watch the movie again,it’s like the first time. It’s a new experience of knowing, admiring and loving. The movie and J-R’s presence in it moves me in that place where I’m inspired and in love with everything and everyone, where I’m quiet and calm, strong and beautiful. A river of love and light flows out of the screen and into the center of my heart. It’s not just documentary, it’s an absolutely real, live spiritual experience that touches me deeply every time.Thank u and love u.” - H. K. “What I did not expect was how strong and tangible J-R’s presence was this time. Jesus Garcia arrived to present “Mystical Traveler” in Bulgaria, but before that we gathered for a ministers meeting. The energy and the level of vibration was so strong in the air, so much love there. I really felt what it’s like to be around J-R! I’ve always had a a sadness in my soul that I could not live to touch J-R, but today I realized that this is an illusion. Jsu brought with him all the love, purity and presence. My perception of him was like an extension of J-R, with all the generosity of the Spirit and Love. The events that followed Jsu’s arrival made that presence even stronger. There was a public screening of “The Wayshower” in a hall of 80 people, and the seminar after then created a sense of the presence of J-R—his facetious smile and love streamed from everywhere . Hristina, the rep for Bulgaria selflessly and unconditionally made the entire process easy and enjoyable. Our conversations with Jsu were priceless. He shared memories and wisdom of his life together with J-R. Love, devotion, strength to follow the Spirit and ministering of the purest order—that brought Jsu in Bulgaria. Thank you Jsu, we expect you to return soon and continue this journey in the Light!! God bless you, keep this purity of the heart, great Love and courage to serve in the Spirit brave and loving!” Love and Light. -T. K. MSIA minister

“I really felt what it’s like to be around J-R! I’ve always had a a sadness in my soul that I could not live to touch J-R, but today I realized that this is an illusion. Jsu brought with him all the love, purity ans presence.”

“The J-R marathon and Mystical Traveler film was as usual enlightening and profound. Keys of wisdom were repeatedly shown throughout the day. The icing on the cake was the Mystical traveler film. Most of the MSIA community that attended stayed for several hours being immersed in the energy of spirit. Thanks to Jsu Garcia for bringing these marathons to the UK. Come back soon we love you.” - Nathalie Franks “Having this kind of legitimacy for John-Rogers’s work is powerful. From my perspective this movie is an asset for humanity and many will benefit from it using it as a door to reach to the teachings.” - R. K.

Back to Table of Contents 94 New Day Herald

Santa Barbara, CA March 18 - 19, 12 noon - 12 noon 24-hour J-R seminar marathon & Mystical Traveler screening

Santa Monica, CA March 29, 10 am - 10 pm J-R seminar marathon & Mystical Traveler screening

Victoria, BC, Canada April 22, 10 am - 10 pm J-R seminar marathon & Mystical Traveler screening

Lima, Peru May 24, 7 pm Mystical Traveler screening

Santiago, Chile May 27, 10 am - 10 pm J-R seminar marathon & screening of “The Wayshower�

Mexico City, Mexico June 3, 10 am - 10 pm J-R seminar marathon & Mystical Traveler screening

Chihuahua, Mexico June 10, 10 am - 10 pm J-R seminar marathon & Mystical Traveler screening

Venice, CA Sept 24, 10:30 am - 8:30 pm J-R seminar marathon & Mystical Traveler screening plus booksigning for new book, The Love of a Master



fter a bit, tears started flowing down his cheeks, and then for a

few brief moments, he began to sob. I just continued, holding his hand, smiling at him, understanding that nothing needed to be said or done, that what was happening for him was simply the presence of Spirit.�

96 New Day Herald

A Direct Experience of Reality MSIA M C C by

inster arol haffin

T his past Sunday I was feeling discouraged about the many

changes and transitions in front of me, wondering if I was making the right choice for my life. I am preparing to embark on a whole new adventure, a Masters of Divinity (MDiv) degree from a CHEA-accredited program. My intention, at least for the time being, is to become a board-certified chaplain. It’s not enough for the chaplaincy certification board, the BCCI, for me to have a Master of Spiritual Science from Peace Theological Seminary. I have just spent the past 18 months working pretty much non-stop as a hospital chaplain, while also taking the required four units of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE). I am now completing the last unit before heading out to Berkeley, California to begin my new MDiv degree through the Starr King School for the Ministry and the Chaplaincy Institute. This is a special joint degree program, a collaboration between these two schools, offering courses in Interfaith Studies and Social Justice, among many other things. In many ways, their approach to ministry and chaplaincy fits well with MSIA. They both welcome people of all faiths.


This journey is requiring great effort to coordinate, and at the same time great patience to allow it to unfold. The kind of discouragement I was feeling this past Sunday is rare for me. I can’t even remember the last time I felt that way. It has been years. Changing careers or moving across the county is nothing new. It has become a way of life for me. I just do whatever is next, whatever I believe God wants of me. That evening I called up another MSIA minister and talked to her about what I was going through, about the discouragement I was feeling. She shared with me a similar experience that she had been having, and I began to feel slightly better. The next day I showed up for work at the hospital and there were numerous competing demands on my time. Each of them in itself was not unusual, but they seldom came together in one shift like they were that day. I chose to do what was most important in each moment and found myself getting though the day with little problem. At the end of my shift, I still had several “pre-op visits” to make, checking in with patients who would be having surgery the next day. I was determined to get them done so as not to hand them off New Day Herald 97

to the incoming chaplain. More than once in that short period of time I had left in my shift, I would walk into a room, and the patient I went there to see was not there. Each time this happened I glanced over at the patient’s roommate and realized that there was something going on that needed attention. So I would put my agenda aside and listen to what God was asking of me. In one case, this meant stopping to talk with an older woman, sitting in a chair beside the bed, her bag of belongings next to her. I could tell that she was waiting to be discharged. There was something about her that called to me, that told me to not just keep moving in the busy-ness of my day. When I checked in with her, she told me the doctors had just discovered she had cancer, and she was sitting there by herself, “Worrying,” she said. We had a wonderful visit and prayer together. Both of us had tears in our eyes for how much it meant to us to share just being in God’s presence in that moment. In a relatively short time, I was off to see the next patient, grateful for both our sakes that I had stopped to speak to her. I went to another unit where I had two more patients to see. As I was looking at their charts, a Violence Prevention Coordinator came up to me and said, “Hi Chaplain, are you just getting here or are you getting done for the day?” I said, “My shift is almost over, but what do you need?” She said: “There’s a young man down the hall. He’s only in his teens. He’s a GSW [hospital short-hand for gunshot wound], and now he’s having nightmares. I talked with him about chaplains being here all night, and that he could ask the nurse to call them. He seemed somewhat interested, but I don’t know if he will ask. I told him it would be up to him to make that request, and he said, ‘OK.’ Other than that, all we can do for him is get him a psych eval and some medication.”

98 New Day Herald

I said to her smiling, half-joking: “I’ll just stop in to see him and show him that chaplains aren’t as bad as his nightmares.” She said, “Oh! Would you?! Thank you! He’s such a sweet young man.” When I walked in his room, there was an older man sitting with him. The young man was propped up in a chair, looking as though he clearly needed to be in the hospital. A tube was running from his nose and a catheter was hanging on the side of his chair. But his eyes were bright and drew me in. I smiled and reached out my hand to him and said, “Hi, I’m Carol, one of the chaplains.” He smiled back and took my hand and then just stared at me. As I stood beside him still holding his hand, not speaking, we just looked at each other. After a bit, I said to him: “Is this your family here with you? He said, “Yes,” but did not explain. I pulled my eyes away from the young man, glanced at the older gentleman, and smiled at him. He was sitting not two feet from us, watching us closely. He looked at me and said, “That’s my baby.” He looked like he could be the boy’s grandfather. “Your son?” I asked, not quite sure what he was saying. “Yes.” He, like me, was a man of few words. I suddenly knew. I said, “Your youngest,” more of a statement than a question. He said, “Yes.” I smiled at him again and looked back at the young man, who had not taken his eyes off me. We just looked at each other in silence, each hold-

ing the other’s hand. Both of us so aware of something almost magical happening, something that needed no words. Neither of us spoke for several moments, just looking into each other’s eyes. I realized that I could just be there with him and allow him to really see who I was, who I am, that I didn’t need to hold anything back. He met me in that place. As we continued to look at each other, he started saying very quietly to himself, “Wow. Wow.”

So, I just listened inside to where I find God, and after a few moments I said, “I just keep hearing, ‘Thank you.’” He smiled at me, nodding. A few more moments went by, and he said: “The word I hear is: ‘Rejoice!’” I smiled and said, “Yes.” I could feel the rejoicing inside of me. I walked out of that room a few moments later feeling blown away. Not only had Spirit answered a prayer that I had not consciously asked, but Spirit had given me a direct experience of what it truly meant to be a chaplain. I had been doing this pastoral care work for over a year and never had an experience quite like that before.

After a bit, tears started flowing down his cheeks, and then for a few brief moments, he began to sob. I just continued, holding his hand, smiling at him, understanding that nothing needed to be said or done, that what was happening for him was simply the presence of Spirit. After a few As CPE students, we learn the skills, the techmore moments, his sobbing stopped. We were still niques, the theory, and they are so important, so holding each other’s gaze. needed. But at some point, we need to just let them all go and simply allow ourselves to be unI said to him, “I see so much love in you.” swervingly who we are. Or as Rabbin (1998) would And he said, “Yes.” say in his book, Invisible Leadership: Igniting the Soul at Work: I said, “You have been surrounded by love.” A mystic is not some special person And he said, “Yes.” endowed with superhuman virtue or sanctity. A mystic is a person who conAfter a bit, he said to me, “You have touched so sciously seeks significance, meaning. many lives. You have helped so many people.” I Mystics put their own personal borders just smiled and nodded at him. and barriers at risk in the mystery, and invite awe, wonder, exhilaration, He said, “You will continue to do that.” depth, silence, beauty, and love to And as I nodded at him, smiling, I was thinking, overrun them. (p.9) “OK, God. I hear you. Thank you. I will keep going.” That is the kind of chaplain I want to be. That is We continued holding each other’s hands like that the invisible leader I choose to follow. As minfor a while longer, in silence, just staring at each isters in MSIA, we have been given an amazing other, allowing our love for ourselves, for God, and gift. We have been told to go forth into the world for each other, to just be present in that space and ministering to all, regardless of race, creed, color, in that moment. situation, circumstance, or environment. I just keep showing up until Spirit brings me a differThen he grinned at me and said: “What is the word ent plan. My heart is full of gratitude for what the for the day?” Travelers are giving us. I knew, by that grin, that he was half-joking, but I took the question as coming from God. @msiaorg

New Day Herald 99

By MSIA Minister Carol Chaffin

Interested In Becoming a Board Certified Chaplain as an Ordained MSIA Minister? Some Background About two years ago, I began to consider the idea of becoming a professional chaplain. I immersed myself in this new direction by reading job descriptions and looking into local chaplaincy programs; but I pretty quickly just began doing whatever was next, not knowing where it would lead me. Along the way, I began to realize how much I loved the work and how much I was learning and growing. The chaplains and faculty around me began talking to me about taking it to the next level and pursuing board certification. The chaplaincy certification process has become a little easier for MSIA ministers in the last few weeks; but if you decide to go this route, you need to be prepared for a long, wild, roller100 New Day Herald

coaster ride. I don’t know of any job I have had in the world, (other than perhaps living at Prana and working for MSIA), that has been more rewarding. I have been given the opportunity to support people through some of the most challenging moments in their lives. And I have been blessed with the Traveler’s love and teachings as my foundation. Recently the Association of Professional Chaplains (APC) decided to recognize MSIA as a faith tradition that can endorse professional chaplains who apply for their Board of Chaplaincy Certification (BCCI). Until that happened, anyone who wished to be BCCI certified would have had to pursue endorsement through some other (recognized) faith tradition.

Why Bother With BCCI Certification? Not all employers of chaplains require board certification; but many do, and your chances of getting a job are greatly increased. Although BCCI is still considered “the gold standard,” there are other routes to certification that you may also want to consider. The next most well-known of these is certification through the College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy (CPSP). Another certifying organization is an outgrowth of CPSP, called the Center for Spiritual Care and Pastoral Formation (CSCPF). There’s also a newly created chaplaincy certification through the Spiritual Care Association (SCA), which has been gaining a lot of attention among even the more traditional chaplains. Each of these certification boards have different requirements.

Which one to choose, or whether to even go the route of board certification, depends partly on where you live and what potential employers are looking for. I am currently living in Richmond, VA, and here the BCCI is the certification of choice for employers. In other parts of the country, some of these other certifications appear to be equally acceptable. If you’re interested in chaplaincy, I would recommend that you do some research online and talk with

chaplains and pastoral care departments in your area. Also, feel free to reach out to the MSIA ministers mentioned at the end of this article who are in various stages of this certification journey. All of us would be happy to talk with you about our experiences. We are in the early stages of building an informal support network for MSIA ministers who are interested in doing this work.

Some Additional Requirements for BCCI Certification

• An undergraduate degree from a Council for Higher Education (CHEA)-accredited program

• A 72-hour theological graduate degree from a CHEA-accredited program (or equivalent*)

• 4 units of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) from an approved program (or equivalent*)

• 2000 hours of work experience beyond the CPE units (or equivalent*)

• A letter of endorsement from your (BCCI-recognized) faith tradition *You may qualify for BCCI certification if you can submit documentation that satisfies the Board that you have equivalent education, training, and/or experience.

For Further Information on Some of the Various Routes to Board Certification (Click email addresses in blue)

MSIA Minister Rachelle Zazzu ( has competed one unit of CPE and recently applied for BCCI certification through the equivalency process. The board turned her down. They want chaplains to have a CHEA-accredited theological degree. She is now pursuing a chaplain residency program. MSIA Minister Jan Elpers ( has completed four units of CPE and has been working as a hospice chaplain. She plans to pursue certification through CSCPF. MSIA Minister Diana Heil ( has also completed four units of CPE and plans to pursue CSCPF certification.

Also, feel free to contact me, Carol Chaffin (, if you have questions or would just like support for your chaplaincy discernment process. I have completed four units of CPE and will likely pursue BCCI certification once I complete my Master of Divinity degree. I am currently taking a combination of online classes and 5-day intensive courses through the Starr King School for the Ministry (Unitarian Universalist) and the Chaplaincy Institute (Interfaith Studies) in Berkeley, CA. This is an amazing Interfaith Studies MDiv program that welcomes people of all faiths. It is just one of the many routes available to MSIA ministers who are interested in becoming board certified chaplains.

Let us know if we can help and Light ahead to your journey, wherever it may lead you. Back to Table of Contents @msiaorg

New Day Herald 101

Awareness into your Soul ... Move your

MSIA’s event offerings Check out

“Moving your inner awareness into your Soul is easy, but it’s just as easy to lose that awareness.

You can fall out of awareness because the world doesn’t seem to support spiritual awakening. Spirit lets you in easily, but It has to give way to the materiality of the world. The material world has a billion distractions, so it’s necessary to watch where you place your focus and your motivation for creating what you want. If you want to know God, keep your eyes on God.” - John-Roger DSS, Founder of MSIA

We offer in person and live online events around the world ... each designed to help you move into greater spiritual inner awareness.

For all events - check out our calendar @

Want to receive email event invites from MSIA? Subscribe @ Or sign up for our Live Online Event Reminder service @

102 New Day Herald

Teen Insight I The Awakening Heart Seminar

In a few short days, the teens will have an opportunity to explore:

How to be a more confident and happy person Communicating responsibly with friends, family, and adults Learning personal accountability and playing with the concept of creating, promoting, and allowing our reality Effectively dealing with peer pressure and making good choices Recognizing judgements and learning forgiveness Trusting the wise and loving part of them that knows what is for their highest good


27–30 @msiaorg

Santa Monica Ages 14–18 New Day Herald 103


WHEREVER YOU ARE RIGHT NO by Agapi Stassinopoulo

The place where you are right now, God circled on a map for you. —Hafiz

104 New Day Herald

I have been so blessed

in my life to have the guidance and unconditional love of my spiritual teacher John-Roger. He helped me during so many difficult moments in my life where I felt stuck and was longing to find my expression in the world, as well as a true connection to myself. He was always there for me, helping me overcome obstacles, encouraging me to keep going at all costs. At some point in my life I found my true expression, the joy of keeping my heart open, the connection to spirit and truly knowing that God is my partner. It took years of inner work, letting go of my self-doubt and really stepping with courage and conviction to express the truth in my heart. As I went around speaking to people about my previous book, Unbinding the Heart, I found that people had the same longings, questions and challenges that I had in my life. I felt a deep calling and a responsibility to share what I had learned, and overcome. I wrote this book, Wake Up to the Joy of You, 52 Meditations and Practices for a Calmer, Happier Life to share my experiences, and the wisdoms I gained from all the years being around the mastery of John-Roger. And it is with the deepest gratitude that I dedicated the book to him for helping me awake to the Joy and Grace within.

Excerpted from her new book,

Wake Up to the Joy of You 52 Meditations and Practices for a Calmer, Happier Life

So often we judge

OW os

. @msiaorg

where we are as wrong. This judgement distracts us from getting where we’re meant to go. Take a look at your life and ask, “What am I judging about my life?” Maybe you’re single and searching but you feel a sense of incompleteness because you don’t yet have the right partner. Maybe you’re discontented with your work and you need to find something that calls to you. Maybe you have a creative idea for a startup or a book, but you feel overwhelmed by all the steps you need to take to achieve your goal. What if you stop resisting and accept where you are, and are honest with yourself so you can see the path intended for you? New Day Herald 105

This week, start

by focusing on accepting exactly where you are and everything you feel about it. If you are tired and frustrated, be tired and frustrated. This is not a permanent state of being, just something you’re moving through.

This week, start by focusing on accepting exactly where you are and everything you feel about it. If you are tired and frustrated, be tired and frustrated. This is not a permanent state of being, just something you’re moving through. If your children are driving you mad, and your husband is checked out, accept it and don’t be bitter. If everyone around you is moving forward in their careers, accept it and know you’re on your path. If your mother is driving you crazy, accept it and realize you can’t control her. If the love of your life came and left, perhaps faster than you wanted, accept it and be grateful for this love. With this mind-set of acceptance, the grip of trying to control our lives releases. The people around us are not going to be the way we want them to be. They have their own codes of being, and when we accept them, with their differences, we will be at peace. A friend of mine married a man who I thought was so wrong for her. It was very challenging to see her with him because I thought he should treat her differently. It took surrendering my judgements and opinions to accept that it was her choice and he was who he was. I said to myself, “Thank God, I didn’t marry him!” I allowed my friend to go through her experience. In her own time, she left him, and our friendship survived because I had accepted that this was her journey.

106 New Day Herald

As my spiritual teacher, JohnRoger, so wisely pointed out: “Acceptance is not a passive state. Far from it. Acceptance is active because it requires you to be highly attentive. Acceptance has infinite subtleties and shadings. When you truly walk through the door of acceptance, you will experience joy and peace. You will be in the now. You will find yourself in your loving.” If you want to live in a different place, if you want a different job, a better relationship, a healthier lifestyle, a fit body, more friends, more fun and understanding and communication in your relationships just start with what you have and accept it. Unconditional acceptance is the key to freedom. It is achieving a state of acceptance that give you permission to be exactly where you are and go where you want to go. Self-acceptance releases the pressure you put on yourself to be perfect. Accepting the circumstances of your life, accepting your so-called weaknesses, insecurities, your state of being just the way you are give you breathing space. In this breathing space there is tremendous room for transformation and grace. In the gift of acceptance, you will see that the spirit resides where you are now, in everything, as is, and brings everything to perfect balance.

A s you look at yourself and your

life and see things that you wish were different, observe the “shoulds” and judgements you might have made about your life. Find a place of forgiveness to let go of the judgements.

SUGGESTIONS FOR THIS WEEK • Throughout the next week, allow everything in your life to be the way it is. Accept it, not resisting, not trying to “fix” it. Instead of contracting, take moments throughout your day where you consciously exhale. Keep a journal by your bedside and every night before you go to sleep record observations that have shown up during the day. How did you feel? Did you notice any shifts, sense of relief or lack of tension? •

As you look at yourself and your life and see things that you wish were different, observe the “shoulds” and judgements you might have made about your life. Find a place of forgiveness to let go of the judgements. Focus on the gifts you’ve been given. Make a list of them as if they are materials that have been given to you, and you are an artist starting work on a clean canvas. Know that like an artist, you have the ability to mix, blend and erase.

In learning to fully accept everything about ourselves and our lives, we become like a gracious hostess who has room for everybody at her home but discerns who she will and won’t invite again. In the simple act of accepting what is, we are free to choose where we are going to next, what the next step is, and where we are going to place our focus. Keep your heart open to yourself no matter what. That’s the ultimate key to transforming the conditions of your life. During your day, repeat this positive statement: “I unconditionally accept and embrace all the parts of myself and conditions of my life.”

Excerpted from WAKE UP TO THE JOY OF YOU: 52 MEDITATIONS AND PRACTICES FOR A CALMER, HAPPIER LIFE Copyright © 2016 by Agapi Stassinopoulos. Published by Harmony Books, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC. Back to Table of Contents @msiaorg

New Day Herald 107

We’re delighted to announce a new book by Drs. Mary & Ron Hulnick! Order your copy at

Foreword by Robert Holden, excerpted: “I am so happy that Remembering exists. And I am happy for you that you now hold it in your hands. I encourage you to read it slowly. Savor and absorb the wisdom, and above all, do the Practices designed to help you experience a holy shift from believing you are an ego in a body to realizing you are a Soul in the Universe. Imagine that! Imagine being grounded fully in your unconditional Self, sharing your Soul gifts with us all and living a truly Soul-Centered Life.” Robert Holden, Author of Life Loves You, Holy Shift, and Authentic Success

Un�vers�t� of S�nt� Mon�c�

Directory of Organizations “The journey of your Soul is to return to an awareness of and a oneness with God.” – John-Roger, DSS

MSIA The MOVEMENT of SPIRITUAL INNER AWARENESS (MSIA) teaches Soul Transcendence, which is becoming aware of oneself as a Soul, and, more than that, as one with God. Soul Awareness Discourses are the heart of MSIA’s teachings. They offer many practical keys to more successful living and to greater spiritual awareness. MSIA’s approach is to present activities and techniques that direct us toward the Spirit and loving that are the essence of who we are. P.O. Box 513935, L.A., CA 90051 (323) 737-4055

PTS PEACE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY & COLLEGE OF PHILOSOPHY (PTS) provides spiritual education to students in the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA) and to the general public to enhance awareness of Spirit. PTS offers classes, workshops, retreats, correspondence courses, a Master of Spiritual Science (MSS) degree, and a Doctor of Spiritual Science (DSS) degree.

Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens Home of MSIA and PTS headquarters in Los Angeles, PEACE AWARENESS LABYRINTH AND GARDENS is a place where people can be in retreat without leaving the city.

IIWP also owns Windermere Ranch, in beautiful Santa Barbara, California. Windermere offers people the opportunity to explore and experience peace in a natural setting. 3500 W Adams Blvd, L.A., CA 90018 (323) 328-1905 Facebook:

by THE UNIVERSITY OF SANTA SANTA MONICA MONICAwas was founded in 1976 by John-Rogerand andisoffers certificate programs Spiritual Psychology John-Roger a private graduate school in offering Master’ s and Spiritual Psychology with an Consciousness, degrees in Spiritual Psychology andEmphasis SpiritualinPsychology with Health & Healing, as additionalHealth, Programs, evening an Emphasisasinwell Consciousness, and Workshops, Healing.Known as events, and other offerings. as the Worldwide Center for the Worldwide Center for theKnown Study and Practice of Spiritual the Study and Practice of Spiritual Psychology,theUSM’s mission Psychology, USM’ s mission is communicating principles andis communicating the Psychology Principles and Practicesthrough of Spiritual Psychology practices of Spiritual worldwide the process of worldwide through the process of Soul-Centered education. Soul-Centered education.

Visitors may walk the hand-carved stone outdoor labyrinth, enjoy a moment of peace in the meditation garden, attend regular meditation events and seminars, and join the staff and residents for lunch and dinner during the work-week. Students in MSIA who come to Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens Soul-Centered education recognizes spiritual reality and begins theassertion assertionthat thatrather ratherthan than human beings with the human beings whowho havehave also enjoy volunteering in the offices and doing spiritual soul,we weare aremore moreaccurately accuratelydescribed described as souls having a soul, as souls having a a exercises in the solarium. experience.This Thisassertion assertionevokes evokes a radical paradigm human experience. a radical paradigm 3500 W Adams Boulevard, L.A., CA 90018 shift,which whichresults resultsinina psychological a psychological educational process shift, andand educational (323) 737-4055 whose goal to bring Wisdom, and and process whoseis goal is toforth bring the forthBeauty, the beauty, wisdom, Compassioninherent inherentininevery everyhuman human being. compassion being.

Heartfelt THE HEARTFELT FOUNDATION, founded in 1979 by John-Roger, is a volunteer-driven service organization which is operated through the Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA), a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. 100% of donations received go to those we serve. HeartFelt’s mission statement is: “Changing people’s lives through the healing power of heartfelt service.”

Founded in 1977 by John-Roger, PTS is a private, non-denomAn important part of HeartFelt’s work is the HeartReach inational educational seminary that teaches practical spiriProgram, which responds with Light and assistance to tuality. PTS provides educational opportunities that support students in becoming more aware of the Divine in themselves. members of our spiritual family who are undergoing lifechallenging or medical crises. 3500 W Adams Blvd., L.A., CA 90018 The HeartFelt Global Network reaches out to our worldwide (323) 737-1534 family, connecting us in our service to our communities, with the intent of sharing and inspiring the serving heart. For more info please contact Skyler Patton (serve@heartfelt. IIWP org) and subscribe to receive future HGN Bulletins at INSTITUTE FOR INDIVIDUAL AND WORLD PEACE® (IIWP) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) foundation whose mission is to identify 3500 W. Adams Blvd., L.A., CA 90018 and present the processes that lead to peace. Its unique (323) 328.1908 approach is based on the principle that peace is present and that it starts with us, as individuals. IIWP presents peace processes through lectures, community peace projects, and workshops. Workshops are designed to anchor the experience and power of choosing peace as a practical reality in one’s life.


Esprit Travel & Tours Founded in 1975, ESPRIT serves our community and the general public.Esprit’s Independent Travel Department specializes in creating individually crafted cultural tours of Japan and Asia that journey deep into the arts, crafts, history, culture and cuisine of distant lands. Our custom tour itineraries deliver extraordinary cultural travel experiences. For more info about tours, contact us at: (800) 377-7481

This experiential educational paradigm evokes in students studentstheir their own answers answers totothe thethree threeessential essentialquestions: questions: • Who am I? Who• am I? Why I here and what is my purpose? What is myam purpose? HowI make can I make a meaningful contribution the world? How• can a meaningful contribution in theinworld? 2107 CACA 90403 2107Wilshire WilshireBlvd., Blvd.,Santa SantaMonica, Monica, 90403 310-829-7402 (310) 829-7402

Insight Seminars INSIGHT SEMINARS is an international non-profit educational organization founded over 35 years ago, by John-Roger and created by Russell Bishop. Insight’s mission is to assist us in transforming ourselves and the world to loving and our purpose is to inspire people everywhere to a life of greater happiness, success and fulfillment, built on self-awareness, loving, caring, compassion and service. Insight operates throughout the world. Through the Insight Seminar Series, people are provided opportunities to learn practical skills and techniques for living a happier, more effective, successful, abundant and heart-centered life. Business Insight is available for companies to create corporate transformation and strategic success through the Business Insight Seminar, Teambuilding or Leadership Workshops, Executive Transformational Coaching or customized programs. 2101 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 221, Santa Monica, CA 90403 1.800.311.8001

Back to Table of Contents 110 New Day Herald

MSIA Resources Home Seminars Audio or video seminars with John-Roger or John Morton are held in many communities around the world. They are an excellent way to lift your spirits and further your spiritual attunement. Contact your local MSIA representative or call 323-737-4055 to find the closest home seminar in your area.

The MSIA Store A complete catalog of books, audio and videotapes, CDs, subscriptions, and other materials is available at

Web Ring XXX NTJB PSH r XXX K S PSH r XXX NTJBOPSUIFBTU PSH XXX NTJBGMPSJEB PSH XXX NTJBDBOBEB PSH r XXX GPSHJWF PSH (explore the programs, classes, and events offered through PTS. Register for PTS classes, and take a free e-mail class) (fresh news, articles by J-R and John Morton, daily stories and photos during the Traveler’s journeys for peace, and more‌) (send a free e-mail postcard!) (news about John-Roger and John Morton and their books) (download a free spiritual warrior journal; discover your purpose) (look for a sample blessing) (Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens—news, events, info) (what it is, why do it, success stories and more. Tithe online!) (what it is, why do it, success stories and more. Seed online!)

PTS Classes The educational arm of MSIA, Peace Theological Seminary & College of Philosophy (PTS), offers experiential learning of Soul Transcendence and practical spirituality in a variety of formats, including evening classes, retreats, weekend offerings, e-mail and correspondence courses, and a 2-year Master’s and 3-year Doctor of Spiritual Science program. For more information, go to, call PTS at 323-737-1534, or e-mail registrar@pts.or

The MSIA Ministry The MSIA ministry is for initiates of the Traveler who are called inwardly to serve the spirit of their hearts. Service may be in any form, from volunteering for the Church to assisting people in need or organizations that serve those people, and anything in between. The only requirement is that the ministry is active and done regularly. MSIA ministers may perform services, like marriages, that clergy of other denominations are authorized to do as long as they comply with the laws of the locality in which they serve. People who have received initiation into the Sound Current through the Traveler may request an Application for Ordination packet from: .JOJTUFSJBM 4FSWJDFT *O "DUJPO r 8 "EBNT #MWE -PT "OHFMFT $" @msiaorg

Initiation Students in MSIA have an opportunity to be initiated through the Mystical Traveler Consciousness into the Sound Current, the audible stream of energy that comes from the heart of God. The levels of initiation in MSIA correspond to levels of consciousness both within and outside each person: astral (relating to the imagination), causal (relating to the emotions), mental (relating to the mind), etheric (paralleling the unconscious), and Soul (relating to who we truly are). There are also initiations above the Soul level. The astral initiation happens in the “night travel� (dream state) after a person has in some way come in contact with the Mystical Traveler; it is not anchored physically at that time, and the person may do no more with it in their lifetime. The next initiation is the causal, which can generally take place (be anchored) after two years of study with the Soul Awareness Discourses. (The astral initiation is anchored at the same time as the causal initiation.) Successive initiations are mental, etheric, and Soul. If you are just starting the Soul Awareness Discourses, Discourse #1 explains initiation into the Sound Current. You may choose to study the Discourses with the intention of being initiated or simply read them as information. This is up to you. If you do choose to study toward initiation, you need to write a letter as soon as you have decided and then email (or mail) it to the Traveler, saying that you are doing this. If you write this letter, the Traveler works with you more closely, and you may notice a greater spiritual awareness in your consciousness as this inner work goes on. After two years of study with the Discourses and if you have written and sent your intention letter to the Traveler, you can apply for causal initiation, generally when you have completed Discourse 24. The Traveler will look into your request, and you may be offered the opportunity for initiation. For astral/causal, mental, etheric, and Soul initiations, the person meets with an initiator and is given an initiation “tone� (the name of God for each realm that applies to the tone), which the initiate chants inwardly during spiritual exercises. These initiation tones are charged with spiritual energy by the Traveler Consciousness for each person individually, and the Traveler assists the student in clearing enough karma on one level to be initiated into the next level. For the levels of initiation above the Soul level, no initiation tone is given physically. For more information about initiation, you could read the chapter called Initiation in John-Roger’s book Fulfilling Your Spiritual Promise (available in paper and electronic versions). And we also recommend these seminars by John-Roger: “Initiation—Molding the Golden Chalice� The key seminar about studying towards initiation and being an initiate. Available in CD and MP3 formats. “The Sound Current: The Road Home� An excellent overview of MSIA and initiation. Available in DVD and MP3 formats.

Loving Each Day Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton are delivered daily to you via e-mail. Start your computer session with a daily e-mail message of inspiration and loving. Available in four languages—English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese —a subscription is free upon request by visiting Loving Each Day e-postcards, on an award-winning site, are also available at Back to Table of Contents New Day Herald 111

“Divine communion

is really just loving.

It’s that quality where you experience yourself

dancing in your own heart.” –John-Roger DSS

“Without a doubt, this is the best dance event in LA! The space is open and the vibe is very high.” – M.S., Dancer


Dance Open to everyone – no dance expertise needed. A free-style dance evening with great music and fantastic sound, and spiritual moments interspersed designed to take you as high as you want to go so your dance becomes a spiritual exercise—a romance with the Beloved.

Santa Monica March 15, April 19, May 17 Los Angeles April 13, May 4


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